B u c h a n a n R e c o r d . Are Yon Needing an


TERMS, $ 1,50 PER YEAR Suit ofClothes eAYABLK IK ADYAKCK. -O B * VOLUME XXIV. BUCHANAN. BERRIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1890, NUMBER 89. UNDERWEAR, OFFICE—InRocord Building,OakStreet AS YOU GO THROUGH LIFE. give her remarkable serene dignity a "With these words she took one from shock, for she had looked up to his good lesson.” the vase, and stuck it jauntily in the face; and the face of Harvey Ellsworth for yourself or boys; a good reliable pair of Don’t look for tho flaws as you go through life ; “ What plan can we make ?” braid of her hair. The girls near her ’at that moment was in rapture—a Business Directory. Special Sale of And ovon when you fim llhem , They were not long in finding one, did the same. Then Olivia ordered the rapture of happiness. Her heart It is wise and kind to bo somewhat blind for, given the mischievous intent, basin passed around the table, so that lightened as she went on. SABBATH SERVICES. And look for the virtue behind them. there is always a scheme ready at hand all present might select a flower. “You must pretend to Adele that SERVICES arc held’ every Sabbath at I0:3ffi For the cloudiest night has a hint of light to give the mischief expression. A t the instance the sentence passed you did write it; she must never know O o’clock ju Jt., at the Church o£ the “ larger Somewhere in its shadows hiding; dopealso. Sabbath School services innucdiate- The plan was a bold one, and several Olivia’s lips Adele flushed quickly* She that the girls made such a plan; she y after the morning meeting* Prayer and confer* It is better b y far to hunt for a star. days elapsed before it was thoroughly did not raise her eyes immediately; must think that she was mistaken; for, race meeting every Thursday evening. A cordial Than the spots on the sun abiding. completed and ready for execution. It but when she did she looked full into oh! shehas been crying dreadfully. or any kind of footwear for your family? i'tvitation la extended to all. If so do not fail to look over the only full The current of life runs cyer away might have perished carelesly as it be­ Olivia’s face, and then at Matilda, You must send her another note and whose half-suppressed laugh had lines of these goods at the big store of O.O.P,—Bnchanan Lodge No. 75 holds Its We* each season, make a special sale of To the bosom o f God's great ocean. gan, but for one or two aggravating say you are so glad she wore the rose.” I . regular meeting, at Odd Fellows. Hall, on Blankets, and make our prices so low that Don’t set your force ’gainst the river’s course circumstances which in the meantime reached her. Then she dropped her “And I am so glad,” said Mr. Ells­ each Tuesday evening. we will sell in SO days as many blankets as And think to alter its motion. made Adele appear to be more than eyes again without allowing them to worth.” we couhl sell in six months in the, regular Don’t waste a curse one the universe— ever appropriating the desirable Mr. transmit any expression of surprise, or “And then—-for she did consent;" G. W. N O B LE. ¥71 & A. hi.—Buchanan lodge No. 6S holds a way. O ur prices are very low this year, C . regular meeting Monday evenlngon or before Remember, It lived before you. Ellsworth. anger, or suspicion. this Georgie said regretfully-“since she thef nil moon in each month. much lower than they will be next year. Don’t butt at the storm with your puny form— During these few days the suscepti­ But the quick flush faded into a did consent, yqu must walk around the >fiut bend ancPlot it go o ’er you. ble little Georgie found herself very painful pallor, She looked for a few piazza with her, and make up some­ MY PRICES HAVE NOT ADVANCED OP H.—Buchanan Grange N o 40 meets on P • the second and fourth Saturday o f each The world: will never adjust itself kindly noticed by Olivia and Olivia’s moments as if she were fainting; thing to comfort her.” nonth,at2 o’cloclsr. a. To salt your whims to the letter. particular friends. At last, one morn­ but no, her spirits rallied. She went “I shall not have to make it up,” re­ Some things must go wrong your whole lifelong, ing, Matilda Owens said to her,— on with her tea. She even, when the plied Mr. Ellsworth. OiU. W__Buchanan, LodgeN o. 93 hold sits Waiter, not noticing the bud in her The Druggist’s Customer*. A , renlar meeting the lstuud 3d Tuesday even* And the sooner you know it the better. “Georgie, do you want to have some “ Then come, quick, and write the ing of caeh month. During this sale you can buy a pair of I t is folly to fight with the Infinite, fun, and help us with a plan of ours hair, held the basin to her, took from message,” cried the impetuous Georgie. “Have you any objection to telling scarlet ’ all-wool blankets for §2.25. A And go under at last in the wrestle. that will be an excellent joke?” it a rose, and placed it in her bodice. By ten o’clock, Adele, re arrayed in Pi A . E - W m . Parrott Post N o. 22. Regular me whether your (flock'indicates the (X . meeting on the first and third Saturday much finer pair at $3.75. The wiser man shapes into God's plan Georgie declared that she was ready She left the table when several others her lovely costume, with the rosebud exact time?” asked a mild looking veiling of each mouth. Visiting comrades al­ A beautiful quality for $4.50, aud at §5 As the water shapes into a . for anything; she loved fun, and she left it, so as not to attract attention, in her hair and tne message, “meet me man who stepped into a drag store the ways welcome. a. pair that is very fine and soft. loved jokes. and went to.her own room. in the Blue Pavilion,” written by his other day. An all-wool gray blanket 12-4, made in Having been bound to secrecy, She The plot had succeeded, she had been own hand and brought to her by her OMAN'S RELIEF CORPS, Win -Perrott Post Northern Indiana, for §8.75. Cannot be “Certainly not. The (flock is exactly W N o. SI. Jlectxnsa held regularly, In Grange was directed to write at dictation a set face to face with her own folly. own dear Georgie—his 'message, with right,” said.the proprietor. Hall, first and third Saturday o f each month. matched. THE YELLOW ROSE When Georgie rushed to Matilda to White blankets will be shown at 75e, $1, letter that Matilda would compose, one trembling kiss upon it, safely, “Thanks. I will set my watch by it.” M. KNIGHT, M. D., (Homoeopathic.) hear how the joke went off, all Matilda «1 50, §3, $2.50, $2.75, $4, $4.50 and $5. and to use in writing her extraordinary stowed in the pocket of her ivory-' “AH right, sir.” _ . Office and residence first door south Of Ahele Haskell formed one of tlie skill in imitation. They produced the said glancing toward Miss Riley, was, ;ongh Bros. Wagon Works. All-wool from $2.50 np. colored gown—went down stairs just After setting his watch, hesaid: group of girls who were spending their handwriting she was to copy, in slips as the waltz music in the parlor struck “Now. if you don’t'mind, I will f\R S. HENDERSON & BRADLEY, Physicians summer at the seaside, in a romantic from a game of “Consequences,” con­ “Hush, don’t you see her?” up jubilantly. IJ' and Surgeons?- Office is Opera House Block. look at the morning paper lying on Residence No DO Front St., onedoorW estof Perry little port, made thoroughly delightful taining sentences written one evening A few minutes Inter when Georgie And in the Blue Pavilion, safe with your counter. I see nobody is using it.” Fox’s. Calls answered all hours of day or night. Canton Flannel and Batting. by the combination of woodland and by Mr. Ellsworth, went to find her sister, whom she miss­ Mr. Ellsworth, Georgie, blessed Georgie “That's all right.” One always m the oflice. R. Henderson and W. J< “ Whom is the letter to?” asked ed from the parlor, she had difficulty Bradley. wild coast. Inland drives and shaded —for she felt herself that moment— He read the paper a while and laid rambles Were as accessible at choice as Georgie. in bringing an answer to the locked left them. it aside with the remark: Every quality of canton flannel is sold by f i 1. BAILEY, Homeopathic Physician ana surf bathing or the long strolls on the “That,” said Matilda, “you are not lo door of the room which the sisters “Adele,” said the manly voice, with “There doesn’t seem to be much in OT. Surgeon. Office and residence in ImholE’s us, but we liave two numbers that are un­ shared together. When Adele at last block, Buchanan, Mich. usually good. Our unbleached at 5 cents a fine white beach, forever washed by know. Then, if any questions are that manliest tone in it that springs the papers, these days. By the way, yard, and our unbleached at 12 yards for a the exhilarating Waves. asked when the joke cotff^soff, you can opened the door, there was no conceal­ from true devotion, “ I shall thank you may I trouble you for the city directo­ M. WILSON, Dentist, Office, first aoor north dollar—8 1-3 cents a yard. Get a sample Adele was at this place under the say truly that you are ignt-Jit.” ing the fact that her eyes were red all my life for granting me this happi­ ry ? I want to look it over for the ad­ a o f the Bank. Charges reasonable and satis- care of her aunt, and with her, under Georgie looked thoughtful at this, with weeping. She had evidently been ness. May I spend my life—are you J action guaranteed. of it and compare with Canton flannel that dress of a friend or two.” you are asked 12 cents for elsewhere and her own care, a younger sister just and hesitated. shaken with some tempest of emotion. going to let me, dear Adele, spend my He spent five or ten minutes look­ S. MEAD, Manufacturer o f Lumber. Cus see. if it is not as good. * nearing the fourteenth birthday, and “I think I ought to know whom I ‘ Oh, Addie, what is the matter? life in thanking you for it?” ing through the directory, and then . ton Saiving promptly attended to on short Mnotice. Buchanan,, Mich. Our hatting is called the Electric batting ceasing to he the torment and delight am writing.to,” she said. What has happened ?” cried the child. These questions followed each other rose as if to go. because it passes through a dynamo aud all of immediate relatives as Yenfante ter­ The girls overruled her objection. Then she caught sight of two yellow .closely; so closely because the proud, “Have you an almanac?” he inquir- the black specks are taken put. It is pure rible, only to occupy the same distinc­ “You will know as soon as i t is best,” roses—a hud and a flower—tossed on sensitive girl, to whom all expression quired, after standing irresolutely in H. M. Brodpick. M. D. and white; rolls out very fluffy aud nice. tion of concern as “a bright little piece” they said. And you can trust to tis that tho floor. “Oh, my darling Addie! my of that which was really sacred to her the door way for some moments. Graduate of the St. Louis, Mo., Homoeopathic -ALL KINDS OF- College, and Member o f the Royal College of Our bats sell at 9 and 1 2 cents and are Georgie Haskell was an irrepressible, it is written to the right person.” a beautiful,'splendid, noble sister! what was by her very constitution most The proprietor handed him one, Physicians o f Ontario, Diseases o f Women and good enough for a quilt filling. mischievous, wonderfully observant, So Matilda dictated. have they done to you ? Oh, I’Jl kill difficult, had been this night so tossed “ Thanks, One o f another sort, chUdrsn a specialty. Remember our hatting; the name is Elec­ and wide awake creature ; and her calm “Forgive me if I address you too them every one—Indeed I will! And and wearied by pain and pain’s mis­ please, Thanks. Y ou don’t object to CONSULTATION FREE, tric, and the sale of it controlled by us in and beautiful elder, Adele, whom she I ’ll kill myself, tool” she added, as the givings that she melted at love’s first Office in Reynold a Block, day and.night. South Bend. REPAIRTFG hastily and too boldly. Y ou are m all a man smoking a cigar here, I pre­ devoutly admired and loved, had never­ my thoughts every moment, and I feel whole truth flashed upon her, and she touch. There was no need to ask, “ Do sume?” theless no light task in taking care of that I cannot resist the opportunity saw that Adele was the victim of the you love me?” between the dedicatory “No, sir,” said the proprietor, going A great many people know it, and more plot. are finding it out every day, that we sell -DONE AND- her, that may never occur again. . May I questions. The sweet face, agitated behind the show case. good, clean, fresh Domestics from 10 to 15 Georgie was often in disgrace, and see you for a few moments alone? If It was now Adele's turn for exclama­ and tender, the hands that he clasped “ Thanks.” per cent less than they are sold in this sometimes in punishment, and her only you will grant me this request—and I tion. in his, trembling, told without asking The mild looking man took a cigar country anywhere. relief at such moments was to write beg you as you value the true devotion “Be still, he still, my child; don’t that she loved him. from his vest pocket. ALL WORK GUARANTEED long letters of complaint to her absent of my heart not to refuse—please wear talk so wildly. Nothing has happened; He drew her near him there in the “May I ask you for amatch? Thanks.” mother. In one of these letters, whose to-night in your hair a yellow rose.” no one has done anything to me, I solitude, in the shaded moonlight, in He lit his cigar, smoked it iff silence Havlngieeently efeeted an exaggerated tales of woe could only in­ This letter had been carefully com­ felt tired, and I cried, that was all. the mid-summer sea air, and went on for a while, and then said: Rose & Ellsworth, In Henderson’s room, Front street, first terest the maternal heart, there hap­ posed, and it was dictated by Matilda Oh, I feel so tired of all the world to­ with a lover’s resistless fervor: “My “If yon have no objection I will use Improved Brick and Tiling Kiln door east of Trenbetli’s new building. pened to be, one day in late July, a bit from a manuscript approved by the night!” darling, I hardly dared—hardly dared your telephone a moment to ask my of description incidentally given that girls concerned in this practical joke. Here Adele, seeing that Georgie was to hope for this after our cruel separa­ wife if there is anything she-wants me I ant nonr prepared to furnish the South Bend, Ind. throws upon the seaside life at the ro­ “How sign it,” said Olivia. hushed, flung herself into an arm-chair, tion. When we parted last year in to bring home.” mantic port a significant glance of com­ “How shall I sign it?” asked the and burying her face in her bauds, Florence, Adele, and you said ‘forever,’ “ Y on may use it.” DIX & WLKINS0N, prehension, and shows how the perfect- child, who had succeeded by sharp wept bitterly. I knew as deeply as you could care to “ Thanks.” happiness of the place was utterly scrutiny of the model in making the Georgie stood perfectly still, but have me know that 1 never could love He spent the next five minutes at themarketaffords. Al£f marred by one slight want, hot taken Writing quite characteristic. across her , child-face passed a another. Did you know, my darling, the telephone. into consideration by the mammas and “Why, ‘Harvey Ellsworth,’ of course. conflict of feeling—$oirow, indigna­ did you hear, that I was very sick at “She says there is nothing she Dr. J. T. SALTER aunts in their choice of a summer sea­ Paris? They called it Roman feyer, wants,” he observed placidly, as h e. FIRST-GLASS TILING L a i and ’Tis a pitty we could not get bis signa­ tion, pity, and at last resolye. From Would inform the citizens o f Bnchanan and sur­ side. ture for yon to copy exactly, but we But it was the fever of fate, Adele. hung the ’phone and rung off. rounding country that all who want his this last sentiment her manner chang­ ranginginslze from two to eightinches. “And really,” wrote Georgie, “I never must make it from the letters you ed entirely; something of a womanly Many weeks it consumed me. Then, “Can I dio anything else for you ?” SyCallandsee my brick and getprices BUT AND SELL M L ESTATE. knew that men and boys could be of so have. There is a capital H to begin air took possession of her childness. when I roused myself, or when some­ inquired the druggist. much importance. Even bad boys with. thing beyond myself aroused me to the “ Thanks, no.” ______HENRY ELCEGITT. She came to Adele like a little mother. MONEY TO LOAN. would be welcome there; and as for “ Oh, Matilda,” said Georgie, “I could “Come, my dearest, you are tired out, fact of living again, I took up my life Then his eye fell upon a stack o f ad­ Sam and Harry, they would be petted not sign a man’s name. That would and 1 must see you lying down to rest again simply as a burden. ‘If I can vertising cards. Normal& Collegiate n large or small sums, atlow rates, on improveo to death by the girls. The night of the be wrong, I am sure. No one has a before I go down stairs. W e children give a ray of happiness to those un­ “I’ll take a few of these. They are for farms only. hall they had to send twelve miles for right to sign another man’s name. are to dance. first, but you must be happy as myself, let me live,’ I thought; gratuitous distribution, 1 suppose?” INSTITUTE, ‘but for me there is no joy in living.’ “Yes.” COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING, just a few; and such a set! But Miss Why, that would be forgery.” down at ten, I know you will be rest­ Benton Harkor, Mich. Riley said, ‘ Oh, anybody for partners.’ She was quite decided. ed by that time, and I particularly And now we have met again. It was “ Thanks. They will please the chil­ Olivia has perfectly beautiful dresses “Well, it must be signed,” said Olivia, want you to come down—for my sake.” a strange accident that brought me to dren ” Made or endorsed by himself, can obtain them at 30y BERRIEN SPRINGS MICH this place. I must tell you of it some any o f the —all from Paris—and not a soul to “or it will not be of any use. Of course All the time she talked she was “Anything else?” Fall Term Opens September 1, 1S90. dress for: for she says she won’t dress no one would wear a rose for an anony­ caressing Adele, and between the ca­ time, darling. But we have met again, “Thanks, no. Yes; there Is, too. Got Diplomas in all courses—Business, Kindergar­ Buchanan Drug Stores. for girls, The older girls, of course, mous lover. Come, don’t be obstinate, resses she unfastened her ornaments and this time it is foreyer, Adele, my any postage stamps?/ ten, Mnsic, A it, Teachers, Academic, Collegiate, are too proud to Say a word; hut any­ love.” ‘Y es.” Elocution. INFALLIBLE CUBE Georgie; we shall lose our whole joke.” and unlaced her gown. Then she Advanced methods, earnest teachers, full cours­ body Can see that they are just dying “I* will tell you what she can do,” brought her dressing-gown. As little Georgie, in her motherly “Let me have a two-center.” es, thorough drill, have won lor lliisinstitntion Y o u C a n for a few beaux; and we younger girls treatment of her sister had mingled' “ H prp i t it ;w the reputation o f being one or the nosx vigorous said Matilda, who had some faint mis­ “ Y ou are to be down at ten. so you HIDE CLASS SCHOOLS IN TI1E WEST. don’t mind saying that boys are good giving of conscience herself on that cannot undress entirely, darling. But with her words and service her tender “Th—no, Fll pay for this,” Recognised by the leading Ur i versifies. for picnics and moonlight tea-parties point; “ she can sign it in initials—H. just lie down bn the silk coverlet,” she caresses, so Adele’s lover now between He threw down a silver dollar, got Address lor Catalogue and other information, on the rocks (we want to get up some Ms words lavished his mute endear­ his change, and walked away with G. J. EDGCUMBS, A.M..Ph.D. E. That might be anybody; or at least. said, unfolding it and spreading it over 34tf Principal. POSITIVELY SAVE MONEY. moonlight tea-parties, hut can’t till the it might be any he. Come, child, don’t the bed. ment. the prond bearing of a man accustom­ boys come), and huckleberry excursions, “We have metagain, and this time ed to paying Ms way throogb this Price. 50c. and $1.00 per Box. higgle; the whole affair is nothing but Adele ceased crying; she was passive BY TRADING AT where there are dogs and fences, and forever.” world. a bit of fun. He! he! always comes to Georgie’s will. And Georgie, hav- Great Reduction FOR SALE BY for fishing and such things. “ Well, I declare,” said Olivia, when after a good joke, you know, Georgie.” ing seep her sister in a Testful attitude, “Last night there was great excite­ “So Georgie having found in the on the morrow of the unkind plot’s AT THE M. E. BARMORE. ment, Miss Riley said she heard that and lfavin'g made her solemnly prom­ denouement the engagement was an­ She Preferred, the Burglars. scraps of “consequences” the proper ise p o tto shed another tear and not to five young men had engaged rooms for nounced of Harry Ellsworthand Adele “The fact is,” said old Mrs. Jinks, O R. E. S. DODD & SON. capitals, signed “H. E.” with a modest th ink /of anything that troubled her, August in this hotel, and that rooms Haskell, “I do declare that men are the who was in Austin, Texas, on a visit, 1 flourish, and the note after due inspec­ tinaied the lamp-light low and went m s Sale Room on the second floor were being fixed up most deceitful creatures. Who could “I had the narrowest escape from be­ KIDNEY! tion and admiration, was signed and doyi^'stairs. . She danced the Lancers, for them. You ought to have seen sealed. ever have dreamed that those two peo­ ing ruined, the other day, you ever B L O O D Olivia. ‘They won’t come to-night, will forf- whieli she was engaged, and then ple could ever have been anything to beared of.” a & LIV E R they?’ she said; for she had nothing on “ No, please let me direct it,” said;: went out aldtje into the cool, sweet each other, bad actually been engaged, “How was it?” asked Mrs. Binks, night-air of-ihe moonlit piazza. This A complete stock of all kinds of Boots and $1.00 A BOTTLE, SIX FOB £5, TRY IT TO -D A Y but her plain black silk and turned- Georgie, ‘‘I’ll promise not to tel!.” - ■ ■ they say, and the engagement broken growing interested. piazza wasjffiYe of the favorite haunts, Shoes, Rubbers and Felt Goods for fall down. But to-day she’s dressed splen­ “ Oh, we have a plan about the direc-.. off by Adele’s guardian? Why, no one “Well, you know I sold our house of the mp-summer nights; it made, and winter wear. didly—plum Color and salmon. I wish tion,” Olivia said. “Now you have, could have seemed more indifferent and lot last month, and had the money you could see ber gown; it’s lovely. done your part 'nobly, and if there is witli some'detours under pavilions of than that Harvey Ellsworth has seem­ ready to deposit in the savings bank South Bend, Ind. an ornamental court-yard, the com­ They are coining off the stage to-night, anything we can do for your pleasure, ed; how she can trust him or have any the next morning, which was the very Their prices are away down this Spring, is rich iii oxv-gen, pure, and bright and I do hope we will have some fun, be sure and let us know.” plete circuit o f the hotel, faith in him, I cannot imagine. H e‘ day of its failure.” Georgie walked slowly along the and will please you. They will be unusu­ and I want you, dear mamma, to write “I should like to see the fun,” said certainly acted coolly enough, and as if “Yes, I read about it.” piazza past two or three groups of girls, ally low during March, and right now is a especially to Adele—because she’k aw­ Georgie. “ And you need not tell me he did not care for her,” “I slept with my money under my splendid time to secure some of the best until she came to the angle that turn­ ing tip worn .oat places. When it fully stupid about some things—that if who it is, for I .know it is Miss Riley. “Perhaps he does not care for her pillow,” continued Mrs. Jinks, “and bargains of the season. We have some­ And it’s almost too bad, only suppose ed upon that. portion of the portico thing like 2,000 pairs of Ladies’ and Men’s there are picnics. I am to go, - ail'd to now,” said Matilda O wens. the next morning when I got ready to refaT n sth ^ a real ilirtingbld maid, I mean—doesn’t which the gentlemen used for smok­ And at that very moment that she start for the hank the money was Shoes, good styles and regular sizes that we tea-parties; for I ’m i’ourteeri,” etc." ing. The five young men came, Others mind whom she wears roses for. fche said it, Harvey Ellsworth—on the gone.” must close out and they must go (every full of poisons* gathered all through; There were a few young men there were scon added to the number;' and will just be wondering why he doesn’t ocean shore, far up at the White Cove, “Where was it gone to?” pair) this month, if we lose money on them. with their cigars, and among them was the hodY; PasifingthrOugh the liver it , there was no more-dullness that season. come up and ask her to take a driv*e, or where the breakers came in magnifi­ “Some burglars had taken tt during We are sellingspIendidKid Button Shoes Mr. Ellsworth. To him the child Went walk around the piazza by moonlight. cently, and where blue sea, as far as the night. An hour after the'bank at §2.00; other dealers will charge you lo se sthe Bile poison.; the kidneys; Driyes, picnics, sails, rambles, every­ boldly. $2.75 and $3.00 for shoes not so good. You thing that could be devised for lending I can just imagine how she’ll pucker the eye could look, was spangled as if hurst up. Did you ever hear of such a her sunny, crooked mouth, and dart will find our priees on all the best wearing remove the worn opt waste add tho > wings to the summer hours, found “Mr. Ellsworth, could you come to strewn with golden roses—Harvey remarkable piece of good luck?” shoes proportionately low. plentiful; energy to prevent dreams her poorlittle yellow eyes around the Blue Pavilion with me for a minute?” Ells worth was lying in the white sand “I don’t see where the luck comes We have been selling shoes since lS52to lungs clarify the blood'with fj^gengf from- losing the name of action. All corner;:, watching and waiting till lie He could not refuse the child. He at Adele’s feet, with his lips seeking m. Y ou lost your cash; oil the same.” the people of Northern Indiana, and of don’t come ;”-and Georgia laughed at flung away bis Cigar with all polite­ To . went' merrily to mid-August. her hand again and again, and his eyes “Yes, hut they caught the burglars Berrien county, Mich., and this year we In mid-August;a keen observer might the picture*lier imagination presented ness, and put the little hand gallantly looking long and deep into b rs, and and, on condition, of my not prosecut­ expect to sell to moreof them than during tain sound kidney, -lung and' Jjiver. have notifcedin.tlie'-littleconimunity— of the excitement of the antiquated co­ upon bis arm. liis heart saying to his heart t f hearts, ing, they returned me fifty cents on the any previous year. We have the Shoes and outwardly all gayety and suave amity quette; :who had been post She did not speak until they reached ‘At last heaven has given me the dollar. The hank only panned out fif­ they willhe sold at Rock bottom prices. action, use the guaranteed —certaiii ominous signs threatening of the ;giris ’all summer to point out the pavilion, then she suddenly with­ woman of my life, the woman of my teen. There’s no use talking, Hanner, Come in and see us, as we can positively save the general peace iff the formation of. what they lfiight- come to if they kept drew her arm from his, and turned to­ between sayings- banks and burglars, you money. soul.” cliques. In these cliques' there were pn dancing and. flirting till their hair ward him, her face glowing with the I’ll take my chances with burglars W> P fh KIDNEY turned gray, and their dimples ran into ladies’ dongola kid button for $1.50, whisperings and mistery, as if in dis­ absorbing thought that her heart held, The Speed of a Horse. every time.” S1.75 and §2. L k I! BLOOD wrinkles, kiidi theif voices cracked and took both his hands in hers. I iLaaUi&LIVER approval of each other. Adele Haskell While the public is still marvelling Ladies’ French dongola kid button for D.H. Baker &Bro., with her natural reserve holding her­ so on.- v ‘-i-'-* -> “Dear Mr. Ellsworth, a terrible $1.00 ABOTTLE, SIX FOR $5. T R Y IT TO -D A Y over Salvator’s wonderful performance $2.25, §2.50, §2.75 and §3, in hand turn self apart from personal confidences, Success smiled on the completion of trouble has happened,” Oklahoma’s Giant and Giantess. and flexible sole, B, C, D, E, EE wiitlis, South Bend, Ind. “Not to Adele?” in running a mile in 1.35)£, there ate and having in the seaside circle no in­ the practical-joke. When the eleven J. W . Fetterson, the tallest man sizes, every pair warranted. “Yes, to Adele. A nd I have been in few*- who have, through comparison if. E. Always look for our advertise­ timate friend, was not quick to per­ o’clock A. M. mail had arrived, and the known in the would excepting the Ladies’ pebble goat and gram button, it. Ob, I ’m a dreadful, dreadful girl! and analysis, sought to realize what a m en ts every issue of the R e c o r d . We ceive this change in the daily life of customary application for letters was Chinese giant, Chang, stands7 fe e t? $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2. made at the hotel oflice, Mr. Ellsworth W ill you help me, dear Mr. Ellsworth ?” terrific hurst of speed this is. It is Ladies’ calf and glove grain button and propose to keep you posted, regarding the her companions. All the more when pearly forty miles an hour—a rate inches in his stocking feet and is 2? prices of shoes. the change suddenly became palpable appered there looking oyer bis own “To my utmost,” said Harvey Ells­ lace, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2. worth, with every appearance of sin­ averaged by very few of our fastest years old. He owns considerable prbp- did she feel herself alone and harshly budget, as fortune would have it, quite erty in Oklahoma, and as soon as he Misses’ dongola pebble goat and grain cerity and even anxiety, railw'av trains. There are 5,280 feet button, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. shut out from the sympathies of those alone. Then Olivia came sauntering returns from the East will begin the gracefully along the corridor, and com­ “I must teli yon everything first,” in a mile, so that for every one of Large assortment of children’s siloes at who at first had seemed anxious to es­ these ninety-five seconds—for every erection o f a fine residence. A couple all prices. tablish with her the most confiding ing near him, paused. said the child; “and I don’t know' how of months ago bis wife presented Mm “Oh, Mr. Ellsworth,” said she, “can to. but I must. Well, the girls wanted beat of a man’s pulse—this wonderful Men’s boots, calf, kip aud grain, $2, §3.25 „ CENTRAL friendship. Fortunately the rapid suc­ horse covered fifty-five and three- with a pair of strapping: boys o f wMch $2.50, §2.75: and $3. cession of diversions gave her little you reach that pen on the desk, and to play a joke on Adele—on Adele, Mr. F. is immensely boastful. Mrs. will you just direct this little note ? It ■ just think of it! And so they wrote tentbs feet of ground. The shortest Men’s congress and lace, $1.25,$1.50 and time to brood over the cause of this space of time noted by the turfman’s F. is larger than the -average tVoman, Sl.To. is only a line to Adele. I must send it her a note, and pretended that you coldness, which was confined to the watch is a quarter of a second—an in­ being nearly C feet high, and weighing Men’s calf, congress and lace, $2, $2.25 girls, the young men having with ad­ to ber room. J u st‘l&iss Adele Has­ wrote it, hut in reality I did, for I can over 200 pounds, says the Oklahoma- aud $2.50. kell,’ please.” And she turned to order copy hand-writing. But oh! I never, terval so brief that the eye can hardly "