r_,~iAgll/eli1 Civic Center " Sc hool of Human Services Twentieth Anniversary

Springfield College's School of Human SelVices (SHS) is celebrating its twentieth anniversary this year. Founded by Ira Goldenberg, ooe of tOOay's honorary Doctor of Humanics degree recipients, SHS began as a unique undergraduate program at Franconia College. It moved in 1978 to New Hampshire College. and relocated to Springfield College in 1988.

In accord with the mission of Springfield College. the SHS mission is to provide broadly acces­ Sible higher education in human selVices for adult learners embodying the principles of human­ ics, community partnership. and academic excellence. to achieve social and economic justice.

Over the years. SHS has developed an international reputation for the quality of its work. staff. students. and alumni. Its recent collaboration with the YMCA will enable Springfield College to establish SHS sites throughout the country. The Y has a historical partnership with Springfield College, which was founded in 1885 as the original International YMCA Training School. The two entitles share a belief In the need for a balance between spirit, mind. and body,

Well-suited for YMCA employees and other human selVice workers. SHS curricula focus on enriching communities by improving the quality of human selVice delivery and enhancing com­ munity development. Classes are offered on Fridays. Saturdays. and Sundays for the conve­ nience of working adults.

SHS sites are currently located in Springfield (MAl, Manchester (NH), St. Johnsbury (VT), Wilmington (DE), San Diego (CAl, and Sweden. Within the next five years, SHS expects to open new campus sites in ten other U.S. locations, including Boston, Tampa, San Francisco, San Antonio, and Detroit. This network will enable up to 4,500 human selVice workers annually from the YMCA and other agencies to upgrade their skills and apply them directly to the social and economic needs of their communities. Prelude, Folk Song Suite Ralph Vaughan Williams

Processional. Pomp and Circumstance, Op. 39, No. Edward Elgar

Invoeation The Reverend Dr. Leo James Hoar Associate Campus Minister

Convening the Ceremonies Thomas B. Wheeler Chair, Board of Trustees

Opening Remarks Dr, Randolph W. Bromery President, Springfield College

Welcome Michael Sciucco, President Class of 1997 Michael King, Representative Graduate Students Mariann Wolskee, Representative School of Human Services Students

Conferring of Honorary Degrees Or, Randolph W. Bromery

Commencement Addre" William H. Gray, III

Conferring of Degrees Dr. Randolph W. Bromery Readers: Dr. Gretchen A. Brockmeyer Or. Malvina T. Rau Dr. William J. Sullivan Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

College Hymn, A Song for Spnngfield College Fred S. Hyde and Gilbert T. Vickers Song Leader: Margaret Oliver, Class of 1997

Benediction The Reverend Kenneth A. Childs Director of Campus Ministry

Recessional. Sine Nomine Ralph Vaughan Williams

Grand Marshal Dr. Edward R. Bilik

Faculty Marshals Or. Diane L. Potter Professor L. William Blizard

Class Marshals Dr. Corinne P. Kowpak Graduate: Tiffani Hurst and Joseph Long Undergraduate: Russell Carson, Jason Cullum, Laura Dicke, Kathleen lucey. Jeremy Powers. and Karen Schwarz

Today's program is being signed by Professor Edward Hebert.

Music by Spnngfleld COllege Commencement Wind Ensemble Professor Christopher A. Haynes. Director

Springfield College respectfully requests that you refrain from takmQ photographs at the entrance to, or from the floor of, the Civic Center Arena. Doctor of Humanics

The faculty and trustees of Springfield College award the Doctor of Humanics degree to individuals whose lives and deeds have exemplified the Humanics philosophy of Springfield College. This year we are pleased to award the Doctor of Humanics degree to Leonard Baskin, Sandra Eagleton, I. Ira Goldenberg, William H. Gray, III, and David Starr.

Leonard Baskin

Sculptor, printmaker, graphic artist, bookmaker, watercolorist-leonard Baskin has achieved inter­ national renown at every level of the art world for his vast variety of works depicting the continuo um of human lile.

More than forty years ago, Mr. Baskin defined his artistic purSUits in this way: "The forging of works of art is one of our remaining semblances to divinity. We have been incapable of love, wanting in chanty, and despairing of hope ... We have made of Arden a landscape of death. In this garden I dwell, and in limning the hortor, the degradation, and the filth, I hold the cracked mir­

ror up to humans. All previous art makes this course ineVitable. H

Mr. Baskin has devoted a lifetime of spiritual. mental. and physical energy to creating works of art with universal themes of concern for victimized men and women, of the dignity and mortality of common people, and of human heroes. His life is a personification of the Springfield College phi­ losophy of humanics. As the College concludes the second year in its three-year focus on social justice, his messages have particular relevance.

Mr. Baskin is represented in permanent collections in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museum of Modern Art, Library of Congress, National Gallery of Art, Art Institute of Chicago, Fogg Museum at Harvard University, and museums in Philadelphia, Boston, and Worcester. He is a designer of the recently opened Franklin Delano Roosevelt Museum in Washington, D.C., which includes three of his heroic bronze bas-relief sculptures. He has had numerous one-man shows in the United States and Europe and is the recipient of many national and international honors in art.

Among his many ties to Western Massachusetts, Mr. Baskin, who lives and works in Leeds, has served as professor of graphics at Smith College and visiting professor of art at Hampshire College He holds a Doctor of Fine Arts degree from the University of Massachusetts.

2 Sandra Eagleton

In the fields of resource development and communications, Sandra Eagleton has left a significant imprint on educational institutions, community agencies, and local and national associations across the country.

A prolific writer, presenter, and consultant, Dr. Eagleton has nearly thirty years of training and experience in fund development. fund distribution and monitoring, community partnership, and media relations. The range of public- and private-sector clients with which she has worked include the American Society for Training and Development, the Holyoke Women's Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Community Leadership, United Way, the Association of Continuing Higher Education, the YMCA, Northwest Savings Bank, Bay State Medical Center, and several colleges.

In addition to being a consultant to Springfield College on numerous projects. Dr. Eagleton was an associate professor of English here from 1979 to 1986 and a grants coordinator for the division of arts and sciences from 1983 to 1986. While on sabbatical from the College, she prepared a text­ book entitled, Women in Literature, which is used nationwide at more than sixty colleges.

Dr. Eagleton recently assumed the presidency of the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts, an organization serving Hampden, Hampshire, and Franklin Counties. The Community Foundation assigns grants, scholarships, and loans by drawing from assets of approxi­ mately $40 million. Previously, she was employed at Holyoke Community College as the director of resource development and the Title III coordinator.

An alumna of Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Dr. Eagleton earned her bachelor's degree in English within three years, graduating summa cum laude. She earned her master's degree and doctorate in English from the University of Virginia. then completed her post-doctoral work in pro­ gram assessment and evaluation at Harvard University.

Dr. Eagleton is currently a trustee for the Associated Grant Makers of Massachusetts. Her various committee and association memberships have included: Women in Development of Western Massachusetts, Visiting Nurse Association. Greater Holyoke Chamber of Commerce, the National Council for Resource Development, the National Society of Fundraising Executives, and United Way of Holyoke, South Hadley, and Granby.

3 I. Ir8 Goldenberg

There are few who personify the concept of human service more ably and admirably than Ira Goldenberg. Founder and first dean of the School of Human Services, Dr. Goldenberg has a long list of accomplishments reflecting his leadership in the areas of community-based alternatives, specialized educational programs, and diversity and cultural pluralism.

Dr. Goldenberg's education and career in human services spans three decades. He earned a bach­ elor's degree in psychology and education from the College of the City of New York, then went on to the University of Connecticut where he completed his master's degree and doctorate in . Dr. Goldenberg also fulfilled a post-doctoral internship in clinical and community psy­ chology at the University of California at Los Angeles.

After serving as an assistant professor of psychology a1 Yale University for six years, and as an associate professor of education and psychology at Harvard University for five years, Dr. Goldenberg became the president of Franconia College in 1975. It was at this small, experi­ mental. liberal arts college in rural New Hampshire that he devised the original Human Services Program which was the foundation of the School of Human Services.

In 1978, Dr. Goldenberg moved the School of Human Services to New Hampshire College in Manchester where he guided it to full accreditation. He served as the first dean until 1982, when New Hampshire College promoted him to the poSition of 'lice president for academic affairs.

Since 1989, Dr. Goldenberg has been the dean and professor of urban education at Florida International University's College of Education and, as such, is charged with articulating and devel­ oping a College committed to progressive social change and to excellence in the preparation of educational professionals. His past and present memberships and consultant positions include the American Psychological Association, the Eastern Psychological Association, the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, the Hispanic Health CounCil, the Massachusetts Advocacy Center, the National Urban Coalition, and the U.S. Department of labor.

Dr. Goldenberg has published major works in the fields of education, community psychology, social change, and human services. He has also been recognized many times for his leadership in the human service field. For instance, the University of California awarded him the Distinguished Achievement Award in the Field of Mental Health in 1986, the National OrganizatJon of Human Service Educators presented him with the Outstanding Human Service Educator award in 1984, and New Hampshire College bestowed upon him the award for Distinguished Leadership in Education and Human Services in 1983.

4 William H, Gray. III

Innovator, leader, legislator, educator, advisor to heads of state, clergyman-William H. Gray, 111, has marshaled his spiritual, mental, and physical energy throughout his life to serve others.

As head of the USA's oldest and most successful black higher education assistance organization, The College Fund/UNCF, Mr. Gray has significantly increased its ability to help young people to achieve their fullest potential through education. Under his leadership since 1991 . the College Fund developed a Research Institute to compile and analyze data on issues affecting African­ American students. It also developed a new technology center to share scholarship and donor information with its member colleges. It has strengthened its financial ability to serve by develop­ ing approximately onEHhird of the nearly $1 billion raised in its fifty-year history and by reducing ItS administrative and fundraislng costs.

Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1978, Mr Gray influenced social betterment in many areas. panicularly as a strong supporter of imprOVIng the USA's educational systems. He also played a key role in implementing economic sanctions agamst South Africa as the author of bills in 1985 and 1986.

Me Gray was the highest ranking African-American Congressman in the USA, having been chair­ man of the Democratic Caucus and, later, majority whip, As the first African-American to chair the House Budget Committee, he earned a reputation as a consensus builder and was chief point per­ son in budget negotiations between Congress and the Reagan Administration.

In 1994. Me Gray accepted a request from President Clinton to serve in a temporary, noncompen­ sated position as his special advisor in developing and Implementing a policy to restore democracy to Haiti. In 1995, he received the Medal of HonOf from Haitian President Jean-Benrand Anstlde.

Mr. Gray's contributions and achievements in academia are extensive. He has been a faculty member or professor of history and religion at SI. Peter's College, Jersey City State College, Montclair State College, Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Temple University. A graduate of Franklin and Marshall College, he earned master's degrees In divinity and theology from Drew Theological Seminary and Princeton Theological Seminary, respectively. He has also been award­ ed more than fifty honorary degrees from leading U.S. colleges and universities.

In spiritual service to others, Mr. Gray has been in the ministry since 1964. For more than twenty years, he has been pastor of the Bright Hope Baptist Church In Philadelphia, as were his father and grandfather

5 David Starr

Not afraid to be caUed a "do-gooder," David Starr is a self-proclaimed activist editor who has had the newspaper business in his blood for as long as he can remember. An alumnus of Queens College in New York, Mr. Starr has an editorial background that extends back to his high school and college newspapers. Since 1971, he has been the senior editor of Newhouse Newspapers, a nationwide group of twenty-six newspapers including the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the Portland Oregonian, and the Newark Star Ledger. He has also served as the publisher of Springfield Newspapers since 1977, after working for eight years as editor of the Long Island Press.

Mr. Starr has operated under the conviction that the function of a newspaper is not only to pre­ sent news as accurately and faithfully as possible, but also to work for the good of the communi­ ty. He is an ardent supporter of the arts, the environment, and community economic develop­ ment, which is evident from his long list of national, regional, and local affiliations.

To name a few, Mr. Starr is a founding board member and secretary of the new Economic Development Commission of Western Massachusetts, which was established last year. Since 1982, he has been the vice chair of the Massachusetts Cultural Council, an agency that distributes money to arts organizations throughout the state. He was the director and chairman of the American Arts Alliance, a national lobbying organization in Washington, D.C., and he was also president and chairman of Springfield Central, Inc., where he was able to pursue his interest in downtown revitalization. He is a founder and director of the Springfield Business Friends of the Arts, and a board member of the Massachusetts Audubon Society.

His professional activities include being the director and president of the Massachusetts Newspaper Publishers Association, a member of the American Society of Newspaper Editors, and a member of the Newspaper Association of America, for which he was also the chairman of the committee for freedom of the press.

With such a long and distinguished career in newspapers, it is no wonder that Mr. Starr received the highest journalism award in New England, the Yankee Quill Award from the New England Society of Newspaper Editors and the Society of Professional Journalists, in 1994. Another award Mr. Starr earned was the Pynchon Award for Community Activity in 1989.

6 Michelle laruche-Buacarello Mia Y. Jung Doctor of Millbury, MA Bnstol, Cl Physical Education catholic UniverSity 1984 SA Southern Connecticut State Long Island University 1989 MS UniverSity 1989 SA Deborah Fine Arthur canton, MA Diene M . Kenney University of Massachusetts, West Spnngfleld, MA Master of Education Amherst 1983 SS University of Connecticut Springfield College 1992 MS 1973 BS lony loyin Alatise Dissertation Title: South Windsor, CT Develcpment of the physical T, William Kidd Colorado State UniverSity self-perception tnvento/y for Longmeadow, MA 1987 BED children Elmira College 1991 BA Major Professor- Lorraine F, Alves Dr. Barbara Jensen TV C. Landry Belchertown. MA Bedford. TX Westfield State CoII696 1972 BA Oanle' G. Drury University of Southwestern Western New England College Springfield, MA Louisl3n& 1990 BS 1986 MBA Frostburg State UniverSity 1987 BS Valerie Anne Longworth Roger Danial Anderson George Washington UnIVerSity Sprmgfleld, MA Springfield, MA 1990 MA American International College Tufts University 1994 BS DissertatIOn Title 1986 BS Comp8flSOfl of the Drury Boston College 1988 MA Lisa Marie Atkin Proprioceptive Power Platform Springfield, MA (DP3} to currently accepted Geoffrev R, Nawton U",verslty of Massachusetts modes of closed kinetic chain Rocky HIli, CT 1990 BS actIVIty Keene Slate College 1990 BS Major Professor: Darren D. Bennett Dr Vincent PaoIone Michael H. Oken Fitchburg, MA Middletown Springs, VT Springfield College 1995 BS Laura Martorano UnIVerSity of Massachusetts Cortlandt Manor, NY 1989 SBA Carrie A. Bibans Manhattan College 1988 BS Manchester, NH LOtIO Island UnIVerSity 1992 MS John A, Paerels Colby-Sawyer College 1991 SS Dissertation Title: IfoIhlltier. CA /Cinematic factors in gait when Keene State College 1987 BA Peter G. Bradshaw utillzmg two orthorrc imeNen- Longmeadow, MA tions fOf indiVIduals with atmor- Carolyn Wright Pagano Ithaca College 1988 BS mal muscular tone Palmer, MA Major Professor: Central Connecticut State Moira Catharine Bree" Or. Joseph Scheuchenzuber UniverSity 1980 BS Agawam, MA Marist College 1994 BA Monica Ann Pope Certificate of Advanced Tipp CIty. OH Sharon J. Caldwell Wnght State UniverSity 1994 as N I

8 T. William Kidd David M~mack Rodney Edward Pannamon longmeadow, MA SprIngfield. MA SpringfIeld, MA Elmira College 1991 BA Bridgewater State College IIhnois State UnIversIty 1983 BS 1992 BS David We5ley KleinKhuster Brandon D. Perry Chaddsford. PA Susan Lynne McKay Glenville, NY University of Richmond 1994 BA Warwick, RI State University of New York. Anna Maria Colleoe 1993 SA Cortlatld 1995 BS Peter C. Koenig.. SpringfIeld, MA Elizabeth !Hica McPartland Michael Leo Phelan, III Springfield College 1990 BS Cheshire, CT Southampton, MA Springfield College 1995 BS Western New Englatld College Erin E. Kopf 1994 SS Worcester, MA Stephanie L Mitchell University of Tampa 1993 8S New Bedford. MA Cindy A. Plummer Springfield College 1995 SS BraIntree, MA Deborah S. Kresge UniverSIty 01 Massachusetts Belchertown, MA Deborah Jean Munger 1994 BFA Springfield College 1994 BS PIttsfield, MA Springfield College 1995 BS Monica Ann Pope Laura A. Kulaw Tipp CIty, OH South Hadlev, MA Paula M . Miinz Wright State UnIverSIty Russell Sage College 1992 BS longmeadow, MA 1994 BS Springfield College 1994 BS Ty C. landry Michelle L Poulin Bedford, TX Metissa Lynn Murtagh Chicopee, MA University of Southwestern Brocktoo, MA SpringfIeld CoIl698 1995 BS louIsIana 1990 BS AssumpttOn College 1995 SA Diane M . Puff Christopher W. Lewl. Geoffrey R. Newton W. SprIngfIeld, MA Islip, NY Rocky Hill. CT Queens College 1972 SA Villanova University 1992 8A Keene State College 1990 as Kerry A. Quint Karen A. Liptak Tara Lynn Nichol. Mooson, MA Westfield. MA Toms River, NJ SpringfIeld College 1994 BS UniverSIty of Massachusetts, University of Connectteut Amherst 1994 BS 1995 BS Sean Qui ... Cheshire, CT Henry Anthony Long, Jr. Colleen M. O'Brien SpringfIeld CoIl698 1995 SA Agawam, MA West Springfield. MA Springfield College 1995 BA College of Our lady of the Elms Hans Christian Ramsden 1994 SA Rock.pon,MA Karen J. Long SpringfIeld College 1995 BS West Springfield, MA John G. O'Connor Westfield State College 1974 SA Saratoga Springs. NY Justin M . Raymond Johnson State College 1993 SA Atlanta, GA Andrea Pauline Lucy McGill University 1993 BED Spnngfield. MA Kathryn Suzanne Peacock American International College Hadley, MA Eric C. Rienedler 1995 BS American InternattOnal College Commack, NY 1994 BS Stale UniverSIty of New York. Jonathan S. Lund Plattsburgh 1995 BA Teanec:k, NJ Ruth Peariman Muhlenberg College 1995 BA South Hadley, MA Elissa Paula Rifkin Framingham State College Longmeadow, MA Amy E. Marcotte 1991 BA Emerson College 1976 BS Agawam. MA Springfield College 1992 SS Joyce N. Peli.sarl Karen Roosa East Hanford, CT West Swanzey, NH CoUeen B. Marcu, University of Connecticut Springfield College 1993 BS West Springfield. MA 1989 BA Bostoo University 1978 SS

9 Micha" Joseph Roy Steven E. Stromw.,1 Janet Wilson Springfield, MA Springfield. MA Southwick, MA Western New England College Westfield State College 1994 SA Westfield Slate College 1986 BA 1993 BS Charles A. Sullivan Kevin Mark Woodhouse Philip M. Rugo Madison, NJ Portland, ME Holyoke. MA SPfingfield College 1991 as Keene State College 1984 BS University of Vermont 1967 BA Mary Beth Tabor Julie C. Woodmansee Melissa A. Runion Millbury, MA Wakefield, RI liberty TownshiP, OH Assumption College 1995 BA UniverSity of ConnectICut University of Cinclnnall 1993 BA 1995 BS Caroline O'Neill Tams Ronald T. Sehefban Enfield, CT laura M. Woz Agawam. MA College of Our Lady of the Elms South Hadley, MA UniverSity of Massachuseus 1992 BA UniverSity of Massachusetts, 1969 BS Amherst 1994 SA Kimberley M. Thayer Angela Hope Schofield Cummington, MA Springfield. MA College of Our lady of the Elms Master of Springfield College 1993 BS 1995 BA Physical Education

Stacey A. Seiacchiuno Shawn R. niger Pierre Camoln Suffield, CT Beverly, NJ La Jolla, CA State UniverSity of New York. lafayette CoIleQe 1994 BA Science Economique Montpellier Cortland 1992 BS 1996 Chris Ann Tolpa David A. Shapiro Chicopee, MA Peter James Casey Springfield. MA University of Massachusetts Hull, MA Boston UniverSity 1989 BA 1991 SA Bomoin College 1993 BA

Douglas C. Short Elizabeth Ann Tuman Sandra D. Collins Suffern. NY South Hadley. MA Slingerlands. NY UniverSity of Delaware 1991 BA Mount Holyoke College Russetl Sage College 1987 8S 1993 SA Henry J . Skala Susan Rachel Derderian East longmeadow, MA Richard Kenneth Veres Nashua. NH Westfield State College 1974 SA Pon Crane, NY Rivier College 1990 BS American InternatIOnal College Springfield College 1995 BS 1987 MPA James O'Connor Anlay Tanya L. Volff Springfield, MA leura J . Smith Pittsfield, MA Gettysburg College 1992 BA St Paul, MN North Adams State College Marist College 1992 BA 1995 BA BS Michael Weldon King Bethesda. MD Gretchen A. Smutney Timothy J . Wakefield Springfield College 1995 BS Haverhill. MA CotUit, MA Springfield College 1988 SS Eckerd College 1995 BA Seott A. Kolok Greenwich, CT Christine Michelle Sollminl Jason Marcus Wall The Citadel 1995 BS Hanover. MA Lanesboro, MA UniverSity of Hartford 1994 BA UniverSity of Massachusetts Lee H, Telter 1995 BS Monroe, NY Kasey Christine Speyer State UniverSity of New YQfk, Estes Park, CO Faye L Weiner Oneonta 1995 BA University of Colorado Boulder Marblehead. MA 1994 SA University of Massachusetts, Roger Vincent Ward Dartmouth 1995 SS Bellingham, MA Byron D. Spinney UniversilV of Massachusetts Kittery Point. ME Carey Louise William, 19928A UniverSity of New England Springfield, MA 1995 SS Springfield College 1995 BS Hau Chun Wong Estate Hong Kong Hong Kong Baptist UnIVerSity 1995 BA 10 Master of Science Alice Anne Barber Kristin M . Bonilla Springfield, MA Wallingford, CT R ..na Abraham Wellesley College 1993 BA Southern Connecticut State Rochester, NY UniverSity 1991 BS State UnIVersity of New York, Rhonda J, Barr Geneseo 1995 Hardwick, VI KaryAnn Sweet Boueherd Johnsoo State College 1979 BA North Fernsburg, VI Ann-Kersti Ado"sson Spflflgfleld College 1996 as Lindome, Sweden Christopher Barshom GOlhenburg College 1980 BS Windham, CT Purnime D, Bramhavar Spl'lngfleld College 1996 BS South Windsor, CT Christopher Joseph Albanese Springfield College 1995 BS Monroe, NY Karen Lynn Battenfeld Springfield College 1996 BS Baldwin, MD Joanne K. Bresnahan Springfield College 1996 BS Tewksbury, MA Kristen L. Allen UnIVerSity of Massachusetts Springfield, MA Matthew Fleming aaysden 1992 BA Purdue University 1995 BA Longwood, FL University of Central FlOrida Deborah Ernestine Brick Melissa J. Alves 1991 SA Spnngfield, MA Harwich, MA Western New England Cottege Adelphi UniverSity 1987 BFA Dawn Ren.. Beckar 1971 BS East Hampton, NY Donna W. Anderson Spmlgfield College 1996 BS Debra M . Brien Wilmington, DE Meredith, NH College of William and Mary Francis Xavier Berardi Springfield College 1995 BS 1981 BA Shelton, CT Springfield College 1995 BS Molly M . Britten Erica C, Anderson N Attleboro, MA \oVheatley Heights, NY Jessica Malynn Bet"g UniverSity of Nebraska 1992 BA Slale UnlV9rslty of New York, Manchester, CT Albany 1990 SA Springfield College 1996 as Mare Stuart Brog PhIl&delphl8, PA Jennie Beth Vasullo Andrews Seott M, Berg Albnght College 1990 SA New PrOVidence, NJ West Spnngfield, MA Springfield College 1983 BS Boston Coltege 1990 BA Allison M. Brown Stratford, CT Bjorn Anzen Staphanie lynne Bergamo Sacred Hean UniverSity 1987 BS ValienlUna, Sweden Plantsville, CT University of Stockholm 1971 Springfield College 1996 BS Marguerite B. Brown AuguSta, ME Janet Marie Arlequ.. uw Ramona P. Berman SprIngfield College 1995 as Derry, NH Sunapee, NH Springfield College 1995 BS New England College 1989 BS Ruthe E. Bubar Norwich, CT Jill A. Axelrod Michelle Dawn Bethune Springfield College 1994 BS Boston, MA Scottsdale, AZ UniverSity of Massachusetts, limestone College 1993 BA Tammy Lynn Burden Amherst 1987 BFA West Babylon, NY Nina M. Betinis Spnngfl9ld College 1996 as Gregory p, Babiee Springfield, MA Cranston, RI UniverSity of Massachusetts Margaret A. Burgeson Springfield College 1996 BS 1987 BA Nashua. NH Bellvue College 1985 SA Unda Ann Babula Matthew John Bitsko Ludlow, MA Malvern, PA Florenee A. Burt American International College Randolph-Macon College Easthampton, MA 1992 BS 1994 BA DartmOUth College 1988 AS

Hans A. Bandhold Melanie Elor.. Boline Beverly A. Burton Gavte S 80637 Salem, OR Chester, PA Springfield College 1995 BS Oregon State UniverSity 1992 BS Delaware Slale College 1986 BS

11 Delzora Bush Colleen Eliza~h Cronin Rita B. Ferguson New Ha .... en. CT West Hartford. CT Wilmington, DE New Hampshire College Springfield College 1995 BS Delaware State Uni.... erslty 1983 aA 1976 BS Marisol Cruz Gail Denise Byers Chicopee. MA leah C. Fiasconaro Cum Lsude Springfield College 1994 BS Greenfield, MA Webster. NY Springfield College 1995 as Ruth A. D'Angelo Darren Michael Cady Shelburne, VT Peter P. Figueroa Albany, NY Castleton State College 1989 BS Floral Park. NY Springfield College 1995 as Springfield College 1996 BS Debbie e. Dahtcki Ann·Britt Cartsson Wilmington, DE Bethany E. Fisk Mollosund. Sweden Lincoln UniverSity 1995 BS Amherst, NH Goetborgs University Keene State College 1994 aA Eric Dauphinais Peter E. Carter West Hartford. CT Lori Ann Fleischmann Goffstown. NH Springfield College 1995 BS Chester. NY Pennsyl ....anla Sta te Uni .... erslty Springfield College 1996 BS 19788S Dawn Marie Delmont Middlesex, NJ Augusto F. Franceschi Krista Diane CarviU Springfield College 1996 BS Honey Brook, PA Londonderry. NH SI. Thomas UniverSity 1973 BA Bridgewater Stale College John B. DaVos 1995 as Hillsboro. NH Nicole L Fredericks Springfield College 1992 BS Chalham, NY Madeleine Marguerite Springfield College 1996 as Charpentier Nicole Leigh Dillon ManVille. AI Manchester. NH Daniel J, French Ahode Island College 1977 as Springfield College 1996 BS Ballston Spa, NY State UnrverSlty of New York, UChen James W. Donald Cortland 1994 BS Longmeadow. MA Chicopee, MA Hunan Institute of PhYSICal Springfield College 1994 BS Marie E. Fridolf Education 1983 BAB Go teborg. Sweden Pamela A. Dowland Gothenburg College 1980 Caryn Elizabeth Chofflatti Island Pond, VT New Fairfield. CT Norwich Uni .... ersity 1993 BA Lorraine Gaboriault Central ConnectICut State Barre, VT UniverSity 1995 BS Margie S. Ducharma Springfield College 1993 as Manchester, NH Tamaryn E. Clowdus Keene Slale College 1992 BA Pamela Jean Gardner French Creek. WI! Melrose, MA West Virginia Wesleyan College Rosemarie A. Edwards Unl ....ersity of Massachusetts 1994 as Mattapan, MA 1986 as Uni.... ersity of Massachusetts, Jeanne Anne Connery AmherSI 1992 BA Michael Aaron Gellman Nesconset, NY Springfield, MA Bethany College 1978 BA Jennifer Erin Eichorn San Di690 State UnrverSlty Middletown. CT 1992 SA Saundra kay Lauraine Cope Westfield Slale College 1990 BA Springfield. MA Matthew Michael Ginger American International College Eric Eisinger West Ha .... en, CT 1978 BS Longmeadow. MA Springfield College 1996 as Springfield College 1989 BS Frances D, Corgnati Theresa Lynn Gingra. Amherst. MA Annica M. Eriksson Somers, CT AmerICan InternatIOnal College Lindome. Sweden Springfield College 1996 as 1973 BA UniverSJIy of Slockholm 1982 Chervil. Glick Tara Lyn Criner Judith E. Erminger SI. Augustine. FL Springfield. MA Aumford, ME New CoHege of California Uni.... erslty of Wisconsin 1994 BS Springfield College 1994 BS 1977 SA

12 Anel. Gomez Arnim Hewk!n. Ryen Anthony Kelmen Springfield, MA Rosedale, NY Springvale, ME Springfield College 1994 as Springfield College 1995 as Springfield College 1996 as

Anne Mo"en Goodale Micheel J. Heydan Linde M . Kay Amherst. MA loweH, MA Pittsfield, MA Bard College 1972 BA Spnngfield College 1995 BS SI81e UniverSity of New York, Brockport 1981 BS Keth'Mn M . Gormley candida L. Hinkley PlantSVille, CT Lanesboro, MA Diana M . Kenney Russell Sage College 1989 BS Springfield College 1994 as West Spnngfield. MA UniverSIty of Connecticut Tammy L Guenthet' Unda Merie Hodgkin. 1973 as East CalaiS, VT Spnngfield. MA UniverSity of Akron 1983 SA UniverSity of Massachusetts CollMn Mery King 1991 SA Ware,MA Julie Anne Guet'ette Sprll\gfleld College 1996 SS Enfield, CT Lisa A. Howard Central Connecticut State Springfield, MA Kimberly A. Kirk UniverSity 1991 SS UniverSity of Georgia 1994 SA Tuckerton, NJ Springfield College 1996 as Jennifet' Lynn Guertin John Oyeghlr. Idehen West Hartford, CT Altamonte Spnngs, FL Kere Kitchen-Glodgett Spnngfield College 1995 SS Worceslef Stale College Essex Junctl()l"l. VT 1995SS UniverSity of New York. Wendy J. Guilbert Plattsburgh 1993 as MallChester, NH Deborah A. Jam.. Spnngfleld College 1996 SS Aberaeron Oyied. UK Patricia Deven Knoll Oxford Polytechnic 1986 SA Amherst, NH Hen. H.. ggblom University of New Hampshire HelslOgborg. Sweden lene B. Jennon 1991 BA IHM Business School 1990 Tvreso, Sweden Sareh Jene Knoy Anders J . Hallden Anthony T. Jarvi. ChlCllgO,IL Molkyeke, Sweden York Beach, ME UniverSity of Massachusetts Molnlyeke of lund 1978 BS University 01 Maine 1992 BS Amherst 1977 BA Molnlyeke of luoo 1988 MS Steven G. Jenkin. Donna L. Koczajow.kl Kelli Kri.tin Hemilton-Lewi. Enfield. CT Northampton, MA Wallingford, PA Bowling Green State University UniverSity of Massachusetts VirglOla State University 1994 BA 1993 BS 1994 as Irene M . Johansson Sharon Marie Kokoefet' arM Anna Harrica Trangsund, Sweden Hillsdale, NY Dannemora. NY Vakjo Teacher TralOlI\g UniverSity of Dayton 1983 BFA Springfield College 1996 BS Shelley M . John.on Eunice M . LaFat. Cel.. t. M . Hart Hartford, CT Wilmington, DE Northampton, MA Springfield College 1993 BS UnlV6rSlty of the West 10019s SrMh College 1989 BA 1979 BA David William Jorden Dougla. T. Harvey Leeds, ME Jacqueline Angelique LaPointe Spflngfleld, MA Springfield College 1994 BS Granby, MA Wittenberg University 1993 BA SprlOgfleld College 1996 BS F. Michael Joseph Louise R. Harvey East Longmeadow. MA Tome. Larsson New Castle, DE GaYle, Sweden Wilmll'lgton College 1988 as MiCMlle D. Jolhue Stenbarsvagen East Wioosor, NJ Sean Adam Ha.tings Rutgers UniverSity 1994 BS Mery E. Laughlin Shrewsbury, MA DracUI, MA Southeastern Massachusetts Floyd Patrick Joziti. Webster College 1970 BA UniverSity 1991 as Hampton, NH New Hampshire College 1982 BS 13 Patricia M Jackl- A. lavol.. Dennis J. Loughlin Vincent Martin Mc08l'mott Stapl •• Exeter, NH Pittsfield. MA Milton, NH Springfield College 1995 BS lona College 199 aA Franklin Pierce College 1991 BS Susan Laurent Lunn Philip M . B. McGov8l'n carey L Girard·Leekie Brentwood, NH L&wIsville, PA Southwick, MA Plymouth State College West Chester UnIverSity Westfield State College 1994 BS 1968 BED 1993 BS

Fang.chlh (Amy) Lee Mary Anne MacDonnell Mark J. McSweeney Taichung, Taiwan longmeadow, MA Auburn, NH Springfield College 1995 BS Fairfield UniverSity 1986 BA Sune University of New York Cortlalld 1978 as Margarat S. Lee Jennif.r L. Maloon Tal WaF, Hong Kong Vernon. CT Fior Medina Springfield College 1995 BS Springfield College 1996 BS Preston, CT UniverSIty Autooom Victoria Regia N. Lee Sheila S. Malynowskl Santo Domingo 1984 MS Lake Carmel. NY New Boston. NH Ideal College of Human Science Franklin Pierce College 1991 BS Christie A. Mehlhorn 1980 BA Winnipeg MB Canada Deborah J. Manzo Radford University 1992 BS Claire L Lemay Mansfield. MA Belmont, NH Pennsylvania State UnIversity Kathleen A, Mello Mendes New Hampshire College 1988 SA DanVIlle, VT 1973 BA Spnngfleld College 1993 BS Kevin E. Marsh Julia G. Lennon Becket. MA Kristen Theresa Miodonh Lee. NH University of Massachusetts, Feeding Hills. MA University of New Hampshire Amherst 1987 BA University of Massachusetts. 1982 BS Boston 1990 BS John D. K. Martin Maryann G. Leonczyk North Haven, CT Mitchell D. Moquin Ludlow, MA Springfield College 1995 BS Littleton, NH Mounl Saint Mary College Springfield College 1990 as 1978 as Kathleen Ann Martin Springfield, MA Tamara Morey-Mitton Wai Man Leung Keene State College 1994 as Oakdale, CT Shun Bldg Hong Kong State University of New York. Hong Kong Baptist University Mark Edward Masluk Regents 1988 BS 1995 BA Milford, CT Springfield College 1995 BS Jana Lynn Morrison H. Carol Liddell Ocala, FL Nashua. NH Bo E. Matts.on Stetson UniverSity 1995 BS Spnngfield College 1995 BS Tabv. Sweden Springfield College 1995 BS Richard Irving Munsey, Jr. Hakan T. J. Liljeqvist Exeter. NH Falun, Sweden Eric Daniel May Nlaoara University 1969 BA Higher Swedish Military Hudson,MA _my University of Rochester 1992 BA Nancy J. Nelson Fairfield. CA Trlcla N . Lindquist Jennif.r Katherine Mazzeo Jacksonville UniverSity 1993 BS Manchester, NH Oxford. CT University of Mame 1992 BA Springfield College 1996 as Joyce E. Nieves Bfldgeport, CT E. Evon Llndsey-Rumin.kl Bridget C. McCabe Interamencan UnIVersity New Haven. CT Machl8s, ME 1995 BA UnIVerSity of New Haven UniverSIty of MaUle 1984 BS 1972 BS Antoinette C, O'Carroll Linda Manfrini McCarthy Colts Neck:, NJ KjeU Lindstrom Franconia, NH Pennsylvania State UniverSity Orebro. Sweden Norwich University 1986 BSN 1987 BS

14 K.thryn Quinn O'leary M.rg.ret J. Priu Chari.. E. Roystar BloomflElld, MI Wilmington, OE Easthampton, MA Springfield College 1996 SS Delaware State University Springfield College 1993 SS 19708S Nancy J. O'Neil Trin. C.therine Runge Tilton, NH M.rcia M.rie Putnam· T odd Coeur d'Alene, 10 Notre Oame College 1993 SA Springfield, MA Pepperdlne UniverSIty 1991 SA HartWICk College 1994 SA Ren.. OhlSion Sameerah Salahuddin Goteborg, Sweden Kathleen Mary Rail Columbus, OH Jamaica Plain, MA Denison University 1991 SA Michael H. Oken Niagara UniverSity 1989 SS Middletown Spungs, VT Janet M , SandeJli UniverSity of Massachusetts Naney Ramo. Pembroke, NH 1969 SSA Sprmgfield, MA GettySburg College 1975 SA Springfield College 1995 SS Sharon l , Olsson Brett Burr Sanders Notllngham, NH Robin S, Rand.II·Torre. Glastonbury, CT UniverSity of New Hampshire Hillsboro, NH Springfield College 1995 BS 1993 as Springfield College 1994 BS linda J. S.ren Jo Ann Paduch Donna M. Ransmeier East Hampstead, NH Somers, CT lisbon, NH Springfield College 1995 BS COfnell UnlVtlrSlty 1974 as Springfield CoIleQe 1993 SS Irene M , Saunder. John A. P.erels Mary Frances A. Reilly leverett. MA WhlttlElr, CA Ardmore, PA Rutgers University 1973 SA Keene State College 1987 BA Pennsylvania State University 1976 BS Mary Evan. Sayer Carolyn Wright Pagano Amherst, MA Palmer. MA Emma Violeta Reyes·Prado University 01 Pennsylvania Centtal ConnectICut State Bridgeport, CT 1965 BA UniverSity 1980 BS Spnng/ield College 1995 BS Matthew James Schott Sheil. M . P.olozzi H. Edward Roberts, Jr, South Hadley, MA Whitesboro, NY South Burlington, VT Springfield College 1994 BS Springfield College 1996 BS Ohio State UniverSity 1989 BA Janet Schuhl lee Whay C. Pasek Nicole A. Roberts Wilmington, OE Centerport, NY WaUingford, CT West Cl'lEIster UniverSity Springfield College 1996 BS Springfield College 1995 BS 1968 BS

Leslie B, Petterson Lena B. Rolander Jason Evan ShaughneSlY Jamaica Plain, MA Grundsund, Sweden Ringwood, NJ Quinnlpiac College 1990 BA Gothenburg College 1976 Springfield College 1995 BS

Jan·ave Pettersson LaJ'$ H. Rooth Jill C. Shaw Odeborg.Sweden Vallentuna, Sweden Springfield, MA YMCA CoIIeQe 1969 AssumptIOn College 1991 BA JoAnne M . Pinto West Warwick, AI Laura L Rosin Christine M . Shea State UniverSity of New York Sabattus, ME Manchester. NH New Paltz 1988 BFA Springfield College 1995 BS UniverSity of New Hampshire 1978 SA Daniel Thoma. Powers Rachel Eva Rouffe Fairfield, ME Boca Raton, FL Usa Bazzano Sibilla Bngham Young University University of Maryland 1992 BA West Springfield, MA 1991 BA Spnngfleld College 1995 BS Ann Nancy Rousselle Lois Carroll Powers BiddefOfd, ME Steven Marc Simon Atkinson, NH Plymouth State College 1985 BS Agawam, MA UniverSity of Maryland 1982 BS Syracuse UniverSity 1993 BS

15 Stacy T. Sims John J. Tkacz. Jr. Kathleen M . Wall Fairfax Station. VA New Britain, CT Huntington, MA Purdue University 1995 BA Springfield College 1995 BS Bridgewater State College 1992 BS Ronny Sjostedt Erin Lynn Tomasik lindome, Sweden South Dartmouth. MA Vao·Taung Wang UniverSity of Gothenberg Springfield College 1996 BS Taichung, Taiwan 1982 BS Fu-Jen Catholic UniverSity Andrew Jon Toothaklf' 1989 BA Heidi Sue Smith Sanford, ME Lenox, MA Springfield College 1996 BS Kelly Lynn Ward University of Hartford 1983 BS Hatfield, PA RONnne M. Tousignant Springfield College 1996 8S Joann. H.II Smith Augusta. ME Hadley, MA Springfield College 1995 BS F. Lorae WarTen Hobart and Wilham Smith Aston, PA Colleges 1991 BA Doreen Maria Travanos West Chester UnlV8rSIty Pepperell, MA 1988 BA Jan·Olov F. Soderberg Southeastern Massachusetts Jarfalla, Sweden UniverSity 1988 BS Christina Marie Wawrzyniak UniverSity of Stockholm 1972 Springfield, MA Kanneth Tubilleja University of Massachusetts Pia S. M. Johansson Springfield, MA 1983 BFA Soderqvist UniverSity of Nevada. Las Vegas Ynerby, Sweden 1994 SA Ken-ith Kristine Wein Goteboroes UniverSity 1986 BS Schenectady, NY Monique Y. Turnlf' Springfield College 1992 BS Erin L. Splll.ne-Darcy Alexandria, VA Thompson. CT Georgetown University 1988 BS Heather M . Weldon Northeastern University 1985 BS Attleboro Falls, MA Warner Blake Tuttle Bridgewater State CoIleoe Heathlf' L. Stanard Laconll, NH 1993 BS South Lee. MA New Hampshire College Springfield College 1996 BS 1992 BS Rino Wennerholm Jonsered, Sweden Dianne Baxter Stanton Brian Robert Umbargar Gothenburg College 1982 New Haven, CT Biddeford, ME Springfield College 1994 BS Central Connecticut State Bertha Laverne Westbrook UniverSity 1993 BS Springfield, MA Margaret C. Stosz Springfield College 1995 BS Amherst, MA Andrea L. Unct.rwood UniverSity of Massachusetts. Berwick. ME Tobey K. Whalen Amherst 1983 BA Springfield College 1996 8S Sanbornton. NH Queens College 1973 8A Yoshiko Suematsu Cherie Halan Van Oer Sluys Springfield, MA Huntington, CT Albert J. White Springfield College 1995 BS Wake Forest UniverSIty 1994 BA Wilmington. DE Delaware State University Micha" Emil Suomala Anita Jean Vincanzo 19658S Springfield. MA Wethersfield, CT Springfield College 1996 BS Southern ConnectICut State Leonard D. Wiersma UniverSity 1985 BS Hayward. CA Michael P. Swltlik Whitworth College 1995 BA Mabelvale. AA Anna·Karin Waldamarsson University of Arkansas 1995 BS Huddinge, Sweden Jennife.- Lynn Wiley University of Stockholm 1977 SA Huntington. MA William S. Tanner Springfield College 1996 8S Fairfield, ME Monique Walker UniverSity of Maine 1972 BS Spnngfield, MA Nathan Erich Wistran Springfield Coflege 1994 BS Swampscott. MA Helena TI 'a Stonehlll College 1995 8A Sundsvall, Sweden Brigham Young University 1980 8A 16 Scott Edward Wojcik Theresa Ann Cain Catherine A. Estes South Windsor, CT Belchertown, MA Pittsfield, MA Spnngfu:'1ld College 1995 BS College of Our Lady of the Elms University of MassaChusetts, 1993 BA Amherst 1987 BS Ming Cheng Wu Longmeadow, MA H.ather L. Carnaroll Karolin A. F" National Taiwan Normal North Haven, CT North Branford. CT UniverSity 1988 BED Soutl'lern ConnectICut State Springfield College 1993 BS UniverSity 1993 BA Marc Patrick Wysocki Lindsey Fletcher-lynch Plymouth, NH Josephine C.ssldy Shelburne Falis, MA Colby-Sawyer College 1994 BS Chicopee, MA University of Massachusetts Westfield State College 1988 BA 1976 BS Etsuko Vamanaka Springfield, MA K.thl"n A. Chase MelYA I. Friedman UniverSity of Massachusetts, Moosup, CT Northampton. MA Amherst 1994 BS Springfield College 1992 as UniverSity of Maryland 1993 BS

Kristin M. V.rnell Miriam Colon Ruth Sheba Georges Easthampton, MA Brkfgeport. CT Brooklyn, NY Springfield College 1996 BS Springfield College 1994 BS College of New Rochelle 1993 BA Jeffery T. Vortl L. Conley Northampton. MA Gilmanton Iron Work, NH Melinda M.rie Groy" Indiana University 1994 BS Springfield College 1993 BS East Windsor. CT Elmira College 1995 BS Marlo J . Vorns Jeanne B.rrie Cramer Ware, MA Castleton, NY Helen T. H.ran Springfield College 1992 BS University of New York, Albany Worcester. MA 1990 BA University of Massachusetts Michell. Z.ruch.-Buscarello 1993 BA Bristol. CT Joseph M. Cullln.n. Jr. Southern ConnectICUt State Weymouth. MA Terri Jones Hayen UnIVerSity 1989 SA Springfield College 1993 BS Springfield. MA Delta State UniverSity 1978 BS Anne Louise Dumas Cuvemer Master of Social Work East Longmeadow. MA Corrina V. Houston UniverSIty of Massachusetts, Sprlf'lgfleld, MA Tyrone R. Abrah.mi.n Aml'lerst 1989 BA New Hampshire College 1980 BS Sprmgfield. MA Westfield State College 1995 BS K.ren R. Dartey laurie A. Kania-Blonlarz East Hampton, CT Easthampton, MA Mia A, Alves Central ConnectICut State Westfield Slale College 1995 BS Ludlow, MA UniverSity 1984 BA UniverSity of Massachusetts Daniel F. Kelleher 1989 BS Deborah J , Dee Longmeadow, MA Auburn, MA College of Our Lady of the Elms G.il SUAn Bass UniverSity of Iowa 1986 BA 1992 BSW Housatonic. MA UniverSity of Massachusetts Shirl"n Lynn Di.mond Leslie Laavis Kellogg 1992 BA Springfield. MA Williamsburg. MA College of Our lady of the Elms Springfield College 1986 BS Di.ne M. Be.ulieu 1996 BSW West Springfield, MA Louise M . Kenny Westfield State College 1989 BS Joseph Di'Uddo Hadlyme, CT Worcester. MA Springfield College 1992 BS Usa Annl Bec:h Springfield CoIIeoe 1994 BS Burlington, CT Constance E. Kononitz Keene State College 1994 BA Johanna Mori.rty Dube Granville, MA West Springfield. MA College of Our Lady of the Elms Willi.m E. Bour..... College of Our Lady of the Elms 1988 BSW Sprillgfleld, MA 1994 BSW Sprillgfleld College 1994 BS

17 Margaret Lemir.Berthel Neal O'Keefe Wendy Louise Wilcoxen Londonderry, NH Willimantic, CT Quincy. MA Spflngfleld College 1992 SS Eastern Connecticut State Bradford College 1990 SA University 1988 SA Jeannie l. Loos Glenda Johnson-Woods Tolland, CT PhVllis A, Pierce Hale New Haven, CT Springfield Coilege 1993 BS Plymouth. NH Claflin College 1983 SA Springfield College 1993 SS Janice E. Malin langdon, NH Mary S. Reynolds PhYSician Assistant Keene State College 1990 SA Deerfield, MA Smith College 1988 SA Certificate Freda Lynne Malone University of Massachusetts Spnngfield, MA 1990 MED Dawn M. Baird University of Massachusetts Ware, MA 1990 SA Kerry Ann Robinson Nonh Adams State 1980 SA Feeding Hills, MA Catherine Anne Manning Westfield State College 1994 SS Daniela Dotson Springfield, MA West Springfield, MA Springfield College 1991 SS Carmen D. Roman Springfield College 1995 SS Worcester. MA Ad.m Benton Marsh University of Pueno Rico Krista Shav Engllf Holyoke, MA 1984 SA Suffield, CT Spnngfield College 1990 SS UniverSity of New Hampshire Bernice Edwards-Rumble 1992 BS Harry R. Marsh Springfield, MA Avon, CT Westfield State College 1982 SA Kristina E. lablniec GettySburg College 1961 SA Southwick. MA Nancy R. Russell Elms College 1995 SA Gerald T. McCormack Enfield. CT Springfield, MA Springfield College 1993 SS Patrick E. Madden Monterev Institute International Springfield. MA Studies 1980 SA Jodi Lynn Smith College of the HolV Cross Agawam, MA 1992 BA Janice LeDoux Mitchell Springfield College 1993 SS Belchenown, MA Jonathan laulfmann Mililf Springfield College 1991 BS Jon Hartan Steinberg Mooson, MA Northampton. MA Western New England College Kenneth Allen Mokln Oberlin College 1965 BA 1993 BS Amherst, MA Corl"l9l1 UniverSity 1967 MPA Umversity of Massachusetts, Amherst 1990 BA Monique C. Stifter Bachelor's Degree Millbrook, NY Bernice T, Morehe.d University of Massachusetts, Maria S. Acevedo Pittsfield, MA Amherst 1988 SA Waterbury, CT Russell Sage College 1960 SA Cammie J ,Sundblad linda May Acorace Ingrid Susan Nadell West Swanzey, NH Cum Laude Springfield, MA College lor lifelong Learning Belmont, NH Clark UniverSity 1992 SA 1994 BA Western New England CoIleo& Carmen I. Aguirre 1995 BSW Steeey Jen" Taylor Nashua. NH Agawam, MA Thomas Lynch Nicholas UniverSity of Massachusetts Gina Aiello farmington, CT 1994 SA Cum Laude Eastern Connecticut State Pound Ridge, NY University 1985 BS 1989 MS Nancy Alice Thompson Amherst. MA Erin M. Alarie Shirlev M. Norwood Mount Holyoke College 1995 SA Shrewsbury. MA Mooroe, CT Springfield College 1990 BS James M. West Elizabeth Marie Albllrt Springfield, MA Magna Cum Laud8 5prJngfield College 1980 BS Durham. CT

18 Bethany S. Allan Jorga L Baez Nathan Paul Bellomo Cum Laude Springfield, MA Rutland, VT Montrose, PA Karyn D. Baglini Juna Allyca Behon Mlchaal T. Aim North Kingstown. AI Springfield. MA Phoenix, /J.2 Ouintin A. Bailey Crystal Ann Banson Padro E. Alvarez West Hartford, CT Danbury. CT Cum Laude Sunbury. PA laura Lee Baldyga Dianne T. Benway Palmer, MA Manchester. NH Luz I. Amaro HanfOfd, CT Brian J. Baratte Kathryn Ann get'geron Summit. NJ SI Johnsbury, VT Mark D. Ambru50 NeWIngton. CT JodyS. Bam" Jennifer Christine Bernardo Brackney. PA Cum Laude Takako Ando Wilbraham. MA Shizuoka-Ken. Japan Kevin J. Barney Cum Laude Joseph R. Berti Robert C. Andrews, Jr. Niskayuna, NY Cum Laude Springfield, MA Lenox. MA Robert Anthony Baroni Linde J. Angevine Stratford, CT Edward W. Bezkor Guildhall. VT Manhasset, NY Stacy Marie Barr Andrew H. Anton Cum Laude Tina Marie Biddy Palmer. MA Scotia, NY Waltham. MA

Brenda l. Arciere Kathleen H. Barrette David M . Bigelli Cum Laude Cum Laude Johnston. AI Gorham, NH North Providence. AI Steven P. Bilheimer Melissa Armi Luz E. Barrientos Cum Laude San Juan, PR Florence, MA Somers, CT

Brenda Ann Armstrong Paul Francis Ba,...lou, Jr. Megan L Billingham Summa Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude Salem, NH laconia. NH longmeadow. MA Kara L Bilotta Michael Curtis Arnold Emily Driscoll Barth Brockton, MA longmeadow, MA Northport. NY Karen Anne Black Derak Daniel Atherhoh Aimee Marie Bartlett Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude Elmira, NY Ware,MA Springfield. MA Christopher M. Blad.. J, Scott Atkins Steven J. Barton Framingham, MA Msgna Cum Laude Franklin. NH Springfield, MA Kurt W. Blauberg Danielle Marie Bayley MassapeQua Park. NY Anne M. Atwood Frammgham, MA Bucksport. ME Tracy A. Blinder Michael D. Bean Greal Neck, NY Vik10riya Avadyayeva Springfield, MA Springfield. MA Rebecca Jadine Bliss Erk Allen Beard Broadalbin. NY Jo.hua L. Aycock Bellingham, MA Springfield, MA Scott Whitney Boardway Michael Thomas Bellingham Gloversville, NY Dorothy J . Ayen Sea Cliff, NY Enfield. CT Frarn:is E. Boegemann. Jr. Anthony F. Bellofatto leominster. MA Pepperell, MA 19 Keith L Boger Thomas J . Brennan Rax L. Bunnell Bear. DE Danvers, MA Wolfeboro. NH

Melanie K. Boggs Eliza Breno Gregory M. Buonome Schoharie. NY Tanffville. CT Bolton. CT

Erich l . Boiczyk David P. Brien cariN Marie Magna Cum Laude Pittsfield. MA Stony Pomt. NY PlainVille. CT Karen J. Bronson Laurie Dasso But1er Cherie A. Boisvert Holderness. NH Springfield. MA Manchester. NH Susan A. Bronzino U ... Butts Karen J. Boivin Cum Laude Cum LiJude Plymouth. NH Wantagh. NY Norway. ME

Ronald Franklin Bolden Deborah Brooks Gail Denise Byan Newington. CT BrunsWICk. ME Cum LiJude Webster. NY Meagan K. Borges Tracey Lynn Brothers linle Compton. AI Cumberlar'ld, AI Jackie E. Cackett Balavia. NY Kurt Louis Bougor Melissa Beth Brousseau Middlebury, VT Bristol, CT William H. Caddoo Surry. ME Daniel Leo Boutin Gary Joseph Brown Magna Cum LiJude Millis.MA Mona Katherine Cahill South Hadley. MA Rye. NY Gloria J. Brown Kerl Ann Bowlby Bridgeport. CT Jeremy S. Cameron Cum Lsude Wrentham. MA Wilmington. MA Jennifer Jean Brown Cheshire. CT Barry D. Cam~1 Shannon M. Bowman Springfield. MA Bricktown. NJ Mark W. Brown Windsor Locks, CT Kem Lynn Camuso Dani" R. Brady Cum Laude Dracut. MA SUlln Ann Brown Salem, NH Bondsville. MA Matthew P. Brais Sharon L Cantoli Springfield. MA T em L. Brown Brick. NJ New Gloucester. ME Jennif.r Marie Brandi Shannon Mary Canty Stamford. CT Thomas Edward Brown Webster. MA Old Greenwich. CT Jessica Ann Brasil Lourdes C. Capers Cum Laude C. Sophie Brown'" Paterson. NJ Dracut. MA Conway. MA Dani.1 A. Capman Heather Anne Bray Jeremy R. Bruce Rockaway. NJ Branford. CT Magna Cum Laude Moriah Center. NY Elizabeth A. Cardillo Michelle T. Breen Windsor.CT Verplanck. NY Justin R. Bruce Port Henry. NY Luigi Cardillo, Jr. Robert C .Breingan Stamford, CT Stony Brook, NY Bryan J . Brunnabend Hellertown. PA Shelley A. earl Michelle N. Brenes Colebrook. NH Bayshore. NY Karen L Bryant Salem. NH John H. Carlson Emily Anne Brennan Washington Township. NJ White PIa,ns. NY Sarah E. Bryson MIllville. MA 20 D.niel J . C.ronl. D.vid R. Christensen Joy E. Courcier Perrysburg. OH Cum Laude Summe Cum Laude Beverly. MA $alutatoflan Melanie A. C.rpenter Somerset, MA Kensington. NH Eric Ci~,"o Nashua. NH Jo.n L Cr.btr.. CI.udi. C.rr Bow. NH Cum Laude Monique M. Ciprl.no New York, NY South Norwalk. CT Shelley Cr.ig Manchester, CT K.ren M.rle C.rrens Ivette CI.udio Magna Cum Laude East Haven. CT aenj.min M. Cronin Feeding Hills, MA Greenwich. NY Paul M. CI.ve.u Miri.m N. Cerrero Salem, MA Gregory J . Cronin South Menden, CT SpI'lrIglleld, MA Patricia A. Coiro D.nielle C.rroll Granby, CT Nereid. Cruz Haverhill, MA Manchester, CT Clarence W. Col" Ru ....11 Lee Cerson Magna Cum Laude Jason E. Cullum Summa Cum Laude Bndgepon, CT NeWIngton, CT Schenectady, NY O.mien Allen Colfer J.yne Ellen Cumiskey Jeff C.rter Oneonta, NY WyomiSSing, PA South Chatham, MA Melissa H. Colligan Erin Lynn Curry Jessie. Marl. C.rusone Schenectady, NY Woodstock, NY Meriden, CT Kevin J . Collins Jennifer L Curtin Gilberto Ceses Saratoga SPrings. NY Concord. NH Est De Torr Guaynab, PR Mich ••1 N, Come.u T. mmy M.ri. Cutrumb" Berb.ra Jo.n C•• telli Fall Rivet, MA Westford, MA Cum Laude Chester, CT Wendy L Comey Jam" C. O.igler Magna Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude UZ S, C•• tro Cumberland, RI West Hanford, CT West Hanford, CT Jeffrey Lewis Coni .. Eliz. beth J . D.ley V.n..... C. C.v.lcente Wtdllta, KS Dover. NH Brewster, NY Robert Lewrence Connors Und. O.lIaire John Anthony C.vallo Woburn, MA Manchester, NH Attleboro, MA Jon.than R. Conrad Mich.e' A. O.luz Jack A. Ch.mp.gne camden, ME Milimi. Fl Willington, CT Seon Andrew Ch.rI" Conr.d Sue Dame Arthur W. Cheeks, Jr. Longmeadow, MA Concord, NH Springfield, MA Cynthi. M.y Cook Brent Mich.el D.ssetti Sonja H. Chester Spnngfield, MA Wonhlngton, MA Wilbraham, MA Manhew John Coppolino Patricia G. Davey Pui Vin Cheung Barre. MA Old Saybrook, CT Cum Laude Hong Kong Oanielle M. Costella Lori Marie David Brightwaters, NY Spflng/leld. MA Michele E. Chi.v..,ini Montrose, NY Cara Lyndon Counter Arnie Louise Davidson Pownal, vr Ambler, PA He.ther Lynn Child East Woodstock, CT 21 Joshua Mark Davis Steven J . DiStefano Jo.hua Andrew Edmed Ellington. CT Copake Fails, NY West Yarmouth. MA

Kristle lyn Deerborn Jason C, DoboR Attract J . Eichler Bellows Falls, vr Turners Fails, MA Gardiner, ME

Maureen DuHy DeBlasio Kristen M. Donato Marla Nicole Elmmerman South River. NJ Sanborn, NY Springfield, MA

Candy J . DeGreenia Jam.. E. Donovan Alexander Joseph Elliott, III lyndon Center, VT Magna Cum Laude Wrentham, MA Saugus, MA Erin Elizabeth Delaney Tracll. Ellith0fP8 Wayne. NJ David H. Douglas Three Aivers, MA Magna Cum Laude Michael A. Delmage Springfield, MA Alliwn Hope Evans Bnstol, AI Magna Cum Laude Matthew F. Dowd Wakefield, AI loretta E. DelMastro Acton. MA Waterbury. CT Erin Katherine Evans Sharon M. Dowd Cum Laude Victoria A. Delmonico Cum Laude Pittsfield, MA Hingham, MA Chicopee, MA JeulcaEweli Carrie A. Delude Gregory A. Drab Manchester, NH Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude West Hartford, CT Mystic. CT Michael J. Ewing Methuen, MA Cristina DeMan:o Bryan Pltrkk Drake Nonon, MA Franklin, MA Michael G. fagen Brookfield, CT David A. Dembowrtz Carrie Elizabeth Drake Cheshire. CT Concord. NH Melanie Glee Fant Birdsboro, PA Anthony E. Demers E. Richard Driscoll Auburn. NH West Hartford, CT Christopher J . Faris Bristol. RI StKey I. deShield Diane Katherine Dubin Sprmgf,eld. MA Manchester, NH Cory Wayne Farley Mount Desert, ME Michele Ann Desnoye" Cory Raymond DuCharme Westbrook, CT New Salem, MA Aliwn l . Farrar Newport,vr Kimberty A. DesRosiers Catherine S. Duclos Salem. NH Portland, ME Danielle Marie Farrell Avoo, CT Marcy A. DeVey Bridget M. Duffy Webster, NY Cum Laude Keith Patrick Faugno Navesink. NJ Stamford, CT Tonia A. Dia. Warwick, AI Brenda lee Duksa Kelly L Fayl .. Copake, NY Magna Cum Laude laura lee Dicke lynn, MA Summa Cum Laude Benjamin D. Dulude Wappingers Fails, NY Granby, MA Tracey A. Felcher Summa Cum Laude Elizabeth M. Diephuis Kimberly E. Durborow South Windsor, CT South Hamilton. MA Vernon, vr Cynthia lee Fennelly Tara Ann Dilallo Lauren F. Dyjak Manchester, NH Brewster, NY Ellington. CT Valerie A. Ferreir. Brent Alan Dillard Joseph A. Eddington Magna Cum Laude Chicopee. MA Spmlgfield, MA Raynham. MA 22 Holly Inga Feidler Anna D. Fuchu Jaffrey S. Godbols Cum Lsude Lawrence, MA Milford, NH APOAE Joseph R. Glboury SUNn Clare Goddard Joseph Thor Redl., Cum Laude Derry, NH APO AE New MiHord, CT SUNn H. Golec Christine Joy Fink Richard A. Gagney Cum Laude Enfield, CT Wayland, MA Newington, CT

Gretchen Anne Fisk Kevan P. Ga'e Julie A. Golemme Magna Cum Lsude Little Silver, NJ Rockland. MA Huntington, MA George P. Galinos Kimberly Ann Golz Justin lee Fitzgerald Billenca, MA Swansea, MA Brockton, MA Joseph Nicholas Gallagher Elvio R. Gomez Kristin Ruth Flagg Holliston, MA Bradford. MA Cheshire, CT Ronald P. Gallant, Jr. Johanna Gomez Mark W. Fleming Naugatuck, CT Springfield, MA Chelmsford. MA James P. Galli Udia Vivian Gomez Miry Ann Fleming Bennington, VT North Andover, MA Teaneck. NJ Joshua Thomas Gannon Andrew L. Goodwin larry G. Flowers Oxford, MD Windham. CT Springfield, MA Jimmy Garcia Christine Goonan Seth Anthony Flynn Glen Ellyn, Il Yonkers, NY Cape EllUlbeth, ME lauren E. Gardner Michelle Gordon Brad W. Fordyce West Hartford, CT Ellington, CT Churchville, MD Michael J. Gauvin Kelly A, Gorman Jodi Ann Fortuna Bristol, CT Bulfalo, NY Chicopee, MA Marylou GeHuso Michael W. Gormley Bette Jo Foster Cum Laude Huntmgton, MA Clinton, ME Barrington, AI Mary Gorski Alison DuBarry FOll Peter G. Gentekol Easthampton, MA CumL/Jude Cos Cob, CT Canandaigua, NY Eric Harrilon Gould Matthew E. Gibbs Cum Laude John L. Fo)( Milford, MA West Nyack., NY North Branford, CT Neil G. Glla Suunne 8 . Grlgnlno Robyn Maria Francese Bristoi, VT MlI9nl1 Cum Laude Shrewsbury, MA Cheshire, CT Jeannine M. Gill Anabel A. Francisco East Greenbush, NY Regina L. Grahlm Chicopee, MA Wallingford. CT Bridget Gilroy Diane Franco Southborough. MA Paul R. Grant Nyack., NY Cum Laude Robert Richard Glumetti, Jr. Essex. MA Thomas Franco Needham. MA Springfield, MA Mlrcia Graves·Porter Lori Eliubeth Glelson Monson. MA Atfred John Frugoli Wareham, MA Baldwinville, MA Ernest H. Green Sibrini Glenn·Bulis Narragansett. RI New Brita,n, CT 23 Shelley K. Green Todd W. Harnol. Laur.n B. Horlacher Magna Cum Laude Chicopee. MA Cum Lsude Stratford. CT Ogdensburg. NJ Heather L. Harty Sandra J. Greene Magna Cum Laude Kelly M. Hoxie Cum Laude Bellows Falls. VT Sandwich. MA West Hartford. CT Claudette M. Ha.ting. Victoria L. Hudock Arthur G. Grenier Hartford. CT Oueensbury. NY Lowell. MA Sean M. Hayes Garth P. Hudson Jennifer M. Gribbin Peabody. MA Silver Spring. MD Magna Cum Laude Portland. ME Paul M. Hegarty RusMiI Norman Hurst. Jr. Chicopee. MA Warren. NH Cynthia C. C. Griffin Littleton. NH Suzanne Hendy Br.d Stamford Huston Cum Laude Morrisville. PA Gevonna A. Grimmett Plaistow, NH New London, CT J.son K. Hyde Shannon Jean Herlihy Essex. CT Joseph E. Grimmett. Jr. Summa Cum Laude New London, CT Springfield, MA Robert Alan Hyland Harwinton. CT Benghi Jai Groom" Erin J. Heufelder Springfield, MA Magna Cum Laude Alice Blazinski Iacobucci Newport, RI Wethersfield. CT Gary Robert Gu.lducci Cum Laude Dw.yne J. Hicks Christophit' W. lrackl Waterbury, CT New Haven, CT Newark, DE

D.vid T. Gugliotti Oonna Lee Higgins Renee J. Jadro Avon. CT litchfield. NH Cum Laude Clark, NJ Mell... A . Guillet Tammy K. Higgins Canterbury, CT East OtiS, MA Jessica L. Jaime Lynn, MA Joseph Wayne Guyon J.nell_leigh Hoag Agawam, MA Cum Laude Neal Edward Jameson Fallston, MD lIl'ICOIn. RI Shawna L. HallCZa,ek Allenstown, NH TIna M. Hoehn·Agur. Ta,. C. Jay Thompson, PA MIddlefield, CT EUzabeth M. Hand Manchester, NH Vanessa Hofler Todd Lewis Jennings Danbury, CT Windsor, CT Jamna Taklyah Hankins Ossining, NY Erin Lynn. Hogan Charyl Ann. Johnson Clifton Park, NY Northborough. MA Rachel A. Hankinson CumLatlde John William Hogan Robbi. J. Thomas Johnson Foxboro, MA Riverside, CT Springfield, MA

Cynthia A. Hansen Jonathan D. Holden Robin M. Johnson Magna Cum Laude Hopkinton, MA Wilmington, DE Weare, NH Joshua C. Holden Megan E. Johnston Holly J. Hanson Hard\.vick, MA Clavrnont, DE South Weymouth, MA Jana Holland Andrew F. Jones Jason D. Herlow Nashua, NH Watertown, MA lakeVille, MA

24 Rev. Anthony K. Jones Nancy E. Kramek Joseph John Leniart Magna Cum Laude Cum Laude Shelton. CT Allentown, PA Chevy Chase. MD Tara Michele Lennon F. Michael Jos,eph Joseph E. Krupinski LIVIngston. NJ EasILong~. MA Summa Cum L/Jude Worcester, MA Colby Alan Leno Julie Beth JUknavorian Somers, CT Methuen, MA William Kubinski Springfield, MA Patrick Joseph Leonardo Margaret Julian Somerset, MA Londonderry. NH Karen Marie Laliberte Springfield. MA Jos,eph William Lesserd, III Michelle Ren.. Julian Salem, NH Palmer, MA Teedora M. Lalli Springfield, MA Morris Carlson Lewis UN Ann Juris South Windsor, CT West Haven, CT Samuel Charles Lamana Summa Cum Laude Robert Ubera Benjamin Bradley Kaplan Chicopee, MA Chicopee, MA Canterbury. NH Phyllis A. Lamb Ren .. Janelle Ughtbourne Maria T. Karllius PlaistOW. NH West Bermuda Towson, MD Sonya Victoria Lamonakis Mlureen Klthryn Lind Deanna L, Kaufman Turners Falls, MA QUincy. MA Somerville, NJ Karen M . langlois Jane Grly Unsley Willilm H, K.. ner Bridgeport, CT Burlington, VT Magna Cum Laude $quantum, MA Jennie Elizabeth Lapan Elizabeth M . UpniDi Upton, MA Mount laurel, NJ TImothy James Kelley NiantIC, CT Kevin Philip Laro Marci B. Usitano Cum Laude Haddam, CT June Ann M . Kelliher White Aiver JunctiOn, VT Berlin. NH Oorota J. Lizak Bryce p, Lauro Cum Lauc1e Scott K. Kelly North BranfO!"d, CT ChiCQpee, MA Shelburne, VT Gregory M , La"III.. Jason M . Loftus Mary Lorraine Kenahan Manchester, NH Magna Cum Laude Long Beach, NY East Longmeadow, MA Christopher Bryan LaVogue Thomas J . Kench West Hartford, CT Primo A. Lombardi Stoneham, MA Chilmark., MA Valerie A. Lawrence Martha J. King Summa Cum u.ude Jennifer L. LoPorto Enfield, CT MallChester, NH Bramlte&, MA

Michael R. King James M . Lawson Christine Marie Luc.s North Dartmouth, MA Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude Kingston. AI Cheshire, CT Robert W. King North Adams. MA Jean Anne Le Vien Kathl ..n M. Lucey Elizabethtown. NY Brockton, MA 80nnle J. Kirk Sinking Spring, PA Gary J. LeBrun Tara M . Lugdon Salem. MA Bangor. ME Lauren Knuth Bayshore. NY Kathryn E. L.. n Julil R. Maboke BangO!", ME Amherst. MA

25 Timothy D. Maclam Marci L Martel Jenny McDade White River Junction, VT Manchester, NH Magna Cum Laude Ayer. MA Marcel Maddox Carrie A .Martln Springfield, MA East Aurora, NY Anne Virginia McDevitt Cum Laude Eneida J. Madho Gary R. Martinalli Scotch Plains, NJ Springllaid, MA Orange. MA Bonita A. McFarland Thomll J . Magnotta Jose O. Martinez East Hartford, CT Mount Kisco, NY lowell, MA Shannon M. McGarry Bonnia J. Maguire-Nave Marisol Martinez Hampden. MA Center Harbor. NH Springfield, MA Christopher Gerald McGee Karen F. Maher Kern l . Martinovich East Norwalk, CT South Sutton. NH Magna Cum bude Plattsburgh, NY James M. McGourty Timothy M. Mahoney, Jr. Plymouth, MA Waltham, MA Erika Elizabeth Mason Tulsa, OK Michael J. McGrath lori A. Mailhot Magna Cum Laude Enfield, CT Manuel Matias lawrence. MA South Meriden, CT Judith E. Main Michelle S. McGuire Hillsboro, NH Kim Elaine Matzkin Bristol, CT North Haven. CT Glenn A. Maiuri Sine'd Anne McGurnn Chicopee, MA Cindi l . Maule East Rockaway, NY KltchenEtr. Ontano, canada William T. Maley Kathleen F. Mcilroy East Hampton, CT Christine M. Maxfiald Moorestown, NJ Rochester, NH Roshaun M. Malone Donna Q. McKee lancaster. TX William MayrON Orwell, VT Hubbardston, MA Usa Suzanne Maloney Kathleen M. McKenna Bristol, VT Jason Gregory Mazur New Paltz. NY East Hampton, CT Tare A. Manguilli Patrick Owen McKeon Magna Cum Laude Michella McCabe Waldwick, NJ Hamden, CT Brewster, NY Jsna L Mclarty Shirley A. Mann-Epps William C. McCabe Sandwich, MA Spongfield, MA Sparta, NJ William Leo Meeker laura B. Manning Jason R. McCarthy Whitakers, NC Peabody. MA Plymouth, MA Arne Meis Geoffrey S. Marcone Nancy E. McCarthy Summa Cum Laude Warwick, RI Cheshire, CT Elmshom, Germany

Joseph A. Marini, Jr. Patrick Christopher McCarthy Michene lynne Menard Guilford, CT Holyoke, MA Magna Cum Laude Soulhboro, MA Garard M . Marino Tyler David McCauley Winchester. MA Cum Laude Mari.. Mendonsa Monson, MA Plttslleld, MA Teresa Marques Rusnock londonderry, NH Rysn S. McCormick Vanessa Merino Bethlehem, PA Forest Hills, NY Sandra Patricia Marrero Worcester, MA Donns L McCoy·Roberts David Mesgar New Haven, CT Manchester, MA 26 M.rie L. Meuln. An. Muller K.ra A. O'L•• ry Salem. NH Lawrence.MA Cum Laude Aeadlng. MA Christopher O. Meur.r Kell.yrobin Mulvihill Middletown. NY Chicopee, MA Mari. Oquendo·River. Menden, CT Traci L Mich.elil J.net M, Munro Magna Cum Laude Cotuit, MA J.son p.t.r Obloj Pleasant Valley, NY Farmingdale. NY Erinn L Murphy K.r. S, Mill.r Cum Laude Eug.n. F. OIorl Glen Aock.. PA Nassau. NY East Hanford. CT

P.mel. S. Mmer M.ureen G. Murphy Tr.... G. N. Ohlson·Martin Norwell. MA Buzzards Bay. MA Summa Cum Laude Webster. NH Roy.1 W. Miller Gary J. Nanson St Albans, NY East Longmeadow. MA M.rgar.t Mary Oliver Magna Cum Laude Yvette Miller Michelle H. Neustadt Terryville. CT St Albans. NY Peekskill. NY Cheryl Lyn Olivieri R.becca A. Millimet Melis.. Ann Nichelson WalWlck, AI Manchester. NH Keene. NH Herminl. I. Otero Kriltin. Ann Miszko Jennifer M. Nieves East Hartford. CT Accord, NY Tolialld. CT Monic. P. Padin SUMn Moncbiy·Wyman Lynn A. Nixon Hartford, CT Summa Cum Laude HalWlCh, MA Kittery. ME John Thom.s Paga Matthew McLendon Nofsinger Hauppauge. NY Alex Javier Mont.lvo Amherst. NH Woodbury. CT Michael J . P.lmieri Elizabeth F. Noyes MorganVille. NJ Brizald. Mont.nez·Ortiz Sheffield. VT Springfield. MA C.rla Ann Pap. Jessica Anne Nytch Wallingford. CT Claudine N. Montoya Summa Cum Laude New Britain. CT Durham. CT He.ther A. Par.dise Cheshire. MA Keith Scott Moodie John W. O'Connor Middlebury. MA Port Chester, NY Jamie L Paul Burlington, CT Kenneth W. Moore Tara C. O'Connor Magna Cum Laude Cum Laude Ric M. P.yne Lowell. MA Wilbraham. MA New York, NY

Beth A. Morin Kevin G. O'Donnell Elen. Perez Springfield, MA Magna Cum Laude Oklahoma City. OK Salem, MA Kelly E. Moroch Rene Pereit Hastings-on-Hudson. NY Nancy J. O'Donnell Springfield. MA Cum Laude Joseph J. Morse Salem, MA Gretchen Louise Peterson Cum Laude Minetto, NY Hull,MA Erin E. O'Hara Northboro, MA Helen M. Pettit Robert E. Mosc. Wilmington, DE Commack, NY J.mes P. O'He.rn Landaff, NH T.r. Pheipi Eric Mich.eI MOiteleski Cum Laude Cum Laude Nassau, NY Carbondale, PA 27 Christopher Robert Phillips Donald R. Pl"l:ybyla Kelly Michelle Reneuld Magna Cum Laude Manchester. NH Manlius, NY Fiskdale, MA Frank Eric PlCho". 11I Kevin Michael Richardson Kimbltfly J. Phillips Toms River, NJ Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude Lowell. MA Springfield. MA Paul S. Pugli_ Hewlen. NY Kristina M. Ridnert Samuel A. Phipps New Milford, CT Meriden, CT Dan. L. Puterbaugh Cum Laude LI .. A. Riedman David C. Pi.nk. New Milford, CT Rome, NY Magna Cum Laude Springfield, MA Jill K. Quattrone M.rcia Brown Riendeau BaldwinsVille. NY West Charleston, VT Amy Maggan Pinkham Hudson, MA Danielle M . Quin Kathl.. n A. Riley Magna Cum Laude Glastonbury, CT Laur. A. Pinkham Canton, MA Rye. NY Deborah J. Ripley John Joseph Quinlan North Providence, Rt Jeffrey F. PilCioniere Melrose. MA Shelton, CT Sarah J ..n Ritchie Michael D. Quinn. Sr. Cum Laude Jennifer Lynn Pitt Cum Laude Southbury, CT Wappinger Falls. NY Gloucester, MA Raquel Rivera Sandra L. Pizzo T.nya R. Quoke Worcester, MA Portland, CT Springfield, MA Karl L Rizza Kathl ..n M . PI.nte Jeffrey T. Rafferty East Haven. CT Magna Cum Laude Old Saybrook. CT Nashua, NH Laura M.rie Rizzuto Ricardo J. R.mos Cum Laude Corean L. Poland Magna Cum Laude New Milford, CT Bethany. CT Albuquerque, NM Su ..n Lee Robbins Justin William Politi Ida M. R.msdell BeHast, ME Milford. CT Gala,s. ME Diane Roberts Marit M. Polseno Claire H. Rathbun Amherst. MA Beacon Falls, CT Ellington, CT Donnalene Br8flt Robich.au Gregory L. Poole Melanie Joy Ray Brewer, ME Fairport, NY Enfield, CT Johann. Ivett. Robl" Kiersten M. Porter Ian T. Reed Wolcon, CT Leeds, NY Plymouth. MA Edward P. Rochon. Jr. Cheryl A. Powe{zyk Tina J. Rehbein Westford. MA Gales Ferry, CT Cum Laude Flofence. MA Charlott. Rodman Jeremy B. Powers Cum Laude Brimfield, MA Michael A. Reilly Hampden. MA Ipswich, MA Sar.h Moreen Pratt Debra A. Rodrigues Black River. NY Mindy Elaine Reiter Magna Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude Ludlow, MA Jame. R. Prince Spnngfield, VA Stroudsburg, PA Angelina Thoma. Rodriguez Amy K. Relnlck Williamsburg, MA Sherry L. Provencher Woodinville. MA Newport, VT Antonio F. Rodriguez Southington, CT

28 "

Carmen L. Rodriguez Christina E. S. Rydgren Andrew D. Shpur New Haven, CT Wilmington, DE Kinderhook, NY

Gloria E. Rodriguez Colleen Denise Sampson Scott N. Shufeh Central Village. CT Levittown, NY Remsen, NY

Ruth Esther Rodriguez Lois Mathewson Sanborn Stephanie G. Silverman Hartford, CT Contoocook, NH Worcester, MA

Lori Anne Rogers Michael Enrico Santangeli Rufus L. Simmons, III South Windsor, CT Easton, CT Lowell, MA

Nicole Cecile Rogers Frank D. Santoro Ruth l. Simoncelli Cinnaminson, NJ Dover, NH Litchfield, CT

MaryAnn Romaine-Peterson Tobey-Anne Saracino Diane Simoneau·Johnson East Providence, RI Rye, NY Griswold, CT

Robert C. Rood Wayne M, Sargent Lorraine M . Simons Rome, NY Magna Cum Laude Southington, CT Gloucester, MA Natalie Juda Rosario Jacqueline C. Simpson Virginia Beach. VA Michelle T. Sce<:ina Bloomfield, CT Medfield. MA Kathryn A. Rose Christopher M . Sleeper Magna Cum Laude Deborah Jean Schieffer Brighton, MA East Longmeadow, MA Cum Laude Prospect, CT Luther W . Small Bethany Rossi Magna Cum Laude Providence, RI Gary M . Schneider White River Junction, VT Chicopee, MA Kimberly Noel Rough Geraldine M . K. Smith Long Valley, NJ Karen Elizabeth Schwarz Merrimack, NH Freehold. NJ Jennifer Mary Rouleau Kerri L. Smith Summa Cum Laude Michael Anthony Sciucco East Falmouth, MA Valedictorian Danvers. MA Ludlow, MA Sarah Elizabeth Smith Keith S. Scott Eastham, MA Sylvia A. Roy Kittery Point, ME Easthampton, MA Tasha Renee Smith Theresa M. Scott Cambridge, MA Margaret L. Roystar Barnet. VT Providence, RI Nora J. Snow David A. Sears Monson, MA Virginia Ruiz Cum Laude Summa Cum Laude Bay Shore. NY Marc D. Socquet Manchester. CT Cum Laude Ronald E. Sepp Danielson. CT Ermelinda Ruiz·Flynn Grand Isle, ME Meriden. CT Hugh Robert Solari, Jr. Patricia B. Seredynski Brighton. MA Leesa A. Rusiecki Cum Laude Magna Cum Laude Briarcliff, NY Gordon Paul Soldato Ware. MA Pittsfield. MA Roxie Ann Severance Tracy Elizabeth Ryan Whitefield, NH Heather B. Somers Stamford, CT Amsterdam, NY Nekiesha L. Shaw Julianne M . Ryder Springfield. MA Nadine M . Souza Shrewsbury, MA Pittsfield, MA Christi Anne Shipp Scott J . Ryder Hinsdale, NH Lancaster, NH 29 Elizabeth Spadafora Heidi Sylvestr. Refael Velentin. Sr. Cum Laude Cum Laude Dudley, MA Lynnfield, MA Norwich. CT Jennifer Ann Vareo Kerry Spinale Marie Ann Szarek Fairfield, CT Magna Cum Laude Manchester, NH Wilmington, MA Amy Vamet' Erica Szwalek New MllfOfd, NJ Meliua Rose Spury Uncroft, NJ Cum Laude Christopher S. Vaughn Marlboro, MA Ross H. Talarico Harrison, NY Auburn, ME Scott A, St, Martin Toma.. Vazquez Easthampton, MA Nicole A. Tarullo Cum Laude Thomaston. CT Springfield, MA Benjamin Mark Stanewick Magna Cum Laude James E. Taylor Megan L. Vet'milyea South Pans, ME Weymouth, MA Cum Laude New Milford, CT Rachelle W. Steinberg Abbie F. Teechout Mt Kisco. NY St. Johnsbury, vr Nancy Jean Verrill New Gloucester. ME Tannet' Christian Steinborn TInamarie Ann Terrasi Wrentham. MA East Hampton, CT TImothy Louis Verrochi Franklin. MA Robert A. Stocks Gardy Theodore Chicopee, MA Middletown. CT Kerry A. Villandry Arlington, MA Richard A. Stoney Renee lynn TheroulC Danvers, MA Ludlow, MA Graclela Villegas M8gna Cum Laude John Stonoha Matthew J . Thomas Lawrence, MA South Windsor. CT Mashpee. MA Antonio S. Vitiello Jennifer L. Stout Stephen G. Thompson Hamden,CT Dansville. NY Queensbury, NY Gail lorraine Von Bernewitt Rebecca Dawn Stout Jason D. Thomson Magna Cum Laude Dansville, NY Walton, NY Fair lawn, NJ

Jason W. Stover Maria l . TIntone Danielle R. Vynalek StratfOfd, CT Waterbury. CT Cum Laude Higganum. CT Justin Allen Stratton Greg P. Touko Springfield, MA Hadley. MA Sharon A. Walerski Yardville, NJ Brian Joseph Sullivan Deborah Toledo Medfield, MA West Springfield. MA George Fergusson Wales, Jr. Manchester. CT Marti W. Swan AlelCander Francis Turek West caldwell. NJ Windham, ME James E. Walker New Haven. CT Meghan Swanson Andrea M. Turner Greenfield, MA Magna Cum Laude Karen B. Walko Houlton. ME Cum Laude Joan M. Sweeney Clifton Park. NY Whitefield, NH Todd l . Tyminski Pompton Plaons, NJ Kyle H8fbert Wallack Eric Robert Swensen West HartfOfd, CT Cum Laude Rebecca Carrie Uhler Niantic. CT Audubon, PA Brian F. Walsh Southwick, MA Wanda J. Swett Tricia M. Umiker NewpOfl,vr Churchville. NY 30 KathlHn Wellon-OeAmeto Meghan M. Wiggen Aim .. C. Wroniewicz Pelham. NH Simsbury. CT Mount Laurel, NJ

Mron L Wenless Andrew J . Wilcox Eric R. Wyzga Aberdeen. MD Trov. NY Enheld,CT

Colette E. Werd D. Deloris Williams Erin M . Varum Springfield. MA Springfield. MA Magna Cum Laude Enfield, CT Jemes B. Werd David M. Williams Rennselaer. NY Greenfield, MA Edmund Yesu Sprll'lgfleld, MA KUuen Dupr.. Were Jacquelyn M . Williams Hartford. CT Hinsdale. NH Patricia A. Youmell Greenfield. MA Jeson J . Werner Daniel J . Willis Scotia, NY Hempstead. NY William Jared Yule Cum Laude Julie E. Washburn Katherine M. Wilson Stevensville, MD Cum Laude Gilford. NH NOfth Tonawanda, NY Matthew E. Zaccone Canie A. Winslow Old Tappan, NJ Yvette Delnl WashinlJ10n Warrensburg. NY Boston, MA Angela B. Zepeda Gregory D. Wise Derry. NH Jeffrey P. Wltdge Waterbury. CT Manchester. NH Michelina G. Zogby Heather Streett Wisnom StratfOfd. CT Katherine Lynn Wernar Cum Laude Bnghtwaters, NY wtute Hall. MD Sandra L Zukowski Enfield. CT Jason Frederick W.,nig Sharon Elizabeth Wissel GiHOfd, NH Magna Cum Laude Karl Angeline Zurlo Suffield. CT Cum Laude Joanne Wavodau Nassau. NY Harnsburg. PA Marcy Diane Wrtham Windham. ME Courtney Elh:abeth Wh.. l., North Dartmouth, MA Karan J . Woessnet' Cum Laude Jennifer Rachel White Canton, MA Sewell, NJ William Joseph Wolper Nancy Blake White Beverly, MA Rockpof!, ME MariAnn Fox Wolsk.. Eric J . Whitman Wilmington, DE Magna Cum Laude BrocktOfl. MA Winnie Wong Agawam, MA Marianne Whitman Concord.NH Thomas Alan Wood Fitchburg, MA Jade J . Whitney Windham. NH Debra L. Wooding Enfield, CT Dorinne R. Whynott Hudson. NH Courtney J . Woodwud North EastOfl, MA Gary L Wi.bel, Jr. Magna Cum Laude Veronica L Wright-Clarke Bloomsburg. PA New Haven, CT

31 A Song For Springfield

Now raise a song for Springfield, Let hearts and voices blend To celebrate her praises, Whose fame shall have no end; While fellowship makes holy, While eager hope elates, And visioned youth come thronging Her spacious gates.

Earthwide may happy childhood Lift high its wond'ring eyes, Strong youth bring back the vision Of earthly paradise; To follow truth to wisdom, Nor faint thro' falt'ring fears, Be this thy task, 0 Springfield, Thro' all the years.

32 Academic Attire

At today's commencement, nearly a thousand people will be attired in academic regalia gowns, hoods, and mortarboard caps.

The history of this distinctive costuming goes back to the medieval universities of Europe where gowns were worn every day, providing both identification of the academic discipline and added warmth in poorly heated buildings.

The formal attire for U.S. campuses was established in 1895 with the adoption of the Academic Costume Code. It enables one to identify the wearer's degree and course of study, and in many cases, the college or university that awarded the degree.

Gowns for recipients of bachelor's and master's degrees are made of black cotton without trim­ ming. Doctoral gowns are faced down the front and back in velvet and have three bars of the same material across the sleeves. The bachelor's gown has open sleeves; the master's sleeves are longer and closed with arm slits at the elbow; and the doctoral bell-shaped sleeves extend to the wrist.

Hoods differ in length and color. The bachelor's hood is three feet long; hoods for each higher degree are incrementally longer. The colored edging indicates the academic discipline and the lin­ ing signifies the official color or colors of the institution.

The black mortarboard cap with tassel is worn with each type of gown. Bachelor's and master's degree holders wear a black tassel and doctors wear a gold tassel. In recent years, there has been a growing tendency to wear a colored tassel symbolizing, like the hood, the subject area in which the wearer has taken a degree. Today, some of our graduates are wearing a collar symbolizing the achievement summa cum laude or magna cum laude.

Today, as in most academic processions, some people wear costumes that do not conform to standard patterns. This is especially true of people who hold degrees from foreign universities where colorful attire often is prescribed.

The Mace

The College Mace serves as a symbol of authority, just as it did in the Middle Ages when a mace bearer accompanied an official taking office or opening court. From the sixteenth century in England, and since colonial days in the USA, it has become a symbol of office used in ceremonies and is carried by the procession leader or macebearer. The Springfield COllege Mace was first used at the inauguration of Dr. Randolph W. Bromery, eleventh president of Springfield College, on October 30, , 993. and carried by Professor Frank Wolcott '52, grand marshal. It is traditionally carried at commencement in the spring and the new student assembly and convocation in the fall.

97.04.07 Springfield College 263 Alden Street, Springfield, Massachusetts 01109