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Swaranjalibook.Pdf Chinmaya Swaranjali Song book 8/30/2011 1. Jai Ganaraya Om guru dev shri guru dev (2) jai guru dev sadguru dev (2) Om guru dev shri guru dev (2) jai gaNarAyA.. shri gaNarAyA.. Jai gaNarAyA shri gaNarAyA mangaLa moorthi mOriyA (2) guru hamAre dhan dhaulath hai guru hamAre prAn (2) siddhi vinAyaka mangaLa dhAyaka (2) sAre vishwa kA woh hai dhAtha siddhi vinAyaka mangaLa dhAyaka nArAyan bhagwAn (2) mangaLa moorthi mOriya (2) (jai) Om guru dev shri guru dev (2) jai guru dev sadguru dev (2) Om guru dev shri guru dev (2) vigna vinAyaka mOksha pradhAyaka (2) vigna vinAyaka mOksha pradhAyaka guru hamAre tanman sab hai mangaLa moorthi mOriya (2) (jai) guru hamAre yAr (2) jnana bhaktha kA woh hai dhAtha 2. Atma Rama nArAyan bhagwAn (2) Om guru dev shri guru dev (2) jai guru dev sadguru dev (2) athmA RAma Anandha ramaNA (2) Om guru dev shri guru dev (2) achyuthA kEshava hari nArAyaNa (2) bhava bhaya haraNA vandhitha charaNA (2) Om guru dev shri guru dev – slow and end. raghu kula bhushana rAjIva lochana (2) Adi nArAyaNa anantha shayanA (2) satchidhAnandha shri sathya nArAyaNa (2) 5. Jai ambe Jagadambe Shloka 3. Ramachandraya – Mangalam sarva mangala mAngalye shivE sarvArtha sAdhike sharaNyE tryambikE gowri nArAyaNi mamOstutE rAmachandrAya janaka rAjajA manOharAya - jai ambe jagdambe mAtha bhavAni jai ambe (2) mAmakAbhIshta dAya mahita mangaLam (2) dukha vinashini durga jai jai, kosalEshAya mandha hAsa dAsa poshakAya - kAla vinashini kAli jai jai (2) vAsavAdi vinuta sarvarAya mangaLam (2) uma rama brahmAni jai jai, vimala rUpAya vividha vEdAnta vEdyAyA - radha rukmini seetha jai jai (2) sumukha chitta kAmitAya shubhra mangaLam (2) rAmadAsAya mrdula hridaya kamala vAsAya - (all 1 time in normal speed, 1 time in fast speed svAmi bhadra girivarAya sarva mangaLam (2) and end with first line repeated slowly twice) (Slow) rAmacandrAya janaka rAjajA manOharAya mAmakAbhISta dAya mahita mangaLam mahita mangaLam, mahita mangaLam 6. Namah Parvathi pathaye 4. Guru hamare man mandir namah pArvathi pathayE hara hara hara hara hara hara mahAdevA (2) hara hara hara hara mahAdevA… shiva shiva shiva guru hamAre man mandhir me shiva sadAshivA (2) guru hamAre pyAr (2) mahAdevA…. sadAshivA… (2) sAre vishwa kA woh hai dhAtha nArAyan bhagwAn (2) 7. Vanamali Radha Ramana Jai Jai gOkula bAla vENugopAlA (2 sangatis) vENugOpAla, rAja gOpAlA (2 – low) vENugOpAla, vijaya gOpAlA (2 – high) vanamAli rAdha ramaNA giridhAri govindA (2) neela mEgha sundara nArayaNA gOvindA vanamAli rAdha ramaNA giridhAri gOvindA bhaktha hrdaya mandhAra bhAnu koti sundarA 10. Guru dhyayi Nandha nandha gOpa brinda nArayaNA govindA (2) Shloka hari nArayaNa gOvinda nArayaNa gOvinda (2) dhyAna moolam gurOr murthih hari nArayaNa nArayaNa nArayaNa nArayaNa puja moolam gurOh padham govinda (2) mantra moolam gurOr vAkyam hari nArayaNa nArayaNa nArayaNa nArayaNa mOksha moolam gurOr kripA nArayaNa nArayaNa govinda (2) guru dhyAyi guru dhyAyi, (once slow and once fast, end with first line) guru parathe sAdhana nAhim (2) kele sathguru poojana hechi maaze anushtAna guru seve tsa sankalpa hechi maaze poorna thapa 8. Har har har Mahadeva shAntheeshwar sAnge varma, guruthOchi parabrahma (guru dhyayi) Har har har mahAdev Shiv shankar Adidev 11. Ramachandra raghuveera parmeshwar akhileshwar tAndav priya shashishEkhar (har) rAmachandra raghuveerA, rAmachandra ranadheerA vishwadhAr vishwanAth rAmachandra raghuramA, gangAdhar deenanAth (har) rAmachandra parandhAmA rAmachandra raghunAthA, jata joot chandradhAri rAmachandra jagannAthA dheenan ke hitkAri (har) rAmachandra mama bandhO, rAmachandra dhaya sindhO gowri pathi nandhIshwara raghuveerA.. ranadheerA shailEshwara jagadheeshwara (har) raghurAmA.. parandhAmA raghunathA.. jagannAthA mama bandhO.. dhaya sindhO.. 9. Anandha sagara (repeat once slow and once fast; slow 1st line) Shloka karAra vindEna padhAra vindham 12. Tumaka chalatha mukhAra vindE vinivEshayantham vatasya patrasya putE shayAnam thumak chalat rAmachandra bAlam mukundham manasAsmarAmi thumak chalat rAmachandra bAjat painjaniyAn Ananda sAgarA muralidharA (2 versions) meera prabho radhE shyAm vENugopAlA (2 kilaki kilaki uthat dhAy versions) girata bhUmi latapatAy nandha yashOdhA Anandha kishOrA (3 versions) dhAy mAtu goda leta 15. Ajam Nirvikalpam dasharath kii raniyAn (thumak) ajam nirvikalpam niraakAram Ekam vidrum se arun adhar niraanandam aanandam advaita poorNam bOlat mukh madhur madhur param nirguNam nirvishEsham nireesham subhaga naasikaa men chaaru para brahma roopam gaNEsham bhajEma latakat latakaniyAn (thumak) gunAtheetha mAnam chidAnanda roopam tulasidAs ati Ananda chidaa-bhAsagam sarvagam jnAna gampya dekh ke mukhAravindha munidhyEyam AkAsha roopam parEsham raghuvar chhabi ke samAn para brahma roopam gaNEsham bhajEma raghuvar chhabi baniyAn (thumak) jagat kAraNam kAraNa-jnAna roopam surAdhim sukhAdhim guNEsham gaNEsham 13. Guru Maharaj Guru jai jai jagad vyApinam vishwa vandyam surEsham para brahma roopam gaNEsham bhajEma Guru maharAj guru jai jai Parabrahma sathguru jai jai (2) Guru maharAj guru jai jai 16. Bhajo man Radhe Govinda Vedha vyAsa sathguru jai jai (2) Guru maharAj guru jai jai bhajO man rAdhE gOvindA shankarachArya sathguru jai jai (2) bhajO man rAdhE gOvindA Guru maharAj guru jai jai bhajO man rAdhE rAdhE rAdhE rAdhE Sri tapOvana sathguru jai jai (2) rAdhE gOvindA Guru maharAj guru jai jai bhajO man rAdhE rAdhE rAdhE rAdhE ChinmayAnandha sathguru jai jai (2) rAdhE rAdhE rAdhE rAdhE Guru maharAj guru jai jai rAdhE gOvindA tEjOmayAnandha sathguru jai jai (2) bhajO man gOvardhana giridhArI bhajO man brindAvana sanchArI (bhajo) 14. Narsi ki shyamaliyaji bhajO man yamunA theera vihArI Narsi ke shyAmaliyAji tulsi ke seetharAm bhajO man rAdhA che tauhari (bhajo) Meera ke giridhar nAgar sUrdAs ke radhE shyAm shyAm rAdhE shyAm rAdhE shyAm rAdhE shyAm (3) 17. Bolo bolo sab mil bolo kahe kabirA sun bhai sAdhO rAm rahIm do Ek hai bOlO bOlO sab mil bOlO Om namah shivAya sabsE UnchO dharma hamArO dhaI akshar prEm Om namah shivAya Om namah shivAya kE jhoot jatA me gangA dhArI tyAgarAj kE rAm rAm shri rAm sitA rAm (3) trishUla dhAri damaru bhajAve dum dum dum dum damaru bhajao! chinmaya roopi gurudEv sE pAya gItA gyAn kO goonj uthavO namah shivAya advait vichAra tapOvanji sE mAnav kE kalyAn kO Om namah shivAya hara Om namah shivAya brahma satya hai satchitAnand antar jyoti Ek hai Om namah shivAya Om namah shivAya (3) 18. Vani saraswathi 21. Ganapathi Ganapathi vANi saraswathi vAgdEvi, gaNapathi gaNapathi gaNapathi gaNapathi veeNa dhAriNi pAlayamAm gaNapathi gaNapathi pAlayamAm vEdha shAstra pari pAlini dEvi, gaNapathi guNapathi gajapathi mamapathi pustaka pANi pAlayamAm varapathi surapathi pAlayamAm bhagavati bhArathi keervANi, pannaga vENi pAlayamAm gaNapathi bAla gaNapathi gambheera gaNapathi mukthi dhAyini mOksha pradhAyini, jnAna gaNapathi nardhana (gaNapathi ) vidhyA dhAyini pAlayamAm 22. Manasa bhajare guru 19. Bola natha Umapathe mAnasa bhajarE guru charaNam Bola nAtha umApathE, dustara bhava sAgara taraNam shambho shankara pashupathE guru maharAj guru jai jai swAminAtha sathguru jai jai nandhi vAhana nAga bhUshana, Om namah shivAya Om namah shivAya Chandra shEkhara kalAdharA Om namah shivAya shivAya namah om gangadhAra gowri manOhara arunAchala shiva arunAchala shiva girijA ramaNA sadhAshivA (bola) arunAchala shiva arunAchala shivom OmkAram bhava OmkAram bhava trishUla dhAra jyothi prAkAshA OmkAram bhava OmkAram (manasa) vibhUthi sundara paramEshA dum dum dum dum damaru bhajathA pArvati ramaNA sadhAshivA (bola) 23. Neela megha Ghana shyama neela mEgha ghana shyAmA 20. Krishna Krishna Vasudeva muraLi lOla ghana shyAmA rAdhA lOla shyAmA, Krishna Krishna vAsudEva rAdhA mAdhava shyAmA nArAyaNa dEva dEva bhaktha vatsala giridhArI pathitha pAvana nandhalAlA gOvardhana dhArI Krishna brindAvana chArI Krishna bansidhara bAla Krishna 24. Ganga Jatadhara rAdha vara Krishna Chandra (Krishna) Ganga jatAdhara gowri shankara rAma rAma sItA rAma girijA mana ramaNA pUrNa kAma parama dhAma jaya mrityunjaya mahAdEva mahEshwara mangaLa shubha charaNA rAma rAma madhura nAm nandhi vAhanA nAga bhUshanA Shankar man ramatha rAm nirupama guNa sadhanA Bhakthan ke pUjana rAm natana manOhara neela kanta shiva pUrna karatha sabje kAm (rama) neeraja dhala nayanA 25. Gananayakaya 26. He sharadhe ma gaNanAyakAya gaNadaivatAya hE ShArdhE Maa, hE ShArdhE Maa gaNAdhyakshAya dhImahi agyAntA sE humE tAr dE Maa guNa sharirAya guNa manDitAya gunEshAnAya dhImahi tu swar ki dEvi yE sangeet tujhsE, guNAtItAya guNAdhIshAya har shabd tErA hai har geet tujhsE guNa pravishthAya dhImahi hum hai akElE, hum hai adhUrE, tEri sharan hum hamE pyAr dE Maa ekadantAya vakratunDAya gauri tanayAya dhImahi muniyOn nE samjhi, guniyOn nE jaani, gajEshAnAya phAlachandrAya vedOn ki bhAshA, purAnOn ki bANi shri ganEshAya dhImahi (2) hum bhi tO samjhE, hum bhi tO jaanE, vidhyA kA hamkO adhikAr dE Maa gAnacaturAya gAnapraNAya gAnAntarAtmanE gAnOtsukhAya gAnamattAya gAnOtsukhamanasE tU shwEt varNi kamalpE virAje, guru-pujitAya guru-daivatAya guru-kulasthayine hAthOn mE veenA, mukut sar pE sAjE guru vikramAya guhya pravarAya guravE guNa- mansE hamArE mitakE andhErE, guravE hamkO ujAlOn kA sansaar de Maa gurudaitya kalAkchhEtrE guru-dharma sadArAdhyAya guru-putra paritrAtrE guru-pAkhanDa 27. Veera Hanuman khanDakAya veera hanumAn ati balavAn gita-sArAya gita-tattvAya gita-gOtrAya dhImahi rAma nAma rasiyA re hay hay hay hay gUdha-gulphAya gandha-mattAya gOjaya- prabhu mana basiyA re ho ho ho ho pradAya dhImahi guNAtItAya guNAdhIshAya guNa pravishthAya rAma lakshmana jAnaki jai BOlO HanumAn ki dhImahi ekadantAya …. (2) raghu pati rAghava rAja
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