Plan Coordinator, FO, Plans Section (MS 5231)
UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT September 13, 2019 MEMORANDUM To: Public Information (MS 5030) From: Plan Coordinator, FO, Plans Section (MS 5231) Subject: Public Information copy of plan Control # - S-07973 Type - Supplemental Exploration Plan Lease(s) - OCS-G21444 Block - 875 Keathley Canyon Area OCS-G21447 Block - 919 Keathley Canyon Area OCS-G26771 Block - 874 Keathley Canyon Area OCS-G32654 Block - 918 Keathley Canyon Area Operator - Anadarko Petroleum Corporation Description - Subsea Wells in KC 874 Wells C, CC, D, DD, KC 875 Wells D, DD, G, GGG, J, I, M. MM, KC 918 Wells AA, BB, CC, P, PP, Rig Type - Drillship and DP Semisubmersible Attached is a copy of the subject plan. It has been deemed submitted as of this date and is under review for approval. Chiquita Hill Plan Coordinator Site Type/Name Botm Lse/Area/Blk Surface Location Surf Lse/Area/Blk WELL/AA G32654/KC/918 576 FSL, 2551 FWL G21444/KC/875 WELL/BB G32654/KC/918 586 FSL, 2551 FWL G21444/KC/875 WELL/C G26771/KC/874 771 FSL, 2150 FWL G21444/KC/875 WELL/CC G26771/KC/874 771 FSL, 2410 FWL G21444/KC/875 WELL/CC G32654/KC/918 596 FSL, 2551 FWL G21444/KC/875 WELL/D G26771/KC/874 739 FSL, 2479 FWL G21444/KC/875 WELL/DD G21444/KC/875 295 FSL, 4618 FWL G21444/KC/875 WELL/DD G26771/KC/874 839 FSL, 2479 FWL G21444/KC/875 WELL/DD G21447/KC/919 699 FSL, 4806 FWL G21444/KC/875 WELL/DDD G21444/KC/875 395 FSL, 4618 FWL G21444/KC/875 WELL/EE G21447/KC/919 576 FSL, 2551 FWL G21444/KC/875 WELL/EEE G21447/KC/919 700 FSL, 2417 FWL G21444/KC/875 PUBLIC SUPPLEMENTAL EXPLORATION PLAN KEATHLEY CANYON BLOCKS 875, 918 & 919 OCS-G 21444, 32654, & 21447 OFFSHORE, LOUISIANA Anadarko Petroleum Corporation a Wholly-Owned Subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum Corporation 1201 Lake Robbins Drive The Woodlands, Texas 77380 Contact: Jill Wiederhold (832) 636-1554 1 – Hard Copy Confidential 1 – CD Confidential 1 – Hard Copy Public Information 1 – CDs Public Information August 2019 SUPPLEMENTAL EXPLORATION PLAN LEASE OCS-G 21444, 32654, & 21447 KEATHLEY CANYON BLOCKS 875, 918 & 919 A.
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