spEc1A+&m’#.3 ’ 1009 n A,&siment Commission shall have as its official seal, a seal bear- ing the words, “ Assessment Commission, Alberta, Can- ada” in a circle with the coat of arms of the of Alberta, to be the official.sea1 of the Commission on, from and after the ~3rdday of April, 1935. JOHND. HUNT, (0.C. 1011-35) Clerk of the Executive Council.

ORDER IN COUNCIL NUMBERED 965-35, AMENDED , Saturday, August 31, 1935. His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, by and with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to order that Order in Council numbered 965-35, dated August 17th, 1935, appointing Thomas Pate‘rson Bell, of Lake Isle, a Police Magistrate, in and for the Province of Alberta, be and is hereby amended so that the address “Lake Isle,” shall read “Evansburgh.” JOHND. HUNT, (O.C. 1052-35) Clerk of the Executive Council.

AUTHORITY FOR THE FORT OSTELL CHAPTER I.O.D.E. LIBRARY AT PONOKA, TO PROVIDE LIBRARY FACI- LITIES, APPROVED i! Edmonton, Saturday, August 31, 1935. His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, by and with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to order (pursuant to the provisions of Subsection (4), of Section 34 of The Public Libraries Act), that Fort Ostell Chapter I.O.D.E. Library at Ponoka, be and is hereby authorized to provide public library facilities. JOHND. HUNT, (O.C. 1008-35) Clerk of the Executive Cxmcil. . ’


CONSTITUTION OF A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL AREA, TO BE KNOWN AS, “THE NEUTRAL HILLS AREA,” APPROVED Edmonton, Saturday, August 31, 1935. Whereas the affairs of the Municipal Disfricts of Stewart, No. 302 and Wiste, No. 303, are being administered by an Official Administrator ; and Whereas arrangements were made to amalgamate the office of the said Municipal , with a view to insuring greater economy of administration and overhead costs generally ; and Whereas the Administrator has recommended to the Depart- ment of Municipal Affairs that, with a view to still further 1010 ’.? L’ , eco:idmies in administration, Improvement Districts N~~.331: 332 and 333, be merged with the aforesaid Municipal Districts: for purposes of administration ; and Whereas The Special Municipal Areas Act (being Chapter 61 of the Statutes of Alberta, 1934, with amendments), provides that Special Municipal Areas may be established; Therefore, His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, by and with the advice of the Executive Council, has been pleased to order that the above named Municipal Districts, and Improvements Districts, be and are hereby constituted a Special Municipal Area, to be known as “The Neutml H~llsArea.” 4 JOHN D. HUNT, (O.C. 1024-3.3) C1ei.k of the Executive CouI1cil.


\ CANCELLATION OF AGREEMENT OF SALE OF SCHOOL LANDS I Edmonton, Saturday, August 31, 1935. At an auction sale of School Lands, held at Taber, in the Province of Alberta, on the 31st day of , 1930, there was sold to one Sylvester Snieltzer (farnier), of Grassy Lake, in the said Province, the land hereinafter described, namely : The north-east quarter of Section 35, in 9, Range 13, west of the Fourth Mei-id~an,containifi.ly 160 acres, more or less, at the rate of $8 an aci’e, and designated School Lands Sale Number 4239 L.- on the usual terms and conditions respecting the disposal of School Lands by sale at public auction ; and Whereas the said Syl\ ester Smeltzer, has failed to comply with the terms and conditions and requirements of the aforesaid sale, and is in default, and the usual notice of such default has been served upon the said Sylvester Smeltzer ; and Whereas the said lands have been transferred to the Province of Alberta ; Therefore, His HO~IOU~the Lieutenant Governor, by and the advice of the Executibe Council, has been pleased to order the said agreement for sale, designated School Lands Sale Nu 4239 L., shall, upon the service upon the said Sylvester %neltze his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, of a Certified CO of this Order in Council, be cancelled. I JOHN D. HUNT, (O.C. 1019-35) Clerk of the Executive COUllCil e

CANCELLATION OF AGREEMENT OF SALE OF SCHoo LANDS Edmonton, Saturday, August .1 At an auction sale of School Lands, held at Drun1heller, Province of Alberta, on the 8th day of November, 19289 there