USAMPS / MANSCEN This medium is approved for the official dissemination 573-XXX-XXXX / DSN 676-XXXX of material designed to keep individuals within the Army COMMANDANT knowledgeable of current and emerging developments within BG Stephen J. Curry .................................................... 563-8019 their areas of expertise for the purpose of enhancing their <
[email protected]> professional development. ACTING ASSISTANT COMMANDANT By Order of the Secretary of the Army: COL Charles E. Bruce .................................................. 563-8017 PETER J. SCHOOMAKER <
[email protected]> General, United States Army COMMAND SERGEANT MAJOR Chief of Staff CSM James F. Barrett .................................................. 563-8018 Official: <
[email protected]> DEPUTY ASSISTANT COMMANDANT—USAR COL Charles E. Bruce .................................................. 563-8082 JOEL B. HUDSON <
[email protected]> Administrative Assistant to the DEPUTY ASSISTANT COMMANDANT—ARNG Secretary of the Army LTC Starrleen J. Heinen .................................. 596-0131, 38103 02313130330807 <
[email protected]> DIRECTOR of TRAINING DEVELOPMENT MILITARY POLICE, an official U.S. Army professional COL Edward J. Sannwaldt, Jr........................................ 563-4111 bulletin for the Military Police Corps Regiment, contains infor- <
[email protected]> mation about military police functions in maneuver and DIRECTORATE of COMBAT DEVELOPMENTS mobility operations, area security operations, internment/ MP DIVISION CHIEF