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for the month of Blaridt, 1927 fU.T- - 'W n 4,996 ■X**

VOL. X U ., NO. 155. Classified Advertising 'bh p^ge 18 MANGpES1^l^ (X>NN.; FRIDAY, APRIL 1,1927. ({TWENTY PAQild): V . »

“ DON’T BE ALARMED OVER THE GOAL STRIKE’ HENBT FORD ESCARIS AlJ?Sg^,DEAXHPLOT. Conn CHINA AS IT Washington, April 1— "The pifbllc. needn’t be alarmed, .by the coal strike,” said Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover LOOKS TO A today, as he emerged from a Cabinet meeting. ^ "There is enough soft coal above ground to last a year. DANGER I M LOCAL MAN The regrettable thing, of course is that thousands of men have been thrown out of work.” The Cabinet discussed the coal situation briefly, but opin­ .V w ft. ^ ''‘S. Manager of Ghstonbnry ion was almost unanimous that ^4 A**' 5 ^ A N U i there is no cause for serious C(Hne concern about the strike. at Huhmr Knitting Co. Gets First - ■ <$> Feared His Lini|^ •H AMERKiW SL()GAN Hand Information. TWO UNHURT Crashed h Cnisli. ' First hand information about the trouble in China has reached Detroit, Mich;, April 1.^—^Henry «Days— Ameikuis Con- AS LINE CAR Ford was slowly recovering today A''?'! Manchester In a letter from Dr. i A -yv Fred Robinson who Is practicing from the Injuries suffered in -an Today Toward (Unese V,| dentistry in Shanghai. The litter automobile crash .Sunday night tmife to Arri?e at Shang- ihr™ rtle while his entire secrit police force was furnished to The Herald today Sihiatioii— To Protest by Elmer A. Robinson, vice-presi­ searched southern Michigan for two suspected men of having attempted dent and general manager of The to assassinate him. Glastonbury Knitting Company. It Crew Has Lucky Escape While reports from rhe Ilpary Washington, Aiirll T.-^"Trouhla WMJUBLE BUtflNENT J tells in a clear, understandable way s \ 'o; Ford hospital, where the automo­ Ahead. Proceed Cautiously.” That Sbangfaai, April 1.— The sit­ “ what all the shooting’s about’’ When Work Vehicle D o^ f bile king is a seriously ill patient, rather a-jcurately described the' at­ were optimistic, it-.waa deflnitely uation in Shanghai tonight be^ Dentist In China titude of the American government Dr. Fred Robinson is a native of learned that the rlcbekt man in came oh© of 'menacing ges­ Glastonbury and a graduate of the Stunts at Buckland After How Henry Ford’s coupe was wrecked, almost at the cost of the billionaire Detroiter’s life, is shown in America is not entirely out'of dan-* today toward the Chinese situa­ tures. this telephoto picture from the Detroit bureau of NEA Service. The coupe, with Ford as its only occu­ medical college at Boston Universi­ ger. His physicians attempted to tion, and there is every indication While the ^ Green Howards. ty. He got his degree 37 years ago pant, was-forced from the road by another machine, supposedly iu a plot to kill the manufacturer. The minimize his injuries but sources An Axle Breaks. coupe brought up against a tree, toqiklng Ford unconscious. He was on his way home from one of his close to the billionaire revealed that that It will: .continue to be the British troops, were disem­ and specialized in crown and bridge laboratories. ’ . policy of the. administration. work. At the time there was little they fear he may' have suffered a barking from Hong Kong; and crushed lung in the accldept. The President Coolidge thus far^as preparatioiu were made f o f of that type of dental work being possibilities of so seripns a i injury ' done in China and a call reached Two Manchester trolleymen had resisted the strongest pressure to the arrivail.'of 509 nddltional were said to have been indicated by have the Join .with the university for a man to go a miraculous escape from death his difficulty in breathing, the pain Japanese tomorrow, the Na- there and practice and also teach Great Britain and make a common today when a work-car was derail­ caused him by any movements of diplomatic cause of the Nanking tlonaBsts began drawing hp other dentists already there the Roumanian the chest and his not inf’*eQuent ed at Buckland with heavy dam­ incident, which cost a number of artillery across Soochow creek new art. ^ coughing blood. The following excerpt Avhich deals age. Both trucks were broken off foreign lives. This pressure has before the Markham road Famous Doctoi-s. been applied with; enornious force with the Chinese war is taken from the car, which completely left the Two of the best known medical bridge. This bridge Is being from London and from Atnerican a long family letter the Robinsons rails and lay overturned against As 150,000 Union Men Quit men in Amor.ca ttrere in constant held by' United States marines have just received: attendance at his bedside. They commercial interesta in China. the fence on the opposite side of - Wonld Join Protest and Coldstream Guards and I can only say the trouble out the street. All traffic was block­ were Dr. R. D. McClure, chief sur­ here at the present time is very geon, and Dr. Frank J. Sladem, It is probable that the United the Chinese gesture was re­ serious, and there is no one at the ed for several hours. The lucky Most of Miners In Central chief physician at Ford’s hospital. States will Join with Great Britain garded as ominous. present time who can tell how and trolleymen are John Gordon, of TEN WILL TESTIFY Belgrade, April 1.— The condi­ Sladem was called in yesterday and the other powers in protesting Winter street and Howard Cheney The Chinese are greatly ex-, when it is going to end. If the tion of King Ferdinand of Rouman- afternoon after Ford’s condition the Nanking outrage— although ,lt of Porter street, Manchester. Is. not likely this government will cited over reports that the whole thing was no so serious, it Fields Affected— Union ia has become desperate as pneu­ had frankly puzzled his attendants. would be laughable. The derailment was caused by a IN MURDER TIOAL Ford has been completely X-ray- go as far as:Britain wants tio go. powers will deliver a Joint ul- The Chinese, although they broken axle of the front truck. monia has developed, according to ed and the only Information gleauv The British want to make the pro­ timatum' for reparations fo l The break in the axle revealed that haven’t very much reasoning pow­ Leaders Say Many Mines reports current here today. ed from the developed plates, it was test to.the Cantonese Nationalists fhe< Nanking incidents' and the er or common sense at anytime, it had been cracked three-quarters said, was that Ford broke no bones Wild rumors about plans for the a virtual ultimatum, with d^ ah d s wfldest rumors are afloat in eeem to have lost what little of the way through for some time in the crash. As Ford suffers con­ for indemnities, and a- threat cf j and it is impossible to tell how succession to the throne are afloat they did have and there is no rea­ Refused to Stop Work. Half Score of Manchester stant pain in breathing, fear was sanctions if they are refused, or the native city. soning with them at the present long the car had been operated in here. felt that a lung may have been seri­ this condition before the remain­ If there is a repetition of the af­ time,^ A few of the better class of All messages from Bucharest are ously injured when he was thrb'wn fair. Shanghai, April 1.— The situa­ Chinese have got it Into their ing portion parted today. , April 1.— Soft coal Persons to Be Witnesses subjected to strict censorship. against the steering wheel and then Does Flip-flop This is considerably further than tion along the Yangtse valley be­ heads that they are just as good, if mining in the linionized central through the door of his coupe. With the American go-rernment evident­ came more serious today, with not ‘superior to any other nation The- line car was on its way to Among the many Balkan rumors a damaged lung, it was pointed out. Crystal Lake on a repair job and competitive field was at a stand­ In Tong War Case. ly. Is willing to go. Individuallyy. a Rouble looming gt Hankowan'd on this earth, and they think they regarding succession to the Rou­ Ford will be in constant danger of protest already has been lodged Wuhu. ■ can run and govern their country had just passed under the railroad still today as 150,000 United Mine contracting pneumonia. manian throne has been one that with the Nationalists by this gov­ The military authorities are and the people the same as other underpass when the accident oc- ■Workers suspended work. friends of ^ueen Marie would at- Has Strdi^ 'Will. cured at 11:15 this morning. At ernment, end at, the proMr time, sending , supplies north from Han- countries are governed, but they The suspension followed tailure At ten,; Manchester. persons temil to establlish A regency for The greatest asset/in favor o f the cannot— that goes without saying, a point directly opposite the'tobac­ billionaire’s recovery, it was sai^, when inveitigatfDi$^ ha^ di$Ve^e3' ko'w whwe trouble Is expected. ar« exp^ed to testify at the Su- hit. i^nother rumdt Is -tlwci friends Tberw:i»*|c;,‘aetachment of Marshal for the greater mass of Chlneaa4iT§_ co warehouse, the front axle snap- of unlojF-lea.ders,'aud^e jd^tptditQ'rs. of-"Prihce- Carol #ouId>'-attempn& were his tlCfemeBdons- ph^^Btcnl ,the actual facts-and responslhility. not civilized or anything like it. , 7 Ihqir. TTie front end of.'th e., ,cftT w'age scale , tp. petjoi' coflrrmQVao frTal oT Ching Indemnity will be demanded for ■ Chang. Tso-Lln’s northern troops in turned sharply to the right, leaped'' restoration; • - stamina and his 7'wlli-to..:g:etrJlWli»-’ that area and a battle may develop, No Stable Government place thfe 'Jacksonville contract, and L6b Hod Wing which The legal provisions are for a re­ The auto king, according to his American llves'and pwpetty lost in onto the roadway, wavered a mo­ the rioting. between them and. the Cantonese. providing a basic daily wage of was set yesterday by Judge Newell gency on behalf of the Infant Prince close friends, has bebn an impatient There is no stable government ment, then fell heavily on its side $7.50 which expired at midnight. Nothing To Be Gained The U. S. S. Isabel, with Admiral In China at the present time, but •Jennings to begin Tuesday morn­ Michael, son of Prince Carol. patient, hating the enforced conflne- directly across street and trolley Mines producing some 168,000,- ment and eager to be up and out. Neither President Coolidge nor Hough on board, is reported to there is a so-called military gov­ tracks. The front end broke 000 tons annually in western ing, April 19. The two Chinese have left Nanking for Hankotv. ernment and that is divided into He has been warned however that Secretary of State Kellogg believes, through Jthe wooden fence on the •Pennsylvania, Iowa, Indiana, Illi­ are accused of the murder of Ong he must obey s'v’ery medical direc- however, that anything-can be The U. S, armored cruiser Pitts-^ two parts, the North or Pekinese, side of the road. nois and eastern Iowa were affect­ burg, flagship of Admiral Williams, and the South, or Cantonese. These King in an Oak street laundry gained at this time by.; sending How either Gordon or Cheney ed. DISCOVER NEW CLUES (Continued on page Ifl-J, ultimatums to the Cantonese, and commander of the Apierican war- two, the north and the south, each escaped without being killed is a here a week ago Thursday morn­ The extent to which ' operators threatening to thrash them.' To do craft in Chinese waters, has de­ have their own armies and these mystery to those who viewed the ing in one of a series of simultan­ availed themselves of the union of­ 80, they believe, will only tend to parted for Tsingtao. two armies ' have been golpg wreckage. The men themselves fer to continue operations by pay­ eous Tong war outbreaks through­ IN SNYDER MURDER through China for years fighting out the United States. Since that increase the anti-foreign sentiment Split Widens were thanking their lucky stars. ing the Jacksonville scale, pending The split between the-right and with each other to see who will Both men were in the front of the the drafting of a new contract, time, another truce has been'sign­ AnORNEY AnACKS now spreading over China like a get the upper hand and get control ed by the warring factions. prairie Are; and-perhaps'lead to in­ left wings of the Kuomlntangr' (Can­ car at the time and this probably was widely disputed today. Janitor in Syracuse' Burned tonese Liberal cause) is widening of the government of the whole saved them from being killed for The ten Manchester witnesses cidents that Vdn ihike that at Nan­ Mines Running Et^idence of Slaying— Find STATE MOTOR LAWS with the radicals growing stronger country. amidships section, where all the Union leaders claimed the area who are connected in one way or king appear trivial, Now, all this fighting that heavy tools were carried, is a mass another with forming the chain of Articles in Ash Heap. British belligerence In the pres­ continually. 'The Oonservatives are was honeycombed with mines 'run­ being pushed into the. background. has been going on for years has of ruins. ning. full blast. Operators admit­ evidence on which State’s Attorney ent situation is recognized here rs never amounted to shucks and Gordon and Cheney were thrown Hugh M. Alcorn hopes to convict Syracuse, n 1 y ., April 1.— The Suit Muy Have to Go to Su­ being dictated' by Britain’s enor­ Three thousand members of the ting there had been defections Kuomintang, at'a party meeting; never will, for they are not fi^ht- heavily against the side of the car from their ranks, maintained the the accused and a brief resume of recovery from- an ash pile of a suit­ preme Court of Errors If It mous stake in China, and the ad­ ing for the good of their country, but were more scared than injur­ what each is expected to testify at case lock and other pieces of metal, Is Appealed. ministration haa no desire to be vo^ed to close Conservative head­ number was small. quarters in the French concession but they are fighting for the dol­ ed. In order to get out of the car Today’s suspension was the first the trial follows: . today formed the newest link in the used to pull British, chestnuts out lars. There is very little actual they had to burst out the window The Witnesses chain of evidence against Henry immediately, in addition to de­ great lay-off of unionized soft coal Hartford, Conn., April 1.— The of the far eastern fire. fighting takes place— for instance, in the vestibule and climb out on­ Joseph 'Vignone, who conducts a Judd Gray, accused with Mrs. Ruth manding that General Chhing Kai^ miners since April 1, 1922 when constitutionality of a state statute The United States will Join with here is a large town, say it Is oc­ to the fence and down the em­ 600,000 United Mine Workers cobbler’s shop at 23 Oak street, Brown Snyder of slaying the lat­ the powirs in protesting agtdnst Shek dismiss Conservative gener­ cupied by the North. The South bankment. Gordon, fearing his next door to the .undry in which ter’s husband, Albert Snyder, art which allows the motor vehicle als for being "anti-Red.” The^! dl- walked off their jobs. commissioner to. accept service in the Nanking outrage, and warning will say, “we will go and take that wife might hear an exaggerated ac­ the murder was committed, says editor of Motor Boating. against any repetition of it. There manded, also, the return of the for­ town.” They will take their troops count of the accident, rushed to he first became aware of the kil­ The lock was unearthed by de­ damage suits against non-residents, eign concessions and the 'withdraw­ WORK IN PITTSBURGH was attaciced in Superior Court be­ will be on the part of the United and march onto the town, they will the nearest telephone to tell her Pittsburgh, April 1.— The’'*Pitts- ling when he saw a Chinaman in a tectives who were seeking to deter­ States, however, no threat of re­ al of all foreign troops from Chin- then begin to bargain. If they he was safe. dark brown overcoat and wearing mine what disposition had' been fore Judge L. P. ■ Waldo Marvin -cse territory. burgh Coal company, storm^center here today. The question was rais­ prisals, and no fist brandishing. If are strong enough they will de­ Until the wrecking crew which of the disagreement between Unit­ a dark hat go running past his made of bloodstained clothing and the British want to do it, that Is Service Crippled mand all the money they can get, came out from Hartford, could shop and saw Sam Ong (Ong Jing) a suitcase belonging to Gray. ed in the suit of Robert J. Nagle, their affair. Passenger service between Shan- ed Mine Workers and bituminous ^ . .u v v < of Southington, against Elmer D. and if they are not satisfied with clear the track, trolley patrons C..1 operator, lu tM. dUtrtct, to- » ? ' «■ •»« Five persons who were question­ U. S. Plans .ghal and Hangchow has been crip­ what they can get in this way, then were transferred about the scene of day was operating all of its eight­ help— that his tiartner had been ed by investigators yesterday; prob­ Litch, Inc., of Springfield, Mass., The Cantonese will be Informed, pled by a general strike ia the lat­ they will enter the town and with the accident. een mines in this district full foce, killed. ably will he grilled again today, in­ for $10,000 damages because of in­ ter city, called by the generql labor the army and its followers they O. E. Lesher, executive vice presi­ D. J. Moriarty, manager of the cluding Haddon Gray and Harry juries received in an auto accident. (Continued on Page 2) union. i - will loot the town of every blessed dent of the company, announced. Atlantic and Pacific store at 33 Platt, Syracuse business men and Henry J. Calnan, for the defendant, Evacuatipn-K^ Americans from thing they can lay their hands on, The company which operates on Oak street, was sweeping off the friends of Henry Judd Gray. Mr. said that a servicq made against the the Hankow district continues. The. If they are not strong enough to do an open shop basis, had 4,785 men sidewalk in front of his store. He and Mrs. Anthony Boehm also were commissioner was "no good as it is steanier Shasi left Hankow for this, they are driven away like a JAPAN IS ROCKED on its payrolls yesterday, Lesher saw a Chinaman in a dark brown, questioned. a violent assumption of latr to say Shanghai Thursday with twelve flock of sheep, and they go on to said, and of this number ,4,080 re­ coat and cap run up the street, but Michael Mahoney, one of the that at the very minute a motorist ONE DEAD, 4 HURT Americans on board. 'The Tungwo the next town. BY ANOTHER QUAKE ported for work today. the degree of certainty of his iden­ state’s strongest witnesses, admits ig crossing the state line be imme­ sails today with forty more. Thu PTght for Dollars tification of either of the accused, that he disposed of a bundle which diately by presumption appoints steamship Lue'who is scheduled to Now, this is the sort of thing as well as that of Vignone’s, is had been entrusted to him the day thi motor vehiclu commissioner as A$ AIRPLANE CRASHES sail Immediately with others. that is going on in China all the problsmatical. following the Snyder mnrder. his attorney.” One Woman Frightened to Among the refugees from . Hankow time and-it is just what is happen­ -Nick Belle Ferra, who conducts Mahoney declared he had no idea For that reason he thought the are United States Consul Lock­ ing to Shanghai at the present Death—In One City 23 a tailor shop at 15 Oak street, says Nav^ Mac|iin8 Falls In West McLAUCHUN GUILTY what was in the bundle and did not law unconstitutiouar. hart’s wifi; and family. time. Shanghai at present is in Homes Wrecked. he noticed a natlly dressed Chinese open it, only carrying out orders to George E, Beers, of. New Haven, la d i^ ; l*ender Rescues Plane the hands of the Northerners and (believed to he the alleged mur­ "get rid” of the parcel. Four njOre American mission­ for the plaintiff, said that a similar Crew. aries from YangchoW and Klangsu the Southerners are going to try to Tokyo, April 1.— Japan was OF CARBARN MURDER derer’s companion) standing in statute in Massachusetts has been take it away from them; both front of his shop 'wearing a light TO HOLD INQUEST have arrived. was rocked by another sharp earth­ upheld by the Supreme Court of Washington, April 1.—Four of The American destroyer Stewart sides are sending their troops here quake today. One woman was overcoat and a gray hat. He may that state. by the thousands, many of them not surely identify him as one of Greenwich, Conn., April 1.— thq five passengers were injured in is bringing two Americans and sev­ frightened to death by the shock. Gets Life Sentence— ^His Com­ Judge Marvin reserved decision the crash of a Navy Pn-9 piano off en Canadians from Chaohsien and are already here and it is anticipat­ In Miyatsu alone twenty-three the pair captured in New Ha-ven Fred G. Strobel, of Stamford, will and indicated that the case might ed there will be a clash between panions Have Been Executed hut says he Was dressed the ^ m e. face the Town Court here on'April Navassa. Island, West Indies, which AnbWeh houses were wrecked. go to the Su|>reme Court of Errors resulted in death of Comma'nder Situation Worse two sides within the next few days. Clocks in Knobe and Osoka were A lready. Walter. Crockett, of 88 Bissell 9 because of the death yesterday for final decision. There may not be any fighting street, says he saw. standing on afternoon of Misa Hazel Barnes Robert W. Cabaniss, the Navy De­ The American eonsnl and 'vice stopped at 6:13 a. m. In those cit­ partment was advised! today. here at all. I, myself, do not think Cambridge, Mass., April 1.— Main street, the taxicab in which who was killed when a tire on coitsul at Chanklng, who ai;e on ies the populace, roused from sleep, VICE CONSUL STILL ALIVE Thd injured are; Lieutenknt W. board the Mopocacy, report that Che there will be any. I think most rushed into the streets in their Peter J. McLaughlin, charged with the alleged murderers are said to StrObel’s car blew out and the ma­ New Haven, Conn., April 1.—; B. Raasieur, St. Louis, Mo., Lieu­ situation Is dally geftiuis worse des­ likely it will be settled in the same night clothes. being one of the Waltham car barn have fled. chine hit a tree. Coroner John J. Fasquale De Cicco, Italian vice- • way as the most of their battles bandits Vho murdered James H. Other .'Witnesses Phelan 1s coming here next Tuesr tenant M. V. Stonestreet, Nashville, pite. the assurancea given to the The temblor, it was learned, or­ consul who was shot by a suppos­ Tenff.; Edwin W. Oliver, Homer, are— by the dollars. iginated in the same region as the Ferneau, aged watchman, was Fritz Dielenschneider, of 17 day afternoon for the inquest. edly crazed man in his office here Gonsnlar authorities by General Lu Shanghai is a very large and (Ja., aviation machinist’s mate, and Hsiang that he had affairs com­ recent disaster which caused more found guilty of murder in the sec­ Strobel is now at liberty in ball of living in St. Raphael’s hospital this wealthy place and well worth Comer Vincent, , Pa., than 2,000 dpaths. ond degree by a Middlesex connty (Continued on page 16) $3,500. afternoon, making a gallant fight- pletely under his control. fighting for, the side who gets it Superior Criminal Court jury to­ aviation chief machinist’s mate.' Likewise the Cantonese general and able to hold it will, o f course, for life though his nea4 'vras part­ Commander Cabaniss’s death re­ day. ly shattered. commanding the southerners at be getting a prize. If there is any <$"■ The jury reported at 10:10 a. m., sulted from multiple Injuries and Canton reassured the consular au­ fighting takes place here, you will, His Ambition having been deliberating constantly burns, the official report stated. thorities at that plaeo that be h ^ no doubt, hear of it before you get since 4:37 p. m., yesterday. After the crash the plane caught the situation inliand and that for­ this letter. In Life to McLaughlin was immediately sen­ Prompted By A Dream BRANCH OFFICE fire.. eigners were not In any dahger. When I write about Shanghai as tenced to serve the. rest of his life The accident happened as the Despite these Assurances the ebneu’* I am doing, 1 do not mean the In­ plane was taking off In a rdugh Wear Chef Hat in Charlestown state’s prison. o f the lar officials are taiung precautions ternational Foreign Settlement of McLaughlin's brother, John, Ed­ sea, a broken horlsontal stabilizer against any eventumity -and foreig­ Shanghai which is situated on the ward J. Helnleln and John J- Dev- Son Kills His Mother being the Immediate chase, the re­ ners are being concentrated at banks of the Whongpoo river just He has worked as a chef in ereanx died in the electric chair for MANCHESTER port said. Shameen. v ' - ^ ^ ^ ■ to the north of the native city of the Astor and the Cadillac. He the so-called car barn slaying. The Injured were I>icldi0t ap b j 1?he Iltdt(^ Statls conbdl at Shanghai' and it is in and around is a cook of no mean caliber and EVENING HERALD the . iaircraft tfijU r hu U of r the native city where the fighting, can put out aimost anything in JUDGE BOWKRS'S CONDITION Providence R. ■ I., April 1.— She fought with him and strug­ which is proceedl^ to Ooantaa$K C^tlnoM it any, will take place, and if there the line of eats. mo Bay. Cuba. wJiuxe Ute^iUjuTed' With a vision of his dead.father In gled into hallway. ea»Md dmcqp' tb order 7 is any great fighting takes place Not an ordinary restaurant Judge H. O. Bowers, who has .There ia the presence of hia ele­ NOW iHU be given hospitia^ttelQic^ 7 a dream prompting him, he said, .smd In or around the native city of cook but a man tvho has gone been at the Manchester Memorial ven-year-old half-sister, Lilltan Sul­ : Commandeir Cabwiil^i bbi^ at MSBudn air day (m Shanghai, the International Settle- into the thing from the stand­ hospital for the past eight 'weeks, Preston H. Bell, 23, arose from his livan; -the alleged "dream crazed" ■ REM OVID Untoa Springs, Ala;, in .4:S8i, was iditpr anidiored e(E lltent) will be between the devil point of the artist. His life­ continues to improve. Dr. Burr said bed early today determined to take youth completed his horrible task^. traasferi;ed to -the-Aviatioa . oi^rian.* and the deep sea and we are al­ long ambition was to be a chef this afternoon that his patient rec­ the life of his mother because she Koberts Bill • corps in lots, Ueiw'one-oltha pi* 4!jLe'«ttjwM quiet.'; most Bure to get some of the shells loio luo uivvuer a g'^iHivau, fell to the carpet dead with a white hat. ognized him and talked •with him. oo^peis of 'ihe e e m ^ ; Duriiift^ the tlemeat ini^ontl landed fn the .Settlement. Aside Read about it in tomorrow’s and - that he had the beat night last had niarried a second time. Cries of the struggling mother, ,K|^x]d Wair he omiaaiided- ther.H.-; from that we have little or no fear t^.ifUarddi nig|it of any since he entered the Creeping intO; her bedroom, ^hting for her life against her Bt; S, naval air^staKph at flfoutchli^ hwrnieideA ior the International Settlement Herald I hospital. The nnrses are very much Young Bell stabbed, his mother sev- .Ivfwn son, mingled with thosl’.of;h^, 'Frah'heV!'Mn'.i(i^^ "OUT AT NOON” encouraged at Mr. Bowerses condi­ •eral times with a fonr-lnch pqcket ^ t l e daughter and ppiiqe (Gontlttlied im Pace 2) A tion. > knile.' ‘ ' (^^hunqned. 1^11 's^hrMs^etU . J O R ^ A G U eX ! . ^ ^jOrovic^^ Is stitttihf hia BeVenfeenth season in the ;^-.aigh^ tdvr tlonal ^eugup. Read his owif W I , -25% 34 24 story of the most brilliant game Bank Stocks. Am’^ fc t Sug. JTf% J im he,fiver;Tltcbed< and Qf/qtbe|r,lH^ Aih S%aji Ref 85 84,:, teresting games, on the sports boundaries of the French: cohces- . Bid Asked Am T & T'. . . 166% t W II defendlid at phfed'today. Blob. ‘ Citjt Bk and Trust .. — 660 Anaconda ... 46% 46 <4«*. 4V-- t and th^ie are Sen. Aiidrewt Says He Has ' POUBEE FEATUB Conn River Banking .300 — Ath';:^Smelt ..* 143% ' 142 143% troops coming, ^ antTAiS'B STAN) First, N*tViI^« > -o- V .. 8 «I . Aihhli’1 109% 109% ' - i p A jPicture Full bf hrrison. .,1' . , , NeV- Idea W ihf 1Hie r, .‘-r ^ futurer. ' London,. April 1.—Ureat Britain Htfd-,dfetji*^ NctI A. jU . 44S ; • Am -Car 102% 102% " T ie for ment otjSji^^f MAT IS PRQ*AltEfi is prepared to>' take sanctions!;: in' ^PEN E: CBiU)YnCK *n— 37 Htfd-Connrrr Co ...600 — Atphison .. .178 176 177% hai- ike a girtdsoQ China if |he NnilbonlUfts. fhir'^to r . Land Mtg & Title. .. 59 ’» ^ ' Balt & Ohio . 118% 112% 118% tpwn ti else. There are make proper reparation^- f6f the ‘THE. COUNT,OP J Htfd Mo.rris Plan .B’k l 25 — , Beth St,B ... 53,% 52% 62% thdu«h8^~' and sands ot for- Nanking outrages, it ^ s 'learned ‘ S t o l e n ■ p l e a s u r e s *.':!^::: r. * i I Phoenix’St B’k T r \ . 40(i^ — ■, Chandiar ... 12%’- 13% eigiu^ fops hpri cludih8;^Amer- Jf m w im m M today. ParkjSt^'TfUst Av. sS 460- \.v 36% 3«% icM9$^rltlsh, F: h andc; japa- 'Washington, April. 1.—-General The maiorlty of the'Cahlhet fa* RivereldO.'TrastStS..-. . 45% • ..■Coh flail N . *87 % ,97% 97%- and there ai#dozens ol large .voifs a strtct.hlbckade bf;;al!^0hl- T o m o r r o w m-' r:'fiiibwi&fsib *'”i fM n o rro w . U S Security 4.4Q 460 Col Fuel Iron. 67% 64% 66 And small b a ttle s h ^ , fAmhrican, Lihd6l'h:(lr’^drhw sl 4£y czar, ^ nese ports, 'but the BdibIi'Bliy-''iia8. Bonds. Ches & Ohio .164 163 164 British, French and Japanese an­ sailed Into the third year of his' recommended .that all, of the ' • ■ . ■; ^^EATURES-^' East 'Coan PjD.if'15 . 99\i4 Cruc ^ e e l .... 92 % 91 91% chored iw the Whongpooriver; ‘trip through the rough and 'stormy .^ngtse. river; as far as Hankow be rlfm tll front ,i(>rthA foreign'settle- taken over, it is learngld'iii'aiithorl- Bachelorhood Goes in Sehrch of the Besponmbili tiM of Fatfilr* fitfd Ab^onn West ’ — 185. seas of prdhlbltion enforcement. . i- ■ bopd-;;~aii.d finds It. Bne-Inm-I \ '' H art E L 7% ...... 310 315 Bodge A ..... 19 %, 19 19%: mwr, kll'entrdifft'eS IdXdlng' into the ^ 4^ W idr tatlve circles, / : tEl-ie ...... 50% ' 48% 50 •ettlement afe harrtcaded * with! : Har^gy. originaliy ■ iniended! :4o. While Great Britain Is prepared Conn L P 5^ s ____ 109 110% relhaln, as assistant secretary of the SEE HARRY MYERS in ‘T’PE BACHELORISM BABY” Conn L P 7s ...... 117." 119 Erie 1st. . . . ‘S’S’ 06 %- 57% berhed wii^, pickets are st&tloned to act, alone in this matter of sanic* Conn L P 4% s...____ 97 98% Gcu A s p h a l t 82% 81% 82%;j all, over, -the place, 2oe tropps and treasury only until .‘a general re­ ^ W ag . tlons, .there ate . still hopes that the ADPED FEATUjREr BOB CUSTER in Brid Hyd 6s . ______103%- 105 Gen Elec . v. .86% 86 8 6 % yolonteers are he)d-in readiness, organization of the service had: been United States and Japan Will'join;. ‘TERROR 0F;BAR ^ ^ Iiisnrance Storks.' * Geh Motv . . . ..'182% 179% 180% ready to be called but at a mo- effected, Andrews future la UncerT N^ntlations between - 'Great 4. inent’s notice, and they alU have tain; T!he:recent. selection of Royal Britain,- the United. States and .Jap­ Aetna Insurance ....500 510 G,t North pfd. 87% 86% 87% ■'A, mail of the‘.changes.!., {n the S U N D A Y a h f t M O E N D A Y Aetna Casualty Sur.'. 740 760 HI Central' 126% 125%" 128- " .. 4xad orders from th.P fpyern- A.i mpb^liiitlon coiknus- an )are still proceeding and-(Great ' _ i-r -pd ments toibpalL itre/bn John iCnina- sioner was a-jolt'4'o him. s.tteet‘‘,ll“?k-at the (ieiitef; In; fraut Britain npt take ' any ; single- Aetna Life ...... 540 550 ; Kehh qoii-'. ;.k 62%• 62% 62% .61 _th.e , Center Automobile ^...... 205 225 Inspira Cop-. 4 20 20 20 man .at:ohbe hhould:..he try any "I cannot estimate how the fu­ handed steps until thesh ndgotia- '‘haiikieTpankie'^.. oh the Interna- ture of prohibition-will work ’out;" church, has ;bben mhde' by Town .tions have been completed. Cohn General...... 1500 1550 Louis i&~Na«b.il34 134 134 . Engineer .BPwen. The map ' shows Htfd Steam Boiler-. .620 — Marine pri . 40% 40 40% tioo^i Settieqient p2-9hanghai^ Andrews said. "It j^otild take ' r ’ %**AU: nations, it id leafhed'#. are The Chinese'can ’ do^ as much wiser man than-1. f the exact lines and the iKo|p08e'd prpajching the question from the Hartford, Fire...... 495 505 ^ Mothr. Whl .1. 26% 25 25% chahgfes.' . , ^ "• Phoenix ...... ,...,..5 2 5 535 Nor west ... .;182% 180%. 182 fightihg amopif themselTes as they . No'Bettini of Idqnpr ^ . - .vleirtoint of "Intolerable humllia- Travelers ...... 1115 112f5 Natl Lead 200 1«4 198% Uib and-ab^^phe takesi little^br no “Hard liquor, however, pfobably > ,*.A .m.eeln^ of .-the: nrgaulz^tlpns, " inflicted upon tb.elt women I^iblic Utility Stocks North Pac 8U% 85% 86% notice of 'it thb Chinese them- never- will return- as a national dlrec'tly interested in the iinpfpT^; na^nais in Nanking. Conn Pr Co ,B1Q- 320 -N.Y Central i'.il44% 143 143% selT ^/\b^t past' few beverage, '^Hafd .liquor has no part ment in -^uwtlph will- bebelid! verjr! . The. British demands . upon ^A fU M N C yeare thbUhtpeii^^B a whole have soon and if evnrythlqg-, Js- satjafax^; ChiheBe it is understood will Conn L P T% .114 N X N H & H., 51% ' 50% 51% in the ne-w Industrlai and commer­ 'cllide' an apology, reparation' and; Conn L P 8^ .120 122 Pah'-Am Pet - 6 1 . 60% citaased^y'erx.iiWca and have - be­ cial life of rAmerica, where stand-^ tory the matter will ,bft ht0u2ht‘'bV-^' 6.1 come.’, very asltfw^ive.' This change fofe the, voters* at-.a-, spSelal ,town switt'.punlahment of those reSpon- Cohn Elec Ser pfd • 68 7.0 Penirsyl ■. .’■. . . 61% 60 61% ards of living >hhve\attalned.a ieyei siblfi:fO,f the Nanking .affair.. Htfd Gas pfd . 53, 55-. -People Gas ._. ,134% 132% 182% lias hben ht^ohght.-rah'but rn'oltly hy that would have been beyond the. meeting.. In all' probhbUUyo jtheve the Ruaslayf Bolsheviks. The Rus- WIH be no opposition to thAohahiK. Hart* Gas com .8 2 84 Pierce. Arr i .,1 9 % 19" : 19% comprehension of a man of a ’geh-'' ;:w SlTiJATION WORSE, Hart EL... .360 365 Press St . . 66 v 04% - ,. ^ jiiafk; h o t" having made trouble I t is’along the line .'Of Improvement: dttQiigh''4i^;thair. own country dur- eration ago,” : .^Washington, April l..^T'he, " situ- S N E Tel ^. . .156 159 Rep fr & St.;. ,72% 70 71. . Andrews expressed conviction and -wilt be of' great, advantage :to Patsy l^ i) M iller WARNER BROS. ■:ih« and jjWdb!the World War^-have the tra-Velihg public. ' -. "i 1 'hflon at several points in .China,_ PRODUenOR Alanulacturiug Stocks. Reading '. .,; . ,111% 109 110% that the policy, adopted; .when be notably at Hankow . and, at Chun-’ Acme Wire ...... t^-lO 15 Chi R Isl & Pa 92% 88.%-"‘ 92%: Hocked'ihift -Ghina^ and by t^read-^ ■n-" -r tlhdp '^rppagaada among the came’ iqtb office—that of elimina­ kliigT is growing worse,' aceprtog : V.- ■ Am Hardware 83 85 South Pac v..H3% 112% 112%' ChhieaeV'.tl^ey ^have. led them to be­ tion, of sources :Of supply for the. tq*!a, dispatch to the Navu today American Silver 26 So Railwajr. ., l 2A%. 122% .128.% M ii:- lieve Uhiat" the foreigners are their commercial liquor traffic—4s the ef-^ i Cro'm'Admiral C. S. Williams, :cbm- Billings Spepcer^jp^. — 8 St Pgul.r.>-,.|.., 14% ; i 4 T4% ehemldi^anC,;are doing all they can fectlve way for the federal govern­ -mahding- the Asiatic squadron., Billings Shencerjifet^': 6 Stude'baker- i- * V 53% 52%-' tb .hei^ithem down as a nation, and ment to enforce-prohibition. --It was a Chunking that unofficial * . Bigelow-Htfd ctfimlvi. 7 9' 82. a n JpncHic/.:; a 69!%;il6^ behito^ of their treaty rights. Progress Made , A son -was born this .tttornlig at: reports pictured tue destruction of • T ^ Bristol B rass ...... 5 7 ■ U'S’Rubber .. 61 ■ 60% 60% "Real progress' has been made the Manchester MemorfaC.hospital the'American flag ahoVO the Amer­ Collins C o ...... , . 12: 130 U a , Steel . . . 169% 167% 168% The Ghines|^ the 2ools that they are, have foolish enough- to along that line," he said. to Doctor andiMcB. Edwin GiHlgr ican consulate-by Chinese mobs. Colt Fire. Arme " t ’ H. 32 :Uff:St pr : , .. 130% 130% 130% gins of Cambridgq;.street Mrs.^ Hig: .> The Japanese second flCsl has ar- Eagle Lock-Vi. I . . r. 107 ■ ' ll2 llst'en ^-^19 Ithls propaganda, and “I know-as well as anybody that ■ Wai-d B ak ^ v . 21% 19% 20% there is IRiuor smuggled, into the gins: previous to her marriage was i^ved. Amoy, midway between Fafnlr Bearing . 85 90 Westlngbouse 74 73% 73% not only that, but they bafp sent [ --'T oday ift p H art & Cooley . agitators all through the dbuntry country, eepecfaily from Capada, Miss. Mary Quinn, and the ebahy Is'. Oantonr. and Shanghai. .Adtnlral, % 175 190 West.Union , 158%* 158% 158% the first grandchild of Mit; and;Mcs; WilRams reported, - and .expects, to- Int Silver pfd .. 109 112 Wllys-Over .. 21% 21% to spread the news and work the that’ thefe' la. diversion o f alcohol 21% people up into a state ot war agaip-’t and that occasionally a brewery J.‘'H'. Quinn Of Park'strefet.' ■ staiy there until April 6. No.reason! SOUTH MANCHESTER 4 Jewel Belting pfd . . . 85 -■ ' • ...... I I the foreigners. The trouble against slips a few (^afloads of beer onto was given in, the dispatcH for the Ln’drs Frary & Clark 88 90 CONSULAtE aUTTED Japanese mobilization - at that 21 the foreigners, first started as -ap the niarket,' > many of these •' Mrs. Fayette B. Clarke o f Main- ADOUlClUROR * Mann B’man Claes A. 19% ; London, April 1.—The Americaii point.. . jesse L uASHv 4, Mann B’man Class B. 12% 14 consulate at Nanking is "complete­ anti-British feeling, they then start­ Illicit' organizafions have been street Who underwent a maj.or. V.- ed to.:boycatt all Britishers and do broken up, bpOtatfdn at the Hartford hospital . Williams’ Dispatch in New Brit Mach pfd , .102 ly gutted,” according to an official . Williams’ dispatch-said: ' - New Brit Mach com . 20 22 all they could to ruin their trade "Customers are dropping the on Wednesday is progressing as dispatch received here today. The with China'. They found this did not "The Afoerican consulate at North & Judd 23% 24% dispatch stated that the American bootleg supply. 'They , are, iiiaking favorably as can be expected.' i-; Pratt Whitney pfd . . 84 88 work-to their satisfaction so they their own, buyliog mooiishine or Cbingkian c‘. )sed and sealed oh ‘ g t o ^ u m flag was hauled down, from 'the hayei-hpir turned anti-foreign, and March 30. The consul and vice con­ J R Montgomei;y,pfd .50 consulate j6n March 24, the day that quitting entirely.” The Men’s Choral club wilt have J R Montgomerv'com 25 'theyaV® now doing all they can to their usual weekly rehearsal at* the sul are now r-n hoard , Ui ®- American and British ships opened make things as disagreeable as they 'Difficult Road Peck, Stowe & Wilcox 22 23 fire oh Nanking. 'Andrews, sees in prohibition en­ South Methodist church this eve­ Mcmacacy (river gunboatlf.:;;, Hussell Mfg Co ..... — 60 pbsbihiy cah’fof all foreigners in forcement a long, difficult road. ning. - "General Lla Hsidug baa assur­ ■ v ■ China, by Doy'cotts,: strike^' and ed the America.n and BriUsh cbnsul Smyth Mis'-Co ...... 350 other threats*... , ' t The; Idpa, he pointed put, th at “we Stanley Works com 69 71 M eGoyern G ranite Go. are going to dry up this or that Madden Brothers, local agents that foreign proinriy watua- ^drqwa ;.^q*p^ts "R;epQrto from Hankow .indicate ACTS ACTS Ghinklang, up the' Yehgtsze Rivbf,' to get ufttr{bflt11pn, through whole­ TO GET M A l b Ike ^ l^ 'b ility o f^ e rio u ^ distfla- which* Were under- the cbntfCl of sale .druggists, ' Via more conefen- bap#fcthepe shortly. " “ Northern* •troops, • and between .thei •tHl'tetf' “l^hfffincKi.ta'nff: (hVotigli^e- Americans ^vacuai V troops and the riotous mob that Ghao-Hsienr Anhwei province-. liable hands that diversions will be Dover, N. H., April 1.—From * UbtS^tAND^ RIVES followed them, made it so hot for ende'd. "The Japanese second fleet con­ A BEAL COMEDY OFFERING the foreigners who were living In Ohio, OHe" Dow, a native of Liver­ ( 2) Reorganization of the pro­ more Falls, Me., travelled via the sisting of the Kongo (battle those ports at the time, that they cruiser) two more battle cruisers, had to get out as quick as they hibition bureau wlthijji a month. "Qo-as-ypu-may" method back to (3) New steps to check diver­ this city to ease-'his conscience. five light cruisers, fourteen des­ W ILLIE KARBY & SISTER EW models in recent could .and come down to Shanghai • sions of industrial alcohol to !je Five years ago Dow passed a troyers, five submarines,- and one IN DBFXtNG h \ m OF ORAVItimON. for saiet'y; leaving everything they tender arrived at Amoy and ex­ years have met with possessed' behind them which, no discussed at a meeting of manu­ worthless check for $106 on Ralph such popular acclaim as do'ubt, has been all looted before facturers and distillers in New H. Oaterman, proprietor' of a Mil- pects to remain at that port until York next week. ton tea room. While a secret In­ April: 5.” HELEN HIGGINS & CO. this time. . 'SINGING jU D DANCING REVUB our suits by The Bvitish government are now dictment for Dow was in the mak­ The flispateb was dated Shan­ trying to .make the Cantonese give ing he left this vicinity. ghai -April 1, 11:>5 a. m. iback the- ports acco.iding to their The passing of .the years did not treaty, and put things right again. SAPIRO GOT $19,500 bring relief to Dow’s troublefl coh- .WA-TTS & i vi Charter House Whether thpy will succees remains Ecience. Instead the shaded of his FLOUDA MAN HEilDS : “SONGOLOQY” y to be- seen.; The^Cantenese are very act hung over him until he deter­ anti-ioreigh and they have been FOR FEW DAYS WORK mined to give himself up to the V, law. 'MlORACHISVEMENr ' >1-' TYLER & CROLIUS very snccMsfui with all' their under- IN “POOD FOR SQUIRRE^’r^ tsklhgs so, tar, ahd it is rumored it Biding as far as his funds would ^ 'i * ' -'V - u - Fashion Park^ they succeed in taking Shanghai Wheat King. Admits He Receiv­ take him, DOW started on his Jqdr- jt__ . * ney from ah (NiJo f»*in, the Identl-. (Native City) they are going, to ed That Amount For Nego­ '^Springfield*' Massn: April 1.— make an attempt to take possession, ty of which hs;.l|eeps, £ seCfet, and Albert A* Johnson; president of the a n d ..... of . the intbrnationai Ssttleident. i tiating a Loan. J after mafly days of irarelHng ar­ J. C. Penny-Gwlnn.'institute of Apr '" ’SUNDAY;, MONDAY, TUESDAY / ’ • . ' r do nbt think they-are fools enough ------:— - .'j - :i..! rived here inade hid cOfifemon and piled Agrlcdtiurei at; Green Cove to.try'N{ihythlng of the kind, but If Federal Building, Detroit,. Mkh., then departed for th'e'dounty jail Springs, Fla:, was today appointed they .should,.there 4S bound to be a April 1.—The golden flood thkt tq meet the demands of justice. national executive^ , director of big dght here between the Chinese Inundated Aaron Saplfo and; his Six months is the price he iUnst Junior AcLiSvement, Incy WiUiam’sj : and foreign tropi>a And it such a aaspeiates while they helped Amerl- pay for a clear conscience. Junior. AohieVemeiit, Inc., has thing shpnTU take place, I think can farmers organize cooperative headquarters herO'lto- *900- boys’ there is ilctle doubt but the former assoclatlone was Illustrated 40day SIDEWALK and girl’s clubs' ^ t h %'membership Own Make I .troops would be blown off the face during, " cross-examination .of : the of about lOiOOO members in north- of the'earth, ThbVe is too much'for­ wheat king at, the trial of the inil'- -All .bids foii the constr|i^lon of easterii states. eign rbajpiltal (millions and millions lIon-dollaT.Pprd-BapIro libel suit sidewalks .ih .. '■Mancluatob this Johnson is a natiye/bf'Wiscbnsln new, attractive pat- of dollars) Invested in the Interna­ ■'Sapirq. .testified he was paid'Ap­ year must be In the bimds* of the and was graduated ^oin the Uni­ tional Settlement of Shanghai' to proximately 219,560 for a ‘ ever let.the Chintoe get full control .days effprt’t In-; arranging govern­ This includes not only sidewalks of it, anU the tereigu powers arb but gutters. A total of $10,006 starred In athletics, has served ment- loans-.from the War Finance on the faculty staffs ^ agricultural not going to let them do it. Corporation 'for ten of the : co- will - probably be spent fqr-gutters . ' No'Wv r have tried to tell you and $30,006 for sideWalRS: Ahern colleges in Georgia and Wisconsin operatiyee under his wing; This and at one time directed the Ne-.v something ahbut the trouble that fs was brought :Out by Senator James Brothers who. have. badUrtha. con­ taking > place out here, but to tell tract for the past Several: Years in York State institute of Applied f I A.. Reed,: chief, of Henry Ford’s Agriculture. you all about It, as I say, would bo counsel. ' - .' Manchester are bidders this yjmr. i^ e writing a book and as I haven't He succeeds Ivan L. Hobson, ■ 1 - L . . . _ - . time at present to do that, I will The loans were arranged ip a -TREASl^Y BALANCfi. who- resigned following a disagree­ say. nothing more about it. You “few days," Saplro'said, durihg ment with the trustees over policy. -J'- Ct will, , no c|oubt*_jBa more about'It 'which ' he "ram down, from ^ w - Washington, ApHl -l.».:^T2ehBury New Spring Topcoats in the papers, but whatever yon see, York to Washington to carry On balance .as of March 30: $427,691,- When in doubt advertise the do not worry. I think we all will the negotiations” ; with officials f 442.75. , Herald Want Ad way. $25 and up ■ Mlve to see tho thing through In the War- Flnifice' Corporation. All way, but as 1 eay, no one can tell the Joans were negotiated a t, the Such birds as the mallard, tern, ^w , when tor where this tvohble same time. Then he told ot receiv­ canvas back and ruddy ducks,^wild .will end. It may load: up to, another ing between 218,250 add 2191500 geese and green heron utilize musk­ HATS ■Wdrld War before 4t Is finished. for his efforts.*^ ’ ' ' V rat- houses for nesting places. $alyo of Sensatioi^! | New styles, snap brims and bound edges. The sea^ ; son’s lates shades ACT CAUTIOUSLY '*.4»<. 1 --I .J' SOUTH MANGBy^f]^ N, $4.25 $4.95 ; AM ^CAN SLOGAN 5ft ■> = --V T u e s d a :|^ 'I , (Ckm.tliraed from Page 1) SHOES LAST TIMES TODAt AND THIS EVENING on^ behalf of this government, that v : , \ Spring lasts in black and tail the American-warships and ma­ rines in China are there solely for the legitimate protection of Amerl- Douglas l^aiffbaiiks in $3.95 eah,‘ lives and property, and that Special! Sw eat Shirts for Roller Skaters they will fulfill their mission un­ ‘*THE BLACK PiOMW' der any and all circumstances. The Colored Neckbands and Colored ' de 1 hopec-wlll be-fexpreesed that It will FBARIiES, AN.AL&OSTijkuMJ^UlOa^iii K nitted B o tto m s ...... ;.,,.... ep X *9 ^ not- be necessary - for American ‘ 99 guns again to lay down a barrage I I M Oma Chinese city, as was done at Nanking. But the Cantonese also SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS I Our New Method of Merchandising 1 Wul be informed tfaa(: it tbe -neoesr' -j;.- '-s «•. ■ 5% for cash at time of pdxchase. . ' elty artsee it will he do'Ue. . FtesldeUt ->Coqlldge is nUder- : C6iii(»lete.Cltiuigei bf Prbgta$n Tomorrow 2% for cash within 30 days, v , y ... ' ! stboff to be coUsidevably resentful Not on our popular 10 pa}weht ^an., over ithe activities of some Ameri­ P A 6R999 -Adapted froii). the can cdmmerclUil interests in Sfaau^ .. A KKJBl . J*: Famons !$.'¥• Stage Play kaf in seeking to push the AlUefl^. Jafak Pickford In' the Gnsirtest Mystmry X$de, of all thne. can government into line with,, or' The absorbing story bf !a!!miirderoiu fiieh-critnjhtal'. -aiid G eorge H, WilUamB in Advance of the British. He con- his fight for a mllUon. : • ' v siderh some of the most pernlclons I Johnson Block v . i t>f these :as UittlO' better than • “war George MacGriU in: A ^ “THE FLUMB” A>ptui Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Until 7:30. xnohgerai" Tkttonm ; The Cabinet met this morning ■ , Tuesday and Saturday 9:00. emd.-4he’ Ghtnese' situation was np- .COMEDY ' . ^ -' -“SERIAli-"^'lE R IA li •*' > ''- '•'SlW S Lawreiice. Gray^—W ffliam Co) 232353232323532323232323532353234848532353232323 ^ pefmOst on- the. sbhedule. .- - . - V ' IM,- -'j!*:- ^ \ S l A N e B S s m : et^ ^ C A G ^

t: S a n c e ch jiro^n-am; .dn'^ktur day, even at l ^ ^ k v i l l e that Rev.. £M e% iir he^ h|air' do^ Mrs. jtog .thlnM'di^^uifr^elr ajiproval. Waite vfijiss'^biisen heard several 1 tilOr ,me^ipta',“^ favor times ,p"V^r%the air ,and has won ^ - «' ■* Of the ; thfiB ■ these a^mlnra^^ her beautifill ousted .mjen»eys;mtde ^roifble at vorcei "';0h'-wftwrday 8h.e'h8s 'pre­ AGED MAN m ” tho ...... pared jn^ekpellent program^ , and ^sth M. E.'Choir Angmoni^, Behrend’a Orchestra and It Is rtfniQrqd! that thes^ ousted will b^^eibohipanied by Miss Min­ To l ^ g ' the “Seven Lait 'liUa Beebe, ;From()i1ng. trustees liav.e>:8ecttfed le # l ad­ nie Mbl^an;' The program ■ is as Words of .Caitist:’’ ^ vice as'th^y'b^a:^^!^ seeo^n con­ follows: ; ,i " • ^ . '*0 ' * !-1 . WE EXPECT TO SEE YOU FAMILY WDRRIES ference: with two of the iBcal at­ ■Voce oLDonna,.from La Gioconda torneys. They claim howeror that A group of Spring Songs; . ' *’ : f »'■ 1 Mnce they did not resi^ that April, My April ...... MllUgan ‘Friday night, April 16, they are still trustees, and & at be-, All. in the April Evening . .Meek the chplr of*: thevS6hth Methodfi|t IMENliXO^ m Enoch Abs&i Disappear^ fore they were disposed of u e new An Open Secret ...... WoodfUaii- ' Bplsebpai church, under the direc- Sessions, Director trustees were voted in, sonu being Coming Home ...... WUeby . tloaiof A]fclilh»% vSeseibns. from Manchester,-^and thw they . The, lest number "Coming present ^the tianten 'oanUta. and. V First Africans ^ Police later voted oq the ^smiss^: of ,the Home’’, is a request number which Seven‘ Last-Words o f Christ,’* Iry trustees in spite of’ the fget that Rockville people greatly admire. Dnbols, the regular choir bet^ BosfoB Symphmy lie Highest Grade they had not been b ap tist Into Personals eonsideraj^ly angmeiited by othbr Protection. the church.. , Mrs. Francis T. Maiwell of ^^his VreU snown'singers. ' Ousted Trustees city, who has. been on an extended Well knovm' and always appee- Orchestra Ensemble The ousted trustees are Andrew visit in Los Angeles, Santa BarhaT olated beoanse of. its theme, this 12 Artists' Morgan, -Washington Dunbar and cantata is bnllt up'bn the utter­ Doi^r tXdwr Room B ri^ Peace Of Afind • < (Special tb The Bterald) ra and Pasadena. Cal., has return­ Everett Pease; the newly chosen ed home. ances of the Savlottr when on the h Concert, April 21sL A successful living iroom brings peace of mind aften the trials of jthe day’s routine. Jar- Rockville, April 1. trustees Deacon James Wright, Cross, and vis fnU bf; musical path­ ring-^eolors. -Uncomfortable. "Angular” furnlturs, bright, glaring lights must be avoided. Let us Enoch Austin, aged 86, well Col. Francis T. Maxwell and Deacon Robert Ready and' Deabon daughter Harriet arrived home os and stirring episodes that hol'd High Sdiool Han. buBd ypnr-lfvihg room Weces to specifications, it won't cost you any more. We have the latest known Rockville resident, disap­ J. Evans. The new secretary is absorbed Intewstt ‘ ' Spring* styles 6f‘'frames and coverings on display. We will buUd you a suite or odd piece from peared from his home at 92 Pros­ froni several months spent abroad. R Herbert Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Bot- Opening with the soprano selp, your own” selection:"‘' 'Satisfaction guaranteed. Credit if you want it. I' pect street yesterday afternoon at The reporter of this Column tomley of Ellington avenue have "O All Ye; 'Who Travel Upon the three o’clock and has not heen called Rev. Hopewell’s home sev­ returned from spending several Highway,” a call Is given to be­ seen or heard of since. His family eral times Wednesday afifernodn weeks at Pine Forest Inn, Som- hold the .sorrow o f ' the Master.. Is worried fearing that their fath- and evening and was luormed mervllle, S. C. Following is a solo for baritone met with tr^edy. each time that he was out and ex­ Mrs. Clifford Knight-and Clif­ and also for tenor wherein t|e . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller and Mr. Austin lives with his daugh­ pected home at any time.-Although ford Knight, jr., with Marietta Christ prays for for^veness for children have moved from 18 ter, Laura, and went out for a a telephone number was left for Hitchcock, have returned from a those "who know not what they Cambridge street to their recent­ M ^ a l.k yesterday afternoon. He was JRev. Hopewell upon his ari^yal, he vacation spent at Atlantic jDity. - do,” while the chorus enacts the ly purchased'cottage, home on the ^ Q t in poor health. Members of failed to use same which ir very Frank O’Neil of Williston acad­ part of the uhsry Jewish mob, who same s t r ^ , formerly the property ■^be family living away from Rock­ unusual for the pastor as he has emy is spending, his I Easter vaca­ clamour for Him to be crnclfied of the late Dr. Hotallng. ville have been sent for and the always been very prompt In'iglvlng tion at the home of his parents, that "He Is death guilty.” This, police aided by several friends of out the activities of his ^urch. Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil of East Main chorus number is of a very dramat­ At the Swedish. Lutheran church .Mr. Austin, are conducting a ic nature. \v >' this evening the annual mission ■thorough search for him! Members of the church refused to street. give out any statements atfd re­ Juvenile Court, Foresters Pride The second’ -word,. "Today thb.n festival will be held, the commit-, ; Lively Meeting shalt be wlth.;||e In ParadlBe,’’ Js tee In charge being, the Sunday ~ *; There was a very lively and ex- ferred all reporters to thej-pastor No. 1 will hold a meeting tonight. who was inaccessible on Wednes­ A class of candidates will be ini­ written as dni^ifpr tenor aUd bari­ school snperintendenl, Alfred C. •' citing time Wednesday evening at day. tiated.. On Saturday, night at 8:45 tone, with aMompahylng chorus. Anderson, Miss Elsie Berggren, the First African, Baptist church. o’clock a-Dutch, supper . will be The third w;6rd, "gee O woinan, and- Helge Pearson, organist and Trouble being anticipated by Rev. Oanvassiers . At a meeting last Sunday even­ served to the members. behold Thy Sbn” - is set for tenor, choir director. Mr. Pearson will George Hopewell, pastor of the barlton ahd soprano solos with direct 'the: children’s chOrns nnm- church, police attendance was re­ ing following church services the The Pythian Sisters will hold a congregation vp.ti^ to employ col­ series of public whists In their chorus. bers and the sketcl;, “ Rip Van quested. Captain Stephen: J. Tob­ . In .the fourth word, “ My - God, Winkle.” The program will begin in. accompanied by three other lectors to canvass RdckVlUe for do­ rooms in the National Bank build­ nations for the new church. The ing. The first will he held April why hast thou forsaken me?” , the at eight o’clock. The ''teachers officers were present upon his re­ baritone has alloted to him a nuni- will meet at seven o ’clock and af-ijf quest. The three trustees who collectors will be professional col­ 11. The committee in charge be­ lectors who will be paid $280 the ing Mrs. Alma Dietrich, Mrs. Ellen ber that calls for great depth of e|:- ter *the entertainment they wilK were ^elected at the beginning of pression. The fifth word, “I am serve refreshments. All children the year have been found by the day they arrive and will be paid Fisa and Mrs. Bertha Friedrick. as they carry on their work.- This The refreshment committee con­ Athirst,’’ Is set as solos for tenor of the school and their parents are pastor to be working against him and baritone, while the chorus ehr invited, as well as other members so Wednesday they were ousted Is what the ousted trustees oppos­ sists of the following: Mrs. Jennie ed. Koenig, Mrs. Susie Szchernig and acts the mocking and jeering mbh of the congregation. and three new trustees elected, of angry Jews who cajl upon the also a new secretary. Received Ck>mmls8lens Mrs. Hattie Graupner. This Wonderful Value For Ymir Hiune Judge John E. Fisk and Asso­ Mrs. H. C. Dowding spent Wed­ Christ to come down from the The meeting was well attended cross and save himself. ’ and was oipened by Captain Tobin ciate Judge John E. Fahey of the nesday with her sister in Spring- Rockville City Court have receiv­ field. The sixth word, “ Into thy hands IMPPONATIONS $ 2 1 1 , 5 0 who suggested that if there was I commend my spirit,” opens ex­ trouble between the members it ed their commissions from Gov­ $5.00 Down, 1 Year to Pay Balance. ernor John H. Trumbull and each SELF SERVE SHOE STORES ceptional opportunity for the tenor Three perfect ILlving Room pieces, priced to give you an opportunity you simply can’t afford to wquld be more advisable for them soloist. The seventh word, "It Is to hire a lawyer to advise them will serve another term as Judges BUYS BIO STOCK. STATE’S FEATURE overlook. , A roomy davenport, club chair and wing chair, front of suite covered with 100% of the city court. Judge John E. finlsbed,” Is written for the three Angora mohair wUh velour to match on back and sides. Reverse side of cushions covered with a than to be obliged to-pay the mon­ principals with chorus; and is a ey out in court fees. Having put Fisk was first appointed judge In A stock nt shoes and tennis shoes beautiful Frieze. The hidden qualities are there also. A fine gateleg table and beautiful table 1908 and has served In that ca­ aggregating several thousand pairs fitting climax, being followed by a lamp presented Free with each suite. the fear of the law into those pres­ chbrns number "Christ do we all ent, Captain Tobin and one of the pacity since. Judge John E. Fah­ of very recent purchase has been ey was first appointed associate bought out by the Self Serve Shoe adore thee,” providing a finale of Durands and Rhres Wm Ap- officers left but unknown to the real grandeur. agitated mepabers two officers judge in 1907. Stores from N. R. Natalie of Port­ White Mountain Refrigerator Club were present In an upper room I. O. O; F. Plan Anniversary land, Conn., at a very low figure. It planse ffith Big Act; "The Rising Star Lodge, I. 0 . 0. F. has been placed on sale to the peo­ 'Still ohen for nieinbers. $1.00 down, $1.00 or more weekly, 10% reduction to club members ready in case of trouble. If payments are made regularly. Side icers and top icers. Perfect refrigeration or money re­ Divided are planing to celebrate their an­ ple of Manchester 'and vicinity at MAY HAFD IT DOWN niversary Monday evening, ■ April unusual price concessions. Potters” Fine Pictnre. funded is the guarantee that goes with every White Mountain Refrigerator. We could 'not give Rev.. Hopewell preaided at i the such a a^guarhntee if 'we'were-Selling,a cheaply oonstruisted'article. There is a White Mountain ■ meettag arm: if-was apparent that 14 In I. O. O. F. hall. Grand Masr Manager Diamond states that tbis ter Leo Davis of Norwalk urill be Proud. Pareiit: I hope you ap- Refrigerator "in Over a Million Homes.” It is "The Chest With a Chill. In It.” Scientifically -the "Congregation was divided," is one of the best buys he has thus . predate the fact, si’*, that In mar­ one opposed to the pastor and the present and after the meeting will far been able to obtain, since the constructed, perfectly Insulated; reasonably priced. ! A size for every home. give an illustrated lecture. The rying iny daughter you marry a By Member Herald Staff ». • •» other for him. The trouble has shoes are of desirable styles and large-hearted, generous girl. first degree will be exemplified at this tlUie'of the season when been brewing for several weeks I ’outh: I do, rir, and I hope si^e. "Shades of Savoy and Brennan” and the ousted trustees claim that and refreshments will be served. footwear, requirements are greatest, Mrs. 'Waite to Broadcast inherits these .qualities from her Is the best way to express the fea­ they were removed in an illegal affords all a rare opportunity of father.— ^Answers, Loudon. G. E. Keith Furniture G>.> Inc. The many friends of Mrs. Doro- savings. ture act at the State the last half of the week. Durands and Rives are CORNER MAIN AND SCHOOL STREETS. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. two clever Impersonators who use «SXXX3«XX3gXXXXXX3CXXXX36XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3it30^^ much ;the same kind of an act as did the famous team of Bert Savoy and Jay Brennan. One q t this old : v'v team is now dead, but iheir work is bqlng carried on by Durands and F R A i D I Rives. They have a lot of beautiful dNEAMmACCiENLr costumes and some fine scenery. A -w ■'lanist travels with them. Willie Karby and Sister open the ^FOREVERYil 1-2CA|5 how wth a clever hand balaincing East Center St. Property trapeze act. The Sister Is a Well built single right on the avenue, oak floors, and trim, Authentic Styles for Easter x*etty girl and a good dancer. S^te Statistics Show 22 Less] Tylef and Crolius • Just out of well arranged rooms. 2 car garage. Offered at ‘ only $8,800. lusical comedy shows 'come next V Fatal Sniashes During 1926 Terms. VFlth "Food for Squirrels.” They Pearl Street. 6 room single, hot water heat, gas, laundry, sing and have a good line of patter. There was a motor vehicle acci­ The act finishes with a clever song. dent In Connecticut last year .for etc., walk and curbing. Price only $6,000. Cash $1,500. . • "Women.” OTery eleven and one-balf’ cars reg­ Lilley Street, 3 family flat, beautiful^ in-terior layopt, steam ^1 Dressy Helen* Higgins.and.hor Company istered and-for evsry-t’Werve’ opqja- , . hp.a| in all thte? .apartments, garage. !^ice only $18,500; It’s ■m are Act No. 3 Hiss Higgins, dances tdrs licensed in the state. In the and sings, and she Is one of the previous year, 1925, the accid;ent ' wbafgain ffor someone'. . ;■ I', prettiest actresses aeen on the stage "’pt© P©r registered car and-licensed Nice single near Parker and East Center streets, six rooms, at the State m many a moon. Her operator -rias ‘ ' apprdximateljr the oak floors and finish, steam beat, gas, etc. $600 cash needed. "company” is three men, all clever s|me. There-were 22. less fatal acci > -Price only $7,300. . dancers. dents In 1926 than 1925 hut 1,'169 IP ■ ‘1-, . . $ 1 2 - 9 5 •Datts and Ha’iley comprise a real n^ore general accidents. One In Here is a bargain in a bouse. 12 good rooms, fur­ fine comedy act. Mr. Watts Is fat every seven passenger oars and one naces, up-to-date trim and floors, white enamel plumbing fix­ aqd he delights in talking aboqt ih about every .six'Gommerclal cars being fat. The woman of the act is id the state, figured in ani accident tures, gas, and in fact a most modern house. 2 car garage with a clever pianist and sings “ Happi- last year, whereas-in 1 ^ 5 every . it all for $7,000, $1,000 cash. hesk” In a way that gets way be­ ejghth passenger, car and two in I ■ yond the tojtli .nts. every nine-coinmerelkl cars .were: In "The Potters * Atarring W. Q. accidents...... >,1 !*- Fields, Mar.v Al'^en and Ivy Harriss Thus . motor truck : - operators Robert J.Sm ith, 1009Main St. M is the lea'i're film offering: and it showed marked Impiwvement while is as good if no. a little better than operators of -private oars lost REAL E8TA1E.- INSURANCE, STEAMSHIP TICKETS the nsual liigh standard of the W. ground during -the i past-.year, for C. Field?’ pictures. it. has been brought Out that most Scores of new accidents that occurred In Gonnec- tlcut are due to:recklessness'of 'op­ NEW corporations frocks demonstrat­ erators and therefore avoidable. ing that smartness It has been, pointed b u t' that the Hartford, Conn., April 1;--The average motor truck operator Iideal, Manufacturing- Company, of LOCAL CONCERN GIVEN need not be ex- Emends more hours at i-his wheel Classy Dr<^ Uoats fear Bridgeport, has Incorporated under each day than the average'private the state laws to do a general mah- CONTRACT INWINSTED pensive. tu ri^ ’ every^ CQrrect ver­ operator, and thev-y.more a; man nfactnring'business on a capital of dflves obviously the; more chances sion o f the new, mode. iJiO.DOO. The 'incorporators are h© hhs for qh accident. Those-\^bbse COMPOSE Richard Swain, of Bridgeport; Jon­ business it is,to drlVe commercial fflRncnOBter L/Onstraction Coin- athan. Grout ,and Itoward L. Shaff, cars become more-Bny ;hss organized and elected l^usted and canm to grief. There The plans call for 13 class rooms, Danger- officers: President, laws. WhJAhi^hiiif the hours that a manual training rpoip, a play Max.Ginsberg; treasurer, Hehiy R.' a.'IocomotlVe ehglfider may work room and a g^mhesidm and audl- Robert '■ Dohnelly, of Cooper’ Grossman; secretary, Morris Gins- S,afety agencies are stressing the' The schbul will be approx!- street today sustained a loss up’*: $ 1 . 1 9 'berg, all of . ih©nace of truck drivers, being over" ^be same size as the Nathan ward of $2,500 when his cottage at; -Worked not bniy'for their own good Hale school on Spruce street here Lake Wahgumbaug in South Coven^ : Service and Sheer Silk. Re^lar $1.50. Pastel Shades in all sizes. TINOJ^NT ASTOR ILL. hut the public safety. The Nathan: Bale school was’ erect­ try was completely ^ tro y e d by fits- ed by the Manchester Construction of unknown origin. 'The cottage wt^i ! New Tbrk, April 1.— Vincent As- Company in 1921. beyond saving when the fire tOr is a patient In a New York hos­ The new' building In Winsted discovered, and all its contents wer’4 js DEATH-OF • .’■>(' will be an unusually attractive ope. pital igid has nhdergone a minor MBS. FRANK GAYLOR lost. operftipn, it-^-wak lehriied today; He It wlU be faced w|th tapestry brick A number of Manchester peopUt ■Was "resting comfortably’’ thle af­ ^.rMrs, Almira Gaylor, aged $6 WltlKCaat atone 'trim'minge- and? the who have cottages at the lake ternoon. years, widow, of th e. late.s;Frahk Gaylor, died last evening at tBb home o f hep daughter Mrs.’; Charles Spow, 46 Pine atroet, .after-'A-ilihg- president of the concern, told The time or It' might, have spread tojjiijbj * eifing illness.■■ - , Herald today thAt‘he-Plahned to other cottages. : v Mrs. Gajdor has been a rpsidept start Work in 'Winsted on Monday. of Manchester ' for the> past., nine One of the construction compgny's superintendents -will have charge of Emi^asize.the imiJertant fasHlohrpoints at'a v ^ y modeiw ^ars, coming ,here front-'-'Wayren- p in h h o d e l a y s f l ig h t . Conn. She is Atirvi|;red ; !hisr the. Job gnd most of the labor will ate price. ■ 'C ■ ■ two sons and-ose -daughter Eugejne he employed'from'Wihsted. New Orleans, C^ylor, of :'Waterbury,- htrs.. Chas. Although there la OR LEASE Sno-w and;.Qeqnget.‘G^or:..Of MAfi- N e w B f t g s The Neiy GloYes ^. ; chsster; tmrtqeh.>*';(.'gsandcbildMn of leather and silk in en« are fascinating -with their apd. six great-grand'shUdrqn. ! - parture another 24 hours todayl gairage tit 311 Main S^feet ^-Funeral services wUi -he;, held ' (^ sfu l in sequring work in the sur- V elb ^ and pouch sijdes clevpr little clwts nnd lovely cause of the slight indlspQalt^< color cbmhliiatiictii.': . cmoi^ed .fpr pgst -7 years by ..R eo Sunday afternoon, fronii: 46; - Piap-iRiiip-inundlng towns, and cities. one ‘ot his crew.,' . , • S e ^ c e Station. Available siopn. street at 2 o ’clock. Hey^.Watsnh j He Will hoff dff .W hr^ . $1.0Q to $3.98 ■^opdruff «1U„ officiate' apdr’hurlal | - $1.()0W $3.50 Por tenns see Mrs. 'Anna B. |la:i-: and wHl • m«ke c m iy '^ p W i r i : . wjlll be in. the-'WilUmantle’Cemetery Herald Want Ads seirBntbmo« tween here and I^one 88^,^' .WUllmanrif...... jGonhir ■ ' IV!

'nr ■ ^ ■ .‘-y.



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• • . 7 1 '^11 I ;.■ ------' ■;•' S * « - i- V ■ u'. ' j! I I

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THE BARE - - '• W ■ ifK -O.A ■* .■ .. .

THE WILL YOUR EX- FINAL HERE TO GREET YOU DASH •■!■.'■'• -r. FOR THE AT WIND-UP TOMORROW, MTIIRDAT 9 A . M The Final Cuts are Deep-^Read Eveiy It^ The closing days of this sal^ will provide a Bargain Feast the like of which the people of this part of the state haven’t seen in years and years. We are offering values that willstamp satisfaction'upon the countonieunce-o^ Every Purchas* er—and we feel sure you are not going to allow this rare op-portunity for saving on Wearing Apparid, Shoes and Fur- . v^ ^j.v < nisWngs pass your door— Don’t say, in a few weeks hence,I wish I had attended the Closing-Out Sale of Geofge W, Smith for I could have saved dollars and dollars on my needs. Remember the road to good intentions is paved *r., • with I wish I “ Hads”— Don’t wish you had attended the closing days of this sale— Come now, you won’t be disap­ pointed. GOING OUT These Final Values, Pem and Auction I Am Going To Gut Prices Again at 9 a. m. Better and Greater MEN’S I Men’s Silk and * M en’s Ladies’ M en’s MEN’S Ladies* National' ONE LOT OP YVool i S i ' ONE LOT OF ly Known ONE LOT OP FLANNEL Bargains Offered Triangle Silk , p MEN’S AIEX’S Holeproof Dress K h a k i_ SWEET-ORE Holeproof M en’s In the closing days of this Close-Out Sale, action is the RIBBED Collars Shirts Hosiery Silk prime consideration and we pay the price to get it. .It Hose Pants SHIRTS Pants is not a question of price or profit—it’s a question of do Regular 5JOc A'alues up to TOMORROW M allory Hosiery Shirts and Values up to SI Values up to sa ^ sing out every dollar’s worth of stock in the next few S2.50 SATURDAY V*alues up to Going below cost TOMORROW V days. We are offering values and bargains for the clo§ Tomorrow TOMORROW TOMORROW AT 9 A. Al*.^ A «-$3'.50^ ' . $3;50 1 SATURDAY Drawers ing days of this sale that will rock the very foundation TOMORROW SATURDAY AT 0 A. M. GOING AT Saturday All Colors. TO.MORROW TOMORROW i Regular $1.50 TOMORROW of thf^retail trade in this section, ;It will pay you to SATVRDAY AT 9 A. M. Values up to - e/d ^ ■■■ at 9 a. III. With Collar and | S.VTURDAY SATURDAY H S.AtURDAY ^droj^O'^ything, knockoff woffe, come for your-r-sharer'i AT 9 A. M. $1.50 NOW GOING .IT Neckband AT 9 A. M. AT 9 A. M. 1 49c HALF PRICE GOING AT, each * df thesg^oney-saving bhrgains—^the^likc of which you*-' Regular $2.00 very seldom see. We say it BOLDLY for the values Come! You’ll 5c 49c 79c 69c $1.39 HALF PRICE $ 1 . 6 9 1 Buy! are here to back it up— So don’t wait until the last tick I I I IP u 89c 49c of the dock—COME NOW.

1500 PAIRS OF ANOTHER LOT OF ’f® 1500 PAIRS OF LADIES SHOES 500 PAIRS OF Men’s Bannester’s MM’s'^O rsh^s‘,v^ • WHITE CANVAS BOYS’ SCOUT SHOES LADIES’ SHOES LADIES’ SHOES Sho^Sv Strap Pumps, Arch Preserver, Conrad’s, Rubbers TOMORROW AT 9 A. M. Children's High 0 • j All Styles Gsdords and Just Right Queen Quality, Grovers’ and and Sizes 49c Grade Shoes Rubber Boots Combinations 79c OXFORDS Queen Quality. Tomorrow, TOMORROW A fx TOMORROW, SATURDAY TOMORROW FOR MEN. WOMEN a n d SATURDAY H;Z/C 1 LOT OF MEN’S SHOES NOW GOING AT HALF Saturday a t ...... O C AT 9 A. M. AT 9 A. M. AT 9 A. M. GOING AT 79c PRICE CHILDREN '' Values up to $8.00 Values up to $6.00 Values up to $5.00 TOMORROW AT 9 A.M 8 9 r Values up to $2.00 TOMORROW AT 9 A. M. GOING AT HALF PRICE

■ MEN’S STRAW MEN’S ATHLETIC BATH ROBES, , ONE LOT OP HATS NECKWEAR M E N ’S CAPS y PAJAMAS UNION SUITS CHILDREN’S; bought for* Spring could TOMORROW AT 9 a. m. The right time to buy is Values up to Q Q ^ OVC not be returned. TOMORROW the time to buy right. $2.00 UNDERWEAR Values up to^ AT 9 A. M. 49c TOMORROW 9 A. M. Values up TOMORROW to $3.00. $1.00. 49 c TOMORROW AT 9 A. M. 98c *V*. AT ONE HALF PRICE AT 9 A. M.

V C om e Feel Here Is a Splen^d l^t of the Power of L ow Prices X ^ - • ■.•■••• •' • '7 - . ' ■ ■ . ■ . • -

Suits cUtd O ’coats PRICE -u.-'jI t-': —e.f HR.'.

ii “ , v .

■j. y . . '''" ‘ 1T;

MAWCHESTTER e v e n i n g h e r a l d , F R roA Y ,

tlon on today’s bill Is “ The Jungle TWO ARE ONE Kemp’s delicious salted - nnts, ‘THE BAr COMING Tragedy’,' a gyl^jj^nji:j^ojg..s|Qry. A , New-- Yprk.--r‘Two llttle girls tee J yon>are, only- peanuts, pecans, mixed ,- nuts, al- tjgrf H hilarious; comedy^s^d0ii' B!Ji^!re^ ■bff%t^a''gdlf link ' here -with ' thtf ihaatf’i-a ^joet 'm idined^yon^'w -beaten' yoaF -monds,^ qashewiB. ‘ A;‘splen^d assort-^ will also be offered. same ball'and one'clpb. They are whose .fla‘frce-rth5yi'^ere-‘'di8


.-'.V 7. i ii (-*•’ rA4-,j5i^*. > A d B S t S MANCHESTBR EVENING HERALD, rflD A T, APRIL 1, 19^7.

l l ! ^ i 4FE ()® $9HRIST; llte Conver^n of Zacchaeud BYKOPSIS ABRAN0BD BV OB. WA|. B. GUiBOr. tK B. OfRBOViadii^^ BKBTCHBS _BX KBOBiBIf / LABT: Ti to locfk ■ ii ■i^*^■-•^» > ■.'-Iv' A R W St: Obr Tfir ioag ,-rdi that sUige.—‘Ftmcb'. . “ ' M rhi .rf-' *#ik^ "i i ic rv,- i P '

< ■ _ ■ ^ coveri^ An makes. Sold, rented* ex* changed and overhauled. oiosn rw , topf^HMa^ Specie Discoants'to Students. j lil i . . _ v , v V.. 'A i. r-ij.,'.-! dRst 6:'?T K«mp*s Muriel ’ r ^ I 'Jioyr- Tho (iei^d’'mu^mur^- House K"',--* / ' j i . that Jesus had |;one to iu m o s k s t. PiiQae tai«48^ Jesus looked up ahd be the guest of a sinner, saw him, and said, “ Zac* but Jesus, recognizing Jesus taught the lesson of watchfulness and faith­ As Jesus, thronged With thjfr Riiultitude, passed near' bhaeusrio.ake Kttste, and the siileerity^: dfZac- fulness in the Porabie of the f ounds, in which^he con­ Jericho, Zacchaeus, aespisedvks a tax-ga^erer for the "come down, for '^ih^day I chaeus,.:.proclaiiiidd his demned ^e^ man tO'whom his cmaster had given only W haf s the Use oi Caarjprtf ^ foreign Roman power, climbed a tree to see.Jesus, be* must aidde at thy house." salvation. ( Luke'^ XIX : one pound for hiding that pouM in a napkin. (Luke Doesn’t Keep Accurate iSme cause he was short in staturd. (Luke Xf^ ) .(LukeXiX:5) 7-10) , XIX *12-26) OiMT SY.Hwsonnet, iwc.V It i(’8 losing or gainipg percepisbiy. you iuaimot'depeu44®rT: >•51 iV on it? Bring it to us let ua put Itt.' AI shape.

end .of the road is .closed. Detour 17 SAILORS DROWN v a t e r L a n d s a il s o n will, has sailed from Nev York-4f- posted. ter returaliig an American flig rHarwlnton-Burlia^on road ■ Is Gibraltar^ April 1.— Setrenteen New Ybrk.^The schooner “ Va- capturfltddring the war. Count Fs, F. E. m m under construction. Work suspend­ members of the crew of the Span­ Notice ^t#'^rttractors lix'von LUckner, commander df’ tlie CONDITION OF ed for the winter. ish steamship Jacinto and the wife terland,” sailing around the world 3j e E w w e ml e M e t :i j SEALED PROPOSALS will be re­ to exhibit German industrial prod­ schooner, was captain of the raider 645 Main St., Farr Building, ^ Sotfth Manehest^ Newington, Newirigton-New Bri­ of the ship’s engineer were drown­ “ Sea Eagle,” an American vessel tain road is under constrnction. ed today when the Jacinto was ceived by tha. Selectmen of the ucts and devolep commercial good Town of ■Manchester, at their office that was seized by the Germans.) STATE ROADS Work stopped' for thte winter. Road sunk In Gibraltar Strait In collision ’ K is open to tarffic. with the British steamship Author. in the Municipal Building, South Newington and West Hartford. The captain and six others were Manchester, Connecticut, up to five Willard street and Newington road rescued. ... , o'clock in the;'afternoon, ^pril.4th, Friday, April 1, 1927 1927, for tbe conbtmction of Ap­ are under construction. Work stop­ r - ’7-<'•» ‘ f.?'! ^ Road conditions and detours in ped for the winter. Road is open to Centenarians are more common proximately 140,000 worth of con-^ the- State of Connnectlcut necessary traffic. in Spain than in any other Euro-i- Crete walks, concrete or granite hy highway construction and re­ Old Saybrpok, Essex Cut-off. poan country. A recent census curbing, radina* a,nd' drive corners, concrete gutters, etc., all in accord- Spring Time JVf^tis pairs, announced by the State Road is under construction. Does shows 355 people who are more A- ** Nance with specifications on^file in • Highway Department as of March not interfere with traffic. ' than 100 years old. 30th, are as follows: the office of the Suid. of Roads and Plymouth, Bull Head road, Bridges. ■ 'Route No. l.^^SasTTym^oTthe bridge is under construction. Short Post road, bridge at Golden Spur Each bid is to be sealed and Garden Time To detour around Wridges, Si? marked “ Bid for Walk and Curb” is being constructed. Temporary Vernob and. Tolland, Tollap^ forwarded to.said Selectmen at the bridge is In use. j Turnpike is under construction above hdfii^oSB and accompanied Westbrook - Patchogue river Road; closed in Tolland. H ot 3Eottb with Contractor’s certified check in b^dge, work on approach span. No Woodstock, West Woodstock—^ the amount of 3500.00 payable to d^iay to traffic. South Woodstock road Is under t ^ o p CAt^ c o l a j &C k the Town Treasurer of the Town of : Westport - Fairfield, Bulkley construction. Open to traffic. UviUViG'* Manchester, Conn. We have-an Assortment of Garden Tools including, S bridge Is under construction. No C£)ORL.D OCjOE<5 The Board of Selectmen reserves delay to traffic. VOO BSI HARD COoRK* the right to separate the curb and P^rfield-Mill river bridge under •walk work and, let each to separate , Spades, Kakes, Hoes, ? I -■* A -4 - ~ 4 f rU construction. No delay to-traffic. Contractors if they see fit. Boute No. 2— Berlin, Beckley The aihoant of work above men­ Crossing is under construction. A THOUGHT tioned is approximately only. Shovels, -Weeders, Trowels, Etc* § Work stopped for the winter. No ■ Bids are to be opened at an ex-- delay to traffic. ecutive session of the Board of Se­ Route No. 3.— Ridgefield-Main - Fools make a mock at .sin.— lectmen, within five'days after the Which We Are Closing Out at . | stteet and Danbury road. Concrete Proverbs xiv;9. close oje the bids, at-which meeting \ completed. Shoulders uncompleted. no biddere will be admitted. Reduced Prices I Np detours necessary. Yes, every sin is a mistake, and The Board of Selectmen reserves iBoute No. 8-rrThomaston, ap- the epitaph for the sinner is, “ Thou the right'to. reject any and all bids, /pioaches tcr^eynolds bridge are fool.”— Alexander Maclaren. 1 and all bidders are requested to Children’s 3 Piece Garden Sets including n ^ e r construction. consult -vditii. the To-vim Engiiieer il^ute Nor, lJ(k.vi;5ji|j(i(iietown-Had- • Salted nuts are ideal during the and look ^ver the ground where ridee, hoe and shovel ...... 20c I dith', grading Is underv way. One Lenten season. . We have a fresh said walks and curb are to be laid £ way traffic for one-quarter of a stock of Kemp’s famous salted nuts. before making bid. ■'1. mile. Quinn’s— Adv. For and by order of the Board Poultry Wire and Pearl Screen Wire | ^ iRoute No. 12. — Norwich-New of Selectmen of the Town of Man­ A First Cla^ Heat^ at the L^est Herald Wants Ads rent furnish­ 'London road in towns of Waterford chester, Coimecticut. ’ V Possible Price. Bi«'d Monfrille under construction, ed room.s. ;<>• U. s. MT. orv! JOHN H. HYDE Secretary, Baseballs and Louisville Slugger Bats | open to traffic. Through traffic will avoid this work by using the Nor- Time Payments If You Like, wloh-Groton raad on the east side 0 — of' the Thames river. _B 0ute No. 17.— Norfol^, Nt»i;|olk- \ W* Norfolk road is under construc­ tion. No detour, s - . 'Route No. 101.— In Chaplin the h?1M bridge at South Chaplin Is being constructed. No detours. Route No. 103.— In Sterling, £ 37 Oak Street, Sou(h Manchester S bridge Is being reconstructed. Open \ ^o. traffic. miiiiiimiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiT Route No. 110.— Windsor and Windsor Locks, Hartford-Spring- Peld road is under construction. Work stopped for the winter. Road Is'jpiusable. jRoute No. 111.— Marlboro-He bijM. six miles under construction. Road open but practii^ljly impass­ able. Detour one mile at Marlboro mid. Route No. 112.— New Haven-' Middletown road is under construc­ • 'V . ^ Inc; '.rW- tion. No delay to traffic. Fox & Co. HARTFORD ’ i • Route No. 121.— Salisbury, Lake- vlUe-Millerton road is under con- TO CALL US WITHOUT TOLL CHARGE CALL I 5OU : Bt^ction. Road open for travel. iRoute No. 122,,-f-BrIdgeport- NdWtown road. Steam shovel grad­ ual under way. No detours neces- aary* % *3- M.V Route No. 126.— Roxbury, Depot . br^ge. Work in the new bridge fofndation under way. No detours \c- sebessary. 'y- Rbute No. 126.— Norwalk-Dan- bUry road. Steam shovel grading on uew location. Shoulders uncom­ I ■ pleted. No detours necessary. Route No. 133.— Hartland, East Hmiland Mountain road is under coustruction. Present road is open IT WCWRK..o o for travel. Work suspended for the is? winter. Route No. 134.— Canaan, South Canaan— Lime Rock road Is under construction. Road open, for travel. Hear IT PLAY Tomorraw! /• Work suspended for the* winter. r- Route No. 141.— Scotland, Can­ l\ terbury road is under construction. The wonderful new Automatic Orthophonic Victrola, the .Open for traffic. Route No. 142. — Woodstock- instrument that changes its own'records! Plays 12 records y. Mass. Line, road is under construc- \ ^on. Open to traffic. without stopping. Puts them W —-plays them—takes them off Route No. 144.— Bridge over Qulnebaug river at Wauregan is — sets them aside. Continuous music while you dine...... at Q ^ er construction. Open to traffic. Route No. 158.— ^Newtpwn-Bethel bridge parties----- ..for dancing Demonstrations begin to- * 5 9 - 5 9 toad. Macadam construction com­ pleted. Shoulders uncompleted. No , morrow. Come in and let us show you Victor’s latest achieve- ' ■.■ ■■■'’, ■ -;i-' .j .'ic??.- sr.?,ilA .a detours necessary. ment. I T is a coat mode in which the ^houette i^etainfi its dassic^imnwa^ tr'i Route No. 17-6— WestporlcWlIton t r«ad Is under construction. No de­ in which many new details -appear, ^^^cks;. lay to traffic. equally so. While seams of varied descriptions invests new- Route No. 179— In Preston the with new chic. i r ‘ •--s 4:-'-si't.t >. HallvIIIe road is open to traffic. . y- f'" Shoulders are not complete. WATKINS BROTHERS. In c. Route No. 323.— Waterbury- 1 his collection is unusually comprehensive m' that it in; jCheshlre, road is under, constrnc- aion. No delay to traffic. coats and iUustrates the most im p oii^ t styltf trends. « iifl 4R:j* No Bqnte Numbers Bolton, Bolton Center road is jUnder construction. Oj^en to traffic Burlington Statlon-Burlington -h- i. Center road is under construction, Materials- Furs 1'- t ppen to travel. , / ^astford, Eastford-Kenyonville Kashmir ’NavjSv* *5,7? ' Ifokd is Under construction. Open ’o Monkey ^ rKew Blwir traffic. Kasha f* tormington, Scott Swamp road Broadtail I Beige fs ilUider coustructfoh. Farmington Super Twill ^omc Baby Fox ' ^Ctiarmeeg^ it'* Satin ' - LapiR ■ ' m F a i l k ^ Sqidrrel Black m G-FOX & CO;, IKG.*

t M f.- ^ '• .-^ JSSAJSlClSSi^B 1S1 vSf I I »t^i. abont.- tl^e town bat the epidemic school, is'spending her vacation' death In Hartford on Tuesday 'uf ' County Af^nt’^B. E.. Tucker of the' whp^WTites to friend® here'that she day for Waterbary to Join tl^ Biu^ iSSlUiUr.-*--v' 0 rRI££. - 60ltR seems to he dying down. John Horr with relatives in Boston and vicini- Elisha Lewis, a former resident of Farm Bureau visited the farms ot is in a' Los Angeles hospital sick ern- League-with which he has sigh'' ton is’> recovering fropi chicken pox ty. this town, and at ohe .tlhie'y resl- Edwlfi T .: Smith ah i Edward • A. .vrtth influenza. H er cohdlQoa Is de­ nd up as pitcher for the. season. He and Winthrop Hildihg' fjrbm ihuinps. A good deal of w ort In fllllng and !ent of Columbia. Mr. Lewis for the Smith on Wednesday to inspect the scribed as severe bnt it is thought played severe tryout gamam es;.-with Harry K. Viner and sob Wintirrop smoothing the muddy placea in the' wt; few years has 'lived with a fruit orchards.'' that her recovery will buy . matter them'------last fall.'H------e alsore(»1ved a are spending their vacation at the state roads has been done of late, laughtbr in Hartfdrd. Burial was Thexup latest victims: Ui,of xuumiiamumps ai^arp of, time. She bus been, obligedto -prize of $10.Q-last January awarded hbipe of Mr. Vinet's p^nt^in-Iaw, tnaking a decided imptovement in Dorothy Gray, daughter of Mr. ’imd cancel her return trip which had ifpr having the best record as piteh- Mi«f Marjorie Burr, the dStTghr Mr. aixd. Mrs. Loren M. Xidrd. Mr. these had strips. The country roads Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wright and J' Mrs. ]^arold Gray and Aceynath been booked. She will not he able ..er In games played with the Yantio ter ot Or. and Mre. N. A. Burr, of Viner is. principal of the Nathaniel in jome parts of the .town are still Mf. and Mrs. Alphonse Wrlgltight aW .Jones#;^a^bBr o f Mr,; and Mrs. to travel for, sonie-time. Twillghta the past twp, aeasons. Mr. Manchester, left Ithaca Wednesday ■White school In Cromwell. practically Imphssable. Jylng deep soil Clifford were guests on Tnes^^y , Jones. ■ C. R Lllilp 'ls'',tfte a ycmds.'wlll -leave -his ' garage- -tem­ night for a trip to NeW York City Miss Im a Lord, a teacher in Ihe' in mud and water.'’ of Miw Fannie Wright at Tidi^hoafeK Ad^tlonal{!'word 'hn8..l>een receive sistdr In NeVr York' stnte. ■ '.i' porarily In \ ^ The first night of their stay in New York they will see Oh, Kay at the Imperial theater, then will go directly to visit the ^ t and veg­ etable markets in the early morn- ■The other plays - which they ex- Mct to see are “An American A large purchase from a nationally famous manufacturv'^r rragedy,’’ “The Play’s the Thing,” “Jhe Ttoaft to" 'Konie;^ “Crtss cross,” “The Constant Wile” and **^e Countess Marltza.” imhie withheld at Iheir request—enables us to offer ^veral jOn the evening of April 8 Miss ^ r r will comp.-tb^ Manchester to spend the remaining three da:^. ^ hundred rugs at unusually low prices* Many are n^arked the spring vacatloh with 'hei* piari^ I ents before returning to Ithaca. ■ Those who are taking the trip irith Miss Burr are Ruth Boh^et at half their real values. of New York, Olga Cohett of Tarry» town, N. Y., Mabel Goltrylof Itha^ ca, N. Y., Helen Grant of Baldwin, N. Y., Valeria Hleby of Falrport, N. Y., Caroline Pringle of May- THE BIGGEST RUG VALUES EVER OFFERED IN HARTFORD •vtlle, N. Y., wMarna Weltman of w York, Sleahor* Wri|®t of uveme^m-.T*- 'Helen HOston Hector, w /H ., and Btfi^el Ha'wley fof Elmira Heights, N. Y. .fll/RAN tiljl A jiiR * AXMINSTERS JBWHLttBR (wS5^Fw:ot J. % ' $

f i

-V ^ 3. I; 8-3x10-6 ■ ■ ; 200 Smart New . I ^iO^SO Heavy Seamless $ 1 7 .5 0 Grass and Fiber Rugs TRIMMED HATS ' Rugs For sun parlor, porch or summer cottage. To A wonderful assortment to choose tfom. All the most popular styles, A small group in which some have been very 7-6x9 ril 1 'nfv TI7 C 9x12 be closed out for less than, manufadvring coat. ' idhrlcs and colors of the season. In- slightly damaged in handling. ^ rlu.aing the well hnown Gage Hats. /tf iKmember that we specialize' in 6x» »xlO-a ' I *xl» Ikrge head sizes, so.be sure to try Braided Oval Hag Hugs and the Bon Ton. Valdes up to $7.00. $1^ 8 5 SI V Chenille Bath Mats , . Various sizes and deigns. to $10 LliiRAL TERMS AUWool Heavy All Wool -- ______^ _____ :____L------~ ’.7-In. WOtbn 27-b Velvet : Misses* and Chil^m’s Axmiiutw. Heather Down : Stair i^Carpet Stair Garp^ HATS $1:95 Choice pf Three ^ Here is a large assortment ofl Rugs Rugs Extra Hea^^ m art hats in aiLV-dsolors andj Pattema Shapes. Values to $3,^0. 27x60 Inches 36x63 ' , 36x72 Per Yard Per Y«rt A .50 .95 $ *1.95 NARTPPRB'9 tEADIHe VORNITORE STCRff y 2.95 I Millinery Shop ntllM BlILL; Between Pratt and Asylum -.30 Church SU Near Main t . Hartford I I spwal a. Kemp^ar* Pw ». T.!f to that of the father of the house­ George, V. McLaughlin, who after hold and his/anceators. eighteen months of remarkable Eit^ning HtvM Encountering such an ethical and aehievement retires becaase bis I philosophical , atyucture red coni' j^'free hand” was cramped when he TOT O T ^ S ^ iU I^ ^ N O CO. munism runs squarely up against fOTind bookmakers carrying on huge '% Fouafiad by Blwood H. BU stone wall. becaitse it utterly de­ gambling enterprises in Tammany Oot. 1, m i nounces the family idea in favor cdqbrooms. ^ Bjranr STanlBB B^eapt SuBdays aad of the Ideaiot a state. Tammany can, at times, be sui?' By BODNBT DUTCHES^ ^Eatarad at tha Post Offlea at MtLti' Three quarters of the people of pr&lngly good. But always there dtxaatar aa Saooad Clasa Kail Btattar. China are on t|i0.8oil. They are gov­ ;! StJBSCRIPTION RATES: By Mall comes a crashing end to the good V*8bingfePi AprflT.-^It is not i^x dollars a year, sixty cents erned hardly hi: all by la^, almost spells. The McLaughlin retirement especially stirprlslttg that Secretary to month tor shorter periods. altogether by the customs.and men Where selettions are largest .. By carrier, elshteen cents n weak. marks the termination of a period Kellogg’s resignation Is rnmored^tQ Klnvla eoplei, thraa cants, tal habits of acores of generations of decency which is scarcely likely be impending, but MriiJi^iiceVqJ ■SPECIAL. ADVBRTI8INO RBPRB* —and every household Is a tribe. this rumor and the credence which Te n t a t i v e , HamUton-Oa Llssar, to be renewed under the regime of it is given by. nearly /everyone in prices arc lower! l)io.. 285 Madison Avenue, New York What kind of ground is this for a professional Tammany politician and 613 North Michigan Avenue, W'aihingtoh is astonishing. Chicago. the sowing of seeds of sovietism? su(^ as his successor appears to be. All around the town the most 'T he Manchester Evening Herald Is Are th(Me people, who have resist­ frequent question heard Is not as on sale in New York City at Schulta'a ed the .isms and cultures'of fifty to;^ wbe^er, Mr. Kellogg will quit, News Stand. Sixth Avenue and 42nd. CHALLENGE, but when? 'Street and 42nd. Street entrance of centuries, and a hundred fieeting Dr., Paul R. Heyl of the Eureau No sooner does one get within Orand Central Station. einplreB, to suddenly abandon all “International News Service has. the of Standards announces that the the doors' tif an embassy or lega­ exclusive rights to use tor republlcsr their history and all .the anchors ,o£ wofld, weighs 6,000,000,000,000,- tion than this qiiestlon is popped at tion In any form aM news dispatches, flielr souls to turn bol^hevlsts be­ OftOjObOiOOQ tons. All right. Just to him. credited to or not otherw ise crad||<>' Another demonstration of the od In this paper. It Is also excIusiVev. cause Moscow wiggles a finger? The Jie^Wprtini^'^’ll bet him the bed of entitled to use for republlcatlon aJl power with which this ever-recur­ the local or undated news published idea h! nonsensical. the,press that he’s wrong—that It ring rumor has ’ gripped general herein.” dbh’t , welgh,:a speck over 5,999,w imagination Is to oe seen in fhe 999,999,999,9'99,999,999 tons. regiment of nanies which have FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1927. “STlilkE” been advanced as Mr. Kellogg’s'pos- The United -Mln'e Workers havo sible successor. Here., are only a extended the field of their control to few of them: THE FORD ATTACK. the English language. Not only do Dwight Morrow., , Herbert Hoover. •' At this writing, when the identi- they assume the function of deter­ - Iryinis L. .Lenroot. tjr ot the persons who sought the mining whether or not the indus­ James W, Wa^wocth. life of Henry Ford, by the ironical tries and the people of the country Alanson B. Houghton.. ly new murder-method of charging shall be supplied with fuel but they John Bassett Moore. arrogate to themselves the preroga­ David Jayne Hill. . his little car with a heavier m.i- Charles Beecher Warren. clilne, is still unknown, it is a mat tive of evaluating words. Your corrisspondeht has; Idng When some scores of thousands since pointed' out that only the ter of extreme difficulty to imagine New York, April 1.—^Advertis­ the incentive to such a crime of coal diggers today quit work the ing, a la Manhattan, grows quite as most incurable optimist could ex­ against this particular individual United Mine W’orkers assert it Is pect Mr. Kellogg to quit—or ex­ sophisticated as our much discus­ pect President Coolidge to let him . If there is a conspicuous figure not a strike. They differentiate be­ sed youn,ger generation. quit—until he had achieved some­ tween striking in the face of an The last word to date is the ad in the life of the country who might of a shoe concern which urges ltS“ thing to which someone might con­ have been expected to bo immune agreement and striking for a new product on the gfouiid that young ceivably point with pride. from any risk of physical attack it agreement when an existing one women will/fiud this particular But there doesn't seem any pres­ is Henry Ford. Most democratic of has expired—and hold that in the boot nibst .cohifdi'table when tige to be gained in Nicaragua “walking home from an automo-, China presents only the possibility all the world’s famous rich men, latter circumstance it is not a strike bile ride.” dl trouble, prospects for brilliant Iftast of any of them open to the at all, merely a “suspension.” performance at the new disarma­ charge of being an oppressor of the Webster’s New International Dic­ A check on the advertisements ment conference, become daily lijior, of mild and friendly personal tionary defines a strike thus: prlptqd in a sin^e issue of a New more, -dismal,and there, remains York periodical betrays the petty only a chance to do something with ity, this great Industrial genius ‘Act of quitting . work; specifl that situation right under our would have seemed to be, as nearly cally, such an act done by mutual vanities, the social-climber spirit, the extravagances, fads and fancies nose, our squabble with Mexico. -y'-X aS it is possible for any person to understanding by a body of work­ of the big town better than a The negotiations between Ambas­ be, enemy-proof. To be sure' he is men as a means of enforcing com­ couple of essays on the subject. sador Tellez and Brother Kellogg, usually accused of holding anti pliance with demands made on their Here I find aiti ad carrying the it is reasonable to suspect, will fur­ employer; a stopping of work by cation: “What the well-bred dog nish a satisfacto^ cue for a cred­ • Semitic views, and the present Sa- will wMir this season.” ...... One itable if not a glbrlouB exit. ' plro-Ford suit may have developed workmen in order to obtain or re­ must have a /stylish dog, you An unprejudiced observer ^ust some heat toward him among per­ sist a change of conditions of em­ know, if bhe. is to parade on the admit that the situation Is becom­ a j sons of that race. ^^iKit is almost ployment.” avenue. ing more and more painful. It is .The lai^est nios^^c^plete rug The United Mine Workers may But to continue: "Red collars not only that Latin-Amerlcan -dip­ EQWerpKieei;her<^at;W^ impossible to imaging any Jew be­ for black dc,gs: choke collars for lomats are suspicious and afraid of Stocks we'have ^ver shown’ now-= ready tfre Wy DIHfecr FI^JIpfHB M IL^ ing ^0 seriously disturbed by aa declare' until they are blue In the the heavyweights; boudoir com­ Kellogg, but there seems little face that they are not today start­ ' jhicludinflf; floor cpveripgs of every de- th^eby jellmihaiin^^’ the ^ jobber" academic attack on his race as to forts for the little wrist dogs...... sympathy or any more than the through whom smaii stores must s^ek the blood of the detractor.- Per­ ing a coal strike—that- they are every .conceivable item in the barest surface loyalty to him In the ficription and for every use I buy! haps less than .any other people merely suspending operations till whole* dorg Wardrobe.” ...... After State Department. they get a new agreement—but they which you may go get yourself a One attends a private dinner and whatsoever are the Jews given to nice dog wardrobe, but be sure hears a high cfflclal of the depart­ ri . . , ■ ' : rj^entments so '^sinister anti so cannot remake the language of this fou have an extra suit of clothes ment flay JCellps^g mercilessly. \ e^pty -of- satisfaction- when, grati- country by union resolution, what- in your own wardrobe. Some New One 6f the most, kinaalng side­ \fle d . evir they may do to its industries. Yorkers are a bit careless In such lights of all was shed when a na­ in our New Daylight Departinetit matters. tionally known correspondent V Ford is not loved by the labor Which, in this particular instance, promises to be not much. Because wrote recentl; that Kellogg’s im­ unions, ^ be sure. But what labor Again we come upon a silver­ mediate subordinates, regarding this is not only a strike but a strike ware ad, which reads In part: “It’s h.im as a politician, told him no Roimi Size Chenille Bath Rugs unionist could >be so insane as to just like iyour Unole John...... Stair . and : Hall (.w • fancy that anything could be gain­ that is foredoomed to failhre. more than they were absolutely Heavy cotton chenille rugs in new he!s a genuine Lowell! Solid sil­ obliged to about the alfslrs of ed for that cause by an attack on ver in his family for generations.” spring colors—^green, blue, rose and' state. iltiQinsters black on jaspe gray backgrounds— lets- the man who did more to raise the PROPER RESENTMENT. As a matter of fact. Uncle John’s Predictions have been heard re­ An enormous' stock from which to just receh/ed! standard of American wages than Admiral F. C. Billard, command­ folks probably wete glad to get a cently that congressional Investiga­ bhoose, with all grades in excellent F igured "Velvet S tw r C arpet bowl to put the family soup in, but tion of the State Department is 24x36 in...... $425 all th^unions that eyer existed? er of the Coast Guard service, very the appeal to the old family llnei designs and. colors:. with border, a 3?jtrd .... $1.69 csrt%In. JlLi£«loAS JotIlUp..offl?f . 27x54 in...... $6.75 And where else is one’s imagina­ pfoperiy "spanked” the Board of always works.' ^ next December. Plain Taupe Velvet-'Wilton Car- tion to turn in search of a type cap- Commissioners of Plymouth Coun- Another space tells us of tha ’ 30x60 in...... $8,25- . ^ ’9etr^.^d ...... 9 k 9 5 haU^iv*,. 36x72 in. able of thls' crlme? Aside from per- 'when* fhe'y remitted- pli¥f' s B JS a v ^ ii^ rd Jf ; BOdal rOVenge or hatred, what can dresser ' in Paris...... and, Inci­ of a jail sentence of a man on con­ dentally, perhaps the most expen­ ' 9xl2:Grade 2 ..,..... $$5.10 • Carpet...... $3.25 have been the animus of the at- dition that he re-enlist in the Coast sive in this country. ... 81/4x1QJ/2 Grade 3 , i -----$40. $6 ’For thousands oft years the phil­ so- willing -a host; to- him- until be There Is an^nld myth Whlclr osophical and ethical, principles on 4U?c7^ ft. . . .. * |./. rV $l2.5i) explains Just why anybody should But such a tide as tpoving seems represents Cancer aa the crab senl^ . The; ever popular felt base rugs, which the whole structure of Chi­ by Juno .to anpoy Hercules when; 6x9 ft. ^ 17*50 want tO' travel two hundred and asleep,. / X f t...... H .v now snoWu in th ^ newest spring de­ nese civilization Is phased have re- Too full for; Bound or foam,. he Was fighting with the many­ 71 3 101/2 |2 5 signs.- three miles id an hour. We are an headed serpent in the Lernean 9x12 ft...... $27.75 .mkiued absolutely unchanged. The inqtfisltiTe race. ' When that which, drew from, out Ridiber Door Mats the bioundieito debp ' ; ' • swpmp. When Hercules brushed' 18x36 in. • • • • • • • 45c whole political and social organism The automobile is already a hint^with a sinfle blow the god- 3x3 ft. . • fee • « 95e Choice of two dlffereh't’ Htylfek. Isflounded on the fadkfly. The fam­ Turns again holder defts .rewarded' the creature by. miich faster thing than it has any 8x41/^ ft. 4 • A 4 a -« $1.30 15x23 extr^ heilvy , . $1.89 ' ily is the community and the indi­ placing him among the stars. business to be; it cannot demon­ Twilight .and evening bell, . A, star! Not even a movie actor Indian Dniggetts 3x6 ft. .. $1.7o 18x80 in d h ...... $ 1 vidual is of account^nly as a factor And after that the dark! strate itself anywhere off a special­ could achieve more than that. Heavy, Imported, camel hair rugs, 6x9 ft. .... $5.45 18x86 inch . ; $ 1.2 8 mV that community ;orgabisation, And may there be no sadness of ly huUt race track or a Florida farewell ‘ woyeq,. In,, typiqal Inflian deigns. 7 i/g x 9 4 i Vi • f A i?; f ;^lnce long before Europe be- bisach. Then why seek to build a When T embark; Ideal for the porch. 9x9 ft. .... 4 4 4 4 • • « cune civilized this has been' the $8.20 faster thing for land ^travel?- Wo 3x6 ft. $3. ’ 9xlOVaft.f, $9.98 olqum and felt-baaeL.icoyerings, and Chihese social situatloiLi ’A 7thou-> For thoiigh;.from, put our bourne of ma|i'y of the rugs described above In confess to some puzzlement and to 4x7 ft...... $1^.50 9x12 ft. • • * • •.w * $10.95 other grades.-: sa^d Influences have-falUlace tl^t fundamental ldea'’by a hair's The,.£lbodliphy-^ me*tar, 01^ Mylstery S might better havo I hope'to see’^ m r Pilot face to face bi|^^th. Religions that might cither-: been s spent on crackers to feed When I have crossed the bair. w$e have gained hdadWsy Am

running water fo r the house. Some­ ■ SHJLICB STOPS SPEED; " “Speech: In cetebratibh 6t *the'‘ ' Salted nubs are ideal ducihg the thing happened that made dt ne'^ i. .GENERAL DROra DEAD: ;ch^ftjc!eUot:’s" hirthuay Lehten season. We" have a fresh- cessary for a man to get down into police stopped him, and In his ej;- stock of KfOtA’e ffitaoui^saHed fipts. the well to arrange the pipe. « citement he fell dead in a fit Nygren to whom ropes and rig­ Berlin, April 1.— General Von apoplexy. • ^ ging are as second nature.as he has

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TURNING Only a toaster of this type can give you that Fra­ TOUCHING grant, Flavory, Tender, Tasty Toast. To^t Just As You Like It, Hot, Flavory, Fragrant! Tender and Delicate! Crisp and Crunchy! Made at the table without Effort or trouble and without Burning the fingers. \

The Smartest Wrist A Wonderful Offering! A Brilliant . Y WATCH Blue-White ■* V- ■ i:.. V f2 You Have Seen for this Low i Price. 15 Jewel, 14- kt. gold, A guaranteed. Featured Tomorrow at $17.50 $26-25 A Complete Line of Gorham Sterling A gorgeous, excellent cut gem qf'^rare fire and color. Set in a delightful new mounting of 18-kt, white gold Silver in Any Quantity. engraved and carved by hrad. , ' • - i Pay $1.$0 Weekly

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.vr:r;; -IPAGE TEN

m e*! LATEST FASHION »,-t t HINTS BY FOREMOST W a * ..______AUTHORITIES THE A B O ^ ’ iNTERBSTlNd^ 4 ,' X- !!!i!ii!!!!i'!il!l!!!!H! M. Grosgrain Relief ggg L i f e y

1 had no Intention of doing apy-But they do exfaf. I'know thoy doi thing of the sort. But I am'forced'^for I have;' 'seeh- and^Veard them into It. What I mean is that I n ev-' -.With my.^Yfn eyes;and own ear!C wClnne Oustin er planned to dUcuss "Blrher. Gan­ And those."Of you who never have; THIS HAS HAPPENED try’’ in this column; But each •mail have hot Grayed very ' far ; froih' 1. U)oes the waiteir oil v/bhe At the thirtieth annivcrMn brings something like this: ‘‘Won’t escort draw out e relebratlon of the I»Ik CnrH« Store, your own a tt^ t,: syhich is prohably- old T. Q. CUATlSt millionaire you please tell me Just what you a.'city ^trOet;;.,^ • chair in.a restaurant? oTvncr, nnnoancca the prize wln- think of Sinclair Lewis’s new ncra in n conteat which haa In­ book?” And, to tell the truth, , 2. Should the jiapklfi be'tiin- volved the nnawerlntr of a qnea- TOOdHEUCH SCRUTINY* tlonnairrt BILLY WELLS la one 'have gotten so rllOd that 1 wOlcOme, This tendency to scrutinise i^ery- folded ^ove tlte';'table oit-;in of the winnera. She hna anawered the chance to ‘‘say my piece." I'am novelist’s output for propaganda the lap? '■ .C ■ -■>;; \*\” the qneatinnnnire over the pro­ I not riled at Lewis, but at-the so and to suspect hiin ofTising ftovels 3. Should the' napkin be teat of CLAY CURTIS, aon of the 1 called critics and their muddy/ihud^ old man, who anapecta hla father as a cover for soap box oratory is .folded completely or onlif piirt of aome hidden motive. died. Illogical thinking • about- this going a little too far today. I^wis Clay haa dlalnherited himaelt way^ ■ , r:*! and la now llrInB: with the Wella book. ■ , ' had a story to tell about a deg^er-^ fam ily in a poorer aeellon of the ate, dissolute, moron-minded man' The Aivsivers. ! town, workins aa a factory hand PEACH OP A BOOK. ^ - in the ministry. He tells the. story 1. The waiter. , and wrltinR mnalc at nlRht. Clay First of all. I say It loudly .^'_and welL If-toes are trod In the telling, 2. In the lap. . r haa naaared Billy that na a vloi a Ilnlat ahe haa eenina. Billy’a qn- firmly. I think “Elmer Gantry Isa It must he the old story of “ If the .3. Only part way. ’i "wera to the qncatlona are Impu­ peach of a b o o k . You may talk and shoe fits;; put It on.” 1-tove heard dent but truthful, while two of her cp-workdra. NYDA LOMAX t^alk and talk about this fault atto no really,, fcdg .minister Bquaivking cad WINNIE SHELTON, lie to that fault, but, after all, what Is the very • much.^ He knows what It is—^ Sniu.'te.^. t'.,oio.vti'w t I.J.. Kemp’s delicious salted rats, knin Old T. Q.,*a favor. purpose of any novel? Only an.attack on abnormal types,in his Curtia aaka the twenty-five win­ white mode 1s this black felt with peanuts, pecans, mixed nuts, xal- ners to meet him In a conference thing: to entertain, to tell a good profession," not normals— and per­ cut-out design on crown brought monds, cashews. A splendid ast»rt- before the danclngr bcfflna, and story, and tell it well. I only wish haps not' even an attack— juit a there he natonlahea them by n re- Into relief over white grosgrain. ment, all .fresh roasted. GeS' a queat that they write him n let­ that I could find an “ Elmer Gantry” 'good story abput one. . pound tomorrow at Quinn’s.—Adv. ter, tellink Juat how they would at least once a week, just a good- ^end n hundred thousand dollars. story, well told, that one could pick KASHA AND VELVET For the beat nnawera. he offers up after dinner and read and’ reAd PJ****’ Billy is pnaaled by this HIGH WAIST atranare request, and all the more and read all night and then algh B3r Many charming street suits are so when she suddenly realizes a sequel. That’s what ^‘Elmei* pan­ composed of a kasha dress in neu­ To Make Your that old T. CL has picked the very try” was to me, and I have deiw A njBw line in silk coats . fof prettiest pirla in the store as win­ ; SRiing is rather high waistline, acr tral c'olor, with a vivid jacket of ners for the firat contest. dlsQo'vered the most disgusted fts- velvet.. . - When Old T. ft. asks Billy to sMlant of .the book who didj not cent^d by a "belt. There is usuAlly, A Hands Beautiful walls with him later in the eve- reAd It through or who professed nhoi^Attdiilder'cape. nink, then rcqneata her In Rcntle Here is an easy way to have soft, nnd pleadink tones to do him the that it bored him. honor of cuftink the bik birth­ -:-vt WHITE RABBIT white hands, quickly. Use 'Thurs­ day cake, ahe Is completely dazed .E ton’s Hand Cream. It is a brand with wonder. She resolves to .. HliGO DID IT! % LEATHER COATS make Clay tell her Just what hla Elmer is “ a He,” they say.W^lifi- Wraps of white rabbit fqr ex­ new kind of p re p a ra H o n , made father’s scheme iu, they; mean. Is that" he is no lypical quisitely worked are almost as pop­ especially to beautify the hands'of N O W GO ON W y T ll THE STORY ' Sport coats pf bordeaux leather niinister. WeIT„ what of it?; ]^hen haye leg-o’-imutton sleeves and are ular in Paris as ermine. women who do housework— not a CiJAPTER XI Hugo wrote “ Les Mlserables” wllli cold cream or “vanishing cream." -s. lined /lyitd matching squirrel fur. Just rub in a little and you can ac- ^ J T was o’clock Sunday morn' the swinish Javert, the policemati, • '' ..Qt______, “ / icas lonely. I had indigestion fro7ii egting at Mexican Pete’s chili parlgr.” GREEN AND VIOLET tually see the roughened, red skin ing before the big anniversary trailing Jean 'Val Jean through a Stewart urged, as he gathered Win­ lifetime, w^s he saying that Javert change to milk-white softness. party was over at the Curtis Store, “You'" certainly ' were," she told .The foreman said any c';,rong- Money refunded if not satined. nie’s tiny body into his arms. him cheerfully. “You looked "most was the typical policeman? Was he For Sports Only A spring ensemble of crepe de Eddio Banning, Nyda Lomax’s armed ;half-wlt, could haudlo lum­ Full-sized jah costs $1.00. "Count us out of the row. Winnie horribly uncomfortable and I was attacking the entire noble prgtes- chine shows an unusual combina­ ber twice .as fast as 1 can. Told aiori of policing? Was he saying tion of apple green and violet. For sale at— •’boy friend.” insisted that Billy and I have got some important pet­ trying to wake you up without me I simply wasn't husky enough and Stanley Powers, Winnie She! ting to attend to.” startling you.” * that all policemen were swine? I J, H. (Juina & Co.. Main stKel, for the job. I don’t blame him. hardly think so. "Please take Souths Mant^ester;-;—adv. ton and Clyde Stewart, her favorite ma home first.” “I have never before been awak-' He’s right." I find the assumption that ‘ Sin­ I, ' suitor of the moment, pile into the Billy leaned forward to tap Eddie ehed ho painlessly,” he assured her, “Please try the Truman Automo­ clair is attacking all ministers and upon the shoulder. big sedan which Eddie’s employer turning to face her,, now that he bile factory. Clay. Don’t be an air churches just as ridiculous. He When the car stopped before her was sure that she did not Intend to had lent him for the evening. Dur idiot. They pay the highest wages writes a book about a swinish fel­ ASPIRIN house she almost hysterically re­ refer to her highly unconventional in town, and surely they have low who goes into the ministry be­ Ing the day Eddie wore a neat fused Stanley Powers’ plea that he behavior. "Funny—ri dreamed It plenty ,of jobs pa machines that cause he likes to hear his own bel­ OEANED AM) chauffeur’s uniform, but that night be allowed to come in for a few wa’s raining, that a drop of wartn don’t require heavyweight cham­ low, have people fawn upon him, he was resplendent in Tuxedo and minutes. rain had fallen on my nose.” He pions. Just because yOu went to and because he can make a living in Billy freed herself at last, and touched the tip of his nose, then- no other way. Elmer Gantry, is an SAFE dress shirt, and looked every inch college wltk Ralpli Truman, and ran up the path to. the little starpd, at his finger unbelievingly. v/ould bate to have him bossing interesting character, because of PRE^B) the millionaire owner as he shep­ weather-beaten frame house. Odd “Why, the dream was right! You you—” his mental and moral processes, if any. Surely an author has the rigiit Take without Fear as Tpld Ladies’ Gowns, plain or herded his guests into the luxu­ that there'should be a light in the must, have been crying!” he'ah- “It’s, not that.” he contradicted rious machine. living room. Surely her mother eused hei': incredulously. "Did you to choose exceptional types as char­ pleated, $2;. her, “ I wanted to try everything acters, simply because they make in “Bayer"’ lockage The back seat was so wide, and wouldn’t be such a blessed Idiot as have a rotten time at the party?" else fl|-ot, so 1 could say.^that 1 Ladies’ Coats $1.50. to wait up fbr her till this time of Interesting reading! its feminine occupants so slim, ’"No—swell,” she answered in tke hadn’t used any puir I might have Men’s 3 pe. Suits $1;50. night. She let herself into the hall lln'go d f her set, and grinned inipu- that the four of them—Winnie and to get a Job. Ralph and I are fra­ NOT FOR POLLYANNAS as quietly as possible, shed her dently at him as he-flinched. "I ternity brothers, and he's already “We gaacantoe all; Clyde, Billy and Stanley—were not coat and tiptoed to the living room To ’pe sure, Jf you belong to the wasn’t really crying—on a large told me to come around to the “sweetness and light” school whlc'n at all crowded. Stanley’s arm went door. It was slightly ajar and she scale," she added. “I think crying plant, and ask for a Job In the MRS. I. B. NELSON pushed into the room noiselessly. will not go to any show but a musi­ about Billy’s slim shoulders as a must be catching. I began straight regular way. Guess I will.” he con­ cal comedy or vaudeville, “because i 120 Center. Phone 888-14 But it was not her mother who off as soon as I saw you’d been cluded, squaring his shoulders and matter of course, but she shrugged had fallen asleep waiting for her life is depressing enough as it is,” having a weep fest. What had you titj’ing to look like a grim, go-get­ you will not like “Elmer Gantry.” out of his embrace and sat forward to come home. It was Clay Curtis, been crying about?” - ting young American. Then they sprawled bqfore the fireplace, It Is not Pollyannish reading. But on the edge of her seat. He dropped to the floor boslde both laughed, and Billy sprang to surely authors cannot be compelled "Oh, come • on, Billy! Be whose coals were feathering over her feet with the suggestion that with a fine dust of ash. her. “I hadn’t been crying on-a to write for people who are afraid chummy!” . Stanley pleaded, large scale either.” he laughed she make hot chocolate. to face life as it is or who. If not Billy tiptoed to where he half ruefully. “I don’t-kuow why girls afraid, have no telish for salty Wear “Oh, I’m in love with the. boss’s sat, half lay. and knelt beside him. 'iDver the cups of rich, dark think that men never feel weepy. chocolate, wickedly made with the facts, but wish to spend their days boy, and the boss’s boy loves me!"' drawing his head ever so gently tp chewing divinity fudge! her childish breaist. At about one-o'clock my accumu­ breakfast cereal cream, she told ' • '• fi Ooes not affect] Nyda chanted from the front seat, lated sorrows pressed heavily upon ' Probably she could have held him everything She could remem­ ss with a wicked flash of her black me and I forgot that I belonged to ber about the party, but most fully THERE IS PROPAGANDA! him In her arms for hours, as she, a sex that is not supposed to find Far be it from me to declare that eyes as she glanced over her longed to do, but a tear from her of all about the awarding of the relief in tears.” prizes and T. Q.’s announcement Lewis, through the life of Gantry ^Unless you see the “ Bayer Crosa”- shoulder at Billy. own eyes betrayed her by splashing package’b r on tablets you xte “Accumulated sorrows?" Billy of the second contest. ' and his fellows, is mot attacking Easter Sho^ "I’m fed up on all these insinua­ upon the end of his nose. She could gettingthe genuine Bayer murmured, careful to keep her certain phases of the church! Of tions about Clay Curtis and me!” not help laughing a little as he “Either your honorable, parent Is course he Is, and they are there to rim proved safe . by millions Come to.the Shoe Style Corner wriggled tjie tip of his nose in an voice from showing too much sym crazy, if you follow me, or he’s — Church and Trumbull Streets, Billy struck her crossed knees patliy. be attacked! The person who says prescribed by physicians over unconscious effort to rid It of that planning to give away his fortune that no such minister as Gentry -five years for ’ where you will find a host of sharply with a clenched fist. "Jupt unaccountable drop of warm water. ‘I was lonely. T had indigestion to charity so that if the prodigal ever lived and that no such condi­ 8^ Headache smart models in Easter and because he happened to pick out He did not struggle to a sitting from eating at Me.xlcan Pete's chili son returns there won’t be any tions ever existed in any church is tls Lumbago Spring footwear. our place to board at, without hav­ position, just opened his eyes and parlor— big bowl, of qhili con carne fatted calf,” Billy concluded, nib­ the ostrich hiding his head in the Tobffa he Rheumatism for fifteen cents, with crackers— bling thoughtfully at a sugar wafer. sand. The Cantilever Shoe is con­ ing the least idea In the world who stared upward ^t her. Then sleep NeAri ia Pain, Pain, was utterly routed, the child be­ and—” — “As a qualified expert hon­ Neither the author nor anyone stantly increasing in favor with lived there—’* Natural kasha color w^ith Sihecks : Each ibrokenv “Bayer” pack­ came a man, a suspicious, bewil­ Serves you right for scorning orable parent, what would you say, ’ else says that such minister and In darker .brown. Blouse tan jer­ age' cos ihs proven directions. those vrtto desire 9hoe"Style%nd “But how lucky for you, dar­ dered, harassed man who remem­ a perfectly good supper that you’d Clay?” such conditions are in the majority. sey with collar of suit material. require shoe comfptt, ‘ ling!” Winnie drawled. “Oh, don’t Handy 1 :ea of twelve tablets cost bered why he had wept unmanly already paid for,” Billy Interrupted. “I know l^e’s not going crazy few cer \ Dru.ggists also sell We have some lieautilul new get sore! Any girl in the store models now on dlbplay in our tears as he fought in loneliness be­ “And 1 was most awfully lone­ and I know he hates organized bottles’ ! and IbO.— Adv. would give ten years of her life for fore a dying fire for the possession some,” he went on, ignoring her charity too much to give away his liiiifiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii store windows. your chance. We’re not blaming" of his soul. hard-earned millions to Institu­ you—” comment, "and I'd lost my job." she let him go. her hands drop­ 'Oh, Ciay, again?” she cried, tions,” Clay told her. "So he "And did you see T. Q. beauing ping into her lap; as-he scrambled danced with yon,, did he? Some­ ber around, dancing with her, when tactless In her dismay. “Why? to his feet and made passes ovej; They’re not fair! They think how 1 can’t see him as a lady he hasn’t danced with any other his hair aqd his disarranged neck­ killer. I say, Billy, forget that sec­ employe of the store in the memory they’re pleasing old T. Q. because tie. His back was turned to her, they won't let you make a living ond contest, won’t you? Drop it— of the oldest Inhabitant, and asking so that she could not see that his as. if it were a bomb!” s her to cut the birthday cake?” in their dirty old factories!” face was red with embarrassment. He grinned feebly at bor vehe­ (To Be Cbn(Ina:J) Nyda contributed from the front “1 must have been asleep,” he scat. mence, but shopk’lbis head. “No, 1 I b (be aext chapter Rllly dlz> said in a voice almost as gruff is "Oh, let the kid alone!" Clyde don’t think they give two hoots ppies of a mythical hundred thou- old T ^ . ’s. who I am, or who my father ^s. zond dollars and maken u cynical The beauty of' this, shpe lies tracer rvHb her mother. not alone in its aristocratic ap­ ...... ^ i.iin pearance but also In its efficiency froni the orthopedic standpoint. Four bilttons close it over the instep andi give virtually the hoily-rpcks. and sodas under the same degree of arch grip and siippbrt as a laced oxford.-'. Home Page Editorials stairs,,. ■ HV Go)d V,, ^ Americans have a great pen­ chant for; staying indoors. ^ man a n d will spehd several hundred thou­ Wasting The sand dollars and several years for »■ building up an estate in the coun­ Outdoors try, then take guests down from Afternooii^ Gcod Pile' city, feed them In a dining room with landscape painted walls, WELL-FITTING SHOES ARE should be sufficient to be comfort­ By Olive Roberts Burton and entertain them with bridge or Evening, Stfi VIT.AL I.\ CARE OP FEET able for the person concerned. billiards in a room like a rathskel­ Extremes are undesirable b^ ler. The light and 'airy .flfeRt of This is the twenty-second in a cause they throw extra strain^ m We liave progressed without and Sport this new st?le, offered m ’such series of articles on personal the quiscles of the legs and tUe doubt. Oud devotion to outdoor a variety of collars, fore^hadbws hygiene by Dr. Morris Flshbein, back. Rubber heels lend comfolt,, A student visiting Paris gave his sports is proof enough. But ^till we the most pbpuiar • (^tllqver one of America’s foremost medical in minimizing shock and thelp' impression thus of the French, do n o t' have the outdoor habit. model ever jproduced. ' ; 7 authoi-itles. popularity makes little justlflcatlcm capital; “It Is a city of garden Every back yard is a patentlal gar­ necessary. chairs!” den. It would add another room to AN EXCEPTIONAL OFFERING n r DR. MORRIS PISHBEIN The stocking, should fit well be­ It la true, along the Champs our house. Grass and flowers are a cause if too short the contraction Elysbe/ on the Avenue du Bols du cheap carpet, and quick growing Editor Journal of the American has a tendency to cause Ingrown Bologne, and In the Bols Itself— shade trees and shrubs are certain­ toe nails, hammer-toes and bun­ along all the"boulevards and up at ly worth while furniture. Nothipg No Medical Association and of Hygeia, Less the Health Magazine ions, If-.tbe stockings ate too long Montparnasse, they are in evidence gives us the the return that grow­ they form wrinkles and cause un­ by the thousand. ing things do. ' The ordinary human foot at birth even pressure and irritation of the . Paris is pot ^he only European Another thing! We did use to is capable of carrying on at least flklp. put porches on houses and sit dn .^■ Thls pump 'Cdtn^ in snji^rt^ol- until middle life, and possibly,un­ city ,wMlre the sidewalk cafe is a Stockings should be changed fixture, 'They distinguish most of them. Now'we box them in or leave 6n of the ’heW; iqasoa-B-^|Bfray til advanced age without much dis­ daily, but seldom are. Probably hem off! Why? Kid, Rose Beigfe^^'Kldfigaispthe turbance if it is given a fair the continental metropoll. London they are changed in proportion to and other English cities, like everrpopalar< Pate'ht Leadl^ip:' chance. the batning habits of the person You will now find the larg­ wi£^\ covered .haelp. • Such a chance includes the use American cities, do not have the 1 concerned- Everyone ought to habit. It may be on account of rain, est ^ejection of Dresses for of proper fitting shoes from birth bathe daily and many do. FRUIT SALAD FOR IN onward, sufficient amounts of suit­ for which the British Isles-have a Spring wear in every new a Nd Altern.uting hot and cold water fondness. s p r in g able exercise to develop the muscles baths are stimulating to the circu­ When planning a fruit salad S^ade. Compare our values FOR STYLl RT— and ligaments so that they may lation in the feet and of benefit. One cannot account for it other-- from cans, always place the cans CROCHET VISCAS SMART BLACK SATINS s CONSULT U8. hold the bones of the foot in proper Among the exercises especially wise, urles ! it be "the natural reti­ against the ice early in the da’", so COLORED BENGALINES . 1 and you will ^oon learp that position, the avoidance of infec­ valuable for the feet are those cence of the Englishman to parade their contents will be cold when LARGE AND SMALL HEAD SIZES , . I you cannot jiuplicate our tions which seem to liave a special which throw the weight occaslpnal- ills recreation, or that he merelyi dinner thoiq comes^ affinity for secondary location In wishes to ;t&ke;-hls air In the coun­ Dresses under $15.00. ly on the outer or inner edges. If try. ‘ ' the feet, and proper attention to the transverse arch is weakened, bathing and pedicuring. picking up objects with the bare When we think of it. Isn’t it de­ The best* type of shoe is one toes is helpful. lightful to eat upder the .skyJLJ with a shank sufficiently rigid to don’t . meani- .picnics particularly, give some support when support is whei« the cake is likely to tPstes needed; It should have a round BREAKFAST TRAYB of sardines and one needs tp Ijave DisfinQti'Qo. fin e r y toe, be of medium width, and made pale cpmpleitioned .„pie to sure. I Pter a last •with a straight inner In- families of one or two,' indi­ that the.antS'aren’t around it, biit' 670;'07Jr MAIN S T R E E T ^ Truo^kiUl Streets, vidual (rays are useful for serving 57 Pratt St. border. The height of the I de-meitn restaurants In galMebs, Hartfofd I Hartmrd, Cohn. iieal braaJtfaat wilhout aettinn the table. tea tables ’gainst a background-of Hudson Bklg. 3rd Floor ' .'.■III l.anf i -1 iiiiiiiiiuwiiiiiuuiiniuiiiitiuiHimiimiituiuiuiiuiuuttuMiiuiuiiH»HnamiV fWWaJ:

'1 ■Vr fc./-'' : MANOIESTEl^ifevirNt^^’H^

4 ^ m ttllllllllllllllllllllllllllltulllHlHlllHlliillllliilllllllllllllllllllllllillllliilllll|ll^npS T ' ■<: •

a ? ’v7.' . a '■

» Correct Bj^t Inexpeitsive.

^ ■ J

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First Honors^ Ehdraordinary Bai^ains to Make 20,000 New , C t is t o m e r s If'yoa luivfeii’t visited 0»e g r ^ KANE store yet, here {sjrovr opportnnify to try ost To obtain 20,000 liew casami«i^ we nave prodneed eytntoridina*r tnrnitnre bar­ gains. Everything that la NEW, BEABTIFIJIi and TBUSTWtmaejBTC is BEBE— F or Spring mloed-at llgnM t w cat bar ^ ilt to the zero mark! Xn^^addltkul we give away FREE a St-Pci'Set of-SBiVERPI/Al® with every purchase of fl00;^or over!! s Certainly! We have the cream of hat fashions here s aijd all so attractively priced. , E 2 2 PICTURES — and Oh! a wonderful selection of hosiery iii

To obtain 20,000 new customers we make this I MURRAY’S 1 sensational offer! A 59-Pc. Set of ^L V E R - s ; Millinery, Hosiery and Novelty Shop. ^ \' E Iv PliATE FREE with every purchase of $100 I M ^ ST^EIETi ' $TATE THEATER BtQCiC' 5 or ever! Astonishlas Bargains throughout ■1 fhe store and Proe SILVER, too—^Just to make iiniiiiimiiiimiiiitiisiin{ni!iimiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiii|ijii|iiimiiiiir many new friends! --- i:______Extra Liberal Terms. 2 : ZAmCSTICi CANDLES W E H m r TABLED SCARF

Kitchen Included— A / KOT ILiOGTEATBUJ! - 1.(1 yU ■ SEE outtit oet up on our floors— 1 Rooms,won- ilerfolly complete— fcsttir- In - tJio newest cleslf;nB— CAl\D furniture so beautiful you TABLE %vill fall In lovo with It at first slBlit— furniture with luJLUry lK~.t surpasses you r fondest expectations— end furniture of a quality that C trill lust for years. MAQAZINE RACK KARPEN • PIUOW o Pc. Living LIVING ROOM INCLUDES: y i®oms ■ win^ Chair Arm Chairo With Carved Frames!! Silk Pillow!! Long Sofa Mantel Clock Table Lamp OMEN who love beautiful furniture — we cater this outfit for you! Its luxurious Magazine Rack Card Tablo W massive pieces will thrill you with their elegance! JACQUARD coverings, hundreds of oi:r'ric:B. and thick, soft cushions will give you .supreme oomfort! Wing Chair, Arm Chair Davenport Table 2 Book Ends 5 and yoia «ra exira-siza throughout! A speci ally planned outfit to make us many new cus- Ei:d Table “ Karpsn” Pillow $4 a Wcci Will Do! 0 toniei's. The lavish extras leave nothing else to buy! Everything is here you could possibly 3 Rogers Silvcrplnto Cnndlcaticks § desire, r.ad i.iany things you would not even ^think of—astonishing at its irlond-mal: n" price. 2 Colored Candles Can Be Bought Sz-rz-jc.'.:'-; for 2 Pictures Floor L^u:. 59-Pc. Set SILVERPLATE FREE! Shade 1 Rooms Can Be Bought Sc::n:rh:' ’•ed as You Wish 1'^

l> J

16-Pc. Louis XVI Bedroom 15-Pc, Lovely Dining Room French grace and loveliness: In a bedroom of uncom­ Large, siibslautlal pieces, handsomely constructed, of mon beauty and conHdefeness. I*’our large, pieces-— ' W’ALXUT veneer and hardwood! Suite comprises tall * VANITY, WARDROBE, DRESSER and BOW-END PIK£ ElRTRIC Chinn Cnbluet, spacious Buffet, Extension iltablc, Bost BED. Evqutsitb WALNUT veneer and gntnwood sar- PCRCOLATOa -itChair and Side Chairs in luxurious upholstering. Wo 'vtaecs---ontiQac BUQDENOT WALNUT finish! Comes 4 iMCLUDeor&t: ‘•'■JWso include a 4-Pc. Electric Percolator Set, Bntfet ' with CEDAR CBEST, Cone Bcncb, Chair, Spring. ;™«>Tor ahfl Table Scarf—astonishingly low priced for Mattress, Bedllgfat, 2 Boudoir Lamps, 2 Pillows and 2 yi-, such fine furniture. ' Pictures. 59*Piece Set Silverplate FREE 59-Piece Set Silverpla^ FREE : I Buy Now—Save! Rradihg Group S^Piece Breakfast Suite Belding Hall Refrigerator CoxwcU Chair, B ridge Laiiip wtth Shade. Book Trongh Table $ 2 f J 0 $ 2 7 J O $1 WEEK $1 WEEK Extraordinary savings bn the Extra luxurious 3-Pc, Bedtoom Suite ' famous BEIiD* C o X w e 11 Chair 3 beautifully matched pieces sensation­ VINO BALL re­ with JACQUARD — ally low priced to mako new customers. frigerators for upholstery, elab- 5 Pieces—Gaily Decorated Full-sirx! Bed, Dres.ser with beautiful those wl^o act orate Bridge A smart Breakfast Suite, always adds charm to the large mirror and Chest of Drawers—3- q u ic k - T.,amp and a Book home. This suite comprises a Drop-Icajt Tablo with $1 W'EEK ■turdlly-bnilt and very acoeasible 3-door Trough Table! At PC. SUITE— complete a Double Reduc­ straddling legs and 4 Windsor type chairs. Comes models. Easily cleaned. Choose now brilliantly finished, with gay ' Q Q P j niid you choose at A big saving. We will tion. STORE FREE ontU wonted! decorations. Special ...... W I Simmons Bed r C==D With SPRING . ' .'■•j GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES^CASH OR CREDIT! Open Saturday Nighty and MATTRESS Until 9 o’clock For Evening Appointmienla *15^ Phone2-9281 $1 WEEK P «, m o u s SIM- , MONS Bed^—com­ '■ Mail Orders Given Quick Atlmitlon!...... plete with deep KANE Low Prices—KANE Easy. Tomiis! w ad t r'e 8 s' and c o m f b r ta b I e iVee Delivery Ij’f'co fetbrago spring. . 1092 Street, Hartford Fres R. R. Fares to Out-bf-Town Cnstbmera

2;10 Asyliim Street, Hartford raive a rr A m e : m e:JA'S tsrtE A TE S T k h a i n s o f Funm nrunE sraiPFs ■ ; (B P^GETWBLVB MANCHEBim EVENING KERAiaJi SFEUDAY, 1, l«ZT. 5*7* ' ..M 5 / , m WALSH PICKS ST. LOUIS^HICAGO lowers TO LEAD NATIONAL LEAGUE RACE SERIES WITH Pats Giants In Third Phce Murphy’s Girls ag^n 'won-^ but of three games from the '.Qi c and Explains Why— -His WhatWeThink Notes Of The ter Oak team of Hartford here'' By JIMMY PO ipiR S night in a state league match. ^Ttes- day night in Hartford, Manclicfliej ' Selections For Other In Sports New York, April i.— Has Amer­ Training Camps won by the same maridn. / (By SPORT EDITOR) ican amateur tennis gone haywire? Next week the locals will hook ni “ Don’t be hysterical”— that is against one of the fastest teaine is Places. the crushing rejoinder of William the clrcult---The All-Hartfords. Tatum Tllden II and Vincent Rich­ Jackson, Tenn., April 1.— Tfie two teams will clash in Hartfordf ai Selecting basketball teams to the Charter Oak alleys Thurato BY DAVIS J. WALSH compete In the national Interschol- ards. New York Giants were jubilant to­ (INS Sports Editor) “ Afraid of the French drive? It day over the signing*of Outfielder following a match here on Tuesday aatlc tournament at Chicago Is Last night Manchester lost fhf New York, April 1.— In spite of without a doubt a difficult propo­ is to laugh. Look at the fine crop Eddie Roush, who has been a hold­ the fact that the intelligentsia has of young AmeHcans most every ex­ out* ever since the Giants obtained first game by 48 pias thanks to Mirs. sition but It seems that University Dixon’s high single' of 122 and'bthei been quite active in making a lot of pert is overlooking in crying the him from Cincinnati... Roush will of Chicago officials might have worthy scores. Manchester, the® character about the Giants and, picked a better team than Alpine requiem. Look at Bobby Seller, start training, today and Is e.\pected Johnny Doeg, Berkeley Bell. War­ to get into the line-up immediately. proceeded to . cop the next; (Wc with a polite cough, sneering St. Tennessee. This high school team games by 15 and 17 pins respeeWe* Louis into the second division, the coming from a tiny mountain ham­ ren Coen, Jr., Julius Seligson, San­ dy Weiner, Sidney Wood, Jr., Jacksonville, Fla., April 1.;—Hav­ writer has come to suspect the Na­ let with a census of less than 75 Tuesday’s match found Vanqhss- persons was eliminated In Its first Frankie Shields and a host of oth­ ing lost to Cincinnati four to three, tional League of having at least er aces,” query the two. ■ter lo st.^ a first gamp by 5 1 ,pins two really potential contenders at game by Lincoln, Nebraska by thejyankees today prepared to re-' ‘W hy some of those boys could sum® their series with the St. Louis' and then won the next two by a Ij this writing and that the other one what Is probably the moat over­ and three pins respectively. Jennie whelming score ever recorded In a beat our ranking players of IR- Cardinals. The Yanks blanked the la not the New York Giants. years ago. Tennis supremacy modi Lucas made a strike in-the last b'oi Offhand, I would name the Cardi­ national tourney, 71-9. And what’s Reds for eight innings and scored assuredly looks safe with the Unlt^ thrbe runs in the ninth, but Cincip- of the second game and filled It S nals as a logical choice, although more, the score does not necessar­ and a spare in the last box of the ily represent the maximum ability ed States as long as sharks lilte: natij pulled'the game out of the fire I am not concerned with the mat­ them are alive.” third gam&'gqttlug five on the extrs of the Lincoln quintet which no with a four run raliy. halL This last-ininutj^ spurt in-e^bb ter of whether they will or will not doubt used its entire second team While a good many of the bril­ win the pennant. liant youngsters hall from Califor­ case turned defeat into'victory (oi in order that its regulars might ' Jacksonville Fla., .April 1.— The Manohestei*; ' The Cards, perforce, can hardly not get over worked. Schools nia, with its perpetual sunshine Brooklyn Robins continue to bowl hope to dlTOrce themselves from and tennis twelve months In the The scores: should not be selected on a basi^ over minor league teams. ,They Manchester. (2 )’. an inspiring manager and second of their wins and losses without year, sevferal boy prodigies have swamped Jacksonville here yester­ baseman and remain the Identical been developed In the south and Sherman 89 85 9.‘1 considering the caliber of teams day eight to one. HeWltt .. machine that won the 1926 cham­ played. quite a few in the east. ... 76 117 93 The south has attained the pin­ McCourt ... 91 88 81 pionship. They probably have lost I also have In mind the selection Shreveport. La., April 1.— John­ the Intangible something repre­ nacle In golf In Bobby Jones and Taggart . ...96 83 9* of Norwalk High to participate In ny Mostil and his brother Ed pull­ Lucas . , sented by the club’s faith in Horns- the state tourney at Yale recently. Alexa Stirling. , It has yet to make <•^112 103 101 Its mart In tennis. Berkeley Bell, ed out of the White Sox- camp to­ ,by, to say nothing of the difference Norwalk was the only team to day for Chicago. Johnny is going have a clean slate when the rec­ an 18-year-old phenom from Aus­ , 4,64-475 466 between a star inflelder and the home to convalesce .from his near- Charted onk (1-). man theysy nnow have. But, viewed ords of the teams were considered tin, Texas, is one the fans are bankiiiig on. fatal attemi|t at suicide. He hopes Dixon . ; ----- 90 92 81 in cold uTbod^the Cards have lost but the- ca'tlber 'Of its opponents Bell according to Tilden. is fast, to be back in the line-up by May or Van Gasbeck ...... 90 ^04 9 ' less between sea>on« t^an some of was nothing to brag about. Bristol June. Morcon. ..112 105 91 the rivals who figure they have 'High drubbed Norwalk so badly rangy, and has a powerful fore­ that spectators at the game for­ hand drive. Grangard i ...1 0 0 82 101 gained much. Dallas, Te.\as, April l-^TJhe Cubs Williams ...... 121 86 91 got all about basketball for the The midd^s west sponsors the The Giants may have added aspirations of Warren F. Coen, play Dallas today. Stephenson will something in punch since 1926 but being and discussed other replace Freigau at third base. • t : topics more interesting. Meriden, Jr., 16-year-old luminary who 513 469 463 have lost plenty in defense through hails from Kansas City. Then there Charter Oak (1 ). the disability of Young and the de­ Torringtbn-or Weaver High of Dlxou ...... Hartford.. woiiU" have been far Is George Lott of Chicago, Johnny .122 96 parture of Kelly. There are only .i more satisfactory entries to all Hennessey of Indianapolis and THOROUGHBREDS READY ■Van G asbeck...... 80 99 view Youngs and Kellys in baseball concerned. Wray Brown of'St. Louis. The east Bowie, Md., April 1.— The east­ Morcon ...... ,100 S6 ^and the Giants necessarily must ex­ The showing of Brlstol'ln the BY BILLY EVANS has great faith in Julius Seligson, ern thoroughbred racing season Grangard ...... , 95 73 W illiam s...... pect to be weaker at first base and national tourney is a revelation to 19 INNING GAME THISTLES PUYING Sandy Weiner and Frankie opens here today. A crowd of 15,- . 91 79 in the outfield on that account. Add supporters of the Manchester High New Orleans, March 31.— Bos­ Shields. 009 spectators is e.\pected. ' i 488 433 to this the fact that they have three team. Bristol was the only east­ ton, first in baked beans and last in The California delegation Is More than 1,200 thoroughbreds minor league catchers, uncertain headed by Bobby Seller, Johnny are at the track. Manchester (2 ). ern team to survive the opening the ,. Sherman ...... pitcUiQS and at least one outfield clashes at Chicago and Is practical­ GAVE ALEXANDER HERE ON SUNDAY Doeg, Jr., and Sidney Wood. 98 11)0 83 For some years that famous New Hewitt ...... 79 88 position that may or may not be ly on a par with our high school England city has been noted for Young Doeg has an interesting filled adequately and you begin to history. He is the son of two McCourt ...... , 86 77 quintet which lost a heart-break­ those two things. T aggart...... ^remember things that the glamor ing 14 to 13 tut to Bristol in the fine tennis players, Violet Sutton . 94 88 HIS CONFDENCE Once, Boston was as proud of its Luc&s ••••••••••••■ of Hornsby and Roush made you semi-finals at Yale after leading and John Doeg, now profession­ 83 95 ^forget. for over three-quarters of the brand of baseball as baked beans, State League Champions als. While May Sutton, now Mrs. game. Bristol lost but one game but those days are no more. Tom Bundy, has tried hard to d e -' 440 448 No, I would not say that a rising Manager Bill Garrigan Intends to young club like the Chicago Cubs during the regular season— that to Coming to Town Confident velop a real tennis player among ' Manchester 22 to 21. Tough luck Most Heart-Breaking Con­ show the baseball public in gen­ her six children she has had little "Kangeroosalem” Is the nick­ is a. better pennant hope at this eral and Boston in particular that 'immature moment than the Giants, was the only thing which kept success, but her sister, Violet has name that Australia has given to Manchester from lelng where the Red Sox are In the American Of Trimming Manchester a potential champion, according to the new Capital, Canberra. who don’t know how good or how test Was "No H r THt League for other, purposes than to bad they may be, better too, than Bristol is today. Manchester had VInnie Richards, in son Johnny. merely complete the circuit and the Cincinnati Reds and Pittsburgh ten shots In the closing three min­ Young Dseg is a lefthander utes of'the Yale game against none play out the schedule as a matter . Eleven. with a splendid physique— a barrel ^pirates, wl^o haven’ t been improv­ Missed By One Pitch. of formality. chest and a chubby, smiling face. ed between seasons and, therefore, for Bristol biit^Fate alone ruled that the ball must not sink into Once upon a time, many many He has a powerful service and is must have slipped back a bit. the net. But, therefore, every­ Manchester will meet Hartford at only 18. He lives at Santa Moni­ The Ranking years ago. Bill Garrigan won two thing Bristol did at the national By GROVER ALEXANDER successive pennantk and world soccer here Sunday at Mt. Nebo ca, Calif., the town made famous Based on common sense the grounds. tourney can be considered as just championships for Boston. While by Mary K. Browne. present ranking of National League about what Manchester would I have pitched close to 600 games The Thistles, winners of the Young Wood is a nephew of teams might run in this order. he Is looking forward to no such a state league competition, are com­ have done, had it been accorded In my career in the National happening, still he believes he w}ll Julian S. Myrick, who is high in 1. — St. Louis. that opportunity. League and, of course, I have not ing to town confident of tacking a national tennis councils, and Wat­ 2. — Chicago. show .the Boston public a much defeat to Manager Jimmie McGol- Have you Arthur B. McGInley, sports edi­ won all of them. I have taken my son M. Washburn, former interna­ 3. — New York. improved ball club when the sea­ lough’s aggregation. It will be a tor of The Hartford Times recently trouncings like all of the boys, but son opens. tionalist. Sidney Is only 15 years 4— Cincinnati. •wrote an interesting story about I guess there are three games that Protective Gup encounter. old but handles himself like a vet­ 5.— l^ltlsburgh. the Manchester-Bristol game. It stand out most prominently. The personnel of the Boston club Manchester and Hartford are ri­ eran. of this year will be much the same vals and a fast and exciting battle ever made . 6.— Boston. has to do with that everlasting The one tliat gave me the big­ With this fine array of young­ 7.— Brooklyn. nemesis, flgure lS. It follpws: gest thrill was the 2 to 2 tie of 19 that finished in last place in 1926. is expected to take place. Andy York sters developing, as Tilden and S.— Philadelphia. “ The Brlstbl High school Innings in the fall series of 1925 It may finish there this season. will referee. Richards both so forcibly point riie Cubs actually aren’t a strong basketball team, which is now between tne Cubs and the White Howe'Ver, Garrigan is of the out, why worry, about the tennis ball club but, inbued with the im­ competing in the national Sov. Here was the old boy, close to opinion that it is at least 15, possi­ "WORLD’S CHAMPIONS” future? good on petus of their rush at the close of high school championships at 40, Hiill standing the severe pace. bly 20, games better than It-proved Tampa, Fla., April 1.— The Na­ !.he 1926 race, they may be hard to Chicago outstripped the ill- I enjoyed pitching that game, last season. Then It won only 46 tionals claimed the world’s cham­ The girl or women who bobs her omened ‘‘13’’ at New Haven for It convinced me that the arm ball games and finished but one pionship again today, having de­ hair forfeits her membership In the stop with all of that fine young feated the St. Louis Cardinals in pitching and those seventy-seven when it Won the state cham­ still had plenty of fire In It. The point better than .300 in the stand­ ^ „ , Christian Catholic Apostolic Church one job ♦ ♦ pionship in the Yale tourna­ Hox scored their runs in the third ing. . the final game, three to two, and of Zion, 111. home games in which Hartnett and taking the series. Wilson may shoot at the fences. ment. inniLg and couldn’t touch me again As I watched the Boston club ' i "The Bell City schoolboys On paper, they don’t seem to be as unt'l darkness stopped the battle. action for a couple of days I noted found themselves assigned to I felt so free.and smooth that af­ perhaps a half dozen reasons why dangerous as the Giants, Reds'and. . dressing: room No. 13 at the .Pirates but I think th ey/w illget' ternoon, in spite of the damp, cold, it should be a considerably iniprov- for 3 9 years? '• Yaie.rgyifi and'promptly asked raw weather that I believe I could ed club. No doubt a lot of fans -who {sounder leadership than thC latAep , ltori':a'=?change of venue. They While their weaknesses In "certain" have pitched 19 more Innings. saw Boston perform last year will were early oii the scene so The game that brought the sad­ say “ that doesn’t mean a thing.” Vi.,’® ■'. departments are not as glaring as they were successful in their h e extra mileage you get from D unlop 'those of the Giants and Reds. dest heart throb in my career was I am sure that Bill Garrigan,. al­ plea being moved next door played in St. Louis.- during ahe ways a master handler of pitchers, tires starts with the fact that Dunlop to No. 14. summer ,of 1915. After a pitcher a great catcher In his day» will, by Thas had thirty-nine years of tire-building The South Manchester team has been at it so long he craves for arriving later was quartered devious ways and means. Improve experience— more than any other tire- the fame of a no-hit game. And that feature of play. 17-2 LEAD FIRST In 13 the room Bristol had de­ maker. here was one all but In my hip- “After closely observing their clined. . pocket. s “ Bristol and Manchester stuff and actually catching them, I Each part of each Dunlop is built right. Only one batter^had reached first QUARTER DEFEATS were the opponents of the am sure that Harriss, Ruffing and Dunlop owns its own cotton mills to spin base on me up to the ninth Inning Wlltse should win more than 23 afternoon and Bristol won by selected long-fibre cotton into the special ,14 (the number of Its dres­ with two out. Luderus missed a games between them,” says. Bill. sing room) to 13 (the number slow, twisting groupder down- ahe “ Every American League player Dunlop cable-twist cords. BRISTOWS TO 17 of the Manchester ^team's first base line' that allowed Miller I have talked with says, ‘How I Huggins to reach first base. These cords mean extra airength^-^an ’ dressing room.) ^ hate to bat against Slim Harriss.' I i'\> ^ “ Now the Bristol boys .fiev- That was all right, for I traveled can appreciate why they feet that added f^ o r of safety agaiii^ constant Nutmeg Quintet Outplays er would confess to being su­ on without allowlrt'g the Cardinals way. Yet he won only- nine games load an^poimding of roads’^longer life a hit up to retiring to in the ninth. perstitious but they dof admit last season. and tsetatjr mileage. that mystic forces must have Artie, B.utier was, the batter, I Florence Rest ntJSame; was neveri'feo detetrolped in all mj' “ Ruffing has as good a fast ball been at work at they battled as I ever caught and a pretty fair They mean extra “ stretch”— so the tire successfully for the state title. life-to fool a battej>'''as this one. I iwas ,godd and fast baek in 1915 and curve. He ought to win 15 ball carcass will give under blows, and come East Out of Competition “ Practically everyone, games with most any kind of a whether chronically supersti- . J zipped two curves- past him. He back to its origii^ shape without the swung and missed. One more was club. Last season he turned in but 022348532348485353534848485323485348232348482353482348484853235323534848485348 tlous or not, takes show ayer-' ' ' six victories. ' RECORDS I slightest injury. ^ Now. Sion to contact with tne^^^om- all I needed ,fto get, over. Another inoua ‘13’ ; few like to eft?- burning^iurve,; ana stepping a w a y,.______Wlltse,_ s ■ southpaw, - pitching------■> his E'very Dunlop you buy has extra miles down to the dinner board with clipped it fdr a dinky popifly-ttr‘ league, came built into it because Dunlop knows each (Special to Hie Herald) shaftew center. ’ pave' BancroftW------74. §pd L through.^wlth eight wins, which thirteen present; the 13th bty part Of its job. That is why we recommend Chicago, April 1.— Bristol High, the month never appeals to' DbdeI^a<^^rt tried to get it,'" bpt lBit;fe •'-bad. However, Wiltse has Conn., was eliminated here last the average person as a propi­ the ball feft«i»lween them for one mor^ stuff than several southpaws I 35c ea. 3'for $1 | you put Dunlops on your car. night by Florence High, Mississ­ tious day for business deals of of those pop stBgles. I have never who won twice that many gamdfe. ippi 28 to 17 thus erasing the last any sort; and brides and been that close p»Kj|,,iio-hlt game___, regard Harriss, Ruffing and i A good quality electrically made inexpensive record. Qf t ^ eastern entries in the na­ bridegrooms much prefer the since, and I guess I n ' •UeTWlltse far better pitchers than the tional high school tournament. The 12th or the 14th as day on again. ■'^en and lost column shows. I am i Plays on any Victrola. New hits, songs, dances, instru- CJonnectlcut team was sadly out­ which to enter upon the joys One of the "best games I ever'Hopeful they will >iustlfy .my opln- I.i - mental. » . • classed at the start, Florence and responsibilities of mar­ pitched• ’ was a ------loser— the 2-1 defeatj - . - - . Ion of them.” -That ended the intei- Chalking up a 17 to 2 lead in the ried life. I suffered In the 1915 world series vlew. first quarter. Although Bristol out­ Crawford Auto Supply “ ■While builders of office with the Red Sox. I pitched better Better pitching is one reason played Florence most of the re­ buildings in our great cities as In that game than when I won the Oldsmobile and Marmon Dealers mainder of the time, this tremen­ why I look for the Red Sox to be I Hear these Late Hits they build with iron and steel opener, 3-1, allowing five hits, a more Interesting ball club. dous lead proved more than It Blue Skies. Center and Trotter Sts. , could overcome. omit Floor 13 from the three of which were flukes. A much Improved second line of Bcfieme of things, going for 12 , Eight teams remained after yes­ defense is another potent factor. Forgive M e. . , Phone 1174 to 14 as a gesture of defer­ The Sox have capable substltutbs Pal of My Heart. terday’s competition. Four of ence to the general dislike of E. -Center and Walker them are from the South, giving for every position. The catching Is My Sweetheart Waltz. business men for any camera- sure to be decidedly better. Oi.e Phone 2021-2 this section of the country the best derie with the ill-fated num­ What Does It Matter. chance It has had In years to win who knows the value of- catching the coveted honor. The others ber.” can appreciate this. Blame It qn the Waltz. ~ are one from the West, one from To briefly show what I mean by High High High Up in the Hills. this city and two from the North. better reserve strength; should Where Do You Worka John? The Brlstol-Florence summary: PAOUNO FAVORITE anything go wrong wlt^ Phil Todt Crazy Words, Crazy Tunes. Florence at first. Jack Rotrock can fill in e v e r y . _ B F P New York, April 1.— Paolino Uz- most capably. 'W’anrilnger' is s capa­ , I’m Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover. Taylor, If ...... o O s cundun, the Spanish heavyweight, ble understudy for Rlgney at short, In a Little Spanish Town. Berry, rf ----- :.V*.V4'; 4 12 was a two to one favorite today to while Rogell can step In at second I ... ^ . I 2% s e c o n d s Rogers, c ...... 4 0 g defeat Tom Heeney of Australia In What Is the greatest number And Other Numbers. Wallace, 1« ...... o 0 • 0 of Stuffy Mclnnis has made and take Regan’s place In a pinch. : , - • ■ i their ten round bout here tonight. Rolling, a mighty likely looking Swindler, Ig ...... o O 0 It will be the final match in Pro­ in one season?— F. M. L. Mclimls made 607 putonts .play­ chap from Mobile, is battling with HEAR A FEW TOMORROW moter Tex Rickard’s Indoor heavy­ Fred Ha^ey for thiyd. suimamhuys Totals ...... 12 4 28 weight eliminations. ing with the Boston Braves in Bristol 1028. With two ball hawks like Jacob­ / B F P son and Flagstead In the outfield, a Blordan, If ...... 2 1 5 there need be no worry on, that Was Frankie Frisch a partici­ score. Zetarskl, rf ...... 2 0 4 LAST NIGHT’S FIGHTS pant In any other sport than base­ I Player Rolls 2for $l Comeford, c ...... 2 0 4 ball while he attended Fordham? Boston Isn’t going wjn any HUgret, Ig ...... 2 0 4 At Detroit—Johnny Datto, Cleve­ — P. H. .pennants nor trouble,'tbe!;^t dl- Allano, rg ...... o 0 0 land, won by technical knockout Yes. He was a prominent foot­ v|slon;4t may.,eT)^,llbl8h lasfeagain,; Masl, rf ------.0 0 0 over Bobby Booth, Toronto, fourth ball player. ;bnt, iikpfcirrlgan. iH hink/if %fii Goodrich, rg ...... 0 0 0 round. win 20-more ball games'’ than last At Bridgeport— Pete August, year. Tolrls ...... ,s 1 17 Bridgeport, defeated bailor Fried­ Claimed to be the only one In ex­ ’Rf'\ 'lammesfahr; man, Chicago, ten rounds. istence, a complete suit of chain Scoro ... periods: At Binghamton, N. V.— Cuddy mail has been made by a Notting­ Bristol ...... 2 4 10 17 De Marco,'Pittsburgh, defeated Slg Women in high Euglieh provin­ ham, England, man. There are 47,- cial society rent jewelry for festive I^orence ...,17 19 22 28 Keppen. Beaver Falls, ten rounds. \ I 620 links in the suit. occasions from their jewolors. FOUNDERS, OF THE PNEUMATIC TIRE I N D U W n W F "

' 7 ‘

i -■ J V " •

MANoiESTER EviimNG HEftXtt), -FtoA^' iriisT.' ’" WW* ' S •' * f_ % ~ TT’ 5 - f 5 !!5 5 ? * S ^ ■ ^ r » ■ . f T ^7 '•* ?.', TTv' • ;V.' ■ ■. t L n^«: 'I ; >! I ' - ■ 'I ..■■■ ■ *•■>. ’ V • i '* ■ Mi, ‘WaWii',jOiroh' * ■ 4 '■ . ■» ■•• r former director of the Recreational Center, will be ouV direct represen­ \ fv * • ■ ♦ - ► * - * *•*.•••> tative for Roper

'* ■, ' v! ■ V '. >-?1. t ■• You Can Bust One on the

{!■ Budget Plan If Yo# ' ij PrefCT. - >

■:J ■

r :.t: 4».„ • , \

>•■ I


We are just entering into the selling of ihlgh grade gasvrangel/:mid'after carefully conSiderhlgr,v^^ i., The Roper Oven Control various makes of ranges, have'decided that the Rpoer gives yoii more, in efficiency, economy,' ap-' ' pearance and! real Vajiiie'for the money th|^ 4 any other gas range today. , ’■ — —’the Secret of Good Baking Come in apd let 4s show you the superiority of every detail of the Roper— a range tested and :; ; With a Roper Complete Oven Control Gas approved by the American Gas Association Testing ^Laboratory— a range guaranteed for five years. ' Range, you can cook a whole meal in the oven at one time. You^may leaye the house for a'^^jiod of three to five hoursy and return to findHhe meal This stovers somewhat similar to the one sketched at the left. Punished in black and whlte enamel with a perfectly cooked and^ready to W ve. In'short, fourteen or sixteen inch oven. ' Complete with four you have all the savings, and advantages'OT: th^ vf ‘ burners, broiler and Oyen, .,Come in and look at this ' Roper Gas Range, with the additional convenience Only a small amount down delivers and connects a Rope^ Irfyoiir kitchen. Pay the balance gas range tomorrow! ' ' the nuisance oi;an:ex- in small monthly payments. ^ Just'cbme in ?.nd let *your own eyes and good judgment tell you why ' 'tra appliance cluttering up the kitchen. ^ this is a re^l opportunity. A ct now I ' Full Porcelain Eiiaiii0led O ^ n on the Gas Range You Bug

»B95 Oi> ^/J SiiU i r .1 * r.>i /I .r ’J vT..>ty». c-J-tlJ Cft^yalJ taCiaaH ^ f T*T S-T For the family cf me­ dium aize. loa iq. ft. •batf (pace. 90 icecube*

■- 9...' I..V t .' •«»y .1;, ,*

i ] :IS#. ■• --ih--.. ,i i ■W_ 1V ' -' ' * * ” < i 'i .-. . i'J. : t

e f o r e you decide on your electric refrigerator yoti owe it to yourself to see these new steel cabinet,models pro- ducd by Servel. Measured on every count and bvi’every test, hnre is a new quality Standard— a better 'dollar-Ifor- j Bdollar value—in electric refrigeration. - 1 i'. . s*'. • ^ - Judge SERVEL ^‘D|ip|e3^V:Pn t ^ e ‘4 ppinte ... ■ :y:. -i-. : :i- Beauty Performance Serviceability , Money-Back H a iti S-S M tittS -I9 fi Far For thclirsaeua- Exterior finish In lustrous Double compressor. Double' Cabinets of heavy pressed i|y . .tha.man tUb- I Guarantee Ck-ata hoaae. 12}( fan. ■ • eoldest refrigerant- In do­ steel (lead coated) inside and .h i^ n » ca. •white Duco enaiyel on lead coat- outside., Food compartments mestic use. Positive pressure- lined with solid one-p|ece porce­ If, withia 30 days after. Instal- •control.- • Cold- storage -'reser- lain fused -on welded steel. Tlllck ■latlOhVo* .your SERVED" *U3u- ,'ed steel. Top beading. Round- , yoir. SERVEL “Duplex" sys- corkboard insulation. No cor­ plex,” you are not fully satisfied rosive substance in the system ’ ed comers. In all, a decided tem’assures syiooth, quiet oper­ to shorten its life. SERVEL we will take It back and refund ' ation with abundant reserve ca­ “Duplex” has. been aptly called your money. Every part bears advfuice Ih refrigerator design. pacity. i Ihe 20-year electric refrigerator. Servers one-year guarantee. ) vVJi'X--' Ki ■' 4i- t Introductory. Number! a] \ COMMERCIAL WpRK For a few days we will have a man in f he .department who will submit drawings and quotations on all kinds of commercial work for in your markets, groceries, soda fountains, hotels, restaurants, et^;...

If you have a good refrigerator; or purchase one of the standard' makes, it c ^ be equipped with the new SERVEL ^'Duplex’*—quickly and li at surprisingly Jow cost. The.ChiUiuo Tank is installed in the ice compart^ This Is th6-«ame WghA grade wfrlgerator.-es tihe If2'Ofiyjbhe e^dc^pt this lias ment, the “ Duplex” unit in the basement or other out-of-the-wa^y place, an dak box lnstiea

I \ 1-. Fi? -te‘

>AGE FOURTEEN ; I'" '- i i ' ■ - -i-i MANCHESTER EVENING HBRA3^, FRID iY, AFRIL *1,19ZT. iv /A A Poor Rule That Dqesn *t i i i i

Work Both Wjays—Olson •V. -.., „.-,V SALE 'etove is the Ropiei’ ••oven. oontrrfl.' ,‘*Ah me” sfghed Walter Olson, Thls enables the housewife to codk ■ ' s v-*- down at Hale’s yesterday, “ If It a whole meal In the oven at one Isn't one thing it’s another. First I time. She^un leave the house from work from morn ’till night to make three to;:f<»].r hours aipd reluriiL^to ■ folks thin and .here I am •Inducing flnd'the'lid&Btl perfeeti^ booked and' them to get fat." ready to seiiw.e. In short she has the I, iS»c^rday, ASftt” 2 n d .[“ Gosh, Wall” gasped the'caller, savings and advantages of a fire­ "what’s it all about?” less cooker. -AT- 1 “ Well you see while I was at the { , Rec folks were always coming to Electric Refrigerators me for advice as how to get thin, “ We also have the New Servel \ remade them do all sorts of hard “ Duplex” Electric Refrigerators. work to gain that result. They come in four popular models. / 'Xo More Work The cheaper one is finished in oak whlle'the three higher priced ones li\ “ Now take this for Instance” he ■ > • continued, waving his hand over a are finished in -white porcelain. Smart w glittering array of gas ranges and The cabinets are hbavy pressed / electric refrigerators. “ Here 1 have steel inside and outside. The food We have planned for i^e Spring openingr for quite a time and have l^en very compartments are line with solid all sorts of contrivances to Induce p ■ folks to get fat and not do any one-piece porcelain, on weld- ful in getting together some very unusual VALUES. (Values that are a great del work at all. The machines are prac­ ed steel. ■ - tically automatic and what comes ■ V Servel “Duple.\” er than our usual every day BARGAINS.) oot of them would tempt even “ Housewives who have a good these forty day fasters you read refrigerator or who purchase one Featuring all that is new in color, fabric and style, about.” of the standard makes can have New Departments the new Servel “ Duplex” installed with head sizes to fit ^1. . V It developed that the big down­ in their own refrigerator at a quick and surprisingly low cost. The chill­ town department store had opened Our collection of new models Is particularly interest­ new departments and Walt Olson, ing tank is installed in the ice com­ probably known to every man, wo­ partment, and the "Duplex” unit In ing because you will find marvelous values'which caimot man and child in Manchester, has the basement or . other out-of-the- been placed in charge. way place. ' * be duplicated, all moderately priced. ’ A very la^e assortment of colors; Values dp to Now let Walt tell you all about Commercial Work la. “ For a limited time Hale’s will" $1.60 a yard. “ Everywhere people of good have a man at the store who will taste are Impressed with the beau­ submit drawings and quotations on' ty, grace of line and economy . of all commercial work for restaur­ \ - operation,” he said, of the new ants, hotels, groceries*, meat mar­ Roper gas ranges with complete kets, soda fountains, etc.” oven control,” he gald. “ These Then the Interview had to be in­ ALICE R HEALEY ranges are tested and approved by terrupted as Walt rushed away to attend to the details incident to the Millinery Shop, > Park Building • the American Gas Association \ < Testing Laboratory and are guar­ opening of his department. \ I? Boys’ Suits $5.00 •/ \ anteed for five years. A5tXX»3tXXX3C3t3CXX3tXX3gX3(X30tXXXXX388^^ .’tfain Feature When in doiibt advertise the “ The main feature of this gas Herald' Want Ad way. LOT OF BOYS* SUITS, ALL WOOL, VALUES UP TO $12.00,

uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiimHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiji PUBUC AUCTION I Tested and Selected Men’s ThiilcoatsS 17.50 Men’s Suits $17.50 ■* . Vi' By order of the Court of Common Pleas for the Coun­ I ,, , A very good grade, all wool. TWO PAIR PANTS. A very good gn^e (all wpol) values $25.00...... ty of Hartford, I will sell the premises located at 655 Value $29.00. North Main Street, Manchester, Conn., consisting of a G arden and Flow er s twelve room house, chicken coops, garage, tobacco shed, Our entire- line of CLOTHING, DRY GOODS and SHOES greatly reduc^ fw one shop, barn and 22 acres of land, more or less, of which approximately 680 feet is frontage on North \ Main Street, on Saturday, April 2nd, 1927, at 2 p. m., known as the Hattie E. Buckley place. Terms: 10% cash, balance upon approval of the deed by the Court. Information of Mintz \ 35 Oak St., South Manchester. ■:o North Main St., Manchester r-r . OUR MOTTO ' /Hi'!? -rMl ARTHUkA.KNOFU “A Square Deal— ^A Satisfied Customer.’* 875 Main Street, South Manchester, Telephone 782-2 Money Cheerfully Refunded on All Unsatisfactory Sales. Committee of the Court of Common Pleas or Older, I THE F. T. BUSH HARDWARE CO | Older & Older, Attorneys, '1026 Main Street, Hartford. = 825 Main Street' 2 Telephone 2-2533.

gam Iiilillllllllllllllllllllllllllilillilillllililiiiiillillilllllllillllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllfi I 3 ^ i.< i ii ■It P a ys , - - n; yrr 1 Pri r "'’iI<^’Trr™Z7rT~I(r^§9VoT7f£a9 r

—AT— i ' J

_ ■ ' ■■'■■'•19'ios «a;| WORIONGMAN W - ■ . i '.'t-.K'>T ^ur Entire Stock of New Fresh SALE STARTS SALE STARTS Payment SATURDAY • ^ SPRING MERCHANDISE SATURDAY A systematic method of caring for Winter needs. 50c per ton a week for eackj^n desived. 9 a.^ m. at 33V^ fo 5^ Savings 9 a. irie /■

A FEW WONDERFUL BARGAINS is^y- — V . ‘ -f EXTRA SPECIALS!! EXTRA SPEdALSt! EXTRA SPECIALS!! ' 1 Now Men’s Genuine Broadcloth Men’s; Athletic Union Suits. Men’s Blue Work Shirts. Shirts. Sizes 14-17. Your coal wfll be in ybnr bin and your worries over by early fall. Sizes 34-46^ ' Sizes 1 4 4 '^ ri '■>''10-. \ 99c ^ 39 c 49 c EGG OR CHESTNUT. i.x.T.r.r.T.7.T.i. • . .t.r.r.T .i. .r.T.^* 7. .nsr.7. .C.7.. $15*75 »■> STOVE}.. i*x.}S «)•(• ... • *iuaa;.s.a:«SA.xA.x.i. .x«xo:.x.3. .t.T.v...i.x.i. . c.xn...nr.j..*i. .(. x*mx.\^, $ 1 6 .0 0 ; “•<1 . 1 ' ‘i'l •' > • “ 5 1 0 S f l ' ~ Men’s Work* Sox Heavy Overalls I ^ ' • .nn'i* •:*'.rnrsr.T.xsTbT.xsT>x«T«x»T..r .J..- • . ■ ..... $10.50'-'- 3 ‘^‘" 2 5 c 99c $1.49 $1.00 Pair BUCKWHEAT . '•7* • •mm# • ei • • • riTV! • • • • • • • • leTel* I• • r*tsT« WHITE OAK « • • h«X»l • • •UAAd.e-.e.ie.s. • • i.*.* leieJ e.«i • •Uas . $12.50 Men’s Balbriggan Men’s Balbriggan Lather Palm Work All Leather Union Suits > •' id* Underwear Gloves Ivioccasin Shoes > :c ir . i r . -

89c 39c 1 9 c ^ f V*". <> $1.95^ ‘L t. Men’s Police Men’s Wool Mixed Men’s Bedford Cord Men’s Fldnnel Shirts -d'* J. Suspenders Coat Sweaters Riding Breeches Grey and Khaki Discount V-rH •'*ri - 29c $1.00 A discount of 50c perion from above prices will be allowed 10 days fiom date of deliv^i X $2.95 69c ■ r'k f” tl' iIrT Big Reduction on TAKE ADVANTAGE OF APRIL PRICES Men’s Dress Caps Army Cots Entire Stock of We Carry a full line Dress Pants 59c"* $2.95 of Camping Goods - } - ■ '.4;'-.i . ■ r AND HUNDREDS OP OTHER SPECIALS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. 5 IT WILL PAY YOU TO PAY US A VISIT SATURDAY IS

WORKINGM^ S S . 111■j •• ifZlaldiester Lumber Co 893 .Main Street, M V ; ^lithManchester.,/ .t « ' » • r» I * »•» Phori^201 ", ' 'i — if‘ is ijMiPepaaiifiiXie'isJlii M tlm m n d h t it; . , ' i. • ■ I*" ‘ ' - ’ ' ‘ . r}i ; -''v. ' • . ' • ■It': ■ >.%' k

^ r . if.,; '#■ )• * - ■2;-; 'S. ■■ ,;<■- -,*-••^>1.^431 >". - Vf‘V, jV ■ • ‘*\ .* t. — j-i'j-Xs MANCEESTEB E T ^ M G 'n iiA L D , FBi[DAT,,AI’BIi: 1, 19ZT. PAGE FIFTEEN " ‘J K* ...... , M-.T... t r \ . f*5^ ■R- Seem s to Be a Hard Guy to EUminate ^"smidlest devlatlon from ’itfs courA ;might hkV»;mekiitJnst4iit death. A SUs.. ’■f I. / >rV ■ ';^ir9 failore would: almost certain^ 'haV«i 'mekn't"an ov“efturned car. At the speed that Segrave travel­ led his wheels were making SD revolutions a second. That is, every inch of hia tires was taking the hamniering.. ofthree ton weight times'.a-seqond. As a piece of Iron- becomes red hot with con­ stant hammering, the tires gen­ erate heat under the strain. Dun­ lop tires proved strong enough to ■■■ A ■ ■ ■ withstand., the strain and light " The A & P offen you a complete and satisfyiiig appay " /I I \ enough-i to keep l^om generating too much beat. \ ^ of all the finest and most seasonable foods—of such' . JFUDGE 'AC^UITTEO ' w fine Kjualify as to make them values — —— at ^ese low prices ! Indianapolis, Ind„ April 1.— Ciri- cult Judge Clarence W . Dearth of NOTE: All A & P Stores in Manchester and v ieinity close at 9 p. m. on Saturday. Muncie,- Indiana, today was acr quitted by the Indiana Senate of all charges of violating the free>- ddm of the press: find of making Ir^ regular jury appointments. The Velean bUl”. followed an Im­ POTATOES 1.4Se 2 : ^ peachment trial of more than three, weeks. I.'' ! When In "doubt kdrertise: the, He^ld. Want Ad way. SUGAR 10 Ol.

cavc^M AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE A T COST Always paid 26 peli: ceht. divi­ dend. Reducing cost of insurance FLOUR that amount. ------STUART J. WASLEY 827 Main Street. Phone 1428 Family Flour Pastry Flour 24y2 lb .B a g $ 1 . 0 9 24tY2 lb. B a g 9 5 c ' ...... ■■ ' ...... '------'>1 IV Ne'w Low Prices Continued fop this week so that you may have the oppoptunitv' y v \ Kv< to try A & P coffees at low prices '

AMERICA’S HNEST kLB JACK SANSON HOST FINE MUSICAL SEGRAVEUSED Bdkar PACKAGE COFFEE PKG I IHON^rorcfRl FOR NORTH END \ DUNLOP IN TEST A BLEND OF THE Red m rcle HNEST COFFEES GROWN LB State Theater Manager Gives At the Second Congregational ^Party to 150 Friends Cele- church' auditorium next Wednesday The marvelous driving achieve­ ^ brating Arrival. evening a musical program of high ment of Major H. 0. D. Segrave in excellence will be given by two lowering the world’s automobile HNEST SANTOS LB talented vocal and instrumental record for a mile stralghaway Tues­ ,^Ittle Dorothy Julia Sanson Is artists, Edith Marshall Clarke and $ 5 . 5 O A N 0 U P E^iht O’clock only seven'days old today, but that day. March 29th, at Daytona, Fla,; Maude Turner. The concert will be didn't prevent her daddy, Jack San- with his giant Sunbeam racer, was Indian Motorcycles and . sAn, manager of the State theater' sponsored by the Men’s club of the wired to Crawford Auto Supply, hire from giving a party to 150 of church and the distribution of 105 Center street, local Dunlop Bicycles known the wodd over. Fancy, selected eggs. Every one guaranteed! hff friends last night in honor of tickets will be in the hands of the dealer by the Daytona Journal di­ Motorcycle and Bicycle Repairing h^r arrival. Mr. Sanson used the young people. rectly following the race. fXTRA FANCY '■4 A Tires. Parts for all Bicycles. DOZ ehtlre stage at the local theater tor Mrs. Clarke is not only a pleas­ Interest among the Dunlop deal­ i; banquet hall and his guests were ing singer, but plays on the Swiss ers in the result of the race against We Put on Baby Cab Tires. Dozen 35c treated to a real Dutch supper hand bells, the xylophone, French time was so high that they arrang­ Lowest Prices. iferved by Robert Kittle of Kittle’s musical lyre and ’cello, and the ed to have the Daytona paper give The nation^s whole wheat breakfast food! Market. major portion of the program Will them wire service. The telegram STAVINSKY BROTHERS * ; Mr. Sanson’s guests came from consist of solos upon these instru­ said; . A Few Steps from Main on Birch. PKGS about every known place one can ments. Call 1443 think of off hand. They Included Miss Turner will be heard i.^ a Daytona, Fla., March 29, 1927. Manchester police officials as well group of soprano numbers and In Shredded Wheat 2 Crawford Auto Supply, as representatives of the adminis­ vocal duets with Mrs. Clarke. Other South Manchester, Conn.,- tration department of . the .town, features_. will be impersonatioUB*.. ---- Ein^j^rm f^ a t of exceptional flavor! employees of 'the'KtaTe' and"XIfffcle planologues and a medley On the — D, Segra.v& broke theaters, theatrical friends from world’s record today by driving CAN different instruments by Mrs. giant Sunbeam racer equipped with New York, New Britain, Hartford, Clarke. v Dunlop tires at 203 8 miles per Wlllimantic and even some from The artists are among the fore­ Red hour over mile course. Dunlops Rl^kville. most platform entertainers, having Sanitary Market ■Last Saturday’s addition to the withstood the terrific heat and had years of experience on Chau­ strain of carrying the big twenty- Scientifically prepared to preserve all the natural flavor! Sanson family is the first and Mr. tauqua circuits. During the season Sanson only allowed his enthusiasm four cylinder, thousand horse-pow­ Phones 441-442 of 1925, Mrs. Clarke was with the er racer at this unbelievable speed, CANS to feach its highest peak last night. White Entertainment Bureau of George H. Williams acted as thirty miles an hour faster than SULTANA Boston, and later with the Royal ever before driven by m^n. toastmaster after the party was Lyceum with which she is still af­ formally opened by Henry Needles, filiated. Daytona Journal News. supervisor of the Hoffman Broth­ SPEQALS FOR A good, sweet, white corn — at a very low price! Since the war and the great de­ ers Enterprises. There were speech- BOY HIT BY AUTO ea^and speeches, and then some. velopment' of gasoline motors for SATURDAY CANS Ererybody had a bit of advice to aereplanes, automotive engineers Greenwich, Conn., April 1.— \ 'I give the host, and tnere was plenty have had motors powerful enough C om >o**A White Loaf Flour, 1-8 barrel of-praise for his theater manage­ Frank Smurlo, a twelve-year-old to go 200 miles an hour. Tirea to ment and the State theater, too. Glenville boy, was seriously Injured sack $1.19. • withstand the heat and strain of Occident Flour, 1-8 barrel sack DEL MONTE o r A & F . Fully ripened, delicious flavor!^ jBefore the evening was conclud­ here today when his bicycle was carrying a heavy car at such a' ed- Mr. Sanson was presented with struck by an automobile driven by $1.89. speed have been the big difficulty. Strictly Fresh Eggs from Pomie* CANS a handsome baby carriage the joint H. E. P.emington, of White- Plains, The record breaking acheivement CRUSHED gift of his guests last night. N. Y. The boy rode suddenly from roy Farm 38c dozen. of Major Segrave is a tribute to the , Glover Bloom Butter 58c lb. Rneapple a side street near his home, into o.ajor’s iron nerves as well ae ,to the automobile. No arrest was Pure Lard 16c lb. . : , made. machine and tires. The slig-httst' Fahey''Mixed Chocolate' Candy Ready-to-serve, Blended cheese and tomato sauce! 1 ANDOVER quiver in the steering wheel or the 29c lb. 8 pkgs. Potato Oiips 25c. FRANCO-. CANS Austin Dog Blscnit 85c. s There will be a special meeting Austin Pappy Biscuit 15c. Spaghetti AMERICAN of .ihe Ecclesiastical society in the NO MORE SICKENING PILLS FOR HIM Austin Dog Flakes 30c. Congregational church Saturday Fresh Marshmallows 49c lb. Brings out the full flavor, of meats! afternoon at 3 o’clock to vote on EXTRA SPECIALS removing the parsonage to the 63-year-bld man gains relief from 2 cans Fancy Beets 25c. LARGE Sklnner-Burnap Memorial library Fancy Maine Gn, 2 cans for 20c BOTTLE constipation with ALL-BRAN V Bite and build the library where Bulk Cocoanut 29c lb. Htinz Ketchup the parsonage now stands. Opinion Carnation Milk 11c can. is about equally divided and some­ Follow Mr. Hoff- it. Two tablespoonfuls daily—in^ , Bes^ Coffee 49c lb., thing definite will be settled at this ner’s remarkable chronic cases, with every meal.*^ - 2 eahs-Fancy Beets'25o. - Keep a half dozen cans in your pantry — always! meeting. story of the wonder­ Guaranteed. Doctors recommend Large Ivory Soap 11c cake. « The East Hartford degree team ful work of ALL-BRAN. ALL-BRAN because it is 100% Premier Salad Dressing 38c jar. CANS ■will visit the local Grange Monday .. ‘T .was. cotutipatad. from boyhood untQ bran. - ' ^ ''Heinz.Sandwich Spread 28c. IONA Try Mi». Clark’s Canned Goods evening and confer the 3rd and I besan eatine ALL-BRAK. 1 am past 63* ^ Delicious with milk or cream, 4th degree on several candidates. years f .. . PAGE Sr^PEEN

11927 annual supper, entertainment- DAUGHTERS OF SCOTIA and dance is due In no small meas-- billionaire. They are engaged -ATHLR77E BETTER , that authorities there expected .tc. OFF ,, juaking a car-t07car canvass. - T0I WHi lESWY ure to the general chairman, Mrs. which surrounded ’ l^rs. Frmik.Cbrvlnl, of 2fl‘6 Oak day to Mr. ' and Mrs. William, last night from the Henry Ford cessful, and fully up to similar Ford's injuries for two days, jwas strej^. Is oi»e of three"persons who KiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiftiiiuiiiiiiiiiiifniiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiniiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiuiiims Urlcchlo, of 111 Norman street.' hospital here at his own insistence ones given by the lodge. ' Goy. Dan Moody H a m ^ ^ posdd fby the auto king himself. and over the mild objections of his telephoned ^ to the-, pbllce.- "' ' S' i y . '■ • ' = The newcomer tipped the scales at He gave implicit instructions to all attending physicians. The auto (theirs •who will ' testify are More than 125 persons gathered eight pounds. I Service — Quality — L ow P rices | around tables made attractive with his associates that not one word king was reported to -have ’ spid membdrs^^oT the/ Manchester Police green ferns and yellow paper House Cleaning should be'given to the public. He that he could get well far more -depiirtment who conducted the fn- Miss Alice Jackson and Miss was prompted to this action by two vesiigation.-. They are Patrolman streamers. They were all served quickly In his own home than Helen Gordon, senior students at motives, it, was learned; These amid the “ fuss and feathers" in a Albbrt Roberts, whose speedy work with cold ham, baked beans, salads, Famed For Cmdty. were: first, that the public might whs largely responsible . for the relishes, cake and coffee. the high school, received awards public hospital. His iffiysiclana yesterday for efficient work In type­ believe the accident had some con­ finally agreed fearful- that Ford’s .eaijy arrest of the alleged -mur- The entertainment followed the writing. nection with the million dollar 'deterej, Patrolmanr/Jobn McGlinn, meal and included two songs “ Un­ antipathy to remaining in the hosr Fancy Fresh Killed Fowls, 4 to 5 lbs. e a ch ...... 45c lb. Austin, Texas,, April 1.— ^The Ford-Saplro libel suit, and second, pital might react against him. -who says he siffl^ Xhing Lung in til" and “ Killarney” by Mrs. Annie that it might cause confusion in hlsj wupv hpiieved "he ‘^Manchester the. day before the Tender Chickens to Roast, 4 to 6 lbs. ea ch ...... 49c lb. Hose Company No. 2 of the Man­ "most dreaded prison In America," could obtain Oliver: readings, “ At thb Ball chester Fire department will give own gigantic Automobile Industry. | mrime;. Chief of'Polite.Skmjiel G. Boneless Roast of L am b...... 39c lb. Game” and “ Can I Stay Home, — the Texas penitentiary is under­ just as good attention and^the.re- a benefit dance In the hall at the Ford’s Reasons quired rest necessary to his ' com­ Gordon and Sergeant William Bar- Mamma," by Miss Eva McComb. going a complete house-cleaning. ,As for the first reason, it was .ron; ‘ ; Small Legs Spring Lamb ...... 40c lb. corner of Main and Hilliard streets plete recovery in his own home. Try a Boneless Veal Roast, all solid meat. The humorous play by the New tomorrow night. The proceeds will No penal Institution In America, it said. Ford' feared the public might ;The date for the triaLwas set Britain Daughters of Scotia, en­ be turned over to a sick member of is said, had the reputation for believe that a “ crank” was Inspir­ yeei:erday by Judge Jennings des­ Strictly Fresh Pork to Roast. titled “ The Employment Office” was the company. A large advance sale cruelty and mistreatment of prison­ ed to attack him' because of-his op­ pite the objectiop of Frgheis P; Small Lean Fresh Shoulders...... 25c Ib. ers that the state prison at Hunts­ MISS CALHOUN TO HAVE RCihrmayer, couns l' for the de-i a g r^ t success. Dancing until mid- of tickets has been reported. Mod­ position to Sapiro. As for the other, Nice Smoked Shoulders...... k 19c lb. n ig ^ followed to music furnished ern and old fashion numbers will ville, Texas, had. Ford was said to feel that if the .fenke, who, after making a futile byjBill Waddell’s orchestra. The administration of Governor dealers in his car became aware of move to obtain-;the quashing of,- Prime Rib Roast of Beef. \ be danced and Behrend’s orchestra CHARGE AT THE REC credit for the Scotia Daughters’ will play. Dan Moody seems sincerely in his serious injury. It might' tend to fheH" indictment .on tebhhiealities, Boneless Pot Roast B e e f...... 25c-30c lb. earnest In its efforts to write a disorganize his business. sought as late a trial date as possi- Boneless Sirloin Roast. bleyVIn order to complete prepara- new chapter In the history of crime Ford himself is absolutely con­ Will Conduct Affairs There Till Try a Top Round Roa.st to slice cold. - '.v.. punishment in Texas. While the .tioia for the defense." nii^iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiii< vinced 'that the “ accident” was a Successor to Earl Chaney Is ■'The Chinese were arraigned and, Fancy Bottom Round Roast. institution^ has not had such an deliberate plot on his life. For this Chosen. unsavory reputation in the past 'thrlough their counsel, . enteted Try Our Home Made Sausage M eat...... 30c lb. reason, his entire secret police ple,as of not guilty. Asked whether few years that it enjoyed many force— constituting hundreds of “ No successor has been named tl-fiy-wished to he tried-by court or years ago, there still is much to be I P liO N & S , men—-are searching for the Stude- yet to replace Mr. Chaney. We hre juiy, the alleged 'murderers re­ Home Cooked Food Specials done in a corrective way. baker car which Ford saw parked waiting for further ' references- plied through an .-iptetpreter: “ By R o^ t Chickens, stuffed and baked $1.75 and $2.00 each Guards known for their cruel outside his Dearborn office before During the meanwhile. Miss Ruth yo;^- pod andr.your ’.CountiT.” Home Made Coffee Nut Rings. and‘inhuman treatment of convicts he entered it last Sunday night and Calhoun will have charge of the ^' •^TOey will be‘ tric'd by -jury. •• already have been dismissed by the as he left It for his home. It was work.” Chicken Pies. Inew prison board, and a general this same Studebaker, Ford Is cer­ So said Edward F. Taylor, a ; ISSUES REQUISITIONS Hot X Buns GOOD THINGS TO EAT shake-up has been going on quiet­ tain, that followed him down Michi­ member of the Recreation Centers gartford. Conn., AjirJLi.— J- Ed-^ Raised Biscuits. ly, but none the less effectively, ' w^rd Brainard, lieutenant-govefhbf gan Boulevard, attempted to run Committee concerning a successor Baked Beans ...... 25c quart since last January. into him as his little coupe mount­ acting for Governor Trumbull, who, I FRESH VEGETABLES | to Earl H. Chaney who will leave Brown Bread...... 10c-15c loaf Other Governors Tried ed the approach to a bridge over late this afternoon for Blooming­ j ig^^yisfting in New York city, issued I We are all pleased with the increase in sales in our 5 Several governors of Texas have Rouge river and finally did crash ton, Indiana. Mr. Chaney has beeh 'a ?requiklti6n’ On tbe governor-of Home Made-Squash Pies from native Hubbprd Squash, tried, some with a small degree of into him Just beyond the bridge. director at the Rec for several New Jersey today rpr the extradi­ i . ; . I 40c each. E Vegetable Department and are glad that you appreciate = success, to reform the institution tion of Stanley Spafkowskl, of New S the care Mr. Nelson takes in selecting your “ telephone = The Impact tossed Ford’s coupe months. during their tenure of office. Now across the sidewalk like a match Britain, who is wanted op a statu- E vegetable orders.” S Mr. and Mrs- Chaney will make atory charge. George B. Bilengei;, a the “ boy Governor,” who is just stick and crashing down a 15-foot their long trip by automobile. E Tomorrow we offer you | 33 years, of age, is going to dee embankment into a tree. New Britain pollcemo°* has been Grocery Specials what caa be done, and those fami­ appointed to ■ get- hjm to Connectlr i Ripe Tomatoes, special-...... 15c lb. = 'The Fcrd police have obtained street cleaners who work at Native Parsnips, very sweet, 5 lbs...... 25c E Very Fresh New Carrots, o n ly ...... 7c bunch S liar with the situation predict that the names of the owners of every night in Portland, Ore., wear head­ out- . . . ■ - , Dan Moody, as almost everyone in A requisition was also Issued on Very Good Butter ...... 55c lb. E Hot House Cucumbers. 5 Studebaker car answering the de­ lights and taillights so that they the governor of New York for the Texas calls him, will succeed. . scription as the one seen by the Best Pure L a r d ...... ISj/jc Ib. will not be struck by motorists. extradition of Vincent Farmer, who \ E Fresh Asparagus...... 35c lb. = There are many tales told of the White Loaf Flour...... $1.18 Bag = EXTRA FANCY CELERY AND ICEBERG LETTUCE S barbarous treatment accorded con­ is wanted in Stamford to’ answer a charge of bigamy. Daniel A.'Hahra- Clover Blomn B u tter...... ,55e lb. E Spinach Hard Heads of New Cabbage i victs in the old days of the Texas im ill]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||,.;,)|||H ||||(|||]|||||]||||||||||||||||||||||||||,||||||||l penitentiary. Back in lfi06, a han; of the Stamford police depart­ Pillsbury’s Best Flour...... $1.19 Bag E Turnips \ Just Right for Cold Slaw = ment, has been commissioned to go Nathan Hale Coffee, special...... '49c lb. youth who had just been pardoned after Farmer. S Parsley - Green Peppers = from the Institution struggled Ipto Gold Medal F lou r...... $1.19 Bag S Yellow Onions Powell’s Lettuce = the city room of a Sah Antonio I Reymander’s Market [ > Dwarf trees abont four feet high Best Granulated Sugar, 15 lbs...... $1.00 E Ripe Bananas. E daily newspaper and told a most btering tomatoes are a curiosity re­ S Grape Fruit, 2 for 25c and 3 for 29c. S revolting story of conditions then 1071 Main Street, Opposite Army & Navy Club s cently Imported from China. Fruits And Fresh Vegetables E Navel or Florida Oranges. S obtaining in the prison. The yopth claimed to have seen a prisoner r. Phone 456 We Deliver S buried -alive— merely because the I SPECIALS [ physician said the man could not live until nightfall. PORK LAMB I Manchester Public Market f i 5 ib. Boxed Sugar...... 35c = This was merely one of the Bpareribs ...... , . . . 23c E Pare Lard...... 14c lb. = ghastly stories the former convict Fancy Legs of Lamb .s 45c = Lunch Crackers, 2 lb. b o x e s...... 33c E told, and It-so sjbocked the naws- Roast of Pork ...... 28c I A. Ppdrove, Prop. Phone . 10 I paper'men that an Investigation Loin Chops Spc*. S i' E Pinehurst Hamburg...... 25c lb. = followed and the paper made war Pbrk C h op s...... 35c E Round^round...... 40c lb E on the system. C ndltions began Shoulder Lamb .... 2^c I E PINEHURST SAUSAGE MEAT.... 31c lb., 2 lbs. 59c = to Improve, but it was only a tem­ Fresh Shoulders porary respite for stories soon be­ Hamburg Steak ______18c S; MARKET NEWS gan to drift beyond the walls and BEEF I•m I a p “ farm” limits telling of a return to the old “ hard-boiled” way of VEAL = If it is convenient will you please phone your early s doing things. Roast B e e f...... 35c Cutlets ...... 45c S order tonight. Phone service until 9 o’clock. Mr. = Other Cases Pot R o a st...... 25c to 30c S Avery will make up fresh sausage meat for the special = A later Investigation revealed _ Rump of V e a l...... 28c = early Saturday. Here are two items that will please S cases of prisoners being strung up z Round Steak...... 35c S yoti if you like lean cuts of meat. ^ = by their hands until they lost con- * Veal Shanks .....____15c sclousness, let down until they Short Steak ...... 50c I LEAN PINEHURST CORNED BEEF | came to, and then strung up again. E Porterhouse Steak .... 55c Shoulder Roast, boned 32c | I LEAN DAISY HAMS" | While all this happened many years ago, flagrant abuse of power E Daisy Hams 1 Veal Chops ...... 35c on the part of prison guards and I PINEHURST QUALITY MEATS I officials has come to light at‘ In­ tervals in recent years. I Fancy jChickens and Fow ls ...... ! 40c lb. | J Sweetbreads Honey Comb Tripe | During the recent Investigation Into state departments and affairs, I Our Fruit and Vegetable Stand I I Calves’ Liver Spare Ribs i a probe .ordered by legislative edict, E FRESH RHUBARB...... I 8c lb. I = Boneless Hams Corned^Spare Ribs = some shocking tales were told of P a l e D r y E PINEHURST HAMBURG...... A 25c lb. = happenings at the penitentiary; E Asparagus, Cucumbers, French Endive, Lettuce Cel- i ! s Shoulders of Lamb— we will bone and roll them for S The committee were tojd of a liquor E ery» Cauliflower, Tomatoes, Peppers, Parsnips, etc. E you, so that they will be all ready to bake. Brown 5 party held in a room overlooking the death-bouse and at which a niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiimii S gravy, baked potatoes. Urn! Urn! 5 prison official was alleged to be I Rib Roasts of Beef Pot Roasts i present. The “ guests" drank apd E Legs of Lamb E made merry and cracked ribald I Small Fresh Shoulders Corned Beef Tongues 1 jokes while a negro was being electrocuted fpr murder, according S Smoked Beef Tongues S to the story told the legislative E Very Fancy Roasting Chickens and Fresh Fowl committee. S for fricasse. JUUL’S CASH MAItKET S For your salad—don’t forget you get the best Let- 539 Main Street, Next to Gas OflSce. Teh 2339 = tuce. Celery, Peppers, Pimentoes, Tomatoes or Cucum- E bers at Pinehurst. SAILS BEAT SHAM . I Fresh Oysters. Fresh Scallops IN UQUOR CHASE This is NotNatibhdl ' ...... Two Hundred MUe Chase Ends At Dock— Schotmer Leaking ’ Canned Food W e ^ ' Badly. bnt we want you to become acquainted with Wblte'Rose CtoinM' "An Old New England Favorite” Lupenbnrg, N. S., April 1.— The Foods. There are no flner goods packed than under the \llilte f'- ' • Hollywood Market long chase of the liquor-laden schooner ‘Tpi Alone" hy the Am­ ®**® ,.l*b*L For Saturday and all next week we are giving- 381 East Center Street, Comer Parker Street. * erican coastguard cutter • Harriot you a 10 per cent, discount on all White Rose goods in half A Ginger Ale You Will Be Proud t6 Serve C. J. Woodhouse, Phone 330 Lane, was the one hlg topic of con­ versation along the waterfront dozen lots or more assorted, one can of each If-yon wish. Free .\ here today. deUvery on fl cans or more.' The cutter-elfbled the schooner to Your Guests. Better Meats A t Lower Prices with four tboueand casei ot Uqaoir aboard two hundred miles off Nantucket. “ I'm Alone” hoisted ' MEATS V Meats anchors and started a'way. The cut­ \ Shoulder Pork Roasts 27c Delicatesen ter set off In pursuit and' chased FANCY F O W L ...... 43c Pork RoU the schooner right up to her'dock RIB ROASTS ...... ; ...... 25c to 35c Boneless Lamb Roasts 30c here. The schooner was. able:to Sold by Fore Legs Spring Lamb 25c Corvelat BONELESS ROASTS...... ,:35c Baked Ham out-distance the cutter because of a good wind In her sails, augment­ POT ROAST, Boneless .%?..•___ '...... 25c-30c Veal S tea k ...... 55c Cooked Corned Beef Veal Roasts...... 28c-38c Veal Loaf ed by powerful engines, giving a FRANKFORTS, Eckhardt’s ...... 29c speed of twelve knots. , LEAN SMOKED SHOULDERS ...... J...... 25c lb. Shoulder Clod ...... 22c Pressed Ham The schooner waA leaking and Bottom Round Pot Minced Ham will be repaired here. The cutter FANCY POCKET TRIPE ...... 7 ...... V ... : .. 18c Liver Bologna R oa sts...... 35c was still anchored in the harbor LEAN RIB CORNED BEEF ...... ;. 10c lb. Bcmeless Pigs’ Feet this forenoon. ■ Ribs B e e f ...... 28c-35c Boneless Hiring BONELESS HAMS ...... :...... 35c Potato Salad BAKED HAM ...... :...... 80c Loin Pork Chops ....^ 35c OLD t e a c h e r DEAD Holijnvood Sausage Cold Slaw STRICTLY FRESH EGGS ...... 35c • Meat ...... 25c Greenwich,' Conn.,;!April .1.— Mrs. . Extra Special Ella datherlne Davis, who fifty Fresh Shoulders 23e years ago was a teacheriln Pecks- GROCERIES Main Street at Middle Turnpike Hamburg ...... 25c Mock Crab Meat .. 29c can land school here, is dead today, at Shanks of Hams 23c Premium Sliced Bacon 45c the home of her daughter, Mrs. Corh'FIakes, 3 for ...... :...... 7.... r .. 25 c Albert J:',Keyon, of Cos Cob. SheI. Boneless Shoulder Ham 34c Confectionery Sugar .. 8c Post l^ ties, 3ibr '...... “...... VI.. . ; . 25c' leaves also a son, Ralph A. Davis, IRoUed pats, 3 f p r ...... Rump Corned Beef . . . .25c No. 6 Brooms ______39c of New Haven. • • e;** e • • Telephone 2000 Shoulder H a m ...... 22c Fletcher Castoria .... 29e Mrs. .Davis, who was 82 years i Finest Coffee (Sjpwial)- v. . Maf^hester Dairy baa Installed a new FrlgldaJre Ice Cream old, was a native of Guilford' and Tuna Fish . . i...... »,'e-'-^e « e • oablnet and we are now ready to serve with aU flavors of Ice funeral services will-be held from Tangerines, ;2 .dozen ...... ' . - • -V- cream. the Congregational church there :Vr tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. Davis’ STOP AND TAKE HOME A NICE PIE p R SAL4PS husband was the late William H. . Powell L ettu ce...... ! ...... •...... 15c •DaVlS.'^-v‘''--:'-r: •

1: " V


Ai he Best Stores Advertise |^>vi

The origin of the blaze Is un­ N Y.; m v MORNING FIRE known. There are no houses within I i , ry ,^ ,- a quarter of a mile of the scene and since the barn was well filled DESTROYS BARN, HAY with hay it is probable that tramps 70% of Your Child’s Schoohwork is were the cause of the fire. Store, ' Read Oreen Road Structure Burns to The alarm was turned in from in the Morning! Give Henry and North Elm streets by a Open - On^ Adv. Ground Before Firemen Can young man who saw the first flare " But tip FigHt...... of fire while on his way home. Both Saturday on the ■ ■> »■ ~ ••»>;. ■■■ii trucks of the Manchester Fire de­ Until .Back ~ Fire destroyed a barn at two partment responded and were on 9 p. m. ^ o ’clock this looming on property the scene in quick lime. The Qre Page. iownfed by Robert’ J.-Smith on gained great headway and there^ j Green rpad. Three tons of hay and was little for the firemen to do. ' ‘ «ca number of farmng implements They did prevent the fire from ♦ were lost. 'WilHant'"“'Beckwith of spreading through • the grass and ~^;Oaklanfli stre^ ,was,.the ,0''*^ner of causing a serious, brnsh fire, how­ UICK ;th e hay and the farm tools. He ever. ; [ iswas given the use of the barn in Maitchester's Great Publie Pantry ^ exchange for work he did on Mn The blazq was, bright and;at­ V Smith’s property. The loss of . the tracted autoists from many sec­ .■barn is {Covered by insurance. tions of the town. '

W\ VVN VVN.VVVVS Hava We Stood the Acid

The Breakfast that^^Sfands B y” You SMITH’ S GROCERY Test:. T . YES! Fixster Than Toast*7*Qodi^in2^ to 5 Minutes More and better satisfied customers are our only proof that thousands buy their groceries at the Self Serve every No. School St. Tel. I2€0 week. ‘ ‘ ^ ^ ^ ^ V

Quality without extra charge for service tiimiiiiBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiHmiiiiiieiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin Hale's Famous Morning Luxury Cofifiee lb. 38/ is gaining us new friends every day. Blended and roasted especially for us. Over 1-2 ton sold each month. Every pound is guarantee to please or j your money will be refunded. ^ I C ” L DELic?.ArrESSfEr»a'K-^O R E N C E 'S =I 'i- S “ The store that holds faith with the people.” = For Saturday i Corner Main and Maple Streets. Telephone 2006 | Meadow Gold Butter . ’ fresh' made, 8 lbs. $1.05 Not storage. Over 400 pounds sold last Saturday. It must" bo good! Sauer Kraut S F. Kelley, Prop. | L egs Lamb E -— ------—: —------^------E Lam b Stew 5 l b s ...... 25c C o ffe y ...... 39c Pure Lard 2 lb. 2 8 / Roast B eef Found package. Libbey Red Salmon I Lenten Specialties | Roast Veal' ^ c a n ...... 28c E During Lent one often finds it hard to serve a variety = Veal Stew Star or Puritain Ham |b. 3 5 / Rib Roast Beef E of foodstuffs that are appetizing. We can solve that = Skinned back— sugar cured. mm Pot Roasts Fresh Local Eggs E problem for you now. We specialize in the preparation = ■flUBUI Roasting Chickens E of special home made Lenten dishes in addition to a E Absolute Boneless Georg e's Cod Fish lb. box 29/. Fancy Fowl dozen..... 33c Snow white. 2 pieces. . .. •. .. ^7. ; ' ; ' = large line of other food products including many fine fish E delicacies. - E Iceberg Lettuce, Powell Lettuce, Toma­ Big Grapefruit Special OTHER SPECIALS toes, Peppers, Spinach, Dandelions, Fresh Large Assortment of | the lowest price ever Old Dutch Cleanser, 2 can s...... 13c Parsnips, Bunch Carrots, New Cabbage, Home Cooked Foods | Sunbeam Tomato Catsup, large bottle 19c 'Turnips, etc. 5 for 2 9 / Famous Ohio Blue Tip Matches 6 boxes 25c - ■■ \ With Specials Changing Daily | buy by the box 46’s or 54’s, $2.65 box. Fancy Blue Rose White Rice, 3 lbs** .*. .19c . They-=’are^ 5«9t>'*ill jhice. Buy yiluP next fei^* .1.:] ' ‘ 1 • ninfTTTITTTTTrTTTriT ^ Filet of Smoked Herring...... E day’s stock of grapefruit now. Shrimp and Tuna = Pea Beans, 3 lbs...... 24c [IllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllliilllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli^ glass. AVill cook in a short time. Anchovies r Finnan Haddie in glass. Caviar S Anchovey, Sardinej Shrimp Vegonnaise = SUGAR Holland, Scotch, Swedish E I BIRCH STREET MARKET I Bloater and Lobster Finest American granulated sugar in sanitary cloth Hale's Famous Wheat Salt Herring ' E E Phone 2298. \ 86-88 Birch E Paste Pickled Herring S bag. Paul Correnti. Peeled Sardines Russian Sardines E 5 lbs...... 34c Bread loaf 9/ Smoked Herring = Norwegian Sardines in lOlhe Smoked Salmon E Over 1200 loaves sold last week. ^ = j 2 V, okve oil and tomato sauce Smoked Halibut 1 1*K3So . \ luuBdaBa .^fE_ “^^v^I^ge assortment of ImportedImi and Domestic Cheese. S = Lai'ge assortment of Pickles, Olives, Onions and Re!- | FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES Meats I Fruits and E ishes. | Doctors say, “Eat more of them for they are yonr best food.” I Round Steak ...... 35c j Vegetables S Heavy Cream, Strictl:f Fresh Eggs, Brown’s Butter | DEL MONTE FRESH ASPARAGUS, ' , FRESH CLEAN SPINACH, P eck ...... 29c 2 lb. bunch 65c, 1 lb. bunch 35c Fancy Golden Rii)e Bananas, 3 lb s ...... 23c M ...... , Spinach, pock ...... E . Fresh Oysters, S ...... <].QZ Sirloin Steak ...... 40c Florida Valencia Oranges (medium)medium) ...' . . .'...... dozenuoi 30c-' . Fresh Feas, quart ...... ; . y-...... 23c Escarole, Dandelions, Let- S Fancy California Sunkist Navels ...... dozen 59c " FANCY RIPE SOUND TOMATOES, lb^...... 10c £; s Shoulder S tea k ...... 28c i uiiiiiii(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii||iiiiiuiiiuHiitiii|miiiiiii:(iicE!iiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiT tuce. Celery, Soup Bunches, E We also have a'lalrge stock of jmnbo celery hearts. Iceberg lettuce, shiall white mushrooms, French endive, fresh carrots, kale, iz Pork R o a st...... 28c fresh dandelion greens, freih beets, etc. ‘ V * S * ! New Cabbage, Savoy Cab- = ROYAL LUNCH CRACKERS...... L,...... I ...... 2 LB. BOX 29c ! Pork Chops...... 35c bage. Tomatoes, Cucum- = Fresh Shoulders...... 24c ^ _ Veal C utlet...... 40c Bananas, Oranges, | Only Read 1 Veal Chops ...... 30c-35c Grapefruit. - | .fj-' the Our Adv. f ; Veal Shank ...... 10c Special, Egg Plant, large S Best on the Back I ; Home Made Sausage .. 30c j ; 2 for 25c E Meats Sold. Page. ! > S miiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii]|ii Genuine! 1 Phone A Pie Shop , V- Will Offer For Sat. Specials N. -r-a ASK FOR AND INSICT ON THE GENUINE RAISIN FILLED COOKIES at 30c dozen r'J - Full PbiYtMned These cookies are really the nicest thing possible for children to eat and they sure like them. P. Ballantine and Sons . Our Salads are making a big hit and our method of distribution is pleasing to many. Three Rings Brand Potato Salad Baked Beans Chicken Salad M ^T and HOPS Cabbage Salad , Chicken Pieli N.! FORK BEEF :h fVuit.iSalad Rohst Chitken Small Tender Legs of Lamb, lb. 38e Vegetable Salad , . . Hop Flavored Malt Lean Beef Stew, lb...... 22c Rife Roast of Pork, lb...... 25c Boneless Lamb Roast, lb. .*..... 37c- Egg Salad' Sandwiches V. • -V’ ' Fresh Hamburg Steak, lb...... 18c SmaU Lean Pork Roast, lb...... 25c You May as Wen Have the Best for Prime Rib Rbast of Beef, lb...... 34c\ v '-’ th. v esu m oo/. CHICKEN CHOP SU EY ...... 35c lb. Roast of Bwf, lb...... z.: ; . . .32c ' Fre^h*Shoulders, lb...... 22c POULTRY V/.' - TV Yoiir Money. Boned and roUed. F r^h Pigs’ Liver, lb. . . . 10c ' Milk Fed Roasting Chicken, lb. . .4§c Layer Cakes, Cup Cakes, P i^ , all kinds. Our goods Fresh Beef Liver, lb...... 1.5c . r" c j > ^ ^ on sale at Pinehurst, Juul’s Market, Fairfield Grocery, ‘ '•4 to 6 -lbs. ' iv-.j ON saeb' everywhere , Lean Rump Corned Beef, lb. .. . .22c k' : . 'M ilk Fed Fowl, lb. 40c ] Rei^andeFs Market. Special orders solicited. Com Beef - Tongue, lb. .«.;... .\ 32c ’ ; I " « ".••'i; 4 to 7 lbs. . . '■ '• . \ ...... VEAL BROWN’S HUTTEB, v i ...... v 7 .,. - I.; LARGE DELL PICKLES, , STANDARD PAPER GQ. Ifi . •’ ■-» 'flQn Sholilder Veal Roast, lb. 28c >, #inypii' 25c rj PH 0N £S49 Wholesale Distributors. Shank Veal S t e ^ l b . - ^ ; . - : : ^ . (iOZen . . . y,., . . y 117 Spruce St. Bailey and Ray We Deliver. 40-42 Market St. , ; Ju ^ Hartford.

‘i'.jt V :• .'S £3 ‘ •I’*- ■

y-t T‘ \ - PAGE EIGHTBEIJ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, fRIDAY, APRIL 1, Watch And Read Classifiedtioh 72c Decide NOW T h a t You Shalt

^ a ^ ^ ^‘* A * »A * M^y*w^AAru^^cfun^L^LrL^^^ll^K^tr^J^rL|V1i^rv^u^lnrl Want Ad Information Help Wanted—^Male v 30 R -y- Lost and Found Apartments^-Flats— Honsee for Sale 72 ..Beal Estate for Bx< 76 Tenmnenta.'f apartment, all modem im­ and investment. Terms. Price right. Center street. ' Evening Herald 1607. tor to Box lOOikin care of Herald. Enjoy Home provements. Apply to Albert Harri­ Arthur A Inofla. TeL 782-2. Classified Advertisements BLACK POCKETBOOK, with sum of JANITOR for our men’s boarding son, 83 Myrtle street. Phone 1770. Eertat« 77 money, and other valuables at the house. Edgewood House. Apply to EAST c e n t e r ST.—^Por sale real Count six average words to a line. Center, about six o’clock Saturday Cheney Brothers Employment MAIN'.ST., 123—Five room tenement, home, wlt'r seven rooms and sun Initials, numbers and abbreviations, all Imprevements. Inquire 127 Main parlor, two car garage, large shaC LAND W. J-4-F^fa gye tweh- * evening. Reward If returned to 186 Bureau. street. , ■ . each count as a word and compound Wadsworth street. trees. Small cash required. For par- ty-fl-ve acres pf h(Mr| to the) ■words as two words. Minimum cost SEVERAL MEN with canvassing ex­ tlclars calh owner. TeL 1321-2. business and manufieturing i| section \ Is price of three lines. . BRACELET—White gold link, with perience on new, eeimpalgn. Salary M ^ R E ,OT., 12—Four room tene- -of the ^town. Brokers listings con- ,and commission. See A. - B. Rudolph, ’ ment,: all modern improvements, $20 HOLLYWOOD—^New six room single, sidered. Give details in flrsq letter, filigree work. Valued as a :. g ift rent. Apply 13 Moore street. oak floors, steam heat. Lot 60x140. Line rates per day foi transient Finder please call 1058-2. Manchester Evening Herald, South Address care of Herald Box-jD. office. Terras. Arthur A Knofla. TeL 782-2. ads. NE"W iFIVB room flat, all modern Im­ (Over Quinn’s Drug Store). Eltecllve March 17. 1937 KEY RING, round bead chain, with provements including steam heat, Legal Notlbes [j 79 five or i x keys. Please return 139 shades and garage. 14 Edgerton MAPLE ST.—Six room cottage; lot Cash Charge Hartfo.d Road and receive reward. YOUNG MAN to work at Rialto Most of us possess the ardent wish for home owner­ ------i * ‘ ■ 6 Consecutive Days I 7 cts I 9 cts street. Phone 1068-3. 75ft by 200ft.; reasonable; terms; theater. ship “ sometime” in, the future— but we continually post­ - • . - - - ___ 3 Consecutive Days 9 cts 111 cts Ideal Real Estate, 135 Church street, ‘I 1 Day ...... i l l cts 113 cts Announcements pone plans for one reason or anot^ier-—and the years NICE 5 ROOM tenement, modem, has Hartford. Phone Charter 5-1986. Help Wanted— Male or Female 37 pass on without the wish being fulfilled. hot air heat, rent low. Call 2100 NOTICE All orders for Irregular Insertions | Manchester Construction Company, M UirRO STREET — Beautiful six will be charged at the one-time rate, j SINGER ~ SEWING MACHINES — Why wait? or telephone 782-2. „ room bungalow. Ideal comer loca­ ,, We. the Undersigned, a majprity of Special rates for long term every i Wanted the public to know that our HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS — For the directors of The United Accep­ special circulation work. See Cam­ tion, two car garage. Price right. day advertising given upon request. 1 office Is now at the- Ladies’ Shop. Today and every day you can find greater “ Home’* OAKLAND ST., 351—^Flve room flat, Arthur A Knofla. TeL 782-2, 875 tance Corporation, a corporation Ads ordered for tiireo or six days j 535 Main street, telephone 53-4.,For j paign Manager, Evening Herald, 17 organized under the statute laws of Oak street. South Manchester. values in the Manchesters than were ordinarily avail­ all improvements, ready for occu­ Main. and stopi)ed i>cfore the third or fifth new Singer sewing machines repair | pancy April 1st. Apply to Sam ■4- Jhe St^e of Connecticut and located day will be charged only lor the ac­ work, or genuine Singer needles, oil | able. Modem methods of finance has put “ home owner­ Yulyes, 701 Main street. SIX ROOM house, all Improvements, In the Town of Manchester. Cdunty of tual number of times the ad appear­ and supplies, L. B. Ashland, is our ! Agents Wanted 37-.A ship” within the means of every family. A small down garage in cellar, large garden, ex­ Hartford, in'said Stale. .. ed, charging at the rate earned, but only local representative. Singer ] >payment— you move in Immediately— and payi .the.bal­ OAK. ST., 35—Five room apartment, tra garage outside, widow wants to Hereby Certify, that e-yery stock­ no allow.. ,$11. per 1,00. J. F. Bowen, 570 Wood- Conn. Telephone 561-2, R, D. No. 4. floor flat, $30 per month. April 1st. CAMBRIDGE St., 93—^5 room house, each ad, otherwise the CHARGE Home Bank and Trust Company. RATE will be collected. No responsi­ AUTOS—Will buy ■ cars for junk. bridge street Phone 2121. all Improvements. Inquire 38 Haw­ WASHINGTON ST.—Building Games and Special Pro­ bility for errors in telephoned ads Used parts for sale. Abel’s Service Household Goods 51 thorne street. TeL 2378. 155ft. Ideal Real Estate, 135 DAY OLD CHICKS. Rocks. Reds and COR. MAIN AND RUSSELL streets. will be assumed and their accuracy Station. Oak street Tel. 789. Five room flat, second floor, for cannot be guaranteed. Leghorns for sale; also Custom ST- JOHN STREET, 6 room house, all ChSS?r5-M"*’ Hatching. E. S. Edgerton. Phone GLENW(X)D RANGE gas combina­ rent: vacant after April 15th. Apply Irqprovements, garage. Inquire 389 gram at Commnm'ty Club. Business Services Offered 13 tion, high oven and broiler, kitchen 372 Main street. Phone 465-2. Phone 664 Rockville 260. chairs and table, one large' refrig­ Lydall street. Telephone 1372-4. erator. In.»uire 16 Winter, street. DESIRABLE TENEMENT of 6 roonts ASK ^OU W.4.NT AD SERVICE ASHES MOVED with light truck. NOW TAKING orders for eggs for South Manchester, Conn. 5 ROOM HOUSE, electric lights and Will call and give estimate. Tele^ canning. For prices inquire S. G. with garage, *26 Walker street. Best bath. Rogers Place, off Prospect “THE BACHELOR’S B A B F With tables tastily deimrated in Index of Classifications phone 1526-13. Houston, 13 1-2 School street. Phone location In town. Inquire 30 "Walkfr street. Rent $20. Telephone 1015. 1476-2. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, baby street. the spring colors, thirty-four Epicu­ strolle.*‘s; also a full line of chil­ reans and guests sat down to the Evening Herald Want Ads are now ASHES MOVED—Start your Spring dren’s furniture. We buy for cash. FIVE ROOM tenement, all improve­ Alpartment Buildings for Sale 60 ISAkREAMINGFARCE grouped according to classifications clean up by having your ashes mov­ PERFECTION CHICK HOPPERS— club’s regular monthly get together Built from scientific and practical Furniture exchanged; for farmer’s ments, ga.- electric light. Inquire below and for handy reference will ed. Phone 1703. produce. L. Scranton, 29 Strant. 79 Florence street. • supper and frolic last evening at appear in the numerical order *ndi- study of feeding little chicks; ad­ TEN ROOM PLAT for sale, excellent the Community club. The menu con­ cated:, justable from day old-, to maturity; OLD CARPETS and rugs made in'o condition; convenient terms, 1-2 1 Moving-Tracking—Storage 20 guaranteed non-klog and non-waste, FIVE ROOM FLAT, all modern im­ minute from Center street. Inquire Is at Circle Tomorrow With sisted of grapefruit, individual Lost and Pound ...... neither chicks nor droppings get In­ fluffy rugs; work guaranteed. Rugs provements. Inquire 147 East Cen­ of owner. Call 812. chicken pies, mashed potatoes, Announcements ...... 2 for sale. G. O. Case, agent. Peerless ter street. Another Feature— Continu­ 3 PERRETT & GLENNEY—Local and to food. Tphpy 'BavB their cost by pre­ Rug Co.. South Windsor, Conn., P. green peas, asparagus salad, ice Personals ...., ... • \.... long ilstance moving and ■ trucking. venting waste in feeding. Karl Automobiles O. Burnside, R. F. D. TeL Laurel PLATS—Two, upstair flats, with im­ Farm and Land for Sale 71 ous Show. cream, cake and coffee During tha Automobiles for Bale ...... 4 Dally express to Hartford. Livery Marks, 138. .Summer street. Tel. 1877. 5 car for hire. Telephone 7-2. i: provements; also store. Rents very dinner music was furnished by Automobiles for Exchange . S. C. Ri L^RED CHICKS-IfTo’^king reasonable. Apply, 244 North Main SMALL FARM near Crystal Lake, Harry Myers and Helene Chad­ Ralph Richmond and his mandolin. Auto Accessories—Tires .... '■^6 street. Telephone 28-2 or 409-3. 7 for stqn^ «*y to save a j.reitv proved Mrs. E. A. Lettney the most Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning .. 24 tached 20c, 40o and 50c. S. Kajewski, Inquire 98 Church street, telephone girl from go-.ng to jail. The fact efficient lady while Scott H. Simon Toilet Goods and Services ...... 25 15 School street, So. Manchester. Fuel and Feed 49-A lUNK—I will pay highe#^ prices for all kinds of junk; also buy all kinds 1348. Comes to Stete Sunday For that he picks on a midget, who took first honors for the gentle­ Wanted—Business Service ...... 26 men. Educational SEWING MACHINES—Expert. All of chickens. Morris H. Lessner, tele­ Three Day Run— Other Fea­ makes the child an a'il-too-wfse in­ work guaranteed, all makes of sew­ phone 982-4. HAYNES ST., 68—Five room flat -with Dancing until midnight, both old Courses and Classes ...... ?7 ing machines for sale. Oils, needles CLEAN QUALITY COAL— all improvements for rent at 68 tures* fant, adds to the general mix-ups Private Instruction ...... 28 Haynes street. Information at 60 of the masquerade. Harry Myers fashioned and modern, was enjoyed Dancing ...... 28-A and supplies. Not connected ■with RAGS, bundled paper, metals, etc. any company. My work talks for Now Is the right time to clean house. Haynes street. later, following, the games. Musical—Dramatic ...... 29 AT LOWEST-IN-THE-CITY Dorothy Mackalll, First National plays the bachelor; Helen Chad­ Itself. R. W. Garrard, 37 Edwards Call 15^7-4 and I will call.’ A. Oren- wick is the pretty girl, and to Mid­ Wanted—Instruction ...... 30 street. Telephone 715. stein. featured player, and Lawrence Gray Financial PRICES. OUR MODERN MOST FOREIGNERS OUT get Gustav fell the role of the baby. Bonds—Stocks—Mortgages ...... 31 have the leads in “ Convoy,” which RAGS. Ma g a z in e s —Bundled paper In the companion feature Bob Business Opportunities ...... 32 Business Opi>ortnnities 32 i ~ comes to tha State theater on Sun­ SURPRISE BRIDE (»( MECH.4.NICAL HANDLING and junk bought at highest cash Custer has the part of the hardrid- Money to Loan ...... prices. Phure 849-3 and I will call. I. Shanghai, April 1.— Evacuation day. An Impressive supporting cast Money Wanted ...... DEVICES AND CLEANERS ing: young foreman of the Bar, X Help and Situations FILLING STATION and Inn on Col- Elsenberg. of foreigners from Yanvtze ports la is headed by , Bus­ Help Wanted—Female ...... lege Highway. Immediate sale de­ now practically complete, according ter Collier. Ian Keith, Gail Kane, ranch, and in that he-man's part he sired. Apply between 6—6 p. m. 45 ASSU RES YOU 100 P E R shows just why he is so popular [ Help Wanted—Male ...... Birch street. From humble beginnings, gloves to reports received here. and Vincent Serrano, Eddla Grib- Help Wanted—Male or Female.. CENT CLEAN COAL AND j Twenty-seven r •nericans and six .bpn and Jack Ackroyd have the with the fellows. 'When It comes, to Agents Wanted ...... 37-A rose to be badges of rank and riding, roping or shooting Bob is Situations Wanted—Female ... 38 Help Wanted—Female 35 SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTION British citizens are still at Nan­ colnedy roles with lone Holmes also Fi\lends Invade Home of Miss Situations Wanted—Male ...... 39 priestly office. They still retain a featured in the list of supporting surely there. Thqre is a very novel king. There are ten Americans at • Mabel Tedford'l^o Is to Be Employment Agencies ...... 40 GENERAL WORKER wanted for our IN COST WHICH WE PASS vestige of their rormer distinction Chengtu and ten foreigners at players. angle to this picture that is too Live Stock—Pets—Poultry—Vehicles girls, boarding house, The Four as emblems of gentility. ■Wuhu. The picture Is based on a short good to give away but Jack Castle Married Tomorrow*, Dogs—Birds—Pets ...... 41 Acres. Apply to Cheney Brothers ON TO OUR (CUSTOMERS. deserves a word of praise for the Live Stock—Veliicles ...... ';2 Employment Bureau. story by John Talnter Foote, and i’oultry and Supplies ...... 43 MANCHESTER GRAIN AND deals with the Navy’s service in the way in which he puts it over. Ruby A surprise party was given Miss Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 GIRL—Trustworthy, to care for World. War. Blaine as the heroine is very attrac­ Mabel Tedford at her home on 144 For Sale—Miscellaneous small child, several evenings a week. COAL CO. PH O N E 1760. tive and lovable and is a good High stl-eef ‘ last evening^ -by em­ \rticles for Sale ...... 45 Reply to Box K, Herald Office. Jo© Boyle, assistant director of Boats and Accessories ...... 46 “ Mare Nostrum,” acted as director. enough reason for any of Bob’s ployees of the qnilling. department Building Materials ...... 47 GIRL wanted to take care of child at Seynral exteriors for the film wildest stunts. Bill Rhino, as her in the wWto.' weaving^ mill at Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 48 Waranoke Hotel. Apply Mr. Rudolph, h a y —Good*.Timothy. Call 1930-5. father, Is tophole, and Duke Lee Cheney Bfotih^?, It wa^ Ii^'honor of Electrical Appliances—Radio .. 49 AVarano...e Hotel. wexe niade in Washington and dur­ Fuel and Feed' ...... 49-A ing the stay In the Capitol, the pic- and Roy Bassett deserve a word of her marriage (totnorrow t i Walter Garden—Farm—Dairy Products 50 SALESLADIES — Millinery. Experi­ I^RDWOOD—Under cover $9.00 per Phone Your Want Ads ure unit was presented to Presi­ praise. Cowles, of, Sprliig stxeefii-After a Household Goods ...... 5i enced, for Tuesdays, and Saturdays, Call after 6 p. m. “ Stolen Pleasures” with Helene short wedding trip to New Yofk, Machinery and Tools ______62 116 Wells street. Phone 1307-2. dent Coolidge. Interiors were shot only ones with experience need ap­ To the at the Cosmopolitan Studio, In New Chadwick and Dorothy Revier, and they will reside . In their newly Musical Instruments ...... 53 ply. Munjiy’s, 741 Main street. State “ The Count of Luxembourg,” with Office and Store Equipment . . . . 54 Theater BJdg. WHITE BIRCH wood $6 a load; also York. furnished home on 107 Summer Sporting ,Goods—Guns ...... 55 trucking and ashes moved. Tele- George Walsh in the star role, will street. . , .Specials at the Stores ...... 56 phone 24-4. Dealing also with the German SEVERAD WOMEN wanted for system of espionage in the United be seen at the Circle for the last About forty persons wqi^ present Wearing Apparel—Furs ...... 57 special work on new campaign. time tonight. Wanted—'To Buy ...... 5S Salary and commission. See A. B. WOOD—Chestnut wood, hard wood Evening Herald -States In 1917, the special made at the shower last, night.. The feat­ Rooms—Board—Hotels—Resorts Rudolph, Manchester Evening and slab' wood, sawed stove length, by Robert Kane for. First National “ Stolen Pleasures” is really a ure of the evening’s entertainment Restaurants Herald, So. Office. and under cover. L. T, Wood, 55 BIs- milestone of genuine screen enter­ Rooms Without Board ...... 59 sell street Telephone 496. release- will bid for front rank In was a mock wedding ip-w^iich the the epics of the Great War, on the tainment among the pictures shown principal characters -w’eijfe: bride, Boarders Wanted ...... 59-A WOMAN to do general housework, here this season, li *s a solidly in­ Country Board—Resorts ...... GO no laundry work. Mrs. Walter Ol- strength of some remarkable se- Cora Stone; groom, '-,;Qeorgfiana Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61 -cott, 21 Forest street. Telephone 857. OBSERVES SILVER WEDDING 'quences of the Navys history mak­ teresting story; well written, well Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... 62 acted and presentee by Columbia Buchanan; bridesmaid, C l^a Jack- Real Estate For Rent Mr. and Mrs. Albert Eagleson of ing role In the conflict. The Navy more; best man, Mildred,Cashaidy; 127 Cooper Hill street were pleas­ Call 664 Department co-operated with Mr. Pictures. Apartments, Flats. Tenements.. 63 ROTARIANS CONVENTION) One of the rare treats in motion bride’s father, Ruth MflYeLgh: ring Business Locations for Ren: ... 64 antly surprised at their home last And Ask for a Want Ad Taker Kane on the picture and several bearer, Florence HowiiJttji: flower Houses for Rent ...... 65 evening by a party of twenty-five sensational scenes of actual naval pictures is “ The Count of Luxem­ Suburban for Rent ...... 66 Chicago, April 1.— Minneapolis, bourg.” Arthur Gregor, the direc­ girl, Celine Sayi, mlnfstdr, Eliza­ Summer Homes for Rent ...... 67 Minn., has been selected as host of their friends who came to help battles have been Included. beth Powers. -, , . > Wanted to Rent ...... 63 them celebrate their silver wedding Tell Her What You Want tor, who, wO are given to under­ Real Estate Fiir Snlc city for the nineteenth annual con­ stand, was brought to America from Many beautiful g i f t o 'w ^ pro* vention of Rotary International, annlversal’y. Mr. and Mrs. Eagle- sented to Miss-Tedford. * Apartment Buildings for Sale... 69 son have been residents of Man-s An e.xperienced operator will take your ad, help you ASKS AID OF FRANCE his native Austria to produce this Business Property for Sale ...... 70 July 18 to 22, 1928, It was an­ picture, has more than justified Farms and Land for Sale ...... 71 Chester for upwards of twenty word it for best results, and see that it is properly in­ nounced today. the confidence that was placed in Houses for Sale ...... 4Z yeara. Their i'well-wlshers from dif­ serted. Bill will be-'mailed same day allowing you Paris, Ap.ril 1.— Spain has call­ Lots for Sale ...... " ” 73 him. All the subteltles .hat have SHOULD HAVE ferent parlb (of the town showered until seventh day after insertion to take advaniage of ed upon Fra[nce for aid In suppress­ Resort Property for Sale ...... 74 ing--'’the rebellion of Moroccan distinguished the.direction of gfpaf Suburban for Sale ...... 75 them;wjai nfimerous gifts In silver the CASH RATE. ' Lubitsch and other producers from Real Estate for Exchange ,., 76 and a-lkrge silver basket of beauti­ trlbesffien which-Is now in prograss Wanted—Real Estate ...... “ What did the defendant say across the seas place “ The Count qf 77 when you arrested him?” ful cut flowers. A buffet* lunch, '^^vFriance has agreed to give aid, ■-,v Auction—Legal Notices if was announced by the foreign Luxembourg” ''' among the few di^ Auction Sales ...... 78 “ Well, he had a sort of pinched dancing and games helped'to spend ■/•It- tlflguished sophistic, ’’ed dcamas' of (r*, Mrs-'Julia: K ^ e y , , o f Mrs. Legal Notices ...... toff ice today. 79 look.”— Tit-Bits. the evening merrily- the screeA ' ' . : ■’ ' ) Mary Wfiltols :‘^h o ar- ______, rl-rea^^.'Flprfla,' ?y. call- GAS BUGGIES—A Wire This Time _ ...In town ByPrankBeck FOURTEENTH ALARM O F * Rev. Trnman H .. Woodward will give a lectnre on Hawaii, YEAR FOR CHIMNEY FIRE Illustrated by lantern slides, at the Federated church on next Sunday eveniuo. " <■ ' A still alarm yesterday hroughf Mrs. George A Collins'who has the South Manchester fire depart-! spending-.■ a fe-w days' at'the ment’s year’s total of alarms up to [ home of her daugbter, Mrs. Ernest fourteen. Chief A1 Foy said today. i Strong of 125 Kent street. Hart* A Of this number, ten were during ford, returned to .Her Home , Here the month of March, eight of them Thursday afternoon. , still alarms. Mrs. Raymond . Geer left Igst Yesterday’ s alarm was tor a Thursday for a faWe days -visit with chimney^fire In the home of John her parrats, who-^igTe just return­ Bnckley”at 94 Foster street at 2 ed Iron', spending. tHe yrinter in o’clock In the afternoon. Hose Com­ Florida, to .thoir h ^ e ^ Shefield, pany No. 3 was summoned. Mass. .?•,■*' 'r-*, ■ * Mrs. Ethel T :. Boodyu* .Has been Do you wonder why ciur bedding confined to Her Home:ail:this:week ■ business is growing when you con­ with an attack'of Hrondbltls.'She it sider the quality of our bedding, the teacher b o f the 3rd and 4th the ridicnlonsly low prices we are grades of .the WappiU'g Center asking. It will be money In your school. MisS'Ubstilli froin Broad Docket to drop In and see for youf^ Brook is stfbstitnling for hbf du r -’elf. 'See our 7 inch floss mattress Ing her absence;' 't 129.50, less 20%. Bed, mattress \ id springs, value 131.95, ounprice Make your spare roomrroom,. earn 1 ■^ ■-23;50. Benson's Furniture Ex-- money. Rent it with a' HeralitJ Jxange.— Adv, A d.*-. -■ --

m m m m t bvbwwc notAts, ram AT.^n; i, usr. r A G E —j,;...... ------■r- tLAPPEOANNY ^ S :l 7~\ nonsensei . L-. .t- \ . h y ^ Percy Crosby (SSTT- ■r 1^/ SENSE and h '-} ’ N in ^ M O R t l^iNe-*CAosc ; T e N ! i’t^ e w V Ei.jv' . L r ..I AJ M o i e e All the world’s a diamond and MONrHS AN* I AlWr COUNT/W’ C A C S€ o n ! everybody wants, to be a Babe I^uth. ■: ■ 'w>*- HAROI. A c c o u n t ^ O N r i^ s AH'CO' [OF m a r c h . I '•-'J ■ . • ' “ Tell what your husband said do r ^ H i XHAS* you,” demanded the court. . ' / ' “Oh, I cand,” said the witness. - » A- . t _T? n / 7 “ It Isn’t fit for decent pidople to hear.” .j - I “ All right,” said the judge, ’’Just lean over here and whisper it to me.”

To control yourself forget your­ self. t>4'-' People who live in yellow housed shouldn’t wear red dresses. -J. A i

“ For Sale— Or Trade, cheap this week: A good young milk cow giv­ > \ ing milk, furniture for two rooms. 1/ V, Ford roadster and a ladles size Waltham watch.”— Lyons (Kans.) . I «ico.u.r,MT.orF. News. •itt^ Br Piu scnvicc. inc In other words, she will give,till Copyright, ^ L, Crosby, 1927, Johnson it hurts. Barbers should conflne theii _^4toiiversatlon to cutting, remarks. The Terrible Tem pered M r. Bans: Beauty parlor operators are the By Fontaine’Fox W ASHINGTON TOBBS H only ones who can run a skin game and leave everybody satisfied; ’ ■ — M. ... , i B y C r a n e A (V Y\3 Why Designate April First As N o 'cOMMUrea® BeiMC ViSiBi-E , M r . B A N 6 Fools’ Day— , When hair restorers, bootleg BE.IEVED HE HAD MIS6ED THE TRAlM AKD GAVE liquor, personal magnetism cours­ 0 A W / Artv 012 es, tabloid newspapers,'"fifty-mile- A o e m o H s t r a t j o m o f a p e r f e c t A p r *)- F o o ^. ' CUB MISSED H.'VSHED QUESTION’ S to-the-gallon attachments, sex DE magazines, lottery tickets, sight-


v0^u's.PAT.dir. t m a BVHEA sesvice. iMd<

SALESMAN SAM Rather Personal B y S m a t t r. ■I’ Mv No t $OR.e. \i Toii see,!'M E

!fi I! i \l. ' \ __ '4T> M ____ m m 01827 SVlorsCRVICe. MC W im m „ : i l L iV ■ REG. U. S. PAT. OfT. (Read the Story, Then Color the Picture) JACK LOCKW ILL’S POLO PONY The little girl came running fast. small girl’s yard, and/Scouty look­ ’Bhe' said, “My gander’s caught at ing just ahead, exclaimed, “ What Is last. I think 'twas very fine o f you that thing?” “ Oh, don’t you know?” to help me in my chase. But, first someone replied. “Well watch me of all please tell me who you\are, now! I’ll jump inside.” And, when and what you plan to do.” As he did. Wen Scouty found, ’twas Bcouty said, “We’re Tinymites,” a just an outdoor swing. imlle spread o’er her face. They all took turns and had much “ 1 “Oh, yes,” she said, “Friend fun, and when the afternoon was ■Mother Goose told me your band done, the Tinies told the little girl 'Was running loose and looking all they had to run along. Saldv ^e, ' about her land. rm>glad you stop­ “To see«nother sight, just take that ped off here. I’d like to have you road off to the right. 'Twill lead play Tfrlth me. Let’s run up to my you to a pumpkin house. Walk house and see if we''^, can’t find straight. You can’t go wrong.” i V amusement that will bring you all The funny pumpkin house was much cheer.” found, and, out in front, upon the ■ So, off they all ran, up* a hill. ground, stood Peter, Peter, Pump­ 'Course Clowny had to take a spill, kin Eater, owner of the place. He IPd when be did he started ridliiig kept hlb wife inside, they say, for like a rubber ball. Wee Coppy fear that she would run sway. And The runawl^. (iony bolted frhim thO'Hiajn hljpiway,'iy , loapo low .Reaching out wlSJwa. W l a t ^ naught him by the toes, and then he now that she was safe and souhd, , tenc#. and w«nt galloping mdefly a(dM an phTrod/tbirt^L' had betn The girl had hoard^tha 'whit* Dynamite, Brayaimg lika Ihd har ik d d l^ Balow thaid. i n tha cut, the train thunda^i>^ 5 * Ihouted, “ Goodness knows, no matr' a smile spread o’er his face.,: i • ^andb^d eivacoount M a raHrdad eiit and d ddng^oua crottlng. tie. Sho t t n ^ t d iifi vain to wind, eama up Mfida .tha nth*., ■firaman"Starad.«p at team from tea locomotlva .oab. pn,,: tir where we travel to, you always — \ ^ ! *»»rtlad toRttr a locbm^ atop htr terrifnd mount, fOi' away. Jaok’ r t ii^ tite bron'eho.’ ghostly pahC gated at Jade yrtte wido .Jiave tOvfalL” tiV0 Whlstio for. j|ha crossing on the maid highway^. Tht Fait Ex- aha saw Biat she would reimh against tha othar pody. which • Idia^im hin^hyn SnudcovCoi^ .. ’The,.climb was long, and, rather . (The Tinyiultes meet ^Margery tho old orotaing afmultaniBov^. ha forodd to turn to, tha laft^ 1 was teraatening him y % yy***^ ^"1 ' fiardf hilit soon they reached . the Daw in the next etorx.I. with tiw gkpraaa. . J along tha cut. 4-i ^ I

4 , t»AGB TWENTY ‘ ■ “i- \ FRIDAT, APRIE 1, 192T. 1 / PU6UC WHIST A son was born this morning at At the monthly meeting of Or- Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs.' ford Parish .Chapter, Daughters of Caroll Jlllson, of 80 Bissell street. TOMORROW EVENING the American Revolution, to be ODD FELLOWS TTATiT. held Mrs. C. R. Burr, reports Temple Chapter O- E. S. and Mrs. Cel^a .I’erguson opened her will be given hi? the delegates who Amaranth . home at 5 High street Wednesday, attended the state meeting at Meri­ ' ' ' 'I- " V ^ I Benefit Masonic Home afternobn foe a whist social for the den this week. ' Admission 50 Cents. benefit of the Daughters of Poca­ W eeli:-Eiidi — ' % ------■ "I Ctv; hontas. Seven tables were filled Temple Chapter, Order of the '‘i - 1.—io with players. Mrs. Markham won Eastern-Star; and Chapman Court first prize, Mrs. Anderson, second Order of: Am|irahthi ■ will unite In -ir' ABOUTTOWN and Mrs. Weldner the consolation.' giving a large public card party In r ' \ Mrs. Brennan drew the attendance Odd Fellows hall Saturday evening X , ■ prize. at eight o’clock. A committee o f! Mrs. G. H. Washburn ■will begin past matrons and past patrons of " . X • church hour kindergarten at Sec­ Town Clerk Sam Turkington both organizations Is at work on! ond Congregational church Sunday took a day off today, it being the the arrangements. The proceeds | morning, and continue through first of April to try his luck at will be donated to the Masonic Easter Sunday. This will enable trout fishing. home at Wallingford, Progressive parents of small children to attend whist and bridge and pivot bridge Is Here the moi'ning services, knowing that The Lakeview Parent-Teacher will be played and prizes will be ■7 ' ” the little ones will be in good care Association wlU have a meeting at awarded the ladies and gentlemen iu the meantime. the South Main’ street school -Mon­ in each section. Refreshments and day evening at 7:30. The social a social time will follow the card Mrs. Harold Bidwell and son committee s planning an entertain­ games. Ruthven and Mr. and IHrs. Walter ment program and assures a good Saunders, all of Chestnut street, time to all who attend. The ladies Sunset" Council No. 4^ViDegree'of $ 1.95 pair motored to Providence yesterday. are requested to provide box lunch­ Pocahontas, will hold: tts regular I Earl Saunders, wno is a junior at es for two. These will be auctioned meeting In Tinker hall tonight at Brown University returned with off to the highest gentlemen bid­ eight o’clook. Following the busi-1 Gotham and Phoenix them for a week’s vacation. ders. ness there will- be a social hbur Good iookipg 6oats of sheen; kasha, satin and novelty mix­ Just the hosiery to wear "wltll the with refreshments. short skirts—*silk to the w’elt. ^ No » ■ ■ u' tures in straight line models trimmed with diagonal tucks, tiers ^miiiii^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii need of showing^cotton knees when Mrsv Joseph Barrett'was tender­ you can buy a service weight silk- Mi mm and kasha facings with shawl or jonny collars of squirrel, ombre, ed a ho]raewarming last evening at to-the-welt hose at this price. All her .rnew.v home on Westminster! pony, white coney, monkey or broadtail. The colorS'range from the new spring shades. Road. The guests were her office Main Floor associates a t‘Cheney Brothers and hght tans, greens, blues and grays to navy and black. Buy your they remembered hep with many; Easter coat now while the assortments are complete. choice gifts. The time passed mer- j rily with games of different kinds and a buffet lunch was served. Coats— ^Maih Floor, Rear > King David Lodge No. 31, I. O 1 O. F. will have “ roll call” night in ; Pongee With Easter In Sight, But = Odd Fellows hall this evening. A | s | large turnout of all the members Is- 2 1 anticipated; Transportation will be Two Weeks Away, Wear 5 1 provided for those who would net Underwear otherwise-.-rbe ab^e - to attend. - A-i troupe ‘'f'.blfick fhC6?cpmedians V ili‘ Easter Frocks An ideal underwear material for furnish entertainment’ and refresh-i summer wear as it launders so easi­ Must Be Right, For That | ments will be served. ly. Plaintailored in the natural o f _ color only. B loom ers...... $1.98 Great Day | Step-Ins...... $1.49 S. A NOj’p ^ S jP l Regular and extra. Be it Coat, Dress, Suit or other ready to wear gar- = Georgette and Flate Crepe Princess Slips ...... $1.98 merit of any kind, it is here for you at our big ready to = beiM et<)morrowI Double hem, tailored top. weal’ section, one floor up. Best in styles, best in qual- I ity, best in workmanship and best of all, in our moderate = Main Floor prices. ' = Colonel and Mrs. Marshall, the I • '' / f 'rt )■ new provincial officers for the New | England province of the Salvation 1 COATS FOR EASTER | Army, will be accompanied by Bri- ratlier and Mrs, William T. Har­ $15-75 to $39-50 Smart New Styles in both domestic and imported = graves. who have recently been ap­ fabrics such as Tweeds, fancy Plaids, etc. Top Coats = pointed as financial secretaries to | Drug Specials cut on mannish lines, some made plain, some fur collar- = the Boston headquarters. ed. = Brigadier and Mrs, Hargraves | are not strangers to New England,J $1.10 T anlac...... 79c Coats for Dress, offered in kashas, twills, silks in sat- | as they were officers at Boston over , y Of course, you jvill want tpjook your 89c Beef, Iron and Wine .. 69c 25 years ago. Since'then they filled • • i' S' ' - 50c Rubbing A lcohol...... 39c in and failles. Clever styling, simplicity of line with = best on Easter Sunday and "you will, pleats, tucks and the finest of furs, combine to produce E important commands in different | $1.00 N u jo l...... 69c parts of the country. They are both no doubt, if you select your frock from our many chic effects. Priced from E possessed with musical ability and 50c Gillette Blades______35e are still remembered by-their mes­ large assortment. Smart georgette and 25c and 50c Ex Lax 19c and 39c sage of song which they sang when Woodbury Soap ...... box 50e $25.00‘ $95,00^^’ I here. They will take part in the flat crepe frocks in one or two piece models 3 cakes in each box. services led by Colonel and Mrs. Millinery in all the new smart shades. 50c Body Pow der...... '. 39c FROCKS FOR EASTER f Marshall in the Manchester Citadel With large puff.i Saturday night and Sunday morn- [ The Model You Want in the color you want at the E ing. The Saturday night meeting Main Floor ^ price j ou want is awaiting you here. Our'showing em- — will be an informal reception to | 5 braces the newest style features for Easter and Spring - S Colonel and Mrs. Marshall, as this! $3-95to$12.50 \ = wear. = is their first visit to Manchester. Featuring: U Size Range Is Broad, including those for misses, 14 - \ Of great importance is your = to 20; iis regulation sizes 36 to 42 and stouts from 42 up. = CONVULSIONS FATAL Easter Hat—for Easter wouldn’t be Bows Square Necklines \ s Extra values at $14.95 each, $19.75, $25.00, $29.50, 5 Easter without a new hat. Wheth­ ; $39.50 and $45.00 each. Entire price range — er you want a milan. crochet straw, TO 2-YEAR-OLD BABE I pedallne, bbngallne or satin hat you Shirrings Tiers will find it here at a moderate I $14.95‘“$65.00^“' I prices Tucks Embroidery Rings Stricken with' convulsions, Al­ bert, two year old son of Mr. and HATS— Main Floor 3i We’ve \ The Hat You Want ' • S I Mrs. Joseph Bastis, died at his FROCKS— Main Floor home on 351 Tolland Turnpike two 29c I ^ For Easter ^ " | hours and a half later yesterday af­ ternoon. Acute ineigestibn brought! S . Flower Trimmed as Fashion has set her seal on this = on the convulsions. We have just received these good looking novelty rings— diamonds, s season. . Some entirely of violets, others of roses or S Albert \vas one of a family of five 1 children there being two other bbys aquamarines, rubies, pearls, etc.* = other pretty blooms. Some with flat applique flowers. = Also a few finger rings. and two girls. The funeral will be I Announcing the Opening of Our z Then too, we show the jaunty effects as pictured here! I held at the St. Bridget’s church to­ '• Main Floor s Every taste suited, every purse fitted. = morrow morning. Burial will be in I the church cemeter7. $5.00 “ $39.50 I = There are Sport Hats from the best makers, Cro- S Kemp’s salted nuts are always a tlgAINTED FUB-NITURE DEPT. favorite and especially at this sea­ = Chet, Visca, Milan, Hemp and netting ribbon. All the = son of the year. Go to Quinn’s for : new colorings with attractive ribbon trims. Priced - yours.— Arlv. y Special Display and Demonstration ' Kayser ; $5.00 to $25.00 each. E m ^ ’ S

Odd pieces of furniture tlmt can be used in the living- Rayon SUNDAY DINNER room, bedroom, sun parlor pr foF the summer home. Just ^iiimiiii!::::Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...... at the a little paint added to these will make them look like real Bloomers expensive pieces.

Reduced I HDIE SHERIDAN! Breakfast Nooks______...... $47.50 Priscilla $1.98 Table and two benches. Sewing Turkey, Duck or Chicken Gate Leg T ables...... a $15.50 and $15.98 .Cabineta Made of superior Kayser rayon ivith all the fixings, $1 End Tables ...... $5.5a. with a clever reinforcement of fam- Prices I PorchiCliairs . . . $2.75 to $5.50’ mous Italian glove silk at the point 12 M. to 2:30 P. M. $l;39 Telephone S e t s ...... ------$12.50 of greatest strain— guarantees Also a la Carter Service* Rattan seat Table and Windsor Chair. longer wear. Colors: flesh, hon­ , Children’s High C hairs...... ;... $4.50 ey dew and beige. On Main Floqr y Kitchen Tables...... ______$6.50 > G c Cabiiietis ...... $19.50 One lot of Spring Top Coats in S desirable patterns at .]* Roger’s Furs sores 'Magazine for coat trimmings $ 1 9 .5 0 li! CWriers , Magazine ■ ..-I j p j ^ j c r g s , $2.?|i',tQ $3.98 Racks i ’ .V --'r. uer $4.50 W,e Feature Knit-Tex. | a M E © \ Photo by Feder P « 5 g “Dries While You Wait”' s. Your, choice of four inch whit® 0 )ic /■ ..t-' ; ii ermine, twin beayer or twin silver. Top Coats I - New assortment’ of light . 40c 1 p in t: ...... $1.10“ For triintning.your last seAspn coat or to'trim up that new qoat.’ tiM Tweeds, Homespuns, Cheviots, . 65c 1 quai’t ...... $1.95 m - - • Main Floor ' , A rt30 I and Blue Serges. Ages 6 to 18 • a sr tm ■ mt CANbrt'''SM ClALS years. AH 2 pant, some 1 long, Unpainted Furniture Dept.—Elem ent. Book Racks ’ ^ J • / i;_ $3.98 to $4.50 \ I Men’s Spring Suits f 1 short. ’’ ’ Walnut . . t Stqffea J--> 39c lb. I or^ -Pric™ S ^ at I \ •■ • - ■■ I $9.95 up . Chocolate

I Arthur L. Hultman | .J dHOKAY PEANUTS I Basement V. -V. >• . •.-i.lVW 4* 1 V'.VISIT OUR BOYS’ DEPT., DOWN STAIRS. j | ^rthuriL; Huhniaii SOUTH V i f ’’ ', 0 Downstaii’s, Boys’ -liepartineBt

u ." *'r t -7 ' ^ i i l ; ^ i ^ ’f. -