Alnwick District Council
APPENDIX 1 APPENDIX 1 ALNWICK DISTRICT COUNCIL MEETING OF THE COUNCIL JUBILEE HALL, ROTHBURY TUESDAY, 16TH OCTOBER, 2007 AT 6.30 P.M. PRESENT: Councillors P. Dawson (Chairman), Mrs. A.M. Jones (Vice- Chairman), G.R. Arckless, Mrs. E. Bainbridge, L.G. Bilboe, E.M. Blakey, S.C. Bridgett, G. Castle, K. Gray, Miss C. Grey, Mrs. M.E. Haddow, A.M. Harrington, J.M. Hedley, I. Hinson, J.E. Hobrough, J.M. Hope, C.M. Mills, Mrs. M. Mills, H.W. Philipson, D.J.C. Rixon, T.M. Spence, R. Styring, J.A. Taylor, T.N. Thorne, J.G. Watson. Officers: Chief Executive, Director of Environment and Regeneration, Head of Legal and Democratic Services. Apologies: Councillors S.A. Bell, Mrs. S.E. Bolam, Mrs. Z.B. Frais, Mrs. E. Gray. Aldermen J. Hobson and R.H. Huggins. (* Denotes a Delegated Matter) 189. DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS BY MEMBERS AND OFFICERS The Chairman reminded Members that it had been agreed that previous disclosures did not need to be made again at the Council meeting provided that this was agreed by Members after a motion had been moved and seconded. RESOLVED: that all disclosures of interest previously made by Members and Officers at the meetings of Committees, etc., the minutes of which are to be considered at this meeting, are also to be regarded as disclosures for the purposes of this meeting by those Members and Officers present. The Chairman also advised that interests should be disclosed at this meeting:- a) if they were not disclosed at previous meetings, the minutes of which were to be considered at this meeting or b) in respect of any other or new item on the Agenda.
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