TV Azteca/Comarex: Four Telenovelas and More…
12 PRENSARIO INTERNATIONAL PRENSARIO INTERNATIONAL 12 COMMENTARY WELCOME TO THE NEW CEE CONTENT MARKET I want to be honest with you, our read- showing this evolution, full of top broad- ers… when we had to start preparing this caster testimonies, figures and reports Natpe Budapest issue, we were a bit disap- that we’ve never got so good before in pointed, because many companies speak the region. As you know, our publication bad about the event, and the moment of is based in Latin America, and having so Central & Eastern Europe is not good, with strong participation from CEE broad- the economical crisis going on. But when casters and big content players, it is a big we began making interviews and articles, satisfaction for us. Even at the other side we’ve got feeling better and better. of the Atlantic Ocean, it is very difficult On one hand, in Central and Eastern for us to generate an edition so rich like Europe is being developed a huge new this one. Please read it and take your own market, full of investments and new TV opinion… channels, a real new media multiplatform environment. Now there is no money, THE BASICS but soon, when the situation gets better, For those reading Prensario Interna- a bubbling river of opportunities and tional for the first time… this publica- emerging businesses will take the tion is based on Latin America as I said, scene. It is a question of waiting… but has more than 20 years covering the and of working from now. whole international market, and now it On the other hand, we could manages strong coverage and feedback make an unique edition from all regions.
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