1Jrnq1· • nst AND MATILDA D VOCATE VOL. KXI, No. 6 lROQUOIS, ONT., THUR · AY. JUN 18, 1942 \ $1.50 per Year in Advance Elsie Millard Bride of \ ~ .J~n De ks Host rt Wl.t tili ltlt l.t ~ lllt ~ 1' GILMER'S 'Big Ben' Alarm f 1 he Store that Appreciates Your Trade I Alexander Shaver C i o cil Dinner MEAT MARKET 2-year Guarantee !Sit. Jo·hn's AngHcan :c'hu11ch, ilr'<>- ovn )by ,W-arden Allfre.d Headquarters for Meats of quois, w,a.s the S'Cene of a lbeauti,fol · C, ,e of Matild•a T-o;wnship, Quality and Tenderness 1 $ Pyrex we<l<lin,g Saitu,rday aifternoon, •when tn ( en'., banquet con•diulcted dur- Miss Elsie :Snowden M:illard, younger ini, c ,1h? se:ssi-0n of the United Ceiling Prices for Beef Ad d~UJg'hter loif John ,Millar•d, D'.IC.IM. and Co .n 1r ' Councd jwas heltd Wednes J. C. M'rs. Millard, <1f 1Iroqu-0i,s, lbecal!lle the d :· evn ", ,fone 10th , at the ·Oorn justed By Order 134. A Grand Gift for the Bride .Jewele Optician lbri"de od' Jobn .A<lexander iSlha,ver, ol- "' I " , ,;el. Forgotten for the time or The Wartime Prices and Trade IROQUOIS ONTARIO der son <1f Frank :S.'h,a,ver .and tihe Ilate .,, ·c t!i cares -0;f con<d1U1ctin,g /the Board have from June 1st establish ed A Valued Gift for Yoursel l}hs. S.ha,ver, of 'lr-o·quois. Rev. J. h 'Y , "enda <1f a wartime council a new basis of m aximum prices to 1I1.· , Lionel Homer offiJCiated.
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