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iS&rvihg Cranford, Keuilworih andGarivdod '* • ' I • /

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./•• VOL. 82 No. 5Pu,bli§hed February 6, 1975 Second Class Postage Paid .Cranford N.J. 07016 15 CENTS

T increasV- •• . '• .. • . '.••'-•• e* »•..- '••estimate• • ' •.''.." '- ••• • • •d• »"•' - •-a- ' t' • £.7• • %- The. Board of Education it can anticipate a total of receipts ..and $75,000 in $32,480 for* principals, - and inflation. costs for contracted services The board has appropriated service, down $23,907, and lesser amount in debt service. Tuesday night unanimously $1,154,000in formula state aid, .miscellaneous revenue, $40,065 fbr -secretaries and •Among increases for fixed and $10,000 for replacement of an additional $23,395 for ad- plant"'rhainlerian.ce, down The maintenance decrease adopted a tentative school up by $10,061, and $88,029, in mostly from interest on in- clerical assistants. \Vhil6 charges are- $12,000 in state a 1961 school bus. Under a new ministration of which $10,020 $3,950. ' was questioned by former budget of $9,868,452.20 for the state aid; for buildings, the vestments'. - costs for textbooks are down .retirem'ent benefits and social law, school boaras are not would go toward raises. • ' The capital outlay account board member Dr. Harry 1975-7$ school year, an to-:same amount the district is v. Segal attributed most of the $9,560, teaching supplies are security payments, $57,640 for allowed to operate buses that "The-summer-school account is down because the $607000 Dougherty during the drease of $623,127.50 or 6.7 per receiving this year. budget increases to inu-p by".. $56,600—because of insurance* and .,$30,030 for are more than 10 years,old. Is up by $9,210. Of this amount. provided in the current budget audience, participation portion Cent over the current budget. of the meeting.. Superintendent of Schools flationary factors and higher higher costs /for paper and tuitio._T n to other districts. Segao_l The student "body activities $7;210 would go toward raises for the planned demolition of A tax levy of $8,229,423.50 is Dr. .Joshua Segal noted, Salaries. The tfjr.ee largest other items, Segal said. said the tuition figure reflectsv account shows an increase of and the remainder for sup- Sherman' School has been ."The board should be aware proposed, a hike of 5.6 per however, that tfcese figures hikes,are fit the .instruction Under plant operation, the both a cost increase and $11,680, Including a hike of plies. Segal noted that funds transferred to the reserve that saving a few- pennies cent. This would result in^a tax are part of a package account,. up by $396,995; the budget provides an increase of provisions far. 12 additional $8,975 in salaries and.$2,705 in are provided for hiring of two- fund. The board took no action v today may result in dollar increase of $29.78, for the proposed by Gov. Brendan -plant operation account, up $57,235 ui . salaries"' f6r special education pupils who other expanses, Segal said a additional teachers for an as to demolish the school because costs tomorrow," Dougherty owner of ' a $45,000 home/ Byrne, which is subject to $129,285; and fixed charges, custodians, although will be enrolled in classes portion of the.increase is due yet unspecified pr&gram the matter is still tied up in pointed out. according to the board. •..-.•/ approval by the legislature, -up $98,970. : negotiations are still In outside Cranford, ' to the proposed hiring 'of. a expansion at-the high school. litigation.- The board has been notified v The boawLalSQiB applying ..Among the proposed in- progress. Heat is up by $l5,t)O0 Pupil transportation funds, junior varsity field hockey Three accounts show A decrease in interest ori Board ...member Stephen y-Cteunty^upedntejident^ i^tth are up a thttJof $24,115, at- coach and a gymnastics decreases, capital ,puflay, bonds for the- high school Gracey said the, board has a d tilitl^b^lS^ : r * * Schools Dr. Wffiiarii WeSt^fiat budget, ^2^00.0 in tuition >$250,135for teacher salaries, which the board attributes to tributed mainly' to ^higher coach. whlcTTTs d6wri$53~,340; debt "e'xpansTon" "HccoUrilsPTbY"" the ." "~Cbn1lnuigii~] " • " *" .,, ' ' r. '[:' .. 1'. '' • ' , •' ...... , ' -: ' „,. ..;, •'••,'. '•

^^ C:- Township officials are. Zoning Board of Adjustment's area for townhouses is already --••'-•'•••.•....• ' -I ••••,:,:>• considering the possible refusaT~To~~gTSnT "Krause asunder consideration -by—the- jrezonjngof the northeast side"ibnin ' g variance t"o build the Plannin~ g BoardJ; whos-•—-'•'-e - of Springfield Ave. fronTNoTifir aparlmenrsTJadgeTJrelerhad tion it is to^ recommend to theRahway for townhouses. ruled the Zoning Board did not zoning to the Township The area is opposite Holly St. abuse its discretion in the^Committee. Actual zoning A'rezoning of.at'leaSt one denial, but commented he power lies with the.Townshtp-r parcel .was ordered in a would have voted for It liad he Committee. The JBoard of unanimous opinion last week been a member of the board. Adjustment is empowered to

^ ^ ordered the rezoning 6! the pfdpertjrat-30" Springfield Ave. owned by Dr.. Frank W. Krause and his wife. own reports The property,, which con- tains ail unoccupied 60-year- _ old, 16-room house, is for two-family on Yule fire * . BS. .;. - •• The report on the January 9, 1975. he court stated Its action, Dec. 26 fatal fire at 126 Cen- Upon hearing these con- ZONING STRUCK DOWN — Slxteen-room house stands on property at 30 . reversed an earlier tennial Ave. was issued cerns, and after Fire Chief r Springfield^ve^whleFiihree-Judge Appellate Gourf fuled must be rezoned. court decision,,will give the yesterday by Mayor Buton S. Bernard Fleming-also-metr Three-story apartment adjoins It.. -: .; , - « •-,.•''•'••'• I.!*". township "an opportunity to .Goodman, • Public Safety with these Residents, the rezone the. area immediately Commissioner Daniel J. Police Cliief and Ffre Chief surrounding the plaintiffs' Mason and Township Ad- contacted the Ustkm County property on a comprehensive ministrator Sidney H. Stone: Prosecutor's -office to

The appellate body gave the bring to "a conclusion Ithe officiar investigation. township 90 days in which to Township Committee's review .,. ," • • . .. J.J_^-- ^.OMESTEAD DAMAGED — Smoke pours'from sedand floor home of. Dr. and, rezone the Krause property or of the tragic flreon December Unio"nlon County AjjihOaAsihtfann t Mrs. Thomas E. Dooley at 203 Holly St. Tuesday afternoon. Prosecutor Stanley Kac- else issue a permit for garden 16, 1974, at 126 Centennial apartments Which the fewed the Police Avenue, resulting in the un- reports and- the The , proposed senior plicant, the Cranford Housing though 17 sites.were examined i Krauses' sought to construct. fortunate death of Miss citizens' ^housing project on Board, Inc. ^ only the Meeker Ave. one met egations and informed the Township assessed _ Christine Urban.' that- this type of in- Dooleys plan Meeker Ave. was the subject Attorney for the opposition, state standards, Gill said, The ' Numerous questlpjis^were vestigation was unnecessary of stiff cross-examination, by Edward Hobble of 534 South need for senior citizen* The ruling assessed the' raised by somcKwmiesses of , - ... - housing is even stronger now an attorney representing over Ave., said he planned to costs of the suit at both the this fire^asreported in the since the facts revealed that 120 residents opposed to. the with double digit inflation present witnesses last night, Superior Court trial level and fi^TJornal -article on the charges were unfounded. case at the Board of Adjust- than it was in 1968 when, the returning to .explaining he had been- Even after thlB- report -by- the ment. Jieeting Monday1 night. concept was introduced, said in the Appellate Court agajns^Ja.buary 3 and at a meeting retained only Monday morn- the township. -The coste-have with some area residents Assistannt Prosecutor, it, was- The three-hour hearing on an .'ng. • . • . Gill. Presently, there are 2,650 yet to be flxed^-""'^ ' called by. Mayor. Burton.; JSV felt' that a thorough In- application to permit multi- senior citizens (over. 65 years vestigation should be .conr ! - - No other site old in "the township and 580 The'dexiston overturned Goodman, Public Safety ducted by the Mayor,, the wa§J>y^Superior Court Judge Commissioner Daniel J. on. the outside, single-family zone was ad- . f7 wners reT3Btvtng~seni6r WUltanr A. Dreier^in~-Octrr~Mason—a.nd—Township Ad- ~--Tfie second fire withl» five jneifolast.nighL citizen exemptions! years Tuesday* "extensively was . severely damaged by "=%. » it 1973. That ruling upheld the ministrator Sidney H. Stone oh ^niinued bn P«0« does not grant a p Thei project Jhaff met damaged the 13-r(>oni h6|pqof smbkt' and heat. At last nights hearing Mrs. ^ilfamill dooy usme thvariance,e only", presenthen t minfmuln te« rements. on •Dr."N and Mrs. Thomas E". SalvageuBle' Barbara Anderson, land opportunity to bring senior iz e,-wtfllcing and sitting ill d th ol f s v Dooley.at 203 Holly St. Dr.-Dooley,.staid he-believes ''"•5 •' • g ^^^spacbrTJroxirnitjr-to—storesr Township budget delayed Tbf the home ia salvageable and '.'34 "" • • Ri was to said Edward K. Gill, ?|iair and member family at hope when that will return ttT '" ';! Administrator The state still has not finally it. He and Mrs. Dooley and two Hi -• • • the fire broke oul in tho kit- . • if' ' has decided not to . Sidney H:SJonesaLd confusion determined the formula under of thjeir children are staying ^ • . citizen tha 1975 municipal budget over^thtfamounFof-money-the^whfclr -state -montes-will- be -chen. Damage to the rear of unit apartments, must temporarily with the family of Monday night as originally -township will receive from the allocated for local-public the home and to the interior incomes ranging between PYancis J. Sloan at 2M Holly Nurses conclude scheduled. state for both municipal and school purposes". A tentative was extensive. The origin has $4,00 and $16,000. Rents will be noLjjccp .determined. St. Two other children are The committee set Feb. 25 school operations is holding up school budget was introduced staying with other neighbors. gauged upon the ability to pay*, Drj-JJooFey"^described the as, the new date for in- tHe budget. by\the Board of Education Sloan is chairman of the Gill said. Adding that present inside'as "a mess, worse than troductiprt". That_-was—the State funds uncertain Tuesday! township's Disaster Control and former Cranford after the last tire." The eaflier 50 years service original date for an rafbrmal~r According to .the ad- Under state regulations, the "residents will be eligible. organization and participated Cranford municipal bud§|t fire was on June 14, 1969.. for more than. 60 years. The nublic hearing on the budget, ministrator, unofficial reports in yesterday's flre-flghtlng The board of directors of the should be introduced next The family lost a pet dog l Agency is staffed to provide Seed money, $86,000, has whether any. Informal hearing have been heard to the effect Cranford and Garwood and be organization which tnaintains other section's of the house. Chronicle was taken * "dissolved. a full complement of services land elsewhere for property 'grade., Brian noticedsmoke in The modern interior, of the -the kitchen and ran to the during townwlde fire drill The board also announced and has stated its willingness owned privately on th proposed housing site were 19lh Century home, which* Sloan home taVtfive the alarm. for all famllle* on Oct. 9. that, as of last Saturday, new" to provide home nursing care unanimously adopted by the combines features of both Area of house shown was ~ patient admissions are being, UrCranford and Garwood. Township, Committee Last Victorian and colonial fU*-yiri hy-rim Visiting Nurael'—Thfeilttunrtlng nf the Cran- week. Air~appropriationfrO! by Brian. and Health Services, an ford Visiting Nurse $80,000 to cover acquisition if Elizabeth-based ^organization Association can be credited to necessary accompanied the - PaperHrive serving 13 Umon County the efforts of the Village Im- ordinances: communities. Current provement Association. More 1 Consujtne? office patients now being cared For than fifty years ago, under the ' The self-liquidating housing . Saturday pjfoject at the end of four years for by the Cranford Visiting direction of Mrs. W, B. Ruth- % Cub Scout Pack 78 will will provide income for the Nurses will be absorbed into nauff, first VNA president, a conduct a paper drive^ township Gill said. the Elizabeth agency on a drive to tund the then one- Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 set for coinplaints gradual basis commencing nurse agency supplemented Townshipp Committeeman p.m. at Hillside Avenue Danlel Cranford—in fact Mrs.. Feb. 15. the coat originally borne by J "Mason is presently Junior High School. A mall order house in Greenberg believes most will A. W. Bowling Jr., president the Township Committee; applying for monies^from the Sponsors said only'" pa per another state has failed to be out of town. of the Cranford association in Assistance from the Red Cross state Department of Aged to tieo in bundles or iji paper deliver goods that have been- commenting on the decision to Continued on fi»o» * . Con»lnu»-;•••••-. d on -•Pig-t 3 bags will be accepted. p^id for. A shopping center Mrs. Greenberg, a volunteer withdraw from active pervice, VHUIUlMWIUUUHIUimilUWUIUUnilWMUWIIUUiUfUIMIUIIUUUIIIIIIIUUIHIUIUIIIIIIIIlllllUUIUUIUIUi Residents are asked not to store has sold a consumer a appointed by the Townahlp product different from that Committee on Jan. 28, will cited continually rising costs ^i t l . - - \ leave any after 4 p.m. . Another. paper drive is advertised. An appliance make an appointment with the being planned by Boy repair is not what'^has been consumer to obtain the basis •.-"SttFSMSWS Chronicle contents of the complaint. She will termination of the local group. Scouts later this month. promised in writing. advise the consumer on tHe" Mr. Bowling noted that, after Details will be announced These are- among the types TOWf)JSHIFopen heart to hemophiliacs. Page 11. proper action to resolve t,he ' almost fifty-two years of In this newspaper.. of consumer concerns which situation, attempt to mediate . professional skilled .nuwlrtg A&J Sorrentino Co. of should be Referred to the care, current . economic POLICE MARKSMEN win county title. Page 6; Unden, which took paper newly appointed Cranford the complaint with the vendor, conditions have necessitated collected In local drives Corisumer Affairs Local or refer the matter to another *f the1 Board's decision to avail before • they were Assistance (CALA) Offlcerr agency. . . * itself of the visiting nurto and Classified 10 Obituaries 11 Suspended Dec. S, has Mrs. Debra Greenberg. Terming herself a "/Con- ~ health service's offer to ex- Editorial.!,.' 4 Religious news ', n - • , contracted to take this Mrs. Greenberg may besumer advocate," tyrs. -te~4h» Garwood 0 Social ..•-..••••' 7 FIHST.«tl,KlfiHRIDE>-Withalmothgrlaboa'-d, 4-yearo r Wytbv-lch tries wook's coll«oUorK—Thfr contacted at the Cranford Greenbern said: "This should K«n|lw6eth .. .' .. ..9 Sborts v. " •12 13 out »led h# got for Chrlstmai aitdge of Rahway River Jiear orth Union Ave. market for paper has MunicipafBuilding by calling not be interpreted to mean 276-8900. The business firm CALA officers are/antL Nurse and 'Heal ~" —! ' "'^* "•")'' hf i^» v«^tardav morning. Mothar Is Mrs. Alexander Wytovlch of-15 North Ave. slumped. ^Services involved need not he in Continued ttoP i i

• V

I '• •• ••••."-- •'•£•' •\


. . . 4 . ,r. . PageTCRANFQRD support of these departments' Captain in charge.and the baWTiremen, Eleven trained 'Juvenile Bureau. The action This-provision defeats -Hie A ma'jor topic of" the con- and demanded a retractiorr of Police and Fire Chiefs:"'^jp>?vohinteer callmen,' and five . • u=will be taken as a result, of intent of [.he act -li^keep ihose.-, lerence was ihe improvement alleged accusations 4. The "Police apd^Fire Civil Defense Firemen on the conclusions' reached at a involved'in more. sCTimis-of of t'omnfunica-tionsof juvenile However, it was: deemeed personnel at the^smie were scene, in addition to the Police- three-day seminar..conducte' d" fenses apart froitr the less officers withJJj^orrXounty that the community's interest' well awarp-^fhat a fourth Department and the Pirst Aid last, week by the association serious offenders, Curr.y said-. Youth Ser^tce Bureau, the and the long term interest of perso»>^vas involved and Squad. : and the office of .Union County lie explained that if a serious. courts and probations officers "thesafety department woukLjBiSsing and her .probable As .each of_ these fifty or • Prosecutor KarlfAsch at the offender'- wlro had Ifeen not only for improved hahd- best be served if ;we w)nducJed*Jocation in the "house was more rushed to the "scene to' '. Coachman Jinn,' committed lo Union County 'linn of juveniles bu'r for a complete investjigatwifT- . known. Despite the raging support the origin at response . Curry said members of the Dentenlion .Center, was prevention of delinquency. - ..'.- Unexpecte<3Md asked to' amend the .1974- later on a minor/offense/ he Psychology classes we ajlerfipted to repch.aril of this location (an "upstalrs^Cr'anford^s -fire, fighting ,_ 1 Juvenile Act that prohibits a would he sent to> the JINS .Seven psychology coutscs, parties directly or in- bedroom) were thwarted by procedures.. However,- our • police office in one community (Juveniles in need" of super" exploring .Ihe areas of per- F\ directly involved.-.We- spoke the flames, smoke, heat and investigation indicates' that 'from inquiring about the- vision) center at, Runnells soriiil and mari.tal adjustment, with thoseVesidents .of Cen-_. shattering glass. Two Police the fire fighting effotts. of all of record of a-juvenile, offender Hospital' lo min'Rle- with psychic awareness and mind teftnial Avenue, many of officers were hospitalized these- people were well dynamics, are "among some 70 DISCUSS JUVENILES — Cranford Police Sgf. Donald.. Cur'n^ft, reviews whom were quoted in the after their attempts failed, as coordinated with Captain: spring cmirses offered at agenda of Juvenile Officers Association seminar with Prpse£)jtor Karl Asch, Daily ' Journal b .and the a window shattered from the Clark Duckworth and then the Union College' through, the Grahford^Police Chief Matthew Harjey and Police ChiejiBomipIc Le.llo of Linden, Chronicle stories covering the intense heat blowing them. Fire Chief arid Police Chief, depart men I »f continuing right> president of the"cOunty'SoChlef's Chiefs'A>scfc1atlon. *—^ fire, the Police and Fire fronUHeir ladder. ^___0ur final conclusion is that PAPER DRIVE education.. : .. . Chiefs, individual Police and 5.Although exact.times^fe^alr\personnel responded The courses include:' "In--, Fire Officers at-, the scene," impossible to pinpoint^ the -promptly to the alarms and CUB SCOUT PACK 78 troduction to J'ai Chi 'Cliuan," Messrs. Patrick Kennoy, John response can - bestJjfLJjfe detef- cconducted themselves^ ina a Chinese exercise system, , Marti and John Giordiano, the mined to be between three , proper and efficient manner earliest witnesses tty the fine, "arid fiv^ minutes from the utilizing approved firemanic "psyohic awareness," "new ConTtnuftd from while fightinfe the of the fire, Hillside Ave. Jr. High School insights into marital adjusl- and the owners of the home time of the original report of techniques. We are certain joined in fighting the fy^^was blaze and was treated at Rah- Aura,, nt #>niiAO<.

"psych All paper MUST be tied or W adjust me to activa7ed this'area-andhis early arrival immediately to the scenes of fire, ~~ fanondled to be accepted-~^ I of the cju«ses, which .are. .-broke out. , llcallmen andsever.al-electric ^ contacting from sjjt-tfilO sessions; will police officers fought the fire; clothing." r fit the Cranford campus, lire captain treated FinmPFl i wore ronfhiwfiid mn<;»ll v '» ' ^ , • •, interviews, .we requested and orisutrier\i^' office set NO IXCiPVONSl -find arc: sclunluled on weekday 'ire Captain Robert Griffin Jo X -rear of thi? hourie TneDooleys participatea as received detailed reports from c6ntinu«lnu«Jj fromm P»oPag«t I .. .».'''•••'' •'...'.'" a familv ini n lnthee Fire.Depart- the J^ire Chief,, regarding business. Rather we seek to has taken courses given by the afternoons or evenings. "fered from' smoke ai.h«,,oh i«,n nnwiHnnO il™ ' Fire. Depart- the J^ire Chief,, regarding busines: aitnougn two partitions were jn.ent'_,.*,»>„s t«itownwid«,i^oe • i,hoThiv«e. c,fire. procedure..TJ s -.«of• operatio'l.^+ffn and5 obtai-•_._:n_ ,resolution of disputes State Division of Consumer "drill programm on Octn . 9 anrod . other particulars of the fire ^that are fair-to all «oncernjed. Affairs jn-preparation for her were described by • Fire including response, time, TA11 transactions are-con- work.-She will be supervised Captain Arthur Kiamie, pubjic, water pressure, number of • fidential," she added. by the Division and wi|] take relations officer, as one of the officers reporting etc.. :, . More thaijJOO New Jersey jpatl in its continuing training *iV» ™f mV most active in-the"local fire- -Having'.received and communities have CALA program-for-GALA-bfficersr-*- ure recan ,was awareness program,...... reviewed all of " these officers who have saved A Cranford resident for L4 l 7^52DmTLiire the - - - caused sdme delay to home- matieri§ls. and data, the citizens hundreds of thousands years, Mrs. G'reenberg is.a cominc auto commu ers Township Committee has- of dollars since the division graduate of Rutgers come to the following con-. was established in 1971. CALA University. She. serves on the elusions: .; officers, develop educafional b ds ff h C ' f dLeague of fire and police forces was caucus will sponsor a theater oar o v e r an or l."That nationally approved programs in v their of Women Voters arid the "fantastic" and added that t r t Th h Clbte e i ro e fire they were "considerate of 6f. iL£ T, p JS wiT -R P r "Bhtiiig. municipalHies in action to HUlside Avenue Junior,High K^-5?^^""er^cedui^--'werfr--used,-r;in^ NOW... \'.J:LJ=L. he Plavhnuse wtll--,-T^I^^ „..„«. ,U:_- „„. A^^ ^^^^. ,-. ^., ^^ffieer-Tnenibcr of TempltrfieUi-El __ presenting the American f . a, Laying of hose from Sisterhood and -Cranford^ neighborg s and musical classic, "Man of La the" fire to hydrant \ Consumer Loans at the community made me feel Mancha." Curtain Ume is Roselle Hadassah, she also, b; Fighting of the fire- was Cranford coordinator for very good/g i Dr. Dooley 9:0o. ThThe wine andand.. cheescheese 9:0 from the front of the CHOICES for '76, a program commentedtd . He practicei s pparty y previouslpy scheduled house! initially. dentistry4n Linden, 61 the Regional Plan New Jersey's Leading dentistry4n Linden has been cancelledcancelled.' Tickets c\ Pumpers, using self- Two .other children of the are$5>00. for 'Schools' Association. _ contained water suppfyr Conlltiued (rbrii Paoe 1 " Dooleys are living at home. Further, .information "Mrsr Greenberg," " her is WAri> imm Family Financial Center. They are MTrry—Lynn, a available from Caucus -fi-ve*year planned main- husbahd, Marvin, and their engaged in fighting the graduate of Cranford High President Ejhel Gliek at 2Y6- tenance program which is sons Bruce, 17, and Jonathan, fire within seconds of their meant to prevent expensive 14, make their home at 2 who was.at work at the N.J. "8420 after 6 p.m. arrival. Bell Telephone Co. at the time . , ••. repairs. Previous policy, Green a. . 2. That,, ththe conflagratioconflagration GraceGracey rioted,"rioted, wawas tto lelett „ » ' % A was off suchh magnitudgitd e prioior things^ghi^ o untitill a majoj r repaiir Meuer appOUltea -to the sounding- of the alarm, job was required-. THE SMART BUYER ,that it was impossible to Segal described the budget who plans to move in the Sprirrg contain the fire to the first as "moderate and /fair" in, t flnnrof the hnmfrqnfl save the view of the state of the .Tosppph P Hener .Ir. of u LJ lifft-olifff Miss Urban. - "" -econoriiy. He noted that board Cranford (V.F.W. Pos^ BUYS HIS HOME NOW This was so indicated by the rhembers ,and senior ad- has ^been appii in ,IMV "n! (>l luniilii'i!', dl HiiiK|s lot v"u ii'iii ytwii family, you can REVIEW-" 'thetnum Society will meet known as the voice of cbri- ' (i,iv tin -it wild ,i i it v I <'(IIM.II !i,iviiu|s c'onsunii.'i I oan Friday, Feb. 14, at 8 p.m. at cerned veterans through the ' Preparation tor the National State Bank world, concerned a"bout their SMART pYERS APRIL S.A.T. Building, 193 Morris- Ave., communities, concerned You may borrow ftorn $1,000 ta$ 10,000••* AND SMART SELLERS Springfield. William/ R. aboiit veterans legislation./ . EXAMS Mackinney of the Qelaware concerned about pie Veterans Valley"Society will speak on Administration,- and con or more at low bank rates. *T^ ' --Know.that Clistet Start F*b. JJ.J3 ce about 011 1 and < . chrysanthemum classifica- ™$ . y "^ .Pj MULTIPLE LISTING SAT. h SUN. CLASSES -yon . and Vietnam veterans' 1 , I,In Ir> mi i 'iiy.l ;,ivinqs o\ it uhsidiary City Con.- u 9:00 A.M. to linoon^ . A. 1 s Held At r_ r ! \i;'\ \ 11 ,ufPt'M[ lohrTp you llp'fl your Qua lily Inn, Rl. J2 ~rn\ 7(,TrTi.|"iT'i vTu"tri"r' i ;r,irv PRODUCES TH^WES^RESULTS ""NQTICE OF PUBLIC'SALE 'nlV hnnti.'il hy your equity Springfield Nollta-is horeby olvon tViaf Ihe goodj The Union County Chapter i' .tnnuint yi'ii IKMIIHV I JJom.lda Inn, C. Bruns. J of the^ational Organization -. '• ull.lt v>-'Hi !>' >nu I I |ti i >VI I v 'in nit if 111, i (| ,1M(I your- ability to p;-iy IJyou're thinking of either buying or selling, Ritmadft Inn, Clark public sale to the highest bidder (lormtt F^amada Inn. Edison ic«»h)-on,the )9th day ol Fobruary, 197S for "vVomen will meet next we'd like to talk with you. Red Bull Inn, Somcrvllli^ Yi ni II Iniil i HII l>' th.iii_iiiost othci linaiiit' plans at 1:30 o'-clotk. sale_ to be hold at Holt Wednesday, Feb. 12 at 8 p.m> F.or Inlormation and Machinery Company, 35 High Street, 1 Free Diagnostic Tost Yi MI ni. 1S ut I'l.in ll>.il lic.t m.ili'.hi y'oin linancial IUHKIS Cranlord, New Jersey, In the County ol in the First National Bank of * Union. 1 Central Jersey, Roselle. Ann I .H11 M V I 'I Hi" 1 1 I II' I It I I I S .Is, 1111"• 111 -,( inMiuii' will hr lt.) you plan ah(\*n1 and DESCRIPTION OF GOODS TO BE SOLD Elwoll; an attorney, will speak M C.E. ROWLAND INC CALL I u i i I i | i • I y ' ' ' I i ' ' I ' ' i ' I • I ! ' ' ' "• " Ono (I) New 1973 Sullair 150 C&A/V, on "The* Legal Rights of 272-7512 Compressor, AAodcl- No 150DP, Serial For-coin ploto i n lor in at ion Realtor** No. 13355 Women i" Ms, Elwell is a 1 One (!) New 1973 Kent 90 Ib Pavlno former member of" the A i"i' n •.u11' i • i 1 i ,iii i \ ' n •, 1111 0 tlivf \ IUI-LA^UAk'ti (lotjils 13 Eastman Street 276-5900^ Cranford Braver, Model No. KBW, Serial No. 635S 1 Newark Law Collective and is IV •..' i'i .•.--.' t ' , 1 1 ',. M in , .let- m.H-ntu New 1973 Hose, Points, and Chimlsr Both Holt Machinery Cdmpany and now in private practice. i ! . |il. ..i-,i',l i'i) i onl.ii't you United CourjT!<5s\Trust Company reserve the right to bid dt the 5»lc 'Soconriary Mortgngo Loans The aliovc described qoods we/c ittaken pursuant to the terms ol a Retail T Installment Contract, dated October 3Olh^-i973, onlorc'd Into by and_B(HWCtn Holt Machinery Company, as Seller and February 10, 1W5 at 'C Secured Party, (United Counties Trust 309 Central Avenue, Wcsltlold, N J . one Hed rts Company as Asstgneo), and Leoal 1974 Chevy 3DR. Model 1AH57, Color Corporation, as Buyer and-Ooblor II the BK. Serial 'No. (H57H4B45M78, tor proceeds of the sale do not equal the sum Default on Inslallmenl Security ot (A) THECOSTS OF THE SALE AND Agreement, at 11 00 AM Flowers THE REASONABLE EXPENSES OF Seller reservo> the r'flhl to bid and- RETAKING. .HOLDING -.AND mspecl at place .ot sale. ."..' PREPARING THE GOODS FOR SALE "The First National Bank I AND(B) THE BALANCE DUE UNDER ol Northwestern New Jersey THE RETAIL INSTALLMENT CON { City Fodoral Savings Holt Machinery Company ;, ' Wh§h you have something United Counties Trust Company . v Walter Friedbcrg information regarding streets and I I .III!. M i i!h A., i special to say ... AAartin Constable Balllll- puDnc improyuments is available at I '[.Illllll'l I' \.V. !i 111 |l n 1 Jewelers can help you Dated January 30. February 6. 197S. pubiic works Department 1376 B900) Fed tfO&J .' .. mill I' . 11 M I M II. PI' l.lk Ir t'i' express it beautifully! With Fine quality jewelry from our extensive collection by Krementz. With genuine stones. Andl4 Karat gold overlay" For all the beauty and noost of the lasting quality of solicl karat gold. At a fraction of price! i I'V|.II

r Major Charge Plai]s PorsoMdl Charge Hudfif'f £--{.ay-A-Wa.v' Plans


rr •: / :.:•• •"•'.'•• *'.;;••.'


.1 ••

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- \ •_t Thursday. February*, 1975 CRANFORD (N. J. idTIZEN AND CHRONICLE PageT"-^ ...... ^eigneq^ r .JBoard^jneipbeirs.v.-.Mir(5,\.*fii?t aitefnate^and. Robert" y , mini-bus for-' all Noise from the uni& will be GeraldbeT E. Mattson and Ri^berg who was not present . citizens, in the Town- limited since they will consist: Peter J. Moran disqualified at Monday night's meeting . rftfc t uj Mi. of- masonry double In- from .the hfearlng «econa who believed the ss windows, The air as Mrs Mattshn's.hiiShffndis project was not accessible to conditionihg-heaUng units in on the Housing' Board anif "Variance permitting the ' public. transportation. Civic each dwelling will serve io Moran was a member of the Cranford Elks Lodge to erect ^groups haveeven volunteered mask other noises, said the original feasibility study for. an illuminated 3xS-foot freer to rcovide ttsraportatiro Sor senior citizen, housing— ",-••.' standing sign at its site at 95; ,.* 5li; ftfef"Tlter •: Flower gardens will be Paul Baulknigfcfeyvas named Lincoln Ave. EJ.' •GUI. According to Hobbie, the planted to the southerly side of No. 4?'bus which stops on .the building. Picnic facujtiesV . South Aye. near the site is not 'sliuffleboard and. walkways Photography adequate since it runs out of will be,provided near (hie! • town to Plainfield, Westfield dedicated 1.5. acre parklands;; and Newarkv However, M# Evergreen,.' tr^es "and Remembers;.. Gill pointed out that the bps flowering shrubs will be ^.dGVThe days you tdh't forget makes a run into the center of planted onihe periphery of the Cranford. * ;. • V••-., •'•'.. 5.36"acres'" ... . - k^»V; Fine portrait ""Gill said while" some senior The site1 which is relatively- citizens . have expressed a flat and slopes yiortherly I k1Photography by • desire to live in the center of. towards Winans Ave. will not town, an equal number have produce' drainage difficulties, said they Mfrould rather-not. said Remick. * *••'• , rENSTUDIQ; The majority he has spoken to, "We wish (to offer as much 34 North Avenue, .West. 276-1024 • Gill reported, have stated they greenery -as possible," em- 52SZ5Z are not concerned about phasized the architect. Fifty- • where it-is located as long as it nine parking spaces will be is madeT available. ' divided into two groups to ...'.. The site which is \i of a mile " break up the concrete. More from the center of town is not will be added if the need, - within a walking distance of arises, said Remick, adding, ' the shopping districtrtfanks, that this- parking figure was religious centers, the library derivedjjy a.state formula., .4- and medical and dental .5 times the number of apart- buildings, Hobbie declared. ments. • The nearby butcher shop -Remick maintained the would probably he too ex- project would -not be - pensive for the senior citizens' detrimental to the surround- me&n&^he added. . ., ing neighborhood. .. : .' Noise level surrounding; the Even;. though the .78-acre site was acceptable, testified building covers 14 per cent of JS; Mattson, a Housing* the land is urideFThe 20 per Board member who conducted cent -maximum set;by the and:. .. a study to meet federal enyir-. state, it still violates the town- . naturals—a feeling of' . *' • • onmerttal standards. The ship density 'ordinance. Jor. Beaiity ~—"report1 which measured auto^ 'apartments^Jpjjinted Hobbie, Captured , trackv" rail,'* airplane .'stated'."'""" " "• "'.'•' •' '••' '•'••'* [in tine a-nd.simplicity .' and pedestrian traffic was na, < 'challenged by Hobbie, who in fashion .-'the' beau-: said that Mattson was not 'Z, qualified W rtrake the,study . ... and -that - scientific.' devices tiful basics. U.nclut- \VK- $10.75i-6^r^l,00; 8^ 52.00 ^ '"•<' 'were not used. • 1 - Mattson, a systems analyst te re a .'. ,,Ge n'u in e. explained that he was chosen To The B^uty of yrtgr • Cl'asfsic.-Ottr ex,d(>" he has worked near the site for s WEDDINGS the past nine years. He said hep' "areoUTspeclalty." Capture .her heart with", "the; :• sive -example's, "here, • used federal Housing arid LIMOUSINES traditionally. "romantic brilliant-cut' Urban. Development guide- * . available in several colors. diamond: the matching engagement lines which are intended for STATION WAGONS and wedding rings make a beautiful are pure silk,, of a layman-'* X Expresssqrvlce to alt Airports statement of your love. The set, from Architectural details, Piers and Theatres. $195.00. ..course;. The pink, ^'iill icjes, "eight two- bedroonfand \\% one-bedroobd m * turquoise u.r ye apartments. The highest point <$/ the involved Y-shaped- is Ihe Valentine's Gift Center shir'td'r^ess with iTs "^complex will be at the center, 409 North Wood Avenue, Linden • 925-2150 T testified architect Thomas meticulously knotted. Remick of James Goldstein -riday IH 9 P.M. We Wafeome Ma»l«r Charje, BinkAniarlcwd, Am, E»pr«» and Partners, Millburn. The center wiU be 43.4 ft. or five- button! 10-16', 65.00.

stories high and will taper ••**-••• down to one story.of 8.8 ft. high . on two of the legs of the "V" And, the natural of - and three-stories or 26 ft. on WINTER COAT another leg, he explained.. • : turquoise' dress is •* This scheme-is a break from the conventional institutional facades, said Kemick, as the kick-pleated and top- ' —project-^will—appear—li ke-r cluster tovt'n-houses and blend MEN'S AND LADIES' stitched; 8-14, 50.00.-* with surrounding residences. The-dweliings will be made- WINTER COATS AND with fire-resistant concrete; Designer Dresses. the exterior of. brick .—Each ALL ' unit except the efficiencies w}l| have a balcony. -- OUTERWEAR v A six-sided community room, measuring 1811 sq. ft., COAW will be used for lounging, religious services, seminars, -and" meetings, the architect said. The multi- purpose" rdom may be subdivided'into three sections with par-

' SUPERIOR COURT Or="*4EW JBR- SEV CHANCERY DIVISION UNION COUNTY : • -. - Boatet Nd.-C T7J&74 • • > CIVIL ACTION • NOtlCE TO ABSENT DEFENDANTS POLLACK ahd MARSHALL • " . drycleaned 530 Boulevard , ' • (»ir372-IS5O Attorneys lor Plaintiff - Plaintiff NATIONAL TOOL AND and finished qEANY--_«. corporation-of the Stats of New Jersey v«. ' Delenda/it ERNEST H.BALLDW, hit heirs, devisees and personal (fur trim pile, fleece, representatives, and his. their or any of ' their successors In right, title and In- -tent, MRS. ERNEST H. BALLOW, wife and fake furs slightly of ERNEST H. SALLOW and the STATE OF^NEW JERSEY NOTICE TO- ABSENT • DEFEN- higher.) DANTS-- SUPERIOR COURT'OF NEW JERSEY .CHANCERY DIVISION • v —WWION, COUNTY DOCKET NO. C 1735 74 , -•,•'••.: THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY TO: Ernest H. Ballow, his heirs, devisees and .personal representatives and hls^helr February or any of their succ«sor» In right, title and Interest. Mrs. Ernest H. Ballow, Wife of Ernest H. Ballow: - YOU- A«E -HER&BY SUMMONED, 8, thru 23 P and requirerequlred"rd fbo servSTJ|S6rrST*BRSn J. ~ Marshall, Esq., of Pollack and Matshall, attorneys whose address Is 530 Boulevard, Kenllworth,..N»w Jersey, an'. Answer to the Complaint filed In a civil action In which National Tool and - Manufacturing Company, a corporation SAVE NOW! • " State-of New Jersey, is 1h«- plalnllff and Ernest H. Ballow his hairs, snowsolts, and freshen them up with our SpectacularT devisees and personal representatives, and his, their or any of their successors drycleanlng savings: Only $1.89 each for two weeks - In rloht, title and Interest, Mrs. Ernest just when you need the savlngsl That's real value • y H. Ballow, wife of Ernest H. Ballow »r% — defendants, pending In the Superior "the Swan Way." - Court of .New Jersey, within 35 days after February 6.1975, exclusive of such .date,. If you fall to do so, ludgment by default may be rendered against yob fo/ Call 276:3300 for Pickup and Delivery. ' the relief demanded In the Complaint. You shall file your,answer and proof of* - service In duplicate with the Clerk of the Superior Court. State House Annex, We Honor Tremor), New Jersey, In accordance with the rules of civil practice and' Hi* '$**« procedure ,- All The ob|ect of said adlon Is to deter ' mine that an absolute and Indefeasible Drycleaning estate of Inheritance In fee simple Is vested in the plaintiff National Tool and Manufacturing Company, a corporation Coupons of the State of New Jersey, In certain premises described as tallows: Lot 35, Block Si as laid down, designated and distinguished on Section 1 of the Map of . New Orange. Un'on County, New Jertey on June, 1443; Also being situate 1 generally along Washington Avenue and •-. T •' . NoVth 12th Street In the BorougK of Kenllworth, also presently being known as Block 54, Lot 35 on the current tax map of the Borough of Kenllworth. ' jYou and each of you ere made defendants herein because you have or Custom Orycleanm may have by virtue of Inheritance, descent. Intestacy.'device or otherwise, -some right, title. Hen or Interest ef- fecting the Veal estate to which title is being quieted. : • - - , Cranford, 44 Noetti Avenue East. Mortimer O Newman, Jr Elizabeth, 1304 North Avenue & 4 West Jersey Street. i perk of-,the Superior Court ^_ _. Elmora,wxttOrgawtryl ' Fee: 130 *!». Mo«open6 «.ght4-'i.l

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Page4 CRANFORD (N.J.) CITIZEN ANt) CHRONICLET-hCirsday.February.6,1975

: ••• ••-.. ••-. :.->.- •."-••• ••••• ' '". . Letters to Calendar jEffectfve the weekjof Feb. 10; new pool office hours will be: supertriarket -or. over Tuesday eveptogii. 7 - 8 P m- and v- nmiiimify ' ITA "bacMence."" Take Saturday morauigs.^O a.m. - nopn! ' '.-':'•' To the editor: * , imtiatjve io gp^. , committees to work; tot prised ot facilities and services, '- May I take this opportunity working nucleus thatrcan Monday, Feb. 10 > - , •••• ., advancement- of the township in a available so they may take the to publicly thank the bring about action and results. ' 3:30-5 p.m.: Cfanfopd Rgcreatfoh and Parks Department number•-•qi areas -have bee» ap- greatest advantage of .them. Also! Chronicle's- efficient news Get .out to this^and many i. kindergarten* craft class begins~at, the Community Center. pointed by Mayor1 Burton S. Good- the cornrnuriity as.a whole should be staff who submitted" my public irieetings.of the Board 8:30p jpr- Township-eomnritteeme^iBg attite Murpeipa} 1 comments and concerns for «( Education ^hich convenes ^ m^n7"since he.took office Jan. 5",- ••_ made awace of efforts of those the use of the Initial Teaching every third Tuesday of the ; The. naming of the committees contributing their servicedV- The Alphabet in the'Cranford month during the school yeafc, Tuesday. Feb. 11 ' '• .' ^ r was in line with the hew mayor's township spirit that can be fostered Schools: r^^ well as the They are willing andpbhgated >/30 r 5 ptm. -ICranford Recreation and ParksJJepartQteqt editorial "Serf- "Right to. .V? Jjfact to your; inauines. craft class for grades, 1 and 2 begins at the Community pledge to take adyantageof the talent by such a committee' is bound to J m n in the community by applyflig it have beneficial results. Criticize," both appearing in ™&? °P' P w«J•>•«?' Center. ; ' ~..'-.•- '-\,^ -" " : '., •. ' •':•; An" early challenge to. the new the Jan. 23. 1975 issue. ... tretaingl at all of these public .,' 5:15-i p.m. • Pancakedinner atSf. Michael'sSchoo}. • ^toward local-impr^eme'nt.) • 8 -m.- Cranford High School music concert at the high. 'wiil bet The editorial documented meetingsT— _ •: : ^ By his selectionnof mortrthan 60, committees _._, for UiiS^dissenting, group of -MaiyAmiFionUp, (Mrs RE-ELECTED '.CHAIR- school. West End PI. -^—•••• '•.. : individuals to staff these com- JPay observance, for SALES Parents Against IT:A.'' -Anthony) V- ^vYAN— Vi+old F: tt their, right and obligation to Wednesday. Feb. 12 • r • mittees,-_Mr. GJbodman has assured '••committee" of-.24 has been named. HertzoM of^V Hemlock 37 Wall St. Of 40 Beecn St. recently. the community of contributions Circle was appointed vice bring a very Vital; topic of 1 - 2 pjn. - Ta|k on ''Histqric-Hpuses in Union County" by There has been" considerable curriculum to the attention of •--,'------——wasre-^ectecfahalr/iiaapfMrs.^ Joseph Pate, jcteirmah of the Union County Cultural from specialists in several areas of criticism of-the. efforts, of lack of president of sales fo1 r To the editor: ' ., . , the Bayonne . SaltfaHon Banks Tire Company dfthe public and the school and Heritage Commission at the- Public Library on Walnut involvement. them, made for this patriotic pc- administration withouj the I am., also a concerned Army" advlsory^board. Ave. f ' ; - •' ••' '- •" • ' . • ••-.•' •• •. Jersey City and Us affiliate parent who feeljs as Mrs. Lukaitis, a forme4^bL - Cranford Recreation and Parks Department in his talent search is the abundance have an opportunity to show what or irrational group of critics. Fiorello that ITA should not be Inc. aide, has-been adult needlecraft class begins at the Commurtity Center. Corp. He will be Respon- trie only method available to associated -with the of skills available and ^lhe the fusion of various talents and sible for truck tire and . The article "Parent raps 3:30 - 5 p.m. - Cranford Recreation and Parks Department ITA" was truly a factor in first graders. \ bayonne Salvation Army craft class for grades 3 and 4 begins at the Ceinoiunity willingness of individuals to par- interests can accomplish. retread sales, to ma|or My daughter was made to stimulating the latent feelings the- ppast 20 years and is- Center. t , • ° . ticipate in township betterment. The Committee on Aging is common carrje'r, p/lvate of. many concerned parents participate in this method'now ejiterlng • his seventh 8 p.m. - Bloomingdale, Brookside and Roosevelt Schools The 12 member Cultural Com- another group that^should be able to carriers, steam ship lines throughout this school district. when" w"e moved here mid- year as titular head of this joint Founders Day program at Bloomingdale. mittee will, coordinate various ac- coordinate efforts' being made in- and lease fleets on the East Aa Superintendent of School, year, even though she was policy-making body. He 8 p.m. '"Opening of the sealed box from cornerstone of tivities which formerly had been depently in a number of directions. coast. Dr. Segal has stated the ex- able to read traditional books, served as the 1974 chaTr- Grant School in the Community Room at, the Municipal clusive use of "ITA7 has been Needle^s to sayjt did nothing man otthe Union County Building. . conducted on an individual: basist There should be some threat to tie employed in Granford for the but confuse her The teapher Christmas Seal Campaign with dates and, performances con- together efforts for senior citizen Craft classes insisted she should learn both last 12 years—seemingly with is secretary-treasurer thursday, Feb. 13 •"'.''..-..•• flicting at times and without' any housing, rnini-buSses and other local success, as far as the ad- 3":30 - 5 p.m. - Cranford. Recreation and Parks Departs central information bank about what objectives with services available have openings ministration is concerned, but ment craft class for grades 5 and 6 begins at the Community from the state and federal govern- do these leaders sincerely Center. was being planned or considered by The CraVord - Recreation recognize the I.T.A. distress would be helpful to children £3,-,-«» ,S *, groups, devoted to the arts. > ments. and Parks Bgpartrnent has d apprehension that having a reading-problem in 'Officials Association, tofr~a n notinc^^tJn»t—t hero—a re Friday. Feb. 14 _ A seven memBeFTJeautiiication ~ Thereis adjusting to ' —Public-schopis-closed^— -^—• ———————— Mgenings in the craft classes word formation, Committee should be able,to syn- sizable committees when too many fW grades 3 and 4,'Svand 6 and' therefore, it was pointless to 8:40 p.m. -• Performance of "Butterflies are Free" at tryp. thesize a divergence of opinion on voices to be.heard and?too many the adult needlecraff insist my child learn both Cranford Dramatic CUib, Winans-Ave. , . what Is good for the lownship^ divergent views to be cohsidere Class will begin the v>eek of and students of this towriship? methods. • . aide sthetically and in What direction is Often committees fall bythe wayside Feb. 10 and run for six we^ks. -I'm sure they, would be. youngest- son will . Satur.day^.Feb.,15-^.. . .". .-'" . . Toihe editorr- " - lfrOST-4 p.m.--"Gla'ss, tin ahd-aluminum collection at the: should go architeeturalty. It is time due to discord and lack of .The fee is $7. Congratulations » to the For further able to read, I am recyclipla center, Meeker Ave. -, . some accord is sought in these areas cooperation on the pant of township township Committee for their 7 p.m. •- Scholarship Ball at the Gran Centurions,.Clar;k. appointment of Mrs. Debra rather than- simply recording-or officials who must implement their Parks Department "at 276-8900. Cra"hid fub^ct t0 the same problem Greenberg as the vblunteer- 8:40 p.m. i "Butterflies are Free" at the Cranford Dramatic Club, Winans Ave. noting opposite viev^s; and letting it suggestions. These pitfalls should be because a school board is not cpnsumew r affairs officer. 1 : go at tHat. : • avoided and proper, consideration. Police seize the t are unfortunately •^ M^^^'^^-Orarf«5'- now"'joins The five member 'Information given tQ the ejlferts of the volunteers • expoi toitcurrTntlvTwho method has valqe, depending hundred other New 'Jersey Exchange^Com^nittee should be by those at the top level of local bikes at HS are fearf&jol iotf currently its effect , oonr their who, onth e individual situation. • municipalities who already • MrsrLeonard Zawodniak trained .-officers lieTpful in keeping residents ito-' 'government. ^' • ' - ;•' Members of the Cranford young children Soon to' be have 8Uch By Arthur and Hazel Burditt . ^confronted with it. <^_ 424 N. Union Aye. working in their communities. Traffic Safety Bureau .'-last Thousands of dollars have week confiscated the bicycles From an insignificant figure .1. ."' Syearsago of "40" conceoied parents been reclaimed for consumers of eight Cranford High School through the efforts-of local Township tax'rate is estimated at $7.68 per $100 valuation, Flood coiitrol authority students whose vehicles were who would prefer\not to have To the editor: an increase of 89 points, at informal hearing on 1970 budget. their children exposed to ITA, consumer.officers and many The growing, concern over said the bill -provides checks unlicensed. The youths were The Appellate Division.of Board of Education decides to resubmit to voters proposed flood'control has led to .the - Thin intitcriul pedaling to school in-West End our ' figure has noto grown the N.J. Superior Courts bond issue of $882,200 to finance rehabilitation of Lincoln and against Abuses in Ihe form of closer, to 40 per-cenKof the benefited from-; their per- proposajof iwu :nuw bills' in 'pri'parrd for h^ cc^-whert-^bieyeles—were -RoosevelLSdiools ^^_-__iii_ _--__L^_L1L i try Tlramriiif*"" i Tn-nTori whidL-Wiiiild-e heckedr and-Mrs^-Frank-W—Krajiser during the past few years a miiiprchfi)!ii^t>-plan uf-IUuuL- W(MKlru(f of Crimford. Js this now owners of the real estate at, 30 . . " 20ycar» ., alnle-mo.hts and public -.Youths from whom the bikes enough for since this program has come control management in. the Government Committee, the hearings^ Springfield Ave._, vs> the Mayor Fred Andersen elected chairman of the Inter- Education, Township 1 into being. Rahway and GreenbriMik river • membership of which would- h'ornier Mhyor ..Brady of.- go to Police Headquarters to r-ts- There is no doubt that both -Municipal' WotcrfCommiBsion^— ba s i h. Asseinb 1-y man ministrators and additional consist of the mayor or chief North Plainriefci commented obtain licenses and pay $1 toCurriculum Department to evidence of themerchants and customers in' Snow fall puts an end to ice skating. Close to 1,000 had been Garrtibbo*. and Assem- executive of each on the inability of local fl<«>d redeem the vehicles. The for . he restoration of skating Sunday on the river on iqe eight inches thick. blywoman Wilson^sponsors of give top-priority consideration municipality in ihe Iwisfn, and control panels to act or even to P. - T- A. had' cooperated in to our original proposaLof ah t Clarence Fritz and E. Calvin Shire, are chairman of the the Hahway 'River ' and the chairmen of the Union, agree on anything except thai" making registration .facilities Township's Cerebral Palsy.Drive. •' ' Grecnbroofi: flood hills, at .a option system for the"volun- at Kssex, and Middlesex county something, must be .done. available at the high school, tary selection of ITA or TO, 32-point tax increase predicted. public heading on Thursday planning boards along with a Somerset Freeholder Nero but police reported no to dedicate their landp • ' Milton, S. Doty, road foreman of the Public Work.8 evening at the "Cranford. the traditional basic methods tq'the highest and best use, for five member -Hminon—Jyutu. -«ppos«d the broiid geographic registrations' resulted. • .of teaching beginning reading Department, retires, to Point Pleasant. municipal- huildinn answered committee lo,aot as liaison be- representation offered the, .The department has been the. benefit of both the owners v •. -questions a'nd explained the to our young school children and the community. COREECTION tween the authority and the authority by the bill^ in- .involved in a^rjve to have all here in Cranford? "_ . 30yes.rs provisions of rhe bill as it local committee. dicating tluit Ibis local {action bicycles, licensed for more Real ^state owners of Mrs. Edna Burns, who is Sgt. Anthony Vail, 32, died in Europe of injuries suffered wob{d . jiffcct Cranford area would probably'divide- and than a year. We appeal now 'to'/ the Cranford ate appreciative of teaching a knitting course at 11 The authority would have general public: if you have Jan. 14. He was the husband of Alice Jones Vail and leaves a residents. T' ' <>0 interested" the power to control all waiter destroy th'e effect iveness of tne fact tha\ ther._e is amongo ' the Cranford Adult School, is daughter "Ann: ' citizens,. ^attending' was an I fie authority. -any feelings or anxieties about them such fii residents as -associated with' the Linden in the region which may SPAGIIETf I DNNN'EK. the use. of ITA in our schools, Sgt. TbomasO'Brien of 109 Miln St. is missing in action. indication^ the anxieties ftllt become a-fkxxl hazard find to : Dr. and Mrs. mse who have Adult School and employed by Cranford residents m>t in the An "all you-can-eat " come as a delegation and lend, the National Bank of New Coal shortage grows acute here. No public meetings in the •by those living in the flood establish, build, and maintain Spaghetti Dinner, sponsored the character ^nd.Tibility to Municipal Building (then at 23 North Ave. E.). The state has zones flood zone expressed inixcd •your constructive support at appeal to the Superior Court to Jersey. In a release last week, a'comprehensive fhxkl control by the Gamma Sigma Chi the general meeting of the wiled a limit of five days supply of coal and one ton delivery..- > Mayor Coodmafi expressed management program". -liub Iwlings abouliooti'ng the bill impress upon Yin? local -the vadult school incorrectly . for someone, else's problem Sorority at Union College, _will Board . of Education on /described her as an employe Cranford Hisforical Society named Nat R. Foster a» his 'deep* interest ~in theway's Mayor . Martit'v—Ai&'n' l>e held on Friday, February 7, goyerrfment, the-Vabsolute, president. •//..., ••• "'^-. 1 and le^l mat flood insurance Tuesday evening, Feb. 18, 1975 need for comprehensive of the Sewing and Knitting . pa'ssagj* of this type of dened. out loud .what polities in "the cafeteria of the at, 8 •o'clock' in-.the Lincoln Martin Schafer, 72,-of 60 Bumside Ave. died. He was a legislation as a posihvc step . may do to these appointmeiJTs should 1M> sufficient to cover justice iti their edict; Center, of Cranford and a tlu'ir exposure to' flood loss. Nomahegan Building on theSchool Board Room, Lincoln-' former teacher at •'the Linden member of.Cranford's first fire department.-'He, qame .to , toward elimin:nttiu the flood and Jhc.it'' he, as a ijcllqw .College's Cranford Campus,. ; . ' ' Kenneth A.. McGrath CranF6rd in 1887 from'Ger-many and erected several and Centennial Aves. This is 3NormanaiePl. Adulf School. • prutilem - in our area Democrat. wo(il'd' oxjiect '[» On ti I o rd ;' Tow n sh i p •Available for the general the working groui djor those buildings in the center of town-. >•-' / ' -•. ('•arrubho's bill mandates the share 111 the designation of F.ngini'er Sgroi (leli'iid?d • public, dinners will be served -.. .' \ ' * • • ~ - - in command of' our" youth in f 1 - ' HH'liLsion of all nuiiiii'ipalilies appointees now but that four Cranford fnun general ac between'5:30 and 8 p.m. at a | i. This is where policies Course covei^ world powers 40 years . in the Rahway Itiver basin years from now he might have 'i'us'iitionsdirwtcd toward "do sc 100 into an authority with different, feelings if "the 1 cost of. $2.00 for adults and^,rc formulated and assessed, Dr. Roger Schinness \pf national problems in the George Gregg Tellej, ,81, died'of heart disease.' He was nothing' ' downstream towns $1.00 for children".under 12. former director of the Union .County Board of Freeholders necossflry checks- and Kejniblicans cnptupaNlbj* State Mr. Sgroi staled that IUI per hopefully through the' joint Parkway Village, a membej- spring semester of the Cran- efforts of. educators -and 1917-33, tax collectoj: and president of the Board of - balances allowing for con-house cent of the water flawing, of the government, economic! ford Adult' School, it wwas parents. Don't keep your Education. .'•••. - census decisions but lie also had niis.giVings through (.'ranford came from SOLAR SAFARI and history department at announced by, Mrs. J. B. prevent mg, ilisid center upstreain and Ohal-.Cranfnrd "African Solar Safari" by complaints and queries Union College, tvill teach a AVarrington Jr.,'president- A.B, Caldwell named tax collector by the township about vesting control'with the confined^ to -your local Committee. l^ inaction -' had,,in fnct, spenl large sums Mr. Roger Tuthilfwill.be the course jn contemporary inter- 'iroctor;j. state and^iwked why we could Budget for 1935 in Cranford is $434,404.74. . . Ui|der. the. IHII, Cranford' of'money, on flood control, program at the next mex'ting Dc Schinness, ah authority IKIJ work just as well under a of the Westfield Bird Club on y woxild be re(|uired (o paysmooth* running 'program somewhere in the neigh British:Soviet affairs, Will '"local - aiuiiiirl -Service similar to the -pri'sent sewer borhond of $l(Vt),(KH) in 1973,Tuesday, at the- Cranford Miss Br&nde is named exblore the majoi>shifts in the charRo.s"-tn !«• "''aj)|>orl.ioned authority which is controlled $2()();tlUt) in 74 and, im Extended Care ('enter, 205 balance of power since World PTC schedules among Ihc conslituenl .: locally ' . . cslnnated $200,000 ' will -Hirchwood Ave, at 8 p.m. War\ll, / . • 1 ('•nests and those interested to child center board — municipalities and roimlirs ti+— J Provides checks •,., currently,IK spent in "Hl7r> fyr The spring semester of the defray the annual -expenses of _ Asst/mbiy wuinan Wilson flood water managdrncnt. Mrs R*oherl.—_.Cranfor. Cranfordd , TownshiTowriship Com- budget requests; -recom- Cranrord Adult School began evening meeting the aut>uir.M>:''" of (*y;>hfiir(l willl W' •inissioner Barbara L. Brande mending necessary services, Tuesday and will continuefoF . The autbiinty would lie run ' hostess has been~ appointed, withthe buildings, equipment,- and 10 consecutive_rTuesdays~ gj . t>y nine memlM'i's trmii tlu> approval of Governor Bren- evaluating the institution through1 April 8-The course in Teacher Council voted last course offered. at. Orange, and. river basin area serving League lines Rahyay-Kiwr hill dan T Byrne, to serve on the Miss-Braride is a social. contemporary international Thursday at Lincoln School to Hillside Avenue Junior High" without fiiuipt'iisai inn., and lly KlalncCobuin board of trustees of the Arthur worker for .'Associated problems, willmeet from 8:30 have its April meeting in the Schools- Mrs. Estther appointed by the (invei'iuir regarded as a legislative MIA. luunicipahties and bounties, evening in an effort to' have Reimlinger, president of PTC, rri.\n|rnt 1 wyui'Dl VUDr'tcit Viiicti shane Child Treatment Catholic Charities in Newark, to 9:30 p.m. " The authority vv mild lie Shortly alter the disap- which lias the power of veto ter located in Allaire. Miss better teacher representation commended Mrs. Asch.on her assisted m its decisions by the Assemblyman Garrubbn pearance of AllIV! our Senator over tho Authority, It provides Brando was informed ot her authfi meeting. j\fter much efforts in coordinating the estahlishmeflt- ol a Railway- has intrndiici'd a now Knhway Men/a inlroduce or "the Governor with Ijie consent of stitutional Trustees. She will p.m. was passed by a 14-12 tju'ic were sixty or sn people Kher bill " S7tifi is still m the Senate, and for the funding till i\i\ unexpired term ending hottors its magazine vote with 9 abstentions. • - Mrs. Pat Dougherty an- nounce 3 having. I susptH'l. a common committee which is probably of Ihe Authority's projects Jmie'M. Dr Joshua ' Segal a P'a" for the third experience ,.of dej;i y,n II the lies! place for it to stay through tlio-Jj'vying of local Reserve told its members how annual scholarship BaU were m The center houses, on a The RotaryClubof Cranford su rinlendent of schools; seems we are H<> H itinund on annual services charges short term basis, eighty boys r we trail Russia in most phases progressing smoothly, fhere l.ule'sl instuiriurnl honored "The Rotarian" ^ preparation of e sti the (.'aruusi'l Jor Lhr second, arid, twelve. j>irls between the on its 64th an- cmsed the ™ »- «ckets available. So, the flood W'l'ay.y magazine on its 64th the school budget and stated third or even fourth tune, assembled to Tiear the next R is tliis matter of local ages of five and. twelve niversary with a special 1 fhbd rea revelling rtnt for the 'gold ring instalmienl .of the KaliVtay annual service charges which Services'att the center include .program at the club's weekly Russian Navy " who are. a vote of confidence ched at 276£349ifor further Meeting last Thursday at the superbly trained and wou)(J ^ wiTI) . each- ' U'gis' tloculi'iig saga (iarruhho. seems to cause the most psychiatric and psychological >n the •J people, and the 'information. \ ,( . revolution using Assembly woman concern TIH-funding siction of -evaluation, medical attention, Coachman ,Inn.. The club dedicated and show "amaz- inour Educational Mrs Ruth BanEsT com- joined with 16,100 . other ing" nautical ability com- process" Scventl years a^D, attem Wilson's (ueeiihruok the bill leaves' tlu- ap- special inlucation and SiKial system munity liaison, presented^ wed sultered a lewcostly legislation as a model; lias l*n lionmeni lit Ihe local an service, to the child and his Rotary Cliibs around the pjjred with a larger number in Sandy Weeksj an- Mrs Eileen Peterman, world in observing Rotafy's our Navy, but a smaller Mrs. reside 'floods, ell'orls vM'ie inadi' to introduced A2:tr:l. Ihe Kahw.iv mial service charges up to the family nounced that there are 284 P "t of the Bloomingdale organize Hahway ri.vi>r basin Kiver Klood Control Authority Authority, suggesting that As a member of. the board, Magazine Week. number of»ships and hardware Child Shield' ""Al,^11 a- certificate from communities h> tackle the Since 1911, The Rotarian has to work with, he said. registered the J State PT Hill Tins legislation is vciv they UM'.SOMIO combination of,' Miss-Urande will be respon- HBirtes'. wwhich cover the ™- A for ob- Hooding problem mi ^1 like om old friend Al;'iiif>. weighted drainage area n.e . sible for long range planning opened the doors of the world With over 300 submarines, . talnin 10 cent teacher to millions of readers in of which a number are Yankee community adequately. Mrs. 8 9 Per regional liasis It se«MiH'e» truly I'ahill lound objtvlionable Ihe nver 1, or populatiou. a>r School menu stick on the soles of their Brooksside PTA was the el led ive on itsown a land or apporlionme.nl Japan, from South Africa to would be an easy target from For mer Assein 111 > ma n Moiuliiy. 1'ob 10 shoes. These "hot'dots" will host school for this meeting. region.il approach w.is i|ie Hassano's bill gave to thevaluations The problem with Peru v. their home waters, according Serving, refreshments were Sloppy Joe on bun to Capt. Nordholm. be put on the wheels of the only way However, ins, noble AuthorilN the re^smsibilits ibis is that many upnver; Charles GillettCj Rotary. bicycles of -children passing Jane McRord, SueHumphrey, ellort died lor lack. lor water i|iialil> in Ihe Kali crHiimunilios don I feel they- Frankfurter Magazine chairman and his According lo Ihe captain, Thclma Baechtold and Alice Peanut hut ter "sandwich the test 4iuJh^_.bicycle safely PAGEANT RUNNERUP on Ihe part of con.siituc.nl way The Governor objected should have to" pas lor I'IIMKI committee Ira Dorian, Ken the Russians have ji highly program. The reflectors were Knopf. \ *• Mary Bednl the having a protiliMn. they very Kaplan and Fletcher Gilpin. visited BOO ports in the last Tn« Crsntord »na Chronicle llamburger the courtesy of the Kohler Walter Bednarek \>\ ? (In it /Vllor more years and slate Drparlmenl \i( Knneatl. y si-nd their water down celebrated the occasion with a year. He also pointed out that McBean Agency. The Director more Montis mir t hen lo us The mailer of local- llam salad sandwich Rotary. International we have causpfor alarm from published ev«rv Thufidav &v Victoria C»., was chosen \ iroiwnenial l.'rotection This v of Curriculum of the public second' runnerup for thoAssembly mail'trlassano m seems like a 1 t'.isonahie ob annual srr\ ict charges could Wrilnrsduy. Kob. 12 magazirle quiz. The com- their fishing fleets^ which arc schools is working on final Salisbury steak petition was won by Glenn cleaning out -fishing grounds title of "jVMs's Mistletoe " iriKluced a lull which would jtslion. except that 1>KI' is easily end up 111 .\i stalemate or details for Including minor corporation »l 31 J3 Aldon Street, aa Krimkfurter Klinefelter, followed by Roy af-tr^o" East S- ^ World have cre.ileil .t HiHiway Itiver undei slaltinl arid can't keep ould Iiv in the iinni^'ily which our flejgts are being bicycle repair, classes in the Aulhciiily MassaniTs tiill up with enlorcifig water 'id end up paying Hit; lion's Tuna salad sandwich Mac Bean and BCfhie Kott deprived of. . _ •- seventh grade rotating arts Cr»ntoti:i, made 11 thrntigigh Oie. cont rot "standards In tinv hare ot the -Authority's ex ThwMtiiY, rob. t;i Trjeir fishing fleets utilize cycle. mail postpaid one V*MF. within Union legihlature lull expirei case, the new AJ;1TH doi Breaded fish s()iiare Iridian head pennjes, • « large factory ships which can pageant held 'jecently in I on frTc jH'iises Ueluctanj'e o|'upn\er .The PTCvs supplement at ary CounW »' 00. m N/J . \7 SO. (iovernor's desk 'A victimill rtt'At' 'Vl charge the proposed Authority I'ommumlio lo U' assessed by '• HainburgL-r. -' Robert J3iach was induced and distributer finished Atlantic City.. The 13 year enrichment program has to 1V0SO some quiel political- pi essui 1 with looking after waivr the Authority was made very- Siilaini and cheese sandwich into membership by past products, he said. eiiewnert in U S overheat. old student a_t Orange some say ' This very same hi[| (|uabty vGarmbho's bill, Awiiluble dully president Wilfred Jordan and Captain Nordholm painted date enrolled over 700 children clear at ihe public bearing in Bticlasses for the second H5 00 Official newipaper tor Avenue Junior*High School was introduced again the nevi happily. piTtvul.es lor public . So here we are again, one Cold cuts or meat salad was presented his Rotary pin out that it is very important atso-won-tn* titlo-of "Miss .session, having a new inniiliei , hearings.1 wlucft Milssaiui's did by bis. sponsor Jack James. Jor th£ United States.to. have semester Three schools were Cr«nlord. k»nilworth and Garwood Ttrorr prrsvartrie gnlrlVirrp—l still have registratios this Thanksgivino Day Qyeen" Ailli. and a new spmum/ Hut nuti II provides for a Local -U-gmning to understiind-why JTaik on sea_po wer sea lanes open to keep our -Second Oa» Po»t»o* at in a contest sponsored by 1 which could inrrenjfff the the s|wins«r Ix'came lUherwisi - Government Comiinttee, bnine rule is sacred'm New Club •sandwich Paying"a setona visit to. the economy moving, to tfc Cranlorj Nevlr . j;r«» the' World Twirling in'volved There was no'ope to comprised of representatives Jersey , it seems to IH' the only- Cottage' ch\*si"fruit salad Rotary Club recently, Captain ourselves and to bring in raw' tD^T '"„' .''. .' Association in Woodbury. look after AH\1 and it is now ol -.. the. constituent way any thing gels done * -" plate - Eric Nordholm of the Naval, materials ' ', • • Mrs. Rhoda Asch reported Teieprion* I Ml) ?76 tOOO

I •••*-. •;ThursdaStJEehriary .&1975CRANFORD»N.J. > D CHRONICLlow E Page 5 1:0^ Continued from Pag. 1 ..••.-.,•.-. •'•• "consistent with {he character f>lM«wtfc (raffle, floods Board hearings ^were con- grant zoning variances. ' of the. plaintiffs' property, in February, 1970. Jt-wis denied* . The judges concurredwith a ducted," the ijecision stated: in March. It was remanded to\ the com dedripn followed relation to the surrounding- section of the lowfr-court q^hyKFwaa According to the judges, hi Zoning f^oard for a fuft ..,' ••area."/,; •••"';,;:-.'•.•••. • that traffic conditions, re^ujteainthe board's hearing hearing in May, .1971, ajid.i the Zoning Board and •TThe . decision - noted, th,e on Springfield Ave. are not a ^Cl for jpcr • evidence pertaining to., theagain denied in September, ' mm ^existence of other, apaftanents- reaaair luT deuyingrtheyng - iUfteA Triission to, erect^gardep in, the immediate area a& well i8re:r;,; • apartments. Edward j! _-.—4 yarjaifce,; sought by ordinance ''an issue not within. The rejection was fought in as churches and commercial Krauseand Lor Fran-Kse. Hofcbie-of Hillside was at- establishments within a block. its jurisdiction to decide." Superior Court and: decided in torney i«f tbe' plaintiffs—the The court also discounted Ttfe judges decided; against favor of the township by Judge I The three-judge opinion held Rahway River flooding as a Krauses and ^Lor-Fjran-Kse that the township is not remanding the variance Dreier.t The appeal to the Corp:, on the record as Con- bar to Teaming. It quoted application back to the Zoning^Appellate Court was filed in. compelled to permit usage' former Township Engineer tract purchasers. . precisely as .proposed by Board for a new healing or to CfcTober, 1973, and ttrgued last Patrick J. .Grail as testifying the Superior Court JriaHIBurt Nbvehiber. -' - " . Ralph P. tayldr, Zoning Krause. His application was ; thesecUon of Springfield Ave. ••••'• ••"-:-?'£•><•. Board attorney, said he feels for a 30-uriit, three story for new.evidence.' They did, T 'The' 1.4 acre site is located involved was. flooded only however," criticize a lower between Miln and Holly Sts. "thp board has teen - vin- apartments with 30-foot twice in recent years, that a . dicatedlnasmuch as the court setback, 12 feet between ; court order under which, the on allot with 15» frontage^oja third of the,area was unaf- case earlier was sent back to Springfield Ave. and 164 feet did not 6rdj£_ihe granting of buildings and parking 2&f£et fected and, finally*— Qiii the var " from the street. /: the Zoning .Board of Ad- along the Rahway Rivetin the . nrecftuti^ns against flnririing justmpnt fnrmnrp tftStirnony rt»arTTH» IB-mom hptlst>, was 1 "1110 Board oMIHjtistment _The _ which can be taken in the building, an_ authorization-for. .fornieirlylusedbJ!>X physician is sustained in that the court include 'Carton," process. agreed with its finding that the Townshlp.Attorney Donald jR- for his office ancT home. The «™tha ut th*e .Referring-.-'to the local Creightpn to appear in behalf jtfoperty adjoins the three- plaintiff's proofs- were" M t J*-consultant, Jiearings, the judges stated^; of the Zoning Board in Ihe story Riverview Apartments^ inadequate ;.to allow the MosKowitz, nao ad- The:hearings' were unduly "*""~s-~'i;"'"' • ...i.:_u :_ ... _J;^;, _•»• granting of the ' requested proceedings. which in turn adjoins a five-;«.s. , that Springfield Ave. be extended an determination of ."Under ordinary " cir- story apartment, CranforrL. ""*' variance," Taylor stated. rezoned for townhouses and the issues made more com- . - Asks consistency •'/' cumstances a municipal at- Toweps. .Dr. Krause pur^: SHE'S A WINNER r- Ann Hogdn of Cranf.prd, center, Jaycee pageant chair man." Also in photo are, froro- thai the County Planning plicated alid difficult by torney of course should not chased the property in 1969 for , The appellate decisions-alls Board . proposed more "in- receives tfSOO scholarship award as Western Union left," Donald Nowicki, Jay-cees president, and Beryle reason of the unorthodox ; represent the municipality he $61,750. . ' ° County's Junior Miss for 1975 In contest sponsored by for zoning regulations tensive- use of the area. manner in. which the Zoning Bur4 10O,37«.O0 126,197.00 : 131J31.00 not .conducive to,the kind of *l$2^.SXrS& volvingjuvenneoffendersand to recognize'.existing npn Patrolman Gregory Drexler, reportqd stolen Jan. 15 and the State Aid ' - . : \- Q. .• • .0- •0- conducted 310 parent-juvenile ' Federal Aid »•'••• - • •0- .0- atmosphere which should department two years ago. It conforming use." the'thief or thieves forced" a other; a io-speed green Withdrawal Capital Reserve. •0- , •0- •0- have prevailed.and the court is one of 15 made by the conferences. " w rear door and lock, lo .gain: . Miscellaneous Revenue 4). . 0- •o- - Noting that from the time Londoner, Jan- 26.;' .' • (Bl) TOTAL. CAPITAL OUTLAY - ' . t HJ,9«.»7 240,191.00 126,192.00 prqperly criticized" such agency to 14 units of govern- the No: 30 Springfield Ave. 'entrant*. Among equipment DEBT SERVICE • » • ' ^TS.- Harriet ^Jodleski of" 14, conduct." . ment for programs designed* Central Railroad property of Dr. Frank W. discoverecl missing Sunday Appropriation .Balance "•' • » 54.ltO.t3 C'ranford Ave. reported the Balance Appropriated • . Long litigation , "to reduce crime and improve afternoon by Dan Eaposito of 65.000.00 39,118.77 Krause was zoned for two theft of her son's bike, a red Local Tax Levy - ..» ' - ,. 837,303.18 835.IW.00 841,806,33 .. The original variance ap- replaces. 16 trains State Aid , . the criminal justice system in family use in 1959 until 910 Murray St.1 Avenel, the 44,311.00 44,381.00 44,381.00 plication was made * in Schwinn, frortj Orange Avenue Withdrawal Capital.Reserve - •0. •0- •0- the state. The Central Railroad litigation over the zoning proprietor, were' a' cash Miscellaneous Revenue .rgv ' . Junior High. . l TOTAI np T 1M.3M.21 Company of New Jersey Feb began in. 1070 "the townshiop "register vnlued ut $570, an 945,271-fipJ. 925,ito8.O0 %" Reflects Actual" Appropriation i^ s Balance July 1/ " " snitiff nf Its rtlflor -ordinancei^ adding machine at $f>9 and a | UoFice reported the arrest l (C-5) ADDtTT. (EMERGENCY) ,. * - equipment now in service on provision for apartment or pocket calculator, $49. •hit Beverly Denial' RuacJi, 18, STATE SCHOOL BUILDING AID I 0- t 0- of 815 Gporge St., Plainfield, CAPITAL RESERVE FUND 16 weekday mainline multiple Tamlly use." Police alsoreporteda break on a charge of shoplifting Jijn.' •0- •0- passenger trains between into thu.home.of Milton Rabin State Aid from Current Expense "Thus all the apartment •0- . Newark, Somerville and at 44'B.lalu> Aye. Entriyic'e was 31 at the Pathmark store In' State Building Aid •o- •0- projects in the municipality, Interest Earned South Ave. Miss Roach was 0 - o- Rarltan ' with .'Completely gained by breaking a rear (D-l) TOTAL CAPITAL RESERVE FUND numbering about. 10, either 0- 0- • •:!:.•' arrested by Patrolmen TOTAL REVENUE ALL ACCOUNTS reconditioned self-powered antedated the present zoning basement window, and rooms Sll',460,776,67 SI 1,599,0$5.00 (12,949,519.00 William Conneil and William APPROPRIATIONS rail diesel cars similar to ordinance or were erecled-as a of the house ransacked. There • \ 1973-74 > ,1974-75 1975-76 thos<> which hwve i)ex>n in is no report as yet, on what was Ctrsscy on^ the, stort's com- CURRENT EXPENSE TExpendltures) (Appropriations) (ApproprlatlonsT -reslilLjof. variances granted by ~phiint. Mr aHpg^g^TTnric^-ac^— taken. The break is being ADMINISTRATION ' service in the joint CNJ- the Botfrd of Adjustment," the complice fled the scene before ' Salaries < I 250,3M.>4 I 378,958.00 t 324,618.00 Reading Company runs investigated by Detective Contracted. Serviced • •• • . 53,871.55 46.150.00 49,500.00 judges declared. police arrived. - All Other Expenses . , 44,f37.32 " 53,115.00 63,311.00 between Newark and Phila- The court cited a "flurry of Samuel Cynibaluk and INSTRUCTION delphia. • - activity" after a 19C9 court Patrolman John Jiicks. . Salaries • . '»5,7»4,782.90 t6t419,634'.00 M.927,505.00 Central Railroad police decision overturning the Multiple thefts-of bicycles Textbooks 96,344.48 •7,521.00 92,983.00 Two weekday trains arrested two boys, one \2 and Libraries & Audio Visual Materials B9.319.44, 103,470.00 141,189.00 Zoning Board refusal to gaant were reported to police this the other 13, in- the act' of . ' Teaching' Supplies ' .309,638.00 ' 292,343.00 operating between Newark week and last. Theft of two AllOther. Expenses 1M,513.» «147,4»3.60. 197,013.00 £nd Phillipsburg, train 5713 spraying spotted paint in "the • : ATTENbANCE AND HEALTH SERVICES bikes from his garage at 436 which leaves Newark at 11:45 rest rooms on station plat- Salaries - Attendance , . I 23,7O0~.O0 % 35,240.00' l\ 39,344.00 The jBayle Co. Ueec'h St. was reported ..by forms. The-case was referred" 'All Other Expenses - Attendance 0- •0- . a.m. to Phillipsburg, and train Salaries • Heatth T Q 137,457.09 i } "<»eorge Beer.They included' a to thft.,juvenile Bureau. . All Other Expenses - Health J.9M.30. 4,680.00 '4,176.00 5726 from Phillipsburg at 2 TRANSPORTATION '- • " - *. - * p.m. to Newark, will also be cites readtors Salaries', . . % 54,198.81 « 58,541,00 65746.00 "',"• Contracted Services & Pybllc Carriers 434,134.00 ;454,733.00 replaced with the rail, diesel Replacement District Owned'Buses 10.31J.00 10.800.00 0- - . cars* . * . ~.'r for 1974 sales Grime prevention pair . New District Owned Buses " . " " 20435.00 •UI its *;. ..;•••" Currlcular Activities 895.00 : 3,800.00 - 2,800.00 . Mainline trains on weekends general sales meeting at the All Other Expenses • - 11,577.00 13.310.00 1 and holidays will 'utilize-the seize; theft suspect . * lncludes*Prlvate School Transportation Cost . Coachman Inn recently ' OPERATION . rail dieseLcars, providyig a l . WiHiam A. Boyle Jr., An experimental crime. Raymond was released in $2(W •-Salaries ' ,'. l444,002 .47 > 441,480.00 480,464.00 more pomfortablc ride for rail 1 president nf' the company., A • Contracted Services . , ^11,780-00 . 15,520.00 14.6K.00 users and a more dependable prevention program in Ihe -bail . . . Heat • • ' • ' „. ' ', ' U»,0M.«4 139,967.00 157,158.00 k reviewed the accomplish- township lasUThursday night - Segear and- 'ITierniann, a Utilities' •' • •'' 1B9.M4.9O 198,014.00 329,676.00 service. Because rail diesel ments of the,firm for the past . - Supplies, . 47.W4.13 62,307.00 - 76,61^.00 cars'use less fuel.than the brought about the'arrest of a-part of the crime prevention All Other Expenses • , - 1,47215 3,950.00 . 8.015,00 . year. Gifts were presented for conventional equipment bc\pgj l<>year-old youth in a stolen operation, were m art ,un- MAINTENANCE -, outstanding accomplishments Salaries 45,449.31 "75,764.00 103.W3.OO replaced, this movo'by CNJ 'tw before, the owner -was. marked police air m assigned Contracted Services ... r •- 117,380.91 132,553.00 In listing and selling aware (if the theft. —-to areas, to high-violatioh' .'Replacement ot Equipment . S3.I9A.06 . 58.816.00' will reduce energy con- residential property to, in the are h was tyew or Additional Equipment .81,108.93; 65,004.00 sumption, aiding the govern- Arresred and charged with " " the .second time All Other Expenses • . ' • S*iJ40.J0 ' 35,360.00 ment 's .fuel conservation . Crnnford Office, MayJi'oehler, auto larceny was Willie- F last month they apprehended. FIXED CHARGES. >«,— .$620,400, and Virginia Panzer, llp " [ Emplfiyee 'ReTTrtimenT Cbntrlbutlons *- l71,414.O(r progr^anv——;-• —-— Raymond Of 1201 Chandler « .Kt'd-'car thieves in the I Insurance & Judgments 25;,3«8.00 conrm'-«f the n ncrarmrr— Rental of Land & Buildings " ,240.00 Ave., Roiselle ftayinond wan Interest on Current Loans •0- In' spite of. the. mortgage halted in South Ave. EL near . Other Fixed.Charges •0- crisis and economic conditions the I'nwnstfip '^fTht> by Tult(*i 50,000.00 Pru salesman . SUB TOTAL- t9,767,4&4.00 during 1(^4, B^iyle reported Pa.lrolmun Robert Sogturr and SUNDRY ACCOUNTS another, -banner year in William Thermaim, who L tops million -Salaries "' ^al««—for the -WHS- unable—Ut Other Expenses l •company-with over JHO,(MX),0«0 p.t ~r&p*ri<«tur»s'to Cover Deficits " • "— "•—•«*)§.*>- 4.M0.00 • Transfer of funds from Food Services to Student Body Activities by Board Resolution for thejotal in volume. for the 1964. P^utiiac he- was dollar STUOENTS BODY ACTIVITIES - ' The Boyle Company, with driving.iir a driver's license Salaries _ .- offices, jiji Klizabcth, Cranford. Investigation *evealecl the t Harry borfman of 449 Or- pther Expenses ' ' i M«rristf;wn ajnd BernaVds, Expenditures to Cover Deficits I t'ar was owned by Kohert' K chard" St., an ;(gew with' SUBTOTAL ville, is'.jjthe exclasive re- Prudential Insurance Co.'s SPECIAL PROJECTS Hu|e<, of B1H Sterling St (Federal andybr State Sponsored) presentative of the (iallery of Plainfield, who was unaware Chatham district, has sold ESEA Prolects , - Homes in thews.ari'iiw. moro than a million dollars of Other Prolects \ f Send the FTD his cur had Ween taken. SPECIAL SCHOOLS AND EVENING SCHOOJ. Thsurance during l(»74 for the ADULT SCHOOL \ " f 'sixth,.conserutivi' year. Salaries : » Supplies 1 Dorfman Joined" Prudential Other Expenses ' ._ „ BUILDERS GENERAL'IS in 1967 after many years us a • Trinsfer of funds trim j^AdOlt School.to J 7 Vocational Evening Account by Board Resolution-' SUMMER SCHOQL retail furniture store operator - Salaries , • $ 51.41SSB » 81,950.00 I, 44.100 00. in Summit and h;is received >lle« : . ^ JJA.O4 J00.00 -^L itOOiy SERVING ^TViMtfiT SINCE CRANFOWT fHy . VOCATIONAL EVENING SCHOOL (Salaries) F'residenl's Citation's and (All TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSE, CAPITAL OUTLAY ' other awards' for-sales' Sites . - \ S3.W4.40 achievement. Buildings , n.jn.ro Equipn>enlReoular j 1 IB I) TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY » I1O.7»4.V3 » 140,l«l60 A U144-—g-Fttiitw,^*—-op --- - vi, *Tranilarof $1M.370 00 Irom Capital Outlay Surplustoy Board Resolution We«|iiahic High 'School in DEBT SERVICE - ' _ ' PrlnclpaWT ' —»4 - '• I 525.000.00 J "SlslBOO. 00 "Newark, he received'a US " Interest . ' 450.4*5.25 430.37L00 , degree in business accounting (CD TOTAL DEBJ SERVICE » »75.4»S.2S » 945.271 00 HEADQUARTERS! from Rutgers-University in TOTALS (Sum Of A, B, CI * * tlO.64O.4«4.M 111,499.055.00 1950 He served as an ur- • • includes fully sponsored Federal »nd/or State Prolectt. DO IT YOURSELF? ' tillerymarr in the Armv during CURRENT OPERATING APPROPRIATION BALANCES JUNE 30, 1974 World Wur II. . A CURRENT EXPENSE ' — . ' B CAPITAL OUTLAY- ' • . • 'NO NEED FOR THE HIGHWAY' Dorfman is married to the., C DEBT SERVICE Ji ** ^ former Ruth Kngel and'they. TOTAL BALANCES JUNE 10. 1974 STAY IN CRANFORD AND PAY LESS! ha_v£two daughters, Toni and TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND BALANCES JUNE 30, 1974 Diam.-. » IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATIONS * COMPLETE STOCKS OF BUILDING AND "• ' July 1.1973 to June 30,1974 This Valentine's Week UNEXPENDED IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATIONS JULY 1. 1973 -Reach Out and Tbuch ' HOAAf IMPROVEMENT Cl'CONTRlHt'TIO.NS. REVENUES Julius K Pollatschek of •Bonds or Notes Authorlied Her with flowers. * SUPPLIES! Local Tax Levy I'nion. president i«f the United _ Authorlied Transfer of Balances \Ceret>ral .Pajsy league of Other Revenue (Prior Year Canceled Orders I * OUR OWN CHANGE ACCOUNT^! ' TOTAL REVENUES -u . . _ * FREE PROJECT "CONSULTATION SERVICE!" ~ -Union County: today urged all TOTAL REVENUES AND BEGINNING BALANCE > who 'pledged donations in IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATION EXPENDITURES ' - *•• * DELIVERY SERVICE SII«S . , ' - United Cerebral Palsy's BuLldingt / .' Annual Telethon Jan 25-26 to Equipment • / -. . v> YOUR FIRST STOP SHOULD 8! TOTAL iMPnOVEMeNTAUTHOmiATION EXPENDITURES forward contributions im . UNEXPENDED IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATIONS, JUNB 30.1974 mediately if they have not TOTAL:EXPEN0ITURES AND ENDING BALANCE • ..i already done so. Pollatschek Yh» tentative bodtiet It on til* and open for liwptttlM «rom Pebruary ».19.7S to February II. 1973. Iht date.Of hearing, be " BUILDERS tween the hours o*9:00 A.M. and4:O0P.M..on thvdays whenuhoo(lslmlMslbn. Inthe Office of thf.Secreliry of the Board usk

\ .' j •-"• -. *•

- : Vage6 CRANrSftb (N,J.) CITIZEN A^ CHRONICLE ThursdayVFebruary^, 1975'- ; -•'•: ••••.',-.:• •••.• •>•.:.-•>:

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There will be five-can-,.| didates for the three Board x>f • Education seats to be filled, fri/ 1 --the March-.11 school election. I The UaL candidate to Tile a' I petition before . last •Thurs-.J day's deadline was : former - aboard, vice 'president "Dr.

y W. P. Griffith , Edward TemkirT Dr. Harry W; DougiMrty Crane Pkwy. ; dougherty, -a senior unit is organised for Doufehfeyty frl biochemist at Merck. ;~ & Co. ,-Rahway, *erved orrth.e A^meeting -was held -at-the" JSlyey -will ..be_ca#baitman can dp this without the lengthy board from 1970 until 1973 •of Harry Dougherty, One of'the importaiit training period that is when he was defeated in .a. candidate for. the Board of reasons that Dougherty should required for a.new person in reelection bid. Education, on Sunday to make . Be elected," jftingle" statedj; this position." • The other four .candidates,, plans for Dougherty's eleption "is because his. Rast e.x- v, Other, committee members are Mrs. Arleen Walsh and campaign.. Malcolm S. perience bn the board will- are:^Robert Baechtbld, Mrs. Harry Baron, incumbents; W. Pringle, chairman "of the immediately enable him^ to Kathleen Greenfield, Mrs. P. Griffith and Edward campaign com'mittee,- an- pick up a full load of rer Ruth Pringle and Mrs. Esther Temkin. '' nounced that Mrs." Edna sponsibilities on the board. He "Reimlingte^ Three candidates' nights Open Thurs. Feb. 13 have been, scheduled by 'til 9:30 a.m. community organizations.- *- i.'i ""V The first will be at 8 p.m. Feb. seeks Candidates 19 in the cafeteria of Hillside Avenue Junior High School, The Cranford Republican sponsored by the College Committee to Encourage SHARPSHOOTERS,— Cranf'ord Police Pistol team which team captain; John Lowrey, John HT.cks, William Ther— Women's Club, the League of Candidates for Township won l?74.champujnship of .Union County Police Pistol League, mann, John Stanler arid Art Anderfeon. Team won 17 match- Women Voters and the Office has announced that it is Combat Division. From left "are Patrolmen Peter Vergalla, es,.lost only 3 in league competition. Association for Better Cran- seeking candidates on a" ford Schools. The secortd will community-wide, basis. The be sponsored by the Village committee is asking- the Improvement Association at 8 citizens of the township to ship p.m. Feb. 27 at the Municipal suggestrnames-of people jvho would-make-good-eandidates 1 jB7p "The Union County Police- scoring Honors with'an 98.42 County are represented in Ihe the combat, course the shooter. didates" nighi will take place for public office in Cranford' Pistol League ..announced per cent average- Vergalla Union County Police Pistol considered more demanding. TheCranford team believes at 8. p.nx, March 3 in the Suggestions should be today that the .Cr>hford Police also copped the league high League,.. Combdt Division...! It consists of shooting at the combat coui'se is a more Cafeteria of Orange Avenue Pistol Team has+ieen crowned score .with a. "J98 out of 400-. ("runford is looking forward to silhouette targets " from forwarded to the commllleeal_ beneficial competition to the Junior/.High School, under 723 Linden PI., Cranfdrd, M.J. *:. the 1J)74. Combat Division Vergalla's league . honors a grMld 1975-season starting in various positions, The course police bffit'er as it simulates sponsorship of the champions, Tire' Cranford enabled Patjolmarr Jack 07016.. * . •- '•• ...••••-•••: the Spring of 1975.. They are- tests theshootera dexteVity by+ actual field" conditions. Orange and Hillside Averfue team compiled, a formidable Stanier to capture Ihe learn hopefu that the Kli/abclh forcing hinvto sfibot right and, The matches "are oh a Junior High School PTAs. TO/MI* • • -••' i Salon de record of 17. wins with only hfgh average- award with an Police Pistol Team -will enter left handed; and from modified 25 yard course at the Dougherty released, the Williams introduces rthree losses on theiPway to U2 lilt per cent record. Ihe ("ombat Division. barricade positions. Time pistol range just off the following statement: '-''*". • •<• 107 WALNUT AX/E. 276^616 first place honors. Stanier's individual* high . Demiiiullng course limits . are enforced Tor Kenilworth . Boulevard in "Cranford has a good school Cam p. Satety bill . Cranford. Palrolifiiin Peter ('oiT)bat 'shooting differs loading, fjrjng, and reloading i Cranford. There arehoReafof a system and we-should Work to Vergalla"*canlured"l-hi leayuj: Most of tlic towns in Union from huildcyc typeyshooting,. putting additional pressur on 50 yard range facility in thekeep it that way. Parents, U. S.. Senator from New; FASHIONS Jersey Harrison A. Williams' near future, where National teachers, administrators and Jr. has joined today in in- -Rifle Association (NRA) board members must work to troducing/legislation that School Board member is cleared of assault matches could be held. . maintain our standards iti the face, of pressures from-.the would establish—nationwide— Stephen Uracey of 7H'High' ' .Judge l^conard said it was"bodily harm to the "•'severe in announcing his decision. economy and legislation by standards for safety for "§{., a member of the Hoard of child or that the latter actually Gracey was represented by the firsl tinie in :t() years"on the the state.' •children's camps. Education, was .found not •bench he had encountered;! 'was m fear of physical danger. attorney Arnold M. Warhaftig, The Library Board meets-Iho third Monday ol the month «t tho director's ' "The Board of Education CHUBBIES REGULARS guilty in•" Municipal' Court "half a i'harge" of assault and "1 ho|H' this will Ix) the end also a nTember flf the Board of olHcc at the llbrory. 3J4 Wnlnut Avo , at The bill, the Children and Tuesday night of verbally hajlery. Me said he. did nol of a fjg-ht and the beginning of Education, and Mrs. Severe 8pm.' must often balance conflicting Youth. Camp Safety Act, WilL/ 8V2 to I6V2 4 to 6X needs of these various groups. assaulting a sixth grade pupil l>elicvc Gracey intended to do a peace/' Juidge U-onard said by attorney David Lazarus. be referred for study to the 1 to 1.4. The charge against ('racey 4ls-roain-cegponsibility is to Committee • on Labor and was heard by. Municipal Judge insure, that the constitutional Public Welfare, of James T. Leonard, sitting in. mandate oL 'thorough and Williams is chairman.X place of vacationing Judge Visiting nurses end 50 years service efficient'education is granted ."TT . /. . t0 every Cranford student. . The goal of this legislation Charles J. Stevens of ("ran grow into nn organization carried out in cooperation 0 ford. The complainant., was had come in the inini of a car Wallach Also serving .s Mrs. With this as a guiding thought, f j. protect chrfdren at- whoso hallmark" has boon high with the medical profession, *->-•' Hamilton, Director of effective Solutions to -tending camp-by/festablishing M.rs-. David Severe of MOl" for Ihe nurse lo inaki' her standards of service to area each nurse implementing the". Cranford's Welfare Agency, edu^aVional nron^ms" rnn be standards Thoma.s St., mother of the home visit's. families in the fields of directions of the patient's ahd representing the Cranford acLved MSSenSfmy throughout the nation would sixth grader irivotmi nnrr" OFF ON CHUBBIES | p Board of Health, is Sanitarian youth of /• with; at a herself a seventh grade drastically since- the therapy, new horn The volunteers on the board minimum,"; regarding cam- teacher at Orange .Avenue Thomas Ka'rvelas.' Cranford, and my willingness OR REGULAR SIZES -association's mcoptnin in l!>2:t maternity care, community of professional advisors are The association is governed pers' health and safety," Junior High School to work will allow me to; when the nurse either hud to vaccmutionsand inoculations, Doctors Watkirjs F.- John, by 25 volunteer board Senatqr Williams explained. walk ki make-hep home-visits contribute toward making our Mrs. Severe had charged disease prevention, and chairman; Edward M. Coe,members. An office has been good school system even tyiore or rely on the trolley Ilinl ran. •numertnis " olhVr 'Speciali/.(vd J)ouglas S. Langdon, Henry mained at room ill of the Gracey with threatening to on South Avenue The Agency effective." "pull jgyery hair" from-the services The work has been J.Mineur and Jacques B. Municipal Building with lVirs. head of her daughter in an Lillian Halpern as secretiry. Dougherty, a Cranford. LEARN incident in_ a sixth 'grade, The professional nursing s aff resident for 10 years, has'two ELECTROLYSIS NOW! classroom, at "Lincoln School has been supervised by Mrs.children in the Cranford on Nov. j{. Mrs.. Severely Theater activities span25yrs.Sue Bolan, R.N., B.S. school system. He is serving 2 on the school board's Future the KREE daughter and ("rave^.s i Rewarding career In •> "It s what I do. Some director and actor at. th«i,Foot- player brought an adaption of ThP soPe>visor and aril 30 daughter are. members, of H|i> Directions Committee and the . permanent hair removal-' - fellows stand in line at the first hills Playhouse in lUuind "Spoon-River" to.a tnoetine of nurses on-th'e staff have Either committee that will reconv Age no barrier Full or parHime. LOCATiONSi class Day or Eve Men, Women tee and play 3(5 holes both days brook for iryyears: The W.est rf lf rd Wo| 1 taken or arranged' take Club " " •' n«. n's College- mend policy for selecting Come, write or phone lor _of the weekend but this is what field ComiVtunrty Players have other nursing positions. I'rneey testified .that 1 cheerleaders. The candidate FREEBpOKLETK. Severe's 11 year, old daughter 1 do. ' Hill Toddio, director of also employed his talents , . also is manager of a P^ny and "classmates had harassed the ("rariford Dramatic Club's II was- during a run in' The. Toddies live in West- .bank, tells team in the Qpanford Baseball MISS CINDY his daughter ahd that he had winter production "liutterflies.-, .Trenton that Bill Toddie wa-s Jiejd. .. Tlvey| have two OAKWOOD SHOPPING PLAZA 100 WESTFIELD AVE.. EAST , League and is active in the OAK TREE ROAD & WOOD AVE. GQR. WALNUT ST-. & OVERPASS addressed, his remarks to the Are'l-Yee," gave |his answe.T-.'introducer d to the Oranfoal daughters and • two grand- IS] W. 4> SI.. N.V. 10031 • 1213) 1114210 children Bill is personnel inCome youth minister of Calvary EDISON', M.J. ROSELLE PARK, N.J. teacher, Mrs Cora Leonard, concerning Ins stage uctivitiw Dramatic Club Linda ' Hei: MORI!) S f tMDUS ItUININl, >HB3633 director of Eastern Airlines in- Lutheran Church. 548-2229 in a cfinv.ersatiiin Hi. the to his boss al work when IK- man, who is. well, knivwy^-fo Thomas D. Sayles Jr., (\I)C audiences, was in |he .New York Cjty. classr(M)m shortly after .the was asked what lie did with his president and chief^executive EPA RATES'RAJBBIT' same • production and chiMri'n returned Iran Unich. spjHivlinuv officer of The Summit Bancor- Environmental "Protection .suggested he give the ('ran-' "Butterflies Are Free" will MTrs Severe's daughter and a Billts interest in the theater,, poratipn, has announced the Agency, according to Richard dates Iwick' to his diivs.. in forircluh airy lie hi'gan the be'presented-on trie stage of 12 yt'ar old classmate testified l operating results for the year Hamilton, president of- local phase"of his career as the Hu Craiiford Dramatic Club, thiit the verbal threat by Biieknell University where he ending December 31, 1974Jervewei. n Volkswagen, at 900 lead in "Dylan," a. very 711 Winuns Ave. cuh-for three t-Liuiciiy had^ bAi.e,n. made ^j-et'eived a bachelor's degree Sayles stated that the netE. Elizabeth Ave., Linden has demanding role' Following directly to. Mrs Severe's in int crjiatioiial* sorvfee' wet>konds, Fell, W and 15; 21incotrie , (his, he . directed two club daughter • '. • UiHinjjf'summers home \\\ and 22, and 2tt iinc) March I.. tf—^$2,42b, dm -fcted-the-Volkswagen-Rabbit; I'lHsburgh ho took courses in assemblies, "The levers" and The curtain rises'at BrTOp.'m.- represented a gain of 20 per a*;., the second most 1 all aspects 'i»f the sttige at "('allows Humor'" Last fall Mrs. Usmard testified that An extra peftformariK'i'.will he cent over. 1973'8 figure of economicadomestic! anl d „importe car do fmake 201s, Carnegie 'I\%ch [le_[)li\yetl Ins he appeared in Ihe mall; k'ad $2,010,000.' Income per shace Ihere "hiid In'en JI problem" held at 7-;Hop in Sunday, VA\ tested. The tests showed the of "Hear Friends" on the C15C for-W4 .was. $3.98 vs. $3^,29 in between the diiunlUers nf first r*>lc- 23. ' ' ' '" Rabbit delivered 38 miles per graduulu. i stage. ' - . • . 1973, These results showed a tiriicey and Mrst^L'VL'ie since the^hfghwtfy.'ana 24" for his niastt'i"'^ tllf second (la^; in school and it Fur several years HilJ operating trend begun in 1974. mpg in simulated city driving. had continued' intormittently Columbia', his i'literost mplaW headed a •group of- ttiuring The despite efforts of herself and 'and playing ' grew ti»pi(lly nlayt'i's He, Hobby (Jlermair; Oil.l tht" sch(Mil pMiu-ipal to lev Currently tie tattes acting who played his outranged wife (regularly $10.00} . • • inmate it Lessons in in "Dear 1'ViciuLs," and a third 150 princess sheets & tOO envelopes V "You might say I've been or 100 monarch sl^rfs & 100 envelopes . - A.I iOLiftt otiil LhurLh nutmci should' an itinerant player for the rt'ncM «J«' ( itifi'n ,,im t tw onu If itltu ,• r Wood or & 100 envelopes no Inter IhAn 1 p fit t filler 'Of nscll'Oii past 2.i years,"'Hill reniiirked about his inore-lhan serious -Special I urn *lle has been Fire calls WiilKrr 50 extra shdPUfnot printed) .Ian -7". ii -):i a in . (Vnnfonl lli^li Kdiool. electrical fire . only 1.00 with order l Exr-AA PRINTED SHEETS OR ENVELOPES .i-(Ul.p.m.,-Kiversuit' Unve, brush (irr. \ Division First Regional Securities, Inc. ^__ (with same punting as b^sicoidnij • .Ian 'JJI, to »vi ,a in . Hirchwood Ave , accident-til al.trin MEMBER, NEW VORK STOCK EXCHANGE SINCE 11*9 RENT A NEW PLYMOUTH t! 17 p in . Jersey Cerilral KH and Walnut Ave , trash 50 pnni8d princess sheets 2 50 A . Westfield SOjjnnled monarch sheets 2 50 container' . "; —* —50 Drtnted sertii-nol©^ . ^ 5-50— . '"'" ~ OR OTHER FINE • in JO p in , Walnut Ave . investigate gas odor 50 D'inled onvBlopes ' . "~ 2 50 , Jan ;!0.'I ;M p in., Shadowlinvn Way,4»rush fire . 232-2686 Open Thursday Evenings, it HELPFUL ORDERING INFORMATION I - it :">() p mv Harvard Kd , burned out sump pump*. CHRYSLER - BUILT CAR ;» iiV p in , l'lloommgdiilt> vo , nas leak in street. Any name ond address imprint slyle toloctod-will bo pnntod on' sheolff (or notes) and 10 Hi p in , Hillside Ave.'odor of sinnke" onvo|npo5 Ink cnior chqiqojn blrjq^olivb grgen. doop ^rey, choco!a!c foo*n _ FROM Jan :il. 7 :">H pin . So t'ninn'Ave and Marsh St . false Tho monogram stylo (as shown-l vwill bo printed on, shoots, or notes o/Wy. with envolopos \jnpnnted It you !>H\ AiitH yout narmoand address Wnprinl (with mohogram on shbeis or al.u'tn _n»//,) rriattjo And you should speoly stylo lor envelopes (•'eh l.il -ill" pm , Mohawk & Mohican I'l . automobile lire I Only been driven GRECO'S I't'l) '1, I M p in , liU'ii Aw", electrical -problem HM. JOHN R. Jil«IINAT>4Y toy a little ok* Ivory Stmi-Notii N10H 47i KArr owmooa r**H GARAGE Imprint vs - AVIS BECAUSE 272-6090 NI001 "We Try Harder" -. WE CARE Kiown: VS

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! •'.-".•.'"•" •• . - • .••,*•• •••-.•. .•«•••:*' if " Thursday, February 6,1975 CRANFORD (N.J) CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE Pdge 7 .

•-..*•• M..<^F':ll7l• "'•>' -. ; •'•:.; ne J&hhsonmarried

••v'.-.. :•',-". ' •'' "' /•-. , '.. *<."'• •• novelist, .a half years, Mrs. E.EMooUy ; The music department' Saturday, "Swan Lake" by Miss- Debr? Variderhoof, Officiating at the. 4 p.m. the Wvide. ' *" ^ ."*'•:. :. vthe will present the-report ahd ' rrieeting will be at the home of" Tchaikovsky; ^'The' Prodigal daughter of Mr,; and 'Mrs_ ceremony wertf Rev. Edward ^ TWbride isa 1971 graduate name^pt .Henrietta comment on her experience? -Mrs. J.R. Corwver of 4 Cornell Son," Prokofiev" and Sin-' James VandcrhooT ' of RanT Myers, pastor of Sr. Mary, and"o£«ahway High SjjhooT and a —F....—•be--. there~Her talk oh thfe" iOth i m on Wednesdajr^tt way*; Txcainfe fl ie . bride •, of Rev .Pa til. LeMceq of thfr Fin of the literature N.V.State Thcatf •Wayne "Jdhnson. son of -Mr. Presbylet'ian Church. A Technical In'stitmC ScotcV rirfeeUritf of the" on three novels about an Irish L jt>Tth>:.{pz^im;Aoa Oncoln Cenlerv—Arrange.- ,and Mrs, Wayne'Johnson of 14 reception • followed' at -Pos-Plains. She is-a ffg WedneSday-Mornlhg tiuli on dqftor who -emigrated' to Elizabeth-Ave, on Saturday kay's. Linden.-' with the Exxon Corp. in Flbr- tJreat ballet companies, meats were made By the ••-• -;:..-v* Thursday, Feb; 13, at 1 p.m. in directors ana-impresarios will.' chairman, Mrs. A.R. Mirante". 'in St. Mary Church. Rahway... Given in^ marriage by herham Park: thehonie of Mrs. ft B. Lopaus The study, of Sweden will be be reported in group par-", **(j v.1 ••".** * •• ' • •" t' .father, the bride had her Mr. Johnson," also a 1971 of li;Beeich.St.f with Mre: H; led by Mrs. h. G. Taber at the, A / current . exhibition,- graduate • of Cranfot)d Bigh. ticipation. : -."'. \-,,:. . ';•')•''.••'-•:'. >'. sister, Christine Vahderhoof E. Young as eft-hostess. * current affairs department "Contemporary Stage Design: l^.TVfi Munson, 'of Rahway, as maid of honor. School and a 1973 graduate of meeting in. her. home, 113 Fifteen members attended -USA," was also seen at the .Other attendants ' were, the Union County Technical In- Having resided fn, Mel-' Mohawk Dr." on Tuesday at 1the matiness' performance of Library- and. Museum-of the JWisses Nancy "Miller of Wefit- stitute , is a technician with 1 the N.Y. Oity Ballet on. bourne, Australia for one ami p.nv. :•;•. '•..'• ••'•.'••.:.• ••.-,•...: ^'rforming Arts. • .. Hoffnwn field, Deborah -Bertblo of RCA, SomerviUe:.'" t Union, Betty Ann Johnson of • Following" a honeym,oon: of ft-; Cranford, sifter j. of ' the skiing in-Canada, the couple will livg in Rahway. V •• bridegroom and Dorirfh Moller( v -/.-.-•.•.- '>•• ufeddihg ot Rahwny, cousin ,of tjie" feAVvNMOWER REPAIR • *• • . "•t-ivjisj s Rgfieccn- g • •. „ brides ^ man'n and Charles Lee Mun-' COURSE list Haymorrd Johnson acted as The Union, jCounty son HI were married Jan. 6 in his brother's best man. Ushers The Roselle Cranford Ch -'. event, where cooking, serving Cambridge, Mass. The bride Vocational Center in Scotch 1 were Frank Kopf of Cranford, apter erf Hadassah will fete 140 and entertaining^Ts provided is the daughter of Mr*'•''and Plains will offer a ^0-week ^by members. * Mrs. W. Jon Hoffman\of 10 David Johnson K>f Cranforrt. course' in "lawnmower repair.. members ai a cocktail party brother, of the bridegroom, and dinner Taesday at 6:30 Dinner preparation is under Willow St., and the *and- It hegins Saturday, Feb. 8 Mrs. Charlotte Sacks and Mrs. daughter -of Mrs. Jacob and Gary and Randy Vander- from 9 a.m. to noon. Tuition p.m. at Temple Beth"El, 338 hoof of Rahway, .brothers of Walnut Ave. These wdmeh. Bea Kaplan.^Chairman pf the Stanley of 9 Sylvester St. will be $14 . " have all donated a.minimum : Youth Alliah drive is Mrs. Munson's parents are Mr. arid' .of "Chi," (in .HebJ-eW the Harriette • Koved, with Mrs. 'Mrs. Charles Muhsori of. number 18 and the symbol for ^Janet Schwartz as coor- Wollastoh, Mass. ' ^ life) to • "the ..annual Youth dinator. "' y Alliah drive. " '! -—^ - ' Entertainment will be by an. A gradiiate of Cranford High HEADQUARTERS FOR YOUR • ..Their cjmtributions will amateur string quartet which School, the! bride" attended insure the continuation of the includes William Gross of Moravian Seminary, Bethle- VAIENTINE GIFTS Youth Alliah child ^rescue Cranford. Mrs. VVayne Johnson hem, •* Pa,, and Temple . movement, which is presently University, Philadelphia'. involved in helping to educate Mr. Munson received n B.A. UP TO OFF and integrate newly arrived, degroo In political science Russian children into Israeli surrogate retires, from Pririceton .University, in 50 km „ life. The monies will also help 1968 and a master's degree MERCHANDISE CLUB NOW FORMING Hadassah Israel Education hist .«ye.ar from Harvard Service and the services of- University's Centpr for Middle With this Ad now has 'will'1 to travel -fered-by-the-^Motber-and -It-^^n^talce-much^>ilh-^st7 ^he-remarlced. — public-schools-and^Speneer^s •HKash*rn—Stadtcs7--He~-was--n- Child Pavilion," the obstetrics power" for Mrs. Klorence Her fellbw •employepy s College in Jersey" City. A - fe.il ownt t h e A in e i; i c a n -unit of Hadassah' Medical Moritz'of 211 Lincoln Park E. honored her in December at a widows she has a son, Robert University, in Cainv ht the Come 4n For Details Center,- where Israel's new to head south for a.Florida retirement dinherat the Town W. of Warren, and a daughter,. .Center for Arabic Study 'quintuplets * are being Nur- : yacatioitj afterv a 30 year and Campus, Union. • "" Mrs." Joan Hughes of Cran- Mr. Munson. ancl his bride, PENNY PINCHER CLOTHING OUTLET tured-. \. • • career in tfte surrogate's 1 Mrs..-- MoritMoptz attended ththee fardtard.. • -/ • '.,..>• ' ';• who urn .living in OiirrvbcidRe, This, dinner party has/ office at ...the Union Courfty a/« w i t h t he A gt ricy fo r 19 N. 20th STREET, KENILWORTH become an. annual chapter Courthouse.. . Models in Boston. ' tu«i. thru Thurt. 10 JIO Frl. IO-« . Stt. 10 $ 10 272*570 Mrs. Moritz, who' retired Police offewiips Jobs for women Friday as deputy surrogate, notedj she will spend some of meeting topic herhew leisure time traveling Continuing Education ' will and Florida will Be her (irst on self protection be the subject discussed ai stop. .•"••• *•"• ' : . Sgt. Michael Deane and Det. Do "not "enga^eVl .unless fhtmngtpnk •\ Mrs; Norman A. Lehoulller Monday's meeting " of~ the woman James Washbourne of the forced to, they sttid. If a^hief College Women's' Club in worked her way up. from a Cranford Police Department wants your money,-give it to. • - ,t 4" Fellowship Hall of the clerk typist. In the early days, gave atalk on protection from hi""m and" run .'I""f yo u are- force .d i Presbyterian Church at 8:15 she related, the job entailed thieves and rapists at theto engage a criminal, Tight FABULOUS Bator p.m. Betsy . Brown and extensive typing of w,ills monthly meeting of the hard. You may surprise him Waymen Steengrafe will -be because / there were no Business and Professional and this will give you vuluable the speakers. duplicating machines. Wills Women's Club, Iric, last week Um6 to escape. You are not a Huge price iwn is the president -now- candt»eybpHcalirf=itL_a_ at Marisa's Restaurant. match for him—get .out. of EVE Services, a non-profit fraction of a second. The three magic words, . '"Miss Christine Victoria Bloomington. He is-erriployed . organization that provides job Bator "of Cranford and Nor^ With the "growth of theaccording to the policemen, The two officers emphasized by the university's division of development and referral are "Habit, awareness and the fact that the police now on man A. Lehoullier Jr. ofresearch, where he is involved services for women. She will county since. 1945, however, Bloomington,' ^hjd^f—J*^re the work load in the. engage." They said welcome your involvement in research grants in com-give a slide presentation and get into the habit of per- and'cooperation tn combating those married JanrWlnthe Church munications and health care commentary about women- surrogate's court has informin- g acts of prevention crime. FABULOUS of St. Anne,. Garwood. The management. • - returning to work. creased„. ., sh.e pointe... d. out„. . •Th• esuch as locking doors and "We arc. a' ------bride is the daughter of Mr. amazing r Steengrafe, director of office also handles settlement" iighting up datk areas Be organization but cannot do ant] Mrs.. Walter' Bator of 832 (IN'GLES DANCE bf estates, guardianships and aware of ihe' ''unuguai- jn" much without the help of the continuing education'at Union H _ Jewish-Gollegiate-and College, will speak' on -adoptionsr your neighborhood, taking cortnmin1tyT ~tlTcy noted Rev. Robert J. Rischrnann ifessiorial Young Adults of Mrs. Moritz commented Ah lk New Jersey will hold a "Continuing „ Education and down a.license number or a After-.the talk, a motion believe . assistant-pastor, officiated^ the Future?'; '' • that shehas enjoyed her work, good look at'a persbh foreign picture was shown titled the ceremony, which "Sweetheart Dance" at Russell's Log Cabin, "675 Mrs. John Onufer Is pparticularly meeting the to your area. They said these "Crime, in 1he Streets," A furs" followed by a reception" at the program chairman for thepublic. actions will be a big help to question and answer period Starlight Lounge, J^hiden. i Raritan R&, Qark, on Sunday" 30 years went too„ policeJater' ' concluded the program. ; • evening Fel). 9: The dance will evening.'r "The 'NT • Escorted by hef father, the v •V- bride was attended by herbegin at 8 p.m. and end at midnight. This event is .sister, Miss^EHzabeth Bator, V-. s..i<- and the rJMdegroom's sister,^ planned for Jewish single men Miss Annfe Lehoullier, as"-and women from 20 to 40 years Get Important Savings While Helping To Conserve Natural Gas! *• .honor attendants. " of age. The bride holds, a B.A! : y degree from Seton Hall sale ' /•••• University, South Orangef The Brookside Place School' where she received an PTA will sponsor a cupcake economics award. She is a sale at the schpoT.on Tihurs- third-year student at Seton day, Feb. 13. frbm,9 a.m. to 3 Conservation HalfcLaw School, Newark: p.m. Classes wiH visit the sale .Mr. Lehoullier, son.of Mr. • \\ and children may make pur- -and Mrs. Norman Lehoullier chases. The pjublic also is of Taunton, Mass., is-a can- invited to attend, didate for amasterof business They took like real fur, They are 1 Plans for the sale werer administration degree and a announced "at tjie PTA's Jan/ All Gas Ranges warm like real fur. And they're dpeforate jnlmanagement and 21 - . board mieling^ Mrs^ Opanter Top Burners styletf in today's exciting fashion mass communications at Patrick Callaghan, president, WaJIOvfens ' I ndi a ha , Un i v er sit y, presided. . • ~ • ' favorites. They're the "Fabulous «. . ' - Fakes," Fleminyton's superb fur Katz, Allen Look-a-^Likes. And they're ajl prtce-slashed NOW ,. to give.you the kind of'savings you've dreamed about* plan August wedding S " Mrerand-MrsrJosepb-Katr- MrsrJoseph-Krol-of-SO^West-- PABOLt)US^SALE PRIGED FROM $68 TO $228. . of ^Bayside, NX. have an- End PI. - \ ilhounced the engagement of. Miss Katz, a graduate of 'trjeir daughter, Ilene J. Katz,:BaysfdeHighSchbolih 1971,is~ to Allen J. Krol, son of Mr. and a senior honor studentpf food Replace Now and nutrition at the University "When you replaoe your old gas SUEDES, LEATHERS AND CLOTH COATS TRIMMED WITH THE of. Rhode. Island. Following range with a.new modejrp^gas [HINQ" AT LOAM, LOW CLEARANCE SALE PRICES, TOO. her graduation,in Jane, she range you actuaHy useless gas plans to complete a dietetic in- A huge selection of- ' ternship to qualify as a to do more—tbantfs-to better membetr of the American design and construction Town & Country coats Dietetic Association. features-' with fine Flemington Mr. Krol is a 1969 graduate fur trims^re reduced • of Cranford High School and You also cook better on a mod- for final clearance ^ecatved—a—B^-degitee—in~ gg zoology from the UniverMty of time than now to replace_your Rhode Island.He is | com- elegant leathers and pleting requirements for a old gas range. Save 10% on any JM£h'n8_: c?rU^cate *or range by such famous-makecs superb imported and

5 as Glflnwno'rt. Taripah-Maglc.- Krol is a graduanVadvjsor to Chef,,Ha HardwickVann d O'Keefe & plus fur hats and fur the Kappa Rho Chapter of the Merrititt Ov(Vaia l ovens and counter trimmed sweaters, too! Fraternity of Phi Gamma top units. Choose from"white Delta at the University of and popular decorator col6fs USE OUR LIBERAL CREDIT TERMS Rhode Island. CLEARANCE The weddiVig- is. scheduled Prices include delivery, normal installati6n (excep< for for Aug. 17 in Syosset, Long counter tops and wall ovens) and a one-year^warranty on SALE Miss Ilene J. Katz \ \ bland. N,Y. • parts and service PRIR^D Anne B. Cure is bride-to-be Mr. and Mrs. 'Howard G. Both Miss Cure and Mr. $38 TO $418: Cure of 122- Burnside Ave. Kalman are graduates of lizabethtown Gas have announced the engage- Cranford High School. Miss A Subsidiary of National Utilities & Industries ment of their daughter, Anne Cure attends Westminster Bernice, to Frederick J. Kal-Choir College,. Princeton., Mr. ELIZABETH* I MENLO PARK1 WESTFIELD* man,-son of Mr. and Mrs. Kalman attends Union ETOWN PLAZA I OPP SHOP CENTER 184 ELM Sr •289-5000. , I 289-5000 289") Frank H. Kalman of 24 OratoV College. / . '- 'I Op^i riif^-. til" 9 10 V Dr., . PHILLIP8BUBQ NEWTON ROSEBE^RY ST SUSSEX COUNTY MALL PTAs to mark Founders': Day 859-441 r • RT 206 >383-283O Dj.i, 8 30 i "' ip» / A combined Founders' Day legislative chairman. Her Hi., i.ig um • 1 flemitifftim fun* mating "f the PTAs from to'pic will be ''PTA's Sit 9 I n. I ij i, r OPEN SONOAV ft EVERVOAV Brookside, Roosevelt andnLegislative Role." '. .'These showfoomyofion shopping nights ana Siilu'days " NO. * SPfUNG ST FLEMINGTON NE Blobmingdale Schools will be , Oiler good only'i_ttj-8fea8 serviced by Eiuabelhtown Gas 3rit~oLlt{t'World •> L.ifgo*! -held Wednesday at 8 p.m. a,t i A_,question and answer the.Broomingdale Avenue period wilL^ follow the_ School auditorium. . . program. Refreshments will rONSfRVf NATURAL (.AS IIS HIIRI fNfRI.Y! —GTOBt~5pea*tgr~wm be-Mra) be served awd-all-wno-a; Alex Gtordon, PTA-,. state. interested are wejeome.

I"-.- • : I r> • I ~*


•'•' Praae8CRANF0RP

Guwleri expected to fill vacancy -on coiinHl •A' GARW->OD The name Miss Gwrieri to fill the time in its history. Mrs. Doris entire council, despite the cilman, and F loV|r -Democratic-; ••• nn .^iwfv^raiPftwh-frnRepijntlc-an. Mann- a repuftncah, was, political split; can work, were turned down. ?j {*>.. io aiting p 1 trough _Coundl is expected Charles^orbac^as swonfin ^nJn^JanJ.^^^ ^ harmoniously. _;.,-. '. ^».»J J^S-KPg!will make ^} McCarthy • of Gan^oVShe with tKe appointment of 30 Beside increasing the 'and Mrs. Mann will work well own ap'p^i'ntnierrt at hT ^alsbTaerves~3s secretary of the: so there really are, not top newly organized Garwood year old Miss Georgiana Democratic majority to ,"4-2. together, describing the lattajr many differences," she Feb. H meeting. J. ' Gurrieri to a council Vacancy: Miss Gqrrierrs appointinpnt as a "hard worker..... ^ Ml ; Historical Society and-the The Democrats, who now have would- givc-the^Council Two . The c o u n c i woman- commented. ** * ; JMiss Gurrieri, '.a > legal Garwood Bicentennial The Democrats, who now have woald^ g Three nominees of Mayor secretary with the law firm of Committee. designate also'-'believes the a 3-2 majority, reportedly yflll 'female members foMhe first Horbacz for the vacancy were Berenson, Kessler ;. and .The Board of Education of substantially 'affected by the rejected by the Democrats-Woodruff in Westfceld, is A lifelong Garwood resident Union County Regional-High rising costs of fuel oil, elec- " Frank Wanca, forfpem r GOP president of the garwood she is a graduate of Arthur L. . School District has adopted a trieity, paper, salaried, gas, councilman- • , William Berryj Dem'6cr|itic Club, secretary of Johnson -Regional High 1*75-76. budget of $12,949,519, maintenance and, traha- SPEAK THE LANGUAGE former Democratic School, Clark,-and resides at an increase, of $1,350,464 over portatiort. the l)O|id coun- thVBoardof Adjustment, vice, 211 Third Ave. - chairwoman-* of the the current budget . of statement noted. The portion $11,599,059, A board statement of the tentativebucbet allotted -said the proposed budget to salaries for the 1975-76 "School year Is down by 1.2 prt: perintendent cent. However, thepoKioh of . the total, budget provided for ttansportation, utilities. and FLOWERS to state council Voters '•• from' the six maintenance is up by 3,7, per '^Special education superintendent of schools to provide for the high school Regional communities will be cent. . " . ' ..*' progratns in New Jersey appointed to the - 15-member student who is in need of stolen as ed to approve current ex- public schools must continue council which is charged by special learning techniques." pense, $10,166,788; . up The special question of to expand to meet the needs of State Law^l8A':46Xo advise the He noted that students with $1,485,426; capital "outlay, $14,381 involves the purchase . aU students with learning commissioner of education on learning, disabilities require from ship $126,192,down $113,999, and a of temporary classrooms LOVE "disabilities," stated Dr. The^development, regulation individual programs and the special question .of $14,381 on whichhavebeenleased to the Do'nald Morachnik, and implementation of special assistance -.-of learning GAJRWOOD- Thieves got purchase of temporary district since 19)89: superintendent of_ schools .of educational programs. resource centers which many away With more than $1,000 classrooms, on Tuesday, Citizens are invited L6 BEST the Union. County" Regional worth of equipment on board March 4. Although the current The Regional district, schools are not presently participate in the Board of High School" District', who was equjjaped to offer.' • •. . the 83-foot operated by expense-portion 6f the- ten-> Education's public hearing on recently appointed to -the superintendent.listed three Garwood Ship 70, GarwoodT tative budget projects-«an the' 1975-76 tentative budget on priorities he believed essential Needs of impaired ' Commissioner of education's < "Lastly, schools must Sea Explorers, according to increase, "the capital outlay is Tuesday, Feb. 18 at 8 p.m. in State Advisory Council on the to special education. Capt. William Francen^ down by 47.6 per cent. The the cafeteria of the David First, he said mhe need to structure plans which meet • The break occurred at the Handicapped. The district the needs of severelyimpajjced debt service is also reduced Brearley Regional High includes David.Br'earlejuHigh provide regional residential Rahway River in Carteret, for the 1975-76 school year by School, Kenilworth. For ad; facilities to aid the larger and multi-handicapped where the former Coast Gual'd' Scfiooi, Keriilworth. . _y.auth." stated.Dr. Merachnik,. .'"2.1 per cent. -,•".,'• ditionail information call' the Dr. Merachriik fs the only number of youth . whp&e- vessel is docked. A radio The cQrrent expense mbnies- office of the superintendent of problerns require a-com- In all, Dr. Merachnik rioted direction ; finder and other schools at 376^6300. bination of out of home place- that a commitment must be electronic devices were taken." of the Regional District are Valentine's Day Suggestions: - sincerelymade by a "pprnpsn 'of owx present Rug Cleaning p., Merachmk—notpd^that ajsiracifiTcTtt too TuIfiirUieniifmine.neeo' s oi financial situation, we are . CASH-& CARttY. "large'statoinsUtaiiorisdonot all its students. He stated that mahie, to replace most of the. Uarwoocfcalendar- \ adequately provide for young to place students m groups is equipment,"„„..!„.„.».,«' >"• Francecv»^nn nsaid«;j. people who need to beqcloseltaJP1 me answer in meeting Thursday, Feb.,6 ..._ ' __ Fresh flower arrangements HernOted'that the scout unit Noon - Senior citizens meet at. St. Paul's Fellowship- home but shputd -hot live at-.special, educational needs, is faced with an expense of home '•-•••• "^. Special programs and plans Hall. : , . . v . .:.••.••*.• / — about $1,000 for hauling the 3:15 p.m. .Girl Scout Junior Troop 444 meets at St. Fresh cert f roses •'•'..• - must be developed to-satisfy ship put of the water and : v "Secondly,"' explained the theXspecific educational p p Anne's. . • - superintendent, "school requirements of each disabled repairing a bent propeller. / 7-9p.m. -Girls basketball, nok hockey and.ping pong, 7,8 systems.must determine how young-person^ "This maintenance Will - and 9 grades, Lincoln School. • Valentine's Day plants deplete' ouirtreasury of most. 7:30 p.m. - Sanctuary €hoir rehearsal at St^faul's _orallof our remaining funds," '" 7Y30 p.m. - Girl 'Scout Cadette'Troop 361 meets at Scout troop plans bre Francen said. For Promprtielivery Order Rowers EARLY 1 Franklin School. -— ,'••''" One of New Jersey's Oldest - GARWOOD-- Garwood Boy' A court of honor was helcVbv He said the propeller was .' Reliable Rug Cleaners -•• 7 p^m. - Laaies Auxiliary of Fire Hose Co 1 meets at Fire . Scout'Troop 75 .will h6ltf" its* the troop 75 recently. Thexdamaged, during a. rescue House. * ' ;, -. Bugs CloanetUn Home, annual pancake breakfast following "boys were awarded attempt at Sandy Hook in' • Installed and Repaired Fridays Feb. 7 - •%-• Sunday, at St.- Anne's School merit badges: Chris Turner, September. Because of the 7 - 9p.m. - Co-ed tvight, 7, 8 and 9th grades; Lincoln cafeteria from 7:30 a.m. to 1. fishing, small boat sailing,%damage>he maximum speed School gym. ,..' "- REKEMEIER FLOWERS II\MK\II - EMERSON .p.m. Tickets may be pur- water skiing; Dave* Williams, the ship can reach is 10 knots, 7:30p.m. -Church Consistory meeting at St. Pauls. 332 Leland Avenue, 753-8600 chased from-the scouts of at rowing, .small boat sailing, ' Francennoteotheexplorers Saturday, Feb. 8 - 116 North Ave»/W. — 276-4700 ^Cranfprd PLAINFIELD the door. Tickets .are $1 foe sports; Matt Rinaldo, ar- are seeking new mekbers. *'- —-• -:;:=•'—13Q-W; third Ave - CH 12700 -^ Rosellg— "^^" — -OpanS lo^r0iUi(r5*l^8 to 1 1:30 p.m. - Junior Girl Scouts-troop 762 at 657 Myrtle ' 'Good only LelnidAwenPliln -ehildrenT-$h50-for-adullsr- cheryT-smalLboaUsailing^ , .-Anyone-mterestediaasKedto- AVe: •"•*•"- ' contact him at 241-9271. ^^ Monday, Feb. 10 - ROSARY LUNCHEON ^Ip.m. -Girls.ScoutTroopfl26 meetsatSt. Anne's. v -GARW60D^- The. Rosary 7 iSOp^m. - 9 p.m. - Boy Scouts meet at St. Anne's. THE WISE Altar Society ofThe Church of 6:30-9prnr- Boy's basketball, 7 and 8th grades, Lincoln OLD OWL St. Anne will sponsor a School. >\ * " "" ' , . . _.; SAYS- "AN "Luncheon is Served," at f Tuesday, Feb. ir\. / ;' . . ' p.m. Thursday, Feb.'13, in the Noon - Garwood BJAary meets at Oakland House. - ANNUAL EYE parish school .cafeteria. Baby 10 a.m. - "Morning Group^meets at St, Paul's. EXAMINATION sitters will be .providedr-Mrs^ —Wr3(rTnn77^Sewirig—groap—meets^at—Str-Paul^ George Knierim, finance BY A PRO- Fellowship Hall. . ^^ chairman, is in charge of 3:30p.m. - Brownie Troop. 353 meets at Washington FESS4ONAL arrangements. . Ticket School*." ••>• • \^ -__ MAKES GOOD ' chairmen are Mrs. John J. .3^30 p.m. - Brownie Troop 446 meets at Franklin School. McCarthy and Mrs. Daniel .4: p.m. - Confirmation cjass at St. Paul's. ^^ . - SENSE!" Swayze. 6:45 p.m. - St. Paul's men's bowling league, at Echo Lanes. > - , • \ 7 - 9 p.m. - High. School basketball. 8:30 p.m. - Council meeting at Borough Hall. " . Wednesday, Feb. 12. . : . CL£AN 9:30 a.m. - Women's Guild meets at St. Paul's YOUR 3 p.m. - Brownie 1^00^328 meets at St. Anne's. .PRESCRfPTION TO, US 3:30 p.m. - Brownie Troop 414 meets at Washington FOR EXPERT ^RLi/ICE, School." -. . • ." ..'• AND A WlbS RANGE' CARS 3:30 p.m. - Junior GiH Scout Troop'206 meets at Franklin School. OF FASHION FRAMES. 3:30 p.m. - Junior Girl Scout Troop 551 meets, at St. Paul's. _ . Walter Ruskowski's 8pjn. - Ash Wednesday Lenten service at St. Paul's. WANTED Coffee, in Fellowship Hall to follow. CRANFORD \wm\\\: Ecology projects raise $1,100 GARWOOD-The borough's earmarked for, a borough OPTICIANS ecology: program netted more beautification project." P\ans VOLKSWAGEN- than $1,100 in 197.4, reported are being completed for in- 14 N. UNION AVENUE Councilm.an Robert M. Egles stalling -six wooden planters 900 E. Elizabeth* Ave. Jr. at last week's^ council containing Japanese' holly 276^71^4 Linden- , , 486-6200 meeting. ' ' ". ,vplants along Center "St. and Through^ JUne 1974, thg/Iwth Ave. pr-pgram Earned $616, ac- * . • cording to,Mrs. Betty Patrick Egles urged residents to of-Willow- Ave. f -one' "of- the-save-glass, - aluminum and An ,. j,/$ l •., -i . i, ,. I'.inl- i "ffi •! '7. !ii -,'l- iiii] •''.• inTPtrr-T-^-^T^rnn- feirders—of - athev - ecol qgy metah,and hringihem-to-the- J I Mi }-.K|i \' M Vi program. She reported to monthW recycling drive the .i.i • , , 11 1 >.i I l«-,-l-ll 11 | .1 '.I i | • 'ill II II 'I V'< • . Ill •! .1.1 Eglps that "the amount, was—third- Saturday of each month" 11 i !•. ill. i1 " i.ii-1 , Hit v 'i 'i. < 'i • r v i, !• ""i -i >! i •, r.n \ \ \\ divided evenly between the at the .Casale .Industries i : Ch*cking Plu» Free > S • • ' *. L • - I I' •I'llM'i ill I i.il.i: i. ' • , !iii riU| till • Ga'rwbod' Girl Scout Troop, parking lot. He expects the which staffs the recycling collection of scrap paper to ; .,l !..,l.mi. .• ,-. ..-..•- • •! >.W '•<*'• ,H ! ri 11 -itwlili 11 •! I • •<•.- -.- . center/and the environmental resume in February,

1 study groups, at the public In addition to helping the H. .'!!•, I 'I i ,• . .ll..j|;." ". I'H. . l' '!. '• "•,.' Showroom Sale schools to be used for a tri^. environment,. Egles' said, i • i : •! i Checking Plu» "Approximately $500 was recycling profits help finance \ \ \ ) \ \ \ \ collected during the second, scouting and school programs, half of ihp voar «'hirh • i«j and' beaulification projects. •v* One-Sl

•^•Overdraft Checking I : DIAMOND

1 '•^it->". ' •'• •-'' ' -i ; • ••' ' ENGAGEMENT RINGS" A'ND WEDDING BANDS from "•"Automatic Tranilcr ' ' • < Mono 1610' !i ", v •.!••'••', . • i . "i;" I-, i • , : , V i .'!••• .-.; ' Reprodactlon of i .. :: ! •.,<:'<'• ' I ,i antique wood works OFF clock Imported \ German Cuckoo •Sr (LOCKS. Checking Plui LIGHTING FIXTURES • TABLE LAMPS TIMK At mi • GIFTS HM.riK

LED Lights up at the touch of a While Quantifies Usf lUlion to ihow th« time in noon. Inutes and J»condi Reg. $375 Ciect^iccU 263 50 fll?i? Costume Jewelry Urr Some pocket watches United Counties Trust Company Rvpair Bone on wher;e good'tfiihcjs*stnit to ^appon " ~"•'• ~^y" 49 SOUTH AVENUE, CARWOOD 7891102 i F-oclcriil-Husorvt.' S.ysti-ni Diiyosils IHHV msuriHl u(i lo S-10 000 hy FDK' 4B4 BOULEVARD — 276-6583 • ) '.f. f. •

,«-.-•. V-, Thursday February 6, W5.CRANF0RD (N. J.) CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE Page 9 -' ;• .- • '•,'.• ••}:••:, • •' -


- Ruth RutbtJ tW ddughter bf Dr. "and the orchestra "for production of ' Schlenker and Frank Ian- the rtvpsical- • .: •••;'••istnu* -ViV";'.',; .'••••/; ;andFMrs. Gedrge Schlenker of. fflwP *B*>earley's production of "Carnival" at Brearfey in narelli, freshmen at ' David 501 (juinton Aye., plays "Damn Yankees" last year. March. . 9 .Brearley '• Regional. High ; clarinet. She was a member of' "KENILWORTH-The Board btfard washable to keep the programs Fra named School, and menfbers of'.U)8*tV^^ntraTjer^'lhtenned-. M "^ t^e sonof Mrs arid •tv of ^Education has adopted a budget increase to a minimum in oilierdislricfe..-;.. - Brearle*, IU..y . Band™__-,J - havL-e— .•.-!_...... ' ... Mrs. Frank Iannarelli of """ PARTY FOR BUND .^Kiah..._nliip_jei^__eztfjpOOr iate Qrchestra in 1972 and •I=r<^BoroUghrVejected by the Democratic selected as members, of ihe -No- $1,357,786.85, Whjc^ would _,_ malting cute in funds for reduction in fixed charges and 1974, and concertmaster of ttie; Society d( v councU held a specialmeeting majority at the Jan' . 1 ^Central Jersey Region II Central Jersey Intermediate clarinet. He attended Union require a tax increase;of tuition and maintenance, a R800 reduction in debt 0 Keriilwdrth will sponsor a : : Tuesday jfight to appoint aMceorganizaUon meeting. The ™8n S™ ™ Symphonic Band, Band in, 1973. She has been a County Band School the past i . - .t-•,• ------$46,127 or a half point. according^) Superintendent 'service:.' : ;"•'••'••'•••-.-"-'•:.•••.••„'• \r-:T; new borough aUorney^Democratsthen had 30 days to Along with approximately 500 member of "the' New' Jersey two summers and studies sQcialonFeb 16,a theMount of Schools ^ohn Kish. The. district -has been peivately with Donrfld Whalen ®?™}e} ^"d ^J? foI, ** • County" SuperfnTenderit of notified it will receive $190,000 municipal prosecutor,- make their ownappointments, v^^t students,.. they Symphony Preparatory Or-- member the library Board of *Io action was taken on the* auditioned for a place jn the chestra for toiu' '4' y^ars, the ofCrianford. ; f- Blind in Newark. Mr?. Mary Schools Dr. William W^st "We have a pretty: in state /aid, a decrease of ° n 7 • • ••• . -, Marino, chairman, has an- approved the budget Friday: economica, l budget- ,• but„ it Trustees* and member and appointment of a neW poTTce"* ^°« JJ«Y #Raritan- High Kenilworth Summer ; L l Recreation Band for six years, Both .students. Ruth and nounded that pizza, cake, It willbe presentedat a public won'taffectour jjrograni.'V he Kish said the board may alternate to the Board of Ad- commissioner, which is . ex- School. Ha?]et'. Frank will also be members of .coffee'andHce cream will be justment. "-"* . . i bearing Monday; Feb. 24 at 8 CpmmenteoV''I s^rno ill ef-. reduce the teaching staff if pected to come ,up at next the orchestra for the served. 1_ There is a decrease in enroll- ^Approved by 4-2 votes wer* Tuesday night's regular' Founder's Day set ft** HidingJdj*,,-, ^ft^ l^t&i ment. '' "••'•'••, • Aldan 0. Markson as borough council meeting, Total appropriations are up ab?u» $5,000. from main- attorney'.. to'a one year terna. 'The Democrats plan to Jbti64J37 5JLiaer_th^nri»R«»n» Jenance 'expenses an "We: wohH know until April replacing Charles, Irwjn^ replace Gutekunst, who was Kenilworth calendar J _our annual IfinHpr- by PTA at school budget of $1,293,349.35. deferred purchase of a new gartpi ,rounoVup," he noted. -Peter PaluIdT municipal named Jan. I by Conrad, wiih — station wagon. prosecutor, replacing Edward Qlbck, KENILWORTH - The officers; for the 1975-76 school Thursday. Feb. G , . - '•' • the tax increase would Present ' enrollment "at j amount to .694 cents per $100 Martin, for a one year term, Conrad has. ^Vetoed an or- Harding School PTA «vill hold, year will:take place. . . 7:30 p.m. - Chess Club Recreation Confer - .'•' Harding School Is 1.010 pupils. '" 7:30 p.ra.vf"- Recreation Committee meeting. Borough of assessed valuation for $2.60 It' cut $15,000 from the The school board will meet' and fYank Rica as a member dinance the Democrats passed a Foiander's Day meeting The merit award committee on a-f40,000 home.. - tuition account because there Monday with the .mayor and f library Board of on Jan. 28 stripping him. of his Monday, at 8 p.m. irt (he will present the second annual •Hall. •'•..»• ;: „:." ' • • ' • i - ••• •m. "Trustees for. five years, power to appoint, the police school auditorium. A playwill Harding School, Merit Award Saturday, Feb. 8 ., : Despite a 7 per cent increase are fewer pupils than an- Borough Council to discuss the : in• teachers -salaries, tHe- ticipated who must be enrolled • "school budget: replacing B. R. Emmert. v "commissioneE. 'They- mayor be presentedby the children in to a person who has worked to 10 a.m. p Art lessons, Recrealidn Center. Voting yes were Democrats;'• contends the new ordinance is the third garde classes 6T- Miss better theETA. 11 a.m. • BoVs basketbalT, grades 2,3 and 4 Brearley gym William Holt.John J. Olockv illegal, noting it provides for KaiUf'yn Jakubian and Miss " Refreshments will-be served N«on - Boys basketball, grades 5 and,6 Brearley gym '« ^rEdward. S^upak and Anthony removal of the commissioner tjarbara M.cSweeney. after the program in the "^l p.m. - Boys basketrbnll, grades 7 and 8. Brearley gy.m ns term Zeleniak. Vo'tin'g"no" were by council without cause.' Nomination and election of-school cafeteria* * 2 g.m, • Girls RyninWstits, Brearley gym: •Republicans C. Willitwo Tiii'sdov. Feb. II - KENILWORTH- Former on Dec. 9. In exchange, the Gutekunst and Richard PupiMnimunization requirements * . 7 p.m. p Boys basketball, grades 2, 3 and 4, Brearley Mascaro took the $1,000 from dav Councilman Frank J. Mascara prosecution agreed to drop the same - salesman who Lotnax - Conrad said in a veto njiessage KENILWORTH- School measles,*, ••' rubella gym " , '••<"• began a one-year term" Friday charges of conspiracy and testified that Wilson Ronald Scorese was ap- to the governing body. "By the Superintendent John J, Kish m«rman measles) and 8p.m. • Boys basketball',"grades 7 and«, Breariey gym in Union County Jail following bribery against him. demanded $1,000 for a Clark pointed to a two year term as omission" of an. effective date this week .asked parents of diphtheria, pertussis and fl p.m. • Council meeting, Borough Hall^ sentencing by Superior Court . Judge' Triarsi said he fire truck purchase.. • - • alternate to the Board of Ad: of Jan. 1^1976, I believe they children entering kin- tetanus in a series of. three Wednesday. Feb. 12- S ' Judge Jacob L. Triarsi. reduced Mascaro's. sentence Judge • Triarsi,' said jusfmentsTjy a 5-1 vote, with have indicated their intent to dergarten .next September to injections, for polib by a series 7 p.m. - Boys basketball, 7 and R gpaoes, Brearley gym. the dissenting vote cast by try to remove * the present % 7 p.m. - Needlepoint class, llecealion center. from two years to one year Mascaro's actions "make^a J start immunization of three Salk or Sabin treat- Masoaro" was -convicted of because the ex-councilman mockery jof government," Lomax. Robert Volz was commissioner and^committee pr"a'c ed u"~r'e's* be f o re- ments, and a, tuberculin test. 8:15p:m. - High scjiool opeiv basketball. Brearley^gym. extortion in connection with agreed to testify for the state though adding Mascaro-''has ciiuseru unanimously folorr Dbyy mthe passage ofi mithiss oror-- registration in April, Birth certificates must be the borough's purchase of a in the trial against former been an honorable man, ex- regular membership on. tKe dinance. Since. the existing • ' • * 'j. " presented showing the child is " $60,000 fire truck in 1970 when Democratic Assemblyman for getting himself in- Board pf Adjustmentj , appointments were made Immunizations certificateceflifit s five years old' on or, before replacing Richard Grau. : he waft-fi'recorntriissioner. The v Jphn Wilson, . under Ordinance 58-35, which wi|)ibe required for rubeola (7- Dec, 31. 1975. ' ^_> WISH I HAD . former councuman admitted Superior - Court Judge Repubhcan MayorWilliam i taking $1,000 from a fife Chester A. Weidenburner, Conrad's nominations to this hew ordinance cannot be <$htiques engine- salesman after the however. , ruled that Mascaro .^e,. ^™.^. befbre losing reappoint irwin, Martin, effctive. until the present Limousine Service OF AND _ truck was purchased. coulcLnoL testify as a rebuttals invtbeJaaLjelecUon. Emmert and Grau were appointments have expired.". As part of a plea *bargaiil witness. Wilson was convicted "' •••-.••••...:'••.•" ' ••"•'••' - 'agreement, Mascaro pleaded Trips to all airports, -railway stations & piers'-' • FIfriday y of briberryy aihd at- Rertrtember guilty to the extortion charge charges. your "Special" Valentine tempted extortion » CIlestnut*;?5Kr^-BRldge 6-2272 with n gift from the.past. fiimousint>s./or wodiiings — yip* to anyplacv —•Prices Very tteasonabie—^ 105 MILN STREET, CRANFORD. 245-2583 meeting Tuc$,.-Wed: 1-5, T'hu;s. 1-9, Fri.^Sal. 9:30-5~, Closed Sun & Mori KENILWORTH-- Twenty- sixth grade;. Mrs. Janet the roman tic gesture 'four Harding School teachers Cariollo, 'Miss Mary Jane attended the winter meeting of Curley.Miss Karol Isherwood the International Reading and Frank Roscus*; seventh- Give Your lady a Fra- Association, Suburban grade, Patrick Ma tone; eighth Council, Wiiich^was held grade, Robert Dfmino; grant, Colorful Bouquet recently'-abHBavid Brearleyr-reading speciaIi«tT~3aTfres~ Regional High School. Harkins; learning disability A Gay CQrsag?... teacher, Mrs. Helen Stark; The teachers who attended speech therapist, Mrs. are: kindergarten, Mrs.' Carol Suzanne Bilski, curriculum or A Romantically Clifford, Miss Diane Herbst coordinator, Mrs". V>da and Mrsr. Sophie Perperas; Hte " Impressive floral first grade, Mrs. Patricia ;. , , Lyons.TVliss Angela Marinara, grade'Teachers in Hardins of thirgd School and fourt; wilhl Arrangement... Miss-Dorothyr-Matthews-ahd—bV-attending-^a-^eries-Trf-hf^ Mrs.- Martha, Tisch; second service workshop meetings to A Lovely Way grade, Miss Joanne Ciem- review the skill items niecki, Mrs. Mary Ann Czaya, associated with the' state. ToWihHer Miss Judith Janeczko,: jvirgc assessment tests. Diversified. '•Mi' May Kook and. Mrs. Ann La techniques of teaching will be Heart! Costa; third, grade, Miss discussed and demonstrated,. Barbara McSweeney, \Miss The workshop -which is THIS NEW MAGIC CHEF Marie Rusciano and Miss chaired by Mrs Harris, will Linda Sisto; fourth grade, be attended by Miss Mc- Miss Emily Ciechacki, Miss Sweeney, Miss- Sisto, Miss And We'H Telegraph CAN BE YOURS NOW! . Karen Materia, Miss' Marie Rusciano, Mrs.. Katherine Paglia.Miss Maryjane Ensslin, and Miss Katherine Your V.kntin* Petescia, and Mrs.. Catherine Jakubiak of the third grades. ^ Flowers Anv'htr*! Witfill...... " Fourth grade teachers are: Fifth grade, Mrs.*- Perl Miss Ciechacki, Miss Paglia, Biederman, Mrs. .Pam'ela Miss Materia, Mrs'. Petescia FiseziandRichard Paolercio; and Mrs. Witfill. .' ... Frit* Senior citizens fete 6 at party KENILWORTH-- The ment committee, announced monthly birthday party was that Mrs. Ann Sabolchek was John, Chuck and Chris Steuernagel....Props. You held Jan. 21 by the Kenilworth appointed to join Mrs." Marie 1 Senior Citizen Qub. Honored McCarroll, ^Irs. Betty > 39th Year Save were Mrs. Liddy Thomas. Henry Dorst, Mrs.. Margaret Ann gch«uerer, and Mrs, 250 SPRINGFIELD AVE. 233-3650 • Carlino, Mrs. Helen Mutek Madelyn. ' Nitschke as $n-; (near Cranford line) WEStFIELD • Mrs. Elizabeth Curran and tertftinment committee You . Mrst Lillian Dorst. . •• • membe/s. - ..."'' v Mrs. Sophie Strack, Pay chairman 'O,f the entertain- Only ' FULL CHOICE OF COLORS! -_ KENILWORT_H-__".A-t a recent "meeting of . the Kenilworth Library Board of Trustees, it was noted in the 1 YIAR" GUARANTEE 1974 librarian's annual report that there was a 50 per cent Increase in the use of the ModGl 3t3W-32JiW ON PARTS, reference room and,a 10 per Armstrong Solarian it the floor Jhit shines without cent increase- in people using LABOR AND SERVICE! the library. waxing. It ends the drudgery of scrubbing, waxing, . Ldbr'ary Director Mrs. Joari Scheuermann reported that and stripping. AND ALL THESE 1,235 hard cover books were Pram caart (a caaM ... ksmamali.il hov. alKav.rall thai lalarlm kaaat III hlfh |lau — without waning — purchased -which includes far lanfar «fca« •* ardhiary v4nyf Miar. Thaanehnlvr MlfabanaW turfaca li law >ai«in than atfcar railllaii* CONVENIENT ^BiPTh^l Waar^^r^WtHlrtr^OTVtiKlrU^ »».r<r»WRlfay« «a«—PCTwjroJtaty

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PUge 10 (JRANFORD (N.J;) C.ITIZfiN AND CHRONIGLE Thursday, February 6,1975 "." f ••••• . i.;-.' • ".•'••• ') 'i li __ SALE :R€NtALS SERVICES ta Mltccllinaout V&

HQMEClEANUfG " ' FourrCfanfprd High "School Window washing!, floor}'scrubbed graduates wiu perform in a 5V> room -J^ bedrooms,. 2 baths' and., wa^ed. paneling cleaned &' GRACIOUS LIVING •» -4UJUM$—iparihient wajitd-&^ Dawn AdHSKns Ann Weeks SMALL-TRACTORS • Miss Adams is a senior at • OWNER ANXIOUS .-• • CRANFORD REPAIRED " Association of N.J. Mrs. Mary Academy,"is a per-, ^GRACIOUS LIVING Westminster:£hoir College i;i ,,_,.. , . ,, „ ol room:, lor Mom &Diid forming! member o^ the To sell ^bftdrbbm r,incri wii"h ? Princeton/and will do her McDonald teaches ppr.yatv e 3,baths, enclosed- porch, lull ,Bedroomr, lor each younRStir. 4640795, CALLAoNrYTIME 272-7527 singing lessens at Mount St: "Musical Club of Westfield and 3 lull baths • . student teaching at David Hbasomcnl. ?, car (jaraR<:. large ItM AVON " a "soloist at Cranford ijand central air conditio'ni.nd • t Lavatory on firsf" door' S Brearley. Regional High **..«U*~At TO BUY OR SELL AVON. CaB NOW! Wethodist Church.. BANKING OPERATIONS Priced lo-s^ll at basement School in Kenilworth. She is lUannartH Mrs. Weeks received a Bclrii'tllul scmnco kitchen w MRS 'MARCUS 353-4880" • PHILF.HENCHAN, SRA also an organist at the United -b'reaklast nook " -, bachelor's degree in" music \ PHIL F. c Society di Methodist Church in Linden. senior INTERESTIE. \ targe ?' car Raiaee ,J TIME SCHOOL. BUS DRIVERS- from Marywood College and Real Estate Appraisers Miss Bride.has appeared as James H. Manhardt, of WaikinK distance lo town 7-9 am • 2-4 p m WILL TRAIN. studies vojire. with Helen 25 Alden SlfeetrCrantord . UNUSUAl CAPE • CALL 7890012. " a guest artist in residence at Cranford has been appointed a BANKING POSITIONS 25 AL.SEN STREET 276-7933 Steele of New York City; She p i bedrooms and sewing room .?.-J both the University of Puerto senior agent with Cranford. CRANFORP recently performed with.the lull.tite hat^is Eiil-in kitchen plus • NURSES • R.N-'S • L.P-.N.'s • lull or Rico and the University of Agency of Provident Mutual part-time openings on all shifts No Choral Art Society of N.J., the dTninp. room, with tirciilace. \ Hawaii. Shehas also appeared Life Insurance Company of 2761933 I'laslcr wall constructed - • rotation. Competitive "salary and Musical Club of Westfield, and in many capitals in Eujope Philadelphia. Manhardt' was Billlorvdonar l=lrst NTatiQnal State Bank of MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE bertuiits Extended care facility.""- State art the Middlesex ' Chamber " • EVENINGS CALL -... Westlield Convalescent Center, in the Sixth International awarded this distinction for Singers. She has sung leading New Jersey Has openings for ambitious i Kathleen Jenkl 27ii6_64 1515 .Lamberts Mill Rd.', Festival. With a bachelor's his 10 years of service and his D. S. KUZSMA roles in musicals. Mrs. Weeks people, EXPERIENCED in the banking JohnA Thiesj 27Ti 156"* Westfield.' Call for appointment; show here REALTOR. • ?72-833/J degree from Mary wood standards of professionalism. Jack Millar. • 272 2755 233-9700 • . was;a finalist in an, aria field. \ . . „ - Fri College, she continues her A graduate of Eordham competition sponsored by-the studies with the renowned University,-Manhardt joined WALLPAPER SALES • Posh decorator in March tyew Jersey Federation of *+++**+****+****+++*•+*•* We are offering an excellent salary and showroom Experienced prclqrrofl htfrpisj, Marcel Grandjany. Provident Mutual-in 1962 as The - Westfield An} Music Clubs. ."•..-'• IRfl" Full time 467-8373, . '; She received her master's campus agent. ^ . abundaniahd generous benefits from weeks Association will hojd its 14th -A—--Oo~ll •Youisell"- manuiiL and:. degree from the Jfulliard ILLUSTRATIONS EXHIBIT*.. long vacations to 12 paid holidays, In- rour best wishes arc included witli McPHERSON INSURANCE • School Tjf MusicShe-retently—TherTomasulo^ArtrGallery both ol these homes 'Actually experience Accts Receivable, March 23 to March 30 at the* was appointed adjunct of Union College will exhibit. there's..nplhiri'd'wrong that hard' disbursonjents, cash Receipts and Cranford,. campus of Union *. professor of music at Williatrt the work of ' free lance . work and irnauination can'I cure * insurancclncluding policy writing WALDEN STREET College; It jyasajw^ed paterson College, Wayne, N.J, illustrator Marbury .Hill Recbriciliation-Tcansit Call to a(!o-'H> »#exixm «t ,jj continued Brown of Flemingfotr from | J30.<)O0;*'and our Abedroorir n Mrs McDona ..'•,•;.• (Aiishifts)- x rt^^RANFGRD ;; r 220 Jefferson Ave., Westfield/ . colonial VUt.MIO ' RATOR& WRITER •" herstudies at Trenton State Friday, Feb. 14 to ^Sunday, Requires; 1 year, experience reconciling G. G.NUMN '" 276-0400 : '/ years" experience." Must be presidentT " __i=-^s ^He^jc^where she b€gan-SH7Match- 9. \ f" AAICR erjtryTUns-——^~ —W1 -v^ knowledgeable' and technically p. operatic career. She had The gallery is open Monday j[ OPEN DAILY 9 5. SUNCTAV 1.5' conversant Should be abJe to inajte * The- exhibit, open, to all REALTORS & IN.SURORS ^ , coloratura roles with the through Thursday from 1 to recftmmendations to', sales artists born in or currently g y leiNORTH AVE.lE. department ot insurance company. residing in New -Jersey, has Amato Opera Theatre in New 4:30 pm. and 6 to 9 p.m. On ""'•-'• -Keypunch Operators CRANFORD Salary lo .116b. -fee paid Call: come to be one of the state's York City as well as the Lyric Fridays it is open from 1 to »7 UMJ CWIM •• Jii- : MaUl U 'bui 'Mkil'tl 7,." "'••'"", .."' (AlTshlfts) •".'" 7 276-8110 7 major art events, attracting Theatreof New York, and the 4:30 p.m, and on Saturdays II . itato DntMulb ••-' /vMnimum 1 year, experience* orr the 029 or RITAGI.RL thousands of visitors annually, North Bergern Opera and Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m. dyuJI 411 tUw Mmia U»l- J»netBatlorT 276 1949 •vwil . (pliM 37 Jivw- '74 SHAHEEN AGENCY - 10 AL.DEN ST. Mrs. Salom said. . - VIP. ..." - • ••" . -i- Vi . • Btverly Murray ?76 2239 "Original w^orks in oils, HeMrrSlinl) •> 272 7064 CRANFORD Isabel Taylor ' 272 6086 REALTOR waloVcolors, mixed media and* 2/3 ACRE * WESTFIELD nt«M 7Ii or. o.- 272-4943 Please apply any weekday IS NORTH AVE, E; graphics will be exhibited in rMMl Mtml tta |»l» la- 9toll A.M. 1:30 to 3:30 P.M. the show. Some 200 paintings cn«M A buy qaw ; . . W*'H«- CRANFORD il*r« y*w cycU ^ at «or are expected to be selected Your "front yard'' Clark- Parlc, rear- y irBifeaTwiF Circulation from among lh76 Weekly newspaper' needs lively trance hali., LR.'fulj D^ (both with 220v AC ACCHIOtUI m> Sanlnfi Saionv said, the -pilblic is u* H IO%I twb. Uuy tan, 500 ftroaiStreet; Newark, N.J. whistles Encpllenl m.imlen.ince H4 J salesperson and record keeper lor Susan Humphrey 276 3^4 3 service), large modern kitchen with dishwasher, v Un. IMX, H4mtH. x 100 II JQI Helen(Cyti)Gallanl ?72..8b76 "paM-limb work'- I'ermarrenf welcome to view the.palntings •tt.l V.l.r.. HONOA (H.- lav., 4 roomy bedrooms (plus finished BR on available Clerny Gr.ibow«ln 241 7860 position with groyylh po'leh.tial lor daily from 1 to 5 p.m. and7 to 9. WM-I UtftMl HMAI lv«y. thlrd^, large Rec. room; all In move-In condition.. lMn« SMn), 101 W. 7th'It., JinetMildsn 241 5110-f right person 'l/ti l?0() .p.m., Monday, March 24, MatalUU. rjJ.IJOO,to bib . Jtitst Jtatioual $tate O*«i * », SM. I« 4. VICTOR DENNIS 1 WorgeHllli ' 272 7493 through Saturday, March 29, Immediate occupafhey. /• • REALTOR Hudjon Meyer 276 2994 and Sunday, March 30 from 1 BAM OF NEW JEftSEY SERVICE5 U>5p.m. 232.2945 An EqualOppftftunity Employer ... 2 ALDEN STREET Open Thurt Evenirl|t CRAWFORD -


OHl-SSMAKING • iillorations »l all 27 000 276-6000 .'..Ernds. Call ?lb !;l)?H , ^ AREA SERVICE BOYLE Home Improvements ALUMINUM PRODUCTS AUTO DEALERS BANKS CONTRACTORS FUNERAL HOMES PLUMBERS NoJuh Tiifr SELECTED LISTINGS DAVIS BROS. rHtt ESTIMATES I IHTIMF ,i,i KKMLWORTH It TOVE NIGIj! APPOINTMENTS % MEMORIAL jtirt'tr Home, txcellcnt contfflion Newly .Listed Nine room sphl BENNINGERCO HILLY INSURED J.f. Orltlin, Prop • level four bedrooms,'," : lw|Ms. STATE alurinnuni . siding, new -rout " -PROD! CTS. l\('. JaCh Davis H'uneral Directors Master Iiodrooni tl,i(hnl R.II.IRI* I *i utlt-nr home cciili.il v.iiii'iiih 'Mir;! '.re nt" SAI IS! ill) aiSlOMl'RS ril'All. 1\IOV COKSTY . For Cdnveriicnt . Interior-Exterior Carpentry No'rth Ave.; E. Cranford ' hr.iuiiliH .IH'.I li-iiui _/ '"• "Full Service" Banking Interior Painting • LlghtMuonry I'AIN'UNCI A WAI I I'AF'IRING HI Ilk III. RE.S/DE|MTM1.Wi-:.S ;I-:K. MAV KUIHI I H . Anf7*3SJ0 - GtNlRAl Rl-PAIR^ , BICYCLES Industrial ~Residential FOR SALE, FOR SALE I,IRIS BAtllRltS WATCH REPAIR flOUCHT SOLD TRADED Interior perorating Designing 276-9800 HtPAIHFD tXPEWT KEPAIRS Homlh nld G.oocl^ Kt'Siilt'iili.ll PiiuitiM intiMioi mnk otitv LW, ALL MAKf S AND MODELS Speria lists RTS & WIESE 1U" »«e W Crjntoiri Mii\iNl. ID I Al II Musi sell li ,ni txpi'tl i'r.i(|siTi.in C.lll MIM _ _ OCENFV.ERVDAY 276:3214 276-3281 .' hH,' /.Ml. KENILWOBTH t>icFPTwEO ..fafl BMIIB ANN IVI H'.AHT '.AI I 1 urulit rtuiCf •. K.IS vvatt'i H.lnslrr- 124THOMAS3T - 'CRANFORD TICKER Pump lu"tiriirt' iHiliM'hulil ili'Mls BIKf 482 Boulevard 962 Sluyvesant Avenue. Union J«rrv Ktmmtrtr hi'.il \ .. i'*. t UK'. ^ tlr hr^ins \ i'b SHbP . 276 NANCY'S HOIISI I'AINIINir - INIIRIOR AND BANKS WATCHESiCLOCKS I. \ I I 'I III •! li in -llWi IXUHIOH RIASONAIIll RA1IS AUTO DEALERS ut.pjir» Done On The HIM WIIINUI An- •i {[< •- r M 'il".!!^.,'!,! AVI' I l.lllllllil CAI I ;'/ti !>'/4 antf J«W«lry Cr.iiiloid N J M UJI 1 hiu \,tt FUEL OIL LUMBER "| > WALKUT AVE I SHI'I ! iNii IHHII uiuii I in im lire Antiqui" .'nil M.un) in BUILDING MATERIALS CRKNFORO NJ ««/X'»//U '.I ,lllny> ll.illl', I I fllfM/.l SIMVI'I Ul.lssw.iri- .mil irili'f CAPITAL '.pi.i I /ttui". i.nlv s 11'.in •. Unnps ROTCHfORD g ii'isi III ' .' ' I'l- 1 ('.in :'': 'in'i'i i, ItOtlHNt! 4J.t North Ave f.(it REKL-STR()\i; III UDERS •"CBSEtWLri- f:- =' MUc«n«niiom He IOOI.IIIK sell seal shingles FI-KL CO. Wesllielil N J Z Se.imless jullers liMdeis AND LOAN ASSOCIATION LV. JRVIM; [mn\\ Oopcndlblo Fncndlv Soru.ct -Sl'PPLY "AUTO FOj/sAl f I I Ml I 1^ ' I'l Ol' I'llvjll- p.Uly . I ire estim.ites Gu.ti.inUH'd , /'tcnrporjiffij IttHT Lumbar L MillWork . S.ncu 19JJ • Lumber "rt'ih i ,niv l.h'l'i •! (Uiuhlc Rf.ivt's S.iles Insured Savings " ol Evtry D«t di.ii I'I.IIKU Mem I I'll Ken Mi Ci j|h .'/; ti'il)/ Le.tsinq' Hours: Mon. to Krl. Hardwart Pitnti Installations Scrvi/c ^ Millwnrji BUICK IINUIHuIN fi'.' A | ' Nuii'.i'U.m.m. Will ilivuii1 .IV !'•!>/ . t ully in^uied. n 1 H:'.IO -6:(H) j North Avp E Ci*an«ord 9 I74-050S Conditiun I' H I '- I V* AM I M *.<"•'• *».'."." I'VI'S ,inil wk onOil 336 Centennial Av«.. .Cranlord Thurs. Fv»v fi • H t00 South Avt . W . Wttldtid 276 Q900 Stereo R.nlio ,i i A A !ui". \% ^ * Mivt fll.m«UB» I owner 1/ HIM' ••M.'.I". I J1I . 'i. . * - Suliirdin iiA.M. • Niwftn (i AlllMINUM SHOWROOM . IJIllNT VVHfl l 6 ''' "" '• iv, ., ,.|,| i.tfi'lM N •« 276-5550 > IN Union Ave 655 Rarllan Road PoYch and Pallo tnc|o«ur»« Y A. M11 :U I'UN I Al I 'H'l I.' I ' Cranlord Cranlord CABINETRY j^FUNIRAl HOMES ' 74 HONDA l ivit.-. , i-iii'.ri', .iili" i. r i" Jalout^t Awnlnf Wlndovni - driisliCiilly irilun'i! [.«".' t' /~ ' ' 1 AU!0maIiC5 -1 "speede' . *.rrt.!-. '.•> _' WANTED TO BUY - Nuprlm*flipliCtm«ht Hatchbacks must H" -11 •""• v • '• . • Wlndowi ' CLARK OFFICES COMPLETE KITCHENS (the 7Vs c»sl huiulMMK - y ,I,.,,, ,,,,,ll|ul.,„,„,,,r,,.^,,,, lhlMJ Storm and BY DUOICK A SON INC S u in in i I and Klizabelh DUOIilY Several _ low •mile.n'r {>.•„, yf ,,ll0 ,„„ ,!„,„ AM.IMH.IJ unusuji ^ Scrtcn Comblmtloni Cutiom cabinvtrv old Iree estimates farther reduced' Km |.<-. H (,„, NANI'T .".' MIM, Combination Doori 25 Styles Trust loin pa a\ * \ FIAERU. SK U STyyUctxe. 686 0838, Mr Financinn .tv.lil.ible N I •, ..ty^i \ ' Ol OiMOBIL L Buill in Appli«nctl r un 1060 Rarilan Rd 10 WeitlleldA»e John exclusive 'jHoMtia t vi.i»linn( 1KJNI1 Amcnwtn I Iyer lives and • LIFETIME ALUMINUM Visit our S . 27B-0233 -D^alWJUHrtilMLi^W 'I-,' „!!„., „,,„„ Immediate V..sh Wirt PHpDUCTS. INC 232 7651 _ 331 4300 or.cnll Plaintield- /bJ I6OT1 T r -ITT,T - ro"Tr"OOtT—r»i^it*4«—*• ' 218 North Ave . W Cranlord o (1Jy S60 North Hve _E Wejllield Member Ft)IC 789-1790 Open to 9 n : . Ib-l L<<'K ' 102 Soulh AyV W ~ '.:.'.. ~27fS205"

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"*- v- : £LX~;&>m - i-v- • ''•'.'.•'•'"• ..••" •<•• - Thursday, Febnia#6,lW5(;RA1^0 m f#S Jllft- .;' ••••^•^^•^^-^--•••••' -.,^-.: ,"•... .-"•• ; ••,vl..',- >..-.>:, ;V, ~~i-''Z.'~?jrU^ - •.. ;-->r-,vlj|t ' • •' .*').'V;,

•••v. '.•••'• .•.!.'•••••-•, Obituaries CT Clothing ^ Workers"-Union—.pfr' Mrs. Bertha New York Gity. and a cohu Rev* Eugene well as in over 100 churches.; of "St. John the Apostle Church, Sendees for John Pavelka, F. Gregory, chalk artist andTjffe' first became in«ni**l 10 Linkweaver j pastor of the First Baptist flevelop this talertt When .he" f i "' Surviving are a daughter, 83, of 19 Carpenter PI. were- . •*•£:• -si'-•:••• • ChyrchofKeyport.willbethe 8aw the nvm'stry; of- the Services for Mrs. Bertha Mrs.. Paul Krevetyki, with conducted Saturday at Trinity.. featured speaker at a service prominent GospeLchalltar Jack Uhaweaver:, •88^TTif^33 Whom she livedrHWo-sisters, Episcopal Church. Interraenf' opening the Lenten-season'at phU Saint 25 years ago. * x Columbia Ave. : were con^ Mrs. Stephanie Balandis of took place in Gracelarid *Garw5od Presbyterian Each picture drawn will be. ft*: W-:::$'r yyesterday at the Elizabeth and Mrs. Adele Memorial Park, Kehllworth. Church, 341 Spruce- Ave:,-.Uniquely lighted: with a: mi • •'•• l -"fl"' ••'•••& ' "'"• •';•'•••' "' y Funeral Home, 218 Truhza of. Flushing, L.I., and Mr. Pavelka died last Garwpod,pn Ash Wednesday, combination otcolored Hghts ' "* • *• V '• * - •' - '•' • •' Wednesday at/home • after a North Ave. >W. by Rev. three grandchildren.,.- J J Feb. 12, at 8 p.m. • •. : .» and black Might :for unusual .VTilm.bn.tJ'.'Murray, -pastor of brief illness. '' '"'' . Rev. Gregory,, ordajiaed in effe^s. Specially recorded the First Baptist Church -of H. G. Hanna 1954 as a Baptist minister,, stereo music by Jrenow/n Westfi^eid. hrterment took He was born irt Europe^and rptvivpdhfo R A ripgiwTrnm oingorc arid narraUbn place in Evergreen Cemetery, Services "for -Harold. ""G. lived in Cranf hrd 53 years, Mr. Jones University ^ and -Gregory will fumisfj a back-1 Hillside, with Rev.. Murray Hanna, 66, of 49 John St. were Pavelka was a member of the" ^egege" from Eastern ground message for his *^i reading the 'committal' ^-conducted ^Tuesday at the Trinity Episcopal Church- Maary piclgialnFeaturingiht prayers; • , • Gray Memorial Funeral H e retireidd i in;1958 as a tool- in Philadelphia; Before _ triumph of-Christ in His | l.\nnvct<«v<>)-' rtieri ftome, 12 Springfield Ave., maker with the-American Can tp Keyport in 1964, he wastrau^5rtd~re^urrection, Rev. Sunday at the Berkeley Hall •"affcr ,27~ycars, pastor for churches in Laurel Gregory wiU dwtorJ^Gbj-ist in I Nursing Home, Berkeley of St.Mary Episcopal Ghurch, service. _•— • . " Springs and Bloomingdale. He Gethsemane" and "The < „ Heights, after a long illness. Keyport, officiating: In- He was former national is presently serving a second of His Presence,"., the latter ; She .was jxwri in -Airdrie,- terment took . place in president of the Slovak In- term on the Keyport Board of depicting .the continual; Scotland, and was raised in Rosedalc Cemetery, Linden. ternational Gymnastic Order . Education. Elizabeth. She lived later in Mr. Hanna died Friday in of Sokols. ^abiding presence of. the Hying Overlook Hospital, Summit, ' Mr. , Gregory has been Christ in abdieuer's life. ^ _,_ , ^ Roselle and in Cranford. " presenting -his sacred £YES ME |T Us ng pupp ofher props,. itessorl School of Cranford Feb. 12, and.Osceola , Mrs. Linaweave'r was active after a long illpcss, Surviving are his. widow, programs of ''Chalk Artistry Members oT the borough's these" members 6f Junior Wom*an's 'School Feb. T 8. From left are Mrs.Jeffery -in Republican party" politics Born in Brooklyn, he lived in Mrs. Sophie-Dancip k Pavelka; wiitSh MinMeaning"" throughouthht three churches are invited as Improvement Association will demonstrate eye sajfi jirnecki, Mrs. Robert Burke, Mrs. DavJd Sharpe prior to World War II and Park Ridge many years two sonSi John M. of Lincroft, New Jersey and neighboringgg well as .children and the |n play ir\6 normal activities to preschoolers at " " Jvohn Regent ha I. - . served as secretary tothe late before moving to Cranford ?4 and William S. of Elizabeth, state• s fo* r -th e past• 2—0 year s" a ~t * general, public. Refreshments. ° Sta,te Sen. Herbert J. Pascoe years ago. • • -• eight grandchildren and three .service organizations, youth will be, served in Fellowship from 1933 to 1939. He retired in( 1970 as service great-grandchildren. - rallies, school assemhlies.,hs Hall following the service. v Green to report evang^iical^ouncil • She was" secretary many manager at Soerco Motor Co., years for the late Harry Lcbnu Summit. ^ A. Stoinbaugh villas members. '/ / with ^f^hmejlts^served when he was executive Mr, Hanna was a member of Calvary plans weekly KENILWORTH- Returning National- E County YMHA. League of Bergen and Passaic AC Stombaugh, 72, of 14" on evangelism in Tulsa, Okla.% about Biblical reform \yithi» r. Green will conduct his He will conduct a charter member of the Counties. HillsidO PI. died Monday at Rev.. Dr. Marvin W. Green, structure of the Nationa; kly'Bible study at 9:30 Bible study af'7:15 p.m. at . Surviving are hisf .widow, Muhlonberg Hos-pital, services d Lent fiqst.hr of the £thodisl_Chucch^ ^ Cranfftrdjgaptist Church, she tne . Tuesday in the church church ort Ash Wednesday. -was- a-forme>snetn beV ^the Mm RHnn MnrtiniHiinnn;'» JPlainfield, The season of Leut.during " crucifixion and Commyhity United Methodist Church school will be held son, Harold G. Jr. of Gar- Born in Johnstown, Pa . he which many Christians em- resurrection of Jfesus Christ, Church will preach Sunday at ; simultaneously at 9:30 a.m. Ai First Baptist^Chntch' of wi Elizabeth., wood; a daughter Mrg> ..was^retired from the in- phasize personal preparation U be observed at Calvary the 9:30 a.m. worship service 10>J5 a.m. , the lay leadorl hmer$tdne box The widow <>f the late' ^tricia Cassero of dustriar relations department as they anticipate observing Lutheran Church by worship on the sermon topic,."Report Howard Murphy, will condutfO Daln*scuSi : Md.; five of Airduction Co., New York Luther W. Lnfaw^aVer- she is ; /,» •••«• jT. '••••• ' services each Wednesday Ffom Tulsa," which will be a -an all-family Bible group anipj aux.vi'rafby a son, ,E. Jack bretliersT^tin of JLakewood,, City,, » " "' ' - - Lil%UrCn CnOir* .evening',hi ' starting'.'withttiV ithl AAsh reviei w of-the effort of thh e welcomes non-memberb s William of Ruftwav, David of "-Wednesday, Feb. 12. AU-the - Cook of Cranford; two step- JThe sealed box placed under Cranford; list of churches and- daughters, Jjyjrs, Robert C. New City, N,Y'., Eibnund of Surviving are his-'widow! seeks vocalists services will begin at 7:45 Clark Falfei Idaha, " Mr*. Gladys M. Stombaugh;. a p,m. . ..': tlfe corner stpne of Grant pastors in Cranford; obituary Davison of Cranford and Miss SehoOl in 1898^\vill be opened vith the Cleary Staten Island, faur_. grand- hearing o.r understanding is reading, - completion- ^(-text- vote in the election of dire THAT NWS welcome to have a test using the lUpils, teachers, and school Uniform Co., Brooklyn, until children, 13 'grt*tr book assignments and field at lecture series tors and on such business A Chritt.lpn Scienco radio surivs latest electronic equipment to fflcials; -a copy' of 'the retiring in 1965. She was a- grandchildren and two great- .trip activities' will highlight may be presented at Jranford 'Student ; a copy of FUEL OIL member of the Amalgamated great'-'grandchfldrcn. determin^-tiis of her particular' hd -The (Secorid-in-a-^seriea of. " meeting; :. loss. Diagrams showing how JJie le Elizabeth Journal; four A class* sponsored buffet spriitua^f ••**••*l* lecture.\,***w\~*s sponsore ^yvw*d ^« ~ \ • • «~ • opies of the Granford Citizen; ear works and some of the causes dinner will be held Sunday,; by the spiritual committee of Copying service ickures of. the 1898 class; of hearing loss will be available. March"2 with serving_ s from St. Michael Church will bbee . • -,' Ijclures of the earlier (1868) Everyone should have a hearing noon to 3 p.nOat the Church given Monday, ?Frant Sqhool building and of- •• .test at least once a year if the/e is with the general public "in- The speaker will be Rev. beginsxatt0nter~ Sherman and the second any trouble at all hearing clearly,' vited. -".) /^Vincent K. Pettit, pastor pf The Cranford Recreation Grant School; com.- Even people now hearing a Reception by vows into^the Trinity Episcopal Church. The and Parks Department has mencement program of 1897; rving hearing aid I or those who have membership will be field^ .lecture will be given at the announced a •-•> Vn/nmunitya July 4th, 1894 program and a been told nothing couid be done Easter Sunday at the 11 a.m. Aye" Maria Chapel in St. copying service. Copies can be nqg-raising program" of May (or them should have a hearing worship service. Mich'a'el Church at 8:30 p.m. made during regular office 30th, 1890; a petition lor new Company test and find'out about the latest •.,..• . • Admissiori-is free. hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4 R.r».r school facilities and a report methods of 'hearing correction. ••••• .. . .._•' These series of lectures deal Monday through Friday, at 6^)0 Soutii Ave, West of a V.I.A. meeting regardin K g fh«!.free h«arlnj:Jests will- be . DEBORAH MEETING - with spirituality ay it relates hCCommuniti y CCenter,. 114%th(J ngw schoo,. fhe prlnt^ , VVesffleld, N.J The Elizabeth Chapter of individual. All are ^ given.at BeJfOrie,- 11, Broad-St., t0 the St. cWpy of a call for a special Building Headquarters" Deborah Heart-Lung Center welcome. "•S»H.- These will be- a charge of 25 Elizabeth - Thursday and Friday. If will hold i,ts .'-meeting-1-on-—/:— '—^r^-rp...:: school meeting; the names of « LUMBER . •. MltlWflRK you can't get there on Thursday Tuesday, Feb.«18 at the Y.M.& Methodists tO hold b i or Friday,, call 353-7686 and HARDWARE .• PA.INI Y.W.H.A., Green Lane,. 1 arrange for an appointment at of all : fUFIS -aflotheMime, union, at noon. . ^ chfurg:e:'lponf^rence in KENILWORTH-- Rev. Henry J. McKinnon, superin- tendent of the Southern > District of the United^ Methodist Church, will hold an annual charge conference a(

the Community tlrtited • I. Methodist Church Sunday following a pot luck supper, at •I- ' • h^^K^^T' is. ^V 5:30 p.m.- New trustees will be elected, one-to-replaee-Robert -E. • Witt- •A Sivin the class.of '76, and three- to the Class of '78 replacing Al K'l.LCLX30 Przybylek, William Ftoeflich and Neil VanderStel. Roports will be given by the SI lay-speaker, and lay leader, administrative board chair- US niM.'ljiik).: Ma ' T -A. man, Howard Murphy; b.'y the' pastor, the trustee president,. BELL'S-BARON'S Joe Cummings: finance of- WILL BE CLOSED ficers, , audit chairman and United Methodist Women. is alipAated Passijook DOOLEY account with us! DEDICATED TO DIGNIFIED SERVICE. SINCE 1897. FUNERAL HOME 218 NORTH AVE., W. 276-0^55 (MM U< M MKHJ1 10 Oil M WIHOUiil yxht Hlgh-Eamlng Savlnot tHant Alto KlNKRAL DIRKCTORS FSEK

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gp edge. Richie Wills tallied : I •• period of turnovelrg by-. - 6 • KENILWORTH-- Brearley's v M impressive perArmances. 1.0 " 7 I seven points. during the Dennis leans. With 1:56 basketball team has been •0 1 " vThe Beari got forfeit* in the streak, while the Bears Milne quarter ZKen Began 0 inrtproving/throughout the -74- 4- 3 0 6 next two, thatches and 1 layup to tie.the game •75 campaign. Playing with an defense held their opponents Schoenbero -3 -ff- i Ciart Mayer drd 22 Abrahanr-Turner -BipHMark- inexperienced club, Coach to nine points in the second Haye"t i' d in n sr—Wade each" pinned their opr- •Jack Apgari squad lost three quarter a"nd. 11 in the fourth Loni i another close-in shot give, i Middlesex at 55-53 edge. Ron ponents in the 170 and 188 out hi their first four games. period. 20 ;.. Wills led all scorers with 22 Yuhl~streaked downcourt and jl pound classes respectively. Then the Bears went on Kenilworth Prliti'' Mike Ventre endeedthe match winning streaks arid have points and team rfifyte 'M.n .shoV a 15 footer,: which was Wllli DeMalo by being awarded a forfeit in currently won their last five Yuhl added 20, hitting,on lfof •Pruh . 4 short,., but mate Gary Prish Voh) 14 shots,. The former w"as also Wills 6 'grabbed the rebound arid was th« heavy weight, bojit. '.-, out of seven games; Following 1 credited, with_ 10 rebounds. Yuhl *_ fouled., Prish made the_ first 7. ', Friday night's 68-51 triumph 10 iWRESTLI Hoffmann 1 ishot from the charity line and 101 Carrjella K won by lortelf • over 'Ridge, .the Bears =wetvt. John Leggband pumped in 21 Mis 108 . Greve K won by lorlejt '. ' Williamson 3 missed the second. into a tie for second place in points for the Somerset Gavin ) WRE8TLING\ ; 115 Mlnlicalchl K won byWttH County . school, -while the Chnttjidctrc 1 If!. The matmeiiTended a six 122 Jeans K pin CUM 3:50 " the Mountain Valley Con- 27 129 J3ouble Fort«lt.. • ' ference and were ranked Bear's Mike Qe Maio missed" I" Only 15 seconds were left on game losing streak last week 135 Schefller K pin Ramlrer 3:22 -seven th.-iWthe-Star-4-edgerJs- Brearley'sf assist record by the clock when Jim Gorman when they ' thumped , §t": 141 Schmidt K pin Lls 1:40 JWyddJ.ese)t_won 57-54 in Sne B»croX won by forfeit •. . Union County top 10. Th"one e as friy^d ; was-Xouled-artri hurt >S«h- Ferousoh K won by (oMelt "fcagers reeord is 10-6. ,- closing minute of y one situation. He made both Middlesex 57 - Kenllwortfi 54 In the ' third quarter he St. .Pat's forfeited the first 188: Wad; K pin Rajnlrei 0:57 , kenilworth168 -Ridge 51 ' Tuesday night the . Bears shots and gave Midlesex.,a 5V- three matches and, in the 122 HVV Ventre K won by forfeit ••l'i-' The Bears blew Ridge off Bluejays fought back froi a 54 win and second, place. played Middlesex "for' sevch-poin.t advantage by he pount bout, both teams fo.r-' the cOurt early in the second The Bluejay's Gorman was felted and Brearley lead.^4-6. Ridge 54 - Kenilworth 0 possession of second place, in Bears and - rippeds of period. Leading 16-14 theM.V.C. Brearley's winning straight points toiak'e a W high scorer with 20 points and In thenext three matches John The Bears went up to ,. Kenilworth connected rorv 13 Cranfortf Studio photo strti.ak was broken^'-when lead. Brearley's Yuhl had 17.' Jeans .USfflJJK.nrt Scheffler Basking Ridge and hadvan r even longer ride home than StV SPONSORING BASEBALL CLINIC*- Cranford Boosters Club members discuss Pat's did. The host shut out plans for three baseball coachesxi%te designed to help Cranford Baseball League Kenilworth t4-0 rnanagers and coaches develop player skills, game-tactics and coaching . Bifearley (2-8) also lost «s techniques..Examining equipment are, from left, t)lck Walters, chairman of the senipr Martin- Schmidt for a Boosters Club baseball committee; Norm Koury, Cranford High School baseball few (weeks with a knee injury coach who will present the programs; John Sodomora, CBL president; and Stan Star q Tomorrow that occured late in his 141 pound match which he lost. Mintz, Boosters Club president. The clinics will be Monday, Feb. 10, Thursday, Feb. 13, and Tuesday, Feb. 18 ai.the high school gym at 7:30 p.m. Anyone In- 101 Nadlt R dec Cardella 6 0 . -. kUM'-JihX R de& Greeve 7 0. . _ terested in attending may contact Soddmprd at 276-8$36. Wajters, Bob Rahri, Art lli-Crow R.pln AAlnlfcalchl 138 Zler and Joe DelGrlppo have developed tKe program. up a little 122 Fallo R woTi'by torfelt- 129- Ahdarson R def— ^hapman, 225; John Paster, A Jhigh series of 525 with a BOWLING The third-place Elks and the 206; Bob Bendlin, 215; Al203 game was rolled by Sue The bowling team continued fourth-place Faver's Shell Colaneri, 212; Bob Jones, 213; Richards in • the its winning ways, eating Perth both lost ground to the leaders Ray SanteLla, 2.033; Ray- league. Other high series were Amboy 3-1. The kedlers record by dropping 3-1 decisions. The Rogers, 22§; .Walt Rozman, Paula Speer,'491, Mickey amily Savings Bank Coach & Four, put together 201; Tom Ro^ella, 213 Barbara Geist, is currently 7-1, with its only & • . ^ . -„ f Hofoat nnniinn ooninot TTnot games OI »D/, »i» auU OifO lor Noon, 201; Fred DeMarco, 478, Mary Lou Ellsworth, 469, ^ieAi_.cominfi agams.L_MBL?__ q^_niiHViv3ectm^high--foT-^h^^oa;"^tir^aTtip-belt,'T~20l,^_l Capoccia, 210; Tim Kor-ner, Compton: - • 26 Against-Perth Amboy senior games of 205, 222 and 185 for 34 .27; the only 600 series of the night. 202. Wobd ^ . 33 ' Bill Van de Water posted high Pal.llMa -- 31 3l" series (572) and "high game Dean Sommers's 234 effort —.- * Standings McCormlck 39 . 32 • W L. Ellsworth (204) while, junior Tom Spera was high for single game. 57 31 28 32 Swan Cleaners Oenlsh 28 33 rolled a 528 series. . Shaheen Agency 55 53 Richards " ^33 Invest Your Money In a Blks Lodge 2006 52V3 ' 35V3 •TIlsoo 24^ W~. Mike Payer's Sbell 51 37 • Tllson 26 36 V.F.W. 50*% 37 V, Gagllotl 24 38 All Types Of Dehmer's Flower Shop- 'Molllca 22 pe ; 48V3 39V] The Lodae 47V3 40'/] Cranford\Hotel 47 Vi 40 V] Roosevelt HaydckVFoods "•- . 47. ',41 Citizen*. Chronicle 45 43 Irerle Haskell had a high Methodist Men's Club 44 V, 43'/] game of 212 and Bettes - Coach & Four 44 .44 Aldredge rolled a 207 and a FIRE- CASUALTY ^ UFE Barnett's Wines i. Liquors 42 46 Crawof rd Gulf 42 46 series of 552 in the Roosevelt ToJI Engel Plumbing 41 47 Cranford Sporti-Center 40 V] 47'/] School league. Irene Haskell Walt's Exxon 40 48 had a 479 series, Joann Klein, that pays the Hjghe Interest Rate Calliis for details on the ' Builder's General Supply . 40 48 458, Lydia Lehner, 444, Carole Breen'Ji Lltjuors lnc>» 3V V? 48 V] •Crgnford Photography 38 V] ' 49. V} Tomlinson, 442x and Doris Howland Realtors - 38 50 Weickert, 435. - POUCY Riverside Inn 38 50 . Reynold's plumbing 35 , 53 Standings Baron's Drugstore 33 V] 54 V] W L YouTai Be Sure of Your Interest Broader Coverages Loiver Kates The Strikers • 31 20 . Lucky Ladles' 30 "IV Iivingston Ulood Sweat & Tears 29 22 . J.V.P.s 29 ,22 ;"" First high game in the Pins Away . 26''; 34 NoNarfi'es 26 25. Ian Deposit or Withdraw Livingston bowling league Lucky Strikes .24- ., 27 SHAHEEN a went to Fay, Claybon, 193, The Bees 34 -37 followed closely, by Midge HIppyDlppers 23 38 J Rated X 23 28 Hutton, 1927 Fhird high game Erratics - -JO- l went to- Betty Rogers, 182. RlpOfts ' 20 Without Loss of Interest Service', 'First high series went to Ellen Santos, 516, second to Midge Walnut REALTORS * INSURORS Hutton, 485, and third to Betty High games and high series Rogers, 483. . were rolled Monday morning Standings in the Walnut Ave, PTJV. ISTHr . 15 - 17 North Aye*. E.. 276-0777 league by LynneP6ppe, 180, W -L 463; Ronnie Herzer, 172, 455; Groovees 32 19 •» . ANNUAL Cutter Girls -31 20 and Clair.O'.Neil", 173, 449. . UQderdogs .31 20 .Standings YliLD OptlmlsH 30'; 80'' W SAVEBIGONSAPOUN nan Passengers 38 23 Ducky Sevens 36') ON HapWHood -28~ "DowripTrVS Clark Rc»l 27 24 Filters 19'] 19 Hopefuls 26W 24' Pinups I91', 19 Musketeers' 25 Team1 Six 19 30 Sweet Honesty 26 25 Teajn Eight 18 21 Spars Ribs.. . 26 25 FllppflrS_ I6''3 23 Spare Tires • 26 25 Splits l 12 - 37 Withdrawalj anyiimo without Io»ino1nt«re»t provided you maihtain a bajanca of $5.00 or more Sweet Sixteen 25 26 Coltee Breakers 26' n on D«po%ii lof o Y»ar ^^^ Alley Cats 34' MM 26'l Losers "•': 34--* 27}

Bowling Bags 33 28 Noar Misses 23' 38' JliVi's 18' 32' Happy Losers 17 34 2 * SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES ,. LiueStpnes . 17 , 34 Pinups. Team Six It'j wise to protect your \aluable» from- theft, fire or Lincoln Team Eight disaster with a low coit lafe depoiit box High series bowled this Flippers k in the Lincoln School Splits Sapolin P/.T.A. league" were taken by * SATURDAY HOURS ^ Ginny Marino, 466, Betty SJie nfian Likl Ewing, 452, and Pat Deering, Top spot Friday's 9 A.M. to 13.30 P.M. at ALL Location! " ." 4307-HigiVgames-were^rollfid—ShcFman-.-bowiiDg,_w^p by Betty Ewing and Janet Jured by Lydia Carrajat with a FL|t¥ Galbraith, 175, Fran McStay, high of_198 and a ""522' series. * DRIVE-IN & WALK-UP BANKING 170, and Ronnie Dragus, 166. Lucille Pechinka's 191 was. a ^ WALl PAINT Standings second place. Fern Bunting •. Extra banking hours at all loedtions for your convenience t ^ had 182 and Clair O'Nei], 18Q.' T/iple Throat 33 21 , Hangovers 32' . 21') Cindy Smith rolled" a. 178 and 99 Dynamite 31'. • 3JW oberta Frey, 169. , . Gvpsy.'s 39'; 24', Playmates 59 35 CAL. Mad Hatters 2B' 25' i r W L Unbellevables 28 26 Spoofers 36 21 BANKING HOURS fhgakffy EMM'S 37 37 Lucky Spares 33 •24 Turkey Trotterrs 35' . 2B' i Stnk«rs 33'7 24') Bandltt 24 00 Dead Ends 30' ) 26'i Alley Calv 34 30 AIIMosts 30 37 SCOTCH PLAINS AND MORRIS AVfNUE, tliZABETH • H.juy bodMd dripl«»lyp«- 20 minute dry 33' 30' i Terrific Trio 39 . 29 MAIN OmOE ^- UNION.SQUARI, IUZABITH WHITE A • Env to apply with brink ar roller Plippers 32 32 Happy Hookers 26' : 30' Lucky Strikes 24'., • 33' Lobby Daily 9AM lo 3 P M ; Triurjday 6 P.M. to 8.P.M • Cltjn fbolt with tojp-jnd wjttr Powder- 21 33 Lobby Daily 9AM to 3 P M , Monday 6PM to 8 P M COLORS )3 34 • Non-loitc. 1T4I ot >— •"•I • t< 111 II league. Pat Gabrielli bad +78 Those who bowled high and 470.; Ann Cafaro, 453, and •Mtkt) savings Save 43% on Latex ll r> series were R. Semraer. 524;. Gail Calvano. 172. .. . . on iveryTI* » June DeHart, 492; Parme Ceiling White DiProfio, 490; Teddy Gregory, Stays white retltti bucolorillon no drips or mtu lupir hiding OIL. 459; Janet Cheeka, 457; clean to

t • r

Thursday. February 6, r?75CRANFORJ) (N.J.) CITIZEN AN&C Page 13 Girls lose tournaiheiit bid two ganles iu»i|Hai«> a ••; t'oul'-trontalc. fpr rnost-of-the- girls' Varsity basketball'leam small-sized Sptingfield game It seemed that -no call m Cranfwd did outstanding.'.""jobs'-, of (5-7(Si)) losltt twt o -ii^P '*—»"'"-'•'-^' cranford " "» could go Cranford's wa.y in the MarkZoltak, G »; M" Rebounding lajbisigame, a games this weekend. Friday in the second ti$lf. but their first half as a team record 15 ••«•; , 1 . • -s IS -shooting . -, vircW . j» cold fouls wefe called against - The'Cramfprd'High School - Si department in wljich the afgernoon they lost their • 0 ,0 Benedictine used their height them In all Berkeley Heights •varsity Wskelball team ended • Ehr% 1 o . 2 Cougars have* been lacking the chance to compete in'the state Brown . 4' d 40 last, few games. Cranford's tournament by" losing to' advantage to pull down the out Scored Cranford J3-2 on the a five-game losing streak I 3 •Tuesday wirji a 77-54 thumping 4 record is how. 7-10.: '.^, . ;. , Berkeley Heights by, the score defensive rebounds and a few foul line.- - '"..•••• Barmak 3 0-4 nf 0 slow -^^-»erkeley-He>ghtsrbntT)n; " ~~CralittHT-~ 'of _54-3)8_Saturd.ay they were muick_fas^ t break/la ,y ups in'th._ e ^a .9I Cranford went into the game Mosley Atoson with a chance to catch up.Blft B.Wyatt 20 0 0 Maureen Olejar, who was Correntl stealing the ball six times to with two key players, injured.. Robertson 0. 0 0 DECISION FOR CRA^fCJRDr- Cranford's Ray Gribble, top, i§ grappling his Berkeley Heights outplayed Aagaard injured in the Scotch-POIains • lead the team. Ann Hydak. led Rlley 8 0 0 Howard Carey, with»^r fbot b.py»r opponent from Clark to an 8-0 decision in Friday's mat action which Cranford wo.n game, Cranford had trouble Cranford in the fourth quarter Symczak '.IS. ;:•'!. Over.- 1 I the team.with. 12 rebounds and. to win the game. " injury, watched frdfli the 32 13 V: V •42-T2." ."'. «"•' ' •-' • ; ••.,•--: :' ••.. • ••• •• ,:. • < adjusting to Benedictine's scored eight points. •. .- stands, while, standout guard, Duncan -4- '"• •Dooley played another" fine > ike LaFerrara .; played,, i?w, 5 i P gy scoring 13 points, • 0. D Krueoer 1 7 ineffectiveness, of Cranford's Bryi-rt 0010,0, D«lvJ00.<. DooUw 4 I 7. 13, FiQniflnO. 0 0, 0, HuilotV \ 6 6. 8 assisting four other tirries and although he he'd a less severe Johnston : I 0- Bubrlck i 1 3 whlMleld Wrestlers upend Clafk 42-12 own press was the main A^idoma 0 0 0, 0. McGpr \ 4*6 • o 0 Bailey - 1 2 pulling, down . 12. rebounds. ' foot injurjirrlaFerrara scored— Sttvermfln 7 0 0.4 33 10 Lombardl 1 2 reasion Benedictine pulltni out •" Ci'anford 14 14—54 Lynn Figman was second m 15 points; tops for Cranford, 17 Young 0 0 . The varsity wrestling team (CB) dec SJrnocki |«0,, to; a 31--21 halftimc-kercUBoth ' . IVanford 38 - BerUflry Roselle . 20 ,33-74 orded by Ralph Paterno, \o» 1 scoring with 10 points -Hudak- .but_jthe injury affected, his 12 B j 3 10 Camaroo (CR) pin Lynch 1.II '. teams got off to a slow start as gts 54 10 from Cranford High School 1 pounds; Clovis Camargo* |J*' Helgoson. 4 Carnlvall (CR) pin Reitly' 3 S3 and Jane McGee were second . play; marring his ability to cut Cranford 77 - Berkeley 54 14 Fouls defeated Cranford Carey• ••' woh its fifth" match of the115; Mike Carnivali, 122; IN Nletiel (CR) pin R-awdow 3 S3 ,2 • in rebounds with U apiece. ' and slowing him down on both In addition to ending their •Cusso ' 13$ Horner (CD. dec Hummw 6 0 last Friday and,ruined their 1 .2 season Friday by defeating Walter Nietzel, 129; Ccaptain Polempo Ml Vloolano (ClL) dec. Newman 5 4 HrycrlOO 0. 1) Dflly 10 0, 2. CkMXtv 6 0 0. r defense and offense'. Carey's losing streak, Cranfbrd also 0 chances to compete in the Manglone 0. Clark 42-12 to- lift the Cougars' Joe Chirico, . 170; and Jim148 Klmro feL) dec. -HMsler 8i_ 12 hijm.w.S 0 0. 10, HuilACk 2 0 0. 4. rebounding was also sorely got .revenge" against a 0 0 Furlness (CD det. AAIIIB. state tournament. Four of Huselsnd record'to 5-3. Zamorski, heavyweight. 158 4 0 Grapplers . • ., . . . -Mntlonirt 1 0 0, 2 Mi Get' I J J. J, missed, with Roselle beating Berkeley Heights team that 54 170 Chlrlco (CR) pin Brown 2 \t r Craniord •22. 22 13—77 IBS French (C) doc. G'ioroe 4 1, Cranfor.d s starters plityed in snvwm»nioo..t. ' the Cougars \ badly in that had beaten them by one point Berkeley 4 IB 12* 18—54 department. in overtime earlier in the Cranford's PIPS Were 1O1 Paternd (CR) , pin Burn* 1/22 HW Zamorski (C) pin win title season..-, •"-.•: : ••."• •'"••-_ Roselle, 14-2 overall,- and Tiie Cougars, led hy a Towii Swimniers Min medals in county irieet The Cranford -Recreation $AVE FUEL tied1 for first 'place" in thehealthy Mike LaFerrara, and atid Parks Department junior 1:30.4,andC Ball Sth,.l 34-3; boys' IS la Watchung Conference playing a zone defense for the .«,_ „„„„,! O«nlloi »tninn and double, silver, Connie iw^and D. Fopp«t (CRt 4th.i:29.*, wrestling team capped off a The Second annual Union '„ . v . '. . - boys't5 1IM00.yard breast. C. McGralh 100 yard'tly, C. SllveV 1st. 1004; girls' AND MONEY! Natiqnal Division outplayed first time this year, could do U II .100 yard fly, K .Demsey l«t, ) • IJ ft. successful 6 and 0 season by ., Coiintv indoor swimming tormances. A total 01 34 meet (Cran(ord Hloh. Schoon 3rd ,.„,»nd_alrJii 1S-1B MM.yarH indiuJrtmii. rtnwninfl nn npprpKive tenm r*o%rtM-aJiS^^ (CR| lit. l:J5.«l T. Lies (CB> 3rd, medley. K DtmtV 4ln. 3 45 >. • fn)m Kawamcen Umon 3fi.lft WE tap. The Cougars calledJime Jead with a little over, a minute the Cranford indoor pool events- out after falling behind 124 remaining m the first period. January 26 with more than 100 Results of Cranford ' St;ot Senkarik started tltings WITH QUALITY BLOWN INSULATION with 3:53 remaining in the swimmers along with their ,LaFerrar. a,.•.-, contribute„ ...d .1 •2 u of swimmer^ in 44 events for a Shimmers • split meets off wijh a pin in the 66-pound openin- -.~^ g period___. . The Ram,-s_ tas game high-28-ppinte in U» 'total f 324 entries. The meet -club affiliations were' as' hlr d h o follows: -.. : ' . .; held on-the rest of the perjod first quajterjvhich endedWith... was .^ored by the Union 'lit. t:SM; JOOfree Ian Cameron,-1st, ~remained unbeated by pinning The Cranford' High School ,3:03, Martha Lynos, 3rd,-1:15.5; '300 for a.20-14 advantage. • • ,- Qranford.far ahead at 20-6.» County Recreation and Parks Inthe UUeuenls; olrls'BU <. swim-team defeated Bridge-" 'individual, medley. EIJIs, 2nd, 1.161, his 'opponent in the second HARDMAN CONTRACTING JCORPl 2S"wra tree. B. JacobsoQMCraniord Kathy Demsey, 4th, 3 34.0. period of-the UM^pound weight •••-•- "Alayupby Brown, two freei^Association, The Gnanford Rec.) 5th, 17.3; boys' H-10,50 yard tree, C. water Raritan East 83-J3 Jan. Also, SO fret Walnger, 3rd, 25.3, Kevin class. Boh Bilkarian and Jim Sloppy play and lack of throws by Dave Barmak Recreation and -Parks Rehlll'and M. SommertStf' (Westlleld 27 in a home meet. Cranford 'Koellner, 4th, 24,\, 100 butterfly. Sllvey. BONDED AND mUHED _ Department and the Cranford. YMCA) tle"(or 1st (}o:4). £, Schulti Dwyer added to their fine, offensive movement resulted - andxasket by :Hobbie off a took first places in seven of the 1st, 5».«, Cermak,-^nd, 1:04.0,..ICITV. CALL Commtfhity Pools Parents (CR), 4|h, 35.8, J. Sawlckl' (Union Lies. 4lh, 1:31.0; 100 free Cameron, 111, in Cranford only scoring nine Br«at pass from Slade Martin, Recreation) 5th, 34.2- and. S- Laubach seasons.- with pins in the 10 events. : ; S4.V. Koellner, 3rd,S9,«, S00 free L'ynts. FREE V. DAV^OR ..•_»_«.•-: • i_ »i.i. _'.„ .. 5i... u left the score at 26-6 with one Association.* ^ (Fanwood Scotch Plains YMCA) 4th, points in the second period, Friday Cranford swam . 1st. 5.S4.4. Kathy BaJI, 3rd, 4:3t7.,.Oob second and third periods of the ESTIMATES 789-0367 ¥7890167 WIGHT •' . i • ' -J*Jj dlrlJ' 910 50 yeard tree, L. Ryan Behrens, Slh, 4:38.3. minute gone in 4he second (CR) 5th, 34.5; boys' 11-1250-yard tree, 116 and 123-oound vteiglrt' while Roselle, playing great against Plairifield in an away Also. 100 back Sllvey. 1st. UM9. uqarter. A pass Jrom'Jon * ' An added attraction for the D. Baker (W»st..Y) 5th. 304.4, and E. basketball, dropped in 20, Walnger, 2nd, 1:04V; 100 breast Ellis, classes. . • . Gleadall (CR) 4th, 32.9. meet which Plamfield won 82- Brown to FHoward* Carey swimmers was a new.custom 1st, 1:12,3. Chip McOrath, 3rd, 1:13.4,- outscoring the Cougars 10-2 in ...... .3 and S. Laubach 4th, 44.3; girls' 1 10 opponent B-&. ChTRTTMcudc Cranford started to move in a medallion of swimmers SO yard back, K. Forsylhe Slh, 45.9, and ilWl nrlH thp 2nft-vnWL Sllvey. Cejanakr-lst, 1:524. 200 froo iuu ana me zuo yarij,, G8meronc ,,(i ,„,,. LyneSiard,3.,,,„,. also won by deefsibn in the 102-v TO BUY. 42-24.' P. Baublls (CR) 6th,46.1; apd olrls'11 13 the second half, cutting hung from a blue and gold freestyle, and Brett Ellis's 300 Individual nwdiey >EIUs. 1st, 2 25.4, Cranford dominated, the SO yard back, 6. Gleadall (CR) 4th, 39.8. pound weight class by thir Roselle's lead down to 10 ribbon symbolizing Cranford record-tying perfdrhiartce in McGrath,-Slh, 237.4 ,- -. third quarter, pushing its lead Boys'S-U 35 -yard breast. R. Warchol Al?o. 50 treestyle Walnger, 3nd. 25 4, score of 3:2. as the host. . '* (CR), 3rd, 31.9; olrls' B-U 35ysrd breast, the 200-yard breast stroke. Koellner, 4th, 25.B; 100butterfly Sllvey, " Phil Sanford and Robby Cranford* swimmers were B. Jacobson 4th, 25.3; boys' 9 10 SO yard The neW records established 1st, 1.0a5, Cormak,3rd, 104 5, Lies. 5th, to LaFerrara for a breast M. Sommorlad'lst, 39.3 and S.' 1:19.4; lOOIreeityle Cameron, lit, 53.7, Ponder won by forfeit. gained control pushing , the awarded a. total 17 medals for by Cameron are 53.7 in the 100- jumper with, 2:29 remaining. Laubach 4th, 47.5. ' Koellner, 4th, 59 e. Russ. Falls, 5th, lead back up to 20 points, 68-48, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places and 23 yard -and 2:61.2 in the 200.1:01.B. ••;•• The junior wrestlers sur- The Cougars led by-28 points Also 500 freestyle Lynn. 1st, 5 51.9, with three minutes left. The ribbons for 4th, 5th and. 6th Boys 9'10 SO-yard fly, C. Rehlll 1st, Brett Ellis tied the breast- prised the Union County at the end of three, with the 35,5, M. Sommerlad 2nd, 37.5 and B. Ball, 5th, 4 25.S, 100back Walnger, 2nd; Rams-sustained the lead at 20 places! Highlights were Mike LeonowlO* (CR) 4th, 43.4; olrls' 9 10 50 stroke record of 1:10;8. 1:05.4. Sllvey, 3rd, 1 04.8; 100 breast Wrestling League by sweeping score 64-36. yard fly, L. Ryan 4th, 45 3; boys' 11 13 SO Ellis, 2nd, 1:10.8, McGrath, 3rd, 113.0; points, with both 'team's Sommerlad's ' double' gold CraniordII- Brldg«w»t«r73 through and taking the A outscored the yard fly, D Baker 3rd, 35.1; and girls' 400 tree *elay.. Cormak, Lvnes, substitutes battling it out the Rehill's triple gojd, Kathy 11-12 SO-yard fly, L. Kramer (UR) 2nd, 200 medley relay Dave Walnper, Koollner, Cameron, 2nd, 3 48 0 Division championship the in "the final 33.4. •' Brett Bills, Chuck Sllvey., Mike Cerrriak. tLJh^id Demsey's double gold, and first year it was in the league. "LaFerrara's 15 pr Chuck Silvey's gold and silver, In the 13 18-years-old events; boys' 13- Saturday, Feb. 15 the game 14 100 yard free 4. Dooley (CR) 3rd, wrestlers will clash against lobbie ha4l4 ancUon Brown with all breaking meet 1:01.4;-girls' 15-18 100 yard free, C. Ball Commuters undeleated i 10. •»• • • . • '• lkarmak, Hobbie andLBrowh recbrds with their per- (CR)- 4th, 1:05.4; boys' 15 18 100-yard the B Division champs o( back, C. Sllvey (CR) 2nd. 1:07.8; girls' Elizabeth at Elizabeth. FACTORY I- ••«•""• • • ' ~~~^i 1314100-yard breast, C. Shultz . (CR) 5lh in men's^ cage Jefferson traeksters edge CHS At the half-way lftark of the 'Division 1 «««••«•««»••••««««» CHS fowling w L- REBATE By Cathy Beadle the 880. In the two mile, Kevin team performed^ well at ah Cranford Recreation and commuters Tap Room I "0 Murphy ran a 10:10.6 andA.A.U. meet held -at^Saint The CranWrd High School Parks Department men's 6 0 mumi ^"'f m\m Last Wednesday i the 6 0 ON NEW 75 COMETS! Cranford High,School winter Doug Stehlin came in with a. Joseph's High- Sf hoSt- in varsity.„.„...,., bowling— „- team i basketball league, Corn- track team met Jefferson 10:30.9 fornrsLmid third. Metuchen.. Many of the run- beginning to shine toward the muters Tap Room remains cr.mord dickers - (next to Post Office) High School in an away meet. Eugene AlvatoreHook a first ners ran their best times here. endTdf-sjeason, winning 12 out undefeated. They trounced the W Gabe Jugan..'-....Prpp." Ttic Fresh Complaints 4 Jefferson wjtm-35-33. in the shot put with a toss ot 43 Cranford entered seven in of 15 points in its last two Cranford CJickers by a score feet. ^ 'PKoenlx. 3 Road Service - According to Coach Ray •the 880-yard, run and allmatches. of 95-56. Art Smith was high DIGreoorlo Dors 3 [MERCURY Hyks'sfronh Passalc • 0 Towing' White, weakness in the 60- The outcome of the' meet finishedmider 2:07. Ajnitrani In a bumper match against scorer for Commuters With 25 was in doubt Until the final cam%Hn first with S 2:02.0, points and Craif Sands had 15 -ConJf("on s« Complete Automotive LINCOLN yard dash and the 6Cr-yard high Roselle, Cranford pulled up to service and repairs . hurdles hurt Cranford. In event, the mile relay. Jef- followed by Durning, ,2:03; a three-way tie for-6th place in points for .the Clickers. these two ' races, Jefferson ferson barely won over the..Ryan, 2:05.^ Heihs, 2:05.9; the Watchung Conference by Cranford team of Amitrani, Stehlin, 2:00; Gramling, The Cranford Hotel beat the Cougar 276-9774 gained 14 points while winning it's first clean sweep Monterey Popr-56-50. George ' 102 North Aye., W. Cranford had only four. Keith Durningjj Scott Gramling and 2:06.8; and Joe Simpson, LINCOLN-MERCURY * BRICKLIN Heins ^nd gained the needed of the season. The team Doodwih was high for the Cranford Jackson came in second in the 2:06.9. bowled its highest series this schedule «»••••••••••»••• points for victory. Hotel with 16 points and Bob 369 SOUTH AVE., E. WESTFIELD dash with a 6.7 and third in the Rich Herzer's time^tn^the season, 2,539. Steve Leitman „,«,„Diako„n had 18 poi/its for the jKEYBALL On Sunday the Cranford 440-yard run was 55.0.. Varsity, J.y. f hurdtes with an 8:1. '..;; ^\ was high for Cranford! rolling •) pOps. Feb. 7, a-30 pro W««leld IA) / 4 Cranford took second and »' jk!200 game and a 564 series. • ' ..„• - Peb. fl, -itap m Roselle ,Cath (A I Olrls Varsity, J.V, . - third places in the mile run ScotkRubenstein a;lso bowled* The Town Tavern ran ov_er Febi 7, J45 p m,', .Rojelle (Al and the 440. Jerry Lambert Garvboqd cage action well \WtJv a 505 series. Construction Specialties by-a Feb. 13, 3 45 p m Linden IH) ~Oranoe Av«, Ith grade came in second with a 4:39.9 •GARWOOD- Dave Boc- 6th grade league saw Garwbod Against Hillside, Cfanford "score • 6i .79-30. John D'reyer •Feb. 10. 3:4JYJm,'Edison IH) and Dave Ryan third with a cnino scored eight of 11 points Auto Parts win their sixth * won two games and total pins was high for the Ta*ern with Feb 13. 3 i5 p m Roselle (H) Orange Ave., Irosh 4:48.3 in the mi]tv*i the 440 jn the fourth quarter to help game-Lead by Tad Deers's 14 with a 2,441 series. Leitman 22 points and Ed Dressier had - Feb 1, 3 45 p.m Roselle IH) Ftb, 11. 3:41^m^£»Wfl.mMH IJi)...... s:jrmJsJii_1!l43^.wootinipElizabeth^47to pointSy the Lakers biased the again bowled strong, with a new 12 points for Specialties. HllltM* Ave., Mrt Ortdt and Keith Jackson followed 46 Garwbod behind by eight at K of'C flraves 26 to lfr. high series for Cranford,- Feb. 6. 1 45 p.m , Edison I A) with 53.9. t. - . the end of the third quarter The' second game saw the rolling a 213 game and a 574 Feb 10. j 45 p m , McMflnus fA) BY. Co, get nipped at the series. Rubenstein had a 532 Hllltld* Avt, Pro»h Cranford finished with first out5Cored the losers 19io 10 in 67-59. Jim Brennan with 23_ Feb. 1. ] 45 P.M. Soeht tMI and third placesin thejao.and ^ iast period. Jim Scholtz led buzzer 13J&42. Jm.Lenardhad series. ,. L ' points was high scorer for Feb II. 3 45 p rn Hillside IHI the. two-mile jm.. Bob the wtnners-with'12 points and six points for the winners.- The junior varsity team won . ' BpWLINO Phoenix and Ricky Gardner Varsity, J.V. Amitrani tookiJirst with "a i&ld . .10. points in. its last two matha- d 24 points for the Bros, Feb 4, 3 30 p m , tlorkolcy His lEitio ^g g ches,winning two games^ and WBHJTLINO ' . is now accepting applications total pins in each. The' team Varsity, J.V. ... • ,trd-with-a-liO5.S4n Monday night league, the Fire for : summer counselors. ' tye Fj-esh Complaints Feb.;, 4 JO p ni.. Floselle P«rk IHI Make your martini * Department topped Town holds 4th placein the league. Fi>b II. 3 45 p m , Livtviaston (HI Applications may be obtained In a bumper*' match against .edged Hyke's from Passaic, Hillside frash IS irlinner .Pharmarcy 21 tol7. Jim White at Town Hall and should be 4643. Bob Norton had 14 points Feb I I. 3 45 p

• M"

• ;. \ .... ' . •' Y •-' Page 14CftANFORD (N.J.LCITIZtNAND CHRONICLEThursday, February6,1975 It. J. Anderson named o, piano to N;J. commuter post by Goloiiy GI^ Mar. 1 re Richard j. Anderson; a ning< ma]or -bridge- ex- This "year the Colony Cjtub 61 having a "one person shi former planner with the Port' pansions^^ transportati Crahford's Annual Men's "'ArtMakerf, . During at tokmS. AuthoritAuthtyy of Neww York and centers, and rail and I "Night "has taken on a French evening refreshments will be morgwgmarfi system niodernizaUon.y theme" Chairman Mrs. served and there • will ° be .New Jefsey has been named : " The Performing Arts Schodhjj director-of commuter services Anderson, received his Charles. J. Lyons and her - dancing" to-Henry" ana ,|hej of 7fiew Jersey Scholarship of the ty.J-- Department of bachelor's degree in.,civil committee are plagning'"An "Townsmen. v^~ -—1^ Fund > presents faculty 51 ADULTS SI • transportation, it was an-engineering f/tfm Newark Evening in'Paris" which will . ••"",, . . ,/" : members Myron Lutzke -and .._ Collegeof Engineeringin J955, -••'•-'• --• - ticket chairman, Mrs..John PARK ' nounced by 'Corrvmissioiter "beheld on Saturday, MArcti I. Rena Ftuchter, in. a benefit JACK Sagneiv -—"-"'-—'— He has completed all course; ;,,, Members ; and . their Thompson and Mrs. SalVatore recital of music for cello and work fora-Master's Degree/in husbands are invited to enjoy Criscitiello ask -alt;resert NICHO|_$ON piano. The concert will '•take HANOYQUAID Anderson,, a resident of Urbart Planning aj New Y6rk cocktails and hors d'oeuvres vations to be made by Feb. 13.,| • place Saturday at 8 p.m. in the TgyNG Cranford, wiil.be responsible University and attended Yale at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Other members on the theater of the Campus Center for. the activities of the ^University's Bureau of High- Richard J. Anderson, 209 committee are: Mrs, Paul Clausen, Mf¥.~Dale Jones,". of' Union CoUege. The bureaus of- prograrn/vvay traffic for a one year Casino Ave., at 6:30 p.m. program will include works by development, fail/operatibj 'cjSurse in traffic'engineering. ; Rjcnard J. foltywed by French cuisine at Mrs..Richard HariiWerl and J.<^.F. Bach, AntonVWeberh, 'marketing and Analysis, 'and different hostesses' homes Mrs. Edward Robinson, Beethoven,' Schumann, ?ht Oriental dancer. 5 Points 'Authority. As a transportation will hold its monthly meetfng | with Robert Koff, and per- MU7-0707 •<•••• " . • •• j—{ • • •"*! ynlhea has been studying Mondayin the board room of -r^XruPR _ formed extensively in the Uniotii planner he served- as task dancing for teft years Lincoln School^at 8 p.m. ICHtnci< _ Cohtihental Cuisine, Jersey force leader for many studies Cranford Fire Chief Ber- will receive a'great deal of j Weiss, Instructress at area. nard Fleming has annbunced information' that will con-1 rning mainly .from ob- ..^^.^^.^...„„„„.Hostesses.will be Mrs, .Ann e A :iosedsun.Cocktail Lounge in airport and seaport plan- ving other .dancers and Stelzer, Mrs. Bea 'Gargario ArtAAakers Studio— ari3 that classes in kitchen fire, tribute to making your own cing many questions about and Mrs jbianeLovallo. •" Gallery, Garwood, will YMCA lists safety, will be presented at the home a safer place in which tq| Make Your Roiervullom Now For The art. With a lot of practice, The auxiliary is a sponsor of. perform Oriental dancesrat Most Stirring Theatrical Experience Cranford Community. Center live. ' . -'- ' endurance ""*"" arid self- the Cranford Dramatic Club's,, .men's nlghio(Xohony Club CM Qur Time . , on each of five days starting "Children are trained in fire|| class 1 de|termination, Feb. 17. Classes start- atT:30 safety in all of our schools.? ' Cynthea production of'.'Butterflies Are of Cranford Saturday, THE PASSlOVPUy le rned "the ^art form and Free"iFeBTM at 8:30 p.m. Mar. 1. The Westfield YMCA is, p.m. daily'. '• , This is a time for the re's'Urf usr-\ a of Holy Family Cnurth SbJJQcame an accomplished ^" -- holding registration this week - Individuals interested may, that are. ybung^at heart to, get and next for classes in which PARK THEATRE attend on-the day. most-cod- jnfoMhe know," the chief dinger. She is presently JW-JJndSt. ichlng Belly-dancing .at openings remain/or its .winter venient to them. The program •added.. — -•;"" J ... „ Social Security lid UnldnCliv. N.J if t Makers Studio and lerm and is 6pen to Cranford irMIIVATIOHS LUNCHEON COCKTAILS- Saturday/y is part, of the-ongoing fire, Captain Leonard D'olar/willj Pa llery in' Garwood,. Among and Garwood residents. 233-5542 fAITIB 10 TO 100 March l.l. prevention program of the conduct the class. He is'||;Jf •1 lue«d prlct»tor Senior ClUitnt other talents', Cynthea is a A total of .30 progressive J opposed by Rinaldo —»ntf—--ytud»nVtr- JBke Deparimeni—_ --- - captain_of_thejjre Preventions fftflairtnjil pointer p'n'rf jjwim glasses for youngster^ • )' Sunday Watinee .M»rcb.l; ••'• *•' ^erMlse of the increasing "bureau? tmaker and Is currently Congressman Matthew-the Congress wfio warirta get" a head~staff t-or inform number of krtchenjires, It.la _^ ' " • • " j; ^^- v ' Rinaldo (R., 12th Djst.) said priority to improving a «ystem on summer are offered in the Pinion PlitV Box O«llc«, JM . JJth that martv people wil I Illr)' -' •, today he intends to fight the that isn't very equitable and Y's totally, redesigned sycim- hoped, that manypeople- wilh 1WT - *•• JA P trVe hour in learning-of SIC ^- ^**'- proposal of President Ford to isn't^ery-adequate. We should program. — "the haznrds—foand^ in every malntaihra 5 pel' cent celling-be^-more^concerned that the-' For adults,, there are ton . .. ••!ngn^a^erjy of our nation receive beginners courses in tennis, The chief stated, "We are - "I feel strongly that main- enough benefits to keep up judo and karatej fencing and asking our r^siden'ts'taset one to present ffogram taining'a five per cent ceiling with the increasing cost of scuba, a new course in photo- hour aside to aid us in dissem- on benefits is- unfair and aliving instead of less. graphy and guitar-plus home inating needed fire prevention _The» Musical Club of Westi- liss Elizabeth Gray, nist of Westfielpy breach of faith with our senior , *" Not only do I intend to fight maintenance information. In one hour, you field will meot hexf Wed ! nesday at 1 p,ni. at the home' own compositions, citizensi' 'Rinaiao stated, !"If against pl'a'gtng a lid on <*^——*- is undecstandab-le that Lenefits as .requested by the there is a new coed fitness F.ASTER SEAL DRIVE -of Mrs. Ernest C. Kartell, 555! P(t ?lude and Fugue in A Major Mountain Ave., Westfield. ajj- i Prelude and Fugue In C.FederaK spending -must be President,irtitf intend to fight class which "offers ' exercise . Easter. Seal Society' for (including swimming*, bike villa diablo " Dinners Crippled Children and; Adults M or. •, . --. .v- kept to a minimum in.manj^vigorously'-for legislation I Serv«dTU9 • Wm PHI "" Mrs. J. C.: Munday o£j riding, rope jumping and light is presently preparing its programs but not whein fririFroduced last session and ChUdren't.Menu Colonial VUIu« Cranford is in charge of th(sj VIrs. John Cook, soprano of comes to those who need and will re-introduce within the weight lifting) in addition to restaurant ReSERVAtiQNS^ - -. -^program-which—will include fljstfieldrwill next-fewdays to relieve much diet and nutrition control fora COMPLETifc DiNN ER-&—— \vhieh-this-year—run^-fwm-^rg p derick D. Walters, y re ng> composed by Miss "The President's proposal of the burden from the Social well-balanced family plan. FEATURING OU*FAMILY -94 MAIN ST., CHATHAM Feb. 21 to Easter Sunday," piuni8l of Westfield who will "There will be a new couple's Elizabeth Gray and based on tomes at a time when we inSecurity recipient." - CLOSED MONDAY March 30. ploy Impromptu, Opus (K) in G verses' of well known poets. swim on Thursday, evening. (FESTIVE DINNERS $7.95 flat by Fran? Schubert,-I^» Mi^s Gray will accompany her A complete sports program Strolling Musicians puertn del Vino and General Students visit Drew plus creative pottery, car- at the piano. PARTY & BANQUET A salute Irvine - eccentric by Claude , Mrs. William W. Lewis of pentry, beginning and ad- Debussy, " Westfield is chairman of for economics vanced chess, beginning hospitality and she ^vill be guitar and model building for Call Us For Dally Specials. boys and girls are offered in Greater Mew York Mrs! MafUonald W Smith, assisted by' Mrs, Charles Forty-four Cranford High penmental program designed - 731-4411 . soprano of North Plainfield, Andrevvs and Mrs. Wetrren School Bjudents spent by, Howarof Schober, the child development Automobile Show will sing t'anclones populares Kaeding of Westfield and Mw. yesterday at Drew University economics instructor at program. \ j|443 NORTHF1EI.D AVE. WEST ORANGE.N.J| espanolas by Manuel De Charles Ammann Jr. and Mrs. to participate in ''Economics Cranford High, and Dr. r lk 1 "thevilla ditiblo Makes IMAGINE!'• Only 7. » Vi.'arn' DHKDS ,A maUvk from A To' Fallo. Mrs. Raul' F Monte of Floyd L. Barnett of Cranford. Awareness Day, an ex-Jerome Cra.nmer, chairman yUv ^ Your Eqting Out An Oocaslon" the firHt - Autnmuhil Zi uml«ir one rttol /V rti|n(l Tof—the—department—of- Sln>w diuplnyi'd "Hor»c'li'»« mili'Hlmic in Auto at the pianoi economics at Drew, - ' Ciirrinu<'«" »' Ilic <>ri^'nwil Hmtc.w M7A', \yil\. H7.V llu> MiuliHim S(|uarc (iurdi'n Siiprr Special 1) Hi Ml 11 n 11 DeMolay installs Hade The program had a three" NtlW MARVEL AT ll\<' • luhllr-r -llickpot '.ri\ovlHiih(lH fold qbjectlve:—to provide world'H ur''11'''"' iinncriililiinr .»! pri/i>s. KHHMliirm'li'Hs Collegians students with the opportunity of t'.S iirid im|.xirU'd- inrn .ijirnaijr. Tiiclirr ('or lilts, a as district councilor to discuss Economics topis of pluH antiqui'K. cuHlnms, Harlcy • Davidson. Co/iunK SUSAN'PRISCO, daughter rnrcTH. sports curs nnd [iitur AVjirt*. Itijdak 'SOUTKI Movie of Mr.oiind Mrs. D. J Prisq> of Ronald J. Hade, son of Mr. master councilor of Bremner interest to. ~ them with JHtic'8 at Ihv 19v5 Dinmoiut Cameni and Projector. IJJ 1U2 Hillcrcst Ave.,: is on| the_ and Mrs." Thomas Hade of Chapter In Cranford. He Holds academic experts in-the field; ! Jubilee Auto Shiiw GETfinl fayelte .HmfiiiH & 111 -T'i'», ^dean's list for the ^ fall " Craniord, has been elected the representative DeMolay to motivate students to pursue CEUBRfflON hand REHATE informulion .Ntir'fU'o Shnvcrs. Evereadv semester . at ' Trenton State nnd installed as rjlstrict award, which istthe highest Economics education at the ^in rill CiM. I'ord ami Ami't- ' I''h)slili(!lils. theatre tickelM master councilor of the self-achievement , distinction college level; and to provide. CLUB INTRIGUE 1 .('ollege, where she is a fresh- PWYH0U$E iinn Mnlom-nirH plus spwial more THRILL A I)A >7 Spi- man. . , Seventh DeMolay District, a DeMolay can earn, and the-N^tudents with -small group III South Av«. Crintard IB on imports SEE HI'S- nal events' HrinK tin- fainih ' The installation took place at degree of chevallef, which is- settings in which they, could Frl..Sit.5un.»:MP.M. ' 3"'"M Parklno Available »'-M» 'FEBRUARY 1-9 • NEW YORK COLISEUM the Masonic Temple, Rahway, the second highest Honor a confer with • instructors . on Jkdulti tJ 00 • Cklldrta It 10/MoK thru III . II • m , 10 30 t m • lun 1 f «i I t Wll-<1.1AM B. THOMPSON Jan. 19. DeMolay can receive. ... career opporturtit4es and JH. of 2«J (irenves PI. received i District Sevep in comprised' Other members of the local'guidance in" the various a muslornf sc'ic nct'_idegroe in of nine DeMolay chapters in chapter appointed and•'" in*- Economics-related areas, MON: WIDtnON NIGHT commerce'rtHJently'from St. 1 the central New Jersey area, stalled were Donald- Dennis, PAPER MILL Ix'niis University, St. '-'Louis, with a membership of more scribe; Robert Cunningham, - Participants were:' Tarn Brooksidi> Drivi.-. Milltnitn. Ni-w Jersey 07041 Mo. . '• than 400. young men between chaplain; Ellswd rt h Boehm, Paul Bqrtnicker,. Ray m M1MII Ml UIIIO IN UIMUtlOl D>'niJ|k>i the ages of 13 anhd 21.' Berkowitz, sixth preceptor" Boyle, George "Deaver, PLUMBING & HEATING MA-KK McKKNNON of 91 Ron is a member and past and Paul Halligan marshal.. Richard Edelman, Bob Hahn, TOES: JOEV GEORGE Vivian Blaine Celeste Holm t'^htehniftl ' AVUI__JS _oji the Tom Hart, Jim Hobie.Marty ELECTRIC • dcah"s list at KIIHTSOIV Klein, Mifte Laferrera, Steve SEWER SERVICE i. J Boston. Mass'- •. Story heroes at library Leitman, Scott Macfadyen, ESTIMATES GIVEN SamLevene KayMedtord WED:OOIDEH OLDIES wlHi r In Moil Hart'l Cpmady PAULA. (JHAMLlNtJ- of 347 The clhildren's'deiiartment in person in the -children's 326 WALNUT AVI. a 0 me JOHNNY THE DJ. 44 ^_.S Ui^oi] Aviv is on tiio"honor of Crartford Public Library ro ^ of library for any of Larry Rieder, Tom Rawe, roll lor lhi* fall somest'er. at will conduct two scries of prc- 'the-., sessions . beginning CRANFORD -school story hours this sp'ringr-Monday-,- : - = - -- LLghtUptheSky" Kasl^raroliiia UntveTsffyV John WaitTMafjrZoltak.'WaTt liriH»nvilll\W.C.,-wlvoro she is one for three-year-olds and ' iJ-'duHs responsible for •lio itarrlng Bohm, Al Bowden, Jim THURS FRI SAT: JUDOEMEHT II Wesley Addy niajonn^jn c-onimuiuty health one for fo'ur-yenr^Jds. -\children will be expected to Dave Daniels, Dan r There will be lwo-session$ remain in..the librSry during Directed by Harold J. K«nn«dy- Y seivic-,es' In las l wook's' L :1 ~ FEBRUARY 18- MARCH IB ('hrorm-je she was' uu-orrootly, for • ihree-year^lds,- one on • ""~ " ' ' ~ HAROID F. uicntified as an lionor-slmlent •Tuesdays nt 1:30 p.m.' and one i -«••• Si. FcuneLS A on Thursday a. aLJLQ a.m.. from, for those adults interested BENNtR, INC. SUN: FUNKY BREEZE' DISCO Uiretto', Pa Feb: lti ancf 20^-ihrough March " "" Eric Mason; Steve 25 and 27. Children must have nesday and Thursday, story BODY AND FENDER hours. Molnar, Mary Pat Orrico, had their third birthdny before Rick Tleimlinger, Mark STRAIGHTENING Vour Hosts - Bill and Sandy NOW PLAYING • TUNE-UP BONANZA* the first scheduled session. AND TOWING 1 r^Mtt. PhKt. ConiMMf Schultz, Gary Schwartz, Tom LUNCHEON-and DINNER. , THRU FEBRUARY IB Ad|ylt »n4 Ut Attendance will be limited to Sobdn,.Sean W^lsh and Jim Estimates Furnished 15 in each group. Zielenbach. j Performance*: Wed . Thurs* Fn nl 8 30 There will" ulso be two V\V DOCTOR CLUB INTRIGUE SHI at 5 & 9 30 Sun nl 3 & 7 30 Thuts MHI nl 2 . MoiUtrt ICyl ,, 276-1111 276-1127 Tlck.U: J9. J8. $7. $6. $5 $•». $3 ' , ' sessions for four-year-olds, I MAKE'HOUSE CALLS SKILLED 426 N. Wood Ave. Linden. N J. •12.95 one on Tuesdays at 10 HAiUJS.. & GENUINE CAT ShOW PLANNED 606 SOUTH AVE.. E. M6-951S - 436-9806 FrM Htk\*i 2OI-376-4343 (8 cyllndtr; $15.95) and one on Wednesdays^iit REPLACEMFN'T PARTS. TO FIX The Associated Humane CRANFORD, N.J. The State Theatre of New Jersey \:w, from la«b IB and 19WHAIfVER'S BUGGIN"' YOUR Societies and the SO. ELMQRA through March 25 nnd 26 Cosmopolitan Feline Fanciers EXXONSERVICENTER Children must have had their CALL will hold the first annual 'South !l*6fi »vr; Cw.ErWo Av» championship- GaU-show—on- ••(wMfl SI G«M|t Av«. 4 Btywty first scheduled session und not 276-4845^: Feb 15 at the-Franklin Guard GET THE CWcU flS W44 yet be in kindergarten At- WINE of the MONTH also Armory in Franklin, -New Work done incluiiTng Sundiy till H tendance will be limited to 2$ Jersey, just off Routes 23 and F1 M Call toi Appointment SNOW PLOWING p R9BERTCARRAJAT 517. ' MOST IU>Kistration lyitst bo made Delightfully Different! FROM John J. Pupils hear RESTAURANT GUIDE The Arch (Continental) ^Aon. Sat. 11:30 Ma|or Credtt truck driver Cards Accepted . • ifFE... DiFabio Canton Low (Chinese) Wed. Mon. Ma|or Credit Cards AKAOAMA ltaytniMkJ li-rnu of Cranford Accepted .ttpttke.• to*tho sjecond' grade Chu Dynasty (Polynesian) Sun. Sat. noon 11:3D • Roofing-Siding children m LivAtvuston School Malor Credit Cards Accepted Japanese recently about job op- Clyde's Other Place (American) Mon. -Sat. £n- Gutters-leaders portunities in iractor trailer lertalnment Ma|or Credit Cards ^. Review your life? Insurant u prograai driving and repairing. Coachman Inn iTradltlonal) Dally 7/10 En- PIUMWINE • ' penodKdlly Make sure it still matches your The children wt re told about tertalhment AAa|or Credit Cards Accepted family's changing ' needs and your a'ddec^ the excitement of visiting Otlger's (American Feakjres Homemade Apple Pie) Sun. Sat. 11.30 10-Ma|or Credit Cards Accepted I responsibilities State Farm and I carv-help you many areas while at work but they were also informed of the Lichee LOrlentsii Moru • Sun. American EnncaM- get what you want out ol I lie Let me Miow you ^A«rio'» tInternational) Mon Thurs. 12 1J. S • 10 Frl. v problems that lenR hauls how presented . T2 - 2 a. 5 11 Sat 5 11 Sun. 1 9 "Amerlcan'ExpressTt SISTER SUSAN t'irnii -showed thr children Olner's Club " • \ CALL 276-6867 tine of his s'maller tool sets and Nanlna't (Ifallan) Sun Mon. 'Thurs. 13 • J 8. 5 • 10 FrL Hill hf Jsuifk IREADEK K, ADVJSOR; explained Ju>w the different' 17 7 & 5 U Saf. 5 11 Sun. V>- 9 • Ma|or Credit Cards ARNOLD 'HAP' GARDNER • larot Card Hi'admjj tools-were used He explained Accepted " . • 1*4 Jut pith A Specially that doing your own repairs P«U A Charllt'i (Traditional) /V\on.- Sat. Ill A.M. • BALDEN STREEt CR^NFORD * saves time--and- money- Ma|or Credit Cards Accepted T.Walnut Ave! However, trucks''break down ToWtf Stca'k H.oui* (Tradltlona.1) Dally 11 lbv30Sun, 1 • 10:30 • Ma|or Credit Cards Accepted Like a good neighbor, State Form is there txjth day and night^jio_w'drking Mil PARKINO IN REAR 11133311 . hours are itregular, . TVttOla'i (Continental) foes- Thurs. 11:30 - 9:30 Frl. -6V-Sar7-11r-3O vto- r~ •-f.~Tlr- 7^1044 UP. lolri Ihn i'hi%Pn that* JRS:~ they could learnio-do~.repairs •-Wfdowood iniK-TradUlonal) Mon_^Jiun.-MSLle"'-Credit OUR WINE UNE INSURANCE COMPANY 10 AM-9 PM by watching adults w.orking onf WnvPIH l«n (TradltlonAl) Tues^ • Sat. 12 • 9 Sun. 'til 8'- machines a"d by* going (o Major Credit Cards-Acdepted •: ' 'Jj[ FIB pcuvnr Home Office: Bloomlngton, Illinois school

