ATHENA RARE BOOKS Catalog 19 Twenty-Five GERMAN PHILOSOPHERS [1723-1961] The authors are rather arbitrarily arranged in this catalog by birth years – which will hopefully give the reader at least some feel for the progression of the ‘history of ideas’ in Germany from the early 18th into the late 20th centuries. Item # BLOCH, Ernst 52-57 BOLZANO, Bernard 32-33 BRENTANO, Franz 36 BRUCKER, Johann Jacob 1 CARNAP, Rudolf 63-68 CASSIRER, Ernst 51 FECHNER, Gustav Theodor 35 FICHTE, Johann Gottlieb 11-16 FRIES, Jacob Friedrich 22-26 GÖRRES, Joseph 29 HEGEL, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 19-21 HEIDEGGER, Martin 58-62 HERBART, Johann Friedrich 30-31 HERDER, Johann Gottfried 8-9 HUSSERL, Edmund 44 JASPERS, Karl 45-50 KANT, Immanuel 2-5 NIETZSCHE, Friedrich 37-43 REINHOLD, Karl Leonhard 10 RITTER, Heinrich 34 SCHELLING, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph 27-28 SCHLEIERMACHER, Friedrich 18 SCHLOSSER, Johannn Georg 7 SNELL, Johann Peter Ludwig 17 TETENS, Johann Nicholaus 6 JOHANN JACOB BRUCKER (1696-1770) 1. The First Comprehensive Presentation of the History of Human Ideas Historia Philosophica Doctrinae de Ideis qua tum Veterum Imprimis Graecorum tum Recentiorum Philosophorum Placita Enarrantur (A Philosophical History of the Doctrines of Ideas from the Earliest Beginnings in Greece to Recent Philosophy Pleasingly Explained). Mertz und Mayer, Augsburg, 1723. 1 blank leaf + TP + [1]-[x] = Dedicatio + [xi]-[xx] = Preafatio + [xxi]-[xxxvi] = Argumentum + 1-302 + [303]-[328] = Index + 1 blank leaf, small Octavo. First Edition. $ 350 Brucker was born at Augsburg in 1696. By the age of 22, he had taken his degree at the University of Jena and the following year, 1719, he published his dissertation, Tentamen Introductionis in Historiam Doctinæ de Ideis – the work that he substantially amplified and published as the present work in 1723.
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