

No. 29





1 The Lieutenant-Governor’s Opening Speech: resumption of the adjourned debate on motion of Mr Pearce, That the following Address in Reply to the Lieutenant-Governor’s Opening Speech be now adopted by this House—

“To His Excellency The Honourable J J SPIGELMAN, Companion of the Order of Australia, Lieutenant- Governor of the State of New South Wales in the Commonwealth of Australia.


We, the Members of the Legislative Assembly of the State of New South Wales, in Parliament assembled, desire to express our thanks for Your Excellency’s speech, and to express our loyalty to Australia and the people of New South Wales.

1228 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

We assure Your Excellency that our earnest consideration will be given to the measures to be submitted to us, and that we will faithfully carry out the important duties entrusted to us by the people of New South Wales.

We join Your Excellency in the hope that our labours may be so directed as to advance the best interests of all sections of the community.”



1 Mr CAMPBELL to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Act 1971 with respect to the suspension or termination of superannuation entitlements of former members who are charged with or convicted of serious offences.

(Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Amendment (Criminal Charges and Convictions) Bill).

(Notice given 14 November 2006)

2 Mr CAMPBELL to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Act 1912 to require candidates for election to disclose child sexual offences and certain other child-related conduct; and for other purposes.

(Parliamentary Electorates and Elections Amendment (Child Sexual Offences Disclosures) Bill).

(Notice given 14 November 2006)


1 Deer Bill; consideration of Legislative Council amendments (Mr Campbell).

2 Mount Panorama Motor Racing Amendment Bill; consideration of Legislative Council amendment (Ms Nori).

3 Aboriginal Land Rights Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Ms Meagher, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 26 October 2006—Mr Greene).

4 Environmental Planning Legislation Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Sartor, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 24 October 2006—Mr Maguire).

5 Superannuation Administration Amendment (Trust Deed Schemes) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Watkins, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 24 October 2006—Mr Maguire).

6 Rural Lands Protection Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Campbell, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 24 October 2006—Mr Maguire).

7 Trees (Disputes Between Neighbours) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Debus, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 25 October 2006—Mr George).

8 Education Legislation Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Ms Tebbutt, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 27 October 2006—Mr Maguire). 1229 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

9 Charitable Trusts Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Debus, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 27 October 2006—Mr Maguire).

10 Legal Profession Further Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Debus, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 27 October 2006—Mr Maguire).

11 Home Building Amendment (Statutory Warranties) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Ms Beamer, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 27 October 2006—Mr Maguire).

12 Crimes and Courts Legislation Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Debus, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 27 October 2006—Mr George).

13 Registered Clubs Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr McBride, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 14 November 2006—Mr George).

14 Police Powers Legislation Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Debus, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 15 November 2006 am—Mr George).

15 Victims Support and Rehabilitation Amendment Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Debus, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 15 November 2006 am—Mr George).

16 Road Transport Legislation Amendment (Evidence) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Campbell, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 15 November 2006 am—Mr George).

17 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) (No 2); resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Iemma, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 15 November 2006 am—Mr George).

18 World Youth Day Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Watkins, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 15 November 2006 am—Mr George).

19 Budget Estimates and related papers 2006-2007; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Whan, “That this House take note of the Budget Estimates and related papers 2006-2007” (from 30 August 2006—Mrs Hopwood).

20 Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters; consideration of Legislative Council message.



1 Mr HUMPHERSON to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Act 2000 to make further provision for the taking of forensic material from certain offenders and other persons for the purpose of deriving DNA profiles for inclusion in the DNA database system; and for other purposes.

(Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Amendment (Comprehensive DNA Testing) Bill).

(Notice given 12 November 2003)

1230 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

2 Mrs SKINNER to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to provide that the Mona Vale Hospital site remain under public ownership with use of the site restricted to health and health related purposes, including provisions for long-term lease by non-Government health care providers.

(Mona Vale Hospital (Public Ownership) Bill).

(Notice given 28 February 2006)

3 Mr McTAGGART to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to provide that the Avalon Police Station site remain in public ownership, with its use restricted to policing and emergency services purposes.

(Avalon Police Station (Public Ownership) Bill).

(Notice given 19 September 2006)

4 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Fair Trading Act 1987 to prescribe a code of conduct for inbound tour operators; and for other purposes.

(Fair Trading Amendment (Controlling Rogue Tourism Operators) Bill).

(Notice given 18 October 2006)

5 Mr DEBNAM to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Act 1971 with respect to the superannuation entitlements of persons who are charged with or convicted of serious offences.

(Parliamentary Contributory Superannuation Amendment (Criminal Proceedings) Bill).

(Notice given 14 November 2006)

ORDERS OF THE DAY (for Bills)—

1 Civil Liability Amendment (Mental Illness) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Tink, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 20 November 2003—Mr Newell).

2 Police Integrity Commission Amendment (Shaw Investigation) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Tink, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 24 February 2005—Mr Newell).

3 Transport Legislation Amendment (Implementation of Waterfall Rail Inquiry Recommendations) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr O'Farrell, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 24 February 2005—Mr Newell).

4 Careel Bay Protection Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Hartcher, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 2 March 2006—Mr Campbell).

5 Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Amendment (Gang Leaders) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Tink, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 9 March 2005—Mr Campbell). 1231 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

6 Motor Vehicle Repairs (Anti-steering) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Torbay, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 30 March 2006—Mr Newell).

7 Water Management Amendment (Water Property Rights Compensation) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Draper, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 6 April 2006—Mr Campbell).

8 Crimes Amendment (Murder of Police Officers) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Debnam, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 11 May 2006—Mr Brown).

9 Young Offenders Amendment (Reform of Cautioning and Warning) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Stoner, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 25 May 2006—Mr Campbell).

10 University of Technology (Kuring-gai Campus) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr O'Farrell, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 25 May 2006—Mr Campbell).

11 Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Amendment (Protect Snowy Hydro) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr R.W. Turner, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 8 June 2006—Mr Campbell).

12 Channel 7 Former Epping Site Protection Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Tink, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 31 August 2006—Mr Campbell).

13 Community Protection (Closure of Illegal Brothels) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Ms Seaton, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 21 September 2006—Mr Campbell).

14 Quarantine Station Preservation Trust Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Richardson, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 19 October 2006—Mr Newell).

15 Banning Political Advertising (Make Labor Pay) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Debnam, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 26 October 2006—Mr Campbell).

16 Rural Communities Impacts Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Stoner, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 26 October 2006—Ms Beamer).

†17 Freedom of Information Amendment (Improving Public Access to Information) Bill; second reading (Mr Barr).

18 Sale of Goods and Warehousemen’s Liens Amendment (Bulk Goods) Bill; resumption of the adjourned debate, on the motion of Mr Draper, “That this bill be now read a second time” (from 15 November 2006 am—Ms Burney).

† Bill forwarded from the Legislative Council

NOTICES OF MOTIONS (General Notices)—

1 Ms D'AMORE to move—

That this House:

(1) Commends the outstanding work undertaken by the manager of the New South Wales Rape Crisis Centre, Karen Willis and staff.

1232 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(2) Notes that the Centre is a state wide 24 hour telephone and online crisis, support and referral service for anyone who has experienced sexual violence.

(3) Notes the Centre is committed to upholding the rights of women to live in a socially just, equitable and non-violent society.

(4) Notes the establishment by the New South Wales Attorney General of the Criminal Justice Sexual Offences Taskforce.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

2 Mr DEBNAM to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes with concern that there were 14 drive-by shootings between January and March 2006.

(2) Calls on the Government to:

(a) Cease denying there is a problem and ditch its media driven policing policy; and

(b) Urgently provide Police with resources to reclaim the streets.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

3 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Minister for Transport for responding to the call of Illawarra MPs to visit the region and inspect railway stations needing upgrades.

(2) Calls on the Government to include funding in the upcoming Budget for local station improvements.

(3) Calls on the Minister to ensure ongoing improvements to rail services for loyal Illawarra commuters.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

4 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that on 20 April 2006 at least 300 people attended a public meeting in Cooma opposing the sale of Snowy Hydro Ltd.

(2) Notes with concern the comments made by the Member for Monaro on ABC News on 21 May 2006, referring to the sale of Snowy Hydro, that “it does seem that there is not a lot more we can do to stop it”.

(3) Condemns the Member for Monaro and the Country Labor faction for giving up on the requirements of their rural residents.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

1233 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

5 Mr WHAN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the disastrous impact the Federal Government’s unfair industrial relations changes will have on working people in the Monaro electorate and in all other New South Wales electorates.

(2) In particular, notes the impact on young people, workers on minimum wages and people seeking off-farm income, which is already starting to be felt in Monaro.

(3) Condemns the New South Wales Liberals and the Nationals for failing to join the State Government in standing up for workers in Monaro and New South Wales against the Federal Government’s unfair industrial relations laws.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

6 Mr DEBNAM to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates frontline Police for their work for the community while suffering significant budget pressure.

(2) Notes that the Government has cut Police numbers by 633 over the last three years.

(3) Notes that 72 Local Area Commands have fewer Police in 2006 than in 2003.

(4) Calls on the Government to immediately reinstate the 633 Police cut since 2003.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

7 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Government’s swift response in providing assistance to communities affected by devastating fires in the Junee Shire in early 2006.

(2) Congratulates the Deputy Premier and Minister for Transport for visiting the devastated area and urgently seeking advice from rail agencies about whether disused rail material could be made available to assist farmers in rebuilding their fences.

(3) Condemns the Member for Lachlan for his claims that the Government is hiding behind “its latest legislation” which prevents the removal of rail infrastructure without an Act of Parliament.

(4) Notes that the relevant Act was in fact passed by a former Liberal-National Coalition at the very time the Member for Lachlan was Minister for Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

8 Mr GEORGE to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns the State Government for ignoring extensive protests by Tweed electors in giving the go-ahead to the development of the Chinderah Marina. 1234 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(2) Calls on the Government to withdraw this approval immediately.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

9 Mr ASHTON to move—

That this House congratulates the Government on the abolition of 11 state taxes in the last nine months.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

10 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House calls on the Minister for Police to:

(1) Increase Police numbers at the Shoalhaven Area Command by 20 in view of disturbing levels of crime and anti social behaviour in the villages and towns of the South Coast.

(2) Expedite planning for a new Police station in the Bay and Basin area.

(3) Investigate options to relocate the Culburra Police Station to more acceptable premises.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

11 Mr DALEY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the State Government’s $250 million investment in 505 new buses for State Transit.

(2) Notes that the buses will be built in western by Custom Coaches resulting in the creation of 330 new jobs over the life of the contract, including 50 apprenticeships, 80 direct jobs at the factory and 200 more positions with suppliers.

(3) Notes that the buses will begin to roll out by the end of the year to all State Transit depots.

(4) Commends the Government for buying 255 CHG-powered buses and 250 Euro 5 Diesel buses, delivering the best environmental performance and outcome for New South Wales.

(5) Commends the Minister for Transport for his investment in public transport infrastructure and jobs in New South Wales.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

12 Mr GEORGE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the development proposal relating to Terranora Quarry is fiercely opposed by much of the residential population of Terranora and Banora Point.

(2) Calls upon the Minister for Planning to reject this development proposal when it is submitted.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

1235 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

13 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Welcomes the announcement by the Premier of an $18 million plan to create 10 new dedicated trade schools with school based apprenticeships and traineeships for HSC students as part of the 2006-07 Budget.

(2) Condemns the Opposition for failing to support the Government’s continued commitment to tackling the skills shortages in NSW.

(3) Notes that this is an outstanding example of the Government and industry working together to provide opportunities for students to the overall benefit of the economy.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

14 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the specific needs of young people who have a mental illness.

(2) Calls on the Government to immediately provide funding to build a Child and Adolescent Mental Health Unit at Hornsby Hospital.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

15 Mr WHAN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that of the Monaro electorate’s five hospitals, two are currently being rebuilt by the Government, one was rebuilt by the Carr Government and one by the Wran Government.

(2) Notes that the Government has also committed to building a new hospital in Bega.

(3) Notes that in the seven years that the Coalition held Government in New South Wales no hospitals were built or rebuilt in the south east.

(4) Commends the Government on its commitment to better health facilities for the people of Monaro and the South East.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

16 Mr STONER to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Slim Dusty Foundation for its well-developed plans for a Slim Dusty Heritage Centre at Kempsey, Slim’s birthplace.

(2) Welcomes the Federal Government’s commitment of $1.5 million towards the Centre.

(3) Calls upon the State Government to urgently match the funding grant, to enable the project to proceed.

1236 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

17 Mr MARTIN to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates RailCorp infrastructure workers Greg Noble, Stephen Maddock, Glenn Preston, Gary Wilds and Steven Harries who have volunteered their time to help restore the historic Zig Zag Railway.

(2) Acknowledges the dedicated staff and volunteers who run the Zig Zag to keep rail heritage alive in New South Wales.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

18 Mrs SKINNER to move—

That this House notes that:

(1) Hospitals are having to cut corners because of budget shortfalls.

(2) Nurses and other staff are overworked and morale is at an all time low.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

19 Ms D'AMORE to move—

That this House:

(1) Commends the Premier and the Minister for Commerce for a 15% reduction in workers’ compensation premium rates.

(2) Notes 250,000 employers in New South Wales will share in a $290 million reduction in premiums per year.

(3) Notes 92% of New South Wales employers are now protected from an increase in their workers’ compensation premiums.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

20 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the concerns of many small landowners in the Braidwood Rural Lands Protection Board about the decrease in the minimum size of land that attracts Rural Lands Protection Board (RLPB) rates.

(2) Expresses its concern that existing State Government regulations mean that even though small landowners pay RLPB rates they will not be eligible for many RLPB services.

(3) Condemns the Government for imposing additional costs on small rural properties during the current severe drought.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

1237 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

21 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns the Federal Government for failing to address the issue of fuel excise for transport workers, which is currently 38c per litre.

(2) Acknowledge drivers are already under enormous pressure to work longer hours for less money due to the Federal Government industrial relations changes, with budget handouts further eroded by rising costs.

(3) Notes the financial impost on the 12,000 families in New South Wales that depend on a vehicle to run a small business and also on transport companies running large fleets of trucks.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

22 Mr WHAN to move—

That this House notes that CSIRO research shows that climate change is likely to have a severe impact on Kosciuszko National Park and Australia’s other alpine areas and condemns the Federal and State Liberal and Nationals members for failing to take seriously the threat climate change poses to the economy and the environment of South East New South Wales.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

23 Ms BEREJIKLIAN to move—

That this House notes:

(1) The report of the Mental Health Council of Australia and the Brain and Mind Research Institute entitled “Not for service: experiences of injustice and despair in mental health care in Australia”.

(2) That New South Wales has been identified as one of the country’s worst performers on mental health with the report showing New South Wales has the highest degree of dissatisfaction among patients, clinicians and carers.

(3) Comments by the Chair of the Mental Health Council of Australia “that turning around 10 years of neglect is the key mental health challenge facing the New South Wales Premier”.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

24 Mr GAUDRY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Government’s commitment to replace a quarter of State Transit’s bus fleet.

(2) Notes that this builds on the investment in 180 new buses for State Transit over the last two years.

(3) Notes that this tender is the biggest investment in improving the bus fleet in New South Wales history.

(4) Notes the ongoing success and popularity of State Transit in Newcastle, where the Government provides a fare-free CBD service.

1238 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(5) Commends the Minister for Transport for this investment in improved public transport infrastructure.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

25 Mrs SKINNER to move—

That this House notes that:

(1) The number of patients waiting for elective surgery has substantially increased over the life of the Government; and

(2) The practice of re-categorising patients so they are no longer counted on lists has re-emerged, just as it did prior to the last election.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

26 Mr WHAN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that in just over three years the Member for Monaro has delivered more than 140 specific achievements for the Monaro electorate.

(2) Notes that the Members for Burrinjuck and Bega consistently refer in this House to the things they have failed to deliver for their electorates and that in the 15 years during which the Nationals held Monaro they also conspicuously failed to deliver for the electorate.

(3) Acknowledges there is still much to do but commends Country Labor members of Parliament for delivering real results for the electorates they represent.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

27 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the continuing concerns of the School Council at Asquith Boys High School about the condition of the basketball court adjacent to the Pacific Highway entrance to the school.

(2) Condemns the Government for continuing to ignore the need to relocate and upgrade this court.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Education and Training to immediately provide funding for this upgrade.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

28 Mr GAUDRY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Premier and the Government for its decision to retain rail services into the Newcastle CBD and invest $20 million in the short-term to improve the line’s operations.

(2) Notes the $500,000 funding commitment for an Easy Access upgrade to Broadmeadow Station.

(3) Congratulates “Save Our Rail” and Newcastle residents for their campaign to retain the line. 1239 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(4) Condemns the Opposition for failing to tell Hunter residents about its plans for the Newcastle Branch Line.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

29 Ms BEREJIKLIAN to move—

That this House notes the impact of the construction of the Lane Cove Tunnel on the electorate of Willoughby.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

30 Mr CONSTANCE to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns the Government for:

(a) not undertaking any community consultation, socio-economic studies and nor scientific research in the development of the Batemans Marine Park, and the Port Stephens/Great Lakes Marine Park, and

(b) not publicising plans for marine parks in the Hawkesbury and Twofold bioshelves.

(2) Calls on the Minister to revoke the Parks and recommence community consultation.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

31 Mr O'FARRELL to move—

That this House notes on-going delays in the construction of the north west rail link.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

32 Mr HAZZARD to move—

That this House condemns the Government for its poor management of public education in New South Wales.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

33 Mr HUMPHERSON to move—

That this House condemns the Government’s mismanagement of the State’s prisons and correctional system.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

34 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that patients from the Greater Southern Area Health Service living in the Wagga Wagga region are required to travel to Canberra two to three days per week to access renal dialysis services. 1240 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(2) Notes that eight people are now on the waiting list for dialysis services in Wagga Wagga.

(3) Calls on the Government to:

(a) explain why the service has not expanded to cater for an increase in patients, and

(b) adequately fund and employ the staff needed to operate the Centre to meet the community’s expectations and needs.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

35 Mr CONSTANCE to move—

That this House notes the Member for Monaro has become the first member in the history of the Parliament to self congratulate through a notice of motion.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

36 Mr HAZZARD to move—

That this House condemns the Government for its failure to provide adequate health, education, transport, disability and policing services for the Northern Beaches.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

37 Mr HUMPHERSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns the Government for its failure for seven days to apply all available aerial fire fighting resources to controlling the McIntyre’s Hut bushfire in January 2003 which eventually entered urban Canberra causing the deaths of four people and destroying 506 homes.

(2) Directs the Government to re-open the New South Wales coronial inquiry to establish responsibility for the failure to anticipate the risk of, and respond to, the catastrophe.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

38 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House notes:

(1) The worsening crisis of the drought in the Southern Tablelands and South West Slopes of New South Wales.

(2) The impact that the increase in petrol and diesel prices is having on rural communities during the drought period, especially high volume users such as farmers and grain producers.

(3) The dire shortage of water supplies facing many towns, villages and rural residents at this time.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

39 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House: 1241 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(1) Notes the Schizophrenia Fellowship of NSW exists to improve the lives of people who live with mental illness and the lives of their families and carers.

(2) Notes the annual Schizophrenia Awareness Week presents an opportunity for us to engage with the broader community and inform them about the illness.

(3) Calls on the Government to fund Sunflower House, a project of the Mental Health Fellowship.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

40 Mr HUMPHERSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns the Member for Pittwater for his unsubstantiated attack on the former Member for Pittwater, John Brogden, in this House on 9 May 2006.

(2) Calls on the Member for Pittwater to apologise for his ongoing failure to deliver improvements for the people of Pittwater including health services, police resources, road upgrades and transport reliability.

(3) Notes the Member’s broken promises to save Mona Vale Hospital and to resign as Mayor of Pittwater.

(4) Notes that the Member has become so confused with his dual role as a member of Parliament and as Mayor that he has signed correspondence upside-down.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

41 Mr RICHARDSON to move—

That this House condemns the Government for its mismanagement of the NSW National Parks system particularly in relation to weeds, feral animals and bushfires.

(Notice given 23 May 2006)

42 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that a sewage treatment plant servicing Mooney Mooney, Cheero Point, Brooklyn and Dangar Island is to be constructed at Brooklyn.

(2) Notes that this plant will be an asset between City Council and Sydney Water Corporation (SWC).

(3) Notes that Gosford City Council’s application for funding under the Australian Government’s Water Fund (AGWF) to assist with the cost of effluent recycling at Mooney Mooney and Cheero Point was unsuccessful.

(4) Condemns the Federal Government for not approving Gosford City Council’s application which will mean that the residents of Mooney Mooney and Cheero Point will now be charged in excess of $3,000 per residential lot for the recycled effluent scheme.

(Notice given 24 May 2006) 1242 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

43 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Calls on the Premier and the Minister for Roads to urgently match the Coalition’s pledge of an additional $200 million for the Princes Highway.

(2) Notes the Government’s 2003 election promise for a feasibility study for a third Shoalhaven River bridge crossing has not been undertaken.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Roads to explain why the feasibility study has not been undertaken.

(Notice given 24 May 2006)

44 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the State Government for the installation of an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machine at Gosford Hospital at the cost of $2.8 million.

(2) Notes that in addition, the State Government provided $400,000 in current funding to provide health services to seriously ill patients.

(3) Condemns the Federal Government for repeatedly failing to issue a Medicare licence for the MRI machine.

(4) Calls on the Federal Government to issue the Medicare licence as a matter of urgency.

(Notice given 24 May 2006)

45 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House calls on the Government to:

(1) focus its efforts on dramatically increasing tourism in New South Wales; and

(2) significantly increase funding for the tourism portfolio in the upcoming State budget due to be brought down on June 6.

(Notice given 24 May 2006)

46 Mr ARMSTRONG to move—

That this House recognises that where the Government has a monopoly on the provision of a service for the benefit of the community such as irrigation water, and where the Government imposes charges for the delivery and/or the supply of the product such as water and if it fails to deliver such product, it waives all rights and claims to impose or demand any charges upon the users of the product namely water.

(Notice given 24 May 2006)

47 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

1243 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(1) Notes the road accident that has placed Sophie Delezio in a critical condition.

(2) Notes the longstanding battle to have traffic lights installed at one intersection along the Pacific Highway at Mount Colah.

(3) Notes with alarm the possibilities of a pedestrian being hit by oncoming vehicles whilst attempting to cross the Pacific Highway to get a south bound bus stop.

(4) Notes the large number of school children crossing this road at this point.

(5) Calls on the Minister for Roads to immediately allocate funding within the $17 million recent announcement to install traffic lights at, for example Foxglove Road as a matter of urgency.

(Notice given 24 May 2006)

48 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House notes that once the drought breaks it will take at least a year for most farmers to begin their recovery due to massive destocking which necessarily took place and the necessary, but for the most part, unbudgeted spending on fodder and feed transportation costs incurred by farmers due to the drought.

(Notice given 24 May 2006)

49 Mr O'FARRELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that:

(a) It is sixteen months since Justice McInerney recommended that “The RailCorp passenger containment policy must be abandoned.”

(b) It is eighteen months since the Transport Safety Regulator’s report in Emergency Evacuation recommended that train “doors should be provided with an internal door opening device” and highlighted “the rate of frequency of fires occurring on the State rail network is twice…that…of the UK.”

(c) It is five years since the Christie Report highlighted “…serious shortcomings in fire and life safety systems for the underground portions of the rail network” and “concluded that current risks were above acceptable limits”.

(d) Government safety audits note that fires and explosions in CityRail have increased dramatically in the last three years.

(2) Calls on the Minister for Transport to take action to allow train passengers to escape rail carriages in the event of a fire.

(Notice given 24 May 2006)

50 Mr MILLS to move—

That this House:

(1) Welcomes the Government’s reaffirmed commitment to a new Glendale Transport Interchange, including train station.

1244 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(2) On behalf of the people of the Wallsend electorate, Congratulates the Government for the decision to continue rail services into the Newcastle CBD.

(3) Calls on the State Government to improve access to Cardiff Station.

(4) Calls on the Opposition to declare its plans for the Newcastle Rail line.

(Notice given 24 May 2006)

51 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the concerns of fine and superfine wool producing communities that due to the continuing poor price of wool, many sheep breeding farmers are leaving the wool production business.

(2) Calls on the Government to more actively support and promote the production of wool in New South Wales.

(Notice given 24 May 2006)

52 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that:

(a) In February 2006 the Department of Primary Industries stated that “More regular rainfall over the past 6 to 12 months has led to improvements in conditions across many parts of New South Wales.

(b) Drought figures for December 2005 showed that 18.5% of the state was in drought and 31.0% is marginal.

(c) Drought figures for May 2006 indicate 62.5% of the state is now in drought and 27.6% is marginal.

(d) The reinstatement of the drought transport subsidy scheme by the Government only applies from May to August.

(2) Calls on the Government to make the reinstatement retrospective.

(3) Calls on the Government to recognise the seriousness of the increasing drought.

(Notice given 24 May 2006)

53 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the imminent construction of a sewerage treatment plant and sewerage connection of homes and business in Brooklyn and Dangar Island.

(2) Notes the need to recycle water for use in industry and recreation areas.

1245 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(3) Calls on the Minister for Water Utilities to immediately increase works to enable recycling of treated effluent from the Brooklyn Sewerage Treatment Plant.

(Notice given 24 May 2006)

54 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the high number of accidents on MR 248 which extends from Taralga to Boorowa, and the number of fatalities which have occurred on this road.

(2) Calls on the Government to immediately provide funding to fully bitumen seal and complete the upgrade of MR 248.

(Notice given 24 May 2006)

55 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House calls on the Minister for Health to:

(1) Immediately commence negotiations with the General Manager of Shoalhaven Hospital with a view to expediting plans for a dedicated mental health wing at the hospital.

(2) Commence arrangements to incorporate a stroke recovery unit at Shoalhaven Hospital.

(Notice given 24 May 2006)

56 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the high number of accidents and the number of fatalities which have occurred on the Lachlan Valley Way.

(2) Calls on the Government to immediately fund a complete upgrade of the Lachlan Valley Way.

(Notice given 24 May 2006)

57 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the run down and makeshift hall currently in use for students at Berowra Public School.

(2) Congratulates the staff, students and parents who have worked hard to assist the school and draw the need for a new hall to the attention of the Minister for Education and Training.

(3) Calls on the Government to immediately place the masterplan for this school on the list for future capital works.

(Notice given 24 May 2006)

58 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House: 1246 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(1) Notes that the NRMA South West and Riverina Better Roads Panel has called on the State Government to accelerate work to complete the Bowning Deviation in the interests of increased road safety.

(2) Supports the call by NRMA to bring forward the completion date of this important project.

(3) Condemns the Government for its broken promises, dating back to 1999, and the eight year delay in completing the Bowning Deviation.

(Notice given 24 May 2006)

59 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the importance of access to modern and appropriate hospitality facilities in our schools for educational purposes.

(2) Calls on the Minister for Education and Training to include funding in the 2006/07 Budget for the refurbishment of the 1959 vintage kitchen of Asquith Girls High School.

(Notice given 24 May 2006)

60 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House notes the concern of rural employers that the Occupational Health and Safety Legislation Amendment (Workplace Fatalities) Act and the Rural Workers Accommodation Act place such onerous obligations on employers that many have ceased taking on employees altogether.

(Notice given 24 May 2006)

61 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges that a public meeting was held on Bullenbong Road, Lockhart Shire attended by 60 people.

(2) Notes the road is in urgent need of repair and sealing, having exposed rocks, corrugations, heavy traffic and dust and presents extremely difficult driving conditions.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Roads to urgently convene a meeting with the Roads and Traffic Authority and local council with a view to negotiating a suitable funding outcome to seal the road.

(Notice given 25 May 2006)

62 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that vital welfare services will cease with the closure of the Ashmont Community Resource Centre due to lack of Government funding.

(2) Notes that representations have been made on behalf of the Ashmont Community Resource Centre. 1247 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(3) Recognises that Ashmont is a challenged suburb socially.

(4) Calls on the Government to reassess the Community Resource Centre’s appeal and fund the organisation accordingly.

(Notice given 25 May 2006)

63 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the recent comments of Goulburn surgeon, Dr Margaret Beevors, that “we are working in a sick health system”, and that “the NSW Government is doing nothing to address the shortages of resources” at Goulburn Hospital.

(2) Congratulates the frontline doctors, nursing and administrative staff of the Goulburn Base Hospital for the excellent job they are doing despite the scarce resources provided.

(3) Condemns the Government for failing to adequately resource the public health system in New South Wales.

(Notice given 25 May 2006)

64 Mr MORRIS to move—

That this House:

(1) Welcomes the Government’s transport package for the Lower Hunter.

(2) Acknowledges the positive impact the rail line’s retention will have on Charlestown and Hunter constituents.

(3) Congratulates the efforts of the Hunter community for their successful campaign to retain the rail line.

(4) Condemns the Member for Vaucluse for the affront shown to Hunter residents by visiting three times over the past year and still failing to make his intentions on the Newcastle rail line clear.

(Notice given 25 May 2006)

65 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes:

(a) The need for multistorey carparks at Hornsby and Berowra railway stations;

(b) The false promise made by the previous Minister for Transport prior to the last State Election that a feasibility study would be undertaken for such parking;

(c) An undated recent letter from the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Transport Services that states “Mount Colah residents who drive to a station may choose to catch a train at Hornsby as it receives faster trains”, misleading because there are no parking spaces after 7am; and 1248 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(d) Another letter from the Transport Department that refutes the need to increase parking at Hornsby Station.

(2) Condemns the Government for misleading the people of Hornsby and failing to provide basic parking needs at major transport hubs.

(Notice given 25 May 2006)

66 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House calls on the Minister for Roads to review the regulation and road permits for over- dimension multi-articulated agricultural combination vehicles to accommodate modern farming requirements.

(Notice given 25 May 2006)

67 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the importance of the Mt Errington Conservation Precinct and the need to preserve such examples of old Hornsby’s historical development.

(2) Congratulates the work of Friends of the Mt Errington Precinct and their unstinting efforts to bring its importance to the attention of the Government.

(3) Urges the Minister for Planning to approve the Hornsby West Side Heritage Conservation Area Local Environment Plan (incorporating Mt Errington Conservation Precinct).

(Notice given 25 May 2006)

68 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the provision of safe water and sewerage services is an essential role of Government.

(2) Notes the concerns of many local government areas in NSW, including Upper Lachlan, Yass Valley, Boorowa and Goulburn Mulwaree Councils, about the lack of commitment by the NSW Government to the Country Towns Water Supply and Sewerage Program.

(3) Calls on the Government to increase funding to allow projects currently delayed, such as the Taralga sewerage scheme and water supply augmentation, and the Yass Town sewerage augmentation scheme, to proceed.

(Notice given 25 May 2006)

69 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the power failure in the remote community of Brooklyn on 27 October 2004 at 1.30 pm, and on subsequent occasions, when power has not been restored for many hours.

1249 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(2) Expresses alarm that ill people could not use oxygen machines and that food in commercial and domestic freezers was spoiled.

(3) Condemns the Government for failing to maintain essential electricity infrastructure.

(Notice given 25 May 2006)

70 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(3) Notes the public statement made by the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs on 4 January 2006 that the State Government had made $330,000 available to fund Aboriginal education measures for the five schools in the Yass district.

(4) Notes with concern that the Minister for Education’s office has repudiated the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs’ comments.

(5) Calls on the Government to honour the public commitment made by the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs to provide $330,000 in funding for Aboriginal education in Yass.

(Notice given 25 May 2006)

71 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the continuing uncertainty for people with water access only properties in relation to their payment for the use of Crown Land to enter their homes via jetties and pontoons.

(2) Urges the Government to acknowledge that the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal recommendations relating to use of Crown Land are inequitable for water access only properties.

(3) Calls on the Government to acknowledge water access homeowners in the State budget and recognize that they are different to homeowners who have both water and land access to their properties.

(Notice given 25 May 2006)

72 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House condemns the Government for failing to provide sufficient funding for rural health in NSW.

(Notice given 25 May 2006)

73 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the value of bicycle police as part of law enforcement and surveillance activities in Local Area Commands.

(2) Notes that the promised bicycle police for Ku-ring-gai Local Area Command (LAC), to be operational by October 2004, have not eventuated.

1250 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(3) Notes that the reason given for this is the maintenance of a minimum rostering system.

(4) Calls on the Minister for Police to immediately allocate more police to the Ku-ring-gai LAC so that the already trained bicycle police can work in this designated role.

(Notice given 25 May 2006)

74 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House calls on the Government to provide greater funding for public school education in rural NSW.

(Notice given 25 May 2006)

75 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes with alarm the incidence of domestic violence in NSW and the emotional, social and financial cost to our community.

(2) Congratulates the Soroptimists International of Hornsby, in particular Janelle Hendy, for the garage sale that raised funds for the Hornsby Women Domestic Violence Court Assistance Scheme.

(Notice given 6 June 2006)

76 Ms D'AMORE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the current exhibition in Parliament “from the backblocks to the Frontlines” celebrating Italian settlement in South West Sydney.

(2) Acknowledges Co.As.It, the Italian Institute of Culture and Phil Montrone from the NSW Puglia Association for their role.

(3) Notes the Co.As.It travelling exhibition was developed with assistance from the NSW Migration Heritage Centre.

(Notice given 6 June 2006)

77 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that today 6 June 2006 is the 62nd anniversary of D-Day landings in Normandy.

(2) Notes that many Australian Defence Force personnel, particularly from the Royal Australian Navy and Royal Australian Air Force were involved in this action, which liberated Western Europe from totalitarian rule.

(3) Expresses its gratitude to the service personnel who were involved in this action and whose sacrifice we remember today.

(Notice given 6 June 2006) 1251 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

78 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that Galston and Dural areas do not have sewerage connection.

(2) Notes that Sydney Water did not implement a promised pilot sewerage project for a small area in Galston.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Water Utilities to revisit the pilot plan and enable Galston and Dural to connect to the sewer at the same time as Brooklyn and Dangar Island.

(Notice given 6 June 2006)

79 Mr CONSTANCE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the delegation of Shoalhaven City Councillors including Shoalhaven Mayor Clr Greg Watson to the Peoples Republic of China to sign a contract for sale of Council property at Comberton Grange, Comberton to the Shaolin Buddhist Order.

(2) Notes the delegation was dissuaded from travelling to China by the Minister for Planning as the sale of Comberton Grange to the Shaolin Buddhist Order is for the construction of a proposed Shaolin Temple, golf course, hotel and conference centre, all subject to an application under Section 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act.

(3) Records its dissatisfaction with the level of community consultation with respect to this sale and the fact that this contract for sale of council property was not signed in the City of Shoalhaven.

(4) Calls on the Minister for Planning and the Minister for Local Government to counsel Mayor Watson about his conduct which flies in the face of the residents of Shoalhaven left behind to deal with his excessive rate variation proposals.

(Notice given 6 June 2006)

80 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the important contribution of Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Community College to the electorate in terms of opportunities for further education.

(2) Condemns the Government for once more disadvantaging this community college through the spectre of further funding cuts.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Education and Training to provide appropriate funding to community colleges so that they can continue to provide an excellent source of education locally.

(Notice given 6 June 2006)

81 Mr GIBSON to move—

That this House:

1252 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(1) Congratulates the Government on its recently announced $280,000 security upgrade of Blacktown Railway Station.

(2) Notes that as part of the upgrade nine lifts will receive upgrades to help make them vandal proof and more reliable.

(3) Applauds the Government’s commitment to making railway stations both accessible and safe for all, particularly elderly passengers, people with prams and passengers with disabilities.

(Notice given 6 June 2006)

82 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House notes that the Greater Southern Area Health Service is again in so much debt that small and large businesses alike are refusing to provide it further credit.

(Notice given 6 June 2006)

83 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the substandard state of Berowa Waters Road, particularly where it proceeds down to the Berowa Waters Marina area.

(2) Notes the severe land slip that occurred occasioning considerable cost to Hornsby Shire Council for repair.

(3) Notes that Berowa Waters Road is a well used regional road.

(4) Calls on the Government to immediately take over management of this important thoroughfare.

(Notice given 6 June 2006)

84 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns the Government for continuing to underfund rural NSW.

(2) Calls on the Government to recognise that continually underfunding country towns and cities drives down property values.

(3) Calls on the Government, and the Australian Labor Party, to apologise to residents of rural NSW for its continuing lack of support for country towns and cities.

(Notice given 6 June 2006)

85 Ms BEREJIKLIAN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes:

1253 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(a) Press reports of 7 June 2006 outlining the unacceptable circumstances whereby both Westmead Hospital and the Department of Community Services continued to send confidential patient information to an incorrect fax address;

(b) That the recipient repeatedly told these bodies of the mistake but they failed to correct the mistake; and

(c) That the documents included very sensitive information regarding patient identity and mental health history.

(2) Condemns the Government and the respective agencies involved in this matter for disregarding the patient’s right to privacy.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Health and the Minister for Community Services to explain what action they have taken to ensure this situation does not recur, and to apologise to the patient and the recipient of the information whose calls for action had been repeatedly ignored.

(Notice given 7 June 2006)

86 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the invaluable work performed by Lifeline through its counselling and other services, where volunteers counsel 200,000 people each year.

(2) Notes the increasing demand on these essential services.

(3) Acknowledges the shops in Asquith that sell second-hand goods to support Lifeline.

(4) Congratulates Lifeline activities north of the Harbour Bridge, where Lifeline is included by NSW Health as one of its “after hours” numbers.

(5) Calls on the Government to do everything possible to assist Lifeline and its work.

(Notice given 7 June 2006)

87 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Treasurer did not mention tourism in any part of the 2006-2007 Budget speech.

(2) Condemns the Government for its lack of interest in tourism and for slashing the tourism budget.

(Notice given 8 June 2006)

88 Ms JUDGE to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government and Minister for Finance for support of the Grosvenor Centre, Summer Hill in the Electorate of Strathfield, which will receive funding to build disability support for residents.

1254 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(2) Notes that the Grosvenor Centre will receive an ongoing funding increase of $6.5 million over 5 years as well as $9.5 million to fund capital works.

(3) Congratulates the Government for its continued support and care for local people living with a disability and their families.

(4) Notes that this funding will provide permanent care for 20 young people, as well as 10 respite care places, which will help a further 70 families.

(Notice given 8 June 2006)

89 Mr O'FARRELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes:

(a) The September 2002 commitment by the then Minister for Transport for an EasyAccess upgrade to Turramurra station to be completed by the end of 2003;

(b) The June 2006 commitment by the current Minister for Transport for the same EasyAccess upgrade to Turramurra station with a completion date of the end of 2007; and

(c) The Minister for Transport’s threat to withdraw funding for the latest promise when questioned by local media about the delays in the project.

(2) Calls on the Minister to stop playing politics with a much needed improvement to Ku-ring-gai and Sydney’s rail system.

(Notice given 8 June 2006)

90 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns the Government for losing several major tourism events in the past year, including:

(a) The 60,000 delegate “Communicasia” Conference to Singapore;

(b) The Indian International Film Festival to Asia;

(c) A major dental conference to the Gold Coast;

(d) The International Conference of Internal Medicine;

(e) The Bledisloe Cup;

(f) That the State of Origin decider; and

(g) The Australian Tourism Exchange, and subsequently cutting the Tourism NSW budget by nearly $1M in the 2006-07 Budget.

(2) Notes that the slashing of this budget will lead to a further down fall in valuable tourism dollars for small businesses and tourism operators in New South Wales.

(Notice given 8 June 2006) 1255 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

91 Ms BURNEY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the continued reductions in the elective surgery waiting list at Canterbury Hospital.

(2) Notes that the list has been reduced by 97.8%.

(3) Acknowledges the importance of the Government’s $115 million Predictable Surgery Program is getting results.

(4) Congratulates the fantastic staff at Canterbury Hospital.

(Notice given 8 June 2006)

92 Mr GEORGE to move—

That this House notes:

(1) That an ambulance attending an emergency was not aware that a road was closed and took an extra 20 minutes to get to a patient who at the time was in need of emergency medical attention.

(2) That if and when a council or any organisation closes a road for any reason, emergency services be notified as part of a documented advisory system and properly briefed in order to avoid further disasters.

(Notice given 8 June 2006)

93 Ms BURNEY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Premier and Minister for Health for unveiling a comprehensive package to redesign emergency care in hospitals.

(2) Notes the establishment of an after hours GP clinic at Canterbury Hospital.

(3) Notes that this clinic will deliver faster treatment for people attending the emergency departments.

(Notice given 8 June 2006)

94 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Premier’s plan to massively increase water extraction from the Shoalhaven River.

(2) Opposes such plans since they will entrench Sydney’s reliance on the Shoalhaven River forever.

(3) Calls on the Premier to seriously address recycling and reuse options in the Sydney basin to avert further environmental degradation of the Shoalhaven River.

(Notice given 30 August 2006)

1256 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

95 Mr GAUDRY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the launch in Newcastle on Friday 11 August 2006 of the Hunter section of the Government’s new Disability Plan “Stronger Together” by the New South Wales Minister for Disability Services.

(2) Congratulates the Government on allocating an extra $169M to be spent on disability services in the Hunter.

(3) Notes that these funds will provide:

(a) About 11,376 extra days per year of support through the Community Participation Program;

(b) More flexible respite places for children and young people;

(c) Innovative supported accommodation options;

(d) More than 290 therapy places for adults and 140 therapy places for children;

(e) New intensive in-home support places for adults with disabilities;

(f) Additional support to more families through the appointment of new case managers, and

(g) More than 110 new day program places for adults to teach living and social skills.

(Notice given 30 August 2006)

96 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the serious decline in tourism on the South Coast.

(2) Calls on the Premier to support Tourism Jervis Bay in its endeavours to have the HMAS Canberra, when decommissioned, sunk in Jervis Bay as a major dive and tourist attraction.

(Notice given 30 August 2006)

97 Ms JUDGE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the continued commitment of the Government to the upgrading and maintenance of NSW public schools.

(2) Notes in the Strathfield electorate $1 million will be invested in a total of nine maintenance works projects, to the benefit of Burwood Girls’ High School, Strathfield South High School, Croydon Park Public School, Strathfield Girls’ High School, Homebush Boys’ High School and Burwood Public School.

(3) Congratulates the Minister for Education and Training on behalf of students, staff and families in the Strathfield electorate.

1257 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(Notice given 31 August 2006)

98 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the serious escalation of crime and anti-social behaviour in the Shoalhaven Area Command.

(2) Calls on the Minister for Police to increase the authorised strength in the Shoalhaven Area Command by twenty officers.

(3) Condemn the Treasurer for cuts to administration jobs within the Shoalhaven Area Command.

(4) Notes that Lake Illawarra Area Command and Shoalhaven Local Area Command are considering industrial action as a result of the Government’s proposed job cuts.

(Notice given 31 August 2006)

99 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Calls upon the Minister for Tourism to explain her bureaucratic decision to prohibit tourism publications produced independently of Tourism NSW from being displayed at the Sydney Visitor Information Centres at both The Rocks and Darling Harbour.

(2) Notes that the reason for this prohibition of informative accommodation and restaurant-based guides is due to “a combined marketing approach”.

(3) Notes the inadequate response from the Minister to the concerns voiced by member-based organisation Hunter Valley Wine Country Tourism about the removal of their publications from Tourism NSW outlets.

(4) Condemns the continuing and culpable apathy and lack of support for regional tourism by the Minister and the Government.

(Notice given 31 August 2006)

100 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the tireless efforts of NSW Legacy in its care and support of war widows and their dependents, including those with special needs.

(2) Congratulates legatees and staff for dedicated service to their role.

(3) Calls on everyone in this State to “Show their true Colours” and recognise Legacy Week from 27 August 2006 to 2 September 2006.

(Notice given 31 August 2006)

101 Ms BEREJIKLIAN to move—

That this House condemns the Government for cutting vital bus services in the Willoughby electorate, especially 9.30 am to 2.30 pm bus services on routes 272 and 273. 1258 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(Notice given 31 August 2006)

102 Mr PRINGLE to move—

That this House calls on the Minister for Roads to urgently commence the widening of Richmond Road between the M7 Motorway and George Street, South Windsor, due to the massive increase in traffic on this road generated by the M7.

(Notice given 31 August 2006)

103 Mr CONSTANCE to move—

That this House calls on the Government to fund an emotionally disturbed/behaviourally disturbed unit to service the high school students at Narooma and Moruya.

(Notice given 31 August 2006)

104 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Recognises the massive effect loss, grief and trauma has on those impacted by it.

(2) Notes the establishment of National Association for Loss and Grief (NALAG) set up following the Granville train disaster.

(3) Congratulates Linda Mayo and her team for setting up a Hornsby Chapter of NALAG.

(Notice given 31 August 2006)

105 Mrs PALUZZANO to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the recent successful trial of secure taxi ranks.

(2) Notes that the Penrith CBD is a popular local night spot.

(3) Commends the Government on recent expansion of secure taxi ranks to Tamworth and Orange.

(4) Calls on the Government to approve a secure taxi rank for Penrith.

(Notice given 31 August 2006)

106 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Calls upon the Minister for Tourism to explain why the key tourism region of the Hunter Valley is classified as belonging to the North Coast zone, despite the enormous geographical difference between the North Coast, the Hunter Valley, and despite the fact that the Hunter Valley Wine Country Tourism (HVWCT) states the Hunter Valley region attracts over 2.3 million visitors annually.

1259 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(2) Calls on the Minister to explain her inadequate response to these matters despite the fact this concern was raised in writing with her by member-based organisation, HVWCT.

(Notice given 31 August 2006)

107 Mr CONSTANCE to move—

That this House condemns the Treasurer for cuts to administration jobs within the far south coast Local Area Command.

(Notice given 31 August 2006)

108 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the excess demountables located recently in Goulburn schools.

(2) Condemns the Government for failing to repair demountables leading to the removal of essential classroom space from schools.

(3) Notes the imminent removal of a demountable used, over many years, by Galston High School for its art class provision.

(4) Calls on the Minister for Education to allow this school to continue its art classes in the demountable.

(Notice given 31 August 2006)

109 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that, as part of the development of the Plan of Management of the Kosciuszko National Park, the National Parks and Wildlife Service failed to make public a 1990’s report on environmental damage caused by recreational walking in the Ettrema/Budawang areas.

(2) Notes that this same report found no evidence of horses damaging sensitive environmental areas of the park.

(3) Condemns the National Parks and Wildlife Service for presenting selective evidence to the people of NSW to further the Government’s green agenda.

(Notice given 31 August 2006)

110 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House calls on the Legislative Council Standing Committee on Law and Justice Committee to:

(1) Examine NSW child protection and domestic violence law and policy in relation to its interaction with Commonwealth family law legislation including apprehended violence orders and investigations into alleged child abuse;

(2) Examine methods by which NSW child protection and domestic violence law and policy and Commonwealth family law may be better harmonised;

1260 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(3) Examine child protection and domestic violence law and policy in comparative jurisdictions;

(4) Examine the Government response to relevant recommendations of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Family and Community Affairs Report (PP 43/04) entitled “Every Picture Tells a Story”;

(5) Examine the progress of the Standing Committee of Attorneys General in better co-ordinating family and child protection laws, and

(6) Examine any other related matters.

(Notice given 31 August 2006)

111 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on the opening of the $9 million upgrade to Berowra Station.

(2) Notes that the upgrade is part of the $1.5 billion clearways program.

(3) Notes that Central Coast, Hunter and North Shore commuters will be winners from this upgrade.

(4) Notes that key features of the upgrade include the addition of an extra platform, installation of a new pedestrian overbridge providing lift and stair access to each platform and new security fencing, closed circuit television and lighting.

(5) Notes the new platform will help improve reliability by providing a passing lane to enable trains to overtake others that may be waiting at the station.

(Notice given 5 September 2006)

112 Mr RICHARDSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that a petition containing more than 1,000 signatures of residents of the Hills District calling on the Government to accelerate the planning and construction of the North West Rail Link was presented to the House on 5 September 2006 by the Member for The Hills.

(2) Notes that tens of thousands more residents of Sydney’s north-west are also ready to sign the petition.

(3) Notes the rapid population growth, rising traffic congestion, expensive tollways and inadequate public transport alternatives are crippling residents’ enjoyment of the Hills lifestyle, once the envy of much of Sydney.

(4) Calls on the Government to restore equity to service provision across the city by fast tracking the North-West Rail Link.

(Notice given 5 September 2006)

113 Mr DRAPER to move—

That this House:

1261 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(1) Notes a protest over preschool funding to be held on 8 September 2006.

(2) Notes that Werris Creek, Currabubula, Quirindi, Willow Tree preschools and others will hold a rally encouraging the public to wear red in support of local preschools.

(3) Notes that while Werris Creek charges $17 per day per child, which is almost half of the State average, many parents still find this cost too high and keep children at home.

(4) Calls on the Government to expedite the preschool working group’s findings, and deliver additional funds to preschools as a matter of urgency.

(Notice given 5 September 2006)

114 Mr ASHTON to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges improvements to CityRail services on the East Hills line, with 91.6 per cent of peak services on time in the 11 months to July 2006, compared to 54.7 percent for the previous year.

(2) Notes that patronage has grown by 2.5 per cent across the network between September 2005 and June 2006 and by 4.2 per cent on the East Hills line.

(3) Congratulates CityRail frontline staff for their hard work in restoring reliability to the system.

(4) Condemns the Opposition’s plan to cut 29,000 public sector jobs, including station staff, train drivers and transit officers.

(Notice given 5 September 2006)

115 Ms BURNEY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on the continued development of the transport smart card, T-card.

(2) Notes that bus commuters in the inner west are being sought for a field trial late in 2006.

(3) Encourages those regular commuters in this area to register to participate in the trial and to help make the T-card a ticketing success.

(4) Notes the success of the school T-card being used by around 300,000 school students travelling on buses.

(Notice given 5 September 2006)

116 Mr BROWN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the insensitive conduct by the Leader of the Opposition who issued a media statement claiming that the Member for Kiama had attacked the former Liberal candidate who has now resigned as the candidate due to health issues.

(2) Notes the only comments made by the Member for Kiama were to wish the former candidate well.

1262 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(3) Calls on the Leader of the Opposition to show some decency and respect to the former candidate and his family by not drawing uninvited media attention to them.

(4) Condemns the Leader of the Opposition for publicly using the former candidate’s name without giving him the courtesy of seeking his approval first.

(Notice given 5 September 2006)

117 Mr STONER to move—

That this House condemns the Government for putting the rights of civil libertarians above the safety of children by refusing to install internet filters in public libraries.

(Notice given 6 September 2006)

118 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Minister for Small Business on the recent Women in Business Seminar held in Wollongong.

(2) Notes that female small business operators play a key role in our communities through their contribution to providing employment, services and products, and add enormous value to the local economy.

(3) Acknowledges that this is another example of the Minister for Small Business and the Government standing up for NSW and the Illawarra.

(4) Condemns the Opposition and the Shadow Minister for the Illawarra, for their constant negativity and failure to support the Illawarra region.

(Notice given 6 September 2006)

119 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the official opening of the Clearways project at Berowra Railway Station on Monday 4 September 2006.

(2) Notes the tireless lobbying efforts of the local community to ensure that the Government included “Easy Access” features into the design of the overbridge, as well as security fencing, closed circuit television and lighting.

(3) Requests that bike lockers, missing in the initial completion, be installed as a matter of priority.

(4) Condemns the Minister for Transport for failing to increase parking at Berowra Station, a destination for not only locals, but also people driving from as far afield as the Central Coast.

(Notice given 6 September 2006)

120 Mr STEWART to move—

That this House:

1263 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(1) Notes that three new strategic bus corridors, linking Bankstown to Parramatta, Liverpool and Burwood will commence operation on 18 September 2006.

(2) Notes that $9.3 million in new satellite-based technology and other capital measures will be installed on these corridors to give buses traffic signal priority and keep them on schedule.

(3) Notes this will mean services between these locations run every 20 minutes in the morning and afternoon peaks and half hourly in the off-peak.

(4) Commends the Government for their three year, $135 million investment in new bus priority measures.

(5) Commends local bus operator, Transit First, on its more responsive network of bus routes that also begins on the 18 September 2006.

(6) Notes that this new network is the result of extensive community consultation conducted by Transit First, Veolia Transport NSW and the Ministry of Transport.

(7) Commends the Government’s $2.8 billion reforms to the private bus industry, which are improving services across Metropolitan Sydney.

(Notice given 6 September 2006)

121 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the screening of the film “BRINK” in the theatrette at Parliament House on 5 September 2006.

(2) Notes its important contribution in reducing binge drinking by young women.

(3) Congratulates the Hornsby Community Drug Action Team and particularly Felicity Garand for the production of this project.

(Notice given 6 September 2006)

122 Mr SHEARAN to move—

That this House:

(1) Acknowledges the steady reliability gains on Western Line rail services, with 88.7 per cent of peak services now on time compared to 57.6 per cent the previous year.

(2) Notes patronage growth on the Western Line, where one million extra passengers used trains between September 2005 and June 2006.

(3) Condemns the Federal Government and the State Opposition for their failure to address the impact of petrol prices on hard working Western Sydney families.

(Notice given 6 September 2006)

123 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

1264 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(1) Notes the ongoing intermittent power failures in the Galston/Dural area.

(2) Notes the inconvenience as well as the potential danger of loss of power, particularly when a business such as a game farm or pharmacy is concerned.

(3) Calls on the Government to bring forward the building of the Galston substation.

(Notice given 6 September 2006)

124 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that 7 September 2006 is the second annual “Bubble Day”, a campaign run as part of national Asthma Week, 1 to 7 September 2006.

(2) Notes that each week on average 5 Australians die from asthma and that Australia has one of the highest rates of asthma in the world, with currently 2.2 million Australians being affected.

(3) Notes that asthma is the most common medical condition for children and a major reason for school and work absenteeism.

(4) Supports all efforts to blow asthma away and eliminate this dreadful medical condition from Australian children’s lives.

(Notice given 7 September 2006)

125 Mr FRASER to move—

That this House notes that the Minister for Roads insulted a delegation of Chamber of Commerce representatives from the North Coast and one member of the delegation walked out due to the Minister’s arrogant attitude.

(Notice given 7 September 2006)

126 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Chairman of 3801 Limited Dr John Glastonbury has called for the half a million citizens of NSW who have enjoyed the iconic experience of locomotive 3801 to address questions to the Premier as to why the 3801 locomotive is not being financially supported by the Government.

(2) Calls on the Premier to provide answers and recognise the popularity throughout NSW of this train.

(Notice given 7 September 2006)

127 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the mental health crisis in NSW.

(2) Notes the need for a child and adolescent mental health unit at Hornsby Hospital. 1265 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(3) Congratulates all staff working in the often challenging area of mental health.

(4) Notes with alarm the critical shortage of staff at the Lindsay Madew Unit at Hornsby Hospital where 5 sub-acute beds that have closed as a result.

(5) Condemns the Government for its failure to provide policies that work and adequate resources to mental health facilities in this State.

(Notice given 7 September 2006)

128 Mrs SKINNER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes with grave concern continuing reports of major problems relating to the handling of bodies in NSW morgues as well as within the funeral industry.

(2) Calls on the Minister for Health to establish a broad inquiry into all aspects of the handling of bodies in NSW.

(Notice given 7 September 2006)

129 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that NSW is the only State in the world to have a lower number of tourists entering the State five years after an Olympic games than it had before the Olympics were held.

(2) Notes that this makes NSW the laughing stock of the Olympic world.

(Notice given 7 September 2006)

130 Ms BEREJIKLIAN to move—

That this House notes the continued failure of the Minister for Community Services to inform the community as to how many notifications to Department of Community Services involving reports of child abuse are followed up with a home visit.

(Notice given 7 September 2006)

131 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the ongoing issue suffered by hire car businesses in their fight to use the Mecedes Benz Viano as a passenger sedan.

(2) Notes the quality and comfort of this new vehicle.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Roads to immediately enable the reclassification of the Viano from a station wagon to a passenger sedan.

(Notice given 7 September 2006)

1266 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

132 Mrs SKINNER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Sisters of Mercy have served the people of Newcastle since 1922 through their work at the Newcastle Mater Misericordiae Hospital in Waratah.

(2) Notes that after 84 years the Sisters of Mercy Singleton have decided to hand on their mission at the Mater Hospital to the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary.

(3) Congratulates and thanks the Sisters of Mercy on their outstanding dedication to providing quality health services to the people of Newcastle, the Hunter and surrounding areas.

(4) Wishes the Little Company of Mary and all connected with the Mater Hospital a successful future.

(Notice given 7 September 2006)

133 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House condemns the Premier for his continued inaction in replacing the Minister for Tourism despite the fact that the Minister has announced that she will not contest the next State election.

(Notice given 7 September 2006)

134 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes Asthma Awareness Week and Bubble Day as important occasions in the health calendar.

(2) Congratulates the Asthma Foundation on its tireless efforts to raise awareness as well as address the complex issues associated with asthma.

(Notice given 7 September 2006)

135 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government and the Minister for Water Utilities on the final commissioning of Australia’s largest industrial water recycling scheme in Wollongong.

(2) Acknowledges that the project will save up to 20 million litres of drinking water a day, equating to 7 billion litres each year.

(3) Condemns the State Opposition and the Shadow Minister for the Illawarra for referring to this saving as a drop in the bucket.

(Notice given 19 September 2006)

136 Mr CANSDELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes, that while the Roads and Traffic Authority have approved the use of electric motor assisted push bikes under 200w, unregistered and unlicensed on public roads as long as the rider wears a 1267 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

helmet and abides by standard road rules, the Police are warning users these bikes are illegal and that people found riding on public roads will be fined $1500.

(2) Calls on the Government to clarify the legal licence and registration requirements, if any, needed to ride an electric motor assisted push bike under 200w on public roads.

(Notice given 19 September 2006)

137 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the State Government on the provision of funds to help raise awareness of dementia as part of Dementia Awareness Week 2006, which was launched in Wollongong.

(2) Recognises the continued commitment of the State Government to raising awareness of dementia through the creation of a dementia plan that focuses on building coordinated services and improving access to early intervention.

(3) Condemns the Federal Government in their continued failure to support the State Government in providing health and community services to the people of NSW.

(Notice given 19 September 2006)

138 Mr HAZZARD to move—

That this House condemns the State Government for its failure to undertake programmed and needed extensions to the Intensive Care Unit at Manly Hospital.

(Notice given 19 September 2006)

139 Mr PRINGLE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the group home in Roscommon Road Arcadia has been vacant for 9 months at considerable cost to the Government.

(2) Calls on the Government to urgently provide accommodation for the severely disabled Samuel MacDiarmid in view of the severe distress this is causing his family.

(Notice given 19 September 2006)

140 Mr CANSDELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns the Government for failing to honour its commitment to Woodburn Public School that the school would receive 90 per cent of the proceeds from the sale of excess Woodburn Public School land.

(2) Calls on the Government to reverse its decision to gift the land to itself and honour its original commitment to the Woodburn community.

(3) Commends the children, staff and parents at Woodburn Public School and the Woodburn community for their support of their local public school. 1268 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(Notice given 19 September 2006)

141 Mr STONER to move—

That this House condemns the Government for its plan to increase electricity prices after the next State election.

(Notice given 20 September 2006)

142 Ms GADIEL to move—

That this House:

(1) Commends the Government for its $13 million investment in new door motors for 900 train cars to further improve reliability, especially in the evening peak.

(2) Commends CityRail for keeping passengers up to date on new initiatives through local line specific newsletters.

(3) Condemns the Opposition for its failure to support the promotion of public transport.

(Notice given 20 September 2006)

143 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the motor vehicle accident that occurred on the morning of 19 September 2006 at the intersection of the Pacific Highway and Yirra Road, Mount Colah where two cars collided whilst one was making a right hand turn into Yirra Road.

(2) Condemns the Minister for Roads for ignoring the road hazards on the Pacific Highway in the Hornsby electorate.

(3) Calls on the Minister to install right turn arrows at this intersection.

(Notice given 20 September 2006)

144 Mr SHEARAN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that rising petrol prices have resulted in a significant increase in people moving to public transport for their daily commute.

(2) Notes that patronage growth for buses on the North West and M2 services has increased by over 20% in the last year.

(3) Commends the Government for committing to the purchase of over 1000 buses for public and private operators to cater for patronage growth and fleet replacement.

(4) Commends the Government for allocating 107 buses over seven years to the growing North West of Sydney.

1269 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(5) Condemns the Leader of the Opposition for not standing up to his Federal colleagues and demanding that the ACCC be given powers to monitor fuel companies for price gouging.

(Notice given 20 September 2006)

145 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the valuation of the Hornsby Quarry at $26 million, a cost now being borne by the Hornsby Shire Council ratepayers for a period of 10 years.

(2) Notes the failure of the Government to provide any assistance to the people of Hornsby Shire or the Council in providing a solution to this impost.

(3) Calls on the Government to immediately instigate a re-assessment of the valuation, including an examination of why the Quarry was assessed as Residential 2C when it is currently zoned Open Space.

(Notice given 20 September 2006)

146 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Premier on the success of the Cabinet meeting held at Everglades Country Club, Woy Woy, on 12 September 2006.

(2) Congratulates the Premier and his Ministers for acknowledging the concerns of Central Coast residents by holding the Cabinet meeting in Woy Woy and meeting with individuals and community organizations.

(3) Notes that this was:

(a) The first occasion on which the Cabinet has met on the Woy Woy Peninsula.

(b) The second cabinet meeting held on the Central Coast since Morris Iemma became Premier in August 2005.

(c) The fourth Cabinet meeting held within the Central Coast region since Labor won Government in New South Wales in 1995.

(Notice given 20 September 2006)

147 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates Peter Rabbit Preschool on organising a morning tea as part of the ‘Red Day’ protest.

(2) Calls on the Government to increase funding to preschools so that they can confidently plan for the future, and give all young children the opportunity of what is considered to be essential education.

(Notice given 20 September 2006)

1270 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

148 Mrs SKINNER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that From 1 July 2006 the Government unilaterally terminated its reciprocal ambulance agreement with Queensland, with the consequence that NSW is the only state in the Commonwealth that has withdrawn cover for its residents for ambulance transport interstate.

(2) Condemns the Government for the devastating impact this has had on patients, particularly people on pensions who typically do not have private health insurance.

(Notice given 20 September 2006)

149 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the exemplary work of the Hornsby Lions Club in its efforts to raise awareness of the need for increased services for people with eating disorders.

(2) Calls on the Government to improve funding for this vital area of health services.

(Notice given 20 September 2006)

150 Mr CONSTANCE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the State Government did not hold a State Plan consultation in the electorate of Bega.

(2) Notes that the Premier held a State Plan meeting in the Monaro electorate on 10 September 2006 and failed to invite presidents of local Chambers.

(3) Condemns the Premier and the Member for Monaro for failing to listen and not attending.

(Notice given 20 September 2006)

151 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates Hornsby Hospital Maternity Unit for 50 years of professional service to the local and wider community.

(2) Notes the consistent and unfailing contribution by nurses, doctors, ancillary health professionals and other staff members to the maternity needs of mothers, babies and their families.

(3) Notes the hard work of the committee responsible for publishing a commemorative journal, arranging a celebratory dinner as well as researching memorabilia depicting the long and notable history of the unit that was established in 1965 in the old British Centre from Hyde Park.

(Notice given 20 September 2006)

152 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House notes that: 1271 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(1) Information Disability Equipment Access Services (IDEAS) Inc held a briefing session for Members of Parliament on 20 September 2006.

(2) IDEAS provides personal contact and support to resolve information queries for people with a disability.

(3) Areas of IDEAS’ expertise include services, equipment, accessible holidays, communication aids, leisure, sport programs, Government information and legislation.

(4) They handle over 10,000 detailed inquiries per year with 3,000 of these being made toll free nationally.

(5) IDEAS focuses on the individual with the disability as the decision maker.

(6) Members can find more information on IDEAS by visiting their website at www.ideas.org.au.

(Notice given 20 September 2006)

153 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates Parkinsons NSW for all of its hard work in relation to this debilitating illness.

(2) Calls on the Government to provide essential funding to the organisation so that it can continue and enhance its valuable work.

(Notice given 20 September 2006)

154 Mr DEBNAM to move—

That this House condemns the Government for its economic and budget mismanagement.

(Notice given 20 September 2006)

155 Mrs PALUZZANO to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on the Premier’s Reading Challenge Program.

(2) Congratulates the schools in the electorate of Penrith who participated in the Premier’s Reading Challenge.

(3) Commends Blaxland East Primary School, as all 359 students participated.

(Notice given 21 September 2006)

156 Mr MAGUIRE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that Westpac is considering relocating jobs offshore.

1272 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(2) Notes that major call centres, industry and educational institutions are successful in regional cities because of lower cost structures and reliable workforces.

(3) Notes Wagga Wagga is the largest inland city in NSW and can accommodate Westpac’s needs for staff with affordable housing, social infrastructure, entertainment etc.

(4) Notes that Wagga Wagga region has some $1.2 billion in developments currently underway and is evolving into a most favoured place to live.

(5) Calls on Westpac to give up the notion of locating jobs offshore and actively consider Wagga Wagga as the best alternative to establish business.

(Notice given 21 September 2006)

157 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates Alzheimers Australia on 100 years of working towards a world without dementia.

(2) Acknowledges World Alzheimers Day.

(3) Notes the fantastic work being undertaken by Alzheimers Australia (NSW) in promoting their publications and projects “Dementia – The Caring Experience”, “Living with Dementia” and “Mind your Mind – a user’s guide to dementia risk reduction”.

(Notice given 21 September 2006)

158 Mr PRINGLE to move—

That this House calls on the Minister for Lands to expedite the request from Paradise Afloat Houseboats of 766 River Road, Lower Portland for grant of permission to lodge a development application for the above property.

(Notice given 21 September 2006)

159 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the severe financial and emotional distress caused to residents of Woolcott Court (the Waldorf) in Wahroonga following the loss of many thousands of dollars in the vain attempt to secure leases for their future accommodation.

(2) Calls on the Minister for Fair Trading to arrange payment for any of the eight residents who may need to move to equivalent accommodation and for all associated expenses, including removal costs.

(Notice given 21 September 2006)

160 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

1273 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(1) Notes the recent revelations that the deaths of Dr Bogle and Mrs Chandler in the Lane Cove National Park were probably due to the “pooling” of hydrogen sulphide in the area where they were.

(2) Notes that communities around Culburra Beach are intermittently subjected to hydrogen sulphide gases emanating from Lake Wollumboola and that the gases also “pool” in certain areas before drifting towards Culburra Beach public school.

(3) Notes the increased incidence of various throat infections and other negative health effects particularly when hydrogen sulphide gases are obviously detectable within the Culburra Beach community.

(4) Calls on the Minister for the Environment and the National Parks and Wildlife Service to urgently introduce independent air quality tests to determine the levels of hydrogen sulphide and instigate appropriate measures to mitigate against this problem.

(Notice given 21 September 2006)

161 Mr PRINGLE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the disorderly behaviour that took place on the 12:55pm Westmead to Richmond train service on 21 September 2006 which caused serious alarm to passengers on board.

(2) Calls on the Minister for Transport to institute random visits by Transit Officers on this service.

(Notice given 21 September 2006)

162 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Hornsby Shire Relay for Life Committee, under the leadership of Adam Streichler with Jo Booth from the Cancer Council NSW, for its tireless work in preparation for the event on 21-22 October 2006.

(2) Urges everyone able to do so, to participate in Relay for Life events organised in their local community.

(Notice given 21 September 2006)

163 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Supports the DAPPS program that provides services for pregnant women and young mothers who have drug and alcohol dependency problems.

(2) Congratulates the DAPPS workers and counsellors and the work of the Nowra Family Support Centre for their continued efforts in the Shoalhaven area.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Community Services to urgently intervene in the funding impasse that will result in the termination of this service in December 2006.

(Notice given 21 September 2006) 1274 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

164 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the recent publication of the book “A Bit More Ginger”, written by Hedley Somerville, with the assistance of his wife Del.

(2) Congratulates Del and Hedley, whose family has spanned generations in the Hornsby electorate, on achieving a sequel to their first book “A Taste of Ginger”, both books depicting the rich history of the Hornsby area and environs.

(Notice given 21 September 2006)

165 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the State Government and the Minister for Health on the injection of almost $5.3 million in funding for state of the art telemedicine technology.

(2) Recognises that this funding, provided to a number of facilities including the Wollongong Community Health Centre, will allow doctors in rural and remote areas to provide clinical advice and consultation, as well as education and training for staff using the telemedicine technology.

(3) Condemns the Federal Government for under-resourcing health services to those in regional and rural Australia.

(Notice given 26 September 2006)

166 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the difficult policing issues in and around Hornsby Mall.

(2) Acknowledges the value of CCTV to law enforcement and in deterring criminal and nuisance activities.

(3) Calls on the Government to provide the necessary financial allocation and personnel to assist Police to reduce incidents in Hornsby Mall.

(Notice given 26 September 2006)

167 Mr LYNCH to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that 11 October 2006 is the centenary of the granting of the State Arms.

(2) Requests the Speaker to take the necessary steps for permanent placement of the State Arms in the Legislative Assembly Chamber above the Speaker’s Chair in accordance with the provisions of the State Arms, Symbols and Emblems Act 2004.

(Notice given 26 September 2006)

1275 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

168 Mr PRINGLE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that as a result of the high winds over the period 23 to 24 September 2006 many properties have been blacked out for over 48 hours causing safety issues, damage to food stuffs and service inconvenience.

(2) Calls on the Government to immediately implement aerial bundling, undergrounding of cables and provision of back-up systems to ensure a continuous electricity supply for the Hawkesbury and surrounding electorates.

(Notice given 26 September 2006)

169 Mr NEWELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns the Opposition for its Upper House vote against the only real proposal to restore the Casino-Murwillumbah Rail Line.

(2) Calls on the new Federal Minister for Transport to support the State Government’s proposal to jointly fund the line’s $150 million restoration.

(Notice given 26 September 2006)

170 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that Brooklyn residents who have septic tanks have on-going concerns in relation to the charges for their pump-out service.

(2) Calls on the Minister for Utilities to instigate a public and independent inquiry into the sullage issues affecting the residents of Brooklyn and Cowan.

(Notice given 26 September 2006)

171 Mr ASHTON to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates Adam Goodes on winning the 2006 AFL Brownlow Medal.

(2) Wishes the Sydney Swans all the best for success in the 2006 AFL Grand Final.

(Notice given 26 September 2006)

172 Mr PRINGLE to move—

That this House calls on the Minister for Education and Training to respond to the pleas of the Ironbark Ridge Public School Parents and Citizens Association and the community to bring forward the opening date of the proposed Rouse Hill High School from 2009 to 2008.

(Notice given 26 September 2006)

1276 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

173 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on its strong and proud record of investing in public school education, in doubling funding since coming to office in 1995.

(2) Acknowledges the Government’s on-going commitment to education through the investment of almost a fifth of the State’s budget in public schools.

(3) Condemns the Opposition on its past record of under-funding education, spending 10 per cent less per student than the national average.

(Notice given 26 September 2006)

174 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the designated 40kmh zones are essential to alert drivers to children around schools.

(2) Notes there are flashing lights in only one school zone in the Hornsby electorate.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Roads to put in place further means to alert drivers that they are within a 40kmh zone.

(Notice given 26 September 2006)

175 Mr DEBNAM to move—

That this House condemns the Government’s failure to deliver infrastructure on time and on budget.

(Notice given 26 September 2006)

176 Mr STONER to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns the Government for its failure after twelve years to improve the standard of rural health.

(2) Calls for an inquiry into the dangerously poor state of the health system in western NSW.

(Notice given 27 September 2006)

177 Ms ANDREWS to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates Umina Public School and Point Clare Public School on their Golden Jubilees.

(2) Acknowledges the special fiftieth anniversary celebrations held recently by both these schools to mark this milestone in public education within the Peats electorate.

(3) Notes that:

1277 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(a) Umina Public school is currently undergoing a major upgrade consisting of a new two storey classrooms building, and

(b) Point Clare Public School will receive a new staffroom, with work to be completed by the middle of 2007.

(4) Congratulates the Government for investing a record $10.7 billion in 2006/07 on education and training, including more than $712 million on upgrading and maintaining New South Wales public schools.

(5) Notes that the 2006/07 Budget includes an estimated $105 million in recurrent funding for public schools in the Peats electorate.

(Notice given 27 September 2006)

178 Mr DEBNAM to move—

That this House condemns the Government for its financial mismanagement and budget crisis which is denying critical funding to police, nurses and teachers.

(Notice given 27 September 2006)

179 Mr SHEARAN to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government for its ongoing commitment to accessibility upgrades at rail stations across the CityRail network.

(2) Notes that tenders have recently been called for the upgrade of Werrington Station.

(3) Notes that this will benefit the 2,200 people who use Werrington Station on a daily basis.

(Notice given 27 September 2006)

180 Mr DEBNAM to move—

That this House condemns the Government’s failure to deliver infrastructure on time and on budget.

(Notice given 27 September 2006)

181 Mr O'FARRELL to move—

That this House congratulates the directors and staff of the Roseville Memorial Club for its successful annual charity dinner and its continuing support of the community.

(Notice given 27 September 2006)

182 Mr DEBNAM to move—

That this House condemns the Government for its failure to protect the community from gang violence.

(Notice given 27 September 2006)

1278 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

183 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the excessively steep stairs that are the only access to Hawkesbury River Station.

(2) Notes that many elderly people and parents with prams need to get onto the station.

(3) Calls on the Government to immediately indicate its solution to this serious problem and when it will be implemented.

(Notice given 27 September 2006)

184 Mr O'FARRELL to move—

That this House congratulates Roy and Carol Langsford for their on-going success in support of the Trish MS Foundation and the pursuit of medical research into multiple sclerosis.

(Notice given 27 September 2006)

185 Mr DEBNAM to move—

That this House condemns the Government for its softly softly media driven policing policy.

(Notice given 27 September 2006)

186 Mr R.W. TURNER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the disastrous fire at the Sarajane Furniture Factory in Cowra on 22 September 2006.

(2) Notes that while over 80% of the factory capacity was lost there was no loss of life or injuries.

(3) Notes that the owner Mr Glen Scott has made a very strong commitment to retain his staff of around 100 people.

(4) Calls on the Government to provide as much assistance as possible, including payroll tax relief, until the factory is able to resume production.

(Notice given 27 September 2006)

187 Mr DEBNAM to move—

That this House condemns the Government for betraying the community with ongoing mismanagement of the Lane Cove Tunnel.

(Notice given 27 September 2006)

188 Mr GAUDRY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the increased remuneration granted to the Board and Executive of James Hardie at its recent Annual General Meeting.

1279 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(2) Notes the long campaign by the trade union movement, the Asbestos Diseases Foundation of Australia and the State Government to achieve justice for victims of asbestos related diseases.

(3) Condemns James Hardie for its continued failure to achieve a just outcome for current and future victims of these diseases.

(Notice given 27 September 2006)

189 Mr DEBNAM to move—

That this House condemns the Government’s failure to upgrade the Pacific Highway.

(Notice given 27 September 2006)

190 Mr O'FARRELL to move—

That this House congratulates the past and present congregation of St Andrews Presbyterian Church, St Ives, on the achievement of the church’s fiftieth anniversary and its on-going work in the local community.

(Notice given 27 September 2006)

191 Mr DEBNAM to move—

That this House notes the need to support hard working doctors and nurses in NSW hospital emergency departments.

(Notice given 27 September 2006)

192 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that from 1 July 2006, the NSW Government unilaterally terminated its reciprocal ambulance agreements with Queensland and South Australia resulting in NSW pensioners being faced with bills for ambulance costs whilst in those States.

(2) Supports the comments of the Combined Pensioners and Superannuants of NSW who believe that this Government has “stuffed up in not communicating the withdrawal of ambulance cover to pensioners”.

(3) Calls on the Premier to reverse this decision.

(4) Calls on the Premier to pay for the ambulance bill of $870 incurred by Mr Eric Aiken of Bawley Point, a bill which he cannot pay.

(5) Condemns the Premier for his contempt for pensioners in this State.

(Notice given 27 September 2006)

193 Mr DEBNAM to move—

That this House condemns the Government for its failure to address systemic problems within the NSW Health System.

(Notice given 27 September 2006) 1280 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

194 Mr PRINGLE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the residents of Berowra Waters have again been without power for two days over the period 23 to 24 September 2006 and on 27 September 2006, power was again disrupted.

(2) Calls on the Government to take all necessary measures to ensure a reliable energy supply for this area.

(Notice given 27 September 2006)

195 Mr ROBERTS to move—

That this House condemns the Minister for Planning and the Member for Ryde for their failure to support the people of Putney against the Royal Ryde Rehabilitation Hospital overdevelopment.

(Notice given 27 September 2006)

196 Mr PICCOLI to move—

That this House calls on the Government to reject the IPART recommendations for bulk water price increases.

(Notice given 27 September 2006)

197 Mr O'FARRELL to move—

That this House notes the lack of work choices afforded by the Government to the Member for Newcastle.

(Notice given 27 September 2006)

198 Mr ROBERTS to move—

That this House calls upon Hunters Hill and Ryde Councils to confirm the funding of the joint library service provided at Gladesville.

(Notice given 27 September 2006)

199 Mrs PALUZZANO to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Penrith Panthers’ Jersey Flegg team on reaching the grand final.

(2) Extends the Government’s best wishes to both Penrith and Newcastle in their game on Sunday 1 October 2006.

(3) Congratulates the Penrith Junior Rugby League Club on the victories in the SG Ball and Harold Matthews Competitions.

(Notice given 28 September 2006)

1281 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

200 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House congratulates The Nationals for its unerring support of the Single Desk for wheat farmers in NSW.

(Notice given 28 September 2006)

201 Mrs PALUZZANO to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the recent successful trial of secure taxi ranks.

(2) Notes that the Penrith CBD is a popular local night spot.

(3) Commends the Minister for Transport on recent announcement of a new secure taxi rank for Penrith.

(4) Commends the Government on the roll out of up to 22 new secure ranks across NSW.

(Notice given 28 September 2006)

202 Ms BEREJIKLIAN to move—

That this House notes the impact on the electorate of Willoughby of the cancellation of services in relation to bus routes 272, 273, 534 and 536.

(Notice given 28 September 2006)

203 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns the Government for completely closing eye surgery at Hornsby Hospital.

(2) Condemns the Government for shutting down eye surgery at Royal North Shore Hospital from September 2006 until 2007.

(3) Notes Ms Gwen Levido of Hornsby, plus 264 other people left stranded, who now have to wait months to have eye surgery performed.

(Notice given 28 September 2006)

204 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the General Business Notice of Motion given by the Member for Hornsby on 24 May 2006 regarding the need for recycling to be added to the Brooklyn/Dangar Island sewerage connection construction.

(2) Notes that the sewerage treatment plant construction is underway with the Government not including a recycling plant.

(3) Condemns the Minister for Water Utilities for failing to recognise the urgent need to preserve water through recycling especially in light of the severe water shortage in the Central Coast. 1282 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(Notice given 17 October 2006)

205 Mr WHAN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes comments by the President of the Nationals Monaro division suggesting that SBS radio services should not be supported because “people who don’t speak English should learn to speak English and listen to the same radio as everyone else”.

(2) Condemns these culturally insensitive comments and rejects the Monaro Nationals President’s view as insulting the thousands of Monaro residents from non-English speaking backgrounds who make a wonderful contribution to the community but rightly treasure their cultural and linguistic heritage.

(Notice given 18 October 2006)

206 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the concerns of South Coast residents regarding ongoing problems with rail services on the South Coast line, including length of travel time from Bomaderry to Sydney, late trains, over crowded carriages, service cuts, lack of cleanliness and security, lack of toilet facilities and continual use of buses to replace trains.

(2) Calls on the Minister for Transport to immediately upgrade services on the South Coast line.

(3) Requests that the minister liaise with local transport groups to ascertain their concerns regarding South Coast rail services.

(Notice given 18 October 2006)

207 Mr DRAPER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Federal Government has described the ongoing drought as a “rural recession”.

(2) Notes that many farmers, particularly those in the Manilla and Barraba districts, have not been able to access Exceptional Circumstances funding.

(3) Welcomes the New South Wales Government initiative to offer payroll tax exemptions in areas of high unemployment.

(4) Calls on the Government to expand this scheme so that businesses that are being affected by the ongoing drought can also receive relief from payroll tax during this difficult period.

(Notice given 18 October 2006)

208 Mr SOURIS to move—

That this House:

1283 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(1) Congratulates the Australian Netball Team on the series win on 16 October 2006 against New Zealand, in New Zealand.

(2) Congratulates the Captain and the relatively young team, for such an exciting and courageous contest in the 46-40 victory to regain superiority over New Zealand, the current world champions in netball.

(3) Congratulates Vice-Captain Sharelle McMahon, nominated Player of the Series.

(4) Wishes the Australian Netball Team every success at the forthcoming World Title Series in Fiji in 2007.

(Notice given 18 October 2006)

209 Mr PRINGLE to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that protective booms on the Nepean River to hold Salvinia and other aquatic weeds were recently vandalised allowing the downstream movement of weeds.

(2) Calls on the Government to provide additional funding to the Hawkesbury River County Council.

(Notice given 18 October 2006)

210 Mr WHAN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Federal Liberal Member for Eden-Monaro has recently distributed a survey to community groups in Eden-Monaro requesting them to indicate, among other things, which political party they support.

(2) Condemns this blatant attempt to politicise community organisations.

(3) Expresses its concern that this survey is a prelude to further politically motivated funding allocations.

(Notice given 18 October 2006)

211 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Requests that the Minister for Planning meet with representatives of the Manyana community on the South Coast with a view to listening to their concerns regarding various rezoning and development proposals for their area.

(2) Notes the united concerns of residents of Manyana regarding rezoning proposals for their area without adequate accompanying infrastructure, and at a distance from essential services.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Planning to immediately commence discussions with Shoalhaven City Council regarding their impending support of the Kylor rezoning proposal.

(Notice given 18 October 2006)

1284 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

212 Mr DRAPER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that despite current record drought, State Water has advised of plans to transfer 55,000 megalitres of water from Split Rock Dam to Keepit Dam, leaving just 5.5% capacity in Split Rock.

(2) Notes that the Federal Government has described the ongoing drought as a “rural recession”, yet State Water intends leaving just half a percent of the water available in the dam.

(3) Notes that the water transfer is planned to satisfy the needs of cotton farmers downstream from Keepit, yet there will be insufficient water left for local irrigators with farms located between the two dams.

(4) Calls on the Minister for Water Utilities to intervene and stop this unnecessarily large transfer of water.

(Notice given 18 October 2006)

213 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the State Government on its continued commitment to families and carers of people suffering from a mental illness.

(2) Welcomes the announcement by the Minister for Health of further funding to provide specialist mental health training for general practitioners.

(3) Condemns the Federal Government on its continued failure to respond to the need for better training of our doctors and nurses in mental health.

(Notice given 18 October 2006)

214 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the National Breast Cancer Foundation and the Australian Women’s Weekly for the outstanding supplement in the October 2006 issue, “Australia Pink” which promotes awareness and advice on the issue of breast cancer.

(2) Notes the exemplary work of many other groups, including the Cancer Council of New South Wales, that highlight the issues associated with breast cancer, as well as urging increased research in this area.

(Notice given 18 October 2006)

215 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government on its continued provision of funds for schools through the Priority Action Schools (PAS) program.

1285 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(2) Notes that the funding for extra teachers and intensive numeracy programs is part of the Government’s clear plan to keep students from disadvantaged backgrounds interested and engaged in school.

(3) Welcomes PAS funding granted to schools in the electorate of Wollongong, which will provide students with an opportunity to achieve their potential in schooling.

(Notice given 18 October 2006)

216 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes recent controversy and current concerns in Ulladulla regarding proposals for a high rise development in the coastal zone.

(2) Calls on the Minister for Planning to:

(a) work with the Ulladulla Community Forum, business groups and Shoalhaven City Council to establish agreed planning documents for future development in the Ulladulla area, and

(b) expedite and fund proposed works for the long awaited Ulladulla Harbour upgrade.

(Notice given 18 October 2006)

217 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the rich history of cultural contribution, including artists, in the Hornsby area.

(2) Notes a need for a permanent place for cultural items to be displayed and enjoyed by the residents of Hornsby Shire and the wider community.

(Notice given 18 October 2006)

218 Ms HAY to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates the Government and the Minister for Housing on continued commitment to providing affordable local housing for those in most need.

(2) Welcomes the call for tenders to build four new units in Unanderra in the electorate of Wollongong.

(3) Acknowledges the Government’s progress in the delivery of quality social housing.

(Notice given 18 October 2006)

219 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes overwhelming support for dedicated mental health beds at Shoalhaven Hospital.

1286 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(2) Calls on the Minister for Health to:

(a) provide a dedicated mental health wing at Shoalhaven Hospital, and

(b) provide increased funding for community based mental health services such as the Helping Hands Program.

(Notice given 18 October 2006)

220 Mrs SKINNER to move—

That this House notes:

(1) The intention of Rail Corporation New South Wales to build a massive 65 by 10 metre sub-station of unknown height, taking up half of Wakelin Reserve which is used as public open space close to Waverton Station.

(2) That there has been almost no public consultation with affected residents who will be affected.

(3) That the sub-station will impact on the public amenity of the residential area.

(Notice given 19 October 2006)

221 Ms BEREJIKLIAN to move—

That this House notes the Government’s failure to reinstate the left hand third slip lane on Mowbray Road at the intersection of Epping Road, and the traffic chaos this will cause.

(Notice given 19 October 2006)

222 Mrs SKINNER to move—

That this House notes:

(1) The complaints from residents of Wentworth in Murray-Darling regarding the severe lack of ambulance services in the area.

(2) That the region is serviced by Victoria via Mildura and is only available from 6 am to 6 pm daily.

(3) That at other times those needing ambulances have to rely on only four volunteers and that they have had enough.

(4) That there are over 600 call-outs per annum, a similar demand to other areas that have a full-time service.

(5) That calls for help have fallen on deaf ears.

(Notice given 19 October 2006)

223 Ms BEREJIKLIAN to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the ten year anniversary of the St Vincent De Paul Compeer Program in Australia which supports friendships between volunteers and people with a mental illness.

1287 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(2) Congratulates St Vincent De Paul on this outstanding program which tackles isolation for people with a mental illness.

(3) Wishes the program every success for the future.

(Notice given 19 October 2006)

224 Mrs SKINNER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the disruption to the lives of residents neighbouring Waverton Station who have to put up with idling trains that are stabled at the siding right underneath their windows with engines/compressors on full blast from 4 am.

(2) Notes that it is intended that this situation will continue until completion of the North Sydney station redevelopment in late 2008.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Transport to instruct train drivers to turn engine/compressors down to low idle, as engineers have indicated is possible.

(Notice given 19 October 2006)

225 Mr O'FARRELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the continuing failure of the Government to invest in infrastructure and services to meet the current and future demands of Ku-ring-gai residents.

(2) Notes the Government’s continuing pressure on Ku-ring-gai Council to rezone for high density housing.

(3) Notes the Government’s timetable imposed upon Ku-ring-gai Council to have the town centre rezoning completed by the end of 2006.

(4) Notes the fact the timetable has resulted in many residents being unable to be made aware or keep up with changes to proposed rezonings in their neighbourhoods.

(5) Condemns the Government for its unbalanced and rushed policies and the adverse legacy they will leave in Ku-ring-gai.

(Notice given 19 October 2006)

226 Mr LYNCH to move—

That this House:

(1) Condemns the Member for South Coast for her breach of Standing Orders and Speakers’ rulings in a Private Member’s Statement on 18 October 2006.

(2) Notes her support for an oppressive caravan park proprietor, her contempt for three families then resident in Liverpool and her many errors of fact six years after the event.

(3) Recommends to the Member an acquaintance with the Standing Orders.

1288 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(4) Reminds the Member of her obligations under pecuniary interest and election funding regulations.

(Notice given 24 October 2006)

227 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the importance of research in the fight against cancer.

(2) Congratulates Adam Streichler, Chair of the 2006 Hornsby Relay for Life, and his team on an extremely successful event on 21 and 22 October 2006.

(Notice given 24 October 2006)

228 Mr PRINGLE to move—

That this House calls on the Government to take measures on safety grounds to improve the reliability of the Webb’s Creek Ferry as a matter of urgency.

(Notice given 24 October 2006)

229 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the importance of supporting small business as the backbone of the New South Wales’ economy.

(2) Congratulates Greg Bepper, President of the Hornsby Chamber of Commerce, and his “Work for the Dole” team on an exceptional “Expo 06” business event in Hornsby Mall on Friday 20 October 2006.

(Notice given 24 October 2006)

230 Mr STONER to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Government’s ill-conceived policy of demolishing the Gordon Housing Estate in Dubbo and forcibly moving Aboriginal families from their homes.

(2) Congratulates Kempsey’s Dunghutti Aboriginal people for their efforts to minimise social dysfunction and reduce youth crime in their local community.

(3) Condemns the Government for transferring large numbers of Aboriginal people from Dubbo to Kempsey and other centres, causing social and cultural unrest in those communities.

(4) Calls on the Minister for Housing and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs to stop the forced transfer of Dubbo people against their wishes and those of the Aboriginal people in the receiving communities.

(Notice given 25 October 2006)

1289 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

231 Ms KENEALLY to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that 23 October 2006 is the 50th anniversary of the Hungarian uprising against the communist regime of the Soviet Union.

(2) Remembers the approximately 20,000 Hungarians who stood for freedom on 23 October 1956, sparking a nationwide protest and encouraging similar anti-communist protests in Europe.

(3) Notes that Australia provided sanctuary to approximately 14,000 Hungarian refugees by the end of 1957, and that today the largest Hungarian population in Australia resides in NSW.

(4) Appreciates that many of these migrants have made significant contributions to various aspects of Australian life and to their ethnic Hungarian community.

(Notice given 25 October 2006)

232 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the Department of Education spent $400,000 installing a lift to transport a student who requires a wheelchair to access both classrooms used by the Yass High Support Unit during 2006.

(2) Notes with concern that the Department of Education and Training failed to also construct a ramp up three steps to allow the same student to access the second classroom.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Education to explain why this job was not completed, resulting in a significant waste of taxpayers’ money.

(Notice given 25 October 2006)

233 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the increasing concerns from residents in the Bamerang, West Nowra and Nowra Hill areas regarding two options to site the South Coast Correctional Centre.

(2) Calls on the Premier to rule out sites B and D due to environmental issues, bushfire risk and potential loss of amenity to nearby residents.

(Notice given 25 October 2006)

234 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that, despite the fact that tourism industry groups across NSW have criticised her performance, the Minister for Tourism in the Sunday Telegraph (22/10/06) tried to deflect her ongoing failings instead blaming the Federal Government’s new workplace laws for the decline in tourism in NSW.

1290 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(2) Notes with concern that the Minister’s bizarre statements that the workplace reforms discourage workers from taking annual leave show she is clearly out of touch with operators and industry concerns.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Tourism to explain herself.

(4) Condemns the Minister’s ongoing failure to commit to future development of the tourism industry in NSW.

(Notice given 25 October 2006)

235 Mrs HANCOCK to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the concerns of residents regarding the proposed site A for the South Coast Correctional Centre.

(2) Calls on the Government to rule out site A from the list of options.

(Notice given 25 October 2006)

236 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House recognises and respects local community opposition to wind farms at Taralga, Crookwell, Cullerin, Conroys Gap/Black Range, and Spring Range.

(Notice given 25 October 2006)

237 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Congratulates Adam Stratton of Tender Value Meats and his team on success in the Sydney Fine Food Show, with his speciality sausages.

(2) Congratulates Tender Value Meats on its community participation, such as its work with the Hornsby Chamber of Commerce.

(Notice given 26 October 2006)

238 Mr HAZZARD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the Members’ Code of Conduct limits the use of public resources from being applied to campaigning/electioneering documents.

(2) Notes that memorandum MO6/08 of 3 May 2006 states “It is members’ responsibility to comply with Parliamentary Remuneration Tribunal determinations and Legislative Assembly policies” and specifically states that “…publicly funded resources provided to Members cannot be used for …election campaign…purposes” and further “… any newsletters cannot be funded from members’ entitlements nor should they carry the Parliamentary crest or the State crest”.

(3) Condemns the Member for Pittwater for seeking to use approximately $25,000 of his public funds for the issue of a campaigning/electioneering newsletter. 1291 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

(4) Condemns the Member for Pittwater for using the State crest and for detailing his Parliamentary funded phone, fax and email on a campaigning/electioneering newsletter.

(Notice given 26 October 2006)

239 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the invaluable work performed by our local Rural Fire Service Brigades.

(2) Notes the tireless work of Hornsby Lions Club in its many projects.

(3) Congratulates Hornsby Lions Club on its presentation of $687 to the Rural Fire Service for the purchase of a digital camera and print making equipment.

(Notice given 26 October 2006)

240 Ms HODGKINSON to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes that the result of a survey of attitudes towards the Conroy’s Gap/Black Range Wind Farm, recently conducted by the Member for Burrinjuck, shows that of the residents who are in the 15 km zone of visual influence of the proposal, 148 residents oppose the development and 84 residents do not oppose the proposal.

(2) Notes that all but one of the immediate neighbours of this proposal have expressed their opposition to the proposed development.

(3) Calls on the Minister for Planning to halt further approvals of industrial wind turbine farms until a uniform code for the location of wind farms has been agreed between all State governments and the Federal Government.

(Notice given 26 October 2006)

241 Mrs FARDELL to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the continuing decrease in Dubbo crime rates since the commencement of the redevelopment of the Gordon Estate.

(2) Congratulates government and non government agencies, and Dubbo City Council for their hard work, and the community for acknowledging the successful outcomes.

(3) Condemns the Member for Oxley for claiming that large numbers of Aboriginal people were forcibly transferred from Dubbo to Kempsey and are now causing unrest in other communities.

(4) Calls on the Member for Oxley to immediately justify these untruths or resign his position as Leader of The Nationals for misleading the House.

(Notice given 26 October 2006)

1292 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

242 Mrs HOPWOOD to move—

That this House:

(1) Notes the tragic death of Belinda Emmett aged 32 years to breast cancer and its secondary illnesses.

(2) Acknowledges the wonderful love, support and care provided to her by her husband Rove McManus and family and friends.

(3) Notes the work by many organisations in promoting early detection, timely treatment, much needed research and countless hours of support including Breast Cancer Network Australia, sponsor of the Field of Women events in October.

(Notice given 14 November 2006)

ORDERS OF THE DAY (Committee Reports)—

1 Standing Committee on Parliamentary Privilege and Ethics Report entitled "Parliamentary Commissioners, Advisers and Auditors - Ethics Education, Information and Assistance to Members: New South Wales and other jurisdictions", dated May 2006.

2 Report of the Legislation Review Committee entitled “Legislation Review Digest No. 8 of 2006”, dated 2 June 2006.

3 Report of the Committee on the Health Care Complaints Commission entitled “11th Meeting on the Annual Report of the Health Care Complaints Commission”, dated June 2006.

4 Report of the Public Accounts Committee entitled “Inquiry into Public Private Partnerships”, Report No 16/53 (No. 159), dated June 2006.

5 Report of the Legislation Review Committee entitled “The Right to Silence, Responses to the Discussion Paper, ” Report No 4, dated 8 June 2006.

6 Discussion Paper of the Legislation Review Committee entitled “Strict and Absolute Liability”, Discussion Paper No 2, dated 8 June 2006.

7 Report of the Committee on the Independent Commission Against Corruption entitled “Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference of Parliamentary Oversight Committees of Anti-Corruption/Crime Bodies, 22-23 February 2006, Parliament House, Sydney”, Report No 7/53, dated June 2006.

8 Report of the Committee on the Independent Commission Against Corruption entitled “Quarterly Examination of the Inspector of the Independent Commission Against Corruption” Report No 8/53, dated June 2006.

9 Report of the Joint Select Committee on Tobacco Smoking entitled "Tobacco smoking in New South Wales", June 2006.

10 Report of the Joint Select Committee on the Cross City Tunnel entitled "The Lane Cove Tunnel Third Report", August 2006.

11 Report of the Joint Standing Committee on Road Safety entitled “Driver Distraction - Proceedings of an international conference on distracted driving, Sydney, Australia, 2-3 June 2005”, Report No 10/53, dated June 2006.

1293 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

12 Report of the Joint Standing Committee on Road Safety entitled “Regarding road safety administration and related road safety and transport matters - Report of a visit of inspection by a delegation of the STAYSAFE Committee 24 October 2005 - 8 November 2005”, Report No. 11/53, dated June 2006.

13 Report of the Joint Standing Committee on Road Safety entitled “Improving the health of the motor vehicle insurance and smash repair industries: Shifting the focus to public safety - Report of a review of progress in implementing the findings and recommendations of an inquiry into motor vehicle smash repairs under the Insurance Australia Group (NRMA Insurance) Preferred Repairer Scheme”, Report No. 12/53, dated June 2006.

14 Report of the Joint Standing Committee on Road Safety entitled “Brief Comments on Organ and Tissue Donations, Report No. 13/53”, dated June 2006.

15 Report of the Legislation Review Committee entitled “Legislation Review Digest No. 9 of 2006”, dated 25 August 2006.

16 Report of the Public Accounts Committee entitled “Review of the Audit Office under Section 48A, Public Finance and Audit Act 1983”, Report No. 17/53 (160), dated August 2006.

17 Report of the Legislation Review Committee entitled "Annual Review: July 2005-June 2006", dated 29 August 2006.

18 Report of the Standing Committee on Parliamentary Privilege and Ethics entitled “Review of the Proposed Amendments to the Code of Conduct and Draft Constitution (Disclosures by Members) Regulation 2006”, dated September 2006.

19 Report of the Legislation Review Committee entitled “Legislation Review Digest No. 10 of 2006”, dated 5 September 2006.

20 Report of the Joint Committee on the Office of the Valuer-General entitled “Report on the Third General Meeting with the Valuer-General”, Report No. 53/04, dated September 2006.

21 Report of the Legislation Review Committee entitled “Legislation Review Digest No. 11 of 2006”, dated 15 September 2006.

22 Report of the Public Bodies Review Committee entitled “Report on Corporate Governance: Follow-up Review of Performance Audit Report on Corporate Governance”, Report No. 6/53, dated September 2006.

23 Report of the Legislation Review Committee entitled “Legislation Review Digest No. 12 of 2006”, dated 26 September 2006.

24 Report of the Legislation Review Committee entitled “Legislation Review Digest No. 13 of 2006”, dated 26 September 2006.

25 Report of the Committee on the Health Care Complaints Commission entitled “Review of the 1998 Report into Unregistered Health Practitioners: The Adequacy and Appropriateness of Current Mechanisms for Resolving Complaints”, Report No. 13/53, dated September 2006.

26 Report of the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters entitled “Inquiry into Voter Enrolment”, Report No 3/53, dated September 2006.

27 Report of the Standing Orders and Procedure Committee entitled “Repeal of Existing Standing Orders and adoption of New Standing Orders”, dated 28 September 2006.

1294 BUSINESS PAPER Wednesday 15 November 2006

28 Report of the Standing Orders and Procedure Committee entitled “Citizens’ Right of Reply”, dated September 2006.

29 Report of the Legislation Review Committee entitled “Legislation Review Digest No. 14 of 2006”, dated 13 October 2006.

30 Report of the Legislation Review Committee entitled “Strict and Absolute Liability; Responses to the Discussion Paper”, Report No. 6, dated 17 October 2006.

31 Report of the Standing Committee on Public Works entitled “Inquiry into Municipal Waste Management in NSW”, Report No 53/06, dated October 2006.

32 Report of the Standing Committee on Public Works entitled “2005 Conference Report, the National Parliamentary Public Works and Environment Committee Conference, Canberra and the International Town Centres and Communities Conference, Yeppoon”, Report No. 53/07, dated October 2006.

33 Report of the Legislation Review Committee entitled “Legislation Review Digest No. 15 of 2006”, dated 24 October 2006.

34 Report of the Committee on the Office of the Ombudsman and the Police Integrity Commission entitled “A Report on an Inquiry into the Results of the Qualitative and Strategic Audit of the Reform Process (QSARP)”, Report No 13/53, dated October 2006.

35 Report of the Committee on the Office of the Ombudsman and the Police Integrity Commission entitled “Stakeholder Review of the Merger of the Community Services Commission into the Office of the Ombudsman”, Report No 14/53, dated October 2006.

36 Report of the Committee on Children and Young People entitled “Inquiry into Children, Young People and the Built Environment”, Report No. 8/53, dated October 2006.

37 Report of the Public Bodies Review Committee entitled “Report on the Inquiry into the Allocation of Social Housing”, Report No. 7/53, dated October 2006.

38 Report of the Legislation Review Committee entitled “Legislation Review Digest No. 16 of 2006”, dated 10 November 2006.

RUSSELL D. GROVE PSM Clerk of the Legislative Assembly

______Authorised by the Parliament of New South Wales