525 Written Answers BHADRA 20,1913 (SAKA) Written Answers 526 Opposition parties. This is a very serious (Interruptions) matter. People are dying there . They ars beir,g kill&d by terrorists every dav. DR. LAXMI NARAYAN PANDEYA. (Mandsaur): Mr. Speaker, Sir, a fellow jour- At ths same time thera are people who nalist of UNI t;,-:r. Manohar Singh was beaten are fighting tnem and who ara r.omil"lg to up blue and black by an ASI a~ociated ¥,ith Delhi. They are demanding cortain things. PM's Security. He had to be taken to hospi- They are willing to stand by what kind of right tal. A complaint was lodged in this regard decision we am going to take in a unitsd and order fc.r an enquiry into the incident at manner. But, I am sorry to say that the the earliest by senior officials was given. But Government has not taken !!"!e Opposition it i3 a I natter cl regr atthat no such inquiry has into confidence. They are not serious to tell been made so far. All the major newspapers us to what kind of action the)' a'o going to such 1:'S Navbha~at times and the Veer Arjun take. have published details of the incid~nt of il'cident of undea.nt beha\'iour with ard In this regard, ; must say that, those ~ating of a journalist by the poliCA. people who are willing to stand for !he unity of the country, like the one who was the Mr. Speaker, Sir, through you, I would Member in this house - Shri Rajbir Oingh . like to urge upon the Government to get a are suffe(ing. He met us and told us that he judicial enquiry conducted into this i.. lcident was given security earlier. He used to say and to take steps to check the recurrence of something against terrorism. Later on, th~t suc" incidents since it has created a saose security was withdrawn. These kind of people (;f fear ar.d resentment among the journal· are taking a stand against terrorism. If they ists. are not supported by the Government, then where will they go? This is the casual and [English] irrespo~ibl8 attitude of the Governmant. SHRI MOHAMMAD YUNUS SALEEM (Katihar): Mr. Speaker, Sir, on 1st Septem- I submit that e:ections are to be held in ber 1991 a quiz programme ""as taJecast fJur,jab. I und~rstand Government is think- from the Ooc.-darshar ul'lderthe !uperv~ion ing OT cancellatIOn of the earlier Notificlition. of the Mini&try of Parli2m9ntary Affairs. I tiant that 3 statement from the Government Unfortunately, in that progralllme certain as to Nhet is there in their mind &nd whether derogatory remarlu and derogl\tory language be~re announcement of :he 91ections they were used for Maulana . are gcing ttl take a decision in regard to the With your ki'ld permission, I have raiEed this transfer 01 Chal'ldigarh to Punjab, should be qU9stioln on the 6th Septembflr, 1991. My made. AI~o about the sending the dispute raising this q'Jestion was SUppo,1ed by all regarding lhe river water to the Supreme s&dions of this House. Court, they ~houid clarify. I would request you to tell all these to the Government and to Sir, I am very sorry and I am surprised make a statement in the ~ouse so that we that the Minister for Information and Broad- can have a discussio" and we can evolve a cast:ng appeared the sz.me day in the Pajya co".,mon formula to tadd... the grave situ- Sabt-a because there also thiS qC6stion was atio" in ;'unjab. Thonk You. (fnt9mJPtionsJ raised and he tendered uncoi~ditional apol- ogy be10re the House. And Y6sierday ~S(l [ TraM/ati.;)n] ho made a statamel"lt in the House explain- ing the situatior: and the c;;cu.nstanoes of SHRI MADAN lAl KHURANA (South the C2sa under which 'ht? aeroga'"ry re- Del;'i): Mr. Speal(er, ~ir,lwould like to know mi!rks were made like wilat , s<:lid. 3;r, I am 1:;' •• " .. ,. ;; •• 1'18 Govemment P'''>pose, t., V'lrv soil) to say that oecalls& we .j.a not h.;;..: ,"," .... 011 In PlIIlJEd}'=' ex~rcil:ie our lung pcwer, we t'i&ve been 527 Written Answers SEPTEMBER 11, 1991 Written Answers 528

taken lightly and nobody has appeared till V.P.Singh had subm!tted it to the Secretary today to give an explanation in spite of the GAneral. assurance given by the Leader of the House that the matter will be brought to the notice of [Englist~ the Minister for Information and Broadcast- ing. He came here so many times, but he did He is your officer not appear before the House. He should have come here and tendered an apology MR. SPEAKER: I haV9 not received it. and given an explanation, as to why those remarks were made against Maulana Abul SHRI RAM VILAS : He had Kalamji. I strongly protest against this dis- submitted the letter before 11 A.M. That crimination between this House and that letter was written to the SupArintendent of House. I am sure that every ~ection of this Police on 3.8.91 i.e. just one month back. It House will support my view. reads as follows: rTranslation] "To the Superintendent of Po- SHRI (Rosera): lice. Gorakhpur, Sir. I was a Mr. Speaker, Sir,lwanttodraw),ou attention candidnte of against to a very important issue which has been Mahant Abedya Nath in Gora- subject of discussion in the House for the last khpur constitlJency in the last two days. Day before yesterday, it was Lok Sabh:l elections. Votli'S were submitted that Shri ~harda P~asad Rawat in my favour. Sim ilar position was was assasinated due to political reasons. there- in respect ()f Prabha Rawat Yesterday a discltssion was held here in of our palty who was pitted respect of Shri Chote Lal Yadav who was agairlst Shri T.P. S~,ukla in our fatally attacked. It is nol ~'et known whel:'er rons' ituency· (Interruptions) he could be savsd or not. [English]

Yoasterday an uni:naginable scene was MR. SPEAKER: He has auther-ticatoo created in this HOuse. I am making this it. statement with utmost responsibility. Shri is present here. (Int~rruptions) He has been to Gorakhpur. Now he would tell t'le House all the facts he has gathered Mn. SPFAKER: He has coms to me. I during his visit. However I would like to said that if he authenticates, I .... ill accept it. submit to th" House that before his death. Shn Sharda Prasad Rawat had written a { Translation] letier on 3.8.& 1. which has now been authen- hc<::.ted and submitted to you under ru:e 369 SHRI RAM VIL~.S PASWAN: i have (A) under the signature of Shri Vlshwanath come to know f 'om ve''! reliable sources that Pratap Singh. I would like to read 0111 that some hardened criminals have bean hired :etter here in this House. (/nterrupticin:;) by Mahan! Aoaldyanath and hic; confident MLAs namely Shri Om Praka!lh and Shn (English) T.P.Shukla, formy assassination. Kindly take jrr.m~diate :>Ieps to prcvide me securit" as I MR. SPEAKER: Lei me correct the do ~t have ar.y licenced ar1l!J with me. 1"1 record. It is IIot in the handwritting of Shri such a grave s;luation, 1t.lOdly issue "ec~s­ V P.Slng!'!. sary directions for my security and the secu· rity of my family members I may also be [ 7ransf