OFFICIAL GAZETTE ENGLISH 0OVERNMENT PRINTING BUREAU 1 EDITION w=i-^--t-fl==hB mzmmm*m*i EXTRA No. 4 FRIDAY, JANUARY. 7, 1949 NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE OF SCREENING RESULT No. 15 (December 16-December 31, 1948) January 7, 1949 Director-General of Cabinet Secretariat SATO Eisaku 1 This table shows the screening result made bv the Prime Minister in armrHanrA >*. f^ Imperial Ordinance concerning the Exclusion, Retirement, etc. from Public Offices (Imperial Ordinance No. 1 of 1947), Matters concerning the Exclusion from the Candidature for Mayor of City, Headman of Town or Village and Others (Imperial Ordinance No. 3 of 1947), Matters concerning the Enforcement of Imperial Ordinance No. 1 of 1947 (Cabinet and Home Ministry Ordinance No. 1 of 1947) and provisions of Cabinet Order No. 62 of 1948. 2. This table is to be most widely made public. The office of a city, ward, town or village shall, upon the receipt of this official report, placard the same. This table shall, at least, be placarded for a month, and it shall, upon receipt of the next official report, be replaced by a new one. The old report replaced, shall not be destroyed, and be preserved after binding at the office of the city, ward, town or village, to make it possible for public perusal. 3. The Questionnaires of the persons who were published on this table and of whom the screening has been completed shall be kept and offered for the public perusal at the Inspection Section of the Cabinet Secretariat or offices of the prefectures concerned. Any one may, at his request, freely peruse Questionnaires of the preceding paragraph.
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