Boston Massacre, 1770
Boston Massacre, 1770 1AUL REVERE’S “Boston Massacre” is the most famous and most desirable t of all his engravings. It is the corner-stone of any American collection. This is not because of its rarity. More than twenty-five copies of the original Revere could be located, and the late Charles E. Goodspeed handled at least a dozen. But it commemorated one of the great events of American history, it was engraved by a famous artist and patriot, and its crude coloring and design made it exceedingly decorative. The mystery of its origin and the claims for priority on the part of at least three engravers constitute problems that are somewhat perplexing and are still far from being solved. There were three prints of the Massacre issued in Massachusetts in 1770, as far as the evidence goes — those by Pelham, Revere, and Mulliken. The sequence of the advertisements in the newspapers is important. The Boston Ez’ening Post of March 26, 1770, carried the following advertisement, “To be Sold by Edes and Gill (Price One Shilling Lawful) A Print, containing a Representation of the late horrid Massacre in King-street.” In the Boston Gazette, also of March 26, I 770, appears the same advertisement, only the price is changed to “Eight Pence Lawful Money.” On March 28, 1770, Revere in his Day Book charges Edes & Gill £ ç for “Printing 200 Impressions of Massacre.” On March 29, 770, 1 Henry Pelham, the Boston painter and engraver, wrote the following letter to Paul Revere: “THuRsD\y I\IORNG. BosToN, MARCH 29, 10.
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