Apology for the Life and Character of Mohamed
,. ,Wx "' AN APOLOGY ~__,» THE LIFE AND CHARACTER CELEBRATED PROPHET OF ARABLM CALLED _MOHAMER I OR 'EITD8 iElllt5trf0tt§. BY GODFREY HIGGINS, ESQ. LONDON: now1.ANn uvrlnn, 72, sr. nur/s cuuncmumu; uu|v.s'r, CHANCE .mn co sr l'AUL'S cnuncmmnn; AND RIDGLWAY AND sons |>|ccA|m.|.Y 1829. 5:2/,__ » 5 )' -? -X ~.» Kit;"L-» wil XA » F '<§i3*". *> F Q' HIi PRINTED DY G. SMALLFIELIJ, HACKNEY T0 THE NOBLEMEN AND GENTLEMEN OF THE ASIATIC SO- CIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. To you, my Lords and Gentlemen, I take the liberty of dedicating this small Tract, because I am desirous of correcting what appear to me to be the erroneous opinions which some of the individuals of your Society (as well as others of my countrymen) entertain respecting the religion of many millions of the inhabitants of the Oriental Countries, about the welfare of whom you meritoriously interest your- selves; and, because a right understanding of their religion, by you, is of the first importance to their welfare. I do it without the knowledge or approba- tion of the Society, or of any of its Members, in order that they may not be implicated in my senti- ments. , » With the most sincere wishes for the welfare ot the Society, and with great respect, I remain, my Lords and Gentlemen, Your most obedient, humble servant, GODFREY HIGGINS, M. ASIAT. soc. ~ Sxznnow Gamez, NEAR Doucasrnu, July, lB29. ERRATUM. Page 80, line l§, for the " Aleph," read a Daleth, and for " H. M. A.," read IL M. D. PREFACE.
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