" ' • • '"-* • '•..;' • /** ~\U:, iS&rvihg Cranford, Keuilworih andGarivdod '* • ' I • / '. _•,..:,-_>,„.;•*•••.: ;.,,s*\ ./•• VOL. 82 No. 5Pu,bli§hed February 6, 1975 Second Class Postage Paid .Cranford N.J. 07016 15 CENTS T increasV- •• . '• .. • . '.••'-•• e* »•..- '••estimate• • ' •.''.." '- ••• • • •d• »"•' - •-a- ' t' • £.7• • %- The. Board of Education it can anticipate a total of receipts ..and $75,000 in $32,480 for* principals, - and inflation. costs for contracted services The board has appropriated service, down $23,907, and lesser amount in debt service. Tuesday night unanimously $1,154,000in formula state aid, .miscellaneous revenue, $40,065 fbr -secretaries and •Among increases for fixed and $10,000 for replacement of an additional $23,395 for ad- plant"'rhainlerian.ce, down The maintenance decrease adopted a tentative school up by $10,061, and $88,029, in mostly from interest on in- clerical assistants. \Vhil6 charges are- $12,000 in state a 1961 school bus. Under a new ministration of which $10,020 $3,950. ' was questioned by former budget of $9,868,452.20 for the state aid; for buildings, the vestments'. - costs for textbooks are down .retirem'ent benefits and social law, school boaras are not would go toward raises. • ' The capital outlay account board member Dr. Harry 1975-7$ school year, an to-:same amount the district is v. Segal attributed most of the $9,560, teaching supplies are security payments, $57,640 for allowed to operate buses that "The-summer-school account is down because the $607000 Dougherty during the drease of $623,127.50 or 6.7 per receiving this year. budget increases to inu-p by".. $56,600—because of insurance* and .,$30,030 for are more than 10 years,old. Is up by $9,210. Of this amount. provided in the current budget audience, participation portion Cent over the current budget. of the meeting.. Superintendent of Schools flationary factors and higher higher costs /for paper and tuitio._T n to other districts. Segao_l The student "body activities $7;210 would go toward raises for the planned demolition of A tax levy of $8,229,423.50 is Dr. .Joshua Segal noted, Salaries. The tfjr.ee largest other items, Segal said. said the tuition figure reflectsv account shows an increase of and the remainder for sup- Sherman' School has been ."The board should be aware proposed, a hike of 5.6 per however, that tfcese figures hikes,are fit the .instruction Under plant operation, the both a cost increase and $11,680, Including a hike of plies. Segal noted that funds transferred to the reserve that saving a few- pennies cent. This would result in^a tax are part of a package account,. up by $396,995; the budget provides an increase of provisions far. 12 additional $8,975 in salaries and.$2,705 in are provided for hiring of two- fund. The board took no action v today may result in dollar increase of $29.78, for the proposed by Gov. Brendan -plant operation account, up $57,235 ui . salaries"' f6r special education pupils who other expanses, Segal said a additional teachers for an as to demolish the school because costs tomorrow," Dougherty owner of ' a $45,000 home/ Byrne, which is subject to $129,285; and fixed charges, custodians, although will be enrolled in classes portion of the.increase is due yet unspecified pr&gram the matter is still tied up in pointed out. according to the board. •..-.•/ approval by the legislature, -up $98,970. : negotiations are still In outside Cranford, ' to the proposed hiring 'of. a expansion at-the high school. litigation.- The board has been notified v The boawLalSQiB applying ..Among the proposed in- progress. Heat is up by $l5,t)O0 Pupil transportation funds, junior varsity field hockey Three accounts show A decrease in interest ori Board ...member Stephen y-Cteunty^upedntejident^ i^tth are up a thttJof $24,115, at- coach and a gymnastics decreases, capital ,puflay, bonds for the- high school Gracey said the, board has a d tilitl^b^lS^ : r * * Schools Dr. Wffiiarii WeSt^fiat budget, ^2^00.0 in tuition >$250,135for teacher salaries, which the board attributes to tributed mainly' to ^higher coach. whlcTTTs d6wri$53~,340; debt "e'xpansTon" "HccoUrilsPTbY"" the ." "~Cbn1lnu<Kr6ijn>igii~] " • " *" .,, ' ' r. '[:' .. 1'. '' • ' , •' ..... ., ' -: ' „,. ..;, •'••,'. '• ^^ C:- Township officials are. Zoning Board of Adjustment's area for townhouses is already --••'-•'•••.•....• ' -I ••••,:,:>• considering the possible refusaT~To~~gTSnT "Krause asunder consideration -by—the- jrezonjngof the northeast side"ibnin ' g variance t"o build the ~Plannin g BoardJ; whos-•—-'•'-e - of Springfield Ave. fronTNoTifir aparlmenrsTJadgeTJrelerhad tion it is to^ recommend to theRahway for townhouses. ruled the Zoning Board did not zoning to the Township The area is opposite Holly St. abuse its discretion in the^Committee. Actual zoning A'rezoning of.at'leaSt one denial, but commented he power lies with the.Townshtp-r parcel .was ordered in a would have voted for It liad he Committee. The JBoard of unanimous opinion last week been a member of the board. Adjustment is empowered to ^ ^ ordered the rezoning 6! the pfdpertjrat-30" Springfield Ave. owned by Dr.. Frank W. Krause and his wife. own reports The property,, which con- tains ail unoccupied 60-year- _ old, 16-room house, is for two-family on Yule fire * . BS. .;. - •• The report on the January 9, 1975. he court stated Its action, Dec. 26 fatal fire at 126 Cen- Upon hearing these con- ZONING STRUCK DOWN — Slxteen-room house stands on property at 30 . reversed an earlier tennial Ave. was issued cerns, and after Fire Chief r Springfield^ve^whleFiihree-Judge Appellate Gourf fuled must be rezoned. court decision,,will give the yesterday by Mayor Buton S. Bernard Fleming-also-metr Three-story apartment adjoins It.. -: .; , - « •-,.•''•'••'• I.!*". township "an opportunity to .Goodman, • Public Safety with these Residents, the rezone the. area immediately Commissioner Daniel J. Police Cliief and Ffre Chief surrounding the plaintiffs' Mason and Township Ad- contacted the Ustkm County property on a comprehensive ministrator Sidney H. Stone: Prosecutor's -office to The appellate body gave the bring to "a conclusion Ithe officiar investigation. township 90 days in which to Township Committee's review .,. ," • • . .. J.J_^-- ^.OMESTEAD DAMAGED — Smoke pours'from sedand floor home of. Dr. and, rezone the Krause property or of the tragic flreon December "nloUnion County AjjihOaAsihtfann t Mrs. Thomas E. Dooley at 203 Holly St. Tuesday afternoon. Prosecutor Stanley Kac- else issue a permit for garden 16, 1974, at 126 Centennial apartments Which the fewed the Police Avenue, resulting in the un- reports and- the The , proposed senior plicant, the Cranford Housing though 17 sites.were examined i Krauses' sought to construct. fortunate death of Miss citizens' ^housing project on Board, Inc. ^ only the Meeker Ave. one met egations and informed the Township assessed _ Christine Urban.' that- this type of in- Dooleys plan Meeker Ave. was the subject Attorney for the opposition, state standards, Gill said, The ' Numerous questlpjis^were vestigation was unnecessary of stiff cross-examination, by Edward Hobble of 534 South need for senior citizen* The ruling assessed the' raised by somcKwmiesses of , - ... - housing is even stronger now an attorney representing over Ave., said he planned to costs of the suit at both the this fire^asreported in the since the facts revealed that 120 residents opposed to. the with double digit inflation present witnesses last night, Superior Court trial level and fi^TJornal -article on the charges were unfounded. case at the Board of Adjust- than it was in 1968 when, the returning to .explaining he had been- Even after thlB- report -by- the ment. Jieeting Monday1 night. concept was introduced, said in the Appellate Court agajns^Ja.buary 3 and at a meeting retained only Monday morn- the township. -The coste-have with some area residents Assistannt Prosecutor, it, was- The three-hour hearing on an .'ng. • . • . Gill. Presently, there are 2,650 yet to be flxed^-""'^ ' called by. Mayor. Burton.; JSV felt' that a thorough In- application to permit multi- senior citizens (over. 65 years vestigation should be .conr ! - - No other site old in "the township and 580 The'dexiston overturned Goodman, Public Safety ducted by the Mayor,, the wa§J>y^Superior Court Judge Commissioner Daniel J. on. the outside, single-family zone was ad- . f7 wners reT3Btvtng~seni6r WUltanr A. Dreier^in~-Octrr~Mason—a.nd—Township Ad- ~--Tfie second fire withl» five jneifolast.nighL citizen exemptions! years Tuesday* "extensively was . severely damaged by "=%. » it 1973. That ruling upheld the ministrator Sidney H. Stone oh ^niinued bn P«0« does not grant a p Thei project Jhaff met damaged the 13-r(>oni h6|pqof smbkt' and heat. At last nights hearing Mrs. famil^ill dooy usme thvariance,e only", presenthen t minfmuln te« rements. on •Dr."N and Mrs. Thomas E". SalvageuBle' Barbara Anderson, land opportunity to bring senior iz e,-wtfllcing and sitting ill d th ol f s v Dooley.at 203 Holly St. Dr.-Dooley,.staid he-believes ''"•5 •' • g ^^^spacbrTJroxirnitjr-to—storesr Township budget delayed Tbf the home ia salvageable and '.'34 "" • • Ri was to said Edward K. Gill, ?|iair and member family at hope when that the family will return ttT '" ';! Administrator The state still has not finally it. He and Mrs. Dooley and two Hi -• • • the fire broke oul in tho kit- . • if' ' has decided not to . Sidney H:SJonesaLd confusion determined the formula under of thjeir children are staying ^ • . citizen tha 1975 municipal budget over^thtfamounFof-money-the^whfclr -state -montes-will- be -chen. Damage to the rear of unit apartments, must temporarily with the family of Monday night as originally -township will receive from the allocated for local-public the home and to the interior incomes ranging between PYancis J.
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