Miracle on Morris Road Saw Amazing Answers to Prayer
AUSTRALIA’S CHRISTIAN NEWSPAPER VOLUME 71 NUMBER 23 Thursday 25 June 2009 $2.00 Print Post Approved No. 34918100419 Miracle On Morris Road saw amazing answers to prayer. The Principal of Mueller College of Ministry (the tertiary arm of the school), Dr Ivan Bowden, told how the College was accredited by the Australian College of Theology, and further developments were expected in the relatively near future. He told how cramped they had been in those early years, but now it was a tremendous- ly humbling experience to see the provi- sion for the College campus on the 6th floor of the new building. Will Graham Endorses Grandfather’s Message In introduc- ing Mr Will Graham the ‘IT'S a miracle!’ That’s how Mueller Coll- members of Mueller Community Church, Chair-man, ege has been viewed for years by the was conducted by Russian born Mr Renat Dr Vern neighbours in Morris Rd, Rothwell, a Yusupov, ably supported by his own gifted Heazlewood, northern suburb of Brisbane. The miracle wife on the piano. Another internationally told of the continues, and the latest addition to the acclaimed member of the Faculty was tremendous complex is surely a miracle. When the Attila Sautov, from Uzbekistan, who led impact that project was first discussed in 1990 there the violin section. Dr Billy were many who regarded it simply as a Several items were presented by Graham had daydream. Now, nearly 20 years later, it Mueller College students including some when he first was our privilege to be invited to the offi- from the Primary School.
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