THE BYRON SHIRE ECHO Advertising & news enquiries: Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777 Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 Fax 02 6684 1719
[email protected] [email protected] VOLUME 20 #17 3PRING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2005 22,300 copies every week &AIRÊ *>}iÊÓä $1 at newsagents only A TOAST TO ABSENT FRIENDS Vale, Carol Page Peace fl ame to light up carnival October 30, 1948–September 6, 2005 Carol Page, former Echo journalist and Mul- started to raise a family. They moved up to lumbimby resident, died in her sleep at her Byron Shire in the early eighties and after home in Dalgety on Tuesday, aged 56. their separation Carol lived for many years Her death has come as a heartrending in the Yellow House at Main Arm with her shock to hundreds of people in Byron Shire growing brood. who knew her as a friend, colleague and In 1986 Carol joined the fl edgling Echo as remarkably honest, open and loving human typist, bookkeeper, receptionist, sales per- being. son and general factotum, but editor Nicho- Carol spent much of her youth in rural las Shand soon discovered and encouraged NSW. Her father was a senior police offi cer her talent for journalism. This talent was and Carol experienced a wide variety of rooted in her genuine love for and interest in communities as he was posted from town to the wide spectrum of people living in this town. Her love of the bush began in this area. Spend half an hour with Carol and she period, and possibly also her tendency would know your life history, and you hers, towards a nomadic existence.