S¡DHAN¡S IN BHAGAVAD GITA Sri Swami Sh¢nt¢nanda Puri PARVATHAMMA C.P. SUBBARAJU SETTY CHARITABLE TRUST 13/8, P.M.K. Road, Bangalore - 560 004. Ph : 6523011 e-mail :
[email protected] iii PREFACE There is, perhaps, no other religious text or philosophical treatise which has been interpreted or misinterpreted, commented upon, lectured upon and handled by so many thousands of Acharyas, Masters, both old and modern, Scholars and Savants, as BHAGAVAD GITA. The author is a humble sannyasi with no pretentions either to scholarship or any spiritual height. With all diffidence he has tried to limelight in this book the types of spiritual DEDICATION practices or S¢dhan¢s delineated in the text either directly or indirectly as understood by him from his Master's own life and This book is dedicated the few revelations which came up in his studies and austerities. with veneration to These are all S¢dhan¢s befitting all stages of spiritual growth- from the L.K.G. class to the Ph.D (Doctorate). Except on two or three the Lotus Feet of my Revered Guru occasions, the author has steered clear of all controversial issues Swami Purushottamanandaji and sectarian interpretations. of Vasishta Guha, U.P., Himalayas, Srimad Bhagavad Gita mainly means the ""song sung by SRI and BHAGAWAN''. It is rarely that people sing their own compositions. all the Spiritual aspirants In the Gita M¢h¢tmya, it is told ""GITA ME H§DAYAM P¡RTHA'' i.e., all over the World GITA is the heart of the Lord.