Minutes of the Planning Meeting of with Parish Council Held on Tuesday 13th February 2018 at Watson Memorial Hall Lucker at 7.00p.m.

Website: https://northumberlandparishes.uk/adderstone

Present: Chairman J Clough Vice-Chairman J Baillie Parish Councillors: L Harrison L Robson D Spours & J Mallen Clerk I Hunter County Councillor G Renner-Thompson 11 members of the public.

Public Question Time: Members of the public raised the following concerns and comments about the proposed closure of the A1 on 2nd March for 17 days. • There has been no formal consultation or notification. • One pub had been consulted and they are requesting support from Highways for the wages account as they will have no income. • Businesses will be affected. • The MP Anne-Marie Trevelyan has been contacted and has been involved. • The owners of Purdy Lodge have e-mailed Highway’s England with proposals to reduce the impact on local businesses. So far, no reply has been received. • The contractor Tarmac have agreed to meet Mr & Mrs Davidson and family at 5pm on 14th February to discuss the issue. • The MP Anne-Marie Trevelyan can put an order in place to defer the proposed works. County Councillor G Renner-Thompson to follow this up. • Residents will be able to access and exit their junction by a convoy system, however there will be a minimum of a 20-minute wait. • HGV’s will use minor roads. County Councillor G Renner-Thompson replied County Council will be surveying the diversion routes ahead of the proposed works, to allow them to a record of the current road conditions. • The works on the A1 will be 2 x 10 hour shifts not 24 hours per day. • The new surface is supposed to last for 20 years. • All residents were to receive a letter, which has not happened yet. • Concerns were raised about the emergency services, either using the detour route or waiting on a convoy to get through the road works, has this been risk assessed. • It is suggested the detour will only add about 20 minutes to a journey. However, once drivers reach Cornhill on the A697 they still must travel to Berwick on the A698. County Councillor G Renner-Thompson gave the following update: • Northumberland County Council are continuing to protest the proposed works. • I have submitted 6 FOI requests, which includes questions on, an assessment of the structure of the road, an impact assessment, costs, and when was the planned works decided.


• I have e-mailed the Chief Executive of Highways England and arranged to phone them tomorrow. • Northumberland County Council are hoping for a postponement. • There will be a meeting in the Blue Bell Belford shortly. A resident responded to say she had been told that day that Highways England were not in agreement with the meeting, it was only the MP Anne-Marie Trevelyan.

The Chairman gave the following update: • I wrote to Highways England on the first day I was aware of the situation, and only received a holding letter, so far, no other response. • The MP Anne-Marie Trevelyan can apply to the Secretary of State for a budget deferment, to allow the works to take place within the next financial year. The budget can be carried forward. • I have posted a letter recorded delivery to the Chairman of Highways England today, as there is no available e-mail address. I will share the letter once it has arrived with the recipient. • Highways England should come out to speak and listen to residents. Parish Councillor D Spours asked if the Legal team at Northumberland County Council have been involved. The Chairman stated that they need to check if the proposed works is in accordance with the 1984 Highways Act, they will need to check the interpretation of the Act, but it needs to be compliant. County Councillor G Renner-Thompson agreed to check this out.

Apologies for Absence: None

Declaration of Interest: None

Requests for Dispensation- None

Min 38- Planning Application.

18/00213/VARYCO- Removal of condition 6 (Occupancy)pursuant to planning permission 13/00488/FUL to allow unrestricted residential use Land North of North Farm Warenford Northumberland.

• Parish Councillor L Robson and the Vice-Chairman had undertaken a site visit. Concerns were raised about the sewage treatment capacity and planning conditions not been complied with. It was agreed the non-compliance of planning conditions need to be reported to the Planning Enforcement Officer. A public member agreed to provide the evidence of an email they from Northumberland County Council that the Application is out of date, County Councillor G Renner-Thompson agreed to follow this up.

Parish Councillors debated the application and agreed to object to the application on the following grounds:

• There is no need for the proposed housing.


• The Parish Council would welcome the re-submission of a more appropriate Planning Application, to provide housing which is more in keeping with the surrounding area, as well as a style more akin to the area. The development should have less than 6 houses and the appropriate services should be provided. • Parish Councillors would have preferred it if there had been at least 1 affordable house within the development. • Parish Councillors would like to query if the original application is out of date. Therefore, this application will not be valid. ANY URGENT BUSINESS

Min 39- Volume & speed of traffic- A member of the public raised concerns about the speed and volume of the traffic coming through the village. Parish Councillor D Spours suggested this should be reported to the police. Parish Councillor J Mallen suggested there is a need for passing places.

The meeting closed at 20.00 p.m.

The date of the next Meeting is 24th April 2018 at 7.00 p.m. In the Watson Memorial Hall Lucker.
