Ph.D. Program in , and Library Studies

Ph.D. Student Scholarship Publications, Presentations, Grants and Awards April 1, 2011 – April 1, 2012


The Office of the Ph.D. Program School of Communication and Information Room 214 4 Huntington Street New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1071 (732) 932-7500 ext. 8270 ______

Last revised: 5/3/2012

A Note on Compilation

This document was compiled from the following sources: (1) as self-reported in annual reviews; (2) from examination of conference programs for conferences taking place between April 1, 2011 and April 1, 2012 that are traditionally well-attended by SC&I scholars; (3) announcements of fellowships and awards posted to the Ph.D. Program’s “INside: News and People” webpage ( program/inside-news-people.html); and (4) “Weekly Updates” emails to the comminfo_phd listserv. Local non-academic presentations are excluded. Contributions in which more than one doctoral student are listed as authors can be found under the first doctoral student’s last name. Compiled by Hannah Kwon.

Awards and Honors

Lisa A. Ambrose & Brian D. Agnew – Outstanding paper nomination, Association of Leadership Educators, for “Leadership from two lenses: Perceptions about leadership from current and potential academic administrators,” July 2011 Brett J. Bonfield – Named a 2012 Library Journal “Mover & Shaker,” March 2012: Danielle Catona – Top Four Paper Award, Communication and Aging Division of the National Communication Association, for “Age-adapted in an assisted living facility,” November 2011 Danielle Catona – Outstanding Thesis Award, Communication and Aging Division of the National Communication Association, for “Age-adapted speech in an assisted living facility,” November 2011 Erik Choi and Jacob Sanchez – Best Graduate Student Paper Award, New Jersey Communication Association, for "Startup and mature company uses of microblogging for information sharing" Michael J. Cole & Chang Liu – Best Paper Award, Interactive Information & Design Track, American for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), for “Dynamic Assessment of Information Acquisition Effort during Interactive Search,” October 2011 Roi Estlein – Student submission award, International Association for Relationship Research (IARR), April 2011 Debra E. Glassco – Best Paper Honorable Mention award, New York Communication Association, for “Miles beneath the bus: The construction of Jeremiah Wright Jr. in the public imagination,” October 2011 Debra E. Glassco – New Voices in Cultural Studies Distinction, National Communication Association, November 2011 Nathan E. Graham – International Guest Lectureship at Hochschule Darmstadt (Dieburg campus), to teach five-week course called "Collaborative Archives" and deliver a lecture to 200 scholars at the conclusion of the course, 2011 Emily Knox – Semi-finalist, ALISE/Jean Tague-Sutcliffe Doctoral Student Research Poster Competition, for "The Discourse of Censorship: Understanding the Worldviews of Challengers," January 2012 Vaibhavi Kulkarni – Top Graduate Student Paper award, Division of the National Communication Association, for “Use of social media in : A comparative study,” November 2011 Kevin Lerner – Top Poster, Association for Education in Journalism and (AEJMC), for “Intellectual heft: A.J. Liebling as an opponent of anti-intellectualism in American journalism,” August 2011 Jessica Lingel – Bohdan S. Wynar Research Paper Competition, Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), for “Improvisation, Tactics, and Wandering: Urban

Information Practices of Migrational Individuals," January 2012 Chang Liu & Michael J. Cole – Best Information Behavior Conference Poster Award, Special Interest Group on Information Needs, Seeking, and Use (SIG USE), American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), for “Using dwell time as an implicit measure of usefulness in different task types,” October 2011 Teresa Luetjen-Keeler – Innovation through Institutional Integration (I3) grant, Project AGER/Advancing Graduate Education at Rutgers, an NSF-funded project of the Graduate School New Brunswick, for project entitled "Learning to manage conflict in group projects" Dara P. Murray – Dissertation Teaching Award, Graduate School New Brunswick, Rutgers University, 2011-2012 Susanna Sabolcsi-Boros and Hannah Kwon – RUSA Best paper published in the past two years, with Marie L. Radford, Lynn Silipigni Connaway, and Patrick Confer, for "Are we getting warmer?"

Fellowships and Scholarships Brian D. Agnew – Fellowship, Pre-Doctoral Leadership Development Institute, Rutgers University, 2010-2012 Isra Ali – Graduate Assistantship, Center for Race and Ethnicity, Rutgers University, 2011-2012 Jorge N. Amador - Ralph Bunche Fellowship, Rutgers University, 2010-2012 Lisa A. Ambrose – Fellowship, Pre-Doctoral Leadership Development Institute, Rutgers University, 2010-2012 Eun Jung Baik and Go Un Kim – SC&I Summer Research Fellowship with Rebecca Reynolds and Nicholas J. Belkin, Summer 2012 Malgorzata Boyraz – SC&I Summer Research Fellowship with Jennifer Gibbs, Summer 2012 Frank Bridges – SC&I Summer Research Fellowship with John Pavlik, Summer 2012 Santanu Chakrabarthi – Tejeshwar Singh Memorial Fellowship in the category of Media and , Sage Publications India, 2011-2012 Seung Won (Erik) Choi – SC&I Summer Research Fellowship with Chirag Shah and Craig Scott, Summer 2012 Nicole Cooke – Fellowship, Pre-Doctoral Leadership Development Institute, Rutgers University, 2010-2012 Punit Dadlani – Barham Scholarship (Graduate Assistantship), Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries (CISSL), Rutgers University, 2012 Maria Dwyer – Fellowship, Pre-Doctoral Leadership Development Institute, Rutgers University, 2011-2012 Charles F. File – Graduate Fellowship, Command, Control, and Interoperability Center for Advanced Data Analysis (CCICADA), 2011-2012 Roberto González-Ibáñez – SC&I Summer Research Fellowship with Chirag Shah, Summer 2012 Elizabeth W. Gough-Gordon – Graduate Student Fellowship, Rutgers Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (RASTL), 2010-2012 Hee Won Kim and Muge Haseki – SC&I Summer Research Fellowship with Matt Weber, Summer 2012 Vaibhavi Kulkarni - University Merit Graduate Scholarship, Rutgers University, 2011-2012 Kevin Lerner and Andrew Salvati – SC&I Summer Research Fellowship Award with David Greenberg, Summer 2012 Jessica Lingel - AAUP Doctoral Fellowship, Fall 2011 Chang Liu – Tung-Li & Huin-Hsi Yuan Endowed Scholarship, SC&I, Rutgers University, 2011 Vyshali Manivannan – SC&I Summer Research Fellowship with Jack Bratich, Summer 2012 Alexander E. Pichugin – Pamela Richards Endowed Memorial Fellowship, SC&I, Rutgers 3

University, 2011 Alexander E. Pichugin – Scholarship, 3rd International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence of the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL), U.S. Department of Education, 2012 Sheena P. Raja – Graduate Student Fellowship, Cultures of Finance Working Group, Institute for Public Knowledge, New York University Nik Ahmad R. Nik Abdul Rashid – Scholarship, Bank Negara Malaysia, 2007-2014 Bryce Renninger – Fellowship, Rutgers' Institute for Research on Women, 2012-2013 Si Sun – SC&I Summer Research Fellowship with Xiaomu Zhou, Summer 2012 Iulian Vamanu –Pamela Richards Endowed Memorial Scholarship, SC&I, Rutgers University, 2011 Stephen S. Voorhees – Fellowship, Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, Faculty Seminar, November 2011

Research Grants Lora Appel – Funding from Jennifer Warren (SC&I) and Michelle Azu (Assistant Professor of Surgery, UMDNJ/Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and The Cancer Institute of New Jersey) for “The Internet, social media and surgeon selection: An analysis of online factors influencing a patient’s decision in choosing a surgeon,” Summer 2012 Marie Haverfield – Financial award from the Graduate School for International Pre-Dissertation/ Special Study to conduct research on families dealing with alcoholism in Berlin, Germany, Summer 2012 Alexander E. Pichugin – Research grant from the Max Kade Center for Contemporary German Literature at Washington University in St. Louis, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), 2012; Workshop Organization Grant from the German Language School Conference (GLSC), 2011

Editing, Reviewing, Blogging Frank Bridges – Peer reviewer, Information Polity: Special Issue on Open Government and Public Participation; Peer reviewer, Pervasive 2012 Conference Jonathan Bullinger – Blogger, The Playgrounds: The blog about labor and play Erin Christie – Reviewer, New York State Communication Association Conference Proceedings, 2010 (conducted in summer 2011) Stephen DiDomenico – Paper reviewer, National Communication Association, Language and Social Interaction Division, 2011 Roi Estlein – Ad hoc reviewer, Journal of Social and Personal Relationship; Young Scholar reviewer, Journal of Family Communication Roberto González-Ibáñez – Peer reviewer, Journal Information Processing & Management; Peer reviewer, SIGIR; Manuscript/Paper reviewer Journal Information Processing & Management: Special issue in HCIR, SIGIR 2012 Conference, ASIS&T 2011 Conference Nathan Graham – Editorial assistant, Journal of Education in Library and Information Science Zhe Li – Reviewer, International Communication Association, Communication and Technology Division, 2012 Chang Liu – Poster and paper reviewer, iConference 2012; Poster reviewer, ASIS&T 2011 Conference Kate Magasamen Conrad – Guest reviewer, Journal of Intercultural Communication Research Alexander E. Pichugin – Reviewer, ASIS&T 2011 Conference 4

Camille Reyes – Blogger, Rutgers University Graduate School-New Brunswick Graduate Student Blog Aaron Trammell – Editor-in-chief, The Playgrounds: The blog about labor and play; Multi-media editor, Sounding Out! The sound studies blog; Paper reviewer, International Communication Association, Game Studies Division, 2012; Paper reviewer, Meaningful Play Conference, 2012 Iulian Vamanu – Reviewer, Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy

Invitational Workshops and Seminars Isra Ali –Doctoral Honors Seminar, National Communication Association 2011 Hannah Kwon – Doctoral Colloquium, iConference 2012 Sun Kyong Lee – Doctoral Colloquium, Association of Internet Researchers Annual Conference 2011 Jessica Lingel – 2011 Association of Internet Researchers PhD colloquium Jessica Lingel – Doctoral Colloquium, iConference 2012 Rannie Teodoro – Workshop researcher at the 2012 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Bellevue, WA; 2011 Doctoral Fellows Seminar

Publications Ruben, B. D., Immordino, K. M., Tromp, S., & Agnew, B. (2011). Using interactive, scenario- based simulations for leadership development. In P. Felicia (Ed.), Handbook of research on improving learning and motivation through educational games: Multidisciplinary approaches (pp. 1111- 1147). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Ali, I. (2011). Reflecting on the punch line: Muslim men, white women and the “War on Terror” in American television comedy. In S. Hutchings, C. Flood, G. Mizahevich, & H. Nickels (Eds.), Islam in its international context: Comparative perspectives (pp. 117-133). Newcastle upon Tyne, England: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Ambrose, L. A., & Agnew, B. D. (2011, July). Leadership competencies from two lenses: Perceptions of leadership qualities by current and potential academic administrators. In Association of Leadership Educators 2011 Annual Conference Proceedings. Retrieved from 20ALE%20Conference%20Proceedings.pdf McAnuff, C., Ambrose, L. A. (in press). Re-imaging the role of education and wellness on community impact. In D. M. Callejo Perez & J. J. Ode (Eds.), The stewardship of higher education. Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense. Zellner, D. A., Siemers, E., Teran, V., Conroy, R., Lankford, M., Agrafiotis, A., Ambrose, L., & Locher, P. (2011). Neatness counts: How plating affects liking for the taste of food. Appetite, 57, 642-648. Appel, L., Bridges, F., and Grossklags, J. (2011). Young Adults and Online Political Participation: Search Strategies and the Role of Social Media. In Proceedings of the 12th International Digital Government Research Conference (dg.o 2011), College Park, MD, June 12-15, 2011 (pp. 302-306). Babij, K. (in press). The good, the bad, and the neutral: solving the problem of ethical choice- making within video and computer games. In M. Wysocki (Ed.), Essays on control in video games (working title). Bonfield, B. (2011, September 21). Is the training too many librarians or too few? (part 1) [Web log post]. Retrieved from

5 librarians-or-too-few-part-1/ Bonfield, B., DelGuidice, M., Van Noord, R. Mack, C., Bright, K., and Singer. R. (2011). Envisioning ALA’s governance in the 21st century. American Library Association, EBD #10.6 2010-2011 and 2010-2011 CD #44. Retrieved from documents/2010_2011ebdocuments/ebd10_6_future_perfe.pdf Bridges, F., Appel, L., and Grossklags, J. (in press). Young adults' online participation behaviors: An exploratory study of Web 2.0 use for political engagement. Information Polity: Special Issue on Open Government and Public Participation. Pavlik, J., & Bridges, F. (in press). Augmented reality (AR) in journalism: The emergence of AR as a storytelling medium. Journalism and Communication Monographs. Pavlik, J., Kubey, R., & Bridges, F. (2012, April). Dream sequences as a narrative device in television: A Freudian perspective. Cadernos de Televisão. Bullinger, J. M. (2012, February 12). Laboring to play: Information, work, and video games [Web log post]. Playgrounds: The blog about labor and play. Retrieved from games/ Bullinger, J. M. (in press). Gamification [Web log post]. Playgrounds: The blog about labor and play. Bullinger, J. M., & Salvati, A. J. (2011). A theory of brand WW2. Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture, 11(4). Retrieved from Bullinger.shtml Kantor, P. B., Bullinger, J. M., & Gal, C. S. (in press). Patient decision-making modes and causes: A preliminary investigation. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. Campaiola-Veen, J. (2012). From affective to aesthetic economics: globalization and the commodification of difference on French Idol. Journal of Intercultural and International Communication, 5(2), 89-105. Retrieved from Horodynski, M., Calcatera, M., & Carpenter, A. (in press). Infant feeding practices: Perceptions of Native American mothers and health paraprofessionals. Health Education Journal. Chakrabarti, S. (2011). Prime time soap operas on Indian Television [Review of the book Prime time soap operas on Indian Television, by Shoma Munshi]. South Asian Popular Culture 9(2), 229-231. doi: 10.1080/14746689.2011.569080 Choi, S. Y., Park, H. S., & Oh, J. Y. (in press). Temporal distance and blood donation intention. Journal of Health Psychology. Cole, M. J., Gwizdka, J., and Belkin, N. J. (2011). Physiological Data as Metadata. In P.N. Bennet, K. El-Arini, T. Joachim, & K. Svore, (Eds.), Proceedings of SIGIR 2011 Workshop on Enriching Information Retrieval (ENIR 2011), Beijing, China. New York, NY: ACM. Cole, M. J., Gwizdka, J., Belkin, N. J., & Liu, C. (2011). User domain knowledge and eye movement patterns during search. In G. Golovchinsky, R. Capra, B. Kules, and C. Smith, (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (HCIR ’11). Mountain View, CA. Cole, M. J., Gwizdka, J., Liu, C., & Belkin, N. J. (2011). Dynamic assessment of information acquisition effort during interactive search. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T 2011). New Orleans, LA, October 9-12, 2011 (10p.). Cole, M. J., Zhang, X., Belkin, N. J., Liu, C., and Gwizdka, J. (2011). Knowledge effects on document selection in search results pages. In P.N. Bennet, K. El-Arini, T. Joachim, & K.


Svore, (Eds.), Proceedings of SIGIR 2011 Workshop on Enriching Information Retrieval (ENIR 2011), Beijing, China. New York, NY: ACM. Cole, M. J., Gwizdka, J., Liu, C., Belkin, N. J., Bierig, R., and Zhang, X. (2011). Task and user effects on patterns in information search. Interacting with Computers, 23(4), 346-362. Gwizdka, J. and Cole, M. J. (2011). Inferring cognitive states from multimodal measures in information science. In Proceedings of ICMI 2011, Alicante, Spain. Gwizdka, J. and Cole, M. J. (2011). Least effort? Not if I can search more. In G. Golovchinsky, R. Capra, B. Kules, and C. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (HCIR ’11). Mountain View, CA. Zhang, X., Cole, M. J., and Belkin, N. J. (2011). Predicting user domain knowledge from search behaviors. In Proceedings of SIGIR 2011, Beijing, China. New York, NY: ACM. Cooke, N. A. (2012, April). DO believe the hype. School Library Monthly, 28(7), 18-20. Cooke, N. A. (in press). Developing your personal learning network. In K. Harrod (Ed.), Continuing Education for Librarians: Workshops, Conferences, College and Related Education. Jefferson, NC: McFarland. Cooke, N. A. (in press). It takes a village to teach online. In A. Sigal (Ed.), Advancing librarian education: Technological innovation and instructional design. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Cooke, N. A. (in press). Professional development 2.0 for librarians: Developing an online personal learning network. Library Hi-Tech News. Cooke, N. A. and Teichmann, J. (in press). Instructional strategies and techniques for information professionals. Oxford, England: Chandos Publishing. DiDomenico, S. M. & Boase, J. (in press) Bringing mobiles into the : Applying a conversation analytic approach to the study of mobiles in co-present interaction. In D. Tannen & A. Trester (Eds.), Language and . Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. Theiss, J. A., Estlein, R., & Weber, K. M. (in press). Relational turbulence during the transition to parenthood: A longitudinal assessment of relationship characteristics that predict new parents’ marital satisfaction. Personal Relationships. File, C. & Shah, C. (in press). InfoExtractor – A tool for social media data mining. Journal of Information Technology and Politics, 9(3). González-Ibáñez, R., & Shah, C. (2011). Coagmento: A system for supporting collaborative information seeking. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T 2011). New Orleans, LA, October 9-12, 2011 (4p.). Gonzáles-Ibáñez, R., Haseki, M., & Shah, C. (2012). Understanding effects of time and proximity on collaboration: Implications for technologies to support collaborative information seeking. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work CHI’12. González-Ibáñez, R., Muresan, S., & Wacholder, N. (2011). Identifying sarcasm in Twitter: A closer look. In Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational : Human Language Technologies (ACL-HLT 2011). Portland, Oregon: June 19-24, 2011. González-Ibáñez, R., Shah, C., & Córdova-Rubio, N. (2011). Smile! Studying expressivity of happiness as a synergic factor in collaborative information seeking. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T 2011). New Orleans, LA, October 9-12, 2011 (10p.). Shah, C., & González- Ibáñez, R. (2012). Spatial context in collaborative information seeking. Journal of Information Science. DOI: 10.1177/0165551512438356 Shah, C., & González-Ibáñez, R. (2011). Evaluating the synergic effect of collaboration in information seeking. In Proceedings of the 34th ACM SIGIR Conference. Beijing, China, July 24-28, 2011. New York, NY: ACM.


Sinnreich, A., Graham, N., & Trammell, A. (in press). Weaving a new 'net: A mesh-based solution for democratizing networked . The Information Society, 27(5). Halpern, D. & Katz, J. E. (2012). From e-government to social network government: Towards a transition model. In Proceedings of the 4th ACM Conference on Web Science 2012 (WebSci12'). Halpern, D. & Katz, J. E. (2012). Unveiling robotophobia and cyber-dystopianism: The role of gender, technology and religion on attitudes towards robots. In V. Evers & O. C. Jenkins (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI’12). Halpern D. & Lee, S. (2011). Civic participation and social media: Are they bowling together? Political Behavior: Cognition, Psychology, & Behavior eJournal. Retrieved from Halpern, D., Ahmad, N. & Ki, S. (2012). Towards a social network e-government agenda?: Measuring participation 2.0 in the Arab world. In Proceedings of the 13th International Digital Government Research Conference (dg.o 2012), College Park, Maryland, June 4-7, 2012. Halpern, D., Oh, K., Chiang, J., Silver, D., Tremaine, M., & Bemis, K. (2011). The paradox of visualizations: making information comprehensible. In Proceedings of the IEEE VisWeek 2011, USA (2p). Katz, J. E., & Halpern, D. (in press). Towards a social network government agenda: A global survey of national leadership websites. International Journal of Public Administration. Haseki, M., Shah, C., & González-Ibáñez, R. (2012). Time as a trigger of interaction and collaboration in research teams: A diary study. In Proceedings, the 2012 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2012), February 2012, Seattle, Washington. Scott, C. R., Rains, S. A., & Haseki, M. (2011). Anonymous communication: Unmasking findings across fields. In C. T. Salmon (Ed.), Communication Yearbook (vol. 35), (pp. 299-342). New York: Routledge. Jantz, R. (in press). A framework for studying organizational innovation in research libraries. College & Research Libraries. Jantz, R. (2012). Innovation in academic libraries: An analysis of university librarians’ perspectives. Library & Information Science Research, 34(1), 3-12. Kim, Y. H., & Kim, D. J. (2011). Does self-efficacy matter? Examining online transaction self- efficacy and general self-efficacy in B2C electronic commerce (pp. 42-71). In S. Clarke & A. Dwivedi (Eds.), Organizational and end-user interactions: New explorations. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. Kivran-Swaine, F. & Naaman, M. (in press). Social sharing of emotions in large-scale social awareness streams: Effects of gender and audience in collective emotions In C. von Shele, & M. Salmela (Eds.), Oxford University Press. Kivran-Swaine, F., Govindan, P., & and Naaman, M. (2011). The impact of network structure on breaking ties in online social networks: unfollowing on Twitter. In Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI '11) (pp. 1101- 1104). New York: ACM. doi: 10.1145/1978942.1979105 Brubaker, J.R., Kivran-Swaine, F., Taber, L., Hayes, G.R. (2012) Grief stricken in a crowd: the language of bereavement and emotional distress in social media. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. Diakopoulos, N., Kivran-Swaine, F., & Naaman, M. (2011). Playable data: Characterizing the design space of game-y infographics. In Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI '11) (pp. 1717-1726). New York, NY: ACM. doi: 10.1145/1978942.1979193. Lewis, L., Laster, N., Kulkarni, V. (in press). Telling 'em how it will be: Previewing pain of risky change in initial announcements. Journal of .


Lai, C. -H. (2011). A multifaceted perspective on blogs and society: Examples of blogospheres in Southeast and East Asia. Journal of International Communication, 17(1), 51-72. Lee, R. (2012, March 6). Super Tuesday: It’s not just for the candidates. Buffalo News. Retreived from voice/article750129.ece Lee, R. (2011, November 9). New Jersey’s media landscape: Can it help us understand the emerging framework of politics and democracy in the Internet age? Hall Institute of Public Policy – New Jersey. Retrieved from studies/1319-new-jerseys-media-landscape-can-it-help-us-understand-the-emerging- framework-of-politics-and-democracy-in-the-internet-age Lee, R. (2011, November 16). Where do you begin in choosing a president? Buffalo News. Retrieved from voice/article635349.ece Cladi, L., & Lee, R., (2012, March 20). In a global economy, what happens in EU affects Olean. Olean Times Herald. Retrieved from 0019bb2963f4.html Bazelon, E., & Lerner, K. (2012 February 14). Dharun Ravi should cut a deal. Slate. s_student_who_spied_on_tyler_clementi_should_accept_the_plea_deal_from_new_jersey_a uthorities_.html Webster, F. (2011). Theories of the information society (3rd ed.) (J. Cao, J. Liang, Z. Li, & M. Cao, Trans.). Beijing, China: Beijing University Press (Original work published 2006). Lingel, J. (in press). The digital remains: Social media and practices of online grief. The Information Society: Special Issue on the Death, Afterlife and Immortality of Bodies and Data. Lingel, J. (2011). Information tactics of immigrants in urban environments. Information Research, 16(4). Retrieved from Lingel, J., & Naaman, M. (2012). You should have been there, man: Live music, DIY content and online communities. New Media & Society. 14(2), 332-34. Lingel, J., Trammell, A., Sanchez, J., & Naaman, M. (2012). Practices of information and secrecy in a punk rock subculture. In Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW 2012), February 2012, Seattle, Washington. Radford, G., Radford, M. & Lingel, J. (in press). Alternative libraries as discursive formations: Reclaiming the voice of the deaccessioned book. Journal of Documentation. Lipkin, N. D. (in press). Controller controls: Haptics, ergon, teloi and the production of affect in the video game text. In M. Wysocki (Ed), Untitled Text on Control in Video Games. Lischer-Katz, Z. (2011). Available machines: Remembering the Experimental Television Center, 1969-2011. Moving Image Source. Retrieved from Liu, C., Belkin, N. J., Cole, M. J., and Gwizdka, J. (2011). Personalization of information retrieval in different types of tasks. In P.N. Bennet, K. El-Arini, T. Joachim, & K. Svore, (Eds.), Proceedings of SIGIR 2011 Workshop on Enriching Information Retrieval (ENIR 2011), Beijing, China. New York, NY: ACM. Liu, C., Cole, M. J., Belkin, N. J., and Gwizdka, J. (2011). Exploring the effect of task difficulty on search behaviors by different users. In G. Golovchinsky, R. Capra, B. Kules, and C. Smith, (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (HCIR ’11). Mountain View, CA. Liu, C., Sun, S., Cole, M. J., and Belkin, N. J. (2011). Rutgers at the TREC 2011 session track. In The Twentieth Text Retrieval Conference Proceedings (TREC 2011), Gaithersburg, MD. 9

Liu, C., Cole, M. J., Belkin, N. J., Gwizdka, J., Zhang, X. (2011). Exploring the effect of task difficulty and domain knowledge on dwell times. In Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Human- Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (HCIR ‘11). Mountain View, CA. Liu, C., Liu, J., Belkin, N. J., Cole, M., & Gwizdka, J. (2011). Using dwell time as an implicit measure of usefulness in different task types. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T 2011). New Orleans, LA, October 9-12, 2011. Li,Y., Liu, C. (in press). Information science in the USA: A review for the full papers presented in the annual meeting of ASIST 2011. Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information. Liu, J., Liu, C., Yuan, X., & Belkin, N. J. (2011). Understanding searchers’ perception of task difficulty: Relationships with task type. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T 2011). New Orleans, LA, October 9-12, 2011 (10p.). Lu, S. (2011, May). Mutual dependence and task uncertainty in the scholarly communication of theologians. Paper prresented at the First Conference on Information and Religion, Kent, OH. Greene, K., & Magsamen-Conrad, K. (in press). Methodological issues and stigmatized health populations. In B. B. Whaley (Ed.), Research Methods in Health Communication. Greene, K., Magsamen-Conrad, K., Venetis, M. K., Checton, M. G., Bagdasarov, Z., & Banerjee, S. C. (in press). Assessing health diagnosis disclosure decisions in relationships: Testing the disclosure decision-making model. Health Communication. Checton, M. G., Greene, K., Magsamen-Conrad, K., & Venetis, M. K. (in press). Patients’ and partners’ perspectives of chronic illness and its management. Families, Systems, & Health. Venetis, M. K., Greene, K., Magsamen-Conrad, K., Banerjee, S. C., Checton, M. G., & Bagdasarov, Z. (in press). "You can't tell anyone but…” Exploring the use of privacy rules and boundary management. Communication Monographs. Banerjee, S. C., Greene, K., Hecht, M. L., Magsamen-Conrad, K., & Elek, E. (in press). “You’re not cute when you’re about to puke”: A content analysis of print alcohol counter- advertisements created by adolescents. Health Communication. Manivannan, V. (2011). “Later, buddy”: The politics of loss and trauma representation in Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Forum for World Literature Studies: Graphic Engagement Special Issue 3(1). Manivannan, V. (2011). “Interplay amidst the strangeness and the charm”: Under-language and the attenuation of in the film adaptation of Watchmen. ImageTexT: Interdisciplinary Comics Studies 6(1). Manivannan, V. (in press). "Never give ’em what they expect": The Joker ethos as paradigmatic of lulz on 4chan’s /b/. In R. M. Peaslee & R. G. Weiner (Eds.), The Joker: Critical Essays on the Clown Prince of Crime. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press. Martens, M. (2011). Visiting the de Grummond: A preconference tour of the amazing historic collection. Children & Libraries: The journal of the association for library service to children, 9(3), 52- 54. Martens, M. (2011). Anne Carroll Moore: Grande Dame of Children’s Literature. Library Media Connection, 30(1), 42-43. Murray, D. P. (2011). [Review of the book The Transformation of Sexuality: Gender and Identity in Contemporary Youth Culture, by T. Johansson]. Feminist , 11(2), 259- 262. Murray, D. P. (January 2012). Working for the fairy tale [web log post]. In Media Res: a media commons project. Retrieved from


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Conference Presentations Agnew, B. D. (2011). Evolution of leadership toward assessment: Higher education, the next frontier. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Organizational Communication Mini Conference, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO. Ali, I. (2011, July). Negotiating the means of liberation: Examining the discourse on gender equality in Afghanistan and the United States in The New York Times and Time Magazine, 2001-2004. Paper presented at the National Communication Association Doctoral Honors Seminar, New Orleans, LA. Ali. I. (2012, March). Have beauty, will travel: Independent documentary and the gendered discourse of liberation in the 'war on terror.' Paper presented at the Cultural Studies Association Conference, La Jolla, CA. Alpert, M. (2011, April). Fear and the image of librarians in popular culture. Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference, San Antonio, TX. Alpert, M. (2012, April). Image issues and the male librarian. Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference, Boston, MA. Radford, G. P, Radford, M. L., & Alpert, M. (2012, April). Fantasy’s threshold: Librarians at the boundary. Paper presented at the Zizek Studies Conference, Brockport, NY. Amador, J. (2011, November). The power of Glee: the use of positive televisual representations of gay father-son relationships to stop the spiral of silence. Poster session presented at the National Communication Association 97th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. Ambrose, L. A., & DuBois, N. (2011, October). The use of social media by employees in dealing with workplace stress. Poster session presented at the 24th Annual Organizational Communication Mini Conference, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO. Appel, L. (2012, May). Targeting the intended patient audience: A demographic study of patient participation in scoliosis social media. Paper to be presented at the International Communication Association Conference, Phoenix, AZ. Appel, L., Bridges, F., & Grossklags, J. (2011, June). Young adults and online political participation: Search strategies and success in an experimental study. Paper presented at the 12th International Digital Government Research Conference, College Park, MD. Zhou X., Appel, L., Gerhardstein, B., Rizvi, S., & Wagner, M. (2012, May). Clinicians involved: Testing smartphone applications to promote behavior change in health care. Paper to be presented at the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), ACM Austin, TX. Bonanno, G. B. (2011, November) Let's hear that story one more time! Helping students to become more confident in a public speaking class through a simple story-telling exercise. Presentation at the National Communication Association 97th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. Boyraz, M., & Ki, S. (2012, April). What is the impact of communication overload on employees? Should we or could we alleviate the impact on well-being? Paper to be presented at the New Jersey Communication Association 16th Annual Conference, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ. Boyraz, M., Catona, D., & Krishnan, A. (2012, May). Who is retweeted in times of political protest? An analysis of characteristics of top tweeters and top retweeted users during the 2011 Egyptian Revolution. Paper to be presented at the International Communication Association Conference, Phoenix, AZ. Bridges, F., Appel, L., & Grossklags, J. (2011, April). Hope, change, and the pursuit of political participation. Paper presented at the Critical Themes in Media Studies Graduate Student Conference 2011, New York, NY.


Bridges, F. (2012, March). From mad men to Mad Men: Development of semiotic-based advertising. Paper presented at the Joint Journalism and Communication History Conference, New York, NY. Bridges, F. (2012, March). The Hub City rocks and rolls with the changing times: How the New Brunswick music scene has developed over the past 30 years. Paper presented at the Meeting of the Eastern American Studies Association, New Brunswick, NJ. Bridges, F. (2012, April). Hey, man, is that Freedom Rock?: A cyberethnography of the music-sharing website SoundCloud. Paper to be presented at the Music: Parts and Labor Conference, New York, NY. Bridges, F. (2012, April). One nation under CCTV: Banksy’s insight on citizen surveillance. Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference, Boston, MA. Bridges, F. (2012, May). What are you looking at?: Banksy’s view of CCTV surveillance. Paper to be presented at the When Images Cause Trouble Conference, Rochester, NY. Bridges, F. (2012, June). Memes as music videos: The political economy of reappropriated culture production. Paper to be presented at the Music & The Moving Image Conference, New York, NY. Bridges, F., Appel, L., & Grossklegs, J. (2011, June). Search strategies and success in an experimental study. Paper presented at 12th International Digital Government Research Conference, College Park, MD. Bullinger, J. (2012, February). Image as action/Action as image. Panel presentation for Social Research: An International Quarterly, The New School, New York, NY. Bullinger, J. (2012, March). The Computer Society moves in: An analysis of Time Magazine’s coverage of the PC, 1978 & 1983. Paper presented at the Joint Journalism and Communication History Conference, New York, NY. Bullinger, J. (2012, April). Communities of war: Cyberethnographies of World War Two Online and America's Army online forums. Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference, Boston, MA. Bullinger, J. M. & Salvati, A. J. (2011, April). Media, memory, and brand WW2. Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference, San Antonio, TX. Burton, B. W. (2012, January). Using transactive memory system theory to inform personal information management, knowledge management and information retrieval. Poster session presented at the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Annual Conference, Dallas, TX. Burton, B. W. (2012, February). An examination of how dynamic content impacts refinding and keeping behavior. Paper presented at the Personal Information Management Workshop of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Bellevue, WA. Campaiola, J. (2011, May). From affective to aesthetic economics: Globalization and the commodification of difference on French Idol. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Boston, MA. Campaiola-Veen, J. (2012, May). The Moroccan media field: An analysis of elite hybridity in television and film institutions. Paper to be presented at the International Communication Association Conference, Phoenix, AZ. Carpenter, A. (2012, July). Relational influence and the diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder. Paper to be presented at the International Association of Relationship Research Conference, Chicago, IL. Carpenter, A., Magsamen-Conrad, K., Greene, K., & Catona, D. (2012, July). A brief disclosure intervention to increase HIV disclosure efficacy and access to social support. Paper to be presented at the International Association of Relationship Research Conference, Chicago, IL.


Horodynski, M., Calcatera, M., & Carpenter, A. (2011, April). Tribal health paraprofessionals’ and American Indian mothers’ perspectives on infant feeding practices: A comparison. Paper presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine 32nd Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions, Washington, DC. Ndiaye, K., Anderson, J., Zhuang, J., Carpenter, A., & Glova, N. (2011, November). It’s called Jin Zhang: Chinese students’ descriptions of stress and depression. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 97th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. Ndiaye, K., Silk, K., Anderson, J., Hurley, A., Carpenter, A., Kranstuber, H., & Proulx, J. (2011, November). Using an ecological framework to understand parent-child communication about nutritional decision-making and behavior. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 97th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. Catona, D. (2011, November). Age-adapted speech in an assisted living facility. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 97th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. Catona, D. (2012, July). In sickness and health: Spousal caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients Paper to be presented at the International Association of Relationship Research Conference, Chicago, IL. Catona, D., Magsamen-Conrad, K., Greene, K., & Carpenter, A. (2012, April). The impact of HIV stigma on disclosure efficacy for individuals managing HIV/AIDS. Paper to be presented at the biennial Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, Lexington, KY. Catona, D., Magsamen-Conrad, K., Greene, K., Carpenter, A., & Theiss, J. (2012, July). The effect of relational uncertainty of a “central” relationship on HIV+ individuals’ perceptions of HIV disclosure. Paper to be presented at the International Association of Relationship Research Conference, Chicago, IL. Warren, J. R., & Catona, D. (2011, November). Formative research in communication: Contextualizing African American tobacco use and honoring voice. Panel presentation at the National Communication Association 97th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. Chakrabarti, S. (2011, May). All currencies are not equal and why that matters. Paper presented at the 61st Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Boston, MA. Chakrabarti, S. (2011, July). The contradictory politics of Indian televangelism. Paper presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Annual Conference, Istanbul, Turkey. Chakrabarthi, S. (2011, November). The saffron-hues of gender and agency on Indian television. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 97th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. Choi, E., & Sanchez, J. (2012, April). Startup and mature company uses of microblogging for information sharing. Paper to be presented at the New Jersey Communication Association 16th Annual Conference, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ. Banerjee, S. C., Greene, K., Yanovitzky, I., Bagdasarov, Z., Choi, S. Y., & Magsamen-Conrad, K. (2011, November). Adolescent egocentrism and tanning bed use: Is the relationship direct or mediated? Paper presented to the Health Communication division of the National Communication Association 97th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. Christie, E. (2011, October). A community of blurred boundaries: A case study of a bookstore-café. Paper presented at the Florida Communication Association Conference, Orlando, FL. Christie, E. (2011, November). Choice and voice: Flexible working patterns as represented in films from 1930- 2009. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 97th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. Christie, E. (2011, November). “The worst things? Poor scheduling, low pay, and a stressful work environment” An analysis of customer service employees’ reflections and interactions of work life balance in their


organization. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 97th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. Christie, E. (2012, April). Through their eyes: An examination of an organization in need of change. Paper to be presented at the New Jersey Communication Association 16th Annual Conference, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ. Cole, M. J., Gwizdka, J., & Belkin, N. J. (2011, July). Physiological data as metadata: A position paper. Paper presented at the Enriching Information Retrieval: SIGIR 2011 Workshop, Beijing, China. Cole, M. J., Zhang, X., Belkin, N. J., Liu, C., & Gwizdka, J. (2011, July). Knowledge effects on document selection in search results pages. Poster presented at the 34th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development on Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’11), Beijing, China. Gwizdka, J., & Cole, M. J. (2011). Inferring cognitive states from multimodal measures in information science. Paper presented at the Workshop on Inferring Cognitive and Emotional States from Multimodal Measures (MMCogEmS 2011). Alicante, Spain. November 17, 2011. Zhang, X., Cole, M. J., & Belkin, N. J. (2011, July). Predicting users' domain knowledge from search behaviors. Poster presented at the 34th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development on Information Retrieval (SIGIR ’11), Beijing, China. Cooke, N. A. (2011, August). The Spectrum Doctoral Fellowship Program: Investigating the present to prepare for the future. Poster session presented at the World Library and Information Congress: 77th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Cooke, N. A. (2011, August). Professional development 2.0 for librarians: Developing an online personal learning network (PLN). Paper presented at the World Library and Information Congress: 77th IFLA General Conference and Assembly, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Cooke, N. A. (2012, January). The Spectrum Doctoral Fellowship Program: Investigating the present to prepare for the future. Paper presented at the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Annual Conference, Dallas, TX. Cooke, N. A. (2012, January). The Spectrum Doctoral Fellowship Program: Is doctoral work for you?. Presentation at the American Library Association Midwinter Meeting, Dallas, TX. Crowell, J. (2011, April). The social meaning of prison: Facebook and Twitter access and usage in U.S. correctional facilities. Paper presented at the Critical Themes in Media Studies Graduate Student Conference 2011, New York, NY. Crowell, J. (2011, October). Mediating the American prison: communication as connection, power, stimulation and escape. Poster session presented at the National Communication Association 97th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. Crowell, J. (2012, April). Negotiated narratives: the lived experience of birthmothers. Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference, Boston, MA. Crowell, J. & File, C. (2012, May). Capture, control, and the return of anthropometry. Paper accepted to the 5th William A. Kern Conference on , Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY. Cunningham, A. D. (2011, August). “HIV- is the new+”: One community's comprehensive HIV prevention strategy. Poster presented at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Fifth Annual National Conference on Health Communication, Marketing, and Media, Atlanta, GA. Dadlani, P. (2012, April). Information deception in Hitchcock's Rear Window. Paper presented at the New Jersey Communication Association 16th Annual Conference, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ.


Das, S. S. (2011, October). A film-based group assignment for interpersonal class. Panel presentation at the New York State Communication Association Annual Conference, Ellenville, NY. Das, S. S., & Yanovitsky, I. (2011, November). A balancing act: How parents negotiate norm-related tensions with their children. Poster session presented at the National Communication Association 97th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. DiDomenico, S. M. (2012, March). (Multi)communicating in multi-modal interaction: Managing the affordances of mobile phones during co-present interaction. Paper presented at the Discourse <--> Communication <--> Conversation conference, Loughborough, England. Mandelbaum, J., & DiDomenico, S. M. (2012, May). Object requests at the family dinner table. Paper to be presented at Language, Culture, and Mind V: Integrating Semiotic Resources in Communication and Creativity, Lisbon, Portugal. Estlein, R. (2012, July). The dynamics of social support in message boards for new parents: Receiving and providing informational, emotional, and companionate support. Paper to be presented at the International Association for Relationship Research Conference, Chicago, IL. Estlein, R. (2012, July). Parenting styles through an interpersonal communication lens: Applying constructivism and relational framing theory to understand parent-child dynamics. Paper to be presented at the International Association for Relationship Research Conference, Chicago, IL. Estlein, R., & Theiss, J. A. (2012, July). Perceptions of responsiveness and control in husbands' and wives' marital and parental communication. Paper to be presented at the International Association for Relationship Research Conference, Chicago, IL. Theiss, J. A., Estlein, R., & Weber, K. M. (2011, November). A longitudinal assessment of relationship characteristics that predict new parents’ relationship satisfaction: Applying and extending the relational turbulence model. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 97th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. File, C. (2011, April). The simulation of sport: Changing visual tropes. Poster session presented at The Game Behind the Video Game: Business, Regulation, and Society in the Gaming Industry, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. File, C. (2011, April). Temporary security communities. Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference, San Antonio, TX. File, C. (2011, April). The virtualizing effects of sports simulation. Paper presented at the Critical Themes in Media Studies Conference, The New School University, New York, NY. File, C., & Shah, C. (2011, May). InfoExtractor – A tool for social media data mining. Paper contributed to the Journal of Information Technology and Politics Conference, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Kantor, P., Naaman, M., File, C., & Teodoro, R. (2012, March). Alerts and warnings in social media. Paper presented at the Command, Control, and Interoperability Center for Advanced Data Analytics Research Retreat, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Kantor, P., Naaman, M., Roberts, F., & File, C. (2011, April). The AWSM project: Alerts and warnings with social media. Paper presented at the Command, Control, and Interoperability Center for Advanced Data Analytics Research Retreat, Morgan State University, Baltimore, MD. Stewart, L. P., Gelles, J. & Laitman, L. (2011, April). College student transitions: Addressing issues of alcohol and drug use among high-risk populations. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Communication Association, Washington, DC. Gelles, J. B. (2011, October). Managing students’ expectations in online and hybrid courses. Panel presentation at the New York State Communication Association Annual Conference, Ellenville, NY. Gilbert, A. (2011, September). Fannification!: How Comic-Con institutionalized fan practices and audience subcultures. Paper presented at the Reception Study Society Conference, Maryville, MO. 17

Gilbert, A. (2012, March). When Twilight comes to Comic-Con: Gender divisions in popular fandom. Paper presented at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference, Boston, MA. Gilbert, A. (2012, April). Geek for sale: Commodification of the fan identity. Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference, Boston, MA. Glassco, D. E. (2011, September). Micro-targeting, narrowcasting, and the new American campaign: A continuing examination. New ICTs + New Media = New Democracy? Communications policy and public life in the age of broadband. Paper presented at the New America Foundation, Washington, DC. Glassco, D. E. (2011, October). Miles beneath the bus: The construction of Jeremiah Wright Jr. in the public imagination. Paper presented at the New York Communication Association Conference, Ellenville, NY. Glassco, D. E. (2011, November). Constructing Islamerica: Anti-Muslim racism in select conservative news media websites’ coverage of the Park51 Islamic Cultural Center Debate. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 97th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. Glassco, D. E. (2012, October). Devitalization in conservative media's depiction of the Occupy Wall Street protests. Paper presented at the Pennsylvania Communication Association Conference, Collegeville, PA. Gomez, S. E., Booth, K. M., & Katz, V. S. (2011, May). Multiple configurations: Exploring the complexity of Latina/o adolescents’ mediated lives. Paper presented at the Multiple Childhoods/Multidisciplinary Perspectives: Interrogating Normativity in Childhood Conference, Camden, NJ. González-Ibáñez, R., Haseki, M., & Shah, C. (2012, May). Understanding effects of time and proximity on collaboration: Implications for technologies to support collaborative information seeking. Paper to be presented at CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Austin, TX. González-Ibáñez, R., Shah, C., & Haseki, M. (2011, October). A method to evaluate the synergic effect in collaborative information seeking. Paper presented at the 5th Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (HCIR ’11), Mountain View, CA. González-Ibáñez, R., Shah, C., & Haseki, M. (2012, May). Communication and performance across different communication contexts in a collaborative information seeking task: A mixed method approach. Paper to be presented at the International Communication Association Conference, Phoenix, AZ. Gough-Gordon, E. (2012, April). Gender, work and leisure in advertisements for mobile television. Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association Conference/American Culture Association National Conference, Boston, MA. Gough-Gordon, E. (2012, April). Gender and the spaces of televison viewing: Examinations of the past and present, predictions for the future. Paper to be presented at the Console-ing Passions Conference, Boston, MA. Graci, D. (2012, April). The social politics of Politico: Creating a political vortex online. Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association Conference/American Culture Association National Conference, Boston, MA. Graci, D. (2012, April). The Slatest: How the Slate “club” redefined Internet journalism. Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association Conference/American Culture Association National Conference, Boston, MA. Graham, N. (2012, May). Promoting the arts in healthcare. Paper presented at Society for the Arts in Healthcare - Arts & Health: A Global View, Detroit, MI. Graham, N., Trammell, A., & Baddi, A. (2011). Collaborative listening: Toward a social-centered digital music archive. Poster presented at the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Conference, Philadelphia, PA. Dalbello, M. & Graham, N. (2011, November). From order to configurability of books - 'Distant' reading of foreign titles in the Woman's Library at the 1893 World Columbian Exposition. Paper presented at 18

the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP) Annual Conference, Washington, DC. Halpern, D. (2011, April). Measuring what Jefferson saw in Obama’s vision: Has social media been used as a participatory channel by government departments and agencies? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. Halpern, D. (2011, April). Members of Congress and Twitter: Are they “following” the trend? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. Halpern, D. (2011, April). Social media and civic participation: Analyzing the web 2.0 as a political platform. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Association Communication, Baltimore, MD. Halpern, D. & Gibbs, J. (2011, May). Social media as a catalyst for online deliberation: When does the medium matter? Paper presented at the 61st Annual Information and Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Boston, MA. Halpern D. & Lee, S. (2011, September). Civic participation and social media: Are they bowling together? Paper presented at the American Political Science Association Annual Convention, Seattle, WA. Halpern, D., Rashid, N., & Ki, S. (2012, June). Towards a social network e-government agenda?: Measuring participation 2.0 in the Arab world. Paper presented at the 13th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2012), College Park, MD. Halpern, D., Katz, J. E, Ki, S. & Rashid, N. (2012, May). From e-government to social network government: A global survey of national leadership websites. Paper to be presented at the International Communication Association Conference, Phoenix, AZ. Bemis, K., Silver, D., Chiang, J., Halpern, D., Oh, K., Tremaine, M. (2011, December). Separating the representation from the science: Training students in comprehending 3D diagrams. Poster session presented at the American Geophysical Union Conference, San Francisco, CA. Haseki, M. (2011, May). Communication @ the center of ICT policy practices of teleworkers. Poster presented at the 61st Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Boston, MA. Haseki, M. (2011, June). Nonprofit organizations' use of social media in engaging stakeholders. Paper presented at the International Conference on Communication and Reality, Barcelona, Spain. Haseki, M., & Doerfel, M. (2012, March). Use of communication technologies in (re)building inter- organizational networks. Paper presented at the Sunbelt Conference, Redondo Beach, CA. Haseki, M., Shah, C., & Gonzales-Ibanez, R. (2012, February). Time as a trigger of interaction and collaboration in research teams: A diary study. Paper presented at the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Bellevue, WA. Haverfield, M. C. (2011, October). Bridging problems: Communicating about alcohol. Paper presentation at the New York State Communication Association Annual Conference, Ellenville, NY. Haverfield, M. C. (2011, October). Enhancing midterm reviews for undergraduate students. Panel presentation at the New York State Communication Association Annual Conference, Ellenville, NY. Haverfield, M. C. (2012, July). Theoretical foundations for examining the communication behaviors of adult children of alcoholics. Panel presentation at the International Association for Relationship Research Conference, Chicago, IL. Haverfield, M. C. & Theiss, J. A. (2012, July). A theme analysis of stressors and support strategies in online support groups for adult children of alcoholics. Paper presented at the International Association for Relationship Research Conference, Chicago, IL. Jantz, R. (2012, January). Innovation in research libraries. Poster session presented at the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Annual Conference, Dallas, TX.


Kang, K. (2012, July). Golden age? : Examining the marital relationship during the post-retirement. Panel presentation at the International Association for Relationship Research Conference, Chicago, IL. Kang, K., Lemus, D., & Park, H. S. (2012, May). Uncertainty management during retirement planning: The role of social cost in face-to-face and in computer-mediated communication. Paper to be presented at International Communication Association Conference, Phoenix, AZ. Keeler, T. L. (2011, April). When it’s about more than stuff. Addressing couple conflict during residential organizing projects. Presentation at the National Association of Professional Organizers Conference, San Diego, CA. Keeler, T. L. (2011, July). The intersection of family communication patterns and family communication schemata: An alternative framework for family conflict resolution. Presentation at the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) Family Mediation Section Conference, Minneapolis, MN. Reynolds, R., & Kim, G. U. (2012, January). Educator-level contributions to youth learning outcomes in a discovery-based game design program in rural schools. Paper presented at the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Annual Conference, Dallas, Texas. Kim, H. (2011, May). Real-time social support: Enacted social support through seamless communication platforms. Paper presented at the Mobile Pre-Conference Workshop of the 61st Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Boston, MA. Kim, H., & Lingel, J. (2012, May). Exploring cityscapes: How migrants perceive and interact with (un)familiar urban spaces using location-aware mobile technologies. Paper to be presented at the mobile pre- conference of International Communication Association Conference, Phoenix, AZ. Gibbs, J., & Kim, H. (2011, May). Invoking the power of Book Club: An investigation of concertive control in an online community. Paper presented at the 61st Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Boston, MA. Kim, Y. H. (2011, May). Self-efficacy matters: Examining general self-efficacy and online transaction self-efficacy in B2C e-commerce. Paper presented at the 61st Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Boston, MA. Kim, Y. H., & Gibbs, J. (2012, May). A network approach to trust in computer-mediated temporary teams. Paper to be presented at the International Communication Association Conference, Phoenix, AZ. Kivran-Swaine, F., Brody, S., Diakopoulos, N., & Naaman, M. (2012, February). Of joy and gender: Emotional expression in online social networks. Paper presented at the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Bellevue, WA. Taber, L., Brubaker, J.R., Kivran-Swaine, F., & Hayes, G.R. (2011, November). Grief-stricken in a crowd: The language of emotional distress in social media. Paper presented at the 2011 Workshop on Ubiquitous Computing Uniting the Californias, San Diego, CA. Knox, E. (2011). Intellectual freedom. Public Services Quarterly, 7(1), 49-55. doi:10.1080/15228959.2010.520593 Knox, E. (2012, January). The discourse of censorship: Understanding the worldviews of challengers. Paper presented at the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Annual Conference, Dallas, TX. Kulkarni, V. (2011, May). Message sidedness and perceptions of risk in the context of organizational announcement of change: Initial findings. Paper presented at the 61st Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Boston, MA. Kulkarni, V. (2011, November). Use of social media in crisis communication: A comparative study. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 97th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.


Kulkarni, V., Lewis, L., Laster, N. (2011, November). Making sense of change announcements: Reactions to message sidedness and change magnitude. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 97th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. Lai, C. -H. (2011, May). An evolutionary view of the sustainability of Internet-established voluntary associations. Paper presented at the 61st Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Boston, MA. Lai, C. -H. (2011, November). An investigation of Internet-established mixed-mode voluntary associations: the ecology and evolutionary processes revealed. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 97th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. Aakhus, M. & Laureij, L. V. (2011, April). Dialogue representation in practice. Paper presented at the biannual meeting of the International Association for Dialogue Analysis, Montreal,́ Quebec,́ Canada. Leavey, S. T. (2012, March). Mutiny on the Bay: Investigating the presentation of the Scott Olsen Police Assault on the websites of San Francisco Bay Area local television stations. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Midwinter Conference, Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Oklahoma. Leavey, S. T. (2012, April). Even you can turn trash into treasure: subjectification and affective management for the neoliberal economy on reality television. Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference, Boston, MA. Lee, E. K. (2011, May). Tourism as a mediated practice in a global media context: The gaze and practice of female Korean tourists to New York City and the meaning of their practices. Paper presented at the 61st Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Boston, MA. Lee, R. (2011, May). Can the Internet be as effective for governing as it has been for campaigning? Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association of Canada Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. Lee, R. (2011, November). Protest music as alternative media during the Vietnam War era. Paper presented at the Friday Forum, Saint Bonaventure University, Saint Bonaventure, NY. Lee, R. (2012, March). Bill Clinton on Arsenio Hall: A musical performance that ushered in a new dynamic between politicians and the press. Paper presented at the Joint Spring Meeting of the American Journalism Historians Association and the History Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, NY. Lee, S., & Katz, J. E. (2011, May). Wanna go unplugged? An ethnographic study of mobile phone non-use. Paper presented at the Mobile Pre-Conference Workshop of the 61st Annual Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Boston, MA. Lee, S. (2011, October). Cultural convergence or hybridization? A study of organizational communication networks of a Korean immigrant church and Korean immigrants’ social media uses. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Organizational Communication Mini Conference, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO. Lerner, K. (2011, August). Intellectual heft: A.J. Liebling as an opponent of anti-intellectualism in American journalism. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, St. Louis, Missouri. Lerner, K. (2011, Summer). The structure and style of narrative journalism (Review of the book StoryCraft: The Complete Guide to Narrative Nonfiction, by Jack Hart). Journal of Magazine and New Media Research, 12(2). Lerner, K. (2011, October). A ringing declaration of purpose: More, a journalism review, and the A.J. Liebling counter-conventions, 1971-1978. Paper presented at the Research in Progress session at the American Journalism Historians Association Annual Convention, Kansas City, MO.


Lerner, K. (2012, September). The journalism review [MORE] and the fight against the mainstreaming of the press, 1971–1978. Paper to be presented at Protest on the Page: Print Culture in Opposition to Almost Anything* (*you can think of); the 2012 conference of the Center for the History of Print and Digital Culture, University of Wisconsin. Li., Z., & Scott, C. (2011, May). Anonymous communication and organizational impression management tactics on corporate blogs. Paper presented at the 61st Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Boston, MA. Lingel, J. (2011, May). The digital remains: Social media and practices of online grief. Paper presented at Conference on Internet and Religion, Kent, OH. Lingel, J. (2011, October). The (people’s) library: A love and need story. Paper presented at Mobility Shifts, New York, NY. Lingel, J. (2012, January). Improvisation, tactics, and wandering: Urban information practices of migrational individuals. Paper presented at the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Annual Conference, Dallas, TX. Lingel, J. (2012, February). “We realized we had to become librarians”: DJs, information practices and music libraries. Poster session presented at iConference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Lingel, J., Trammell, A., Sanchez, J., & Naaman, M. (2012, February). Practices of information and secrecy in a punk rock subculture. Paper presented at the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Bellevue, WA. Halegoua, G., Lingel, J., Graham, N., & Gagnon, D. (2011, October). Localized interventions and DIY platforms. Paper presented at Mobility Shifts, New York, NY. Lipkin, N. D. (2012, April). Notch: The new face of community-developer relationships. Paper to be presented at Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference, Boston, MA. Liu, C., Belkin, N. J., Cole, M. J., & Gwizdka, J. (2011). Personalization of information retrieval in different types of tasks. Paper presented at the SIGIR 2011 Workshop on Enriching Information Retrieval (ENIR 2011), Beijing, China. Liu, C., Sun, S., Cole, M., Belkin, N. J. (2011, November). Rutgers at the TREC 2011 Session Track. Presentation at Text Retrieval Conference (TREC), Gaithersburg, MD. Retrieved from Lu, C. S. (2011, May). Mutual dependence and task uncertainty in scholarly communication of theologians. Paper presented at the First Annual Conference on Information and Religion, Kent, Ohio. Lu, C. S. (2012, May). Applying network analysis to study the scholarly communication of contemporary theologians. Paper to be presented at the Second Conference on Information and Religion, Kent, OH. Magsamen-Conrad, K., Greene, K., & Catona, D. (2012. May). Perceptions and effects of a brief HIV disclosure intervention (BDI): Exploring the moderating factors of intervention efficacy. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Prevention Research, Washington, DC. Magsamen-Conrad, K., Greene, K., Catona, D., & Theiss, J. (2012, May). The effect of healthy relationships on the disclosure process for individuals managing HIV. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Prevention Research, Washington, DC. Magsamen-Conrad, K., Greene, K., Venetis, M. K., Checton, M. G., Bagdasarov, Z., & Banerjee, S. C. (2011, May). How does disclosure affect relationships, anyway?: Longitudinal investigation of a model of disclosure effects. Paper presented at the 61st Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Boston, MA. Greene, K. & Magsamen-Conrad, K. (2011, May). Increasing efficacy regarding HIV disclosure decision- making: Nuanced approaches considering gender and sexual orientation. Paper presented at the Institute for Research on Women conference Future Directions for the Study of Gender and Sexuality, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. 22

Greene, K., Magsamen-Conrad, K., Yanovitzky, I., Elek, E., Banerjee, S. C., & Hecht, M. L. (2011, June). Measurement issues in research: Development of measures grounded in behavior change and persuasion theory. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Prevention Research, Washington, DC. Greene, K., & Magsamen-Conrad, K., Catona, D. (2011, November). Promoting healthy minds and bodies of HIV+ individuals through disclosure and social support: An experiment testing the Brief Disclosure Intervention. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC. Venetis, M. K., Magsamen-Conrad, K., Checton, M. G., & Greene, K. (2012, May). Cancer communication and caregiver burden: An exploratory study. Paper presented at the International Communication Association Conference, Phoenix, AZ. Greene, K., Elek, E., Magsamen-Conrad, K., Banerjee, S. C., Hecht, M., & Yanovitzky, I. (2011, April). Developing a brief media literacy intervention targeting adolescent alcohol use: The impact of formative research. Paper presented at the D.C. Health Communication Conference, Washington, DC. Elek, E., Greene, K., Magsamen-Conrad, K., Banerjee, S. C., Hecht, M., & Yanovitzky, I. (2011, October). Perceptions and effects of a brief media literacy intervention targeting adolescent alcohol use: Differences by gender and sensation seeking tendency. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC. Greene, K., Elek, E., Magsamen-Conrad, K., Banerjee, S., Hecht, M., & Yanovitzky, I. (2011, October). Developing a brief media literacy intervention targeting adolescent alcohol use: The impact of formative research. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, Washington, DC. Banerjee, S. C., Greene, K., Hecht, M., Magsamen-Conrad, K., & Elek, E. (2012, May). “You’re not cute when you’re about to puke”: A content analysis of print alcohol counter-advertisements created by adolescents. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Prevention Research, Washington, DC. Banerjee, S. C., Greene, K., Hecht, M., Magsamen-Conrad, K., Elek, E., Catona, D., & Carpenter, A. (2012, April). “You booze, you lose.”Adolescent created print alcohol counter- advertisements. Paper to be presented at the biennial meeting of the Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, Lexington, KY. Manivannan, V. (2011, May). “I think writing is a pretty cool guy. eh makes meaning and doesn’t afraid of anything": Grammatical memes and linguistic practice on 4chan. Paper presented at Computers & Writing: Writing in Motion. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. Manivannan, V. (2012, April). For the lulz? Bigotry in moral panic discourse on 4chan's Random - /b/. Paper to be presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference, Boston, MA. Manivannan, A. & Manivannan V. (2011, May). “We are Sri Lankan civilians plz save our life": Photography and the spectacle of Sri Lanka’s Civil War. Paper presented at New Narrative IV: Image and Spectacle. University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Mardenfeld, S. L. (2011, July). Editorials, reporter’s privilege, and public perception—a qualitative look on audiences’ opinions and attitudes about shield law and how to better educate student, baby-boomer, and senior populations on the issue. Paper presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference, Istanbul, Turkey. Mardenfeld, S. L. (2012, April). What newspapers tell their readers about shield law and reporter's privilege: A framing analysis of editorial pages from 1972 to 2010. Paper to be presented at the New Jersey Communication Association 16th Annual Conference, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ.


Martens, M. (2011, July). Interlacing text, image, and interactivity: Multiplatform books and technologies of production. Paper presented at the Society of the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP) Annual Conference, Washington, DC. Martens, M. (2012, January). From Margaret Edwards to Teen Central: Snapshots of an evolving YA librarianship. Poster session presented at the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Annual Conference, Dallas, TX. Martens, M. (2012, February). Beyond print: How hybrid books are redefining storytelling and authorship. Panel presentation at the Eastern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, New York, NY. Martens, M., & Murray, D. (2012, January). Consuming Pretty Little Liars: Postfeminist pop tarts in a transmedia text. Paper presented at the Food Networks: Gender and Foodways Conference, University of Notre Dame. McCollough, K. (2011, April). Games for girls: A practice manuals for a gender binary. Poster presented at The Game Behind the Video Game: Business, Regulation, and Society in the Gaming Industry, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. McCollough, K. (2011, April). No boys allowed: Girl games and the fortification of femininity. Poster presented at The Game Behind the Video Game: A Conference on Business, Regulation and Society in the Gaming Industry, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. McCollough, K. (2011, September). Blog reading practices: Young women and creative poaching. Paper presented at the Reception Study Society Conference, Northwest Missouri State, Maryville, MO. McCollough, K. (2011, October). Simply girls, writing: Gendered practice paired with postfeminist dreams. Paper presented at the Women & Society Conference, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY. McCollough, K. (2012, February). Scrapbooking lives: Affective, ritualized care labors. Paper presented at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, New York, NY. McCollough, K. (2012, March). Filling in the gap: Scrapbooks as gendered consumption in the Golden Age. Paper presented at the Joint Journalism and Communication History Conference, New York, NY. McCollough, K. (2012, April). Strawberry Shortcake: The licensed sale of a postfeminist utopia. Paper to be presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference, Boston, MA. Murray, D. (2011, April). Communicating messages about “fierce” female bodies in “America’s Next Top Model.” Paper presented at the International Conference on Body Image and Identity in Contemporary Society, New York, NY. Murray, D. P. (2011, October). An Interrogation of Kate Moss' Body and Power in Contemporary Celebrity Culture. Paper presented at the Women & Society Conference, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY. Murray, D. P. (2011, November). “Fierce” attachments: Nurturing self-branding in America’s Next Top Model. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 97th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. Ning, J. (2011, April). The super power of super voice girl. Paper presented at the Critical Themes in Media Studies Graduate Student Conference 2011, New York, NY. Ning, J. (2011, June). Framing the “Other’s” Military Conflict: The case of CCTV-9’s TV News Reporting on the Iraq War. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis: Discursive Spaces, Politics, Practices and Power,” Cardiff, U.K. Ning, J. (2012, February). The 2003 Iraq War and Chinese TV media. Paper presented at the Young Scholars Conference on War and the Press, Missouri School of Journalism, Colombia, MO. Ning, J. (2012, May). Of Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden and Muammar Gaddafi: A textual analysis of the image construction of “enemy.” Paper presented at the Kern Conference for Visual


Communication: When Images Cause Trouble, Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, NY. Joo, S., & Oh, K. (2012, April). Investigation of users’ preference of access points in using online health resources. Poster session to be presented at the 3rd Annual SLIS-SOIS Forum, Madison, WI. Pascal, C. J. (2011, November). TalkDM Study. Poster session presented at North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG) Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta, Canada. Pichugin, A. E. (2011, September). Das Biographische und das Gestische in der Lyrik von Bertolt Brecht und Hans Erich Nossack. Paper presented at the 24th Pennsylvania Foreign Language Conference on French, German, Italian and Hispanic Literatures, Pittsburgh, PA. Pichugin, A. E. (2012, January). Concepts of cultural knowledge and information-related behavior in educational contexts. Paper presented at the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Annual Conference, Dallas, TX. Pichugin, A. E. (2012, January). Conceptualization of culture at the level of educational institutions. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence of the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CERCLL), University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. Pichugin, A. E. (2012, January). Science, Enlightenment and Romanticism in Chamisso’s Views on Botany and the Plant Kingdom. Paper presented at the 127th Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association (MLA), Seattle, WA. Pichugin, A. E. (2012, February). Sci-fi / Fantasy and the ecocritical standpoint in German-language literature. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual Conference of the Southwest / Texas Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association; Section, Literature, Eco-Criticism & Environment, Albuquerque, NM. Pichugin, A. E. (2012, April). La nature et le fantastique dans le concept écologique d’Ernst Kreuder. Paper to be presented at the Bilingual Interdisciplinary Conference, “Fantastic Narratives and the Natural World,” Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada. Pichugin, A. E. (2012, April). Problematisierung der deutschen “Perspektive auf die Judenverfolgung in Grete Weils Tramhalte Beethovenstraat. Paper to be presented at the 63th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. Pichugin, A. E. (2012, October). Green German: Integrating ecocriticism in German curricula. Paper to be presented at the 66th Annual Convention of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (RMMLA), Boulder, CO. Schroek, P. J., & Pichugin, A. E. (2012, January). A successful immersion program for adults: A longitudinal case study. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence of the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy (CRELL), University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. Pozzi, E. M. (2011, June). The history of the Business Branch of the Newark Free Public Library. Paper presented at the American Library Association (ALA) annual conference, Library History Round Table panel, New Orleans, LA. Pozzi, E. M. (2012, June). Foreign language books in American public libraries: Service to immigrant populations. Paper to be presented at the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP) Annual Conference, Dublin Ireland. Pozzi, E. M. (2012, September). Protesting negative stereotypes in children’s literature: From the ‘all-white world’ of 1965 to the present. Paper to be presented at the Protest on the Page: Print Culture History in Opposition to Almost Anything* (*you can think of), Center for the History of Print and Digital Culture, Madison, WI. Raja, S. (2011, April). Who is responsible? Liberty Mutual’s construction of a faux public sphere. Paper presented at Critical Themes Conference, New York, NY.


Raja, S. (2011, June). Mediating ritual, identity, and cultural memory in cyberspace. Paper presented at Media Ecologies Association Convention, Edmonton, Canada. Raja, S. (2012, September). Citizen-consumers and the online faux-public sphere. Paper to be presented at the Contested Democracies Conference, Paris, France. Renninger, B. J. (2011, November). Seeing who they want you to see: OkCupid & the visual. Paper presented at the Society for Social Studies of Science, Cleveland, OH. Renninger, B. J. (2012, April). Creating a sexual identity in a networked environment: The case study of Paper to be presented at Genders, Bodies & Technology, Roanoke, Virginia. Renninger, B. J. (2012, May). The ‘against equality’ media environment. Paper presented at the Union for Democratic Communication Conference, Tallahassee, TN. Renninger, B. J. (2012, June). The allure of the bonobo: ‘Human nature’ from Darwin to Sex at Dawn and Frans de Waal. Paper to be presented at the Taking Animals Apart Conference, Madison, WI. Reyes, C. (2012, April). We can't stop the music: Finding the unlimited resource under layers of industrial culture. Paper to be presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference, Boston, MA. Reyes, C. (2012, May). Occupy messages. Paper to be presented at the Union for Democratic Communications Conference, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. Riley, N. (2012, February). Third world stories through different lenses: Haiti in the media. Paper presented at the Rutgers University Graduate Forum on Race and Ethnicity, New Brunswick, NJ. Latenero, M., Sinnreich, A., Gluck, M., and Riley, N. (2012, May). Nowadays it’s like a remix world: the hidden demography of new media ethics. Paper to be presented at the International Communication Association Conference, Phoenix, AZ. Sabolcsi-Boros, S. (2012, April). Do artists have nationalities? Oral histories of Hungarian artists at the Archives of American Art. Paper to be presented at the American Hungarian Educators Association Conference, Long Island University, Brooklyn, NY. Sacks, B. (2012, May). Monitoring the monitors: Civil regulation and collective intelligence within the digital enclosure. Paper to be presented at the Union For Democratic Communications Conference, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL. Salvati, A. J. (2012, March). The most dangerous men in the world: Understanding Assange through the memory of Ellsberg. Paper presented at the Joint Journalism and Communication History Conference, New York, NY. Sanchez, J. (2012, March). Investigating social learning norms in an online music performance environment. Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) Conference, Austin, TX. Sanchez, J. (2012, April). Startup and mature company uses of microblogging for information sharing. Paper to be presented at the New Jersey Communication Association 16th Annual Conference, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ. Spicer, R. N. (2011, November). The Obama Effect: Emergent and divergent voices since the 2008 campaign. Panel presentation at the National Communication Association 97th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. Spicer, R. N. (2011, November). People caring loudly at me: Emotions, politics and crowds in NBC’s Parks and Recreation. Paper presented at the Mid Atlantic Popular & American Culture Association 23rd Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA. Spicer, R. N. (2012, March). Media literacy as an ethical education for new(s) media students. Panel presentation at the Transforming Journalism forum, Millersville University, Millersville, PA. Morin, R., & Spicer, R. N. (2011, October). Sexism, misogyny and fear of the feminine in student films. Paper presented at the 20th Annual Women & Society Conference, Marist College, Poughkeepsie, NY.


Spiro-Costello, T. (2012, April). Aftermarket videogame modification: A network analysis. Paper to be presented at Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference, Boston, MA. Stewart Titus, M. (2011). The relationship between income education and adult literacy and mobile phone penetration in high, medium and low development countries. Paper presented at the Mobile Pre- Conference Workshop of the 61st Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Boston, MA. Stewart Titus, M. (2011, October). Phone home: Remote parenting between Jamaican parents and teenagers in North American universities and the role of information and communication devices. Paper presented at the New York State Communication Association Annual Conference, Ellenville, NY. Stewart Titus, M. (2012, February).“I’m here and I’m there”: Transnational Jamaican migrants, mobile mediated communication and personal agency. A proposed research methodology. Presentation at the Rutgers University Center for Race and Ethnicity Graduate Forum, New Brunswick, NJ. Teodoro, R. (2011, August). If Only: Assessing the consequences of actions surrounding diversity issues and experiences. Seminar presented at the Rutgers University Residence Life Diversity Training Conference, Piscataway, NJ. Teodoro, R. (2011, October). Public speaking catch phrase. Panel presentation at the New York State Communication Association Conference, Ellenville, NY. Teodoro, R. (2011, November). Tuning in to tuning out: Effects of MP3 player use on social interaction. Poster session presented in the Scholar-to-Scholar Division of the National Communication Association 97th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA. Teodoro, R. (2012, July). Using interpersonal communication theory to understand human- and computer- generated feedback for the maintenance of personal health behaviors. Paper to be presented at the International Association for Relationship Research Conference, Chicago, IL. Teodoro, R., Weisman, P., Rockman, R., & Mathur, R. (2011, October). AlarmMe Later: Using communication theory to design a Facebook application for improved individual and group time management and productivity skills. Paper presented at the New York State Communication Association Conference, Ellenville, NY. Thelin, A. H. (2012, April). The mediated construction of weddings. Paper to be presented at the New Jersey Communication Association 16th Annual Conference, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ. Trammell, A. (2011, July). Playing with letters and landscapes: An examination of literacy in early 19th century print ephemera. Paper presented at the Society of the History of Authorship, Readership, and Publishing Conference (SHARP) Annual Conference, Washington, DC. Trammell, A. (2012, April). Magic modders: the metagame as legal battlefield. Paper to be presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference, Boston, MA. Trammell, A. (2012, May). Countergaming: new tools and problems. Paper to be presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Pheonix, AZ. Sinnreich, A., & Trammell, A. (2011, November). Beyond the internet: innovative ideas for democratizing communication and in the networked age. Keynote address presented at the Technology Without Borders Conference Series, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Vamanu, I. (2011). North American Indigenous Curators' Discourses of Aboriginality and Material Practices of Curation: A Case Study of the 'Song for the Horse Nation' exhibition at the National Museum of American Indian (NYC). Paper presented at "To the Source" Symposium, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Vamanu, I. (2012, January). Constructions of indigenous knowledge among First Nations museum curators: Introducing the of knowledge approach to discourse. Paper presented at the 5th Annual


Ethnic and Pluralism Studies Graduate Research Conference, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, Canada. Vamanu, I. (2012, February). Dimensions of indigenous heritage discourse and the use of technologies of display in an ethnographic exhibition: a case study of the "Song for the Horse Nation" exhibition (National Museum of the American Indian, New York). Poster session presented at the iConference 2012, Toronto, Canada. Vamanu, I. (2012, May). Hermeneutics as a metatheoretical framework for library and information science. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Canadian Association for Information Science Conference, Wilfrid Laurier University/University of Waterloo, Canada. Vamanu, I. (2012, August). A hermeneutic framework for researching documents. Paper to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Document Academy (DOCAM `12), University of Western Ontario, Canada. Yuan, Y. (2011, April). Immaterial labor as the agent of global cultural product. Paper presented at the Digital Media, Race, Affect and Labor Conference, Bowling Green, OH. Yuan, Y. (2011, April). Internet empowered audience in cyberspace. Paper presented at 102nd Eastern Communication Association (ECA) Convention, Arlington, Virginia. Yuan, Y. (2011, April). How do single-player "Wuxia" games influence adolescent players? Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association National Conference, San Antonio, TX. Yuan, Y. (2011, May). The rise of soft power – women-made documentary films in China. Panel presentation at the Feminist Fantasies: Future Directions for the Study of Gender and Sexuality Conference, New Brunswick, NJ. Zhang, Y. (2011, November). Brother Sharp: Constructing semiotic democracy in mash-up culture. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 97th Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.