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DANGER I M LOCAL MAN The regrettaBle thing, of course is that thousands of men have Been thrown out of work.” The Cabinet discussed the coal situation briefly, But opin­ .V w ft. ^ ''‘S. Manager of Ghstonbnry ion was almost unanimous that ^4 A**' 5 ^ A N U i there is no cause for serious C(Hne concern aBout the strike. at Huhmr Knitting Co. Gets First - ■ <$> Feared His Lini|^ •H AMERKiW SL()GAN Hand Information. TWO UNHURT Crashed h Cnisli. ' First hand information aBout the trouBle in China has reached Detroit, Mich;, April 1.^—^Henry «Days— Ameikuis Con- AS LINE CAR Ford was slowly recovering today A''?'! Manchester In a letter from Dr. i A -yv Fred RoBinson who Is practicing from the Injuries suffered in -an Today Toward (Unese V,| dentistry in Shanghai. The litter automoBile crash .Sunday night tmife to Arri?e at Shang- ihr™ rtle while his entire secrit police force was furnished to The Herald today Sihiatioii— To Protest By Elmer A. RoBinson, vice-presi­ searched southern Michigan for two suspected men of having attempted dent and general manager of The to assassinate him. GlastonBury Knitting Company. It Crew Has Lucky Escape While reports from rhe Ilpary Washington, Aiirll T.-^"Trouhla WMJUBLE BUtflNENT J tells in a clear, understandaBle way s \ 'o; Ford hospital, where the automo­ Ahead. Proceed Cautiously.” That SBangfaai, April 1.— The sit­ “ what all the shooting’s aBout’’ When Work Vehicle D o^ f Bile king is a seriously ill patient, rather a-jcurately descriBed the' at­ were optimistic, it-.waa deflnitely uation in Shanghai tonight Be^ Dentist In China titude of the American government Dr. Fred RoBinson is a native of learned that the rlcBekt man in came oh© of 'menacing ges­ GlastonBury and a graduate of the Stunts at Buckland After How Henry Ford’s coupe was wrecked, almost at the cost of the Billionaire Detroiter’s life, is shown in America is not entirely out'of dan-* today toward the Chinese situa­ tures. this telephoto picture from the Detroit bureau of NEA Service. The coupe, with Ford as its only occu­ medical college at Boston Universi­ ger. His physicians attempted to tion, and there is every indication While the ^ Green Howards. ty. He got his degree 37 years ago pant, was-forced from the road By another machine, supposedly iu a plot to kill the manufacturer. The minimize his injuries But sources An Axle Breaks. coupe Brought up against a tree, toqiklng Ford unconscious. He was on his way home from one of his close to the Billionaire revealed that that It will: .continue to Be the British troops, were disem­ and specialized in crown and Bridge laBoratories. ’ . policy of the. administration. work. At the time there was little they fear he may' have suffered a Barking from Hong Kong; and crushed lung in the accldept. The President Coolidge thus far^as preparatioiu were made f o f of that type of dental work Being possiBilities of so seripns a i injury ' done in China and a call reached Two Manchester trolleymen had resisted the strongest pressure to the arrivail.'of 509 nddltional were said to have Been indicated by have the United States Join .with the university for a man to go a miraculous escape from death his difficulty in Breathing, the pain Japanese tomorrow, the Na- there and practice and also teach Great Britain and make a common today when a work-car was derail­ caused him By any movements of diplomatic cause of the Nanking tlonaBsts Began drawing hp other dentists already there the Roumanian the chest and his not inf’*eQuent ed at Buckland with heavy dam­ incident, which cost a numBer of artillery across Soochow creek new art. ^ coughing Blood. The following excerpt Avhich deals age. Both trucks were Broken off foreign lives. This pressure has Before the Markham road Famous Doctoi-s. Been applied with; enornious force with the Chinese war is taken from the car, which completely left the Two of the Best known medical Bridge. This Bridge Is Being from London and from Atnerican a long family letter the RoBinsons rails and lay overturned against As 150,000 Union Men Quit men in Amor.ca ttrere in constant held By' United States marines have just received: attendance at his bedside. They commercial interesta in China. the fence on the opposite side of - Wonld Join Protest and Coldstream Guards and I can only say the trouBle out the street. All traffic was Block­ were Dr. R. D. McClure, chief sur­ here at the present time is very geon, and Dr. Frank J. Sladem, It is proBaBle that the United the Chinese gesture was re­ serious, and there is no one at the ed for several hours. The lucky Most of Miners In Central chief physician at Ford’s hospital. States will Join with Great Britain garded as ominous. present time who can tell how and trolleymen are John Gordon, of TEN WILL TESTIFY Belgrade, April 1.— The condi­ Sladem was called in yesterday and the other powers in protesting Winter street and Howard Cheney The Chinese are greatly ex-, when it is going to end. If the tion of King Ferdinand of Rouman- afternoon after Ford’s condition the Nanking outrage— although ,lt of Porter street, Manchester. Is. not likely this government will cited over reports that the whole thing was no so serious, it Fields Affected— Union ia has Become desperate as pneu­ had frankly puzzled his attendants. would be laughable. The derailment was caused By a IN MURDER TIOAL Ford has been completely X-ray- go as far as:Britain wants tio go. powers will deliver a Joint ul- The Chinese, although they Broken axle of the front truck. monia has developed, according to ed and the only Information gleauv The British want to make the pro­ timatum' for reparations fo l The Break in the axle revealed that haven’t very much reasoning pow­ Leaders Say Many Mines reports current here today. ed from the developed plates, it was test to.the Cantonese Nationalists fhe< Nanking incidents' and the er or common sense at anytime, it had been cracked three-quarters said, was that Ford Broke no bones Wild rumors aBout plans for the a virtual ultimatum, with d^ ah d s wfldest rumors are afloat in eeem to have lost what little of the way through for some time in the crash. As Ford suffers con­ for indemnities, and a- threat cf j and it is impossible to tell how succession to the throne are afloat they did have and there is no rea­ Refused to Stop Work. Half Score of Manchester stant pain in Breathing, fear was sanctions if they are refused, or the native city. soning with them at the present long the car had been operated in here. felt that a lung may have been seri­ this condition Before the remain­ If there is a repetition of the af­ time,^ A few of the Better class of All messages from Bucharest are ously injured when he was thrB'wn fair. Shanghai, April 1.— The situa­ Chinese have got it Into their ing portion parted today. Chicago, April 1.— Soft coal Persons to Be Witnesses suBjected to strict censorship. against the steering wheel and then Does Flip-flop This is consideraBly further than tion along the Yangtse valley Be­ heads that they are just as good, if mining in the linionized central through the door of his coupe. With the American go-rernment evident­ came more serious today, with not ‘superior to any other nation The- line car was on its way to Among the many Balkan rumors a damaged lung, it was pointed out. Crystal Lake on a repair joB and competitive field was at a stand­ In Tong War Case. ly. Is willing to go. Individuallyy. a RouBle looming gt Hankowan'd on this earth, and they think they regarding succession to the Rou­ Ford will Be in constant danger of protest already has been lodged Wuhu. ■ can run and govern their country had just passed under the railroad still today as 150,000 United Mine contracting pneumonia. manian throne has Been one that with the Nationalists By this gov­ The military authorities are and the people the same as other underpass when the accident oc- ■Workers suspended work. friends of ^ueen Marie would at- Has Strdi^ 'Will. cured at 11:15 this morning. At ernment, end at, the proMr time, sending , supplies north from Han- countries are governed, but they The suspension followed tailure At ten,; Manchester. persons temil to estaBllish A regency for The greatest asset/in favor o f the cannot— that goes without saying, a point directly opposite the'toBac­ Billionaire’s recovery, it was sai^, when inveitigatfDi$^ ha^ di$Ve^e3' ko'w whwe trouBle Is expected.
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