Parish Councillors are summoned to the Meeting of Adderstone with Lucker Parish Council to be held on Tuesday 15th January 2019 at 7pm in Watson Memorial Hall Lucker.

Members of the public are welcome to attend


The Chairman to invite members of the public present, to put questions to, or draw relevant matters to the attention of, the Council, prior to commencement of business. This is for a period of 15 minutes overall and is limited to 3 minutes per person.


1. Apologies for Absence Vice-Chairman J Ballie

2. Declaration of Interest

Members are invited to declare any interest they may have in any of the items included on the agenda of this meeting.

3. Request for Dispensation

Members to consider any requests for dispensation.

4. To sign as a correct record: the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 9th October 2018

5. Matters from the minutes of the last meeting arising unless otherwise on the agenda

• Parish Councillors to receive any updates on actions since the previous meeting.

6. Neighbourhood Plan

• To receive any updates.

7. Annual Insurance/ Donation

• To ratify the £175.07 payment of the Annual Insurance premium for 2018/19 • To ratify the £600 annual donation to St Hilda’s PCC for grass cutting

8. Financial Statement

Current Account- £2448.03

19 9. Accounts for Payment

CC £ 175.07 Annual Insurance premium (paid) • St Hilda’s PCC £ 600.00 Annual grass cutting donation (paid) • E I Hunter £ 80.22 Salary- hours @ £9.341 per hour • HMRC £ 20.20 PAYE • E I Hunter £ 20.13 Expenses

10. Planning Applications

18/03604/OHL- Proposal to install an 11 metre wood pole – Land West of Adderstone Mains Lucker Belford Northumberland NE70 7HS. Comments already submitted. 18/03675/REM- Reserved Matters Application – relating to the layout, scale, appearance of the building, access and landscaping on approved planning application 15/03864/OUT- Land North of Bellshill Cottage, The Square, Bellshill, Northumberland. Comments already submitted. 11. Planning Approvals

18/03101/FUL- Construction of a new agricultural building- Land North of Adderstone Mains Lucker Belford Northumberland NE70 7HS 18/03521/VARYCO- Variation of Condition 1 (approved plans) pursuant to planning permission 17/04340/VARYCO to add dormers to inner west and inner east elevations in lieu of roof windows- South Farm Cottage South Side Cottages Lucker NE70 7JW 18/03604/OHL- Proposal to install an 11 metre wood pole – Land West of Adderstone Mains Lucker Belford Northumberland NE70 7HS

12. Correspondence

1- CPRE- Autumn Newsletter 2- St Hilda’s PCC- Reply to letter 3- Clerks & Councils Direct- Newsletter 4- St Hilda’s PCC- Thank you for donation via E-mail 5- NCC- Roadside litter campaign 2018 6- Clerks & Councils Direct- Newsletter

13. Budget 2019/20

• To agree a budget for 2019/20. • To agree the precept for 2019/20.

14. Any Urgent Business

15. Date of the next Parish Council Meeting – 19th March 2019

(Sgnd.) Isabel Hunter Clerk to Adderstone with Lucker Parish Council