Interoperability and Interconnection to the Grid How will the grid handle an influx of EVs? Where will the new electricity come from? What has to happen to ensure that the technology does not become obsolete? WPUI EV Roadmap Conference, Madison WI; Sept. 10th, 2019 Theodore Bohn (
[email protected]; 630-816-7382) Argonne National Laboratory Disclaimer: Images used in this presentation in no way imply product endorsement Relevant DOE funded EV Charging Interoperability and Interconnection to the Grid Activities . DOE Grid Modernization Lab Consortium (GMLC); - Task Group 1.2.2 Interoperability - Task Group 1.4.1 Standards & Test Procedures for Interconnection & Interoperability - Task Group 1.4.2 Definitions Standards and Test Procedures for Grid Services . DOE Vehicle Technology Office(VTO) Grid Integration Tech Team (GITT) - Comprised of members from utilities, vehicle OEMs, national labs, equip. mfgs. - Current projects include categorizing charging assumptions and grid impact modeling for ‘Grid Capacity of EVs at Scale’ with Integrated Systems Analysis Tech Team (ISATT) based on EPRI studies 2 Project Summary of DOE Funded Lab Call Topic Other activities in MW+ Multiport Charging Research . (Excerpt from NREL presentation): Summary of research topics. ANL leads industry engagement vehicle charging requirements task for FY2019 3 HB44-3.40 ‘Point of Sale’ Commercial Dispensing of Electricity as a Fuel (non-utility owned assets) SAE J2836/1 Use Case Figures: - Red line is liquid fueling point of sale. - Green line is utility/premise ‘point of sale’ at the premise meter; edge of premises - Blue line is at the tip of the conductive charging for vehicle electricity dispensing Infrastructure Vehicle Seller Buyer Seller Buyer 4 What is Argonne National Lab and the EV-Smart Grid Interoperability Center? ANL was designated as the first National Laboratory in 1946, initially formed to support Enrico Fermi’s work (Univ.