Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research 2 (2020) 216–236 Do “Prey Species” Hide Their Pain? Implications for Ethical Care and Use of Laboratory Animals Larry Carbone Independent scholar; 351 Buena Vista Ave #703E, San Francisco, CA 94117, USA
[email protected] Abstract Accurate pain evaluation is essential for ethical review of laboratory animal use. Warnings that “prey species hide their pain,” encourage careful accurate pain assess- ment. In this article, I review relevant literature on prey species’ pain manifestation through the lens of the applied ethics of animal welfare oversight. If dogs are the spe- cies whose pain is most reliably diagnosed, I argue that it is not their diet as predator or prey but rather because dogs and humans can develop trusting relationships and because people invest time and effort in canine pain diagnosis. Pain diagnosis for all animals may improve when humans foster a trusting relationship with animals and invest time into multimodal pain evaluations. Where this is not practical, as with large cohorts of laboratory mice, committees must regard with skepticism assurances that animals “appear” pain-free on experiments, requiring thorough literature searches and sophisticated pain assessments during pilot work. Keywords laboratory animal ‒ pain ‒ animal welfare ‒ ethics ‒ animal behavior 1 Introduction As a veterinarian with an interest in laboratory animal pain management, I have read articles and reviewed manuscripts on how to diagnose a mouse in pain. The challenge, some authors warn, is that mice and other “prey species” © LARRY CARBONE, 2020 | doi:10.1163/25889567-bja10001 This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC BY 4.0Downloaded license.