CHICHESTER DISTRICT COUNCIL ELECTIONS 7 MAY 2015 ELIZABETH HAMILTON GRAEME BARRETT The local choice for Ward Including Birdham, and West Wittering

Elizabeth Hamilton ([email protected] and 01243 512325 ) moved to Birdham from near 5 years ago. She had lived there for 38 years serving 20 years on the Parish Council, 8 of these as Chairman. Elizabeth has been District Councillor for Easebourne Ward since 2007 and now hopes to use her experience at CDC to represent Ward.

As a Birdham parish councillor for the last 2 years, Elizabeth is up to date with current local issues. Having recently retired from running her own business, she now has more time for other activities and asks for your support in the

District Council Elections on May 7th.

Graeme Barrett ([email protected] and 01243 512180) has been married to Jean for 45 years with 2 sons and has lived in for 26 years, of which the last 20 years have been in the Witterings. After graduating with a degree in Physics, Graeme worked until retirement in the Defence Industry. During this period he held senior management engineering posts with major UK and US companies.

Graeme has been a District Councillor for over 6 years during which he has supported the communities within and beyond Ward, which

includes Bracklesham and Earnley.

Graeme has taken a very active role in addressing issues relating to the development of the Local Plan and pursued a realistic approach to the housing needs on the Western sector of the Peninsula.

Elizabeth & Graeme want:

 To ensure the voice of the Manhood Peninsula is heard loud and clear at CDC, including preserving our villages and the Harbour AONB from unnecessary unsuitable urban style development, so preserving the rural feel of the area for tourists, local residents and our descendants.

 To keep council tax down while ensuring council services are maintained at a time when central governments grants are being reduced.

 To address the appalling local sewage and drainage problems.

 Encourage further recycling as a way to ensure our environment and resources are preserved for future generations.