Hall Nf $Mtm$F

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Hall Nf $Mtm$F THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1918. nin: Frederick W. Fleming, Poyarsford, Gilbert A Young Waterbury Conn mitt(ttMttUtTmilllllMttillltllMMMI Pa. Hiram D Baker Vanetten N Y ItttttHtMHtttttMHItM Alfred E. Fuerst, Cleveland, 0. Robert E Huntley Rutherfordton N C Hall nf Edward J. Galvin, Buffalo, N. Y. Arclrte Krupinsky Fremont Neb $mtm$f Adrian H. Grantham, Mt. Olive, N. C. Charles C Mann Clarita Okla I CAPITAL JOURNAL CLASSIFIED DEPT. i I Milaon Ashburv Green, Blowing Rock Steven J Mereer Saxon Wis : : :r B Parker JEvansville "From Over There" J n. c. v. Verner lad Smithfield, C. Guy A Porter Aluio Idaho , Buck Hill, N. THAT GIVE ON General Pershing's Official Report Monroe B. Hunter, DiUsburg, Pa, Oscar E Troxell Allentown Pa QUICK REFERENCE TO HPS SERVICE SHORT NOTICE Vincent Kirvin, Wintcrset, la. Leo J Traekey N Braddock Pa " - . R ii! MEET-- WE OUR ...Jay's casualty list contained the Charlie V. 'Wilkins, Vest' Durham, N. Stephen Kukull, Malo, Wash. Bugler Nova Mathews Union City WHEKE BUYER AND SELLER RECOSXEND ADVERTISERS ' Samuel Leo, Halifax, Pa. Okla name of Albert K. Hamilton, Klamath c. : - ., Leo sky, Spring Creek, Pa. Mechanic Daniel Larsen Ellcusburg 1'alls, Ore., died of wounds received in - Musician Paul p.- Adamson, Kansas Lloyd " action. Leonard, Wawenian, 0. Wash ... Telephoae - - SCAVENGER City, Mo. Isadora Lespersnee, Two Bivers, Wis. Wagoners Eugene 3i Davis Harris- - XVESTTHIHa ICTBICAL Alva C Lewis,-Bibl- Grove, 111. burg . Privates.' Pa 120 The following casualties ar reported Hdward M. Lewis, Denver, Colo. Roy A Riverside Cal Beotris Oo llasoaia Temple, 127 North Sxgk Maia SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and Thos. O. Adams, Gainesboro, Va: tovr by the eommauding general of the Am Sam Lipshitx, New York, N. Y. Chauffeur Thomas L Freestone Hal- - refuse of all kinds removed on montk erican expeditionary forees: Vern Albein Audersou, Ellington, N. .Ranzey'B. Little, Stanfield, N. C. brito, Saskatchewan Canada ly contracts at reasonable rates. 1S6 " ' Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals re- Killed in action York. Louis J. Long, Ohio, Mo. Privates Marius H . Christiansen OSTEOPATH SECOND-HAN- D GOODS Died . .150 N. moved. Office phone, Main 224L of wounds William R. Anderson, Harriston, Roy Lowe, Clagle, W. Va. Ringsted Iowa ....... Died of disease 139 York. Alfred Locchesi, New York, N. Y. Albert X Forker Redlandg Cal Residence, Main 2272. ! ORS. R E. WHITE AND R. W. WAL Wouiided severely 22 Antone W. Baiky, New Britain, E. N. C.- BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE John Lynch, Durham, Ira Vandorn Gray Austinvilie Va TON Osteopathia physicians ad Wounded, degree undetermined .19 Conn, , . Owen. Lynch, Butte, Mont LcBoy Greenly Reading Pa Am- Ilea's clothes, shoes, uses, jeweiry, "Wouuded slightly A. Cloyerdale, Cal. nerve specialist. Graduates of Charles Baker, Gerald L. Lyons, Philadelphia, Pa. William H Grogan Price N C Kirk-vill- watches, tools, musics! instruments, ' erican school of Osteopathy, Tvcy D. Bechanan, Elizabcthtown, Win. T. McCollister, Phoenix, Ariz. ' Joseph Gully Hew York guns, revolvers, Mo. graduate aad spec- bicycles, rifles, suit LODGE DIRECTORY Total 543 Kentucky. John T. McCullum, Galeton, Pa. Floyd Henery Roseoe N Y Post eases, cameras, typewriters ... Keener ialized in nervous diseases at Lot trunks, Lawreuce Bigbee, Oakridge, Miss. A. S. D. Capital 33T Carrel McDonald, Wall, Martin Layden Springfield Ohio 505-50- 8 Nat-San- k and furniture. Exchange ACTION. , Angeles College. Offices KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MEET AT KILLED IN Frank S. Bogardus,-Montrose- N. Y. James Hunter Mcintosh, Trinidad, Henry John Miller Horton Kan Court street, Phone 493. - ' Bldg. Phone 85.4. Residence, McCornack hall on every Tuesday Majors. Xavier, John-Bolt- Erie, Penn. Colo. - . Claude Mingle Knoxville Tenn 1620 Court. Phone 2S18. Dr. Waits at 8. P. Andresen, C.C.I. J. KusU Joseph G. Kreutz, Taconm, Wash. Charles D. Bonawitz, Pine Grove, Pa. Henry R. McMahan, Revicrville, Tenn Luigi Molnmlrino Jersey City N Res, Phone 468. - FINANCIAL . R. ft 8. Thomas Belford Anderson, Latrobe, Kelly Booiugarden, Steen, Minn. Wurman Mavberrv, Daneville, 111. John M Montnguo Elm City N C Peon. Frederick W. Cochrane, Brockton, Pressley Irwia MacKenzic, New York Louis Murphy, Hannibal Mo Captains. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Mass. 1. Sherman Olsen, Black Creek Wis DENTIST MONEY TO LOAN Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246 meets L. Arnold, Sparta, Wis. ' William C. Orville J. Correll, Kennapolis, N. Willie Ernest Macy, Kernersville, N. Wilbur Ralston Winchester Ind 8 E. Murphy, Bridgeport, Con. every 3rd and 4th Thur. eve, o'clock Jorniiah John F. Coughlin, Archbald, Pa. C. Clinton Reeves Crandall Tenn OB. F. L. LTTER, DE1TU.T, BOOM3 On Good Real Estate Security ia Derby building, corner Court N. 111. ai Stephen J. H. Reed, Schenectady, Ernest M. Coulter, Robinson, Makuch, 413-41- Steny Cleveland, 0. Raymond Rodgers Accotink Va 4 Bank of Commerce building. THOS. K. FORD High streets. B. Day, V. F. A. York. F. C; John Crowder, Brownsville, Tenn. Clarence Mallard, Dallas, Tex. Paul P Bonianski, Elizabeth Pa .er Lodd ft Bush bank; Salem Oregon elerk. Clarence John Sodemann, St. Louis, Turner, Frank Cupelia, Meadow, Pa. Frederick Martin, Utica, N. Y. James P Rowen Barton Vt COMPANY Mo. Willie B. Davis, Dallas, Tex. Frank Meeoni, Mansfield, Ohio. Steve Rudolph Saukcr Lewis Run Pa WATER FEDERAL FARM LOANS 5 per RQYAT. .NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Lieutenants. Meier Epstein, New York, N. Y. David P. Mejrgs, Camden, N. C. Howard A Thornton Higley Ariz sent 34 years time. A. C. Bohrnstedt, "Oregon Grspe CampV No. 1360. Louis Raymond Abel, Lebanon, Conn C. 3ALEM WATER COMPANY Office Leslie Foy, Verona, N. Henry Meyor, Castlerock, S. D. , Gaetauo Vincignerra Camden N J 401 Masonic Temple. Salem, Oregon. meets every Thursday evening ia . streets Irving Both, Ossining, N. Y. John Fraim, Philadelphia, Pa. Ellsworth W. Miller, Raymilton, Pa. Daniel Paul Allaire Rochester NY orner Commercial and Trade Derby building, Court and High St 1 monthly Dtniie Sr'Kcller, Hosemont, Penn. Oscar Franklin, Montgomer, Ala. Homer Minnis, Winslow, Ind. William Appoll New York Bills payable in advance.. Mrs. Pearl Coursejr, 214 Court St, Sergeants. John L. Garland, Monroe, N. C. Floyd A. Moote, Cskaloosa, la. Walter S Melroso Mass Phone 606. REAL ESTATE Mrs. record- - 1 Archer oracle; Melissa Persons, Clifton F.Barnett, Logan, 0. Franklin Godfrey, Simpsoirville, S. C. Dennis T. Morris, Callao, Mo. John Archibald Onnalinda Pa er 1415 N. 4th St. Phone 1436M. George F. Becker, Albany, N. Y. Broadus B. Humes, Gaffney, S. G. GeorgcL. Morrison, Baltimore, Md. Frank T Bardons Hartford Conn Orville W Marchom Carlisle 111 FOR SALE And worth the price, five gram Carl F. Gehrig, Marietta, Ohio. Siln8 H. Hudspeth, Ycllvilio, Ark. John B. Muray, Auburn, N. Y. Sum Basone Chicago 111 Ernest L Mashburn Judson N C acres of choice land for hay, UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem-bl-y or located about 2 miles Charles Krai, York Springs, Penn. Frank Wyckoff McCullough, Max Rubin, Now York, N. Y. Joseph G Bauer Wheoling W Va G Maskcry Spokane "Wash fruit; No. 84 meets first Thursday of Lewis from city a new and well Raymond Smith Long, Doylestown,' N. J. John A. Rchaeffer, Los Angeles, Cal, Oliver M Bedoll Baldwin N Y limits, each month, at 8 p. m- in I. 0. 0. F. Andrew Matya Tarnov Nob furnished house and exce- ronn. Charles Meflinty, Bollvillo, N. Y. Fred F. Schmalz, Ogdcn, Utah. ' Frank Berger Baltimore Md barn, an Hall. Norma L. Terwilliger, M. A; Charlos Hebron llent well with pump, acre of tim- Elwyn Charles McKinnon, Los Angel- Walter L. Monteith, Glennvillc, N. C. Hienian Siesplbaum, New York, N. Y. Harvey C Bloom Trenton N It Merrill Maine C. A. Vibbert, secretary, 84f) Owens J Michaol Rainoy ber, place well fenced on R. F. D. es, Calif. Lowell Montgomery, Longlane, Mo. Olon C. Skinner, Beaufort, N. C. Miko Bogasia-- Akron Ohio Miterko Pa street. Morgan St Joseph Mo Plenty and variety of fruijj for fam- Cecil Courtney Martin, Mitchell, Ind. George Thomas Mooney, Scranton, Fred C. Subeliff, Clinton, la. George S Bohan Los Angeles Cal Heury Zadoek Z ily use. Pric $2000. mprovem'onts , John Masoni, Bergoma, Italy. Fa. Swanlie E. Swanson, Quick, Nebr. Willie Morris Elkhart Texas Lewis Brown Portsmouth Va are worth money asked. Inquire Charlie B. Newcombe, St. Louis, Mo. John T. Morris, St. Paul, Kans. Ivon B. Teachcnor, Mo. Jacob Nagel Glen Uline N D the Shelbina, Milford H Brown Azusa Cal of Square Peal Realty Co. Phone 470 E Los Angeles B. William L Netaor Sanger Cal Norman Shcchy, ' Ott Noland, Berwyn, Okla. Everett, Tefft, Naragansett Pier, Waldo B Brown Miles Ccntor 111 TEE MARKET Calif. ' Steves Oles, Chicago, 111. Island. William A Nichols Quarryvillo Pa Elbert T Burns Conley Spriugs N S 5 ROOM residence, paved street, large James A. Etced, Dewitt, Va. David Ott, Rockford, Tonn. William C. Upchurch, Albany, Ky. Nclsou F.Ratoliff Hopkinton Iowa TAdolphus G Busby Mineola Texas lot, $700, pou cash, balance terms. D. Mnlvern, Pa. A. W. 111. Charles O'Connell Cortland Herbert Swearer, Richard F. Rigney, Manor, P. Ernest Vancil, Duquoin, Christopher J Cahill Jr., Hoboken N NY. 40 acres, 20 cultivated, 3 prunes, fair ' Cal. Charles W Ogle Houston Texas Grain John M. Sweetnian, Sebnstopol, Oliver L. Rigley, Warren, O. Philip Vasel, Kortsa, Albania. J ... .;, improvements, $2000, $500 eash, bal- William H. Whitney, Oakland, Cal. Aubrey E. Robinson, Linn, Mass. Lucian L. Vaughan, Orango, Va. Clem Oglethorpe Cleveland Ohio Wheat, soft white $1.94 Alphoiiso N Chamberlain Minneapolis ance . terms at 6 per cent. Strictly Headley Williams, Lebanon,-Mo- . Bud Ross, Granby, Mo. August Viaene, Fernloy, Nev. Nicholas W Panagos Weed Cal Wheat, lower grades on sample 3unn i modern 5 room new bungalow, close Minn. Rosnrio Patane Philadelphia Pa Oats 80c Benjamin J. Adams, St.
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