IGSM 2004 - Survival Guide Table of Contents Greetings from the General Secretary 2 Greetings from the Head of the Department 3 Organising IGSM 2004 4 Dresden is Greeting Espoo! 5 Programme 6 Excursions 10 General information Addresses 12 Phone Numbers 13 Map of Otaniemi 13 Bus Timetables 14 Map of Tapiola 15 Map of Kamppi 15 Basics in Finnish 16 IGSM2004 Contacts
[email protected] http://www.tky.hut.fi/igsm2004/ IGSM2004/Maanmittarikilta ry P.O. Box 1200 02015 HUT Finland Greetings from the General Secretary Hello IGSM! So… Welcome you all to IGSM2004, it is first time when we Finns have got this wonderful happening to arrange. This is also the first time in the whole Nordic Countries (which are Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland) and I really hope that this IGSM is not going to be the last one in Finland or either in the Nordic Countries. But what was the history for this IGSM now? In 2001 in Newcastle some people asked or in fact we were almost forced to arrange IGSM already in 2003. But we didn’t know what to do, Newcastle was first IGSM for so many Finns that we decided not to take IGSM2003. But when IGSM2002 in Slovenia approached, we decided to take the next one for us! And show how we live, how we feel and what we can do! And now we are here. I can say that everything has been wonderful. It has been nice and very educational to arrange this year’s IGSM. But of course it has been also quit tiring.