Electricity Review Japan
The Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan Keidanren-kaikan, 1-3-2, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8118, Japan E L E C TRIC I T Y http://www.fepc.or.jp/english/index.html R E VIE W J A PA N The Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan 2019 The Ten Electric Power Companies by Main Service Area National Trunk Line History of Japan’s Electric Utility Industry (North latitude) Connections 45゜ (As of September 30, 2019) Transmission Line(500kV) Electricity was rst used in Japan on March 25, 1878 at demand for electricity remained very tight in Japan. A HOKKAIDO Electric Power Co. Transmission Line(154kV~275kV) the Institute of Technology in Toranomon, Tokyo when series of intense discussions were held on restructuring DC Transmission Line an arc lamp was switched on in commemoration of the the electric utility industry as one of the measures for HOKURIKU Electric Power Co. Switching Station or Substation opening of the Central Telegraph Oce. In those days, democratizing the economy. As a result, nine regional 40゜ Frequency Converter Facility(F.C.) TOHOKU Electric Power Co. AC-DC Converter Facility electricity was still unfamiliar and uncommon not only in privately owned and managed General Electricity CHUBU Electric Power Co. The CHUGOKU Japan but also in Europe and the United States. In 1886, Utilities— Hokkaido, Tohoku, Tokyo, Chubu, Hokuriku, Electric Power Co. TOKYO Electric Power Company Holdings Tokyo Electric Lighting, a private company, commenced Kansai, Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyushu Electric Power The OKINAWA Electric Power Co. operations as the nation’s rst electric power company, Companies — were established in 1951 and assumed the 35゜ and began supplying electricity to the public in the responsibility of supplying electricity to each region.
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