United Irish Societies of 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 2016

United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. (Organizers of the St. Patrick’s Parade)

March 2016

Dear Friends,

As the 193rd consecutive St Patrick’s Parade has marched its way down St. Catherine Street and past the reviewing stand, my first year as President of our historic organization is winding down. As I reflect over this past year, I cannot find the words to adequately describe the hard work, determination and commitment demonstrated by the membership of the United Irish Societies of Montreal; all volunteers. Since September, our Executive and Parade Committees have spent countless hours and energy to continue the long running tradition of Montreal’s St Patrick’s Parade for its citizens and many visitors. Although one goal of our parade is to demonstrate the pride we have in our shared Irish heritage, we also look to extend “A Hundred Thousand Welcomes” as we invite a collection Montreal’s diverse cultural communities to join us to be “Irish for a day.” In our typical welcoming Irish spirit, we all enjoy this annual rite of spring together as one. Leading this year’s parade as President has filled me with a sense of both pride and nostalgia as I reflect on all those who have shared in the privilege of wearing our chain of office. I am humbled to have been granted the honour of serving the UIS and the Irish Community in this capacity. I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to our Sister Societies, for their continued support of all our events; to our Elected Executive and Chair Persons for their support; and to our Past Presidents for their wisdom and guidance. In conclusion, as we close out another seemingly endless “Irish Season,” I encourage all of our membership, especially our younger members, to get more involved and help grow our UIS Family, allowing our organization to thrive and ensure that Montreal’s St. Patrick’s Parade will continue well beyond 200 consecutive years.


Danny Doyle President

The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 1 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 2 To the United Irish Societies of Montreal

Dear Friends, It is my pleasure once again to address you on this time-honoured and festive occasion of the 193rd St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Gathering for the parade is a chance for us all to celebrate our Irish heritage and the enormous contribution of the Irish community in Montreal over almost two centuries. It is with gratitude and pride that citizens of all ages, cultures, and languages come together for this festive celebration. It takes a great amount of effort to put together an event of this magnitude, so I want to sincerely thank everyone who contributed their time and resources to make this parade such a resounding success. May there always be work for your hands to do; May your purse always hold a coin or two; May the sun always shine on your windowpane; May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain; May the hand of a friend always be near you; May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you. Enjoy all your St. Patrick’s Day festivities! Slainte! Yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Thomas Dowd Auxiliary bishop of Montreal

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193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 4 United Irish Societies of Montreal Call Out For Members & Volunteers • To help organize the annual St. Patrick's Parade. • To help organize the annual Queen’s Selection Evening. • To support the Entertainment Group, who entertain seniors and shut ins. • To help raise funds necessary to supply food baskets at Christmas time. • To help assemble and deliver food baskets at Christmas time. • To help organize and attend the annual Awards Banquet & Dinner Dance in honour of the Grand Marshal and Chief Reviewing Officer. • To support other Irish organizations in their activities. • To help preserve the memory of the more than 6000 Irish immigrants buried at the Irish Memorial Stone on Bridge Street near Pointe St. Charles and Grosse Île as an Irish memorial site. • To explore Irish heritage. Modest annual membership fees “Uniting Montreal’s Irish Community since 1928” e-mail: [email protected] Phone : (438) 495-1753 http://www.montrealirishparade.com

United Irish Societies of Montreal @uismtl UISMTL

The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 5 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 6 Le printemps est à nos portes, puisque le défilé de la Saint-Patrick nous revient! Chaque année, à la mi-mars, la Ville est en fête pour célébrer la fierté des Irlandais, un des peuples fondateurs de Montréal. J’invite tous les Montréalais à se joindre à leurs concitoyens d’origine irlandaise pour participer aux célébrations. Le défilé est un événement rassembleur et festif qui exprime clairement nos valeurs d’ouverture et de respect ainsi que notre sens de la fête. L’enthousiasme des participants, d’où qu’ils soient, contribue au succès de la Saint-Patrick. Merci au comité organisateur qui perpétue la tradition avec dynamisme et enthousiasme. Félicitations à monsieur Paul Quinn, le Grand Marshal de ce 193e défilé montréalais.

Spring is just around the corner and Montréal will soon host the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Each year in mid-March, Montréal celebrates the pride of the Irish, one of Montréal’s founding peoples. I invite everyone to celebrate with their fellow Montrealers of Irish origin. The St. Patrick’s Day Parade is a festive and inclusive event that clearly expresses our values of openness and respect as well as our festive spirit. The enthusiasm of participants, regardless of their origin, contributes to the success of the St. Patrick’s Day. I would like to thank the organizing committee for perpetuating this tradition with enthusiasm and passion. Congratulations to Paul Quinn, who is the Grand Marshal of the 193rd St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Montréal.

Denis Coderre Maire de Montréal Mayor of Montréal

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193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 8 6769_St-PatricksAd.indd 1 1/26/16 10:26 AM Défilé de la Saint-Patrick 2016 Mot du ministre Martin Coiteux

Depuis 1824, le défilé de la Saint-Patrick donne le feu vert à l’arrivée du printemps dans la métropole. Fanfares, cornemuses et chars allégoriques sont au rendez-vous pour le plus grand bonheur des petits et des grands qui viennent par milliers célébrer à Montréal la diversité des héritages culturels qui caractérisent la société québécoise. Félicitations aux organisateurs, les Sociétés irlandaises unies de Montréal, ainsi qu’aux nombreux bénévoles qui, par cette tradition annuelle et les festivités qui l’entourent, rappellent l’importante contribution de la communauté irlandaise au développement et au dynamisme de Montréal. Joyeuse Saint-Patrick!

Martin Coiteux Ministre des Affaires municipales et de l’Occupation du territoire, ministre de la Sécurité publique et ministre responsable de la région de Montréal

2016 St. Patrick’s Day Parade Message from Minister Martin Coiteux

Since 1824, the St. Patrick’s Day Parade has signalled the arrival of spring in Greater Montréal. Marching bands, bagpipes and floats are in full swing, to the excitement of young and old in Montréal, who come by the thousands to celebrate the diverse cultural heritages that characterize Québec society. Congratulations to the organizers, the United Irish Societies of Montreal, and the many volunteers, who by this annual tradition and the festivities around it, recall the Irish community’s important contribution to Montréal’s development and dynamism. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Martin Coiteux Minister of Municipal Affairs and Land Occupancy, Minister of Public Security and Minister responsible for the Montréal Region

The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 9 Manon Barbe Richard Deschamps Laura Palestini Nancy Blanchet Mairesse Conseiller de ville Conseillère d’arrondissement Conseillère d’arrondissement District Sault-Saint-Louis District Sault-Saint-Louis District Sault-Saint-Louis

Le conseil d’arrondissement de LaSalle félicite les Sociétés irlandaises unies de Montréal et souhaite à tous un joyeux défilé de la Saint-Patrick.

LaSalle’s Borough Council congratulates Serge Declos Josée Troilo Monique Vallée Conseiller d’arrondissement Conseillère d’arrondissement Conseillère de ville the United Irish Societies of Montréal District Cecil-P.-Newman District Cecil-P.-Newman District Cecil-P.-Newman and wishes everyone a happy St. Patrick’s Parade.

193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 10 The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 2015 - 2016 Elected Executive

Kevin Murphy Patty McCann Vice President Vice President Advertising & Organization Public Relations

Jane Skelton Danny Doyle Mildred Griffin Gagnon Treasurer President Corresponding Secretary

Patricia Mulqueen Paul Loftus Beverly Murphy Recording Secretary Senior Vice President Immediate Past President

The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 11 Ted Harman and the entire team at Accent Insurance Solutions congratulates the United Irish Societies for the presentation of the 193rd Montreal St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Thank you to all the volunteers who make this fabulous celebration of our Irish heritage possible! 7799 boul. Newman, LaSalle, QC H8N 1X7 1 Westmount Square, Suite 1670, Westmount, QC H3Z 2P9 (514) 363-3636 www.accentassurance.com Ted Harman 2007 Parade Grand Marshal We understand you.


193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 12 Paul Quinn Grand Marshal 2016 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade

Born in Dublin in 1969, Paul is one of seven introduced to his future wife, Montreal native Dr. children to Pat and Anne Quinn. Paul’s aptitude for Deborah Iera. His love for her dovetailed with his business and hospitality was fostered by his parents’ love for the city, and he made Montreal his home example. Pat - a renowned publican, promoter, and once and for all. In 2006 Paul opened the Irish founder of the Quinnsworth supermarket chain - Embassy Pub & Grill on Bishop Street, which serves and Anne were both deeply engaged in Irish life as a vehicle for his involvement with community in Ireland and in . events and local charitable organizations. Paul attended St. Michael’s College, Dublin, Paul is an avid sports fan, following rugby, soccer, and graduated from De La Salle College, Toronto, and the traditional Gaelic games, but cherishes his following the family’s immigration to Canada in adopted sport of hockey. In spite of, or because of, 1986. He went on to study business and property his time in Toronto and New York, he is a devout management at Ryerson Institute of Technology, Montreal Canadiens fan. His interest in history and joined the family business in 1990. and literature fueled - and was fueled by - his The family’s promotional work had him touring involvement in the book business, but his greatest with artists such as The Dubliners, Paddy Reilly, interest is traveling with Deborah. Their first trip Daniel O’Donnell, The Fureys, and The Wolfe to Ireland to introduce her to the places and people Tones, allowing Paul to engage with the Irish he grew up with was particularly special. diaspora throughout North America. Paul’s upbringing in Dublin within a large, close He went on to work extensively with the family, and his connections to the North American Quinn’s publishing brokerage business, operating Irish experience, have provided him with a poignant retail outlets in Montreal and Ontario, and spent view on the uniqueness and grandeur of Montreal’s several years in New York City, furthering his Irish community and on the city as a whole. He is understanding of the Irish influence on North honoured to be a part of the 193rd St. Patrick’s Day American culture. In 1998, a significant return Parade, and is humbled to be invited into the rich to the family’s roots in hospitality came with the history of the United Irish Societies of Montreal. establishment of the Irish Embassy Pub & Grill and The United Irish Societies of Montreal is equally P.J. O’Brien’s Pub in Toronto. pleased to present Mr. Paul Quinn as the Grand In the early 2000s, as Paul spent much of his Marshal of the 193rd Consecutive St. Patrick’s time traveling back and forth along the 401, he was Parade in Montreal.

The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 13 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 14 Lynn Lonergan Doyle

Chief Reviewing Officer 2016 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade

Lynn was born in Buckingham, Quebec. boards of the Catholic Community Services, After the Lonergan family moved to Montreal, the English Speaking Catholic Council, the Lynn attended St. Augustine High School. Ireland-Canada Chamber of Commerce She received her Bachelor of Education from and the Loyola Alumni Association. She is the University of Montreal and a Bachelor currently a warden at St. Patrick’s Basilica and of Arts degree from Loyola College in 1967. a Board Member of St. Patrick’s Square. Lynn is married to Paul Doyle and they are Lynn was chosen as the recipient of the the proud parents of Kevin, Sean and Karen; UIS Liam Daly Memorial Award in 2005 they are blessed with four grandchildren, and the St. Patrick Society Community Award two in Quebec and two in California. Lynn in 2007. Among her accomplishments, she is the niece of the world-renowned Jesuit initiated the St. Patrick Society Christmas philosopher/theologian Bernard Lonergan. Concert which became an annual event The Thomas More Institute has welcomed for over twenty years. She also co-founded her as an associate member. Lynn was Cine Gael Montreal, which showcases President and Owner of Prestige Services, a new Irish film at . She company that facilitates product fund-raising is passionate in her encouragement of the in schools and other organizations. Now, community to explore their history through Kevin Doyle owns and operates Prestige. the media. The annual celebration of Irish In 1999, Lynn became President of the film in Montreal is now in its’ 24th year. St. Patrick’s Society of Montreal. She was, The United Irish Societies of Montreal at the time, the only woman President in is pleased and honoured to present Lynn the 180-year history of the organization. Lonergan Doyle as the Chief Reviewing She has been involved in several other Officer of the 2016 St. Patrick’s Parade in organizations including the Loyola H.S. Montreal. Board of Governors. She also served on the

The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 15 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 16

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The Simon McDonaugh Humanitarian Award is recognition of a lifetime of loyal and faithful service awarded annually in memory of longtime member to the United Irish Societies. Simon McDonaugh and in recognition of his For her part, Pierrette is a member of the board of humanitarian lifestyle. directors of the Queen Elizabeth Health Complex There are few people in our community who have Foundation, is a founder and former president of never heard of Richard McConomy and Pierrette Residence Project Chance, Inc., which assists with Sévigny. Of course we know them as the long-time affordable housing single mothers who are full legal advisors of the United Irish Societies and, for time students, is a former delegate to the National Pierrette, as the long-time head judge of the annual Conference on the Status of Women Report, a St. Patrick’s Parade. delegate to the National Conference on the Status Richard and Pierrette have been discretely active in of Women and the Constitution, and a founder their community for many years. Richard is a former and member of the Board of Directors of Montreal president of the Montreal Thistle Curling Club, of Catholic Counseling Inc. She is currently President the St. Laurent Kiwanis, of Centraide Montreal, of the St. George Kiwanis Club of Montreal. Both of United Way Canada, of Catholic Community have been involved with Sacred Heart School of Services, of Montreal Catholic Counseling Inc, is Montreal. President of St. Patrick’s Square Residence, and Richard McConomy and Pierrette Sévigny are is a Director of St. Patrick’s Society of Montreal. partners in law and partners in life. It is therefore Richard also served for a time as a member of the appropriate and, indeed, our privilege to present executive of the English Speaking Catholic Council. Me. Richard McConomy and the Honourable Richard was honoured in 1992 when he served as Pierrette Sévigny with the 2016 Simon McDonaugh Grand Marshal of the annual St. Patrick’s Parade Humanitarian Award. and in 2009 received Gold Card Membership in Previous Simon McDonaugh Humanitarian Award Recipients 1993 Maureen Kelly 2001 Bernadette Short 2009 Edith Cavanaugh 1994 Kenny Meehan 2002 Rev. Father Thomas McEntee 2010 Adrian Bercovici 1995 John P. Gilroy 2003 Father Emmett Johns 2011 Kelvin & Janice Berry 1996 William Pidgeon 2004 Donald Pidgeon 2012 Ernie Presseau 1997 William O’Donnell 2005 Joseph Quinn 2013 Michael Spears 1998 Frank Monroe 2006 Ann Cruise-Broden 2014 Francis Baddeley 1999 Sr. Dianna Lieffers 2007 Brian McBrien 2015 Mabel Fitzgerald 2000 Liam Daly 2008 Brian Dowd The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 17 céad míle fáilte TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS Happy St. Patrick’s Day




193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 18 Montreal Shamrocks GAC 2016 Liam Daly Heritage Award Recipient

Montreal Shamrocks Gaelic Athletic Club was and also competes against teams from Toronto and founded in 1948 under the presidency of Martin Greene Ottawa on a regular basis. More recently the team to promote and develop Ireland’s most popular sports of made an appearance at the Irish Heritage Day in Saint- Gaelic football and hurling. The club has men’s, ladies Colomban, when they played a challenge game against and youth divisions with an ever-increasing number of Ottawa’s Eire Og club. Canadian-born players joining its ranks. The Shamrocks host a large 9-a-side GAA Gaelic Football has consistently been on offer tournament in May each year in Saint-Julie with over throughout the years and has had many successes – 200 players attending, while they also compete at the including capturing a North American League title in Great American Irish Festival each year in Utica, NY. 1959. The hurling team claimed the North American They also participate in the annual Eastern Canadian Hurling Championship in 1961, while they also won Championships for Gaelic football and hurling, against a North American league title in 1973. More recently, teams from St John’s Newfoundland, Halifax, Quebec the Shamrocks won the Eastern City and Ottawa. Championship (men’s) in 2014 and also claimed the The club is proud to be active in the community, Syracuse, NY Tournament in 2015. having organised multiple coaching workshops at The club launched a youth coaching program in Point CEGEPs and primary schools in the greater Montreal St Charles in 2015 and has recently assisted Concordia area, as well as providing a support network for newly University in the establishment of the first ever GAA arrived immigrants from Ireland. The club is also actively club at a Canadian university, providing coaching for involved in the campaign to build an Irish Memorial all new players. Park close to the site of the Black Rock monument in The Shamrocks established a Montreal Gaelic Griffintown. football league made up of three teams - Verdun Vikings, For their consistent presence in Montreal since 1948, Griffintown Gaels and Goose Village Black Rocks - in their reintroduction of hurling to the sports they offer, memory of three old Irish neighbourhoods in the city. and for teaching the community’s youth about Ireland’s The hurling team made a re-appearance at a national sports the United Irish Societies of Montreal is tournament in October 2009 after a roughly 35-year pleased to present the 2016 Liam Daly Heritage Award lay-off. The new hurling team reached the final of the to the Montreal Shamrocks Gaelic Athletic Club. Eastern Canadian Championships in Halifax in 2015,

Previous Liam Daly Heritage Award Recipients 2004 April O’Donoghue 2008 Elizabeth Quinn 2012 Jeffrey Charles McCarthy, CD 2005 Lynn Lonergan Doyle 2009 Lisa Forget 2013 Andriù MacGabhann 2006 Patricia Burns 2010 Donald Pidgeon 2014 John Gilroy 2007 St. Patrick’s Society 2011 Kathleen McAuliffe 2015 Siamsa School of Irish Music The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 19

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193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 20 The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 2016 St. Patrick’s Parade Queen and Court Samantha Cambridge Parade Queen Samantha is 24 years of age. Her Irish roots originate from her paternal family, whose ancestry comes from Co. Monaghan. She is currently a B.A. in Political Science at Concordia University. During the 2014/14 academic year, Samantha studied abroad at the National University of Ireland in Maynooth, living with relatives in Co. Kildare for ten months. Samantha’s hobbies include music, theatre, and the performing arts. She has taken part in several musical theatre productions with schools and local theatre groups. She is also extremely passionate about travelling, and has been fortunate enough to merge her passion for travel with her love of philanthropy during two humanitarian trips to Central America. She enjoys volunteering with local community organizations and for the past several years has taken part in the annual softball tournament benefitting the Children’s Wish Foundation and held in Verdun.

Kelsey Farrell Helene-Jane Groarke Sydney Legare Lara Mackenzie Princess Princess Princess Princess Kelsey is 19 years of age. Her Irish Helene-Jane is 24 years of age. Her Irish Sydney is 19 years of age. Her Irish Lara is 25 years of age. Her Irish roots roots originate in Gort, Co. Galway roots stem from her father’s side of the roots stem come from the Belfast area come from Dungarvan, Co. Waterford. She is currently working towards a family with her grandmother coming in the North. A student at the John Molson School Bachelor of Education degree from from Dublin and her grandfather from Sydney graduated from Marianopolis of Business at Concordia, Lara is McGill University. Swinford in Co. Mayo. College and is currently working towards President of the Concordia Animal Kelsey loves to spend time with family Helene-Jane is in the first year of a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology and Rights Association. and friends, above all else. She enjoys studying towards a Master’s degree in Sociology at Concordia University. In her free time, Lara can be sure to In her free time, Sydney competes in be engaging in some form of physical reading and playing sports such as the School of Canadian Irish Studies. numerous western rodeo contests, activity. She has participated in many figure skating, soccer, , and She enjoys reading, watching movies, namely in barrel racing. She enjoys sports throughout the years but is skiing with her family. and being in the outdoors. reading good books and dreams of most passionate about equitation and Kelsey volunteered with the Kirkland Helene-Jane volunteers her time with travelling. snowboarding. Figure Skating Club, at the West Island her scout group, Saint Patrick’s Church Sydney has volunteered her time for Lara volunteers her time for Palliative Care Residence, and received in Trois Rivières, with Cher’s Rescue organizations such as Live Different, organizations such as Fauna Foundation the Christian Service Program Award at Farm, with the Concordia Irish Society, building houses in Mexico, and has Chimp Sanctuary, SPCA Montreal and her high school graduation ceremony, and plays rugby with the Montreal Irish raised funds for other organizations Montérégie, Mercy For Animals Canada, something she is very proud of. Rugby Football Club. close to her heart. and Yamaska Women’s Optimist Club. The Queen’s Selection Evening is an annual event, open to any young lady of Irish origin between the ages of 18 and 25. The above winners were chosen at this year’s Selection Evening held on Saturday, February 6, 2016. The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 21 Best wishes to all for Family Law Solutions Bilingual Services: an enjoyable St-Pat’s parade. Mediation Drafting of Cohabitation Litigation Contracts Sláinte! Coaching Representation of Children Joint Applications Parental Coordination for Divorce Unbundling of Legal Services La solution McConomy 514.866.4666 en droit Collard mceavocats.com de la famille Eustace INC.

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day from

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193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 22 2016 St. Patrick’s Parade Trophy Winners

Pipes & Drums of the Black Watch (RHR) Best Pipe Band Trophy • Sponsor: Bishop Leonard Crowley Simon McDonaugh Memorial Trophy Awarded as grand prize to the best of the winners of all other trophies.

RCMP Best Marching Unit Trophy Sponsor: Phillips & Campbell Lester B. Pearson School Board Best High School Unit Trophy Sponsor: Bernier Family

Donnacona Brass Band TSN 690 Best Military Unit Trophy Best Media Entry Trophy Sponsor: Quinn Family Sponsor: National Criminal Investigation Service

The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 23

Que la chance et la joie vous accompagnent tous les jours !

Wishing you luck and joy on this St. Patrick’s day and eveyday!

Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh!

Thomas BUREAU DE CIRCONSCRIPTION MULCAIR CONSTITUENCY OFFICE 154, avenue Laurier ouest, # 302 Montréal (Québec) H2T 2N7 Député | M.P. T.: 514 736-2727 Outremont [email protected]

193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 24 2016 St. Patrick’s Parade Trophy Winners

Queen’s University Bands Best Band Trophy Sponsor: Bishop Leonard Crowley St. Gabriel’s Parish Most Original Parish Unit Trophy Sponsor: Bishop Neil E. Willard Memorial

Viking du Vinland Most Creative Endeavor Trophy Sponsor: CBC

Expos Fest Best Amateur Float Trophy Sponsor: J.P. Feron

Bernadette Short School of Irish Dance Best Celtic Dancing Unit Trophy Sponsor: William C. Hickey Memorial

McCambridge Family St. Patrick’s Society of Montreal Most Authentic Irish Unit Trophy Best Sister Society Trophy Sponsor: John Kenny Memorial Sponsor: Past Presidents’ The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 25 The Erin Sports Association would like to congratulate Grand Marshal Paul Quinn and Chief Reviewing Officer Lynn Lonergan Doyle.

The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. congratulates Wayne Hogan 2016 Irishman of the Year as chosen by the Erin Sports Association

193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 26 2016 St. Patrick’s Parade Trophy Winners

Les Titans de Quebec Most Creative Youth Unit Trophy Sponsor: Karnak Temple Greyhound Rescue of Quebec Best Animal Entry Trophy Sponsor: Lafleur Golf Club

Bain magique / Bath Fitter Best Commercial Float Trophy Sponsor: Stephen M. Dowd Memorial

Martin Albino & Savoys Best Cultural Community Unit Trophy Sponsor: 92.5 the Beat

Les Eclairs de Quebec Best Out of Town Unit Trophy Sponsor: J.McMullen Memorial

U of Western Ontario Mustang Band Best College or University Unit Trophy Pompiers Auxiliares de MontrÉal Sponsor: Friends of McGill Best Municipal Entry Trophy Photos by John Zimmerman, John Gilroy, Peter McCabe, Sponsor: CJAD Ken Quinn, Martin Barry, Sandy Dettman, City of Montreal

The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 27 A Soldier’s Song AMHRAN NA bhFIANN We’ll sing a song, a soldier’s song, with Seo dhibh a cháirde duan oglaigh cheering, rousing chorus, Caithréimeach, bríoghmhar, ceolmhar, As round our blazing fires we throng, Ár dteinte cnámh go buacach táid, ‘S an spéir go mín réaltógach. the starry heavens o’er us; Is fionnmhar faobhrach sinn chum gleo Impatient for the coming fight ‘S go tiúnmhar glé roimh tigheacht do’n ló And as we wait the morning light, Fa ciúnas chaoimh na h-oidhche ar seol, Here in the silence of the night, Seo libh, canaidh Amhrán na bhFiann. We’ll chant a soldier’s song. Curfa: CHORUS : Sinne Fianna Fáil atá fá gheall ag Éirinn, Soldiers are we, whose lives are pledged Buidhean dár sluagh tar túinn do ráinig chughainn: to Ireland, Some have come from a Fámhóid bheith saor, sean-tír ár sinnsear land beyond the wave, feasta Sworn to be free, no more our ancient Ní fágfar fá’n tíorán ná fá’n tráil; sireland Anocht a theigeamh sa bhearna baoghail, Shall shelter the despot or slave. Le gean ar Gaedhil chum báis nó saoghail, Tonight we’ll man the Bearna Baoghail, Le gunna sgréac; fá lamhach na piléar, In Erin’s cause come woe or weal, Seo libh canaidh Amhrán na bhFiann. Mid cannon’s roar and rifle’s peal, Cois banta réidhe, ar árdaibh sléibhe We’ll chant a soldier’s song. Ba bhuadhach ár sinnsear romhainn, In valley green, on towering crag, our Ag lámhach go tréan fá’n sár-bhrat séin Tá thuas sa ghaoith go seolta; fathers fought before us, Ba dhuthchas riamh d’ár gcine cháidh And conquered ‘neath the same old flag Gan iompáil siar ó imirt áir, that’s proudly floating o’er us; ‘Siubhal mar iad i gcoinnibh námhaid We’re children of a fighting race, Seo libh, canaidh Amhrán na bhFiann. That never yet has known disgraced, Curfa And as we march, the foe to face, A buidhean nach fann d’fuil Ghaoidheal We’ll chant a soldier’s song. is Gall, Sons of the Gael, men of the Pale, the Sinn breacadh lae na saoirse, Tá sgéimhle ‘s agannradh i gcroidhthibh long watched day is breaking, namhad, The serried ranks of Innisfail shall set the Roimh ranngaibh laochra ár dtíre; tyrant quaking; Ár dtainte is tréith gan spréach anois, Our camp fires now are burning low, Sin luisne ghlé san-spéir anoir, See in the east the silvery glow, ‘S an bíodhbha i raon na bpiléar agaibh: Out yonder waits the Saxon foe, Seo libh, canaidh Amhrán na bhFiann. Then chant a soldier’s song. Curfa

193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 28 PROGRAM ADDRESSES PROCESSIONAL ENTRY President Parade Queen & Court Vice President of Parade Organization Grand Marshal Head Table Chief Reviewing Officer

national Anthems Presentations Simon McDonaugh TOAST TO CANADA Humanitarian Award Liam Daly Heritage Award TOAST TO IRELAND Queen and Court

Opening Grace Entertainment Irish Dancing INTRODUCTIONS Presentation of Parade Flag

menu Beer & Wine ❦ ❦ ❦ Cream of Vegetable Soup ❦ ❦ ❦ Exotic Salad ❦ ❦ ❦ Roast Beef served with Vegetables and Potatoes ❦ ❦ ❦ Tiramisu ❦ ❦ ❦ Coffee, Tea ❦ ❦ ❦ Music Provided By: The Clahanes & DJ Sound 

The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 29 En cette journée de la

St-Patrickprovoque l�Irlandais en toi �

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193rdLAS2523_AnnM-dublin-stpat_V1.indd St. Patrick’s Parade 1 The United Irish Societies of2016-02-15 Montreal 4:56 Inc. PM 30 The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 2015 - 2016 Chairpeople

Sheri Bernier Danny Doyle Jr. Shawn Doyle Catherine Eustace Membership Chief Deputy Marshal Awards Banquet Legal Advisor Sponsorship Committee

Bob McKay Paul Loftus Colleen Murphy Finance Greeter, Masses Selection Evening & Regalia

Ken Quinn Beverly Murphy Claudette Roach Past President • Historian Banquet Program Reception Web Management Nominating Past Presidents’ Advisory Council Committee

Jane Skelton Rev. Gérard Martineau Kimberly Provost Christmas Baskets Moral Advisor Communications

The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 31 We really want to underline all the wonderful efforts made by The United Irish Societies.

What a great parade you have put on ....

Thank You from Total Diving

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193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 32 2016 St. Patrick’s Parade Participants

Colour Party - Girl Guides of Canada 94.7 Hits FM Radio Montreal Police – Ste-Catherine Coalition for Peace in Ireland (Montreal) St. Patrick Statue Montreal Shamrocks Gaelic Athletic Association Black Watch Band Moran Academy of Irish Dancing 2016 Grand Marshal - Mr. Paul Quinn Honey Martin Pub 2016 Chief Reviewing Officer - Mrs. Lynn Longeran Doyle Pompiers Auxiliares de Montreal UIS Vice President, Organization - Ms. Patty McCann HMCS Donnacona Brass Band UIS President - Mr. Daniel Doyle Electricka UIS Queen’s Float CTV Montreal RCMP Pipes & Drums Band SIAMSA U.I.S. Executive & Dignitaries The Beat 92.5 U.I.S. Convertibles Hudson St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee UIS Mascot - Paddy Marie Claude Rousseau School of Irish Dancing Past Queens and Princesses Viking du Vinland Univ. of Western Ontario Band McMaster University Band Montreal City Councillors & Elected Politicians McKibbin’s Irish Pub Ancient Order of Hibernians Canada (Incl: IPBS Members) Canadian Liver Foundation Montreal Pipes and Drums Geo. A. Hall Trucking St. Patrick’s Society of Montreal Little Angels Radiation Oncology Charity Society Innisfail Social and Sports Club Dawson College Karnak Shriners, A.A.O.N.M.S. Girl Guides of Canada - Quebec Council Order of the Eastern Star Grand Chapter of Quebec Virgin Radio 96 Erin Sports Association Kurling for Kids Kahnawake Mohawk Peacekeepers Drumlines des Carabins (Université de Montréal) Kahnawake Fire Brigade Belfor Property Restoration Greyhound Rescue of Quebec Young Academy of Irish Dance Arrondissement de Verdun GAA Concordia Warriors Educ’alcool Garde de Terrebonne Band CBC Montreal Chateauguay & Valley Irish Heritage Association McCambridge Family/St. Ann’s Parish (1854-1971) Forteresse Imperiale - 501st Legion Ronald C. Lister Canada Inc. Martin Albino and the Savoys Bernadette Short School of Irish Dancing/Ville Marie Feis CP Scouts Canada Montreal Irish Rugby Football Club CJAD Dublin’s Pub St. Lambert Locks Rugby Club City of Westmount Sacred Heart School Boys and Girls Club LaSalle. Canadian SPCA Global Montreal (TV) K911 Animal Ambulance Titans de Quebec Band Saint John Brebeuf Parish (est. 1954) Les Breton du Quebec Sir Winston Churchill Pub Comm. Hellenique de Grand Montreal Knights of Columbus Irish Embassy Pub Black Watch Association Band Friends of Mental Health St. Andrew’s Society Lakeshore Kiwanis Bloomsday Montreal Cote St. Luc Public Safety Department Air Force City Pipe & Drum Band Bishop’s University Alumni Assn. Canadian Veterans Advocacy CHOM 3rd Montreal Battery of Artillery (Field) TRCF Weimaraner Association of Canada - Rescue Friends of Meadowbrook TSN 690 Le Bon Dieu Dans la Rue CN Bain Magique/Bath Fitter Lester B. Pearson School Board Miss Canada Globe/Mr. Canada St. Gabriel’s Parish (est. 1875) Montreal Ukraine Festival Groupe Party Expert Town of Hampstead Public Works Les Eclairs de Québec Band Queen’s University Band St. Anthony’s Parish (1884-2004) UIS Deputy Marshals

The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 33 Congratulations Richard McConomy & Pierrette Sévigny on receiving The Simon McDonaugh Humanitarian Award On Behalf of the Board of Directors & Staff of ST. PATRICK SQUARE Community • Security • Affordability Unique Apartments designed for autonomous living 55+ www.spsquare.ca • 514-481-9609

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193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 34 Parade Queens – 1956-2016 1956...... Patricia Ann Craig 1976...... Patricia Canty 1997...... Amanda Elizabeth Hoover 1957...... Agnes O’Neill 1977...... Kelly Rostek 1998...... Maureen Ring 1958...... Erin Shannon 1978...... Tracey Sweeney 1999...... Kathryn Fitzpatrick 1959...... Maureen Wholey 1979...... Lynn Hume 2000...... Jennifer Nolan-Arditi 1960...... Doris Kennedy 1980...... Andrea Egerton 2001...... Nadia Collette 1961...... Betty McGrory 1981...... Linda McErlain 2002...... Kellyann Ryan 1962...... Patricia Browne 1982...... Catherine Crowe 2003...... Erin McCarthy 1963...... Anna Gavigan 1983...... Suzanne Shannon 2004...... Tara Hecksher 1964...... Margaret McGregor 1984...... Linda McKeown 2005...... Stephanie Glezos 1965...... Arlene Morell 1985...... Carolyn Byrne 2006...... Courtney Elizabeth Mullins 1966...... Veronica O’Shaughnessy 1986...... Rosaleen Carroll 2007...... Andrea McGlynn 1967...... Clare Leonard 1987...... Janice Campbell 2008...... Briana Yerbury 1968...... Maureen McCabe 1988...... Kimberley Amiot 2009...... Erin Mackasey 1969...... Vickie McDonough 1989...... Margaret Aherne 2010...... Katherine McKendy 1970...... Brenda Reid 1990...... Valerie Shannahan 2011...... Olivia Crawford 1971...... Deborah McHenry 1991...... Kimberley Anne Tyrell 2012...... Keira Kilmartin 1972...... Susan Murray 1992...... Kelly Pierson 2013...... Alyssa Caughy 1973...... Deborah Tierney 1993...... Jennifer McKeogh 2014...... Sarah Murphy 1974...... Maureen Ann McNally 1994...... Colleen Murphy 2015...... Carly Meredith 1975...... Maureen O’Shea 1995...... Shelly Howe 2016...... Samantha Cambridge 1996...... Jaime Andrea Kirnan

Grand Marshals – 1929-2016 1929...... Ald. Thomas E. Fagan 1958...... Mayor George O’Reilly 1988...... Francis Quinn 1930...... P. O’Donnell 1959...... Dr.L.P. Nelligan 1989...... Rev. William McCarthy 1931...... Insp. Toby Kavanagh 1960...... Jack Cronin 1990...... Liam Daly 1932...... Dist. Chief P. Doolan 1961...... Councillor Gerry Snyder 1991...... James P. Coleman 1933...... Insp. Patrick Lawton 1962...... Councillor Ken McKenna 1992...... Richard McConomy 1934...... Christopher Carson 1963...... Dr. Kenny Mooney, M.D. 1993...... Derek Deegan 1935...... Ald. Leo J. McKenna 1964...... Richard F. Walsh 1994...... Donald Pidgeon 1936...... Ald. T. Kilfeather 1965...... T.P. Slattery, Q.C. 1995...... Keith Matticks 1937...... Ald. Dave Rochon 1966...... Bryce Mackasey, M.P. 1996...... Bishop N.E. Willard, V.G. 1938...... John J. Powell 1967...... Rev. Patrick J. Ambrose 1997...... Leo L. Delaney 1939...... Dr. L.P. Nelligan 1968...... Judge Reginald D. Tormey 1998...... Brian McKeown 1940...... Ald. Richard F. Quinn 1969...... Rev. Patrick J. Malone, S.J. 1999...... James Barriere 1941...... Hon. F. L. Connors, M.L.A. 1970...... Michael J. McCormick 2000...... Robin Burns 1942...... P.T. Lynch 1971...... John Carey 2001...... Terence Corcoran 1943...... Thomas P. Healy, M.P. 1972...... Judge Clarence G. Quinlan 2002...... Wayne Hogan 1944...... Thomas J. Geurin, M.L.A. 1973...... James J. Connolly 2003...... Dr. Michael Kenneally 1945...... Councillor Frank Hanley 1974...... John Quinn 2004...... William (Bill) Hurley 1946...... Ald. Pat Quinn 1975...... Frank A. Phillips 2005...... Margaret Healy 1947...... Hon. Justice T.J. Coonan 1976...... George O’Reilly, Jr. 2006...... Brian O’Neill 1948...... Rev. M.T.J. O’Brien, P.P. 1977...... Ronald Toohey 2007...... Ted Harman 1949...... Recorder E.J. McManamy 1978...... Patrick J.B. Fitzgerald 2008...... John Meaney 1950...... Counc. Eddie O’Flaherty 1979...... Martin Conroy 2009...... David John O’Neill 1951...... Ald. J. Lennon 1980...... Brian Mulroney 2010...... Jim Killin 1952...... Counc. J.A. Murphy, Q.C. 1981...... Gerald Raymond 2011...... Father John Walsh 1953...... Insp. William T. Minogue 1982...... Peter Bedard 2012...... Paul Loftus 1954...... F.G.M. Bolton 1983...... John McConomy 2013...... Andrew W. Fogarty 1955...... John A. O’Meara, Q.C. 1984...... Robert T. Larkin 2014...... William O’Donnell 1956...... Col. Redmond Roche, Q.C. 1985...... Bishop L.J. Crowley 2015...... Geoffrey Kelley 1957...... Angus MacLean Gilday 1986...... Gerald (Gerry) O’Donnell 2016...... Paul Quinn 1987...... Wilfred Goddard

Chief Reviewing Officers – 1952-2016 1952...... William Bryant 1974...... Warren Allmand, M.P. 1996...... Jacques Duchesneau 1953...... Joseph Cullen 1975...... John Campbell, M.P. 1997...... Terrance John Clahane 1954...... John Brennan 1976...... Dan Yacovitch 1998...... Rev. Murray McCrory 1955...... Col. R. Roche, OC. OBF 1977...... Richard F, Walsh 1999...... Dennis Trudeau 1956...... W.P. Kierens 1978...... Lucien Caron, M.N.A. 2000...... Rob Braide 1957...... William (Bill) Fitzpatrick 1979...... John McConomy 2001...... John McDonaugh 1958...... William C. Hickey 1980...... Msgr. N. E. Willard, P.H. 2002...... Mabel Ann Fitzgerald 1959...... Dr. Thomas J. Kierens 1981...... Rev. Peter McGlynn, p.p. 2003...... Larry W. Smith 1960...... Edmond Coleman 1982...... Rev. T. D. McEntee, C.D. 2004...... Georges Bossé 1961...... William P. Fay 1983...... Michael B. Spears 2005...... Michel Sarrazin 1962...... Rev. James O’Toole, p.p. 1984...... Joseph Sullivan, Sr. 2006...... Alan Hustak 1963...... Frank J. Selke, Sr. 1985...... Hugh McGlynn 2007...... Bishop Anthony Mancini, V.G. 1964...... Right Rev. Kenneth Maguire 1986...... Eric H. Molson 2008...... James (Jim) Barrière 1965...... Hon. Eric Kierns 1987...... Andrew W. Fogarty 2009...... Robert Thomas Larkin 1966...... John A. Belton 1988...... Sam L. Elkas 2010...... James Coleman 1967...... Mayor Jean Drapeau 1989...... Mayor Raymond Savard 2011...... Brendan Deegan 1968...... Bishop N. J. Gallagher, v.g. 1990...... Sid Stevens 2012...... Danny Doyle Sr. 1969...... Gerald O’Donnell 1991...... Jim D. Smith 2013...... Donald Pidgeon 1970...... Albert David 1992...... Rev. Joseph P. Sullivan, p.p. 2014...... Brian MacKenzie 1971...... Sam Maislin 1993...... Brian O’Neill Gallery 2015...... Elizabeth Quinn 1972...... Bishop L. J. Crowley, v.g. 1994...... Col. André DeQuoy, C.D. 2016...... Lynn Lonergan Doyle 1973...... Joseph Dunne, M.R.A.I.C. 1995...... Ted Blackman

The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 35 Affordable Quality Housing for Seniors

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193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 16 St Pat's36 Program.indd 2 12/02/2016 8:39:47 AM A Tribute to Donald Pidgeon (1937 – 2016) By Ken Quinn John Loye, John J. Kenny and John “Jake” McConomy, Don performed exceptionally in this role. He was a Member of the Irish Committee for Grosse Isle in 1992 and between 1992 and 1994 he negotiated improvements at the Black Stone Monument and lot on Bridge Street. Don wrote many interesting articles, educated the membership through the reports he presented at countless general meetings, and was most accommodating in his willingness to speak to interested students, community members, and the media alike. Don’s interest in documenting our history was his catalyst to write and assemble a book about our organization’s history in 2008 coinciding with the United Irish Societies’ 80th anniversary. Prior to his passing, Don completed a second book to celebrate the organization’s 85th anniversary. Don received every honour the United Irish Societies has to offer. In March 1994 Don served as the Grand Marshal of the 170th Consecutive St. Patrick’s Parade. He was the Recipient of the Simon Earlier this year the voice of a tremendous McDonaugh Humanitarian Award in 2004. In April community resource fell silent when long time United 2005 outgoing president Sheila Showers presented Irish Societies Historian Don Pidgeon passed away Don with Gold Card Membership. He received the after an epic battle with cancer. Liam Daly Heritage Award in 2010 and, in 2013, he Donald Pidgeon was born January 6 19371, the served as the Chief Reviewing Officer of the 190th youngest child of William James Pidgeon and Marjorie Consecutive St. Patrick’s Parade. Black2 . He grew up in Griffintown, living there from Other than the United Irish Societies, Don was 1940 to 1966, and resided in Dorval from 1973 until a member of the St. Ann’s Young Men’s Society, his passing. He was married to Nadia Ewasiechko. was a member of the Knights of Columbus Council Together they had two children, James and Jennifer. 284, of the Knights of Columbus 4th Degree D’Arcy Don was the proud grandfather of his granddaughter McGee Assembly, a Navigator 4th Degree, and was Romy. named an Honorary Life Member of the Knights of Don joined the United Irish Societies of Montreal Columbus. in 1968, where he quickly became involved with Don faithfully volunteered at the St. Patrick’s the organization’s activities, moving up the ladder Soup Kitchen from 1994, helping to feed on a weekly from year to year. From 1972-75 he served as the basis some of the most disadvantaged people in the organization’s Recording Secretary before serving as downtown area. Vice President in 1976-77 and, finally, as President Through his accomplishments in and for the Irish from 1978-79. community, the diligent upkeep of the organization’s Despite Don’s involvement at the highest levels archives, and by sharing his knowledge with the of the organization, he is undoubtedly best known as community Don has left a legacy for the benefit of the Historian of the United Irish Societies, serving future generations. the organization in this key role from 1991 to May 1 Don Pidgeon’s Bio, March 2015 2015. Walking in the footsteps of such luminaries as 2 Quebec, Vital, and Church Records, Drouin Collection

The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 37 s Society gel Ch n ar A it le y tt S i e L r v e i h c e T

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193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 38 Celebrating 193 years, The Montreal St. Patrick’s Day Parade again brings our community together.

The United Irish Societies of Montreal, is a non profit, volunteer organization. The generosity demonstrated each year, by so many volunteers and supporters is astonishing.

Seasoned members holding the experience, history and knowledge combined with the high level of interest and energy from new members, is wonderful gift to the UIS, the community and our culture. These shared elements contribute to the level of dedication and pride required to produce this event each year. Montreal is a proud multicultural city, that is open, accepting and supportive of all, is unique to itself, and welcomes visitors from everywhere and always. Globally recognized for diversity, Montreal is the place to be.

The support received by The United Irish Societies of Montreal from the many levels of governmental offices, is necessary to produce this event and each year, we are granted a wonderful level of support which is absolutely appreciated.

Governmental support includes: • Quebec Secrétariat à la région métropolitaine • Ville de Montreal • Montreal Police Department • Montreal Fire Department • Montreal Blue Collar workers • Montreal STM

The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 39 Happy St. Patrick’s Day

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Sterling Downey Luc Gagnon Marie-Andrée Mauger Peter McQueen Craig Sauvé Conseiller de ville / City councillor Conseiller d’arrondissement / Conseillère d’arrondissement / Conseiller de ville / City councillor Conseiller de ville / City councillor Verdun Borough councillor Borough councillor Côte-des-Neiges—Notre-Dame- Le Sud-Ouest Desmarchais-Crawford Verdun Verdun de-Grâce Saint-Henri—Petite-Bourgogne— Desmarchais-Crawford Desmarchais-Crawford NDG Pointe-Saint-Charles

Vos élus et toute l’équipe de Projet Montréal vous souhaitent de superbes célébrations de la Saint-Patrick!

193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 40 The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. Past Presidents

Robert T. Larkin James P. Coleman Bernard J. Woffenden Bryan Scott Patrick O’Connell Mabel Ann Fitzgerald 1973-74 1975-76 1986-87 1988-89 1990-91 1992-93

Michael Spears Joseph Quinn Margaret Healy Elizabeth Quinn RobertRobert McKay Sheila Showers 1994-95 1996-97 1998-99 2000-01 2002-032002-03 2004-05

Larry Smith Marlene Demers Ken Quinn Mike Kennedy Beverly Murphy 2006-07 2008-09 2010-11 2012-13 2014-15

John I. McCaffrey • 1929-30 Richard Cooper • 1967-68 Herbert Potter • 1931-32 Patrick J.B. Fitzgerald • 1969-70 John Loye • 1933-57 George O’Reilly, Jr. • 1971-72 In Memory John Lucey • 1958 David Deegan • 1976-77 of Martin Greene • 1959-60 Donald Pidgeon • 1978-1979 Past Pat Quackenbush • 1961-62 Wilfred Goddard • 1980-81 Presidents John J. Kenny • 1963-64 Norman Browne • 1982-83 Francis J. Quinn • 1965-66 D’Arcy C. Boyle • 1984-85

The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 41 With the compliments of

In Memory

Joy Lafrance Thomas Fitzgerald Donald Pidgeon Kenneth O’Donnell Margaret Smith

Congratulations on Another Successful Season

7777 George Street LaSalle, Québec H8P 1C8 Weekend to mark the 100th anniversary of the 1916 Rebellion on April 22 and 23, 2016 Closing Film and Reception on Thursday May 5th www.cinegaelmontreal.com [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 42 United Irish Societies of Montreal 2016 St. Patrick’s Parade Personnel Vice President - Organization Chief Deputy Marshal Patty McCann Danny Doyle Jr.

Deputy Marshals Ken Bell Thomas Gruber Brent Nolan Rachel Santini Laz Burke Jason Jordan Craig Nolan Patrick Shipley Robert Bruce Campbell Mike Judge Brian O’Brien Christine Soulieres Nick Cowen David Kennedy Richard O’Brien Alex Whitham Amanda Davis Thomas Kolofsky Sean O’Luasa Darin Whitham Brandon Doyle Gabrielle Labonte Jane O’Reilly Kyle Whitham Andrew Dumas Gary Lockie Ryan Pharand Mike Whitham Robert Dumas Gerry Matticks Keith Pine Brent Young Joseph Gilmore Kerry Moran Lucien Quesnel Jeff Murphy Jennifer Ross Special Assignments Gary St. James (Bus) Pam McEntee (Hospitality) Pierrette Sévigny (Police HQ) Patrick Whitham (Bus/Judges) Patricia Mulqueen (Hospitality) Dave Gagnon (Reviewing Stand) Cathy Labreche (Hotel) Rose Quinn (Hospitality) Ed Larrissey (Reviewing Stand) Joe Allan (Golf Cart) Joey Habberfield (Paddy) Gord Lippiatt (Reviewing Stand) Denis Charron (Golf Cart) Danny Fitzpatrick (Escort) Claudette Roach (Reviewing Stand) Shawn Doyle (Golf Cart) Jay de la Durantaye (Phillips) Grant Stewart (Reviewing Stand) Devin St. James (Golf Cart) Trish Dempsey (Phillips) Tony Moriello (Security) Leigh-Ann Killin (rue du Fort) John Kennedy (Phillips) Larry Trudel (Security) Kim Provost (rue du Fort) Patrick O’Grady (Phillips) Janson Quessy (Troubleshoot) James Hay (Ham Radio) Kyle O’Shea (Phillips) Richard McConomy (TV) Diane Barclay (Hospitality) Shannon Pine (Phillips) Ken Quinn (TV) Assistant Parade Directors Safety & Security Floats Director of Security Judging Adviser Kevin Tracey - Sheri Bernier - Jack Doyle Asst. Parade Directors Tony Moriello Sheila Showers Parade Judges Mr. Steven Garnett Mr. Greg Muir Ms. Brenda O’Farrell Ms. Julie Libman Mr. John Meagher Pompiers Aux. 2017 World Police and Montreal Gazette MUHC Montreal Gazette de Montreal Fire Games Montreal

The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 43 Happy St. Patrick’s Day from Our Mascot Paddy

Harold Meredith Tél. : 450 444-1110 IMPRIMERIE RYAN INC. Fax : 450 444-2079 4050, boulevard Matte, local C Cel. : 514 989-1011 Brossard QC J4Y 2Z2 [email protected] Pâtisserie

Imprimerie_Ryan_stationnary_v4.inddDesign 1 of this program by 2015-12-14 18:34 Gryphon Bakery Les Services Graphiques Irish, Scottish Specialties To Order. Scones; Shortbread; Meat Pies Graphic Services Inc. Graphic Design • Commercial Art Flapjacks, Barmbrack, Tea Loaves Electronic Pre-Press Services 5972 Monkland Avenue, C.A. “Sandy” Dettman Montreal 426, rue de Sébastopol, Montréal, Qué. H3K 2H3 Telephone: 514 935-3835 • [email protected] 514-487-3933

193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 44 Commemorations in Montreal of the 1916 Easter Rising in Ireland

Fifty years ago Canada was preparing for its’ and the acquisition by the Irish people of “liberty and Centennial as a nation and Montreal was preparing for freedom from oppression.”1 the 1967 International and Universal Exposition, Expo In 1966 the Irish community of Montreal 67. As those preparations were being made, Ireland again came together to commemorate the events of and the diaspora were marking the 50th anniversary 19162. A multi organization organizing committee of the Easter Rising. was struck under the chairmanship of Gerald Carroll, The Easter Rising was an armed rebellion in Vice President for Canada of the Ancient Order of Ireland during Easter Week in 1916, mounted by Irish Hibernians and member of St. Patrick’s Society, the republicans and organized by seven members of the Gaelic Athletic Association, and Innisfail Social and Military Council of the Irish Republican Brotherhood, Sports Club. His fellow committee members included to end British rule and establish an independent John Kenny, Past President of the United Irish Societies republic while the United Kingdom was primarily and Secretary of Innisfail Social and Sports Club, Denis occupied with World War I. Leyne, Secretary of the Gaelic Athletic Association, The Rising William Fahey, began on Easter Treasurer of the Monday, April Innisfail Social 24, 1916. After and Sports Club proclaiming an Irish and member of Republic, after six both the Pioneer days of insurrection, Total Abstinence and after seizing Association and strategic locations in the Gaelic Athletic Dublin the British Association, army suppressed the Cathal McAlester, Rising. There was President of the Tara also insurrection Golf Association in other parts of and member of the Ireland as well. Gaelic Athletic Patrick Pearse, Association. schoolmaster and Irish language activist, agreed to To mark the anniversary in a unique way, a an unconditional surrender on April 29. Fifteen special Mass and breakfast was organized for Easter activists were sentenced to death, including the seven Sunday, April 10, 1966. Mass was celebrated at Saint signatories of the Proclamation, and were executed by Patrick’s Church with the breakfast taking place at the firing squad in early to mid May. Queens Hotel. The guest speaker on this occasion was Despite the apparent Republican defeat, the Rising Reverend Father Reynolds, a native of Nenagh, Co. was the beginning of the rebirth of a nation. In 1918 Tipperary, Ireland. Cost was two dollars per person. republicans won seventy-three out of 105 seats in the An invitation only evening of recitation and song general election to the British Parliament. was planned for Monday, April 11 of that year. On April 12, 1936 the Republican Irish of One hundred years have passed and the ocean Montreal met at the Windsor Hotel under the separates us. We and our families are indebted to those auspices of the Irish Unity Club, under the responsible for the birth of the nation that today we presidency of Denis Quinlan, to commemorate the know as the Republic of Ireland. memory of those who died during the 1916 Easter Ken Quinn, Historian, U.I.S. Uprising in Dublin and to hear J.S. Wallace predict 1 the gradual disintegration of England’s world influence Montreal Gazette, Republican Irish Meet, April 13, 1936, p. 11 2 United Irish Societies of Montreal archives

The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 45 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 46 The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 47 SG_Irish_Societies_20160125.pdf 1 2016-01-25 8:45 PM

193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 48 The United Irish Societies would like to thank the following partners, without whom this Parade would not be possible:

St. Patrick’s Society of Montreal SILVER partner BRONZE partners

92.5 The Beat Global Montreal TV 94.7 Hits FM Groupe Party Expert AerRianta Intl. (Duty Free) Honey Martin Pub Air Canada Hurley’s Irish Pub Arrondissement de Verdun Irish Embassy Pub Arrondissement Ville Marie K911 Animal Ambulance Auxiliary Firefighters of Montreal Kennedy Celtic Boutique Bain Magique/Bath Fitters McCann Equipment Ltd. Belfor Property Restoration McKibbin’s Irish Pub BGL Brokerage Metropolitan Parking CBC Montreal Montreal Amateur Radio Club Chalet Bar-BBQ Montréal Police Department Charles Boulanger (2000) Inc. Old Dublin Pub City of Kirkland Place Ville Marie CJAD 800 Pointe Claire First Responders CHOM 97,7 Ronald C. Lister Canada CTV Montreal Shriner’s Hospital Dublin’s Pub TSN690 Educ’Alcool Virgin Radio 96 Electrika Winnie/Sir Winston Churchill Pub The United Irish Societies also wishes to thank all volunteers, including volunteer security, banner carriers and a distinguished panel of judges for helping to make the 193rd Consecutive St. Patrick’s Parade of Montreal a great success.

The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 49 U.I.S. Activities Through the Year

193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 50 U.I.S. Activities Through the Year

The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 51 Kellys English Pub A Little Piece of the U.K. in Pointe Claire. Live Bands on Friday & Saturday. British Soccer on Satellite T.V. Large Selection of British & Compliments International Draft Beers. of Gynoh English & Scottish Pub Food. Full Breakfasts on Weekends Private Party Facilities. 88 Donegani, Pointe Claire • (514) 694-6438 • kellysbar.com

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Everyone’s Program details & Tickets FESTIVAL Everyone’s +1 (438)Program 969-3300 details & Tickets FESTIVAL Joyce +1 (438) 969-3300 [email protected]@gmail.com Joyce bloomsdaymontreal.com BLOOMSDAYBLOOMSDAY LaLa Culture Culture Irlandaise bloomsdaymontreal.com@bloomsdayMtl @bloomsdayMtl MONTRÉAL Irlandaiseà Montréal MONTRÉAL à Montréal

ZELLER FAMILY School of Canadian FOUNDATION Irish Studies

193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 52 The Greening of Montreal

The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 193rd St. Patrick’s Parade 53 The United Irish Societies of Montreal would like to thank all the companies, organizations and the different levels of government that have graciously placed an advertisement in this program. This financial support helps fund the parade, our charitable work and all other endeavors taken on by the United Irish Societies of Montreal.

We ask all to help support those who support us by using and promoting their services where they meet your needs. Please keep a copy of this program in your place of business to showcase the United Irish Societies of Montreal and all the business and organizational supporters within.

If you would like to have your business or organization showcased in next year’s program or you would like to support the United Irish Societies of Montreal as a major sponsor please contact Leigh-Ann Killin at the email address below.

www.montrealirishparade.com [email protected]

193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 54 Canada & Québec Immigration Congratulations to The United Irish Societies Fogarty on a Wonderful Étude Légale · Law Firm St. Patrick's Parade

514 289-9289 · www.fogartylaw.ca Warren Allmand, p.c., o.c., q.c.


454 René-Lévesque Blvd. West Seniors Action Quebec salutes the Montréal, Québec H2Z 1A7 United Irish Societies Tel.: (514) 866-7379 on 193 years of tradition and Fax: (514) 954-1218 we wish them continued success. e-mail: [email protected] 438-386 1944 (O) www.seniorsactionquebec.ca www.stpatricksmtl.ca

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193rd St. Patrick’s Parade The United Irish Societies of Montreal Inc. 56 To ge t h e r Making our communities safer places to live

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The best way to build strong communities is to safeguard the health of their members. Through initiatives like our All Aboard for Safety Program, CN is committed to working United Irish Society Montreal United : :

with community leaders and safety-related organizations to help prevent injuries and CNC_13125 : 7,5” x 9,75” «Together» promote safe lifestyles for everyone. www.cn.ca : publication description dossier titre format United Irish Societies of Montreal @uismtl UISMTL