Durham. (Kelly's
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• 332 SEAHAM HARBOUR. DURHAM. (KELLY'S Robert Candlish Memorial Hall, Candlish terrace, Robt. 10.45 a. m. & 6 p.m.; daily, 8.I5 a.m.; holidays of Brownlee, sec obligation, 8 & Io a.m. & 7.15 p.m.; thurs. 7-I5 p.m Shipwrecked Fishermen &; Mariners' Royal Be-nevolent Seamen's Mission Church, South crescent, George Society; Hon. Representative, G. W. Stockdale, South Barratt, missioner, 6 p.m.; thurs. 7.30 p.m Hetton Coal Co Presbyterian Church of England, Adolphus st. west, :Rev. Stamp Office, I3 North terrace, Thomas Watt Pounder, Henry Neill M.A.; 10.45 a.m. & 6 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m distributor Primitive Methodist, Tempest place ; Township Office, 6 Tempest place, Philip James Cooper, 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m Rev. Emerson assistant overseer &; rate collector Primitive Methodist, Bottle Works road ; Phillipson Theatre Royal, Green street, Adam Chapman Hr.rrison, 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m propnetor• United Methodist, Church street, Rev. William Wilkin Princess Theatre; The Princess Entertainment Co. Ltd. son; 10.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. ; tues. 7 p.m proprietors Wesleyan, Tempest place (Sunderland (St. John's) Cir Urban District Isolation Hospital &; Smallpox Hospital, cuit), Rev. Ernest Dennis; 10.30 a. m. &; 6 p.m.; wed. Princess road, Luke Gerald Dillon M.D., M.Ch.R.U.I. 7 p.m medical officer Salvation Army Hall, Tempest place; 7 & II a. m. &; 3 & TERRITORIAL FORCE. 6.45 p.m.; daily 7·45 p.m 3rd Northumbrian (County of Durham) Brigade Royal Field Artillery, comprising 3 field batteries &; I PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. ammunition column; head quarters, Drill hall, Castle School Attendance Officer, Andrew Mather, 29 Princess reagh road; Commanding, Lieut.-Col. &; Hon. Col. F. road J. McKenzie V.D., D.L.; Orderly Officer, Lieut. T. J. Seaham Council (boys, girls & infants), for I,o4o Ab bott; Adjutant, Capt. S. R. Radcliffe R.A. ; Medical children; average attendance, 285 boys, 283 girls & Officer, Major D. Todd R.A.M.C. (T.F.); Veterinary 250 infants; William C. Hudspith, master; Mrs. Officer, Lieut. H. Peele M.R.C.V.S., A.V.C. (T.F.); Elizabeth A. Key, mistress; Miss Barbara Alcraft, Chaplain, Rev. R. R. Fenning M.A. (T.F.) ; Drill infants' mistress Instructor, Sergt.-Major Frederick A. Moloney Seaham Harbour Upper Standards (boys &; girls), erected Ist Durham Battery, Drill hall, Castlereagh road, in I9I2, for 48o children; average attendance, I6o Major T. P. Guthe, commanding; Capt. J. W. Wad ham; Sergt.-Major Thomas Martin, instructor boys &; 210 girls; Frederick Young, master; Miss Georgina. Henrietta Aird L.L.A. mistress; the school Gun Section Ammunition Column; bead quarters, Drill ball, Castlereagh road; Capt. J. W. Merryweather, is equipped with science & art rooms & laboratory commanding; Sergt.-Major George Rogers, drill Central Council (infants), built in I898, for 300 instructor children ; average attendance, 268 ; Miss Margaret PUBLIC OFFICERS. Doberty, mistress Admiralty Surgeon & Agent, Luke Gerald DillDn M.D., Church street (boys & girls), erected in I847 & en M.Ch.R.U.I. 5 Tempest house larged in IB56 & again in IB74, IB84 &; I88g, for 623 Assessor &; Collector of Income Tax, William Campbell, children; average attendance, 305 boys &; 307 girls; 6 Marlborough street Richard Bainbiidge, master; Miss Catharine Ander Assistant Overseer, Philip James Cooper, 2I Cornelia ter son, mistress Excise Office, John William Moore, officer, I Dene ter Queen Alexandra road, Dawdon (boys, girls &; infants), Harbour Master, John Adamson; deputy, Albert Maxted, for goo children ; average attendance, 293 boys, 283 Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Dawdon District, girls &; 228 infants; John Heslop, master; Miss Agne., Easington Union, Luke Gerald Dillon M.D.Tempest ho I. Robson, mistress; Miss Dorothy D. Williams, in Receiver of the Droits of the Admiralty &; Superin fants' mistress tendent of the Board of Trade, John W. Wilson R.N .R. Catholic, Vane terrace (mixed & infants), built in 1888 23 North terrace &; enlarged in 1893, for 505 children; average attend Registrar of Births, 'Deaths &; Marriages for Dawdon ance, 35I boys &; girls &; II3 infants; Sister Mary Sub-District, John M. Pollock, 46 Marlborough street Magdalene, mistress ; Miss Mary Condron, infants' mistress Relieving Officer &; Collector to the Guardians, North District, Easington Union, Henry Crow, 5 James street Emily street east (special subjects, handicraft, cookery Vestry Clerk, Henry Brougham Wright, 3 Tempest pl & science), erected in I909; G. Whitfield Yard, in Lloyd's Sub-Agent, J obn Adamson, Harbour Master's structor; Miss Gertrude Lawther, mistress office, Docks NEWSP.APERS. PLACES OF WORSHIP, with times of Services. Seaham ·weekly Ne~ s, 3 North terrace, Stephen Richard~, St. John's Church, Church street, Rev. J ames Coiling publisher ; published friday M.A. vicar & surrogate; Rev. Frederick Victor Nichol Seaham Harbour Guide & Advertiser, 28 North Railway son B.A. curate; I0.45 a.m. &; 6 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m street; William John Young, publisher; publi,hed St. Hild &; St. Helen, Dawdon, Rev. Ernest Waiter fortnightly, friday Bolland M.A. vicar; I0-45 a.m. &; 6 p.m.; children's service, 2.I5 p.m.; ISt sunday in month, daily 9 a.m. Railway Station, Marlborough street, James Kell, sta- & 7 p.m tion master; Robert Anderson, mineral agent St. Mary Magdalene Catholic, Rev. Michael J oseph Carrier to Sunderland. Thomas Leigbton, from ;:,ea-N Haggarty & Rev. Thomas Green; mass, B, 9.30 & ham, daily (except m on) PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Cockburn Miss, 43 Marlborough st Gib son Edwd.Robinson,22 Maureen ter Adamson John, I Bath terrace Cockburn William B. 4 Bath terrace G1lmour Geo. Fredk. 35 Marlboro' st Aird Mis'1 Georgina Henrietta, 24 Coiling Rev. James M.A. (vicar & Grant Jas. Wm.Io Adolphus st. west Ma uree11 terrace surrogate), Vicarage, Dene road Green Rev. Thomas (Catholic), Pres- Alcraft Mrs. 6 Adolphus street west Cowell Jsph. Stanley,Vane ho.Dawdon bytery, Station road Allon Joseph, 5I Marlborough street Crawford William, 27 Cornelia ter Grimes David Nicholson, Northside, Alnwick Harrison, 24 Cornelia ter Creig William, 17 Cornelia terrace Love lane Anderson Wm. S. 3 Adolphus st.west Dennis Rev. Ernest (Wesleyan), 17 Grimes Richard, Londonderry road Askew David, IO Clarence street Maureen terrace Har;garty Rev. Michael Joseph Bainbridge Richard, IO Princess road Dillarstone J ames, 9 Adolphus st. we<;t (Catholic-), Pr esbytery, Station rd Boaz Francis Edwin, 30 Maureen ter Dillon Luke Gerald M.D., J.P. Hall Jeremiah, II Marlborough street Boggon George Smith,Iz Maureen ter Tempest house Hall Josrph Wm. z6 Maureen ter Bog-gon Mrs. 44 Marlborough street Dillon Malcolm, Dene house H!l!l William J .P. I6 Maureen ter Bolland Rev. Ernest Waiter M.A. Dobson Henry, 20 Cornelia terrace Hardy George, 37 Marlborough street (vicar of Dawdon), Dawdon D0nkin Mrs. 38 Marlborough street He slop John, I Maureen terrace Brydon Robert, The Dene, Dene road Elgey Joseph, 3I Adolphus street west Hope llirs. I Clarence street Campbell William, 64 Marlborough st Engvall Rev. Carl J oh an (Scandi- Hope Tl1omas, 25 Cornelia terrace Candlish John, I3 Maureen terrace navian minister), 3 Sebastopol ter Hudspith Wm. Clarke, 6 Maureen ter Candlish Mrs. Ruth, Westfield, Mau- Fletcher Mrs.Lumley. 56 Marlboro' st Hv~l0p ·waiter, 57 Marlborough "t reen terrace Forster Mrs. 65 Marlborough street J ac-kson Bradshaw Brougham Gra- Carter Albert Cummings, 5 Dene ter Forster Robert, 4 Maureen terrace ham, 6 North terrace Chambers Edward, 23 Cornelia ter French John Chas. so Marlborough st Jackson Leo. 16 Maureen terrace Childs W allace, II Clarence street French Miss, I Brook side J ohnson Chas. _t\.rthur, 2 Maureen ter Chilton Thomas, Rock ho. Tempest pl Gardiner George Henry W. 2 Brook Kell James, 2 Emilv stree.t east Clark Mrs. 2 Dene terrace side villas, Love lane Lawther Mrs. 20 Maureen terraceI Claxton James Whiteford, London Gatiss George, 27 Cornelia terrace Mackey Richard, 5 Emily stnet east derry road .