Special Areas Board
spEc1A+&m’#.3 ’ 1009 n A,&siment Commission shall have as its official seal, a seal bear- ing the words, “Alberta Assessment Commission, Alberta, Can- ada” in a circle with the coat of arms of the Province of Alberta, to be the official.sea1 of the Commission on, from and after the ~3rdday of April, 1935. JOHND. HUNT, (0.C. 1011-35) Clerk of the Executive Council. ORDER IN COUNCIL NUMBERED 965-35, AMENDED Edmonton, Saturday, August 31, 1935. His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, by and with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to order that Order in Council numbered 965-35, dated August 17th, 1935, appointing Thomas Pate‘rson Bell, of Lake Isle, a Police Magistrate, in and for the Province of Alberta, be and is hereby amended so that the address “Lake Isle,” shall read “Evansburgh.” JOHND. HUNT, (O.C. 1052-35) Clerk of the Executive Council. AUTHORITY FOR THE FORT OSTELL CHAPTER I.O.D.E. LIBRARY AT PONOKA, TO PROVIDE LIBRARY FACI- LITIES, APPROVED i! Edmonton, Saturday, August 31, 1935. His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, by and with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to order (pursuant to the provisions of Subsection (4), of Section 34 of The Public Libraries Act), that Fort Ostell Chapter I.O.D.E. Library at Ponoka, be and is hereby authorized to provide public library facilities. JOHND. HUNT, (O.C. 1008-35) Clerk of the Executive Cxmcil. ’ THE SPECIAL MUNICIPAL AREAS ACT; 1934 CONSTITUTION OF A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL AREA, TO BE KNOWN AS, “THE NEUTRAL HILLS AREA,” APPROVED Edmonton, Saturday, August 31, 1935.
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