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nan Widely Traveled Visitors Agree That El Paso Is the Livest City of Its Size in the United States THE METAL MARKETS. TODAY AT THE MOVIES. GRECIAN Charles Chaplin. Hew York ALHAMBRA "After Dtrk silver tt The Secret Cede." New Tork leid Ofrsred t si.ts New York electrolytic conper....l.TS0lTJO l tí V V y LARGEST BUNA HOB PAID CIRCULATION ÍMmJ V 35TH YEAR EL PASO, TEXAS, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1915. ENGLISH SECTION 10 PAGES PRICE, 5 CENTS GALVESTON SLOWLY RECOVERING FROM RAVAGES Of STORM Galveston Scenes Before Storm. STEAMER LAPLAND CARRYING 318 RESTORATION OF COMMUNICATIONS ' 111 aBMamwaBMaaasaaaaaana BY "! PASSENGERS REPORTED SUNK ELIMINATES DANGER OF SHORTAGE si irma i) i nFF Fiur.i raí nu w v UUUlUnlllLlLit Ul I LIUILIU1I UUÍ1U1 OF FOOD; DRINKING WATER SCARCE Rigid British Censorship Blamed for Lade of Definite News Inhabitants of Many Ruined Villages on Eaat Side of Bay in of Destruction Wrought by German aillsleiallnfifeja jSíjmmilÑSúUfÍLÍífSX! 1 Dire Need, Send Out Appeal for Aid to Undersea i'lamtr" Craft People of Texas. Revised List of Survivors of Arabic Disaster Shows That All AtatlaaaaaMaaaaaaaaV " Estimated Death List on Mainland Remains at 1 00 With Equal Four American Passengers Aboard Sunken aaar Save Number Missing; Many Persons Given Up for Ship Were Rescued. Dead Make Their Appearance. By A'fodated Pr$t New York, Aug. SO. Messages from Eng- By Atioclntrtl Preia Uniste on the loss Galveston has sttrfered. uay It Is thought t.' would be a conserva- land lo the White line orrice here ap- oaivrslon. Texas. Mif. ii. lie lourxn Star SAYS one the most se- - tive estimate. Hundreds or bungalows along English censor- WHITE STAR LINE REPORT LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaflliJvaVaas after the cessation of of parently sufrered from the ONLY TWO AMERICANS ARE LOST ere storms i.nhi-io- u ha- - ever experienced the guir front have been reduced to kind- ling All or badly ship today. Only one dispatch, one detail- Hit Astioclatfid Pre round Hits etty gradually but steadily ap- wood. Ihe city paving Is I IT MIDI W m VeHff.- -- V: . damaged and the telephone and telegraph ing certain changes In previous lists ol sur- New York. Auir. 20. A l louen the state aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaairiSi ill IfiaWI TI HIT JíSí&W r It ::..: I proaching normal, Tonight the city still department at Washington has received showed plainly the distressing effects of companies have sufrered untold losses. The vivors and Aliasing, escaped the censor's are. aanBBBBaBBBHM wave, the, Galveston News and Galveston Tribune consular advices mat eight Americans storm anil Hilul mil worst oi ui" papers blue pencil. still unaccounted ror among tne Arame s damage had been more or less remedied printed their on Job presses for twu une days. Ou Wednesday the Tribune used The lack of tie ri rule news from abroad passengers, the White star ornees and putting or mo cny tn oruer was pro: (rucks hlg here reported tonight that only two Ameri greasing as rapidly as possible. Fear ap- motor to run Its press. was balanced by a host of rumors that cans were among me missing, mese were parently hud liecn eliminated nf a rood tried the nerves or officials and left them Mrs. Josenhlne L. Brugulere and Dr. Ed shortage and communication wllh tile out CROP LOSSES WILL tonight In a keen siate of apprehension as mund F. Wood. The White Sur line's lat side world by wire had been established. RUN INTO MILLIONS est advices from Liverpool placeo James a to the fate of one moro larre steamer in or Two western Union wires and The whole of east Texas has suffered Houlihan and Thomas Elmore in the list ot Telephone company wire were of crop Dozens near the Hie Lapland, which Vlr- - minions dollars in losses. war tunc. survivors. working via the submarine rabies to or counties report that the cotton Is sailed August IS from this port for Liver- Slnct the last report bf the sinking of frlnla Point and overhead lo Houston. rrom ih to no per cent and much pool with 318 passengers, Including 13 the Arabic on Thursday. White Star offi communication had been established of the cotton was open, in Jerrersou Americans and a capacity carg of war cials have made every effort to obtain by between the army transpurt Duford and county Ihe losses will run to at least rive munitions and other supplies. Another re- cable an accurate list of passengers and other ships In the harbor wtth the radio million or dollars. Beaumont and Port port was that the liner Bovic, freighter, survivors, uy carerui cnecatng. uicy nan station at Port Arthur. Arthur are located In that county and both departing rrom New. York August with n reduced the number of missing to fourteen (me dlsannotnliniMil was t he failure lo cities have suffered severely in property lug cargo, out no passengers, for Manches- at a late' hour tonight. When Informed bring water rroin the main reservoir to the loss". The rice crop In mat county Is ter, had met tbe Arabic's fate. "Word that later of the message received by the state city. t.nriy in tun nny muríais esposasen damaged roll :. per cent while the oil Held the Hovlc wks sunk was received Uj a press department, the company Immediately be- aaaaaaaffiaaaaaaaaam the belief Ihat tiernre night the. great main are wrecks dispatch here at r. p. ni. A later dispatch gan to revise Its list, although there was Baaaansaaa between here and Alta l.oina would be re- Malagocda. Jackson. Wharton, Victoria, said that the Bovic reached Liverpool safe nothing on hand at that hour to indicate paired and fresh wnier would be available ..ill itiii ii ami other counties have sufrered and had proceeded to Manchester. how errors had made a difference of six to augment the limited water supply which heavy crop losses although no lives are or Alarming Humors Lark Verification. In the two lists Americans unaccounted had been allowed lor drinking anil cooking, lust. Cotton, corn and rice are the prin- third rendrt dealt with the sieainer M- - ror. so that clothing could be washed and luilli cipal crops or these counties and SB per Hats cabled night con- I In- roslan. of the Leyland line. A rumor tlittt White Star last tubs lie used. Inn water illd not arrive. cent loss Is considered conservative. - tained the names or Mr. and Mrs. Fred' Gas was n use toniKlil In nuns or tne Throughout the whole t sec- she too hart been destroyed by a Herman among boat. was curren!, bill like many similar Burgess as the survivors. Officials business district, hut the plant had not re tion Ihe railroads have been heavy losers were unable to explain the error If, accord- I nure wns no pow- but most of the roads in some maimer Kept rumors that agitated ship owners recently, 1 mm I JaaBflsBaBaaaaBBBarBBaaaB sinned run operation. ing to consular reports there are missing. tH sa law er or the, city electric plant.. their train running, nrteti the train rrnws larked verification. Burgess, a light front Coupled rumor, whose source Burgess, a chauffeur, and Mrs. Lw aaaasBaaaB?',MII fxaal he Evening ir nunc, wnicn since iocs- would go ahead or the engine and remove with this maid, In Mrs. Bmguetre's employ and Ian aavLai HaTzaal No could not be learned, was the report that were day has been Issuing a sheet m ly 18 debris from the tracks. attention was were coming to this country with tier. Inches, Issued four pages of paid to schedules as there were no tele- she was u troon shin. Tills was disproved were many this afternoon by records, which showed she There persons aboard the seven columns or regular sue, primen ou graph wires working. maritime Arabic whoso names did not appear tn the motor Near Galveston on the main land was sev- from Now Orleans August 1. .for - MmWwI presses operated hy power from sailed list of passengers. There also were dls- bbbbbbbbbs25MILbbbbbbbbbbbb9 Efl aaaasaU&lrMl eral towns, the most Important or which Avonmouth and Liverpool. nicotian is In names. The company's trucks. a slow and she as cntuntlei the An anneal of clt .ens or Galves was Texas City, where ihe second rilvlsiun slenmer L attjul "g (nasasm rrom Liverpool tonight mentioned ror was of army wa camped. I'ully half of tho In the war zone waters. She n gWivors who at he ton and of the state of Texas aid passenger hid sailed last sent out today by the residents ot tne i.WW allium! were drowned while practi- moment and whose names were not on tbe villages or Analiuac, Wallaeevllle, cally all personal effects of the oi'ficiis Anxiety Concerning Laplend. ,. list cabled here, Thursday night. small men have disappeared. The families ware Kangamere, urayueu. tagic. menu, uouiue and of officials or the wniie star line When toe wniie sur ornees ciosea iaie Bayou, They are on lite (tie armv people line been tukeii lo Hous frankly anxious about the Lapland. The tonight It was announced that the list then inri .smith Point. they aro being east side of Galveston bay. The appeal said ton where cared Tor. same report of disaster circulated here was stood at fourteen misusing, or whom gave Queenstown tiie.Lap-lnn- Americans. every vlllogc was In dire need, Inn current In regarding no adds "every RUINS AT TEXAS CITY MAY A dispatch from there, however, said details. The appeal that It was thought probable she was confused village has lufferaa in losj or lire." CONCEAL SOLDIER DEAD FIVE PASSENGERS AND FORTY Mayor said loduy he had com- with the Bristol liner New York city, which SEAMEN OF ARABIC PERISHED fisher By Afociated Pre The municated wllh iho railuoads and the street SO.