or 48 hours, his hay is nearly ruined. The best advice I can give to farmers, in regard “ Another! What other?” demanded joyfully; and he joined their hands together The cinnamon of commerce is the inner The twenty-second annual session of the bark of a treeclosel j resembling the laurel, to making hay, is to take ad vantage of good Denzil, in surprise. and blessed them. Right Worthy Grand Lodge of Good Tem­ Brief articles, suggestions, ami results ol experience When Charles tho Second, restored to the or sweet bay, a nativeoriginallv of Ceylon, plars of the World was held last week in weather, and let every man and boy in your MOSS. “ The daughter of your father’s friend. relating to Farm, Garden or Household management employ understand that vou “ mean busi~ throne of his ancestors, summoned his de­ hilt which is now grown in the other part Louisville, Kentucky, The principal inter­ Strange tapestry, by nature spun, Lord Eustace Blount, and the proprietor of are invited from our readers interested, in such matters. nets.” It will not do to wait till all your fenders around him to formlhis Court, prin­ of the East Indies, and also in Jamaica est centered in tlie discussion of the “ color On viewless looms, aloof from sun, yonder ruined enstle,” answered Alice. grasses are fully ripe for the machine; but cipal amongst them came Denzil Norman, and other West India Islands. The trees question,” which lues agitated the body for Atul spread through lonely nooks and grots “ Lord Eustace perished in the battle of commence on that which is most advanced. Worcester.” said Denzil; “ his daughter Lord Eustace Blount, and his daughter, then are leftto grow unmolested until they are several years and was forced to an issue at RURAL TOPICS. W here shadows reign, and leafy rest— nine years old, at which time the young The grass will require more curing, but it (.) moss of all your dwelling-spots, fled, or was lost in the conflict. The heart Lady Denzil Norman. this session by a demand of the representa­ will he better hay for being cut early. The shoots or branches that are about three [W ritten for tlie QaxetU by one of the most experienced In which one are you loveliest? and hand of Denzil Norman are free, and tives of the British Grand Lodges, that the best timothy hay that I ever fed to stock to you. Alice, they will he true.” years old are lopped oft'. The bark is then Constitution should be so amended as to farmers, gardeners and fruit growers in tho United Is it when near grim roots that coil How to See tlie Philadelphia was cut two weeks in advance of the usual Saturday Morning Alice made no further remonstrance, but slit on one side and removed from the allow tlie ehartering of separate Grand S tates.] time. Their snaky black through humid soil? she presently inquired: “ You remember Exhibition. branch, tied up in bundles until the next Lodges in any State. District or Territory Or when you wrap, in woodland glooms, then the Lord Eustace and his* young, day, when it is loosened, and the skin or where differences of language or race pre­ MIGRATING SOUTII. SL'ilMEIt CARE OE HOGS. The great prone pine trunks, rotted red? motherless daughter? ” The Centennial Board of Finance has outer hark scra[>ed oft'. It is then dried or vent united working, tho Constitution pro­ There are many farmers of small means, A Western swine raiser says: For the Or when you dim, on sombre tombs, “ Alice, I do,” he answered; “ who ever issued the following to visitors: “ Do not rolled np into quills or pipes, about three viding that only one Grand Lodge should past tiiree years I have been very lyekv April 1, 1S76, The nipiiescats of the dead? who are thinking of removing somewhere forgets the companions of earliest years? he alarmed at the reports of high charges feet long, which have slit down one side, bn chartered in any State, District or Ter­ to improve their pros^cts in life. They witli ho£s. Have a pasture of about thirty- O r is it when y o u r lot is east lie was mv guardian—she the playful for hoard and lodging in Philadelphia; a whore the hark was cilt.-The smallest quills ritory. After two days’ discussion a sub­ read of Florida, where it is said a man may five acres, not nincli grass, lmt plenty of In some quaint garden of the past, companion of my summer walks. All are careful examination of the subject settles are rolled up inside the larger; the whole stitute was adopted reaffirming the broad make his fortune in growing oranges. young oaks, hickories ami hazel brush, w itli WE SIIAI.L OPES Ol'l! On some gray crumbled basin’s brim, gone-! But the influence of their good the question that good board can he had then tied np in bundles of 80 or 90 lbs. doctrine that the Order in no way recog­ They also read of Texas, where excellent plenty of running water. I keep salt ami With cdnelis that mildewed Tritons blow, wishes seems still to direct my destiny.” from $6 per week up to $5 jierday. Within weight, and wrapped np in cloths, when nizes any difference of color or race, and land can be purchased at from .$1 to $5 per sulphur ia a trough where they oan help While yonder through the poplars prim, They were now disturbed by the abrupt, sight of the Exhibition there arc good ac­ they are ready for exportation. It has an that any proviso in any Grand Lodge Con­ acre, and where fortunes are made in cattle themselves, with a pile of charcoal, and it S p r i n g Looms up the turreled chateau? entrance of a servant, who informed them commodations for SI per day, that is, a nstringent and highly aromatic and warm stitution that contravenes this fundamental raising. Then they hear of the great bar­ will surprise those who have not tried it to N ay, loveliest are you when time weaves that the house was surrounded by Puritans, comfortable bed-room; breakfast can bo flavor, and yields by distillation an extreme­ principle is absolutely null and void. At gains in plantations in other Southern see them cat it after every feed of corn.” had outside of the grounds for fifty cents, Your emerald films onflow, dark eaves, and that they had evidently .come in search ly fragrant and pungent volatile oil, kept the same time the Right Worthy Grand States; and sometimes a man will sell his Probably a field of clover, with running Above where pink porch-rows peer, o f Denzil Norman. Alice showed Denzil and a good dinner inside for SI. All that for pharmaceutical use under the name of Lodge recognizes the right of Grand Lodges little home, and take his family to one of water in it, would be the best pasture that An l woodbines break in fragrant loam, the secret panel and urged him to conceal is necessary that the visitor examines tlie oil of cinnamon. to determine to whom it shall grant char­ these Southern States, on the strength of hogs can be kept in. Parsnigisare the best A nd c hildren la u g h ...... and you can hear himself, lie did so with reluctance, and hill of fan: and seloets according to the The articles known in commerce ns ters for subordinate Lodges. This was pro- an article in a newspaper. Let me say to root crop that can be grown for swine. The heatings of the heart of Home. Alice awaited the coming of the Round- prices therein given. At the dairy good cloves are thejunopened flowers of a small posed by tlie Canadian representatives, ac­ men inclined to migrate, “ look before you They eat them eagerly raw, and many far­ —Atluntic Monthly. head soldiers with a fluttering heart. milk, cream, berries, etc , are furnished evergreen that resembles in appearance cepted by the Southern members and passed leap.” No man should ever remove to a mers grow them especially to feed to their S e l e c t i o n s The roundheads were under the com­ reasonably. An estimate of expenses for the laurel or the bay. It is native of the by a vote of eiglity-fivo representatives distant State, witli out first going to see hogs. one person should not exceed from SI 5 to from thirty-two Grand Lodge jurisdictions APPLE BLOSSOMS. mand of the stern Colonel Ireton. He Molucca or Spice Island, but has been things for himself. A newspaper corres­ was much incensed when he found that $25 per week, including a daily visit to carried to all the warmer parts of the to fifty-eight reporting twenty-four jurisdic­ pondent may state some facts, hut it is G reen Food for Poultry'* ...... OF...... Denzil had escaped him, and ordered his the Exhibition. How to spend a week tropical regions of America. The flowers tions Upon tlie announcement of the vote more that ho omits to state facts that soldiers to seize upon the doctor and Alice, profitably is told as follows: “ Take a are sniail in size, and grow in large num­ the British delegations, two of whom were would put an entirely different face on the I sit beneath the apple tree, room near tlie grounds and commence the Green food is essential to the well being Dress Goods, anil hear them away prisoners. Denzil bers in clusters at the very end of the officers of tin: Right Worthy Grand Lodge, matter. Florida has some advantages over of ixiultry at all seasons of the year. When I sec not sky nor sun; who had lingered behind the panel, fearing first day by entering on Belmont avenue, branches. The cloves we use are tlie announced their secession from tlie lioily. I only know the apple buds a cold climate; hut one may fail to make a fowls are limited to confined quarters, tills Hosiery and Gloves, some such result, now made his appear­ turn to the right and you are in tho Main flowers gathered before they are opened, The seeeilers represent the Grand Lodges living there, as elsewhere. You can grow A re opening one by one. Building, with a day’s work before you must lie supplied to them artificially, to ance, and gave himself up, to preserve his and while they are still green. After be­ of England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and oranges and early vegetables there—green keep them in good health. You asked me once a little thing- friends. Alice east a reproachful glance and a trip around tlie world. Still keeping ing gathered, they are smoked by a. wood Nova Scotia, including nearly half the peas in February, strawberries in March, Small Wares, to the right, we enter Chili and the Argen­ In winter time wc can givo thorn cab­ A lecture or a song upon him as the Roundheads led him away. fire, and then dried in the snn. Each membership of the Order. The next ses­ that sell at S-> a quart in New York; but bages or chopped turnips and onions from To hear with you ; and yet I thought A brief trial was allotted to the young tine Republic, which with Peru and the clove consists of two parts, a round bead sion of the Right Worthy Grand Ixigdge is F ar Men and Boy’s Wear. just think of the fact that no grass grows time to time; short, late dried hay (or CI Ot h S, To find my whole life long Orailge Free State form the first section, Cavalier. lie was adjudged a spy, anti (which is the four |>ctals or leaves of the to be held at Portland, Me. • there! Think of the lack of butter and rowen) is very good for a change; corn Too abort to hear the happiness sentenced to he shot. He was placed for and contain much that is of interest. Then flower rolled up, inclosed a number of cheese fit to eat—of the absence of schools C u r t a i n s Of Every Description. the old nations of China and Japan, witli stalks leaves, chopped fine, .they will eat That bounded through the day, safe keeping in the chapel of the ruined small stalks or filaments), the other part o f Victor Hugo is to become president of —’he non-existence of society; and you with a relish...... AND ...... That irade the look of apple-blooms Castle of Landleigh, and a guard kept curious exhibits of bronzes, straw work, tho clove being terminated with four points will be inclined to think twice before you sill; and mattings. Next Denmark, then a “society for the 6tudy and practice of In early springtime, when the ground And you, and me, and May ! vigilant watch over him. it is, in fact, the flower cup and the go there. first softens from the frost, pasture sods It was night. A lamp burned dimly at Turkey and Egypt, followed by the beauti­ unripe seed vessel. All tlicso parts may \ cremation.’’ HOLSTEIN COWS. thrown into their pens will be.ravenously For long between us there had bung the foot of a pedestal supporting the ful pavilion of Spain and the exhibits of be distinctly shown if a few cloves are An Iowa congregation didn’t like its The mist of love’s young doubt; Russia. Austria, Hungary and tho German Holstein cows are growing in popnlarity. eaten by them; and as soon as tlie new statue of a warrior, peneath the shadow of soaked for a short time in hot water. ' minister’s preaching, and locked tHu grass starts (unless they eftn have free ac­ Sweet, ally, uncertain, all the world whose shield Denzil Norman sat immersed Empire united, and one-fourth of the day’s when the leaves of the flowers soften and The Society of Shakers, at West Pittsfield, CARPETINGS Of trust and May hurst out. church door against him. He smashed cess to the fields or lawn) they should lie work has been accomplished. We are Mass.,reports as follows: One cow, seven in gloomy thought. Above his head was readily unroll. The smell of cloves is | supplied with this excellent succulent daily. i the flowers in my hair, now in tlie centre of the building, and if in a window and preached a sermon four years old in the spring of 1875, calving a ruined gallery of stone with a broken very strong and aroinntic. Their taste is For tho young chickens, nothing is so In C hoice I>, rig o r m il I-nrge V arie ty , a n.l w e A S S U R E T in ir color on my dress; tiled can rest and listen to Gilmore’s Band hours long to his brother-in-law. March 17, has given on an average, twenty window. Ilis dream of life appeared to pungent, acrid, and lasting. Both the taste beneficial and so grateful, as a ran npon tlie our Customers tlmt we have never before dear Love! whenever apples bloom or push on to the exhibits of our own quarts per day to the present date. I have reached its end. In half an hour in and smell depend on the quality of oil A firm in Germany, manufactures a newly mown grass; and next to tliiB indul­ been enabled to offer such In heaven do they bless that chapel, at the foot of his great ances­ country, which occupy fully one-fourth of they contain. Sometimes the oil is separa­ tested her milk in hatter from the 13th of pressed fuel of refuse tan just as it is June for seven days, during which time gence they should have an ample supply of four heart with memories so small, tor, whose battle axe did such marvels in the Main Building. ted from the eloves before they are sold, taken from the pits. The tan is satur­ lie made fourteen jxninds of nice butter, cut or pulled grass, every day. So strong, so cruel glad? Palestine over the infidels, he. the last of Gn arriving at the extreme end, go up and the color and taste in consequence are . It should never be forgotten, that one of his proud race, was about to sink; and it into the gallery and view the wonderful ated with coal tar and powerfully com­ with no extra feed and no more than a f ever a pples bloom in heaven, much weakened by this proceeding. common pasture. The second cow, six the most important things to Ixj oliserveil I wondei re yo sad? must be without a struggle, ignobly, vista which extends for nearly half a mile pressed into bricks. The manufacture towards keeping onr fowls in good heart, is ignominiously. Suddenly a voice of before the eye. Now is the time to dine, years old in the spring of 1875, calved Sep­ Heart! yield thee up thy fruitless ques SOULE O F LINCOLN’S STO R IE S. is said to be very profitable. tember 22d, 1875, and after four or five the regular supply we should furnish them sweetest melody broke through the gloomy and as the Restaurant Lafayette is the near­ of green food. Beneath the apple tree; stillness. est we will dine there and spend an hour A posthumous five-act tragedy by days her milk was reserved by itself and Youth comes hut once, lave only once, Mr. Lincoln usually aecomiianied his set for eream, after letting the calf suck Denzil Xorman—Denzil Norman! under the shade of the trees. Returning, Bulwer has been discovered by the edi­ And May hut once to thee! gay little wife to parties, hut seldom re-! what it would three times a day. From Anoint, treatment. fence corners clean, so that grass will grow moment the moonlight falling with radiant and the bell chimes give notice that it is 6 “ Oh Mr. Lincoln, do tell us the ‘ l amp-i November 24th, 1874,1 bought a thorough­ in them, and so that your neighbor will not Specialties brilliancy on the broken window of tlie o’clock, and time to close. Tired, we go meeting story, ’ or the ‘ Baker story’ ” etc., Mr. Edson, the electrician, has brought bred imported Holstein hull, one year old take offensee becaus of the thistle and other The civil war between the Cavaliers and etc. I was so much amused by tlie camp- past, and his gain in ten months is four the Puritans, which was then desolating allery, discovered to him the form of the to our hotel for a rest, anil then, if so in­ out an ingenious and useful invention, full seeds that you allow to mature and find fairy standing on the base of a lofty clined, spend the evening at Operti's Gar­ meetingstory that at one time when Mr L. which excels in novelty all his previous imndred pounds, making an average of their way into his cleanly kept fields. It the land, hail taken Landleigh Castle in its was stopping at our own home I got him forty jiounds, per month anti not on high destructive course, and that once lordly column. Neither form nor feature were den, or go down in the city anti visit Inde­ efforts. It is an electrical duplicating will pay to build cheap gates, as they will visible, however, as a large white veil pendence Hall, and thus has pissed the so relate it, and even to tell mo how to feed. They are a fine growing stock, save enough valuable time in the busy sea­ pile was now a ruin. An ancient well spell the ridiculous names of “Noah’s sons,” press which enables one to write a letter large, good feeders, and I can say with all BLK. CASHMERES, stood near its blackened walls, with a completely enveloped her person. She first day. The second day should lie de­ son of the year to pay the expenses of con­ looked like the marble image of some voted to the Machinery Hall, the Shia: and to that I can repeat it just as lie told it;' and take five copies per minute until freedom, that they are in my estimation structing them many times over. It will square coping of old, gray, mossy stones, but it need his peculiar voice to give it the best for market, milkers, butter, cheese, 75 cts., 87 1-2 CtS., $1.00 into which llowed a translucent stream. At sculptured saint. Leather Building, the Glass Factory and hundreds of copies are produced. always ]»>y to have wood and water han­ Denzil,” she said, ill a voice that effect. Here it is; oxen and beef of any thoroughbred stock the back of this well was an antique recess the Buildings in the vicinity. Dine at the While several children wero playing to­ dy and near the kitchen. It will |iay to sounded familiar to his ears, “ the Fairy of French Restaurant, but look at the prices. “ There liuil been a great eamp-meeting now known in the country. I should be build the dwelling houses with tho view of of stone, from the centre of which tile wa­ going on for nearly a week in the beech gether, in N. Y. the four-year-old daugh­ pleased to show tlie above samples to any ter took its course. tlie Well is the friend of true love, and Bear in mind that two persons can dine saving steps. would have thee live. Therefore, take comfortably on what is ordered for one. woods in Ohio, and on tlie la-t day a fine ter of Eliza Wagoner thrust her tongue and all who may he pleased to call. In constructing and remodeling their Tile beams of early sunlight glittered on speaker preached the closing sermon. BLACK SILKS, the water as a young cavalier approached thou heart; the Fairy is hereto secure The third day visit the Art Gallery and its through the crack of the room door SIIEEP IN COLORADO. houses, farmers would do well to consult your flight. The King lialli landed on his annexes, the Photographic Gallery and the He was a large, powerful man, w itli a i which one of her playmates instantly ideas hv which the homo could he mode the well. If there he a spell called “ sweet strong voice, and his hearers were deeply It appears that sheep husbandry in Col­ memories,” which, they say, binds the native shore.” Carriage Building, with a look at Judges' slammed to, catting off nearly one-half orado is becoming a profitable business. more convenient. It will pav to use more $1.00, 1.25, 1-50, 1.75, 2 00 Goil save King Charles!” erieil Denzil, Hall. Dine at the Germane Restaurant, affected. lie was a very sensible man, ami, paint indoors and out. It will pay to en­ heart to certain places, and if the loveli­ seeing clouds gathering in the west, lie ) of the member. It requires considerable capital; hut when ness of the scenes in which one’s childhood joyfully. spend the evening at Thomas’s Concert or properly managed it pays well. One courage the children. Give them occasi­ “ Amen! ” responded the Fairy; “ thou one of the theatres. Tlie fourth day can be shortened his sermon, telling the crowd j So great is the excitement over the onally a day for recreation. Givo tlie boys has been passed, serves to renew the guile­ they would not have milch time to collect should start with not less than 1,500 sheep, less joys of infancy, then, indeed might halt join him soon. Touch the right knee pleasantly spent by a visit to the Govern­ recent disco J ries at Pike’s Peak, and so anil money enough to hire a herder, and a colt or a calf to raise, and let them have o f the statue—press hard—and a door will ment Building, tlie Women’s Pavilion, the their effects and take up their beds and the money it is sold for, to invest in some Denzil Norman attribute to their influence walk, as a storm was coining on. In less rich all the country thereabouts, that a the profits the first season will more than Plain Coin'd Silks his increasing reluctance to depart and re­ open in tlie pedestal; through it you will Model of Parts, the State Buildings, and a pay expenses, with a good prospect of a way that meets witli your approval. It find liberty. Freed from this chapel. seek dinner at tlie restaurant on George's Hill. time than it takes to tell it, tents were citizen of Colorado Springs, as a joke, will pay to make home so attractive that it join his regiment. Ilut no; he knew the pulled down, beds, tallies, chairs, and fortune in the increase of the flock. Some In ail the Choicest Shades. spell that bound him to that spot was the the old hermitage nt the depth of the glen. The fifth day can be given to tile Horticul­ reduced a stone jug in a mortar, carried men begin with 500 sheep; and the esti­ will always be pleasant for the man to think A friend awaiteth thee there—the Fairy’s tural and Agricultural Buildings, with a children were loaded into wagons, and all the powder to an assayer, and was much over his boyhood days. A pleasant home charm of a simple village maiden. Yes. was noiseanil confusion oil the campground. mate of the entire expenses is as follows:' from the moment he had beheld the lovely friend. Pronounce in his ear the name of dinner at the grand American Restaurant. surprised to find the jug yielded at the will make better boys and better men. It Alice Brooke; he will recognize and con- Dqvote the sixth day to an examination of In the midst of all this hustle a little wizened A ranch...... SI,000 will pay to supply the house with abundance .and gentle Alice Brooke, he felt that his faced mail ascended the log steps of tile rate of $17.82 to the ton. 500 Mexican ewes...... $1,250 destiny was fixed. duet thee to the feet of thy triumphant Sov­ the smaller buildings, and dine at the South­ of good reading matte-, such as agricultur - ereign. Denzil—farewell! ” ern Restaurant. Then take a boat up the pulpit, and, clasping his small hands, and Victor Hugo preserves a blot on his 10 pure blood Spanish merino ram s... .250 al papers, etc., and as good a library as one lie knew the legend of the old well. 1 cow, $40; 1 pony, $40...... 80 Blk. Mohairs and The moonbeams were suddenly obscured Schuylkill, visit- the Zoological Gardens. rolling Ilis weak eyes upward, squealed carpet caused by the upsetting of his can afford. It will pay to plant and culti­ Its waters were said to lie guarded by [the out, ‘ Brethern and sistern! ’ He was such 5 tons of hay at $10 per ton...... 50 Fairy of the Castle. She harmed but the by a passing cloud; and when her light Fairmont Park, the Wissahickon, and spend inkstand just os he had finished one of vate fruit trees of all kinds. Plenty of good lione forth again, the fairjjliad disappeared. the evening at the Academy of Fine Arks, a striking contrast to tho last speaker that Dipping, shearing, etc., etc...... 50 fruit promotes health and longevity. Fin­ B rill i anti nes, wicked. Those who had ever beheld her some did pause in their work to look with his most famous chapters in “Les Miser- (which lie never had) sjid that her smile Denzil hastened to obey her instructions, dining nt Strawberry Mansion or Proskau- ally, it will pay to do all the things we have lie found tlie secret door, entered the sub­ er’s, and the week lias passed with hotli wonder upon him. Thus encouraged, the ables.” So a man might always cherish $2,680 enumerated, and a hundred others tliat arc was so sweet it made everybody who was little man began again: ‘Brethering and 40 to 50 cts. fortunate enough to encounter it, good- terranean passage to which it conducted, pleasure and profit.” a patch in his pantaloons inserted after Leaving $320 out of the $3,000 to carry now neglected, which many of us would do and speedily emerged into a wood beyond sistern ’” ( I wish yon could have heard a man through the first season for supplies. looking and happy. he had been kicked all the way' down if we would only take time to thiak.—[Cole­ the chapel walls. He hastened to the her­ Mr Lincoln imitate that squeaking voice) stairs. There is nothing nnder the sun DAIRYING IN OHIO. man's Rural World. SUPERB QUALITY, “ Ah! famous fairy of this well,” he cried, “ ‘I rise to norate on toe you oil thosnpjcc apostrophizing it. “ rf indeed, such spirits mitage; and there, to his great surprise Sabbatli Courtesy. lit-a uyntjinanK From reports from 42 factories in Ohio, and joy, encountered his old friend anil of the baptismal — yes, the baptismal! 75 cts. formerly $125. exist between heaven and man—how Ahem. There was Noall, lie hail three in 1875, the following averages are ob­ Do not Change Milkers Needlessly. gladly would 1 importune yon to award me nardian, Lord Eustace Blount, whom he Hospitality is nowhere more excellent The man who plies the lash at the tained:—Average number of cows at a fac­ thought had been untimely slain on Wor­ sons---- ahem---- nanie/t'c, Sliadadarack, whipping-post in Richmond, Va., is de­ the affections of a village maiden. Then, then in the house of God, and nowhere is Meshisii'k and Bellteezer! They all went tory, 3101-2; average time of running, cester’s field. its neglect so inconsistent. lie who opens scribed as a person of tender heart, who eight months and four days; average This is a matter that farmers generally far—far from the kingly courts and the Lord Eustace’s story was soon told. He in loe Dannel’s den, and likewise with hostile din of warfare—” a pen to a stranger may strengthen a heart executes his odious and ignoble task amount of milk per cow for the season, make too little accouat of, especially in tho had been saved by the Fairy of the Well. them was a lion! Ahem? Here the crowd busy seasons of the year, as in planting, lie paused abruptly, for it appeared to and save a soul. An exchange tells the either renewed their work of loading up from a patriotic sense of duty. He was 3,042 pounds; average amount of milk per liini as if a voice answered him from tlie Wounded nigh to death, concealed in the following story: day, 15 1-2 pounds; average amount of hoeing, haying and harvesting, any one ruins of his own castle, she had been his wagons or laughed and turned .away. I given his place in preference to an enter­ who Ain most conveniently bo spared from well, lie listened intently and heard a When the First Presbyterian Church, of So the s]s:aker, niter repeating the above, cheese per factory for season, 115,092 sweet, silvery voice mingling with the rip­ nurse. He life proserilieil, she was his New York, stood in Wall stroet, Robert prising ruffian who offered to do the tiog- pounds; average amount of milk to a the work in hand being usually sent to do SPRANG guardian angel, as she had been Denzil's. and yet gaining no attention, closed abrupt- ! the milking. Now it frequently happens pling of the waves, which [ehanled these Lennox, then an eminent merchant was a giug without pay, declaring that the pound of cheese, about 10 3-10 pounds; His story told, he told Denzil to go with ly in the following manner: ’ Dear perish­ words: member, lie took a great interest in young pleasure of inflicting the stripes would be average price of butter sold, 25c. per pound, that one has a boy or cheap hand hired him to the King, assuring him that his ing friends, cf you will not here on toe me through tile “ hurry ” of haying, and ho is “ Denzil Norman—Denzil Norman! men, especially those who were strangers. on this great sndjee, I will only say this, ( sufficient compensation. average amount of money per eow for List the Fairy of the W ell; sovereignty had been proclaimed in Lon- He invariably, on Sundays took the position cheese, $35.25; average amount of money frequently dispatched to the pasture for F'x-ti are coining— foen are coining, Ion, and that the fierce civil war was well that Squire Nobbs has recently lost a little Dress Goods Here no longer thou muPt dwell. of usher, welcomed all new comers, and A bi^l made of feathers and cloth, per factory from butter, $462.51; average tlie cows; perhaps lie may have done farm bay mare with a flaxy name and tail H ap p ier d .ys m ay on the w ait! nigh over! But Denzil must stop by the escorted them to comfortable soats. gummed together and varnished, has amount o f money per factory from com­ work before, but has had nothing to d-i Fly from love, and fly from fate.” way at Doctor Brooke’s cottage to exchange Amen! ’” about taking care of cows.—They know Standing in the vestibule, one day, he The last sentence, withont a pause, was | been an object of fetiebisin in a communi­ bined product, $11,764.56; average amount In all the Latest Novelties Denzil was filled with nranzement. The a few words with his loved Alice. saw a young man coming up the steps, of money per eow from combined product, at once he is a stranger and of course must voice sounded to his ear like the. wreathed The Doctor welcomed them both most very ludicrous. ty of negroes near Vicksburg. The be­ not'express to, much freedom in making evidently a stranger, and with tile air of Here is another short story of Mr. Lin­ $36.70. choir of unseen spirits. Could it he possi­ joyfully. one who felt himself an intruder. The lief was that the owner could control any liis acquaintance, anil among their with­ ble, he asked himself, that there were such “ And Alice—where is she? ” asked Den­ coln’s: person near whom he placed the ball DIARRHEA IN FOWLS. holdings, tlie important thing is that of frank and hearty merchant met the young ■‘After the IVednesday-night services at beings as faires, who watch our actions, zil, anxiously. man on the threshold, gavo him his hand, unobserved, and it was recently found se­ This disease in fowls is generally caused their milk. Should he lie kind and gentle and know our inmost thoughts? What Alice?” inquired Lord Eustace. a country meeting-house, tlie minister by improper food, or by cold wet weather, in his handling of tlie cows, they must first and told him he was glad to see him that urged the members present to subscribe creted un(l:r a white woman's pillow. She Cashmere Shawls, The voice had ceased, but now another .She to whom I am engaged, my Lord,” morning in the house of the'Lord. with inadequate shelter. Diarrhea mid find him out, :md in doing this it is at tho sound broke npon his ear—a distant hum, answered Denzil; “ one dearer to me, far liberally toward erecting a lighting-rod irreverently burned it, and the grief of cholera are the same disease. The follow­ expense of a greater or less shrinkage in “ You are a stranger, I presume,” he on their new church building, saying:! the negroes is deep. In Stripes and Figures, as of troops upon the march. The warn ing dealer than life.” said. ing is said to he a sure remedy: Take 2 the flow of milk. In changing this help was true, then—he was in peri!. The Engaged, Denzil?” cried Lord Lus- ‘ Surely you are willing to lend to the i ounces each of red pepper, alum, rosin and frequently, you overlook a large item of both Long and Square “ Yes, this is my first Sabbatli in New Lord. Is He not the owner of the cattle Oliver Kingsbury is a hermit of Roundheads were near. If detected, he tae'e; “ you forget that I have a daughter, York, and luy mother charged me to sulphur; mix one tablespoonful in three cost to yourself.—Better send tho best man knew he should be denounced as a spy, named Kate, to whom in early life you on a thousand hills? Will He not repay? ’ i Sharon, Mass., who had a mania for col­ pints of scalded corn meal, and feed this you have, if lie is already familiar With at Reduced Prices. reverence tlie house of the Lord.” etc. When a rich old farmer got up, lecting steel pens when young, and after and shot without delay. Yet still he would were betrothed.” Just in from tlie country home, the mixture twice a day. In severe cases it is your cows and knows their foibles; it will not fly until he had exchanged a few fare­ Pardon, me, noble Lord, I was a boy and, speaking slowly through his nose, J finally inventing a machine for their recommended to give one-third of a teas- more than pay you for the loss of his work well words with the lovely Alice. then,” remarked Denzil. “ The heart will young man was not over-dressed. Mr. said: 1 You say tho laird Is owner of the : Lennox escorted him up the central aisle, manufacture, left home, and for forty poonful of this mixture in a meal pellet to in tlie field. In this connection, let me He hastened hack to the house of Dr. not he commanded; despite myself, I love cattle on a thousand hills, do ye? Well,, years wandered none knew where. When each fowl daily tili they recover, and put a urge the necessity of regular hours for and seated him in his own jiew. then, why can't He sell His cattle and buy Brooke, the village physician and. the another; and surely you would not covet The next morning the young man went finally he returned, he brought with him piece of alum of the size of a hickory nut doing this work, and you will find it will for vonr daughter the hand of a man who a lightnin-rod, eh? ’ ”—E ditor’s Drawer, father of his love. The worthy doctor was to a business house to see if he could get a in their water. pay yon for its observance. Animals, as Window Curtains, surprised at his return. could never bestow on her his affection. in Harper's Magazine fo r June. three barrels of steel pens. He lives an well as individuals, form habits, and good But I cannot Weil your daughter; my love small bill of goods. He gave his references. entirely secluded life and allows no one A GOOD APPLE FOR THE WEST. “ Rash youth!” he exclaimed, “ were " Did I not see you in Mr. Lennox’s ones are vastly the best in both cases.— In Lace, Gilt Bands and you not admonished on your way hither to —my vow—is irrevocable.” to enter his habitation. A fruit grower in Missouri, after spend­ Cor. N. E. Farmer. fly nt once from Landleigh?” Nay, stay until you have seen Kate,” pew yesterday? ” said tlie merchant. Arrangements are nearly completed for ing 26 years and testing 130 varieties, says: Hollands. “ How know you that? ” answered Den­ urged lull’d Eustace; “ let her plead for “ I don’t know, sir. A gentleman gave shutting the doors of a centennial safe, not It may be laid down as a safe rale that The Ben Davis is a perfect success all over me a seat in church and sat down beside to be opened for a hundred years. Before the West. The tree is hardy, a good grow­ zil, in amazement. “ Yes, I was admon­ herself. Doctor, bring her hither.” me.” you should always know whom you are Growing Horseradish.—Horseradish ished, hut I had not said farewell to Alice.” Doctor Brcoke left the room, but present­ the portals are closed there are several marrying. A Cincinnati man married a er, bears young, and is full every year. Its requires a rich soil, spaded or plowed deep, “ Well, young man, that gentleman was types of the present era that might to good “ This is absolute madness,” said Dr* ly returning, leading a female by the hand, woman the other day of whom he knew fruit is very attractive in npperancc, and and if it he somewhat moist; that is, if too Brooke. “ Boy, boy, are you aware that who wore over head and person a flowing Robert Lennox, and I will trust any young advantage be put inside; such, for instance, sells from 15 to 25 per cent, higher than man whom Mr. Lennox seats in his pew. nothing except that her name was Mary, wet for garden vegetables, it will be very thrtt farewell may cost your life? ” white veil. as the Essex statesman, the nominee of tlie any other variety; the grower does not have good for it. A single root may ho divided “ Not so,fworthy host; .I wear a good "H ere she is, Denzil," lie said; “ you That young man became an eminent Ohio Democratic Convention, Sergeant and he is not sure that she did not lie to hunt buyers—they hunt him. I am re­ merchant. To the day of his death he said into as many pieces, an inch or two long, as sword and possess a strong heart and a have met her before, I am told.” Bates, and Senator Spencer. But proba­ about that, as she has since left for parts moving my old.orchard at the rate of 200 can he made, and have a small portion of The Fairy of the Well! ” cried Denzil, “I owe all I am in this world to that bly the safe is too small to hold all that unknown, taking with her all the house­ trees yearly, and will in the future plant strong arm to back it,” replied Denzil, with Sunday when Mf Lennox invited mo to sit the crown attached to each. For garden the confidence of youth. “ Where is Al­ in astonishment. could bo profitably spared to fill it.—N. 1'. hold goods, including even her husband's nothing hut Ben Davis.” This is an excel­ culture, the rows sfiould be about 18 incite* in his pew.” Trtfiune. ice? ” Otherwise Kate Blount,” replied Izird spare clothing. lent variety, and is popular in almost every apart, and the cuttings six inches apart in “ She is absent, lmt will shortly return; Eustace, pleasantly; “ who, under that dis­ section of the country. the rows. As a field crop it is quite profi­ prices will be the. VE R Y L O W l and when she does I will send her to you,” guise (by various subterranean passages of Charcoal lias been discovered to be a The noblest “last words” that have re­ Sileut Men. HAYING. table, when one lias all the facilities to pre­ said the doctor, and left the room. the castle,) for years sav.ed the life of her cure-for burns. By laying a piece of cold cently been uttered were those of Super­ pare it and put it in jars for market, the As Denzil gazed listlessly from the win­ proscribed father.” Waihington never made aspeech. In the charcoal ujion a burn, tlie pain subsides Every farmer is not a good hay maker, labor of preparing being done in the winter intendent Flint, of the Midland Railroad, although it would seem that anybody, W e have secured s dow, a panel in the wall glided noiselessly To such a daughter can Denzil refuse zenith of his fame he once attempted it, immediately. By leaving tlie charcoal on who, held fast amid the rains of the season. Tlie rows in field culture should to one side and through the aperture came his hand? ” asked Doctor Brooke. failed, and gave it up, confused and abashed one hour tlie wound is healed, as lias been knowing anything about farming, ought to train that fell through the trestle work at be able to get his hay into the barn or stack be far enough apart to admit a horse culti­ a lovely girl, some eighteen years of age, Doctor, do you, my friend, urge me to this In framing tlie Constitution of the United demonstrated on several occasions. The vator. clad inthe plain hut becoming costume of apcstacy?” cried Denzil, reproachfully. States tile labor was almost wholly per­ remedy is cheap and simple, and deserves Willowemoc, called out to those who in good condition if the weather be favorable a village maid. She closed the panel qui­ He kneltbefore the fairy gratefully. “ Oil. formed in Cbmmiltee of theWhole, of which a trial. were trying to rescue him, “Stop that hut such is not the case. In the first place, etly, advanced to Dcnzil’sside and laid her lady, I must appeal to yon,” he continued George Washington was the Chairman. mail train!” and died. The mail train the farmer should he fully prepared for hay­ It isagood plan when not very busy aboat In L ow P riced C arpetings, and shall offer the ing before he commences. Every imple­ the farm to make boxes say twelve inches some at a Slight Advance from Cost, and cui *~ hand ujxm his shoulder. He started up in you, who have proved my guardian spir- He spoke twice during the Convention; Capt. diaries T. Chase is detailed from and its passengers that were rushing to al­ ment wanted should be procured, and be in square and eight inches high, withont bot­ joyous surprise. . I loved ere I lieheld you; I cannot give but his wbrds were so few tnat they could tile revenue steamer Dallas anil ordered to most certain destruction were saved. “ Ah, sweet Alice!” he exclaimed. you that which is alrealdy given—could not fitly lie termed speeches. Tho Conven­ good condition; and when a farmer has tom or top. These placed over the cucum­ Wilmington, N. C., in coainiand of tlie much grass to cut it would be well to have ber or melon billsAnd covered with glass, “ Denzil, Denzil!’’she answered, impa­ not, even were you the divinity you have tion, iKUvever, acknowledged the master revenue steamer Schuyler Colfax. Capt. An ingenious toy, apparently of Japa­ appeared.” * spirit,! and historians affirm that, had it not an extra mowing * machine to fall back give an impetus to the plants early in tlie tiently; “ why do you tarry here when ev­ Samnel §. Warner is ordered to duty on nese origin, has recently been introduced A Full Line of ery moment adds to the peril of your safe- The fairyjiut aside her veil, and discov­ been for his personal popularity and the the Dallas. on, in case of a breakage. All the art there season that nothing short of a hot-bed will to? ” ered the features of Alice Brooke. sincerityxvith which he spoke, the Consti­ into London. It consists of a small pic­ is in making good hay is to have good effect. “ Chide me not, Alice,” lie returned. Denzil—dear, faithful Denzil,” she ex­ tution wqqlyl have been rejected by the peo­ ture, on paper of a man pointing a fire­ judgment, and energy to drive the Luther Penney of Clifton sawed 904 M. business when the weather is favorable. Domestic Paper Patterns “ since I tarried but to ask you if you will claimed, tenderly, “ It is I ! ” ple* Thoma^ Jefferson never made a speech. spruce shingles in 41 days, being on an arm at a bird, target, or second person. The Journal says that State Treasurer Jove me when-1 am gone, as I shall con­ He started to his feet in fresh amazement He couldn’t do it. Napoleon, whose exe­ Two men may commence to cut two fields average about 22 M. per day. James Mc­ Upon the application of the hot end of a of grass the same morning, each field ex­ Hatch has mads “ surety doubly sure ” by Constantly on hand. Catalogues free on application. tinue to love you?” crying out joyfuily, “ Ailce!” cutive ability was almost without a parallel, Laughlin of the same town, sheared twelve match, just blown out, to the end of the placing in the vaults of his office, a burg­ “ Oh, Denzil, Denzil!” she responded, “ No. Kate, thy cousin,” said the doctor, sn id that his greatest trouble -was in finding actly alike, each man having the same kind and a half pounds of good, nice wool from gun, the paper begins to smoulder to­ of machine and the snmo number of hands, lar and fire proof safe, wrought of steel, plaintively, “ is it generous to leave this she hut passed as my daughter to escape, men of deeds rather than words. When one small sheep. and weighing 5000 pounds. The steel plate impression on the heart of a poor maiden, the persecutions of her father’s foes. She nskedjhow he'maintained his influence over ward the object aimed at, and in no and one will have all his hay in on the next JB3-A11 goods delivered promptly, and F R E E of day at sunset, cured in excellent condition, is 8 1-2 inehes thick. The safe is four feet ■expense, to any part of the city. whose last hope could be to unite herself in is the daughter of this noble lord; her true his superiors in age and experience, when, other direction. When it reaches the high, two and one-half feet wide, and 23 wedlock with one of noble descent like name, the Lady Catherine Blount. Say, Comniander-in-Chief of the army in Italy . A disastrous fire broke out in Quebec object a report is heard from the explo­ while the other will fail to M push things,” and will not have his hay cured the next after inches deep, and is supplied with a Yale yQurs? I do love you. Denzil—nor blush to will you now refuse herhand? he said, “ By reserve.” The greatness of Tuesday, and destroyed over a thousand sion of a small quantity of fulminating time lock. Its cost, put in position, wsa acknowledge that which is ns dear to me as Denzil eagerly grasped the hand which a man is not to be measured by the length houses m the St. Lonis suburb, with a loss noon, leaving it p rhaps in the windrow, and SIMONTON BROS. m a t e r i a l . ______a rain comming on the next day, lasting 24 $1300. Rockland, Much 29,1^76. 17 the love of life itself. But alas! I have his cousin extended to him. of his speeches or their number. o f at least $1,000,000. * A Kefornicr’s Convention. numHinkley and Chandler,of Auburn ;Plait- S/'Tlie New York Times publishes an es-. About Town. and Belfast, aud for his competent sen nes on ing—as for example in some of the descripti’- e A majority of Committee of conference report­ portions of “ How he Saved S t Michael’s.” | The Rockland Gazette. Agreeably to appointment, the repre­ ted, Beals of Bath; Sanborn of Belfast; timate (which the Boston Journal consid­ these three oecasious the Convention gave him a ed on order relative to discount on taxes, recom­ sentatives of tlie Reform Clubs of the State, Walker and Mason of Bangor; llodgdon, ers “as plausible, on the whole,-is any it lias ST Eight couples entered their intentions cf cordial vote of thanks, which we see he has been Her choice and her talent seems to run more to the mending it be amended so as to give a discount 8 Thiirsdiiy, June 8, 187(5. too modest to record. The meetings of this Con­ tragic or intensely emotional than to the descrip­ per cent until Aug. 31st, 4 percent, during month attending tlie quarterly Mass Convention, Choate, Dutton of Union; Barlow and met witli ”) that gives tilts probable marriage at the City Clerk's office last mouth. vention have been marked by an earnest devotion tive, colloquial or humorous style. Her best effort, j of September, and charging interest at 6 percent assembled at 10 o’clock, Tuesday morning, Bass of Rockport; Cushman and by Rev. strength of the several candidates at ( -inein- Singhi’s Band will accompany the Gen. to their good work on the part of the reformed we think, was in “ The Fisher’s Wife,” by Miss per annum from Oct. 1st till pai«». The Board of Mr. Blaine Triumphant Again, T. V. Norcross and S. L. B. Chase. nati on the first ballot us follows: Blaine, Berrys on their Fourth of July trip to Lewistou. at Farwell & Ames Hall, and were called to men; the attendance at the evening meetings was Cary, and both her reading and her action iu the Aldermen voted to make one rate of discount at Jlr. Blaine is again master of the situa- On motion of H. S. Tibbetts, tho thanks 293; Bristow, 110; Conkling, 76; Hart­ Silver is very scarce yet. Will those who order by President Wiggin of the Rock­ J-g?"* very large and the speeches of a stirring an l concluding portion of this selection were worthy 6 per cent, till Oct. 1st, and charge interest at t ’ou. On Monday lie again rose to a of tlie convention were tendered the Rock­ ranft, 58; Hayes, 48; Jewell, 10; Morton, are keeping'it iu their pockets please pass it land Club. The exercises began liv sing­ practical character, and we hope the Convention of all praise. In “ Gone with a Handsome Man” s ime rate after that date. The Common Council q lestion of privilege in the House of lie] . land Reform Club, and especially the ladies along. ing “ The Morning Light is Breaking, 133; Wushburne, 1 ; Unknown, 23. This will be productive of much good iu our own there were good points and indifferent ones.— noa-concured and voted to amend in accordance resentatives and in one of the most effective and other citizens, for their courtesy and prayer by Rev. C. P. Nash and singing makes a total of 752, leaving out Colorado. %jf~ The steamer is to play next Saturday community and in those from which its delegates Mrs. Swett’s voice seemed to lack' the roundness, with the report of the Committee, and both board3 generous hospiality to the members from and dramatic sjieeclies ever delivered up­ “ Nearer, my God to Thee,” Miss Fannie evening, at the reservoir corner Beach and Uuiin came. heaviness and depth suited to the best rendering insisting, a second committee of conference was on the floor of the House, lie turned upon E. Merroiv presiding at the organ. abroad. Forty-fourth Congress. streets. of male parts, and in this and some other selec­ appointed. The committee having reported the or­ S r" A Lodge of the Knights of Honor, called the enemies who had been endeavoring Tile permanent organization was effected In the Senate, Wednesday, May 31st, tho S f* Wiggin & Rose, Merrill and Anderson have Lincoln Lodge, was instituted in this city last Fri­ tions there was an occasional misplacement of Adjourned to Thursday evening. to destroy him and assuming the offensive, der of exercises for tho evening, adjourned put their soda fountains iu operation and will dis­ emphasis that marred the effect. Tennyson’s by the choice of - Elliot King, of Mechanic committee on pensions reported favorably day evening, by Deputy Grand Assistant Dicta­ ^'"Lizzie Grass,about ten years ot age, daughter put them to rout. He began by discussing to meet at 7.45. on the hill for tho removal of disabilities of “ Bugle Song ” was rendered finely and the Falls, as President, and W. A. Barker Sec­ pense cooling refreshment to the thirsty. tor, J. L. Wright and Deputy Grand Guide, II. P. of Joseph Gross, was brought before the Police the resolutions under which the pending E vening Session.—Singhi’s Cornet those who have participated in the rebellion, “ Blow, bugle, blow !” showed a clear fulluess of retary, and Vice Presidents from each club but liave since enlisted in the United States Mr. E. Merrill has at his apothecary store a Ridley. Officers for the current term were chos­ Judge last Thursday, upon a proper ccmplai; t investigation of the affairs of the Union Pa­ Rand gave some of their tine selections en as follows:— touc that was excellent. In the colloquial selec­ represented, as follows:— army. The Japanese indemnity bill was stuffed alligator about eight feet iu length, which made by the chairman of the Overseers cf the previous to the hour of opening. Opened tion Irom Mark Twain, Mrs. Swott made a com­ cific Railroad and the bonds of the Little S. g. Pierson, Portland. then taken up, and after being debated and he obtained in Florida. L. L. Buckland, Dictator; John Bird, Past Poor, the city Marshal and Policeman Witham Koch and Fort Smith road had lieen begun II. S. Tibbetts, Bath. by singing “ Rescue the perishing,” read­ amended pissed 24 to 20. - In tlie House, Dictator; S. II. Boyntou, Vice Dictator; J. Fred. parative failure, especially iu rendering “ the Mr. A. Evans is making rapid progress on and was ordered to be taken to the Industrial . Wm. D. Clark, Rockland. ing scripture and prayer liv Rev. Mr. Mr. Morey of Louisiana rose to a personal Hall, Assistant Dictator; J. E. Robinson, Chap­ Doctor’s” part iu the dialogue. Nevertheless, with and charged that the inquiries began osten­ School at Hallowell. She was taken there the II. M. Bryant, Lewiston. Chase and singing “ Let the lower lights he explanation regarding Mr. Seclye’s testimo­ the uniforms for Singhi's Baud and they will cer­ lain; J. W. Crocker, Guide; T. H. McLain, Fi­ whatever shortcomings her readings were marked, sibly to investigate railroad companies had next day, by the Marshal, and was so well pleased Chas. Witliington, Bucklield. ny heforu the investigating committee, and tainly make a tine appearance in their new suits Mrs. Swett did so well that we do not doubt her been aimed personally against himself. burning.” Stirring addresses were than declared that all the statements made nancial Reportee; Enoch Davies, Reporter; J. P. that she had no desire to return. The attempt cf Joseph Hinckley, Auburn. M. U. Singhi has a unique sign in the ability to do better and shall be gratified and not He inimated that when the chairman ol M. V. B. Knowlton, Belfast. made by Hon. Henry Tallman, of Rath, against him by that witness were false and Ingraham, Treasurer; Joseph Grccnhalgh,Guard- the Opinion last week to cast imputation upou shape of a painted board model of himself at­ surprised to see her take a high rank among pub­ the judiciary Committee (Proctor Knott ol A, E. Jones, Farmington. Messrs. Witliington, Clarke, Hill, Barnum, infamous. The House then took up the iuu; Charles Fisk, Sentinel. the motives of those interested iu promo ing the contested election ease of Spencer vs. Mor­ tached to his barber’s pole. This order is a comparatively new one. It is lic readers. Ky.) appointed the sub-committee to con­ J. H. Plaisted, So. Berwick. Eastman, Pierson, Hills, Burt, Tibbetts, welfare of this little girl was cliaracterstic aud M. II. Kid', Vinalhaven. ey, and after discussion, the majority reso­ devoted to moral aud social improvement, fratcr- Wilkins, Wiggin, Rev. Mr. Chose, Dr. Bro. Sprague, and wife of the Free Preset, We would remind the "public, now that contemptible. We have no desire to go into the duct these inquiries, he selected from the 11. S. Kelly, Winthrop. lution, declaring Spencer entitled to the ual’assistance, philanthropy and the providing of John .Ilomcr of Belfast and President seat, was adopted without division. went on the Editorial excursion to Philadelphia, the warm summer days are at hand, that they details, which would amply justify the action in seven Democratic members of the Judi­ II. 11. Adams, Litchfield. ajbeuetit of not exceeding $2000 payable to the John Tabor, Houlton. King. The following resolution was In the Senate, Thursday, June 1st, tho this wool;. can scarcely take a pleasanter pleasure trip than the case, but the bare facts are that the mother o f ciary Committee two men (Ilunton of Va. family or heirs of each member upon his death. N. M. Stone, West Gardiner. hill granting a pension to tho widow of the Americus Hook and Ladder Co, have raised that over the route of the steamer Ulysses, which the child is dead and the character of her elder and Ashe of N. C.) who had been in tile unanimously adopted: The new Lodge here is composed of good material, W. F. Hunter, Bangor. late Rear Admiral John A. Winslow, the a handsome flagstaff above the gable of the City plies between Rockland, Mt. Desert ami Sullivan. sisters is most certainly not such as to make them rebel army and who had been exasperated Resolved.—That the thanks of this con­ hill for the relief of Charles B. Varney o f J. II. Cushman, Winnegance. Hall building iu which they are quarterod. as will be seen, and wc hope it will prosper. When the sky is placid and the air bland and the against Blaine on account of the amnesty J. M. Robinson, Gardiner. vention are hereby tendered our brother Portland, Maine, and the hill providing for proper persons to have charge oftlie little g:rl. Elliot King for the able and uniformly The first meeting at the Knox Trotting water smooth, no excursion can well be pleasanter Mr. Wiggin and Mr. Withamaro Well acquainted debate last January. Arraigning these R. M. Whitney, No. Gorham. the sale of the Otoe and Missouri Indian Strawberries have been sold cheaper in our E. W. Stetson, Damariscotta, kind, courteous and impartial manner in reservation in Kansas and Nebraska were market during the past week than at any time Park under the auspices of the Knox Centennial than an excursion across the bay aud among the with the circumstauces.which prove tho motive • f men further for the manner in which the which lie has presided over the several R. A Wentworth, Brnnskwiek. passed. In tho House, the bill to [lerfect we can remember so early iu the season. Association opened yesterday. The weather was islands to Mt Desert and up Frenchman’s Bay to those interested in placing the child in the In investigation hail been conducted, Mr. Ezra Manter, Winterport. meetings of tho present session. tne revision of tlie United States statutes fine, the track iu good condition, and there was a S T Judge Hall is absent visiting Brooklyn and Sullivan. There is plenty of beautiful and grand dustrial School to be as kind and benevolent us Blaine came to the question of the letters Messrs. Tibbetts, Wilkins, Pierson, Kel­ Tho thanks of the convention were on was passed, and also, after considerable dis­ very good attendance. The judges were W. C. the Centennial, and during his absence the Police land and water scenery on this trip. Those who that of the Opinion is despicable. which were brought to Washington by the motion of F. A. ( 'larke, voted Miss Fannie cussion, the bill to promote, efficiency in Marshall of Belfast, G. W. Ricker of Rockland ley and Stetson were appointed a commit­ the army, providing for its gradual reduc­ Court is held by C. E. Littlefield, Esq , as Re­ have not seen*Mt. Desert have yet to see what is witness Mulligan and of which the sjieaker E. Morrow for the manner in which she aud E. B. Mayberry of Bath. For the three min­ doubtless the most grand and picturesque summer tee to select speakers. tion, acd the consolidation of certain staff corder. Thom aston. then had ]wsscssion. Eloquently protest­ Messrs. Bryant, F. A. Clarke and Hinck­ had officiated nt tlie organ. departments. The House then proceeded ute race ten horses had been entered, and six resort in America. If any are ill doubt whether Warden Warren W. Rice is absent as a delegate Dr. C. B. Lighthill, the well-known ocu­ ing against the outrage, of publishing the ley were appuiuted a committee on order The [fledges were offered and and seven­ to consider the hill to amend the statutes came to the start. The race was won by “ Mo­ they shall go to the mountains or the seashore to the National Prison Reform Cougres, now hold iu relation to merchant seaman, which was list and aurist, is at the {Thorndike House, and private business letters of any man without of business. ty-live signatures added after which the doc,” in three straight heats; second money to this summer, or if they waift to do both and have ing its session in New York City. passed, and a resolution was adopted call­ will remain through to-morrow. See business “ Fannie ” and third to Centennial.” Tlie fol­ his permission, and maintaining his rights Messrs. Payson of Rockland, Williing convention adjourned. ing for tlie correspondence with Great time or money for only one, they may be happily Liuet. George O. Eaton, of the 5th Cavalry, U. notice, lowing is a summary: without compromise, he said: ton and Pierson were appointed commit­ Brttian concerningthe sequestration of lands delivered from their dilemma by going to Mt. De­ S. Army, is now on a leave of absence, visiting h*s Prof. .Chapman of Bowdoin College Race for horses that never heat 3 minutes; heat 3 in sert, for there they have both, and iu unsurpassed ** I have ditleil the power to take these letters tee on local ion of tlie next meeting art tlie It will he seen by our City Council ie_ and property in New Zealand claimed by 5, to harness, for purse of $125: s80 to Ibt, $3u io 2d, relatives and friends in thia vicinity. He has William Webster to have been bought from preached two able discourses at the Congregation­ S is to 3d. grandeur aud beauty. Anil not to make a hard froui me. 1 do it still. 1 speak with all irspcct port that we are to have no sort of comment been stationed in Arizona Territory for the past lor this House. I know iis powers, and I trust State Convention. the chiefs, previous to tile possession of the al church in this city last Sunday morning and G .W . B a g le y , n s...... h .g ., M odoc, 1 1 1 bargain with the tourist, Mt. Desert not only gives oration of the centennial Fourthof July, at W. H. McLellan, nt...... I». n... Fa.mi.-, 2 2 3 three years, and has seen active and hard service that I resjaet them. But 1 say that this House Messrs. F. A. Clarke, A. E. Jones, N. island by the British. evening. R. T. Larrabee, ns...... hr. g.,Centennial, 3 4 2 him all that is picturesque, beautiful, rugged and has no lie re power to order what shall Ire done or Wiggin, E. M. Stetson, Pierce Burt. C. least so far as the city government is con­ In the Senate. Friday, June 2d, the leg­ L.E. Beals, us...... eh g., D octor C lough, 4 3 4 iu watching and fighting the wily Indian. not done with my private eorrospundencc than it Dr. T. L. Estabrook and wife have arrived F. H. Berry, ns...... eh. in. hot.dlst. 1st heat. grand in mountain and seashore, but throws Major J. II. II. Hewett leaves to-morrow for Witliington, and J. E. Wilkins were a]>- cerned. A committee to whom the subject islative appropriation hill was taken up and G. B. Daggett, ns...... h. g., Cook, .list. In has to order what I shail do with the nurture and amended. Tlie amendments restore the home from the South. The Dr. is in good health beat. in a magnificent addition of lake and forest. Sul­ Cincinnati to attend the Republican National admonition of my children— not one particle more. pointed committee on resolutions. ’ was referred a week or two ago, rejiorted in Hilary of Conmessman Io $5000, of the of­ and will resume his professional endeavors to put T im e, 2 .4 2 ',, 2.42, 2.43‘4 . livan, also, the terminus of this route, is wel Convention. The will visit the Centennial But I am now Io show the letters [holding them An invitation from the Houlton Reform favor of an appropriation of $500, provided For the 2.45 race five horses started, and the up in his hand], I thank God Almighty that 1 ficers and clerks of the Senate and House, other people in like condition. worth a visit, the scenery being of the grandest beforejie returns home. Club to hold tlie next quarterly meeting at the citizens should manifest an interest in the the eapitol police and library employes, to race was won by O. E. Blackington’s “ Ozro ” on description. am not ashamed to show them. There they arc— ftTyT Messrs. A. F. Crockett & Co. advertise William E. Vinal,our young and successful dry the amounts received by them under the the first, third and fourth heats. Second money there is the very original package. With some that place was referred to tlie committee. subject. At the meeting on Tuesday evening, As a vehicle of making tills trip, no conveyance goods merchant, is attending the Centennial. He sense of humiliation, with a mortification which existing law. ami appropriate $.1'5,000 for coal of all grades at the lowest prices; also wood, was won by Bessie aud third by Ralph. The fol­ Tlie committee on order of business re­ a petition for an appropriation for a credit­ the salary of the Congressional printer and is more.seasonable and desirable than the Ulys­ is probably looking after “ stylos.” 1 do not pretend to conceal, with a sense ot out­ hay, cement,hair, sand,etc., cheap foreash. They lowing is the summary: rage which I think any man in my position would ported that the p. ill. session commence able and fitting celebration was presented $2500 for contingent expenses of that office. ses. A staunch, fast and commodious boat well Wcndall P. Rice, Deputy Warden of the Maine are an honorable and enterprising firm. Race for horses that have never ben'en 2.45, best 3 in feel, 1 invite the eontideuee of 44,000,000 of peo­ at 2 o’clock p. m. and that the afternoon from more than one huiulred and forty citi­ The House considered the Indian appropria­ 5, to harness, for a purse o f $150—$90 to 1st, $4u to 2d fitted for the comfort of travelers, leaving here at State Prison, and his wife leave on a visit to the A number of the delegates to the Reform ple, and I will read these letters.'’ be devoted to hearing reports from tin- zens,and no doubt live hundred names could tion bill, and made considerable progress. and $20 to 3d. a pleasant and convenient hour (which does not Centennial to-morrow. At the evening session, not more than a Clubs Convention, who are Good Templars, vis­ I). E. Blackiugtou, ns...... hlk. g. Ozro, 12 11 At this print the Republican side of the several clubs represented. have been obtained. These names represent­ David .-Vines, ns...... hr. in. Bessie, 2 1 2 2 break the sleep or hurry the hivakfas) *of pass­ Capt. David J. Hodgraan has gone on* to New dozen members were on Lite floor, and ited Payson Lodge on Monday evening, and made C. B. Wellington, ns...... blk. g. Rulgh, 3 3 3 3 House mid the galleries burst into enthusi- The afternoon session was opened by ed the general sentiment of our business men G. E. Perrin,Jr., ns., hr. in. fc-ag nlahoc Belle,4 4 » 4 engers from R icklaml ami vicinity, while it York tv take commaud of the ship “ Loretta Fish.” sjiecehes were made on tlie tariff and other effective addresses for the “ good of the order.*’ ttslic applause. Mr.Hlainc then proceeded to singing “ Shall we gather at tlie river? ” and' tax-paying citizens, if we may judge subjects. J . M. M illiken, n s...... b. iu. N ettie, (list, i n heat gives opportunity for eoiiuncctiou with the morn­ Success to him. There was also a runiug race, catch •weight, read and comment upon the letters, which from the array of names oil the paper. rl lie 'I l l the Senate, Saturday, June 3d, the S y We regret to announce that Mr. Joseph L. ing train from the West) ami in charge of a (’aj.t. Sanders Furling aud wife arrived home Prayer liv Rev. Lewis Goodrich. of War­ best 2 in 3, for purse of $2U—S I2 to 1st, to have not the slightest reference to the Union Sioux Indian bill was taken up. After de­ Giofray still remains dangerously ill, of dropsy, most careful and competent captain aud efficient Tuesday morning lost. (’apt. Curling’s ship, the ren, and singing, “ Pull for the shore.” list included such names as A. Stanley, N. bate a substitute thaUtive commissioners 2d and $2 to 3d. Three horses were entered, Pacific bunds and fail to show on Mr.Rlaine's with no improvement in liis condition. corps of officers, the Ulysses should certainly “ Belle O’Brien,” is in St. John. We learn that W. II. Wetherhee, of Warren, and A. Farwell, M. Summer, II. W Wight, be :i p| win led to visit the Sioux and nego­ Sani’l Adams’s “ Gray Torn,” Geo. Daggett’s part any interest in or connection with the g57"Mr. Jeremiah Tolraan has recently purchased claim the favor of the public. From our own Gapt. William T. O’Brien uf St. George will now Charles Dimton, of Union, were chosen ad­ John T. Berry, G. W. Kimball. Jr., E. I!. tiate with them for the surrender of the “ Frank W.” aud W. N. Ulmer’s “ Kate.” The Northern Pacific road. For the rest, they Black Hills, the Seeretary of War being a pair of pure blood Ayrshires, not yet one year people, this line deserves hearty ami special en­ take charge of this, ship and that Capt. Curling ditional Vice Presidents. Spear. H. II. ( l ie & Co.. Timothy Williams, race was won by “ Gray Tom.” Time, 2.18, reveal Mr. Blaine in a very manly and hon­ authorized to furnish transportation, subsis­ old, with the design of introducing that stock in couragement, for it is peculiarly a Rockland en­ will remain at home. ltejKirts of the condition of their respec­ David Ames, Robert Crockett, A. F.Crock- 2.14 1-2. There are to be two races to-day, as be­ orable light.in his business transactions and tence and protection to the commissioners, this region. terprise ami its entire success will contribute to The sqip ‘ St. Nicholas,” Capt. William Tobey, tive Clubs were made by Bros. Tibbetts, ett, W. II. Titennib. S. M. Veazie, Sani'l wits agreed to, and the hill was passed after fore announced. the only question that can he raised with A communication with reference to Mr. Rockland’s prosperity and build up its business arrived at Sau Francisco June, 2d, after a pus Bath; Pierson, Portland; Clark, Roeklatnl; Bryant, N. A. & S. II. Burpee, 11. G. Bird. a third reading. Y'eas 30,. nays 8. The g y On Monday evening, the police arrested a interests. We regret the feeling toward this en­ sage of 130 days from New York. regard Io his position as a Congressman consideration of tho legislative appropria­ Chenery’s stallion“ Gray Eagle” appears in anoth­ Bryant, l^wiston; Witliington, Bnekfield; W. II. Glover. S. N. Hatch, F..T. Simonton. young man named William Hayes,upou complaint terprise which has seemed to be manifested by Hon. Edward O’Brien received a telegram ttnil his participation in these business ell. tion bill was resumed, the amendment re­ er column. We know uothing ourselves of the point llinkley, Auburn; Knowlton, Belfast; II. N. Keen. F. II. and C. II, Berrv, L. for obtaining goods on false pretenses. Hayes is the Portland ami Machias line (a company which this week informing him of the arrival of the terprises, is one of propriety and not one storing the salary of the President to 850,- in dispute, but the article is authenticate! to us Jones, Farmington; Plaisted, So. Berwick: Weeks, N. Jones, J. R. Richardson and 000 from ami after March 4, 1877, was by the name of an intelligent and responsible about twenty-one years of age and belongs in Sa­ we have been ami are glad to see prosper in all ship “ A. McCallum,” Capt Geo. W. K. Masters, of integrity. He gave a complete history Kill', Vinal llaven: Kelley, Winthrop: many others representing large tax-lists or agreed to—yeas 31, nays 11. The amend­ gentleman interested in horse-breeding. lem, but has been about here for some time. It 1‘gitimate enterprise), because theRocklanden- aud the ship “ William A. Campbell,” (.’apt. of his connection with the Spencer Rifle prominent business interests. As these ments restoring the salary of the President's appears that he has at different times gone to a Frank Curling, at Liverpool, after a passage uf Adams,EitehlielJ; Tabor, Houlton; Stowe, -•5T Rev. C. B. Besse is absent, attending the tn-prize was an entirely legitimate one, growing Company, showing that his possession of people would have to pay the bulk of the private secretary oftlie employes in the de­ considerable number of stores along our street, out of our need of increased business facilities and about twenty days from St. John, N. B. West Gardiner: Hunter, Bangor; ( ' ashman, partment of State, and ill the office of the session of the East Maine Conference at Bucks­ some of tile stock of that Company was a and representing himself as in the employ of A telegram was received yesterday by Capt. Winnegance: Robinson, Gardiner; Whit­ money appropriated their judgnienlcertain- Seeretary of State, and several other amend­ port, which begins to-day. There will, therefore, the natural demand for eastern connection with jterfectly honorable transaction, and that Capt. Norman Bishop, has obtained various small the railroad terminus at this point, and com­ Harvey Mills, announcing that the ship “ Eliza ney, No. Gorham; Stetson, Damariscotta: ly is worth something. But it seems the ments, were agreed to. lit the House a be no preaching at the Methodist huch next Sun­ he had no dealings witli the Government quantities of groceries nnd other articles upon petes with the Portland and Machias line in part McNiel,” Capt. Warren F. Mills, had arrived at Manter, Winterjiort; Wentworth, Bruns­ City Council thought otherwise. The ques­ resolution directing the St. I.ouis whiskey day. The Sunday-school will be held as usual. on la-half of that ConijKiny since more than fraud committee to investigate thequestion Capt. Bishop’s credit. The swindle coming out, only. Besides, our Portland friends should re­ Liverpool, having a passage of 120 days from wick; Wetherhee, Warren, and Rev. F. \ . tion was discussed in convention of tlie two The Reform Club started on their excur­ t wo years before lie became a member of of fraud on tlie revenue in Milwaukee was he was arrested for these pilfering*. On Wednes­ member that the route to Mt. Desert, Millbridge San Francisco. Norcross,‘Union; all of which -gave the branches. I f weave correctly informed, t i t adopted. Bland’s committee on mines re­ sion to Vinalhaven this forenoon, accompanied by Congress. day Hayes was arraigned before Recorder Liftie- and Machiasport was opened by Rockland, twen Quite a large party left thus morning at four most cheering intelligence of tlie prosperi­ reasons presented in favor of a celebration ported, and the House wentintocommittee Singhi’s Band. They will have a beautiful day Mr. Blaine then 'triefly reviewed the field, in the Police Court, upon two warrants ty-three years ago this summer and, the line o’clock in the tugboat Ocean, on an excursion ty of the cause throughout the State. were that it would be greatly for the inter­ of the whole on the Indian appropriation and a good time. bill. charging the above offense, and pleading guilty, between this city and those points was maintained down river. They will visit Mo began Isle be­ facts in the ease and said that there The committee on order of business est of the city; that we should keepat home was only one bit of testimony wanting to In the Senate, Monday, June 5th, the ■ jy How about that new city ordinance repeal­ ha was sentenced to three months’ confinement in for a number of years. The Rockland, Mt. De­ fore they return They are having a ’pleasant presented their report for tlie exercises of the money that would otherwise be spent resolution proposing a common unit of ac­ Wiscasset jail. complete the cirele of evidence. That was ing a portion of that section of the city ordinances sert and Sullivan line is a natural,legitimate and day for^lic trip. tlie evening, which was adopted. Some abroad and bring in here many people to counts for the United States and Great Brit­ prohibiting the erection of woodeu buildings, desirable connection fur freight and travel, and Thelc are now 267 convicts at the Maine State Gte testimony o f Josiah Caldwell. He 5 ^ ^ The fire on Monday night illustrated the interesting remarks were brought out in spend their money who would otherwise go ain, was called tip hut, being opposed, was the interests of-Rockland should ltad all our was in Europeand theeommittee had voted laid over. The bill to loan tents to veter­ within certain limits? It cannot go into effect un­ necessity of locating a good reservoir somewhere prison, which is the largest number that reply to the question, presented by Rev. L. elsewhere. On the other hand, it was ar­ til it is published. citizens to give it their cordial support and en­ has been at this instiution for flve years to send him a cable dispatch, and lie asked ans of the Mexican war at the Centennial on Fulton street, for the protection of property in Goodrich, “ What is the best maimer of gued that other cities which are to have was reported upon adversely, and the com­ that neigborhood. Had there been any wind on couragement. George Maxey has bought the house and lot Knott of Ky. if that despatch hail been 3 T Edwin Libby Post, G. A. R., received sixty conducting the Club room?" celebrations had perfected their arrange­ mittee disharged, and tlie hill relating to stands of arms a few days since. They were Monday night, we think a number of dwelling- City Council.—The City Council met last lately owned by John Hieslcr at Oyster River, sen t. Knott said lie bail been endeavoring tho abolishment of the tribal relations of Adjourned to meet at 7.45 in the eve­ ments and advertised their programmes granted for tho use of the Post by the State au­ houses must inevitably have been burned- Thursday evening, according to adjournment. and has painted the house aud made improve­ to gel Caldwell'sjlddress, but bail liotsnc- the Miami Indians was passed. In the ning. some time ago, and that people have al­ thorities and came from Belfast, having consti­ There was but one hydrant, within practicable Reports from Committee ou New Streets were ments on the lot. cceilcd. Mr. Blaine then asked him if he House, Mr. Blaine rose to a question of Previous to tlie commencement of the ready made their [flans for spending the privilege and proceeded to address the tuted the armament of the City Guards of distance and no reservoir nearer than Crescent read ami accepted as follows: The Knox & Lincoln R. R. will give free re­ had received a dispatch from ( 'alilwell, anil evening exercises, tlie audience were en­ Fourth; that two of our fire companies I louse upon the subject of tlie investiga­ that place. street. Something should be done to increase the On the order relative to building the new street turn tickets to all persons who attend tho County- then advancing to the open space before tions with which his name had been connec­ wateu.supply in that section of the city. laid out from Atlantic to Pacific street, recom­ Conference at Thomaston on the 13th and 14th tertained by a half-hour’s concert by have already arranged to go to Lewiston, On Monday, the 29th, as Mrs Hosea Coombs, the clerk's desk, lie vehemently charged up- ted, in the course of his speech reading all Iu this connection, we wish also to repeat and mending that said street be built ami that it be iust. The free ticket must bo obtained at the Singhi’s Cornet Band. Opened liv singing and we should not attract many people here who lives on Oak street, was assisting her wash­ on Knott that as long ago as last Thursday his private letters to Fisher which he hail emphasize a suggestion which we made some called Lawrence street. station where they first tuke the train. “ Rescue the perishing,” prayer by Rev. if we should get up a celebration at this reclaimed from Mulligan. Mr. Blaine was woman to hang out somo heavy articles, she made morning; he had received a dispatch front mouths since; namely that there should be a map On the matter of changing the name of Otis Capt. John B. Henry and family have re­ W. IL Yeoman, and hymn “ Nearer, my late day. The question of the demands of followed by Ilunton of Va. anil Knott of a misstep and fell, breaking one of the bones of Caldwell in lanidon. entirely sustaining or plan of the water-supply of the city for fire street, against.changing said name. turned to Thomaston after an absence of three (•oil, to Thee.” A brief, hut very happy patriotism and public spirit with respect to Ky. the right forearm, near the wrist, and dislocating Scott’s testimony, anil exonerating Blaine In the Senate, Tuesday June 6th, a purposes; and if the Chief Engineer does not In favor of building a sidewalk four feet wide years. During this time they have sailed around the suitable commemoration of the centen­ the other. Dr. Williams attended her aud she is address of welcome to the visiting brothers petition from General Beauregard, re­ think himself authorized to cause such a plan to on Broadway, from Middle to Rankin street. the world. Capt. Henry’s ship is at St. John, front all connection with the bonds in ques­ now doing well. was given by Hon. N. A. Farwell, followed nial anniversary of the nation’s birth seems questing his political disabilities removed, be prepared, the City Council should do it. The Against building sidewalk on Granite street where he will re-join her soon. tion, and that Knott had suppressed this The following item, from tlie Boston Her­ 1 by brief remarks by Messrs. Pierson, Hun­ not to have been taken into consideration. was received and referred to the Judiciary drafting of the maps need not necessarily incur in case the walk recommended on the east side of The steam tug boat, “ Ocean,” Capt. David dispatch. The scene which followed this Committee. A resolution asking the ald , we presume to refer to a former denizen of ter, Tibbetts, Capt. Pierce Burt, of Bath, And yet this is tlie principnl question—what any large expeuse, for the proper authorities can Broadway is built. Coates, has recently carried Mrs. Campbell Oliver, dramatic climax is said to have beggared President to furnish to the Senate a fac­ this city:— Kill', Robinson, Leighton and Choate, of our position demands of us in the way of Same comnittee reported ou the matter of as­ au aged and infirm ladyfrom this’towu to the home all description, and such as lias never been simile copy of tho letter of the Secretary W. E. Crockett of 31 1-2 Howard street offers procure a sufficient number of Roe & Colby’s Portland, Wiggin, Stowe, Wilkins, Pierce patriotic conimenoration of so important of State ill May 1861, to the United States map of the city to supply one to each engine certaining the cost of name signs for streets, that of her son in Georgetown. Mrs. Oliver was un surpassed and rarely equaled in thrilling to lift dumb-bells with Miller or Pennell iu any of Farmington, Watts of Warren, and an occasion. We liave not made this a Minister at the court of St. James, in re- manner they may state, either of strength or en­ house, to the Board of Fire Engineers and to the the boards would cost five cents each, the lettering able to travel by rail, aud this mode of ct-nviy. interrupt by any occasion in the experience pecuniary question at nil, but one of pro­ lalion to the Queen’s proclamation rec­ durance, provided they will make a proportionate city government rooms. Then it would be only twenty-five cents ‘each, and the screws and labor auce was devised for her comfort in traveling. of the ohlest members of House. Tile Re­ Rev. W. II. Vcoman, which, though allowance for difference of weight, his ” heft ” ognizing the belligerent character of the of putting up about ten cents each, making the We learn that tho passage was pleasant to her, aud publican side of the House and tile galleries necessarily limited to eight minutes each, priety and patriotism. Some money would Confederate States, was agreed to. The being 142 pounds. necessary ’to make a survey of the city for the were nevertheless stirring and interesting. he required, of course. If it were de­ impeachment business was taken up, purpose of ascertaining the location and capacity total cost thirty-five cents each. occupied only a portion of the day. burst into tuiuuituriuus applause, in which 227' We call special attention to the advertise­ sired to attract the people of other places Secretary Belknap being present. The of all wells aud other sources of water supply, Orders were passed directing City Clerk to pre­ even some of tlie Democrats joined. Tlie pledges were offered and a number of ment of a fine residence at auction, iu another signatures added. Joined in singing here in large numbers, and thus make the Senate went into secret conference to de­ and transfer these to the maps. Reservoirs might pare copies of expenditures o f the city in detail Viiial Haven. Mr. Blaine was followed by Mr. Huntun cide upon the time o f the trial, which was column. The property is correctly described ami be indicated (for example) by a small square of for the last uiunicipalyear and directing Committee “ America" and adjourned to meet at 9 day profitable in a business sense, as well A t the rifle match on Lane’s Island, last of Ya„ the chairman of the Judiciary sub­ lixed upon for July 6, 1876^at o’clock, p. its beiug put on the market in this way affords distinctive color, hydrants by a cross and wells by on City Property to make a new entrance to upper o’clock Wednesday morning. as enjoyable as a patriotic and pleasant in. The court of impeachment will meet week, Austin B. Vina’, made a score of 42 out of committee, in a statement of file matters somebody an opportunity to get an excellent bar a circular mark, of the same or another color. It part of lockup building from the front. occasion, a considerable sum would lie re­ again on the 16th. In the House, after a possible 59, at 203 yards off-hand. Wm. V. to which Mr. Blaine had alluded, in which W ednesday. gain. The salejvill he on Saturday afternoon of copies of such a plan were placed in the engine Iu Board of Aldermen, the Common Council discussion, a proposition to change tile Lane was next to him, who made a score of 58. lie claimed that Mr. Blaine had not been The first hour of tlie morning session quired to defray tlie neeeessary. cost of next week. houses and in possession of the Chief nnd Assis­ order instructing Overseers of the Poor to sell rules so as to allow the Committee on At the match at 100 yds., Austin B. Vinal made jiersccutcd. but bad Irecn treated with great was devoted to a Temperance J-ove Feast, various features of tho programme; but if banking to report at any time, was agreed tant Engineers, all the members of the fire de­ to Mrs. Eliza Mossmau Jhe city’s interest iu the We learn that Capt, E. R. Nash, of schoon­ 54, Frank Roberts 44, W. V. Lace 52. Mr. consideration by the sub-committee, who and was a most interesting meeting, par­ only a patriotic recognition of the anniver­ to, yeas 115, nays 94, the object of the partment might in a short time become so famil­ dwelling house on the Mossman lot was taken er Lottie Ames, met with what came very near Roberts is a new man in the shooting business ltad imide no delay in tlie investigation. ticipated in by many of the reformers and sary, by suitable commemorative services change being to allow the committee to iar with the locatiou, character and capacity of from the table and passed. reporta hill for the repeal of the resump­ being a serious accident while discharging his and promises to be a crack shot. some of our own citizens. by our own [leople, were eontmnplatod, tlie all the sources of water supply as to materially In Common Council the appropriation resolve Mr. Knott o f Kentucky followed, in reply tion act. The House then went into com­ cargo of stone in Philadelphia. He discharged Atlautic R. A. Chapter is going to have cutse- Tlie business hour having arrived, tlie outlay required would be very small. At iucrease the efficiency of the department. Shall (passed by the Aldermen at a previous meeting to Mr. Blaine, lie admitted receiving the mittee of the whole on the Indian appro­ without the help of a stevedore aud while he was c rat io n and installation ceremoaiea next Wednes­ following named additional Vice Presidents tlie very least, it seems to us the city au­ priation bill, which was amended to pro­ this be done ? and published in our last) was taken from the ta­ dispateh from Caldwell, which on ac­ so employed he got his leg badly jammed between day, the 10th. The Grand officers and many thorities owe it to tlie occasion, on this vide that any [lenon desiring to trade with ble and amended as follows: Putting $6000 in­ count of its failing to give Mr. Caldwell’s were chosen from eliilw not represented two pieces of curb stone. A physician was called Fire was discovered about half-past Royal Arch Masons from Rockland and vicinity centennial year, that the usual flags he dis­ tho Indians snail receive a license on the stead of $8000 as appropriation for Highways; precise address, he affected to believe yesterday; B. F. Bass, ltockport; A. D. to apply proper treatment aud when our corres- eleven o’clock on Monday night in the barn will be present. A cordial invitation has been certificate of a district judge, or a judge of striking out $3000 appropriation for paving sec­ might he spurious, lie claimed that he Brackley, West Now Portland; Henry Hill played, bells rung atsuitalflc hours, salutes the supreme court of any territory, and pendent wrote was doing well. o f Mr. Eli Hall, in the rear of his house on extended to] the officers and members of King West Hampden and W. S. llodgdon, West fired, and suitable commemorative exer­ then passed. Ocean Street. The barn was well on fire before tion of Main street aud inserting $2030, to be had not suppressed it at all, hut we think 23s" Schooner H. S. Barnes of Bucksport, with Solomon’s Chapter to be present and participate cises held under tlie municipal auspices. the flames were discovered. The fire was expended whenever abuttors will pay $1000 more; Hie country will fail to acquit him of this Poland. lumber from Bangor for Quincy, Mass., came in in the ceremonies. The Committee on resolutions presented It is true, it is now too late to celebrate as first seen by a daughter of Mr. A. T. Sher­ making appropriation for discount on taxes charge; for though it may be true that he D o m e s tic . here last Saturday night for a harbor, and dur­ $8000 instead of $4000; making school appropri­ We need a sidewalk across the bridge very their report, which was accepted, and after laiwiston and Portland will do; but the man (who lives almost across from Mr. Hall’s, rnueh. Can’t we have one ? read it to several gentleman soon after if Tlie Florida regular Republican conven­ ing the storm of Sunday morning parted one of ation $8,503 instead of $8000; inserting $2000 considerable discussion and amendments City Council has had no need to he late in on Fulton Street), the glare of the flames The summer schools have all commenced. was received, it had not been given to the tion nominated lion. YV. L. Stevens for her chains, began to fill and drifted toward shore. for schoolhouse at South End and $1200 for res­ committee nor permitted lobe known to tlie tlie resolutions were adopted as follows:— the premises, for they were publicly re­ Governor. Eight delegates to Cincinnati It was attempted to get her under way, but she shining into the window of her room, not a stone’s The milkmen who run milk into the village throw away. The Gen. Berrys, whose engine- ervoirs. The order was tab id in Board of Alder- Believing that tlie success of the Reform minded of tlie matter, through I lie press, were chosen, divided between Conkling was unmanageable and drifted ashore at the Crock­ have reduced their price from eight to six cents public for four days after it came to hand. house is much nearest tho fire, wore promptly on movement in the future depends on a rigid in ample season. There seems to have and Blaine. ' ett wharf aud filled with water. Her cargo has per quart. Titus. .Mr. Knott said that the contents of the dis­ hand, and taking water from the hydrant some The resolve relating to discount on taxes ad herenee to our original and fundamental been a great lack of appreciation of the It ap|)cnrs that the lumber trade is one been discharged aud she will, doubtless, be re­ patch were substantially as given by Mr. principles, and knowing that in some sec­ distance below on Ocean Street, performed effi­ (passd in Board of Aldermen at the previous » patriotic demands of the occasion in the oftlie first to show signs of improvement. paired aud proceed. W arren. Blaine. tions of the state their character is not fully The demand is greater and the prices bet­ cient service and saved Mr. f i l l ’s house from be­ meeting),was amended in Common Council so as City jUouncil. In this centennial year, The fish come slowly up thia way; that is, as understood, it is hereby ter than hitherto. This in part re­ Americus Hook and Ladder Co., No. 1, ing burned. Meantime the barn of Mr. Sher­ to make the rate of discount 8 per cent, and the Tlie opinion of Mr Blaine’s friends was compared with the ruu of the past two seasons, Resolved, That the coiner stone of our Rockland, as a county seat and tlie chief sults from tho earc taken in both this coun­ held its annual meeting* and made choice of the man, which was only a very short distance from rate of interest after Oct. 1st the same. The that lie hail won a signal anil brilliant vic­ which were such as to remind one of the old time structure is love and sympathy; that be­ commercial center of this section of tlie try and Canada not to overstock the mark­ following officers for the ensuing year :—F. G. M r. Hall’s, had taken fire aud about this time Board of Aldermen refused to concur; a commit­ tory, while many Democrats express simi­ lieving intemperance to be a moral offence, et. profusion. State, ought to manifest her public spirit Singhi, Foreman; E. J. Clifton, 1 4 ^taiatant and when the first barn was nearly consumed, tee of conference was appointed, who failed to lar opinions. Mr. Kasson of Iowa thought we place our hopes of successfully eonihat- The Knights Templar in Philadelphia, Foreman; J. R. Stewart, 2d A u itta n i Foreman; agree, and no further action was taken. There have been fish enough, however, to dr»^w ing it upon moral agencies. and patriotism by making a suitable and the steamer arrived and was sent down to the there was no stop lor Blnine now and he last Thursday, was the linest display of the A. 4. Mather, Secretary and Treasurer; E. S. In Board of Aldermen bonds of A. L. Tyler as the accustomed crowd of fish buyers, and on oue creditabte commemoration of tlie hun­ Crescent Street reservoir. The fire advanced to would Ire nominated at Cincinnati Mr. Resolved, That, while we would in no kind ever witnessed in this country. Cowing, Steward; G. A. Crockett, C. E. Rising, School Agent aud C. R. Whitney as Road (louimis- of the days when the excitement ran high, our way interfere with the individual opinion dredth anniversary of the nation's birth, ward Mr. Sherman’s house—the barn was fa­ Harris of Mass, said he would have been The water tank on top of St. Georges F. G. Singhi, Finance Cowmittee; and the first sionera were read and approved. friend J. Henry Allen succeeded in getting a of any brother, it is tlie opinion of this and we think it not to the credit of the Hospital gave way last Saturday morning, ted to entire destruction and it was a question ot proud to have been the author of Mr. Blaine’s really good stereoscopic picture of our fishermen convention that no doctrine inconsistent city government that they have allowed and thousands of gallons of water crushed three officers named above were chosen an Inves­ a race between fire and water whether his house Adjourned to Tuesday evening. plying their nets and the expectant crowd wait­ letters. Ben. Wade expressed his admira­ with.tlic above principle should be allowed the time for preparation for such a celebra­ down throngh the wards underneath carry­ tigating Committee. was to be burned also. But the Burpees arrived to he* introduced into our Club meetings. ing patients in their beds before it, tearing The two boards met on Tuesday evening, ac­ ing with their baskets. It ia just the picture to tion for Blaine in the strongest terms. tion to pass unimproved. The Refoem Club bad a more than usually with their machine, after a hard pull through the Resolved, That we humbly acknowledge out the walls and deluging the entire hnild- cording to adjournment. send to an absent Warren boy to make him home­ Garfield, of Ohio, said that tlie day bad interesting meeting, at Farwell & Ames Hall, mud, and getting water from a well, finally came our dependence upon God, and our firm ing. Several patients were killed and In Board of Aldermen permission was granted sick, by calling up perchance a recollection of the been a strong one for Blaine and bis friends. last Sunday afternoon,although the attendance was to the rescue in season to save the house. . The expectation of His assistance in our en­ Since the above was in type, we learn many seriously injured. The building was to J. R. Richardson to dig a drain from liis new time when tlie attractions of the school of fish out­ “ Dan” Voorhees said that Blaine’s speech deavors to save our fallen brothers. badly wrecked. Thu number of killed and less than customary, on aocount of unfavorable steamer did not put her water on at all, but if that an effort will be made in the City Coun­ building at junction of Main aud North Main weighed the attraction of the school of learning. was the most brilliant, bold and daring injured is not yet known. weather. Dr. Wiggin presided and read the she had had a nearer water supply, she might The committee on location presented cil tills evening to secure the passage of a streets. We notice also that Mr. Allen has added to his attack be ever knew in bis life. He Tlie young wife of Charles Butler of scriptures ami prayer was offered by Rev. S. L. have rendered essential service. The “ Hooks” their report, reotumending that the next new reslove making an appropriation for a Petitions of Gen. Berry and John Bird engine stock of views a picrure of the village from the Ilighgnte, Vt., was murdered last Friday B. Chase. Speeches were-made by Messrs. Clark, were promptly on hand and the John Birds said the witholding of tlie Canldwell dis­ quarterly session bo held in Portland, companies for permission to take their fire engines hill on the east side of the river looking west, one celebration At the Tuesday evening meet­ night by a farm hand named Edward Tatro Barker, Payson, Dunham, Wood, Brown, Camp­ also camo down from Blackiugtou’s corner and patch was unfair and contrary to fair play which report was accepted and recomenda- Tlie murderer was captured and has to Lewistou on the Fourth of July, were read and of our High School Principal, Mr. Fletcher, with ing, after the joint convention,a resolve ap­ bell, Moore and others of the Club, and by Rev. got on a stream before the fire was out. Mr. and honest dealing. Kelley, of Pa., who tion adopted. been held for trial. The evidence against laid on the table. his family iu their sitting room, and still another propriating $1500 was introduced in the Messrs. Chase, Besse and Nash and G. W. White, Hall lost a valuable cow and about two tons of has been sixteen years in the House, says he hint is conclusive. A joint convention of the two boarfis was held representing a group of our village belles, which Voted, that the executive committee bo Common Council, and after discussion in­ Esq. Some very plain and pointed talk was made. hay with his barn. He had no insurance. Mr. never beheld such a thrilling scene as that The Gazette says the engagement of to consider the matter of celebrating the Fourth last we are provokingly informed is not for sale. instructed to appoint tlie dnyson which the definitely postponed, by a vote of 9 to 7. Sherman got out his horse and cow. He had of Monday. Mr. Steele, a Democratic dele­ Ulysses S. Grant, Jr., to a Boston young The poliee searched the shop of Charles of July. Petition of A. Stanley and 140 others The would-be purchaser may perhaps be comfort­ session shall be held. Though it is late to make the necessary nr- lady now travelling in Europe is tlie topic $150 insurance on his barn and the damage- to gate fiom Wyoming, said tlie day’s business Clark, near Atlantic Wharf, last Saturday, but asking the City Council to make an appropria­ ed, however, by the reflection that if th j repre­ The question of a state organization was nrrangoments, yet Rockland can do a good under discussion in Cambridge and Boston his house is also cove « Spear, Philadelphia ; BOSTON CLOTHING STORE be consultededon Wednesday, Thursday and Fri- Utka, Thorndike. Portland; Lake, Perry. Salem; compared to the transformations of the actor who 7th fill, f-«lth H 0 Bird- Blackington, \ inalbaveii; Billow Fales, WAXTEU IMMEDIATELY AUCTION. day June 7th, 8th &. Jth. -W-U Richmond, Va; Corvo. Tyler, NY; Brigadier, Norton, appears in a different costume after each fall of Voice of the People. . Lucy Jane, Hopkins, Boston; Julia Edna, F the curtain. The birches first put on their gar­ D u n S a l e h Arcs.—Universally ac rell. Ellsworth; 7, Bengal,Hall,Richmond, Va; THlx, REfflEM SER! Hall, NY; Kentucky, Spalding, Boston; Ida Hudson, SO PAVING CUTTERS. Sale to take place on SATURDAY, June 17th, [Iu this department we invite communications from in use. Each pound bears the ment of light and shimmering green. The cur­ Keuniston, do; Solon, Simonton, Danvers; To cut Boston paving in Sullivan, Me. Good wages the people, upon any legitimate topics of local or public . None genuine without. ly2S at 2 o’clock, P. M., unless previously dii-poned of tain of night fell and the maples appeared, and employment for thcaieason. A pply at the Quarry. interest, whether they coincide with the opinions of r ppiIIS i l I S House and Elt was built last year, by the day SULLIVAN QUARRY CO., No House Can, No House Shall give a better article for clothed in their denser and darker foliage; then this journal or not; requiring that they be of reasonable lumental alabaster may be attained DOMESTIC PORTS. S c l p h l k S o a p , which does away 2W2U By K WORCESTER, Sup’t. came the beeches in their turn, to display their length, proper tone, avoid improper personalities and BOSTON—Ar 5, sell Odeou, Torrey, Rockland. tlie money. thorough manner, has a nice cellar, the walls d th the Ity for Sulphur Baths, ’fry it, ladies. YINEYAllD-HAVEN—Ar 3, Grand Island, V heel­ being built of granite with a brick backing from top to be always accompanied by the full name of the writer, t is a genuine be new spring costumes, and last, slowly unfolding er, Rockport, Me, for NY. bottom; has a flue cistern with water led into tbe 2d not for publication,but as a guarauty of good faith and H in t t o thou NEW YORK—Ar 3, sch Alice Oakes, Pillsbury, story, is convenient for one or two families, aud is their mantles of green, are the lofty and branch­ I a :k D y e . situated in one of the finest localities in the city. responsibility for the statements made, or sentiments Rockland. „ , THE CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION ing elms. Scarcely were these (changes rung on Ar 4th, Frank Jameson, (of Rockland) Bunker, Bar- To Horse Breeders, The lot is large, being 85), feet in the front m 176 expressed. J feet deep. the green, when the pear trees flashed their white Jackson’s aCatarrh Snuff, advertised in this ^PORTSMOUTH—Rcinaiuiiig in lower harbor 5tli, Can boast of no such ATTRACTIONS as can A Good Stable is attached. For the Gazette. paper is a valuable preparation of established sell Gem, Thomas, fin Rockland for New York; Mary I shall be pleased to show the premises al any time rubes across the stage, and the warmer hues of the be found at the vim i to the sale. Cbcuery’s Gray Eagle. merit aud worthy of confidence. 23 B rew er, for’ R ockland. S. U. HALL. apple blossoms brightened the somewhat sombre NEW BEDFORD—Ar 3d, sch Idaho, Jameson, ChBiierF’s "Gray Eagle,” 3w26 Notiecable’among Rockland Items and advertise­ K om lout. „ The Celebrated Trotting Thoroughbred picture. Spring has bid us good bye and gentle­ PHILADELPHIA—Old 3d, sells Cora EtU, Pendle­ eyed summer rules the hours with all her hopes ments we find Chenery’s Gray Eagle, with a claim ton, for Boston; J R Bodwell, Wallace, for Rockland; Boston Cloi Lottie Aines, Nash, for Portland. ^L11. i“ aKu .a f’h o rt ftCaso» ut B E R R Y B R O T H E R ’! i ^ and promises. And I cannot remember when her to being thoroughbred. Whoever claims him such, SPECIAL NOTICES- OREGON—Sid from Astoria 28th, barque William STABLE, Rockland. must be a little foggy ajmut pedigrees, and entire­ II Thorndike, Kelley, Liverpool. ircular, giving pedigree, nerfunnanccs, etc. promises were fairer or her hopes brighter. If PENSACOLA—Old 1st, brigLizzieH- Kimball, Stor- »le. to old winter did Huger long in the lap of spring, ly unaware that it takes six direct and known e r, Cienfuegos. , , .TOIL’ The LARGEST STOCK of Mien’s, Soys’ AT THE BROOK, Benj. Williams, 2d, M. D., BALTIMORE—Ar 5th, John 8. Ingraham, Packard, Ju n e 1st, 1876- when he took his departure it was final. lie did crosses to thoroughbred blood, to constitute a not return just for an hour, or a day, as he often horse thoroughbred; while the facts are, in his PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, PHILADELPHIA—Cld 6th, sehr William Wilson, Y ouths' and Children’s Clothing eve? case, he has not one established cross; not even •Julies, Bath. does, simply to say good-bye onee again and give OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, offered for sale in Rockland. Now Selling! his breeder being known. In closing au article on an extra Hash of bis clammy band. NO. 7 ELM STKEET, FOREIGN. the breeding of Chdbery’s Gray Eagle, J. 11. Wal­ D B lG O O D S Remember that Goods are CHEAP; obi fashioned prices are ’‘played out” and the And thus it follows that the farmers are well CM fm Liverpool ±!(1, Andrew Jnvk.on, Bartlett for January 8,1870. 500 Coats, lace (than whom there is no better authority) Best Qooda for the SMALLEST AMOUNT OE MONEY can be found at the through their planting. “ Garden truck ” is up Ar nt Gibraltar May M, Lizzie, Ciruey, Ucuuu nnd AND and growing as fast as it can, and the prospect is concludes thus: eld 15th for Boston. “ To sum it all up we arc firmly of the convic­ Sill fill C uiburlen M ay 23, Bob M aggie D M uralon, 1000 pr. Pants & Vests we shall be the happy recipients of green peas J. P. COW LES, M. D., Hooper, Philadelphia. before the Fourth of July. tion that the pedigree of Chenery’s Gray Eagle Physician Surgeon, C a r p e t i n g s BO STO N SLOTHING STORE. 100 Children’s Suits, unknown. For the public information, as well I mprovements .—Several houses arc building CAMDEN, - - MAINE. SPOKEN. to serve our highly esteemed friends, Messrs. ) date, lat 33 25, loa 77, sch D B Ev« rett, Saunders and others repairing. M r. B. Burton is finishing ‘special attention to ChrnnicJ Diseases, but from St .Iago for Boston, with loss of foresail, flying- vlll treat acute c Also, a Full and Complete Stock of Kilt Suits, a hall over his store, which is to be occupied by W. W. Chenery & Co., we have labored for years jib and main topsail—was supplied by sch Burdett Hu *’ ew York. the Reform Club. Since the organization of the to get at the truth concerning the origin and C e n t s ’ Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Men’s and Youth’s Suits. Iron Clads, this place presents a different aspect. blood of this horse. After having examined Rubber Coats, Caps and every suggestion that has been offered, and 4 WOODSIDE, Wi. D., A C A R D . CHEAP! We are now a somewhat methodical class of peo­ Rubber Goods, <&c., ple, much given to minding our own business weighed carefully every chain that has been Physician ami Surgeon, Leggins. and attending to our daily duties. We are not lie, we are forced to the conclusion that no Rockland, June 2,1876., Corner Main single element of his pedigree has yet been es­ TENANTS HARBOR, ME The members of Edwin Libby Port G. A. R. take and Wintei Sts. readily affected by the business fluctuations which tiis method to return tlieir cincere thanks to the ladies {■(Owing to dull times we have been able Rubber Ulsters have so great au influence in localities nearer tablished.” ur tlieir contributions of beautiful flowers, and for heir generous assistance in preparing the memorial to buy in Boston goods at VERY LOW C. F. WOOD &CO. (SOMETHING NEW.) commercial centers, and we only form new politi­ The article from which the above extract is tributes; to the City Government for their liberal ap­ ROCKL tUN'D. J. E . ROBINSON propriation; to the Marshal and Poliee for their ex­ PRICES nnd we intend to give our custom­ cal associations when convinced that existing de­ taken is in the Oct. No. of Wallace’s Monthly, cellent arrangements and the efficient manner in which (S uccessor t o F . G . Co o k ), fects can not be remedied within the organization to which we refer any seeker after truth. they were “carried out; to the press for many favors; ers the benefit of the same. Below we G E N T ’S to the Rev. Joseph Kalloch, Rev. 9; L. B. Chase aud C. itself. X. Knox. Druggist & Apothecary, mention n few of the Special Bargains that we will oiler this morning:— SANFORDS INDEPENDENT LINE! _ _ _ . the quartette, Furnishing Goods Cam den. Kcal Estate Conveyances in Knox CSTYDRUG STORE ting of Misses Palmer and Snow and Messrs. Mug< ridge and Tibbits, for tlieir beautiful singing; For Boston and LoweH. Specialties of which are Mr. II. E. Alden is having the Estabrook House County, 282 M ain Street. binglii’s Cornet Band for their excellent music, dis- R ockland, J a n . 6, 1876. 5 coursed over the entire route; and to all others who in AGoodyd.wide Cdh on Elm St.,altered and repaired,preparatory to‘oc F o r the w eek ending T h u rsd ay , J u n e 8tli, 1876. any wav assisted in the ceremonies on Memorial Day -Ajrrang’em.eirt loi- ^ieassoii o f 1S76. Shirts, Braces, Silk Hdk’fs cupying it as a summer residence. R o c k l a n d .—Mary A. Sanson to Z. O. Brag, p ” -r order, if land, $75; Daniel’ F. Bear & als. to Hattie B. Bean, J. W. CROCKER, &c., &e., and other goods G. E. Richardson is delivering picture frames house and lot, $900. S. H. BOYNTON, M. D., Com m ander, FOIt o 1-a CENTS. Two Steamers on t h e ltoutc, - - Pour Trips per Week. S t . G e o r g e .—Robert It. Barter to Cyrus B. Barter, a. A. FISH, Adjt. in good assortment. from the Jones’ Store, for which he took orders :iuse and lot, $600. HOiVSCSOP ATH 1C some time^ince. He has delivered a large num­ C a m d e n ,—Berrien P. Freeman to Fredrick T. Phelps FA K I2, OZNTLY $2.00. lot of land 2*; acres, $180. Physician and Surgeon, ber here aud at Rockport, and gives general sat­ U n io n .—Isaac Tibbetts, Freeman Ross, 60 acres, 1OO different styles Hats and $800; Harris I.enfest to K. G. Skidmore, 54 acres, Jackson’s Catarrh Snuff PRINTS! isfaction. Mr. R. is a young man from St. George. $1000. ‘287 Alain Street, Foil 5 CENT®. Caps sellUfc- from 25 ets. W a r r e n .—Church Vaughan to IL L. Vauglu AND TROCHE POWDER. A. A. H Knight will open a tailor shop in a few ROCKLAND, ME. A Job L ot Medium Dark, besl of land, $500; Church Vaughan 1 Herbert Vaughan, A DELIGHTFUL AND PLEASANT REMEDY IN to $5.00 each. days, in tne Alden’a store, lately occupied by Mil­ acres of land, $2000. Residence new street, west of High, second quality, for G 1-4 cents. .Ya h h in g t o n .—Joseph Turner to Jo se p h W . T u rn Catarrh, Headache, Bad Breath, Hoargenesa, ler Bros. & Co. For the past year or so, Mr. farm, $1000. A sthm a, Bronchitis, Coughs, Deafness, &< Knight has acted in the capacity of'cutter at Ami ull Disorders resulting from COLDS In 5000 Ozro Collars HEAD, THROAT and VOCAL ORGANS. Fuller's jClothing Emporium, and needs no words J U S T r e c e iv e d The attention of invalids who are suffer­ r. r. b i t c k l a y d , This Remedy does not ‘-D ry u p ” a Catarrh but . of curs to commend his superiority in th a t capac­ LOOSENS it; frees the bead of all offensive matter, GINGHAMS! CAMBRIDGE, Cnpt. J. P. JOHNSON. KATAHDIN, Cnpt. W. It. Kolx. ing from Kidney, Bladder and Glandular quickly removing Bad Breath und Headache: allayi YVilllvuve ROCKLAND for BOSTON, every MONDAY WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY and SAT- ity. Diseases, is directed to Hi nt’s Remedy. Civil and Consulting Engineer, d soul lies the burning heat in C a ta rrh ; is « A. Good Heuvy Gingham for 10 eta. Mr. Levy, a Boston clothing dealer, is again in ild and agreeable in its effects that It positively URDAY, at 5 1-3 P. M. Please call and Ex­ In cases of Female Irregularities, Diabetes, Will leave BOSTON for ROCKLAND every MONDAY, TUESDAY’ rilURSDAY und FRIDAY, towu, and has rented the Fowler Store, where he CURES WITHOUT SNEEZING! Mental and Physical Debility, Dropsy, and City Engineers Office Pillsbury Block, opposite nt 5 1-3 o’eluvk, P. M. a m in e a t exhibits a fine stock of ready-made clothing, etc. Complaints of the Urino-Genital Organs. As a T roche Pow der, is pleasant to tlie taste, and Thorndike Hotel, Rockland, Me. ver nauseates: when swallowed, instantly gives to FARE, FROM ROCKLAND TO BOSTON. . • . . Last Saturday afternoon, at West Camden, a Hunt’s Remedy affords prompt relief and th e Throat and Vocal Oryans a •• “ “ •• LOYVKLI...... race between C. W. Bisbee’s “ Uncle Ben,” nine is a positive cure. Delicious Sensation of Coolness AComfort KID GLOVES •« •• •• “ Piill.zYDKLPUlA AND RETURN, It 1s the best*Uou-Y Tonic in the world! 4E2-State ftuom s secured of Agent nt Rockland. years old, aud G. Ingraham’s colt, five years old, Madam Jenkins writes : “ I never believed that washing could be made a pleasure until I tried J. Try It! Safe, Reliable, and ouly 35 Ceuta! In tbe Spring Shades for 50 Cents N. B, No extra hazardous freight taken. All freight must In- aecouipai'i.-.l by Bill of Lading i took place, on the race course owned by the latter D R . BL D O W S E S . Monroe Taylor’s Gold Medal Washing Crystal. Sold bv Druggists, or mailed froe, address M. \V. FARWELL, A At the Brook, 215 gentleman. The race was for $50.00 aside, and They save one-half the labor.” Ofllee iu Kimball Block. COOPER. WILSON & CO., Prop’s, Phil’a. A geut’s Office, No. 3. A tlantic Block, (up stabs.) Ik-iden.o corner Union anil Pleasni was easily won by “ Uncle Ben;” time about 2:57. W . W . W hipple & Co., P o rtlan d , Me.; Gee R ockland, May 25, 1876. Main Street. I m p o r t a n t .—The fact cannot be too often stat­ R esidence on lieecli Street. C . Goodwin Jt Co., Weeks & Porter, Rust A FINE 40 INCH Several hundred persons from adjacent places ed, or too strongly urged upon the public, that the Rucklaiiil, A ug. 12. 1373. 30 Bros.. 5c Bird, Boston, Wholesale Agents. were present to witness the trot: majority of the Saleratus in market is not only 9mo24 e r y u n h e a l t h y , but actually a slow poison, Black Caslnnerc Itch. Pimpled", and EruptiouS of all sorts. PRICi Dr. J. P. Cowles, lias returned from his Phila­ causing teeth to decay, and bringing on disease hTcTlevensaler,’ ra. d ’ FOR 75 CENTS. delphia trip aud has been in town for a few days 30 ( ’E N T S , at generally. Thanks to science, skill, perseveranc T H O M A ST O N , M AIN E, 40 INCH FOR $1.00. 3 ROBINSON’S CI TY DRUG STORK. during the present week. and energy, that the man still lives who invented Devotes his attention to the PRACTICE of MEDI­ Herrick Allen's Gold Medal Saleratus, which has CINE and SURGERY. Tramps, organ-grinders and monkeys abound. I r Residence and Office, Levensaler Block] Main Coal! Coal! Parlor and Chamber and is still doing such great wonders in the S tre e t. - .Camden is begining to take on its summer culinary department. We say that one trial will Organs and Melodeons attire, and the mountains, fields aud woods present convince the most skeptical that there is none Splendid Broken and Egg, $7.00 A Good Blk. Silk a tine appearance in their dress of green. other to be compared with it. Most of our Mer­ Successors to White Ash Stove, $7.60 Repaired. chants have it for sale. Their depot is 112 For $1.00. Former Price, $1.25. A ny one hm i of Liberty Street,New York. C. P. FESSENDEN, FURNITURE. [From the New York Tribune, June 6th.] Franklin $8.50 BUSINESS NOTICES. & Apothecaries, Blaine Up Again. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Music Store, 310 Main Street, Epsom, N. IL, May 3, 1870. 218 M A IN S T R E E T , FA LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Mr. Blaine has seized bis opportunity, nnd Dear Sir—Having received great benefit from IX o e R 1 n n <1 , M e . FLOUR, CORN, GROCERIES, CE­ Koi-ktanil, or at the FACTORY In Colon. is once more the map. of the hour. The pat­ the use of P e r u v ia n S y r u p , I am willing to add J a n . 1, 1876. 5 M E N T , HAiR, S A N D , 0 In Thomaston, June 1st, Kinsley A .' Swift, aged 56 J. P. WISE & SON, clads are being completed in great haste. Roasted & gr. Rio 3U335 Sugar per tb years, 10 m onths and 19 days. - « •. O O A L J a v a ,...... 40 G ra n u la te d ,...... 12 In Appleton, June 2d, Mrs. Margaret Kimball, aged Regiment® are under orders to lie ready to M olasses 4? g a l...... E x tr a coffee c ru sh e d .. 11 69 years. • Juue 1st, 1876. and Upholstering. 212 & 214 Main St. start at a moment’s notice. H a v a n a ...... 60 Muscovado,...... In W arren, May 16, Mary, widow of the late Archi­ On and after thia date until further no­ P o rto R ico,...... 76, Syrup, sugar-house...... yu bald Crawford, aged 86 years, ‘/m onths and 20 days. New Orleans,...... 80a85 M aple p e r g a l...... 1.50 In St. George, Slay 28, Mr. Charles Pooler, aged 23 tice, we would respectfully offer the best of CEMENT, LIME, Oil. Kerosene, 4Kgal20g:<0.Tea, Japan, lb...... 60 75 90 ye ars. • Coal, DELlY'EItED, at the following rates : CORNICES There are about 400 inmates in the in­ ...... 40 60 80 Jn St. George, May 28, Mr. John Leonard, aged 33 Hair and Calcined Plaster, sane hospital at Augusta. Devoe’s < *il...... 40 ....5 0 ,6 0 ye ars. • Furnace and Egg, S7.00 Prunes, 4? lb ...... 8 3 W S a lt, V bu...... ’. ...150375 In Rockport, May 28, Louisa B., oldest daughter of Made to Order and Draperies furnished when desired. On Sunday, May 29, forty persons were Raisins, V 1-4 box....l.00,Salratus,...... 8 £ i0 Cnpt. Thomas nnd Julia A. Perry. S to v e , !ji7!6O baptized at St. Albans, 31 by immersion. In Yinalhuven, May 28th, Mf. Patrick Burke, aged Franklin, &8.5O Flour* Corn, M eal, etc* about 50 years. The remains were brought to this city ^pGoods delivered iu T H I S C I T Y and THOMASTON, FREE OF CHAKG12..gfr 22 NEW SHEET MUSIC The same day eight were baptized at Pal­ Barley, per bu.. 1.00 ftl.25 e, pr tb...... 10 for in te rm en t. Quality and Promptness Guaranteed. Buckwlieat flour per tb..OG Middlings, prlb...... 2 WOOD JUST RECEIVED BY myra. Cracked, wheat per Ib..OS Oats, pr bu...... 60«65 The whole number of interments superintended by 329 MAIN STREET, Ready prepared for the stove, always on hand and Two porpoises were shot in tlie Ti ver at C orn, p er b u ...... 70375 Oatmeal, pr lb...... 5310 me in the month of May, were twelve—three being Corn meal, pr bu,...... < R ye, p r b u ...... 1.0031.25 furnished at the LOWEST PRICES. , jp o n rl'UE AND RELIABLE MEDICINES GO Bvow n Bros., non-residents. ROCKLAND, MAINE. l ^ O R S A L E . Waldoboro, recently. The largest one was , per bbl...7.75310.5 S h o rts, p r lb ...... 1 % Iy7 ’ 310 Main Street, Rockland* Fine Feed, per lb...... i ’X C. V. It. BOYNTON, City Undertiker. nearly eight feet in length. Potash, lump...... 12 D. N. BIRD CO NE GRAND SQUARE PIANO, nearly ne\ 3 ROBINSON'S CITY" DIIL'G STORE. Graham Flour, per lb....5 Canned Mhk...... 35 splendid tone, has all the Modern Improvements P e a rl B a rle y ,...... 10; The whole number of interments superintended by R ockland, M ay 25, 1876. 3mo25 Rev. J. P. Simonton of Waldoboro, ad­ me in the month of May, -were nine—three being non­ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wo ill sell very cheap for CASH, ns the owner ha ministered the ordinance of baptism to ten F la b , e tc . residents. ic for it. Enquire of jn o t ic o e : Fish, dry cod pr lb....5'donr standard** LIFE OF LIVI.NG- adorn them and no time or money to throw FECT s vriSFA i rrioN . Fish' Market and Lunch Room •veil-known ho STMR. HURRICANE. STONE, highly probable that the cluck was then »<•.«, Sacques, Velvet, Ribbons, &c., 3/23 M alli Street, - Rockln more than forty years standing and first-class reputation, LO.ooo already sold, also u< w Lible,2,000 away on rented property. L its goods stand c illustrate ■— ~- equal.For extra term s write an old invention. Dved. Cleanse and Pressed witliontripping, or taking All kinds of Fish, Oysters, Clams, Lobsters, Hie best of their class. to HUBBARD BROS., Pub] off trimmings. I.ace curtains cleansed and done up gfiehl, Mass. 4w25 We had a pretty enough yard, with tall constantly on hand. The Weed Sewing Machines are lirst-class machines iu every respect, and the pis: But how did people measure time dur- Carpets cleansed and color restored, At the lunch counter, Oyl •rs. Clams, Fish and Lob class machines i , IIUIiRIUANE oak trees and gieen grass; but just in front D ved o r Clean g the countless ages that rolled away Cleansed. s'- • sters are served in all styles also Hot Tea and Coffee, . which we otter them will enable a perse”u to obtain one < ...... ’H take the route from Rockland of our door were two unsightly-looking ’ Garments, Coats, Pants, an 1 Vests clean^-d Milk, Hulled Corn, l’astry.e • -Meals ut ull hours, TIIE ST. NICHOLAS CLOCK, Vmalhaven, while the steamer Brown. Black, Blue Black or Indigo Blue which we otter as a premium for obtaiuiu itlidruwn for repairs, and will run a- stumps, quite sizeable ones. I couldn't re­ before the invention of the clock? The Families supplied. TW O subscriber ready to wear. Gents garments repairing done • p e rf little gem of a time-piece, having a detached le’ •lal \ \ liarf, foot o f Sea S treet. JOST RECEIVED! move them with my individual hands, so I first time-measurer was probably a post notice. eapeinent, and warranted to k good time and give satisfaction. I W harf at 3 p. in. (A P R IL , 1876.) determined to convert them into something i loves dyed Black find cleansed every «lay Notice, that we offer most o for R ockland at 7.30 stuck In the ground, the shadow of A lso i: iv goods or heavy cloth for store dyed and fin. r premiums on two plans, viz:—1st, for the wind I hoili w ays. pretty. One of them I heaped earth upon u (firachctf, her of suheribers required to Upon the Sn which, varying in length and direction, isncd in the bust manner, at very low puces. Goode i tlie premium; 2d, for a certain number of subs '•Miming h e r received and returned promptly by Expreas. , ami a balance in cash. nir. Hurricane will ru S M I T H ’S in shape of a tall mound, and turping it mimereial W harf at 9 Island, leaving indicated the time of day, whenever the a. li,. Returning, ill arrive nicely, covering the top with various col­ O. A. W lG GlN, 269 M ain St., Agent for Rock­ Teacher of Piano, Organ, Violin and W e, give , below , the „ number ., d<“crl!',l"n "f «“>• premium, its regular priee „ at Rockland about C p. i i. of same day. ° land. ored petunias, which have bloomed contin­ sun was not obscured by clouds. The H a rm o n y . tuber of subscribers at *2.1X1 rarli required to obtain It. W hen both boats mining, the Clara Clarita ...... O t h e r A g e n t s —E. A. Dana, Waldoboro; E. W. Ko. it touch a t Hurrii Island,_ n tr tlie Hurricane at Music and Variety uously. Just in the center of the other sun-dial, which was an improvement upon Dunbar, Damariscotta; .lane A. Hall, Daui’u Mills; M. Kame or Description o f Premium VilitilliuvMi, hut in c aw one iff the bo, iu and Piano, $15 for 21 Lessons Subscrihers ret/uired. is withdrawn, stump I had a hole bored, and inserted a this, was known to the ancient Jews and Holbrook, Wiscasset, B- F. Well-, Belfast. JylO. isons. Choice of Napkin Ring, Butter Knife, or Sui the other will run to boll, nf r„i,| p|,u stout pole about six feet in bight. I then Shell, each ’ e „ _ . M IC H A E L ,1. A C H O R X , S T O R E , Greeks. The ancient Chinese and Egyp­ P.ZO. AddressBox, 56. ’ Fruit Knife, d Agent of Steamer Uurricnne took a number of barrel hoops and formed Rocklai tians possessed an instrument called the St, Nicholas Clock, them in a sort of globe, tying them se­ Child’s Cun. gilt. PIANO FORTES, curely. Four of tile globes I Listened to clopsydra (water-stealer), which was Knife, Fork and Spoon, in case, tin; pole, just two feet from the bottom, so merely a vessel full of water with a SAMUEL T. MUGRIDGE, Butter Dish, (smalleir than No. lu), 187G. 1876. Organs, Stools, Covers, Sheet JS A IiU MlAfK. 33 11 Half-dozen Table Spoon r Forks, (either), as to face each other. Thi« formed a large , small hole in the bottom by which the O ne 1 >ozcn T easpoons, SPRINC ARRANGEMENT. AND DEALER IN Small size Dinner Caster Music, Staple & Fancy Goods circle of fantastic shape. Just above this I water slowly escaped. There were marks Revolving Butter Dish, I tied a circle of three globes, and touching I in the inside of fhe vessel which showed COTTON DUCK AW FLAGS, D l — - the upper hoops of lower globes. Then Two Trips Per Week. Prices are unusually Low. the hour. An improvement upon this Loft on Uiipt. G. \V. Brown’* W hurf came a circle of single hoops, and lastly 1 Ice Pitchei. W e are selling Chic koi ing Jfc Son’s, Bourne's, ly H On and after May 3d, crowned it with a single glolie just on the was made about two hundred and thirty- . Tea,Sot (0 pieces), and other m akers Pianos. cd Sewing Muehlne No. 1, top of the |X)lc, and secured it, bv drivin five years before Christ by an Egyptian G0.00 XHJ-IIave a new New York Plain, 7 octaves, carved, a stout nail through the center of the pole who caused the escaping water to turn a with Stool and C« Gilchrest, White & Go., STEAMER ULYSSES «r-Have an < My frame was now ready for the cypres: P re m iu m s N os. 1, 2 ,3 a n d 5 w ill he se n t by mail postpaid, a n d i a in on a full carved, 7 octave system of wheels; and the motion was 326 Main Street, DEALER! Bin i al! others the i and I prejiared a bed for it by forming iciver will pay freight from the factory. CAPT. DAVID ROBINSON, communicated to a rod which pointed to Railroad W harf. Rock- >ri octaves, in good order, circle of rocks around the stump, and Below we give the terms on which we will send premiums Nos. 6 to 18 for a portioi I Cover, 8 1 5 0 . the hours upon a circle resembling a ry SATURDAY ami throwing dirt over these loosened them and Has a nice assortment ol' goods for Ship Stores & Ghandlery he required number of subscribers at $2.00 each, and the balance strung, with Stool and Cov- in cash arrival of train from tii7V\\\‘t/for No^IP.’vJi,’35^" r, for 8 1 5 0 . let the earth in the interstices. I then clock-face. Similar clocks were made in Ike present and coining season, 36 SOUTH STREET, Nos. 0, 7 ami S for 3 subscribers and $1.25 in cash. formed a bed of earth all around the base which sand was used instead of water. No. 9 for 3 subscribers aud $1.75, or 4 subscribers and $1.00. m b Sl1' ','i"m ll“rbor' lli,r u “S w . (ill. D o. r't), La- £«>* K x it in in which ho respectfully invites his n e w v o m c . for’ EUswoAh G '° ”ncctiu8 La"‘oi"“ » '"■ Stake din ou r price of this rockery about a foot wide, and lin The hour-glass was a time-measure for Sept. 22, 1873. ly No. 10 for 4 subscribers and $1.50 iu cash. ished it outside with a border of large friends and the public generally to No. 11 for 4 subscribers and $1.75 in cash. every MOM- many centuries in Europe, and all the hing a s above, rocks. All in the crevices of the rock> N os. 12 and 13 for 5 subscribers aud $2.50, o r 7 subscribers and $1215. arriving in Ro 278 WAIN STREET, ancient literatures abound in allusions to call and examine. All garments D R . .1. S T E V E N S , No. 14 for 6 suberihers and $3.75 in easli, or 8 'subscribers and $2.25. meet with the 3 Doors South of tlieThorndiko Hotel. and very thickly in the bed of earth, I 1 .‘4o p. M . j rain for Portland a id Bust* ; also connect- the rapid unobserved running away of made in the best manner and at the House and Office, 2d house on Winter St. No. 15 for 20 subscribers and $10.00 in cash; or 15 subscribers ing at Rockland with Steamen from t Saturday! sowed common scarlet cypress, which to tlie right, I $11.00; < ami W ednesdays,and fur Bost 39 ALBERT SMITH. its sands. subscribers and $17.50. • (or 10 >n, Mondays and Thurs- cauie up directly, and just as soon as they very iowets prices. e will he happy to see nil his old patrons and N o. 1G for 20 su bscribers an d $25, o r subscribers and $30, showed signs of running I prepared for The next advance was the invention of d» lL d H hmd as many new ones as choose to give him a 10 su b se ri’rs j id $35. COBB, WIGHT & NORTON, Agents them to get up to the hoops in the follow’ .A. thorough knowledge of the human sysl n o s . 17 and IS on equally favorable t ____ _ the wlieel-and-weight clock, such as has both in health ami diseas also the action of driigi N. B. Any person desiring to obtain a particular premium and failing to get the full R ockland, A p ril 12, 1876. io ing simple manner: Procuring a quanti tiie same, Jias convinced him that...... all i ruls o r 1 been in use ever since. The first instru­ Second Store south of Berry’s Stable number of i tv of wooilen pegs (mine were simply ganie matter (such as are not found i iiem ical lies required, ean thus pay the balance in cash, ami get tlie desired article CALIFORNIA ment of this kind may have been made nalysisof thescveral|)urts______of the human ays------j ) taken more, favorable terms than it can be purchased at a lirst-elass « INSIDE LINE. rough sticks of split pine), I stuck them in iliciue, must become a foreign substance there, ore. W h ere any such cni a is not fully provided- for in the prices given above, we will ! CHICAGO & XOBTH-WESTEIIN RAILWAY the ground all around the inner edge of the by the ancients; but no clear allusion to am! a gnat cause of disease. Therefore tlie Dr. has specify the cash thrown out from his materia mcdica ull such inorganic balnuce required on being notified of the article desired and the SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Em braces u cypress bed, and about tluee inches apart. its existence has been discovered ear­ ta ln ed . number of names ob- poisonous matter, aw Mercury, Antimony, Lead, Zinc, THREE TRIPS PER WEEK. Railway Lii Then taking a ball of strong cord, I tied lier than 996, when Pope Silvester II. is Copper, etc., and all preparations of same for internal •The extraordinary liberalty of tin L w ith its branches and connections, forms tile end to a jieg, and wove it alternately known to have had one constructed. It use, and has taken hie from the Organic Kingdom, and the shortest iand quickest route between Ch ic a g o and to the lower circle of hoops and hack to the in a word, chooses what he considers the best from all vail themselves of them should do s Bangor, Portland, Boston, Law all points i . ■V2'OIS’ " kSCONSIN, NORTHLItX MlCM- was Christian Huygen, the famous Dutch the different systems of medicine. nice, as these offers bold good only till July 4th, 187G. rence and Lowell. Mi: Io w a , N e b r a s k a , Ca l u o r .\i.i pegs, till I formed a shower of cord, and, In tins reform practice lie uses tlie II e a i.in g B a i.- Subscription price, $2.00 per year. Two 6 months subscriptions will count sis and the W e s t e r n T £ b b it o u ie 8. Its as the children said, “ the pole looked as philosopher, who applied, in 1658, the s a m , the S o o t h in g Ba l m s , ami the N eutralising Min t i r e s taken from God’s own Remedies, tin- Herb yearly subscription, but those for a shorter ten cannot be counted for premium. Tlie Fast Steam er Omaliu and California Line though it was raining.’’ The cypress pendulum to the clock, and thus led di­ ai Kingdom, any by science and years of hard toil lias branches took a grateful hold, and climbed rectly to those more refined and subtle so peifceteil this system of medical practice that many CITY OF RICHMOND, Is the shortest and best route for all points iu N o r th of the old chronic diseases that have been pronounced CLUBBING WITH OTHER PUBLICATIONS ehn I l l in o is , I o w a , D a k o t a , N k r r a sk a w W vom up place after place, as though they were improvements, which render our present incurable by llie old school, are now hastily C’AP T . C. rciU B Y i in g , Co l o r a d o , Ut a h , N e v a d a , Ca l if o r n ia , O re running a race to see which would first this NEW LIFE-GIVING SYSTEM, and win r the benefit of thus g o n , C h in a , J a p a n a n d A e s t k a l ia . Its clocks and watches’ among the least im­ n a jiiv l.lt to .ubscribc for the G.izkttf. in t y EAVES Bangor et reach the top. In an incredibly short time do< s eure a disease he leaves no deadly poison no m iu otl,fr publication., wc make the following offers. On receipt of the ea.lt i„ a,l‘ perfect of all human contrivances $l,000'Forfeited, if above is not true. eral drug in tlie human system to create another ’ I J day, wednes Chicago, Uaiiison and St. Paul Line the entire frame was covered, and it is ilir first. vill send the G a z e t ami any of the periodicals named, fur tlie si FR 1DA Y mornings at George Graham, the great London 'J'he D r., afti named in the touching at Hampden, W interp Is the shu now one of the most unique-looking floral due deliberations over his almost un- it (or right hand) column of figures in Bucksport, Sandy Point, Searsport, Belfast, Camdt for N o r t h e r n W isco n sin and paralleled 4 in treating Chronic diseases, has de- J. Postagi is prepaid in every ease. M in s e s o t . ornaments one could imagine. The cord clockmaker of Queen Anne’s and George riitinetl to make a specialty of tlie following distress­ Fame o f Publication. ••’•’••’•ing at Rockland at llJU) a. in., and at Portland i ice alone. B ith Gazette. o l is , D e l i: all points in the Great Northwest is entirely covered, and resembles a green the First’s time, and one of the most noted DR. STREETER’S ing complaints, which art; so puzzling to doctor* in Scribner’s Magazine, $1.00 •t with tlie tsteanihoat Express, ieavin general, viz: all NervouH Diseases,all Diseases of Kid­ Portlam l at 6 o lock p. in., over tlie Boston N: Mai pyramid, and each hoop looks for all the improvers of the clock, was born in 1675. Atlantic Monthly, 4.00 Itailroasrn. N eu ralg ia,^ Brain diseases, and all diseases of the sy.t over the Bo.-ton and Maine Railroad in Boston, Christian Union, o’clock p m., every MONDAY WEDNESDAY Ts the only line for J a nfj mired by all, and in the early portion of was so fortunate as to be taken as handles with skill and delicacy, aud will do jou no harm 4.45 I.E, H ATERTOWN, FoND the day is a lit haunt for a fairy, covered in any case whatever. Golden Rule, FR ID A Y evenings, a rriving in P ortland a t 10 o’cloc D e L a c , O s h k o s h , A p i-i an appreutiee by Toinpioh, then the Contracted Cords, KS connecting with Steamer Richmond, arriving in 11 ia , N e g a u n e e , Ma r q i E, IIOIGIITON, H aNCUOK Lung Complaints, Broncliitia, Spinal Com­ Gospel B.uinbr, land nt 4 o'clock next morning, and Bangor at 10.30 d the K vke S u p e r io r with its brilliant blossoms and sparkling plaints, etc., NTRY. Its most celebrated clockmaker in England, ■z Lame Back, Stiff Neck, Ft. Nicholas 3.00 Stage connection at Rockland for Thomaston and with myriads of dew drops brighter than Are treated with great skill, and if he cannot warrant joining towns and Knox ami Lincoln Rail: whose name is still to be seen upon an­ Wide Awake, 2.(0 Freeport and Dnbuque Line shining jewels. Pen cannot do it justice, 1 Sprains, Bruises, . .'-i i- * • •’ • vill help, u ' Stage and Railroad •nuecting at Belfast aud Bu. The Nursery, f cient watches nnd clocks. Tompiou was manei'tly restore to health- Those who wish t vail 1.60 I for inter Is tlie only route for E l g in . R o c k f o r d , F r e e p o r t . hut I’m sure should some of the ladies Felons, Burns, '-Siir.i.' nd all points via Freeport. Its who read this try one for themselves they a most exquisite mechanic proud of his themselves of tiiis opportunity of being resto American Agriculturist, e from Bane Winterport & Bucksport, $o nealtli and happiness, shou d m-t miss this rat A t e Tlie Household, Rockland to Portland will feel amply rewarded. [ work, aud jealous of his name. Prior Chilblains, Scalds, &c. Specifics found at last tor Rlu*umatiV P ortland. •E A V E ( H it AGO as follow.- ami now that the other vines are up and skill and knowledge, took him iuto part- . Also for Messrs. Perkins & Job, N. Y. & Boston. ccident nsi rance ’ and FRIDAY ev« „ l ’o r Council Bluffs, Omaha and California, Beef, Pork, Lard, A I icing Tuesday, May COtli, Two Through Trail s daily, with Pullman Puiacb spreading themselves in all directions, they nership,and, finally left him sole pos- 11*011 1111(1 n lC C l* Chuit:* and Anchors,| A ir Coal Charters always on hand for Li. S.. Wes Indies and South . xt morning.at 4 o’clock), Drawing Room and Sleeping Cars through to Council cannot be surpassed. Ports. Consign Bluffs. els and merchandise solicited. To g o out in the freshness of mornin; session of the bnsiness. For nearly half BLUCkSlllitllS’ siikaud Toolx, 1> 13 W . I. GOODS, GROCERIES, &c Agency. St. Paul and Minneapolis, Two Through a century “George Graham, Clockmaker," I»„ {1/LirM’ Trains daily, with Pullman Palace Cats attached on and see the multitude of Morning Glories CAPITAL ItEPRESKNTKD^ OVZR both Trains. was one of the best known signs in Fleet V McGregor. Iowa. 'man, that the pendulum varied in length p t , ROCKLAND, - MAINE. For Sioux City and Yaakton, Two Trains braces. © i ‘T0WN&COUNTRY’ 1, DUU^jUX ilaiiy^ Pullman Cars to Missouri Valley Junction. Witli most of the fair sex “ a thing of according to the temperature, and eon- vdl PCI I»ee- brought the centre of oscillation Also, Hard and Blacksmith’s] Coal, Wood, Huy above) for Ellsworth, touching at South Deer Isle. Sand, Fire Brick and Cement. Take no other. FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR isively, in the Dockland Gazette, printed at Rock- come individual plants, like their parents. higher. If the column of mercury was Brown Brothers, Do not accept any substitute. RETURNING, leaves Ellsworth every MONDAY in said County, that all persons interested may at- This natural method of reproduction or NO. 6, RANKIN BLOCK- orning at 5.30 o’clock, touching at South Deer Isle, t a Probate Court to be held at Rockland, on tlie of the right length, the lengthening or Vi 310 Main Street, Rockland. R ockland.O cl. 5, 1675. For Sale (wholesale only) at urrizing in Rockland ut about 11 o'clock, connecting Tuesday of June next, and show- cause, if perpetuation of species ,is mainly confined To its Natural Vitality aud! Color. with steamer City of Richmond for Portland and Bos- any they have, why the said account should not be al- to plants of the tropics, but is occasionally the shortening of the pendulum was ex­ 179 W A T E R S TR E E T, actly counterbalanced, and the variation of N E W Y O R K ! ho steamer C h a r l e s II o ig iit o x lias been rtcently E. M. WOOD, Judge, seen among those of tlie temperate cli­ o. G.~MdrriTT7 refitted and furnished with a new boiler and new ma- Advancing years, sick­ e copy—A tte st.—T . P . P ie r c e , Iteg itste mates. BERRY RROTHERS liinery, making her in every way a first-class steamer. Life and Fire Insurance Agent. Eetailcd by all llepulable Dealers. ness,care, disappointment For further particulars enquire of But under artificial conditions, sucli ns almost annihilated. ' This was a truly ex- | NEW LIVERY&HACK STABLE lyH and hereditary predisposi­ | Represents Thirty-Dine Million Dollars. KNOX COUNTY—In Probate Court, held at Rockland our propagating houses, the list of plants qaisite invention. The clock he himself tion, all turn the hair gray J. P. WISE, Agent, the the th ird T uesday o f M ay, 1876. MAIN STREET, ROCKLAND; Me. Or. CYltUS STURDIVANT, Gen’l Agent, Port­ which tire susceptible of lieing multiplied made on this plan for Greenwich, after Losses adjusted at this office, 1 and either of tbme incline land. ACOB STOVER, Guardian of BRADFORD M.* in this manner lias been greatly extended it to shed prematurely. R ockland M ay 1, 1876. 21 _ COLLAMORE, of Camden, in said County, minor, being in Tise for a century and a half, re- No. 287 Union Block, A FOR having presented his second account of guardianship of during the past few years, and our scien­ AVe r ’s H a i r V ig o r , by said ward for allowance: quires attention not oftener than once in 5 ROCKLAND, MAINE. tific florists have now readied a point in GOOD ONLY long nnh exteusiv O r d e r e d , That notice thereof be given, three weeks which they consider each plant cell tin em­ fifteen months. lias proven that it stops successively, in the Dockland Gazette, prin te d iu Rock- "CHASTa ." D A V IS ? CLOCK - $1.25. the falling of the hair im­ TRUE P. PIERCE, . in said County, that all persons interested may bryo bud, and a failure to make it take George Graham died in 1751, aged | attend at a Probate .Court to be held at Rockland, on root and Ixtcome a distinct, living organ­ 4eventy-six years, universally esteemed t » t » t » mediately ; often renews Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ism is attributed more to a want of knowl- Any style ol Single or Double Team furnished at Attorney and Counsellor at Law. the growth and always as an ornament of his age and country. short notice and at reasonable rates. Any OLD or NEW SUBSCRIBER who pays purely restores its color, when faded or gray. I enge of tlie proper conditions necessary to Best accommodations for Bearding Horses and Office in New Court Hou.se, • E. M. WOOD, Judge. CUSTOM HOUSE BLOCK. a year or more in advance, will, on payment of $1.25 stimulates the nutritive organs to healthy activity, aud insnre its Fife when se]Kirale p .H c h ,n -n n A ,, Many nt tlie present time, can fully i Best Oolong Ten, 40 Cents. and soft—under which condition, diseases of the scalp P DRUG STORE. no limit to tlie lwesibilitics in this direction. DENTIST. ItOCKLA.NI>, ME. appreciate those sentiments of Lord Mac-1 Best .Japan, 00 Cents. re im possible. Geraniums, Coleuses, Fuchsias, Itoscs, and OFFICE OVER T. A. WENTWORTH’S STORE, All work will be faithfully and promptly attended tiulay: ly t . NYbolnsole and Retail.. Samples at Store. A s a dressing for ladies’ hair, the V ig o r is praised I1NE LINE OF DRUGGISTS’ FANCY GOODS nearly the whole range of cultivated plants, 13 E Ft It Y I3E O C K . to . What strange foi his is which meets | Opposite the Post Office, Rockland. Another Lot of for its g rateful and a greeable p erfum e, an d valued ,1'or AT have been f x|«rimentod upon with more Dentistry in all its branches promptly attended to KST Orders may be left or bandies sent to tb 3 ROBINSON’S CITY DRUG STORE. mo in every quarter—people wanting ix>sts « t reasonable prices. the soft lustre and richness of tone it imparts. Eastern Express Office. 31 or less success. in the army, the navy, the public offices, NiX l O xidate*1 Wi"‘°Ut by the “Sc °‘ Hus possession of all the best boards in the city. What were considered great achieve R. KENNEDY’S CANKER CURE. A NEVER IPKEPARED BY ttnd saying that if they can not find such | Rockland, May l,’ ts:6. failing remedy for Canker in Stomaeb. Throat. DR.IJ. C. AYER A CO., Lowell, M ass.; ments in propagating plants a few years posts they must starve t • » • D Mouth or Lips. PRICE 35 CENTS, at Curls a(t Giofray’s ago would now scarcely provoke a remark, The cur6e of England is tlie obstinate R. HARVEY COUNCE, 3 ROBINSON’S CITY DRUG STORE. • e o n WATCHES. Practical and Analytical Chemists. NOTICE. for we are progressing as rapidly in horti­ determination of tlie middle classes to AND AS- Sold by all Druggists and Dealersin Medicine. cultural science as in any of the kindred make their sons what they call gentlemen. O R D ER New and Elegant Designs land, will be in session at.tlie City Treasurer’s Office, Braids at Giofray’s. or distantly related branches. So we are overrun by clergymen with­ Masouic Block, on the first FRIDAY evening of each If we have not as yet been able to grow out livings;lawyers without briefs; phys­ From New York O F and Philadelphia, Coin Silver Spoons, month, from 7 1-2 till 9 o’clock, for the purpose of ex­ Handsomely Printed mb hm amining claims against the city. oak trees from leaves, it is no sign that it icians without patients; authors without THOMASTON, MAINE. M JUST RECEIVED BY AT TIIIS OFFICE U A llV L O CARDS,BILL HEADS,Committee. fore tlie indomitable energy and skill of the world, ns bakers, watch-makers or inn­ 10 free.BTiNMON & CO., Portland, M aine. G. W . Palm er & Son. Promptly printed ut this office, 210 Main Street, ground W. II. LUCE, > each succeeding generation. keepers. Iy22 floor. Orders by Mail promptly filled. Rockland, April 27,18; 0. 21 ■Rockland, Not. 11, ib74v