Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions - Modena, Lourenço & Roca (eds) © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 04 1536 379 9

The vaulting structure ofthe Temple ofVenus and at the RomanForum

C. González-Longo & D. Theodossopoulos Inslitule ofArchileclure, School o/lhe Built Environment, University o/Nottingham, Nottingham, UK

ABSTRACT: The Temple ofVenus and Rome at the edge ofthe displays the unique pattem of two back-to-back cellae. The Hellenistic proportions of the building belong to the eclectic architecture of the emperor , who allegedly designed the temple. Significant restoration works were carried out later in 307 A.D. by Maxentius and the prevailing opinion associates the vaulted roof with this intervenlion. An attempt to clarify the origin ofthese vaults and to discuss design issues and solutions associated with these systems through a stylistic, constructional and structural analysis is carried ou!. The major construction phases of the temple will be identified and the main characteristics of each period will be studied, in terms of aesthetic preferences and construction techniques. Structural assessment of the cell ae will be performed and an attempt is made to interpret the degradation and collapse ofthe building.

lNTRODUCTION 11111111111111111111111111111 I. I The temple •••••••••••••••••••••• The Temple of Venere Felix and Roma Aeterna was the biggest temple of Rome and one of the biggest of the Antiquity. Founded and allegedly designed by the emperor Hadrian, its construction was initiated in 121 mt::X::::J m A.D. (there was already a project in 117 A.D.), it was •••••••••••••••••••••• inaugurated in 135 AD. and finished by Antoninus 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Pius in 140 A.D. lt is an example of Hadrian's eclec­ tic architecture that combines Hellenistic proportions 25m with Roman construclion techniques like vaulting systems from solid masonry. • ••••••••••••••••••••• The temple has an extremely interesting design, 111111111111111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111 where the Greek architecture meets the Roman. It dis­ • • • li • •••••••••• ••••• plays the unique pattem oftwo back-to-back cellae of 111111111 111111111 considerable dimensions under a single roof, and no li 111 • 11 •• other similar arrangement is known. li 111 IIJ li • IIJ 111 11 11 "I" li 111111111 The best-conserved is that dedicated to Rome 111 •• 111. li! 11 li! 111 li! li li! 111.11 .1II •• 11J (West), which was later incorporated to the church and li 11 11 li 111 11 11 li 11 111 111 li 111 11 li li 11 111 li li 111 111 monastery ofSanta Maria Nova, known today as Santa li 11 IIJ 11 111 11 IIJ 11 • 111 IIJ li 111 11 li li • IIJ 11 li 11 111 Francesca Romana. The cella was raised by five steps from the surround­ ing peristyle (Lorenzatti 1990), which is composed Figure I. Pl an oftwo possible reconstructions ofthe Temple ofVenus and Rome. by a double line of white marble Corinthian tluted columns, ten in the front and twenty-two to the sides, above a seven steps stylobate. Taking in account the existing foundations, two different possible plans have springings along lhe perimetric walls. The interior of been proposed for the original temple (Fig. I). lhe cella presents an apse semidome finished in stucco The cellae were roofed by coffered masonry barrei tlanked by two porphyry columns, while two lines of vaults of which today only fragments survive in the porphyry columns on a conunon stylobate run parallel

1383 Figure 2. Actual situation ofthe complex of the Temple of Venus and Rome (Rome City Council). , I to the main axis, enelosing niehes with aedieul ae in j la between. _L Figure 3. Section of the Pantheon. (De Fine Licht 1966). 1.2 The site The site had important symbolic connotations, and in every place. The Hellenistic period brought a more probably also hi storical, arehiteetural and urban val­ refined and intellectual approach, as optie axes and ues for Hadrian, aeting as a 'hinge' between the new perspectives fo rm part of the design (as fo r example and the old part ofthe city. It was oeeupied previously in the Altar of Zeus and the Temple of Athena Polias by the Nero's Golden House Hall and later by a tem­ Nikephoros in ). pie dedi eated to the Sun. A huge operation had to take So far as the layout is concerned, it is known fro m plaee to allow the temple to be built, ineluding the Pausanias that there were double temples in the Pelo­ reloeation ofthe Colossus ofNero and subsequently a ponnese, whieh probably Hadrian saw duri ng his tour massive 100 x 145 m artificial conerete platform was in 124- 125 A.D. Unfortunately, the remains today laid (Fig. 2). from these temples are in conclusive. Probably the clos­ The locati on, orientati on and perhaps the form of est similarity eoul d be fo und at the temple ofAphro dite th e buil ding could have been heavily conditi oned by and Ares in the route between Argos and Mantinea important pre-existences. The aetual dimensions of (Barattolo 1978). the temple precinct were probably determined by the The temple ofVenus and Rome was a gigantic eon­ preeedent Golden House Hall as a similar approaeh struction of 11 3 x 56 m in plan and around 30 m high. was fo llowed at the Pantheon, another fo un dation by Similar dimensions ( 108 x 51 m) are found only in the Hadrian, where a previously open public space was Hell enistic temple ofApollo in Didymae (Asia Minor), eovered (Loerke 1990). whieh had an open roof and double eolonnade. There are however other major buildings that 1.3 Greek and Roman precedents Hadrian would have visi ted which could have infl u­ eneed the templ e of Venus & Rome, such as the Hadrian was an innovative architeet and a keen trav­ Temple of Jupiter in Baalbek, the Temple of Artemis ell er. Probably during his multi pie travels he had Leukophryene in Magnesia ad Maeandrum, or the the chance to study buildings that would influence the double Temple of Zeus and Cable in Sardes. design of the temple ofVenus and Rome. Other Hadri anie examples of coffered vaults ex ist in There is a clear dichotomy in the approach to the the ma in Bath s ofVilla Adriana (a preeious collection design of th e temple. From the exterior it follows the of Hadrian's architectural repertoire), and of course Hellenistic tradition ofthe temple as urban and seulp­ in the Pantheon. There is a clear relation between the tural element, and as such appears at an urban scale. construeti on ofthis temple and the almost contempo­ But in its interiors he pursues the Roman innovation of rary construction of the Pantheon (started about 118 hi s age through the achievement of an in teresting spa­ A.D.), due to similarities in the colossal proportions tial experience. Unity of design and eorrespondence and fu nction. As well as the mai n dome, a simil ar eof­ between the exterior and the interior did not appear an fered barrei vault appears in the Pantheon doorway, important issue. The symbolic, ideological an d even whil e its intermediate block presents also affinities iconic purpose was more important in this case. with the area of the temple between the apses th at The arehaic and classic Greek temple was an contains a staircase to the roof (Fig. 3). There are autonomous organism, built in almost the same way also other architectural elements, like the alternanee of


2.1 Original design by Hadrian (117- 138 A.D.) Oue to the bad quality ofthe soil and the presence of water in the site, a huge platform had to be built to sup­ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ • '. • • ~ ~ I J ~ ~ port the temple (Giuliani 1992). It is about 150 x 88 m, !li ~ ,f ttL ~ ~ ~ .t!. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ jt, -'- .I: ~ • :lI ~ I standing 8.5 m above the area around the and 2.7 m above the Summa Sacra Via. Figure 4. Plan of lhe Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens. (Wilson Jones 2000). It is known from the anecdote concerning the criticism from Apollodorus of Oamascus, quoted by Cassius Dio (IV, 1- 5), that Hadrian personally decided on the design ofthe temple. The unusual fact that the name ofthe architect for important buildings like this temple or the Pantheon has not transcended (unlike buildings under other emperors mandate) could be fur­ ther evidence. In this case, the design and construction of this temple could have been a life-long project for Hadrian. He consecrated the stili unfinished building on his return from Judea (136- 137 A.D.) but it would be completed by his successor . Hadrian's intention for the temple to be recognized externally as a Greek temple is clear. For its design, the temple follows the basic ' rule' mentioned by Vitruvius (Book IV): 'lhe lenglh of a lemple must be fl.viee its width'. According to Barattolo (1978), the temple follows the pseudo-dipteral canon dictated by Hermogenes (who has taken previous models like the peripteral Figure 5. Library of Hadrian, Athens, 130 A.D. (Adam doric temple). However, considering that the tem­ 1990). pie of Venus and Rome was decastyle (Plato called ten a 'perfect number'), the design should rather fali under the hyplRthros canon, as described by Vitruvius circular and square exedras and aediculae in the wall, (Book III): which are also very similar to previous Flavian () 'lhe hyplRthros is deeastyle, in lhe pronaos and pos­ or even Augustean constructions. This demonstrates, tieum. In olher respeets it is similar to the dipteral, despite the profound spirit of innovation, a well-rooted exeept Ihal in lhe inside il has fl.vo stories of eo/umns intention in Hadrianic constructions of following tra­ a/l round, ai some distanee from the walls, afieI' the ditional forms of architecture, building techniques and manner oflhe peristy/ia ofporticos. The middle ofthe decoration. interior part o( lhe lemp/e is open lo the sÁy, and it is But the most clear and direct influence appears to enlered by MO doars, one infronl and lhe olheI' in the come from the Temple of Olympian Zeus (the Olym­ reGi: Df Ihis sorl Ihere is no examp/e aI Rome, there peion) in Athens, even if this was slightly smaller is, however, an oelasty/e specimen ofi! at Alhens, lhe (110.35 x 43.68 m). It consisted of eight Corinthian temple ofJupil er O/ympius '. columns in triple rows under the pediments and twenty In accordance with recent excavations (Panelia in double rows at the sides, 1.70 m in diameter and 1985, 1990) and previously mentioned studies, it is 17.25 m high (Fig. 4). There was a temple already in reasonable to assume the temple was decastyle (with this location since the 6th century B.e., but it was twenty-two columns at the sides), ofCorinthian style, Hadrian who completed it in 124- 125 A.D. Earlier, dipteral (two rows of colurnns in ali facades), in 86 B.e., the general Sulia took two columns from systyle (columns two diameters apart), and amphipro­ the unfinished temple to adorn the Temple of Jupiter style (free standing columns in the pronaos). The on the in Rome. These columns are temple has no podium, unlike the rest ofRoman sacred considered to have influenced the development ofthe architecture, but stands above a crepidoma of seven Corinthian style in Rome. steps (stylobate included). There is also another precedent in Athens that could Jt is difficult to be absolutely sure about the exact refer to the arrangement of the externai wall of the module of the temple. There are some discrepancies cellae: the Library of Hadrian (Fig. 5). about the dimension ofthe colunms. Barattolo, using

1385 and dimensions to the one in the temple of Venus and Rome. The same material was used for the walls of the cella, which has also a brick wall to the inte­ rior, ali clad in marble slabs. The cell a was roofed by a coffered barrei vault and a series of pilasters ran along the internai walls. This building could have been a small scale copy of the temple of Venus and Rome (Fig. 6).

2.3 Restoration by Maxentius (306- 312 A.D.) The present internai configuration of the temple, including the stucco coffered barrei vaul t and apse has been attributed to restorations by Maxentius prompted by damages by fire in 283 A.D. and this was confirmed by the discovery ofstamped bricks by Nibby (Barattolo 1978). However, these vaults constitute a fundamental stylistic change from the typical timber ceiling of the classical Greek temples, and it is more in line with the aesthetic innovations of Hadrian, characterised by ori­ entai motifs as was expressed in many of his imperial foundations. Therefore, as it will be discussed later, these significant restoration works cannot be regarded as profound changes to the original scheme.

Figure 6. Hadrianeum. Above: Plan and part section 2.4 Decay and collapse enlarged, after Palladio (Tempio di Marte, Palladio 1570). After Maxentius intervention, however, the build­ Below: plan and enlarged cross section (Coarelli 1989). ing was not used for longo Between 314- 335 A.D. St. Sylvester founded a church dedicated to Sts. Peter different sources that cited measured material evi­ and Paul just outside the temple. Serious decay started dence, considers that 6V. Roman feet (1.87 m) is the later following the ban of pagan cult, particularly after most probable module. But he assumed that there were Gratian's Decree in 382 A.D. that confiscated ali prop­ only twenty columns to the sides, and now it is known erties of pagan cult. Between 626--629 A.D. the bronze there were twenty-two (Panella 1985, 1990). As in ter­ tiles were removed by Honorius I in order to roof the preted in Figure I, if the temple is assumed to be old S. Peter's. systyle, the diameter of the columns would be 1.74 m In 844- 847 A.D., the Saracens profanated and (about 6 Roman feet), similar to that ofthe Olympeion demolished the church. But it was the great earth­ of Athens. quake of 847 A.D. that probably caused the collapse of the already damaged vaults of the roofless temple and the building slowly became an authentic building 'quarry', providing not only stone, but ais o lime to 2.2 Completion byAntoninus Pius (138- 161 A.D.) other buildings in Rome (Lorenzatti 1990). Considering the short time between Hadrian 's death The church and monastery of Santa Maria Nova, and the completion of the temple, it can be assumed later Santa Francesca Romana, was built next to the that Antoninus Pius had only completed the original temple, but the cellae were never occupied, probably project. What is in any case clear is that the con­ due to the fact that the ruins were unsafe. The new struction ofthe temple influenced architectural design buildings were partially built using materiais from the and construction under his mandate, like for exam­ temple. pie, the operation oftransforming the pseudo-dipteral The columns were extensively reused in building type of the Temple of Artemis in Sardis into a temple the new St. Peter and St. John in Lateran. Between to Artemis and Faustina (Barattolo 1978). 1464- 1471, Paul II ordered the removal ofthe massive But even more importantly, Antoninus Pius built the peperino and travertine blocks of the foundations in Temple of Hadrian in Rome (dedicated in 145 A.D.). order to be used in the build ing of Palazzo Venezia. lt had eight by thirteen columns on a podium of 4 m Extensive restorations were carried out during circa ma de of block of peperino, similar in materiais the French occupation (18 14- 1816), including the

1386 removal ofpart ofthe monastery adjacent to the cella ofRome (Fig. 7). The restoration of the temple was carried out in 1935 by Antonio Munoz (Munoz 1935) but, as with some more recent works, the consolidation of the decayed masonry has actually impaired the interpre­ tation of the main phases through the study of the masonry (Fig. 8).


3.1 Construction system The vault is the main characteristic of this temple, as it was typical in imperial Roman construction of large buildings (Giovannoni 1925). The study ofthe vaulting structure can give useful insight into the corUlections between the two interesting and quite distinct phases of Roman Architecture during the times of Hadrian and Maxentius. The height of the temple was determined by the vault spanning the walls. The building was a mas­ terpiece of the architectural integration of trabeated orders and arcuated structures. In order to understand Figure 7. Tel11ple of Venus and ROl11e . South wall (West the effect ofthis new structural and aesthetical vocab­ cella). Rests of the original stairs to the roof appear clear on the right. ulary on Roman architecture, it is important to clarify the origin of the vaults. Hadrian continued the earlier developments of major-scale projects in concrete (opus caementitium) in Domitian's and Trajan's architecture. lt had pre­ dominantly two uses: to fill the core of the two leaf brick, tufa or stone walls and vaults and to provide strip or raft foundations. Concrete would set over the years, improving its strength with time, conveying a monolithic character to the vault. By the time this temple was built, there were already two centuries of Roman experience in building con­ crete vaults. Following the practice of the period, a semicircular barreI vault was formed in concrete (termed 'camera' by Vitruvius). The barreI vault would be generated by a continuous sequence of arches along a longitudinal axe. A complete centering of curved wooden moulds was necessary to achieve the form in Roman concrete. The lime-based concrete in Hadrian's time was of the highest quality and concrete construction achieved its highest, as can be verified in the construction ofthe massive platform of the temple of Venus and Rome (reaching 9 m high to the East), in the Pantheon and in Villa Adriana at Tivoli. This was due to the good preparation of the mortar including the highest qual­ ity lime putty and the use of high quality aggregates and additives like pozzolana, which would improve the lightness and strength of the mixo Coffers were consistently used in Hadrian's period in order to reduce the overall weight of the vault, as Figure 8. Tel11ple ofVenus and ROl11e. Interior ofWest cella. occurred in the Pantheon.

1387 Figure 10. . Coltapsed section of vault.

concrete identified with Maxentius' period presents a rougher appearance due to tufa, marble, travertine, brick, basalt and pozzolana inclusions. Brickwork also appears to be less homogeneous as the joints are gen­ erally quite thick and clay intrusions and additions of crashed brick/tufa and pozzolana changed the colour Figure 9. Temple ofVenus and Rome. Detail ofrel11ains of of the mortar to a brown-grey. For this reason, the vault to West celta. masonry te nds to be thicker (Fig. lO) .

Concrete has however a low strength in tension. The possibilities ofribs in improving the strength ofvaults 3.2 Structural scheme ofthe temple were already being explored at the time (cf. Villa dei Sette Bassi). lt is not clear ifthe vault was built, like the As a result of the construction system described above, Pantheon with a series ofbrick ribs, but it seems possi­ the building was a solid structure composed by a robust ble, judging from the similarities presented in a small vaulted double cella and an externai . It was fragment at the springing line ofthe vault (Fig. 9), that consistently supported by a deep concrete platform an early form ofribs was used. Similarto those forming laid in layers, which provided a strong base. Voids were the coffers in the Pantheon (Loerke 1990), the bricks left to receive the peperino dry strip foundation under­ form a corbelled and not a voussoir arrangement, i.e. neath the building walls. Travertine, a material more they are not laid radially, but nearly horizontally. resistant to compression, was used where concentrated These ribs can function as construction or even ther­ loads were applied, like under the columns. mal joints and improve the efficiency of the formwork, The cella was covered by a barrei vault with cof­ as the bui lders wanted to achieve continuity by provid­ fers (2 m), a clear strategy to reduce the overall weight ing an uninterrupted construction from the wall to the of the vault spanning more than 21 m, as it was also vault. During in-service the ribs can reinforce the con­ used in the Pantheon. The vault is articulated into thir­ crete, functioning like bracing rings as they can be at teen horizontal rows of coffers divided vertically by a state ofmainly compressive forces. This is also visu­ ten ribs. This configuration would not help the vault ally incorporated to lhe diamond-shape pattern at the by reducing the diagonal thrust, but would be an inte­ vault of the apse, reproducing a motif from the Temple grai part ofthe vaults' dead weight. In the case ofthe of Zeus in Baalbeck (Giovannoni 1925). Pantheon, the scale of the coffers (8 .72 m) expresses The vaulting system however had been significantly the scale of the overall structure. developed in Maxentius' time. The arches and ribs Probably the vaults were built above a centering were formed normally with bipedali or stilati, of good in which the shape of the coffers was prepared. A execution, arranged in a double ring. However, the hypothetical reconstruction of the vaults is based on

1388 semi-circular profile assumptions. Stability was guar­ anteed by supporting the vault on thick walls (2.6 m) and increasing the depth at the haunches. The peristyle could have been covered by small bar­ reI vaults similarly to the Pantheon's exedra (Fig. 11) or the Doric peristyle at Villa Adriana. The area between the two cellae has also a similar configuration to the intermediate volume in the Pantheon, including the presence of staircases to the roof. Barattolo (1973) has also noted the presence of some remains of a horizontalleveling marble element 0.16 m thick at the bottom ofthe cellae walls. It could be justified by the existence of a similar structural strategy to that of the Flavian Basilica at the Palatine (Fig. 12), or, most probably, simply the remains of a marble base moulding.


4.1 ln-service behaviour The vaults dominated the structural behaviour of the cell ae and the lateral thrust they were exerting was cru­ cial for the size ofthe perimeter walls. The behaviour of the ultimate configuration of the vaults is influ­ enced by the presence of the transverse enclosures (front, apse). The analysis however will also have to consider various hypotheses on the evolution of the scheme. Parameters like the thickness of the walls or the variable depth of the shell were crucial for the design and due to their magnitude they could deviate the structural behaviour ofthese elements from a plane stress scheme. lt was therefore considered to investi­ Figure 11. Pantheon, section of the exedra. A. Lecler after gate these issues by simulating the cella initially with C.lsabelle, Les edifices circulaires et les domes, Pari s, 1855 a 3D Finite Element (FE) model. (Loerke 1990). A 3D CAD drawing was prepared and then exported to a FE pre-processor to generate a model that was resolved with the FE package Abaqus. Due to symme­ try, only half ofthe cella was simulated. The immediate lateral colonnade was also included, comprising the light barreI vault supported upon a wall added to the wall ofthe cella. 'Brick' type elements were used to model the main load-bearing elements and full continuity between vault and the walls was assumed as in this stage the goal is to interpret the stress flow and hypotheses on the main phases. The constituent Roman concrete (opus caementitium) was modelled as isotropic and homo­ geneous material. Due to lack of in-si tu data on its mechanical properties, reasonable assumptions were made based on tests for modem concrete for dams, ma de of relatively large aggregates. Thus, the mod­ ulus of elasticity E = 10 kN/mm2 (considering also decay), the compressive strengthfc = 9.7 N/mrn2 and the tensile strengthft = 1.8 N/mrn2 (Withey 1946). With these assumptions, the strength of the final Figure 12. Flavian Basilica (Giovannoni 1925 ). scheme ofthe temple appears to be very high (Fig. (3)

1389 u , U3 U, Ui +0 . OOOe+ OO +1.374e-04 -3 . 148e-04 +3 . 676e-05 - 6 . 295e -04 -6 . 384e-05 -9 . 443e - 04 - -1.644e-04 - -1. 25ge-03 -2 . 651e-04 - -1. 574e-03 - - 3 . 65 7e -04 -1. 88ge - 03 - 4. 663e- 04 ~ ~ - S . 66g e- 04

Figure 13. Detlections of the fina l configuration of the temple. Figure 15. Lateral displacements ofthe isolated cella.

80th the gable front wall and apse function as S , 511 diaphragms, while difference in their stiffness shifts lAve . Crit .: 75%) +2 . 713e+05 the deformations closer to the front end. Although +1. 000e+05 +2 . 500e+04 bending moments do develop in the hoop direction, -5 . 000e+04 - 1.250e+05 the thi ckness of the spandrels has reduced the effect of -2 . 000e+05 ~ -3 . 515e+05 tensile forces on the material. As most of the weight of the vault however is concentrated on the spandrel, it is causing a rotation locally as it is applied with an eccentri city (Fig. 14). This area corresponds to the height ofthe surviving springing ofthe vaults and also coincides with the expected fracture line ofthi s type of vaults (Giovannoni, 1972), here evaluated at 60° from the apex. As with most vaults, the support conditions can heavily affect the high safety of this fo rmo A construc­ Figure 14. Transverse stresses S I I. tionjoint or weak connection could have formed along the edge of the gable wall since the bond there could not be as solid as at the springing. Thi s could have as deflections are very low and concentrate at the ultimately increased the longitudinal bending of lhe middle of the vault (max. 2 mm). The lateral dis­ vault. placements, although similarly low, show the cella Thickness oflhe shell is another interesting param­ acts almost monolithic and exerts some thrust on the eter as it can define the degree to which the remains weaker outer colonnade (Fig. 14). Overall, the stresses of ri bs and decoration seen today correspond to any are well below strength indicating that fai lure should structural necessity and therefore evaluate the extent be initiated by either a serious material degradation or of Maxentius restoration. A FE model with uniform loss of equilibrium. thickness shell elements ofthe cella only was used and The capacity of the original layout of the cella has been validated with the 3D FE model (Fig. 16). A (as designed by Hadrian) to carry a vaulted masonry parametric study was carri ed out varying conserva­ roofis fundamental in the question ofthe origin ofthe tively the thickness of only the shell by 30%, account­ barrei vault. The cella was ex amined as isolated from ing for either the coffers or eventual strengthening by the colonnade and the additional wall was removed Maxentills. The effect on the maximllm deflection was as well. A limit state analysis of the vault (Heyman minimal, indicating that the form chosen all ows the 1968) shows that a semicircular barrei vault of a con­ thrust line to be safely contained and moments to be stant thickness of 0.96 m is just sufficient to contain reduced. the thrust line, exerting a thrust of 150 kN/m. The sub­ stantial depth of the haunches however has reduced 4.2 Failure ofthe Vaults significantly the lateral displ acements expected along the springings (Fig. 15), making thus a barrei vau lt A non-li near FE analysis of the vault, permitting feasible as sufficient support is provided against the redi stribution of the loads due to tensil e or compres­ lateral thrusts. sive fai lure, demonstrated its high reserves against an

1390 in 847 A.D. and the degradation of the fabric of the U, Ul "'2 H)e O) ancient city in the Middle Ages. .... 1 S"e 01 +7 81ge Of - 1 072e O~ -8 4'Sh O~ -1 66.0e O) ~ -2 O'Se O) 5 DISCUSSION

Regarding the origin of the vault, the structural and constructional analysis indicated that Maxentius' intervention has been probably over-valued. The anal­ ysis showed the high reserves in the vault's strength even at Hadrian's considered probable configuration. The 283 A.D. fire could have probably damaged the timber roof structure above the vaults and the plaster decoration and thin stone cladding, specially the great amount ofiron, lead and bronze cramps and plugs used for the fixings. It is sensible to think that the repair of Figure 16. Lateral displacements in a shell model of the this damage implied the reconstruction of sections of cella. the existing masonry. This could justify the presence of stamped bricks from Maxentius period. Barattolo (1978) considers that the original temple S , S22 (Av e . Cri t .: 75% ) was divided in three naves, more like the classic Greek +7 . 4 75e+05 temples than the Roman ones. This seems unlikely, +1. OOOe +05 +2 . 500e+04 judging from the proportion between the aisles and - 5 . OOOe+0 4 - 1.250e+05 the nave. As Barattolo also notes, i f the roof was cov­ -2 . 000e+05 ~ -4 . 217e+OS ered with trusses, it seems strange to place the internaI columns in the present location, when they could have been alternatively placed in such a way that the span could be reduced. This could be achieved just by fol­ lowing classic Greek temple arrangements (Fig. 18). He also considers the discrepancies with the pseu­ dodipteral canon as a marte r of site restrictions, but it seems unlikely that a particular canon was followed ifthe site was not big enough to achieve it. In addition, a timber rooftruss spanning more than Figure 17_ Longitudinal stresses S22 along lhe vaul!. 21 m could not have been feasible at the time. The famous anecdote recorded in Cassius Dio (IV, 1- 5), in increase of its dead load (due for example to rubble whichApollodorus ofDamascus was quoted to say that from repairs accumulating on the extrados or repairs). ifthe Goddess wanted to leave the cella she would have The actual ruinous state should be therefore attributed hit her head, is an interesting indication, showing that to imposed actions like alterations of the scheme or the construction was not following the Greek temple degradation of criticaI areas. convention internally. Considering the substantial volume ofthe masonry, There are also important practical issues in the failure of the foundations is a possibility. If this were selection of the structural system. Hadrian was con­ an inherent problem of the site, a major reconstruc­ scious of the fire risk, as fire destroyed previously part tion would have been necessary, that could have been ofthe city, and in this sense it would be logical to think partially addressed during Maxentius' intervention. that he wanted to build a fireproofbuilding. No such problems have been reported afterwards and Equally important however is the fact that Hadrian unfortunately no reliable data are available on the has vigorously introduced and consistently promoted conditions of soil and foundations. the use of vaulted structures through his major foun­ lt is probable that structural degradation has initi­ dations. Certainly, the teclmology and vocabulary ated at the relatively weak construction joint along the became well established in his period and the struc­ gable wall, where also high bending moments develop tural and aesthetic affinities with the later Hadrianeum close to the apex (Fig. 17). Erosion ofthe area follow­ built by his successor Antoninus Pius are toa strong to ing the remova I ofthe roof covering in 626 A.D. could be overlooked. have triggered a progressive collapse of the vault and The link between Hadrian and late Roman archi­ this can be traced today by the complete disappearance tecture (as favoured by Maxentius) can be found in of any remains of these walls. The disintegration of the interest on vaulted structures and the dynamic the temple became irreversible after the earthquake equilibrium provided by counteraction from vaulting

1391 improve our understanding of the technology of public build ings ofthis scale. The construction of the original building lasted almost eighteen years. During those years a change in the architecture styles happened, but Hadrian archi­ tectural intention and ideology was consistent and this was reflected in this great symbol of civilisati on th at was the temple of Venus and Rome. He liked the game of exteri or-interior duality and the reinterpre­ tation ofbuildings and sites, as was previously largely demonstrated by placing the ambiguous inscription outside the new Pantheon, which he even rotated by 180 degrees (Coarelli 1983). His design was a wonderfu l one: unprej udiced and innovative, but repl ete ofhi storical references - a built idea. He would always considerate existing buildings and his interventions acted as urban hinges strate­ gically located in order to rev italize and unify the Urbe. We refer to the interesting artic1e by Manieri Elia (1992) for fu rther reading about the temple significance. Hadrian had an ecumenical spirit. The temple was externally Hell enistic, thin and light. Despite having the appearance of a dipteral amphiprostyle temple 5 O 25m I 11 11 I E--"3 E-+-3 I (Greek, as opposed to the typical prostyle Roman tem­ pie), the interior has the unusual configuration oftwo Figure 18. Sections of temples (same scale). From top cell ae back to back. The decorative forms of the cof­ to bottom: temple of Zeus at Olympia (Coulton 1977), fers, are derived from Greek architecture. There is a Parthenon at Athens (Coulton 1977) and temple of Venus clear Greek infl uence to the interior decoration, but we and Rome. can say that the spatial conception is Roman. Hadrian transformed the Greek c1assic temple into real' human' systems or early rampant vaults. Ribs have already architecture in the sense that it became internally more been known at Hadrian's times but their use in vaulting of a space for the humans than just a shelter fo r the would not make full profit of the constructi on bene­ goddesses' statues. fi ts (as the vaults ofthe temple indicate) until the next As De Fine Licht notes (1966), Hadrian introduced century (Giuliani 1990). an important innovation in his time, by applying vault­ Thi s project highlights th e role of the construc­ ing to types of public building previously built with tion system of the vaults in generating the design traditional ceilings. Hadrian demonstrated to be a very of the building. This is reminiscent of the effort of good architect who took the dominant c1assical archi­ the Gothi c masons later in stipulating the thrust that tecture of hi s age an d made it to evolve. He put his Norman carpentry skills gave to the formation of the innovative spirit at the centre of his interventions, formworks and ultimately structura l vocabulary that but, at the same time, he was interested in bestow­ characterised Gothic vaulting (Ac1and 1972). Decora­ ing to Rome th e appearance of a wealthy traditional ti on in the Late Roman period was more organically Hellenistic city. fused with the structural system, similar to the manner The building was dedicated by Hadrian to the Aeter­ a net of ti erceron ribs or fan vaults would consti­ nitas of Rome, and it seems adequate that a durable tute both the structure and decoration in Late Gothic construction system, well developed at the time, was churches. adopted in accordance: concrete vaults. lt is very difficult to be absolutely conc1usive with respect to this building. Probably this is part of its 6 CONCLUSION fascination. According to Barattolo (1973), the wall of the temple could not cope with a vault, but the The study of the vaulting structure of the Temple of analysis demonstrated that it could. Due to succes­ Venus and Rome gave some useful insight into quite sive campaigns of restoration over the centuries, a interesting and distinct phases of Roman Architec­ correct interpretati on ofthe different periods from the ture, during the times ofHadrian and Maxentius, while study of the masonry is difficult at the moment. Only analysis of construction and structural behaviour can an exhaustive and detai led analysis of the mate ri ais,

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