POSTbrief Number 20, 26 April 2016 Moving Block By Lydia Harriss Signalling Inside: Summary 2 Railway Signalling in the UK 3 The European Rail Traffic Management System 4 Operating at ETCS Levels 2 and 3 7 Moving Block Signalling 8 Moving Block Signalling and Capacity 8 Virtual Fixed Block Signalling 9 | 020 7219 2840 |
[email protected] | @POST_UK Cover image: The ERTMS/ETCS Signalling System, Maurizio POSTbriefs are responsive policy briefings from the Parliamentary Office of Science Palumbo,, and Technology based on mini literature reviews and peer review. 2014 2 Moving Block Signalling Summary Network Rail is developing a programme for the national roll-out of the Euro- pean Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS), using European Train Control System (ETCS) Level 2 signalling technology, within 25 years. It is also under- taking work to determine whether ETCS Level 3 technology could be used to speed up the deployment of ERTMS to within 15 years. Implementing ERTMS with ETCS Level 3 has the potential to increase railway route capacity and flexibility, and to reduce both capital and operating costs. It would also make it possible to manage rail traffic using a moving block signal- ling approach. This POSTbrief introduces ERTMS, explains the concept of moving block sig- nalling and discusses the potential benefits for rail capacity, which are likely to vary significantly between routes. Research in this area is conducted by a range of organizations from across in- dustry, academia and Government. Not all of the results of that work are publi- cally available. This briefing draws on information from interviews with experts from academia and industry and a sample of the publically available literature.