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' ; o , ' .• MET PRESS RUN TiEDD WEATHER AVERAGE DAILY C5IR0ULATI0N Foreciurt br V* >• Weather'Bareaiu, fcr the month of Jnlyi'1928 liew Harcn ‘ C^on^, probably showeM to 5 , 1 2 5 night; Sbnrsday pa^y cloady; not Member of the Audit Bureau of much change hi tempieratnie. Clrculafloua __ ____ Vf VOL. XLH., NO. 277. (Classified AdTertising on Page 12^ MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1928i PRICE THREE CENT'S <S>- i o m T A L K S YANKATEETES ‘4 ACCEPT THE NOMINATION,” SAYS AL ON DHPR0Y1NG WELCOMED HOME NAWHOMES AS SHIP LANDS New York Greets Members Reveals Emotional Side Al- STOP Legions of Democracy Gathering at Albany to Hear Goy. \m ost Unknown to Public of Olympic Teams— City Smith’s Acceptance Speech— Visitors Estimated at As He Tells About His Gives Them Medals and a RAIL STRIKE 100,000— Ceremonies to Begin at 6 O’Clock— Nomi Boyhood Days. Grand Reception. OF W O MEN nee to Start His Address at 7:30 O’Clock; 90 Stations Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Aug. 22.— New York, Aug. 22.— America’s In Radio Hook-up. Assuming the role of a Crusader Olympic team came back today Officials Call Meeting to Set for the development of American wearing the Invisible laurel wreaths Albany, N. Y., Aug. 22.— A family life, Herbert Hoover today of victory to be welcomed in the tle Trouble on Western steady rain which started falling dedicated his services as president, harbor by the strains of “ Home, early today and which was con if elected, to the improvement of Sweet Home.” Railroads; Employes Are With Grover Whalen at his usual tinuing. during the early hours of American homes. place in the van, the mayor’s recep the afternoon, threatened to spoil The Republican nominee took tion committee, relatives and Now Voting on the Strike. the ceremony on the Capitol steps this pledge at his birthplace in friends went down the harbor to Wost Branch, Iowa. The, subject greet them on the President Roose at which Grov. A1 Smith was to for seemed so close to his heart that he velt at Quarantine. The liner ar mally accept the Democratic presi diverted from his first farm speech rived at three o’clock this morning Cleveland, O., Aug. 22.— Another dential nomination. to discuss it. from Holland. arbitration meeting, to be held in In the event. that the rain con "The solution of these problems The city tugs, the Macom and Chicago September 4, may fore tinues throughout the afternoon, fconfronting our country) has but the Manahattan, carried the wel stall a threatened strike by 70,000 one purpose,” he said, “ that is, the coming: party with the Fire Depart the ceremony will be shifted to the comfort and welfare of the Amer- ment band on the Macom and the western railroad emplqyees, A. F. Assembly chamber of the Capitol. lean family and'^ the Americaj^^Street Cleaning Department band Whitney, president of the Brother on the Manhattan home. The family is the unit of hood of Railway Trainmen, said Albany,. N. Y., Aug. 22.— Qn the American life, and the home is the Preceded by the two tugs, the today. sanctuary of moral inspiration and liner steamed to its berth in the The last arbitration meeting steps of the State Capitol where he of the American spirit. The true North river. came to an abrupt finish when a first set foot 25 years-ago as a conception of America is not a Get Gold Medals committee, representing the train green Tammany Assemblyman and Gold medals commemorating the men and the Order of Railway Con In the presence of a distinguished country of 110,000*000 people, but gathering. Gov. A1 Smith tonight walk down the capitol steps to the a nation of 23,000,000 families occasion were presented to each ductors left the meeting and order member of the team. Later a lunch ed strike ballots prepared and cir will formally accept, the Democrat speaker’s stand. living in 23,000,000 homes. I ic* presidential nomination. The governor is expected to be pledge my service to these homes.” eon in their honor was scheduled at culated among the members of the the Hotel Me Alpin. two unions. When the New York executive gin his address about 7:30 o’clock. His Emotional Side. steps to the speaker’s stand to de Eastern daylight time. In his visit to Iowa and espe The return home of Miss Doris The unions had asked wage in O’Mara, member of the women’s creases* ranging from 10 to 18 per liver his address he will formally Throughout all the preparations cially, at his birthplace. Hoover re swimming relay team, was marred launch’ what is. expect/Bd to be the for the ceremony the governor has vealed an emotional side almost cent., contending that present wage by the news that her father dropped scales are below those paid yard most picturesque presidential cam maintained a calm poise. He has unknown to the public. In talking dead last week. She was told by men, trainmen and conductors by paign in the history of American refrained from talking as much as of his early days here, and his de her sister, who went on the Macom railroads in tbe ,qast .„aiid ■ south. politics. ^ . possible in the last twenty hours parture for the west as a penniless to meet her. The western roads-offered a 7 1-2 In his acceptanco^ speech the so his voice, which Is naturally. , orphan, tears came to the nom- Joe King, staff artist for The Evening Herald and NEA Service, here gives his Impressions of A1 governor will, clearly' state his po Other passengers on the Macom Smith accepting the Democratic presidential nomination from the steps of the state capitol at Albany, N. per cent, increase on condition that husky will be in good shape for to iinee’s eyes. To his, friends, ho included Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rob the unions consent to the abolish sition on every campaign issue, night. praised' the opportunities of the Y., tonight while millions listen to his address by means of the radio. Upper inse^ is the capitol and below particularly prohibition and farm inson of Chicago. They welcomed is U. S. Senator Key Pittman, chosen to deliver the f ormal notification speech. ing of certain working rifles. Today the governor planned to . mid-west in no uncertain terms their daughter, Betty, winner of At this point thO; union, represeu- relief. He has announced that in remain quietly at the exedutiye Hoover, a child born in the agri the 100-meter dash and only Am tatives left the meeting., A strike accepting the nomination he would mansion, greeting the Incoming cultural west may rise to the great erican girl to, win a running rabe. vote is now being tsikeh. The bal make known his position on prohi leaders of'his party. Senator and est heights of eminence. He looks Worcester Delegation SANSON TO LEAVE lots are to be counted September bition “ clearly and unmistakably/’ Mrs. RobihSoh'and Senator and upon his own career as an example A delegation from Worcester, To Take Three Year Trip 2, and while the result will not be and today the friends of prohibit Mrs. Pittman will be over night and he Is deeply grateful td the Mass., welcomed Albina Ositowich, made public at that tlme^ the tlon were literally holding their guests at the mansion. W mid-west. He lik^s to contrast this winner of the 200-metre free style unions are expected to make it one breathi. waiting- to see what, he Because his acceptance address “ unlimited field of opportunity” to swim. Miss Ositowich, a high school Round World In Tiny Boat STATE THEATER of their chief argumentative 'wea would have t() say on that subject. contains approximately* 8,000 conditions In Europe, .where chil student In Worcester, is to be pre pons in the Septembd;f»4. confer , -By. bavtogt^he ■'notification cere words; the governor has made no dren are born merely to “ renew sented with a college schotarship- ence. ‘ " ' mony .^ataged on the steps ot - the attempt, to commit it to memory. capitol Gov, Smith,, in > reality^, will their father's, occupation.” For donated by her proud fellow' citi Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 22.— ^start when the 40-foot sloop slips J. W. Higgins, O f Chicago, is to Only* rarely., has Smith ever stuck this reason, the nominee pledged zens. head a committee representing the be accepting the nomination for to his prepared manuscript in a With only forty feet of caulked the Massachusetts Institute cf Popular Local Manager to the highest office within the gift of himself to protect the field of op- Future disputes over the selec planking between hlmseli. nd the Technology buildings and into the railroads at the conference. Whit public speech, but this time has has tion of team members will be avoid ney said he would leave here for the American people' bn the steps said he w atdo so. ■ bottom of the deep blue sea, Cap Charles river basin. The boat is 40 of his alma mater, for the capitol (Continued on page z) ed by use of a new system to be tain Leonard Green, 24, of this foot, 11 inches long overall and Assume Position as Head Chicago, Septemberit- His said he Democr&tLc leaders who arrived recommended by Harold Dibblee, hoped an agreement could be has been to him a public schooU a city, will lake his master's papers' has a 10 foot beam and a draught high school and a college.