Volume Vii. Washington City, D. C., January 13,1878 Number 46

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Volume Vii. Washington City, D. C., January 13,1878 Number 46 VOLUME VII. WASHINGTON CITY, D. C., JANUARY 13,1878 NUMBER 46 because he turned their sophistries into practical good MB. CORRYISLL, who was assailed in our works, and kept faith wherein they sought to delude late issue with some violence, requests a suspension LATEST BY TELEGRAPH, PUBLISHED WEEKLY BT and deceive, "jNo't one of these men is capable of an of public opinion until he can be heard. If the public THE CAPITAL PUBLISHING COMPANY idèa that is nqt. directly reflexive 4 back into remembers, the affair, we hope it will suspend. Mr. his oWn'pòiekét'. ' ISTOtÒne of tìièm' méditâtes a policy Corryell assures us that he never to his knowledge saw 987 D street, Washington, D. C. Which doeffnot, f by the sfmplés^ etoliition, th'fbw liim- Senator Patterson .of South Carolina, let alone re- self Into' office. Not one of them' cherishes a senti- ceived favors from him. This is a good start; and if DONN PIATT, . V V . ; . EDITOB. ment which is not Inimèdiàtely practicable to his own Mr. C.orrj.ell can confinue in that way we dp not doubt TERMS: Per year, (including postage,) 82.50; six profit. Steeped' in greedy drunk with avarice and. that, hp will carryall before him. Our late issue was months, $1.50; three months, 75 cents—in advance. cïazfed'bythe stimtilus of. sordid ambition, every one rather severe on Mr. C., but that pun is awful. How- Single copies, 5 cents. of jtMs'é ¿neh seeè ttiè end oi his own ¿osé atid imag- ever,, ig,t us suspend for the present. Consider us sus- CLUBS : Ten copies to one address, $20 in advance, ìùes it to b'e the tfttima T/iûZe of destinyf hears his own pended. with one copy free. Twenty copies to one address, $35 croak and thinks ft the ^ofcô of the people; smells in advance, with one copy free. his oWn breath and 'imagines that it is- the moral stench of an era rólten ènoiigh fór sà'clï buzzards as THERE is a rumor, of a Western flavor, REVIEW OF THE WEEK he»to feed'on and gi'OW fat. that the Marine band is to be consolidated with the Thèy neëd' not be named, for the dêsciiption I ha ve' Agricultural Department; the Post-Office Depart- glvéii/ paiùts the portrait óf évefy ¿ti© 'of them. ment abolished, as being no longer necessary since the The bad faith of the American politician has long Men without faith in themselves, they rèsent the faith establishment of the telephone, and the signal-service been among the proverbs. How to dodge the logic of 'of others as an indignity. Habituated to crime theni- bureau to be sent to Paris with Dick McCormick, for a record most nimbly, and how most adroitly to evade selves'ùntif Mà becÒtne second haturë, they have meteorological and horticultural purposes, during the the consistency of a career, are become the problems come to loôk upon the law-abiding of others as itself a exposition—to raise the wind for dead-broke beats to a mastery of which constitutes the accomplishment of crime1. 'Stfhòoietl ih devilment until trôaôhery Ms be- return home with, probably. If. we -had seen this statesmanship'. These truisms are,now about to re- come an fnstinci and falschodd an intuition With In the Chicago Tribune we would not give it oredence. ceive a new exemplification.. There is no mistaking them, they regard' honor in others as a fault, fidelity the portent of the signs of fhe times ; for a blind man an érior and truth a deprâvity. In short, from Blaine might see them, a deaf man hear, and a wayfaring, ONE of Peterson's most recent publica- at the head of thé héap, through Ben Butl'er^in the man, though a fool, mightre^d and understand them., tions is "That Lover of Mine," from the literary middle, down to Bill Chandler crawling about like a Less than a year ago the American people were con- mint of Mr. Maurice F. Eagan, author of " That .Girl muck worm in the dregs of filth at th'e bottom, they fronted with the possibility of revolution, À Presi- of Mine," and the Philadelphia correspondent of THE havë reversed every rule Of manhood, belied every dent had been elected by a fair majority in the el'ëçj CAPITAL. maxim of honor, called their abortion of ull the good toral college and an overwhelming preponderance of in the worlti a new school of political philosophy, and Mr. Eagan is . a gentleman of rare literary talent* the popular vote. The defeated candidate had ac- stolen for its devil's work the name and livery of the and has caught the constructive art thoroughly, by k nowledged his defeat, and, with a very lew excep- party that used to be Republican, and* had for its which he phases the dramatic situations with dashes tions, the men Composing.the party.wliich had been types such teen as tiincoîn and Greeley.' of rare intérest, and so succeeds admirably in produ- beaten with him made the same admission and re- cing a most excellent novel. signed themselves to the thought of abdicating the Now I believe that the Investigation that thesei men power they had ébjoyed fOrsixteen'years. All at'once demand as ' their vengeance should go on; that it the wires flashed over the country the news that a con- shôuïd be ptosecutéd so long as one single offense that A MB. CHURCH of Cincinnati killed his spiracy had been formed'to reverse1 the will of the they have committed remains earthed, Or one lie they wife by taking from her on Christmas day their only people and to'count in'thé defeated candidate. Then have told stays Unexposed ; until every public record chjld.' This is not the true church, we fear. The day began a struggle over the electoral .votes of three they have falsified ts restored, évery perjury 'they that recalls fhe glory to God on high and good will to States which it was necessary for the 'conspirators to have sworh forced back down their throats, and every men on earth Was not a good one to select for such a seize in order to obtain a bare majority of pne .forthe forgery tliey hàvè perpetratèd branded upbn their deed. The two had separated on account of Incom- defeated candidate. This strusgle was characterized hands. Until", in fine, the country is purged of their patibility of temper; but the father who could con- by a recklessness of ctime and a hardihood of con- crimes and cleaned of their persons by the sewage of Sent to a separation from the mother of his children tempt ior law, honor and morality among men of the the Courts, arid info thé cesspool òf thé penitentiary, on that ground should have left the children to the very highest station, that would hive tnade the mon- Where ttey bélon^. There can be neither niôràï sai'tì- maternal side of the incompatibility. sters of the French revolution halt and' hold their brity noï politicai' Cleanliness iii thè ' land So long as breath with envy in the palmiest day of thé Eéign of they' âré permitted to r'óàm at laigé,' tò idféct-its at- Terror. Step by step the forces of the conspiracy best mosphere with the exhalations of the it* depravity, or MAJOR BKNJ. EDKKIB and his friends back the powers of the people until at riast tie object, to innoctìlate' 'their neighbors with 'the Contagion of have nothing to fear irom investigation. Their com- of fraud approached consummation Bribery, per- their presence. plaint through six years, and ft Is a common one un- dor our freegovernment, was that such Investigation jury and lorgery had done their work, arid'at the last Hild Mr. Hayes acted' so as to retain theii* friend- could not be obtainod; Send for persons and papers, moment the cry was raised that the people,'betrayed ship and support lie would havé ^s'unk under the gentlemen. by those whom theyhad trusted, must take their rights double oblÒ^uy'Òf Ms own 'usurpation arid trfélrfeì- into the keeping of theft-own strong hatids! This cry lowshif). Âs it "iS, tieir enmity ^oès à great way to Iif another column will be found an inter- was met by the softest persuaslvés or the conspirators, ease tbè burden of his usurpatioâ.' Hé Way stand view Of great interest at this time, bearing as It does uttered in the mellowest acfeéiita. " Peacè iS'bétter, there with Stoièn góòàs In his hands, and waft with upon real estate* loan and trust enterprises, and evi- even with submission as its price," they said, "than compbfenrè' iòt tlietn to revile him bacir'into the status dencing their solidity when properly managed. assertion of right at the possible cost of blood. ' Let us of an honest man. Theit proclamation of enmily Chicago Items, with a Failure, or Course. inaugurate this man whom we have counted! in, arid proclaims him the friend of the people* without any OHICASO, January 12.—All the distillers in this In- you shall have four years Of quiet, plenty and reèt other défense. Honest men, having taken one good ternal revenue district to-day adopted the so-called from the turmoils of politics!" : Cincinnati resolution favoring a reduction of the tax look at them, coin piacenti y get on the otfcèr side, ir- AT THE CITY HALL on high wines to not exceeding fifty cents on the gal- To tbeseseductive phrases the people listened, and respective of fellowships, put half their tru^t th G-od, lon.
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