
Widely Traveled Visitors Agree That El Paso Is the Livest City of Its Size in the United States



Rigid British Censorship Blamed for Lade of Definite News Inhabitants of Many Ruined Villages on Eaat Side of Bay in of Destruction Wrought by German aillsleiallnfifeja jSíjmmilÑSúUfÍLÍífSX! 1 Dire Need, Send Out Appeal for Aid to Undersea i'lamtr" Craft People of Texas.

Revised List of Survivors of Arabic Disaster Shows That All AtatlaaaaaMaaaaaaaaV " Estimated Death List on Mainland Remains at 1 00 With Equal Four American Passengers Aboard Sunken aaar Save Number Missing; Many Persons Given Up for Ship Were Rescued. Dead Make Their Appearance.

By A'fodated Pr$t New York, Aug. SO. Messages from Eng- By Atioclntrtl Preia Uniste on the loss Galveston has sttrfered. uay It Is thought t.' would be a conserva- land lo the White line orrice here ap- oaivrslon. Texas. Mif. ii. lie lourxn Star SAYS one the most se- - tive estimate. Hundreds or bungalows along English censor- WHITE STAR LINE REPORT LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaflliJvaVaas after the cessation of of parently sufrered from the ONLY TWO AMERICANS ARE LOST ere storms i.nhi-io- u ha- - ever experienced the guir front have been reduced to kind- ling All or badly ship today. Only one dispatch, one detail- Hit Astioclatfid Pre round Hits etty gradually but steadily ap- wood. Ihe city paving Is I IT MIDI W m VeHff.- -- V: . damaged and the telephone and telegraph ing certain changes In previous lists ol sur- New York. Auir. 20. A l louen the state aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaairiSi ill IfiaWI TI HIT JíSí&W r It ::..: I proaching normal, Tonight the city still department at Washington has received showed plainly the distressing effects of companies have sufrered untold losses. The vivors and Aliasing, escaped the censor's are. aanBBBBaBBBHM wave, the, Galveston News and Galveston Tribune consular advices mat eight Americans storm anil Hilul mil worst oi ui" papers blue pencil. still unaccounted ror among tne Arame s damage had been more or less remedied printed their on Job presses for twu une days. Ou Wednesday the Tribune used The lack of tie ri rule news from abroad passengers, the White star ornees and putting or mo cny tn oruer was pro: (rucks hlg here reported tonight that only two Ameri greasing as rapidly as possible. Fear ap- motor to run Its press. was balanced by a host of rumors that cans were among me missing, mese were parently hud liecn eliminated nf a rood tried the nerves or officials and left them Mrs. Josenhlne L. Brugulere and Dr. Ed shortage and communication wllh tile out CROP LOSSES WILL tonight In a keen siate of apprehension as mund F. Wood. The White Sur line's lat side world by wire had been established. RUN INTO MILLIONS est advices from Liverpool placeo James a to the fate of one moro larre steamer in or Two western Union wires and The whole of east Texas has suffered Houlihan and Thomas Elmore in the list ot Telephone company wire were of crop Dozens near the Hie Lapland, which Vlr- - minions dollars in losses. war tunc. survivors. working via the rabies to or counties report that the cotton Is sailed August IS from this port for Liver- Slnct the last report bf the sinking of frlnla Point and overhead lo Houston. rrom ih to no per cent and much pool with 318 passengers, Including 13 the Arabic on Thursday. White Star offi communication had been established of the cotton was open, in Jerrersou Americans and a capacity carg of war cials have made every effort to obtain by between the army transpurt Duford and county Ihe losses will run to at least rive munitions and other supplies. Another re- cable an accurate list of passengers and other ships In the harbor wtth the radio million or dollars. Beaumont and Port port was that the liner Bovic, freighter, survivors, uy carerui cnecatng. uicy nan station at Port Arthur. Arthur are located In that county and both departing rrom New. York August with n reduced the number of missing to fourteen (me dlsannotnliniMil was t he failure lo cities have suffered severely in property lug cargo, out no passengers, for Manches- at a late' hour tonight. When Informed bring water rroin the main reservoir to the loss". The rice crop In mat county Is ter, had met tbe Arabic's fate. "Word that later of the message received by the state city. t.nriy in tun nny muríais esposasen damaged roll :. per cent while the oil Held the Hovlc wks sunk was received Uj a press department, the company Immediately be- aaaaaaaffiaaaaaaaaam the belief Ihat tiernre night the. great main are wrecks dispatch here at r. p. ni. A later dispatch gan to revise Its list, although there was Baaaansaaa between here and Alta l.oina would be re- Malagocda. Jackson. Wharton, Victoria, said that the Bovic reached Liverpool safe nothing on hand at that hour to indicate paired and fresh wnier would be available ..ill itiii ii ami other counties have sufrered and had proceeded to Manchester. how errors had made a difference of six to augment the limited water supply which heavy crop losses although no lives are or Alarming Humors Lark Verification. In the two lists Americans unaccounted had been allowed lor drinking anil cooking, lust. Cotton, corn and rice are the prin- third rendrt dealt with the sieainer M- - ror. so that clothing could be washed and luilli cipal crops or these counties and SB per Hats cabled night con- I In- roslan. of the Leyland line. A rumor tlittt White Star last tubs lie used. Inn water illd not arrive. cent loss Is considered conservative. - tained the names or Mr. and Mrs. Fred' Gas was n use toniKlil In nuns or tne Throughout the whole t sec- she too hart been destroyed by a Herman among boat. was curren!, bill like many similar Burgess as the survivors. Officials business district, hut the plant had not re tion Ihe railroads have been heavy losers were unable to explain the error If, accord- I nure wns no pow- but most of the roads in some maimer Kept rumors that agitated ship owners recently, 1 mm I JaaBflsBaBaaaaBBBarBBaaaB sinned run operation. ing to consular reports there are missing. tH sa law er or the, city electric plant.. their train running, nrteti the train rrnws larked verification. Burgess, a light front Coupled rumor, whose source Burgess, a chauffeur, and Mrs. Lw aaaasBaaaB?',MII fxaal he Evening ir nunc, wnicn since iocs- would go ahead or the engine and remove with this maid, In Mrs. Bmguetre's employ and Ian aavLai HaTzaal No could not be learned, was the report that were day has been Issuing a sheet m ly 18 debris from the tracks. attention was were coming to this country with tier. Inches, Issued four pages of paid to schedules as there were no tele- she was u troon shin. Tills was disproved were many this afternoon by records, which showed she There persons aboard the seven columns or regular sue, primen ou graph wires working. maritime Arabic whoso names did not appear tn the motor Near Galveston on the main land was sev- from Now Orleans August 1. .for - MmWwI presses operated hy power from sailed list of passengers. There also were dls- bbbbbbbbbs25MILbbbbbbbbbbbb9 Efl aaaasaU&lrMl eral towns, the most Important or which Avonmouth and Liverpool. nicotian is In names. The company's trucks. a slow and she as cntuntlei the An anneal of clt .ens or Galves was Texas City, where ihe second rilvlsiun slenmer L attjul "g (nasasm rrom Liverpool tonight mentioned ror was of army wa camped. I'ully half of tho In the war zone waters. She n gWivors who at he ton and of the state of Texas aid passenger hid sailed last sent out today by the residents ot tne i.WW allium! were drowned while practi- moment and whose names were not on tbe villages or Analiuac, Wallaeevllle, cally all personal effects of the oi'ficiis Anxiety Concerning Laplend. ,. list cabled here, Thursday night. small men have disappeared. The families ware Kangamere, urayueu. tagic. menu, uouiue and of officials or the wniie star line When toe wniie sur ornees ciosea iaie Bayou, They are on lite (tie armv people line been tukeii lo Hous frankly anxious about the Lapland. The tonight It was announced that the list then inri .smith Point. they aro being east side of Galveston bay. The appeal said ton where cared Tor. same report of disaster circulated here was stood at fourteen misusing, or whom gave Queenstown tiie.Lap-lnn- Americans. every vlllogc was In dire need, Inn current In regarding no adds "every RUINS AT TEXAS CITY MAY A dispatch from there, however, said details. The appeal that It was thought probable she was confused village has lufferaa in losj or lire." CONCEAL SOLDIER DEAD FIVE PASSENGERS AND FORTY Mayor said loduy he had com- with the Bristol liner New York city, which SEAMEN OF ARABIC PERISHED fisher By Afociated Pre The municated wllh iho railuoads and the street SO. Gen- fell prey to a submarine yesterday. wore Texas City, Texas, Aug. Msjor New York city's crew or 53 and her cap- Bu Attocialcd Pre car companies Interested and- plans eral Franklin Dell said thai In addition to today. London. Aug. su. At teasi rive pessengers, under way to reconstruct tin; causeway ai or tain were landed at Queenstown were the orriclol death list soldiers, there likewise was a British liner. two of whom Americans, and forty once. might br more bodies In Hie or Mm This vessel, crew wnen bath-hou- ruins a lert port July members of the lost their Uves T THIS ton is shown Murdock'a at dalvesto n which wan completely destroyed In the storm. The Plans ror quick restoration or ranroaci Thompson building, which collapsed She was freighter and this White Star Arabic was torpedoed or repre- during So with a cargo for Bristol, which she land- the liner building waa located foot of street, the seawall, and projected into the Gulf of Mexico. trarric were .made at a meeting the hurricane and rrom which rourteen and sunk by a German submarine off at the Tremont outside or entering Gal- ed safely. On August 18 she left Bristol In yesterday morning, AnAlhoi. hnlh.haiiu net nnlte an InrrA near Mitrrlorrlc'n warn Ihci Aftntroved bv the wind and water. sentatives all Die railroads bodies have beon recovered. Nearly a full ballast on hor return trip. Her agents Fasthet nine other or are veston lodsy. company or hoops entered this building to or sinking passengers were missing and are believed At the bottom la a view of Tremont utreot, at Galveston, looking toward tne bay where all the wharves all the railways em escape the a tew nerore here received conrirmatlon her have perished. building' occupied by 9. & Co., on ana llcpresentativc from storm minutes the late today. i to located. The arrow indicates the E. Lvy tne corner of Tremont Mark tering Galveston and or leading business walls fell. Oueenstown Interpretations of th dis- Two Americans Among the Dead. which; according to report, suffered from both fire and storm. men and contractors will nieet tomorrow tn Mar tial law has been declared here. IT turbing rumors about the Lapland, failed, i tie two Americans wno went oown wttn the Santa e station to druw up plans. feels of the storm appear everywhere. however, to give much comfort to the Lap- the ship were Mrs, Josephine Brugulere or In addition to two commercial company Water covered many of the residence land's owners. The Laplsnd, a Fed Star New York, and Dr. Edmund T. wood, of wires regular communication wttn in Ireels in the lower pari or tbe town, liner under charter to the White Star line, Janesvllle, Wis. Mrs. Brugulere was thrown mainland was established by ship rsdlos prrhilly near the bay shore. Many small sailed rrom this port with S18 passengers into the water and Kept anoat ror some ANXIOUSLY WAITING CARRANZA ALWAYS working lie uv or Port Arthur. nouses were demolished or movud many and a large valuable cargo on the afternoon times by her son, Louis, who was forced to WASHINGTON Tho city's food supply was. estimated as feet out or Une by the. wind and water. or August IS. When she steamed flown the rellnnuish his hold when be was struck sufficient in amount. (inly a few trains on the railroad have by a piece of wreckage. Nothing was seen Hudson It was remarked that she was Eight Dead In Galveston. mtsved between Itere and Houston since the loaded heavily and lay low In the water. or wood sixer me steamer was situ cat. storm. Hundreds of persons seeking boat rigid Inspection or merchandise Most of the missing members or tbe crew nieat cxiitonii's touiidit fixed the number transportation to Galveston flocked into The usual ENEMY OF PEACE or Galveston proper as a result of and baggage taken aboard was applied in belonged to tbe engineer's surf. They DETAILS TO DETERMINE WHETHER dead In Texas City by every possible means last detectives the remained at their posts and went down the storm ut eignt rive bodies are be hlg hi. her case, private aiding ashore here In examining baggage. She was ex- with tne imp. lleved to Have been washed In Liverpool tonight Submarine Gave No Warnlno. . pected to arrive late on Pelican EL PASO STANDS READY TO HELP or tomorrow morning and the fact that she Captain Finch and tbe other officers of Klirht boiilss were found to ap- gave Island. LEA'S MESSAGE TO GALVESTON was due In the war xone added the the Arabic assert that the submarine VILLA SCORES "FIRST CHIEF" FOR UN army or the line here. them no warnmg. incy declare the tor ARABIC ATTACK WAS "UNFRIENDLY" FAVORABLE TO From rontons1 of United States of "City or El Paso extends to Galveston her prehension officials persons sympathy and should be Belter. Dedo was fired as they were going to the APPEAL. rieláis It was estimated ihat rorly deepest assistance Arabic Not Convoyed Is rescue of the steamer Dunsley, had or ihe population or tbe weal end or the needed. El l aso stands ready to respond. P. A. S. Franklin, receiver of the Inter- which had been me," message Mayor company, en- - been torpedoed, presumably by the Island and outside of the cliy Advise wss the that national Mercantile Marine Just said, had burled Tom Lea sent to Mayor Lewis or .... . n iB,m hv fnhl whAthflr the same submarine. Northern Commander Optimistic Over Out drowned. Soldiers, it was Fisher, tbe loss or life was not much ooK ror eriiiinaiinn the bodies as soon as found. GklVeston, yesterday. Arabic was convoyed. The significance of That Relations With Germany Strained Breaking Point and ratoratilr oi convoy, no was sucn mm heavier was due to the preparations made to Movement to End Strife in Meilro. Many Bodlest Drilling Ashore. an armed saio. by tbe tn view the possibility an entirely new aspect would be placed on officers of iii the wast bank of Ule Island today the established, as or an atuck while passing through the General Belief Is That Government Faces Severance or woman and five the Incident should it 'be war zone; to tue rine wnicn pre- Special Wire to The Tima bodv an unidentified GEORGIA RESENTS nm have Intimated, that a British weatner children were round, it apparently was a fnnrn or had been vailed and to the splendid discipline main of Diplomatic Relations. rorrean, Aug. su. "uarranxa is not oniy warship was convoying her tained by tbe crew. Lire belts had been fiunlly or a mother, linee gin ana two convoying her a snort ume neioremo tor a roe to peace In Mexico, but In tbe posl hairs: tbe oldest a rlrl of 13. The woman's placed on tbe decks and tbe lire boats die pedo was fired. swung out. As soon as the ship wss tlon he bas assumed toward the Pan bravo erfnrts tfc save the children or an answer to Ills tn struck In that Faiiinr in nhutn rarts were nung over the side. Many or the By Antuctalcd vailed that within another twenty: four American appeal for a conference of the ueitii ih. an warn Indicated the racl .Mi... - cvankiin examined the news Pre or rive bodies had been tied lo OUTSIDE ACTIVITY nassanaers ana crew were thrown into Washington, Aug. SO. Tension Increased hours the circumstances of 'tie torpedoihtr warring factions, he ba written- himself each the paper reports and declared It his belief on the woman a piece or rope. not been convoyed. the water climbed board these rafts in urriclal quarters when would be definitely learned. with that the steamer had ar were onto them by persons al tonight consular a down as a boneless Incompetent, utterly orriclals or the United Stales engineering v.. ..,.i i, i.i hrcn received from the dragged reports forwarding affldavltti of American For while today some offleUla, bear- ready upon them. ing that ti. e Arabic was convoyed for a unfitted to apeak fur tbe people of a great department announced today that It hen Rriiih rimiHiiiv. Mr. Franklin said, "that survivors or the Urltlgh liner Arabic brought the n agree Lost Ever lbluo. time on her outward Journey from Liver- nation," said General Villa today in com- learned that nineteen of iha unniii he ronvovod. No Pasaeaaers dbfiniui Inrormatlon that the vessel was men on tbe Sen Bernardino, which GOVERNOR DECLARES COURAGEOUS OF ....i convoy her. To the The Americans who rescbed Queenstown torpedoed and prob- pool, thought tills might have caused the on mem was made to best without warning that German to disregard the menting Carranxa's recent denunciation sunk near Ihe mouth or the lntercoastai ca- FICIALS OF STATE WILL HANDLE was no convoy and were cared for bv the United Sutes con ably some had been lost. submarine tula - of my knowledge, there Americans It tbe giving of warn- of what waa termed Interference In Msxl- nal, had been drowned. FRANK CASE have been advised. If there sul. With the other passengers they left seemed that but one point remained to be of visit and search and or think I would rney an ing. can by tne states or tne Etlmate by various city officials had been one." . Ireland ror tngiann lomgn. lost cleared up whether the Arabic attempted arrairs united and shipping in convoyed. Mr. their baggage and many of them wore to ram the or a change Unlikely Vessel Waa Convoyed storm (lamsge to property u.h ih. hun Frank submarine whether nations of South and Central America. Galveston and vicinity are from 1jjuü.uüu County Coroner al Marietta, So Far as Pub lln she would have been subjected Dorrowea cioiutng unui lue consul nsu pro of the liner's Course to assist the already The an American survivor, always ue agreed, v (led tnem. itoteiurnl of "Carranza has shown a marked to WjjouOO. lic is .tdvisea, seems ui conducting ny sumum oo-- ror inking Hrltisb steamer Dunsley, nearby, officially, told how the life- to International very Only Investigation of Lynching.. . io auaca The Arable 8.180 baa-- of mall. sub- transmitted inability deal with arrairs. ldeutiricatton of bodies Is proceeding carried was mislnt rpreted by tbe German boats drifted tour hours before being pick- and now thai he Is afforded on opportunity un- mosuy ror tne united mates, rne man marine as a hostile approach. lowly. Many bodies hsvo been burled TWENTY-FIV- OF ARABICS rrom coiiiiiiMider ed up. This was regarded as destroying to work for the Interest of bis country In The of thus far shows INACCOLNTEO FOR several hundred bars Sweden The attitude of the American government thai convoys could nave nejen or identified. list dead By PASSENGERS Norway. Holland, Spain, and the theory stead his own personal aggrandizement, do names of prominence. Annotated Pre By Prat Switzerland for the moment Is receptive, anxiously anywhere In the vicinity when the Arabic It Is to be expected that be will re- Atlanta, Ga.. Aug. SO. Governor Harris Attodated outer and reserving only new Tori, AUg. su. n rcuwu countries. awaiting accurate details was sunk. Even If the Arabic was con- ject It. It known today the people of and those unaccount Eleven British shins Lost Ut Poor Days. Judgment a. to whether tbe action was STORM VICTIMS ISOLATED FOR let be that Hm, was one voyed part way it would not affect her Mexico must have neaee. Not 'peace at ed for, n..rraccording to tbe only dis- me Arabic or eleven nriosn "deliberately unfriendly." status, in the opinion of lawyers In the DAVS MAKE I Mil It APPEARANCE. Georgia would resent outside Interference corrected to- steamers during tne hours, any price,' but a peace thai springs rrom patch received by the White Star Une sunk last tí Final Decision Resto With President state department, who declared numerous By Aitociatad Pre or advice tn dealing with conditions grow- tonight. It snowed four being reported yesterday and seven only justice, sucn as ueuevu me ran Miicrican day, was given out today. evening The rinal decision resto with President precedents establish that It Is the diplomats are strtilng to bring about. My Houston, Texas. Aug. ). The southeast ing out or tbe lynching of Leo M. Frank. twenty-flv- still missing, seven- It was reported this that a convoy passengers tbe Bovic or the line, also had Wilson. presente uf with a merchantman response lo tbe diplomatic message last Texas mainland today reported no serious teen from the cabin and eight from the White Star when the latter Is encountered can alter damage of Monday's Ha said: Ameri- been sunk, but tbls later was denied. Three Tno president motored to Philadelphia Saturday Indicates my attitude toward Ihe spread of deaths and steerage. The list included foar the rule ol visit and search. A few additional deaths were "ir ihe members or the mob are brought Brugulere, Edmond .Norwegian ana one spsmsn steamer today to see an occuusi. He consuneu may proposal. There Is nothing more to hurricane. cans. Mrs. Josephine L. England, Lansing leaving and con- Tbe theory that the Arabic nave Iieace Is reported, but this was balanced by the ap- to Juatloe, It will be through the courag- Houlihan and Thomas El- hi trade with also were Secretary before to ram German It possible for the convention F. Woods. James sent to the bottom. ferred with mm again lonlgbL No state- attempted tbe submarine government to continue the right against pearance after days or starvation or persons eous efforts of Georgia orriclals and courts, more. was forthcoming. The general trend was scouted by naval officials of high rank, w cessation, as we have given up for losL The deaths along the Messrs. Houlihan and Thomas Elmore, ment who saiC the prevailing Impression that eio niv tbout supported by the settlement or the eltuens depart- Previous diana! of comment was that the American rovi-rn- iuu.ouo men si our dlsposul, and this la a mal.iland remained al a little more than 100, dispatches received by tbe stale point a large passenger teasel could ram under- put aa many more mining. or the state and not through Ihe newspaper were among Use saved. announced porr nient had reached the where It must was rririrnt nuiuiiei to down tne despot wllh nearly ment last night said, BrtUsh st now decide wueuu-- would sever aip water craft erroneous. The submarine ism, or Carranza. The cause or Justice will editorial and resolutions of Indignation and Tonight, however, a dispatch was re- ten rana 7 it can maneuver about so quickly, they ex- or roving rrom states. Llver-ikj- It is possible " i lonialle relation with tjermany. win, and ours Is tbe csuse or justice. In FORMER offers rewards other ceived rrom the American consul at I plained, as to be able to torpedo the largor TIMES REPORTER am afraid things will only serve to- although vie in addition to awaiung the 6.0uu men, while Gen "I these lo which Houlihan aud Elmore, there miormauon irom vessels without difficulty. Officials uso north there'are GOT GALVESTON STORV to a situation that already is Nr. Wood as to whether tn tbe American survivors, the American em- eral Upala, wno is ansoiuiety loyal io the or gether with Mrs. Brugulere and torpedoed. officials, thought that no vessel or large tonnage, government, i,ouu Accordlng to the Houston Post Thurs- deeply humiliating to our people, and If Americans missing. being bassy in London and consular especially passenger convention bad men morning, D. llosa, until recenuy an were named as rour the (leuartment etDected word from Ara- - those with aboard. arms In the south. These men are day ll. iney continue win evemuaie in a aroai u Besides these Americans, tbe revised list ever would lake aucb a risk. under employe of the Morning Time but now more harm than good." gives Hie lollowlng ARABIC CARRIED FOL'R TO SEVEN, oassaaor ueraro in tie run io ascertain well red. clothed and supplied wllh arms was or the White Star line r on working for tlx. Post, the nrst outside So rar ss tbe public Is advised, the only not accounted fcr. Cabin: MILLIONS Or AMERICAN SECURITIES. the attack without warning tbe and ammunition and In Condition to put newspaper man to reach Gaiveslon and was list of passengers Arabic had tbe sanction of the German PRESIDENT MINGLES WITH down tne despotism or uarranxa. rney rorwurd step liken Hi connerUon with the William Bulllvant. Bv Aoeiat4 Pre Hi- - irst to get out with bis story. To lynching today was the announcement that Hew York, Aug. 40 According to un- government, should 'ermany offer ah ex- TUMOG IN PHILADELPHIA. are righting for Justice and will win- an automo John Dlghton. planation, were qualifying my reach the island city he used tlie governor soon would ask the prosecut- Mary English. confirmed reports current In tbe financial asserting there By Ajraeotoled Presa "All 01 cmeis win support tue pear' bile to within five miles or the causeway or counties Misa M.0OO.0UO as an attempt by the diplomáis. ing orriclals Baldwin and Cobb E. district, the Arabic carried from i'ireiim.stancs such Washington. Aug. . President Wilson plan of Ihe Wo waded sometimes to his Mrs. Mary Eaton. to or run submarine, Is a and then water to confer with turn on what ruture action Fltrgerald.o- to S7.0uu.U00 or American securities, many of Arabic esvare the shppeJ away from the white House soon know that president Wilson lo reach a point on tbe bay where he state prison Is Patrick tbe disposition on Germany' pail to dis- f. an hon- waiit shall be taken. Tbe farm ü. W. Lyons. which had already been sold In this market after o'clock this looming and waa off statesman and, like General Scoll. round a tug to carry himself and a county, death, so ror delivery. cuss the case would IB all likelihood be to Philadelphia by motor lo visit bis oc- est men. snd what they suggest will be In baldwtn aud Frank's Marie Mills. future In- acroas the bay to the stricken as known, In Cobb county. Miss was again denied today that the Arabic construed here as a disavowal of any cults. He returned this evening by train, carried out to the fullest of our ability as far occurred Mrs. John H. Weave. It to violate the princl- city. Apparently tbe only unglble Investigation Negus. carried any gold, but the value or lier reg- tention deliberately after having broken some presidential pre- Mexicans. They have shown their good way Mrs. les for which toe united Stoles has will Mexico snd I and my He found that the great concrete cause or the lynching actually under la that O. Randall, istered mall, aside rrom the lost securities, cedents. He had been lost on the road, toward chirla In coroner Booth, or Cobb W. to have been very large. 8 had lunched unamn unced in toe public din have absolute faith In them." way wa badly damaged placea. The being conducted by Mrs. W. 0. Randall. is understood seawall stood but the boulevard on the county, who empanelled a Jury soon after Anion la Caattiet With Deelarauens ing room of a Philadelphia hotel, had body Tuesday Mrs- - Frank Tatlersall. of inside of tbe causeway was washed away be cut down Frank's last Tittersall. PASSENGERS ON WHEN offu :als Itere have found It difficult to strolled through tbe business streets . APPEAL REFERRED standing the air. morning, postponed Use sitting tor a. Miss Irene Um, Philadelphia, back Washing leaving a concrete wall In but (One name missing TORPEDO STRUCK reconcile act with previous declara- bad rode to SjkSPECTf LILLY TO CARRANZA. damage was along the bay front Irom Germany Uta, the purpose or ton in a public railway coach, and rose The worst Third class: Bt Aeiated Pre tions By where all of the dorks and wharves are Coroner Booth said today that he had dis- Davy (or Harry). Queenstown, Aug. go. Bugler Holford or the submarine warfare waa to pi event the to lite white House in a ntrea autouonue Associated Press escaping Injury. The only witnesses who had Florence war thought It unlikely Wsshmgion. Aug. SO. Replies to the Pan locale, none of litem covered two seen Mrs. Mary Harrington.' tbe Arabic, Mid he was on tin upper carriage of munitions of to tbe allies. The president that mv ihe lynching party in automobiles. One of when he a torpedo about The Arabic was bound for tn American port details or mo singing or use white star American appeal to Mexico were recelvad elevators sic iniiums uwis,u. Mrs. L. Hermans. promenade saw today Carranza Water craft " either badly damaged or those, wttneiaes Wtllusjf Prye, but Mr Marion. yards distant, making direct for the and carried, therefore, no comnasaiM). liner Arabic would be in wasninictoil lie front three cormnauilrr. omoietalv destroyed. One larae was able to rix the Identity any Thomas I) fore ami took the opportunity Grnersl Agilitar, governor general or Vera neither of Mary Raddlngton. steamer's starboard . tomorrow over the seawall Into Fort member or the party. Prank was reeof-nlxe-d, Miss - Im- fats spend Crux; General Bltsendo, governor of was thrown Cornelius hulilvan. "By tbe Ume It reached us." said Hol- dist u in ou tbe disaster created the to visit oreullal and several went to pieces. The crew they say, because of his only partly - racto were being n in country. and lUcaut, omniander at Nuevo Crockett and K lore nee too mas ford. "we had moved on a couple of nun- pression that perhaps hours ouki tne escaped the cargo was scattered for clad figure. The lynchers wore heavy auto- passengers wno fact. But so well was (he cal- - withheld might affect the case vi- He took only Dr. Cary T. Grayson, Ills Laredo. General Aguilsr referred tbe Pan and The total number of rind sneed whim General Garrama. mobile gurgles wblcb effectively served Um wss 181, according to culated that the torpedo struck us about tally, urriclal messages, however, are apt naval aids asa pnysicitn. into rus comí American conferees to to place as. of tatled on the Arabic (Continued .) (Continued on Page .) It is almost impossible an purpose masks. tas company's ngure, ami va un " (ConUnued on Page Two.j subject to ctnsorsnlp and confluence pre on Pic tJL PASO MORNING TIMES Saturday, August Zl, 1913.

appear on the atate department's list of American passengers nsMTotinn among mr THePatented i.rvivors or in wnvnmr Aranic. a an- - patch tonight trim he consul at , NEWS FOR TODAY SATURDAY SPECIALS ftedPlis related bv rnoasssdor Page at Lon don. UOM the following revent MTU. F. T. MOOP Mr. .nl Mm. Fril Burgess. pping J. h ' It. The Boston Store There's More Truth Than Poetry MtlTISII STF.tMER Overland and Stanton Sts. MAT TO RtlTTUM BV i no El Paso, Tanas. In Our Basement Salesroom JIu .1 Pn; LonooB. auk ai-- nriimii Crockery Specials Bittern has been sunk liv a Otrman i'm'rsub- Ice Cream Freezers Er-STEPI- HEE marine. The crew of the vessel wan saved. SATURDAY. AUG. 21 1915. Triple motion, covered goar. White. Dinner cypreaa bucket, galvanized Plates, reg. 8c. There are white 10c for hoops. Vest-tabl- e ..Maü-a- am Utierrj Now York Office, 470 Fourth Ave. White .' the Carl 2 qt size 12.26, t qt. size $.65. Dishes, 8c. of ."7 tona, la Telephone Branch Exchange 6S00. 25, 6 Qt. slaw 76. Walk' 4 qt sise IS. ft. White Fruit Store open day 5 $4.38. all Saturday, as usual, qt sise Dishes, 8c. till 10 p. m. CARRANZA ALWAYS White Bemi Porcelain Covered Music In evening 7 to . Coolers the Water Vegetable Dishes, each, 4 5c. Main Floor. Galvanized, made of heavy This is real economy heel. (Continued from Page l.y. Iron, assorted designs, green, red White Porcelain Dinner Plates, the new 2 gold band decoration, each, 12c. The ether two replies were not made pub- - and blue, nickel faucet; 8 gal. , tun are DMMTM to tie similar. sisa $1.9. 4 gal. sis $2.46, 8 gal. White Porcelain Oyeter Bowls, Agullar, afn-- reaffirming til loyalty to The Cemñnig gold band decoration, 12c. These heels make shoes wear Carranza, said: ais 18.39. I r.oillrt not reply to your excellencies SPRING-STE- írleñua note without a breach of that New longer. P RUBBER llsclrillne which nan caused us firmly to ofthe rallv around out chief, who the only What a busy little place is Jack Good dresser Buys one authorized, on account of Ma high ln- - Saturday Is the Day HEELS keep their original shape. vestttule. to reply to the circular note to our receiving room these days I which I have referred. A matter that ao Himself a New Stetson directly affecta the sovereignty of my Boxea and cases of the new He says, "With an ear for To Hosiery why they called "economy country, not one of the conilitutlonallst Buy Your That's are leaders can individually take any action, as fall apparel and accessories news or an eye for style you to act otherwise the cohesion wnlch should We feature the famous Gordon jlst between HI me military una civil ele will naturally want a new Fall comfort I are coining in daily. And the Hose here and today we offer the heel." ments would be broken, and therefore all Stetson." The moment you can do is to transmit your excellencies' expectation one has before note to Nr. veniiftlano carrania " see our new Stetsons you will following items: opening these boxes and Learn the real joy of walking on general oaKKUAt ni i'i cases recognize that style is there Gordon Pure Thread Silk Hose, III I'EAt.E PROPOSITION. i with General Tomaa urnelas, mllliary com- - pretty, charming styles! but if you were blind as a bat H300, all colors, the pi $1.00. Spring-Ste- p mancler at yesterday replied to the Juarez newspa-pJtfbac- k you hats five min- Rubber Heels. Ihvltatlon of the diplomats With an optimistic couldn't talk Cobweb Weave Boot Silk Hose, all to join a conference ror me parincauon oi utes without hearing "Stetson" Mexico, accepting the propositions set be- East we say, "Dress colors, the pr., 45 c. Spring-Ste- p fore the Mexican chiefs by the diplomáis. and where to get Stetson These new Red Plug Heels He willingly ac up it won't rain!" And why Hose, answered thai he would Hats. Come try them on be- Ladies' Silk Lisle Gordon, all cept the terms or the diplomats In the gen- shouldn't we? We've enjoyed cost no more than ordinary rubber heels. eral Idea specified by Secretary Lansing fore the glass and see what a colors. 45 c. and the representatives or Argentine. Bra- a greatly increased business the "Spring-Steps.- " zil, i. Inn. Bolivia. I nnruav and i. handsome man you really are. Ladies' Round Ticket Hose, black Don't accept inferior heels get and would to the extent of his last six months the greatest power with their efforts toward peace. only, the pr-- , 9c "After considering the proposition, my in our history. If anyone asks first impression was that the Convention us how business is you'll always Children's Round Ticket Hose, hard Any reliable dealer or repair shop will alist enters couin not enter imo aeiaus Save on Toilet without previously consulting with the notice a smile from us. to wear out, the pr., 19c. put a pair of Spring-Ste- p Rubber Heels on suprema military chief of the army," said Goods Today nencrai urneiaa ycsierosy. r.eganung ma And it isn't watchful wait- reply. "But thinking It over. have come Don't fall to read through this your shoes fcr 50 cents. to ihe conclusion that this matter had no ing with us, but instead opti- list! Tou might need some Item military discipline, and Aik the JaW with the Red Plug connection wlin the mism and a smile I on for being for the salvation and benefit of the Won't you it! Woman's country. can Uppermost in a Spring-Ste- p Ihe military chiefs smile with us? Colgate's Ribbon Dental Cream, Rubber Heels are as simple citizens and act according to their own patriotic sentiments.. Before 17c. Mind Mow Us lHer Eoinni made by the Largest Rubber a soldier, I ami a Mexican and as uch, Hudnut's 25c Marvelous Cold am willing to help any project that tends HE FALL SEASON which we Company in the World. 10 bring peace to my country and consoli You'll Want Some ot Cream, 19c. dates i tie moais pi tne revolution, ruruwr-mor- Colgate's Large Size Shaving are about to enter upon per there Is nothing that Interferes with These Extra Specials my mllliary duties and my duties as n Cream, 17c. . haps is more important to the home citliaD. We have been fighting In order to A better list of Saturday 4711 Bath Salts. 25c bottle, destroy despotism and to Ihe than any other time of the year. , which waa 17c. Inm-l- legal and constitutional order savings will not be found any It is the time when, vacation LAPLAND in i' mi. ted bv the murder of Hudnut's Lily of the Valley STEAMER Hadará, now. diplo- place except below Better EDMtn.Al.TY ANNOUNCES LOSS To mis the American Toilet Water, 11 bottle, 59c. ovct, we settle down once more mat! Invite us and this Is exactly what llm come early I ' or BRITISH SI ii M mum northern division lias been demanding since Colgate's Violet Talcum Pow- to live our life at home. And d from Page t Uil Auwlatnt J'rcn the rtrst conferences at Torreón." Chemise ttc-a-, worth up t 50c, der, 12c. Iterlln. Aug. Jo. -- (Via London.) The fol Oeneral Ornelas Is one of the generals of what is the wish of the happy lowing innOunMIneni lias been made hy the clean. up, 15c. stern and near Ihe en- northern .Mexico who has maintained his and neat housekeeper other than admiralty: prestige Tor the past two years and enrnc.1 Ladlea' Knit Union Suite, lace During the forenoon of August 19 the regime sparkle and Ihe good will of the people. His or 89c. to have her home ius explosión llritlsh submarine was destroyed ill has been popular in Juarez. cuff knee, 50c value. 8)5c 1.80 of the lor f shine i sounded the southern outlet sound." PHk Ribbon, No. 12, all colors, All Ihe crew the yd., 10c. Undermuallns We, here at the Boston Store, ni a t meant mu t'V nuiij want ' pride with uncommon Uttloll to gi t tin tienten uno Kll Associated Prat Lace and Crepe De Chine Cam A long tableful of crisp, new ourselves the and lost ei itiern I clear of the Waililngion, Au in Oeneral Carranza. isoles, prettily and completa stock of home fur- niirly all Hip pal Washington. Aug. 50. Eight names now It vii lfarni'd tier? tonigrlit, wa preparing trlmmod with laca undermuslins comprising prin to move from Vera Cruz to Mexico City at and ribbon, 11.50 value, 98c. nishings and draperies. Whatever once and to hav in (rovemment (stal)- cess slips, gowns, skirts, com your home may be, hero you will Ilahed in the old capital by Hie time HI Italian Silk Vosta, In while and binations and find the furnishings that are to go response to the peace appeal pink only, regular' what not! a 11.75 value 1L And our rearnes wnsninRton n'xi wees, rrivou Ujday Adomingly trimmed with bet into advices from Carranta to his Wnflilngion only, 11.49. reputation for the Homo laces ribbons Not sc. reprciftitatlves today sold tie expecie Roman Gbld Finish Pedestal ter and of Low Prices ought to bo incentiva he In Mexico Cltv Monday. long ago priced $1.50, SANDERSON & CRIBBS haeordtog to alt Information reactilng- Picture Frame, a most desirable were enough .to th housekeeper of thrift here, Carranza in replying to the home fixture or card favor, now only 98c and saving. lean appeal, will rejen the j.eace confer 4c tnce proposal and urge recognition of hli OPPOSITE CITY HALL government as Ihe surest guaranty o apparent when the Carranza forcea in the sewers In tbe whether there bad been any loss of life at peace. It beiMnio inat carranza captured Ithurls, to back water storm or the MYRTLE PHONE 3767 general? intend io lei jneir coin answer uir and who later were released on demand of western part of the city and In part to tbe East Alton. Four hundred employes 365 conferees for tlieni when responses from American Consul Frederick Slmplch, ar ARRANGEMENTS FOR tremendous rise In ihe Des parea river, Western Cartridge company and tbe Equita- tliem. including Oeneral Candido Agnllnr. rived nere late today. They are C. E. Gate, which went out of Its banks In the western ble Powder company narrowly escaped governor of Ver Cruz, arrived, tatlng superintendent: F. M. Miller, engineer unii and part of the city, nooaea being caught by the wall of rushing water. southwestern , alone thin it would be n breach of discipline for W. T. llamm. conductor, all cnmloved bv a part of tne populous suburbs of Maple-- The property loss of these two plants the generals to answer independently. Ihe Southern Pacific railroad of Mexico, and wood and Greenwood. Interrupted train Is esumated at more than 1200,000. Tonight the CarrtDU agency made public R. C. Tompkins and Barry Jensen. They PARADE COMPLETED service on three railroads and caused an A Chicago & Alton train from Kansas City SATURDAY SPECIALS P'ltirrams eiit to ihe first chli-- f by General were marched overland to Santa Cruz and annulment or street car service to subur- attempted to beat the rushing waters, but B. TrSVllie, military commander at held incomunicado until release was ban towns. Many were unable Jacinto their suburbanites or city. A Monie-re- and Oetieral Alejo Oonstles, effectea. to reacn their homes tonight and the First was stalled Just outside tbe at San Litis Potosí. Trevinn said regiment armory ano tne conseum were Cleveland, Clnclnnal, Chicago k su Louis Sugar, 16 lbs , $100 he would rollow the policy marled out by thrown open to accomodate them. (Big Four) tram alto was caught between Peanut Butter, Bulk, 1 lb 12 ' mana. i.onzales declared his forces LABOR DAY PROCESSION WILL FORH AT The storm evidently was widespread two streams of flood water and was would' stand by Carranza "preferring to HUERTA'S CAR WAS 10 O'CLOCK AT T0LTEC throughout this section, for Inbound trains stalled. Efforts to remove the passengers Table Mustard, Best Grade, 1 Bottle ,09 succumb rather, lhan to permit a foreigner CLUB. were indefinitely delayed. by boats Immediately were begun. 10 trample on our soik or to destroy the Pickles, 1 Bottle . . . , 08 liberating work nr ihe armed people of BREAKING LEVEE RELEASES Chow Chow, 1 Bottle 08 Mexico as the questions of Mexico should Plans Are Discussed at Meeting of Central be 'determined by Mexicans only." CONSTABLE'S Labor Council and Committee-- FLOOD WATERS AT EAST ALTON. Tomatoes, 1 Can .07 SIZE Are Appointed. By Auociatei Prti COLUMN REJOINS aug. axb or xvooo Hominy, 1 Can 08 FIERRO rXYtNO Alton, ill., ine levee VII. LA IRT AT TOKRfcOV liver at East Alton gave way tonight and HORLICK'S Corn, 1 Can 08 The remúrknblft feat of the Villa flying Tbe Labor Day committee, appointed by tent flood waters rushing through tbe Oi Rejrei the Central Labor council, ! column HBdN Derail Canuto and met last night streets, tearing down barns and small The Original Milk, Tail Cans, 1 Can 07 Rodolfo L. I Ierro, which lan the Carran FINE OF IS AM) COSTH 1,1 VI DRIVER OK und perfected arrangements for tbe parade bornea and forcing tbe occupants of larger Aguascalleules to Mexico OF FORMER MEXICAN to be beld Labor Day In una city. dwellings to upper safety, Ap- - 1 , rlsUt lines from AtrO stories for MILK Jam, Can 08 Cltv and return, was completed yesteni,i DICTATOR. Tbe marshal ror the day wall be F. W. ror moior Doais ami SKirrs to rescue MALTED Soup, 1 Can . . .08 líen the entire column. I2,r strong, with Curtis and he will have as sides J. W. Eeais of marooned persons were sent to e niarclied Into Tor vanee of the carpenters, and r. T. Williams 1 Hieir I'dniiuniider. the mayor of Alton. Salmon, Tall Cans, Can 09 reon. iothe iceneral heailouurters of Oeneral A cloud or dust and the throbbing whirr of the bricklayers. At 10 o'clock tonight It was not known ughl week of engines WSJl All ennld h and i ne paruae start promptly at Salmon, Choice Red, 1 Can . . , 15 X'llla arnn. Iiurlnit the that win in in. in n of the column the men traveled heard for a few minutes on Hie Fort BUM d'SldS' Forming at the Toltec club the Cottolene, Medium Sise ,..,.. 49 thousands of miles, fighting thetr way road yesterday morning. The whirr lasted parajic Will ITinve West IT. fil tnir.ntr, throua-- a aonttiuioul line of CarranclsM- - !ir some time and the dust a Utile longer. street, west to El Paso ilreet, to the Little Cottolene, Large Sise . 1.19 aml even knocked at the doors of Mexico oui worn me niier cleared away iicputy Plaza to Oregon, north on Oregon to Mis - souri, .Mesa, Rolled Oats, 1 Package .08 CU, driving thareitoin OcnerHl l'alilo .i t;itil lihurcio oiron. drlvlna- a Ford. east lo south to San Antonio. and the i.:arranclma army which had drew up alongside of the big seven-nas- - east to Sianton, south to Overland and east Chip Dried Beef, lb. 60 Irlven the Zapatista forces trom the rapl aaager car belonging to Mrs. io i:entrai LaDor nail where it will dls- - tal wire of vie Huerta. The big car stoppec. oann. Rej-e- and mil and the constable stopped The order of the parade will be: Generals Fierro started his machine. or rrum the Viña hcadquaru r 6 at Aguas "You are speeding," said Olron to Manuel Platoon police. Golden callentes eight weeks ago. Then cnciivleit Palacios, the driver of the Huerta car. Grand marshal, F. W. Curtía. Specials Every Wednesday bndy of Obregon troops at l.eon .Mo; I was not speeding," Pala- Aides lo marshal. J. V. Vance of the car tlie main replied pernors, F. and. rutting in behind, began their de- cios. "I was Just running along nicely." r. Williams, of the bricklayer!. struction r.f Obrnaron's ceinmuincaiioii Willi uuiwr uay ijiieeu. tut hue at Vera Cruz. Their march Murphy at Saturday edel F. XX and near Mexico City, where they made a June This Is Senor Huerta's car," Palacio leers of Central Labor council. Ihe Zapata force which had said. aturan, president E. R. Moody, first vloe- - lion with n. nacaen. State evacuated the capital. "Just my sue " replied Qtron. "You be presiueni j second Save Your Pennies. They Make Dollars. engagement, were fought dent; Teddy McHold. secretary and treas illflil .lirivniii before Judge Murphy at a o'clock." urer; by Reve' celuiiin between Hie tune liny When Palacios appeared berore Judge t. t. Limnaugn, recording retarjr; loft Aguascalleotea and to 4. i.. i. ouch, guaro isii oí me acor; YOUR MONEY BA(dk IF NOT SATISFIED returned Murphy he wai rined K and costs un a arms. yastardij. All wre bailies of magnl charge uf speeding. iiaynes, seargeani si m addition to these they fought Mayor Lea and family. Itude and Thai makes." said Judge Murphy, look- City council. several minor baúles with various ing over bis glasses at the defendant. Limited "Just Marshals or ranrlsta parlies they met en route. The I1T.M " restiectlves locals Careen mo-- e important-battl- they fought ver tera. J. W. Ramage. business agent: Ladles The fine was paid. Auxiliary to .a Celava. t'uerouro. rula, san jean del caught carpenters. Mrs. Hyten and tiirun the alleged speeder when numniage; Darners, A. Lee, Hid and I'acliuca and other (daces, and la he was returning tc ihe with Mrs. victor i city DnaMw Diacasmiuis. i nomas Hunter each or these Uic Carrancisu were I. muí Webster, county probation atad officer. hoilermakers, Frank Dauli; brewerv work- - Then marcb northward was without Inci- era. B. ta. Wilson: cooks, waiters and The Train Of dent. The carrancistaa were not m num waitresses, n. a. oooaing; cigar makers ber in u.i various tnvins tbey passed C. R. Hickman; electrical workers, W. W. ilnough and each Importan! cuy m central Four Machine lo Mlxup. nrooKS, or i I ami engineers Bank was taken without difficulty. They colllalon last Tinkle and H. E. Mosley; Ladles Auxiliary National In automobile State Meuco a B. or unes rr, ai ma- - i... BafiiiBuawif.n Ai'auju asst. run the Carranclsia m aguas, night at Montana and Lee streets three hand- lentes lo Torreón without trouble. Zacaie were more or damaged, I GREATER COMFORTS cnines less wnue f Miller: mailers. Abe Cohen: cas. the only linpoi'iani city "t ihe line or Vernon llerold, 3 years old. was slightly ' CJUTTAJU SI RFLIS AND i'MOSTIS SS00.0O0 00 .!B..i.. C. Allen; painters, c. E. Smith: march, waa held by t'arranclslas, but the injured tiy riying glass .from a broken D. C. or ma- retail clerks. Kenny: sheet metal windshield. All four drivers the workers, Lee Alexander; stage employes, Interest Paid on Savings Accounts against the more powcrrul column under byi Motorcycle Officer chine were arrested Leo Alberta; typographical union, J. 8. p. Sleepers. Iteyes and Fierro. Hichard Evans on charges or reckless driv- electro-typsr- Observation, Library, Club Car, Diner and delegates Gafrield; pressmen. C. E. Make, C. R. MOREHEAU. President. JOSEPH MAOOFTZN. All Villa generals who were to ing sad will be given s bearing before R. M. Babbitt: Iron O naitjnal R. B. workers. esa All steel modern equipment. Latest ventilating C. N. BJaJSSETT. OEOKOE D. IXORX, Cashier. tin convention returned northward Judge Stevens In corporation court pitimore: ornaisyers. milb the column. .Among them was Gen- this afternoon. by elec- L. J. OHwCHRIW. Asst. OaaSUear. eral Roque Gonzalez Oarza. who for a time and "jsystems. Cooled throughout vas provisional president of Mexico. Roque Barber-Val- Goncalez Carta telegraphed yesterday to Mrs Bessie Cuppl Lee Alexander and tric jvia fctrola recitals. service. Juarez or .us safe arrival in Torreón with C. Cohen, unanimously voted to request the JK the column presence of Mayor Lea and his fsmllv In Stocl Daily bulletin of world's happen tbe parade. ings; .erything (or your comfort, regardless of ORt XT ENV Uy '"CMilnf Prca weather conditions, or when you pass through the CHIHUAHUA EXCHANGE Douglas. Arli., Aug. SO. The report of ST. LOUIS SWEPT General P. Elias Calles lo Oeneral Carranta desert, you will naturally be more comfortable on o:i the riptuir of Magdalena. Sonora, bv the train of pay prtoaa tedearaxl General i.olonel Carlos, votamsudtng Car We blgbeaa on anil ooswUluilonaxaaM amone). rañas ror. es, . ttie garrison or :. villa Utjr National Baxala BiaUdlng. 101 Pioneer Hlasa. Pbonc- S4IS troops r'tlsled five, hours, forty men, In- BY FIERCE STORM cluding twelve officers, making the last aland in a flour mill until me building uas rtrd Paragon Typewriter GREATER COMFORTS Callas reports that. Ihe villa force lost more than too dead. The Carrañas loss was HURRICANE WHICH DEVASTATED TEXAS small- A quantity of armv ammunition Ribbons and Red Seal CO AST REACHES MISSOU RI HI VER GROCERY IMllltMTI, and stores were laken. with fitly prisoners. WITH El RY IN ABATED I iM- ALL Carbon Papers PVY OTllt'KS AMERICAN Bu Attoeim ted Prtm -i 1 RAILROADERS ARRESTED COMPANY IV OMISA KE At II THE BOHDU. St. Louis. Aug. so. The great storm that EXTRA SPECIALS gJii'UtAllrw devastated toe Texas guu coast onaty ana El Paso & Southwestern Naco. An Aug. to. Five Americans ar Tuesday and then swept northward bald St. S satos Black-live- d Poava Me X caos tsauar Kraut Xbc restad Monday by General P. Elias Calles Loula in Its grasp last night sad today, Remington bringing with It the heaviest downpour In catas Lima Baaaa tac t cans Pie Apple Sc the history or the dry and causing a flood S cams Baal Kidney Bean. . tac S nana Pi Peaches tac TxPaCWKJlKK COMPANY that drove n undreds of city and suburban System KVartnfgfíSaSSir h!3faIS 52? residen u from their bornea At o'clock 7 axas Chicken Tamatle Mc tnaaad Qtennlaxed axyaUaet Me Saaanlag (Incorporated) tonight tacnas or rain had TKAJJE WITH La JLXO UAVK MONEY. oaa stye Ooeafort- - Writ fur Book of u, Cr high wind accoatpaadod ana rata. PHONES Mat and Ma 204 atad SO E. Overland St. jtaawirre. Murta ajr aUiaady le , tnlesgV SO Texaa Street. Pitos STT Tbe flood ts St. Loans was i Saturday, August 21, 1915. EL PASO MORNING TIMES



DEATH Or JACK A1.PIN CAI SKI BEFORE FIRE OF want or omcs, says n s- - TICK PEAVKR. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihii mmiMMiiiii iiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiihiiimi niiiiiiiiiiiii.'i iiiiiiniiiiiii Deprived or "dope," Jack Alpln. aged rr GIGANTIC GERMAN years, died at the rooming house at MR South Kansaa street at :90 o'clock yes SHOES ALMOST SHOES ALMOST lerday morning. The man occupied a bed, one oi several which had been placed In the hallway or HOWITZERS the rooming house and for which a cheaper GIVEN GIVEN rate Is charged. When he did not rise with AWAY AWAY the others, an employe or the house went to arouse htm. It was discovered that the man was surrerlng and apparently unable to leave his cot Sh-h-h- ! There goes the 7th point. The Only Chance! NOVO GEORG1EVSK, WITH Some one waa set.t to the police station, where the police were asked lo phone for SEVEN HUNDRED GUNS a doctor. But Alpln had died and Coroner Have looked for James M. Peaver was there before the ymi it in Sterling Gum? STORES doctor. is Only AND VAST OF In the examination ot the body Coroner It well worth finding. The Chance! Heaver raised the man's left arm. Dark WAR SUPPLIES, FAILS TO hitches, resembling Din pricks, extending fnim almost the hoiilder to a point low 1 Crowded with fiaror. 4 Sterling purity Take advantage of this unheard of tne euiovv, wen- mine evidence or tne tre STAY MARCH OF CON- quent use or the "needle." 2 Velvety body NO GRIT 5 From a daylight factory from want or my ver- - opportunity in EI Paso "Pled 'dope' is Crumble-proo- 6 QUERING TEUTONS; THE oirt. ' gain, t oroner ueaver. t f Untouched by banda The man was evidently In destitute or Today, Saturday, August 21st, all ciimstanrt a at the limo or his death. Ffi BRITISH MEET REVERSES money wna round In bis pockets. Aaldi (5) LOíaJC 1 our stock of Ladies', Girls' and from the cloiln s that he wore, a sack or ON DARDANELLES. tobacco totah d the mans possessions. Boys Shoes will be sold There was not a letter or a card wnicli at a would establish dent fit alien It was Bu taeoclnlr Press learned, (.oroner Deaver said, that the man's bargain. London, Aug. ai. The garrison or the nainn was Jack Alpln, and that was all that fortress of Novo Ocorglcvsk, which waa was known about mm. Gum. left behind by Grand Puke Nicholas when Thursday nlghl he hsd been seen walk- LADIES" SHOES BOYS' SHOES the of Poland to ing good 0rtttm& he commenced evacuation around. IDDinnUl in health. The Worth up to $3.00. $3.50 1,245 PAIRS delay the advance of the Herman invaden, body is being held at the morgue hr Nag- - Worth up to $2.50 and after accomplishing Us task fur Just a fort- ley a h aster in the linees mat sonic rela- and $4.00 at . . $1.48 night, has succumbed to iho heavy siege tive may be discovered who will claim 11. They point um AT LESS THAN HALF COST $3.50 at . .$1.35 artillery uf the Hermans, which, through- Worth tip to $2.00. every Worth out the war, has made rort attacked PEPPERMINT - RED WRAPPER $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 up to $2.50. $2.75 by It untenable. CINNAMON - BLUE WRAPPER and $3.00. at Berlin was able today lo announce the GOVERNOR ATTACKS at $1.35 GIRLS' SHOES $1.10 capture of the fortress with lis 7tx guns or Worth up to $3.00 and Worth up to $3.00 at. . .$1.10 Worth up to $2.25 and and a large quantity war materials. The 8mi$abU rewords for that d imm ry of the 7th point will bu effmni later. ; spoils have not yet been estimated, but $3.50 at .$1.15 Worth up to $1.50 at $0.75 $2.50 at $0.90 tney probably are large, as II had been Worth up to $2.00. $2.50 Worth up to $1.75 and hoped by the Hustdans thai the earth works PRESIDENT BATTLE Worth up and around the rortiried camp would enable It and $3.00 at $0.88 $2.50 at $0.70 to $1.50 to hold out much longer than It has done. $2.00 at. $0.75 It Is now expected by the military ob- Worth tip Mo $1.50. Worth up to $1.25 and servers thai the other Husslan fortresses, such as Grodno and H. SIMMONS HAS CHAPLIN LOOKING $1.75, $2.50 and $3.00 $1.50 at $0.60 Worth up to $0.50 and $0.75 either would be captured or given Special Wire lo The rime J. at $0.75 Worth up to $1.00, at. .$0.57' at $0.25 up. ' Austin, Tel., Aug. o. Governor Fergu- Arter the rail of Kovno Field Marshal von son, In a loiter to the board or regents of Wishing to eliminate the Shoe Line from our business, "is the reason for our selling at such lllndeiibuig's army commenced an offen- the University or Texas, vigorously arraigns along ghir I'resldem Battle of lhat Institution, declar- ovnt sive the whole front rrum the FOR prices. THE ABOVE ARE NOT ODDS AND ENDS; WE GUARANTEE THEIR or Illga lo Kovno, wltb the object or taking ing him unworthy or Iho high position REISGNED POSITION MEXICO COLOR Higa which he holds. The governor, In the QUALITY. Satin Shirts In colors, sold heretofore at $2.00; now at .$1.25 and the whole Wursaw ivtrograd rail or says: way rrom Vllna northward. He Is meeting course the letter, with stubborn resistance) and may be de- "I do not hesitate to say that ho (Presi- even Hie possession or Higa dent Battle or Iho University or Texas) Is nied unless unworthy the position 310-31- the German in the of which he holds I.I VI M OK E. P. A K. I IV 2 fleet succeeds entering nasi that he Mil W. El. PASO FALL TO San Antonio St. E. should lint be allowed tu direct WILL RETIRE SEPT. IS. F. HAWKS I II I Mil ALBAFULL, Prop. guir oi itiga. or this INKS" AT the expenditure money provided by MAY si l l li JX'AHEZ, As far soulb as Grodno the Russian the legislature mr the maintenance or the miles rell back toward the Niemen river utilveislly." and, according to the orriclal account, they The occasion or the letter Is the stand ra orre ring resistance in tne nopo II. J. Simmons; ror the past ten years ati old time rresh taken by President Battle, In which he Is manager r or r preventing or delaying tne envelopment an gen- general of the El Paso h south 'tnlie the backed by opinion of tho attorney western railroad, resigned yeslerdiiy received a r the northern riank of the eral, thai tho full amount of Hie appropria- has his position letter line. with the company, his resignation to lake luiplin bu has been a close Wralhrr Forecast in east, Fair In west portion, cooler; Sun- tion for the support or ihe university may friend Mcurath'a since lus be lumped and the money spent as the efrect September I. While his successor first MUoclfltrd rwt day unsettled, probably showers In east There seems to bo danger of this line be lias not been cheapen unrlerslood that year's work In this country. ing by - rally sac fit and entirely dis- it is Washington. .Vug. 9). Tejas: Fair portion. WASHINGTON rorced direct attack. Six Austro- niilhoililes the vacancy caused y Ihe retirement of While Chaplin Is not a hu ge man, he is vst lieriuan armies, stieugthenud by the corps regarding the Itemized amounts for ilirfer-on- t very Saturday and Sunday, except thunder Arizona: Saturday and Sunday cooler purposes speciried by tho legislature Mr. Simmons will by 0. F. Hawks, much English and among his former Mura-cr- BBlunlay or Sunday fair; wnicn nave been investing ovo oeor- general vaudeville associates Is ruled as live nigln eitremo In portion Sunday. cen- In Ihe bill- - superintendent. a west. northeast (Continued glevsk, are converging on the Husslan appropriation or one. Me'lraUi first becalm- acquainted Willi from Pare one) ter, which Is behind the Unit and along ine Chairman wagsinrf. or the house com- The resignation Mr. Hiuitndns came as New a surprise to those With him, al- Chaplin when the l.undnner was making his Mexico: Saturday thunder showers TEF. BIC KID IS IN JUAREZ. (AdV.i railway Iroin to Blalyalok. mittee on appropriations, believes the uni- connected or dence about the trip and other White president Is though It lias been known for some llmu Initial western swing the Sullivan at ana no nouni win sunn commence a bom versity right in his contention Considine at Salt Lake, more man House officials did not know where he had of for the reason that the legislature passed that he was til III heallh and that his retire- circuit gone until artcr bis departure, nr. Gray- baidment ment rrom .business would hasten the re- three years ago. The El Paso man haa alto ihe bill, wllh a "Joker" clause whlrh law- tduyed son rode with him and six secret service Other armies have cleared the whole of yers have construed as peruillllng the ap- storation of his healtji. Ihe "voodevilla" circuits anil Is wise men tallowed. le left bank or the Hug berore Uretl to proper culm: IJi comedy stunts. That's yield propriations to he lumped. Mr. Simmons lias been with tho F.I Paso why cluipUn WgRcs. lie is to Get At McMickle's Lost In Aaltlmore, Lltovsk. while Marshal von Marken Governor Ferguson contends that the k Southwestern for tho past It arranging It sen, having crossed the Bug, Is advancing railroad pull "some comedy with Mexico trmiiulng In Baltimore the proposed action of President Bottle Is un- years. Ho first served In the capacity or and on presidential party turned on tne rorucss me souiti. mis means pledges I00S gen- relies Mr. Mctlrattl lo put him right. the wrung way and had to seek ironor democratic and in violation of the chler engineer and In was made Tne movie comedy star nays will dlrcriions that the obstacle the marshes has been or El Paso platform, wnicn cans an In IMS Mr. Simmons' he. visit before the Philadelphia road was reached. circumvented, and that tne the for eral superintendent. El Paso and Juarez the ruining rail. It was after I o'clock berore Philadelphia itemized account oi tne expenditures or an services lo lbs company had been such that READ, chler military department In the center or state he was advanced to the post of geneal LOAF, was reached. institutions. Russia, is virtually enveloped. II likely manager, post Free street guides. La Hallo Realty Gf). ' HOME-MAD- E Qr Is believed that President Battle's which he has rilled with RÍE FRENCH GRAHAM AM News pre- of the president'! coming had Although military obsorvers are or the resignation will be demanded: rrrdlt to himself and the railroad. -- 4Advcrtltement) ceded htm, however, and a crowd of pho, opinion thai the grand duke probably will McMICKLE WAKES THE PRICE tograplicrs and moving: picture men greeted he able to withdraw bis army in safety, him id he stepped from the tutoinoblle. the loss of thesn Unas li 'considered a lie retrained with the occullst Iobs than graver military mltroriune Iban the loss of half aji hour and was told that his eyes Warsaw. were In excellent condition. Elberta Peaches The German success haa been due al- In the meantime Dr. Grayson and a se- most entirely to their great suoerlorltv Bushel Basket 75c cret service man had- lert for the railroad In artillery and the military critics express station on i fruitless mission to entrone ine neiiei mat as long as tney maintain a private car to return to Washington. this and continue to press forward tho SATURDAY MEAT SPECIALS. The president hail decided that a reinen llusslans must retire before them. While Home DreBBcd Hena, the very best, pound. ' ISO trip by automobile would bo too tiresome tiie Husslan armies remain Intact, however, aim long, .v. private ear was available, ese critics are optimism- as lo the Home Dressed Spring Chickens, pound 35c so a ruuman room was future. pound drawinr reserved. Emperor William, who Is reported to Hound Steak, nice and fat, 15c President Pines in Public. have arrived at Novo (teorgteysk, will, It Beef Shoulder, (or roasting, pound...'. .' 11c An Invitation to have lunch at a Phila is understood, matte a stale entry into The Hot Display of K. C, Méate Under Class In the Southwest. delphia club was declined and the president Warsaw and there let II be known by an roue diuiie to a noiei, ami, passing uy announcement what the future status' of lead Rice. 3 lb 25c Tomata Paste, Imported, ( astonished employes arid guests who rec- Poland will be. ognized him. took an elevator to an up- Pickled Onions, pint cans 25c Lea a Perrln's satire- battle 38e stairs dining room. Selecting a table, the Nothing so delicious as Sulzberger's Ma Long Mustard, 15c alan ob- - Evening Prepared loc president ordered luncheon jestic Ham and Ilacon. "Oellclously Dirrer- All Heinz' Tomato Chutney, bollle apparently ...Me tin- your fat Mackerel. .1 rr .....He Large Package Cold Dust lac livious lo startled glances of others ent prepared in ravorltc way (Adv.) IKaoeaUte Cake, each. . 23c Large Ketchup, only 18c who had no Idea he was in Philadelphia. Layer Bottle Dr. Grayson i. muí Layer Cakf, each. lie Peanut Butter. 2 Iba 2ie Joined him socn afterward. After luncheon lie You can enjoy hearing your favorite musical selections Mill., tall can, 2 lar ...... ISc Asparagus, 2 tells ,3fe the president decided " wanted exercise and AID .Milk, small rana 23c Creana Cheese, lb. , started through the INQUIRES OF played tie downtown section of Philadelphia. He sung and by the world's best artists if you have in llllls 12 Its 23c Light Mouse Cleaner, I cans 2Se swung - 23c aluna; Walnut street, unnoticed at VICTOR-V1CTROL- A Unions III Corn Flakes, a pkgs 25c first by other pedestrians, your home a or a COLUMBIA Sued Polaina;, m lbs 25c Lenox Soap, 8 bars 23c followed by Street Throng. EASY Same 4 packages GRAFONOLA. We carry a complete stock of both the Kl.l. as'Jello, all flavors. 25c At one an STATE WILL GIVE Medium pall, &0c; pall . corner automobile almost SNOWDRIFT size $1.05 back Victor and Columbia lines. the. rtrlvec SATÜRDAV GROCERY SPECIALS. to oass. Then a mounted policeman rec- ognised the president and him- Soda Crackers, fresh stock, 2 10c pkgs., 15c; or 7 Be 25c constituted pkgs... self, a special guard throughout the walk. INFORMATION REGARD INI. EQUIPMENT Cookies. stock. 1 5c pkgs., 25c; 2 10c pkgs .". 16c Mr. Wilson passed one frah from street to an rva li no i iiiu-.- is vshi-.- Olives, green, freeh stock, quart 5o ntii.T and finally turned Into Chestnut BY I It ASCII. Barrel GltiKer Snaps, regularle seller; our price S90 street, where the sidewalks were crowded. Tharc was You Can Always Look lor Something New and Your Money's Worth in Ever,' ho recognized and followed, and Pure base. a crowd soon had gathered- which Hie se Malcolm Frafer, secretary of the chamber cret service men had trouble in keeping u nns written a letter to Ad inca, i in.- tiiroitg sun was along when ii n unge, g j tai General lintel or Uie Texas lie Since land Watch for Our Money-Savin- Tuesday Specials. the president entered the Pennsylvania sta rvauonai liii.irn, ai Aiisiim requesting In Itcel Slew, In IIK- Rump Koust, lb Hon. formation as In the ability the slate of Kill On the ride back to Washington the ores- - Texas to riirnlsli equlpnientlandfr . hi Slew, lb .Ie Hnast. staiidlnu, lb. side arms timien awasti rat ana liilry, lb. ...17t4e Ident left tin. door of his drawing room ror ine men composing ina proposed aero- upen. i ne Veal Slew. lbs shoulder Steak, 2 lbs 25c otner passengers were much nautical cotiipany to be organized In 1.1 Million Chops, lb Aral Shoulder Rossi, lb Me interested and Master Robert swan, five paso. Hultoa Lea, lb ..., ... tie llu tlade Sausage, 3 lbs 25c secretary I rawer. In his letter, also re Pork Chops, lb. Hamburger steak. 2 lbs. 25c fath quests Information regarding the bulletin Itrled Beef, slice, lb. .. swill's Premium Hams, whole, lb.. 20c put out by Ihe war department giving de- Bacon, tails concerning the organization or Hulled Hun, lb Swill's Premium by atrips, Order Majestic such I'll re Hog Leal Lard, II lb Sulzberger's Ham or fla rómpanles ind the melliud to be pursued In .is con today - 5 or oxer ltl. ...e for breakfast tomorrow. "De- affiliating wllh the signal rorpt or the Sail Pork, lbs. Collolear, Pall, only fl.M iieiouaiy Varrow Bacon, Slrlp, lb. AVrsson OH 2te, 4Sr, and $1.00 uinerent. army. (Advertisement.) Tin- letter also adrlsea thai El Paso will ate Corned Beef, special Tot Saturday, 2 pounds 16c rurnisn tne necessary mar nine a and sup Loin of Beef, for steak or roasting, pound, only Surgeons aay the most dirricult operation port the organization by public aubacrlu ' ' B ITc Is taking the jaw out or a woman, in this tlon. In tl- letter secretary Kraser names CLaaVtT ÍÍL bsssP 5 respect all mm are willing to accept the inoae oi me rnuiiiouce appointed to per S MrMlrkle'a V ust SicMlrkle's Morning feet a permanent organization. COFFEE ( Hornlno Joy '1 . lb. 30c BUTTER Strictly guaranteed to le the beat, pound Sflc EGGS Ask for McMlckle'a Brookfield Eggs, dozen 28c LA BOX DA Y QUEEN C0NTES1 Yeu Caa Always Gel the Betl at MrMlrkle'a No Matter What Yon Buy. COLUMBIA 'TECLIPSE" GRAFONOLA, $25.00 Visit Our Slore; Ce- quaint ral. and see a Real Busy Grocery Are Welcome .Still Miss Donahue leads In the race for veloped during the last few days of the Special Summer Terms on All Small VICTROLAS J.abor day queen. Last night after the Cen Our tea e. Bast contest and (lie girls probably are aavlng of tral i.sikii union comimiiee nan counted KM and GRAFONOLAS Are San Antonl JM ,4 ls7 Courthouse vates it was round that she had too votes, their strength ror Ihe last days, when they IriVlrllVfVI while Miss Mallow had 378 and Mlas Vance know they will have to work more than CAN ALWAYS DO BETTER AT McMICKLE'S had Ml. unkin bouri. There will be no YOU Miss Mallow and Miss Vance do not seem overtime al lo be worrying about Miss Donahue being lowed. in Ihe lead and probably each has a card The coupon should N clipped from the $1.00 Down$1.00 Per Week up her sleeve to be played al the opimrtiun' Times, rilled out In full and placed In any time. Friends or Hie two candidates con- or ihe ballot boxes, each vole being accom- Other sizes and styles of Victrolas and Grafonolas from tinue to smile and say "wait." panied by 5 ccnls. The boxes are located StvRVICE TO Au- The contest rlosSa on Hie nlgbt or at Moinlug Times Brauch No. at to:. Texas $15.00 to $500. Our easy payment plan makes pur- gust at, juat ten days away, but the rrierm-o- f nti eci; central Labor Union hall, overland iba candidates are reminded that two and kamas; Cooks and Walters' heailiniar- - chasing easy. Call In any time and let us show and The Texas Plains Country Sundays must be counted In Ihe remaining tecs, ti i4 south ki Paao, at the Labor ten days. uv V a- aovoraie, icxas, ana at Musicians demonstrate to you the different VICTROLAS and Leave El Paso , 6:30 m. Real warm Interest is expected to be de le adquiriera. Arrive Sweetwater 9:30 p. m. GRAFONOLAS. Leave Sweetwater (3 hours layover) 12:35 night "Arrive Snyder - 1:56 a. m. ... VOTE... FOR Arrive Lubbock 7:15 a. m. Tri-Sta- te Co. Arrive Plainview 9:00 a. m. Talking Machine Arrive Tulta 10 :02 a. m. Fog Labor Day Queen. Telephone 2028 Texas and Stanton Streets Arrive Canyon II :20 a. m. Arrive Amarillo II :5"5 a. m. Vote Cart by . , VIA ( t Member pf TEXAS PACIFIC (Name of local union.) Each must be accompanied by 5 FHONE NO. 7 vate cents. This cou- pon is dipped from the Morning Times. Saturday. Avgutt 21. 191$. EL PASO MORNING TIMES ALL OF EL PASO WILL JOIN IN THE LABOR DAY CELEBRATION

Phenomenal Exports Last Year. Wilson Uncovers War Plot. them. Farmers and cattlemen, of ht sec- GLIMPSES OF THE PAST. tion have promised liberal cooperation. (From Files of The Times.) P Pümmfiaim ONE of the most striking fact connected pilE recent Mexican flurry on the Texas tte I'ublUlMd Erar Par id Iba Tur hr EI Paso Tlrora Compaa tli.. fvnort trade of the Coiled Batana la Hi. PMlofTlea al El Paao. Taiaj. aa By OUR PREBTDENT Plans the elegant new Hidalgo hotal TWENTY-FOU- YEARS AGO TODAT. Mill Ha during year ending pede for Out Uiiw Plates the fiscal June the United States Into war with Max la PUBLICATION OFP1C1 0C30I lOPCC that la to be built at Las Cruce, which BOITS. OBTOOM ST. 30, last, as shown In official figures Just Ico, according to Washington advices, The county commissioners were In ses- THE TIMES BUILDING, to he a cost of $7 5. 090. ate creat- AAArmt All CeraxunleaUonr. u Is phenomenal Waiting For the Treaties. built at sion yesterday, considering protests Against PAIIO, TEXAS. issued at Washington, the which assert the president has auceeeded THE MUKMSO TIME. El. (Copyright, 1901, 190S. Daroer a BroUer ing much enthusiasm In that city where raising of assessments. KM'KKSr.NTATlVfca. In our exporta to Netherlands, in uncovering fhe tj the FOBEKiN ADVKBTIB1NO increase the entire scheme. Three (Copyrlmt, Itlf, by the McClure Newspaper will C. Trtbun. MI they are now on eihlbition. The hotel ... Toik- -B BadnrlUl earaalal Ajanrj. Norway, Sweden and Italy. The total ship- hours Wilson's Syndicate.! i:Miw- -. C BaetwtUl Sjwrtal Trllmn. BM. after President arrival in Scalps of coyotea, rabbits and un- Tnlrd Natural year be a much finer itructure than the other bl Lauia a C BsdnrUb KpadaJ Anna. ments of domeatic merchandise to those Washington from Cornish, New Hamp- new desirable animals were being rapidly Bank r THE the good Alvarado, at Albuquerque, nnd will .... '. B. W. s to ami., Co- U- Ed LtlAh Dirt. four countries for the year figured up shire, the Mexican excitement petered out was brought in obtain the reward offered by J. OI1H Mali news that peace 76 rooms, arid woull be a credit Oall.lhar. Scnaru. Mtfi.OOO.flOA, 1210,000,000 for Identity contain the state. BljiitirKIIT-Iii- as against The of the plotters has not ret hand. The le&fleTS mi at to any city in ttiet entire 8outhwet. Br Malt In Adraru! the preceding year, a gain of $2S5,00O.O00. been made public, but It Ib believed that o f government i n Dalí arwi Burlaw, ona J 7? Park W. Pitman returned from the Sac- 100 per cent, to a when the Investigations now England had no doubt pulí anil Sunday, ill rooathitt J or largely more than thus in progress In the Pecos valley sec- ramento mountains, where he went to ex- And ntrmUu coma to perceive very Farmers located Palo Blindar, thraa very considerable extent offsetting the de- at Washington and at points ore bear. palU ud Hundir, ou roooUl 'I? other clearly how essential- tion of New Mexico are paying much at- terminate Tha yt,d TUMa. an raar In shipments to Germany. the Interests Carrlrr.) cline direct behind the schema will ly impossible It was year, and it IU tention to diversification this C. Freeman arrived In the city from PrJlj and Burtda', ona month of export be mercilessly revealed. to conquer America, More than our trade At present the is said more feed has been grown In that Dallas on business. SvanUr, rala aa aliena- MM and for the year was to the United Kingdom. following facta stands out: now that the Cim pu.l"inra In full. raatnr3raj rontT section this year 'ever before In the allrM Bamtl W tion of feeling be- than Ule. al nld addraa. whan rrquaaCru chanta If" Canada be Included the aggregate for The concert ghren by the Juarez rr lattar. When Secretary l.ansing met with tha tween the two coun- history of the country. Many alfalfa ban" mnoar nrdar. ilrift raa'Ularad in the plata was highly enjoyed. irun the I'nlted Kingdom and Canada equnled South American diplomats New was complete a. Poena prlrau t.rarnr, alhna. lili fla in York to tries fields were plowed up this year and care- llnaa cnnartlns all Tel ofmafi "J" 44 per cent of our exports, the total for final, and all ronnacU-m- will discuss the rote to the belligerent factions and ful ami system crop lora or wnal depattment T"U mat and scientific of rotation Miss M. J. Clark, deputy county collec- g Sunday and being Next the thought submission or accommodation nal. Atlrr 10 m. ind .n artarn.n MBM the two $1,112,000,000. to In Mexico, the plotters believed the time of inaugurated. tor, was on the alck list. the IHliwInf uenarloanta IU anawar direct Kingdom France, out of the question. . I'nlted came with had come for actloo on their part. Uta Masasat Their generals had seldom been beaten . Sirtv Edllnr and Mall Boom a gain of $210.000,000 compared Part of the plot was to make trouble on El Paso was being made the market for MM .iiai and Hev'tere In battle, as It was. Southwest Press. large of luscious Prpta. with tho preceding year, while the gain a number fruits raised UiM ArtierlUInf anf Olmiletmn the border. President Wilson knows that Burgoyne had won action after action In in the Rio Grande valley. soil... juitrn Hran. n i"i Buainaaa Mnsar lo tho I'nlted Kingdom and France exceed- years The United Slates experiment U the rirrler falla tn lell the papar pronoitl. nntlfr for Bevernl certain Interests In the the northern forests only to find himself farm near U tie any Iba abete lalrjwvmea ed $1J0, 000,000 the net gain in our total United States have offered sums of money helpless at last. Tulcumcart cut Its first crop of this year's The El Paso Browns defeated the Pass or Sudan grass early part of week. Any erneieoui refWilori upo" Iba andina, ihararter exports. to Howe had had his way easily enough at the the City team at Sportsman park yesterday aft- perron, or rmvnralliHi. mar certain "liad men" along the Texas bor- 4 0 0 rarulali '4 mr firm h.n It is yielding big bundles to the acre. d W Sladlr SSnWWO New York and on his expedition against ernoon by the score of"21 to S. appear In the c.lumni of the Tlraea mil Among the countries which showed a der to drganlze "armies" of American-Mexican- Late In tho fall títere will he another cut- i., :i. a.;- .- i. ti. 1 the mar.eirmei.t Philadelphia. Isrge decrease were Austria-Hungar- y With lead Into Mexico, ting. Tucumcari (N. M.) Sun. them and then freely, vic- Jake Catlin waa acting city clerk during Cornwillla had moved almost gross a decline of i ..SOO.Oai'; Belgium, more bun turn around and march back Into the toriously, Into the tiap at Yorktown. Sudan Is proving a great blessing the illness of his brother. Tagle. Probable Mexican President. in every $40,000,000; C.ermany, $316,000,000; Can- I'nlted Stales, killing Americans and de- Tha was, British section of country where it la VeVSQUEZ TAGLE, minister at unpalatable tact that THIRTEEN YEARS AGO TODAY. MANL'EL ada. $4,000,000; Argentina, $12,600,000; stroying property and making the Amer- troops could oontrol only so much of the tried, and Is furnishing the farmers with Justice In the Madero cabinet, It is country as occupied, and Hrnzll, $4,000,000: China, $8.000,000; Japan, ican people believe that Mexicana from they actually that one of the greatest forage producers they Major Rolls in city upon to assume the It was out of the- question to occupy all arrived the from believed will he railed $0,700.000, nnd Australia, $2.000,000. Mexico were, marching on the United have ever encountered. hla Mexican mine and Is being entertained prefcftency of Mexico under the of it. provisional States. . x by Captain Juan Hart. While there waa a decrease to South With Washington always at hand, al- pacification plans now In progress. Benor The Mexican leader who planned the in- American and Asiatic countries, i.' well as The present border troubles, in the esti- ways ready to strike, and always able to M. Tagle is (he "fily member of tho Madero vasion of Texas by the Army of Liberation Colonel L Buford arrived In the city to Austria-Hungar- Belgium Ger- mation of Washington make the stroke tell, It was not safe even upon tho nnd authorities, bear all must be, a sort of Marco Bczarls and Don from Torreen, on a visit to hia daughter, cabinet tlmt did not renlgn to attempt the maintenance of extended W. many, there were, an stated, notable in- the earmarks of such n campaign. Presi- Quixote in one. Tucson (Aria.) Star. Mrs. J. Magoffin. of the. Huerta usurpation, and lines. creases. Including $110,000,000 to Italy, dent Wilson knows the name of The men who took part in those al- and at least any rate, England grown weary A II is held that under tho constitution At had leged daughter waa born to Mr. and Mrs. $31,000,000 to the Netherlands, $30,000,u00 one prominent Western character who has raids In Texas must have also been L. laws of Mexico, he Is' the legal successor of the unnatural business; the house of W. Wilson yesterday. to Norway, and $62,600,000 to Sweden, boasted for many years that he ha a commons had declared against the war; painfully Indifferent to the teachings of of Francisco I. Mudero. while Russia In Europe showed a gjiln of standing offer of a large sum of money the new ministers were resolved to end it. history. The Central Labor union completed ita 81, of the Mexican constitution, Article $7.000,000. The Italy, from certain American even at the cost of granting America her arrangements for a big celebration on La- of Increase to the interests who might Independence; enly provides thai In the event' of a default and It had become a A Los Angeles njan went to Tucson to bor day and an elaborate program has Netherlands. Norway and Sweden were so possibly be backed by foreign interests, to of been the president Vtoa-pr- Idanl the order matter arms. spend his summer vacation. As be was prepared for the occasion. "r heavy as to Indicate that much of the stuff organize a fake' Mexican army of Invasion. In May, 1782, General Clinton was sup- of succession sliafl run through the cohl- - the first one eTer known to seek that city they bought from us found an outlet That there are certain Interests in the erseded at New York by General Sir Guy on account of Its summer climate At a meeting of the Border Rifles, Fred beginning with the minister of for- Carleton, who to assure he was through them to Germany. Norway, for United Statas who are determined to get was instructed the given the greatest consideration, and pub- Klefer waa elected second lieutenant of eign rtffnlrs Friends of Henor Tagle are American commander-in-chie- f of the gov- licity. Phoenix (Ariz.) Gazette. the company. instance, Jumped Its Imports from the the United States Into war, at almost uny ernment's determination to seek terras of i. ruing the following points In his favor: For Fhoenlx to poke fun at tho summer United States from $9,000,000 to $39,000.000, cost, has been clearly proven to the sat- peace, and who was of the nobis spirit to C. E. Cole and W. G. Brasher were vis- The uprising against the. usurpation of of Tucson Is cli- Sweden from $14.600.000 to $78.200.000 isfaction of the president, says a Wash- like his errand. climate an evidence of itors In the city. lluoriii whs founded on the purpose of re- On 11th of July the British, garrison matic and Italy from $78,000,000 to $184,000,000. ington dispatch to the St. Louis Times. the effrontery that challenges the ad- storing constitutional order In Mexico. at Savannah was withdrawn and sent to miration of every The contractor on the naw G. H. shops With a decrease in Imports during the And if we huvc such elements In the United disinterested observer1. The government of which Huerta pretend- New York. expected to have the foundations com- fiscal year ending June 30, of $219,000,000. States and they are known to the presi- In August, Washington received from pleted within a few days. er! t0 be the chief executive was denounced as compared with the preceding year, there dent their Identity ehould be revealed. We Carleton definite assurances that the In- Army Orders. as lllcgftlmii te mid was without lawful sanc- dependence of the United Statea was to A building was a net increase of $$87,000.000 in ex- want, no war with the people of Mexico a permit was issued to Mrs. tion. Madero resigned at the tiricnt sug- ,be conceded as a preliminary of peace, Tikes Burc'sl Iflr Ella. Rogers for the erection of a residence ports of domestic merchandise. Of the In- that is fomented on gestion of hie friends nnd relatives and either and in September the French who had re- Washington, D. C, Aug. 20. Leave of on North Florence street to coat SI, 400. crease In exports there was a gain of side of the border. What the American mained in Virginia Joined the Americans absence for two months, effective upon handed his resignation to I'edro Lascuraln, $629,000,000 In foodstuffs. people most earnestly desire Is pence in on the Hudson. arrival in United States, is granted Second Yesterday there was a. meeting of the minister, of foreign relations, who, In turn, In October they embarked at Boston Mort. field ar- Mexico and the early resumption of nor- for Lieutenant Proctor, second board ef directors of the newly organized caused the same to be presented to con- Trance. tillery. Providence Hospital association. An eled1 The Southwestern Democrat, Is a new mal business conditions In that unfortunate gress, which accepted It. Thereupon. By the close of November (November First Lieutenant Mark P. Pentecost, med- tton waa held and the following officers publication established at Phoenix, Arlx., and unhappy country. 30. 1782) a provisional treaty of peace had by of law, suc- ical reserve corps, Is Ordered to active duty. elected: Dr. M. P. Schuater, president; himself, operation upon: De- by John W. Martin, who claims its mis- been agreed and on the 14th of effective about August 2 5, at Fort Dr. Howard Thompson, Dr. ceeded automatically to the presidency, waa .evacuated, sion Is the promulgation of democracy All Japan la reported to he exceedingly cember Charleston also and Qa. A. H. White, secretary; E. M. Bray, treas- óf true of troops. and Rafael demandes,, minister interior. busy In the the South left free British Capta-i- H. urer. and the unification of all Democratic fac- manufacture of arms and am- Carleton, peace William Burt, field artillery, and Ernesto Madero, minister of finance, when he felt that was will proceed to Higgling. Cal., tions. The new paper is a very creditable munition for the Russian army. It Is said Indeed assured, begnn to dlsbdnd the loy- snd report hiving resigned, he ticreu pon, upon duress, August 20 for duty until August-- Ignnted production. that Japan Is giving evidence of her alist regiments, enlisted in the British ser- ÍÍ, as disbursing officer of Alaska appointed Huerta n.s minister of the In-- i Fort Logan H. Root, Ark., la designated commission, effective January 1916. friendship for Russia at this time by dis- vice and to dispatch many of his regulars - aa permanent snd followed 11 nh his own resig- to the West Indies to- Nova Scotia, and station of First Lieutenant First Lieutenant Jame B. Pascoe, med- rlor Is mantling; fortifications on her ' Jess Wlllnrd now receiving a atlpend northeast England-N- Thomas H. Scott, medical reserve corps. ical reserve corps, nation. President Madero. Lascuraln, to o will proceed to Fort of $10,000 per month as a result of hla roast and shipping the big naval guns to one doubted any longer that the end First Lieutenant Clarence C. Culver, Revere, Mass., and report, relieving First Hernandez, and Krneslo Madero having re- Third '. cavalry, is championship honors, and those who Vladivostok for the use of tjie Russians of the bitter business had come at last; detailed at signal corps Lieutenant Herbert W. Yeemane, medi- tired from office, the cabinet officer next every one Impatiently aviation school, San Diego, Cal. cal reserve corps, know .lessand his methods are confident In attempting; to tho advancing tide waited for the treat- who will proceed to In succession under the law was Manuel ies which were to constitute its formal con- First Sergeant Andrew Hoffman. Troop Fort Warren. Mass., and report he 1r saving every dollar of it. of Germans. B, Second cavalry. Is placed upon Vasiiues Tagle. minister of Justice, who clusion. retired Resignation of First Lieutenant Hugh F. list, McGaughey, medical reserve corps, never er)d ins resignation; had has land snd Turkey declares she is able to meet any Ro'porls from New Mexico indicate that Leave of absence for IS days Is granted been accepted, effective August 19. 'appointed Major George H. in- not Ldiscurain Huerta ns minis- condition that may be created by the Allies, 85 per cent of all the feeding lambs In McMaster Sixteenth Leave of absence granted Second Lieu- duress, Tagle, fantry. tenant Ernest G. Cullum, ter, of the Interior under then but there Is a growing suspicion some- Albuquerque country have been contract- Fourth cavalry. that Leave of absence for two months, effect- Is further extended 16 days. as minister of Justice, became entitled to Is In ed for nt the, highest prices known to upon thing about to happen the Darda- the ive arrival In United States, Is grant- Captain Joseph F. In- occupy the presidential chair ijnder the Gohn. Fifteenth nelles that will surprise even Turkey. sheep Industry. These contracts call for ed First Lieutenant Joe R. Brabson, sec- fantry, Is detailed for service in quarter- terms of Article HI of. tho constitution. the delivery of In ond corps. the lambs cars during Monday:-latlon.- "INfUciilUes in 'Peace Fiirmu- - master Tagle la a very successful lawyer of Mex- Newspaper dispatches a Kansas October and November prices leave of absence for ene month and First Lieutenant Charles R. Blakely, Assert at ranging 20 days !j. is granted Second Lieutenant F. Sixth field artillery, Is inspector-instructo- r ico City. His family hus long been promi- mull carrier has been placed under from $S.B0 to $7.00 per hundredweight. detailed as Barnes, second field artillery, with per artillery, organized nent in Mexican affairs and he held office of militia, opening letters that were In trans- Southwestern Progress. mission to visit China and Japan. and will proceed to Atlanta, Go., Septem- during the Dlar administration", retiring mission, and many people aro wondering Kngland claims that rhe argument of the Leave of absence for two months, ef- ber i, idle. W. upon therefrom on account of a disagreement why Kansas employs women mall United Stute In support of Fred James, of ClovUV has been fective arrival in United States, la Captain Irving J. Carr, Seventh Infantry, carriers. granted- Second with Diaz. Huerta greatly feared Tagle, with American commerce, is "unsus- elected president of the'Curry county fair, Lieutenant J. Magruder, now at Fort Sain Houston, Tex., will join second field artillery. his regiment. but never molested him. and since the over- The calm optimism maintained In Petrol tainable." And that contention seems to and backed up by a very competent board Leave of absence for four months is First Sergeant Michael Sprowles. Com- grad during a lapse memory o directors. It has been decided to hold throw of the Madero government he has the time the Russian forces indicate of or the part of granted Captain Julian De Court, Philip- pany L. Twelfth Infantry, Is placed upon been living quietly in Mexico City without are being ateadlly driv'en homeward by the Hnglnnd as to the manner In which we the fair In Clovls during the month of pine Scouts. retired list. J. C. Mehaffey, taking any part In revolutionary activities. Germana, Is an exhibition tha appears to once sustained a former argument along October, and upon the close of the county First Lieutenant corps Second Lieutenant Roy S. Brown, First of engineers, is detailed as a member of cavalry. Is to sec- Ha la said to be a very able man. have been studied for effect. i he ame linea. t fair the exhibits will servo a double pur- attached the aviation the hoard of road commissioner for Alaska, tion and Will proceed to San Diego, CaL, pose by being shipped to the state fair at effective about September S. vice Captain and report. Wilson has not Is The German kaiser nays he is getting The 1. Louts says Edgerton, corps "of President denied there aid the Albuquerque. Glen E. engineers, Leave of absenca for two months, effect- to be another White House wedding soon, from abave, and that, probably serves to Republican nominee for tho presidency hereby relieved, effective about that date. ive upon arrival In United States, is grant- Captain G. E. Edgerton, corps and that fact aeems to indicate that (his explain the Inefficiency of the British next year will be n dark horse, and that O. C. 'Browning and others are Investi- of engi- ed Colonel Jacob G. Galbralth, cavalry, neers. Is assigned to second battalion of acting inspector grandpa business has not yet become the blockade. (.itch the colured vote. gating the situation regarding the estab- general. engineers, effective about September 5, Captain Bourke, medical of a creamery at Cloudcroft, N. James corps, least bit Irkaome to him. lishment and will proceed to Texas City, .Tex., and will proceed from Galveston, Tex., to mind so firmly set on la for- Fort With his viewing It aaiil that all reference to war is M.. and are meeting with much encourage- report for duty. Wayne, Mich.,' tor duty, relieving First The Carranaa idea appears to be that the San Francisco exposition, the proud bidden In Spain, and this is an evidence of ment. Mr. Browning Is recently from the First Lieutenant Louis A. Kunzlg. Infan- Lieutenant Fred H. Newberry. try. Is from duty his highest duty to Mexico is to prolong spirit of General Victoriano Huerta must the fact that Spain has not yet forgotten Imperial valley section of California, and relieved with board ef Leave ef absence granted First Lieu- road commissioners for Alaska. tenant Harvey D. Htgley, hostilities just aa long as possible. he chafing under this wearisome delay. whal happened in 1S9S. Knows creamery possibilities sees sixth field artil when he Major Peter V. Davison, Infantry, is des- - lery. Is extended one month. POLLY AND HER PAL- S- By Ail the Rules Ashur's It By 3TERRETT,

HuTEPESIíaJít xtRTlClfe OAÍ l RMD M TR4l6HT UP AdO DoiScVaJ -- VlCTfe-- MOTtR 0 cStu-l.,- I wd Mo LoVf-- LlKfc i H0L 1 tmGoiStfí! J fWV FEVrfcR which n idTh. "Bulge, ai Thl Back - MAMA Bfc. 0 OlW VtOPLt WITH AIO WCK - HE4DS Of The. HL4D -- The. 6lPis d THk- - f ILM --'j ntvrt-- inc. ARt SUBJECT TO T VkjbTSvl-MATTE- R MOAJSEAÍ.SE! XÜMAOQii MEUl Alo jOMH flDDLtTiCkS 'BACK HtAD m ' Vt Tommy WoT!

(fítY. StbíiílÍT-- i Saturday. August 21. 9J. EL PASO MORNING TIMES

Rheinheliner, Miss Mary Letghton. Miss May rpi West Point, where be wiu enter his Buckaloo, Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mlas Birdie tblrd year. M will not return until after Buckaloo. Miss Polly Greer. Mrs. Frank M. bis graduation. TO PAY Lynch. Mrs. Russell Rokahr and Miss REQUIRED Dorothy Long. 9- - C- Vajaatine, of Marti, who has been called to El laso on account of the serious Entertained Last Evening. uiness or his daughter, will to tits . return ALUMINUM Mtta Mettle Edmonason entertained Hit home toda-- evening at her home on Myrtle avenue o. FOR HIS POSITION in w ... honor of Miss Haiel Kinney, who recently A t r k - as you have learned the past week in attending Mr. Perkins' returned from Waco, and Mlas Frances city rór some 'time and Wflf leave shortly Edmondaon, who win leave today for for nolntft In New Mevtrn In h. Ana mu. cooking demonstration is far superior to any other ware. Its where she will enter school. The eral weeks. wearing qualities great. It's the economical ilETY hours were spent danc- SCHOOL BER ALSO MAKK are most ware in playing games, TBF.ASl Ml ST ing, and at the close datnly rerreshmenu Mr. and Nrs. Stephen John niiimu lert BOND or the housewife can have in the kitchen. were served. Those present were Miss yesterday on the dolden State ror Kew 100.000. Kinney, Miss Edmondson. Misa Myrtle York and other eastern cities. "RASSERS-BV- Flave, Miss Maurlne .Oarrott, Miss LlUle " A was color scheme of yellow and white Dale. Miss Mona Rlrketson and Miss Au- Lawrence Stevens has returned from The new treasurer to be anroinled bv the carried out In the decorations of the rooms gusta Farrnkamp. Mrs. S. A. Finch, Mr. and two weeks" trip to California. school board of the El Paso public schools and in the luncheon srsed. Mrs. Charles McCoplne and Messrs. Law- o will' bo one public official, who, matead of TODAY Miss Davis was with a guest Special Hair ann pay the 2! oa.idmTwor.l.'x presented rence Sheay, Dick Scott. Glen Deer, Wayne washed rat ri receiving a salary, will have to for SÚfcIBy prlte and Miss Virginia Akard received the Edmondson, Homar Dale and Lawrence PASO SCHOOL OF BEACTY" CULTDBE Adv ptlvllege and in addition will be required "M prize for highest score. The consolation Weddel. to rurnlsh a bond amounting to ssno.OUO. is positively your last opportunity of taking advantage of ' ti? "S'c oday, and watched was won Fran.-;- Earl. Miss Vol- meet- passPi by, by Miss This appointment will be made at a Mrs. Perkins' instruction. Many things the housewives have lertson was assisted by her mother. Mrs. Tarcel Post Party. ing or the board to be held next Monday Charles Vollertson. and Mrs. A. J. Strayer. night at the Bailey school when the con- learned in attending this demonstration during the past week, mosn me rnarrmng TO BUY 100 ACRES inviiea to enioy ave a tract for the completion or the new high f"lltifd on the benches there, were Mis, Davis. Miss Karma Dean, parcel post party last aven lag at the as and many have been coming back every day. wiclVori,. ,r,w or Mn cnooi win aiso dc considered, as sen fJSfi b2re "if despair Miss Bose Goodman. Miss Mary Uate everal olher important mailers pertain creí ordlng to Fashion's de- - Miss Nellie Mae Bowen. Mis Vlrglnit The arralr was a very Jolly one and en- - ing loyed quite a large to tha schools. Akard, Miss Arna Mae White. Miss Jennie by number. Miss Teva A portion or the letter requesting bids 11f,Mrr.5inWM P'"11 ,ehlr Poverty, Mse Davis, Miss Irene Robertson, Miss Edna Hair delighted the audience with a vocal OF LAND IN VALLEY ror following: olo and Miss Margaret treasurer contains tne "Bids WEAR-EVE- band WU"1 In Robertson, Miss Kathrlne Foster, Miss uene Young's piano soloi are respectively solicited representing the R " oilrhrtst. Miss Ida Hunter, Miss Helen average daily bal- i(m!,ny.'fY'e' N'etly Rang amount of interest on scanned. Miss Ruth Monis, Miss Genevieve beautifully two selections, and Misi ances or school funds bidders re willing i?f ' ,stof"' I saw reflected there, Binnell, Miss Phyllis Lorig, Miss In tired eyes-t- Kathnnt to pay ror tbe privilege or acting as school Aluminum ware is being sold this week at a special discount of he lines ot rar- e- Foster. Miss venia Bray, Miss Marlon ments were served and til present had t ror scholastic yesr begin- The stooplnr shoulders, COl'XTl OFFICIALS RELIEVE CON- - treasurer the I Triple-coate- I 5 and P Miss Anne Magofrin, Miss Bernlce most delightful evening. UTLl September l and ending August 3t. 5 per cent. Royal d Enameled Ware at per Thwh3.í00Elng mouihs-t- he vacant afar" i.r.sir.u (iiMillliiNs AT . ning Brick, Miss Ethel Crawford, Miss Frances IS. Tne runner mat ui au- "reama-al- ma HOSPITAL. letter stales cent discount; Gurney Refrigerators at 15 per cent; and amiss"" rone Earl, Miss Mary Dewey. Miss Helen Red- Surprise House Warming. dition to keenlnr the school funds the ding. Miss Frances oppenhalmer and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Crlbb were greatly shsli keep lull and Itemlied ac Percolators, for the first time we are offering them at 0 per FTheferp.cUo,n picture like Siephen Hambaugh. c ireasurer surprised last evening at a house warming Soil Poor Farm As counts with each or the dirrerent cisstes or w,,n '"mpled check. given in For Musi Be Rich In shall, on or the cent off. m?.r mZW co,t their honor by the Ladles1 Aid tention Ti Malta 11 school funds and berore ' worn sIeelt' Sigma Delta Sigma Dance. society of the Highland Baptist is or October of each year, file with the rS,iSr,;LhS J,.n1'.her wl,h clerical meln. Park mat a upon Tho membeis of the sirma Delta Slrmt church. Mrs. A. R. Webb. Miss Nellie Mr stale superintendent or public Instructions V T2SPr Jiki",rt "Ü lne ?reen-ca- club one of n itemlr.em In duplicate or lhe re ",tl6 entertained their friends with renorl "c rrl,"d tho prettiest dances of the season last eveni- charge or the affair.' Watermelon and cake With the of the Sinn non cnuntv ceipts and disbursements or the school ng- s rarrvlna year Hr r,e ileeP,ni soundly upon in the ball room of the Paso del None serien io tne guests, a large number hospital bond Issue, congested condlilons runos ror tne preceeaing muui KRACKAJACK lap her hotel. Chaperorlng the young couple were being present. A short musical program at be by erec- August 31. was the hospital will relieved the A Wh0 r,e Mrs. W. A. Hawkins. Mrs James Magoffin, rendered, after which the evening was tion of additional buildings and the pur- 'look,1'" w"h boWen1 Mrs. s. Mrs. Matle, Mrs. II. J. pleasantly spent in conversation. For Summer Complstata. Service is the n hardware in the Southwest. chase or a county rarm which will take - service The girlie who Is Simmons. Mr. and Mrs C. ft. Russell, Mr. care or th "poor" initiates at present I rannot sneak too of Chamber- reading a book A. Luncreon ror Iain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Memedy It's HARDWARE SATISFACTION surmise! and Mrs. J. Ilapper, Mr. and Mrs. Frank housed In the county hospital because Iberu Bv SSSP'l.ffi.f Alnsa. Mr. and Mrs. S. Humphries and Miss Hannah Hill, whose marriage to Tom no for It has been used by myseir and hushsnd blushes and radiant eyes; Is other place ror them. cms inn L 8 B. F. Burges. ewman will occur in the near ruture, was ror the past nrteen years ana nuvwr molhn wlln you,n ,u" The dainty the bonoree at a While plsns have not been decided on, fnileri lo irlve nromnt relief." writes Mrs. her Pn progiams were affairs In very prettily appointed Boveral construct- gold. At midnight guest were served luncheon given Friday by F. M. additional houses will be Carrie Turner, Zanesville. Ohio. Fof sale by Her race rapt and beautiful as tainted the Mrs. ed on the hospital site. One or them will Madonna. refreshments. Murcblson at her homo In the Piagley. A all dosiers (Advertisement.! Tne ,ne Among those present were Misses Jane color plan of pink and white was carried be devoted to those patients surrerlng with Krakauer, Zork & Moye's S., I. dr1'n.kard' the children at Burgus. May out In the contagious aneases, ratienis so surrering Krentzthor. Clara Hawkins. decoration of the table, which In lhe past and at the present time, have P !n tbB Marian Calnan. Cleo Russell, Ann Magofrin. LU"wa J',,,,' lby ,belr Mildred Dorothy Vollertson, roses. Tiny presented a problem to the hospital authori- INTEREST IN SHOW Terry. Helen pink favors marked the guests' which has only solved con- On neuniug, ecnusur, ties been arter San Francisco Phone lire'; sea, each guiding or wrecking .Margaret iteien siderable troubla and Inconvenience. How- 117 Street 1040 his tmrquc Vonla Bray, Marian Moses, Enid ever, to keep you Alnsa, Fran- - Bridge the authorities have been able If want to study nature, lust visit a l Marian Ainaa, Ethel Crawford. Luncheon Monday. these separated rrom the other patients. park Miss Lucille Harland will Mon Jlary Dewey, entertain With additional room there will be nu M. LAURETTA CREEN, Dewey, Alice Myles, Ruth day with a bridge luncheon at her home trouble In this respect. FELT BY MOTHERS lit North Kansas St., El Paso. Lois Maetze, Grace Glntner. Doru Freeman, in ine Lucerne. Gcnviive Ccillns. Anita Mactze, Kathrlne To Mske More Room at Hospital. The poor rarm will be provided prominent In tho Honored Foster, Irene Robertson, Edna Robertson, Picnic Sunday. whlrh rtilwav activities of north- at Bridge Party. Virginia Akard, Winifred Woods, Lucille is probably considered one or the greatest ern .Mexico. Miss Frances TJavIs or Denüon. Texas, A Jolly crowd of young people will leave to hospital, as During Ins stay ttv as the llarland. Ruth Morris, Elizabeth Hawkins, Sunday morning Dripping boons the the removal of AFTER ABSENCE OF lr. Sllirrt visited honoree at very enjoyable bridge Da- for Springs to will leave considerable apace MANY HAVE WRITTEN FOR LITERATT'RE haitih.T or Cornnierce was in party given Lucillo Mayer, Gladys McQuatters, jane spend the day picnicking. these Inmates ami loud mi yesterday afternoon by Miss vis and The boys were Thoso In the In the hospital needed Tor ttio caro of in- IN ill I. Mill TO HETTER BABY praise of lhe city, saying that it was th' Dorothy Vollerlson at her home on Julie Schuster. party will be Miss Anita Maetic, Miss Re- Nevada. Jack Thompson, Jack Happer, Ouy Living- becca Maetze, valids, - CONTESTS.' most prosperous and nrOfTdMlve city In Miss Mary Lewis and Miss Is the intention or county commis- the south or the today, ston, John Crockett, Wilfred Kranlztbor. Mary Kaye Alves, Messrs. It wuilo in ln ltoland Kemp, Joe MigoMn, Leonard Good- Walter Jenkins. sioners to secure a valley farm containing city Mr. Slbert was eni.'i laind by Edgsr Lluf Elliott, Lewis Crooker and Lewis too 800 Although 3sn which the 30 YEARS RETURNED Kayser. or man, Lollte Stolarofr, Jack Vowell, Don Whltham. either or perhaps arres. (The soil the babies form W. the First National hsttk. Piatt, Ted Piatt, Mannle StolarofT, noire must bo rich and fertile, for the commis- original list ror the Baby Show Sample, Buster Biggs. Herndon Kemp, Billy sioners are determined to make the farm to be bold in F.1 Paso September 27, 88 and Mrs. Waller Slotvr In El Paso. NO To Be Married Saturday. S9. the PAIN Flato, Francis Broaddus, Paul McQueen. Ray It Is rigured that some or ID connection with El Paao health Mrs. stows, or voice y strvN .mas .nniiriiui uavis, niece or Mr. and week observance, en- Walter .teacher and ido .New .Method nr White. Earle Cochrane Charles Kllbtirn, B. the pstienis who are sent to the rami will have already been piano, graduate or Cincinnati Conservatory Mrs. H. Thompson, win be on Dl .int. is nuaoiuieiy ,u id inv Lovvrlcn Wlngo. Ralph Pateman. Frank M- married be able to work, thus resulting in producís tered, entries are being taken on a wait FEEL LIKE RIP VAN WINKLE." or Music, pupil or Saenger, Wa work upon the teeth. v.Wo use NO cQuatters, A. J. McOuatters, Elit'ott Cheis, being grown which can be sold on the mar- ing list, wnicn win n.i neio in reserve in CLARES MAN WHO HELPED BITLD York, is located p.rnianentlv In El Arts., at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Thomp- - Pao. or any of Its products In any Henry Collins, James Kllhurn. Donald Ho- ket. At least, lhe farm can supph' the casé some of the babies on tho first list MEXICAN CENTRAL. and her itudlo at H Last Boulevard ta lorm. garth, county hoipttal and oilier county Institu- do not appear for lhe .contest. Interost Is Frank Schuster. Hicks Toolcy, Billy now oien. t Anderson. Alfred Woods. Ed Rob- tions with vegetables, rruit and other increasing in tne snow, von promises io Beginning. Luckett, Annjuncemint of Marriage. Returning to EI an or Interinediaie. and sdvancnt ert Piatt, Flnley Robertson. Frank Scot- - supplies, whlrh th county now has to buy, be the biggest contest of Its kind evir held Psso arter absence students enrolled Normal courses for ihotu K according 10 In the SC a ten, Mannle Schwartz, Rich Vldraer, Bruno countv ofriclals. southwest years, A. L, Slbert or Boanokc, Vs.,- to teach. Certificates and di- gagement of e.r son, Paul Keating, to Miss "Mothers taking an intelligent prererlng Richmond, Jack Donahue. Stephen Schus- Postponed Commissioners' Meeting. are interest guest or the Hotel raso del Norte, saya that plomas granted wli-- rrcpiircd courses are weuuinir win une piare coumy commissioners were scpea In our show," said Mrs. B. F. Jenkins, sec ter, Fabian Stolarorr. Jack Knight. Carl at .i home or Mrs. ine he' anotheFrUp In completed. Tito highest standard main- Goodman. the Bahnert at lhe Green tiled to hold a meeting yesterday for the retary or tne El I'sso surtrage league, reels like Van Winkle slogan. Tree hotel on the 20th of this con- tained. TlioroiiBhii. ss the Study month. purpose or canvassing the returns from "and they are evidently desirous of viewing tho splendid city or today, which with a derinlte purpose. Call Tuesday ami the elections, or the forming all the requirements for entry Honored Mrs. Ross. Bridge Party. bond mi account box with he could not hut contrast with lhe city or Friday arier p. m. rrom Sierra Blanca not being In. although and examination. This Is shown by the (Advertisement.) Miss Ruth Long entertained yesterday suss Beatrice Pateman, whose marriage the election was held last Tuesday, the kivn riemanit fur literature of all kinds re thirty years ago whlth now exists unly in afternoon at her home on San Jose Mreet to Donald Rathbun will occur on September commissioners bad to postpone the session. lating to baby shows In We have his memory. to honor Mrs. Malcom S. Rosa, or Fort is. will be the guest or honor at a bridge already over sou pieces ot sucn Cslled communication. F.l Paso Lodge, No. rooms sent out Thirty years ago Mr. Slbert. who Is now Worth. Texas. The were decorated party given this arternoon by Mrs. Charles literature and It will be necessary lor us 130, A.'F. A A. M.i Saturday morning, Au- in yellow daisies and the afternoon was a. rox, at ner norae on a goods of Roanoke, resided North Campbell to secure a much larger supply In order dry merchant gust SI. at :15 a. m. Funeral Brother o. Latest pleasantly spent In playing 500. The prize street. to meet In El Paso and was an employe or thn and best achievements In Dental score won the demands." Science a plate a for highest was by Miss Mary Dr. Dysart, specialist. Exact rules and regulations ror holding Paciric railway. He helped to D. Owen. without roof, which Letghton and Miss Birdie Buckaloo won D. Electrical treatment RICE, W. M. does not Interfere with taste or speech. the 8. Bridge Club. eye, throat, lungs, skin. Room 10. More- tho contest will bo rormulated at a meet- hulid the Mexican Central railway and was J. TEMPLE Light, second prize. At the close of the games MI I the! .,,, .'Ill h,, Ik. ing the Surrrags league to be strong, durable and beautiful. If house Block (Adv.) ol Equal In a an Ice course was served to those present, Tor the S. D. Bridge club Saturday arter- - few tho Chamber or hurry, ran be made' In one day. were Rosa, held within l days at obtained only here. who Mrs. Mrs. J. V. Brown, Miss uuuii mi iiuiiid in me apart- Commerce. The rules win De largely Louise Slstermans, or Austin, Misa Gladys ments. uron those prescribed by the ALL WORK GUARANTEED 10 Woman's YEARS Strickland, Miss Mabel Glyn, Miss Freída nome companion ami lunnuianu io uupaa full sets of Teeth Motored to Valley ionT tne requirements oi ine. American ueaicw Pimples and Skin Eruptions Crown and Bridge Work, per tooth 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. R. K. ma nn vi i.,n,v, Amusements association. Silver and Gold Fillings 11.00 up Reed motored to the Valley Inn Thursday (Advertisements) entries ror the biby show yesterday included Jack A., the 30 months CHICHESTER S PILLS AFTER ItARK. oia son or Mrs. r. J. mgney oi mesa, n. ai, Danger Signs of Bad Blood NEW SYSTEM DENTISTS BRAMO, . A Today Hie. and the nine months old son of Mrs. A. w SOCIETY PERSONALS. Alliamhra theater will show of Culiutllln. Old First National Bank Bldg. wm A Brady's "After Dark, based upon Tennev Texas. Corner El Paso and San the play by Dion Bouctcanlt. which was a The American Arust and Saving bank Antonio Sis. Mrs. Horace M. Adams, or Rnawaii v yesterday announced that It would start It May Mean Eczema, Scrofula The Across lhe Slrrrt From lhe Entrance of W aw and Miss Irene McSpadden, or irerasnaoiH success on ine regular siaire. j lake oikr. .fjwwV Oklahoma "Ola Tom" was played In by a savings account in tne sum oi aa tor the Hotel Del Norte. ' SiS City, sre In El Paso the theaters Spanish German and are the house no less a person than William A. Brady, one of the babies. This First Sign of Inherited Blood Disc ase and Spoken guests or Mrs. J. W. B. Robertson at her make a total or seven banks which have Open Evenings. r nr poMimi1s"iiii.iiniwji home on who Is now responsible ror the photoplay, Montana street. They win return in which Alec B. to T,Old so rar compiled witir tnis request or tne SOLD BY DRUOOISTS EVLRYWHTRE to Roswell Monday and Miss McSpadden Francis is be the Eqdal Suffrage league. Tom." This Is Mr. Frsncls' greatest oppor- Pimples, acaly itching skin, raahes, burning sensations and Scrofula denoto .mu .tits. Annuls mr some time tunity in a career or several yeers'ln screen "i returning to her home. work. Splendid lor CooaUpatlon. with unfailing certainty a debilitated, weakened and Impuro state of thn o ago I Mrs. As a production "After Dark", has been "About a year used a couple of blood. Tho trouble may have been In your blood from birth, but no matter Stuart Schalrer. or Clint, Texas, who done the amplest It has the bottles or chamberlain's Tablets snd found has been In for a day re- Justice. how you feel Infected, you muat trqat. It through blood. It Is blood dis- the city or two, or a powerful supporting cut and them to be a splendid remedy ror Indiges- the a turned to her home yesterday. Mrs. and- - C. S. Colby, K. S. tonic, SO years. you ex- Is wonderfully effective settings. tion constipation," writes ease. You must use 8., the standard blood for If Schalrer planning to go to Portland. Ore.. a N. V. sale by all SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES In a short while, "Arter Dark" Is photoplay that will hold Holland. For dealers. pect certain relief. For purifying the syntcm. nothing is equal to It. The ac- where she will spend all the time It is screeo. (Advertisement.) some time visiting her old homo and rela- tion of s. 8, R. Is to cleanse the blood. It soaks through the system to tives. direct MAJE8TIC. of the acting an nntldote to tho blood poisons. ST. o the seat trouble as neutralize JOSEPH'S ACADEMY. Bes and Billy Truehart are at the Ma "brevities It revitalizes the red blood corpuscles, increases the flow so that the blood A Day a (Advertisements.) Select School for Young Ladles and Little Girls. 704 North El Paao soon to visit her slst'-- on Fort Boulevjrd. Jetlc for short engarement. These nonu can properly perform Its physical work. The dull sluggish feeling leaves you V St., El Paao, Tex.. Conducted by the Sisters of Loretto She will remain a short time before lar soclely dancers sre direct lo El Paso Primary. Intermedi- Ro Dr. Ebert, Dentist, Mills building. ate and Academic Grades Taught. i rom nsiiiiiKton. w here they closed the complexion clears up. Even long standing cases respond promptly. Music a specialty. School reopens Wed- a three, nesday. September 1. 1915. PHONE S15. ller mother and brother. weeks' engagement at the Hotel But you must take s. S. 8. Drugs nnd substitutes won't do. Get S. 8. r. Wlllard. All the late and popular dances your yours Is special case you advice, are demonstrated by this clever couple. from druggist. If a and need expert to arrive here' soein and "will spend several In addition to the regular program of two write to 8. 8. 8. Co., Atlanta. Ga. EL eumB o o uie coasi, wnere reels of pictures, the Majestic excellent PASO SCHOOL FOR GIRLS h mi stocx company in me mciian with the College preparatory course, certificate to Wellesley, Smith and Vassar. Regu- about the middle of September. neauty cnorus. Says Auto Hit Hia. lar academic and special elective courses. Intermediate for younger girls THE In suit riled In the county court, P. 1 IMIJl'E. Conzalcz asking Domingo Montoya to Primary for little girts. Music, physical, education, outdoor study. for the State college. New An program or la Meilr.o. whcr rtcptiont three different pay nun tf.'o anegen OF COURSE IT COS1S MORE a damages or personal MISS 'SLATER AND MISS TAFEL, Principals. pictures comprising ciassy Lupin drama Injuries. On June 98 last, the plantirr al- entitled "The Great Loan Land," a Sellg leged To have a room 'painted with Keystone, but It lasts so much' longer 11 Terrace Street, Sunset Heights. ncnooi nosweu. that he was alighting from a Jltne euirr at western entitled "The Child, the Dog and bus in front or his residence, 3801 Alameda that In the end YOU SAVE MONEY. the villain" and a good comedy entitled avenue, when Montoya. driving an auto "Street Fakirs" wllj be the program today. TELL. US YOUR PAINT TROUBLES. tending the convention or Édu mobile, came along and he was struck by the .National Tomorrow "Man to Man," a strong tne auto ana inn piainiiti auegea lain hi, nan recnny neen drama, and a Max Llnder, one or the injuiea. one or or that no warning was given by tbe ap- TUTTLE PAINT & GLASS CO. Announcement eieciea tne board directors ror world's best comedians, win appear In' a proaching automobile. PROF. RAYO R. REYES has returned to "the city, and is now in charge iuu uuiniug yrar. real comedy, "A Ringer 0n Max." "The 310-ai- a v. st. 2O.V20B of hia ORCHESTRA AND BAND. Lessons given on all instruments, espe- Goddess" and' "Palhe Weekly" will tic here 118 Bldg. Stanton phones Mi's. John S. Thompson Dr. Deady removed io Mills cially the violin. Call or phone Dunn's Music Store. ... has returned Aionaay. i., mini lr,u io, .nicago. III., kUCVlL'S. where she has spent the summer visiting ROMANCE AT THE WIGWAM. and Dutcb lunch. Budwelscr, Lamp's Standard friends relatives. The .Wigwam program ror todav con dandy Charles KUbum will tains two love stories. One Is "The stones to i.oan. leave this morning Klis," a romance or the nobility, and the Will buy good vendor's lien notes and omer is iovbi iteacue, - a Biograpn. loan money on gooa lusiuu cuy properly strong drama. "The Renenlance of Dr A. 1'. Coles Bros. Banking By Mail Bllnn," Is tbe Vltarrspb's contribution to TJST AS EASY TO OPEN A SAVIN US ACCOUNT WITH VB AS the bill. Would Force Exchange. THOUGH YOD LIVED NEXT DOOR. Sunday Alice Brady, daughter of Wil Frank M. Ascaraie is asking lor sperinc Eyster'sC.O.D. Grocery liam Brady, and a n Broadway We pay 4 per cent Intercut, compounded twice evtry year. performance In a suit riled against frank Wa do A bpenco in the Forty court. depositors' guaranty law CANDY SALE Wedneaday rirst dlalrlct buslneaa under the of the Stat of Texas, and "Snould a Mother Tell The i lalnlirr alleged that by vlrture or an Grocery Department ara Guaranty Fund Bank, as provided by featuring Bcity rsansen alleged by an Tja 4340 a such law. The plantirr tbat virtue of JL to being saute, cnauge tne property ai evs souin Oregon Meat Department Our plan, in addition convenient, la and TODAY. nOneS 4346 BUOt: 1 Nobody ever lost In on Our street ror his property, lots snd 8, block liberal. has a dollar a State Bank in Texaa. "The Secret Code." one of the Kalem rt. Fastside addition to Columbus. IV. M.. WRITE TOUA1Í FOR OUR FREE BOOKLET. "BANKING BY MA 11 PINK & WHITE company's productions, win be shown at and other considerations. Tbe plaintiff Vegetables. OR SIMPLY MALL YOUB DEPOSIT. the BUOii today This drama Ii rlrht in alleges mat re is leaoy io perrprm nm pari Everything in Fresh Fruits and COCOANUT BAR line with the present day, when every of the agreement and wants the defendant BANK & TRUST CO., El i.iiii-.- '.nu, .in rwui lit seeping a to carry out his part. Lemons, per dozen too Btring Beans, per pound. So EL PASO Paso, Texas. 15c the lb. wary eye on Its neighbors. Don't falf to Oranges, SOc Hweet Potatoes, 6 pounds see tnn picture today, the scenei In one Rlgbt Way Laundry. PL. ilia. Dt Texas. doxen...90o and 35o Saturday Only of the finest hotels In the land are wortn Peaches, per pound 5c Watermelon on Ice, pound seeing Cooking Apples. 6 pounds 2 So Celery, 2 hunches 16c The Elite Confectionery Co. CHARLIE CHAPLIN' AT GRECIAN. Blue Ribbon Butter, none better, per pound 30c Chaplin Charlie will be at the flnrcian to Dr. Anna Reum. Hurkier Slag, over Elite Blue Ribbon Eggs, strictly fresh, dozen SOc wWGm wwm v mfj VWWf I day in another one of those runny BP f WWWM comedies. The title or today s com Charged With Forgery. Blue Ribbon Coffee, the best quality, per pound SBo rtf edy is "Cauirht in tbe Ham." Funnv? of J. Alexander stands charged with forgery Blue Ribbon Flour the highest patent. sack Si.00 course: Butter come early. Send the kids by coiniiiaint filed in the court of io ine matinee. Justice ivHfepAndant Assay Offlos Jamas M Deaver. The defendant Is alleged " 9s tn have slmert the name of C. B. Shane to a Watson Groceries are "Hetter Babies" drink Electric Puro Water cheek for ébi drawn on the Commercial ' 25c the Tel. 1606 (Adv.) 3 rise. ."latiinal bank or i.nuago, ill. .Mr. Shane. It Is reported. Is expected to come to E " tm4 u- - Paso rrom Chicago as a witness In tbe Washing Soap, kinds, 6 . Famous Quality OBITUARY. ease. Grandma's Powder. White all for w. f e Bws as. package I'm- bars 2 rc Osase and laborsaarr I. Price. 5151 210-21- 2 Money to Loaa. Gold Dust, pkg 20c Palm Olive Toilet Hoap. for 28c Phone Texas St., ass. ata amala CMkaaaB I Price, aged to vean, died at a local Friday. Will buy good vendor's lien notes and 4 bulk Gloss Starch 35c Klngford'n Gloss and Corn i hospital The remains were shipped loan money on good inside city properly. lba to Douglas, Arlt., Friday afternoon by the Polly Prim Cleaner, Starch, pkg lOe company. A. P. coles Bros. rcan ijnaeriaaiug (Advertisement.) can Be 4 pkgs. Krlnkle Corn Flakes 2 60 "ERADELL, CREAM ICING" Osear Oarwla Owen. Fancy Bottled Cherries, red, white and green.. .10c, 25c, 50o bottle READY NO EAT AT The funeral of Oscar Darwin Owen, who ALWAYS TROUBLE NO WASTE oieu in nan uiego. m, win be netd rrom Honey, Fancy Rlpo Olives, The Newest aatf Best Retisiirant the rhapel of McBean. Simmon k Hartrord Fancy New Comb Fraok Poy Bon Dr. Dysart. specialist, chronic diseases Makes a delicious filling tor cream puffs, cream rolla, and Casts. Prnn "laiuraay morning ai o clock under II electrical treatment.. Room 10, Morehouse per square 15c per pint 25c auspice or tne Masons. The remains building. Fancy Honey, Fancy Heinxe Sweet Pickles. charlotte ruase, etc. Keeps the El Strained pastry fresh longer than reached Paso Frldsy afternoon. Inter- lOo Club House Cafe ment will be made In Evergreen cemetery. DR. S. BALLARD, eye, ear, nose, throat, Pints 25c Quarts. .45c per dozen ... whipped cream and has a delicious flavor. Full direc- 10 Seuta El Pas X Ray. electrical treatment, lit Mills Bldg. tions on each can. Off Millón Berry-Tb- Home Dressed Spring Home Dressed Hens, per One pound can C remains or Milton Berry, aged 31 rtre Destroyed Coke. Chicken, lb 25c pound 20c 03 JG.I, 11V urai i 1U.. .1 . IUCII llUBfiltttl, A carload or coke on tbe tracks in Uie ware shipped to Oklahoma City by the peak Metlco Nortbweslern railroad yards on this side of tbe river was destroyed by lire yes- Kansas City Meats Received Daily Mark the school children's terday evening. The origin of the fire Is clothing with an The Klaeaeleu Hair Emporium not known. has removed from the basement or Llttii Eggs Received Every Day. WATSON'S GROCERY Capíes building to 410 Capíes building. Yeur Baggage Cheeks. Mountain Park The (Advertí semen l.) When leaving or returning to El Paso Ellis Bros. Printing Co. be sure and call Loogwll'a. phone I. Freshest Eggs in Town. to have your baggage properly taken INDELIBLE STAMP Need Oleases? AsR togae Ml Teres M care of near Oregon, estaotuned iwi. uAdvj Loaawetl's Pboas 1. 6 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Saturday. August 21. 1915.

Baseball II épartmant - Racing Correspondents BUD RUTHERFORD CHRISTY MATHEWSON First NowTIMES SPORT:5First Always PETER CLARK T. K. LYNCH MUTED BY B. SCHNEIDER KRACKAJACK TEAM TAKES COMPANY B, SIXTH, WINS TIGERS CONTINUE DOUBLEBILL AT PARK PACKER CREW PUTS STRONG END RUSH EARL COOPER WINS FROM COMPANY L TEAM CHAMPIONS LAND ON Rertuae the Tuttlo team or tln Krirka-Jii'- On the regimental diamond at Camp Cot- league railed lo show tifi at Washing- ton yesterday the team from company B or ton park yesterday afternoon. Uw Graefcer the sixth Infantry gave the nine from Com- TO EAT 'EM ALIVE took pan in both battle of a scheduled GAME ON ICE EARLY WINS FOR BROOKLYN ELGIN AUTO RACE pany L t second threshing lo the tune or WICHITA FOR DOUBLE double header, coming nut on ttie long end 14 to 4. Adams pitched In his usual effec- or tii' score in etch rlaili. tive form and received good backing, while CMnmay M. rrotn the Slsteenlh, waa the Foster and Howard on the mound for Com- twenty first In go iIiiwii to dcreal li tho pany L were found for a total of cracker. cora 7 I 8. nits. Their support was far from the brand Quaking, Crippled Athletic Club The second section was prufluotlve of a Store Away Five Tallies First Overtime Battle, Bristling With Smashes Record Made by usually exhibited on the regimental Sioux City Plays Errorless Ball rood contest, with tha Text Eagle op- grounds. Both Sections, Holding Op- Slaughtered in Awful posing t no ccaokcrs. Thi Blrrta (oat and Two Periods and Hold Balti- Fast Play, Dropped by Over Same Course. Tne core: the MOM 4 to t. The corea: Company B AR. R. H. PO. A. E. ponents Safe. Stugfest. wis , more Safe. Chicago Cuba. Anderson Second. FIRST ÍÍAMI-- .. ft s s 0 s 0 Krack All. II. Ifl. A. E. .. 5 2 8 0 1 0 Aliar, rr i lllgglns, If p .. 5 8 S I 1 0 Friday Victory Give Detroit Kotitlirh. ss Steady Rain of Bingles Brings Tesreau Makes Trouncing of Redt Creator of Old Track Mark. St.. ex. lb ...... t 1 5 10 1 0 Des Moines Takes Deciding I. nwyer, 3b 5 Cummins, cf Easy Victory Brooklyn Easy McGraw's Favorite, Withdraws 0 D U Battle From Lincoln. Omaha Ninth Straight New Man Llmpard. ir 3 to for Crew. After WcAllstor, rf .....5110004 S Perform Well in Box. Loyva, p 4 Over St. Louis. Boston Beats Cards. Making 76 Mile. F.hrhardt. c . .. b 0 1 12 1 0 Blanks Topeka. Phillips, c 4 Smithy, lb . Raymond, ft 4 ..511110 :'h ..38114b A Hi Aimooialrit B11 AKocialfd Prca By ttortotril Preit :t lili tseoissal I'rmt llll Ati:intrl PrfM Prett ..43 14 80 27 11 0 Wiataj, ii 0 Sn. to- Elgin, Ilia., Aug. SO. Auto- Wichita. Kas., Aug. SO. Wichita Inst A ta. ei.Mii 1 Baltimore. Ana Kansas City won Rionklvn. Aua. 80. Brooklyn defeated The Chicago AR. n. II. PO. A. E. both Park-ar- 6 oí a double header to Sioux City to- unbroken airing or victories today, making days fame from Baltimore, 8 to 4. chicsyc to 5, In a sensational mobile club impon, for which nine drivers :ili ends Totals ..3B 1 81 IS . over day. Le home run won the ii nine ti is r.t un tin- or rutin was never forced In extend himself. Kame tonay. rive nin ner iieinK Tit" entered the Elgin course, waa won Luring. ...401110 eune's first Go, M, 1lh Inf.: Alt. ft. II. I'll A K today by Hie game, while aod poor baae rt.iphla Hi r Want tn attest In the. "oiriv II. II. K. supoibas obtained a lead In the Earl Cooper. The lime for 4 I 0 S errors running , 3i)1 Howard, p Sb ...... 4114110 6 sinppani. ir 390 ooo 3oo 3 innlng-s- miles a new them second. mini Inning, vlvinu tin liw on balls Kansas City s u first two but tltn cubs eventually establishes record for the Ooodin, c 0 0 6 1 8 cost the allowing - Hill Jamos. recently i esthera, 3b Baltimore oos (ií) mo 1 7 3 fRM Hie score and look a lead In course. The tirev ous record of 73.5 was ...4 Score: (Flrtt game) R. H. E. Ivo .hit- Sb S 3 I Rahn, ir ... 4 0 1 S 0 0 I.'HIIK, a rillO ttrrager, 0 BattorK s Packard and Brown; Bailey, hair or the tenth. Lavender opened made Dy De Palma. The finish follows ...... Sioux City 000 100 0113 7 0 irtilll hi - . their cf p 0 8 0 0 n Siiza-s- I. Elapsed Time Per Foster, ...3 Wichita 000 OiO 10 2 gam" for tin Tiger. Morn: It. II. E. eclair and Jarklltseh. Brooklyn's half of the tontti by hitting Mortimer, 2b as 2 8 3 0001 a liallon. lb Y Myers. Driver Time Hour .4 Batteries: Boolhhy and Crosby; Riley and Philadelphia WO 000 MO I t Olson aarrtricod and Iiaubert beat stiles, as 8b ... S 0 0 POS ()0 koff. v KT. I. I- out a Cooper 4:01:39 74:07 ...111 Orirnth. 105 13 I mtooKi HAMiN oi bunt. Wheat till, scorlntr Myers and ' Cilmore, 0 1 0 0 0 rf core- K. 2 Anderson 4:05:01 73. rf ,..3 Score: (Second game) R. H. E. Pillion, nilingim and 'll nun u WALLOPING. DsilbCI't. R. H. x 0 0 0 0 Montoyt 4 .'.1 net ney , ... 0 000 000 ft NcAvoy; lamer and stanate. Cblraan 110 OKI 100 t-- 5 18 t Oldfleld 79.46 Sioux City 02O9 0 Dorelnr, 0 r llu A norial nt Pr rin llroi.klyn 310 Alley 4:14:29 71.16 Wichita 000 000 010- -1 11 3 Three base Double day ItriKiklyn. Brooklyn 000 000 8 0 7 1 Totals 14 4 84 10 ft MoAvoy id Auir. in. defeated St Baltcrlea Zibet. Lavender Bresna-ha- O'Donnell 4:1f:40 70:83 Batteries: White and Crosby; Oelst and lo Lajnlo Knpf to Me.voy. ,M s :t 8 and xRnttod for in ninth Sates on irr Brcssler, r,; I; Totsli si it l.oula, to I. today. Arinand Mnrsans, the muirlas. Dell, Smllh and Mccarty. Brown 'Out at 217 miles Foster Oray. bails i'iiiinn. duMISlon ilC i:Ml WYI'C.MI Score by Innings: Ulllnalin. James. .'. mis lit Bretsler, Srore by Innings: rniirl illf WM'I" hits lisher, Williams. Henderson (Flagged at 1i miles). k . 101 7 .il.iii wtio was vcslerdav permitted to nlav De Company B I in ; ruin. ii, ii in iiningim. in Kirn a Jacks lot Olson, Wbeat. Pahua 'Withdrew at 17ft miles). DES MOINE? TAKES i j t I 4 17. uy a a 11m Company I .$. out By ti, l ini conn incision. ine iun Iiouhlo plays Cntshaw to batibert Justen 'Stripped gear at 08 miles). SERIES FROM LINCOLN i struck BreT, James. M, OiKI 301 fl and one hit and two I2. Hits bv Innings: I; lillingtm. tupiros - Wallaie Con- W. iftlh mrantry made safe ratehes. Bases on balls ()rr noiiirlas. 1; nrr Zabel, alma was tilo favorito al the start anil and 401 o a score; 11. Company B 3S9 400 20x 90 Bu Attoclntrd nelly. Hita fia it. s 2; orr srnith. I; ofr Ltyender, 2. orr held the lead Tor the rirat firiy miles wnen Pro II , nits Company L , 014 001 111 Lincoln. Nob.. Aug. 90. Des Moines look nlti lieil v l.evva by MmiiTt, i.oills 001 (1 0(101 7 4 8 he bruke a rocaer arm. He laid up al the lonmrs muirlas, 8 In UinliiKS; off ticll, In 4 ; Itronklyn atn a 5, lllgglns the series xxith Lincoln by winning, 5 to ny l. imytr, ll uy ,nonn). i. noun on oo' 15' 9 ;i iimliik-s- ; orr smith. 9 In 3 Innlns-s- off pits for mure than an hour while the part Innings pitched, by Adams by cm in mi i ii ii Mm V; I.lmpi-rt- , Watson, 4, 3, ft; made, off today. The game xvna called at the end tunde (irr l.eyva, off off i BtMDrwS Craiulall. Wlllett and Zabel, 4 In ft Innings; ofr Lavender, 3 In was niing copiaren ano started again, by Howard by Foster runs IN BOSTON RATTING ni l Dwysr, It off Montoya, 7. lilla Hartley; Marlon arid land. hopelessly beaten. Finally, hear- Adams I, orf lllgglns 3, off Howard off of the eighth by agreement. 3 Innlnas. Struck out By Zabtil, S; by Score: R. IL E. A (irr l.iyva, 5j off l.lrutmrt, ft nrr 9 ing that the pursuit waa hopeless, he Foster 5; hits apportioned, ofr Adnma 5, orf llt Hhitcitllril Prean smith, by Dell, 3. Umpires Cocklll and '. .120 010 00 4 8 J. nwyer, none. lilla Imyir, I dropped out to save his motor for the race lllgglns, 4, orr Howard 14, ofr Foster fl; two Lincoln .1 8 Chicago, Auir. Ml. Boston deflated Chi- tVIMI DROP SKUIMI OF BcntUa, (190 r. 12 Wilki.HSAtler, Korf. 71irea-ba- De mishap the race Burwell. hese hit, Des Moines 021 00 I cago, 4 to I, today, rlrlvliiK Bom off tho leuitlili. It II II I II at tomorrow. Palma's left base hits, lllgglns, three I.HnpiTl. Lee. Stolen SI III M between Cooper and Anderson, bolh driving Hlgglns; home runs. Burwelll. Mortimer; Batteries: Ehman, Nnrveson and McAlli- mound In tin' Ural Inning. Shore lilii. r.IANTS FINALLY TAKE ster; Mogrldge nod Oraham. up in the last ball or the ninth and three i3., I.euttlrli (4.WSUt, ballon. Sarririre III lis INTO CAMP. ' the same make of American car. This pair stolen bases, Lowe, Howard; struck out, by in- tared CMCairq from a out. fr. Ilavinond, leathers. Slrurk out Ilv A)ctntt'it Pre$$ was never more than a few seconds aparl, Adams 4. by Hlgglns 7, by Howaad 3, by shut 1; bard Uiok the aame se- sare lead, 1, 11. II. E. -l- .eyva, 3; by Llmpert. 1; liy liwyer. and Meond of the fieyi York, Aug. 20. New York easily but Cooper finally drew Into a Foster 2; base on baila, by Adams by EVERDON KEEPS HITS SCATTERED Bj 4. Baaes. s Lryva, from today, 7 3. when lost a Its 8; by Hlgglns son ooo ino- -4 ii .iitiiva. on lull tiff ries to neioaten Cincinnati in tnc last game tne Anderson's car strlfle of Poster batters bit. It first AND OMAHA WINS ...... 3. B. of , l. lil- afro mat ooo 1. ll liripeH, 3; off Dwyet. Klrat bain Score: H. K. series, 7 to 0. Tesreau allowed only peed. base on errors. Company B lert on basen. (II 131 on live Bv A atocia fed Pret Caflyi Bain, .ii errors LetmlCb, liayrnnnrl, lathera. Buffalo 00 7 ti 0 hita only one Barney oldfleld drove a consistent race. Company B 8, Company L 5; wild pitches, Httterlet and r. scattered and visitor reached Topeka. Kas.. Aug. 20. Topeka could not ami Left on bases ; M. intb Chlcsto 000 030 0003 3 Score: B. In mid race he drew Inlo third position bv Hlgglns 8. Time of game, 1:50. Umpires, ann third. ll H. and stayed bunch hits orr EVerdon and umnhn won the l.lts (lardnor, Wnvi-r- Collins. Inrinary, 7. llouble plus UsntllOB lo ii.nienr-- aerrom Mien; Mrconneii, Cincinnati 000 ooo 000 0 5 I there. Balrd and Ooldbloom. pi Itlick cars second game uf the series. The only run Tlirre-ha- hit Speaker. HOMItkOl, Dbll' Wilkes; Knfr to balton. Wild tell Mm mid Klscher. New York 400 1011 90 7 10 Tomorrow fourteen experied to start a. In the Klgln National The dis- resulted from doubb s by Krug and - play RllSSStl U) Wnvi'i to Colllna, lert. Passed balls Benion. rime of Batteries Lear, McChiskey and Wlngo; trophy rare. I . -- as today Is TEXAS Forsyth helped Kverdon out of on Imllh-ii- L; l. atrae 1:4, mplies and U. 8. DAILY WES. TIER tance ts the same but there LEAGUE liases rt Betu, h cirr BULLETIN. ti'sreau and nnoin. wetiiieii no limitation on piston . tight places by throwing out two runners Khorc, 1, lilts irr llenz. In It uxanll hits Fletcher. MollWltS. K0116I0 at base. h il k SKCOISI) (AM go San Antonio unci in I v strn. out By BUIaell, . 3; The following: tibia aliowa (be weather to Herzog; Henog to Wagnor At Score: R. H. E. Krark a All. II Pf). A. -- San Antonio Shore, I, crniilie Chill and Kvan. Jarks: conditions that prevailed at the various in nioiiwnz. uaaes on Dans cur cear, CITY TENNIS TOURNEY Topeka 000 000 0000 6 2 Alice, rr I I 10 Houston ... 6 11 woailiei hurca.i stations throughout the lilts irr Letr, In 7 Innings; ofT M i Omaha ism (no 0001 8 l.eulllch. I I HAHPLN STANDS IMIUNK United States at 8 p. in.. me- Cluskey, none In Inning. Struck nut PLAY RESUMED TODAY Batteries Mttlllns and Meeks; Edmondson Batteries: Lakaff, Hall and Hupps; Ever-do- ridian time, yesterday: By Tesreau) 4; By McCluskey, 2. I and Allen. (IN F.MI KOH SMI 101 T. tupiros and Wells. Hymn and F.ason. Play In the city will be isy Áaaooisfsrf rn-- Temp a a tennis tournament At R. tomorrow arternuon on the Smel- Shreveport IN Cleveland, Harper a top UKADOWB IN resumed 18 GRIZZLIES STAR auk. in HIT FIFTH The extends an Invita- Phrcveport i;.. AND BOSTON Nf.ORF.S T ler courts. club ST. JOSEPH DOUBLE form V ;i"liliiKloii hail no troublo '.in Sill lot to public No Dallas 8 x to 0. tion the to witness same. niim. Jltl Anioctotcd Preaa admission Is charged. Batteries Hurry and Smith, Wells; itu aaooiaf ed Pre - n. SO on H. B. Boston, Aug. Two of Boston's four exception of two matches, play and Dunn, Stephens. Denver, Goto.! Aug. 20. Denver won bo II I. litMl l 4 With the fer level tmi 0 I bits orr .Meadows 00tin ted the only run of s nam. - or it double v. .in ooo coa u o 7 ii 18 0 Is doxvn tn the In both singles Washinittoti oil tt today's gatue with St. Louis. Hughes had At Waco-W- aco today. Until - All. II. H. If I. A. E, and doubles. Those left in the tournament ii colUinoi-- and n'NeJIli ine visitors in nana at an nines. are evenly and high dass Score: (First game) R. II. E. llari-"- muí W Mil. Madero Sb matched sonto mis. Score: R. H. E tennis Is to be expected beroro the cups Fort Worth St. Joseph 000 21x1 0:M ft 10 lilt JtWrlM. Iiotihle iilaya Meas P St. l.oula 000 000 000 0 1 ( finally Markle, Ogle Danolds and Denver 202 901 onx 7 7 0 in to C Measa. are won. Batteries Tiirn'r WmnhMiiuiss Kirkr. Mellrlde Boston 000 oto oo4j 4 The schedule Saturday Rellly; Harbin and Jordan. Baiterlcs: Vance and Connolly; Cantwell t" otter i" ilandlL HIU "ff Breiiton, Chacon, lb Batteries Meadowa, Robinson Snjr for folio: i Abilene, E 4 8ft 90 (19 .00 and 2:30 p. m. Hut rage vs. Barger, Dent and and Spahr. In 1 8 Innlnas; Cullainore, Ill minimi, a clear dor; Hughes and dowdy. R. H. E. NK fl 7ft 89 f.8 Monroe vs. IL Blacksbear and W'ooduK Score: (Second gamel Ba,ei. ballaV-Ot- Brenipn, 4; Harper, GhSVOSi 3b Amarillo, clear hits Uolan (2). Hughes. (Uto nos 7 in l. Atlanta, S 19 7f. 89 .29 Three 3:30 p. m. Bargor and Bailey vs. winner St. Joseph 9001 4 oiit- - lly i.i. ni ii. .' Harper,. r Chuma, if rain base hit Magec. Double play 230 mo ."ix 0 0 tin (110 C4 Wilson to and Blarkshenr-Woodul- , E. Denver II mil lllldebi and. Mariscal, c BOllO, clear W 8 09 09 .00 Miller to Meadows. Vnlllngham (I Bases on balls sifr Simmons and Crockett vs. Gulllon and Chiivex Knocks Out Williams. Batteries: Loudermllk, and Collie,, if 0 Boston clear S 79 80 8 .00 Hughes. 1; orr Meadows, 4; off Robinson Connelly; Harrington. Shesiak. Chi HE 3(1 flft 68 4 .01 IMlchell and cairo, rain I. fills Off Meadows. 4 In 7 innings: ofl By Afoclated Prw I SI 11 .cloudy 68 ft 1.3ft 4:30 p. m. S. Blackshear vs. WOOdUl, HI WEIGHTS AND ENTRIES Totals ..II 0 Cincinnati, 'i lliiblnson, none in I Inning. Struck out Pueblo, Colo., Aug. 20. Benny Chavez, v Denver, 71 76 .00 Blacksltear va. winner Burrage-- or Nexv Mexico Federal Court Adjourns. Score bv Innintra: pi. rldy 8W f2 ny Dy e. , Trinidad, knocked out "Red" Williams, WINDSOR RACES TODAY rwyp Id lingoes. Meadows, Umpire ..m , pp;LY;of emfwyp Iiotrnlt, cloudy 70 72 68 .00 h leui and Entalle. or Pueblo. In the tweirth round of a sched- Special Wire to The Timet Kiack-- Jocka rmi oin 1 4 Iiiiluth, clear 10 70 70 ftft .00 A Hint to the Wise Is Sufficient uled twenty-roun- bout here tonight. Wil- Santa. Fe, N. M.. Aug. 20. Tbe special e;.. Ull tPtrC In 1 hi l imrt HIIS (0 1!) 1 f II PASO. pt. rldy..'. 19 05 07 71 .00 BANCROFTS BUMPER IN No one can reasonable hope ror good liams was no match for the clover feather- term or the United Slates district court Windsor, Onl Ana to. Weffhl and en- Texiis Fairies (XI 1(01 (ialveston, pt. eldy. 80 81 IIKATS health when the bowels are constipated. weight, but managed to last through eleven for Now Mexico closed today xvlth uta , ELEVENTH PIRATES tries for ran at windsnr course MM 100 112 1 ft louily Al 80 .32 Hit ÁHOeiúitd Take Chamberlain's Tablets and get relief. rounds mainly through his clumsy tactics acquittal of Pedro Trujlllo who was charged final day, follow: Jacksonville, Id. 8 t 7 ,IH Prttt . They are easy to pleasant In ef- coveting a a Indian: limltias nlteberl By I,eyv. 7; by cldy.sw H Philadelphia, Aug-- 80. A home run by take ami and up. In the tweirth Chavez with sieallng horse front liiobln I IR81 RACK six ROCK, 8 76 8n 68 ,11 by Druggists. (Adv.) opponent up convicted or selling liquor rurlona. Meusii, 3; chuma, I) by OqrnSt, S. Buna Llltle clear.... W tn ine eievenin gave t niiarieipmu fect. For sale all straightened his and shot Joan J. Salaxar. lie iiawü iiihello ti' L0h Angeles, 74 80 60 .ISI seucro's a loft. ' Williams was to Indiana, was to serve six 4S. ibuiiilii 1; on iweisa. v: 01 clear ..8W '8 11 , over toaay oer staggering sentenced raw In, :ar Kewe.-s- a KM made iirr leyva, t. 14 so Ticiorz Fl Howard. .. Homer., none. Nashville, ruin w 8 70 SO Rlxey xxere Alex- groggy and several more punches sent him months In addition to puyRig a fine u 1WI in, inn 'J. otf Ills annnr ..d Cooper hit hard. sir Bdlrtr... loll llariiioiilcau. till ft; P. Off N. Orleans, pi. 'ldy..8W 12 88 00 78 ill ander to tbe mat. 1500. KnM Pa;! noiied 'iff l.eyva. otf Sicas. I; did grand work as a rescue twiner. br. I.arritk. . . naso new vura, ciotioy 10 TO 82 4 .00 Bancroft DNfJ RACK chtitna. .. i.rf Como.. tsvi. out and Vlox made three bite each. Su fuiPuiRs. Wllkca; Madero, OftlWS, Tlirce-bta- Omaha, clear 6 72 74 56 .01 score; H. it E Armim- 'HOI 1S1 I MootajritS. 101 eiiin.h. 4 .'íi hila Atlcr, nwyer, minuii. stolen I'linenix, clear 108 110 76 Pittsburgh 100 00IOIOOO3 f8 1 S0S7 in iMi.'.i, nav. cm V ft Qtrtlsy .... slipper baaaj LeutUch nwyer rs), ciinves, C. Rapid Cltv, rain 2 78 Philadelphia OOl 800 OOO 01 4 S 0 1- l.i.- ... Ki'll ui. 4 Hssst Sacrifica idis veyva. ChseM. Riiawell, pt. rldy M 8ft 8i 0 Rattei'les-Coo- per and Ulbaon; Rlaey, thiiii' rack kivc rtirhmn. By 10; liy F. 8; ouis. ruin..:: W 40 58 ft! 7.00 Aleiander and Klllifer. JIM M 5011 Struck Out l.evva. Neaia. Qaleswlntha John bunny, ins (intnez, 9. on balls salt l ake, clear W 8 80 09 ftft .00 (llbson, oak. lu ll.- loll 40M s. Iv chuma, 3; by liases stalwart.. l(i orf F. Moaaa. I; Clmina, rani'lsro. cloudy W 99 0 (14 58 .00 NIchnfT. Home Ban- 502S Red Cross., insc. II Culbertjon lull nfr l.evva. I: irf runs Wagner. iki, Kofi k 4; Texas santa re, pt. cldy SB 70 80 59 .01 croft, Cravatb. Pouble plays W4s L, 103 Faraway Hai 'on bases Krai Jwks. Wagner lo Worth'oii r, play Raman to Chacon, caitle. clear nw KS 8S Vlox to Johnaton; Byrne MíH 11.1 KMI mi Knirles, imiihle to Nlehorr to Matrix Atktn,', nai or :90. Cinplres Flkndpra Washington, cloudy.. SK I 74 89 .00 I. micros; Bancroft to l"il Miss Inn lime frame Nlehorr to Ludcrus. MariKold W.l Fstella. Wlrtilta, clear N 4 7ft' 78 60 .00 Bases on Off Cooper. 1; 4!ir.4 Mcl.eirnnd... lo.'.l It. Strickland nm and Cooper. ball ofr rllxey, 2. Tunta, near sw Illls-- Rlxey, In 7 Innings; olT 39K1 Bill sim'nns Kii',1 low midle T. 114 ... Alexander. 2 In 3 9 3 Innings. Struck out POURTH HACK MIL- WEIGHTS AND ENTRIES By Cooper, 2; by Rlxey. by wan itaiko n:i 2: Alexander, ion Indolence ... tos 1. Pmplrea O'pay and Stockdale. W13(l T W Moon. 04 VI3C. llodtre J0 BOYS SAN FRANCISCO RACES vi Rancher ... inrii me. Sluinberer II li'u OH Itanelu-- Ii.i II l hi,! um- Special Itiir to The Time Fl II lii ive half Cel., An - ' capí. Ban Francisco, sn.welgfib urate. .vi, Hen ... hi opening dsy nn 4'.r70 M. Jiilin-n- n MilH and entries for lb Etpesl lic'i Uaijoile A... bat track follow: H48. Ill P. linn Here Is Your Chance FIRST - Eleven SI'lllllg. BASEBALL MU ocv Mind. itor Lüj rack tuuasm STATISTICS una 4IIM Slelltiirr .. lnl!(t:.:,i isouu Bseell ..... SOU Fl, 6015 IK rjilu Torkvllle I". :.".is York lohnson l?l AiUfea .ad .. HI M. Kennedy Mil 4617 I Toril .105 ARMY 4503 VHey in 40S4 IHfrTr. rm7 ssoilnn STANDINGS. WESTERN LEAC UE STANIHNGS. K's Ill Mils Sheffield ....ItSl 47S,Ms Frunltlm .4W Won. Lost. Pet, Spalding Baseball Goods MSB Astrologer. I" 7: 191 Won. Losl. Pet. .nun. ..'I l Rooster .t .1191 MW g .. .600 SIXTH RACK Mile on- - Infantry Des Moines 7J 4t) ami ixl.entll SECOND RACE clastilh, soiling .80 MK! expectation rji.3 Rushy PC Eleven si Huemul cuvairy 7 7 .500 Denver 70 7 .ss lei Head. us i as:.:. Ji in- ... 8tt (SOtOlBamegtl tor linn.. Twentieth Infantry ..In 58 67 .505 OFFERED AT ... P.r.ill Roll,. HIS. 4,11.1 .am, CJiSSiliecoii us. i lhlslle rillj' Sixth Infantry .... SlullX City 57 56 .505 ... oiiuni.iiHila. .VI 13 ..IOS 4071 it. .acota., Sir Barry SMS C5MSM II Topeka 0 00 .500 Bradley., ios ói Pan in Mar. Wo games rajrd boh Honswy losl old Rob Ins!i4i'.v:t:.iinu Klsle ..10 yesterday. Omaha 58 09 .483 Entry, c.(i:t)t:liar. Ward IDS MM ZanolSM II WHIilta 40 .41 'Austin 11: 8F.VF.NTH 1514 Msrtl Mac ..insi SHIS QUICk (lame todny between St. Joseph 41 75 .353 RACE Mint and olto slxtoenth. RACK -. Very Five Low 5054 84 llll rtllioiiv- Purse. and Fifteenth cavalry Prices Fly llotiie .. !i4o Mosrowa (4TW).n. 5040 Conmi'iiiietta on sow Minian ..Itul 4Maáary Jay ...lis SCORES YESTERDAY. 'fnsrtoirn ... in :IK".:i.l risky nn.:t 5052 10! Id Sioux City. I; 1. Kneeh4 oil Mas Joe linn .. mili.. Handicap. Wlrhlla, 4084 Around W BOU UÚOOde ll KurRiii rack Lincoln. 4; net Moines, 5. bu. Min Rash Hi7i m:. Liiviiis We must make room for our Fall Stock. Come today 5059 Mis WaU-r- tmi 5040 Pontefract .. 101 Topeka. 0; Omaha, 1. 46911 J. llrshain .107: '017 lit Waco St. Joseph, Denver. HTM1SOR SKKFt TIONS rJUC. Iii'xiilimab Id.'! Ualveatoa and get that Glove, Bat or Ball you have been wanting. Cniiple Bryulliuali l.iivcne as II Palomar Son Antotiiit AMUICAN ASSOCIATION STANDINGS H ire fi, and Lowe. Hallas Won. Lose BprcM fU f'imr I'll It Ai K Mile an. lii. Ill one sllleelllli lint Worlli St Paul ... 48 Windsor, (mt., Aug. ju. Tlie horses whirl .'Hun .71 .507 HERE ARE A FEW OF THE BARGAINS: appear best races to a Houston ... Minneapolis . 64 51 .557 the he decided lint' M. Windsor rom se rlrowan mu l.adv lie;, mount lii.liatiapnlis SI .538 Saturday follow: 111; inc.r. .S3 1. Hat no. in. .in Kdgar. Fiirlv Sbrerepoii 54 74 . 61 54 .530 sir Olheito. :.IM)C. Hodges II7 .'i Hraiiiln .11" 2. Sllppixr Day, Ariulne. Uartley. katisas uy . 58 57 .505 Catchers' iVEilts, SIXTH RACK He. UK- - $5.00 now. .$3.65 8. Faraway. dilio I., semper stalwart. se YESTERDAY. Cleveland ., 52 I .460 iBvtft Sorrowful lOfill IMSI Ka 4. 4. Holge. III. Moon siman Waco. Si Fort Worth, Milwaukee .51 OS .451 luiulier. widow MU Neb, SKA) VYIse 111 Catchers' Mitts, now . . 5. Watet Lily. Knights I seen, llu! Mason Bnreveport, II; Dallas, 3. Columbus 42 71 $4.00 $2.85 birfer, ,0. .s :isiki .373 ft Pan .un ta. Austin Ktitcy. Hecoil. -- Uenwai sail Antonio. 3; a. 7. Cuiutiiuiiii tta. SKX K.NTH RACK Throe llllll tisrt. lllli. Halveston. postponed. SCORES $3.50 Catchers' Mitts, now. .$2.45 Pontofrart, Joe Plan.' MlM SWOMball YESTKRDAY. KAItl.Y Hard UIS St. Paul; 3; Cleveland, 4. Pllili 55ns it 11 1131 sii'noit lote rTteodortta NVITONVI Kansas City. 3: Catchers' Mitts, Ilat Louisville, I. $2.50 now. .$1.75 Safely - Madolle M8I El 'slit Minneapolis, 3; Columbus, "At vst t 4X74 101! ÍOI1 Trxrillllci t. nnuse wnere MOT ne .amloch .... Philadelphia Mllwiukee. 13; o. a is neieaaary to 4BH0 115 MUM Indianapolis, $1.50 Catchers' Mitts, now. an Judge of quality to get square Billter Rail Pro Reals Rinuklyn .$1.05 eipert a' 4618 Zangare 9A 1007 deal, our "OWE ... Far CMM) tin. ag.. SOI III UN ASSOCIATION Is PRICE." :r:-- STANDINGS. Basemen's Mitt . . Fl Paso Piano Co., W. R. Schttti, Prop Boston Won. Lost. I'rt. $5.00 First $3.65 908 South side Texas street The home of SAN FRINCISCI) st I I lillsliutgh ,exv i means 60 48 .580 loss Nexx the strlnway, F.verett. Weber, Flachcr & link Memphis 66 52 .558 $3.00 First Basemen's Mitt. $2.15 Harvard 1'lanoa (Adv.) km pial U'lVf lo Tht Timet SI. Lotus, Biiitilnghani 64 53 .547 s in c CaK. Aug. 80 The luirse Cincinnati 5 Nashville 63 55 .534 $1.00 First Basemen's Mitt. . .70c wblcji appear best in the ricai cardad fo VI J. 1.1 56 fit .483 lite Fxpi.sllloti eotirst Siillli.Kn follow S'iiRKS YESTERDAY. Mobile 53 (15 440 $4.00 InBelder's Glove Maktor Franklin. Lefnrd. Mark Kesnady :iiitintiaH. 0; .New York. 7. 50 C4 $2.85 itO 10 n .438 1. Thistle Belle, Aunt Elsie. Marta Mac. si ..uls. Boston, 47 70 .409 PHIL YOUNG'S CAFE I, llpse Marian. Frisky. Mjry lay. Ij Philadelphia, 4. $3.00 Infielder's Glove $2.15 for your luarb, hot or cold, asé all I flush,' John tallara. Entry. i. Imag... I) Brooklyn, 6. SCURFS YKSTFRDAY. A Idada of Hetlraa dlsliea. r. Charles W. Hodges. Her. Ilrandn. Allanta, Utile Rock. $2.50 Infielder's Glove $1.75 llae rJelebrated Moerleln Cincinnati cons. Nebraska Lass, l.asliiun. WHBRS THEY PLAY TODAY. Hi rutin ham. Chattanooga, Hear on Theodoiila. El Pato, íNItanurgn at Boston. Mobile. 5; Nashville. 7. Infielder's Glove Draocbt -- CLARK. at Brooklyn. $1.50 $1.05 M7 SOUTH FX PETE Cincinnati I'Aso slltKKT St. Louis al New York. BEN KWH-NK- Prop. FEDERAL LEAGl'E STANDINGS. Infielder's Glove 70c HY SCHNEIDER'S RACK SELECTIONS. Chicago at Philadelphia. Won. Lost. Pel. $1.00 Chicago 66 80 .5SS 8AN FRANCISOi. AMKRII tN LKAOl'E STAMIINCS Newark i M .i3o 1. Mark kctinedv. Maslm Irankllii. Aturra. Won. Lost. Pet. Kansas city 3 jo .fj 2. Aunt Tilly. Tbisile Selle, sit Barry. 70 37 .654 Plllaburgb SO ts ,56 SPECIAL 1. Prittty, iluso Manan. Tnattiuader. 73 SO 39 IV Lo,"l 5 52 .582 4. John Crahaui. Basil. Entry. ftft 43 .006 Brooklyn st 4 .44 50c 75c CATCHER'S BASEBALL 5. chtrloa W. Hodge. Kramlo, Elertrowan .56 53 .514 JuTftllj 54 64 . 45S 25c BALL. BAT. MITT. 0 Eastman, COOS, Somiwrul- 31 51 .M Baltimore sa 73 .348 95c TODAY 7. Thcudorlta. Far Catliay. Sutler Ball. .42 DR 3tCt- All for 4t 08 .37(1 SCURFS YESTERDAY. WINDSOR. ONTARIO. 14 76 I .800 Hurrah. 7; Chicago. 3. Army League 1, llarmonlcaii. In l.urn. k. sir Kdgar. SI. Louis. Brooklyn, 8. 2. Slipper Dav. Aimloi'. Fair Montague SCORES YESTERDAY. Kansas City. 8 Baltimore . 4. 1, un.' itiiiii MiH kliiHl. Mía Aikin: Philadelphia. Detroit, ll. RIO GRANDE PARK . í 4. lump. II., Hodge. Haiirlu-r- Cleveland, Washington. 4. EVPKIIT M ILL ARRIVE TOD V V 2:15 p. m. 5. Tory Maid. Water lly, Arin.rral. Boston. 4; Chicago, 1. s. Aitxxtin Entry, Recoil, ran Karata. Alfred S. Rolls of Canutillo' Mill Have G. Co. 7. a, WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY. t liar. 10 oi W. Moscow Poiitefrai i, Convmaiirclia. Prorrssing Walz vs. 15th Cav. Exblblts. 6th Inf Washington tl Detroit. Alfred s Rolls of Cantillllo, Tex., Philadelphia under Tb' conservation forrea arf herrbr ril at Cleveland. an cuius m with 1R0 chamber of Coin- - 103 South Ladies With Eacort Free farted inward an errort 10 tn. or Jim New York it Chlrtro. merre. will reach the city ihii mornlna the number of pins to be ued In furling i i. at St. Louis. aitd at once heg;n the work of processing a uew hut fur tbe market. xegriaoies glass 10 rorm COAST ire in pari El Paso St. LEAGl'E STANDINGS. of the 11 Paso exhibit at the Oil, nun. m at Won. Lost. Prt- - Dry Farming Congrett tnd Soil I'rodurta l os Angele 80 St .563 ciposuion to in- neid at Denver. Colo., be Ttannic Ptavorc Here' a your chance. To make room for Fall San Frani'laro - 76 6t .541 ginning September 87. a,...... va goodfc makillg Vernon '.TO 68 .507 Mr. Rolls is tald to be an emnert borll we nre Oakland 8 71 .488 riilturlat and was formerly oninliuo.1 In srüCLAX. FK1CJE8 ON Aid. UOOIM. Sail Lake 74 .460 similar work al the Rosal Agtlcultural hall IKAMb Portland 60 78 per cant 0 on all Hacaiteta, Neto, .458 al London, liiglnnd. the lamest hortlcul-lurt- l Si Tennis Etc.. Etc si .till S YrsTKRIiAY cstabllsttnent tn the world. Tn AVER'S TEXNIS ÜALX0 Sac eavcti; tiirsw for f 1.041 san Francisco. 2; l os Angeles. 6. iTianilx'i or Commerce feels that ll lias been and they can't last lone at this price. Oakland, fl; Vernon, S. quite fortunate In aerurtnr the tervlret of SPORTING GOODS. Portland. 3; Sail Lake. 4. mi. muís 10 in.- curt mat an attractive anil THAT'S OUR BUSINESS artl&tic exhibit uf tin- splendlj producía qr SHFJLTON-PAYN- 301-30- Toni cats are so rrgjtiently tt as,, may Í E ARMS CO. 3 Sc. El Paso merited ine u nii.15 us arrangea lor Strut la airanre more of them nerxtr gt killed. iv wu, t j c4iMtiauaai REALTY TRANSFERS. lota S and 7, block H. Grand view; Aur. IT, VITAL RECORD. WARRANT r(Hl It 504 GIVEN. F. o. Billing-- to Alberto Hod ri rue. DEAL MEN TO MM.8S, 31 CONSUMMATED MICHIGAN Has Last Rolf City' CafilrtlitiUM In .MSUF !2 Winchester Coole. Interest In lota and 3. Births. of consideration, mi or block isi block TO. Grand View; May tt. Loral Playground Fund. Alexander addition; ug. t n. rn to Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Esherbrook. F. Blllinan to Ramon hospital. Aur. ID. a bov. a city warrant for 12.500 was handed to "mTÍi? 10 0,ltl $100, intrrrrt In lota SI and 32, block in E. SawyftT. 4. .TfW Josrex, lot Born to Mr. and Mrs. l.eroy A. Wright. cltv school auditor, yester Ratsett addtlon; Aur. is. 7Í. Grand View; May 18. Diocr as. tiovornment Aug. a gin. day by City Clerk Jack Dawton. The 8. C. FOR BIG BUILDING inn, ts. Awbrey to Fred A. Elliott uid Chas. Mra. M. E. Ayor to It. G. Buchoi. 4,000. Born lo Mr. and Mrs. Jesus C. Telles, 919 RAISE $1,000,000 amount was the balance of 13,000 which had ....Sí ,ot" 16 " a block lota 4i and 43. block 35. Manhrttan Itetgnts South St. vraln, Aug. is. a girl. been set aside by the old administration ai ouuiuuui j my iv. Aur 18. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John V Bowles, as mo city i contribution to tne playground SS. Arapahoe, LioniK9 lo cairr 300 Piwna 4!f Newman Mary A. Pumphrey. N. O. Bucboi to Sarah M, Fuller. M,noo, Marfa. Texas, Aug. 13, a boy. fund. Now in ika CalvaMon-Nc- Yode Service 38 to A. Petrle, F.1 Paso, 82.500 lots and M, block Mi Franklin lota 4? and 43, block 55, Manhattan Heights; Barn Mr. and Mrs. J. The first navment of was runde Au(. io. WILL ERECT THREE STORY FIRF.PROOF Aur- 13. boy. MEETING III I O AT SHELDON HOTKL FOR some time ago. The request thai the bal Lauro' ArtiTfre io AT Ml AND Born to Mr. Mrs. A. F. Lee. MÍ7 Port- YESTERDAY anee be Mary j. Boom. tv.iw.fia Sly. N. Sctrwabe to Alleen Bert, and MiinnilR l.l.s and THAT PI RPOSE turned over was mado by tht .55 NEW YORK li CAMPBELL. land. Aug. JJ. a iri: NOOV cnooi board several days aro. It wai other consideration, lot u, block n, Nundy Mr. Mrs. H. o. Cregor, 3408 Helrhtl; Aur. It, Bom to and slated that the expenses of the playground $104 ROUND TRIP La Lut, Auf. 15. a girl. system had been running at the rate or . to Mr. Mrs. H. It. 183 "Cenlera,' l ,000 Born and Frlberg. Mis Country' lo Re Divided tale about a month, hut this month it would True ii the aeason when the Mrtropoha is a Bull it Inn Pcrmtls. aured as a result of a deal closed yester- III. union. 1, Aug. - a boy. of Whlrh Will Raise 4,800. tne my s Each total anil rontrirmtlon wonderful " all splendei. Mayfield Butldlnr and Impiweemnt com- day throurh the James L. Marr company, of share. needed. LaeklniT It was salil. there "Exposition Otr in in pany, to build i brick bungalow and tár- this city. Deaths. iva danger of the r'ayground work being Large, comlortable steamera ate. 31 l ía 40 on lota is and 18, Tne deal provides fnr the construction or PLOT Harry Blot. vo. local hospital, Aug. sioppea. block vi. Kern Place, Sl.suo. a larre fireproof warehouse in be erected Burial in Evergreen. University of Michigan men In El Paso "Areoaltte," "Saa Jaciate," "Caecht," at 1. spread in Mayfield and tmproveemnt com- the corner of Mills and Campbell streets PRICE f. Price, 55, local hospital. Aug. 17. gathered around the festal board SAIUNG EVERY SATURDAY Bulldtnr . on the or the pany to build i i7x37x?o, property known as the St. Louis Burial at Douglas, Art. one or the private dining rooms Calreotoa to New York brick sales cables. Ml'RRY John Murry. 9. local hospital, iiLlikii noon, nledred their Bet. 5in An. Broadway on foia 18 to in, block 07. Basaett addlUon, VuHMn .i Fare tivJuilr. mrsU nl .leping jl The property to John Mullirán, Aug. 30. Burial In Concordia. to the campaign to raise OPEN ALL NIGHT f 3.oo. belonrs support Imard. ihp Rmrn br nt till fan 300 Rooms, Each and be will build a struc- a Michigan union at Ann "" nth. mm. Tj wHh Bath, fir MayMeld Bulldtnr and lmnroement com- brick to erect bulldlnr Prescriptions (Iliad and delivered u.l infonsahon st any railroad bckat oOVoa. ot wrac pany to build ture, with basement, to he rircproof Marriage License. two brick Henry Pa., tent I any time day or nlojht. JJ $2.00 to 53.50 Per Day. L J7XH7XSO, on lr.U tt to If, block 86, Bassett InNnlftMut, costina- about tM.noo. It was W. Evans to L. i. Friedman of PlttsNirgh, MAI .LORY UNE. Salreston. Toxe Fir t proof Modern addition, $7.00. Davis. here as a representative or me Mall Orders Pilled Promptly. aamen rareing freight onljr, . in f P Central Hi been made the James I.. Marr com- at the lunrhrnn. lo INaw Tata. II .Hato la II throurh union, presided UalraaM Talk aid a Cuta The most economical way to buy Ham or pany lo run the entire bulldlnr to one Automobile Licenses. km thn union bnlKUM will cost A. E. RYAN & CO. II ?"7 taxlcab anrlc tram II Is 4117 El Paso Overland company. San 8650,000. 10 that there will be a Or. nil Oantral or Proa. StaUoaa. Bacon by the whole piece. Be sure It's In addition DruESflata. J Suliberirer's Mijestlc. Dellclously Differ- 1'ranclsco, overland truck. 1250.1X10 endowment fnn.l maiH' out "t i"" ent." (Adv.) Charged With Having Marihuana. 4tS8 Charles A. Cutler, 717 North Vir money exported to be subscribed. Tile Martin Duran was arrested yesterday aft ginia, rail lac. f!50.0no will lie spent ror equlpmont ernoon by City neterila) Várela and pla 4t R. T. Sanders. Soft North Oregon, Tor the buildings. In the city Jail on a charre of havlnr mi Overland rivr- passenger. In the movement launched a national huana in his possession. Wbefi taken Into 4130 O. Rolls, 3008 Cypress. Metí campaign has baen Inaugurated. In custody Duran, It is said, had a quantity of tv... i i... r "ninoi 's there Is uin 'if ui mi unía- on nis person, tie was 413- 1- WUIlam smarter, tii west Frank- an editorial' on lite proposed building. The WASHINGTON'S FAMOUS HOTEL released on a bond or S5 anil will appear lin. E. M. F. 30. Metropolitan, Ouiiook anil ohht ihkíiih- S berore Judro B. B. Stevens In corporation 4138 J. J. Rocha, S867 Kaat Rio Orando, win contain similar articles at later in V court this afternoon. Butrk periods. Situated an 4IM Amador Flores. 403 St Vraln, r InLn renters. Location Chambrrllan's Collr, Cholera am. Diarrhoea DP divinen up mm Ideal Remedy. 4134 W. H. Payne, 1311 North Campbell, The I'nlted States will Oakland 183 and rrom these Utttr8t)l Few medicines have mat with more ravor in,, work or the raniiialen "111 in the Centre oi or accomplished more good than Chamber- 4I3! Lone Star Motor company, San An- anusi .sÍÍwaSittiwto tonio and Chandler carried on. There are iiluninl of lain's Colfc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Bemedy. chihuahua. b' the country, Everything, From a small beginning Its sale and use Michigan scattered throughout Motor company, San An- and these arc looked M lor the major NOW has extended to all parts of the United Star will open IXC. states and to many rorrleu countries. Every- tonio and Chihuahua, Hupinoblle rivopas-winter- The real cninpnlun on Pennsylvania Av. on October 2 and will clqte lili a banquet MrntrVAVRKTWPKrJ where It has received unstinted praise. W m w confidently believe that It has relieved more held liv earn "center'' on tne mgni fi 1! all Absolute It Fireproof. pnln and suffering .nd saved the Uvea of Charged With Burglary. 3t. Bv that tltne is believed that ésa (nrjiAieVttrEHOUSEa. m more people than spy other one preparation Hernando I'erer. was transferred to the the necessary funds will have been In use. one or two noses of It Is enough io ronnly Jail by city officers yesterday after- At this time each "center" 500 Rooms, relieve an ordinary attack of colic or diar- noon rollowing the riling of a complaint In will b equipped with a special Is the Time to rhoea. It has been used in many epidemics Judge J. M. Heaver's court charging him ,.n n.nninir rtiee.t m Ann Arbor, where ZL Nearlf All with Bath. of dysentery with perfect sucr.oss. It la es- with burglary. Perei was arrested early thn committee there will be advised of the pecially by success the wnrn iiumv. valuable for summer diarrhoea in Friday morning Mounied orfleera Ware of undertsKtnr. - children. Every family should keep It at and Roo of the police department. He had the union building, In adrtltton lo cltth- Modera completely throughout, axquiaitely furnished. It ie jtiat ie reception TOOmS the hotel for Advertise hand as attacks of cholera morbus often re- a revolver and scabbard In his poaaesslon.. rnnim lounirlnir rnmiu. you, your family, and where ladles enjoy all rooms which can entire freedom from objection- sults fatally before medicino can bo pro- which, It Is alleged, he took rrom a room at and others, will contain 100 able cured or a physician summoned. For sale 411 East Overland street. The revolver was are to be used exclusively by visiting featurea, and haa beautiful roof (arden. For yeara thla Kctel haa bean the by all dealers. (Advertisement.) later Identified by lis owner and It was re- head quartern for nearly all the foreign diplomat! officiala. which U expected turned lo him. The El 1'aso committee The B ajwellry What has become of the to do Its share towsrd making ine nuuciing tauramt at moderate rates. So Is Tomorrow man who read the Congressional Record Called communication. El Paso Lodge, No. a is headed ny waters navia, possibility . Rooms for pne person, $2.00 per day and up. as a means or savlngthe country? 130, A. F. it A. M., Saturday morning, Au- unanlmouslv elected chairman at the gust I. at mi a. m. Funeral Brother O. P.. n. Chapman was selecjed as secre Rooms for two persons, $3.00 per day and up. Free street guides, La Salle Roalty Co. D. Owen. tin-- Mr navia is a member oi ine inw Rooms person, Public confidence is not brought about by convul- (Advertisement.) Í. TEMPLE RICE. W. M. class of '83. the labor of the law class with bath, one $2.50 per day and up. of '08. Rooms with bath, two persons, $4.00 per day and tip. sive advertising. I'fiiiimlttee Annointed. inner memoers oi me i iiiuiinuco E. L. WESTON, Manager Every new effort of business is a beginning, and MORNING TIMES CHART WINDSOR RESULTS Judgo Jaiucs J. Murphy, law, '07; A. W. Bv Special IFire o the Time Not cop, law, '12; C. V. NafO, law. '90; Fred IOOKLET AMI TOLL IWrORVIATtON 0 m ill TIT. new daily because business Windsor, onl., Aug. 20. Race returns Tor Friday rollow: Weather cloudy: track C. Knollcnberg. law, '01 F. B. Fletcher, efforts are necessities fast. enHneer '10: V. Ward. law. '06. meeting will be called at an is a succession of transactions. F.IRST RACE One mile, Time :24 ;40 2 , 1:13 1:42 A committee 5055 good: won easily; place. driving. early dale, nl which plain win lie inrniu laten for carrvtnir on the campaign here. Those who have transacted business with you 1ml.- Hora Wt. SI. H lj Sir Fin lackey. Those wno aiienneo 111c luiicueiui rn-- 4970 1. avana 11 li ut Oentrv Friedman. '15 lit.: Fred C. Knollen- - today are usually not the same ones that do so to- 400 Wild Horse .102 3 Í 4" 3' 2 Slearng berg, '01 law: M. V. Ward, '0ft law; James HOTEL 4803 Caderfza . 97 7 s 3 2' S'l- 3" VanDusen J. Murphv. '07 law; B. 0. Chapman. '08 law; morrow. 4MB Cotton Top . 04 11 ll 9 ft' 6' 4 Nerg-e- F. B. Fletcher, '10 engineer; Dr. E. R. 4911 limit v .. 02 4 Si St I mirier '98 medic; C. V. Nafa. '90 law: John MARSEILLES 5041 Slonewood .. 09 I 5 31 I f,i Mitt Itlppus. '8 law; A. W. Korcop, 'U law; C. On Broadway Morning influences 481 charles Francia .. Oil 10 71 7 8' 8 7' laver U. curtís, 'ir; rngllioer, u. ni nii-- i Jaw York Times Advertising those ' inn 103d St. 4013 Shrewsbury .. 97 r. 3i 5H 7U McDermntt '99 dent at 440ft ft 84 0 9 9" i to Mr. Friedman heretofore unimpressed; and, therefore, in order sir William ..102 till allnhan in letter addressed llahlfullr looatnl Ih. rn Oaatral 4189 linos Hoo .. 99 9 Smyth W. W. Follett, '81 engineer, residing at 515 I'ark and Miniaos Kin to create a never-endin- g procession of customers Agnes (1 ..105 8 Keogh West Missouri street, expressed ins Oalv a few luluuiaa ra Suet- - this influence take Mutuel field. that he was unable to attend tho aeaa. Sborailus cannot a vacation. 2 tnutiiHs paid: Lavnna, straight S7.40, place 23.85, show 10.30; wild Horse, place luncheon. Enjoy your to New 5.50, show 3.40; Cadenta, show 3.70. viit Por hre.ikmst tomorrow Suhberger's York by etopping at LAVANA opened up a good gap and easily maintained It to end. WILD HORSE irv . The Morning Times is the one advertising ran one of his good races and' hung on resolutely. CADENZA faltered finally after Majestic Bacon. uciiiiuiiBiy uuici-u- Hatel Maraeillea. Right medium of the Southwest. The large amount of stum tng gnoii M'een. ataneaphere and aplaudid SECOND HACE Seven, furlongs. Time :Z5 Í48 1:14 1:97 accommodation. wide-awak- e 5056 IN COURTS. advertising we carry proves that the start good: won easily, place, driving. THE Rooms He Wl. St. Mr Fin locker. with Bath. merchant favors The Morning Times. Koriy-llrs- t IMslrtet Court. Marlon Gaiety Ill 9 I I IM i (entry $2 Per Day. Prince Phlllclhorpo .113 0 10 0 W I Metcalf C, M v. ni nl, ml .ilill A. SlICllCl' Splutter 8! Cooper mea. O 4 speciric performance; 2 Rooms with Bath, Mona tt Mci'ermou Galbraltb loxworth Co. vs. redro A. Pa "Frolssart ,. .107 7 7 7" SI fi" Smyth Hark Rosalecn ... al Callahan redes, debt; filed. Per Day. Our 35th Anniversary Daisy M Wood vi. Hoy w. vyooa, ni $3.50 Shrovetide io 7 Moll vorcci; filed. Room a wl to muniLt water. Sir James 5 6" 81 Clavcr II. ao per day Reo 4 4" 4 4 9J wi rn mrn ra nr1re Number, to be issued about September I, will be Hive lift 7i VaiiPiisen Slxlv. filth District Court. 'Offertory 05 in 8' 10 10 Louder Coldwell, Judge.) Write for noklf and Map '(Ballard ff Nev a credit to El Paso and the Southwest. It will be Seagram entry 'Olddlnirs Queen City entry. James Paul vs. June company st at, dam Urk 2 mutiiels paid: Marion Oaleiy. straight 7.80, place 4.50. show 3.30; Prince ages, personal injiiriea; ruea. 'ill. Mill-- M. E. Burk. MaMijvr. the most stupendous effort ever accomplished in place 10.90, show 5.40; Splutter, show 4.70. Ervln Miuiuracturlng company va. Texas MARluN GAIETY set a good pare and won as she pleased. PRINCE PIHI.IS- - Cake and Linter company, damages; filed. this section of the globe. THORPE. rrom a slow beginning, rinlshcd rast. SPLUTTER hung on well. MONA C quit badly. County Court. srripctiin: Maiisotus. (Adrian Pool, Judge.) i SOS 7 TrURD and rurlonga. Time :S3 .47 5, 1:0ft t nnn,.lB rimnliiu-i- Montovs. ilfiin Fifty-Fift- start good; won easily; place, driving;. agea, personal injuries; filed. y Indfi wt. St. 7w Mi 4 Sir. Fin Jockey. Justlre Courts. Phone 109 3 Gentry M. Judge.) M97nDlirnlty (James ivaver. 5032 Cnmmensla 109 I 2 McPermott State of Texas vs. H. A. llehgert. fugitive For Ad Specialist. 5034 Meellcka 108 1 3" Smyth from Justice: filed. 4994 Fair Helen 104 7 Louder State of Texas vs. J. ..niexanuer, swin 4070 Katheflne 0 108. 5 colcman dling; filed. . is 504.1 Kopje 103 4 4 7 i .M'wman rompuij ff Slerrett investment n HANAN 5034 Maxim Belle ' 104 ft 61 ft 7 7 Clavcr . I.undell. account; judgment In favor of Earning Cnn 82 mutuels paid: Dlgn'ty, Ir.nvht lt.50, placo 4.30, show 3.40; Commensla, place plaintiff. fa$o 2.90. show 2.70; Meellcka, show ft.90. fl (James Murphy, Judge.) root plenty to spare. GOMMENSIA J. DIGNITY had the of the Held and uth with M. D. Palacios, speed well up ousttayed MEEI.ICKA at end. ran a good rare and hung on In State of Texas vs. FIRST NOW FIRST ALWAYS Latter ing; fined tr, and costs. 'fashion. or rexaa va. tt. anuwi, pouwutri KOL1ITÍ1 State CAtfl RACE One mile. Time :24 :48 1:13 1:40. Start good; fined 85 and coala. won driving; place easily. stalo of Texaa va. Londener. disturbing VVI St. V, Sir Fin Jockey. the peace; fined II and costs. 302Í Dr. Larrlck .101 4 IM 1 ÍU 1" Murphy SHOES .107 8 8 5 2i 2 Claver , 99 S 5" 41 41 4' S McDermott 5044 Privet Petal .101 3 3i 31 2il 3" 4" Smyth .102 il SI 3 V 51 callanan .108 7 5 8 ft' Keogh .110 ft 7' ft" 71 7' 7 Cooper . .107 3 41 7 ft 8 8 Mott ARE rOSJTlONB WE K mutuels pa!d: Dr. Larrlck, straight 51.50, place 22.10, show 11.40; Fountain Ll AKAN ll.l.M FOR Men Who Fay, place 4.40. show 3.00 ; Cannonade, show 5.10. Pbonea 1480 and 1484 EXCLUSIVE DB. LABRICK, showing marked improvement, had worlds of ipeei, but was tiring badly and Just lasted. FOUNTAIN FAY. dwelt at start, made up around gradually TrwM ".!-- . U V. Davta, Mg-- r AGENT! and would hayjs won In another stride. CANNONADE ran well. IIARBARD and Want the Best PHINCE PETAL quit. Goodrich Auto and Truck Tires Scratched-- ; Black Broom, Rcndel. FIFTH If V.I. Five rurlongs. Time :23 :47, 1:00 3. Start food; won 38 South fcl Paso su Tel. 2331 5059 Ileal la the 'una run. 0. KLA.H.r.l. "aslly ; place easily. Beit Vulcanizing Plant Io the Southwest. Dr. Carl Smith lndi-- H Wt. St. Vt Sir, r In. Jockey. BUITUmC, UtfOOD, HK.IN. liIV-E- Sands or Pleasure 109 S 2il IM 11 ! Cooper KIDNEY AND BLAD-- I Jack O'Dowd 112 2' 2' Gentry CLEVELAND SQUARE GARAGE Dig Fellow 109 7 51 r,i s VanDusen 1)1 K DISlCASiCfi THE May McQee 109 I l" 4' 4 Ttlce Kooma CUaJat) IUJ-A1- Ocean Prmce 112 0 4 41 34 5' McDermott fcL MWKJuNaCV. PMOJV WAMAuK AMD UOr. National Hunk Bldg. rutin Gvpjy Blair 100 10 9' 7T l Warrington First r,U NUjM mm Urn,. W ML Marigold 109 2 6 71 7' Matcalf Reserve 109 0 It 13 8' Keogh too 8 Rs 8' 01 PASO ALTO SUPPLY COMPANY, (tae.) Dunner (' smith THE EL Peep Sight 112 12 11' II' U 10 Claver Í W. BlUlek. Pres. W. C. Slebke, See. Jack Reevea 112 11 10' 101 li III Ambrose lKk.J Medea 109 4 7' I 9' III 12 Coleman CUSTOM ASSAY OFFICE WHOLESALE áKO RETAIL CONGRESS, PULLMAN AND IMPERIAL Field. CIUTCHETT 4t FERGUSON Supplies. V tUcanUlnr. Qaaollne 11.50, JiDccOildtJ I Tire Sundrlea and and Olla. 12 mutuels paid: Sands or Pleasure, straight 50.0. place show 7.30; Jack Aasayera. ChemlaU. MetallurglJrba. ti O'Dowd. plari 3.10. show 3.S0; B!g Fellow, show 25.ft0. SANDS OF PLEASI'RE daahed Into an "Srly lid and won going away. JACK Kepreaentatlvea for Ore Bhlppr. O'DOWD moved up fast In stretch, but without avail. BIO FELLOW came rrom far 110 Ban Franclaco 8L bock. MAY McGEE quit after ahowlng class for a half. t'aao, Texaa. scratched: Eulogy. Bernini. Cossack. Star Anise. El . I 13 C(fx( SIXTH RACE-S- IX furlongs. Time rSt-i- :17 2 Start good; won JUOU rtr,..i. .i.,.,, esallv. ü Index Horse Wt SI. 14 H sir Fin Jnrty Times Map of Mexico Sunset Specials 5038 Brooms Edge 107 l VanDusen 5040 'Comniauretta vi a j.t I c. Hunt Dr. Che Hole S02I Imperalor Ill 10 l 8' f3't Claver Curt Hbumai 5043 Martin Casca 107 7 8 8' 4 Metcalf BVotx) InurDM VIA (4478 Charmeuse 4' 41 J" 5 Cooper mi Eitr mal ;, Times Readers M For 501ft Nlgadoo 10 8 ' ft' McDcrmou HpMii IfrtllMtlDI. 3 3' MOtt rnnaii. Ut4lft4t it 1H14 7' CtMtculiatlrjo Ynm. paper, Morn 97 9 II loi m Callihan Complete map of the Republic of Mexico, printed on good 5034 September ll" 4M (toil Ad lóalo bl 2190 107 7 7' l Gentry in fuldor torm, from absolutely new platea and bueil on the latest , Erin J son-- celebrity 9J ii I0 ion 11' ioi Louder surveys. Limited 5038 'STr Blaise ....ill i 61 7 ll Smyth Sunset : lo 12 H A map containing a world fit information .whlcli, will greatly, aid AsimiogT it ft It Sierren H up with the military activities lit tho NEW YORK AND RETURN $84.05 rt.-- those who are keeping Broonis Edge, straight 13.40. place 5.80, show 8.50; Commauretrt (T.eld), place n.m. country. 4.60; show 2.70. CHICAGO, ILL., AND RETURN $60.90 show Imperalor. . Clip the coupon EDGE COMMAURETTA alternsMd In lead first posL when former Get a map today at Times office, or Branch BRfiOM and Branch S, 105 MEMPHIS AND RETURN $53.25 rtrw rim in win In a hard drive. IMPERATOR. a ay hlowly, made up a world of H. printed below and preaent at. Time office or Tlmea MOHR 15 udd cants ground and was going fosteat at end. Texaa Street, with only cents. readers i . .. Cut Rate Hardware, Morning- Texaa. NEW ORLEANS AND RETURN $53.25 Bcraienea: .aro iuim-- mm: íiu, .i,...... extra for poatage. Achiren El Faso Tlmea. El l'uao. XfifTi ÍEVTnTHTUaXT enty yardi Time Paint and Glass. good: won easily: place eatiiy Tickets on sale daily to September 30. 3W1 IH l:44 Start SOS Soutb El I'auso St. Limit October 31. Indx Hnr wi st Sir Ftp lockMf Op. t.1. (047 Cliff Edge 100 Mott 503 Lochlel til Callahan Coupon, when presented Tlmea office or Branch with LIBERAL STOPOVERS 30M Burwood W f MrDermotl' Thla at t l74 Luther 103 Cooper I 15 cents, entitles bearer to one "Times Map of Muxlco." 5032 Sigma Alpha , 93 Gravea R. B. BIAS FUEL CO. I 109 Keogh 5044 Martian u- -t TAKE CALIFORNIAN WEST at Hayi-- 1310 MlaaourL THE I 'M'j i.auv Mexican Name S:45 a. m., and go throught the warm part I 5043 MrClllltock 100 84nyth Phone 84. ft mutílela paTd": TmT Tdire. straH ,l.n. :i. EkWt LOC3U4U, puot All Kind's of Poultry Supplies of the trip at night x.vo. 5.70, snow 3.51; Burwooa, snow COAL, WOOD AND FEED. Address .' M CLIFF EDGE alwaya well up beaded Ijader eighth out and oo with consummate We manufatcture our own Poul- egae. LOCHIEL alwaya In atrong coatentlon outstayed , BLR WOOD, who came from I CITY TICKET OFFICE, NO. 205 N. OREGON Ibe rear gamely with a trrmendoua ruan. try Food. Scratched: Dirk. First star, nediand, btoiwart rteien- - 8 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Saturday. August 21. 1915. PUTTING IT OVER ON PA HE'S LOST ALL TASTE FOR SOUP, THAT'S CERTAIN. By GUILFORD Ü

' walL CPirrtK. IBIS, tag W.w.y.r r.uc S.e-- e

Advertising Rate Card Situation Wanted Male Rooming Houses for Sale 8 For Sale Miscelaneous 11 Autos and Accessories as For Rent Miscellaneous 27 Housekeeping Rooms for Rent s 1 clahsifieu unfix. II W lil.l.Mi nl' ili l!l 161 KM position W illi . BA1I0A.IXS IN USED CARS. LARGE basement, 10 windows. hone 5333. THREE rurnlshed room. for housekeeping; t rent per wrd eeeh dally Inaerllon. l.l Paso house; cliy work will in- con Sid in v Late model Studebaker no children; American; close in. H rrnla per worn n Huwur eredi salaiy roste upon rpialuy and mian- TEACHES! PEACHES! TEACHES! electric lights and (450 1820. Oarage. , (arid starter Houses For Kant f( m pr escti tlf. i.f goods IlIHl sales. Address, XV. II. A., Hdoiiis San Antonio St.; nicely Mr- - 11.00 Metí delivery : 00 run apnea to eaah with order arte, and le care Tims. Dlahedi low rent. Ill this piare you ran for a large box for canning or pre- One International delivery HOUSES FOR RENT. COOL, clean rooms, completely furnished , InaerUwi. . a aso housekeeping. 1013 San Antonio. Phone duo aflat flrat am une utile imniiii- arid at the nrlre serving, delivered at your door. truck brick cottage 17 for User healm imnlrilj lUUUWMfc a4 KXPEHIENGED bookkeeper, 25 year of age, quoted In a bargain; spot Phone 1510 or Yaleta 355-- Ford, almost new, Cheap I40-- "inpaiilisl lit caah. cliarir- ranuPaa Itn, cash. extra equipment 8 rooms, basement and garage 60 :,,iilaiic n..t at single, deslrea change; modérale wilary ; Un- rur- - CO., llalaaa emu Iter Un. eminUne ell lluollo. ..Xorlli or trnrks; iluliily 8 rooms, garage, close in 75 lina. speaks Spanish mid Italian ; best reference. nlturo; priced rheap as dirt at a7iK; terms. Phone 53. 422 San Antonio St, l.ME.X J n., licix Mirigus, IIANKKLPT SALE, 107 S. STANTON. APAIl S FURRIBHED. Ulevhae April 1. JW1S ll. I, Texas. iK.otiis- naiii, steam neai; low rem; 9 rooms, parlsd tt t.15 coat range for atd.75; (30 china closet FOR sleeping porch (so good furniture; dnslrulilc locallon. Bar- - SALE. 2 rooms, 8 mechanic art (I driver wants gnm for 13.50; 5 kitchen cabinet for 13.50; 8 We biiiKl commercial truck bodies to close In 25 or al (I. list; terms. fit Several nice apartments on E. Missouri: due after flrpl poiltlon, out town prararrod, win do :i n riling goon lora- - rnat'.ressns for 3.75. Get these bargain any automobile. Ford bodies carried In iii work w)ber in nonio imrrnes; close in; reasonable renL "ii fin. rliat)le best COM ÍI.C00. l,3ri0 quick while they lust stock, 27.50. C, itV, llon; I'rlrcd at for o. (J. 1 Morir, pifa Times. isrin-- terms. SAXON MOTOn SALES CO., di'tll'l 100 With McMath Realty Co.. licyat.l ad nooms-He- nt 39 per TAXES 300 mahogany upright piano, 323 Texaa St. rn.lirrlli.liil IsaaUIrd page d'.uble prlre FnslTliiN wauled at storekeeper tir com- i Room 4, Stevens Bldg., Dlaiila motiiii; good income. Price 1700; liberal perfect condition, almost new. If sold at gen missary manager. Speak Spanish. Min- once. For appointment Piano, care NATIONAL 4, 1015 model, 3,400, run 2061 Mesa Ave. Pbone 2076. l.l Al, aiji:iitikino. ing company term. address cost rates preferred. Address I. 473, Times. about 7,000 miles. Will trade for smell ImiI letal Tl.nes. liooms I.Mia finely fiiriilphed: on San FOR RENT. DUPLA 1 ah ntie Francisco SLi t3,7S0. with terms. car and cash dirrerenre. Also an E. M. F. Open tile. er (W. Per I "" - TOTAL ADDER ash register to trade for 30 touring car to sell for 350 cash. Both n! 75 renta. II1AI I I II Want hi ilnvi- fur t prlvslc Rooms- High class place; line loca alow or apartment ring 2970, call for' ati iMilirin. S what you have. Young Co.. 105 In ralr condition. Call Wells, phone 3035-- Kan.. Hunda lliarrllon, rente. family anil car; :lais re- - tion; 4,i(Ki, and worth It; terms. Furniture D. V,. II' 'Ml, III' I' first S. Stanton St. or 05S. SaUMInt eje. per Per iair work, ami feferonc funiiKiiet Pnon Iriiiislenl: steam lieat; new With McMath Realty Co.. ltree hull. ling. At I1.H0O Is all 111 tun this excetlilial FOR SALE Sladdard-Dayto- Room 4. Stevens Hldg. S06H Mesa Ave. .in. MOTII bargain. pmb for 325 If taken at once.- Party must LF;t YOUR BUY ili'intil liilmraloi-- man WUtMa Ii llooms rauslent; heart or rlly; nouse have money by lg RENT A HOME Ring us leaving, the Saturday. This cer for an engagement you Hie pn.teii i.iiniey tiinker: owner lor. tainly a snap, phone 1650. Magoffin Oa-- lo show pret X par lint. tarh liwli"ri. ' ' sale, u at ties, bungalow in El Pago. Leaven, s ' pMTANT quirk luui mid gift that. rarge. ilagofrin Ave. n ki, cash rim i.viiiiiik to help !i4 llooms i. ooii lorntion; ,MJ j terms. Sherman, 207 Mills St, Phone 4226. '.'1 lloom Hotel Tine location; 12,350; FOR SALE One. 1015 Overland delivery Irrm.-i-. wagon; Fuh RENT Unfurnished large resi- a.nv kimi ui carpenter wuih. win electric lights and starter; run 7 dence, 1800 block Montana. rimue T, lii'ioins Select location: net profit weeks; 750, terms. BRANCH perfect; CREEL 4c TIMES per month. There Is nothing higher NAUMAN MOTOR SALES CO., PHILLIPS. 304 Mesa. Opp. Plaza. Pbone 5075. w s in raso. You'll nave 10 see this to Phone 6100. 355 Myrtle Ave. OFFICES 4oHlon a cbauffeur. 'bone 146 appreciate It. Priced at well ii BUY MAIIY JANE BHEAD. ttft N. Stanton. For RENT Nice hotel In good TutiU'lier. B) Palo M'.miril Tirón. 4 in Tsrtns. F'OR SALE or trade, mi5 touring car, run growing New Mexico town. morís Vv anted Female good money makers only 4.1SX) miles; con- Address P. rVP,,llíí'r'',' Tu'í Time. electric starter; fine 0. Box 804. the ir,,7:sj; terms. Buy 12 dition. Cotfslrtcr lots, or what have you? a.iMai.'ti.ii.t, nm i "' WrVRTKD -- Position as Office or -- Wanted to Miscellaneous t"1 elrl llooms Low rent; XVrlte Electric, care Times. FOR RENT room cottage, í I pritter, naal aprieuriinr younir iHtly M.jOO; terms. sleeping "m.ii. ni"iJe"e.ncorr .na. - WANTED Al once, 25 an hand coal and ga 1123 Hd hiiikIi ni ii. fpiiki n. I'huiie CHAS. HULMAN. WANTED- - used cars; must be In Al con porch; furniture for sale. Wyoming. u. Sta. ranges, neaters, ice coxes, all Kinds rurnt-tur- Ii 101 Hen Autonln RAMKV nuns., dition and price be right. II tut FIRST NAT. hank Texas Furn. Co. Tb. 4097. 406 S. El Paso. must North NEW rnrnlitire exchanged for old. Phone IS iini,..rtr U'SII. . Koolll Kr9. PtioilC 613. ai je si reel Garage, 613 .X. Campbell. llrtioli Il'ihiinil 1293. Home Furniture Co., Ill N. Stsnlon. lima mult. nt. XVANTED as In Al con- i i" nrua dore, mil ahidMi iMi.iue ntn-x- user cars; must be u. ,Hl..ra. iKiuleaard and I lutein dition and price North oil SAl.L- Hudson car. NICE, clean 614 ..i ni,. 10 must be right. Furnished Houses :i' bskpg. and bedrooms. Mesa. CI.nsi: In on Montana, rooms, handsome- Campbell Oarage, 613 N. Campbell. good condition, cheap ror cash, or trade For Rent cor- street ly rurnlshed; beautirul building, on or wen loraieo iota. I'none kiss. H'P'O Apts.. bleeping porcnea. 606 N. Oregon apartmt-n- in- FOR RENT. ner lot. Vnir own and an XV A.N TED To buy a diamond, karat or 5,1100 11 room come o! 75 per month. UrOaO, hair .a ll. over; must he and cheap ror REPUBLIC handmade tires, mile guar rurnisltetl house; a magnificent HOuBBKBEPtNO rooms. 615 N. Campbell. 35 per inoiitli. brilliant aniee. at tin- - Elk Aulo Suimlv Co.. uta Plant; une POSI III an llrki-- at or work by balance liesuahlu lease. pot cash. B. 47, care Times. turiiace neat; sleeping porrh; llxlil Item I. Mess Ave. Gas service station. . large; lawn; garage for 2 cars; servants' TWO housekeeping rooms Hits nefore billing: rooms, weir secoud-ban- rooms, etc. Ii VE pay the highest price for FOR SALE I'l riirnlshed. deslrahh; locailuit, only 7W; saOO ui e 752. overland NEWMAN INVESTMENT O0. 35 tdi. fvr,' inlin Phone Scbafrer Furniture cheap. Phone 08. M. Furnished Rooms For Rent ..I ill A. ,l?; A. Agents rami, naiii'iee iiioiiiiuy. u. k. item Ixcltangc, 45 Myrtle Ave. Phone 55U. r. u. n Mil- n num. ll. 7; ti twrr :iu per month. HOTEL D. FRANCIS i i MUST sell R Under new asaciH uaablor; J.; c. K.; ' JM SAFETY ins afenti wanted for ouiy Very lusivc aparlineul house, rooms. frame, rurnlshed, on Í mem. Large. cooL wall furnished roerme -- I'. O) 1'. 6Í7 ! uiiifin mailt- retailing at SI Hi. sleeping porches, porch, close mil lots: rented for (16 month. Worth Ml uot'.. ll; front 1,(00, Make me an single or en aune, with adjoining bath, Sliow it ami sale - made, for efedta rent sa, per mount: oestimuuj offer. Seo S. L. Lane, aüry ball and balcony. Clean, com- Willi Realty Co., 408-- wide, i W; i: ..i i. price addreM Friedman at Co.. Box tas For quirk sale, 175. Security First Na- quiet. and um tional Bank Ultlg. 6772. fortable, everything modern up i.i Martlnsburr, Mo. leganlly ritinislieil apartment house. Phono to date. Centrally located and moderate 'lu'ml; i. 0. 0 elglil 4 i'oom apartmnuts, a bargain; arm "m .at A.NTMi A safe. In good rontilllun. Call prices for permanent people. SltH Mills iu I, ll; II. fitvul: II OH. II. Ouaineas (I.Jdo rash will swing. iurnlsiieo. J. wn; J. C. Opportunities Anothes heaiitlfully rurnlshed nnaMioeiil FOR RENT s furnished front rooms, gu, nouse, iu rooms; i, nuir .cuslt, lial.un - bath, lights, running water In kitchen; monthly. To Exchange Miscellaneous 18 Bicycles and Motprcycles Wanted to Rent cool, shady yacd; suitable for couple with- SI. K. TOXVNI.KY, out children. 805 N. Orhoa St. Phone 3613. NO- - S. 5711; 103 E. Main -- To 5 S. Mil; III FORT WORTH HECORD Willi Bailey Laud Co., XX'ANTED All kinds second-han- rurnlture rent room house. Phone coso seven Per Cent; 308 M"sa Ave. Phone iOM. In exchange ror new. HOTEL MENGEIt Now In charge of Mr. ana xv. IU; xv. Mrs. J. W. Bishop. l.a(ge, well rurnlshed tm . iwi win present your PILLINGHAM-PILIIC- FURNITURE CO.. (1773; advertisement IIOIMIIM. 111)1 IHBB, rooms at weekly Ampia lily W. MUi io u.ouu Mortb 310 Texaa Phone 2048. Special 25 Apartments tor Un- reasonable ratea. kuliscrtberi in Close III; :itl 450 St Notices Rent bathing rachitics. Entrance on overland SL iiXlaaoma, TR. rent ' texas. Bouiltein Weil H. Myrtle rem 31 ISO S3 near s. El Paso SL an-- buulhwi-s- l reías Ave.; furnished uiil Ceuirti mu- Splendid tocaUonj rent 55 t.nxi Furniture Sale AnvKnTiSEitft Male Help Wanted The Jtecurd read by For Wbo XVont to Reach PAR-- lexa. V ll. .See ll; rent 45 , i.utio AUSTIN APARTMENTS Furnished and HOTEL Newly rurnlshed; hot anrl, mule farmers and alockinuii tbéü NORTH TEXAS cold water In each room. Rates 3 to 5 an Dully pauur in TaxA. ll. Close In: rent (0 .., 55U 'URNITURB for sale. Apply 7 Brazos Apis. now and modern; prices other A Should Use Classified Ads In the Big Daily 114 H .1.1. I t ll Iht ui tmu I I no leuiils you toll. hummer k.ssu Virginia St., Just off San An- 1.MI IJVI Mil IL- - Swell newspaper til naxriq exas, lur salo or nangi a .; ÍJU DALLAS tonio St. Phone 1U24. ba0 M It splendid; Lumber ax d Building Materials TIMES HERALD. extra MQ k your horst-s- niulua, transient i.3iu Want Ad Ratea: IN BEST neighborhood In ellB'-- ll' einan. rant. ho, he North, sute , .nao PlCKKkLL tXP4RTMENTs, wi- - san till. and clots i.i.i enher ellv. lin Two ImiW atiuepi une city pi. p. ny a LONO I Insertion, pel word to Aiiiomo two lovely, large, airy, connecting rooms , iHi U. Sianton Si 1,750 LEAF LUMBER, all building mate- Si. Four roouis end baih; hot and cold fllli'U-- : Mexico, 17.-- (tullí. I aily or any other properly, real or completo any- 4 inserilons, per word . or single room family. ' ii, personal, yuu K ll. (lllve bl 700 rials, house bills shipped water; rurnlshed, If desired. Phone 6873-- with batb; private Ii M New Mexico. Biraogra that have lur islo. 7 Inserlions. per word . Phono 8723. ll'iU t fto. 7 11 San A11I011I0 650 where Quick shipments. Grade and count HQ a weak, House tlrl, ny. a hate: 30 nuns, per word 16c jilicr per line Insertion guaranteed. I.xanunallon allowed. Send es- APARTMENTS, with all modern conveni- room ..mi board. rVaUreaa, ny. wee; 7e lust timate. Independent Cooperativa Lumber No sd taken for less than 15c." Send ences, in Hie 1017 RAMONA HOTEL, 610 N. Stanton. Centrally Oc per line vacti auusequcul lu XV"i Give You Terms on This List. Brewster, Mundy Ave. u nnitj i pel day, "" ml hoard Co., Lake Charles. La. stamp: in advance. Ready for occupancy now. Phone 2033. located. Cool rooms, with batb, t'13 MILLS BLOO. t . Hun. day. Special rates by week or mo. Ph. KHONK lH o And XVn Have Others. nil. louiii unís to the line UllASS BED SPEC THIS WEEK. iii mi ud. or 18 words seven Autos and Accessories LARGE, airy rooms s squares from postof-rii- See 'MR. RICE. Mew brass poatbeds s week 8.95. Young cook, wlute, 'ail. Artaona, 'i motiiii time (t.uo. Ftirnilure Co., to; Stanton 8t. racing park and public library, 41S weitre, tXrlxooa, cafe, MO; .rack fore Aadress cummuulratton to WANTED To exchange new furniture for CAFiF ormer location or the American N. l.l Paso, corner Franklin. Phone 4896. man New Maaico an month! man mi wife Fort Worth HecurU. Clistlfled good second hand lord truck. Kitchen, iki San Antonio St. 175; ,,., it. ii Uepaiiiuen;, Fort Nttwly rurmshed. Handsomely decorated, FURNISHED room, with adjoining bath, for li en.etiT ft l.i At Wnlia. Wall DIl.LlNtlHAM l'lKllCL FURNITURE CO. "a Krltona, ... woman for preaaini ami XorU, i.i as. 310 Texas SI. Pbone. 2048. bpollcssly clean private booths ror ladies. Bros. Phone 2S00. gentlemen; walking distance; place for leinlna; lniranra olicuw, I7t; Japanese RÓOMINO house of 12 rooms, well located S.XM XVA11, Proprietor. auto If desired. Phone 6581. i nil v MUcbaU, Ban Fran above tracks; good Will .AIII.AND ItEFHIGEHATt'RS. All riistiwasber. m give some I.25U. Ilze. 1'UHNlsllED room In private family; team iseo terina. Price NOTICE. Price right. Young Furniture Co., lOi tt. MOMEA TALKS. All persons having claims or, accounts heat, private bath; 6 blocks rrom with wheel Have 10 sell a clean, rresh stork of gro 10.000 In cash and well (orated vacant against the Angelus Bar, A. B. Shadlngcr, 19 month. Phone 370. VVANTBU Youni ..turnean boy up If to learn ypewriter repair business, n corles at once: Mod stand: rlghl In tin lots Pi exchange ror Income property. 1 owner, will please present ilieiu al once for very sinatl rent. a pick-u- UPSTAIRS bedrooms, newly rurnlshed. pri- itiad' deliveries of maiTiliies; nuisi illy; This Is C E. STOCKS, payment a. No. 405 Musa Ave. or appearance: permanent auti square tictti. ruone i: .i. 500 Two Republics. Phone 2R4I. vate home, tub and shower batb. Oto N. and neal 5413 XV. r LA NO- - PHE8S1NG HEMODEUN0. Folt RENT 2 nut inn rial, close In, mod- Campbell. Pbone position for right boy underwood A IROI iiiaiiiirau'iinliig company, en of Jttsl ROOMING Owners XX' M. Pbone 5216 or apply B. inn si: m. luytoii. Prop, ern. to H. o. Steven. room In resi- leilitK the stale of Texas, wiluta a cupabh .12 rooms, on Uta Great White Way (San spi lal Hates. Work Guaranteed. NICELY furniahed private man to hsurlle agency Paso dence, wain privilege of using kitcben; XVASiHi-Mc- n to take our complete branch al l.l Francisco St.) per month 4no; all HSU san Aninnlo. Phone 2767. F must be llnancially raipontuble. fronts Apartments tor Rent urnished no alck. 809 Montana. Courae In aiito and truck driving. Mao Atldresi moms on one floor; good 5 year lease; tent on up in date iio ts.,, care nines. 150 month. It you unl la buy a rooming care of entinta. W leach CAROLINA APTS., 1101 MYRTLE AVE. 9 HOTEL NORMANDY F1rat-cl- a rooms, hot BabotU, Real - El Paao suto imperial bottsa now is chance. Estate cars. HON nuir and bath each; hardwood rioora, mgni ana aay; everything Parage, Mills Phone 31. BARGAINS. Ser P vio. IIIIOS., Agents, and rold water lie St CÍ5. I.SOU. 1.300, 1.54U, 1,250, 3,500 hot and cofd water, steam heat, built In modern. Pbone 9481. lip 115 Main BL Phone 61)8. 0 (18,004 see TOXVI K, beds. Janitor service: unfurnlihed 27.50 CATAiill MA to handle a lerrltmy 01 per month, 35. Leavell, Palm at nicely room, m With PAI1K UROS.. 115 ll.ilu St. w ii o, ng can reach the people who Yi'l.w tu hits All makes, rrom 10 up rurnlshed I'HHEE rurnlshed Wyoming large muuurariiiimg tiuupany; mull an b houses, rurnlshed, for Sherman, 907 Mills St. Phone 4396. telephone; lights, water; no must have relet cin es sale or rent, Repairing, rebuilding and supplies. St.; children: reftmenl required: FOR SALE Account or health, best paving TypewiTler Co., 409 2747. :.:, Phoue 9079. lllve experience and phone. Address Box B. C. THORP, Mesa. Phone FOR RENT. grocer) la ei Paso, doing about '.'.:nio a Wllh McMath Realty Co., have money to invent by 486. rare lines. month; can show you; (l.soa win close deal WANTED IN user itnist bo In Al con- - Two and two furnished NEWLY rurnlshed rooms. Turner House. pfeonc lloom 4. slovens Bldg.. partmants; close in. 020 muís nidg. c S. Stanton. Hot and cold water. SHOP, 311 Texas, rrotti mí- 4101. union anil prict be rlfht. Norm JITNI. I' !, Mesa Ae Phone 2976. ampbell Street Ui V Campbell. Entirely new. date will he known as Every bodya lierbci advertising in the classi- - rar UI mu x HOTEL One large rtiom, Shop. Hair rut, U!.c shave, lie, neck shave LOVELY a ROOMS, MDNIXNX SI. and bath: also rurnlshed roonia. HOTEL SOUTHERN R. E. Morton. Proprie II. E Downtown; 137.50. Snap, 105. popular ihi it store, rree; baih. ItOI raior boned, Í5c. 139. care Times, rent nnly ire lit N. Kansas. tor, i Hítame rooma x varea, Up. a P.YItk BROS., IIS MAIN ST. fied columns Ell Fruit Store ot CMalltv. (CUrley) l.dwards. of The Phone (032. 490 N. Oregon. Fret deliver; El 1'aso. dlatin nils, pay the lughcei TWO large rooms, bath, kitchenette, lights, .My IP 1.MI.N'i house ror sale by OOVERNMENI ixisltlons are easy u. gel. karai. If owner; irlctly SPA.N1SI ami T water, phone, in Sunset Heights; (25. PLEASANT downtown rooms overlooking iM.oklel. 570, tells how. wrile lodaj Alamo In renter of business district. Paso Morning Times. rhoiie 408. shady lawn, nouse pnon free Hotel Address B. 634. Times. cla received niun dioci. now. Earl Hopkins. Washington. l. C. rrc B. 364, c re Times. 559-- he Electric Shop. Everylbina electrical. 95 bookkeeper, anie n sign itnnM transient hotel, i ni COOL rooms, 50c up; 3 to 5 week. 1 Reliable ur banners. Wm. Bonaffar. Ph. 752. plaza; would KEY and lock repairing. Phone 2358. 103 Block Interest In plumbing business. lake smaller hints Put your ad in for a week eajt V. V. alOlata orauitiuua- - I'none 5511 1ft 7 in or t.rter 6 p. 111. Pltone 2460. close in. .vi DEL.MAII ROOMS. 417 N. Stanlon-hunn- lnt and, if you get results, come lathe work. KB E. Main. - iii. Experienced kodak rinlaber. Ap wuei, aiataa aaaaaaaa, vu- uaj, esa up WtKX, ply camera Shop. 311 N. Oregon. furnished aparuncnL in and have it 207H E. stopped and BUY MAHY JANE BHEAD. 103 ,V Stanton. HOTEL CAPLES. San Antonio Re-- WANTED Boys with horses. Apply Circu- get a refund for the novaveo. cieau ; run a water, iram. 50e up. lation Department or the Timet. LU E. Main m. unused i HI Nks OH SALE. THE DWYEH Very desirable. Phone 4550. time. I ODOINO, i... S. Kansas. , SAVE MtiNEY'Buy al El Paso Trunk Fac Hotsaaakeeping Rooms for Rant IDFAL location ror drug store. Phone 4u70. tory, valiere made. .Next Crawford Theater. Help H FtiR RENT 4 nicely rurnlshed housekeep- Female Wanted 11L1 MAitt JAKE BREAD. N. FOR HIM Mttlllll URNISHED HOUSE. ing rooms. 04 Upson. Phone S104. t3 Personal Vary une hume, with furnace heal; all XV A MID Mi woman cook for pel rounia on one floor: 880. teoi N. Kansas Sl. vale ramlly. t .3902 or call at 7ni V Rooming Houses tor Sale Cash Rates ACQ! M 1ANCE solicited or single gentle- Sec PARK BROS., Kansar Foil SALE Rooming house, cheap. man. c ver 40 years or age. of good, clean lt5 Main SL Phone (Ml v NtiXV. Li ink I11I1I- Mills. 2im I c per word for one in- morals, who would appreciate refined, WAN1KD A eorik for nut or town Apply XVe have been selling ruomitig houses lor christian single lady as companion and FOR RENT. in pei son at hotel 1. Helen, lloom 2. all. the lai live year, and when say we sertion. helper; object, home and matrimony. Ad Two housekeeping rooms, block frot lí p. ni itaie a o n gam juu caul uepcitu upon ll. Lost and Found 10 dre D. 687. care Times. postoffice; sit). here oes: 1 per word Sun- see PARK BROS.. 22 rooms, hair light housekeeping: other LOST Watch. Aug. 4, near Jockey rtub; Yiz one WHY pay 75c and I per hour? our charge 115 Main. Block North of Poatofflce. rooms', .heap rent, gtvnd, close in place; all hunting ease, diamond on back, la uie per hour for expert mechanics nut Id prívala l iberal day x o- on one noor, always run. 3 minute XV. insertion. boys or m rubs Guarantee Electric 41) w a IT. - All kinds second-han- ror k ii'iuis reward for liilorinaliini B. Beard. 3121 Co., furniture girl walk lo posloirice, good, cloan place. Mckinley Ave. E. Boulevard. Phoue 4546. m o in,i- tor new. a 5J2C per word seven con- DI I. LIN Gil AM PIERCE FURNITURE CO a rooms LUST N Room , (10 exas SL Runner sale cheap i. ins aparunouui, each lu Uouderuri. M., lady's mesh Oreai Pbone 204. in dtirkt for rim si iiiriiiiiiie iii rent cbeau: lone- - bag- 15 reward for return of bag iii. and secutive insertions. you close lease WiU sell al a bargain price. 1,250 io r.. i.aiuuein, t.iouacrori. N. M WILL make a trade for your old rur- in tñ BUY MAIIY JANE I; IOS n. Stanton. nlture for one or our "Mostróla" talking Situation Wanted Mai 19 rooms, all light housekeeping; Classified Depart- machine. Young Furniture Co., 105 s. ' rent Our Ad MANICURING. 50c. 12X, 4. only 3o; always full; close in. Yours fur For Sale Mascelaneotts 1 leías. Room Stanton SL TRAINED man, aged (8 yrari, who has held 050 rash. ment at la retpundbie governmem posillou, altui CREKL PHILLIPS, AND pi Store and Offices ill RENT 3 large, well lurulsbed bouse k BILLIARD ml .mills, vw.u, e -- e c ucairaxx.1 trained in fire insurance business, want-t- 304 Me Opp. Plata. Phone SOTS SODA FOUNTAINS, keeplug rooms with private batb. walk TEXAS trig distance to work rir a reliable concern, lanre or LOVELY ROOMS. MONTANA ST. earhonatora. draught ' stands, arcessorle. 105 STREET. i . ewaau business renter. Phone iota. malí tlial ofTerx an Itmily rem K 11. oppoi Downtown; HMD snap nnly 49S. tables and stools: all aiyles and sixes In TWO w an - , n., ea downstairs inn. sin.- ami sieatiy worker, Al rer rrxnav auto- m atock: aonte sllgbily used; terms given; llghls. g erence. P. 0. Bo 1055. and bulclu r electric groeciy refrigerators; pa tool Prtrc (16 mound) Phone . HMá MONEY FOR VIM LNXKSTlGAlE uaayiaj aatu an-- grocery TWO FRONT rooms, close lh. WANTED By experienced rviciirei counter. Phone Fif ty-F- if ty Pbone Chinese Transient luitel; low rent; 30 roums, neat aw tiutnnii.ii, siauutaciurer, i in him suite light houaefeeeDinar rooms place aa cook In boarding Route c nice, snap nruo; aoa-- . rMHOniij. BAGGAGE DELIVERY. 644. ana ai terma. Csinrnerre sl, San Tesa with sleeping porch: alck and children Phone Jltne .J, vate faintly. J. 130, care Times. FAR. BROS., 1U MAIN mes US. bf. aetata uui appiy. lanas ayrue. RoOMs-O- oa m. reaaonable. U UpaoaT Saturday. August 21. 1915. . .

;x- ,e-r- the kejinaRd. su n, " : " -J T " iniu ano txchange Real Estate I - " ROOM NEW BUNGALOW, on it "T? I Knnrh. U BOOMS fuI1 t El Paso Business 4 one jano. far rent Myrtle. Phone 866. lots; block 14,000. viit. small piece vaney none firms From A to PRICE north or Manhattan Heights, In Double house, to main road, suitable ror chicken 1 on comer on E. Rio ranch. BEDROOM, all mra Park on nouse. conveniences, toa Arlsona. addition. You trill buy urauuc, on terms. ísííií V Psymeni 'ash this place If you will take time $1,800. VALLEY LAND ACCOUNTANTB. 8PAN18II LESgQNS. NICE front room, clone in. 707 Mesa. MM. to look, ns month, including rooms, large too nn.r paved street, for 2 suburban cottages' or t t with t porches, on 9 One all in high state cultiva- 'H- "ENDRlCK-- ro year' experience. Ol interest, will handle It. lots on E. Rio Orande. tion, on macadam $195 6 conversational metbod. Paltnor Collesja. BEDROOM, $9 per nOO Mynlo" road; per TRADE' flee First Nat Rank Bldg. Phone 618 w. 800. arre, $8.000 WILL (8 acres choice land near will take to $to,ooo in 1'sbens, srORAGE WAREMOUBEH. FURNISHED rooms. JI'ST THINK! room bungalow. Nice building alte In Mundy Heights. trade. prlre 8i,400, as nrst payment on 408H N. Oregon. furnished; house the acres, ACj oi NTANis r.EnnriCD. without E. A. POND, 17 unimproved, line $011 ; STI.W sht riianiTiisc MCE front room. nlture Is worth $9.780. This place Chamber or Commerce Bldg. enough AUDIT We buy. 9t7 N. El Psso. cottonwood to more than lonslsung of price CO. Phone 3966. Suite sell and store, pack, ship $.7S0., has oak floors, tarare, fence, and Phone 1MB. Evening Phone 545. pay lor clearing. Price $40 per acre. four aparimenis; jih. t.ny move household goods. tad ROOMS ' ' Terms Is on 8 national Bank Bldg. for rent. Phone t lots. Oo out atres at La Mesa, to In alfalfa, iifjj' r 1if.11. ii.iiungmuxN yai lirj 99f S. Stanton easy, and look at thli place and see If FOR SALE. balance raw land. ror AQUINO MACHINES). st you ,ot" Prlre oulrk Wil l, l?8.arre tins- - nn.t rtatrv are not convinced of the T.W( on Trowbridge St, Government turn 50 per acre. ntlli: farm EL paso Tin nk FACroRY-N- ew Unfurnished Rooma s. In upper valley, BURROUGHS For Rent 5 valne. Hill addition; paving paid for. Price $768. t0 all in cultivation, close to value $96,500. fur tenement Adding Machine. 909 Mllls Bldr. VlMylT tow$ Lot on Tornillo St. between Firth and El Paso, will trade, what have BUNOALOW or five Sixth, suitable ror tenement or warshonso you 10 FOR TRATO Store building, with IS . purposes. oner? A'!"lQ9S..ples-Mog- METAL rooms, in Manhattan Height?, on Will sell 9 or more. Price $50, 180 acres. a!l in cultivation, rrfATTVA, .SHEET PRtlOt CT 105 S. Stanton St full tots; with or a room ottag as pan payment. sidewalks and pood modern home, located :,IErAL mem are In and are paid Triangle. 148 feet on reet In CARPET CLKANINC, A?h-- .. S!l?T WORKS Oeneral Dullness m si ror. Piedras St.. in the Imperial valley, will trade or rnpaMitri eluding the glassed porch, un Magnolia ano S4 reel on an alley, art- - ror ranch Q."?,! 'on,rctors all kinds. 411 Directory way mis or clly property and ray HAVE modern .Jiniiao ami 1 ARMENIAN CARPET CLEANING Texas Phone 54S0. if ml. nolf r.ash house Is equal to any jvuiiug srtops. $1,000 woo. cutiiiirirru rrice dirrerenre In cash up to $20,000. Deming. ft., M., value $4.400. Will for cleaned, sewed and laid. Steam POR RENT Two home. Also has cellar and AS. J. WATTS, N. G. hi no trade process. Phone :.:t. plant complete. $4.800, Phone 454. 104 San St nuiinmir sue MUOQJ or sunset Heights with aleeplng porch. with Francisco SOLE AtiF.NT, or would Uke rood pay all the above, would be a reason- El. PASO, house and differ DI TANKS, culverta, Irrigation pips, TEXAS. ence. Gall Wells, phone S08t-- or Sano WELLBORN Carpet renovators silos. able price to art. $50 CASH HOTEL SHELDON' 93. Room ouys any or tnese nomea, easy BUILDING aim Ul'liuistcrmg. iso?rafn?i ?r loKus. Phone and Board Offered 3" vbalance Sutton A White Mfg. Co. FRAME HOUSE, on 9 lots. monthly yiayments: Legal Notices 82 pebble-das- at 7so CLEANING AND PRESSING. management. 9nny Crest Convalea-,-,ce.- t u urann view addition; yard TAXIDERMISTS line, irsme; oig lot ( THE State or Texas To v. Hí.m- '"dlvlduiil sleeping porches close to car school y",n the Sherirr or Any ilson MILI ICAN Cleaning. Works. The Mrl ELLaN BROS. hot and cold 700 and stores $so a monm. mciud-- F,Hw-,it- l t.aao Constable of El Paso County, Texas, a,, Phone 700. 809 Frisco. graduate water each room r!?ora t ciiauvia. iiov uoulovard. Ph. 697 nurse; $to up. Phone 4607. Cash ing interest, will handle it What " '""i" mil 1,JD0 arreting: Joel D Hubbard, administrator TRANSFERS. fjso. more could you ask for at the brick; 3 lots . .. 9750 de bonis non of the estate of Wm. H. Jap Cleaning Works. 516 K. Stanton. Ph. LADY tear;ior can brick; 3 lots . Ki secure board and lodg- pneer you wait tomorrow 9,900 deceased having filed In our county '''UKROY'S EL PASO TRANSFER CO.. 809- - ing In private family or ir until SEE IT AND his fina) two, block from mia puce may be sold new aiAlc ntSL 1 t,u.. BUY court account of the rondlllon of DENTISTS. mt 'i rjun. aiorago. DSgggga ana ..o.iiai tunuc acnooi. rnone ews or 5744 Phone list. 395-- Mills Bldg nie esinio 01 wm. It. Mettler. ileraaseil. to- NEW BUNOALOW close VALLEY LAND. gether with an application to he discharged Dr. Stevens. 91119 Bldg. NICELY fiim shed rooma Ph. 119. LiVON with rood board .. lii. This place Is modern In every MI ST SELL QUICK. rratn saw administration, von are beraby RANSFKR AND STORAOE CO. Safe, ror two. 30 UK. LLP MMNttraH, ou prompt, convendences. each per PRICE respect and Is well constructed. 43 arres, upper valley. Man nun ny punuration or tnis writ 1st Nat. Hank Hldg aatlsfaclory. 319 S. Ochoa. I'h. 430. 3,150. Nice terrace with 300 LOTS ON THE MESA. paid 115 per acre; In trouble', for tweniy days In a newspaper ircgularly concrete steps nina or 11 : Any many rKXICO TRANSFER vacancy uuy location, as as must have the money quirk. 01 r.i raso, PKTKCT1VK AMNCIML CO, transfer ami foj lady and gentleman In con- tin niuuw luu :u tne í m. un can arraoge easy Nothing yOU give icxas livery. Phone ;ei snd 76i, 307 S. I sii mm stu a monm. includ terms. around it for less due notice to all iiersmw ii.., Santa Fe. CrTc",, Stton Prices from $950 per lot and up. Also have than 150 an acre Now. this esied in ihe account ror final settlement THE Ben Williams Detective Agency. La. "" ing interest. Are these terms some of or TI RKISII BATHS. int worm anything to you? rine building sites near new high IS a bargain. You get busy. awn emaie to ue ineir onjecilons thereto. made civil and crimina: We are to If any thev have, on or the TWO connecting front rooms, on second instructed turn It hirore ,,im. 46 N. OREOON. Louis. Prop. Phot IINO. NEW OTHO R. HILL. loose for $65 an acre. ber term, luir, of said county com- íí floor, with board, suitable for 3 gentle- - BUNOALOW, with 501 court ' It Son DETECTIVE A0KNCY kitchenette anrt Capíes Bldg. Pbonp 96 REALTY CO.. mencing and to be holden 'at Hie - hsth- lot n.tvi.vii court- n at'i, i wo itep. i.ire Hldg. Phone 3847. TYPE RITERg. , rlosc 'o car Una and stores. $50 Morgan lildg. ii.Mijo (,i aiu coiiuiy. in me riiy oí lil I'aso EL PASU Phone 1549. on the (Mil ilav of Spniimht. n 10 lYPEWniTERS .sanatorium Excellent food and .riVi" anfl "b 1 monm, plus inter i DEAD CATTLE. absolutely rebullí by fac- summer rues, ssomo. up. Ph. 17ftt $ .850. est. or 100 and 20 a month, when said account and application will be tory mechanics. Snnnlles r,,r sil si nlus considered by marhlnes. irks "i cash interest. Figure the interest on said court. rULL'UHOWN dead caiile, horsoa and mules Rebuilt Typewriter, Co., 409 Meaa. ROOM and board, strictly class. Mpb. $50. Witness: E. ft. McCllntork. rirst this place and the one you are THE YOU clerk of the liau'd away ireo. Phona T4 Imuiedlately. C. F. Leary. 333 W. Missouri. planning SNAP WANT. cuunij court or m raso cininiy. Texas. to buy at 89.850 and see bungalow, close In on Boulevard, lU'LWRlTF.R what you can save. Your Olven under my hand and seal, or salf DUMI.VKIM, AND OFFICE SUPPLY CO. All pleasant front room, sleeping porch -- answer red pressed brick and modern. For in COUIt. at mv r r, ,olrt' 818 with win ne, Let me see this place. oulrk soirn tlaas, rim in cl m:líí" rented and repaired. Mllls good board. 335 Prospect action, $3.700; $50 Ocash. as in every section or caty, there u a COUnfy o! Él Paso. 'state Texas, f.tli StWINO by daj PI $AL st rnone 839. Agent Corona typewriter. OTHO R. of this HILL, uuy ui AllirtlSl. A. U. I1M5. NEWMAN 501 Capíes Bldg. 951. ONE BEST WANT AD VETERINARY BURGEONS. INVESTMENT. Phone MEDIUM. E. B. McCLINTOCK. ulll i. M ui. (Seal). Clerk County El COMPANY. THK Court Paso FRED SCHAEFFEH, druggUI. IU001N3. Phone 935. Sua South 100 - HOUSTON POST i.ounty San Antonio St Phone 550. Is the oaoer In South levas. t'rescriptlons our 904 Hospital for horses and dogs. Ta iht Ry C ARANDA, Deputy Clerk. specialty. Mesa the wants or the people before half A copy, M MAKER, ihe true certify: III l ION M Ph. 1157 ctavla and San Antonio. umri aiiers were started. Ilia rate Is PEYTON .1. NEAI.'S Room and board. 519 Mesa. P. 8417. FOR Imp'e EDWARDS, :U(kj .. His SALE. uiid the cost nominal, uno cent a Sherirr El I'aso County, Texas, Wíl'VJi m HAOOV YARDS. bungalow In word wee days; 8 cents a giluiunar grade iegu- - hun.MS mil board. 385 for rent the word Sun.lays ny N. s, i.ood. Deputy Sheriff. subiocti tauglil in nratclsss Prospect 9100 block on Texas. Apply or a cents a word for all JSS nOO lolll - II .. IIP..,, ...... L, WAUON TWO LOTS over son week .,, I,, O'l'oT H..DSE YARD. Phono 064. ft deep, JOLLY & MORRIS, order. .No matter wbat von have to .ii Latin, n-- tt. h. Itliiiji .a. nay. grain lonivlk on a corner, and notice of sto KIIhI.i;hs' AND spaiu.... rraihimaii dairy food. Ntiirajons 39 small Capíes Bldg. Phone 8147. ihe people or South Texas, a Post Want Ad PlRSCTORS Tertns reasunable. Virginia Thomas, Prin- irse reed, horses and mules bought A Live Stock For Sale house, all for $050; $100 MEETINO. sold. will d over the mesaare. flunk or iiiHm notice Is hereby given that .the cipal. down, $18.60 per month. your wants 50.000 rogular FOR SALE Cheap, 03 of Angora to people seven UmeB lor annual rneSjUng of the stockholders of finest II. That you . the FACIAL' goals in New Mexico, on range; is what can do with a a nui hums CO., cor-- MAsA.E. nne shear On Tularosa s t ad. tarn uauroad a HEAVY machine and autnmohllo nana three to five pounds mohair; will yield illoll oruint.-i- miller lh ,.r ,1,., massage, fine low. on paving, sidewalks or Facial scalp ireatlMnt. halrdress- - welded promptly. Brown Welding Co. crop this rail; all young goats; im- stale Tex.n, will be held at the or A: ranch and curbing in: $1,100, any FOR SALE...... office uig manicuring, lu liurkler Hlg. i n. provements go with goats. Write or wire terras. i .mi. 01;. t.i niño A South- - sell. C. C. bungalow, 2100 block on building. El Crenshaw. Tularosa, X. U. western Paso. Texas, ouunenc-In- ror house Texas; $3,950; $100 down, balance brick, on 3 corner at .10:3 o'clock a. m. Mills Building Directory. Close in, modern red monthly. lots, Wednesday, sept. 9.000 HEAD, or any d East El Paso; $9,650, easy terms. 16, nil... ami upon ihe same number thereor, pressed brlrk bungalow, south 8 date. Iminedlale- Angora goats, to 5 years old; JOLLY MORRIS, some trade. 01 l i HE shear front; $4,500, lerms. 919 flswaaiwm sui'l) storkliiilders IIMH luTPAlRtrm 14 to pounds; $3 per head; no E. C. Capias Bldg. brick, sleeping porch. 9 lots, "" trades. Oougias un ul ""' same De Moss. Lordsburg, X, U. On St $9,200;, $50 rash, balance $25 iIhic, regular annual or the Montana, 9 rooms and per month. , tnaatint sleeping 9 t r. ,r "ii'i IUca company ror Foil SALE Jersey cow, cheap porch. 10 acres. 14 mllns up. on paved election of its r,,r in., .. Just fresh, lota, nlcefy fenced, $750. road, sill orrirers ..n.,.in ror rasli. Buggy, harness and gentle ror BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW AT A DAHi.MN soil, at $t:,o per acre. Will mke unn.i and iho of oilier upiioKierlng, Has 6 large rooms, rr transariion such business maiv. nil rirst rlass condition. Phone 898. sleeping porch, base- or lots as part payment, balance 5 years. ...Bj onirc III!' 818 lex. P. 9048. New bungalow, ment and heating Dnaro.. 3306 Rli-- s plant. All th built In 32 sections, about miles, fine grass, A. L. Secretary 9 lots, half block to car. reatures. Hardwood In 80 56 UAIRBRaWMNO, never rioors even- room miles east, at $1.05 per aero; terms. ill SAl.K 700 good occupied, roe $a,8&0; $150 Must be sold at once. For price and terms you NUTli.l: OK STliCklUil.DEH.-- cash $35 a iiuvf anyining to trade "See I's." AND klNt:HELoE'S L.Mpi steec. car old cows, car bulls. and month. (.an urce. e make DIRECTORS' : IIAlll HUM ranal and Prices ir. them. Can match you. mkfti Slli treaiincnt. "MuniK rigiu. i n. jiason. Lewis Springs, RAMEY BROS., COMMISSION Notice Is Wreby ítvsn lio" system. Man- - Arlt 9 rooms, CO.. that the regular un-- lio Capíes lililí.-- . fine First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phono 613 Trust tr'n sleeping porch, lights, Rldir. Phone 3014. electric I'aao 81 SÓuthWeSPJrfi itallroad Co llAlllLHtüysiNd, etc.. on H4 lots, FOR SALE Dandy ' of uianlcurlhs and Msrinsiin Alta Vista new bungalow. A WOMAN who lives on a lexas, a torporallon organlieii the preps. district; $l,9so, terms $150 farm and who AW or under Miaies lludrluuei, has recently lost her husband will the slate of Texas, will be held at ItCY registered Duroc Jersey hogs or cash, $95 month. nice home for lime money, small cash pay fice, sacri- ihe office ,,r tot company ment $25 for cash .or In trade ror 1.1 Paso prop- at No. ois El Dairy, 420 Capíes Bldg. and per month gets It. 160 LA erty. arre or well Improved land, L'"" " ouuiiiKMiiiio uuuaing, Paso, REALTY CO.. SALLE REALTY CO.. rvxaa roiiiimiu-ln- at 10 ti a I90.'oo to LOAN on dlairainds at 5 per TWO rorses ror sale rubber-tir- Lobby miiiiiuaiire 01 water fur irrigation; water o'clock m cant. and buggy. Morgan Bldg. Herald Bldg. phone 189. Wednesday. Sept 15, 1015. upon Iba' " "" " u;gs, Phone 1982. Phone 1549. up in 11111. rnone 1446 and ar- and " "' "' range ror Interview, p. sanie díte. Iramedlatelv Unnn ,,,1 ,,, ,, arranted.' Denver Jewalr t:7, 87s! YOUH CHOICE OF 20 NEW HOMES 4 or address o. Box or f to 6 such 8U)ckAoldera' niceilng. there will be Antunlu Wigwam Uldg. iwnni, mi in aim new ana modern, nevei wu. .11 o .,,. 1110 Pet Stock on any or oiai'v, regular annual $t K terms and all. meetlns' the board of directors of such DLAI.EItS. Prices $2,500 up to $fl,5O0. I.csvell, Palm k STOCKMEN, ATTENTION! Mltujatty ror or WA.TED-- r Female . ... the election lis officers" for EL IRON thoroughbred English muís 31. The best ranch in SOUthWiMU a hlg propo I'ASO AND METAL CO.. 1505 San Ai i nnMiesrai bulldog for brcodlng. MI9-- rnone the ensuing year, and tho Phone arter anion over soo,ODg arres, stocked with transaction of "i scrap t s .7 p. $2(10 MOB other business as may comu avswi iron; rubbor. uni b. ni. or Sunday. CASH, BALANCE RK3T-Hr.- 1110 before ipper. brass, bones, damel. laweii. LIKE ino sl c'"1" Price and terms the bovd. etc. Pilono 4960. Mills Bldg. 880. muucrii, Abundant De,! and Water. Phone bungalow, bath A. Lj HAWLEY. ILLINOIS SuTTLJJ AND sleeping porch, butlt-l- reature- -a dalsv LA SALLE REALTY CO. Secretary. JCNU tu. RHUKKHg, ?J' tooo E. H. k Snermn- 807 Mllls overiaud. ihune 1641. MADERO iniisston PnSné 42Slm COOII YOUNG PEAR ORCHARD. LAS I Money exchaiiKi'd 1. . Poultry FOR SALE. pear AUTO STAGE LINES EL I'ASO JU.Mi lo. pays highest and Egg orchard, down valley. 10 ex Ml FOR SALE. t,.Hy",fnner- m, n lmt ,". change ror residence In El PasO. ..i,.ia juiis. jti Aiaiueua. ra 9U84 xini EXfl, COM. Co. ComiiLsslun in 15 EL r.lflO FAllKXS AUTO LINE. C. FOR SALE si2í,Vff.1JSM Si ,0'. r'i ííoek W. F. Cray. Phone 18, with MHIIM.M, WE buy all kinds or junk teneral. ortli, Osrvnic, Itm. : ",so"J5-10,5 s3- IlllKa KK1.IVEBY. and bulllca. t Phone ii. 9lt oí p S?4 32 "h1 block PARK' BROS., Lss 1' tnwi neison, and 89.7no aasn t snü dsllt nrsl St Vraln. Phona 9838. red brick. esh .rwi auuiuon. meen ros money 115 E. Main St. Crawford Theater nidg. wiuuls si s. m. srrlrtm libsns 7:48 . nee hi. will sellSi cheap.?' Make rf. monthly. offer to Carl KODAK 6 Reudebusrlie. Mayvllle. S o. s n FIMSIUNO Auctioneer Sales Wisconsin. ACRES DOWN Coat IlUsrto, V iui hnnajt . AN roll lilm Tiilnrnc. a a Ia Right on the Interurban A dandy place pfinis," ii'i'.'J."' $3.200, FOR c; ''K'- - ESTATE AMI INSURANCE, NOTICE! terms; rontlng ror '$35 per month. modern bungalow. for a chicken ranch. Only $1.500; 76 Ualit Aprrs bimlnrM irsimai-ts- service; n.all orders solicited. 4 room, glassed terms. St iiomlui Ciiniera Shop, frank A. speNi;k. real esiaie ami e FOR SALE A BL'SIffESS. In sleenlnir rnnm hn.h 1!"- - main brrurt st Tims. HUU Hldg., El I'aso. Texas. gas and U.JI1..II ,ssHuis Room ift.. Mllls Hldir. I'honu 1933. Automobile repair shop, number of small $3.850; terms to elecrtc. llghtB. on paved street HR11S., J'hiios MM tools, work bench, 4 H. P. gasoline engine; and car line, vo agents. Phone . MERCANTILE AUEMIKH. Phone 613. AUTO 1.1 M location good; renl cheap. Small business BUY W. R. Ilssu. rror. can at nargam hOIISS IrOnn, Cl rt'iJH from owner. bungalow, glassed-i- by ltntimi trip (UUy I OCAL MERCANTILE AGENCY. dc bougnt ir taken at once sleeping for sale Owner. Icictpt sa Reporls or see. garage; $450. $500 cash, baíance monthly! porch, heating plant and all ia level 11 ,,i.l Inn, El VALLEY tSa NSP0MAt"n U0. and Ituiividnsis .lt.. THE GRAIN i.iiiit-i- sooo i lions. Meiubcra MARKET W. A. WILLIAMS. reatures. Montana. Phone on gra,'-e- road and near river. Will sacrl- - of Iho Natloual Ass'uclatlu'n p. Slusliai. us Uusro Tsuks iloiw. or Mercantile Agencies. Entrance Capíes Building. bouae. Hueco St.; $2.000. $800 caah, in. k i m. 111.C. ssrs. .Miroei o, inn we. sua sivrue HARM Y PA TEMAN. Mgr.. MUsweek"0'1 ' ' betóf comPlet"1 FOR SALE Near W. A. vvn . V.) ' Washington park I new Hetween El l'i Herald Hldg. rrame cottage, 9 Auction and Commission Broker or lots; $656. More va- Want to Buy Real Estate 60 llstwssn El 1i IU.M sales ran! lots, $150 easy ill. Si Orflce Entrance to Cables Bldr. Fire each; terms 'Phona M MESSENGERS. BEARISH LROP in I I kok AND I ISO Insurance. Notary Work. Meyers 10 10 Utst.iii.llsts II. HI I sell everything at auction or private sale. Place. 7011. or write p o Box 494 WANTED 8 adjacent Iota in Govern- I'uinu. OKI' IN Willi I' DEMAND CAUSE ment Hill, Uwasas AUowsuc. pounils ÓÍ OOl.PEN umce rnone out; ncgiaence síu-w- , - If offered cheap. Address par lr; iirssT il WES f Messenger Service. Ph. 1180. h. smith a sons. A. 467, rare Times. liunarMJ; 50 pounds. Lspisu JfiMSaa S.VE' TBA.DÍ: 0h : . HORSE or and unimproved ACT Lb Messeiuter Servli-t- Phone skxí,. SALE In front postorrice Satur- Phone Ut. 800 Teias. business property. R H day. Aug. 91, 10 a-- m., will sell at auction Thome, owner. MS Frisco street. El Paso'. Exchange Real Estate si SshsSala: acme tija up By A ttoctated Press s 4 bla- Cars Usto notsl KlislUon El tnessengsrs. phon una. Chicago, head ol horses and mules. work Cars Lss Psso. t.IS a. Aug. .90, Shrinkage or etpnrt horses, saddle horse, 1 pony, 9 mules, 2 SELL 9 ilsr.l I'S" arlesls. 5:IS S. demand, a or trade. extra well built bunga FRANK N KVTON. M,: IMOYINO. clreurastanct laid principally to For Sale-- io aerea adjoining $8$ the sinking or watches. oil strike. lows, large lot. Loa Angeles, resinned Ainu 'huns 41 SS. the Arabic and the Bovlo. did W. A. WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. Address Arthur Poole. Columbus. N. M suburb, fine climate, for EÍ I'aso or a goinl dead today to lower the or suburb EL Paso-La- Moving! Call odoin's Transfer prlre 1900 w. Boulevard. Phone 4248. Ill'i.EK AUTO UNK. to. wheal The market, althomrh Uia FOR SALE- -8 In KullM.Mi T1MK, iteadv at ALEX. LI CATA, lots 118 Alls Vista at $3 000 lOSe. Was IO ITiC net Inllpr with SOME OF OUR BARGAINS. easy 4788. ' Lsstss l'luiissr Plssn. boot Unlsl H!,.l NEW AMI inlrr. Experienced Auctioneer. terms. Phone WANTED TO 1'llADE Small near dslly and Mundsy ber at December Bldg. $1.850. larm las $l.04a and at $l.0üv. Com First Nat. Bank Phone Cruces ror El I'aso bungalow. Price stwsoi Cash ror I showed a setback or 10 oungaiow, Grand .View, near your urmture. Phono 8431. Good-ha- Vt,c and oats ,iuooi sua $3,000. Address box 992. Las Cruces.'N. M. Zl"ciJL?,S"MiU' "',0' nirnitutn ÍÍ0M, Son N. ofr a shade to i4c In provisloiis the out- car une; terms to suit. ""' ''"' Stanton. come Houses For Sale $1.100. ': vailed from 7L,c. decline la a rise I your Oil TRADE Good income property, bring- rli'Jsi""l"Í ,U'" c,ur" u "frs. Las Uir lull vslue for your ,.r.; r,rarne. 2 full lots. East El Paso business represented in ing !' nor Will fshS. t ,pn. Will Uke lots as part payment month. trsdA tor Mail tatirau psrksfo KWI 054. J. M. Chcrnln, 39a S. EI Psso Aside from the results of German subma- the A to column? dence, close in M. 131. care Times. iska rerslIoas tlis uUit rine sctivlly, the $9.850. Z A a. 105 tt, chief Influence on the 6 room Tuu HtrssL wheat ih modern bunralow. A rreat har. FOR SALE or trade, rellnmilshmeiii market w9 continued bearish gain; never occupied; Manhattan Heights KUMWKI.I. CAtñl&ÓSÚ tirpp oiiilnok in the northwest Rains the at aiynnus, n. . in. iai, care Tlmrs. . Hail l winter crop A SNAP. district; beautirul location. Will two '""OS horn Hosssll sni Csrrl states seemed to have only a uke .,"",'," B2?Sui.dsji S I'UVHK IANS Dandy brick bouse, iiayment; terms to suit. ssJ st a. in., tor H;,sclin. TIs JllE)PATHC temporary errert in favor of the nulls. on 2 Magorrin $8,700. Assertions by a leading authority full lots in ad- y uBLmtdSti Hits. WIUUHT A KlIiWELL. 3U8 that the LATtt 4 room a'S'á .Th'"u" w" , Herald Bids en, of corn ibis aeasou would dition; within easy walking bungalow; trees and lawn; ''' ftw Phohhs- Day, nú, leoa-j- . amount io distance; In excellent condi- A1U V'JM district HüunUs-- JS jpyuii.1. frss; 2SZ st Is psr km2S' bushel tended to weaken that tion, with grass and flower $3.850. RbHWKU. AUTO IAII'aSY. cereal At rirst. however, the market was PIANO 1. M 111 In rront and back yard; large A snap; modern; furnace heat; Us mi Ilia advance, owing to cool hutiperalures $$00 cash, balance easy. which were likely 10 hinder growth. barn and outhouse. For Im- (1LUI1E TO I'UULMX inatio $6 a mediate sale will small BLAIR KLOSS. Vis Alt, teacher, month oats rell back with wheat and corn. The uke 4 s caso payment and very easy 418 r Bldg., or Phone 1446. runs aoi n. Mike itscris decline, tliough. was not until sfter a sharp Olul. Ul s Vslls Auto terms. f f you are looking advance, tlio consequence or more delays to A for bargains, we have them. lhrt'shlr.8. REALTY CO.. RARE OPPORTUNITY. ni uot griUMOa Phone 557. 426 Mills Bldg. TRY the city Plumbing Co. I'nsettllng aspects, of tlis foreign trsde Better plumbing counterbalanced In Ihe Here's a modern home, on 4 lots, equip- ttlfsL for less. Phone 8I04. 819 N. Csmnbeil provision market a ment ror raising chickens, st lively attempt to lift prices on the ground situated In MUST SELIj AT or ihe backwardness or south suburb, that cost the owner $3.500. ONCK. the rorn crop. The break in grain values was only an It must be sold at noce, and at the pnce New bungalow, n isAiLKUAD evident is hardwood floom. built-I- TIME TABLE handicap to the bulls. positively a girt r you look at this you Tims TaSIs Ms. 12 (aturas, beat residence U. tlsstlss 41 s. bAHNEa, tin- plumber, Mesa, 1. Inniiis were Fuh SALE by owner, house, 2 bath- will understand what a sacririce It Is. section north of Mon- Juss I, ISIS. m phone Su quotations aa follows; rooms, garage and beautiful yard, over- - $3.000, Only (lluuiilsln Tims December, with liberal terms. Act now ir you tana street $600.00 caah. balance to Hull onl.) I 11.04.: the city. Will exchange for smaller want this one. you $4,100.00. (. P. A S. W. kt,V Hi ill I.UMHl.NO CO. Phone 9478, ( easy 'torn Uic Norili sad East Arrlts Corn September, piae and make baianct payments. i slgmuaa TSAc; pscenvber. MVc s PAIMINt, AND mi- - ruone &oau. BARGAIN IN A SMALL PLACE. PAJ'tuRLNts. September. :ior; fiecember, $8Vsc.' BUILT A ITO I LI Fsk, Loral si- - Pork September, $13.75; Oclobor, $43.907 FOR By tram house, on 6 lots, north FOR ME. lu.uusrl iball, YELTON PAINT CO.. $09 N. SALE owners, new bungalow equipped ret awutarl Slsnlon. Ph. 1847 Lard September, 8.os; October 15 suburb, ror chicken raising. A 4 Tuimutsil-I- s basement and furnace: parked street ror a One of the prettiest bun$ralowa In the I'sso Loc.i (sua. ini.1 ti u..ts Ribs September. 8.87H; October. 18.89. new limine small home that u ir..,i PI Itl.lC MESUUIIAPIILIIS. near high school; best construction talntng. This Is dead cheap city; has all of the modern, nsMai (sua ; .aim nnisn. r rana hcott. rnone nav. at $1,600. See features i.MAS. HUL.MA.N. that make a home, located just Nuria sml Kst Mrpsrt .IL stenographer dent, rira.ughun'i Uua-s- LIVENTOCK MARKET. RAMEY north of Montana Lia'ims 15 SALE Bv owner. Alta Vista BROS., FIRST NAT. BANK BLDG f ti in Colieice. 110 Trusi Illd. Phone 1484. 'H district. Room 09. street. Cut from fS.000.O0 to $5,300. 00. Very easy ilU 95 c m. t modern bungalow; Phone 61J. u.umr. At Tort Worla. neaung terms. REPAIR T'tmc, siieciai IVira plant, siaewaia ana snea S Uoicti, Kitis SHOPS. Win 1. N. KANSAS AND RIVER. UklM Mora! Fort Worih. 90 take some trade. Phone 4135 LOTS LOTS LOTH. f CtTJ Sssclal " f JiS" Tens. Aur. Hnrcs.. Fine bungalow, on corner; base- iisr i WANTED To buy second-han- loola and celpt. sou. Market iteadv to 5c lnw.r rm ment heating 11. and plant; beautirul, close-i- We are going to aell the following lota to the high- NK UrssSs. (I Pass A Sasta Fs Sallrssa. uu. aiuur, wis u i'aso at $7 40; bulk. $7.1537.80. Real bátate auad Fire insurance home; lot enough ror Ks another house. Let est bidder: Two beautiful aouth ISsais Sistau.) Cattle Receipts. 1.000, Includlnr 400 ua make you price and terms. front lota on paved rrooi ths Nmuv JlllOl I calvut. Market steady Beef aleara jasas ANDERSON FILLER REALTY CO. 0 llr.K.n EJPIW, .777. IS ss . atretit. sidewalks In and paid for; $1,000. 00. Easy ! 7; COWS. lli SAWS; Buckler Bldg. Ill H tasa ... r.S p ,os. M$4l irers, bulls, $4$ land CORNER BUNOALOW HUTTON ST. terms. i,.r ROOrilfO. PAINTINU, REPAIHIN0. 6.95; calves. $4.5v4f8.5i). No lisfisrt. See us ror estimates cisra í m ...,1,. storkers here. BILLARD A UENRY. Phone 996. niievp rtone. house; pressed red brick: worth M50rJ SNAP. Ua Cbksss rat Usi1 Props. I. x. L. Roor Pamtlng to. Phone 80.' BROADDLS it LE BARON, Owner says take $3,750. Two lots In Manhattan Helghta-kin- d nly $876.00. Ssltsstsn Hstnibjrt A Ssa Anlssls Railway. SAlEh AM) VAt l.1 DUUWg. At Ctalcaaa. Bell 1618. Any iSüuil.Mi. 1'sJílc Srsuiu.) Bf AétacUxttd cottaae with as sa m of terms. UK I. ., Pmi tistmmt rrooi Arr aXL rsw N. U. taken quick ; and second. hand. 318 San Francisco. i.hlraro. Aus. Hois Hspalnt. il BUCHOX A CO., eaiy terms; fine location, near I tuiul lima. Market Hotel Sheldon. Both Pbooas. Lamar school. MAKE OFFER. ui teasel si atronr. SttlOc shove yesterday'a "i". tl.s vsst IWti hlt.NS. average. Bulk, $6.101317.10; heavy, ata REALTY CO. lot Highland lU S'H.ssl $7i&7.88. DOUULAS C CRuWELL, in Park goes to highest bid- l.l,. SIOM pigs, ELPASO CO., 414 Mesa, phone 1138. '::Cattle- - 1,000. Real Lsute. Insurance. 808 Mills bldg. der. Any ternas you 'j Recelnis. Market strontr FOR RENT. want siiiM wamm ... io B ! ,o Natlve beer Storeroom on 8. Fot ths Cast Dspsrt ti I Y 8ION CO.. 80 N. Stanion Phonu cattle. $, calves. SL50) A. P. COLES U .raal and In Stanton St. 4oxto reet Suasst 147. tiltus.. esiau Storeroom on S Stanton :tl Llii.ii! ... It s m surance. Morebous Bloca. Phone 1M. at stixtan reet. BARGAIN IS Sur sat tut. sss ... p. Sheen Receibti. .000. FOR IN VALLEY LAND. la to in STOVE 1IKPAIRINO. Market SALE alllitr "" bspsrt Sheep, $5.6540.15; Iambi, $8.oOIs.58. UEohUE W. A larra business block, tosxlto reet with Five acres Upper Valley I S IS s UlUTUltát 4 ON. land near Canutillo. Only S'Jlfctt m KEPAIItlNO New Room , Morehouse Block. Pboi 88a. a renta, capacity of to ner rent or hMur Lilsss S p thai: parta niado and per annum; $1.260.00. Terms. 10 per ceut cash, balance easy. 111 s ..... Luoltsd is U p m carried tor all makes of Moves L. J. At Kansas City. $t9o00. Pe. ler. with a, By Aoola(.d B. f. HAMMETT A AON, A corner. 78 8 Ins. by t reet. on it. h. Iron Works, .orner . frtti Hammett ft Texas Patilla Ssllwsi. Hfth and s Florence Sts. I 344. Kansas rtty, Aug. ro Hogs Recelóla Block ,h W poltotrice DOWN VALLEY. BSS '" i hono $Js)Som " I Fsst Lsurrss h,,h,r' 8u,k' HELLbhltL, a An Csi.rjj. $í0VM8íu'M, bLAJH. Phone liit A. Two acras of land on paved road, I ftain .1llllIS P IB. FRANK SPENCE. four miles from I r Sast elty i... Dtssrl - OTHO R. HILL. Jlf."'!!' fnd Flr insurance, limita. $00.00, only 10 per cent cash, balance a snaun tall TOl EDO 8CA1.E3. 813 San Francisco Prime red atsari ...ÍTfí'- 406 - 4 st uiiuuu. western 501 capias Bldg.. Phone 851. MUlaMtt- Phone 193. to suit you. .i Kasrsss atoéis. 7ÍII5; calves. Sett 10 A IsllOb IIKPAIHIV. INVESTORS. TAKE sneep Hecript, none. L. MAHlt NOTICE: 4 Ol., Hsve an i iHSSSi: capíes building anartment hnns in Chas, in k On shoe rep., 817 Texas. Pb. 878. leiepnone aso. ration, where you MACON-SCOT- T Layng's. can make uZ u 13 per REALTY CO. importations Yesterdsy. cent on your money, I HAND MILLER CO.. 91 Buckler Bldr. Phone I with terms to suit. Ala MILLS mi' 1 rial Ions lhrougli the local SKtONI COPO KQH SALE. BLOC. port tualotnl B,4..,cf,TY I consisted of two ram. ids WHY sway FRANK PHONE 611$ of wnolen. imporud by Kraft throw your old furniture whan 405 Mills Bldg. k Madro, we are positively the highest payers ror three carloads or bullion, imported by L. ats, second hand furniture and bousehuld artl-d- i 19c; seeoZSt Hirlow 4 Co.; two mules and a horse, 'oultry-He- ns. uT UOMACt B. STEVENS, We nave splendid barcains in smsu imiMirted by J. 0. st il New snd Second Hand Store. 18c; roosters, Hj Bral Estate easy 1.,.. Pars, and an American Phone 3191. 400 8. keN$Jltff, and lus'trance. on payments. piano, imported by L s Velarde. El Paso. can Mr. JAS. I. WATTS. rice. WANTED All kinds ol lurnliure. We pay it isn't so much, wttag RAMEY BROS.. Are there any old rash:uned peopls left 104 San Francisco Bt Paoaa $84 809 Nat. Bank Bldg. ss asi uugm saSIMM First Phone ta. who thought they could prevent mumps bf up AtfcZr rubbing agsJnst Ul. And taelr necks hog trougtur come plain as tints psjajji"' Saturday. August 21.1915. 10 EL PASO MORNING TIMES Promptly at One o'ClocR Today. Shop Early" THE STOCK MARKET "We Close The Logical Train PRICF v I MIEH PHtSSt HE OWING TO M M OF SF.IUOIS OITCOME OF To Los Angeles is the --Half-Day ARABIC INCIDENT. running through

Specials Btl Associated Fret the warmest section at night, sew York, Aug. SO. The sinking of me liner Arable constituted almost the sole when it is cool and pleasant. market influence todsy, stocks being de- pressed for the greater pan of the actlre By leaving El Paso at 6:45 Every at the end. Savings Home session, with Irregularity for very large propor m. you avoid the rush of Uealnirs airaln attained a. tmn., aggregating 1,05,000 shares. Of this departure when the day is hot- Black Taffeta New R.ain amount steel conn Iriutcd about 20 per cent. For Proof Bethlehem Steel Issues, wntie, noi among test; and arrival in Los Angeles the artiv. stocks In their class, achieved Midden prominence in the later dealings, the at 7:15 a. m. gives you plenty $1.45 common advancing 10 points to M5 and the of time to get to the beaches prererred 6 points to 14 Manv margined accounts were rioted as ' settled before noon. Skirts Auto Coats at the and Silk a of the heavy losses recorded resiilt opening, and U Ibat extent the technical po- N EXTRA SPECIAL for selling this morning MOTHER SHIPMENT of those wonderful black sition oi the market prohably la sounder TRY IT ONCE A A some past. The trading ele- qual- - than for weeks cm. A new slvle black Taffeta Skirt in excellent and white Check Coats that caused such a furore ment Is strongly committed to the short . .. .1 i If or account and may be expected to And you will thereafter be a three-ro- cornea1J nonum nu a short time ago. Cut full length in full back style. side the ity. Made with maintain that position pending an adjust- regular patron of this train. trimmed. No Woman's wardrobe is complete Two different models Convertible collars and pocket ment or the international situation. Exehage markets Indicated by their fur- without one of these dressv skirta. Limit of one to trimmed. Shown in all wanted sizes. An ideal water ther strength that progress I being made PULLMAN CARS, TOURIST Collection is not proof auto coat at less than the cost m he discusión, now under way to estab- each customer. foreign credits, in this market. SLEEPERS, CHAIR CAR large. Come early, choice...... nf' the material. Extra special Continued esse of domicile monetary $2.98 $1.45 rtltlons was In keeping with the further AND DINER. OIL BURNING gains m raOi expected In tomorrows bank Statement, long time loans were qtiotahly LOCOMOTIVES. i urn haiii'cil, but accommodations were olfered at a slight reduction in nign Angeles and ela-- collateral. Lot return. .$35 Esrtra Specials Ir $2.50 Leather g were mostly lower, the onlj Bond! San Diego and . . . marked exception being Chicago, noel return $35 i. Ka which rose with tin ..i.i San Francisco and return . . $45 Handbag's iiaic- Total sales, par value, amounted to 3.lta.oti. Panama 3s declined H P On Sale Daily, Limit 3 Months Goods the a per cent on call. Toilet cent and 4 black as follows Pebeco Tooth Past. leather handbags inri nnr.i.itlnns were JUST for special selling this Alaska f.old J LIBERAL STOPOVERS Extra special ..... American lieet Sugar : 29c morning. Made of fine angora American t:an AMI". ÍZíl American Miteiting and Refining pin seal with plain and chased Do Piver's Face Powder. prererred o nickel frames, colored moire lin- American Sugar neftnlng Extra special merlrn Tel. and Tel 12 79c ings and equipped with mirror UTterlciri Tobacco Southern Pacific Anaconda Mining , :'?!ft; Sempre Giovine (always young.) and coin purse. These $2.50 Mehison WB 206 No. Oregon Street Phone 3400 Branch values to- Bsltlmore and Ohio J; Itiooklvn Harlcl Transit si1 special day California Petroleum 29c $1.69 Canadian I'arirtr central Leather Birth f Cilrl. lesapeake and unio ' Heturned From Trip. 11 Oirnelt King, general passenirer agent 0' ilrago Oreal western Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Iiiiquor announce the Southxyeitem OcWHite St. Paul 81 the El Paso tí railroad, re 50c SilR ilrani Milwaiiircc and from a trip to Douglas ilrago ami Northwestern liMjl,orrlal of a haby daughter at their home, turned yesterday MM BlsbeO and Tucson. Ml ROOMVelt avenue. The llltle miss made Fuel and Iron Colorado her appearanre yesterday. A lot of men make a lot of needless noi - Hose 29c Colorado and southern .. and Hunk they are like all ge 3úc Belts working SHOES Denver and Mo firande SPECIAL LOT of fibre silk, REGROUPING of odds and IV preferred selling Distillers' securities ... pure silk and silk boot hose ends of the best Kric THE COLONIAL TEA A l A That Satisfy styles on sale during the past sea- General lertrle in colors, black and white. .Re- Great Northern prd ROOM, 1413 MONTANA. son. All good belts Great Northern Ore ctfs PHONE 43. inforced lisle tops, heels and toes. kid trimmed with Guggenheim hxploratlon The New Dept. in white kid and Illinois cenirsl 'L. Good Candy Excellent 50c values. black leather. pfd raja patent Inanlratlon Extra special today Open About Sept. 1st Some soiled. Choice International Ha iiií'í SPKCIAIj today. 36c 29c itliein ."'Tail AI Butter Beana iy UXITdTUDNATinNI I r.Ahhcu - I nboul SATISFA(TIlON If l.ehlgh Vail Hlía'l Liixixn luianu Regular 2Bc seller 15c and vasiivino i American and Chinese Service. I your the Mflc;il Petroleum .1 . FLOWER SPECIALS, Shoes hsro when I ... or i N Miami Connor 3ík Hootna lor iaaies llome-grovv- n Wash r'pu rtnient oi-n- attout Kepi. 95c Envelope Missouri. Kansas and Texas S. El Paso Si., next to Tea Pacific s;t Rouen; per dozen. . . 75c 1st. Th llOHt K ir mi Amc-rl- Missouri National Lead V?,. 1208.210 Bijou Tbeatcr, Daisies, per $115 fipr women will t.p Ml If The ada Copper 12 Blouses Chemise 69c New York central dozen 10c slocks tiro now liolnu unpnc Y.. N It. and w are always HALF-DA- Potter's Flowers TABLE of white organdie day ms the nrrlvnl of the it. si A S A special we Hoik ami Western rnasb. your JsV rlhern Pacific Phone orders and voile wash blouses in novelties ever seen in El Pi offer a limited lot of fine mi JmStKUtn1 now. embroidered and plain envelope chemise and combina- clflC Tel. and Tel novations will street you oi iTiltiR nnsvUti'im ". COM K IN AND HEAR OUR hlaze-- palace SPECIAL styles. Also some stripe Ik Now tions made of sheer nainsook. All Pnlhnan Car ITI ORCHESTRA. dny antl the town ikcK nhout thin . H9 Ii 1'iins'ilii ated l.onoer - a TTo Arxinrj H voiles. Short sleeves and some Department. Watch our wlnijows and daintily trimmed with lace, em- Reading e MH Positively the best munlc In UÜ t WS nicely trimmed with lace and em- broidery, medallions, beading Itepiilille iron anil steei H IL... Rsr TnaohitrF El Paso. rend The Morning Times for Opening isiana to. pía 91 art r.i MB Those popular üoeiety' dancers, SOMETHING broidery. Regular $1.50 and $2 now buy unci ribbons. uur regular vjc St. I.ouis and San Fran, pro.. BBJ FINE: I'lan lo "White Southern Pacific s H direct from the Hotel Wlllnrd. BH Ol7R PACKAGE CANDY, values Extra sellers. Extra spe- - 16 Washington. C, at the ... House Shoes." the kind that satisfy. Southern- Hallway IBB 0. Bra DIPPED FRUITS and NUTS. special today cial today Tennessee Copper iSSf .... 1.15 Tcvas company MAJESTIC W The best that ever touched your 69c WS I'nloti Pacific H in addition to regulai program lips. Try them. Do preferred mm or Movieg piniire-- . mock bmi Cniied Stales Steel parv i" "The Indian," with uo preierrea aSB Beauty Chorus. Potter Floral & Con!. Co. Utah Copper 'ii?!SSI BB WBuaaaaasaaaM III WHh.'Kii nrererred vi lis till simaiÉI M BLDG. West' n I'nlnn 7ll"i ll.l.s Weatlnghoiue Electric lifts "B)Sa 11 avj.iiiauiiiKtf Montana PoVxe.r p"f House "e7e Store Crucible Steel '. M 0 Courtesy" 0 Service" Bethlehem steel 23 Baldwin Locomotive Wi Gener al Motors 309 Total sales for the day. 1,045.000 share. WIGWAM "A New Shipment of Double Service House Dresses $1.00' Ml xl. MARKETS. At New York. Bu Amoelairt Prn i.eit tor raaeiMe. rtir continued rirui prices and, whatever tin New York, Aug. 90. Copper nominal. "THE KISS" A. G. Poster left Ism gin for a rra outcome of the Arabic Incident, It chii Eiei irolyite. H6.7r.i7.M. A romance of the nobility. risen, where lie villi attend lite ...mum Pai SHEEP HERDER HITS hardly he conducive, to lower wool prices." Iron steady and unchanged. of the American Association OI tille ne scoured basis Lead offered at 4.Í.V TODAY to he hela tío-t- next fm -l- av - Milng uno (iimpany. Texas Fine j months, 684ji70c; fine 8 Spelter not quoted. "REPENTANCE OF and Thin daw iin luwo I poli M. ai rn months. Gn&mc. Jam' - I'aul i Hie Utile company Tin qutel at l3a.Sfj33.75. at l.os Angele. Mr roster win he met lutni Territory l ine 7iB7lc; fine me DR. BLINN" Mrs. FosP-r- who vvill ouipinv htm rti tu Omnuto lot aUafed perfonu dluni ijeiiTOc; tine clothing, ftTflToc injurie- - in a Med the i BONANZA statde. At London. Revenge. San Mt Poiltf haa been p. Milt in POSSIBLE clothing, d - Vitagraph Story of rnaeiaoo. For cause Hie rine medium uc comb- J. ocia I Pretia WM. A. BRADY'S tnr several week, at Long Iteaeii. Af district Court. of action 7IVÓ7IC: elglltllS lllOOd folllblllg. Bl id plaintlfl that he landing at lllg. three London, Aug. 20- - Lead, 121 6s 3d. the convention. Mr anil Mrs r iu quarter-lilno- die curbing with his motorcycle RIHO '7 i romhlng. 6&0!7r. Spelter, CS5 RESCUE," GREATEST Extra, OftSÍTOc: AA, nne A, "LOVE'S run Into by a car of, the detendsnl Pulled 6e67ci upper Spot, ttt; futures, fise is M; elec driven by M. QSOMCI A supers.. 6305c. IQs. A Pleasing Blograph. STAGE SUCCESS rompan) Hrad?hav. The I. (11.11 sTlMPFIIF. FROM trolytic, 78 pl.iintirt allege,) that tlie car WSJ Iiciiik STxRTS Spot. U &s; futures, 1149 tos. N. M FOR NKW II It SFARt ll ti VIII VISITORS. Tin driven at i reckleM rate of speed at tin l Antimony, tt. Assayer and Chemist lime il ran Into him - lb result or which CAT MOINTAIV ttKO. i AM BftON nil 1TI leg vva broken mm he was other- Recent llrcrre In Regard to Villa Money El Paso Smelter Quotations. ii- WEDNESDAY wise injured.' Incident is said to have Ceeoiel Ware to la Cause. Bar silver (Handy & Harmon quotation), Representative or ShipperH to th .in prll .1 lasl. The. Timet oecnneii vtagdali'im, ft iik. morning As a I7i,r. fOThia result of tlie recent Conventfonlst As 'Should Mother Tell?' El Ta a Mexican sheep Hi town government London lead. C2I 3d. a "After herder arrived decree against the importation - 20S San JTan. lMi. St., Kl Pmk, Teia. Free vlreft glildea, La Mile Hcalty CO, vmiIi .i luriuil of rpok which, upon exam- and exportation or Villa money t6 and Pig lead, V. O. IVt 480. (Adveruáeinsiii) ination by iiiining nun. proved to he from Mexico, the Juarez autlionurs .an' Clpper wire bars. 17J50C. oliciii.iiii-uall- It trti mailt' gold ore. The pla-e- a guard of inspection on the two lo w - quickly leaked out and within a short international bridges. ' All persons enter- MONEY. MARKETS. time paule- - of from ten to fifty persons ing Mexico from the tilled Slates are Dark" hurriedly equipped and lert for the scene searched li, the officers for villa money. At New York. .I ir,- posilol neas lmnanta. The men who cro. to Mexico on the street By j asonlstnfl 'res WITH Refrigerators, Hose and Garden Tools Aecordlni lo experts the ore was taken cars are searched by customs Inspectors New York, Aug. SO Mercantile paper. fruni a win which extends for several ror money and Hie women are forced to 3.,33Si per rent. hundred yarda on the surface. The tirita leave the rars and undergo inspection of Sterling Ktchange ixty-day bills. M.26; 77?77777T , -- I. located in Hit Cat looiinuin-- ti" inllt-- 'women Inspectors at tin customs guard demand, I 67- -; cables, Do Co. , B. Francis Becker Mc ugall Hardware toutbweit of Magdalfna nouses.) Alt person! leaving Juarei for liar silver, V-- Alec luiiiiber who lert tins murning only i'a.o iniisi also unuergo inspection. Mexican dollars. 3Tc. PHONE 689 407 TEXAS ST. one"ifmail lu- retutiied to file his lnrallon, i.overniiient bonds weak. ano I Ida man la enthusiastic in Ins deierlp- Iiallroad bonds weak. THE GREAT LOAN LAND noli or tlie value or tne rina. Time loans steady. Sixty days. 2a per iiigntrall cent; ninety days, per rent; six Lubln Drams. , left bare for months, 3 per cent. hi- believed tooiorrow tad ill ni.iney steady. High. 2 per cent; low. "THE CHILD, THE DOG, inn' nampede in that tlirenioti I It's per cent; ruling rate, t per cent. AND THE VILLAIN" QUICK SERVICE I ARDOIN'S MARKET FOR lit VS lil t REIEV. Mexican Currency In El Paso. Sellg Western- .!,. laird Prcf Bid. Asked. Special Messengers No Extra Charge V 'k. o. .ii loin llene loinnr- - National and Bank of Lon row will '. don bills W.OOe .WC "STREET FAKIRS" Better State bills SO.Uor LiOc Inn niauoiial inonetary complications A Comedy for fun. and tti.eirbauees tu the rank, of labor con- Villa currency l.asc Js Just stnVta IM chief elenteiilt ! uureruinty In Carrama currency S.UOC tin general situation. I here u. however. pesos, wo. ntdluna; either unsound or ,ilii. ncting tn Mlvei naif dollars. 3si;vc. SUNDAY Mil tlv dosaastlc finance, and. Uuiugli fitr- To Be Soon Fish, Vegetables . COTTON MARKKTS. Meats, Ihei coo ii o ie. between employers and MAX LINDEN wage have arleti. senoim and pro Ii led troubles hav e thus far been averl At New Orleans. In a Real Comedy. ed. Tru- f. evclnng.- piohleui-- . which Times peeial Wire aiiracUii much attrnuon, as esentia4ly - New- ii lean. Au. The International A FEW SPECIALS Sorry- up as of i ii belligerent abroad, Than Ituattoii anain loomed the dominat jtlmse naltons atul afffcl llti country mainly in the en- thai ion mniiehce on the New nrleans cotton AT THE GRECIAN ICE COLO WATERMELONS, GUARANTEED, lV2c etporl trade may tie impeded unle.n relief market today. The torpedoing uf the Ara-- i. sfforded. Iierent iinporiaiion or gold blr and Hie announreiiiem made by ibe TODAY ONLY FROG LEGS AND LOBSTERS railed I,, shsek the .1. pieeiii..n or funds in nntisli embassy at Wa.hins;ton that the en- tlie e Vol k :n o k. and more effective tente allies win shortly declare cotton con- traband ot war were In a more mean. will tie neceary lo correct etmdi lerierted BUOU-TOD- AY Shoulder Steaks 15c Shoulder Pot Roast ISc lltlonf. which are wholly lacking in prere- Order bearish feellna; by traders.' ate advices isbi PfQUswai are unoer way wnti tni from Texas said. that the storm' damaac ienn in new noi in. j t nature tu me would tt less than eailer reports Indi CHARLIE Loin Steak 20c Stew Meal . . . 10c reoiedlal it easure. in lie adopted remains caled. General rains fell overnight In all One of the favorite Kalem largely s mailer of couierture. Because it eeiioiis of the cotton bell. The market Morton Rib' Stew 10c Round Steak 1 7 ,c was altrtidd bv .,iiMcrable loss of life loss ii to in point- - on the opening and productions shown at the I a s ,n di t: li,,ri j. i rv. IV lo J.I Coal Now closed a. nel loss of to lo points. ror Bijou Every Saturday Home Dressed Spring Chicken, lb 25c f K rrreill Week SI. live The market apot cotton was quiet and l tin that tomplelely tx.Ut.,1 t unchangoa, with middling quoted al 9.07c. CHAPLIN vr! ille. -- Home Dressed Hens, lb 20c iih coast of Tesa shipping and ale were VA bales, with wo to arrive. railroad traffic Mitrered and growmg cotton was damage.i. lbougk Ki what eiiem u Is At Nrw York. IN THAT FUNNY KEYSTONE A "The Secret We Carry a Full Line of Vegetable, Fruits, Butter, Eggs, not definitely known. nuierwte the lead-ta- Bv Hilda ted fret) craps are doing finely " New York. Aug. SB Spot cotton quiet. KOMEDY. Santa Fe Middling upland., u.3ic. Isles, tt balea. no- - I on WOOL HAIU1. Code" By i !.' Press No Market at Galveston. Boston. Aug. so. Tb Coimnercial bulleun No reports were received from Galveston Featuring CAUGHT RAIN 1im. rrovi will sal: dorms yesterday, indicating that the "There lis been abotll an average amtnini Fuel Co. msrkei In the city still ARDOIN'S MARKET of buui".e done this week and prices re rrmalns rjosed. niatneil steady, with rnrelgn wools in rela BETTER COME EARLY tiirK rreaier demand The woolen MARION SAIS 218-2- 0 San Antonio St. Phones beep buying more generslly srsl price: HRND THE KID8 TO THE lor the whole suliable for Ihelr Deed, es pecialiy toa coarser quallue. are teudins 586-58- Every town man imagines that if be. were DON'T MISS THIS ONE MATINEE. Bpwara. Tel. 7 a farmer be would ve s very intense i " I heuuil'Mik u gtaudUj considered good fanner. mes i Pago fflnatg LEGAL NOTICES limína f EL PASO. TEXAS. SATURDAY, AUGUST 21. 1915. No. 12,417. thereunder as to tbe same, and amount P. R. by making publication or or land CITATION tha Ward this drsrrlbed in the schedule marked I'aso county, in bo holden al the court itemlred, set forth and deicrlbed In said nature of plalnurr's demand being herein- BT PUBLICATION. or said taxes., penalty, interest, reas and citation onre In each week for rour suc- exhibit "A" !n El Texas, The staic of Thu-- ny and above described. house thereor. the city of Pkso, schedule marked exhibit "A." arter set .nit and being an action to recover To lb Sherirf or all court costs ara a true and correct cessive weeks previous to the return day Said property Is rully set rorth de- on tlie Monday In I9IS, Ine Ry reason of levying of constable of El Paso r.nuniy, Greeting: against or and rirst September. ibe said luting, the derendant the sum or 98.47. being charge each tnd all tbe lots and hereor. In some newspaper published m scribed, and all slate and county Uxes, samo being the day of September, ltd:,. and assessing or the said taxes against lor the amount or Uxes. nenallv and You are Hereby commanded to summon tracts or land In the schedule your county, to appear at the regular penalties, Inter J. G. described neit Interest and costs aro also fully men ano mere 10 answer a peiiuou men 01 ulumi. ond against the real rsUte, same est and ror collector's and rounty clerk's Woodward by malmr publication of marked exhibit "A" and being above de- term of ihe Forty-rirs- district court 61 set In or 191.'. are this once ror Itriniied. forth and described the said court on the ynd day June, herein alleged to have been listed, costs snd advertising rees ror the years citation in each week four scribed. KI I'aso county, to be. nolden at the court said schedule marked exhibit "A." In a numbered on ihe docket of aald levied and assessed, Ihe said taxes, penally, successive weeks pre v suit ivu ami nn on the rollowlng described inns to the return Said de- house thereor. In the city of El Paso, Texas, By reason of the levying Mo. tees a situated-i- n lay hereof. In some newspaper property Is rully set rorth and said listing, court li.188, wherein the sUle of Texas interest, and all court costs are property, the county or El Paso, published scribed, and all and county taxes, on the rirst Monday In September, 1915, Ui and assessing of the said taxes agaliwt Is plalntirr. XI. l ee Is Just and valid debt, and personal liability snd or Texas, to in your county, to appear at the re ru- suie and Olllo derendant. state wit: Lota it to la. next renames, and are also rully sama being the iih day or September. wliom. and against the real same the or demand heing here- against whom the said taxes were as- both inclusive, o. ad- lar Forty-rir- interest costs estate, nature plalntirr's block Highland Park term of the district court Itemized, set In the 1015, then and there to answer a petition are herein alleged have sn to re- sessed, the amount or taxes, penally. dition to or of EI Paso county, to at the rorth and described lo been listed, inarter set oul and being action said the city El Paso. Texas, and be bolden said schedule marked exhibit "A." riled In said cottrt on the day or June, lerteri and assessed, the satd taxes, penalty. cover or the derendant the sum or WI.6I. Interest, fees snd court costs arising said petition, alleging that the of court house thereof, In the city or EI Ptso. In on or state Texas, By reason the said listing, leveylng lots. a suit numbered the docket Interest, fees ami all court cosls are a Just being ror the amount or taxes, penally and Ibeteliy are due, unpaid and so claimed Texas, slyleri plamtirr. and represented by on the rirst Monday In September. ol said court No. I9,4M the state of debt, county by lie- plamtirr. 1915, the same and assessing of tbe said taxes against wherein and valid and personal liability Inleiest and lor collector's and the rounty attorney, complains or said de- bona; the 8lh day or Septem- Texas Is plalntirr, and P. P.. derend- against whom as- ror the By reason or Hie listing, levying, who ber, i peti- whom, and against the real estate, same Ward the said laxes were clerk's costs and advertising fees said rendant. owned the real estate herein then and there to answer a ant, Ihe or plalntirr's demand be- Ibe years loix) 191.1, report- tion filed or are herein alleged to bavn been listad, naliire sessed. amount of ssld Uxes. penalty. and on Hie rollowlng to assessing, returning delinquent, or heron described St the time the taxes here. in said rourt on the leth day ing hereinarter set out and being an action Interest, rees and court costs .lng In t ing real sold Ibe pre- malt. scheduled were June, 1915, In a on dock- levied and assessed, the said taxes, pen- arl there, scribed properly situated the counly sa'd estate lo state, assessed and who Is suit numbered the to recover or the derendant the sum or by are due, unpaid an so claimed by the KI I'asu and or Texas, to wit East paring, riling, approving, recording, ine present owner or estate, says et of salri No. slate, alty. Interest, rees and all court costs aro pen- stale said real court li,7. wherein the 11.12, being ror the amount or taxes, plain n rr. or . inclu- and riling or plalntirr. n. a Just and valtd debt, and personal liability hstr of lot u and all lot both said advertised lists that heretofore, ss required by the i Tuas Is and "J. Woodward alty and Interest and Mr collector's and block W. lo IM t iv. s and real as and law. the taxes - I" defendant, de- against whom tbe said taxes were as- lay reason of the said listing, levying sive, Mordicad addition snd eslale. required hereinarter sched- the nature of plalnlirr'a county and advertising rees Pa.-- pennon. In r d were ,,., 1. mand being being; sessed, the amount ór said taxes, penalty. clerk's costs assisting, returning delinquen!, or report- rity ot i.l Texas, ami ssld by the constitution and law, and unit ie mi and Iiy the hereinafter set out and ror the year IH1, on the rollowlng i alleging that the slate or Texas. si led platn- now has ami asserts a hen on said real legal officers or El Paso county. Texas, n anion to recover of the defendant the Interest, rees and court costs arising there- or ing said real estate sold lo the stale, pre . by so by rilied property situated in the county filing, nir. anil represeniea ty un- county (Stain, 10 secure payment ol Ihe amount agalnsi whom, and onanist the land it is sum or Í7.M, being for the amount of taxes, are due, unpaid and claimed the KI or Texas, 10 Lots paring, approving, recording, adver- penalty plalntirr. Paso and state wit: tising and filing said advertised or complains ol salil derendant who or Uie said taxes, penally. Interest, rees herein alleged, said taxes were listed, levied and Interest ami for collector's and 10 and II, block 79. Basseit addition lo the llsls costs, ihe said asses, ond assessed, and taxcw county advertising lees By reason or tbe said listing, levying, said taxes and real estate, as required by owned Ihe real eslale herei'.iberore de and all court and said were not paid clerk's costs ind . city or El Paso. Texas, and said petition, ponslltuttoti scribed al the lime the laves hereinafter ment llsls, rolls or books, delinquent lists, within U10 time allowed before becoming ror the year 1913, on the following de-- assessing, returning delinquent, or report- alleging the of Texas, styled the snd law. and plalnurr now any or ing said real sold to the state; pre- that state has and asserts a Hen on said real scheduled were tssessed ind who n the advertising llsls. Inventories and other inject lo the law relating lo delinquent crlebd property situated In the county, estate plalnurr, and by the courtly estate, iv s now- El paring, riling, approving, recording, adver represented to secure payment or the amount or the pie, em owner of said real eslale. says ttiai reronl evidence mentioning and describing and the said loves are due and Faso and slate ol Texas, Lots attorney, complains or said derendant who heretorore, as by penalty, interesl.- rees and delinquent. The aald sute, county, W to ifi, addi- tlslng and riling said advertised lists or ssld taxes, penalty. rees and all teqnired the constitution the said liixes. poll snd Inclusive, block F, t.randviexv owned Ihe real óslate herelnberore de- Inierest. law. the Uxes scheduled court cosis. and said land or ellher thereor school uxes, including a penalty or 10 per tion to the Ity or El Paso, Texas, and said said taxes and real estate, as required by ourt costs, and assessment lists, ani hereinarter the scribed at the time Ihe taxes hereinafter were llsled. levied and assessed by the may be introduced by the plalntirr as evi- rent thereor ror each year. Including and petition, alleging that tits state or Texas, constitution and law. and plalntirr now were who Is rolls or books, delinquent lists, advertis- or cause. since year tore, ror styled has and asserts a lien on said real estate, scheduled assessed and the ing listar, inventories and any legal orrtrers or El I'aso county. Texas, dence upon tbe trial Ihls which the said taxes plamtirr, and represented by present owner or said real esute, says that other record whom, It is asks upon rinsl hearing, are delinquent with 8 per rent per the de- to secure payment or the amount of the evidence mentioning and describing the against and against the land Plalnurr that Interest county attorney, complains of said liereiororo, as required by the constitution herein alleged, find taxes were listed, ihe plamtirr have Judgment agalnsi tbe annum rrom ihe rirst day or January next fendant who owned lire real herein- said taxes, penalty. Interest, fees and eslale and law. the taxes hereinarter scheduled curtmay levied, and assessed, and said taxes were derendant ror the above amount or Uie said succeeding the year tor xvhich the said before described at the time the taxes here- le- costs, and said land r either thereor are delinquent, rees were listed, levied and assessed hy Ihe he hy the plalnurr as not paid within the lime allowed before laves, penalty, Interesl. Mai ond all court tavi all due the tax inafter scheduled were assessed and who gal orrirers of El Paso county, Texas, Introilured evldtaco becoming stihjoet to Ihe law relitllllg lo costs Tor a Judgmenl of foreclosure of the collector and county clerk, and all advortla-1- Is Ihe present owner or said real estate, ing lists, inventories and any other record upon the trial of this cause. rees ror evidence mentioning sgalnst whom, and against III" land It is delinquent taxes and the snid taxes are now said tax Hen on all the said lols and tracts in publishing tho sold Uxes and says that heretofore, as required by the and describing the taxes were listed, Plalntlir asks that upon Una) hearing. real estate In a newspaper, are more said taxes, penalty, interest, fees and court herein alleged, said due and delinquent. The said stale, coun- or land against each of the derendants; rullv constitution and laxv, the taxes hereinarter levied and assessed, and said taxes were Ihe plalnurr have Judgment against tho de- ty, poll and school taxes. Including a pen- that of sale Issue, within the tune ond specirieally stated In tho schedule scheduled were costs, and said land or cither thereor may Tor 80 order listed, levied and assessed not raid within lbs time allowed berore rendant the above amounl or the said alty or ten per 0601 thereor ror each yeai, and the manner provided by law, and marked Exhibit 'A," attached to plaUuirrs hy Ihe legal orricers or El I'aso county, be Introduced by the plalntirr as evidence taxes, penalty. Interest, tees and all petition. upon tbe trial of cause. becoming subject to the law relating lo court including and since the year IW. for tor. such other and rurUier, general or Texas, against whom, and against the land this delinquent taxes ami ihe said taxes are now cosls, for a judgment or foreclosure or ine taxes are delinquent, special, and equitable relier to which The said Uxes It Is herein alleged, taxes were listed, upon on which the said with leftal have been heretorore, m said Plalntirr asks that final hearing, due nnd delinquent. The salil slate, county, said lax lien all the said lols and tracts six per cent Interest per annum rrom the tlie plalntirr may bo, entitled under iho all respects. Usted, levied, re- levied were plalntirr de- or assessed, and assessed, and said taxes the have Judgment against tbe poll and school taxes. Including a penalty ol land against each. the defendants; rirst day of January next succeeding lbs law and rods. turned delinquent, or said real estate not paid within tbe time allowed before rendant for the above amount or Ihe said year, in- an of sale Issue, within the ol ten per cent thereor for each that order time year for which the said taxes are delln Herein rail not. but have you berore ssld sold to the state; all lists prepared, benmtng subject to the law relating; to taxes, penalty, Interest, rees and all court cluding and since ihe year ISH7, ror which and In ibe manner provided hy law. and Ihe snd filed, approved, . qtienl. all fees due lax collector at Its aroresald next regular term, recorded, advertised in a delinquent taxes and tbe said taxes are now costs, for s judgmenl of foreclosure or the the said taxes are del. Willi slv Mr ror such other and further, generator rees rourt. Ond coun- minen!. county clerk, and nil advertising for 1I1K will, with your return thereon, show- newspaper, sold advertised list or said due and delinquent. The said state, said tax Hen on all the slid lots and tracts cent Interest per annum from the first day legal and eqiillahle relier 10 which the . taxes and real mr, py me ty. taxes, including a pen- or against or publishing lite said taxes and real estala ing how yo'U hive executed the sane-- estate orricers pll and school land each the derendatits; or January next sncceedltlg the year ror plamtirr may bo entitled under the law In a newspaper, ore more rully and or and court or the said slate ot alty of ten per cent thereor ror each year, sn of sale Issue, tbe Witness, J A. Kscaleda, clerk the Texas and El that order within time which the said taxes an- delinquent, all and raeti. staled In Ihe schedule marked ex- of KI I'aso county. I'oso county, as required hy low, and all including and since the ear 1897, ror which and In ihe manner provided by law, and for county clerk, Port! district court due Ihe tax oolleYlor and Herein fall not. but have you berore said hibit "A," attached to plalntirr's petition. Ulven under my hand and seal of snld the tequiretnenls of Ihe constltutlrn and the said taxes are delinquent, with all per sucb other and further, general or special, and all fees for publishing the next in law have been compiled offi- per annum legal advertising rourt, al Us aforesaid regular term, The said uxes have been heretorore. conn, al orrice' in the city or El Paso, with by the cent Interest from the first and equitable relief to which Ihe said anil estate In a newspaper, this with your thereon, re- cers and court charged any day or next succeeding tbe year may taxis real writ, return show- all respects, listed, levied, assessed, Texas, this, the 96th doy or July, 1918. with duty January plalntirr be entitled under tho law and are more fully and specifically slated In ing how you have executed the same. delinquent, or re- thereunder as to the some, and the amount ror which tbe are delinquent, facts. turned said joal estate J. V ESCAJEDA, said taxes Ihe schedule marked exhibit "A," attached Wliness, J. A. Escajeda. clerk of the 10 Ihe prepared, KI County, or said lues, penalty, fees and all all Tees due tbe tax collector and county ported sold state, ollilsls Clerk District Court, Paso Herein rail not, but have you before ssld to plalntirr's retltlon. Forty-firs- district court or KI I'aso county. filed, approved, recorded, advertised In a rseal) By E. M, Monies. Deputy. court costs are irue and correct charge clerk, and all advertising rees ror pub- my or against each ami all or the ,,.i in.-,-. lishing court, at Us aforesaid next regular term, The slid laxes have been heretorore. In niven under hand and seal said newspaper, and said advertised llsi or laid i,,i, the said taxes and real estate in a with your return thereon, show- court, al orrice In the city or El Paso, OTflceTI or land described in the schedule newspaper, are more hilly and specifically this writ, all respects, listed, levied, assessed, tsxes and real estate riled hy the No. n.m marked ing how you bave execuled the same. re- Texas, tins. Ihe Sflth day of Julv. 1015. or said of Texas and KI BY 1II.ICAT10N. r.xnmii a anil being above staled in the schedule marked exhibit "A, delinquent, or said real estate and court the state CITATION l'l described. ' Witness, J. A. Escajeda, clerk of Ihe ported sold lo the state; all lists prepared, J. A. KSCAJEDA, I'aso county. s required by law, and all riie state or Texas To tim Sherirf or any Said property Is rully set rorth and de- attached to plaintiffs petition. Forty-rirs- scribed, t district court or El I'aso county. riled, approved, recorded, advertised in a Clerk District conn. KI I'aso county. ihe requirements or ihe constitution and Constable or l'l I'aso County, tlrceting: and all slate and County uxes. The said taxes have been heretofore, In Olven under my hand and seal or said newspaper, and said aifverllsed list or said (Seal) n.v B. M. Montes. Deputy. law have been compiled with by the orri- You uro hereby commanded to summon penalties, Interest and costs are also rully re- Itemised, set all respects, listed, levied, assessed, court, at orrice In the city or El Paso, taxes and real estate riled by the officers-an- cers and court charged with any duty C Yenger hv making publication of forth and described lh the turned deiluquent, or said real estate re- Texas, this, the sstb day or July, 1810. court or Ihe said stale el Texas and No. i' si thereunder as lo the same, and the amount this citation once in each week lor rour said srhedule marked Exhibit A." ported sold to tbe state; all lists prepared, J. A. ESCAJEDA, KI I'aso county, as required by law. and CITATION' IIY PtnLICATION. ol said taxes, penally. Interest, rees and all ,1 ssive weeks previous to Uie return By reason of the said lisung, levying and filed, approved, recorded, advertised in a Clerk District Court, El Paso County. all the requirements or Ihe constitution The SUte of Texas To me siierlir or ony conn costs are a míe ami corren cuarge da ereof. In some newapaper published. assessing of the sold Uxes against whom, newspaper, or M. r and. said advertised list said (Seal) By E. Montes, Deputy. and law have been compiled with hy (lie Constable or El I'aso County, Oreellng: against each snd all or the lols and tracts in your roiniiy. 10 ni'i,rm ,11 on, .isw-ls- and agumst ihe real estate, same aro herein taxes and real estate riled by the orilcers officers and court charged with any duly You arc hereby commanded to siiiiiiiiou or laud describee' in the schedule marked lerm or the Forty rirst district conn alleged to have'lin-- listed, levied and as- and court or sialo or Texas and No. 12,44. as lo the same, and ihe amount n. c. kiiniiie by in.ikiitg publication or nils exhibit "A" and being ahovo described. or KI I'aso county, lo be Miden at the court sessed, ihe said Uxes, penalty, Interest, tees El Paso county, as by law, and thereunder or EI Texas, required CITATION BY PUBLICATION. or said taxes, penalty, Inierest, rees and nil cila'lnn mice in each week ror rnur rully set and de- house thereor. Ill the city I'aso. and all court costs are a Just and valid MM of constitution Said properly is forth all requirement! Ihe The state or Texas To the Sherirr or any court cosis are a true and corred elMtrge weeks previous lo the return day scribed, and all stalo and county laves, on die rirst Monday in September. I0i:. the debt, and personal liability against whom and law bare been complied witb by the or the lols and hereof. In Some newspaper published in being the 1UI1 day or September. Il)l. the laid taxes were the any nonstable or El Psso County, Greeting: against each and all tracts lu nalties, Interest ond cosls are also rully lanM assessed, amount of officers and court charged with duty You are to or land described In the schedule marked your county, to appear at the next regular set rorth the in. n alid there to answer a petition filed In said toxes. penally. Interesl. fees and court as to the same, and the amount hereby commanded summon Itemized, and described in of luir,. In cost thereunder ionise White by making publication or c.xhlliil "A" and being above described. term ,r the Forty rirst district court or tl aald schedule marked exhibit "A." said CI url on the mil day June, arising thereby are due, unpaid and of salil taxes, penalty, roes and all de- on docket or said an claimed by- interest this citation once In each week Tor Said property Is rully set rorth and I'aso rounty, lo be holden at the court housn ' s suit numbered the the plalnurr. a charge Tour By reason of the said listing, levying 47(1. court costs are true and correct successive weeks the scribed, and all slate and county taxes, thereof, in the city ol KI I'aso. Texas, on court No. Ii. wherein the slate of Texas By reason or the said listing, levying, as or previous to return ami assessing of the said taxes against C Y the against each and all tbe lots and tracts day some penallles. and cosls are also rully the first Monday In September, IOU, the plalntirr. and eager; Is derendant, sossiiig, retiin-in- delinquent, In hereof, in newspaper published Interest whom, 'and iic.iinst Ihe real esute, same herein-alte- or reporting or land described tha schedule marked reg- Itemized, set forth and described In said sanie being tho uh day or September, t u : nature id plalntirr's demand being said real estate sold to Uie being In your county, to appear at the next are herein alleged lo have been listed, an to re , state, preparing, exhibit "A" and above described. or t schedule marked exhibit "A." then and lle're lo answer a pedilón riled set out and being action ruin-- approving, set de- ular term the district court levied and assessed, the said taxes, penalty. nr 63. recording, advertising Said properly Is ruby rorth and or El county, or listing, In said court on ihe 2nd day or Jim, 1915, cover id IhO derendant tho sum anil 1. inn.- said lists or scribed, and all slate and county taxes, Paso to be holden at tho By reason the said levying, Interest, fees and all rourl cosls are a Just or taxes, penalty and advertised said court house thereor. In the city or El Paso, or the said laxos against In x sull numbered on the docket ol aid being tor the amount Uxes and real estate, as required by the penalties, and costs are also rully and assessing ."Vo. and valid debt, mid personal liability colk'ctoi s and enuniy interest Texas, on the Monday in September. the real same court U.I86, wherein the tuale of Texas ii,ie,.i nml for constitution and low. and plalntirr now has Itemized, set and described in said rirst whom, and against eslate, C. against whom the said taxes were assessed, advertising tees ror forth 1915, tbe same being the Ath day or Sep- alleged to have been listed, is plalnurr, ami ii. kunbi, defendant. deck's cods and the ond asserts o lien on salil real esute, to se- schedule marked exhibit "A." sre herein Die ihe amount or said taxes, penalty. Interesl years on the rollowlng tember, 1915, tben and to answer a assessed, the said laxes, penalty. natura' of plaintirr' demand being here- UM.' and I'Jli cure payment or the amount or the said or levying there levied and sel and being an action lo re- rees and court costs arising thereby are property situated in the county or taxes, By reason tbe said listing, petition riled In said court on the loih day Tees and all court costs are a inarter oul y penalty. Intel est. rees and all court Interest, cover or ihe dsrendanl the sum or 132.76, due, unpaid snd so claimed tin.- plalnurr. and state ol "Texas, Lots costs, lh. and assessing of ihe said taxes against or June, 1915, in a suit numbered on the Just and valid debí, and personal liability or O I'an and sulci assessment lists, rolls or real same being for ttie amount or taxes, penalty anil By reason Ihe said listing,, levying, 14 to block 98. Passed addition to the hooks, delinquent whom, and against the estate, docket or said court No. ls.tti wbereln tbe against whom the said taxes were as- assessing, reiurnlng delinquent, lists, advertising lists, in- are herein alleged to bave been- Usted, or or ini'icst and for collector's and county or report city or El Paso, lexas, the said petition, ventories and any state Texas Is plalntirr, and Louise sessed. Ihe amount said tsxes. penalty, ror Ing real rstate sold lo the state, pre- or Texas, styled plaln- other record evidence levied and assessed, the said taxes, penalty. Is or rees costs clerk's cusis and advertising Tees ihe fsid that the slate mentioning and describing tho said White derendant, the nature plalntirr's interest, and court arlsipg 1913, paring, riling, approving, recording, ad- by county attor- ues, rees and all court costs are a be- years I0?. MS, IUI2 anil 00 the rol urr. nnd represented tho penalty. Inferes!, rees and Interest, demand being hereinarter set out and thereby arc due. unpaid and so claimed vertising and filing said advertised lists m or derendant. who rourt costs, and Just and valid debt, and personal liability ing an action to or the derendant towing desctuied property situated in tho ney, complains sold slid hnd or either thereor m.iv leirn. recover by the plalntirr. COUnty r or Texas, said laxes and real estale. as required by the real nereinberore I. against whom the said taxes were tbe stun or 126.26, being ror the amount or hi I'aso and lie ovvned estate dured hy the plalnt;rf as evidence, upon tha the amount or said taxes, penally, Dy reason or Ihe sad listing, levying Lots I and I, block 76, Hasseil addi- the constitution and law, and plalntirr nim- nt the time the laves hcrearter taxes, penalty and Interest and ror collec- assessing, delinquent, or report- bas and a Hen on salil real estate. Is interest, rees and court costs arising returning tion to tho city or KI I'aso, Texas, and said asserts scheduled wife assessed and who the i asks trim tor's and county clerk's cosls and adver- ing real estate soul to the state, 10 secure payment of the nmount or Un- owner real estate, says that hdntirr uroll nnal nfsnn(r ttla. thereby are due, unpaid and so claimed rees ror 1910, 1911, 1912 said pent ,n. alleging that Ibe stale of Texas, present of sold Plalnurr have Judgment tising the years riling, approving, recording, ad sold taxes, penalty, inierest. rees and all us hy uie ag.uiisl the defend- by the plalntirr. 1913, on the rollowlng prop- styled plalnurr, and represented by Ihe lierepdoie, required consiuuunn ant ror the above amount of and described vertising and tiling said advertised lists county illorriey, complains or said defend- court costs, and the snld assessment llsls, ami law. the taxes hereinafter scheduled the said latea. Dy reason or the said listing, levying, erty in the county of El Paso and le- penalty, mtereat, eea aim ii situated or said Uxes and real estate, as required ant who owned the real MrebjxbeTori) rolls or hooks, delinquent llsls, advertis- were listed, levied snd assessed by the a court costs. assessing, reluming delinquent, or report- state or Texas, to- wit Lots 1 and 2. block estate any county. for Judgment or foreclosure or the sold by tbe constitution and law, and plulntirr described at lha lime the taxes hercinaiier ing llsls. Inventories and other record nd oificoc of El I'aso Texas. ux Hen on ing said real estate sold to the state, pre- 103, Highland Park addition to the city or now and a lieu on said real evidence mentioning and describing Un- against the land It Is all the said lols and tracts or ) baa asserts scheduled were assessed and who la ihe whom and land or paring, riling, approving, recording, ad- Paso, Texas, and said petition, alleging estate, lo secure payment or Hie amount said toxes. penalty, and conn alleged, taxes re (listed, lev agalnsi each tlie derendJUIte: that an "lists or Texas, plalntirr, present owner or said real rstolc, says that ntereat.lfeef herein snld wi order of sale lasue. williui vertising and ruing said advertised that the stale styled and of tbe said taxes, penalty, Interest, fees by costs, and said land or either thereor may led and ossessed. and s.ild loves were not the time and In or said taxes and real estate, as required represented by the county attorney, com- l.rieioioi ii, as requited the ronsiliullua the manner provided by law; and such and all court costs, and ine sain assess arid law. the laies nereliiallur scheduled be Introduced by the platlUUr .as evidence paid within tin: lime, allowed berore tic oilier hir by tbe constitution and law, and plaUHltr plains or said derendant who owned Ihe books, delinquent lists upon oí this cause. law to de- end rurther, general or special. legal ment llsls. rolls or were listed, levied and assessed by the die inal romlni subject to the relating ind equitable, to now has and asserts a lien on said real real estate berelnberore described at the advertising llsls, Inventories and any other linquent and tin- - said hives ore now relief which the plalnurr or amount were legal orricers ur El I'aso county. Texas, Plalnurr asks Unit upon find hearing. laves may In- entitled the law estate, lo secure payment the time the taxes hereinarter scheduled evidence mentioning nil I iiosrrining II Ihe Judgmenl against due and delinquent. The soul county under and roets. taxes, penalty. rees and who Is the present owner or against whom, and against the land Is plamtirr have the d Herein roll not. but hove you before or the said, Interest, assessed the said taxes, penalty. Interest, rees and herein alleged, taxes were listed, retidunt 1I10 above amount or Hie sold poll nnd school taxes, including a .penally said and all court costs, and Ibe said- - assess- said real estate, says that heretorore, ss said lor year. court, at Its aroresalfl next regular term, court costs, and said land or diner thereor levied and assessed, and said taxes were id hi pcr.cent thereor for each Incltul his writ, with your ment lists, rolls or books, delinquent lists, required by the constitution and law, Ihe may be Introduced by the plalntirr as evi- Ing ond since the year 18M7, ror which the return thereon, show- any scheduled were Usied, not paid within the time allowed berore ing how you have executed the - une advertising lists. Inventories and other taxes hereinarter dence upon Ihe trial or this cause. b relating to de- tux In n mi all tracts said loves are delinquent, with 6 per. cent describing by the legal corning subject to the law Ihe said lots and WHiiess, J. A. Kscaleda. clerk or For- record evidence and levied and assessed orricers I'lainiirr asks tha! upon rinsl hearing, linquent tuxes and the said taxes are or land agnlnst each or Ihe defendants; Interest per annum rrom the' tlrst day ol ty the the ssld tuxes, penalty. Interest, fees and or El Paso county, Texas, sgalnst whom, January next succeeding the year for rirst dlstrlrt court or KI Paso county It Is allcxed, the plalntirr have Judgment against the and delinquent. The said slate, eoutiiy, that an order or sale Issue, within the nine my hand and or court costs, and said land or ellher thereof and against the land herein mild In sfUah the said laves are delinquent, all seal sold assessed, ilereudapt for the above amount of the poll and school laxes, Including a penalty and the manner provided by law. and ourt, ai 01 tice in Uie or I may be introduced by the plalntirr as evi- said taxes were Usted, levied and ror spe- dne Ihe tnx collector and rounty clerk, cltv Paso. or not paid the laics, penally, interest, rees and all court or ten per cent lhareOI for each year, ln such other and rurther, general or vis. this, the Mth day oí July, pus. dence upon me trial this cause. and said taxes were within a or or 1897, cial, legal lo lbs. and .ill advertising fees Tor publishing the allowed becoming subject to cosls for Judgmenl fnreclnuro the luding ami since the year for which and equitable relief which J. v BBI w 1'lalntlir asks that upon rinal hearing, time belore said tax Hen on nil the said lols und traéis llttt said taxes are delinquent, Willi six per plalnurr may be entitled under Hie law and satd taxes and real estate In s newspaper, Clnrk iM,ui. Judgment against the the law relating to delinquent taxes and the are rully and specifically suted in the Court I.l Paso counly. the plalntirr have delinquent. of land against earh ol the dercndoiits;. cent Intersil per annum l rom ihu rirst day facts. , mote seal) Hy K. M. Mottles. ror the above amount or the said said taxes are now due and or Issue, yeur ror schedule marked Exhibit "A," atuched to Deputy. defendant The county, poll and school lhal an order sale within the timo of January nexi sucecduig the Herein fall not. bul have you before said taxes, penalty. Interest, tees and all court said sute, and In the manner provided by law, and which me salil luxes are deiluquent. all plulntlfr's petition. or foreclosure or the taxes, including a penalty or ten per cent rourt, at Us aforesaid next regular lei costs for a Judgmenl since for such other and, rurther. general or li-- due the UI collector and counly clerk, wiih your thereon, showing The said laxes nave heen heretofore in on all the said lots and tracts thereor Tor each year, Including and UM this writ, return said tax lien sre special, legal und equitable relier lo which and all advertising rees ror publishing how yon same. all ii'sperts, listed, levied, assessed, Ti e Mate 0r Texos-- To His e&cb the the year 1897, ror which Ihe sard taxes have executed the re- sherirr or any or land agiiinsl ol defendants; per cent per tho plalntirr may be entitled under the said luxes and real calato a newspaper, j. Escajeda, or the delinquent, or said real eslate Constable of El Paaq County, or salo Issue, within the tune delinquent, with six Interest In witness, a.' oSrt Creeling: that an order next law and lacts. sru morn fully and specirieally staled t or KI I'aso counly. ported sold lo the state; all llsls prepared, manner provided by law, and annum rrom the rirst day of January district courl a v.)oul.,rr hnr,'.by commanded summon and In the ror Hereln rail not, have you berore said die arheilulo marked exhibit "A," attached Olven my hand nnd seal or said hied, approved) advertísed in ,V "inking publication ror and runner, general or succeeding tho year which the said taxes but under newspaper; advertised of ssld Jo!' 'i; of such other are delinquent, all rees due the tax col- court, at Its roresald next regular term, to plalntirr's petition. court, at orrice in the city ot F.I Paso, and sold list this citation onco In. each week for rour special, legal and equitable relief lo which in tax is end n al estillo Mod by the orricers the lector and county clerk, and all advertis- this writ, with your return thereon, show- Tbe said taxes have been heretorore, Texas, this, the S6th day or July. I9IS. successive weeks previous to the return the plamtirr may be entitled under yon same. re- A. and courl or din said state ol Texas nnd KI nay lioieor. In some newspaper ing fees ror publishing the ssld taxes and ing how have executed the all respncis, listed, levied, assessed, J. Kscui by low, all nnhlihe,i in law and Tacts. are more rully Witness, J. A. Escajeda. clerk or the delinquent, or said real re- Clerk Court. KI I'aso Counly.l'. I'aso copqty, as required r.nd your county, to appear at the you real estate In a newspaper, turned eslale Dlstrlrt the ip.iremeiits or the and or next regidor Herein rail not, but have before said and specirieally stated In the schedule Forty-firs- t district court of KI Paso rounty. ported c,..i lo Ibe stale; all llsls prepared. (Seal) ny K. M. Monies, Deputy. ti constitution term the Forty first district court or El at Its aforesaid next regular term, my seal or said In a law- In" complied will' b tins ofH ,u court, marked exhibit "A," attached to plalntirr's Given under hand and Hied, approved, recorded, advertised 1 any .o,.,,,, i,,. me courl housn writ, with your return thereon, show- Paso, or said No. 12,165. cers nnd ourt charged with ditty thereor. in the city or El this petition. court, at orrice in the city or El newspaper, and said advertised list Hi, Paso, Texaa. on you have eiecuted the same. 3fith or 1916. CITATION BY PITII.II'ATION. ider as lo the same, nnd the nmount the In ing how Tbe said taxes bave in Texas, this, the day July, laxes and real eslale riled by the officer! or penalty, rest, rees rirst Monday September, 1915, the J. A. Escajeda, clerk or the been heretorore. in,- KI sxld laxos, tnl and all same being the 8th or Witness, aU levied; assessed, re- J. A. ESCAJEDA. and ...un or said slate or Texas and The Slate or lexas To tho sherirf or any cuarge day September, 1918 Forty-rirs- t or El county. respects, Usted, court fusts ore a true ond correci then district court "aso re- El Paso county, as required hy luw, and all . Constable oT i.l I'aso Counly, 1, reeling: and there lo answer a politlón riled my seal or said turned delinquent, or said real estate Clerk District Court, Paso County. agalnsi each and all or Uie lots and tracts Olven under hand arid (Seal) By E. M. Montes. Deputy. Ihe requirements or Ihe cunsiilullon and You uie hereby command' d lo summon court on the loth day or June, 191S city or El Paso, ported sold to the sute; all lists prepared, of land described in the rhedulo marked In a . court, at orrice in the In a law have been compiled with by die offi- A. W. Wnlker hy making publication "' suit numbered on ih.i nr ... IMS. riled, approved, recorded, advertised Kvhiiiii "A" and being above described. No. 19,131. Texas, this, the aoth day of July, cers and court charged with any duly nit, citation onca lo i week ror rour court wherein the state or Teiaa ' A. newspaper, and said advertised list or said No. 12,153. ten Sold property Is rully set rorth and de- ESCAJEDA. I herotinder as lo ihe same, and the amounl successive weeks, previous lo Ihe return on., no 1. ano no. r. vesn derendant. Paso County. taxes and real estate riled by the orricers CITATION iiy i' i in ii senlie,!, and all state and county taxes, the nal re or Clerk District Court. El or or and mips or said Ule, penally, interest, rees and all day hereor In some newspaper 'published plalnurr's demand being (Seal) By E. M. Montes, Deputy. and court the said state Texas The Stale or Texas-T- o the Sherirr or any charge penalties, Interest and cods are also fully oei out and being an El county, as required by law, and court cosls aru a hue and correct In sour county, to appear ot tin- next the action to Paso Constable ol i.l I'aso County. Greeting: lols and or s"t forth snd desirlbed in or the derendant in the sum or all the requirements or the constitution against each and all of the tracts regular term the tv first rUstriCI said tide marked Kxhihll "A." being ror M.U 12,191. You are. hereby commanded to summon hand in ibo schedule marked El county, to the amount or taxes, penalty and No. and law have been romplled with by the ol court of Paso be holden hy reason or listing, levying into ror BY 111.11 VI ION.,. Crawmer by making publication or exhibit "A" and being above described. al the court hotisje thereor. In ' the Ihe said enl real and collector's arid rounty CITATION orricers and court charged with any duty id whom, clerk a or the or any same, the amount this citation onre in each week Tor Tour Maid property Is rully set forth and de- city or El Paso. Texas, on Hie rust Monday laMSSlnl the snld uxes sgalnst rosts and advertising reus lor the The State Taaa ro sherirr thereunder as to the and agaiuat the real estate, same are years 1910.-- 1 r, . or Paso County, (ireetlng: all successive weeks prevloui lo the return scribed, and all statu ami counly laxes, in September, 1916, ihe sunn' heing tha tin mid herein ItI and loix nn ih, Constable El or said taxes, penalty, interest, fees and ill- to have listed, levied and as- property In are hereby commanded to summon charge day hereor, In some newspaper published penalties, inierest and costs are also rully day or September, 1918. than and there o .1 born described situate! ih mnmv You court costs are a true and correct county, appear regu- sessed the sold Uxes, penally. Interest, tees r KI Paso and stale of 1,. R n Moore by making publication or this each and all or the lots and tracts in your to at the next lieiiined, sel forth and described in the answer a petition riled in said court on tisi against or Forty-rirs- t tul all court costs are 0 Just and valid 98 and 90. block 18. liovernnient once UV each week ror four or In the schedule marked lar term the district court said schedule marked exhibit "A." ihe I6ih. day or June p.d' in u sun num- Hill addition citation land described or dehl. end ersoual liability against whom lo the city of KI Psso, pe- weeks to the return day being above El I'aso county, lo be holden al tbe court Iiy listing, levying bered Oil the docket of said rOUrl WO. ".', laxas, and said previous exhibit "A" and described. or KI reason of Ibe said the said taxes wore assessed, the amount or tlilon. alleging that the styled In some newspaper published In Is rully set rorth and de- house thereor, in Ihe oily I'aso, Texas, or the said taxes against wherein tic state or leva, is nlalhlirr, and sialo of Texas, hereof. Said property on Ihe Monday In September, 1911, and assessing aald taxes, penalty. Interesl. rees and court Plalnurr. and represented bv the roiintv your county, to appear at the next regular scribed, and all slate and county rirst the whom, and against the real estalo, same ace A. W. Walker is dercmlnul. tlie nature ir i.rlsliig or El las, same being Hie 6th day of September, lid plalnurr's being set coats thereby sre due, unpaid and attorney, complains of said derendant who term or trie Forty. rust district court penalties. Interest and costs are also rullv herein alleged to have been listed, levied demand neralrufUf so latmed Iiy the plaintiff ownnd the real countv, to be holden at the court and In said then and there to answer a petition riled taxes, penally, oul and being 011 action lo recover nr the estate hereinbefore de- I'aso Itemised, set rortb described on day or and uavtased. the said Hy. reason r Hating, levying, as scribed at the Ume the taxes house thereor. In the city or El I'aso. Texas, marked exhibit "A." in said court ihe tsi June, r s snd all cosls are jusl defendant the sum or fl.u.17, bciinr ror the the said hereinafter schedule Ill a numbered on the or re court sensing, reiurnlng delinquent, or scheduled were assessed ond who 1, .. on the first Monday In September, isis. tho or listing, levying suit docket said and valid debt, snd personal liability amount or taxes, penally ami Interest and reporting presenl 1015, By reason the said court No. 13,153 the slate of il l real sold to the state, owner or aald real estate, aavs that same being the lh day of September. or the said taxes against wherein Tetas against v hom the said laves wero assessed, roi collector's and clerk's ports and fsUle preparing. a petlilon riled in and assessing is plalntirr. and Ysabe.l crawmer Is (esa roí ihe years ivtl, turn IIHng. approving, recording, advertising herinofnre. as required bv ui ronsiiiniinn then and there to answer whom, and against the real rsUte. same the ai; or said uxes, penally, interest, adverliilni or and law. the taxes hereinafter court on the ind day or June, 1916, in Uie nature or plalntirr's demand costs thureby are and mis, on Uie rollowlng described prop- and riling said advertised lists said arlmdiileit said are herein alleged to bave been listed, ac- fees and court arising re listed, levied and n the docket or said being hereinafter set oul and being an erty situated in die county or i.l Puso ami taxes and real catate, as required by the assesaed by Ihe a suit numbered levied and assessed, the said Uxes. penalty, or due. unpaid and so claimed hy the plalntirr. en and law, and plaintiff now naa or KI Paso rotmtv No. 191 wherein the state or Texas tion to recover tho defendant Ihe sum Ity or listing, levying, slate or Texas, l.ois Jl and i. ituiii.ii T... rourt is. rees and all court costs ire a reason the said , a se- against whom, and against the K. H. Moore in dereiidant, interest, or 147.91, being for the amount or taxes, or report- block 67, Easl 1.1 I'aso addition lo Ihe ity and asserts Hen mi said real date, to land It la is plalntirr. and and valid debt, and personal liability i assessing, reluming delinquent, herein allnged said taxes were demand belug Just penalty and inn-- eat and for collector's pre- or I I'aso, Texas! and said petition, alleg- cure payment of the amounl of the said Hated, levied the nature of pleintirrs against whom the ssld tsxes were as- county ing snd real esuie sold lo the slate, Uxes, penalty, rees all and aaaeasvd. and aald takes were mil and being an action to and clerk's costs and advertising tiling, approving, recording, adver- ing that the slain or Texaa styled pinintlfr, Inierest, and court tint natd hereinarter set sessed, the amount or said taxes, penalty. rees years 1908. 1910, 1911, 1912 paring, costs, and the said assessment rolls or within the time allowed before recover or the defendant the sum of 9.71, arising for the and tising filing said or and represented by the county attorney, list, hernmlnr Interest, rees and court costs IHI3, oo the rollowlng property and advenlsed lists complains i,r who hooks, delinquent lists, advertising lists, In suhlect to the law relating to delinquent being ror the amounl of laxes, penally and unpaid and so claimed described sal UXtsj and real estate, as required said defendant owned taxes u now- county thereby are dne, situated In tin- county of KI and sUle estate ot ramonea aim any inner rerora evidence nnd. tim sold laves .11.. .i interest and ror collector's and by i'aso hv ihe constitution and law, and plalntirr the real herelnberore described delinquent The said state, reea ror tbe plalnurr. or Texas, Lots 18 and 19, block OM nmc in.- beretiutrter scheduled mentioning and describing Ihe aald Uxes, county, poll and clerk's cosls and advertising the By reason or said listing, levying, now has and asserts a lien on said uns srnnoi puling a on tbe de- tha Magoffin addition (o lha city of E) I'aso, wen- assessed und woo t. the present penally, inierest, fee, and court costs and isxe, penalty ot to per years UH3 and 1913. rollowinr assessing, returning delinquent, or report- real esUle. to secure payment or Ihe I., nd or may rent thernnr ror each year. Including situated In the county or Texas, and said petition, alleging thai the owner ot said real estate, says that here, said either thereof be Intro and scribed properly ing said real estate sold to the stale, pre- ol Texas, styled plalntirr, repre- amount of die 'said Uics, penalty, duced by the plum. iff as evidence upon Ihe alnce the year 1897, ror which said taxes KI Paso and slate (if Texas, Lola ad- stale and rees lorore. as required by lh constitution and on- paring, riling, approving, recording, sented by tun county complains merest, and all court cosls, and inal or una cause. dellnolinnt. with 8 Per cent T and t. block W. Altura Park addition to riling said lists attorn'), or law, the taxes hereinarter scheduled were annum rrom the vertí, ine and advertised or said derendant whu owned the al M the said assessment llsu. rolls Hi legal or- asks upon rirst day of January next the cltv or KI I'aso. lexas, ano saiu or and real estate, as required n bonks, dellnqiienl lists, advertising Hals, llsled, levied and assessed by Itlhlirr that final hearing, the reeumg year ror or Texas, styled said Uxes hile hereinbefore described al the tune He or F.I I'aso county. Texas, against plaintirr have judgmenl against the derend ine which tho aald alleging that the stale by the constitution and law. and plaluiirr Inventories and any oilier record evidence rirers is are delinquent, all fees due th plalntirr. re pre sen led by the county lases hereinarter scheduled were assessed whom, and against ihe land II is herein ant ror the above amounl or the said taxes. tax and now has and asserts a lien on saia res, and who Is the prrarni owner of 'said real iiieni inning and describing the said Uxes. alleged, rees an costs, 't.u and clerk. an,t all 1.1..., complains Mid derendant who payment or said laxes wire listed, levied and n.uiy, mnresi, ami court in,- attorney, esute. to secure the amoun says trial as required iiy penalty, interest, lees and court ensu, and were a Judgment of or lisios fees hir publishing said laves aim owned the real eslale hereinbefore de- or taxes, penalty. Interest, rees Ule. iieieiotme, or may be Intro- assessed, and said laxes hot paid foreclosure the said real In a newspaper, are the said lie constitution and law, Use Uxes hereln- - said land either thereor wHhln Urn lime allowed berore becontlqi Ux lien on all Ihe said lots and or rstate more r.iiiv scribed ai the lime the taxes hereinarter and all costs, and the said assess- duced ju the pUlnlirr as evidence upon the tracu and specifically alaled In Hie and who Is the court ter scheduled were llsled. levied anil as- subject 10 Uie law touting 10 laud each ,,r tlie defendants that an schedule scheduled jyere assessed ment Hate, rolls or books, delinquent lists Irlal or thu cause. or marked Exhibit "A," attached to plalntirr's present owncrVir real estate, says that any ed iv ihe legal orricers or ii raso none. upon hearing, Uxes and Ihe said taxes arn now order sale issue, within the nine and In sail advertising lists. Inventories and other ty.XTeias, agalnal whom, and against 1'lalntlir asks that final ine Uie manner provided by law. ror pellunn. as required by the constitution mentioning describing Ibe de- due and delinquent. The said and such heretofore, record evidence and :s nerem alleged, said Uxes were plaintiff have judgment against tha uxna, sui, ud rurther, general or special, legal The said Uxes have been In and law, the taxes hereinarter acheduled the said taxes, penalty. Interest, rees and lahlt fendant for the above amounl of tha ssld counly, poll and school hiriud other heretofore. by the hsied'levled and assessed, and aald Ing a penalty or ten per thereof ano ripiiiaoie n ui l 1., w on n me plalntlir respects, listed, levied, assessed rx. were listed, levied and assessed eosu, and said land or either thereor tales Interest, rees and all court rent I county. Texas, court ere not paid williln tip- nun- allowed tans, penally. eecn year, Including snd sine,- lbs v In. nulled under ilu- law and facia, turn" delinquent, or aald real estate re legal orrirers or il l'i'- may be Introduced by the plalnurr as evi- mr a judgment of foreclosure of the hir port.-.- l Hie It subject to the law relating lo roils, year nun, for which the said are de- lereln Tell not, bill have yon before said sold to the state, all psi, prepared, against whom, and againsi land is dence upon tbe trial or this cause. said lax Hen on all tbe said lols and trails Uses filed, approved, herein alleged, said taxes were Haled, upon final hearing, delinquent taxes and the said taxes are linquent, with six per rent mtrreat per irt, at Us aforesaid next regular term. recorded. e:irrtljd In a Plalnurr asks that now delinquent, or land against earh of Ihe defendants, or this uiiii mo, return show- and sold advertised or said levied and assessed, and said tues were the have Judgment against the due and ihe said slate, sn of sale within annum from the rirst day Januaiy nrii lll plalntirr o poll and school taxes, Including a that order issue, lh' year Hie ing now you have eiecuted tbe same. ttxea and real estate rilej t.v the not paid within the time allowed belore ror the above amount or the said nun. In the manner provided by law. succeeding the for which said or orrirers de- derendant penally or ten per cent tor nine and taxes an- delihquent, reea Witness. J. A. hs- clerk of the For and court the said sun- or Texas ami 11 becoming subject p. the law relating lo taxes, penalty. Interest, fees and all court thereor cien and r,r such other and rurther, general or all' duo ihe ux Paso county, as taxes are now or year, and since tha year Itm. colUctúr and counly and all adver district court of Fl Peso county r.onired hs law. and all linquent taxes and the said ror s Judgment or foreclosure ihe - special, legal and equlUble to wulch clerk, county, costs for win,,- the said taxes ar delinquent, rdler Using rees Mr Ihe taxes miner uiy nailil anil seal Ol the requirements o.r Ihe constitution and due and delinquent. The said stale, said tax lien on all the said lots and tracts tie- plaintiff may be entitled under the law publishing said invrii ssld law d including a penalty with six per cent Interest per annum rrom snd Mate in a nrwapapnr, are morr court, si omen In the city, or KI I'aso. hue been complP with Iiy the oHl poll and school uie. or Und agslust escb or tbe defendants or and feets, era nnd court charged with any ror each year. In- the rirst day January nexi succeeding rully and speciriiially stated In Ihe schad Texas, this, iho in day or July. 1916. , dutv or ten per cení thereor that an order of sale Issue, within the lime Herein fall nnl. but have ion lierore said hereunder as 10 tha sun-- mni u, cluding and the year ISOT, ror which provided by law, and Ihe yrti ror which the said taxes am ule msrki-- exhibit "A," attached lo plain I. A. r.SCAJIdlA. amount since and in the manner oosrt, at lt aforesaid next regular I I f said Uvea, penally. Inietesl. rros and all the said taxes are delinquent, with tlx per ror and rurther, general or liliqueo!, all lees dun Ibe collector and urr's Clark lUstrlit r.nurl. i'asu Counly. such other county clerk, rees tins win, witb your return ihei i. nimw (Snail Hy C. M Montea, Heputy. our! costs are a true and correct charm rent per annum from the first day legal and equitable relief lo which and all advertising for you same. Tbe. said taxes have been tofOlOfbre, or interest pedal, publishing in lug how have executed the against isaiii and all Ihe lni and or January next succeeding the year for may be the the said laxna and real ruie A. all respe, is. lisiad, levied, re- or inn. the plalntirr entitled under a newspaper, are more fully specirieal- Willi' v J Escajeda. clerk of Ihe assessed, o ti.ai3 in. described Uie schedule marked which the said taxe are delinquent, all faaa racu. and or El county. delinquent, salil real re- "A" law and ly atated In the schedule marked exhibit Forty first district court I'aso turned ot esuU tlTAIION BY l'l TIO V Exhibit and being above described. due tbe tax collector and county clerk, and Herein fall not, but have you before said rarest my hand and seal or said ported snid lo the suie, all lista preparad, property Is rullv set rorth publishing the said "A." attached to plalntirr's pennon. 9 under The SUle of Texas To the Mhertrr or any laid and all advertising feel for court, at lis aforesaid next regular term, court, at office in ine city of II I'aso, filed, approved, recorded, advertised lu a 1.1 sniped, and all slate and newspaper, are nave i.onsioiiie ni county, '.reeling cnuniv tai taxes and real estate In a this writ, with your return thereon, show- Tbe said Uses been heretofore, .In newspaper, and said advertís"! list of said You are hereby romiuandrd lo summon penalties, inierest and costs are also fully more rully and specirieally slated In Ibe ing how you bave executed ihe same. all respects, listed, levied, assessed, re taxes and real estate riled by the officers Helen Heath by making publication of snuten. set ronn and described In the schedule marked exhibit "A." attached to Wliness, J. A. Escajeda, clerk of the turned delinquent, or said real estate re- and court of the said slate or Teaaa and thla in. once Hi each week for four id schedule marked Exhibit "A." petition. Forty or El I'aso rounty. ported sold to the slate, ail lists prepayed. county, as required by law, Pla'ntirrs rirst district court II Paao and luecesalve weeks previous to the return Rv 1. a son of Ihe said lldtur. lev vine anrf The said taxes líame been heretofore, In Given under my band and seal of said riled, approved, recorded, advertised In a all the requirements of lh ronstlluUon dsy III some newspaper re- hereof. published of the said taxes agalnal whom, ill respects, listed, levied, assessed, court, at orrice In the city of El Paso. newspaper, and said advertised lis! of aald and law nave been oompltsd with by the your county, to appear regu a, agalnal re- in al Ihe neat and the real sálate, tame are herein turned deiluquent, nr said real estala Texas, this, the Mth day or July, lots. Uxes and real esute riled by the officers officers and court charged with any duly lar Urrtii i.r the Forty riral district court alleged to been luted., ported prepared, A. of Hie state Texas any hare levied and as- sold to ibe stale; all lists ESCAJEDA, aad court said of and i.l The KUte or Texas To the nr thereunder as lo the same, and the amount or I.l I'aso ...inn to be holden at the court sessed, the aald uxes. penalty, reea hied, approved, In a i'aso county, as by law, or KI County, inlereaV recorded, advertised Clerk District court. El Paso County. required and all i.otitialile I'aso of said taxes, penally, inierest, fees and all House inereoi. xns my 91 raso. Texas. and all rourt rosta are a luat los newspaper, of said E. N. Deputy. th hereby c, 10111,10,1, 10 tl and and said advertised list (Seal) By Montes. the requirements of constitution and ion am summon court rosin sre a true and corren charge 011 the rirat Monday In ftepismher. mis. the debt, snd personal liability against whom laxes and real estate riled by the orrirers law bate been compiled Willi by the offi- "Hi. M. lee by makiug publication or una against ra, ii ami all or tin Iota and net, in 1.1.1 taxes were Nu assessed, the amount ai and court or the aald .state or Texas and I2.1U cers and court charged with any duty citation once in each week for rour sue ol land described in die scludule marked I laves, penaltv. reea PI HI. STATION. Interest, and court El Paso rounty, as required by law. and CITATION BY thereunder as lo the saine, and tha amount e weeks previous lo the return day exhibit "A and lMuig above described sai.l 011 the teth day or June, Ivlii l thereby are Texas-T- curl arising due, unpaid and all the requirements or lbs constitution The Stale ol o the Sheriff or any of ald laxes, penally. Interest rees and all lor,-- in some newspaper published in Staid property la fully set forth and ils a suit tlUllllieled mi the docket ol sold claimed In the plaintiff. Qreeting.-Yo- and law have beent complied with by tbe Constable of El Psso county, court i,osis ar a true and correct charge your counly, 10 appear at tbe next regular scribed, and sll state and count uvea, Nu. 19.1111. wherein Ihe stale of Texaa By or the any or court lesson aald listín, la aw mean and court charged with duty are hereby eommartded lo mi nn against each and all ibe lota tnd tracts term or Use forty first district court of KI penalties, murtal and cosls are also fully la planum, ano neatn ntain uorenaant. uie aeeaing, returning deiluquent, or HpStJSm B 2 L PASO MORNING TIMES and paring, riling, approving, recording, td- - of aald says xnst heretofore, real estate to the sute, preparing, against whom, and against the land It la court, at orflre In tbe city of El Paso, all court costs are a true and correct charge wherein tbe state of Texaa Is plaintiff, real estate, raid told alleged were levied Texas, this, tbe Mth day July, against P. V. defendant, the nature of vcrxismg ana ruing said advertised lists or as required by the constitution and law, mini, approving, recording, advertising herein said taxes listed, of 1tt. each and all of ihe lots and trarta Warren li were lista said and assessed, and said taxes were not paid I. A. Ell AJEPA. of land described in the schedule msrked plaintiffs demand being hereinafter set ssld latea and real estate, as required by tbe taxea hereinafter scheduled and riling said advertised of an Ihe the constitution and law. and now listed, levied by legal taxes and real Mate, as required by tlx within the time allowed before becoming Clerk niatrlct Court. El I'aso Counly. Exhibit "A" and being above described. out and being action to recover of plaintiff and assessed lbs relating to delinquent (Seeli By E. M. Montea. Deputy. property la ruliy and de- defendant the sum or iso.ftt. being for the has and asserts a Urn on aald real estate. orricers or El Paao county, Texas, against constitution and law, and plaintiff now hat subject to the law said set forth or se- s and Hie said taxes are now due and scribed, and all state and county taxes, emrjunt of taxes, penalty and interest snd to secure payment tbe amount of the whom, snd againsi the land It Is Herein and asswu a lien on said real estate, to taxi rto. said taxes, and all alleged, ami cure payment of the amount of the said delinquent. The sld state, county, poll ami trim penaliles, Interest and rosts are also lully for collector's and county clerk's costs and penalty, interest, feet aald taxes were Usted, levied taxes, including a pSJMItl of 10 per CITATION BV PI BI.ICATION. set and described In the advertising fees for tbe years and court coats, snd the said assessment lists, assessed, snd said taxes wen cot paid taxes, penalty, Inleresl. fees and all court siliool or any forth lilt assessment lista, rolls or cent Hereof lor each year, mi ludlng and The state or Texaa To tbe sheriff said schedule marked Exhibit "A." 1911, on the following described properly rolls or books, delinquent lists, adver- within the time allowed before Decorum r' rosts. and the aald Constable El I'aso Counly, Greeting: county of El Paso tising lists, inventories and any rec- delinquent Itala, In- une the year 187, for which tha said of Ily reason of the said listing, levying and situated In the and slate other subject to tha law relating to delinquent hnokx. advertising lists. a Von are hereby commanded 10 summon or Texas, Lots 95 to V, both in- ord evidence mentioning and describing taxes ami ventories and any other record evidence, laxe are delinquent, with per cent Inter- assessing of the ssld taxes against whom. and ibe said taies are now due est annum from the first day of Janu- Mattie r: mirlen bv making DubllClUOU of aim against tne real estate, same are nere- - clusive, block 90, Oovernment Hill ad- the said taxes, penalty, interest, raes and delinquent. The said Hate, county, poll mentioning and describing the aald wan. ter tnts once eacu xor rour court costs, or penalty, interest, fees and court mata, amt ary next succeeding the year for which cuaiion in week i, allege! to hav llsterf, levied and dition to the city of El Paso. Teiaa. snd iald land either there- and school taxes, including a penalty of taxes delinquent, all rees due weeks previous to the return assessed, the said taxes, penalty. alleging the State of may be Introduced by tbe plalntirr ten per cent each yesr, includ said land or either thereof may be Intro the said are day some newspaper published Interest And said petition, that is thereor for as upon Ihe lax rolloctor and county clerk, and all hereof. In rees and all court costs are a Just and valid of Texas, styled plaintiff, and represented evidence upon me xnst or tnis cause. ing sna since tne year lean, wnti ii dticid by the plaintiff evidence the In your county, to appear at the next reg- upon hearing, ior of this rause. advertising fees for publishing the aald debt, and personal liability against wham by uñe county attorney, eompialns or Plalntirr asks that final the said taxes are delinquent, with six trial , term of the i court against upon final the laxe-- and real estate In a newspaper, are ular district the said taxea ware aasessed, Ihe amount said defendant, who owned tbe reel the plalntirf have Judgment the per cent Interest per annum rrom the first Plaintiff asks that hearlnt, of El I'aao county, to be Molden at the defendant for tbe amount of the year plalnurr have Judgment against the defend-an- l more fully and sperirically stated In the of said taxea, penalty, interest, rees and estate hereinbefore deecrlbed at tbs time above day of January next aucceedlng tbe court house thereof, In the city of El aa- taxes, for the above amount ol the said taxci, schedule marked Exhibit "A." attached to court costs arising thereby are due, un- the laxes hereinafter scheduled were tsld penalty, interest, fees and all tor wnicn tne slid taxes aro aeunqiteni, petition. I'aao, Tetas, on the ftrat Monday In Sep- paid and so claimed by the plalnttrr. owner court coiti, for a judgment of roreclosure all rees due tbe tax collector county penally, interest, fees and all court cost!, plalotirf's tember, the same being the siti day sessed end who Is the present and a Judgm?nt of foreclosure of the said Trie said taxes have been heretofore, In By reason or the said lining, levying, as- or said estate, says that heretofore, of the slid tax lien on all the said loll and clerk, ind ill advertising lees ror publish for of September. ISMS, then and there to an- real or defendan-ants- , on all the aald lots anil tracts of all respects, Usted, levle I. assessed, re- sessing, returning delinquent, or reporting as required by the constitution and law. tracts of land against each the ing me said taxes ana i estate in a m i'n delinquent, or said real estate re- swer a petition filed In aald court on the said real estate sold to the state, prepar- that an order of sale Issue, within the newspaper are specifically land against each of the defSnCUntl mat n lumed day of In a the taxes hereinafter scheduled were tuon fully and Iti port sold to the state, all lists prepared, I'th June. suit numbered ing, filing, approving, recording, advertis- legal lime and In the manner prescribed by Isw, stated the schedule marked exhibit "A, order of sale Issue, within the lime and on the docket of said cum; NO, 111,37a lined, levied and assessed by tbe general in Ihe manner provided by and Tor such hléd, approved, recorded, ndverrlsed In a ing and" fillni? aald advertised lists or said offlcera or El Paso county. Texas, against ind lor such other and further, or attached to plaintiffs petition. la, newspaper, and said advertised of said herein the stale of Texas Is plaintiff, and taxes and real estate, as by the special, legil and equitable relief to which other sort further, general or special, legtl list Maine 0. defendant. ihe nature required whom, and against the land It Is herein The said taxes have been heremfort. in men ny o'Hrlen plaintiff now has the plalntlfr may be entitled under tbe law - add SOUIUDIC relief to which the alntlTf taxes and real están tne oinrvr of ulalnilff's demand being hereinafter net constitution and law, and alleged, laid taxes were listed, levied and all respects. Usted, levied, assessed, Pa- mav I entitled the liw and and court or the o, Texas and asserts a Men on said real estate, not paid and facts. re- under fits. nSfltitmd out and belnr an action to recover nt the assessed, and said taxes were Herein fall not. you before said turned delinquent, or tald real estate rfsjfWh fall not, but hive you before said Paso lounty all sun. or being the to secure payment of the amount of the within the time beíore becoming but hive ported sold to the state; all lists prspared, 'oT' r.Vtiiíi'iloí defendant the IM.M, for mowed- court, aforesaid next term. court, at Its aforesaid next regular term, the rcnulrenv 1, tl e Vi,í and said taxes, penally, Interest, fees and all snhleci to the law- relal'ng to dellnouent at Its reaular a .Si ill r,fn arnonril of taxs penally and intereat and this writ, with your return tbereon. ebow- - ruea, approved, recordad, aovsrusea in tilla ni. with your return thereon, show- law hiv been comí lied tor s and county clerk s costa and url costs, and the said assessment lists taxes and tbe said laxes are now due and newspaper, and tald advertised list of said WW charged any duly rolls or delinquent ing now you nave executed same. ing how you have executed same. cers and court with advertising feel lor the years 190S. 1009, book, advertising 77,, Mrt ttate. county, poll the taxes and real estate rued Dy tne orncers VV as to same, and the amount any evl- witness, a. Escajcas. cierx or tne J. A. I.cajeda, rick of iii For- thereunder tbe 1BI0. 10W 1613. on the billowing lists, inventories and other record "noi-- taxes Including of i. or Texas and penalty, rees and all lull. and dene,; describing said ?. , Forty-firs- t district court of El Paao coun and court of tbs said State ty first district court of El I'aao county of said taxes, interest, described property situated In Hit- county mentioning and the ,h.r:r r inrW El Paso county, as by law, anil costs are a true and correct charge taxex, penally, roes and- ' ,iZ. ir ty. required Qlftfl under tny hand and anal of said court or Ei i'aso arid siaie or Texas, to- Interest, court T.' io-- nr which all the requirements of the constitution DSiirt) at office in the cllv of F.I against each and all of the lots and trncta six utven unuer my nano ana seal or sain Pun. wn fots is and II, block C. the said Uses sre delinquent, with court, office Paso, and Uw hive been compiled with by tha Texis, this, tie iatli itay of July. 1PIS. of land described In the schedule marked addition to tbe city or El Paso, Texas. be InUOdUoed by the plamiirf as evidence annum from the first it in the city of El soy "A being above upo.i the of cause. per cent Intereat per leías, this, the Mth day of July, tots. ortlccrs and court charged with duty J. A. IX JHiA, Exhibit and Stale trial this next succeeding the year tberr.qnder same, d amount property Is fully set and de- And said tetluon. allerlnr that the askj that upon final hearing, day of January J. A. I.V SJ LP 11 to the ai the Clerk niitrlct Court, El Paso County, Said forth of Texaa, styled plalntlfr. and repreented I'lalntlir the tor which ihe taxes are delinquent, or ssld taxfes, penalty, Interest, fees V M. scrío d, and all state and county taxea, plaintirr have Judgment, against ihe de- laid Clerk District Court. El Paao County. and 'Seal, Ily Monies, lieputy. attorney, comrjlslris Of an county 1 pen ili es. and Cost! ale also fully bv the countv fendant for ibe above amount or the said rees dne the tax collector and ((Seal) By E. M. MONTES, Deputy. court costs are true- and correct Interest sold defendant, who owned the real clerk, snd all advertising rees ror publish- charge against each and all of the lout !IO. ItJM, Itemized, set rorth and described In lite taxes, penalty, Intereat, lees and all court estate in a nv pi Mbl schedule marked Exhibit "A." estate hereinbefore described at the time costs, a or foreclosure of the ing the said tsxes and real and tracts of land described In the cmnoN w.ication. tlt were lor judgment fully and specifically No. 18.437. beuik- - ie fíat ot Teias To the sheriff nr any Hy leMOU of the said listing, levying and laxes hereinafter arheduled nexvtspape are more hedule marked exhibit "A" and and who la the present owner w,1tt CITATION BY PUBLICATION. above Cool tabla or n Paso County, Greeting. sssc,,ing of the said taxes against whom, of land against each or the dérendlñU: !SÍJP 9J&&2! ?fiJr2l To any described. hereby to summon estate, are or said real estate, says that heretofore, to plaintiff's petition. The state of Texas the Sheriff or Said property Is fully set forth ana no You are commanded and r.Kilnst the real same herein that an order or sale Issue, within the time "lif"'" heretofore, hi Constable or El I'aso County. Greeting.- V I". Modern by making of alleged to levied and as as requ red hy the constitution and law, manner Tbe said taxes have been scribed, and all state and county taxes. pnbllralion have Leer listed, were and In the provided by law, and listed, levied, assessed, re- - You are hereby commanded to summon this rltailon once m each week ror fon sess'id, the said laxes, penalti, interest, rees Ihe taxes hereinafter scheduled Mien ana genorai re.nects. penalties, Interest and costs are also run listed, levied assessed hy tbe lgal ior oincr luriner, dHinrnient. or laid Miss N. Wade by making publication of liemued, set and la id successive weeks previous to the return and all court costs are a Just .and valid and tpeclal, legal and equitable relief to which rejl eitnt n this citation once in each week for forth deicrlbei hereof, some published against officers of El Paso counly. Texas, agxlii't lb- - tn3 sold to the state; all n"""'"-an- four said schedule marked exhibit "A."-B- day in newspaper debt, and personal liability whom plalntlfr may be entitled under ihe law Rrtrf a successive weeks previous 10 the return tn your county, 10 appear al the nett r Mild taxes were asseiscd. the amount or whom, and against the land It Is herein farts. ltlc. approved, recorded, advertised In reason of ihe. said listing, levying M and newspaper, u aay nereor, in some newspaper puDiisneti and or the said laxes against term of the district court said taxes, penalty. Interest, tees and coart aald taxes were listed, levied Herein Tall not, hut have you before said sun sm sysrutro your appear ax reg assessing tie paid by the mill. in rouniv. tu toe xiexi whom, the real estate, samo of El I'aao county, to doblen at the costs arising thereby are due, unpaid and assessed, and aald taxes were not OUrt, at lis aforesaid nexi regular term, mfl real estste Forty-fir- and against ' In becoming or ular term of the district court to have Usted, court house thereof, the city of El so claimed by the plaintiff. within the lime allowed before this writ, with your return thereon, show- fja caurt tne sain siaxe T "''J or El Paso county, to be holden the ire h;reln alleged been T'aan, Teias. 0.1 the first Monday In Sep- Ily reason or the iald listing, levying, as subject to the law relatng to delinquent mg how you have the '! it levied and assessed, the latil taxes, executed lame house thereor, In the of EI i being s,th or the court city penalty, tember, Ms, tbe same the ilav sessing, returning delinquent, or reporting taxes and the said taxea are now due and witness, J. A. clerk or me For all the reqnlrerhenta constitution Paso, Texas, on the Monday In Sep- interest, fees snd ill court cosis anrl an- poll complied with by the first are 1 debt, and personal of September, tins, then there to said real estate sold to mo stale, preparing, dellnouent Tbe td stale, countv. ly first district court or El I'ai and law have been tember, 191.1, the same being the ith day Just snd valid swer a petition" filed In said court on the filing, aiiurovlng, recording, advertising and school taxes. Including a penalty or I veb my hand and seal or said officers snd court charged w'th anv duly BIS, an- nam v against wnom ins sauu lnai-- were clay or under the of September. then and there to or pen- teth June. nn. in a suit numbered and tiling said advertised lists or said ten per cent iherenr ror each year, Includ- at orrtce In the ily of EI I'aso, thereunder as to the same, and the amount a filed In said on assessed, the 'amount aild taxes, on docket nid court No. fees and swer Detltlon court the rees the of ta.nne. tax is arid real estate, as required by the ing and since the year 1',)7. ror which Texas, this, the with day of July. I9ts. r laid taxs. penalty, Interest, tsth day of June. 1015. in I suit numbered alty, Interest, and court costa tnsiiig wherein the slate of Teiaa is plalnttrr. and ( orisiitutlon and law, and plaintiff now has the said taxes are delinquent, wild six J. A. ESCAJEDA, all court costs are s true snd correct on the docket or said court NO. 11,47, thereby are due, unpaid and so claimed W B. Robert" defendant, the nature or and asserts' 1 Hen on Hid real estate, to se- per cent Interest per annum rrnm the first Clerk District Court. El puso County. charge against each and all of the lnti wherein the state of Texas Is by the plalnurr. plaJntirrs demand being set year or described In plalntirr, and or listing, levying, hereinafter cure .payment of the amount of the said day of January next succeeding the "Seal, My E. M. MONTES. Deputy. nd tracts land the anss s waac aeienaam, inc. nature By reason the said out and being an action 10 recover of Ihe taxes, penally, interest, fees and nil court for which the talc taxes are delinquent, sjcbedol marked exhibit "A" and being plaintiffs demand being hereinafter assessing, returning delinquent; or report- defendant the sum nr to 88. being for the costs, and the said assessment lists, rolls or 111 fees due the tax collector and county above described, ing tald real estate sold to the state, pre- or No. 11,3X3. - out and being an. action to recover of the amount taxea, penally and interest and books, delinquent lists, advertising lists, lit clerk, and all advertising rees ror publish- aid property Is fully set forth and de- sum 119.17, paring, fUtng, approving, recordmr, for and countv costa and CITATION BY PI BI.1CATION. taxes, defendant the of being for the collector's clerk's vcntorl'-- Hint any other record evidence ing the said taxes snd real estate In a The State or Texas To the sheriff or any rrfCrrt inri stale and countv amount of taxes, penally and Interest and and filing ssld sdvertlsed lllti advertising fees for the years 19IJ and 1013 mentioning describing taxes, newspaper costs are alio fully of estáte, as d following described arid the said are more fully and specifically Constable or El Paso County, lireetlng: penalties, interest and for collector's and county clerk's costs and said taxes snd resl requln on the property sit- penalty. Interest, lees and court costs, and stated In the schedule "A, ltemlred. let rorth and described In tbe ma years by the and law, and plaint:;! uated in the county of El and marked exhibit You are hereby commanded to summon advertsing lees ior nil constitution t'sso said lunfl or either thereor may be Intro attached 10 plalnttrf'i petition. II. Palarnbo by making publication ol tn achertiil msrked exhibit "A." I91S snd 1913. on the following de now has and asserts a lien on said real stale or Texas, 1,01a VI and ducitd by the plaintiff as evidence upon the By reason of the said listing, levying to secure payment or M, The said taxes havex been heretofore, tn Ibis cllailon once In each week for rour scribed property situated In the coun estate, tbe unotitit block Altura Park addition to trial or tils cause. all re- and assessing of the said taxes againsi or El Paso and state of Texas or the taxes, penalty, Interest, fu- the city or F.I Paso, Texaa, respects, listed, levied, assessed, successive weeks previous to ihe return tv. iald I'lalntlir asks that upon rinal hearing, the turned delinquent, or said real estate re- day Hereof, in some newspaper published whom, and against the real estate, same Lots 17 and 18, block 65, East and, all court costs, and the said sises And aald petition, alleging that the Mate plaliitlir have Judgment against the defend' peated sold to the all lists In your county, to appear at the, next reg- are herein alleged to have been listed. EI Paso addition to the city of El lists, rolls or books, delinquí t state; prpared, taxes of Texaa. styled plalnttrr. and represented ant fur the above amount of the said taxes, hied, approved. reeorde,d, advertised In a ular term of the Forty-firs- t district court levied and assessed, the said I'sso. Texas. lists, advertising lists, inventories and sm- by tbe county attorney, compluna or penally. Interest, fees' and all court costs, newspaper, and said advertised list or said of F.l Paso county, to be holder! at the penalty. Interest, fees and all court costs And said petition, alleging that tha State other record evidence inentlonlng nl aald defendant, who owned the real for a Judgment of roreclosure or Iba said taxes and real estate riled bv tha nrflecrs court home thereor, In the city of El are a lust and val'd debt, snd personal of Texas, styled plalntirr, and represented describing the said taxes, penalty, lin estate hereinbefore described at lh time tax lien on all the said lots and tracts or nit court or leí ,.r Paso. Texas, on Monday Sep- llnblllly against whom the said taxes were county attorney, complalna of est, com, and said : ctftf Tn,,i ,il the first In pen- by the feci ind court taxes scheduled were land against e lants; that an y tember, o r, the same being the day ajsees"d, the amount of said taxes, defendant, tbe real or may bj tbe hereinafter or p,n county, as required by law. and ith aid wbo owned either thereof be introduced and who la the present owner order sale Issue, within the time and In un tit requirements of the constitution of September, twin, then and there to an- alty. Interest, feet and court costs arising estate hereinbefore described at tbs time the plalnUff as evidence upon the t: of said real estate, gaya that heretofore, ioe iimiiii' i proviucii icy law, wiu lor mien and law have been compiled with by ihe swer a petition riled In said court on the thereby sre due, unpaid and so claimed the taxes hereinafter scheduled were of 'this cause. as required by the constitution uid law, oilier and further, general or special, legal orriecrs and court charged w'th any duty llth day or Juno. 1015. In a suit numbered ny tna piatnuir. sessed and who is the preient owner Plaintiff asks that upon final beavlnr. tbe taxes hereinafter scheduled were and equitable relief Pi which the plaintiff thereunder as to the some, and the amount on the docket or said court No. By reason of the sld listing, levying, or sain real estate, says mat nerevoium, the plaintiff have Judgment against t.'io Usted, levied and assessed by the legal may be entitled under the law and facts. of said taxes, penalty. Interest, fees and wherein Ihl siam of Texas Is plalntirr. and lliesilng, return'ng delinquent, or repnrt-tn- ss required by the constitution and law. defendant for the xbove amount of the offleeri of El I'aso county, Texaa, against Herein rati not. hut have you before said court costs sre true end correct R, Palarnbo is derendant, the nature of said real estate sold to the state, the taxes hereinafter scheduled wen said taxes, penalty. Interest, fee and whom, and against the land It la herein court.' at its aforesaid nett tegular term, charge plalniirr's ni. being liereinaricr set minor, armrovlng. recording, ad listed, levied snd assessed bv tbe legal court co bis. for 1 of toréelos e with your thereon,, showi- aralnst each snd all of the lots Judgment altered, said Uxes were listed, levied and this wilt, return snd tracts of lanrl described In ihe out ardí being tin act. on to recover or the vertising and riling said advertised lists officers of El Paso county, Texaa, against or tne ma tax lien on all the sua lot ng- how you have executed the same. defendant sum being a snd real estate, as renulred assessed, and aald taxes were not paid sehedul" marked eihthlt "A" and belqg the of lawt, for the nt tares wnom, ana against the land 11 11 iierem and tracts of land against each of Ute within Oís m allowed before becoming Witness, J. A. F.icajede. clerk of the. For above described. amount of laxes penalty and interest and by tbe constltut'on and law, and plalntlfr alleged, said taxes were listed, levied and derendanta; that an order or taJ Usne, ty rir-- i court ur El Peso county ror a on district Said property Is ritlly set rorlh and de- collector's and county clerk's costs and now baa ind asserts lien said resl assessed, and laid taxes were not paid within the lime and in the manner pro- taxes and tbe taxes are now due and (liven under my hand and tell said advertí lint lee- - ror the years 1!12 and estate, to secure paymsnt or the amount becoming law, said court, In or El scribed, and all state and county taxes, within the time allowed before vided by snd for such other and delinquent Tha said state, county, poll at nrrice the city Paso, penalties. luía, on the Pillowing described property of the said taxes, penalty, interest, fees delinquent or special, legal and this, the Kid day ol July. 1011. Interest and costs sre also tullv assess- subject to the law relating to further, genersl and school taxea. including a penally or leías, Itemlred, set rorlh and described In the situated In the county of El l'nso and and all court cnati, and the said taxes and the said taxes are now due and equitable relief to whtcn the plalntlfr ten per cent ror year, includ- J. A. ESCAJEDA, slate of Texas, Lots 18 and ment lists, rolls or books, delinquent county, poll may be thereor each Court, El sld schedule rnsrked exhibit "A." delinquent. The iald state, entitled under tbe law and facts. ing and year 1877. ror Clerk District I'aso i.outily. By or .'. inclusive, block 10. Military Heights Hale, advertising ilsts. inventories and any penally of not, you since the (Hoali Hy E. M. Montes, Deputy, reason the said listing, levying or and school taxes, lnoludlng a Herein fall but have before the said taxes ale 'd'tlnquent. Willi six and assessing of the said against adilllon 10 the city El I'aso. Texns, oiher record evidence mentioning and ten year, Includ said court, at Its aforesaid next regular tues State taxes, penally, per cent thereof for each per cent Interest per annum rroro ihe first whom, and against Ihe real elate, same And aald petition, alleging that the rlesrrlh'na the said inter ing ana since xne year invr, lur wiulm term, this writ, With your return thereon, day of January next succeeding year No. 12.114. sre alleged of Texas, styled plalntirr. and represenied em rees ana count cosis. sno satn iana showing bow you sume. 'he herein to have been listed, by complains or ino sain taxes are oeunnuem, vim hivo executed the for which ihe said taxes are delrnipient. CITATION HY I'l levied and assessed, the suld taxes, the county attorney, SXlnr nín nl Interest per annum rrom the first witness, 1. A, Escajeds, clerk of- - tho raes cnnnty any sail derendnnt, who owned the real Z iSSlJr7!J the trial gsy , Forty-flri- t all due the tax collector and The Stale id Tina To the sheriff or penalty, interest, rees nnd all court costs S V.Üi?.V.. of Janulry suc:eeding the year district court of El Paso couniy- - clerk, and all advertising fees for publish Constable or F.I I'aso County, Greeting: are a Just and vsIM debt, and personal estate hereinbefore described at the lime ror wntcn tne taxes are Olven under my bind and seal of said were as- said aoinqurni. ing me fsIii taxes and real estate You nro hereby commanded to summon liability against whom the ssld taxes were the taxes hereinafter scheduled Kta "nintirr h.JÍ 'V.J88U .Le. ihe. r"U due the tax collector and county court, it omee tn the City or El Pate, newspaper are more fully and specifically Claude W. by making publication or the amount of said taxes, pen- sessed and who la the present owner ror Teiss, this, tbe day of 1111. assiHSsd. of says heretofore, V&JaSS1 .Jh?iT Unim? of ah! elWfc and all advertising fees 2th July, slab-.- lit the m,rkol exhibit "A, un einiion once in OiCh w ally. Interest, fees and rourt costs nrlslng said real estate, that nenlnv ?ie Í11 J. A. ESCJEDA lilfüffs petition. we ks previous to the rmiiri ttu rehv are mie, unpaid and so claim d as requ red by the constitution and law, SuVcosti. Clerk District Coiirt, El Paso County. The said taxes have heretofore, in lienor, In orna new ipoper pabiiibed by ma plalntirr tie" taxes hereinafter scheduled were 5ifel' (Seall By E. M. MONTES, Deputy. Wn . listed, PfSdr5norreur. respects. Usted, levied, assess'-ri- In you y, to appear at me next rcgu By reason or ihe said listing, levying. iciea aim ay vim iré iuc sou 'uw "" 'X. attached to nlalntlrr-- netltlon re mini o the lorly rour report-bi- officers or El I'a'o county. Texaa. against .""i No. 1Í.S0. delinquent, or said real estale lr first district sssesslng, return'ng delinquent, or VSLLaXH. Li . nr iii !..,, The iald taxes have been heretorore. tn cited to nil or El aso iiity, to bo tolden the coin pre- whom, snd against the land It Is herein ..S.".re-- CITATION BIT PUBLICATION. sold the slate, lists prepared. It said real estste sold to the state, respects. assessed, 1 sllegeri gain- the' tn manner pro- ail Usted, levied, filed. iled. adv in a bouse Hiere in the city or I.I I'aso, Texas paring, filing, approving, recording, ad- ,txe were listed, and within time snd the delinquent, or estate re- The Stale of Texas To the or assessed, and said taxes were not psld vided by law, and ror such other and turned iald real Sfisrltr anr newspapi and aid irlve ni. vertising and filing said sdvertlsed lists ported sold tn tha state: all lists urenarod. I Constable of El Paso County, OTeeilngt taxes an , ine nrtlreea Willi.! the Hill d.V of sold taxes and real estate, ss required within the time allowed before becoming further, general or special, legsi and and com I State 'of Texxa and ""'1 IbWl tp answer u petition riled In fi Pase equlred bv law. and I"""' t"ni "11 uw i"in nay 01 J inc. iwi II on lh- ""late ' poll Herein fall not. but have you , 5ffjS?& , Cttatlótl all id. requlr inents or the constitution iitiiiiliei'id docket of said tn "ecu" "intitn V h. lita delinquent. The aald state, county, btitfi !?ti!tttJflLESZ& alitor pWlOa rthls TwSl II been rninplled 'with Ity th comí .Vi. 19.114. wherein tin- stale or Texas orricers end court charged w:h any duty If piiiintirr. ami Clauds w. Speari nejend-ant- then indér s m the same, and the amount tin nature plaintirr's demand In set out 1,. m an íss nOu,.f0w,,hwb,s,5: or said lax-- penalty. Interest, lees and uint action In SSáCiSBSSSí UJRSRSAl of Ihe, Ibe or litvi-.1- per per 01 oí 10 all court costs are a true snd correct recovsl defendant lUm oilier rcord evidence mentioning and rent Interest annum from the first rui ui.ii ,!., 7 .i , ,1,4 ihi Mnniil PTTirTX coun oí ti laso county, na charge against of lots Doiug ror tint amount id laxos, penally and taxes, Inter- day of January next succeeding the year glen and all u deacrth'ng the said penalty. at office In the City of El Paso. of said taxea, penalty, interest, fees and or and tracts of land described In the Interest and Ior and county est, feo and costs, and sstd land for which the said taxes are del'nquent. court, otw city El Paso, Texas, on the rirst Monday court aay or all court costs are 1 true and correct msrk'-- being Clerlfi com ind advertising rees ror or may sll feesirtdue the tax collector and county Teias. tnis, ine vein Jury. tnis. In September, ins, the same being tho cttx sehedul exhibit "A" and thereof be introito 011 prope- either J. A. charge against each and an or the lots shove desert bed. Kill tbe billowing tbvtl the plalntlfr evidence upon the clerk, and all advertising fees for publllb- - ESCAJEDA. day of September, tots, then and there 10 no- 1.1 trial Clerk District Court, Fl Pnso and tracts of land described in tha S d property Is fully iei rorlh and rly-, iituiied in county "t Paso ami or this runs. iiia me sain isxes and real esxsic in '.t being answer 1 petition filed In said court on tha (Seal) By E. M.. MONTFS. arhedule marked exhibit "A" and . and all stxie and county taxes, slab- "1 in wit l.ois .'I and i.', block Plalntirr asks thMt noon rinnl hearing newspaper are more fully and speciriralljr PTtttv. 5th day of June, idus, in a suit numben-t- si of Orandvlsw addition lo tin- city of. El In above described. on tbe docket of court 74o. ÍI.S0.1. pensllle. interest and costs nre also fully the plalntirr have Indinucnt against tho slated the schedule marked exhibit Said property fully set snd de- said Itemized, set described In the I'aso. Tatas, ami said pstllion alleging that ror or atncneci to pialntirrs. peutlon. No. 11,314. li forth wherein the state of Texas is plalntlfr, and fond and Hi- - or defendant the above amount ihn scribed, and all state and county taxes. said schedule nistked exhibit "A.", slide Texas, styled plalntirr. and refv taxes, penally. Interest, The said taxes have been ' In CITATION UY PUBLICATION. ears, mary and jus. h. 110 nil are rssenU-i- bv tie- county 'complain said fees and nil, heretofore. - Interest and costs sre siso fully By reason or ihe ssld listing, levying attorney. court costs, for n Judgment of all respects, listed, levied, assessed, The State or Texas To the Sheriff or any fienaltles- derendants. the nature of plaintiffs demand ol defendant; wbo real foreclosure set rorth snd described In tha - and assessing or the said taxes against said owned (hi the tax on all the said Jots turned delinquent, or said real estate Constable or El Paso County, Greeting: Deing nereinarier sei out anci Doing an hereinbefore described at tha lime the sad sifd schedule marked exhibit "A." tlon to recover Ibe dorendjnts the V wnom, and against tha real estate, sanio trans or. land against narh or' ihe ported sold 40 the stale; all lists prepared, You are hereby commanded to summon By of tbe listing, levying of sum heTOin taxes lierotnarter siiiedsilvd were assessed filed, A. resson iald or 151.04, being for tbe amount or u i are alleged, to tir..n ii.isd n.e that an order or sale Issue, approved, recorded, advertised in I P. Hlnckle, by making publication of snd assessing or the said taxes agslnst levied and vie. is owner of said real pro-- newspaper, said ror rour penalty and Interest snd for collector's and and assessed, the said taxes. estille, says Within the time and In the manner and said advertised Usl of this cliatlon. once in each xveek whom, and against the real estate, earns penalty. Interest, tees all thai as required by IdSd by law, taxes and real by the officer successive weeks to the county clerk's costs and advertising fees and rourt rosts tin- Uu- luui-i- and for surd oilier and estab- filed previous return herein alleged to been a I'oiutiiiiiion and luw. taxes ,01 Tsvsa nnd il.1v In too,,, niittluheit are have listed, for the years 1007, 190Q, torn, i.n 1, and afe just and valid debt, and personal were runner, general or legal and sou ciniri Ctnfs fit nsn'inicsr levied snd assessed, the said taxes. in? liability orier si lilted, levied and as equitable I unty. as by law, ond In 10 appear at next reg IBIS on me following described property aralnst whom the said Mies were legal LI relief tn which the plalnt'ff required yeur counly. the penalty, Interest, fees snd costs assess-,!- , pen- - sessej by the orricers "f I'aso Forty-firs- sll court situated county of El Paso and tal the amount or said taxes, county, Texas, against whom, irte requirements of the constitution ular term of the t Iustrlcl court Just and debt, snd personal fe Ity. Interest, lees and costs arising and against Herein tall not, but have you before and law have been compiled with by tha of El Paao County, to be holden at the vil'd lexas, uois in aiicx wm. diock rourt tin- land II Is licrivin all tged laXOI ' liability agslnst whom tbe ssld taxes were thereby are due, unpaid and' so rlalmed Slid said court, at Its aloresa'd next regular orricers and court charged with any duty court house thereof, In the city of Fl I'aso, hassett addition to Ihe city or El I'sso, rr wen- lilted, levied and assessed, and said assessed, the amount of said taxes, pen- Texas, by tha plain taxes were not paid the term, this writ, with your return thereon. thereunder as to the same, and the amount Texas, on tpo first Monday in September, alty, fees costs arising By or the. levying, within tune al you II of 1915, same being day Interest, snd court petlUon, alleging reason aatl listing, lowed becouiing subject to tho law Showing how have execitt"d said lat the the 6th thereby are due, unpaid snd . so clslraea And isld ihat tbe State assessing, return'i,.- delinquent, or report- relating to deUnrjuont Witness, J. A I scaled! ino sll court temper, lots, then and there to answer a by the plaintiff. of Texss, styled plalnurr, and represented ing real estate sold to' pre taxes snd the saiu Forty or Fl Pint ounty. petition riled In "on the lAth by Uie counly complains or said the stats, taxes gre now due and delinquent. lie first district lourt rharge aralnsi each and all of the lets said court By reason or the said Ilsttng, levying, attorney, filing, recording, ad- said my 11 1915, a on paring, appruvlng, tite, county, poll school taxes, mciud Olven under band and seal snd tracts or land dearrlbed In the day ol June. in stilt numbered sssesslng. return'ng delinquent, or report- said defendant, wbo owned the real vertising and riling said advertised lists ind court, at office tn the flty of El Paso sehedul" marked exhibit "A" and being the docket of said court No. 12,314, where- estate hereinbefore st timo lirg a peiislty or por i Mil tnireof for ing aald real estate sold to tbe stats, pre- described tie of said taxes and real estele, as required each year, including Texas, this, the rath day of luly. ids. above described. in the state of - Is plalntirr, and A. paring, filing, recording, ad the taxes herelrlafrer scheduled ware as by plalntirf-no- and slum the year A ESCAJEDA, P. or tbe ronstitut'on and law, and IW7, for which tbe said taxes sre drill! J. Said property Is fullv set forth snd de Hinckle is defendant, the nature vertising snd tiling said sdvertlsed lists sessed and who li the present owner has snd aaaerts a Men on said real quent, per pnr Clerk n'strtct Court, ri l'nso ntnmty. scribed, and all state and county taxns. nflUntlfTl demand being hereinafter set of tald real estate, says that Heretofore, with cent interest annum nv F M MONTES, of said taxes and real, estate, ss required estate, to secure payment of Iba amount from the day of January (Heal neputy. penalties. Interest and costs are also fully ri"?.vi'rr?.f !E?!by the anci as required by the constitution and law, taxes, first next get JKLÍií'Í.ÍS constltut'on law, sna piatntirr of tbs laid penalty, Interest, fees the year fiir which the said laxes itcmlred, forth and described In ibe now baa and asserts a Hen on said resl the taxes herelnarter scheduled were snd all court costs, and the aald assess No. IS.11'8. aald schedule marked exhibit "A." amount of taxes, penalty and Interest and Usted, levied and assessed by the legal sre delinquent, all Tees due the tax col- ny estate, to secure payment of the smount mint lists, rolls or books, delinquent lector and counly clerk, and all advertising CITATION II Y I'l IILICaTION. reason or the said listing, levying for rolloeior's and 'county clerk'a costi taxes, penalty. orricers of El Paio countv Texas, igainsi any assessing or agstnst and fees the year 1113, on of the satd Interest, fees lists, advertlslog lista. Inventories and rees ror publishing tho said taxes and n ul he state of Texas To the or any and the said taxes advertising for and sni court rosts, snd the said assess- whom, and agiinst ihe land it Is herein other record evidence menuonlng and estale a are more Mlly and ConiUblO or El ISiso County, whom, ond against the real estate, same the following described property situated ment lists, books, alleged, aatd laxes were Usled, levied and newspiper, alleged In or Texas, rolls or dellnouent assessed-- descxaVng lb said taxea, najt;. inter- speiciricolly staled In the schedule marked hereby commanded to summon are herein to have been listed, the county of El Paso and state lists, advertising lists. Inventories snd any and ssld Uxes were not paid arid Lots to . Inclusive, beconiitis-subjec-t est, fees snd court coats, and said land l.xliilnl "A," attached to plaintiff's petition, levied aasessed. Ihe said taxes, it both block otner .rscorq cvidenre mentioning ana within the Ume allowed before or either thereor may be tiurodisced by Um said taxes have bean heretofore, penalty, Interest, rees and sll court costs 7ft. Highland Park addition to the ctly of taxes, to the law relating to aullnqu-n- t in re s personal ano describing the said penalty. Inter- tbs plalntlfr as evidence upon una trial all cnspitrts, listed, levied, assessed, re successive weeks previous In the return Just and val'd debt, and r.i i'aso, lexas, said pennon, anegina est, fees and court costs, and ssld Isnd Uxes and tbe satd Uxes are now due and of this cause. incur ii dolliiquent, re- day hereor, in some newspaper published liability against whom the said taxea wera that the state or Texas, styled pi. 1, unir, delinquent. The ssld stste. county, poll or said real estala attorney, or either thereof may be Introduced by Plalntirf aska that upon final hearing, porto J sold to the stale; ail lists prepared, In your county, to appear at the next assessed, the amount of said taxes, and represented by the county plaintiff as evidence upon the trill and school uxes, Including a penally or the plalntirf have Judgment against .the riled, approved, recorded, advertised In a regular term or tho Forty-firs- district Interest, rees snd court costs srlslng complains of said defendant, who' owned esuae. ten per cent thereof for eich year, uii hold-q- at of this defendant for the above amount of tho newspaper, and sam advertised list or said court or El Paso counly, to be at are due, unpaid and so claimed the real estate hrrelnberore described Plalntirr asks that upon final hearing, and since the year lain, ror Milch aid taxes, penalty. Interest, fees and all taxes and real asiste riled by the officers the court house thereof, in the rily of El by the plalntirr. the time the taxes hereinafter scheduled the plaintiff have Judgment against the tbe ssld taxet are delinquent, with six oourt onus, for a fndgmnnl of foreclosure and court or the said stale Texas uml 1.1 aso. Texas, on the first Monday in Sep- By reason or tha said listing, levying, were assessed and who Is the present per ctnt Interest per annum from the first owner or here- derendant for the above amount of tbe of tha said tax lien un sll lbs said lots I'aso county, at rrqtilied bj law,, and all tember, 1015, the same being the 6Tb day assessing, returning delinquent, or report- said resl estate, says that satd taxea. penalty. Interest, rees snd all day of January next succeeding the year and tracts or land against earn of tbn the requirements of ilu constitution r September, ui f., then ami there to an ing said real estate sold to the stste. pre- torore, aa required by the constitution and for winch ibe laid uxea ero deunqu. m, and were court coats, for s Judgment or foreclosure defendants; that so order of sale Issue, law have been OontpUad wltt. by Uie ofn iwer' a petition filed in suld court 011 the paring, riling, approving, recording, law, the taxes herelnarter scheduled the tax Hen on all teas due tbe tax collector and county tlx pro- or listed, legal of sa'd all ths aald lots within the Orne snd tn manner DSN and court charged xvttti any duty pin day June, ivir.. tn a suit numbered and riling said adverUaed lists levied snd assessed by the and trsrts or Isnd agslnst each of tbe clerk, and all adrerustng feea for publish- vided by law, and ror such other and thereunder as to the sum.s, and tlte amount on the docket or said court No or said taxes and real estate, as required offleeri of El Psso county, Texas, against ing the said taxes and real estate in a general ur special, UgaJ or plaintiff whom, against land It herein derendants; that sn order of ssle issue, farther, and or said taxes, pentlty, inMriat rew "" wherein the slate Texas plaintiff, ami by tbe constltut'on and law, and snd the Is within the time snd in tbe manner pro- newspaper sxo more fully and specifically equiub! reliar to whlcb the platnurf rourt costs are s true and charge Calvin Ttiumons Is derendant, the nature or now has and asserts a lien on said real alleged, aald taxes were Usted, levied end stated the srliecliile may correct vided by law, and ror such other snd h entitled under the law uul facts against each and ull of Hie lots and trait-- pialntirrs demand being herelnafler set out estate, to secure payment of tbe amount assessed, ind ssld taxes were not paid further, genersl or special, legsl snd attached to plalauff's pennon. Herein faJJ not, but have you berore or .And des, rlbfil in the si hedule marked and being au action u recover of the de of the said taxes, penalty, interest, tees within ths time allowed before becoming Tbe said taxes or subject to the law relating to equitable reller to which the plaintiff tuvo been heretofore. In said court, at Its aforesaid next regular l.xhllut "A" and Doing above- dcsi rlbed. lendunt the sum f0.3, being for tho and all court rosta, and tha said assess- delinquent may be entitled under tbe lew snd ftcts. respects. Usted, levied, sssessed. re. term, this writ, with your 'return therenn. said properly Is fully set lorth and de- amount of taxes, penalty ind Interest mi ment lists, rolls or books, delinquent taxes and Ibe said taxes are noxv due and Showing you ror Herein rail not, but have you berore turned delinquent, or said real esiaie re- how have executed tha same. scribed, and all slate snd county taxes. collector"! and county clerk's costs aim lists, advertising lists. Inventories and any delinquent. The said state, county, poll to Uw A. or or ssld court, st Its aforesaid next regular ported sold state; ail lists prepared, Wimeis. J. Lscijeda. clerk the ilies. interest and costs are also fullv advertising tees for the years 1ll? and 1UI3 other record evidence mentioning and and school taxes, including a penalty filed, approved, Porty-flr- El following ror term, this writ, with your return thereon, recorded, advertised in a district court ol Palo counly. Itaunued, Ml forth and in the on the described property situ- descrtb'ng the said taxes, penalty. Inter- ten per cent thereor each year, includ- showing how yon have executed ssme. newspaper, Olven my hand or He- ur El or ing 1897. the snd Slid adveruicd list of said 'tinder and seil said ssld scbadule marked Exhibit "A." ated in county I'aso and state est, rees snd court costs, snd ssld land and since the year for which the A. Escsjeds. of taxes ana oy court. St omee In tbe City or El Paao, by or Hut listing, Texas, E. 14 or to, 17, said taxes are delinquent, with per witness. J. dark the resj ciiaie niea us officers nason aald levying and to wn: lot all ol lot or either thereof may be Introduced by six Eorfy-flrs- t of El Paao county. or 01 Texas, this, the srui day of July, 1911. or gTS. Campbell 10 cent per district court ana court tna said state Texas assessing tbe said taxes against whom. block addition the city tbe plalntirr as evidence upon th trial Interest annum from tbe first Olven under tny hand and seal of ssld county, as by J. A. CSCvJEDA aim bguinsi uie real estate, same of El Paso, Texaa, and petition, al- of this causa. nay or January ncxi succeeding tne year i'aso required law. B ale nereii slid court, at office tn tbe City of El Paso, ail the requirements or the constituí fierat District Court. I'aso County. allcfed to have bisen Usted, levied and as leging that ths stale of Texas, styled plain- Plalnttrr aaks that upon final bearing. for which the utd taxes are delinquent, complied (Besli By E. M atORTES, fieputy the taxes, penally, tiff, and by the sll fees d the tax collector county and law bave been with by tha sessoi, tald interest, fee: represented counly attor tbe plainilff bave Judgment against the ie ind and chirged wlib and all court coits are s just and valid BSVy, complains or ssld defendant, who defendant ror the above amount or the clerk, ind ill idvertlstng fees for pub- orricers court air. duty No. r. ana lishing thereunder as to the same, ind the amount .is dent, personal nubility against wboi owned the suld real esiuie horeltibefofe said taxns. penalty, interest, fees and all the said tsxei and real estate In or penalty. CITATION BY I'l HI.It.ATION. trio.tii-n- taxes were .Titled ul ll,e tune the a newspaper are more apeeiri- said Uxes, Inureit, ices and assessed,, tlie aiuuuut of lives liereinaricr court costs, for a judgment of roreclosure fully and all are a Tbe Mad- of Texas To the or an said taxes, penalty, Interest, lees scheduled xverc assessed and who Is the or II cally In the marked Ex- court costs true snd correct stierirr and court the said lax an on sll tbs aatd lots stated schedule charge against and or me (.unstable of El Paso County, Oreetlng: costs arising thereby are due, unpaid and present owner of said real estate, ssys that and tracts of land against each of tbe hibit "A." attsrhsd to pialntirrs petition. CITATION BV PUBLICATION. each til lou You aro hereby roiuinaiidid t.i summon so claimed by tbs plalntirr. 101c, as requircu ny Tba said taxes have been In No. and tracts or land described iu the mien uie constitution derendsnts; that an order of ssle Issue, heretofore. or IS.. schedule marked exhibit "A" F. II. Turner by making publication of Ily lesson or Ibe said listing, levying, as- ami law. uie taxi s Hereinafter scnenuien within the time snd In the manner pro- all respects, listed, levied, sssessed, re The Stste Teiss To the Sheriff or iny and being ibis citation ones in nam week for lour sessing, reluming delinquent or reporting were listed, levied and assessed bv the by delinquent, or ssld re- Constable of El Piso County, Greeting. shove described. vided law. and for aucb other and turned resl estste summon successive weeks previous to the return said ri al estate told to the state, preparing, legal orricers of li l'asn comm. lexal. further, general or special, legal and ported sold to the state; sll lists prepared, You ire hereby commanded to Ssld property la fully sal rorth and de- Mrs. A. E. McClme by making diy hereof. In some newspsper published tiling, approving, recording, advertising whom, and against tbe laud It is equitable relief 10 which the plaintiff tiled, approved, recorded, advertised In a publication scribed, snd sll suits ind countv taxes, in your county, to appeal st the next regu- and flllnjf said advertised lists or laid herein alleged, said taxes were listed, levied may he entitled under the law and tacts. newspaper, snd ssld adverused Usl of said of this citation once tn eien week for four penalties, interest and costs are liso fully lar term .of Ihe Forty-rirs- i district court taxes and real estate. u required by tbe and assessed, and sxid taxes were nol patd Herein fail not. but have you before taxes and real estale filed by Ibe officers successive weeks previous to tbe return itemized, set forth ind described in tha of El Pjiso county, to be hidden si tbe court constitution and lsxv, sml tiuw has within the time allowed berore becouiing said court, at its troresavd next rotular and court or the said State of Texas snd day hereor. in some newspsper published ssld schedule marked eihibli "A." city F.l se- In your to the next reg- nous thereof, in the ul P110, Texas, and asserts a lien on aald real estate, to subject 10 the liw relating 10 delinquent tarm. this writ, with your return thereon, El Paso county, is required bv law. and county, sppear at By reason 01 the listing, or Forty-flrs- l said levying on tbe first Monday In tuli, the cure payment the amount or the said taxes and the said taxes are now due and showing how you have executed ths same. ill the requirements or the constitution ular term of the district court and assessing of the said taxes igainsi tamo being the 6Ui day of' September, lots, uxrs, penalty, interest, fees snd all court delinquent. The said stale, county, poll . J A. Escajeds. ami isw nsve compiten ny tne or El Paso county, to be holden at tbe court Witness. dark of the nen Paso, Texas, whom, and igtlnst tbe resl esute, ssma then and there to answer 1 pennon riled In rostí, and the laid assessment lists, roll! ur snd school taxes, including s penalty or Forty first district court of El Paao county. orncers snd court charged with any duty house thereof, In the city of El herein alleged lo Mid on the p tn of In books, delinquent ten per cent year, on tbe Mondsy in September, 191.'.. are bars been Usted, court day June, lull. lists, advertising lists, in thereor Ior each Includ- iliven under my hand and aral of said thereunder as to tbe same, snd tbe amount first levied ind sssessed, the said taxes I suit numbered on the docket of ssld vculorlts and any other record evidence ing and since Ibe year tsi;, for which Ibe court, at office In the City of El Paso, of said taxes, penalty, Interest tees and the lams being the Bth day of September. No. mentioning t9l6, to a petition penalty. Interest, fees and ill court cosrr couri wherein the state of Tesas and describing the said taxes, laid taxes are delinquent, with six per Teiss. this, the Mth day of July. ISIS. all court costs are s true snd correct then and there answer sre a valid xnu Is F. H. 11 penally, costs, per annum r led In said court on the nth day or June, Just ind debt, personal plalntlfr, and Turner deretidaul, luterest. tees and court and cent Interest rom the first day J. A. ESCAJETiA, rharge ggatnst each and sll of the lots liability against whom the taxes the nature of plaintiffs demand being here said lind or eltller thereof may be intro- of January next succeeding the year for Clerk Court, ri and or tne 1911, In 1 suit numbered on tbe docket or sail wera - P'strtrt Paso County. tracts isna arscrioea in scneouie or sssessed. the amount of said Uxet, pss Inaftar set out and being- an action to re duced by the plaintiff as evidence upon tbs which the ssld taxes are delinquent, all fees fSeal' Bv E. M. MONTES. Deputy. murked Exhibit "A" snd bslng above de- said court No. is.soe wherein tbe state or 117.88. Texas and Mrs. A. E. McClsne alty, Interest, fees snd court corta srlsUm rover of the defendant tbe sum trial of ibis cause. due the tax collector and county clerk, and scribed. li plalntirr, due, ror taxes, penalty upon Uie publishing Is defendant, tba nature of de thereby sre unpaid snd so clajioed bring the amount of and Plalntlfr asks Uiat nnal hearing, ail advertising feea for Die said No. 12.43. Said property Is fully forth ind clalntim by tbe plalnUff. Intereat and ror collector's and county plaintiff have judgment against the defend taxea and real estate In I newspaper, are and all andslcounty taxes mand being herelnsfter set out snd being CITATION BY ft HI a HON described, state or By reason clerk's coals and advertising lees for the ant for the above amount of the said taxes, more rully and apeeirically stated In the Ths nenaluei, interest snd com are also fully in icuon to recover tne aerenaint tna of tha said listing, levying State of Texas To th sheriff or any sum being tbe amount repulí-tri- years tun, tstl and ivm on the roUowing penalty, Interest, fees and all court costs, schedule, marked Exhibit "A," alia, tied to Constable iietniied. set ortn and described In the of 11187, for of sssesslng. returning delinquent, or county judgment or of li Paao County, Oreetlng: taxes, pensuy ana sna col- said real saute sold Uie pre- described properly situated in the for of roreclosure tho said pialntirrs petition. You are hereby commanded to aununon said schedule marked Exhibit " inieresi ior lo stale, of El Paso and slsta of Texas, to- wit Lots tax lien 011 all the said luls and tracts or Tbe said taxes have been heretofore, in r. v. warren By resson of tbe satd Hating, levying lector's and county clerk's-cost- and ad- paring, ming. approving, reoording, ad- Vi, block Highland Park land each or respects, by making pubUeetton ef rees ror the year on the vertising and riling II and iw. sddllloti against the deli udaiitt; that an all listed, levied, assessed, re this citation once tn each week for sna assessing pi saia uixes againsi wnom vertising toil said idveitlsed Hsu to tbe of El Paso, and said pe- or aalr issue, within Uie and delinquent, or said re- four roUowing described property situated In tbe of said taxes real as city Texai. order time in turned real eslate 'Weeks previous 10 the return and against the real estile, isms ire here ind esuie, required tition, alletging thai the state of Teiss, tile manner provided by Isw, and lor such ported aold 10 tbe state: all lists prepared, alleged to bave been county of El Paso snd state of Texis, to by the constitution ind liw, and plainit'x' day hereor. In some newspaper published in luted, levied ind xe r.. styled plalntirf, sad represented by the oUier and rurtber. general or special, legal filed, approve. 1. recorded, adverUaed in a yeur county, reg- assessed, the taxes, wn; v. is reel 01 101 ana ie now baa and asseru a lien on and real in to appeir at the next slid oentltv. interest. tu, 78. Bassett to counly attorney, complains of xld defend- and equitable relief to which the plalntirr newspsper, snd said adverUaed Usl of said t and al) court feet of lot block addlUon estate, to secure payment of tha unnnnt- ular term of the district court feet costs sre a Just sna or ant, wbo owned tbs real estate bcreinberore may be entitled under lbs law and facts taxea and real estate riled by the orncers of El Paso county, to be holden at Ibe valid debt, and persons! liability igatnst tbe city El Paso, Texas. I of the ssld uxei. penalty, interest, fees described st tbe tuna tbe takes hereinafter Herein faH not, but have you berore ssld and court of tbe said slate of Texas and ruuti house thereor, tn th city of El whom tbe iald taxes were sssessed. the And said petition, silegtog that the Sute scheduled were sssassed and who Is tbs .court, st Its aforesaid next regular term, El Pito county, is required by law. and Piso, Texas, on the rirst Mondsy In Sep- amount or laid taxea. penalty, interest fees of Texss, styled plaintiff, snd represented mem iisis, ruu or noogi, oeltnajen present owner or slid real estate, aays that this wilt, with your return thereon, show all the requirements ol the rniistiiuiinn tember, ipil-- tbe same being the Mb day and court costs arising thereby are due, by .the county attorney, complains' or lists, advertising lists, Invéntenles and an heretofore, as required by the constitution lag bow you have executed the sains. snd law hate been compiled with by the of September, 1915. then and there 10 an- unpaid snd so claimed by the plalnurr said defendant, wbo owned Uw real uuwr ncnni cxiuence mentioning ana sad law, the taxes herelnafler scheduled Witness. I- A. tscajeda. clerk of Uie For officers snd court charged with anv duty swer a petition riled in said rourt on the By reason of th said ltsUng. levying, estate berelnberore described at ths Ume describing the slid taxes, penalty, rut- were Usted, levied snd assessed by tbe la- district court of El Paso county thereunder ss to the same, and tbe amount iftb day or June, tits. In a suit numbered assessing, returning delinquent, or report- the uxes hereinafter scheduled ware as- ees, rees and court coals, and said Una gs! officers of El Paso county. Texas. Olven under my band snd seal of ssld of said taxes, penally, intorest, fees and on tbe docket of said court No. 1V43S, ing said real estate sold to the stats, pra- - sessed and who la Um present owner or either lhoreof may be tmrnitiioasl ag EL PASO MORNING TIMES B 3

ft" plalnttn as evidence opon ttm trUl ten per - rees or thin cause. cent thereof for each year, lnclud- term, this writ, with vour return thereon. and court of the said State or Texas and day hereor, In some newspaper published Interest, and all court costs are a elusive, block Ml, Government Hill addi- uu suica uw year showing how you have executed same. El Psso county, by law, and In your county, to appear al the next reg- Just and valid debt, and personal liability to Plaintiff asks that opon final bearing, iawr, tor the at required tion the city of El Psso, Texss, the platnurr the said taxes sre delinquent, with six witness, i. a. Escajeda, clerk or the all the requirements or the constitution ular term or the Forty-rirs- t district court against whom tbe said fsies were aa- tuve Judgment against tbe per cent Forty-firs- t or El county. or county, the. sessed, taxes, penslty. derendant ror the Interest per annum from the first district court Psso and law have been compiled with by the El Paso to be holden at the amount of said And ssld petition, slleging tbst tbe SUM above amount or the day of January next succeeding the year Given under my hsnd snd seal or said officers snd court charged with any duty court house thereof tn the clly or El Paso. interest. Toes and court costs arising of leías, styled plalntirr, said taxes, penalty, inuregt, rees and all or wmcn are and represented court costa, for a ine said taxes are delinquent, court, at office in the City of El Paso, thereunder ss to the same, and the amount Texas, on the rirsl Monday In September. thereby due. Unpaid and so claimed by the counly attorney, complain Of Judgment of foreclosure all fees dne county Texas, this, the 2Mb. day of July. 1915. or 1915. the ssme being 6th day or Sep- by tbe plaintiff. aid or the ead tax lien on the tax collector and aald taies. penalty. Interest, rees snd the derendant, who owned tbe real all the said low clerk, and all advertising- fees ror publish- J. A. tSCAJEUA, all costs are a tember, 1915, Iben and there to answer a By reason or tne ssld listing, levying, eaute herelnberore and traen of land against or - court true and correct described at the time each the ing the- said taxes and real estate to a Clerk District Court, Fl Paso County. charge against each and all or the lots petition filed In said rourt on the 1st day assessing, returning delinquent, or report- the taxes bereluarter scheduled were as- defendants; that an order of sale Issue, (Seal) By M. or ing pre- within the newspaper are more fullv and specifically E. MONTES. Deputy. and tracts of land described to the June, 1915, in a suit numbered on the said resl estate sold to tbe state, sessed and who is lite present owner time and In the manner pro- stated In docket or No. 19,015 He paring, riling, ad- or vided by law. the schedule marked exhibit "A. scheduls marked exhibit "A" and being said court wherein approving, recording, said real estate, says tuat Heretofore, and for auch other and anarned to plaintiffs petition. No. P.V.I..I. above described. slate or Texas Is plalntirr, and S. H. Tub vertising and riling ssld sdvertlsed lists as required by the further general or special, legal CITATION HY H:TI0N' or constitution snd law, and The ssld taxes have been heretofore, tn Pi r.i Said property Is fully set forth and de- lows is derendant, the nsture of plsintirr s said taxes and real estate, as required the uxes herelnsrter scheduled were U?51! n"ct to wh,eB plaintiff all re- The State or Texas To the Sberirr or any being be- by the constitution Isw, uwy entitled resperts. listed, levied, assessed, scribed, and sll state and county taxes, demand beieinarter set out and and snd plalntiir listed, levied and assessed by Ibe legal under the law and farts. re- i.onsiable or El Paso Counly. Greeting: ing an 16 derendant nuw has and a lien on said real o ' Herein fall not, turned delinquent, or said real catate penalties, Interest snd costs are also rully action recover of the asserts riu is or El I'aso couutv Texas, sgalnst but have you before ported loM lo lh ataf all Data nreltared You are Iicrebv roinmauilcd- tn summon the sum or 125.91, being ror tho amount of estata, lo secure payment ol tbo amount whom, and aid court, at lis aforesaid J. H. Morgan by or Itemlied. sol forth and described In the against tbe land II Is herein neat rerular riled, approved, recorded, advertised In a making publication this said schedule marked exhibit "A." taxes, penalty and Interesi and for collec- or the said taxes, penalty, mleresl, reus lleged, said Uxes were Usted, term this writ, with your return thereon, citation once in each week ror suc- county and all court costs, assess- levied and now you newspaper, and said advertised list of said four By resson of Ihe said listing, levying tor's and clerk's costs and advertis- and ibe said assessed, and said taxes were not paid ""I"'" have executed the same. cessive weeks previous to the return day or ing rees ror the year 1913, on ment lists, rolls or books, delinquent Hats, Witness, A. 'axes and real estate filed by the officers and assessing the said taxes against the rollowlnr within the lime allowed before becoming J. Escajeda, clerk of the it. in some newspaper published tn desc.-lbe- advertising lists. any Forty-firs- t and court or the said state or Texas and whom, and against the real saute, ssme property situated In the rounly Inventories and other subject to the law relating to aellnquent district court of F.l Paso county. El your counly. to appear at the next regular or or record evidence mentioning ''Iven under my Paso county, at required by law. and are herein alleged tn have been listed, El I'aso and stale Texas, Lots ami describing taxes and Ibe said uxes are now due and hand and seal of said all the requirements of the constitution term or tne Forty-rirs- t district court or levied and sssessed, the said 27 and 98, block 19. Altura Park addition the said taxes, penally. Interest, loes md delinquent. court, at orrira In the City or El Paso, El Paso county, to the uxes. costs, The said stale, county, poll Texas, and law bare been compiled with by the be holden nt court penalty, interest, fees and all court costs to the clly or El I'aso, Texas, court and said land or either there. and school uxes, including a penalty this, the Mth day of July, (915. house thereor. in Ihe city of El I'aso. Texas. may be Introduced by the as evi- of officers and court charged with any duty are a Just and val'd debt, and personal And said petition, slleging tbst the state plalntirr ten per cent tbei cor ror each year, in- Ind- J A. ESCAJEDA. on the rirst Monday In September. 1915. the liability against dence upon the trial or this cause. ClerX District Court, St thereunder as to the same, and the amount whom the said uxes were of Texas, styled plaintiff, and represented ina and since the year Itf7. ror which Paao County. or said taxes, fees ana same Deing ine em nay or sepienioer. ms, assessed, the amount of said pen- complains of Plalntirr isk thai upon rtnal bearing, lbs 'Seall By B. Deputy. penalty. Interest, a Uxes. by the county attorney, said Uxes are delinquent, with six if. MONTES. all a then and there to answer petition riled ally. Interest, fees and arising real the plimtirf have Judgment against the per court costs are true snd correct In on or 1915, rourt cosU said derendant, who owned the cuil Interest per annum rrom the rirst charge against snd all or the lots said court the ISih day June. thereby are due, unpaid and so claimed at time derendant tor the above mount or the said day of uext No. 19,350. each In a numbered on the docket or said estau herelnberore described the laxes, penally. tees (II January succeeiuug the year and tracts of Isnd described In the snlt by the plaintiff. the taxes herelnsrter srheduled were as- Interest, and court bir which the said taxes aro delinquent, CITATION BV PUBLICATION. :ourt No. 1S.354 wherein the stale or Texas By reason or costs ror a Judgment or foreclosure or the The State schedule marked exhibit "A" snd being a the said listing, levying, sessed and who is the present owner ail rees due the Ux collector sou county of Texas To the Sberirr or any above plalntirr. and J. H. Morgan Is defend assessing, returning delinquent, or report- or aald tax Hen on all the said lots and tracts clerk, nonstable El described. snt, or said real estate, stys that heretorore, or or and all advertising rees ror publish- of Paso County, Greeting: Ssld ts and the nature plalntirr's demand being ing said real estate sold to the state, pre- as law, land against each the defendants; ing the You are hereby property fully set forth set an to required by the constitution and an lite said taxes and real estate lo a commanded to summon sre herelnarter nut and being action paring, riling, approving, ad- were that order of sale Issue, within line- newspaper a j. Mayers by Interest snd costs siso fully recover or or 939.93, recording, the uxes herelnarter scheduled d are more fully aud spcclflcalqf making publication of this Itemized, and In the the derendant the sum vertising and riling said advertised lists listed, legal an In tho manner provided by law, and citation once in each weak Tour suc- set forth described being ror the amount or taxes, penalty and levied and aasessed by tbe such, and general Haled the schedule marked exhibit "A, for sarn scnedule marked exhibit "A." or said taxes snd real esute, as required or against tor other further, or to a cessive wci-k-i previous lo the day and ror and county officers El Paao counly, Texas, special, legal and equitable roller lo who attached planum petition. return By reason of the said listing, levying interest collector's by the constitution and law, and plalntirr whom, and against the land It Is herein Tbe said taxea have been heretorore, hereof. In some newspaper published In and against clerk's costs and advertising rees for the now has and a on the plaintiff may lie etitliled utnler un- la county, to assessing of the said taies year 1913, asserts lien ssld real alleged, said taxes were listed, levied and all resperts, listed, levied, aesesecd, re- lour appear at the next regular whom, and against the estate, ssme on the following described prop estate, to secure payment of amount law and facts. delinquent, term or the Forty-rirs- t real the assessed, and laid Uses were not paid you turned or said real estate re district court of El are herein alleged to have been listed, erly snuaien in ine county ot ci raso ami of the said Uxes. penalty. fees Heroin fall not, but have before sal.l ported rasa county, to be at slate or Texas, Lots 7 snd 8. block Interest, within the time allowed berore beromlnt sold to tbe state; all lists prepared. holden the court levied snd assessed, the said taxes, and all rourt costs, and the ssld assess- to bouse thereof. In the city or El Paso, Tex-s- 23. Grandview addition to the city or LI stthjert the Isw relat'ng to delinquent una xvrit, wiiii your return tber i. ahow-- 1 jtty appiuveu, recoraea. auvciusca tn a penalty, fees all costs ment llsu, rolls or books, delinquent apaprr. i on the rirst Monday In September, 1M6, interest, snd court Paso, Texas. Uxes and the said taxea sre now dun and ing how you have execute.! the same. and said advertís. list of aalri the same are a Just and valid debt, and personal llsis. advertising ils's. Inventories and tnv delinquent. The said state, county, poll taxes and real caíate riled by tbe being the 8th day or September, liability evidence mentioning Witness. ). A. Eseajeda. clerk or the officers IMS, against whom the said taxes were Arvt aalri netlttnn atlarlnr that the State other record snd and school uxes. Including a penalty of Forty-rirs- t or and court of thu said tal- of Texas and then anil there to answer a petition pen- the district court El I'aso county. HI assessed, the amount or said taxes, of Texas, deserlb'ng said uxes. penally. Inter- ten per cent ror each year, includ- El I'aso ronntv. ss by Isw, riled snld court on the 16th day of June, alty. styled plalntirr. and represented est, rees and costs, thereor Given under my hand and seal ot said required snd 1UIT, a or Interest, fees and court costs arising by the county attorney, complains or rourt and said land ing and since the yesr 1897. ror which at or Kl all the requirements or tbe constitution suit numbered on the docket thereby are due, unpaid and so claimed or either thereor may be Introduced hy court, office in Ihe city I'iso. .said court No. IS.SSO wherein the state of ssld derendsnt, who owned the resl the said taxes sre delinquent, with six Texas, this, the 96lh day or Julv. no:.. and law have been compiled with by the Texas by the plalntirr. at the time the plalntirr as evidence upon the trial per cent per annum rrom the officers snd charged any is plalntirr, and A. J. Meyers is de- By reason or estate herelnberore described of cause. Interest rirst J. A. B3CAJEDA, court with duty fendant, me or the said listing, levying, the taxes srheduled were as- this day or January next succeeding the year El thereunder as lo the same, and the amount nature plalntirr's demand assessing, delinquent, report- herelnarter Plalntirr asks upon rtnal hearing, Clerk District Court. I'aso Counly. being herelnarter sot out and being an ac- returning or sessed and who Is the present owner thtt for whlrh the said taxes are delinquent, (Seal) By It at. Montes. Hepuiy. or said taxes, penally, interest, fees and ru ing said resl estate sold to the state, pre- or says heretorore, the plalntirr hax-- Judgment against the fees due the county all court cosU are a tion recover or the dcrendant the sum ssld real estate, that Tor Ux collector snd true and correct or S3M.S8, paring, riling-- approving, recording, ad- derendant the above amount of the clerk, all rees ror publish- charge against beinir for the amount or taxes, vertising as rean'red bv the constitution and law. said Uxes, penalty. snd advertising No. 11.974. earh and all of tbe lota penalty ami snd filing ssld advertised lists the taxes scheduled were Interest, fees and all ing the said tsxes and real estate In a and tract of land described In the interest and for collector's and or said taxes and real estate, herelnarter court costs, for a Judgment or roreclosure CITATION BY PI BLICATION. county clerk's costs and advertising; fees ts required listed, levied and assessed by the legal newspaper are more rullv ana specirically The State of Texas To the or any schedule marked sxlubit "A" and being by ihe constitution and law, and plalntirr or Texas, against of the sa'd tax Hen on sll the said lots stated In the "A." Sheriff above described. for )he years I00C, 180. 1910, I9M and 1918. now- officers El Paso counly. and schedule marked exhibit Constable or El I'aso County. Greeting: en Hie following has snd asserts s Hen on ssld resl tracts of land against each or the attached to plaintiff's Said properly is rully set de- described property sit- estate, to whom and against Ihe land It is nerein derendants; an or petition. You sre hereby to summon forth end uated m the county or El secure payment of the amount alleged, said taxes were listed, levied and that order sale Issue, The said Uxes have been heretofore, hi commanded scribed, and all state and couuty taxes, Paso and state of the said taxes, penalty. rees within tha time and In the manner pro- A. It. Foster by nuking publication or or Texas, Lots 5 and 6, block 8. Interest, assessed, and said taxes were not paid all resperts. listed. levied, sssessed. re- penalties, Interest and costs are also fully nnn an roun costs, and the said assess vided, by law. and Tor such other and this citation onco tn each week for rour lUnUted, null El I'nso addition lo the clly or El within the time allowed berore becoming general turned delinquent, or said real estate re- set rorUi and described In the I'aso, ment lists. rolls nr hooks rlollnnonnl to dellnauent rurther. or special, legal and ported sold to prepared, successive weeks previous lo the return said schedule marked exhibit "A." Texas, nhferf tn the law relat'ng equitable relief lo the state; all lists day hereor, In some newspaper published lists, advertising lists. Inventories and any taxes and tbe said taxes are now due and which the plaintiff riled, approved, recorded, advertised In By reason ol Uie said listing, levying And said petition, alleging that the State oiner record evidence mentioning may he entitled under the law and rarts. t your county, to appear at 1I10 next reg or of Texas, and delinquent. The said state, county, pou newspaper, and said advertised list or satd snd assessing the said Uxes against styled plalntirr, and represented describing the said taxes, penalty. Inter- penalty 01 Herein rail nol. but have berore taxea tllar term of the Idily rirst district court whom, and against the by the county attorney, complains or rees and school taies. Including a said court, at Its and real estau riled bv the officers or real estate, same est, and court costs, and said land ten per each year. Includ aforesaid next regular and court or tbe said State or Texas and El I'aso county, to be holden al tho are herein alleged to bave been listed, aid defendant, who owned the real or either cent thereof for term, this writ, with your court house In tins clly or thereof may he Introduced bv ing and since the year tiw;. ror wnirn reiurn thereon El Paso rounty. as required by law. and tlieiror. El Paso. levied snd assessed, the said taxea, estate herelnberore described at the time the plaintiff aa evidence upon the trial showing how you have eiorut-'- the same Texas, on the rirst Monday In September. penalty. rees the taxes were as- or the said taxes sre delinquent, with six Witness, J. A. Escajeda, all the requirements or tbe constitution 1915, Interest, and all court cosU hereinafter scheduled this cause. rrom the clerk of the and law have the ssine being the nth day or Sep- are Just snd valid debt, and personal sessed snd who owner per cent Interest per annum first Forly first dlsti ct or El Paso been compiled with by the tember, Hits, answer a t is 'he present Plaintiff asks lhat upon final hearing, nay of succeeding the year court counly. officers and charged with any duty then and there to liability sgalnst whom the said uxes were of said real estate, says that heretofore, the plaintiff have Judgment January next Given under my band and seni or said court petition riled In said court on the 1st day as against the for which Ihe said taxes sre. delinquent, Iboreunder as lo the same, and the amount assessed, tho amount or said taxea, pen- requ're.d by the constitution and law. defendant ror the above amount of the county court, at office In Ihe city' nr El Paso. or or June. 1915, In a suit numbered 011 the alty. Interest, the taxes were nil fees due the tax collector snd Texas, this, the 96th day of said taxes, penalty, Interest, tees and or fees and court cosU arising hereinafter scheduled said taxes, penalty. Interest, rers and all ror publish- July. 1915. all coata are a dorkei said court No. 11,976 wherein the thereby are due, unpaid and so claimed lilted, levied by the legal costs, ror a clerk, and all advertising fees J. A. ESCAJEDA, court true snd correct state or Texas plaintiff, A. II. Fos- and assessed court Judgment or foreclosure ing real estate In a j. charge against each, all or lots Is and ay tbe plaintiff. officers or El I'aao county. Texas, against of the sa'd tax Hen on all the said taxes snd Clerk D'strlct Court, ill I'aso County and the ter Is defenilunl, tne nnlure or plaintiff's the said lots newspaper are more fullv and specifically (SeaP By and tracts or land described In the By reason or the said listing, levying, Whom, and against the land It ts herein and trams or land against each or E. M. MONTES, Djptity demand being hereinafter set out mid be- assessing, '' the slated In the schedule marked exhibit "A." srhedul" marked exhibit "A" and being retnrn'ng delinquent, or report- sold taxes were listed, levied and defendants: that an order or sale issue, above ing an action to recover or Ihe delwdatll ing said real eetate sold to the pre- assessed,'". paid attsched to plalntirr's petition. No. 19.181. described. tint sum or 115.411, ror Of stau, and aatd taxea were not within the time and In the manner pro In Said dnaJ being Ihe aim. mil paring, riling, approving, recording, ad- within the time allowed before becdmlng vlded by ror The said taxes have been heretorore. CITATION BY PI properly Is rully set forth and laxes, penally and Interest ror collec- law. and snob other and nil assessed, re- BLICATION. ann ail and vertising ami riling advertised object to the law relating to delinquent general or special, respects, listed, levied, The Stale of Texas To the crinen, sute anil couiuv taxes. tor's and counly costs nnd adver- isid Hsu rurther. legal and turned delinquent, or said real estate re- Sheriff or any Densities. Interest snd cosu are also rullv clerk's or sold taxes and real estale, as required taxes and the said taxes ire bow due and equitable rellor to whlrh the plaintiff Constable or El Paso County, Greeting: tising rees for Ibe years IVH2 and tdlH. 011 by the delinquent. may ported sold to the state; all lists prepared, You are hereby Itemlied. set rorth and deacrlbed In tho constitution and law, snd plalntirr The said state, county, poll be entitled under the law and rartv a commanded In summon the following described properly sllunb'il now has and asserts a on or ril'd. approved, recorded, advertised In A. 0, ssld schedule marked exhibit "A." In lien said real and school taxes. Including a penalty Herein rail not. but have ; you before or llutchlngs by making publication or By reason or listing, levying the county of El I'asd and slate or Texas. estate, to secure payment or the ten ne.vspaper. and said advertised list ssld this once the satd 11 Mm-- amount per cent thcreor for each year, Includi- said court, at Its aroresald next regular citation in each week ror rour and assessing or the against Lois to 14. both Inclusive., or the Uxes. penalty, interest, rees ng- 1897, term, taxes and real eslste riled by the officers successive weeks said Uxes it. Alt urn. or isid and since the year ror which this writ, with your return thereon, and previous to the return whom, and against the real estate, ssme Park addition lo tho clly El and sil court costs, and the said assess- the said taxes 'are delinquent, with six showing how you have the same. and court of th? said State of Texts day hereor. In some newspaper published Paso, Texas, oiccuPd El raso ronntv. ss required by law. snd n are herein allea-e- to hsve been listed, ment lists, rolls or books, delinquent r cent Interest per annum from the first Witness, J. A. Escajeda. clerk or the your county, 10 appear at the next rcgii And said petition, alleging that the Slate sdverUslng Forty-firs- t all the requirements or the constitution Forty-rirs- snd assessed. Ihe said Uxes, lists. lists, Inventories snd my thy of January next succeeding the year district court of El Paso county. lar term or Ihe t district court or of Trias, styled plalntirr,-an- Given my arm law have been compiled with by the l.l I'aso county, penalty, Interest, rees and ill rourt costs represented other record evidence mentioning and for whlrh the said taxes are delinquent, under hand and seal or sai,: chargi'd any duty lo be holden at the conn are a and debt, personal by the county attorney, complain ut describing tho said Uxes, penalty, county court, at office In ihe City or F.l officers and court with House thereor. in Ihe Just valid and biter fees due the tax collector and Paso same, amount clly of El I'aso, Texas, liability against whom the said taxes were said dnremlant. who owned the real est, rees and rourt costs, and ssld land Clark, rees ror publish- Texas, this, the Mtb day of July. 1915. thereunder as to the and the on jjja. rirst Monday In 1915, and all advertising penalty, fees and September. the assets-d- . the or said taxes, pen- estate herelnberore described it the lime or either thereor may be Introduced by ing the estate In a J. A. ESCAJEDA. of said tax:. Interest, s.iinolioing the 6II1 day of September, 19ir., amount the as- said taxes and real nil a alty. Interest, rees and costs arising taxes herelnarter srheduled were the plalntirr as evidence upon the m wspaper are Clerk District Court, F:i Paso court costs are true and correct then and there 10 answer a conrt la trial more fully and specifically Cont'tv. charge against all of the lots petition riled thereby are dne. unpaid and so claimed sessed and who Hie present owttor or ibis cause. Stated In the schedule marked exhibit (Seal) By E. M. MONTFS. Deputy. enrh and In said court on the 2nd day or June, 1915, or snld real estate, ssys xnst heretofore, "k. and tracts ol land described In the In a by the plaintiff. Plalniirr asks lhat upon final hearing, ttnrhert to plalntirr's petition. suit numbered on the docket or said or as r'tqu'red by Ibe constitution and law. the plalntirr srhorinl'' marked exhtblt "A" and being court No. 12,1m wherem By reason the said Hating, levying, have judgment against the The said taxes have been heretofore, to No. 19,501. the state or Texas assessing, retnrn'ng delinquent, or report- the taxea herelnarter scheduled were derendant Tor the above amount of all re- CITATION BY hove described. is plolntirr, and A. 0, Hutrlilngs. listed, legal the respects, listed, levied, assessed, PUBLICATION. rully set rorth snd de- derend- ing said real estate sold to the state, levied and assessed by the said Uxes, penally. Interest, roes snd all re- The State of Sn'.i property Is ant, the nam or plaintiff's be- or El turned delinquent, or said real estate Texas To the Sheriff or an scribed, state and ronntv taxes, demand nilng. approving, recording, ad- officers Paso counly. Texas, sgalnst court costs, ror a Judgment or an Constable or El County, Greeting: and all ing herelnarter set out and being uu II Is roreclosure ported sold to the state; Hats prepared, Paso penalties. Interest snd rosta are also fully actios vertising and riling ssld advertised llsti whom, snd agalnsi the land herein or the said Ux Hen on all the said lots approved, recorded, advertised 'In a You .are hereby commanded to tummori lo recover or Hie dercndaiil the sum ot alleged, said taxea were listed, levied md or flld. Itemlied. set rorth and described In the 922.36, being or ssld taxes and real estate," as required and tracts land against each Or the newspaper, and said advertised list or said L. E. Margrove and J. W. McCuirv bv lor the amount or taxes, pen- assessed, anil aald taxea were not paid on making publication salrT schedule marked exhlhlt "A." alty and interest ror by Hie constltut'on and law, and plaintiff derendants; that order or sale Issue, taxes and real estate Died by the officers of this citation 'one. listing, levying and collector's and now nas a within uie lime allowed bcrui-- becoming vvllhln the time In pro- In ror rour By reason or the said county clerk's and asserts lien on said real and the manner anil court or the said State of Texas and each week successive weeks assessing or the said Uxes sgalnst rosts ami advertising rees estate, to secure pavm'nt ot the subject to tho lay. relating to delinquent vided by law, and ror such oilier and F.l previous to and ror the years 1910, PJ12 Paso county, as required by law, and the return day hereor. In soiu whom, and against the real estate, ssme ion. and 1913, on or the said taxes, penalty, Interest, reet rurther general or special, legal and all the requirements of the constitution newspaper published In your county, to up Hie rollowlng described properly situated delinquent. The said slale, county, poll equitable pear are herein alleged in have been listed, In the county or El or urn ail court ensts. and tbe said assess reller to which the plaintiff snd law have heen complied with by the at the next regular term or the Kortv assessed, the said taxes, I'aso and slnie ment rolls or bonks, delinquent and school taxes. Inrludliig a penalty id may be entitled tinder the law and or levied and lexas, Lois 7 and 8. block 4, lista facta. officers and court charged w!th any duty rirst district court El Paso county, penalty, interest, res snd sll court costs lists, advertising lists, Inventories and any ten per cent thereor ror each year, Includ- Herein rail nol, but have you berore as to the same, and the amount be holden at the court house thereof In Park addition lo the clly or El I'aso,' ing and since the year 18U7. lor which thereunder or are a Just and val'd debt, and personal Texas, said court, at Its aroreaald next regular of said taxes, penalty, Interest, fees and the city El Paso, Texas, on the riTsi against taxes were taxes, penalty, the said uxes arc delinquent, with sit term, thla with your Monday September, 191R, liability whom the said And said petition, alleging deserlb'ng the said inter- writ, return thereon, all court costs are a true and correct In the same being assessed, the amount or snld taxes, pen- that the State est, rees snd costs, per cent Interest per annum rrom the rirst Showing bow you have executed the: same. the 6th day or September, 1915, unu or icxas. slyied piainiirr. court and said land or year charge against each and all of the lota then alty. Interest, fees and court costs arising ny and represented or either thereor may he introduced by day January next aucceedlng ihe Witness, J. A. Escajeda; clerk of the and land described In the there to answer a petition riled In satil so the county .attorney, complains or ror which dio aald laxes are delinquent, Forty-firs- t or tracts of on thereby are due, unpaid and claimed sau the plaintiff as evidence upon the trial dlatrlrt rourt F.l Paso counly. marked exhibit "A" and being court the sth day or June, tots, in a sun by plaintiff. derendant, who owned the real or cause. all rets due the lax collector and rnunty Given under my hand and seal of said numbered on No tbe estate lierelnln Toro in this above described. the docket of said court By reason or the snld listing, levying, scribed at Ills lime asks upon rtnal hearing, clerk, and all advertising reea ror publish- court, st office In the City, or El I'aso, 12,801 wherein the or the taxes hereinafter as- Plaintiff that Sa'd property Is fully set forth and do' slate Texas is plaintiff, assessing, returning delinquent, or report- scheduled were the plaintiff have Judgment against the ing the said laxes md real estate In a Texas, this, tbe 96th day of Julv. 1916. scribed, state county taxes, and L. E. Margrove and J. W. McCurrv ar- - sessed and who la ihe present owner newspaper more fully Mid specifically A. and all and ing said real estate sold to the state., pre- of defendant ror the above amount of the ire J. ESCÁJEUA. penalties, and costs are also Hilly defendants, tho nature of plaintiff's demand ad- said estate, says that heretofore, stated In the schedule marked exhibit "A. Clerk District Fl Interest being being paring, filing, approving, recording; as requiredxí by aald taies. penalty. Interest, fees snd all Court. Paso County. Itemized, set forth snd described la the herelnarter set out and an ac vertising and riling said advertised lists the constitution and law, (Seal By E. M. MONTES, Deputy. s.tM schedule marked exhibit "A." tion to recover or the derendants the sum the taxea hereinafter scheduled were or The ssld taxes liave been heretofore In so, of said taxes and real estate, as required leyled the sa'd Ux Hen on all the said lota By reason of the. said listing, levying or i. being ror the amount or taxes law, listed. and assessed bv tbe legal or or all respects, listed, levied, assessed,-- re- No. 19,118. penalty by the constltut'on and and plalntirr officers or El and tracts land against each tho snd assessing of the said taxes against and Interest and roi collector' a Hen on real I'aso counly, Texas, against or turned delinquent, or said real estala re- CITATION BY PIBLICATION. and county costs advertising now has and asserts ssld mm, and against derendants; that an order sale issue, whom, and against the real estate, same clerk's and estate, to secure payment or the amount ihe land It Is herein within the time In manner pro- ported so to the state; ail lists prrpared. riie Slale or -- any year on following de- alleged, said taxes nnd the Texas To Ihe Sheriff or sre herein alleged to have been Hated, ices tor ine iBia, ine or the said taxes, penalty, Interest, rees were listed, levied snd vided by Isw, and ror such oilier and filed, approved, recorded, advertlaed in a nonstable or El Paso Counly, Greeting: scribed property situated to the counly and v11,1 levied snd assessed, the said taxes, of costs, assess- said taxes wore not paid newspaper, ami said advertised nt 10 El Paso and state or Texas, Lots snd all court and the ssld uiiliui tbe further, general or special, legal and You are hereby commanded summon penalty. Interest, fees and all court costs ment rolls or books, delinquent time allowed berore becoming enultnhlf. tn th rvlalntlef taxes ami real mea ny inn d. Kraucouio making 01 t 2, 26. lists, siinject tc n1UI eslate oincers by publiciiion sr a Just snd valid debt, and personal and block Grandview addition to lists, any tbe law relating to delinquent mav he law anil Bhd Court Of th" Said Stale or Itld In ine city or Paso, lists, advertising inventories and and the entitled under the facta Ibis cltallon onto each week lor four llihlllty aralnBt whom the ssld taxes were El Teias, oiher record evidence mentioning and Uxei said taxes are now due and Herein Tall not. but have you berore El i'aao county, required by law. and .1100 ve weeks previous to the return pen- And said pelltlon. slleging the State delinquent. The said state, county, poll or constitution tsattsssd, the amount of said taxes, tbst describing the said taxes, penalty, Inter- urn Id court, at Its aroresa'd néit regular the requirements the lay hereor, in some published alty. rees and costs arising of Texas, styled plalntirr. and represented school taxes, including a penalty or law have been complied by tb your appear Uie Interest, court by or est, lees and court coals, and said land ten term, this writ, with your return thereon, "! with counly, lo at next thereby are due, unpaid and so claimed the county attorney, complains or either thereof may be Introduced by ier cent thereor ror each year. Includ- showing how you have executed tbe ssme. officer! and court charged with any duty ierro of rna Forly nrst district court by the plnlntirf. snld defendant, who owned the real upon ing and alnce th year 1837. for which A. unuor as hi. a amount r El I'aso county, the plalntirr as evidence the trial the witness, i. Escajeda. clerk nr the men to MS lame, inn lo be holden al the Ry reason of the said listing, levying, estate hereinbefore described at the time cause. said taxes are delinquent, with six or Kl 01 stun wxss, penally. interest, fees and ourt hou.-- thereor, lu the cltv Of El I'aso. the taxes of this per rnriy rirst district court I'aso roiinty. assessing, retnrn'ng delinquent, or report- hereinafter scheduled were as Plalntirr asks that upon final bearing, lent interest per annum rrom the rirst Given under my hand and seal of said court costs sre a true and correct levas, 011 the Monday In Bentembe ing sessed and who owner day or j ...,ry next succeeding the IRIS Uie 1UI1 said real estate sold to the state, is Ihe present the plalntirr have Judgment against the ror yeip rourt. at office in the city or El Paso, charge against each and all of the lou same 'being the day or Sop flllnr. approving, recording, ad- sain real estate, savs that herrtorore. ror or which ihe said taxes are delinquent. tots', of 1915. and tracts of land In Ihe lull., then nuil there 'ias derendant the above amount the 'II rees Texaa. the with day July. described vertising nnrt filing said advertised lists required by the constitution and law, said taxes, penalty, interest, rees and all due the tax collector and ronntv J. A. ESCAJEDA, schedule, marked exhibit "A" and being ctllloll II led II. on the 1st tlay of sMd taxes and. real estate, as required the taxes hereinafter 'scheduled were costs, a Judgment of clerk, and all advertising fees ror publish Clerk District PI I'aso County. above or June. luir.. listed, court for roreclosure Ing the Court. described. iiv the constltut'on and law. and plaintiff levied and assessed by the legsl or the said tax Hen on all the said lots said taxes and real estate. In a fSeaH Bv E M MONTHS. nnntv. Said properly ts fully set forth and de- docket or said court No. Iv'.IIK, wherelnifii now his and asserts a lien on said real rrirers or El Paso counly. Texas, against snd tracts or land against each or the newspaper are more rullv and specirically scribed, and all (tale and county taxes, stale or Texas is plalntirr. and'M. Kraucomi estate, amount whom, and against the It Is stated In the schedule marked "A, No. s, rully defendant, the nature or plalntirr's de to secure paymnl of the land herein derendsnts; that an order or sale Issue, exhibit ' IÍ.U4II.. penalti, interest and costs are aleo or the snld taxes, penalty. Interest, fees lleged, said taxes wore listed, "levied and within the time and In the manne pro- ''LTbr1 '" P'atntirr's petition. CITATION BY PI BLICATION. iwmlted, sel forth and described in the matul being not inaruu set out and lielng and all court costs, and the ssld assess- assessed, and said taxes were not paid vided by law, and for such other snd The said taxes have been heretofore, In The Stale or Texas To the BbertTf or any said schedule marked eihiblt "A," an action lo recover of the defendant the ment lists, roles or books, delinquent within the time allowed berore becoming rurther. general Or special.- - legal i and all resperts. listed, levied, assessed, re- Constable or El I'aso County, Greeting: By reaaun of the said UsUng, levying sum of 187.15, being ror the amount or subject i coUec-lor'- ll's. advertising lists. Inventories snd any to the law relatlnir to delinquent equitable rellér Kj which the plaintiff turned delinquent, or said resl estate re- You arc hereby commanded lo summon snd sssesauig or the said laxos against ives, peiiaiiv an. interest and rui other evidence mentioning snd taxes and the said taxes are now' due and may be entitled under the law and facts. ported sold to the state; all HsU prepared, A. tienden by making publication of whom, and against the real estau, amo and county clerk's costs and rrord delinquent. riled, tees ror 1910, 1911, descjrib'ng . the laid taxes, penalty, Inter- The ssld slate, county, poll Herein fall not. but have you before approved, recorded, advertlaed In a this citation uuce In each week Tur rour are herein alleged lo bave buen listed, the years est, and costs, and said land md school taxes. Including a penalty or court, at Its next newspaper, and advertised list ofr said successive weeks previous to Uie and assessed, the (aid .taxes, .mil I91H, on lie- following described prop fes court ssld aroresa'd regular said return levied l or thereof may be Introduced by ten per cent ror each year, Includ- term, writ, with your taxes and real estate filed by offlrrrs day hereor, In some newspaper published penalty, lees snd all cosu cl ly Hiiuau-i- In the county or El I'aso snd either thereor this return thereon, 'the interesi, court or v:., the nlalntirr as evidence upon the trial ing and since the year 1897. ror which showing how you have executed the same. and court of ths said 'State or Texas and in your county, lu appear al ihe next reg are a and valid debt, snd personal mile Texas, lo wit All lot and E. El Just 10 of So, 10. l El of th's cause. the said taxes are delinquent, with six Witness, J. A. Escajeda, clerk or the Paso .county, as required by law, and ular term or the Forty-rirs- t district court liability agamat whom the aald taxes were feet Mock ast Paso ad ks upon final hearing, per rent Interest per annum from the rirst Forty dlsli ct or Fl Paso counly. all the requirements or the constitution or El I'aso county, lo bu holden al tin' or Uxes, pen- union to ih.- clly of El I'aso, Texas, Pb'norr that first court assessed, lbs amount said And petition, alleglinr tlio plaintiff have Judgment against the nay or January next succeeding the year Given under my hand and sesl or said and law have been compiled with by the court house thereor, In Hie cllv or ill I'aso, alty, interesi. fees and court cosu arising snld lhat the ror which the In City or El officers and any on Hie slale or Texas, styled plaintiff, and for the above amount of the said taxes are delinquent. court, at office the Paso. court charged with duty mil, rirsl Munday in Boplember, thereby are due, unpaid and so claimed county taxes, penalty. Interest, fees and all Ml rees due the tax collector and county Texas, this, the 26th day of July, 1915. thereunder as to the ssme. and the amount 1915, Ihe same uelng the nth day of Sep- by the fi presented by the atorncy, snld or plainurf. complains or Who court costs, for a Judgment of foreclosure clerk, and all advertising rees ror publish- J. A. ESCAJEDA, said taxis, penslty. Interest, rees snd tember, 9t. then aud there to answer a By reason or the ssld listing, levying, laid derendant or the tax on all the ssld lots ing the ssld taxes and real estate tn a Clerk D'strlct Court, .1.1 Paso Ovinty. all court costs are a true and 'correct pent. on riled in said court on the 1st day assessing, returning dellnqueul. or report- owned lie real estate herelnberore de- i'd - scribí, d al Ihe the herelnarter and tracts nr land against each or the newspaper are more rullv and spectricslly (Seal) By E. M. ftfiNTES, charge against earh and all or the- Iota or June, 1915, in a sull numberni on Ibe ing said real estala sold to the state, pre- lime laxes stated Ih and tracts or land In or No. l?,Uili up- 'beduled were assess.,! and who Is the defendants; that an order of sale Issue, the schedule marked exhibit "A, described the docket said court wherem paring, filing, approving, recording, ad- present In the manner to plaintiff's No. 12.202. schedule marked exhibit "A" and being state or Texas is plaintiff, and lleuden Hats owner of said real esute. sayi thai wl'hln the time and iitched petition. V vertising snd riling said advertlsad as required hy COIujttlllUon hy law. and ror such other and The said taxes have been heretofore, tn CITATION BY PI BI.ICtTTON. above described. Is derendam, Ibu nature ot plaintiff's de- or said taxes and real eitale, as required herelorore. the general special, legsl all resperts. re- The Stale or To or any Said properly Is de- being set out bring and law, the taxes litieinancr scheduled further, or snd listed, levied, assessed, Texas the Sheriff fully jet forth and mand lierelnstler niui by tbe consutution and law, sod plaintiff le- 10 turned delinquent, re- Constable or El I'aso County, Greeting: scribed, and all state and county taxes, an action lo recover or the derendam llu wero listed, levied and assessed by the euultahl relief which the plaintiff or said real.estat? now has snd asserts a Hen on said real gal officers or El I'aso counly. Texas, nnv be entitled under the law and ported sold to the stale; all lists You are hereby commanded to summon penalties, Interest and coaU are alto fully sum of ei ;. ;, being ror the amount ol to payment amount rcts. prepared, Itemlied, estate, secure of the gainst whom, and against the land It Is Herein rail not. but have you berore approved, recorded, advertised In I J. w. Plnkerton by making publication or set forth and described In the taxes, le'iiaity and Interest and ror collec- me satu imliilly. lnleieal, lent ,.. ., ,, ,,'.. .,,," newspaper, once said schedule marked exhibit "A." tales. said court, t Its aroresa'd next regular and ssld sdvertlsed Hit or said this citation in each week ror rour ny tor's aud counly clerk's coils and adver- .... o wun iu.ia, aou ino n.u ,.,. and said taxea were term, this writ, with your return thereon, taxes and real estate riled by the officers successive weeks previous 10 the return reason or the said listing, levying tising rees ror Ihe years 1904, 'Ü5, 'BO, '07, mem lilts, rolls or books, deltuuijeiit same. or day In some and assessing or the said taxes sgalnst '08, '09. '10. '12 '13, on rollowlng not paid within tbe tunc allowed biTore sr.owlng how you have executed the end court the ssld State or Texas and hereor, newspaper published 'II, olid tlw lists, sdverUslng lists, Inventories and any becoming relating lo J A. F.seajeda. or El In your county, to appear reg- whom, and against the real same counly subject to iu law Witness. clerk the Paso county, as required by law. and at the next estate, describid properly siiualcd in tbe oilier record evidence mentioning and Ihe Forty-firs- Furiy-rirs- arc herein alleged to dclihtpicht taxes and said taxes are now t district court of El Paso county. all the requirements or the constitution ular term or the t district court bave been listed, or El I'aso and state or Texas, Loll describing the said taxes, penally, Inter- county, and seal of said law or county, levied and assessed, the aald Uxes, block 42, Magoffin to due ami deiiuipieni. The said slate, tllven under mv hind snd have heen complied with by Ihe El Paso to be holden al tbe It and ti, addition est, lees and court costs, and satd land taxes, Includlixg a court, 'office n the city or El Paso. court house thereor. the clly or penalty. Interest, rees and all costs Ibe or El I'aso, Texas. poll and school penalty nt officers and court charged with anv duty in El Paso. court rlty or either thereof may be introduced by or caen year, In- Ihe wth day or July. 1915. as same, Texas, on Hie Monday In September, nre a Just snd val'd debt, and personal And said pelltlon. alleging that the stale of tut p'r cent thereof tor this. thereunder to the and the amount rirsl ihe plaintiff as evidence upon tas triol cluding and. since thu year 1897, ror wblch J. A. ESCAJEDA. of said taxes, penalty. Interest, fees and I95, Ibe same being the cth day or Sep- liability against whom the said taxes were Texss, styled plalntiir. and represented by of toll cause. the 01 ihe said luxes are delinquent, with six per Clerk D'strlct Court, Fl Paso County, all court costs are a true and correct tember, 1915. then and there to answer a assessed, amount of said taxes, pen- tbo county attorney, complains said de- Plalntirr asks upon final bearing, rrom m- M MONTFS, Deputy. p alty, interesi, rees arising that rent Interest per annum the rirst day E. charge against earh and all of the lots petition riled In said court on Hie in day and court costs fendant who owned the real estate herein the plaintiff bave judgment against or succeeding year ror or or 1915, a on th n by are due. unpaid and so claimed described at tbe lime Ihe here the January next the and tracts land described In the June. in suit numbered the belore laxe il" fondant far tbe above amount of Uie which the said tuxes are dotinipient, all No. .ITS. schedul- - docket or said court No t2,'.iw, .wherein by ihe plaintiff. Inafler scheduled were assessed and who marked exhibit "A" and being By said Uxes, penslty, Interest, reos snd all s due me tax collector and counly clerk, CITATION' It Y PUBLICATION. shove described. or Texas is plalntirr, and J. w. Pink reason or the said listing, levying, Is (be present owner or said real estate, or any or assessing, return'ng delinquent, or report- says as court cosU, ror a Judgment of foreclosure and all adverllilng rues ror publishing the The Stan- 1. Texas To the sheriff Said property Is Fully set rorth snd de- ton. defendant, ihe nature plalntirr's thai heieiorore, by Ibe or the 11 o Ux lien on all aald loU a newspaper, Greeting: be- ing said estate sold to the pre- law, taxes herein lbs said taies and real estate in Constable or El 'Paso Counly, scribed, and all state and ronntv taxes. demand being herelnarter set out and stale, and the irter snd trscts or Ian. against each of the aru rully and specirically staled in You are hereby commanded to summon penalties, costs are also' ing an action to recover or the derendant paring, riling, approving, recording, ad- scheduled were listed, levied and assessed nioie interest and rully vertising mid defendants; that an order of sale Issue, the schedule miirk.-- vhibil "A," attached It Hunt hy making publication of this Itemlied. set r rth snd described In the the sum or 13817, being Tor the amount filing said advertised lists by Ibu legal officers of El I'aso counly, pro ror rour or of said taxes nd real estate, as Texas, against within the lime and In the manner uirr's pel citation once in each week am senennie marked exhibit "A." taxes, penalty and Interest and tor col- required whom, and agalnsi the land vided by law, and ror such The taxes have been heremro day ny county ad- by the and law, plalntirr It Is alleged, s were listed, other and said weeks previous to the return reason or the said listing, levying lector's and clerk's costs and ronstltutnn snd herein said tan genersi or special, legal and respects, listed, levied, assc m published in ror Hie 1'jlfl, 1912 now has and asserts a lien on said real levied and assessed, and said were rurther. all Xrhereaf, scans newpsper nun assessing- or ine snid taxes against vertising years tun, tales equitable roller to Uie plaintiff m il delinquent, or re- 1913, prop estate, to secure payment or the amount not paid within the allowed before wlilcn tin said real eslalo whom, and sgalnst the real estate, same and on the tollo wing described lime in iy be entitled under the law and facts. sulil in the stale, all lists prepared. Forty-fir- or or the said taxes, penalty, rees becoming suojecl 10 relating to Una "r lite district court nre herein alleged to have been listed, erty situated In the counly or El i'aso and interest, ll.e law Herein fall not. but have you approved, recorded, advertised a 10 and sll court costs, delinquent now before iile.l, in Fl Paso counly, to be holden at the court levied snd ssseased, the said taxes: slate or Texas. wit. Luts 10 to 14, both and the said assess late, and ihe said laxes are said court, newspaper, or 1.1 ment lists, rolls deiinqijanL . at IU aforesaid next regular anil sain auveniseu list saia house thereor. in the city or I'aso, Texas, penalty, interest, rees snd all court costs Inclusive, block 55, Altura Park addition to or books, delinquent due and The auid state, oun this your by on September. 1915, are or lists, advertising lists, inventories sn ly, poll and school taxes, including a pen- term, wrll, with return thereon, axes and real estate Hied the officers tho rirst Monday in s Just and vaFd debt, and personal the clly El Paso, Texas, and showing how you have tbe and court or Ibu said slate of Texas and II day .or September. liability other record evidence mentioning and alty or ten per cent ihereor ror each year, eiecutfd siiue. MM being the ail sgalnst whom the said taxes were And said petition, alleging that the State 1. A. Escajeda. 1.1 11s required by law, antl 1915, answer a petition deserlb'ng the said taxes, Inter- including ear v. 7. Witness. clerk ..' Ihe Pasu counly. loan ami there to the amount of said taxes, pen- - of Texas, styii-- plaintiff, and represented penalty, and slticu tliu tor which Forty-firs- t or day or June, assesd. est, reís and court costs, Ihe said taxes are delinquent, wlih district court or El I'aso county. ail tne requirements the consumuoti Died In laid court on the snd nlly, Intereit. fees and court costs arising by the county attorney, complains of and aald land in tier 'liven muí. my band and seal of aald and law bave been complied with by 1915, a un the docket of or either ihereor may be cent interesi per annum rroui Hit- in suit numbered in. one. unpaid ano so claimed said defendant, who owned the real Introduced by rirst court, st office In ibe or El Psso, and court charged with any duty said court No. wherein the state or by the plalntirr. the plalntirr as evidence u;m the trial day or January neit succeeding tbe year city ti.n.i stile herelnberore described at the time or cause. Texas, this, the setb dsy of July. 1915. thereunder as in the same, and the amount Tenas Is plalntirr. and ft. F. Hunt Is By reason of the aald llsilnv tewinr tbe taxes scheduled were as- this for which the said tales are delinquent, rees or demand herclnsfter Plalntirr asks upon all rees due the collector land county J. A. ESCAJEDA. or said taxes, penally. Interest, and as. the nature platiriirr's "fsesslng. retnrn'ng delinquent, or report sessed and who Is Ihe present owner thst final hearing, lai Clerk El are a true charge being an ac- Ing- the plalntirr have judgment clerk, and all advertising fees ror pub District Court, I'aso County. court costs and correct being hereinafter set uut and said estate sold to the slste, pre- or said real estau, says that heretorore, against the Bv E M. or lots trn-l- the sum rsl derendam tor the above or lulling Ihe ssld taxes snd real In a 'Seal. MONTES. Deputy. agalnsi each and all ibe and tion to recover or the derenilant paring, filing, approving, recording, ad- as required by tbe constitution and law, amount the estate or land described In the schedule uiirkee of S33.H). being for the sinount of taxes vertising snd riling said advertised Ibe Uxes srheduled were said taxes, penalty. Interest, rees and all newspaper, are mure fully and specifically lists herelnsrter costs, ror No. 11.977. exhibit "A" and being above describe. tulty and and for collector's of said taxes and listed, levied .1 legal court a Judgment or foreclosure staled in the schedule marked exhibit "A, Interest real eaute, ss required and assess. by tbe or BY bald properly Is rully set rorth and de- and counly clerk's costs and advertising by the cnnstitiit'dH snd law, and plalntirr officers or El Paso county, Texas, sgamai tbe sa'd Ux Hen on all the said lots attached to plaUillir's pellUoo. CITATION PI BLICATION. 1910. 1911. In The Texas To any scribed, md all Hate and counly Uxes, r ror the years 190. 1909. now hss and asserts a Hen on said whom, and against the It Is herein and trans of land against each or ih" Tbe said taxes bave been beretolore, Bute of the Sheriff or are following described real Und defendants an all respects, listed, levied, assessed, re- Constable of El Paso County, 'reeling: penalties, interest snd costs also rully HI and t9!3 on tu estate, to secure payment or the amount lleged. said uxes were listed, levied snd lhat order or sale Issue, itemized, set rorlb and described In said property situirted In the county or El sao or the said Uxes. penalty, rees assessed, and said Uxes were not paid wlihln the time nd In the manner pro- turned uellnquem, or said resl estate re- You are hereby commanded 10 summon 37 38. tnteresl. vided by the all prepared, achrdule marked exhibit "A." and' state or Texas, Lots and and all court costs, and the said assess within the time allowed before becoming law. and ror such other and ported sold Pi state; lists V. G. Forafiiv by making publication or by reason of the said listing, levying, Hock It;.. Hijrfaland Park addition to the ment - lists, rolls or books, subject to lav? rurther. general or special, legal am' Hied, approved, recorded, advertised m a this citation once In each week for Tour delinquent the relat'ng to delinquent equitable newspaper, and ot and assessing or the said taxes against clly ur El Paso. Texas, lists, advertising lists. Inventories and snv taxes snd tbe ssld Uxes are now du and reller lo which the plaintiff said advertlaed list said successive weeks previous to the return whom, and agalnsi the real esute, same Scribed, and all state and county taxes. delinque may be entitled under the law and taxes and real estate rifed by ihe officers day hereor. in some newspaper publUbed other record evidence mentioning and nt. Tbe said stau, county, poll rails. or state or are herein alleged to have been listad, And said petition, slleging thai the State describing the said penalty, md Including a Herein Tall not. but have you before and court tbe said Teias and lu your county, to appear at Iho nekl reg- taxts. inter school taxes. Density of El counly. required by law, levk-- and assessed, the said taxes, penslty. ef Texas, styled plaintiff, and represented est, rees and costs, ten per cent ror year, Includ- said court, at lis aforesaid next regular Paso ss and ular term or the Forty-firs- dlsiilcl court rees costs a of court and said land tberenr earh term, this writ, wlih ail the requli ementa of the constitution Interest, and all court are by Hie county attorney, complains or either thereor may introduced bv ing and since the year 1897. tor whirl! vour return thereon, of El Paso county, to be holden al thu just aud valid debt, and personal liability real shovxlrn- how you have exerut-- and law have been complied with by the HI f id defendant, who owned the the plaintiff as evidence u;on the trial Ihe ssld Uxes are delinquent, with six the urn. ' court house ihereof. In the clly or I'aso, against whom the said taxes were as UM lime Witness. J. A. Escajeda, clerk or officers and court Charged with any duty on SI Is tierelrib.Tore described si or this cause. per cent Infere! per annum rrom Ihe first tlw Texas, tim rirsl Monday in September, essed, Hi'1 amount or said taxes, penally tin- laves scheduled were as- Plaintiff upon forty fu I district court or El Psso county. ihereuudei as lo the same, and the aiuuutil Hilt, tbe same being the eth day or Sep hereinafter asks that final hearing day of January next succeeding the year my or penalty. interest, lees and court coats arising sessed and who is present owner ihe plaintiff have Judgment agaln-- for Given under band snd seal or said said tales, Interesi fees and all lember, 191... then and (here 10 answer a thereby are due, unpaid so 'he t the wblcb ibe said in sre del'nqueul. at In cosU sre and charge and ciaUuoU o: said real estate, ssys that herrii.rore. defendant ror the above amount or II rees due county rourt. office Ihe Clly of El Psso. court s true correct petition riled In said court on the tsl day by tbe plainuff. - - tbe ux collector and Texas, .".ih against each and ell or the lots req rut bv the roiistltuilon and law. taxes, penalty, rees clerk, all rees rnp tbls. tbe day of July, 1915. slid irsrts or June, 191. In s suit numbered on Ibe By reason or the said were interest, and all and advertising publish- J. A. KHnljrriA or laud the schedule maikmi listing, levying the taxes hereinafter scheduled court costs, ror a Judgment or ing H- i- said draciibed docket of said oourt fio. 11,977 wherein tbe delinquent, foreclosure taxes and real esute tn a lerk El exhibit "A" and being above sasessing. returning or report- Hal Id, levied snd assessed by the legal or the sa'd on all the said newspaper are more rully Olstrtrt ' ourt. Paao County. described. state of Texas Is plaintiff, and V. u. ing said real estste sold to tbe state. pxv Hi lots and speriricslly (Seal .. m. Bsld properly is lully set forth snd de- Officer-- or El Paso county, Texas, against end tracts .r land against each or the stated In the schedule marked exblblt"A,r' mTir.3. I'l'ity nragun Is ijnrcudaut. the nature or plaln- parlng, riling, approving, recording, ad- whom, and against the land it u herein derendants: an or scribed, and all state and county taxes, tirr's demand being herelnarter sol out slid and filing tbst order sale issue, attached to plaintiff's pettttoa. No 12.01!. penalties, Intaresl and costs are also tully verllilng said "advertised lists gvcl.. said taxes were listed, levied and wl'hln the time and In the manner pro Tbe said Uxes hsve been heretofore, In being sn action 10 recover of the derend- or said taxea and real estate, as required not paid CITATION BY Pt BLMIATIOIM. lleinued, set forth and desrrlbsd in said ant or 119.1!), being esscd. and said taxes were vided by law. and' Tor such olher snd ll resperts. listed, levied, sssessed, re- Tbe Stale or the stun lor the smouni by the cousiltutton and law, and plaintiff becoming general Texas To tbe Sheriff or any schedule itoarki-- "A." r Uxes. penalty and Interest snd lor col- rhin the tune allowed before further, or special, legal ami turned delinquent, or snd real estat? re Constable El Paso now has and asserts a Hen ou said real 'amhjecl to the law relat'ng to delinquen! equitable relief of County. Greeting: Hy lesion of tbe said UsUng. levying li clor's and county clerk's costs and ad- to to which the plaintiff ported sold to the state; all lists prepared, You are hen bv qetatriianded 10 or estata, secure payment of Ihe mount - IBM oue may siuiimon nd ssaessiiig the aald laxes agaiusl ror years 1911, .1919 and said taxes are now aim be entitled under the law and raits. approved, recorded, advertised in s B. tx vertising reei the snd or tbe said taxes., penalty, Interesi. reea county, poll rild. v Tullows staking publication or whom, snd agalnsi the resl esute, same 1913, on the described properly sMlnsjneajL The said slate, Herein fail not. but have von berore newspaper, and said list or said this rollowlnt and all court costs, and the said assesi-men- t Uxes. including a penalty of said sdvertlsed citation oncf, tn each week for four are herein alleged to bave been listed, sllueted in tbe county or El Psso snd slate lulls, and school court, at lit aforesaid next regular taxes and real estau riled by tne officers successive weeks previous lo assessed, taxes, rolls or book,, dellnqufiit list, be return levied and Uie said penally, of Texas. Lois to to l. botb in advertising lists. Inventories and any other B 4 EL PASO MORNING TIMES record evidence mentioning tn.l describing or ten per cent thereof ror each yetr, In- OTven my or to the law relating to delinquent Mid penaltv, reea under band and seal of ttld ttld tates, penally, interest feet tnd all docket of said court No. 1J97, wherein snd law, snd plsintirr now nss subject the lun, latera!, and cluding and aince the year IS97, ror which court, constitution se- the said taxes are now due or it orrice in ihe city of El Pato, court costt ire t true and correct enmrre tbe ttate or Texat is plaintiff, and E. Routs and serta lien on ttld retl estate, to taicjj and ani courl coitt. tnd said land el. her thereor the said taxea are delinquent, with tlx per Texat, thli, the Mth day of July. WIS. at i delinquent The said state, county, poll and may be iniroduccd by the evi- cent per etch and ill or the lots and tracts It dsrendsnt. ihe nature nf plalntirr'a de- cure saytnent of the amount of the said plalnurr Interest annum from the rirsi day I. A. ESCAJEDA. of and in rees all court school taxes, including a penalty of 10 per dence upon the trill of this cause. of January next succeeding the year described the tcbtdtilt marked mand being hereinafter ael out and being taxes, penalty. Interest, and year. Including for Clerk District Court, El Paao County. txbiblt "A and being above action to recover or Ibe the the assessment lists, rolls or cent thereof ror eich and Plaintiff tiki thai upon nnal hearing, which the aald taxet tre delinquent, ail reea (Seal) By E. St. Deputy. described. in derendint cotts. and ssld year ltw, ror which tbe said taxes the plalntirr have Judgmeni Montes, Raid property is rully set ronri and de- sum of IU.ia, being for the amount of books, delinquent Hits, sdrertlslng lists, since the sgalnst the du" the lax collector and county clerk, and scribed, and are delinquent, with 6 per cent Interest per derendani ror the above amount of the all advertising reea ror publishing Mo. ill ttate raid county uses, taxes, penalty ind intereit snd for collec- snd tny other record evidence tald the said 1S.IM7. penal net, county said annum from the first day or January next taxed, penalty, interest, feea and all court taxes and real In a newspaper, CITATIO BV Interest snd coin ire also rully tor's and clerk's costs and adver- mentioning snd describing the ttxei. year estate are PUBLICATION. itemlied. net tising 1909, 1910, coats, snd suc'veoTng tho for which the said coatí for a Judgment or foreclosure of the mora fully tnd specifically stated The State of Texas To the or any forth and detcrlbed In the reet for tbe years 1908, penalty. Interest, fees and court delinquent, air Acs in the Shenrr said achedule marked exhibit 'A." 1911, 1911 and on tbe following de- or thereor may be Intro- tax's are due the tax said tax lien on all the aald lota and tracti schedule marked exhibit ,rA," attached to Constable or El Pato County, '.reeling leu, said land either and county cleric, and all advertis- or land against earh or the Br reason of the ttld listing, lewing scribed property sliusied in tbe county or duced by the plaintiff at evidence upon the collector defendant; pla'ntirrt petition. You ere hereby commtnded to summon and assessing; or or ing feet ror publishing the stld taxes and thai an order or ale liiue, within the time The aald taxea M. L. fjymes by making the laid taiei aaralnst El Paso and state Texas, Lou trial or this cause. htve been heretofore, in publication of wbom, and against the same II to 11. both block as. Military upon rinal hearing, the real estate in t newtpaper, are more rully and In the manner provided by law, and all respecta, Hated, levied, re- this citation once In etch week real estate, inclusive, Plalntirr asks thlt stated In runner, asaessed, for four are herein alleged lo have been listed, Heights addition to the city or CI Paao.Teiaa, plalntirr hsve Judgment sgalnst Uie derend and speriricill the scbedtn for aueh other and genertl or lumed delinquent, or aald real etttle re- successive weeks Drevlotls to the return evied marked Exhibit "A," attached to platnurf s special, legal and equitable relief to which day hereof, In and assessed. Uie said taxes, penalty, And said petition, alleging that tne ant ror the above amount or the ssld taxei. ported sold to the state; all Hala prepared, aorne newspaper published interest, feea all or Texat, plalntirr, rees costs, petition. the plalntirr may be entitled under trie filed, approved, ii appear reg- and court costs tre a iutt itate styled and penally, Intereit. and all court recorded, advertised In t )ui cuuinj, io ai tne nexi and valid debt, and personal liability represented by the coun'y attorney, for a Judgment or roreclosure or the laid The said taxes have been heretorore. in law and facta. newspaper, and tald advertlted llti or said ular term of the Forty first district court against respects, listed, levied, assetted, Herein rail not. but have you berore of El Paao county, whom the said wee as complaint of slid defendant who tax ilen on all the ssld lots and tracts or ill said taxea and real eatate riled by the orflcers io be holden at toe sessed, the amount or an delinquent, or ttld real estate re- at its aroresald next regular term, and or the or court house thereor, in the city of El of aalduitaxes, penalty, owned tbe real estate bere.nberore land against each tbe detendants; that Lr. court tald atate Texas and Piso, .merest, feet and court costs there- icheduied were assessed tnd who la Ihe of sale Issue, within the time snd in ported sold to the state; all Hats prepared, this writ, with your return thereon, show- El Paso county, by Texas, on the first Monday in September, ' arising order at required law. and by are due, unpaid an by ths owner or slid real sttste, says that the manner provided by lsw, snd for such filed, approved, recorded, sdvertised In a ing how you have executed the same. all the requirements or the wit,, the same being ihe th day of Sep- plalnllfr. to clsimad Present newspaper, and said advertised of ;. A. or constitution as required by tbe constitution other and rurther, general or special, legal llu said Witness, Lseajedt, clerk the and law have been compiled with by the tember, ion then and Hiere lo anawer t By taxes and real estate filed by the Korly of El 1'aso county. petition filed on reason or tbe sitd listing, levying snd law, the taxet herelnarter scheduled and equitable relief to which the plaint!!' officers rirst district court orflcers and court charged with any duty In said court the lit day assessing, were by Ibe facts. and court or the aald state or Texas and El Given under my hand and seal or said to the same, of June, wis. In suit numbered on the, returning delinquent, or report- listed, levied and asaessed may be entitled under the law and thereunder it and the amount i ing said real estate to state, pre- legal of El Paso county, Texss. Herein rail not, have you berore tald Paso couniy. as required by law, and all court, at ofriec in the cuy or F.l Paso, or aald taxea, penalty, interest, reea and docket of stld court .No. 18.047, wherein tne sola the orflcers bul of the constlluUcn or v. mtr.. state paring, filing, approving, recording, adver- gainst whom, and against the land It Is court, at Ita aroresald next regular term, the lequlremenls snd icxaa, this, the Mth day Jul all court coatt tre true tnd coneel of Texat la plaintiff and H. L. law have been compiled with by the offi J. A. KSCAJEDA. t Symea la defer, dam ihe or plaln- tising and filing slid advertised lists or herein slleged, said taxes were Usted, this writ, with your return thereon, show- clurge against etch tnd ill or the Ion and nature said were now you same. cert and court charged wilb any duty Clerk District r.onrt. El Paso County. tractt or land tirr'a demand being herelnarter set out taxei and real estate, as required by levied and assessed, snd aald laxes ing hsve executed the asme, detcrlbed in tbe tchedule the constlitiiion and law, now not paid within Ihe time allowed berore A. clerk tne thereunder ai to the snd tbe smoun'i fSeal) By B. M. Motiles. Deputy. marked exhibit "A" and being above de knd being an action to recover or the and plalntirr Wltneii, J. EscaJeda. of or taxes, penalty, an the sum or has and ssserti a Han on said real estate, becoming subject to the law relating To de- district court of El Psso county stld mnresi, reci and acribed. IU.7, being ror the to now court coits are a true snd correct chart No. 18,117. amount or taxes, penalty and Intereal un secure payment of the amount or the linquent taxes snd the stid taxet sre Olven under my hand and seal of said said property It fully set forth and de- said taxes, stale, county, El Paso, agslnst each and all or the lots tnd tracts CITATION BV III ICATION. scribed, ror collector's and county clerk's costt penalty. Interest, rees and all due snd delinquent. The said court, at orflce in Ihe city of PI and all stale arid county uxet, ourt costs, and poll and taxes, including a penalty 1015. of land described in the schedule mirke.i The Texas-- To any and advertising fees ror the yean W10. the tald assessment Hsu, school Texas, this, the seth day of July. ' state of the sheriff or penalties, interest and coatt ire tito fully ror In- Exhibit "A and being above described. El 1911 and 1913, on the following described rolls or books, delinquent lists, advertis- of ten per cent thereor each year. J. A. ESCAJEDA, i:onstable of Paso County, Greeting: Itemized, act fonu and deacrlbed in the ing le.97, ror which Said properly it fully tet rorth and de Voo are hereby commanded to summon said property situated In the county of El Paso lists, inventories and any other record cluding and since the year Clerk Dlitrlct Court, El Paso County. tchedule marked exhibit "A." or evidence mentioning the ssld taxes are delinquent, with all per (Peal) By E. M. Montet. Deputy. acribed, and all itate and county taxes ' f. Hageriv by making publication or Hy reaaon ur me listing, leveylng anil stale Texas, Lota l and and describing the penalties, apd sre also atid 38, block g, VaJ said taxei, penalty, Interest, reet and court cent interest per annum from the first day Interest coits fullv this citation once In each week for four and assessing or the said taxes aga.tist Verde addition to the ror Itemized, set rorth and described In tin successive weeks previous to the city or El Paso. Texas, coin, and said land r either thereof may of Jsnusry next succedHig the yesr Ko. 12,177. return whom, and against ihe real caíate, aame be by the which Ihe ssfu taxes are delinquent, all laid schedule marked Exhibit "A." day hereof, in some newspaper published are herein alleged to have listed, And said petition, alleging that the State introduced plalntirr ai evidence CITATION BY PUBLICATION. reason or the said lining, levying your been upon the trial or thlt cause. rees due the tai collector and couniy clerk, The To the or any By and In county, to appear at the next reg- levied and assessed, the tald taxea, pen- of Texat, styled plalntirr, ind. represented State of Texss sherirr assessing or the said taxes against whom t Plalntirr asks thlt upon rinal hearing, and all advertising rees ror publishing the or County, Greeting: ular term or the district court alty, interest, roes and til court cosla tre by the county attorney, complaint ot Constable El Paso and against the real estate, same are bereiri county. IQ Molden the plaintiff have Judgmeni against the de- said taxea and real estate In a newspaper, You sre commanded to summon of II Paso be al the a Jusl and valid debt, and personal liability laid derenddiit, who owned the real hereby alleged to have been listed, levied and as , i fendant for the abovo amount of ihe said are more rully and speciricslly stated In L. H. Hubbard, by making publication or nun house thereor. in the city or El Paso. against whom the said taxea were al- ealale herelnberore described at the time tbe said taxes, penally, rees t penalty, Ihe schedule marked exhibit "A," attached seised, interest, Texas, on Um ru Monday in September, iened, the amount or said laxes, penally, the taxei herelnarter tcheduled were as taxei. interest, fees and all court this citation once In each week for four all costs are a and i it)'1 costs, for Judgment of to plalntirf'i petition. snd court juit valid HI same bring the Mh day of Sep- interest, lees and teased tnd who la the pretent ownefr foreclosure of the successive weeks prevlom to tne return debt, and personal liability against WIS, court costt arising there- said tax lien on ill the lota in In some newspaper published whom tember, then and there to answer a by are due, unpaid and to cltlmvd by of said real estate, tiyt tnat heretofore, ttld and tracts The ssld taxes have been heretorore, day hereof, the said taxes were lha m the or land agalnat each or the re- appear next regu- sssessed, amount petition filed m said court on the 1st day plalntirr. at required by the conatltutlon and law, dereddims: all respects, listed, levied, assesied, In your county, to at the said taxes, penalty, Interest, fees and of June, In a that an order or within re- Forty-firs- t court tois. sun numbered on the Hy reason or the ttld listing, levying, the taxes hereinafter scheduled were tale liaus, the time turned delinquent, or aald real estate lar term of the district court costs arising thereby are due, unpaid d'.rkei of said court No. 12,117, wherein the listed, levied by legal and 1n the manner provided by law, and ported sold to tbe ttate; all lists prepared, of i.i Paso county, to be holden st the ind assessing, returning delinquent, or report and assessed the ror such so claimed by the plalntirr. state or Texas Is plalntirr. and C. F. Ing said real caíate to orrirera or El Paso county, Texas, against other and further, general or spe- tiled, approved, recorded, advertised in s court house thereof. In the city of El Paso, reason or the said listing, levylnr. Is defendant, or aold the atale, pre cial, legal and equitable 10 which or Texat, on Mondiy September, Bv as the nature plalntirfs paring, niihr. approving, recording, adver wbom, and ibe land it la herein reller the newspaper, and said advertised Hat ssld the first In aosslng, retun ing delinquent, or reporting demand being hereinafter oul and be- alleged., I'lalnurr may be entitled under the law taxes and real eatate filed by the orricers 1915. the same being the 6th dsy of Septem- - st Using and Tiling aald tdvertlaed lints of tald taxes were UsP'd, levied and nnd said real estate sold to the state, preparing. ing an action to recover or the defendant aald estate, assessed, and aald taxea were not paid nets. and court or tbe said slate or Texai and hi the sum or 71. being laxes and real as required by Herein rail not, have you iiuoii tin for the amount or the constitution and law, now wlihln the time tllow.ed bejore becoming but berore stld Paso county, ss required by law, ana all Hied in laid taxes, penalty and Interest ror and plaintiff court, Hi aroresald next regular June, 1015. a on "."é"1 and roller Has on ubject to tho law p i, if to delinquent tl term, tbe requirements of Ibo constitution snd In suit numbered the r.íi.t. as L ami county and assent t Urn said real estate, 'his with your thereon, show- taxes and real reaulred lof'l clerk'a costa and adver- to secure payment or the or tinea and tbe laid taxes tre now due tnd writ, return lsw have been complied with by the orn- of slid court No. Ii.177. wherein the state constitution and law, and plalntirr now tising reei for the year una on amoiini ihe ing how you have executed the same. any duty of Texts Is plaintiff, and L. H. HubbardWk1Is has said luxes, penalty, intereal, reea and an delinquent. The ttld state, county, poll een and court charged with and asserts a Hen on said retl estate, to se the following; described property sit- or Witness, J. A. EscaJeda, clerk or the to tbe tame, and tbe amount derendint, the nature of plalntirf'i demand court cosía, and the said Hats, tnd achool taxes, Including penalty lorty-rirs- t thereunder at cure payment or the amount of tbe said uated in the county of LI lato and assessment per t district court or EI Psso county. of taxes, penalty, interest, reet and all being hereinafter set out and being an ac- or rolls or books, delinquent Hats, advenís ten cent thereof ror etcn yetr, includ- Olven my said taxes, penalty. Interest, reet and all court stale Texas, Lots to II. ing lists, ing year which .inner hand and seal or sain court costs a true and correct charge tion to recover of the defendant the sum block r.9, inventories and any other record tnd aince the 87, tor court, at office tho ira or pen- cotts, and the said assessment lists, rolls or bolt Incluirte, Eaat El Paso evidence rneniloning lha aald taxes are delinquent, with six in city of El Paso, against each and all or the lots and tracts of 19.47. being for the amount taxea, books, lists, lists, addition to the city or El Paso. Texas, and describing the ay or wis. Interest and Tor and delinquent advertising in said taxes, penally. Interest, rees and court per cent Interest per annum rrom the first July, or- laud described In the schedule marked alty and collector's ventonet and any other record evidence And said petition, alleging that the Stair costs, and said land or may day of January next aucceerling the year A. ESCAJEIiA. exhibit "A" and being above described. county clerk's costs and sdverUslng fees mentioning eliher thereor Clerk District Court. El Paao County. year 1918 on the following described and describing tbe laid taxes, or Texas, styled plalntirr, and represented be by evident-- ror which ihe aald taxes are delinquent, Said property It fully set rorth and de- for the penally, rees and costs, Introduced Ihe plalntirr aa (Seal) By E. M Monies. Deputy. In the county of El Psso Interest, court snd hy the county attorney, complains of upon the trial of all rees due the lax collecbir and county scribed, and ail stale ind county taxes, property, situated lr.nd or thereof be Intro- thlt ctuse. are also rully and state or Texas, Lots 8 to 11, ssld either miy said dcrendant. who owned ibe real I'loliitirr asks that upon final hearing: clerk, tnd ill advertising lees for publish- No. 1I.M9. penalties, interest tnd costs duced by tbe plaintiff as evidence upon the estate herelnberore described at ths tima the plalntirr Judgment ing the In a Itemlied, sel forth and described In the both Inclusive, block 14, Government Hill or this cause. have agalnat ihe de ttld ttxei tnd real estate CITATION BY PUBLICATION. to the city of El Paso, Texas, trial the taxes hereinafter scheduled were as- rendanl fur the above or the newspaper ore more rully and apectrirally or laid schedule marked exhibit "A." addition Plalntirr asks that upon rinal bearing, tbe imouni said The stale Texaa To ihe Sherirr or any And ssld alleging Sessed and who Is the present owner taxes, penalty. Interest, fees and all enurl stated In the schedule marked exhibit "A. Coiiataole or El Piso Couniy, Greeting: By region or the said listing, levying petition, thai tbe State plalntirr have Judgment against the derend-an- t real estate, gays thai hereiofore costs, a of Texas, ityied planum, ana represented for above amount or for judgment of roreclusuru or the attached to' plalntirr'a petition. Vou are hereby commanded to summon ind assessing of the tald taxet agalnsi by the the said taxes, as reru:red by the constitution and law. said lax lien on all the said lots und The said taxes have been In A. against real estate, same are the county attorney, complains of penally. Interest, Tees and all court costs, tracts heretorore. RinJel by making publication whom, snd the said defendant, the taxes hereinafter scheduled were or Intel against each or Ihe defendants, all respects, listed, levied, assessed, re- this citation once in each week for four herein alleged lo hive been listed, levied who owned tbe real for a Judgment or roreclosure of the tatd listed, levied and aaseased hy the legal that an or sale Issue, Hue delinquent, or real re- taxet, penalty, in- astute herelnberore described at ths time tax Ilen on all the said snd of older. wHhln the turned said estat: successive weeks previous to the return snd assessed, the tald the taxes lots tracts rrirera or El. Paso county. Texas, igalnsl and In Ihe mabner provided hy law, and fOi ported sold to the state; all lists prepared, day hereor. In some newspaper published terest, fees and all court costs are a lust hereinafter acbeduled were as- land against each or the derendante; that aa whom, and herein n i sessed and who It the present owner Issue, aralnst the land It la inner ami miner, general or special. filed, approved, recorded, advertlted In a 'ii your county, to appear al the next reg- and valid debt, and personal liability or order of sale within the tune and in said taxes were Usted, levied and legal and to wmc.n newspaper, advertised Hal or aald ular or Ihe Porty-flrs- t were assessed, said real estate, says tnat heretorore, the manner provided by law, and such uuiiaDio reui'i and saltl term district court against whom the said faxes aa required for assessed, and aald taxea were not paid daintirr may be entitled under the law aim taxes and real estate riled by the orneen of El Paso county, to be holrte.n at the the amount or said taxes, penally, interest, by the consutullon and law, other and rurtber, general or special, legal Within the it me allowed before becoming rails. and court of the said state or Texas and court homo thereof, In the city of El Paso, rees and court costs arising thereby are the taxei hereinafter icheduied were and equitable relief to which tho plalntirr subject to the law- relat'ng to delinquent Herein fall not, but have you before said El Paso county, as required by law, and lexas, on the first Monday In .September, due, unpaid and so claimed by ihe plalntirr. listed, levied and aaaeased hy the legal may be entitled under the law and facts. taxes and tbe said taxes are now due and rnuri, at Its aroresald next regular all the requliementt of tbe conatltutlon 1915. the same being; the eth day of By reason of the said lilting, levying, officers of El Psso count v Texas, sgalnst Herein fall not, but have you before said delinquent The atete, county, poll lids writ, with your thereon, snow Ihe I9H, then and more to or report- wbom, and against the land It is herein court, at Its aroresald next regular term, tald return tnd law have been compiled with by answer a assessing, returning delinquent, aUeged, and school taxes, including a penalty or ing hnw.yoii have executed llu- .same. ofricera and court charged w'.th any duty petition riled In ttld court on the 1st day ing laid real estáte sold to. the state, pre- said taxes were listed, levied and this writ, with your return thereon, show- ten per cent thereor for earh year, Inrlnd-- . witness, i a. Bicajedt. clerk or tin i same, and the amount ol June. 101 5. In a ault on the Tiling, approving, recording, assessed, and tald taxei were not paid ing how you have executed tbe same. hen under at lo tint numbered. paring. Ing and since tbe year 197. for which I'm ly rirst district court or El Paao county or aald tai W, penalty, Interest, rees and Bockei or said conn No. li'.ui-.'- wherein inn snd filing said advertised lists or within the Ume allowed before becoming WItneis, J. A. EscaJeda. clerk of the the said taxes are delinquent, with six Qlverj under my band und teal I lafi all court costs are a true and correct Mate or Texas Is plalntirr. and A. Ranlel de- said taxes snd real estaie, as required subject to tfte law relatng to oellnquent district court ot El Paso couniy per cent Interest per annum rrom the rirst court, at Offlet in UM city of El Paso. charge against earh and all or the lota fendant, ihe nature or plalntirr'a demand be- by the constitution and law, and pUlntlir taxes and the stid taxet are now due and Given under my hand and seal of said day or January nest succeeding the year Texts, this, the Jfith day or July, wis. nnd tracts of land described In the ing herelnarier tet out snd being an sellan now has and asterts a lien on said delinquent. The ttld slate, county, poll court, it office In the city ot El Paso, ror which the aald taxes are delinquent, . J. A. ESCAJEIiA. schedule marked exhibit "A" and being o recover or the defendant the turn of real estate, to lecure payment or the and tchool taxei, Including a penalty of Tens, this, the 2th day or July. 1915. all reea due the tax collector and county Clerk Hlstrlrl Court. El Paao County, above described. s. oi), being Tor Ihe amount of taxes, pen- amount of the said taxes, penalty, ten per cent ihereor for each year, Includ- J. A. ESCAJEDA, clerk, and all advertising rees for publish- 'ali Hy E. M. Monies, Deputy, Said property is fully let forth and de- alty and Interest and for collector's and '.merest, feet and all court costs, and ing and tlnce tbe year 1897, ror which Clerk District Court, El Paso County. ing the said and rcsl estate in a scribe,, and all state and county taxea. county clerk's costs tnd advertising rees the tald assessment lists, rolls or tho laid taxet are delinquent, with six (Seal) By E. M. Montes, Deputy. newspaper are ti'imore rullv and specifically No. 18.10. penalties, interest and costs are also rully ror Ihe years IMS and 1013. on the follow- nooks, delinquent Usls, advertising lists, per ctnt Intereit per annum rrom the rirst stated In the schedule "A," CITATION BV Itamlted, tho ing - described property situated In the any day of January next succeeding the year NO. 12.253. marked exhibit PI HI.lca.TION. sel rorUi and described in inventories and oilier record evidence CITATION BY attached to plalntirr'a petition. ie State of Texas To Hie Sherirr or any said srii. .pile marked "A." county of El Paso and atate of Texas, to- mentioning and describing Ihe said taxes, for which the laid taxes aro delinquent, PUBLICATION exhibit wn: Lot 13. ao, The State or Texas To Tbe said taxes have been heretorore , Ifl constable or El Paso County, Hy reason or Ihe said listing, levying block Lincoln Park ad- court costs, and all reet due the tax collector and county the Sherirr or sny creeling penalty, Interest, fees and Constable or F.l Paso County, all respects, listed, levied, re- Toil 'are hereby Commanded 10 summon and assessing or the said Uxus against dition to the cliy of El Paso, Texas, may be Intro- clerk, and all advertising reea tor publish- Greeting: aaaeased. tald land or either thereor You tre hereby commandod to summon turned delinquent, or said real estate re- - W. no n il by mak.tig publication ol whom, and against the real saino And tald petition, alleging that the State duced by Ihe plaintiff at evidence upon the ing the stld taxes and real estaie In a sold to the state; prepared. Is clialtoii once In each week lor bun herein alleged to have been Hated, f Texas, styled or cause. newspaper ars more fully and Sarah E. Oliver by making publication or Rnrted all lists ara plalntirr. and represented trial tblt speciricslly this once In each week ror rour approved, recorded, advertised In a iheeísive weeks prevlotls . lo Ule return levied uud assessed, the aald taxes, by Uie couniy attorney, complalna plaintiff asks thai upon rinal hearing, tne slated in ths schedule marked exhibit citation y of successive' weeks previous to the newspaper, 'and said advertised list or said hereof. In some newspaper publisher pci i, uty, Interest, fees and all court coan said defendant, who owt)ed the real plalntirr hsve Judgment against the to plalntirr'a petition. return your county to appear the next re eatate The said taxes day hereof, in some newspaper published taxes and real estate riled hy th orflrers al are a Juat and vaUl debt, and pertuiial hereinbefore described at ths time for the above amount of the said liave been heretofore. In In your ar I. Tin oí tbe lolly wcro the laxes herelnaTPsr were as- rees court all respects, listed, re- county, to appear it the next regu- and court of the said State of Texaa and flral district coui. liability against whom tint said taxes icheduied taxea, penalty, Interest, and all levied, asaessed, Forty-fir- K1 El Paso county, lu be holdcn tin pen- sessed and who It owner or or delinquent, or re- lar term of the district court Paso county, as required by law, and it assessed, tho Hiiiouul ..t said taxes, the present costs, for a judgment foreclosure the turned said real estate of El county, to all the requirements of thn "constitution nut house iheri'of. in Ibe city or El Pegu ally, mine ,i. rees and court costs arising or said real estate, tays tntt heretofore, said tax Hen on all the said lots and tracts ported sold to the state; all lists prepared, Pass be holden at the n in in i .Momia: as required by ibe or dependants, filed, approved, court house thereor. In the city ol El Paso, tnd law have been compiled with by the tbsreby are due, unpaid and so claimed conatltuilon and law, of land against each the recorded, advertised In a Texas, on Monday officers and court charred win any duty lie by thu plulntirr. tho taxes hereinafter tcheduled were that an order of sale Issue, within the newspaper, and said advertised list or said the rirst in September. lemner. wis, men and to answer .. listed, levied legsl laxx, taxea 1915, tbe same being tbe fib day of Sep- thereunder at to the same, and the amount inere By reason ol the said listing, levying, and assessed by the time snd in the manner provided hy and real estate rued by ihe orricers tember, 1915, of. aald taxea, penally, petUton filed In Mini court on ihe 1st day delliiqueiil, or report- orricers of El Paso county, Texas, ror general or and court ot tbe then and ihere to answer petl mtereat. fees and assessing, returning jgarnst and such other and rurther, said State of Texas and Hon fUed in said on 16th or court costs are a of June, 191'.. in a suit numbered on Hie ing aald aold to the male, pre- whom, and against tbe land It la herein special, legal and equitable reller to which El Paso county, ss court the day til true and correct of Ujuüo, real ealale required by law, and June, 1915, In a on eharge against each all of the lois docket said court ,o. wherein u. paring, filing, approving, recording, ad- alleged, said taxes were listed. levied and Ihe plalntirr may be entitled under the law aU the requirements or tbe suit numbered the docket and' r Texas V. constitution of said court No. 12.253, wherein the state tnd trnct of land described In the Ill is plalntirr and J. Quirk vertising und ruing said advertised Usls assessed, and said taxea were not paid and facts. and law have been compiled with by the echedol" being defendant. Um nature of plalntirfs de or taxes estate, as within the time allowed before becoming fall not, you mrked exhibit "A" and n. ur being said and real required Herein but hive berore stld defendant, the nature or anove rlcsrrlhed hereinafter ci out and brum by the conatltuton and law, and plalntirr subject to the law relating to delinquent court, at Its aroresald next regular term, $2!&J0tL?!Ei JsifLffiH plamtirrs demand Said nronertv Is fullv set and da. of llu: defendant the now has and a lieu on said real taxea and the said taxes are now due and this writ, with your return thereon, show- of said taXM.pen.ltT d forth JiW'90 JlJWm asserts mtere.t f"and V or tt. deteSoSt scribed, and .11 stte-n- ceuntv tases. Veo i "'""""), "' estate, to secure paymml of me amount delinquen!. The stld state, couniy. poll ing how you have executed the same. SuWjm-SuftrSi- ÍX.' snd flUWgffia t penalties. Interest snd costs are also fully J3US ' I "an, of the aald taxea, penalty, lntereet. reea school taxes, including a penalty or Witness, J. A. EscaJeda, clerk or tin 2 tiT E2 J f fart ten lL3Eo& 'Sí "W and ror collector'! and set fonh and described In tho mo?, r ,K illS H8 and all court costs, and the ssld l per cent thereof ror each year. Includ- Porly-rir- district court or El Psso county C,erk' ' " ri ,9J2 ing or heduír Thlhd,e,íleínc.lllh-e?- íUn.lí C0M" nd "IverUstng fees laid schedule marked exhlhli "A." !fiPé',í!L. EJ!"ArJ ?' lists, rolls or books, delinquent and since tbe year 1897. ror which Given under my band snd seal tab marked 2 ror tbe year 1913 on the rnltnwtiii By reason or listing, Ihe said taxes court, Uie city or Psso. the said levying ,h7 ,,,,,iV. ,r i...... lists, advertising lists, inventories and any are delinquent, with six at orrice in El scrlbod property, Uie or assessing or the said taxes against ',' ,' per cent per annum the Texas, the S6th day of July, 191. Said situated In county tnd r 4 other record evidence mentioning and interest from first this, property la fully set rorth and de- EI Paso and slate a whom, snd resl estate, same Texas, Lots to 43. both day of January next succeeding year J. A. ESCAJEDA, of Texas, Lots aralnst the 79. de.crlbng the said laves, penally. Inter- tbe acrlbed, and all state snd county taxes, to 10. both Inclusive, block 11, are alles-e- block Tobln addlilon to the ciiv ror which El Couniy. Altura Park herein to have been listed, r .Paao. Texas. est, rees snd court rusts, und said land the said taxes ara delinquent, Clark District Court. Paso fienalues, interest an costa sre also fully addition to tbe city or El Paso, levied and assessed the said laves. El or may all reeg due the tax collector and county (Seal) By E. M. Montes, Deputy. set Texas either thereof be Introduced by forth and described In tbe And petition, penalty. Interest, rees and all court rosta! And said petition, alleging that the the plalntirr us evidence upon the trial clerk, and all advertising reea ror publish- ssld schedule marked exhibit "A." said alleging that the tre a Just and vsl'd deht. and reraonal atale or Texas, styled plalntiir and of tins cans ing the said taxes and real estate In a No. 12.3S4. By reason of tne sold llaung, levying state of Texaa, ttyled plalntirr, and iiantiiiv ngetnsi were prrscnir.i ir. the attorney, com newspaper are more rully specifically CITATION BY PUBLICATION. and assessing represented by the county attorney, whom the sain laxes Plalntirr asks that upon rinal hearing, and of the said taxes sgalnst complains or aasesssci. the amo:int of sitd tsTes ien- - Plains or said defendant who owned ihe the plalntirr have judgmeni against the itated In the achedule marked exhibit "A, The State of Texas To tbe Sheriff or any whom, and against the real estate, aame laid derendani who tjty. Interest, fees and court costs artalng real estate hereinbefore described at the ror to plalntirfs petition. Constable or El Paso County, Greeting: are herein alleged owned the real estate heremberore de- defendant the abuvn amount or the aitsrhed lo bave been lined, at Bierebv are due, unpaid and so claimed lime Un lagei hereinafter scheduled were said taxes, penalty, interest, reea and all Tbe said taxes have been heretofore, In You are hereby commanded to summon levied and assessed, tne said taxes, scribed the time the taxes hereinafter by the plalntirr. assessed an ! who Is ihr present owner of coats, ror a Judgment or all respects, listed, levied, assessed, re- Mrs. L. B. Parkhlll by making publleaUon ol pe.ialty, mtereat, fees snd icheduied were assessed and who is the says as court idrerlosure this citation once tn each week for rotir all court costs present owner of said By, reason or. ihe said listing, levying, said real estate, that heretofore, or the tax i: n on all the aald turned delinquent, or said real etuts re- are just and valid debt, and personal real estate, ssys that Un- sad lots weeks to i heretofore, as assessing, rtrurn'ng delinquent, or report- required by the constitution and law, and tracts or land against each or ihe ported sold lo the state: all lists prepared. auccesslve previoua the return liability agalntt wbom Uie tald taxei were required by tbe constitution ing aald estate sold to the slate, pre taxes bereuUrMr scheduled were listed,, an filed, approved, recorded, In a day hereof, In some "newspaper published assetisd, the amount of taxea, snl law, the taxes hereinafter tcheduled ral bv defendants, that order of sale Issue. advertlted in your county, lo appear at the next reg- aald pen were levied paring, rutnir. aotrovinr. recnroing levied and assessed the orricers within the iniie and in "the manner pro- new spaper, and said advertised list or said ally, intereit. rees ind court costa arising lined, and assesied by the aid' f Kl county, Texas, whom. ular term of the Forty-firs- t district couri legal orneen or El verttstng and nil advertised' lists Paso against vided by law, and for auch other and taxes and real estate filed by' tbe orricers thereby sre due, unpaid and so claimed Psio county, Texai. or ssid taxes and al estaie. as required and agnlnsi the land It Is herein alleged, and or ths said or Texas and of El Paso county, to be holden at the by trie agalntt whom, and against tbe land It It further, general or sperial. legal and court Stats house thereof. In ihe city of El plalntirr. herein alleged, pv the eonstlbtt'nn and law. snd equitable 1.1 Paao couniy. as .py lsw, l court By reason or tbe listing, said taxes were listed, rlalntirf relief to whtcn the plaintiff required I'aso, Texas, on the Monday In Sep- sold levying, levied and now nas aim asserts a lien on said real and Hid lust's were noi paid within the may bo Uie the requirements of the conatltutlon rirst assessing, returning delinquent, or report- assessed, and said taxes were 10 entitled under law and facta. tember, 1915. tbe same being the 6th day not psld estate, to secure pavmsn! of the amount time allowed before becoming tubjeel Herein fail not, you and law have been compiled with by the ing said estate told to the state, pre- within the time allowed berore the law relating to .irlinqiieni taxes the but have before or September. 1915, then and there to an- real cecomiog subject to of the aald taxes, pensltv. Interest, fees and said court, at Its aroresald next orricers and court charged with any duty paring, riling, approving, recording, ad- the ltw relating lo aTl regular swer a peutlon riled in said court on the delinquent and court rosta, and the aald aasess- - said taxes are now due and delinquent. term, this writ, with your then under as to the same, and the amount vertising and filing said advertised taxes and the said taxes are now county, poll return thereon, teth day of June, 1915, In a tult numbered lists due delinquent. coun- ment lists, rolla or book's, delinquent The said and school snowing how you Inn- same. or tald taxei, penalty, interest, fees and of tald taxea and real estate, ind The said state, "1X, S' Including a penally or ten per cent rxerutsd tbe on the docket of sitd court No. at required ty, poll and school taxes, pen- tlitt, lOverilsing ilttl, Inventories and any Witness. J. A. clerk ol the all court costs are a true and correct by the constitution and law, and plalntirr Including a r?cord 'horeof ror each year. Including and. aince wherein tho slate or Texas Is plalntirr, apd ally or ten per cent thereof ror each year. other evidence mentioning nnd Forty first district conn or El Paao couniy. chargo against each and all or the lota L. B. la now has and aaserti a Ilen on aald real - year IS07. ror which the said taxea are Mrs. Parkhlll defendant, the nature Including and since the year 1897. descrth'ng the said taxes, renallv Inter- Given under my hand and seal ol s.iid and tracts or land detcrlbed Pa tbe or estate, to secure payment of ths amount for fees and court and land "1"H"'m. iui per plalntirfs demand being herelnarter of. which the said taxes are delinquent, with is. said rrom inn intnra nextv court, at office In the City of El Paso, trhcdul; marked exhibit "A and being set out and being action to recover or the aald taxea. penalty, Interest, rees six per or .either thereor mav annum tbe rirst day of January Texas, this, 9dtt abov e in and all cent Interest per annum rrom the succeeding the year ror which the said the day of July, ltd' described. the 'defendant the turn of $9.71, being for court cotts, and the said assess- day or tbe plalntirr as evidén tases J. A. ESCAJEDA. Said property It fully set fortb snd ment lists, rolls or books, rirst January next succeeding the this causs. ape delinquent, all fees due Ihe tax col the amount di taxes, penally and Interes! delinquent year for which the said taxes delin- r Clerk District Court, El Piso County. snd all tute tnd county taxes, and ror and county clerk's costs Hsu, advertising lista, Inven tones and are Plalntirr ssks that upon rinal hearing, lector and county clerk, und all advertis- By collector's quent, ill reei due the tax collector and rees publishing the and (Sear E. SI. MONTES, Deputy. penalties, interest and costs are alto fully and advertising rees for the rears 1917 and record evidence mentioning and county tbt plalntirr have Judgment against the ing for said taiei lleinitüfl. rorth and detcrlbed In tbt describing the said taxes, penalty. clerk, and all adverttilng rees ror Attendant tor real estate In a newspaper, ire mote fully tei 1911, on the following described properly Inter- publishing ibe said taxes snd the above amount or the iNO. Stld icuedult marked "A." or El est, rees costs, real estate taxes, and apectrirally slated In the schedule lí.PlA, exhibit situated In the couniy Paso and state snd court ind ssld land In a newspaper, are spec- aid penalty. Interest, rees and all By reaton of the said UsUng, levying S, or either thereor may be Introduced by more rully and costs, tor a Judgment or rore. marked exhibit "A," attached to plaintlffa CITATION BY PUBLICATION. of Texas, Lot .', block Govern- ifically stated in tbe ex- court losnre The Uie snd assessing or the laid taxea aguuist ment Hill addition to the city El Paso. the plalnurr as evidence upon tchedule marked of the sa'd tax Urn on all petition. Slate of Texas To Sherirr or any of the trial hibit "A," attached to plalntirr'a petlUon. the aald lots Constable or El Paso Couniy. Greeting: whom, and tgtlnst lbs real estate, same Téxss; lot 6, block 18. Nations' Acreage ml or this cause, and tracts of land against each or the The said taxes hive been heretorore. in arc are herein alleged lo have been Usted, Plalnurr asks that upon bearing, The said taxet have been heretofore, in defendanta; an or respecta, listed, re- V'ti hereby commanded to .summon dlUon, nnal that order ssle tisue, all levied, assessed, V. W Sweeney by. making publication or levied and assessed. Uie laid taxes, And the said petition, alleging that the plalntirr bave judgment against the all respects, listed, levied, assessed, re- within ths time and In the manner pro turned delinquent, or said real estate re- penalty, interest, reel and all court costs or styled derendani tbe turned delinquent, or real estate re- by law, thia citation once in each week ror tour tbe state Texai, plalniirr. for above amount of tbe stld added and for such other and ported told to the state, all lists prepared, successive weeks previous to the return are a Jutt and valid debt, and personal and represented by tbe county attor- aald taxes, penalty, interest, fees and all poned told to the stale; all Hals prepared, further, general or special legal and riled, approved, recorded, advertised in a tlsy In some newspaper liability agauiit whom Ue tald taxet wcro ney, complains of said defendant, court coats. Tor a Judgment or filed, approved, recorded, In a equitable relief newspaper, hereof. published who rorecloaure newspaper, advertised io which the plaintiff and aald advertised list of aald in your couniy, to appear at Uie neit reg- astissesd, the amount or aald taxes, pen- owned the real eatate hereinbefore de- or the sa'd tax Uen on all tbe said lots and said advertised list or said may be entitled under ihe Inw and funs tnses and real eatate filed by Hie orricers Forty alty, Interest, fees arising snd or taxes and real esiate filed by the or or ular lerm of Ihe first district court and court costt scribed at the time the taxes hereafter tracts land against each or the orflcers Herein fall not. but have you berore and court the said state Texaa and or Mil-.- county, to be hoiaen at the Uiersby tre due, unpaid tnd to claimed scheduled were and who Is the defendants; that an of sale and court or the tald state or Texss and El court, El county, as by law, assessed order issue tald it lit iforesv.d next regular Paso required and court bouse thereor, lu the city of El Paso, by uue plainurt. present owner or said real estaie. says thlt within the Ums and in tbe manner pro- Paso couniy, ai required by lew, and ill term, tht writ, wt'h your return therenn. all the reqiHW'ments or ihe constitution Texas, By Usiing, levying, vided by law, the requirements of you on Ihe first Monday lu September, reaton ol the tald heretotore. as required by the conatltutlon and for such other and the constitution and abowinr how have ejerufrt the lame tnd law have been compiled with by the lots, the same being the oth day Sep- assessing, returning delinquent, or report- law, the taxea rurther general lsw have been compiled wllh by the orn- A. any of and hereinafter tcheduled or special, legal and Witness. J. EscaJeda. clerk of the orricers and court charged with duly tember, luir, then and there to anawer a ing said real tolu to the state, pre- were Usted, levied and assessed by the le- equitable to een and court charged with any duty Porty-flrs- t estate relief whlcb tbe rlalntirr dim ct court or Fl Paso county. thereunder aa io the same, and the amount petition filed in said on tbe 1st day paring, filing, approving, recording, ad- gal officers of El Pato county, may be entitled under thereunder at to the and the amount (liven under my hand or taxes, penalty, rees rourt Texis, Ibe law and tacta or time, and aeal said of said interest, and all of June. IMS, in t stilt numbered on the vertising and riling said adverUted lists agalntt wbom and agalnat the land It It Herein rail not. but bave you berore said taxes, penalty, intereit, reei and ill court, at orrice In or El charge IÑO. tbe City Paao. court costs are a true and correct ducket or said court lx.o4e, wbersln tbt or laid taxes and real ettaie, as required herein alleged, said taxes were listed, lev- - said court, at Ita aforesaid next regular court cotts ire a true and correct charge Texat, thta, the gfth day of July. Wis. against earh and all .or the lots and trarts state pr Texas is plainitrr. and w. w. by ibo plalntirr led and assessed, and aald taxes were not term, thia with against each and all ol the A. comuiutlon tnd law, and writ, your return thereon, lots and tracts J. ESCAJEDA. of land described In the schedule marked Sweeney, defendant, the or now real paid within the allowed before be- showing bow you or land deacrlbed In i;i nature platnllfr's bat and asserts a Han on said time hsve executed the lime the schedule marked Clerk D'strtrt Court, Pa County exhibit "A" and being above described. demand being set out and being to coming to tbe law relating to de- J. A. exhibit being (Seal nv E N neremafter e.ute. secure payment of Ibe amount subject Wltnesi. EscaJeda, clerk or the "A" ind above described. MONTE, Said properly Is fully sel rorth tnd de- an action to recover or tne defendant the or tbe penally, linquent taxes the said taxes are Forty-ftrs- t scribed, county taxet, stld uxet. interest, feet snd district court of El Paso county Slid property n fully aet rorth and de- ind ill tine, tnd or giO 43. being for the amount of and all court costt, and the aald aisest-incu- t and delinquent. The tald ttate, county Olven under my band and seal or said scribed, No. 18.1,1 ensilles. costs also fully taxes, and all sute and county taxea. Interest tnd ire penally and interest and for col lists, rolls or bookt, delinquent poll and school lain, Including a penalty court, at orrice in tbe City or El Piso pena. ties, interest and costs are also rully CITATION BY PI BLK ATION. itemized, set forth ind described in tald lector's and county clerk's costs and ad- lista, tdiverUslng lists, any or 10 per cent thereor for each year. Includ- Texaa, this, ibe th day of Tbe State To " Inveolorlet and July, lets ' itemized, set forth and described In the of Texas the Sherirr or any schedule marked exhibit "A vertising fees ror ihe years 1911, 191S and other record evidence mentioning and ing und tlnce tbe yetr 1897, ror which tbe J. A. Fsrí.lFi. wuwur ui ti ra. i couniy, 'ireeting: By reason of the said listing, levying 1913. un the following deacrlbed property ttld taxet are delinquent, with 4 per cent Clerk D'ttrlet Court, M Ihe tald taxet, penalty. Inter- Paso County. icason or xne isu sie neieuy comminiiea lo taxes against situated in the county of El Paso and stale est, tees and court com, and land Interest per annum rrom the first day of (Seal) Deputy. jj Slid listing, levying A. Hasan liv o 7 tald ".uta. ouu assessing oi me of Tbxaa. Lots tu 6, both in or either thereof may be Introduced by January next succeeding the year for ism taxes agalnit una citation once In each week for four are herein allesed to have been lisird. elusive, bloca I. Val Verde to which tbe said taxes delinquent, all No. 19.IT9. ,u me real estate, aame previoua addlilon the plauntirr as evidence upon the trial tre auuii tueceialve weeki to the return levied and assessed, the ttld taxes, ranaliy. Uie cuy of El Pato. Texts. of cause. reet due tbe lax collector and county clerk, CITATION BY PUBLICATION. aie nerein aiiegea io nave been Usted day bereor, in some newspaper published and all court cotts petition, thu evieu auu astessea, taxes, your interest. res ire t And tald alleging that the Plalntirr tags thai upon final bearing, and all advertlalng fees for publishing tbe The Mate or Texas To the Sherirr or any tne said penalty la couniy, to tppear at tbe next reg- jusl and valid debt, and personal liability state ot Texaa, ttyled pluinttrr, tnd repre- said taxet and real estate in newspaper, Constable or El Paso County, Greeting: esiuri cons are a lua t the plalntirr have Judgmeni agalnat ie t '"'. utar tarm of the district court against whom the ttld ttxei were sented by the county ittorney, compfitu. tre more fully and specifically auted In the You are hereby commanded to ano valid'"'debt, and pertontl llabiU El Paso county, to be holden or taxes, derendani ror the above amount of the summon agalntt wbom the were. ai the sessed. the amount said peniltv. of tald derendani who owned the real ea- aid taxes, penalty, schedule marked Exhibit "A." attached to E. J. Howard by making publication of tald luei aese eonrt bouse thereof. In tbe city of El Paso, interest, feet and court cotts irlslng tate interest. Fee. and all plalntllfs petition. ine amount or tatd taxes, penalty, beiainberore described at the time the court ror a Judgmeni or this citation once In each week Tor rour interest Tsxat. on the first Monday in September, thereby are due, unpaid and to claimed lie scheduled were 'com. roreclosure Tho said uses nave reei and court coals arising thereby 1916. the same being laxes reinal irr assetted or the said tax Uen on all lota been heretorore In tucceislve weeks previous lo the return ire ihe 4th day of Sep- bv the plalntirr. who ihe present owner of real tbe aald 111 respects, lilted, levied, re- day hereof, in some uji..iu mu u ..loiincu uy rue piainurr. then 10 tnd it ttld and tracts of land against each of Uie sssessed. nevtspaper published U5rRr' IS't1 .Vlf1 ,h'r' nswer a By reason or the said listing, levying, estale, saya ilial hereicrore, as required by turned delinquent, or said real estate re- In your county, to appear at the next regu- By reason or tbe said listing. levying petition filed in said on 1st report-S- i derendantt; thtt an order or Issue, assessing, court the day assessing, returning delinquent, or the and law, 'the taxea hereln- tala ported aold to the state; all Hits prepared lar of the Forty-firs- t returning delinquent, or report 1 constitution within ths Ume and in the pro- term district court suit numbered ot. the tng tald real estate told to the stale, arter scheduled were listed, levied aa- manner filed, approved, recorded, In a of El Paso county, ing ssid real eslate sold lo the ttate, pn, lu?' of said court .No 11.WÍ, and vided by law. and ror advertlted to be bolden at the wherein paring, riling, approving, recording, ad aeased by the legal of El Pato coun- such other and newsptper. and said advertised list of said bouse thereof, In psring, ruing, approving, recording, I orrtrers general or court the city or El Paso, if 2 " P11D,,r'- m"1 venistng and filing said sdvertised lists ty, against whom, further, special, legal and taxis and retl estate filed t.y the Texai. on the and riling said advertlted lists . .o Trxti, tnd tgalnti tbe equitable relief to vyriicn fl officers first Monday In September, ZSJST" 2' ....un ui prim- or taia taxes ana real estaie. at required land it it herein illegid. and taxet were tbe plaint and court of she aald atate ol Texas and El 1915, the same being the eth day of Septem- taxes and real eslate, aa required if J ceing let oul by ibe and law. arm may be entitled under' tne law and facta. county, aa tbe constitution and law, Lni an hereinafter constitution pitinitrr luted, levied and assessed, and said laxe Paso required by law, ind all ber, 1915, then and there lo antwer a pe- and plalnurr now anion to rrrover the rie now nts aaci assent lien un real were not paid Herein ful not, but htve you berore the itqulrements of the and tition baa and assert a Ilen on said fendant tbe sum or It. 03. being t still within the time allowed berore court, at Ita constitution riled tn tatd court on the 2nd diy or retl enale rr the state, lo secure payment ot the am becoming aubject to tbe law to tald aroreaald next regular law rcve been complied with by the orri June, 1915, in a io secure payment or the amount of the amount or taxea. penally and on l relating with your lull numbered on the docket interest or the said taxes, penalty, interest, reea delinquent laxea and the lerm. this writ, return thereon, cert and court cbirged with any duty o! said No. 19.179, said taxea, penalty, Interest, reea ami for collector's and county clerk'a costa and the said taxes sre showing how you hsve executed the same. ourt whereUi the ttate and til and all rourt cosit. and said assess- now due snd delinquent. The state, thereunder at to tbe tame, and the amount or Texat It plitntirr. and E. J. la court coin, tie aald ateessmem lists tdswrtltlng leea ror lb yajr ist.i. on tne ment Uf1a, rolls or bookt. delinquent lists, tald Witness. J. A. EacUeda. clerk or the or taxet, Howard rolls or delinquent following county, poll and school taxet. including nid penalty, interest, reet and all derendani, Ihe nature of plalnurr s demand bookt. Um, advertli-ln- described property tttuiled in advertising lists. Uxventorurt tnd any other penalty or per t Forty rirst district court or El Ptto county. court cotts a true charge being lists, inventories and any other re cor the county of El state or ten cent thereof for each Olven my band ire tnd correct hereinafter tet out ano being an ac- Pito ind Texas record evidence mentioning and describing year. Including year IW7. under and seal of aald against each and all of the lott and tracts tion to recover evidence mentioning and describing Lota 17 to go. both inclusive, block and tlnce the court, orrice in City of El Paso, ot the derendani the sum the ttld uxet. penalty, interest, leea and for which the said are delinquent, it tbt of .and described in Ihe .chedule marked or ttt.ll, being ror the amount of taxea, Interest, fees and court s. Oov tramen t Hill addition to tbe city of com. said land or thereor met Texas, this, the tb day at July. IMI. Exhibit "A" and being coits. and nid land or El Paso. Texas, court tnd either with tlx per cent intrret per annum from above described. penalty and Intereal and for the collector's either thereor may may be introduced by the plaintiff aa evi Uie day of J. A. ESCAJEDA. Said property li fully tet rorth and de- and county be introduced by the plalnurr evidence And said petition, alleging the first January next succeeding Clerk District Court, El clerk's cotts and advertlalng upon at tbil denre upon the mal or thia cause. year ror de- Paso County. scribed, and all state and taxea. tbe trial of this ciuae. or Texat, ttyled plalntirr, tbe whtcb the aald taxes are (9eaV Bi E. county feet ror the years 1908, 1909, 1911. 1919 and itale and Plalntirr atkt thlt upon rinal hearing, aU si. MONTIS. Deputy penalties, and costs are also rully 1V1S. by Um county attorney, linquent. reet due the tax collector and interest on tne following detcrlbed property, Plalntirr itks that upon rinal neanna ebresented the plalntirr base Judgment iralnsl the county clerk, and all ror ltemucd. aet forth and described in the situated in the county or the piainurr have Judgment amp taina of tald defendant who advertlilug lees No. i.'.ji-- El Pato tnd ttate agalnat the de- defendant ror the above amount or tbe said said schedule marked Exhibit "A." or . rendani ror Uie owned Uie real de- publishing tbe said taxet and real éstate in Texat, Lota 14 to IS. both ibove amount or the etui herelnberore taxes, penalty, interest, feet and all rourt a newspaper, are more rully CITATION BY PUBLICATION. By reason or tbe laid lltung. levying an block stid at the tune the and tpeeirical The Stale or To or II. miliary Heights addlUon to taxei. penalty, intereit. feet and al) court acrlbed ttxei harelmrtcr cottt ror I Judgment of foreclosure or the ly in Texas the sherirr or any assessing the tald taxes against whom, the cliy or Paso, com. for a Judgment or were asteasen who the staled the schedule marked exhibit Constable or El El Texat. rorecloture or the tcheduled tod Is said tax lien on all the ttld loit and tracts "A." attached to plalntirr'a petition. Pato County, lireeung and against the real estate, same are herein And tatd lax Hen on the owner or said real says Yon d stld peutlon. alleging ihit the stale ol til ttld lots and i resent eatate. thai of land against escb or tbe defendants, Tbe said taxes nave tre hereby commanded to summon to have been luted, levied and Texas, ot land agalntt trirtt heretorore. aa required by ibe consUtuuon or been heretorore, in E. Poula by making or this taxes, ttyled pltinun, snd represented bj each of the defendants that an order sals Issue, within ihe time all luted, levied, re- publication Uie tald penalty, interest, reel the county complains or mat an or Issue, and law. the taxes herelnarter tcheduled manner provided reapecti. assetted. ciiation once In each week for .four and all coats are ittorney, said order tale within the time snd In tbe by law, and turned delinquent, or said real re- court a just and valid who owned the real estate and to Ibe manner provided by ware Haled, levied and aaaeased by the for snd general or estate weeks previous lo tbe return diy debt, end (ersonal liability against herein ror law. and such other rurtber. torted sold to Uie state: all prepared, whom berore describen at the Ume the tuch other and rurther, general aoe-i- legal orricers or El Paso county, Texas, iieclal, legal and emillabte reller lo which litis bereor. in som newspaper published tn tbe said taxes wore assessed, uie or uxet here- or filed, approved, recorded, advertised in amount inafter icheduied were and who 1 reller to which against wbom. and against tbe land u la the plalntirr may be entitled under the newspaper, t jour couniy. to appear at the neat regu- said taxes, penalty, interest, reet and attested Jfi1may4n1o.ulle the herein alleged, tald taxes were lined, and tald advertised list or tald lar term of ihe Forty court the pretent owner of said real estate, txyt plalnurr be entitled under the law and law and lie is laiet and real enate riled by the first district court cotts irlslng thereby ire due. unpaid and tint heretofore, at required by the facts. levied and assessed, and tald taxet veré Herein fill not, but you berore orricers or El Paso county, lo be holden ai tb so ' Itimed by tbe plalntirr. consti- paid hive tald and court or the tald title of Texas and El houae tution and law, the taxea herelnarter sched- Herein rati not. but you not within the time allowed berore court, al lit tforetald next regular ierra, l county, court thereof, tn the city of El Psto. By reaton or the tald listing, levying, as uled wem Usted, bave berore tatd subject to the taw to ato it icqulred by law. and all Text,, on the Monday Ui September, levied and assetted by the court, at Ita aforesaid next becttntflat relsling de thlt writ, with your return thereon, show- the of Ibe rirtl setting, returning delinquent, or reporting legal or El regular term lutqueot uxet tnd tbt tald taxet are bow ing you requirements contlltutlon and 1913. the same being tbe eth diy of Sep- Mid real estate to trrirert Pato county. Texet. thu writ, with your return thereon, how bare executed the tans. law have been complied with by Iba orn- - told tbe stale, preparing agalntt wbom, and against the land due sad delinquent. Tbe said stale, county, Witness. J. A. Escijedt. clerk tember. 1815 then and ihere to mswer riling.- approving, il it have executed Ibe same. of the een and court rharged with any duty i recording, advertising herein illeged. said taxes were Usted, levied A. Hill and acoool taxea, lnduduu a Density Porty-ftra- l disuricl court of El Paao county. petition filed, in said Court on ihe 1Mb day and tiling said advertised lists or said EscaJeda. clerk or tbe thereunder a to tbe aune, and UM amount of June, 1915, In numbered and asataasad. and tald taxes were not paid Forty-rira- t district or t ault oa the taxes and real estate, aa required by tbe within she Orne allowed before curt El Paso becoming Olven under my band and teal of tifi tL PASO MORNING TIMES court, orne tn the elty of Kl Texas, Paan officers and charged any tcm 1915. this, the Mth or July PW8 ' court with duty hr, then and there to answer peti- stated In the exhibit "A," No. 12,381 daj thereunder as to the same, and amount tion filed schedule marked scheiiui marked exhibit "A" and being bered on the docket of said court Ho. the in said court on the IMh day of attached to plsintirrs pennon. CITATION BY PUBLICATION. above . or said taxes, penalty. Interest, fees and all June. in a on tbe docket daicrlbed. I,t78. wherein tbe state of Texas Is pl1n-ttrr- 19, suit numbered The said taxes hare been heretofore. In The) State of Texss Tn the Sherirr or amy Said is forth and de- A. H. (Besl) By court costs are a and charge or court I'o. or SOI properly fully set and oiander and 0. Bailey, de- E. M. Monies. Deputy. true correct said ,41. wherein the state respects, listed. levied, sssessed, re- constable of El Paso County. Greeting: scribed, and all and county tsxes. fendants, or against each and all or the lots and tracts Texas Is plalntirr. and M. 0. Smith Is de- - state tbe nature plalntirrs demand turned delinquent,- or laid real estats re- penalties, costs are also rully being ac- oi land described In the schedule marked rendant, the nature or plalntirr s demand ported You are hereby commanded 10 summon interest and hereinarter set out and being so exhibit sold to the state: sll lists prepared, Faille Piper fcy making publication or this itemized, set forth and described In the tion to recover or the defendants the sum "A" and being above described. being herelnsrter set out and being an riled, approved, a Said de- recorded, advertised ln citation once in each week four said schedule marked exhibll "A." of tn.rA being for tbe amount property Is fully set forth and action to recover or the derendant the sum newspaper, and or for By of taxes, scribed, and all county taxes, or S3. 19, being said advertised list said weeks previous to the return day reason of the said listing, levying penalty snd interest snd for collectors snd state and ror the amount or taxes, taxes and real estate riled bv the orricers and of against penalties, interest and costs are also rully penalty and ror s and hereor, In sortie newspaper published in sssesslng the said taxes county clerk' t costs snd advertising fees Interest and collector and court of the said State or w horn, against estate, on itemized, "set rorth and described ln said county clerk's coats snd advertising rees Texaa and your rounly, to ippesi at the next regular ind the real same for the year 1013 the following described El Paso county, as required by law. Forty-firs- t Sre herein alleged to have been property (United or El schedule marked exhibit ".A;" the vears 1908, Wlo, 1011. 191 and 1918 ind term of the district court of El listed, In the county Psso rr all the requirements or constitution levied and assessed, the said taxes, snd or Texas, 17 It), By reason or the said listing, levying on the following property, situ- the Paso county, to be holden at the court state Lota lo X, described and law have heen complied hy penalty. Interest, fees both inclusive, 3?, ad- S,5im. L 'T...Í2UI auccesslve weeks ana assessing of the said laxes against ated in the county or El Paso state or with the house thereor. In the city or El Paso, Texas, and all court coats blork Highland Park and orricers and court charged with any duty on are a and valid debt, and personal dition to the clly or El Paso, whom, and against the real estate, same Texaa. Lota and . block FT, the rirst Monday ln September, idts, Ihe Just Texas. njwjrpip.r Published in to are thereunder as 10 the same, and the amount ssme being the 6th September, 1915. liability against whom ths ssld taxes were And ssld W coubT herein alleged to have been listed, Altura Park addition to the city or El Paso, or taxes, dsy of petition, alleging that the State term of the levied and said penalty, interest, feas and then and there to sniwer a petition filed sssessed. the amount of said taxes, pen- of Texas, styled plalntirr. snd represented, reulr assessed, the said uxes, penalty, Texas. all eosu a interest, feei and all court cosjs are court are true and correct in said court on the ttth day of June, 1915, alty, Interest, fees and court costs arising by the county sttorney, complains of Just and charge against each and all of the lots in a lull numbered on the docket of staid thereby are due, unpaid and so claimed said derendant. who owned the valid debt, and personal liability NO. 19,123. and of hy real against faxes as- tracts land described In the court No. 12.381. wherein the state or Teína the plaintiff. estate herelnberore described tima whom the said were CITATION BY PUBLICATION schedule By at the sessed, the amount or said uxes. penalty, The or mirked exhibit "A" and being la plaintiff, and Sallls Piper la derendant. reason of the said listing, levying, the taxea hereinafter scheduled were as- state Texas To the Sherirr or any above described. nature or being assessing, returning delinquent, or report- interest, rees and court costs arising Constable or El Paso County, Greeting: the plalntirrs demand here- sessed snd who is the present owner thereby are due. unpaid so Said property Is rully and de- inarier set out and being an action to re- ing Said ral estate sold 10 the ititt, pre- or said real estate, says mat heretofore, court on the gtb day or June and claimed You are hereby commanded to summon let forth or or paring, riling, Vs 8i by the plalntirr. J. F. de making or scribed, and all sute and county taxes, cover the derendant the sum approving, recording, ad- si required by the constitution snd law, By Torres by publication being the amount ot taxes, penalty vertising and riling sold lists the taxes reason or the said listing, levying, this citation once in each week for four penalties. Interest and costs are alio fully for and advertlfed hereinafter scheduled were :Xi5fd wnrln the sute of Texas Is assessing, returning delinquen!, report- itemized, set forth ond In the interest and for collector's and coum of ssld taxes and real estate, as required listed, levied and sssessed hy the legal nd r Hamilton or successive weeks previous 10 the return described costs by the r a5!L ft and Mr e ing said real estate sold to the state, pre- day hereof. In some said schedule martyrl exhibit "A." clerk's snd sdvertlslng fees for tli constitution and law, and plalntirr orricers of El Psso county. Texaa, against newspaper published By reason or years 1919 and 1013, on the following now has and asserts a Hen on - paring, filing, approving, recording, ad- your county, tbf said listing, levying toil, said real whom, and against tbe land It la herein den,and being- hereinarier set to appear at the next regu- and assessing or described property tn the county estate, to secure payment of alleged, ii ,iJv. vertising and riling said advertised lists lorm of the Forty-firs- t the said Uxes against situated the amount Mid taxes were listed, levied and or lar district court whom, or Kl Psso and state or Texas, l,ot-- or Ihe taxes, penalty, rees lerendants the sum or said taxes and real estate, as required at El Paso rosinty. to be holden at the and against the real estate, same laid interest, assessed, and laid taxea were not paid 128.00, being ror by the constitution and law, and plalntirr arc herein alleged to have been listed, 90 and si. block is. Altura Park addition and all court cists, and the said wlihln the time allowed belnr becoming Penalty and .'nd court house thereof. In the city or El Paso. to or Paso, Texas, lists, rSPSBlJS interest now has and asserts k Hen on said real Texas, on the Monday tn September. levied and assessed tbe ssld taxes, the city El rolls or books, delinquent subject to the law relating to delinquent SLuS Ie?r,s ".tn.d county, clerk's first penalty, lists, advertising lists. Inventories sm- costs and estate, to secure payment or the amount 1915, the same being the etti day or Sep- Interest, lees and all court costs And said petition, alleging thai tbe State and lues and tbe said taxes sre now due and nr"1. years 1911. 191 and ot rees are a and valid personal other record evidence mentioning and delinquent. state, poll r"f'the described the said taxes, penalty, interest, tember, 1915. then and there to answer peti- Just debt, and- of Taxas. styled plalntirr. and represented The said county, ,'ollowlng property and all court costs, and the said assess- In liability against whom the taxes complains or descrlb'ng the said taxes, penalty. Inter- and school taxes. Including s penslty of it.ií of EI tion riled said court on the 16th day or snd were! by tbe county attorney, rees or cel.. Vh.,oun,y. Puo ""J iUie ment lists, rolls or books, delinquent lists, 1915, In a assessed, the amount or said taxei, pen-- l derendant, owned the real est, and court costs, and tatd land ten per cent thereor ror each year, Includ 9 a June. suit numbered on the docket said who or may hinrk advertising lists, Inventories and any other or ea!d court No. 12,4. wherein the state ally, interest, rees and court costs arising estate hereinbefore deacrtbed at ths time either thereof be Introduced bv lng and since the year 1897, for which !"fo,UTeüx.5irlt "the city E are as- the as evidence upon of record evidence mentioning and describing or Texas Is plslntirr, and J. F. de Torres In thereby due, unpaid and so claimed the taxes hereinarier srheduled were plalntirr tin. trial the aald taxes ars delinquent, with six the said taxes, penalty, interest, fees and derenuant, the or by the plalntirr. sessed and who It the present owner of this cause. per cent Interest per annum rrom the rirst Pel'Uon, alleging nature plauKirfs demand By reason .or aski that upon hearing, year nJit)a that the state court costs, and said land or either thereof being hereinafter set out und being an ac- the ssld listing, levying, of said real estate, says that heretofore, Plalntirr rinal day of January next succeeding the hv thf" tTl" P'e'ntirr, and represented may be Introduced by the plalntirr as evi- tion to recover or the derendant the sum or assessing, returning delinquent, or report- as required by the constitution and law, the plalriurr have Judgment against tbe for which the said taxes are delinquent, -- attorney, complains of dence upon the or this cause. 10.48, being nr pen- ing said r '1 estate sold lo the stale, pre- were derendant for the above amount of the all rees due the tax collector and county ..m .2?D9 trial for the amount taxes, the taxes hereinarier scheduled taxes, .fit who owned the real Plalntirr asks that upon rinal hearing, alty and Interest and ror collci tor's nnd paring, riling, approving, recording, ad- listed, levied and assessed by the legal said penalty. Interest, rees and all clerk, and all advertising rees ror publish- LJ""einbefore described at the time the plauitirr have Judgment against the county and advertising rees vertising and riling said advertised lists orricers or El Paso county. Texas, sgalnst court costs, for a Judgment of foreeiooure ing the said taxes and real estate In SVR-j- hereinafter clerk's costs or or thn sa d tax Hen y scheduled were as derendant ror the above amount of the said for the years and 1913 on the following sRld taxes and real estate, as required whom, and against the land 11 Is herein on all Ihe said lots newspaper are more fully sod specirically ,.ni1. wno lata by or land against . r is the present owner taxes, penalty. Interest, fees and all court described property, situated in the county the constltut'on snd law, and plalntirr alleged, said taxes were listed, levied and ind trans each ot the slates) the schedule marked exhibit "A. re&1 tate, says now a defendants; that an or as ír that heretofore, costs ror a Judgment or foreclosure of the or El Paso and state or Texas, to wit. Lots has and asserts lien nn said reel assessed, and said taxes were not paid order sale Issue, attar lied to plalntirrs petition. hy the constitution1 and law, said tax Hen on all the said lots and tracts 31 81, 11, estate, to secure paym?nt of tbe amount becoming within ths time snd In the manner pro- The taxes have been heretofore, in snd block French addition to the or within the time allowed before slid , '. hereinafter scheduled were or land against each or the defendants: city or El Psso. Texas, the said Uxes. penalty, Interest, Tees subject to the law relating to delinquent vided by law, and for such other and all respects, listed, levied, assessed, re- .led na asacssed by the legal that an order of sale Issue, within the time and all court costs, and the said assess- and rurther. general or special, legal and dellnnuent. or sold real estats re "n!2l Pis( And said petition, alleging that the state taxes and the said taxea are now due equitable turned ÍIT1 LEI county. Texaa, sgolnst and tn the manner provided by law, and of Texas, styled plalntirr, and represented ment lists, rolls nr books, delinquent delinquent. The ssld state, county, roll relief lo which the plalntirr ported sold to the state; sll lists prepared, ru. and against the land It Is herein for such other and rurther, general or lists, advertising lists. Inventories snd any or may bo en tilled under the Inw and Tacts. filed, approved, ln a JPi by the county attorney, complains of ond school taxei. Including a penalty not, recorded, advertised U3tes "ere luted, levied and special, legal and equitable relief lo which said derendant, who owned the real other record evidence mentioning and ten per cent thereor for each year, Includ- Herein rail but have you before newspaper, and said advertised list or said "n aald taxes were not paid the plalntirr may be entitled under the describing the said Uxes, penaltv, Inter- said court, it Its aforesaid nett regular taxes by esute herelnberore described at thn time ing and since the year 1897. for which term, and .real estate riled the orricers r, H1 V.1" allowed before becoming law and racts. as- est, rees and court costs, snd said land this writ, with your return thereon, or or and ,l,Jl. the taxes hereinarier scheduled were the said taxes are delinquent, with six showing you and court the said State Texaa Í5 'he law relating to delinquent Herein rail not. but have ypu berore said and or either thereor may be Introduced by how have executed the same. El Paso county, as required by law, and Í...V sessed who is tbe present owner per cent Interest per annum from the first Witness. J. A. Escajeda, or ÍT.iIÍJSÍ. 'he said taxes are now due and court, at Its aroresald next regular term, or said real estate, says that heretofore, the plalntirr as evidence upon the trial day of January next succeeding lbs year clerk the all the requirements or the constitution M,a county, poll this writ, with your return Ihereon, show- as or this cause. Forty rirst dlsti ct court or El Paso OOUOty. law compiled by ike KJríSffS 'a, required by tbe constitution and law, for which ihe laid taxes are del'nqilent. (liven under my or said snd have been with taxes. Including a penalty or ing how you have executed the same. the taxes acheduled were Plalntirr asks that upon rinal hearing, rees and county hand and seal orricers snd court charged with any duty per cent A. or hereinafter all due the tax rnllsrtor court, at orrice in tho City or El Paso. tn thereor Tor each year, lnr.lud-IÍ- Witness, J. Escajeda. clerk the listed, levied and assessed by the legal the plalntirr have Judgment against the clerk, all advertising rees for publlah-In- g thereunder ss to thn same, and the amount ,nce Forty-rirs- l or EI county. and Texas, this, the 96th day of July. 1915. 'he year 1807, ror which district court Paso orricers or El Paso county, Texas, against defendant for the above amount of the the said tsxes ind real estate In a or said taxei. penally, interest, rees and tne sain taxes are delinquent, with Given under my hand and seal of said said taxes, penalty, interest, reef and all J. A. ESCAJEDA. costs are s correct six whom, and sgslnst the land It is herein newspaper are more fullv and specifirally I I nil rourt true snd Per cent interest per annum the court, at ofrice ln the city or El Paso, alleged, court costs, for a Judgment or foreclosure Xlerli District Court, l'.tso County. charge sgalnst each snd aU of the lots from rirst or 1915. said taxes were listed, levied and or stated In the schedule marked exhibit "A. By E. .11, Drputy. f January next succeeding the ,year Texas, this, the 98th day July, and not paid the said tax ll?n on all the said lots MONTES. and- tracts ef laud described In the Jyror A. ESCAJEDA, assessed, said taxes were or attached lo plalntirrs petition. (i which the said taxes are delinquent, J. within the allowed before becoming and tracts land agslnat each or th taxes heretofore, In cheduls marked exhibit "A" and being ail rees due Clerk District Court, El Paso County. time defendants; that nn The said hive been No. IS.SSIl. the tax collector and county subject to the law relating 10. delinquent order of sale Issue, sn reipects, listed, levied, assessed, re- above denrlbcd. clerk, and all rees '(Seal) By E. M. Montes, Deputy. within the time nrt tn the manner pro- CITATION BY PUBLICATION. Is snd advertising ror publish- taxes and tne said taxes are now due ami turned delinquent, or said real eatat re- The or Said properly rully set forth ing the said taxea and real In a delinquent. county, poll vided hy law. and for surh oiher and state Texss To the Sherirr or any and all state and county taxes, estate No. 12,155. Tbe said state, general ported aold to the state; all lists prspared. Constable or HI Paso Coun'lv, Greeting: newspaper are more fully and specifically and school taxes, Including a penslty or rurther. or special, legal and filed, approved, recorded, advertised In a penalties, Interest snd cusu are also rully In CITATION BY PUBLICATION equitable 10 You are hereby eommandeil 10 summon stated the schedule marked exhibit "A ten per cent each year, Includ- - reller which the plalntirr newspaper, list nt Itemized, set forth and described In the to The State or Texas To the Sherirr or any thereof tor may he entitled the law and and said advertised ssld V. a Olden by innkmg publication or att'rhed plalntirri petition. County. Greeting: lng and since the year t897, for which under rarls. taxes snd real estate riled by the orricers this isld schedule marked exhibit "A." The said taxes have been Constable of El Paso Herein Tall not, but have you before niitlon mee In each week for four suc- By reason or the said listing, levying heretolore, In You are hereby commanded to summon the said taxes are delinquent, with six snd court of ths ssld Slate or Texas ond cessive weeks previous 10 all respects. listed, levied, assessed, re- per rrom said court. St Its aforesaid next regular the return dav and assessing of tbe said taxei against Mrs. H. L. DeBerry by making publication ol cent Interest per annum the rirst term, El Paso county, as required by law. and hereof, In some newspaper In turned delinquent, re- this writ, with your return thereon. published wbs)m. and against the real esute, samo or said real estate this citation once In each week rour day or January next succeeding the year Showing you all the requirements or the conslttutlnn your county, to appear at ported snld to the state; all for which delinquent, how have execul'd the same. the next regular are horein alleged tn hare been listed, lists prepared, successive weeks previous to the return the said Uxes are Witness, J. A. Escsjeda, or and law have been compiled with hy the term of the t court men. approved, recorded, advertised a all rees due county clerk the any duty district of levied ond assessed, tho said taxes, newspaper, ln day hrreor. in some news'psper published the tax collector and Forty f(rt district court or El Paso officers and court charged with Ki iiso oounty, 10 be holden at the court and said advertised list or said your county, appear rigu-- clerk, and all advertising rees for publish-ln- g ronniv. thereunder as to the same, and the amount penalty. Interest, lees snd sll court cosli taxes and real in lo ai ine next ven under my hand and seal or said house thereor, the eltv or SI I'aso. Texss, are a and valid debt, and personal estate riled by the orricers lar term or tbe orty-- court the said taxes and real esute in a of said taxes, penoltv. Interest, fees ond on toe Monday m just and court or the said or i district conn, st office In the City of EI Paso, September, tola. liability against whom the said taxea wero State Texas and of 1:1 Paso county, to be holden at the newspaper are more fully and specirically Texas, this, Sftth all court costs are a true ond rorrert the same being the otli day nr EI Paso county, as required exhibit "A," the day of July, 1915. sepienihei-- assessed, the amount of said taxes, pen- by law, and court house thereor, ln the city or El Paso, stated ln the schedule marked J. A. FSCUEDA. charge against earh and all of the lots mis. then and there to answer a pcitiion all the requirements of the constitution on attached to plalntirrs petition. and tenets of described In the ally, interest, fees and court coats arising Tex is, the first Monday In September, lerk iv strict Court, CI Paso Cniiniv. land hied in said nourl on the I6tb ilny or June, so claimetl and law have been compiled with hy the 1915. same being 3Ui Sep-- The said taxea have been heretorore. In schedule marked exlnbll and being thereby are due, unpaid and officers ...... the the day ot (Seals By E. M. MONTES Seputy. "" 1915. in a suit numbered on Hie docket or and court rhirtm 'ember, ttiie, then and there 10 answer pctl-- all respects, listed, levied, sssessed, re- above described. 19,380, by the plslntiir. IN ns said court Io. Wherein the stale or levying; 'under to the same, and the amount filed ln said on day of delinquent, or said estats re- - No. Said Is fully forth and de- By reason ur the said listing, tlnn court the tst turned real l,2J.i: property set Texte Is plalntirr, ami W. S. olden Is de- delinquent, or report- ild taxes, penalty. Interest, fees and June. 1015. In a suit numbered on the docket ported sold to the state: all lists prepared, CITATION BY scribed, and all state nnd county Uxes. fendant, sssesslng. returning costs are PUBLICATION the nature nl plainlill's demand ing said real sold to the suu, pre- court a true and correct or said court No. 18,155, wherein the state riled, approved, recorded, advertised ln a The of Texas To or penalties. Interest and costs are olio rully being ac- esute Ii e against state the sherirr any hereinafter set out and being an filing, approving, recording, ad- each and all of the lots or Texas Is plalntirr, and Mrs. H. L. De- - newspaper, and. said advertised list or ssld Constable or El Paso County, itemized, set forth and desrrlhed In the 10 recover or paring, Greeting tion Ibe derendant the sum or and riling sold lists Berry, derendant, the nature or plntntlrrs taxes and real estate riled by the orricers You are hereby cotnmanned t' sumido!! said schedule marked exhibit "A." s.".mj. being for the uioiint of taxes, pen vertising advertised marked exhlhlt being demand being set be- ana 01 or rexas By reason or the. said listing, levying or said taxes and real estate, as required sfheduls and hereinarier out and court tns said Mate ana J. il. Pence by making publication or ally and Interesl ami lor collector! and piumtirr above described. ing an action to recover or the delendant El Paso county, as required by law, and this illation once In week ror four and assessing or the inld taxes against county clerk's costs and advertising- lees by the constitution and law. and Said property Is de- estate, ssmo now has snd aaaerts a lion on said real fully set forth and the sum of (49.16, being Tor the amount all the requirements or the constitution lUCdOliive weeks previous to the ' return whom, and airslnst the real for lh years 100, iin. 1911. Ul-- and 1013 scribed, and all state and county taxes, or Taxes, penalty and and ror and law have been compiled with hy day hereor. In some published are h?ren alleged to hove heen listed, on following estate, to secure piyitisni of the amount Interest tbe newspaper the described property situ- taxas, uilereat, penalties. Interest and costs are also rully lector's and county clerk's costs and adver- orricers and court charged with any duty In v mr county, to appeair at Hie next regu- levied snd assessed, the said taxes, ated the counly Kl Push and slate or of the said penally, fees 190(1, ir assess- Itemized, set rorth and described In the tising fees ror the years 1005, 1907. 1908, thereunder as to the same, and the amount lar leini or the lolly rirsl district court penalty. Interest, foes and all court costs Texas, Lots 3 and I. block 45. A- and sll court costs, and the said" said schedule marked exhlhlt 1910, 1911, 19U and 1913 on the following dc- or raid or El Paso county, to are a Juat and vol'd debt, and personal F.I ment Hsu, rolls or booki, delinquent By "A." Uxes. penslty, Interest, fees snd be linldon at Ihe ltura Park addition to the clly of Paso any reason or the said listing, levying scribed property, situated in the county of all court costs aro a true snd correct court bouse thereof, hi tbe ttty or El Paso. llabllltv against whom the said taxes were Texas, lints, advertising lists, inventories snd and assessing or pen- mentioning the said taxes against El Paso and state of Texas, Lots 11 charge against each and all of the lots Texas, on the rirst Monday September, sssesssd. the! amount laves, And said petition, ijleglng that the state other record evidence anil whom, and against the real eBtate, aame to 13, both inclusive, block 834, Highland lois, the same being Ibe Mb. duy r gep. alty. Interest, rees snd court costs srlslng describing the said uxes, penally, Inter- are and tracu or land described ln the of Texas, styled plalntirr. and represented hgrrln alleged to have been listed, Park addition to the city or El Paso, Texas, sehedul" marked exhibit "A" snd being MnhiT. tuis. then and there to answer peti- thereby are due. unpaid ond so claimed by tbe county attorney, complains or est, loes and court cosla, and said land levied and assessed, the aald taxes, above tion Illed in said court on Ihe loth doy or bv the plalntirr. or. either thereor may tie Introduced by And said peutlon, alleging that the State described. su derendant, who owned Ihe real upon realty, interest, rees and all court costs of Texas, styled plalntirr, Snld property Is rully set and de- -' Juno. 1915. In a suit numbered on the do'rket By reason or the said listing, levying, herefnhefore at time the plaliiliri' as evidence the trial are a and represented forth or report- estate described the or cause. Just and valid debt, and personal by the county attorney, complains or icrlhed, and all state and county taxes, said court No. 12.V.,ii. wherein Hie stale assessing, return'ng delinquent, or the taxes Hereinafter scheduled were as- this liability against whom or Is plalntirr, II. de- ing estate sold to the stale, pre- - I'lamlirr 'asks that upon final hearing, the said taxes were said derendant, who owned the real fienaltles, Interest snd costs are also rully and J. Pence Is said real sessed and who is tho present , owner assessed, the amount or said taxes, pen- set and described tn rendan, tbe nature of plaintiff's demand paring, riling, nnprovina-- recording, an or the plalntirr have Judgment against the alty. rees estate herelnberore described at ths lime forth tv said real estate, savs that heretofore, ror Interest, and court costs arising the taxes hereinafter scheduled jvere as- isM schedule marked exhibit A." being hereinafter set out and being an ar vertlslng snd riling said advertised lists as required by the (onititullon snd law. defsndanl the abovo amount of the thereby are due, unpaid and so claimed sessed and who Is the present owner By reason or the said listing, levying Hon to recover or the derendant !he sum or laid taxes and renl estate, as required the taxes hereinafter scheduled were said taxes, penalty, interest, tees and all Tiy the plalntirr. or said real says and assessing or the said taxes against or Í91S7, being for the amount of taxes, pen- by the constltut'on snd law. snd plalntirr listed. Invjed legal court costs, ror a Judgment or foreclosure By estate, that heretofore. ally on and assessed by the reason of the said listing, levying, as required whom, and against the real estate, same and Interest and lor collartur's and now his and asserts a Hen said real or El county. Texas, ogoinsi of tbe said tax Hen on all the said lots assessing, by the constitution and law. county or orriosts Paso runt against return'ng delinquent, or report- the taxes hereinafter are herein alleged to have been listed, clerk's costs and advertising lees estate, to secure payment the amount whom, snd It Is tracts of land each or the ing scheduled were for 1910. 1911. I91S or taxes, agslnst thn land herein an or said real estate sold to the state, listed, levied and assessed by the leital levied and assessed, the said taxes, the years and 1913 on the said penally. Interest, less alleged, snld taxes were listed, levied and derendants; that order ssle tiaue, riling, approving, recording, ad- penalty, rees and the following detcttbod property, situated and all court costs, and the sold ossess-- : wlihln the time snd in the manner pro- orricers or El Paso county. Texas, against interest, all court costs or assessed, said taxes were not pold vertising and ruing said advertised lists whom, and are a Just and valid debt, and personal in the county El Paso and state or Texas, ment lists, rolls or books, delinquent within the becoming vided hy law, and- for aurh other and or against the land It Is herein Lots tt. ti 33, Inclusive, any hme allowed before general or speriol, legsl sld taxes and real estate, as required alleged, said taxes were listed, levied and liability against whom the ssld Uxes were both block lists, advertising its's. inventories and stibjert to the law relating to delinquent rurther. and by the constltut'on and law, and plalntirr assessed, amount or said taxes, pen- on. tsssctt addition to tun City or El Paso. other record evidence mentioning and taxes equitable relief 10 whim the pislnnfl assessed, and said taxes were not ptld the Texas, ; and the said taxes are now due and muy now has and asserts a Hen on said real within the becoming alty. Interest, fees and court eosu arising descrlb'ng the said taxes, penally, lnter-- delinquent. county, poll nc eiinueii miner uie law anu raris. time allowed before And est, rees The said slate, not, you estate,, to secure payment of the amount subject to thereby are due,' unpaid and so claimed said petition, alleging thai tbe State and court costs, snd sold land and school n or Herein fall but hsve bafore of the taxes, the law relating to delinquent of Texas, or thereor mav be Introduced bv taxes. Including penally said court, at Its aforesaid next regular said penalty. Interest. reel taxes and the said taxes sre now due snd by the plalntirr. styled plalntirr. and represented either ten per cent thereof for earh year. Includ- and all court costs., and the said assess- delinquent. By reason or the said listing, levying, by the county attorney, complains or the plalntirr as evidence upon the trial ing term, this writ, wlih your return thereon, The said slate, county, poll couss. and since the year 1897, for which showing how you hsvs same. ment lists, rolls or books, delinquent and school taxes, Including a penalty of sssesslng, return'ng delinquent, or. report- said derendant. who owned the real of this the said taxes are delinquent, with six exeruted the lists, advertising Inventories any ing said pre- estate hereinbefore described at time Plalntirr asks that upon final hearing, Wltneis, J: A. Escajeda. clerk ot thn ' lists. and ten per cent thereor ror each year, Includ- real estats sold to the state, tbl per cenl- Interest per annum from tho rirst record ad- the taxes weg-- as- the plalntirr have Judgment against ths district court or El Paso county. other evidence mentioning and ing and since the year 1897, ror whirh paring, riling, anprovlriff. recording, hereinafter scheduled day or January next succeeding the year lorn first descrtb'ng the said taxes, penalty. Inter- the vertising and riling said lists sessed and who Is the present owner derendant for the above amount of the for Given under my hand snd srsl of said rees said taxes are delinquent, with six or taxes, Interest, which Ihe said taxes sre delinquent, at orrice In Clly or est, anil court rnsis, and said land per cent or ssld taxea jnd real j,'ne, as required said real esiste. ways tnat heretofore, said penalty. fees and all sll ree,s due ihe Ux county court, the Palo, or may Interest per annum rrom the rirsl as required by court costs, for a ludirment or foreclosure collector and Texss, this, the day ol July, 1915. either thereor be Introduced bv day or January next succeeding the year by the constltufiji ..wrisw, 'and plalntirr the constitution snd law. clerk, and all advertising rees for publish sth the plalntirr as evidence upon the trial ror now has and asserts a Hen on said real the taxes hereinafter icheduled were or the said tax 1l?n on all the said lots lng J. A. ESCAJEDA. which the said taxes are delinquent, listed, or earn or the said taxes and real ettate in a LI or this cause. all rees due county estate, to secure payment or the amount levied and assessed by the legsl and trocís land sgalnst the newspaper Clerk District Court.' i'aso County. the tax collector and orricers or El derendants; that an or sale ire more rully and specirically By E. M. MONTES, Deputy. Plalntirr asks that tipon final hearing, clerk, and all advertising rees ror publish- or the said taxes, penalty. Interest, reel Piso county. Texas, against order issue, stated in Ihe schedule marked exhibit "A, the nlalnttrf have Indirmenl tha ing the and all court costs, and the said assess- whom, and against ihe land It is herein within the time and in the manner pro- ror or said Uxes snd real estate In s said taxes vided by law, and tor such olhcr and ltehed to plalntirrs petition. derendant the above amount the newspaper are more tully and specirically ment lists, rolls or bonks, delinquent sllered. were listed, levied and The said taxes have been In No. 19.411. aid taxes, penalty, interest, rees and all lists, advertising lists. Inventories and any assessed, snd laid laxes were not paid further, general or special, legal and heretofore. by stated In the schedule marked exhibit "A, equitable relief all reipects, luted, levied, assessed, re-- I citation publication court costs, lor a or roreclosnre other record evidence mentioning and within the lime allowed before becoming lo which the plaintiff - The of Toyas To or any or attached to plalntirrs petition. may be entitled the law turned delinquent, or said real estats re- sute the herirr the sa'd tax Hn nn all the said lots The ssld taxes descrtb'ng the said taxes, iienally. Inter- subject te the law relating to delinquent under and facts. to Constable or El Peso county, Greeting: nnn or land each of have been heretorore. In fees taxes and Ibe Herein fall not, but have you before forted sold tbe stale; all lists prepared, tracts aralnst the all respects, listed. levied, assessed, re- est, snd court costs, snd said land said taxes are now due and approved, recorded, In You are hereby FormTi ended to siiiiiiunn derendants: an order or sale Issue. may delinquent. county, poll said court, at Its aforesaid next regular advertised I T. that turned delinquent, or said estate "re- or either thereor bo introduced by The said state, newspaper, and ssld Hit of sold J. Smith by making publication of this real plalntirr as and school a penally or term, this writ, with your return thoreon, sdvertsd sue-r- ported sold to the state; all prepared, the evidence upon the trial taxes. Including taxes snd real flleil by thn orricers citniloii once In each week for rour i vlded hy law, and ror such oiher and lists of this cause'. - ten per cent thereor ror year. Includ- showing how you hive execu"d the same. esiste gslve weeks previous to riled, approved, recorded, advertised in a eorh A. Escajeda, nr ond court of ths said sum or Texas and the return dsy former, general or special, legal and newspaper, Plalntirr ks that Upon rinal hearing, ing and since the year 1897. lor which Witness, J. clerk the iit.'eor. m some newspaper nublished and said advertised list or said Forty rirst dlsti rt roiirt or El Paso enunty. El Paso county, as required by law. and equitable reller to which the plalntirr taxes and the plalntirr have Judgment against- the the said taxes are delinquent, with six or you ennnty, lo appear at the next regular may be entitled the law and real estate riled by the officers per cent per Given under mv hand snd seal or said all the reaulremente the constitution or under, nets. and court or the or derendant for the above amount of the Interest annum from the first and law have compiled term the Fonyfirsl district court Herein rail not-- but have yon berore said State Texas and taxes, day of year court, st orrire in the City or II Paso, been with hy ths to ir El Paso county, as law, said penalty. Interest, fees and oil January next lurceedlng the or orricers and charged Willi, any duly I'aso eotlBty, be liolrtcn nt the court said court, at Its aroresa'd next regular required by and court for s Judgment or for which Ihe said taxes are Texas, this, ihe mu day July. 1015. court house thereor. tn the or El all the requirements or the roits. foreclosure delinquent, A. thereunder ns to the same, and the amount rllv Paso. Tens, term, this writ, with your return thereon, constitution of the tax Hen on all all feea due the collector county J. ESCAJF.fiA. OP the Monday In September. 1915. and law have been compiled by sa'd tbe said lots mi and I Co or- - said penally, Interest, rees snd flcl th" showing how you have executed the same. with the and tracts or land against each or the clerk, and all odvertlslng lees for publlib-In- Clerk District Court, Paso inty. laies. same being the nth day of September, 1815. A. Escajeda, or orricers and court charged w'th any duty (Real- By E M. MONTF.1 Dsputy. sll court costs are a true and corrert Witness, J. clerk the as to derendants; that an order or ssle Issue, the said taxes and real estate In a charge against men nun mere 10 answer a pennon rura Forty-firs- t county. thereunder the same, and the amount each snd all or the lots district court of El Paso or said within the time and in the manner pro- newspaper ore more rully snd speeiricallr In said court on the imh day or June. mi:,. my seal or said tax's, penalty. Interest. Tees and and tracts of land described In the In a Given under hand and all court costs vided hy law. and ror such other and slated In the schedule marked exhibit "A, No. UMil. suit niitiiberril nn Ihe docket or ssld court, at In the City or EI Paso, ara a true and correct or. special, legal to schedule marked exhlhlt "A" and being or orrire charge against each and all or the lot rurther. general and atfrhed plalntirrs petition. CITATION BV PUBLICATION above described. court Jia IMH. whorelii the state Texas Texas, this, the ifttb day of July, 1915. equitable to which the The said taxes have been Texas- rp - plalntirr. ami J. siuitii is derendant. and tracts of land In relief plaintiff heretofore, in The state i,r - the Sheriff or any Said property Is de- J. A. ESCAJEDA. described 1he may be all HI fully set forth and Ihe or schedul- - marked being entitled under the law and facts. respects, listed, levied, assessed, re- Constable or Paso County, Clreetlng: scribed, and all taxes, naiuie pmlnttffl demand being here Clerk D'strlct Court, ri Paso County. exhibit "A" snd Herein fall not, but have von turned delinquent, re- stale and ronntv liiafb'r set nut and being to re- above described. before or said real estats You are hereby commanded lo Miinmon penalties. Interest and costs are also fully in action (Seal! Bv E. V. MONTES, Deputy. said court, at Its aroresa'd next regular ported sold to the state.-- all lists prepared, cover of ihe defendant the sum of se. Said property Js fully set rorth and de- term, Hans Peterson By making publication of Itemized, let forth and described In Ihe scribed, this writ, with your return thereon, filed, approved, recorded, advertised In a once m being 'or the amount or taxes, penalty anil No. 19.913. and all state snd eounlv taxes, showing how you have exeeut?d the same. newspaper, this citation each week lor four said schedule marked exhibit "A." Interest ami collector1! and penalties. Interest and costs sre siso fully and said advertised list or said Successive week previous to the return By resion or the said listing, levying for couniv CITATION BY PUBLICATION witness. I. A. Escsjeds. clerk or the taxes and real estate filed by the clerk's- costs snd advertising foes for the The or To the or any Itemized, set rorth and described In Uie t orricers day hereor. In some newspaper published and assessing or the ssld taxes against State Texas Sherirr district court or El Paso county. and court or ths said State-o- Texas and whom, year loin on Ihe following described prop- Constable or El Paso County, Greeting: said irhedule marked exhibit "A." Given my or FI In your county, to appear si the next Wf and against the real estate, isnie or By reason or tila under bond and seal said Poso county, as required by Isw. ond or are herein alleged erty situated in the ti Paso nd You are hereby commanded to summon said listing, lewlng court, at orrice In the City or El Paso, ulir term the l district court to have been lined, staUi or Texas, Lots th ta, block and assessing or the against all the requirements or the constitution ol Paso to huldi-- UK and taxes, and J. ri. Love hy making publication or said taxea Texas, mis. ine day or Jntv. 1915. rounly, be at assessed, the ssld 11. I.lnroln Park addition to tbe city ot h whom, and law have been compiled with by be In or El penalty. this citation once ln ea-- week for rour and against the real esute. same J. A. F.SCUEDA. court house thereor. the city Paso, Interest, fes and all court costs El Poso, Texas. are herein alleged to have been listed, orricers snd court charged with any duty Texsi, on the rirsl Monday lit are a Just and valid drbl, and personal rucccsslve wer?k& previous to the return rierk District Court. El Paso County. as to same, And newspaper publistwii levied and assessed, tbe said taxes, By thereunder the and the amount 191S, Ihe same being Hie oth day or Sep- aealn.l t, !,,., ,,ia ,.,..,- sold petition, alleging that tho Stats day hereor, in somo (Seall E. M. MONTTS, Deputy. or said taxes, penalty. Interest, rees and I.t.i of Texss, plalntirr, Hi county, to appear the next regu- penalty, interest, fees and sil court costs tember. 1915, then and there to answer a assessed, the smount or ssid taxes, pen ityled and represented yiur it a all court costs sre a' true and correct by the county attorney, complains lar term or the district court sre Just and val'd debt, and personal No. IS.ISS. peiuiriii riled in said court on the I6II1 day ally, interest, rees and rourt eosu arising of liability charge against each and all or the lots or June. 1915. a on the, thereby are said derendant. who owned the resl of Paso county, to be holden at the aralnst whom the ssld taxes were CITATION BY PUBLICATION or in suit numbered due. unpaid ind 10 claimed ln or Paso. asseesert. the amount of said taxes, pen- and tracu land described in th docket of sold court No. I9.3W, wherein by Ibe plaintiff. estate herelnberore described at ths lime court bouse thereor, the city El The tai. or Texas To the Sherirr or any schedule marked "A" being the Tent, on the rirst Monday in September. alty, interest, rees snd court costs arising exhibit and the state of Toxss Is plalntirr, and Hans By reason or the said listing, levying, taxes hereinafter scheduled were as ur therchy are due, unpaid so Constable or El Paso county. Greeting-Yo- above described. Peterson la defendant., the nature assessing, delinquent, or report- sessed snd who is tho present owner 1915. the same being, the iti day Sep- and claimed hereby of return'ng to answer peti- by the plalntirr. are cutnmanded to summon Said property Is fully set forth and de- demand being hereinafter sat Out shd ing real estate sold to the state, pre- or ,ii ieal esinte, aVa Hut heretofore, tember, 1915. then and Ihers F. ,v. Freeman by making publication or and all county taxes, ssld aa tion filed ln said court on the 5th day or By reason, or the said listing, levying, scribed, slate and being nn action lo recover or the derendant paring, filing, approving, recording, ad- required by the constitution snd law. sssesslng, delinquent, report- this citation once in Racli week for four penalties, Interest and costs sre also fully the sum or 119.02. being for Ihe amount and filing Ihe taxes hereinafter scheduled were June, 1W5, in a suit numbered on the docket returning or successive weeks Itemized, vertising said advertised lists or 12,813, wherein the slato ing said real esute sold to pre- previous to the return set forth and described In lbs of taxes, penally and interest and for col or said taxes and real astute, required Haled, levied and assessed bv lb legal aald court No. the itats, day hi reof , ts H. Love Is de- paring, riling, approving, ad- ln some newspaper published laid schedule marked exhibit "A." and and ad by law, in i r raso aginia or Texcs Is plaintir. and I. recording, in your regu- By or lector's rounly clerk's costs the constltut'on snd and plalntirr eoe.rie ronniv. leiin, or plalntirrs dcmihrl vertising and mine aald county, lo appear at the next reason thn said listing, levying vertlslng lies ror ibe years 1911, 1911, 19li now has a lien on viliom. and against the land it Is herein rendant, the nature advertised lliti lar Forty-firs- t or ind asserts ssld rest being an ac- ;c,r said taxes and as term of the district court and assessing tbe aald taxes against and 1913 on ihe folhrw lug described proper- estate, to paymsnt or amount ueged". said taxes ware listed, levied and betnif hereinafter set out and real esute, required of El Paso county, to be holden the whom, and against same secure ibe tion to recover of the derendant the sum or Dy tne constituí on ana law, and plalntirr at the real estate, ty situated in tbe county of El Paso and or the said taxes, penally, interest, reel assessed, snd said taxes were not psld pen- court house thereor, the city or El Paso, are herein alleged to have been listed, state or Texis, 17 18, wlihln the becoming .28. being for the amount of Uxes. now has and asserts a Hen on ssld real Texas, on Lots and and all court rosta, snd the ssld t time allowed before collector's and esute, to secure paymsnt or amount the rirst Monday In September, levied and aiseiaed, tbe said taxes, hloek 36. Altura Park addition to the city lists, rolls books, delinquent subject 10 the law relating to delinquent alty and interest and for tbe 1915, the same being day or Sep- penalty. rees or costs and advertising tees or the aald taxes, penalty. Interest, the Oh Interest, and ill court costs Of El Paso. Texas. lists, advertising lists, Inventories snd any taxes and the aald taxes are now due and rouuty clerk's reel tember, I9IS. ihen and to answer peti- are 1 venr 1SI11 and 1013 on tne fol and all court costs, and the said assess- there just snd valid debt, and personal record mentioning delinquent. The said sute, county, pcxll for th lili tion riled In said court on the 1st day or liability against whom And said petition, alleging thai the State other evidence and lowing property, situated in tnn ment lists, rolls or books, delinquent the said uxes were of "lexas, styled describing the said taxes, penslty, inter- and school taxes, Including a penslty of described to- June, ills, in a suit numbered on the Messed, tbe taxes, Den- plaintiff, and represented or El Paso and sum or Texas, - lists, advertising lists. Inventories and any docket amount of ssld by the county est, raes and court costs, and said land ten per cent thereof for each year. Includ- county or said court No. 11 1M, wherein the stale sity, Interest, reel and court costs arising attorney, complains of ing and yosr which other record evidence mentioning and of T.;xas Is plalntirr. said defendant, who owned the real or either thereor may be introduced bv since ih tm. lor 'to the city or El Peso, describing tbe aald taxes, penalty, and F. W. Freeman thereby sre due, unpaid and so claimed plalntirr aa upon Ihe said taxes are delinquent, with six Moeller addiuon Inter- Is deftndant, Ihe nature of plalntirrs de- by ibe plalntirr. estate hereinbefore described at ths time tbe evldenrs the trial per est, rees and court eosu, snd said land thn taxes were of this cause. cni Interest per annum rrom the first III"1 mand being hereinarier set out and being By reason or the Hating, levying, hereinafter scheduled a- And talri natulan, a legtng (nal or either thereor may be introduced by said owner Plalntirr ssks that upon final hearing, day of Jsnuary next succeeding tbe yeir and an action to recover or the derendutit the aiseislng. returning delinquent, or report- ssess! snd who is the present for which delinquent, slate or Texas, styled plalntirr. tbe plalntirr as evidence upon the trial sum or $67.30, being of said real estate, says heretofore, ths plalntirr have Judgment against the the laid taxes are county attorney, or cause. for the amount or Uxes, ing laid real relate sold to tbe stale, pre- that all foes due the tax and ronniv represented by the this penalty and Interest and collector's and as required by the ronsUtutlon and law. drendant for the above amount or the collector complains or bald derendant who owned Plaintiff asks that upon final hearing, for paring, filing, approving, recording, ad- said taxes, penalty. Interest, fees clerk, and sll advertising rees for publish - county clerk's costs and advertising foes the taxes hereinafter scheduled were and all the beremberon- described at the plalntirr have Judgment against the vertising snd filing said advertised Hats court eosu. a Judgment or lng the said taxei and real estate In a real estate for the years 1909, 1919 and 1913 on the fol- or said taxes snd real estate, as required listed, levied snd sssessed by the legal for foreclosure newspaper the time the taxes hereinarier scheduled derendant ror tbe above amount or the lowing officers or EI Paso county, against or the said tax sn on ill thn ssld lots are more lullv and specirically Is the pr aald taxes, penalty. described property, situated ln tbe by (be constltut'on and law, and plalntirr lexas. stated In the schedule marked exhibit "A," were assessed and who Interest, res snd all county ot Paso and of Texas, now whom, and against the land It Is herein and trscti of land against each of Ihe owner or said real estate, says that here- court costs, ror a Judgment or sute has and aiserti a Hen on said real derendants; an order or ssle Issue, attached to plalntirrs petition. anu roreclosure Lota 3 to ta, both inclusive, block 76. High- estate, to lleged, said taxes were listed, levied and that In tofore, as required by the constitution or tbe laid tax Urn on all tbe ssld lots or secure paymsnt of tbe amount within the time and In the manner pro- The said Uxes have been heretorore, were land Park addition to the city El Paso, of tne said taxei, penalty, fees assessed, and slid taxes were not paid all r re- law. the taxes hereinarier icb iluled snd tracts or land against each of the 16 17, interest, vided by law, and ror surh other snd espect, listed, lei li d. assessed, the legal or- Texas: lou and block 21, Tobln addi- and all court costs, and the said assess- within the time allowed before becoming re- listed, levied and assessed by derendant!: that an order of sale Issue, tion 10 the city or El Paso, Tcxai, and oubject to the law to delinquent rurther, general or special, legal ind turned delinquent, nr said real estatu county, Ieiat. against within tbe time and ln tbe manner pro- west ment lists, rolls or books, delinquent relating equitable ported sold to thn stale; all prepared, neara of El Paso r or 9 and ail or 10, block 77 Grand-vie- lists, taxes and the sold laxes are now due and reHer lo which tha plalntirr bsu whom, and against the land It is nerein vided by law, and ror sucb other and advertising lists, inventories and any may be entitled ths liw and (sets. riled, approved, recorded, advertised in s levied and addition lo tbe elty or El Paso, Texas, other record evidence mentioning delinquí nt The said state, county, poll under newspsper. alleged, said taxei were listed, rurther. genera! or special, legal and and school including a penalty or Herein fall not, bul have you before anil said adveruied Hit of ssld taxes were not raid equltabli to And ssld petition, alleging thai the State describing ths said taxes, penalty, inter- md taxei. court, taxes and real estate by His orricers aessed. and said reliar which the plaintiff of rees ten per cent thereof for year, includ ssld si iu aforesaid next regular riled the time ailowed belore becoming may be entitled under the law and facts. lexas, atyled plamtlfr. and represented est, snd court costs, and said land ech term, this writ, with your return thereon, and court or the said vial or Texas an) delinquent by the county attorney, complains or or thereof may by lng and since the year 107. for which HI sublect to the law relating 10 Herein fall not. but have you before either be Introduced the showing how you have executed the sane Paso couniv, as required bv law. and taxes are now said Its sal J derendant, who owned Ihe real the plalntirr as evidence upon the said taxei are delinquent, with nx all the eonstllutlnn taxes and the said court, at aforesaid next regular trial per cent per snnum the Witness, J. A. Escajeda. clerk of the requirements of ths said state, term, this estate hereinbefore drsrrlbrd at lbs tima of this cause- interest from first Forly-rirs- l by due and delinquent. Tan writ, with your return thereon, day of January next succeeding ihe year district court of El Paso county. and law have been compiled with ths county, poll and school uxes. indud sh.1rur how you have executed same.' the uxes hereinafter scheduled were as- Plalntirr asks that upon final hearing, Given under my hand and of said officers and court charged w'ib any duty tie i tor which ibe said taxes are del nquenl, sral lng a penalty or ten per cent thereof Witness. J. A. Escajeda. clerk or the sessed snd who the present owner (be plalntirr have judgment against the court, at orrire in tbe Clly of El Paso, thereunder at 10 Ihe tame, and tbe amount and since the Forty or of said real estate, says that heretofore, defendant for the above amount of the II raes due the tax collector and county or ror each year. Including first district court El Psao coutiy. clerk, and all publish- Texas, this, the teth dsy or July, mis. ssld tax s penalty, interest, fees end Hie said taxes ara Given my hand and seal as required by the constitution and law, aald taxes, penalty. Interest, fees and all advertising ttt for A. BSCAJEDA, all court costs l97. for which under of said ing the said real In a J. sre true and correct ear per cent interest per court, at ofrice In the City o El Paso, the laxe hereinarier scheduled were court costs, for a Judgment or foreclosure laxsi and etute (.lerk Court, CI charge against all or the lots with six listed, newipspee are more rully snd .prrifically District Piso County. each and mam from the first, day or January next Texas, this, the 98th dsy of July, lots levied and saaessed by tbe legsl of the sa'd tax Uso on all tbe said Iota 'Seal By E. M months. Pspuly. and 'trida or land described In the which the said A. orricers or El Paso county, Texas, against and . tracts of Und against or listed in the schedule marked exhibit "A, -- ceinng tne year lor J. ESCAJEDA. each the to srbedulu marked exhibll "A" and being due the tax Clerk Court, FI County. whom, and tgalnsl the land It Is derendant; that an or gsta Issue, attached plalntirrs petition. No. taxes are delinquent, all f D'strlct Paso alleged, berein order IÍ.37S. above described. collector and county clerk, and a1 adver- Seal! v r. Y VO!TES. said taxes were listed, levied and within the time and tn the manner pro- The said utas have neen heretofore, in CITATION BY PI'UI.ICAI KIN. Said proper iv ti fully let forth and tising fees for publishing the ald taxes asaesieo. and said taxes were not paid vided by law. and for surh other snd all respects, listed, levied, sssuised, re- The Stale or Texts To- Hie Sherirr or any Interest and ooti are also fully and real esute In a newspaper, are more NO. IÍ.4I9. within the time allowied before becoming rurther. general or special, legal and turned delinquent, or said real estate re- Comtable or El Psso County, Greeting Itemized, set forth and described In ths and specincially stated tn the sched- CITATION BY PUBLICATION suoject to tbe law relating to delinquent equitable relief to which tbe plalntirr ported sold, lo the state, ill lists prepared, Yon are summon laid schedule marked exhibit "A." fully s hereby commmd'd lo ule marked exluhli "A." attached to The Slate of Texas To U10 Sheriff or any taxes and tbe said taxes are now due and may be entitled under Ihe. law and facts. itted, approved, recorded, odvertlsedf In a A (dander and H. n ualley hy making By reason of the isul lilting, levying petition. Co'istable or EI Paso County, Greeung delinquent. The said state, county, poll Herein fall not. but have you berore newspaper, and said advertised list or said publication or thll citation once In each ind sssesslng ol lb ssld taxen against The said taxes hive been beretorore, in Toa tre hereby commanded to summon mi school taxes, including a penally of said court, at He aforesaid next regular taxes snd real estate riled by the orricers week for four successive, weeks previous whom, and agalnil the reil estate, ssme ' all respects, listed, levied, assessed, re-- l M. 0. Smith by making publication of ten per cent thereof for eah year, Includ term, this writ, with your return thereon, snd court or the said State of Texas and u. ino rciurn nay nereor. in some new ire herein alleged to have been listed, lurfied delinquent, or said real estala this citation once In each week for four lng ind aluce the year 1(97, for which ihow-ln- how you have executed ths same. El Palo county, si required by law, and ley led and ssiessed. the isld taxes. sold to the state; all lists prepared. uro3fclve wceka previous tc the return the snld taxes are delinquent, with sit Witness. J. A Escajeda. clerk or the II the requirements or ths constitution penslty. Interest, rrei and all court costs Lflled. approved, recorded, advertised in a day r. in some newspaper published per tent interest per annum from the rirst and law have been compiled with by tbe district court of El Psio county, to be ars a Just and xslid debt, and personal Baawspaper, and said advertised list of said in yoar county. 10 appear at U.e next regu- day ol jj.. ry next succeeding the year orneen and court charged with any duly holden at tie court house thereor. m liability against whom the nld laxes xverat Kxes and real estate riled by the orricers lar teinvor the Forty-nri- t district court for wbleb ibe said taxes are delinquent, rourt. at orrire. in the City of El Paso, thereunder at lo ttic same, and the amount or El i'aso. Texas, oil tbe Ural Monday assessed tbe sniount of said taxes, pen- nd court or the said state or Texas and of El Paso county, to be holden at the Ml rees due Ibe tax collector and rounly Texas, this, the 1Mb dsy of July. 1915. of said lax is. penalty, Intersil, rows and In iwpteinber. 1915. ihe same being Hie alty, interest, rees and court costs arising El Paso county, as required by law, and court bouse thereor. in tbe city or El Paso. clerk, snd all advertising rees for publish J. A. ESCAJEDA. ell court coats are a true auid corren 'in day of September, lets, tin and Ibare thereby sre due. unpaid md so claimed all the requirements or the ronsutuuou Texas, on the first Monday tn September. lng the ssld uxes and real estate In a Clerk District Court. Cl Psso County. charge against each and all vt thn lots to answer a petition filed In said court on by lbs plalntirr and law have been complied wiih by the 191, the aaioe being tbe Mb day of óep- - newspaper ara more fully and specifically (3O0JJ mj a- is ssunTK-s- and tracts of land described la lbs the Oth day of Juna. ia. 10 a suit bum-- By reason ur ths ssid luting, levying, B 6 EL PASO MORNING TIMES

plalntlfr aa with tne city of El Paao, against each and all of the lots and tracts fondant, tbe nature of plalntirfs demand assessing, returning delinquent, or report Ihe taxes scheduled were the evidence apon toe trial Ihe aald taxes, are delinquent, ala court, at orrice In ac- hereinafter cauae. per Texas, jeth of 1915. or land deacrlbed In the schedule marked belnrf hereinafter set out and being an Ing aald real estate told to the stale, end who Is the present owner of tbli cint Interest per annum rrom the first toil, the day July, to recover derendant Plalntirr asks upon day of year A. Exhibit "A" and being above described. tion of the the win ul filing, approving, recording, nrt or said real eatate. ssys that heretofore, that final hearing, January next succeeding the j. tauutua. de- being r pen- Court, El Paso County. Said property fully set forth and ifi.7a, for tho amount taxea, vertlslng and Nllng Kali) advertised IUU is required by the constitution and law, the plalntirr have Judgment against the or wnicn tue said taxes am uei.mpieiu, Clerk Dlatrlct taxes, ror were ror the of ii county (Seal) By E. M. Montea, Deputy. scribed, and all state and county alty and Interest and nllector'a and of tald taxes and real mute., aj nquir. the taxes hereinafter scheduled nrendani above amount the lees due the tax collector and are also fully county clerk'a costs and advertising teea listed, by the l said taxes, penalty, Interest, fees and all lrk, and all advertising lees for publish penalties, interest and coals by the constitution and law, anit plalntirr levied and assessed No. itemized, set and In the ror Hie yeara 1910. 1911, 1919 and luis on tbe El Texas, igalnst court costa, ror a Judgment or foreclosure ing the said tsxes and real estate In a tt.0. forth described now has and asserts a lien on aato real officers of 1'iso ccuniy. BY said schedule marked "A." following described property, situated II estate, to whom, land Is herein or Ihe aid tax lien on all the said lots nawapaper are more fully and auecirically CITATION PUBLICATION. Exhibit secure payment of the amount and mlnsl the or any By reason of the said listing, levying and the county of El Paso and slate of Texas, or the aald penalty, Interest, rees alleged, said Use. were listed, levied and and tracis land against each of the staled oi the schedule marked exhibit "A. The Stale of Texas To the Sheriff or Lots I lo 5, both Inclusive, block taxei. defendant"; an El Greeting: assessing of the aald taxes against whom, and nil coats, and the Mid ssessed, and were not rain thit order of sal' issue, pored 10 plaintiffs petition. Constable of Paao County, Heights 3 u rniirt ssld taxei pro- summon and against the real estate, same are here- II, Alhainbra addition No. to ment lists, books, delinquent within illoveed hefore neromlim within ine time and In the manner The said taxea nave been herelornre, in You are hereby commanded 1o El rolls or the lime vided by and re by making of in allcgel to have been llslcd. levied snd city of Paso. Texaa. lista, advertían; Itsls. Inventories and any uiojeri to the Ian relating to deltnpi' iit law. for surh other and respects, listed, levied, assessed, Andrew Story publication osssf runner, general or special, legal and turned delinquent, re- citation once In each week ror four asaeised, the said taxes, penalty, interest, ana saia petition aliening taw other record evidence mentioning end taxes and Ihe said takes are now doe ami or said real estate this reos are a and valid state or Texas, styled pinintirr id rep - poll equitable relief to the ported sold to ; successive weeks Drevloua to the return and all court costs Just describing- the said tases, penalty, Inter- delinquent The said Mite, county, wnicn plaintiff the state all Hats prepared, debt, personal liability whom by the county attorney, complains including a of may be entitled under tho law and riled, approved, in a day hereof. In some newspaper published and against resented est, fees and court costs, and said land end school tstes oenaltr rada. recorded, advertised the said taxes were assessed, the amount or said dPirntiant, who owneu 1110 real ós- by ten per cent thereof ror each year. Inrlud- - Herein fall not, but have you berore wspapcr, and said advertised list of aald in your county, to appear ai me nexi reg- or either thereof miy be itnrrirluced rourt, at Its next Forty of said taxes, penalty, Interest, fees and late hereinbefore descrmed at the time too plaintiff as evidence opon the. trial anq since tne year iW7, tor wium stld aforesaid regular taxes and real estate filed by the officer! ular term of the rirst district court un- scheduled were term, Utli with your or El county, to at tne court costs arising thereby are due, taxes hereinafter assessed of this cause. the said taxes are delinquent, with sl wrll, return thereon, and court the aald sute or Texas snd I'aso be noioen ho la present owner or said real per showlna how you have executed Ihe game. El I'aso county, aa by house thereof. In city or El Paso, paid and so claimed by the plaintiff. and the Maintirr asks that upon rinsl heating, rent Interest ner nnnum from ihe flrft required law. and court lbs By reason of the said listing, levying, as- estate, says that heretofore, as required bj the plaintiff have Judgment against the day or January nett succeeding ihe year Witness, J. A. Kacajeda, clerk of the the requirements or the constitution Texas, on the first Monaay in sepiemner, law, the Forty district court of El Paso county. law 1915, same being the 4th day of Sep- sessing, returning delinquent, or reporting the constitution and taxes herein- derendant for above amount of the for which the said are delinquent, flnl snd have been compiled with by the the prepar- Hated, levied as- the laxei 'liven my hand or 191 L there a said real estate sold to the stale, after scheduled were and tases, Interest, nd all all fees due tax collector ind county under and seal said officers and court charged with any duty tember. then and lo answer CI said penalty, fees the court, at orrice In the City or El Paso, petition on Ihe 1st day ing, riling, approving, recording, advertis- sessed by the legal orricers or I'aso court costs, for a Judgment of fnrclostire clerk, and all advertising Tees for pomian-tn- thereunder as to the same, and the amount filed in said court filing said county, Texas, agalnat whom, against In Texas, thti, the Mtn day of July, tats. or taxea, in a nutnooren on me ing and said advertised lists of and or the said lien on all the said lots the said taxes and real estale a said penalty, interest, feea and ti5. suit 11 tai J. A. ESC.AJEÜA docket or said court No. 1ll,n!t5 wherein the taxes and real estate, as required by the land is Herein aiicgca saia taxes and trarta of land against each rr the newspaper are more rullv and ipertfpallv court costs are a true and correct constitution and law, and plalntlfr now has were listed, levied and assessed, and said Issue, slated in the schedule marked exhibit "A. Clerk District Court, El Paao County. charge against each and all or the loU state or Texas Is plalntirr, and Andrew defendants; that ill order 01 silo (Beap By E. M. MONTES, Deputy. Story Is derendant. !be nature of plalntirr'! and asserts a Hen on aald real estate, taxea were not paid within the time al within the time nd In th manrer pro- altsrhed to plaintiffs iielltlon. and tracts of land 'deacrtbed in the to or amount of the norora oecomuaa; suujcci 10 schedule marked being demand being Hereinafter sel mu ana neing secure payment the lowed tne law vided by law. and for such other and Tne said taxes hsve been heretnrore, in No. 1t,W7. exhibit "A" and laid taxea. penalty. Interest, fees and all relating to delinquent taxes and the aald special, and all rcspert. re above deacrlbed. an action lo recover of the derendant Ihe rttrther, general or leiral listed, levied. asaiesed. CITATION BY PIIB1.ICATIOM. sum I7.D, being for tbe or Court coala, and the said assessment lists, taxes are now due and delinquent. The said equitable to which the plaintiff turned delinquent, or said real estate re- Bald properly Is fully aet forth and de of amount or udvertlslng atate, county, poll and school taxes, relier - The state of Texas To tho Sheriff or any ana collec- rolls books, delinquent lists, inclini may be entitled la- and raon. ported sold to the state; ill lists scribed, ami all slate and county taxes. taxes, penany and interest tor under the pTirrd. Conslable of Kl Paso County, Creeling: and county costa and adver- lists, inventories and any other record en ng a pen.niy or tu peg torn thereor for Herein fall not. but hare you hefore fll'd approved, recocdd, sdvertlsed In a penalties, interest and coila are aüo fully tor's clerk's said year, and since --year You are hereby commanded to iiunmnn the tising reea fog the years 1913 and 1913, on done, mentioning and describing the ach including the said court, at Its aforeaa-'- d nest regular newspaper, and salt advertised list of said n. D. ilxed. sel forlh and described in taxes, penalty, and b17. which the said taxes are Eaklna by making publication or aald marked exhibit "A." the following described property situated intereat, court for delin term. thi writ, with your return thereon, istes and real cuate filed by Ihe orricers this once in week ror schedule or costs, and said land or either thereof may quent, with 6 per cent int. rest per annuin showing how you have executed tho same. and or or Texas and edition inch four by reason ol the said listing, levying in the county of El Paso and slate Texas, court the slid State successive weegs previous to the return 2. block 194, Alexander be Inn oduced by the plalntirr as evidence J. A. Escajeda. of tho l;l county, by and and sa seising of the said laxes against Lots and Witness, Hers aa required law. diy hereor, In some newspaper published to the city or El Paso. Texas. upon the trial or this cause. Forty first district Court nr El Paso county. all l'othe requirements or the constitution whom, and against the real eaute, aame addition asks upon rinal the are all fees duo tlie tax In your county, to appear si me next reg- are alleged to have been Hated, And aald petition, alleging that the State Plalntirf that hearing, dullnutient. rol Olven under mv hand and seal nf said and law hive been compiled with by Ihe Forty-rirs- herein plaintlD have Judgment ibe de- county and all ular term of the t district court levien ana tne taxes. of Texaa, styled plalntirr, and represented against lector and clerk, advcruslug court, at ofrlec In the city of El Paso. orricers and court charged w'th any duty of El I'aso county, to assessed, saiu rendant ror the above amount of the said fees for publishing tbe said Uxes and real of 1915. he balden at the penalty. Interest, fees and all court coats by the county attorney, complains or Tetas, this, the th day July. ihereiinder ,is to the same, and tne unjimi court htfuse thereof, city or El taxes, penalty, Interest, fees and all court estate In a m wapaper, arc more fully and A. F.MCAJEPA. In Ihe Paso, are a and valid debt, and personal said derendant, who owned the real J of said. tax?s. penalty. Interest, lees and on the first Monday In "Hepiemher, Just costa, for a Judgment of foreclosure of tbe sp. ririoally staled In the schedule marked rvatrl-- Court, El I'aso County. all costs are a correct liability against whom tbo aald taxes were eatate herelnberore deacrlbed at the time Hen flerk t court true and Ittt. the sume being the nth day or Sep- - as- said tax on all the said lota and tracts Exhibit "A," attached to plnmlirf's petition. (Seal) Uy E. K. ROlf TES. Deputy. charge against or lots ass(.üsed, the amount of said taxes, pen- the taxei hereinafter scheduled were or each and all Ihe tember, t'.d: then and there to answer a owner land against each of the derendants; TUe said taxes have been livri'toforc.'.in and tracts of land described In the nllv. interest, fees and court costs arising sessed and who la tbe present that an or sale Issue, within the time esperts, listed, levied, re NO. petition riled in said rourt on the 1st day thereby are due, and so claimed or said real eatate, aaya that heretorore, order assessed, 18.14. achcdul" macked exhibit "A" and beln I'M unpaid knd in the manner provided by law, and turn, delinquent, or said real re CITATION BY PUBLICATION. of June, i. in a suit numbered on the by tho as required by the and law, estate aliove described. No. II plalntirr. constitution for such other and further, general or port sold lo the state; all leaas-T- tin- - Hh'Tlfr or any docket or said court ,W7, wherein the ny or taxea scheduled were lists prepared, The Ptr.te of o Said properly Is fully set forlh and de- or reason the said listing, levying, the hereinafter special, legal and equitable to which riled, approved, a Constable of Kl I'aso County, lireedlng: tale Texas Is plalntirr, and II. D. Eaklns delinquent, or report- listed, levied aaaeased by legal relief recorded, advertised in scribed, and all state and county taxes, Is assessing, returning and tbe the plaintiff may be entitled tbe law newspaper, and said advertised 1' summon derendant, the tinture or plalntirf's de- pre- or El county, Texas, agslnst under list ot told You are hereby commanded penalties. Interest and costs also fully being ing aald real estate sold to the state, orricers Paso and facts. taxes ana real uieu ny tne orrpers F. French and w. E. French liy unking ire mand hereinartcr sol nut snd being paring, filing, approving, recording, ad whom, end against the land It It herein estate Itrmlxcrl. sel rorih snd described In ihe an action to recover or the derendant' the Herein rail not, but have you before said and court or tho said slate oi Texas and El puhllcatlnn of this citation oncei In each schedule exhibit vertlslng and riling said advertised lists alleged, aald taxes were listed, levied and court, Its aforeaald next term, tor slid marked "A." sum of l'íi II. being ror the amount of were paid at regular Paso lounty, ai requited by law, and all week four successive weeks previous Mv reason or the slid listing, levying ror of said taxea and real estate, as reqiiuvd assessed, sod aald taxea not this writ, with your return thereon, show- the requirements of tlie and to the return day hereof, In some; newspa- taxes, penalty and Interest and collec- by the and law, and pi until! within the Hme allowed before becoming constitution and assesalng of the aald taxes against tor's and county clerk'a coals and adver- constitution ' ing how you have executed the same. law Imve been complied wit by the urn per published In your county, to appear whom, same now baa and asserts a lien on said real aubject to the law relating to delinquent J. A. Escajeda, or Forty ind against the real estate, tising fees for Ihe years long, 11)10, 1919 Witness, clerk the cera and court charged with any duty at the next regular term of Hie first are herein alleged to have been listed, estate, to secure pajroum of the ninouni taxes and the said taxea are now due and district court of El Paso county. as to stun;, mn the court or l.l Paso county, to be and inn, on the following described prop- delinquent. atate, county, poll thereunder the amount district levied and assessed, the said taras, erly situated m the county or El Paso and of ihe aald taxes, penalty, Interest, lee The said, (liven under my band and seal of the said l taxes, penally, internal rees and nil holden at the court house inerecr, In the penalty, all costs ana ail court costa, and tne sain assess and school taxea, Including a penalty of court, at orrice in the city on Monday interest, fees ind court state or Texis, Lots to I, both of El Paso, court costs are a true and correct Charge rlty of El Paso, Texas; the first are i Just and val'd debt, and personal ment lists, rolls or books, delinquent ten per cent thereof for each year, includ- Texas, this, tbe !6th day of July, 1815. agath.-- each and all of the lots and In September. 1915, the same being tlie nth Inclusive, block A. Iiasseit addition to the any ing which l tracts liability against whom the said taxes were my or El Pnso, Texas, lists, advertising Hats, Inventories and and since the year 197, for J. A. ESCAJEDA, of .and described In the schedule marked day of September, 1911, mon snd there to pen- evidence mentioning and the satd are dellnnuent. with tlx laseciad, the amount or sold taxes, And petition, alleging the State other record taxei Clerk District Court: El Paso County. Lihllnt "A" and lining above described. answer a petition riled In said court on ally. srljlng said that describing the said taxes, penalty, Inter- per cent Interest per annum rrom the Drat ((Seal) By E. M. MONTFS. Deputy. a Interest, fees and court costs of Texis, lyled and Said properly Is fully sel and de the tat day t June, IMI, in ault tle rehy unpaid and so claimed plalntirr, represented est, Tees and couft costs, and aald land nay or January next succeeaing ine jrsm forth on docket of silrl No. are due. by tho county attorney, complains or scribed, and all state and county taxea, the cntirl by tlie plalntirr. or either thereof may be Introduced by for which Ihe aald taxea are delinquent, NO. 11' .,t in, 12.10, the suite nf Texas Is , mlJ derendmt, who owned the real county penalties, interest and costi are also fully wherein ny ' the plalntlfr at evidence upon lh trial all reea due the tax collector and CITATION IIV PUBLICATION and F. E. French and W. E. French renson or the said listing. levylra, estate lierelnberore described at the time cauae. publish- itemized, set forth and In U10 assessing, delinquent, or repnrt as or tills clerk, and all advertising fees for The State or khcrlfTú'Tñy schodulo are derendants, the nature nf plalntirf's retnrn'ng the taxes hereinafter scheduled were asks upon final hearing, ing real In a Texas To the aald marked Exhibit ,"A." Ing state, pre. Plalntirr that the aald taxea and estate or III Ily reason llstlnn-- demand belnir hereinafter set out and being said real estate sold to the sessed and who Is the present owner the plalntirr have Judgment against the newspaper are more ruUy and apeciricsJly Constable I'aso County, Greeting: of Ibe soul levying and an action to recover of the defendants the paring, riling, approving, recording, ui sain real estate, says xnsi nerewiure, ror "A, You are hereby commanded to aummon assessing of the aald taxes aK&lnst whom, and lists as defendant the above amount of the stated in the schedule marked exhibit Miller by making or the real estate, same are sum of PH.n. being for the am. Hint of taxi s, filing said advertised required by the constitution and law, said taxes, penalty, Interest, fees and all attached to plalntirrs petition. Warren publication and attains! heroin penalty and Interest and for collector's, and of snld taxes and real estale, as required tli taxes hereinafter scheduled were costs, a in mis citation once in each week ror rour allo.cud to have boon listed, levied and by the and plalntirf legal COUrt for Judgment of foreclosure The ssld taxes have been heretorore, successive to the taxes, penally, county clnrk's rosls inri advnrti.diig fees ronstltut'on and law, listed, levied and asaeised by the or the said tax lien on all the said lots all respects, listed, levied, assessed, re- weeks previous the return said interest, fees the 1911, 1913 cm now lias and asserts a Hen on said real orricers of El county, Texas, against day hereor, in some newspaper published and all court costs are n just valid for years 112 and the Paso and tracts or land against each or the turned delinquent, or aald real estate re- and' following described property situated in estate, in secure paynvnt of the amount wnom, arid against the land II Is herein or in your rouiii.Y, 10 appear at the next reuu debt, and personal liability against whom defendants; that an order sale Issue, ported sold to tbe state; all lists prepared, or Forty-firs- the county or Kl I'aso and state or Tefiis. or ihe snld taxes, penalty. Interest, fees alleged, said taxes were listed, levied and pro- a lar term the t district court of the tiMd taxes were assessed, loe amount or within the time and In the manner riled. noDroved. recorded, advertised In El county, Tees P, Loll ln 10 l.olli inclusive, block and all" rourt costi, and the said issess assessed, and aald taxes were not paid Tor or I'aso to be holden at the court said taxes, penalty, interest, and court or ment lists, or bonks, delinquent vided by law, and surh oihcr and newspaper, and laid advertised Hit said house thereor, In the city of El Paso, Texas, costs arising are due, and lllrhlaiid Park addition to the city rolls within the' time allowed before becoming general or special, legal and ny tne orncer thereby unpaid 1.1 S. advertising snv further taxei and real eüste mea on ino Monday "September, 1915 bu claimed ny tne Paso, Texas. Lots and block lists, lists, inventories and subject to the law relating to delinquent equitable relief to which the plaintiff or Texaa and rirst in planum. to El Paso, other record evidence mentioning nnil taxes and court of the said State the sumo being the 6th day or September By reason or tho said listing, levying,, as- lirand View addition tho city of and Ihe said taxes are now due and may Be ine law nnd racis. El Paio countv. aa by law. and Texas. ' descrlh'ng Ihe said taxrs, penalty. Inter delinquent. The atate, county, poll entitled under reoulred luis, then and there to answer a petition sessing, returning delinquent, or reporting said Herein fall not, but have you before all the requirements of the constitution or the the State est. feci and court cons, and ssld land snd school taxes, Including a penalty of next rile. lu said court on the Pith day June. said real estate sold to the state, preparing, And said petition, alleging that may said court, at Its aforesaid regular and law have been compiled with by the 1915, in a on the of filing, approving, recording, advertising 1 of Texas, plalntlfr, and rejiresenlod or either thereof he Introduced bv ten per cent thereor ror each year, includ- term, with your return thereon, any duty suit numbered docket styled or the plaintiff as evidence upon the, ing this writ, orricers snd court charged with said tourt NO. lü.319, wherein the state of and filing said advertised lists of said of by the county attorney, romplaltii trial and since the year law.- lor which showing how you have executed the same. as to the same, and the amount bj real or this cause. the aald taxea are delinquent, with six or thereunder lexns Is plalntirr. and warren Miller s de taxes nnd real estate, us reunited bv the Sulci derendant. who owned the Witness, J. A. Escajeda, clerk the or aald taxes, penalty, interest, fees and fend the of plalnllffls and law, plaintiff now Ml at time asks upon hearing, per cent per from the rirst Forür-fir- El county. int. nature demand constitution and has eatate hereinbefore described the I'lalniirr that final Interest annum district court of Paio all court costs are a true and correct being iicreinarn-i- set being an ac on- a on se were as- the plalntirr have Judgment ngnlnst tho nay ot January next succeeding ine year my and of aaul oui nnd nú uen sain real óslale, 10 the taies hereinafter scheduled Clven under hand charge agslnat each and all or tbe lots lion to recover or the derendant the sum of cure payment- or the amount or the salt sessed and who la the present owner ror the ibova nmoiint of the r.r which be said taxes are delinquent. court, at ófrico in the City or El Paso. In the nil fees ronnty and tracts of land described, being for the amount or taxes, pen taxes, penalty. Interest, rees and all cur of satd real estate, sty a that heretofore, sold laxes, penalty. Interest, fees nnd nil due the tax collector and Texas, this, Ihe 2eth day of July. 1015. and being ally for1 anc costs, ror Clerk, advertising ror ESCÁJEDA, soheddrv rnnrked exhibit "A" nnd Interest and collector's costs, and the satd assessment lists, rolls 0 as required bv the constitution nd law, court a JiJNrrnenl of foreclosure and nil fees publish J. A. above county and fees books, delinquent advertising were Hi" tax on snld lots Ing the said taxes, and real estate In a M Paso County. described. clerk's costs advertising lists, lists. the taxes hereinafter scheduled sa'd lln nil Ihe Clerk District Cnyrt. Said property la fully set forth and de- ror tne years limn, 1UU, tuts and nun on the ventorits ana any otner record evidence listed, levied and assessed 'by the lesal .mil lricts of land sgslnsl each of th" (Seal) By E. M. MONTES, Deputy. scribed, state countv - mentioning stated and all and taxei, r.illowint- divcrlhod property, situated and describing the satd laxes, cfxleari of Kl Paao county. Tetas, against fendanls; Ibst an order of sale Issue, in the schedule marked exhibit penalties. Interest and costs are also rully the COUntV of El Paso, and stnte of Texas penalty, interest, fees and court costs, and the manner pro nttsched to plaintiff's petition. V99. whom, and aralnat the land It H herein I'lhln Hme snd In the No itemlied. set forth snd described In the Lots 18 to 90, both Inclusive, block said li.nd or cither thereor may bo Intro allered. said taxes were listed, letted and flded by lsw, and for such other nd The said taxea have been heretofore. In I ITITIOV 11V MM ICATION. "A." 73. or general legal respects, re arty safd schedule marked exhibit rcost El Pnso addition lo the city El duced by the plalntirf as evidence upon the assessed, and said taxes were sot paid 'urther, or special, an! nil listed, levied, assessed, ihe state of Texas To the Sheriff, or rry reason or tne levyina raso, 01 cause. equllitlile to turned delinquent, or real estate re sain iisiinsr. lexns tritu mis within the time allowed before lrf.mlng relief which the plaintiff said Consluble or hi raso couniy, urpeiiag and assessing of the said taxes agalmt. And said petition. a'Jei-ln- the State Plaintiff asks upon final hearing, the nay he entitled ihe ported sold to the stnte; &1I that that subject to the law relat'ng to delinquent under law and facts lists prepared You hereby commanded to summon whom, and against the real estate, same of Texas, styled and plalntirr have Judgment against the. defend- Herein till! BdT, hut hnve vou before filed, approved, recorded, advertised In I an , plalntirr, represented laxes and the said are now due and making publication ol auein-.- usir-u- uy ant for above amount taxes, lues court, at Its nroresa'd next newspaper, qt said 0. C. liaHs by are 10 nsoi uie county attorney, complains 01 the of the snld delinquent The ssld state, county, poll ahí regular and said advertised list Ibis citation ante in each week ror rour leviediirnand assessed, the said taxes, said defendant, who owned the real penally. Interest, fees and all court costs, and school taxes, including a penalty of leim, this writ. Willi your return thereat!, taxes and real rstnte riled by the orricers weeks to the penalty. Interest, fees and all costs time ror a Judgment or or Imwlng how you exerul-- same. or or auooaiatve previous return court described st tho foreclosure tbe satd ten per cent thereor for each year, lnrlud have the nnd court the said state Texas and In newspaper published ere lax Hen on all the J. A. Escsjeda, clprk or El day hereof. some a jusi ana vara neni, ana personal ino isxes nereinarter srneauiea were as said Iota and tracts of tng and since the ye:.p IWC. for which Witness, Paso county, as required by law, and i en-ly in your county, lu appear ai me nexi liability agalnat whom the !ald taxes were sessed and who la the preaent owner land against each of tbe defendants; that an the said taxes are delinquent with six first district court of El l'ao county nil the requirements or the constitution ce . pen- - of sale Isaue, seal Ular term or the Forty first dlslrlti as"ss-n- ine aiuuuui 01 ssici saxes, ui sum real estate, says mat nereioiorr order within tho timo and in per cent per annum from the ftrst ilven under hit hand and of silil and law have been compiled with by tbo county, ne in ally. Interest, rees costs as the manner provided by law, ror Interest utttea In tlie City or El Pnso. ot El I'aso to nonieu and court arising required by the constitution and law and such Jnv of January next succeedtnr the year court, el officers and rourt charged with snv duty thereof, In the city or El I'aso, therehy are due, unpaid ind so claimed the other and further, general or special, legal Tenia, this, tlie VMM al IMS. court house taxes hereinafter scheduled wort for which Ihe satd taxes are del'nqncnt, dnv Julv. thereunder as to the same, snd the amount on tlie Monday In September, hy the plalntirr. listed, legal and equitable relief to which plalntlfr J. A. .ESCAJEPA. or tax-- Texas, rirst levied and assessed by the the ill fees due collector and county said penally. Interest, fees and being tlifl.Otli day or Sep- By reason or Hating, levying, EI may be entitled the law and facts. the ut .( Icr Court, pnso County. all court a lull, tho same the said orricers of Paso county, Texas, against under flerk. and all ndvertlslnr fees for publish- D'slrlet costs are true and correct UHO, Hiero to answer a assessing, return'ng delinquent, report-- Herein, fail not, have you aald By F.. M. MONTOS, charge tember, then uikl or whom, and against the land it la herein but before ing the said taxes nrirt real . estate In a (8gl1 IfptltJ. ngalnst each and all of the lots petition riled in said court on the 1st day Ing aald real estate sold to the state, pre- - alleged, listed, and court, at III arorcsald next regular term, nnd or land described In the said taxes were levied newspaper are more fully and specifically tncls of June, 191.1, In a ault numbered on the partn. riling, approving, recording, ad-- assessed, and aald taxes were not paid this writ, with your return tbereon, show- stated In the schedule rnnrked exhibit "A. No. 11. TO!,, sehedtiD marked exhibit "A" and being of snld No. 11,M wherein tli" vertlslng and riling said advertised lists becoming ing bun you have executed the same. svriflN BY PI UUCATION above docket court within the time allowed before ttiarhed to plaintiffs petition. fin deacrlbfd. slate or Texas Is plalntirr, and 0. C. Davis or said taxes and real estate, as required subject to. the law to delinquent Wllnesa, J. A. Escajeda, clerk of the In BUIO of Texas-- To the Sheriff ir nnv Paid property 41 Inlly set forth and de relating or The said taxes have been heretofore. . icrenoaul, me nature or piawuu uy ino constituí on aim inw, ana pinimiii taxes ana tne said taxes are now due ana district court El Paso county assessed, re- outlaid'- or El Pnso Count y. irei'iiilg-- scribed, and all state and county taxes Olven my all respects. Hated, levied, " under hand and seal of said turned dellnnueiii nr said real estal" re You are heréhv commanded In summon penalties. Interest and rosli are also fully .,,,,, ?,, ,,r ,hl, derendant the estate to secure n.vm-e- t nr th .mount ..'..i ..... ,J,.i. .!.,. . SKkTS eoun. at orflce In Ihe city or El Paio. ported sold to the state ill lists prepared. M. CUM far making publication l ,rarUd M,m or belni ,ror ,hP 1","."nl ,?ilof Mkl Uxet' Denl,T' Interest, rees ten per cent thereor ror each year, Inelud- - Tosas, this, the Kth day of July, 1915. IhViJ. approved, recorded, advertised In a thla eltatloji one- - In 'each for r.iur wnei no exhibit "A" "" ror Piall assess- - J. A, ESCAJEDA, Wak. laxes, penally and collector's and' court coils, nnd the ssld ing and since the year 1897; for which ' newspaper, and said advertised list of said IIM tve . weeks previous to Hie return V county clerk's costs and advertising fees ment lists, rolls or honks, delinquent Clerk District Court, El I'aso County. .KE&0rc'.."i?s "!g! KaKI - aald taxes are alx taxes and real cítate filed by the officers I.", cor, in. sou,- - hewepaper nulills íga?Lt for .lie years 1910. 1912 and 11.13. on t rol- advertising Hsts. Inventories and any cent Snnum Tom uST (Seal) By E. M. Montes, Deputy. or ta IrA the'reitl "tatémame H,. & interest per rirat and court of the slid ftite Texas and in your county to appear at nejl PJf- - Xmnd ÍRÍJSj h""; '"scribed primerty silunted In he other evidence mentioning snd day or next succeeding year bVen 'listed 10- feord January the No. 12,180. XI Paso county, as reijtilred by law, end iilar term ol the rii sl SSPwT, mJSSS.J, .:. COlttlly or El i'aso and state Of Texas descrlh'ng the slid taxes, penalty. Inter-- - tor which ihe aald taxes are delinquent. II the requirements of the constitution ... county CITATION IIV PUBLICATION. penalty. Interest, fees and all court costs all fees due the tax collector and The State of Texas To Hie any nd law have been compiled with by the court house thereof. In the city of El Pa indvlew addition lo Ihe city of El l'nso, nr either thereof may be Introduced by clerk, and all reea ror publish- Sherirf or any I are a Just and valid debt, and personal advertising Constable of El Paso County. Greeting: errtrera and court charged with duty vns, on lie ri in Monday In September. lexus, the as evidence upon the trial ing the said taxes and real estate In a 11th .. liability against whom the laid laxes were Yod are hereby commanded to summon thereunder as to the same, and the amount It, Ihe same the day SeC petition, alleging that the of this rams. . newspaper are more rully Interest, fees and temper. IMS, to answer n nssessed, the amount or slid taxes, pen And said and Bperirtcalljr Kate Johnson by making publication ot this er said taxei, penalty. H.en and there 01 piHuuui, aim Plaintiff k that nnon final heirlnr. a petition on H10 ally. Interest, fees snd court costs arising state Texaa siyiea citation once in each week tor rour succes- II. court costs kre true and correct filed in sild court 1st ttV by le county attorney. the plalntirf h"Ve Jndirment against the attached to ehárge 0 a Mill on thereby ire due, unpaid and ao claimed represented plalntirr's petition. sive weeks previous lo the return dnv hern. against each and all of the lots .nine, uil.. in numbered ui" or said defendant, who own derendant for the above amount of the The said taxes have been nr or described In the or No. .Wis. wherein Ihe by the plalntirf. .iiu.liiius recg heretofore, of. In some newspaper published In your and tracts land ilorUei s.ud court or ed the real estate hereinbefore de- aald taxea. penalty, interest, and all all respects. Usted, levied, assessed, re- county, appear erhedol- - marked exhibit "A" and bejng siuie nf rexia in plaintiff, md a. M. CHry Ily reaion the said listing, levying, costs, ror a Judgment of to at the next regular term scribed at the lime the taxes hereinartcr court foreclosure delinquent, or said real estate re- roriy-nrs- t above described. derendant, the nitliirc ot plalntirrs de- assessing, returning delinquent, or report- or all turned ui ine oisurci courl or El I'aso fl ing pre- scie were assessed and who la tho the sa'd tax Dsn on the said lots ported sold lo the all lists prepared, Said property Is fully set forlh and mand ii. iiiK sai mil and hoing said real estate sold to the stale, siuled against state; county, to bo nolden at the court - hereinafter - owner or said real estate, says that snd tracts of land each of Ihe filed, approved, in a f and all state and countv taxes. an at'llon 10 recover or the rlorendant tlie paring, flllnr, approving, recording, ad- ilres tit an recorded, advertised thereor. In the cltv of El I'aso, Texas, on . M i,.., iti.r,. as romiired bv the constitution defendants; thst order of sale Issue, newspaper, nnd, aald advertised of ald Monday In September, 191:,, and costs are also fully uní or u 17, being ror ihe amotinl of rtiung and riling aald advertised Hals within the ttnie manner pro- - list the first the x. interest the taxes hereinafter scheduled and In the taxes by tbe orflcera 0111 t Knalltes. set forth and describee! In tho laxei, penalty anil Hiieresl mid 'ror rollec-lor'- s of sild taxes and real Batata, as required and law, ny and real estate filed same being tne day or September, dr.. swM ny .me on worn iwmu, ' ided law. and ror such other and nnd rourt of ths aald State of Texaa and then and Ibero answ a pclition tald schedule marked eihlMI "A." ind county clerk's rosls nnd adver- ronslllut and law, and .piainurr county further, general or special, legal nnd lo cr tiled now and nsserta a Hen on said, gal oiricers of El Paso Texas, El Paso county, aa required by law. and In said court on the 2d day ol 191 By reason or Hie said Mating, levying tising rem tor ihe year int. on the hai real Is equitable roller to which the nlalntlrr June, tax against estate, to secure psyment of the amount uifulnst whom, and against the land It all the requirements of the constitution a suit uumoereu on tne or .s.n.i and assesstnr of the snid el whin described properly xitunled in the alleged said taxes were listed, levied may be entitled under the law and facts. uoraci whom, and igstnst the estate, same county nr El I'aso of Texas, or ihe said taxes, penalty, Intereat. fees herein and law have been compiled with by the court No. 12,l0, wherein tho state of Texaa foil and stale assessed, said were not pa d Herein rail not. but have you before Is listed, 10 and all Costs, and the said aaseas- - and and moa orricers and court charged with any duty plaintiff, and Kale Johnson defendant, are herein alleged to hi"1 neon lots Is both Inclusive, block court before becoming said court, at 111 aforesaid next regular Ihe laxes, 111 ment lists, rolls or hooka, delinquent within the time allowed thereunder as to the same, and the amount the nature of plalntirf's demand being here- - levied and asaeised. aild 7. Lincoln I'ark addition lo Ibe rlly of subject to the law relating to delinquent term, this writ, with vour return theroon. or penaltv. Interest, rees ami all rourt coin aso, Texas. lists, adverttslnir lists. Inventories an any showing how you have same. said taxss, penalty. Interest, fees snd uisiiur out nna an anion 10 re, mentioning taxes mid tbe said taxes are now one aim executed the all costs are a and correct cove ofsithe tho sum or tl3.P8, are a Just and val'd debt, nnd perional And other record evidence and j. a. Escajeda. or the court true defendant were said petition, alleging that the Mute descrlh'ng the said taxes, penalty. Inter- ilvlinuui nl. The said stale, county, pou anu witness, clerk charge against each and all of tbe lots being for the amount of taxes, penaltv and ItabtltPv against whom the said tiaei .r Texaa, llyled plaintiff, and penalty of 10 per Forfv-flri- t dlatrlct court or El Paao county. me amount of satd laxes, pen- represented est, fees and court costs, and said land school luxes, including a and tracts of land described In the Interest and for collector's and county aaieaseii by the county iitbirney, complains ol cent tl ereof for each year,, including and Olven under my hand and seal of aald alty. Interest, fees and court costa arising or either hereor may be Introduced by office In the El Paao, schedul; marked exhibit "A" and being clerks costs and advertising foes for the 'abl dafondani, who owned the real luce the year tw7. ror wnicn tne said court, at Cltv ot years 1911, 1912 and 1913 on the following, are due, unpaid and so claimed the plalntirr na evidence upon Ihe trial Texaa. this, the 96th day or July, 1915. above described. Rerebv estate hereinbefore at the time of this cause. taxes are delinquent, with per cent Inter Said property Is fully set form and de- described property situated In the countv plalnurf. Ihe taxes here mailer scheduled were est per rrom ne uay 01 Janu- J. A. ERCUEHA. reason or the said biting, levying, Plalntirr asks that upon final hearing, anniun tirst El scribed, snd all state and countv taxea, of El I'aso and stote of Texas, Lots Bv nnd iin la tlie present owner year which flerk Dlstrlet Court, Paso County, 17 report-to- plalntirf against ary next succeeding the for are alto fully to 2, buth inoluklve, brack t, Enst assessing, retnrn'ng delinquent, or viol real cítate, says mat heretoliire. the have Judgment the an uue (leap Bv E M. MONTTB, fienaltles. Interest and costs u real sold to the stale, pre- defendant Tor the above amount of tho aid laxes are uciiiiqueui, ices set forth and described In the Paso addition to the city of El Paso, Texas, laid eatate is i' spited by the coiistltuiliin and law, the lax collector and county clerk, ana an And said paring, filing, anprovlnr, recording, ad- aid taxea. penalty, interest, fens and all IS.374. aafd schedule marked exhibit "A." petition alleging that I- the taxis hrrciiimior scheduled were advertising fees for publishing the said No. levying nstate or Texas, styled plalntirr r. vertising and filing said advertised Hill listed, court costa, for a Judgment of foreclosure newspaper, ore The State of Tejas To the Sherirf or any By reason of the said Hating, and levied and assessed by the leiat of laid Hen on all and real estale In a and aaseaalng of the aald taxes against resented by the county attorney, com- of said taxes and real eatate, is required or El Faao county. Texas, against the In tbe aald lots specifically staled In the Constaiile of El Paao County, Orectlng: fey law, and plalntlfr .rricen and of land aaralnst each or the more rally and and against the- estate, same plains or aald defendant, xvho owned the ronstltut'on and x limit, and agalusi lata land it la herein traria schedule marked Exhibit ,rA," attached to Vou are hereby commanded to summon whom real has and a lien An real defendants: that an order or sale Issue, B. are herein alleged to nave been listed, Ibe real estale herelnberore described at Bow asserts slid illeged. said luxes were listed, levied ami plaintiff's petition. Newmaker by making pubUcaUon of the time Mat" to seenre piyment of ihe amount wtth'n the time snd In the manner pro- Uila cltaUon once In each week for- - four Itvled and assessed, the ssld taxes, the taxea nereinarter scheduled tssesaed. and laid laxci were not paid taxes have been were assessed and who Is the present of the laid taxes, penslty. Interest, fees nun. becoming vided by law, and ror such other and id heretorore. successive weeks previous to tbe return penalty, interest, fees and all court costs costa, the aasess- within Ui,'' allowed before further, arcneral or special, legal and cts, listed, levied, assessed, re are a Just and debt, and personal owner or said real estate, says that and all court and sild lUhJacI to the lav. relating Ui delinquent day ii. reor. In iome newspaper published val'd mem Hits, rolls or booki. delinquent equitable relief 10 which the plaintiff turned delinquent, or said real estate Te In your county, to appear the next regu- liability against whom the tald taxes were as required by the constitution and axes mi the said art now due and rn preparen. al advertising any late may be entitled the law and facts. to t ic state; lists Forty-firi- t assessed, the amount satd taxes, pen- law, the taxes herelriarier acheduled were lists, ils'.s. Inventories ind PTInquehl. Tlie anld- slntiv. county, pull under lar term of the district court of of mentioning Herein not, but have you before filed, approved, recorded, advertised In a El alty. Interest, fees costs arising Hated, levied and assessed by tbe legal other rsrord evidence and ind Mi id pues, liiiiuiiiiiii a penalty "f fill Paso rounty. to be holden at the court and court cteaerlblng the said taxei, penalty. . aid court, at Ita nroresald next regular newspaper, and laid advertised Hit of said houss thereof. In the city of El Paso, Texas, thereby are due, unpaid and so clalmea ortjeers of El Paso county. Texaa, against ten per cent thereof (or cacti year. Iniuiit uy 1110 whom, and against the land It Is fees and court rostí, and iitd land year term, this writ, wlih your return thereon. laxes and real osiato iiieu ui.icers on the first Monday In eptetnber. 1915 by the plalntirf. herein by uif and sliicc tbe ISU7. tor iitiicu ItinwTiur how you have executed the same. and court or the said etate o, Texaa and El Uto By reason hating, levying, alleged, aald taxea were levied ami or either thereof miy he introduced I.' said ones dcllinii.cnt. with six ssme being the 6th day of September. of the aald plaintiff aa evidence upon the trial aic Witness, 1. A. Escnji'da, clerk or the p.iso' county, ua required by law, and all 1915, tlen and to answer a petition assessing, return'ng delinquent, or report- assessed, and said taxes xveri not paid the cr (Mm Interest per annum Ihe first nt- - there p. of cause. tintii Forty-ftrs- t district court or RI Paso county. the nun ni. of the constitution and riled in aald court on the Ifilb day of June, ing aald real eatate sold to the slate, pre within the time allowed before this 111 or January next stincedlng the year (Ilvon my been compiled with by tho offi- , subject to the law relating to delinquent Plaintiff aaka that upon flnil heactng. tor under hand and seal of said law hive 1015, In a ault numbered on the docket or paring, rums-- approving, recording, ad which ihe aald taxis ara del utiueut. court, at orrice the City nf El Paao, cers t charged v. Hit any duty taxes and tbe said taxes are now due the plalntlfr have Judgment against the ,11 county in said cnur. No. 12,374, wherein tbe state of vertising snd riling aald advertised lists md ror ic, ilue the tax collector and Texas, mis, me .tn nay or I9ts tiieiviiini. r as to the same, and the aiuoiinl . of estate, delinquent. The said state, countv. poll defendant the above amount of the lerk. and all advertising lees publish July, Texas It plalntirr. and R. Newmaker is said tsxes and real aa required a Id Interest, all for ESCAJEDA. or snld taxes, penalty. Interest, fee! and ail nd or be- the and school taxes, Including a penalty or laxes, penalty. fees and um U10 taxes In a charge ml. the nature plaintiffs demand by comtltut'nn and law. and plalntirf court costs, ror I Judgment of foreclosure said wd mil eilaiu f.lerk IVslrlot Court, n Paao County. con 11 costs are a true and correct ing hereinafter out and being an acUon now has and nsserta a Hen on said len per cent thereor ror each year, Includ- are fully apeclfleelli m sel resl of the sa'd tax lien on ill the aald lots newspiper mare ind (Sail) rtv e N0BJTKI, .iin-- i each and all or the lots and tract to recover ot the defendant the sum of estate, to secure payment of the amount ing tmd since tbe year 1897, ror u and tcacts or luid arntnst each of ihe iiawsu MM scucuuic iiiaiKi'ti nun or land desrrthed In the schedule marked 37..U, being for the amount of taxes, penal of the tald taxes, penalty. Interest, fees aald taxes are delinquent, xvttb - t ei titarherj to Blalotlfl petition. putt. being annum rrom defendants; that an order of sale lisue, Mo. II. Exhibit "A" and above described. ty and interest and for collector s and cotin and ail court costs, and the said assen-men- t cent Intereat per within the time and In the manner pro The said lues have been heretorore, In CITATION BY i'i ion 11.1 ropertv l! fully sel forth and de lists, rolls or hooks, dellnnuent day of January next succeeding ear by law, for ill roipccU. listed, levied, ataessod, re or any el ni", i. and all stale and county taxes. lists, advertising any Tor which the said taxes are de vlded and surh other and The stain levas To the sberirf or lists. Inventories and teea enl further, general or special, legal and turned ililluquiiil, or snld real s'slale re Conslable or El I'aso County, meeting: vi. din s, interest and coats are also tally 1913 on the following described property other record evidence mentioning and all due the tax collector ami countv ported snld in the all prepared, the or LI clerk, and all advertising fees equitable rrller to which the plaintiff stale: lists You are bereby commanded lo summon lemltetl, set forth and described in situated In the county Paso and stale descrlh'ng the aald taxes, penalty. Inter- tnay be entitled under the law and facts tiled, approved, recorded, advertised n 1 said aCbedUlfl marked Lxhuiil or Texaa, Lots ."J and 30, block est, rees and costa, and said land Hailing the said taxes and real estate in' Jas. Esry by hulking publication or court a newspaper more rully a Herein fall not, bul have you before newspaper, and said sdvirlUea list or said By or the said listing, levying and 51, East El Paao addiuon lo the city of El or either thereof may be Introduced by are mi this cilntioti once in each week ror four lesson rally stated In the schedule n ;, aild court, al Ita aforesaid next rerulai laxes mil estate filed by the officers d.K or the said taxes again! wnom, Paso, Texas, the plalntirr as evidence upon the trial c your and oetiri ol the ot Texai and successive weeks previous to the return hlblt "A," attached to plalntirr term, ttils writ, with return thereon, snld Blata uay hereof, some newspaper published and i.gatnsl the real estate, same are herein And said petition, alleging thai the of this cauis. how yoaj have executed the same I'aso county, as required by law, and state of Texas, styled and upon The said taiea have been ber abowtnr in your comity, to i pear the next pal P. laic been listed, levied and as plaintiff, Plalntirr siks that final hearing. Witness, J. A. Escajeda, clerk of .ii tin requlretnaiUi of the constitution ul by county t all reipecta, listed, levied, the ular nf Forty si d. Iba aid laves, penally, Intereat, fees represented the attorney. Ihe plalntirf have against the Forty-firs- t Kl county and law have need compiled with by UM terra Ine first district court or uwnca turned delinquent, or aald real dlati rt tourt of Puo or El I'aso nullity to be holden at Hi" and all rourt costs are a lust and valid complains said derendant, who defendant for the above amount of the Olven under my hand and seal of laid ornee ri and court charged wlih any duty debt, personal liability agalnat whom the said real eatale herelnberore de- said taxei, penalty. Interest, fees snd sll ported sold to the stale; all llsti Hum court iiiniss' Lbereof, in llio rlly or El Paso, and riled, approved, court, at ornee in tnc J r.i paao. nuil "r as lo Hie same ai d the amount tie- were tbe amount of scribed at the time the taxes hereinafter court costs, ror s Judgment or recorded, adwi aaor lexaa. oil the rirst Monday In September, said luxes assessed, rorerlosure newspaper, and said advertised Texas, this, Ihe 20th day Jelly. IBIt. id sabl taxei, penally, interest, reel and same me t,tn nay said taxes, penalty. Interest, fees and court scheduled were assessed and who is the of tbe sa'd tax Hen on all tbe said lota ill correct wii, ine neing or set taxes ana real estate rued by t! ESCAJEDA. limit costs are a Hue and lui:,, costs nrlsmg thereby are due, unpaid and present owner ot aald real eitaie. says that and trarta or land aralnst each of Clerk Court, 11 Paao County. charge ngiunsi each ami all the lots then and there to answer heretorore, aa by and court of the said Slate of IVitrlct 0 ut, en in day so claimed by the plaintiff. required the constitution defendants: that an order or sale Issue, Mai and I) By E. M. Deputy and It 1,1.1 Hie filed said court on the 1st El Paao county, as required by Mmntf. lets of ih'icnbed ill or as- and law, tbe taxes hereinafter scheduled within the time and in the manner pro- law, and schedul marked exhibit "A" and beinj June, iviti, in a sul! numbered on tin By reason the said listing, levying, were levied and assessed by tbe all the requirements of the docket or aald court No. 11,998 wherein thi sessing, returning delinquent, or reporting listed, vided by law. and for aurh other and No. 1K.Í09 Ibore described. legal officts or F.l Paao county. Texas, further, general or special, legal and and law have been compiled w by the CITATION BY PlULICAtTOM. slate of Texaa is plalntirr. and Jas. Esry said real estate sold lo the state, preparing, against whom, ofricers and courl charged Said property Is fully set forth snd de- defendant, nature or plalntirf's demand riling, approving, recording, advertising and agslnst the land II la equitable, relief 1o which the plaintiff with '"y duty The State or Tenas To tin- MierHf or any scribed, and all and couuty laxre, !' bereln alleged, satd taxea were Hated, levied may be entitled undec the law and reels. thereunder as Ui the same, and constable or Kl Piso County, QreeUnjr: tiste neing n r set t.ui ami being an and riling said advertised lista of aald paid ot said taxes, penalty, bile amount penalties, and costs are also fully and assessed, and aald taxes were not Herein rail not. but have you berore rest s and You are hereby cou uiandod to luruiuou imeirat tlon to recover or the defendant Ihe sum taxes and real estate, as required by tbe allowed be foro becoming all court rosls are a true itenuiid. set t un ind described In Hit' or HO 45. In Ii r or plalntirf now has within the time tald court, at Its aforesaid next regular correct - 8. Holmstidt by making puhHciUon or ins- the amount taxes constitution and law, and to tbe law relating to delinquent charge against each and all n aid 'achedule marked eihlhll "A." penalty and ror and a Hen on satd real estate, to ae- subject term. Oils writ, with your return thereon, ibe lots this citation once In each week for rour interest and collector's assorts the laxea now and tracts of land described In tt - Ky reason ol tlie said luting, levy ma and county costs cure payment of the amount of the said taxea and aald are due and ihowtntr how yoa have executed the same. Tiedule successive week! previous to tho return clerk's and advertising delinquent. The said stale, county, poll A. or marked Exhibit "A" and bein and assessing or tht said taxes aiainst tlie years pus 1913, on taxes, penalty. rees and all court Witness, J. Escajeda. clerk tbe day hereof, in some newspaper published fees tor and the Interest, a penalty Forty-firs- t scribed. wrxonx, and against ihe real sanio Hie Hats, or and school taxes, including of dlatrlct court or EI Paso county. to your county. 10 appcur at the next reg following descnln-- pcopeiiy situated coals, and said assessment mils ten per cent thereof ror each year, includ- my or Said properly la rully set are i, n alleged lo have been hsuc ihe county or El Paso nnd Texas, books, delinquent lists, advertising In- Olven under hand and aeal said orto ular terra of the Forty 11 rsl district court stale ol lists. ing and since the year. IS97, for which the or EI described, and all state and co tnd levied and assessed. Ule aald taxed. tu wit Lois lo i., both inclusive, block ventories and any other record evidence court, at ofriee In the city Paso, uty taxstv of El Pi SO county, to be huKP'il' at tlie eoun penally, internal, all said taxes are delinquent, with six per Texas, this, Ihe ietb day ot Julv. 1915. penalties. Interest and costs a:é In or fees and court coils n, East I'aso addition u. ihe city or El mentioning and descrn .ng tbe aald taxes, house thereof. tbe city El i'asci, Texas, a and valid debt, and personal rees cctu interest per annum ironi ine itrsi uay J. A. ESCAJEDA, ltemlxed. set forlh and del "ta? on the Monday In September, 19IS. ire just I'aau, Telan. penalty. Interest, and court costs, and succeeding aald achedule first ibilU) agatml win an tbe aald laxe were. lund may Intro- of January next the year for flerk District Court, El Paao County. marked Exhibit' the aame being ihe 6th or And said i'.'tiin.n, alleging ibai the State aald or ruber thereof be rees ny reason or ,. diy Miueinbrr. vscaseu, tou amount ui sua taxes, pen by plalntirr as upon which tbe said taxes are delinquent, all (Sea Bv E. M. VCINTTS. Deputy the s.ld 191&. then and there to anawer a petition sif Telas, styled plalntlfr, and represented duced the evidence the the lax collector and county clerk, and utf aatesstng of taxes i7!y. Intereat, rees and court costs arising by ibe couuty attorney, complains or trial of this cause. due uld an,,,,,, wÍS? filed In said court on tbe Mh day or June, thereby are all advertising rees for publishing the aald - No. IV,3iC. and against tbe real estate ,.,,...... due. unpaid and au ilumM said defendant, una owned the real upon In here- - imr. In a suit numbered on the docket or by ihe plalntlfr. planum, asks that final bearing. Ibe taxei and real estale In a newspaper, are CITATION It Y PI' I KIN. alleged to hae been listed said court No. wherein the Hate of stale hcrembelore desct Ibcd at .the time plalntirr haie judgment againit the defend- more rully and specifically stated the The Stan ot Texas To tlie or any the said tax. , VVILW Texas Is plaintiff, and E 8. llolinsudt la By reason ol the said Haunt, levying, Hie taxes liiicliiafti-- i scheduled were aa ant ror Hie above amount of tbe said taxes, .schedule narked Exhibit "A." attached lo Constable or El Paso Counly, GreeUng: tees and all court costs are í "r"; defendant, the nature or plalntlfr' a demand assessing, return. nr. delinquent, or reHrt and v le. is in. i owner interest, fees and all court costs, petition Yon are bereby to summon valid debt.- - and liability' pre- says plaintirri commanded personal at, m,t being hereinafter aet out and being an ac- Ing said real raíale sold to ine stale, or aald real estate, thai Heretofore, tor a Judgment r foreclosure ot the laid The have been it .Mjisgrove making whom the aaid tax. ;, us requ aald laxea heretorore, by fubllcauun of were íím tion to recover of tbe di'leodant the sum paring, film. apinuvliiK. recording, red by tho coniututiun and law. lax Hen on all the said lots and tracts of all respecta, listed, levied, aasesaed. re tins Ha le once In each week for rour amount or said tai. s, pen of $10.07, being ror tbe amount or taxes, and filing said advertised lists the laxes hereinafter scheduled were land against each of the del miauls: that an delinquent, or aald real estate re successive weeks previous, tu the and rourt costs itVrébjrarí of aald taxes and real as listed, levied assessed by legal ot and turned return irlabjg 2S penalty and Interest arid Tor collector's and eilale, required and the order sale iaaue. witbln the lime in poned sold 10 tbe state; all lists prepared. day hereof, in some newspaper published unpaid and to claimed by lt f.i.murr county clerk! costa and advertising rees by tbe constitution and law, and plaintiff otrtcera of El I'aso count'' Texas, against the manlier provided by law. and for such rued, approved, recomen, auverusea m a in your county, to appear at the next regu- Ily, reason or Uu rollew-In- a on whom, against U or W listlnK for the years 191? and I9IS on the now baa ami aaaerta lieu aald real and the land Is herein ouier aim ittriiiei, general special, legal newspaper, and aald advertised Hat of aald lar leim or the Forty-firs- t district court of assesitng, returning delinquen! 5 r tSSSt described property In the .state, tu aecure payment of Iba amount allugeil, tald la if were listed, levied and and equitable relief to which tbe plalntirr laxea and real estate riled by the officers El i'aso county, to be holden at the courl ing said real dale county or Kl Paso and Male of Texas, or the slid Uiea, penally. Intereat. fees aass'sied. and said taxea ere not paid may be entitled under the law and facta. and court or the said sute or Texas ana Lou,.' thereor, In the city of El Pasu. Texas, ap H"J9i "oiis, .ruling, recordinr Od Lots if, and M. block 1, orchard Park ind all curl rostí, and the laid aasess within Ihe time allowed becoming He. riii fail not, but have you before said El Paso county, aa required by .law. veitisiiig and film.- to the city or F.I I'aso. menl lists, rolls or hooks, ilehiuiusui subject to the law relating to delinquent court, us or san.e being 10 addition Texas. al aforesaid next regular terra, all tue requirements ine óhstituttou the the diy of September sum airs anil real estate - required ÜÚ. And aild iielltlon, alleging thai Ihe State lista, advertising Hits, inventorlea and any tales and the said taxes, Hi e now due and this wilt, with your return thereon, show and law have been complied with by Uie 1915, then and there 10 answer a Hie of Texas, atyled plaintiff, and represented other rerord evidence mentioning and delinquent. The tald stale, county, poll log bow you have executed the same. orricers and court charged with any duty til el lu said court uu the icui day or June, has and a Hie or Ihe aald taxes, penalty, Inter and school taxes, including a penalty or 1915, ot by county attorney, complains dearrttvng Witness,. J. A. Escajeda. clerk ot the thereunder aa to tbe same, and the amount In a ault numbered on the docket tu secure payment or the amount'; .vrT! staid defendant, ulio oixned the, real fees and court cosía, ana gala laoo ten per cent inereor tor eacn year, itirtud irst district court or El Paao county or raid laxea, penally, interest, fees and said court INo. 12,346. wherein the slate of estate baraUnbefore dcecriliod at u umu or either Uwreof may jm inuoducod by jiiig and the max taw, tor which Ulveu my tuna acal ol aald all court ara a true and correct j Texaa la plaintiff, and H-- Huagrovs la , under and cotia charra de ,shm sue lomeen km Uau, f ITJuTtTI " J ""w,?gBtatatatata EL PASO'toOfiNTNG TIMES B 7

' llnquem Uxes and the said taxes ara now No. 11,375. penalties, Interest and costs are also fully books, delinquent lists, advertising lists, not pi.1 within the time allowed before due and delinquent. The said state, county CITATION BY PUBLICATION. Itemised, set rorth and described In toe IMS on tbe folhwinr described property inventories and any other record evidence becoming subject to Ibe Isw relating to US' poll and school taxes, including a penalty The Stale or Texas To the Sheriff or any said schedule marked exhibit "A." situated in that counly or El Paso and state mentioning and describing the aald taxes, llnquent taxe.-- t and the said lates are now 10 rees court coats, and said Knd VtWr or per cent thereof for each year. Includ Constable of El Paso county, Greeting: By reason or the said listing, levying ir Texas, Lots 9 and IS. block O. penalty, interest, and court costs, and due arid delinquent. The said state, county, or thsre-- f or East El Paso addition the or El Paso, said land or may be Intro- poll and school laxes, including a penalty may be introduced by the ing auo since uw year ism, lor wnicn me You are hereby commanded to summon and assessing the said taxes against to city either thereor puiniOTo ald bites are delinquent, ith e per cent J. 0. Newman by making publication or this whom, and against the real estate, same reías. duced by the plalntirr as evidence upon the or icn per 'cení Hieren! for each year, in- annum are trtal or this causa. cluding arid sluce the year 1897, which l?i.i7.irVkS that Interest icr mm ih firt riv of citation once in each week tor four suc- herein alleged to have been listed, And aald petition, alleging that the State for .t, uPn bearmg. January next succeeding the year ror cessive weeks previous to the day levied and assessed, the said taxes, penalty, Plalntirr asks that upon rinal hearing, ine tho said laxes are delinquen!, with six per reiurn of Texas, styled plalntirr. and represtlivaa plalntirr the. de- rem Interest per annum rrom day ror niucu we saia taxes are delinquent, en hereor, in some newspaper published in interest, rees and all court costs are a Just by county" complains of have Judgment against the rirst IT ? above amount of the fees the attorney, fendant for the above amount of the said or J ntitisry next succeeding the year tor paid taxes, penalty, Interest, due the tar collector and county clerk, yoi r county, io appear at the next regular and valid debt, and personal liability salj derendant. who owned the rest and all advertising rces ror publishing; the term or tbe Forty-firs- t district court of against whom the satd laxos were as- time taxes, penalty, interest, fees and all couri vhlrh Ihe said taxes are delinquent, all reels Uth. ms t,fir...VJ,ld(nV,"u or nwSown estate herelnhctore described at tns costs, a or or of said taies and real esute In a newspaper, El Paso county, to be holden at the court sessed, the smount of satd laxes, penalty, were as- ror judgment foreclosure the due ihe in collector and county clerk, and a are more the taxes hereinafter scheduled said tax lien on all the said lots and tracts all advertí ilng fees ror publishing tbe said tracts or land each "tnedefendan fully and specifically stated In the house thereof, in the city or El Paso, Texas, Interest, fees and court costs arising there- sessed and who is the present owner arainst schedule marked Exhibit "A," attached to on the Monday 1915, due, unpaid an or land against each of the derendanta; taxes tnd real estate In a newspaper, ara anta; that an order of Rale laau rirst la September,, the by are so claimed by the of said real estate. , says that heretofore, witem the plalntirr's petition. same oelng the etli day of September, 1915, plaintiff. law, thai an order or sslo Issue, within the more fully and speciricallv stated In the TÍST t!L?d..'.,iwthe.Jnailner prescribed by law. as required by the constitution and In manner law, marked other The said taxes nsve been heretofore In then and there to answer a petition riled In By reason or the said listing, levying the scheduled were lime and the provided by exhibit "A," attached r and further, gerieralor I respects. Usted, levied, re Hie taxes hereinafter and such general or plaintiff's petition. neclal. letal and equitable assessed, said court on 10th day or June, 1913, In assessing, returning delinquent, or report- listed, levied and assessed by the legal lor other and rurther, relief turn..! deiinrment. re a on or pre- special, legal and equitable to which enMUed or said real estate suit numbered the docket said court ing said real estate sold lo tbe stats, orflcers of El Paso county. Texas, sgsinit relier The said taxes have been heretotore, hi l"r under tbl law ported sow to the state; all lists prepared, No. 12,375, wherein the slate of Texas Is paring, filing, approving, recording, adver- ihr plalntirr may be entitled under the law all respects, listed, levied, re- íaPfcu filed, whom, and against the land It Is herein assessed, Herein fall not. approved, recorded, advertised In a plalntirr and i. o. Newman Is defendant, tising and riling said advertised lists or and and racts. lumed .delinquent, or said real estate re- but have you before aald newspaper, and or said the or being allewd. said taxes were listed, levied Herein rail net, but have you berore said said advertised list nature plalnttrrs demand said mtes and real estate, as required by assessed, and said taxea were not paid ported sold tu tho slate; all llsls prepared, tax s ano real estate riled r.y the orricers set out and being an action to re- the constitution and law, and plalntirr now court, at Its aforesaid next regular term, riled, approved, recorded, In a within the allowed before becoming 1n adverilsed irlt' w,uJ,i"- return thereon, and court of the said state ol Texas and El cover or the defendant the sum or 434.01, has and asserts a lien on said estate, time a writ, with your return thereon, show- newspaper, and said advertised list or said toe real subject to the relating Id delinquent ' b,J" ecuted seme Paso county, aa required by law. Mid all being ror the amount or taxes, penalty and to secure payment of the amount of the law ing how you have executed the same. taxes and real esiale riled by the orflcers Escajeda. clerk or the the of the and taxes and the said taxes are now due and Witness, J. A. Escajeda, or rarty-rira- t Ü Itnr.lremenls constitution Interest and for collectors and county said taxes, penalty. Interest, rees and all poll clerk Ihe snd court of tbe said slate or Texas and district court or Paso coun- - Jaw beve been compiled by ofri costs rees delinquent. The aald state, county, Forty-ftrs- l court of Paso counly. with the clerk's and advertising lor the ourt costs, and the satd assessment lists, penalty of district El Kl F'aio county, as required by law, and onu court enargca any amy years 1908, 1909, 1910, 1911, 1919 and 1013 on and school taxes, Including a Olven under my hand and seal or said or 1,15 in witn rolls or books, delinquent lists, advertis- ten per Includ- all ihe requirements the constitution ,?,l5n..uni',err hma ma of a thereunder as to Ihr n.mie. end the amount the rollowing described property situated ing lists, and any otner cent thereof ror each year. court, at orrice in the city of El Paso, and law have been complied with by tho in the city or El Paso or taxes, rces or inventories record ing and since the year 197, tor which or Texas, said penalty. Interest, and all in the county of El Paso and state Texas, evidence mentioning and describing the Texas, this, the 96th day Julv, 1915. ofrirera and court charged with any duty this, the Mtn dy court costs are a and cnargo Lots SI and 32, block 127, Highland the ssld taxes are delinquent, with six J. A. ESCAJEDA. escXíed true correct said taxea, penalty, Interest, rees and court per rrom tlici cuiidcr as lo the same, and ibe amount A against each and all or tho lots and tracts Park addition to the city or El Paso, Texas, costs, and said land r may cent Interest per annum the first Clerk District Court. El Paso County. I said taxes, penalty, interest, reea and D,"r Court, EÍ Paso of either thereor day or January next succeeding the year naI?! County. land described In the chedule marked And said petition, alleging tTiS Slato be Introduced by the plalntirr as evldeace (Seal) By E. M. Montes, Deputy. court cosis are a true and corred By E. M. MONTES, Deputy. hxnipit "A" and above that tor which the said taxes are del'nqnent. being described. of lexaa, styled planum, and represented upon the trial of this cause. county cliarge against each and all or the lots and Said property Is fully set forth and de- by 4he county attorney, complain plaintiff asks upon rinal hearing, Ml fees due the tax collector and No. 12.028. or lend In tbe acbedulo No. scribed, of that clerk, rees publish- trans descilhed 19.174. and all statu and countv taies. said defendant, who the plaintiff have Judgment against the de- and all advertising tor CITATION BY PUBLICATION, marked "A" and being above de- "TATIOV BY penalties, owned the real ing the In a nhUilt PUBLICATION. interest and costs are also fully estate hereinbefore described at tbe time fendant tor the aimv amount or the said said uxes and real estate The Stale or Texas To the Sherirr or any scribed. The Stale or Texas To the Sheriff any Itemized, set forth and described In the newspaper are more tollv and specifically or de- (.unstable or the taxes hereinafter scheduled were as- taxes, penalty. Interest, rees and all rourt Constable El Paso Counly, Greeting: Said property ts fully set torth snd of El Paso County, Oreetlng: said schedule marked Exhibit "A. sessed and who is the present owner costs, for a Judgment or rorerlosure or the stated In the schedule marked exhibit "A, You are hereby commanded to summon scribed, and all state and county taxes, You are hereby commanded to summon By reason or toe said listing. levying anl or said real estate, says tax Uen on all the said lots J. Slguelros by making publication or penalties, and costs are also tully 1. h. Jones by assessing or mat berotorore. said and tracts this Interest making publication or this the said taxes against whom, as required by the consutuuon and law, of land against each or the derendants: citation once In each week tor rotir succes- Itemised, set lot th and described In tbe nation once in each wetk tor tour suc- and against the real catate, same are herein the taxes an or sale Issue, within tho time all respects, listed, levied, assessed, re- sive weeks previous to tne return day here- laid schedule marked "A." alleged as- hereinafter scheduled war that order re- exhibit cessive weeks previous to the return day to have been listed, levied and Usted, levied legal snd In the manner provided by law, and turned delinquent, or said real estate or, In some newspaper published in jour Uy or the said listing, leveylng hereor, In some sessed taxes, Tees and assessed by the iri.ii newspaper published In the said penalty, interest, orrtcers of Kl Paso countv Texas, against tor such other and further, general or spe- ported sold to tbe state; all lists prepared, county, to appeir at the next regular term and assessing or Ibe said taxes against your county, to appear at the next and all court costs are a just and valid riled, approved, recoeded. advertised In a or Forty-rlrs- t or 111 same or regular personal whom, and aralnst the land It la herein cial, legal and equitable roller to which the tho district court Paso Wham, oiul against the real estate, term the t district court or El debt, end liability against whom alleged, said taxes plalntirr may be tbe law newspaper, and said advertised list or said county, lo be holden al the court house are herein alleged lo have been Usled, county, to the said taxes were amount were Usted, levied and entitled under laso be holden at the court aBsessed, the of assessed, and said taxes were not paid and lactt. taxes and real estate riled by the orrtcers thereof, In the city or 111 I'aso, Texas, on levied and aaiessed. Hie said taxes, pen- h. uao thereor, In the city or El Paso, Texas, said tuxes, penalty. Interest, fees and court fall not. but have you and court of the said State of Texas and Monday m September. 1915 alty, interest, rces and all are on the costs trlslng are and within the time allowed bdore becoming Heroin before said first court costs first Monday in September, 1015, thereby due, unpaid subject to the law relating to court, at Its aforesaid next regular term, El PaSo counly, as required by law, and same helno- llin ftth rtsv or Sentemlier I0IS. just in, vatio dent, and personal iianiiity the same being the so lalmed by the plaintiff. acllnqueni - 6th day of September, taxes and the said taxes arc now due and this writ, with your return thereon, show- all the requirements of the constitution then and there to answer a petition filed in against wiiom Urn said taxes were ss- lIS, then and there to answer a petition By reason or the said listing, levying, as- and have been compiled with by the on 1915. a! sessing, delinquent. Tbe said state, county, poll ing how you have executed the same. law said court the 1st day of Juno, In sessed. the amount or said taxes, penally, riled in said court on the rd day of June, returning delinquent, or reporting Witness, J. A. Escajeda, clerk or the officers and court charged with any duty suit numbered on the docket or said court int rest, fee and court costs arising thero 1915, In a suit on said real estate sold to the state, preoarlng, and school taxes. Including a penalty or numbered the docket or ten per cent each year, includ- Forty-fir- district court or El Paso county. thereunder as lo the same, and the amount No. wherein Ihe state or Texas ls by are due, unpaid and so claimed by the said court No. 12.174, wherein the or riling, approving, recording, aavertlsing thereor for my or oí mm sute and filing or ing and since the year 1897, lor which Given under hand and seal said mu tun, penalty, mierrsi, icrs piinnun aim t. .igueims is neirnuaiu, n' pjimnilll Texas Is plalntirr, and J. E. Jones Is de- said advertised lists said court, at office in tho city of El Paso, Uy reason of the said listing, levying. fendant, the or taxes aim real estate, as required by the the said taxes are delinquent, with six nature plalnttrrs demand per per annum Texas, this, the 98th day of July, 1915. rnarge against earn ana an or tne iota assessing, returning delinquent, or report being herelnarier ac- constitution and law, and plamtirr now nas ctnt Interest from tbe rirst set out and being an day or January succeeding year J. A. ESCAJEDA, and tracts of land described In the ing si ui real estille som to me state, pre- tion to recover or the defendant the sum buu asserts a nen on sain real estate, to se- next tbe being ror Uie amount or taxes, and Inter cure payment or or ror which the aald taxes aro deLnquent, Clerk District Court, El Paso County. schedule marked exhibit "A" and nenaltv paring, film.', approving) recording, adver- of 55.38, being ror the amount or taxes, the amount the satd Dy E. M above est ond ror collector's and county tising or taxes, rees all fees due the tax collector and county (Seal) Montes, Deputy. described. ' clerk's and riling said adverilsed lists penalty and interest and lor collector's penalty. Interest, and all court Said property Is fully set forth and de- costs snd advertising rees tor the years saltl laxes and real estate, as by county cost?, and Pie said assessment lists, rolls or clerk, and aU advertising fees ror publish- required and clerk's costs and advertising No. 12.035. scribed, and all state and county taxes. 1009, 1.110, 1911, 1912 and 1913, on the follow- i tie ronsiltuiion and law, and plalntirr now rees Tor years 1010, books, delinquent lists, advertising lists, In ing the said taxes and real estate In a the 1811, 1912 and 1913, newspaper are more CITATION BY PUBLICATION. Interest and costs are also tolly ing described property situated In the lias and asseiia a lien on said real estate, on the following' oropertv. ventories and any otner record evidence tully and specifically rienaltles. In or Kl or described situ stated in the The state or Texas To the Sheriff or any set rorth and described tho countv I'aso and state Texas, to secure payment or the amouni of the ated In the county of El Paso and State or menu.. ninn ana nescrioing me said taxes, schedule marked exhibit "A, l ot 0. block 32. Magorrin addition to penalty, interest, costs, aitacneu to pialuttrr's petition. uonstame oí r.i raso couniy. i, reeling: said schedule marked exhibit "A." said uxns, penalty, interest, rees and sil Tet.ts, Lots 17 to St), both Inclu- lees and court and arc By reason or the said listing, levying the city of El Paso, Texas, costs, and the said HSU, ss, said land or either thereor mav bo Intro The said taxes have been heretofore. In You hereby commanded to summon court assessment sive, Mock Military Heights addition to respects, D. M. Styles by making publication of and assessing or the said taxes against mils .r bucks, delinquent llsls, advertis- my oí raso, Texas, duced By the plalntirr as evidence upon the all listed, levied, assessed, re- this estate, same And said petiuon, alleging that the State uie ti delinquent, re- citation once in caen week lor lour suc- whom, and against the real ing IisIh, inventories and any other record And inai oi mis cause. turned or said real estate are herein alleged to have been listed, of Texas, styled plalntirr, and represented mentioning said petition, alleging that the State Plalntirr asks that upon final bearing, the ported sold to the state; all lists prepared, cessive weeks previous lo the return dov by tho county attorney, complains or evidence and describing tbe of Texas, styled plalntirr, and represented plalntirr riled, approved, Hereor, In some newspaper published In levied and assessed, the ssld uxes, sulci luxes, penally, Interest, rees and court Dy the county attorney, complains or have Judgment against tho derend recorded, advertised In a penalty. Interest, all costs said derendant, who owned tho roal or may ant ror the above amount or said taxes, newspaper, and said or said your counly, to appear at the next regular fees and court esute hereinbefore described al the time costs, and said land either thereof (aid defendant, the advertised list or Forty-rirs- l or Introduced by Uie plaintiff who owned the real penalty, fees and all costs, taxes and term ihe district court El tbe as- as evidence estate interest, court real estate filed by tbe orflcers taxes hereinafter scheduled were I'upon Iho cause. hereinbefore described at the time ror a Judgment or rorerlosure or tho said and court of the said State or Texas and I'aso county, to be holden at the court house sessed and who the owner trial of this the laxes were as- thereof. In tile cllv or El Paso. Texas, on Ihe li present I'lalnlirr asks thai upon rinal hearing, hereinafter scheduled tax den on all the said lots and tracts or El Paso county, as required by law, and or said roal estate, says that heVetoforo, sessed and who is the present owner land against rirst Momlny In September, 1915, the same alty, Interest, fees and court costs arising the plaintiff Imvn Judgment against the each of the defendants; that an all the requirements or the constitution nue, so as requ'red by the ronsUtullnn and law, of said real estate, says that heretotore, order or sale Issue, within the time and In and law have been complied ucing trie em day or sepiemner, litis, men tnereny are unpaia ana ciamieu the were fur tne above amount o! the aald as required by with by the and there to answer a riled In said hv the nlnimirf uxes hereinafter scheduled penally, rees and all the constitution and law, the manner provided by law, and Tor such orricers and court charged with any duty petition listed, levied and assessed by the legal tales, interest, court the taxes hereinafter scheduled were and general or special, legal conn un i ne isi nay or june, mis, in a suit By reason or the said listing, levying, costs, Iur a Judgment or foreclosure or the other further, thereunder as to the same, and the amount or report- orricora or El Paso counly, Texas, against n listed, levied and assessed by the legal and equitable roller to which the plalntirr or taxes, numbered on the docket said court No. assessing, returning delinquent, or sulci lux In on all the said lots and tracts aald penalty. Interest, fees and is.oni'.. wherein or Is ing Bold state, pre- whom, and against the land It Is herein r agalnat or officers or El Paso county. Texas, against may be entitled under the law and racts. all coats are a the slato Texas plalntirr said real estale to the alleged, and each ihe defendants; court true and correct and D. M. Styles Is derendant, the nature or paring, filing, approving, recording, ad- aald Uxes were Usted, levied sil order ur sale' issue, wiihln the wnuin, ano against tne land it is Herein Herein fall not, but have you berore said charge against each and all or the lota assesBed, and said taxes were not paid that tima alleged, said taxes were Usted, levied and court, at Its next regular term, plaintiff's demand being hereinafter set out vertising and riling said advertised lists und in ti.- - milliner provided by law, and tor aforesaid and tracts or land described la tbe ana an recover me or as required within the time allowed betore becoming general assessed, and said taxes were not paid this writ, with your return thereon, show- schedule Doing action io oi said taxes and real estate, elicit other and rurlhcr, or special, marked exhibit "A" and being the sum of $44.73, being tor the by the and law. and plalntirr subject to the law relating to delinquent legal and equiiajtlo relief in which the within the lime allowed betore becoming ing how you have executed the same. above described. constltufon taxes and the said taxes are now due and subject to the law relating to delinquent amount of taxes, penalty and Interest and now has snd Rsserts a Uen on ssld real piniiiirr may bu eutliled under the law and Witness, J. A. Escajeda, clerk or the Said property Is fully set form and de- for and county costs and or delinquent. The said state, county, poll taxes and the laid taxes are now due and county taxes, collector's clerk's estate, to secure payment the smount facis. district court or El Paso counly scribed, and all state and advertising fees tor the year 1913 on Ihe rol- or the said taxes, penalty. Interest, lees and school Uxos, Including a penalty of Herein rail not. but have you my nano penalties, and costs are also fully ten per year. Includ- betore said nennttv uiven uuner ana seal oi saia Interest lowing described property situated in the and all court cosu, and the ssld assess- cent thereof tor each court, at Its atoresald next regular term, and school taies InclniUna. of court, at orrice In the city or El Paso. Itemized, set forth and described In the or ing year 1R97. which ten Per cent thereor fnp each venr Includ counly or El Paso and state Texas, ment lists, rolls or books, delinquent and since the for this writ, with yuiir return thereon, show- Texas, this, the 96th day or July. 1B15. said schedule marked exhibit "A." East 6 reel or 3, or lot 4, In any tho said Uxes are dellnnuent. with six you ing and since the vear 1897. ror which By reason or lot all llsls, sdverrlslng lists. Inventónos and ing liow have executed the same. J. A. ESCAJEDA, the said listing, levying block 171, lierre-Finle- addition to the city mentioning and per cent Interest per annum rrom Ihe first Witness, J. A. Escajeda, clerk or the e said taxes are dellnnuent. with six El and assessing or the said taxes against other record evidence Clerk District Court. I'aso County. or El Taso, Texas, taxes, penally. Inter-ea- nay or January next succeeding me year Forty court of El Paso county. per cent Interest per annum from the first By M. Deputy. whom, and against the same describing the said rirsl district .seal. E. Montes, real estate, And said pennon, alleging that the Sute fees and court costs, and said land for which the said Uxes are delinquent, Olvao under, my hand and seal of said nay or January next succeeding tho year are hsrein alleged to have been Usted, o( all rees due the tax collector and county for which the taxes are delinquent, Texas, styled planum, and represented or either thereor may be Introduced, by court. At uirico in the city o! El Paso, said No. 12.157. levied and assessed, the sold taxea, by tbe attorney, clerk, and all advertising rees tor publish- Texas, Ibis, day or 1015. all fees due the tax collector and county penalty, rees and all costs county complains of the plalntirr as evidence upon uie trial the 2ith July, CITATION BY PUBLICATION. Interest, court said derendant, who owned Uie real or this cause. ing the said taxes snd real estate In a J. A. ESCAJEDA, clerk, and all advertising fees for publish- The State or Texas To the Sherirr or any are a Just, and valid debt, and personal newspaper are more rully and specifically ing In estate hereuibetore described at Ibe lime Plalntirr asks that upon final hearing, Clerk District Court, El i'aso County. the aald taxes and real estate a Constable of El Paso County, Oreetlng: liability against whom the said taxes were Ihe stated in the schedule marked exhibit "A," (Seal) By M. newspaper are more or uxes hereinafter acneduled were as- the plalntirr have Judgment agalnat the E. Monies, Deputy. fullv and specifically You are hereby commanded to summon assessed, the amount said taxea, sessed and who Is ibe present owner artirhed to plaintiff's petition. Stated In the schedule marked "A, L. toes derentlnnt tor the above amount ol tho exhibit F. Elliott by making publication or this and court costs arising or said saya . oil The said Uxes have been heretotor. In CITATION BY PUBLICATION. ettched to netltlon. are so real esute, lual nerelolore, said Uxes. penalty. Interest, rees and nlilnttrri citation once in each week for Tour suc tnereuy lane, unpaid ana ciaimcu as required by the constitution and Uw, court costs, tor a Judgment or forecloiure all respects, listed, levied, assessed; re- Tbe Sinte i! Texas To ihe Sherirr or any The said taxes have been heretofore, 1n cessive weeks previous to the return day by tbe plalntirr. Uie taxes delinquent, or said real estate re- Cunstiitilo or El lino County, Ureollng: all re- or hereinafter scheduled were or the sa'd lax Uen nn all the ssld lots lumed respects, listed, levied, assessed, hereor, In some newspaper published In By reason the said listing, levying, listed, levied and assessed by legal or ported sold to the Btate; all llsls prepared, Y cm urn hercifv commanded to summon turned rleliniruent, or said real re county, assessing, returning deluiquent, or report- the snd tracts land against each of the F, estate your to appear at the next regular orricers of El Paso countv Texas, sgalusi defendonts; that on or sale Issue, filed, approved,, recorded, advertised In a Terratas fry making publication of lhls ponen to tne state; prepares, or Forty-firs- or ing said real sold to tbe pre- order In sold ail lists term tho t district court El estate slate, whom, and agalnsi ihe land Is In manner pro- newspaper, and said advertised list or said cllntlun unce each week Iur rour succes- tiled, approved, recorded, advertised In t county, to court paring, filing, approving, recording, ad- it herein within the time and the previous Paso be holden at the alleged, said uxes were listed, levied and vided by law. and tor such nnd Uxes and real estate riled' by the orflcers sive weeks tu the reiurn day here- newspaper, and said advertised fist-o- said house thereor, In the city ul El Piso, Texas, vertising and riling said advertised lists other or or, in some newspaper published In your or assessed, and said Uxes were not psld rurther. general or special, legal and and court or the said State Texas and taxes and real estate filed by the orflcers on the first Monday in September, 1915, said taxes and real estate, as required within Uie time allowed becoming equitable EI Pnso countv. as required by law, and courtly, to appear at UW next regular term or the or betore rellel lo which the plalntirr forty-fir- and court said State of Texas and the same being the tlth day September, by tbe constitution and law, and plalntirr subject to the law to oellnquent may he racts. all the .requirements or the constitution of the district court of El Paso El Paso county, as 1915, a now has a Hen on relating entitled under the law and reoulred by law. and then and there to answer petition and asserts said real uxes and the said Uxes ara now due and Herein rail not. have you berore and law have been compiled with hy the counly. to be lialdcn at iho court houso the In on day or June, estate, to secure payment of amount but llicrei , In city of I'aso, Texas, on all requirements of the constitution rued said court the 1st the delluquent. Tbe aald state, county, pull said court, at Its aforesaid neit regular orricers and court charged with any duty thu El ami law have been complied with by the 1915, In a suit numbered on the docket or .of 'Km-.- , said taxes, penalty, Interest, rees and school Including or your thereon, as to the same, and Uie amount Ibe first Monday In September,' IMS, the charged duty 12,157, o( costs, assess- taxes. a peualty term, this writ, with return thereunder same the th day of 1915, officers and court with anv said court No. wherein the state and all court and the said ten per cent thereof each year. Includ- how vou have executed the same of said Uxes, penalty. Interest, rees and luing September, as plalntirr, v. ment lists, or books, delinquent for showinr tin mi and to a petition filed thereunder to the same, and the amount Texas Is and L. Elliott, defend- rolls ing and since year 1497, tor Witness, J. A. Escajeda, clerk or the all costs are a and correct Caere answer in ant, Hie or plalntirr's demand being any tbe which court true satd on on tho 1st day of June, 1915, In a of said taies. penalty. Interest, fees and natura lists, advertising usis, inventories ana Hi said Uxes are Forty-firs- t or F.I I'aso counly charge against each and all or the lots delinauent. with six district court ' on or all court cos n are a true and correct nerouibrior set out aim poing an action in other record evidence mentioning and per cent annum my hand seal or said destrinca In the suit tnutiiK'red the docket asid court sum 128.47, Inter- Interest iter from tbe first Alien under and and tracts of land No. 12,nvt'.. Ute Texas Is charge against each and all of the lots recover of the defendant the of describing the said taxes, penally, day of court, City or El being wherein slate of r January next succeeding ibe year at orrice In the Paso, schedule marked exhibit "A" and plaintiff and tracts or land described in tne for the amount of taxes, penalty and est, rees and court costs, and said land aay or una. "described. and F. Terrazas is defendant, the rh county or may iur wnieu me sola taxes aro ueLliqueiii, lexas, mis. ine ."in juiy. above e o! th. plaintiff s demand lieliig Mere-ii- i scheriul? irked- exhibit "A" and being Interest and for collector's and either thereor be Introduced by all J. A. ESCAJEDA, Is snd de- lutii costs rces plalntirr upon fees due the lax collector and countv Said properly tolly set torth iit.-- r hci mil unci being an action lo above described. clerk's and advertising tor the the as evidence the trial clerk, aU rees Clerk District Court, Fl I'aso County, scribed, nil counly taxes, - years 1918, and 1913. on the hallowing de- or cause. and advertising tor publish snd state and or tbe derendant the sum or $16.18, Said property Is fully set rorth and de- this ing me taxes ana estate a rseali By E. M. MONTES. Dsp.uty. penalties. snd cosis are- fully crlhed muí nil statu and taxes. property, in the county of Plaintiff asks upon final hearing. said real ui Interest sisa lrtn the amount or taxes, penalty and rnnntv scribed situated that newsnaner are more rullv and suecirieallv Itemlied, Bet forth and described In uie lor penalties, Interest and costs are also fully El Paso and State of Texas, Lots the plalntirr have Judgment against the Intersil and for collectors and county 88, 82, El slated in the schedule marked exhibit "A, No. 19.031, satd schedule marked exhibit "A." costs and adverilslng fees tor the Itemized, set forth and described In the '3 to both Inclusive, block East derendont tor the above amount of the . By levying clerk's Paso addition to the city of El Paso, Texas, taxes, interest, reea all attached io piulutirr's petition. CITATION BY I' III .11. VI ION reason of the aald listing, years 1912 and 1913 on the rollowing de aald schedule marked exhibit "A." said penalty, and The said taxes have been In and assessing of the said Uxes against By reason of the listing, levying alleging ol court coals, lor a Judgment or foreclosure heretotore, The Slate of Texas- - To Ihe Sherirr or any scribed properly slluaicd In Ibe county of said And said petition, that the state all respects, listed, levied, assessed, re whom, and against the real estate, same 23 and assessing of satd against styled of tbe said tax Ii n on all the said lots ConslaMo of El I'nso Counly, (.reeling: El I'aso anil st.ilo or Texas, Lots the taxes Texas, plalntirr, and represented bj turned delinquent, or said re- arc herein alleged in have beqn listed, 5, íhom. and against the real estate, same me county attorney, complains or said and tracts or land against eacb of the real estate You are hereby commanded to summon ami V, block Orchard park addlUon to tho ported sold lo Uie state; ail lists prepared, Josira O. Lujan by making publication or levied and assessed, the said taxes, city cu lil Paso, Texas, herein altered to have been Usted, fendant. who owned the real estate herein defendants; that an order of sale Issue, tiled, penalty, Interest, rees costs me in manner pro- approved, recorded, advertised In a this citation once In each week tor four and all court And suld petition, alleging that tne levied and assessed, the said taxes. berore described at the time the taxes within time and the newspaper, and said Usl or said are a Just and debt, and penonal or styled and interest, rees end all court costs inafter scheduled were assessed and who Is vided by law, and tor such" other and advertised successive weeks previous to the return day vl'd stiito Texas, plalntirr general special, legal Uxes and real esute riled by the orflcers hereor. in some newspaper published In liability against whom the said laxea were rejirc senied by the county attorney, com- are a just and valid debt, and personal the present owner of said real estate, sayj rurther or and or assessed, the smount or satd. taxes, pen- against were that heretofore, as required by tho const! eaultable rellel to which the olalntirf ana court oi ine saia suie Texas ana your county, lo appear ot the next regular plains of salil derendant who owned tho liability whom the satd taxes county, Forty-firs- t Kl ally. rees costs arising pen-- - may El Paso as required by law, and lerm or the district court of Interest, and rourt real esute hereinbefore described at the sseissd, tne amount or Bald taxes, i union anil law, me taxes nereinaiier scueu- be entitled under tbe law and facts. are unpaid so claimed men were una uxsesscu uy me Herein ran not. nut nave you berore all the requirements of the constitution Paso county, to lie holden at the courthouse thereby due, and lime Inn taxes hereinafter scheduled were Ity. Interest, fees and court costs snsing iisiou. icvieu In or El on by the plalntirr Is present owner of so legal crucera oi mans, said court, at Its atoresVd next regular and law have .been complied with by tbe hereor, he city, Paso, Texas, assessed and who the erebv are due, unpaid and claimed ti tuuuiy, una cnargeu w:m any amy Ihe Monday In September, 1915, the By reason or the said llstlng.i levying, ssld esinto, says that heretotore, as the plaintiff." aralnst whom, and against the land It term, this writ, with your return thereon, oiucera court rirst . mil alleged, said taxes were listed, levied showing how yon have executed the same. thereunder us lo the saiutf, and Uie amount amo being inn ism day or tins assessing, retnm'ng delinquent, nr report-- required by the constitution and law, the fly reason of the said listing, levying, lei in or to answer p' In Ing estate pre- - listed, or report- and assessed, and said taxes were not paid witness, a. tscaieaa, or tne aald uxes, penally. Interest, feea and ilien and there k ililon riled said real sold to the suite, luxes lii'iclnnrier scheduled wire assessing, returning delinquent, i. ciera sal.1 on the 1st dnv nr June. Ull.V In a riling, approving, ad- - by legal ing state, pre- within the time allowed before becoming Forty-firs- t district court or El Paso county. rourt costs are a true and correct court nnrlnr recording. levied and assessed the orflcers said real estate sold to the charge against suit numbered on Ihe liorkei of said court vertlslng and filing aald lists El county. Texas, against whom, ad- subject to the law relating to delinquent .;iven under my hand and seal or aald each and all of IM lou advertised of fas paring, filing, approving, recording, and tracts of land In o. 12.031. wherein the slate of Texas Is of said taxes and real estate, as required and ngHlnst Ibe land Is herein alleged, vertising and said advertised lists taxes and the said taxes are now due and court, at orrice In the city or El Paso, described tbe ning state, county, the day of 19t5. schedule marked exhibit "A" and being plalntirr and Josira O. Lujan' is defendant, by tho eonstllut'on and law. and plalntirr said taxes were listed, levied and aasessed, or said taxes and estate, as required delinquent. The said poll and Texas, this, ieth July. here- - real taxes, a penalty or 10 per 1. A. above described. the nature or pUlAllffa demand being now has and asserts a Men on said real and salí laxes were not paid williln tho by the constltufon and law, and plalntirr school Including ESCAJEDA. to re vo lit thereor ror each year, including and Clerk Dlatiirt Court. Fl Paso County. Said property la fully set forth and de Inafter set nut and lielnn an action estate, to secure navmvtt or th ilrnc allowed berore becoming subject has and asserts .a Hen on said real scribed, all county taxes, cover or the defendant Ihe sum or (18.47, or the said taxes, penalty. Interest, rees relailng lo delinquent taxes and the estate, to secure payment of the amount since the year law, for which the said taxe (Seal) .By E. M, MONTES, Deputy. and stale and iho law are delinquent, with 6 per cent Interest peí penantes, interest ana cobis are aiao ruuy being fur ihe ainuuni of uxes, penalty and nnd all court costs, and the said assess- said laxes are now due and delinquent. or the satd taies. penalty, interest, ieo interest and collector's olid county ment lists, hooks, state, counly, poll and school asses annum from the first day or January next Itemized, sel forth and described In uie lor rolls or dellncruent The sold and all court rosta, and tne sua succeeding the year ror which the said No. 12,190. said schedule marked exhibit "A." clerk's coils and advertising rees tor Iho lists, advertising lists. Inventories snd any including a penally or ten per cent ment lists, rolls or hooks, delinquent Msjfl 1910, 1919 1913, on the rollowing laxei. any Uxjs are delinquent, all reea due the tax CITATION IIY PUBLICATION. fry reason ol tbe said listing, levying and other record evidence mentioning nnd thereof for earli year. Including and since llsls, advertising lists. Inventories and or To or any described properly slluaicd In the counly or Inter- 1SS7, this said taxes are and collector and county cierg, aim an advertís The Stale Texas the Sherirr and assessing of tbe said taxes against descrlh'ng the said taxes, penally. the year for which other record mentioning rees Constable or Kl I'aso County, U feeting: whom, und against tne real estate, same 1.1 I'aso and stale or Texas, Lois est. Tees and rourt costs, and said land delinquent, with sit per rent 'Interest per inter- - Ing tor publishing the said taxes and El l.r. You are to summon aUeged nave and 32 block 137. East .I'aso addition or thereof by tan tt it rrom day or January next JÜÜ ..I' and laid land 'real estate In a newspaper, are more tolly hereby commanded are herein to been listed, either mty be Introduced in the first üf'.S? and specifically stated In tho scbedul Jno. Kingston and Jula McClamey by mak- levied and assessed, tbe said taxea, to the city or El I'nso, Texas, the plalntirr as evidence upon the trial succeeding the year fur which the said taxes or either thereor may be Introduced by ing publication of this citation once In each And said petition, alleging that tne cause. nil lee's due the lax col- upon the trial marked Exhibit "A. attached to plalntirr's penalty, Interest, fees and all court costs and of this are delinquent, the nlalntlff as evidence petition. week for four successive weeks previous to are a Jual and valid debt, and personal slate or Texas, styled plaintiff, Ptolnrirr ssks that npon final hearing, lector and county clerk, and all advertls-UI- or tnts cause. the day hereor,. in some newspaper represented by tho counly attorney, rur the said taxes snd npon neanng, The said taxes have been heretotore, in return nubility against whom the said taxes were who fhe plaintiff have judgment against the fees publishing Plalntirr aaka that nnei Usted, levied, assessed, published in your county," to appear at llic asseasad, the taxea, pen complains of said defendant defendant for the above amount a newspaper, ui- - t against the all respects. re amouni of said lierediheiore of the reu estate in ur he nutntirr Have turned delinquent, or said real estate re next regular term or the Forty-firs- t dis- alty, interest, lees ana court cosis arising owned the real estale said taxes, penalty. Interest, rees and sll and ifii'riricnlly stated in schedule derendant for the above amount of the of El I'aso county, to be holden scheduled were assessed und who Is' ihe to planum a rees ported sold to the state; all lists prepared, trict court thereby are due, unpaid and so claimed says that court costs, tor. a Judgment or rorerlosure marked exiiiuit attached aid taxes, penalty, interest, and all riled, approved, in a al the court house thereof, In tbe city of by tba plalntirr. present owner of said real ctale. or the sa'd tax Uen on petition. a recorded, advertised Ine all the aald lots court costs, tor Judgment of foreclosure newspaper, and said list of said El I'aso, Texas, on ibe first Monday In Sep- By reason or the said listing, levying, heretofore, as required by constitution and tracts of land agalnsi each! of tha The sBlrt taxes have been heretofore, tn advertised scheduled re- taxes end real cttate filed by the officers tember. 1915, the same being Iho Stli day ol assessing, returning delinquent, or report- and law, the tuxes hereinafter that an of sale Issue, all respects, listed, levied, assessed, against or ine assessed by ihe defendants; order re- nd tracts of land eacb and court of the Bald state of Texas and El September, 1915, then and there lo answer ing said real caíate sold lo uie state, pre- were listed, levied and within the time and In tho manner pro- turned delinquent, or said real estate that an order of sale Issue, u petition riled In said on the 2d day legal or El P440 counly, Texas, all lists prepared, - I'aso counly, as required by law, and all court paring, ming, approving, recording, ad- orricers vided by law. and for surh other and ported sold to the state: vlihln ths lime and In the manner pro- or 1915, In a on the against whom, and against the land it is In a the requirements oi tho cunstliuucn and June, suit numbered vertising and riling said advertised lists listed, further, general or special, legal and riled, approved, recorded, advertised law have been compiled with by orri docket ol said court No. 12,190, wherein the herein alleged, suld taxes were equitable to newspaper, and said advertised list of said tbe ol said Uxes and real estate, aa required assessed, and said luxes were relief which the plaintiff cers and court charged with any duty state ol Texas Is plalntirr and Jno. kingston by the and law, and plalntirr levied and may e entitled under the law and facia. laxe, and real eslate filed by the officers samo, McClamey are derendants, the na- constitution not paid within the lime allowed betore or Texas and thereunder as to tbe and tbe amount and Jun now baa and asserts a Uen on said real de- Herein fall not, but have ypu before and court or Iho said slate av he entltlid under tbe law and racts. of said penalty, Interest, fees and all ture or plalntirr's demand being hereinafter becoming subject to the law relating to I'nso county, as required by law, and you betore 'taxes, estate, to secure payment of the amouni laxos are now said court, at Its atoresa'd next regular Herein fall rot. but have court cosis are a true and correct charge set out and being an action to recover of or tbe taxes, penalty, rees linquent laies and the said term, this writ, with your thereon, alt the requirements u! ihe constliutlon Uie sum 114.44. being sold tntereat, deluiquent. The .soul slate, counly, return against each and all or tbe lots and tracts the defendants of tor and all court cosu, and Uie aald assess- dun and showing how you have execiit"d the same. .M law have been compiled with by the of land described in tbe schedule marked Vho amount or taxes, penally and interest poll and school luxes, Including a penally or charged with any duly ment Hsu, rolls or books, delinquent h year, in- Witness, j. a. Escajeda. clerk the Officers and court ana ror and county clerk's costs or ten per cent thereor tor ea. Forty-firs- same, arid the amount or Exhibit "A and being above described. collector's llsls, advertising llsu. Inventories and any which t district rourt of Fl I'aso counly. Diet Minder ns lo the Witness, J. A. Escajeda. clerk the Said property Is rully set forth and de and advertising rees tor the years 1912 and cluding und Since tbe year 1897. for Haiti taxes, penally, Interest, rees and all other record evidence mentioning and with six per Olven under my hand and aeal of said ol scribed, and all slate and county taxes, I9U on the toUowlng described property ihe huid laxes are delinquent, In nr F.I costs are a and eon eel charge or describing the said taxes, penally, tnter- per annum from the rirst day court, at ofriee the City Paso, court true penalties, Interest and costs are also tolly situated In the counly El I'aso and state rent interest Texas, this, tbe ?cth day of July. 101 S. against each and all or the lots and tract 17 18. block eat, fees snd court costs, and said und suceedlng the year tor itemized, set forth and described In tbe or Texas, Lots and 1, or may by of January next 1. A. HSCAJEDA, of land In th schedule marked schedule marked Exhibit nus.ett addition lo tho cllv of El Paso. Te either thereof be Introduced which Uie said luxes are del.nuuenl, all deacrlbed. said "A." the plaintiff aa evidence opon tba trial clerk, flerk D'strlct Court, Fl Paso County. exhibit "A" and being above Bv reason of the said listing, levvlna lo tbe city or El Paso, Texas, lees due the lax collector and counly M set and de- and Iiassett addition of causa. the rgesD Bv E. MONTFS, nrutty. Hnlri properly Is rully rorth Clerk District Court, Fl Paso County. assessing of the said taxes against whom, And said pennon, alleging mat uio this and all adverilslng lees lor publishing scribed, and all stiito and county taxes, By M. MONTES. Deputy. plulniirr, repre- Plalntirr oaks that upon final bearing, estate a newspaper, y (Seal! E and against the real estate, same aro herein tan- ol Texas, styled and aid taxea and real in No l,81 psoattlea, Interest and rost.s are also tul alleged Uie attorney, complains the plalntirr bave Judgment against the mure and speiiilcally stated In In to have been listed, levied and as sented by counly are lully CITATION BY PUBLICATION iteniU. il, set torth and described said No. I2.IM. sessed, laxes, penally, rees derendant who owned the real es- derendant for the shove amount of the Ihe schedule marked exhibit "A." attached " the said interest, oi said Uxes, penally. InMrest, fees and ail srheilulf marked exhibit "A CITATION BY PUBLICATION, ana an coun costs are a jusi aim val tate herelnhelore described at the time the said to plalntirr's pell lion. Tbe Stale uf Texas To tbo snerirr or any By reason or the said listing, levyng ttato of To tho Sherirr or any personal liability scheduled were assessed court cosu. tor a Judgment or foreclosure have been heretotore, In Constable or El I'aso County, Texas debt, and against whom mies hereuianer or Tbe said uxes Creetliii: and UBS SB 1ST of, ihe Bald taxea agulnst able or El Paso County, ureenng: me taxes were assessed, me amount or who Is Ihe present owner or said real tbe aald tax lien on all th said lou all respects, llsied. levied, assessed, re- You are hereby commanded lo summon real estate, same taia and or re- whom, and ugulnst the re hereby commanded to summon taxes, penalty, interest, fees and says heretotore, as required by snd tracts land against each of tbe delinquí ni, or suld real estate E. H. Newberry by unking publication or listed. ssld court estate, that de rendante; an or sale Issue, lumed are herein alleged to have been culver ny maxing puuuuawn; ui costs arising thereby are due, unpaid and that order ported sold to the stutc; all lists prepared, this citation once In each week tor tour - suld tuxes, penalty, week within the time snd In the manner pro- u vl.. unit assi the i.,n ..nce in each tor tour so ciairaen uy ine piaiuiiu. arter scheduled were Usled, levied and as- fllrd, approved, recorded, adverilsed in successive weeks previous to return duy lees und all court costs are a ccts previous to mo reiurn uy reason or mo levying, as legal orricers or El Paso coun- vided by law, and tor auch oilier and newspaper, said advertised list uf said hereof, in some newspaper published In inteicsi. liability said listing, sessed by tbo general or special, legal and Jii si and wli.l d.iit. nnd personal sesslng. renin lug delinquent, or reporting ty, Texas, against whom, and against the rurther and laxes and real estate riled by the oiricers your counly, 10 appear at the next regular Ignota the said taxes were next regu- - equitable relief to which plaintiff El lorty-rirs- t again'! county, to appear at the said real esiale sold to the state, preparing, land It la herein alleged, said taxes were th and court of tí uid stule or Texas and term or the district court or Ihe amount or said taxes, penalty, or tne uiairn., ui flUng, approving, recording, advertising listed, and assessed, and said taxes may De entiuea unoer in law ana racts counly, as required by law, and al El I'aso county, to be holden at the court costs arising at levied not, have you Paso tntereat, leei and couri mooiv to he holden tbe court and filing said advertised lists or said were not paid within tbe time allowed before Herein fail but berore ihe requirements of Ihe constitution and bouse thereor, In the City or El Paso, thereby aro due, unpaid and so claimed cny said court, at Rs next regular Uie offl- - IBBereor. in tne oi r.i taxes and real estate, as reoulred bv the hecominir aunieci io me law reiauna to aforesaid law bave been compiled with by Texas, on the rirst Monday In September. by the plalntirr. Mniitiv in seiilember. lull.iu,Ibe consutuuon ana law, ana piamuir now nas delluuueni taxes and the said Isxes see term, this writ, with your return thereon, With BIIV duty 1915, the sume being Uie sth day of listing, levying, Hnt of September, 1915. showing how you same. Bv reason of the aald me being the ah day ana asserts a uen on said real estate, to se- now due and delinquent. The said state, have execulsd the thereunder si lo the same, snd the smount September. 1915. then and there to aimwer assessing, returning delinquent, or report- KfBs there to answer a petition riled cure payment or the amount of the said county, poll and acbool taxes. Including a Witness, J. A. Escajeda, clerk or Ihe or said laxes, penally, mteresi, n;e aim . a petition riled In said court on Uio 1Mb the pre- or Forty-firs- t F.I county ing altl real estate sold lo slat, Mlirn.irt nn the 1st day June. 1S1Í. taxes, penalty. Interest, feet and all court or ten per cent tor asen district court or Paso court costs are a irue and correct churge day or June. 1915, In a on recording, ad- on or said penalty thereor Olven my band seal of suit numbered paring, riling, approving, In a suit mitiiijercil the docket costs, and the said assessment lists, rolls or year, including snd since ihe year lavl. under and said against each and all of ihe lou and UueU the docket or said court No. I2,S7, vertising and riling said advertised lists flo. wherein the stale or Tcxa3 dooks, aennqueni lists, advertising lists, in taxes delinquen I, court, si orrice in the city or El Paso In ibe schedule marked the oí Texas Is plalntirr, and S, B, estate, as c.jrt for which the said are Uie ot or land described lute 0( satd taxes und real required Is plaintiff and Downs Culver are ventories and any other record evidence per cent Interest per annum rrorn Texas, this, Sstb day July, 1vU. and being above described. Newberry Is defendant, the of law, and plalntirr i with six 1. A. exhibit "A" nature by Ibe constlluilon and the nature of plalntirr's demand mentioning and describing the said day or next succeeding ESCAJEDA, la lully ael torth anil de. plalntirr s demand luing set a on Bald real ac- taei the rirst January Bald property hcrelnarter now his and asseris lien being Mrelnaruir set out and being an penuliy. Interest, fees and court costs, and year ror whicb the said taxes are de- Clerk District Court, u I'aso County. and all slute and cuuniy taxeB. and being an to recover or payment or the ainouni or the sum may the (Baal) By E. M. Deputy. scribed, out union i mm, lo secure tion H recov er the derendants sam luia or euner mereoi no intro linquent, all rees due the lax collector and MONTES. pénames, interest and coals are also lully tin- derendant the sum or 1117.09, baiug for or satd taxes, penalty, inierest, fees , .um'j.i.,, u Ibe or ueuiK en i.m, duced by the plaintiff as evidence upon the counly clerk, and all advertising rets for lieiruied, sel lortb and described Ui the the amount or tsxes, penalty and Interest and all court ro.stsr und the suld aisess-uien- l penally and Interest and ror collector's trial or mis cause. lhe said taxes and real estale In No. 19.039. scbedul marked exhibit "A. ror and county clerk's hooks, delinquent lists, advertising publishing BY said and collector's llsls, rolls or ami counly (lark's costs and Plalntirr asks that upon final bearing, the a newsnaner. are more fully and snenrica) CITATION PUBLICATION by reason ths aald listing, levying cosu and advertising rees tor the years HdvertlMiig llsls, inveiiiorP s and auy oirjer 1913 on 101- aereun-an- of tnr the I0I anj the piaiuun nave juogmeni cgainsi me schedule exhibit The state of Texas To the Sheiirr or any or ihe aald tuxes against 1912 1913 oq rollowing mentioning and the or ly staled in the marked or and assessing and the described record descrtbmt lowlnff descrían property, situated in tor the above amount the said taxes, "A, lu planum ConiUble El Paso County, Oreetlng: whom, and agalnat the real estau:, same are properly situated til the county or El taxes, penalty, interest lees ar. nf Paso and stale or Texas. 10- - penalty. Interest, rees and all costs, aliacnea ikiiuuii. You sre hereby commanded to summon the aald Hinu li court IX herein alleged to have been listed, levied I'aso and stale or Taxes, Wear costs, and s.iul luid or either Uieroi or i; 23 Tbe ssld laxes nave been heretotore, uy In- court ppuUi lot and north for a Judgment of foreclosure of the said flf. a. LUjau majtmg publication oi una the said taxes, penally. 40 or 25 to 97. Inclusive, by the. plalnlHf as evt-d- i Campbell addition tax 'Uen on all and of all respects, listed, levied, assessed, re citauon on.e each week for rour auc and assessed, tost lou both may be introduced reel of lot is. block ll, tbe said lots tracts or in terest rees and all court toils are a Just and E. 80 reet of north half of lot 24. block upon tho trial of this cause. the city or 1.1 Pa.- i. rexu?, land against eacb of the derendants; that an turned delinquent, said real esiale crsslve weeks previous lo the return day liability ni' lo sold to Uie Stale; ail lists prepared and valid debt, and personal 7 Sunset HeighU addition lo the City of. I'lalnlirr asks that upon rinal hearing, And the said petition, alleging that order of sale Issue, within the limn and In hereof, in some newspaper published in Uxes were assessed, Judgim-n- against tbe manner filed, approved, recorded, advertised In a your county, to appear aguinsi whom the said El Paso, Texas, the plalntirr have the BBBBSS Ol ijnu yioiuiiii the provided by law, aim tor auch al the next regular amount or said Uxes, penalty, interest, said petition, alleging that the rur the above amount or the said earire settled bv the county sttor- other and further, general or special, legal newspap.-r- and said advertised lisl of said term or the Forty-firs- t district court of El the thereby are And defendant taxea and estate tiled by thu officers rees and court costs arising state of Teias, styled plalntirr. and taxes, penalty. Interest. lees and all court tains Ol 1U ucicuiiaui, m and equitable relier to which the plalntirr real Pao county, to be holden al the court house so claimed by Uie. pluintlir. .county attorney, of of the ne- may and court or the said stale of Texas and El city EI Paso, Texas, on due. unpaid and represented by the cosu for a Judgment rorerlosure real estate neremoetore bo entitled under tbe law and facts. thereof, in the ol reason or the said listing, levying, complains of said derendant who lien on all the said lots and tracts me time the laxes hereafter Herein fall not. but bave you betore said Paso county, as required by law, ana all the Monday In Seplember, 1910, tbe by said lai of the and rirst assessing, returning delinquent, or report- owned ibe real estate hereinbefore de- or land against each vt tbe defendants; were assessed and who Is the court, at Its aforesaid next regular term, the requirements constitution same being Ihe eui day or September. 1915. pre-,i- been compiled with by ihe orri- ing said real estate sold lo Ibe state,. scribed at the' time the taxes herelnart T that an oritur or sale Issue, wnuin tbe time this writ, with your return thereon, show- law have then snd mere to answer s petition riled in recording, adver ihe manner provided by law, and ing you same. cers and court charged with any duly on the day or 1915, In ani.n.nnir scheduled were aSBessed and wbo It and In the as required Dy uie consutuuon how have executed the said court 1st June, 'and nillig 'd advertised lists or of ssld real esute. says that such other and ruriher. general or the laxes bereinalter scheduled Witness, 1. A. Escajeda. clerk of the For thereunder as lo the same, and the amouni miierea on me aoraei or said ilslng present owner tor penalty, rees all taxes and real estate, as required heretofore, as required by the constitution legal and equitable relier to which , levied ana assessed by ine. te district court or El Paso county or said laxes, interest and salt may a charge ti Luían by the con.tliuUon and law, and plalntirr and Uw, the taxes herelnarter scheduled the pimritirr be enUUed under the s of El Paso county, Texas Olven under my hand snd seal or said court costs are true and correct lam off andiff rdefendani the n against eacb and all or ibe lots and tracts being now has ana asserts s mi .u were Usled, levied and assessed by the law and facts. J court, al orrice In the city of El Paso. nature of tUlntlfr's demand herein payment of Ihe Texas, Tall have you before said or 1915. or me being an real estate, to secure legal orricers or El I'aso counly, Herein not. but mi saint taxea war listen, lev- Texis, this, the 96th day July. land acsenneu in issHtii'aanw arter et out and acUon tu recover penalty, II U regular A. snn being snove Uie sum or (12.50, being amount or the said taxes, against whom, and agalnsi the land court, at Us aforesaid next term, assessed. and satd taxes were not J. ESCAJCDA. exhibit "A aesirmea. or tbe defendant tor costs, and were listed, your thereon, show-la- g Clerk District Court, Paso County, Said property is lolly set form and de- Uie of uxes, penalty ntsrest, fees and all court herein alleged, said taxes this writ, wilh reiurn within trie time allowed berore he Li amount, and Interest or assessed, end said taxes, were liow you have executed Uie same. subject lo uie law reiaung to am tüoal) By E. U. Montes, Deputy. scribed, and all sute and counly taxes and tor collector's snd county clerk's cosu th ssld assessment list, rolls levied and B 8 EL PASO itfORNING TIMES legal have Judgment officers of El Paso county, Texas, against í. A. Escajeda. cr I as to Ike same, and the amount plauitirr and II. Melrlaham Is defendant, the Inr and riling awM advertised Hits of said listed, levied and assessed by toe plalnurr aralnst the Witness, clerk thereunder amount or toe wnom. ano land 11 la narem E! county. or laid taxes, penalty, fees and all nature or plaintlfra demand being hereln- tax eat real estate, us required i,y tne officeri of El Paso county, Texas, againsi defendant for toe above aoeinsi toe t district coun of Paso Interest, ta taxes, fees and all alleged, aaid taxes were Usted, levied and ven my ana eai ni rourt ooeli are a true and correct charra' arter mi cm ano oeing aa action to re- romtltutlon and lew, and plalnurr now has whom, and against tne land It Is herein iald penalty, interest, unciT nina mu snrn of 110.74, a toses, estate, alleged, levied snd court cost, ror a Judgment of foreclosure assessed, and ssld taxes wore not paid rfurt. at ornee In IM city or Fl Paso, aralnsl es it and all of toe lots and tracts enter of the defendant the and asserts on said real said taxes were Hated, becoming Ivis. of land described In toe schedule marked bein for the amount of taxes, penally and to secure payment Use amount of toe assesses, asad said taaaa were not psld ine laid tax lien on an tne saia iois within the time allowed before T ais, this, the Mtn ttiy of July, county af each or the lib ert to toa law relatlnr to delinquent f. A. ESCAJEDA, Kih'lilt "A" and betnr almve described. InP est and tor rolinriors and said taxes, penally, Interest, fees and ell ltl, fn ume allowed before becoming and tracti of land aralnst Baid pri'perly Is t rorto and clerk's easts and advertising reel ror tne court cons, and the ssld assessment Itsti, bjerl to the law relating lo delinquent fondants; that an order or sale lisiie. taxes and toe aaid taxes are now doe and and all stalt! and county taxes, year II.IS on the rollowinr described prop- rolls or books, delinquent lists, advertising h i snd toe sasat taxes are now due and Hhln tos time and in the manner pro delinquent. The sett state, county, poll pen. ilios, interest and costs are also fully erty situated in the cotmty or Kl Paso and Hits, inventories and any other record evi- The said slate, county, poll vided by law, and for sucb other and and school taxes. Including a penalty of No. II. Tí. Itetttlted, set rorto and deacrllied In toe stste of Texas, Lots H to SI. both dence mentioning and describing the said anil school laxos. Including a penally of rurther. reneral or special, letal snd ten per cent thereor ror each year. Intrud 7, wruen ing year citation BV l'l HI.M inON. said schedule marked Exhibit "A." Inclusive, block East El Paso addition taxet, penalty. Interest, fees and court ten per cent tnercot ror each year, lnelud-- equitable roller to tne piainurr ana since tne iiw7, tor wmra The fluir or Texas To the Sherllf or tny fly icason of the said llslinir, levytnr and to the city or Kl Paso, Texas, costs, and said land or either thereof may inr ann since me year nr7, lor wnicn may he entitled under toe law and reds. the said' taxes are delinquent, with six Constshle of rayo County, Qreellnr sssoaelnir or the said taxes aúanst whom, bn inuoduced by the plaintiff as evidence the iald are delinquent, wtth six Herein fall not, but have you berore per cent Interest per annum rrom tbe first il And and petition, allertnff that toe mata upon the trial of this, cause. tai's said court, at Its aforesaid next regular day of January next succeeding the year Vou are hereby commanded lo tUITirnoP and Lrainst the real estate, samo are herein , per tent Interest per annum rrom Ihe rint allr?-i- t of Texas, ityled plalntirr-- and represented upon J wlto your thereon, wnicn ine are ; I.. Craven by making publication or Ibis to hate been listed, levied and ' or Plalnurr aska Uiat rinal hearlnr, the day of t next succeeding the year term, toll writ, return inr said taxes delinquent, br toe county attorney, complains : lamiirr bare Judgment de- how you have same. all fees due the tax collector and count illation once in eaeti week for rour succes- the said taxea, penalty. Interest, fees real atalnit the ror which tlie said laxes are delinquent, ihowjng executed tho ami all costs are a valid said defendant, who owned tlie fendant for (lie above amount or the laid tax Wltnesi, 1. A. Escajeaa, riera ox me clerk, and all advertising fees for publish sive weeks previous lo tho n'lurii day here- court just and at U time nil rees due the collector and rounly of, tn stum newspaper published In your di hi. ami personal liability aralnst whom estate hereinbefore described taxes, penalty. Interest, reei and all rourt clerk, and all advcrtlilng fees ror publish- Forty-firs- t dim ct court of El Paso county. ing in. said lutes and real estate in a Hi - the scheduled were costs, a the Given my hand and seal or said newspaper are more fully speclftVa-f- inuniy, 10 appear at the nasi regular term ild laies wore assessed, the amount ot taies hereinafter owner for Judgment of foreclosure of ing the said taxes snd resl estate In a under and of the flmt court ul El Pasa said penally. Interest, lees and court and who la toe present said rax lien on all the said lots and incls newspaper are more fully and fperirioilly court, at ornee in the City or El Paso. itated tn the schedule msrked exhibit lurty district talOi, says heretofore, 1915. lounly, to be holden Uie court house roiti risjiiir tlierehy are due, unpaid and of said real estate, that Of land each or toe derendanta; Mated In the schedule marked exhibit "A, Texas, tola, toe scth day of July, attached to plaintiff's petition. it as by ihe romtltutlon and law, an J. A. ESCAJEDA. taxes nave ai thctvii, in the city of El Paso, Texai, on the so claimed hy tlie plalnurr. required were thai order of sale Issue, witotn the time attached to plalntirrs petition. me sain been beretoTore. tirst Monday in Mpfatnber, itis, the aarne By n ason or the said lutlnr. levylna;, the taxes hereinafter scheduled and In the manner provided by law, and In Clerk District Court, El i'aso County. all respects, listed, levied, assessed, re- assessed by the legal or The said tores have been neretnrore. By E. M. MONTES, Deputy. delinquent, re- wsnnr AM i'Ui day oí September. Hit:.. Usen returnlnr delinquent, or reportiur lilted, levied and for finen other and further, general all respects, Itsted, levied, assessed, re- Ce,. lumed or said real estate snd there In answer a petition riled In ssld ii ai .iia in me slate, preparnur. officers of El Paso county. Texas. aralnt special, leral and equitable relief to whlcli re- ported sold to toe itate; all Hsu prepared, It la herein the. turned dellnrjuent, or said real estate j.iiii On ÚM day nf tune, IMS, m a lull rtlltur. approvlnif. rnconllnr, advertlsinr whom, and aratnat the land plalnurr may be entitled under the law prepared, No. li,S83. filed, approved, rerorded, advertised u levied snd and facts. ported sold to the state; all lists BV numbered on toe ilocxet of anl rourt .No. ml fuliiR said advertised list! or laid alleired. said taaei wri llit'rt. riled, approved, recorded, advertised In a CITATION PITII.ICATI0N. newspaper, nnd laid advertised list of aath 11.975. or plaln-nr- IMI and real as by the ssaessed. and aasd taxes were , not paid Herein rail not, but you berore said The or Texas To the Sheriff or sny laxes and riled tbe ofruaaat) wherein the stale Texas If estate, required bare newspaper. s rj said list or said stale real estate by and J L. Craven is defendant, tlic nature "iinitminn and law. and plalnurr now haa within the time allowed before becoming court, at Its aforesaid next regular term, advertised Constable or Kl Paso County,. Greeting: and court of toe iald State of Texaa sti- a on Bald so to delinquent writ, wlto your show- taxes and real estate riled by the officers to summon f plaintlfra demanil hereinafter set and asserts lien real estate, to mbjeet to the law relatlnr this return thereon, and or toe or and You are hereby commanded ll Paio county, as required by law, and me i or Hie are now due and ing how you have toe same. court said Texn K. making; publication or hi aim being an aetJoa lo recovar f tiro paymrnt nmoi.iil of the paid taxes and toe laid taiei executed El county, law, and E. Cunningham bv all the requirements of toe constitution laxVfXI, county, poll A. Escajcda, For- Paio as required by derendant tlic sum of belDI ror the penalty, interest, foes and all court delinquent. The said stste, witness, J. clerk of the an constitution this citation once m each week for tour and law have been complied with by to penally and costs, and tlic said assessment 0 a penitty of ty district court of El Paso county. the requirement! ot the to day any duty runoiuit of taie. ami Interval lists, rolls and school taiei, Incltidlnr flrn and liw been romplted with by Ihe successive weuks previous return officers and court charged with lor collectors and rnuiitv clerk's imis and delinquent ilsls, advertising- lists, In ten per cent thereof for each yessr. lnclud Drven under my hand and (teal of the ssld hue any hereof, in some newipaper published In thereunder as to the same, and toe amount which at ornee or orricers snd court charred with duty retru-la- r advertising feea tor the yeari 191? and IM1 venlorlei imd any oilier record evidence mar and linca the year 1W7. for rourt, in the city El Paso, amount your countv. to appear al ihe next or said taxes, penalty, Interest, fees an (! r l Ilio Kald with six Texas, this, toe 101. thereunder as to the ume. and the Forty-fir- nn the following property mated iii. iili. iiiiiK and dosi rlldnr talos, toe said taxes are delinquent, iltto day of July, or fees and term of the district court ourt costs are a true and corren ihe I'a-- or penally, roes the J. A. ESCAJEDA, said tax?j, penalty, Interest, county, at the of- - in tenuity ntni slate iota: interest, and conn costs, and per cent Interest per annum from nrit a of El I'aso lo be holden charge against each and all the lots In 1I 'ill i.i. inclusive, Wind or may bo year Clerk Court, El Paso county. all court rusts sre true and correct In ot Paso, in bloci Sela either thereof Intro day of January next succeeding 'be District against or the lota court house thereof. the city El and tracts of land described In the addition to the rlly F.l duoed by the ni.tlff as cvldonco upon the are dei!ncrint, ((Seal) By E. M. MONTf.b. Deputy. charge each and all on Uie Monday for which toe sajd taxes and tract! or land described In the Texas, first in sepiemoer, heduli marked exhibit "A" and henar Texas. irnil of h cause. all feats due the tax eoOeetor and county 1915, Ihe same being Ihe 6th day of Sep- above described. I'liilntirr asks upon ror publish sehedulo marker! exhibit "A" and being to a And laid pelluon, alleging thai toe mate that final hoarlnr, the rl'rt. and all advertiser rae No. 1Í.50. above tember, loir., then and there answer sain property is ruiiy set rorto and of Texaa, styled piaiiitift. and represented pi'Hiiiur n.ite jiiUkuioiii sraln-t- the derend hit the ald taxes and real estate In a citation by pi hi i tnn described. ution (lied in said conn on tne ism nay Interest and colts sre also tolly by i tie County aiUiuey, complains or ant ror the above amount of the said laxos newspaper ara more rnllv and spocinisllT The state or Texas To the Rberiff or any enld property li fully set forth and de- of June. 1015. in a suit numbered on itemized, set rorto and deicrlbed In tbe said defendant, who owned the real penalty. Inlori tat, fasM and all cuurl cost' slated in toe srh'dule marked exhibit "A. constable of El Paso County, Ureetlnff: scribed, and all state and county taxes. docket of said court No. 12.883, wherein said ichedule marked exhibit "A." i state. hereinbefore described at tos tune ror a JudKHiont of foreclosure of the said attached to plaintiffs petition. Vou sre hereby commanded to summon enaltlei, interest and costs, are alio fully the state or Texas is plalntirr. and E. By reason or the said listing, levying toe uies herelttaXler i beouled warn aa tat 'leu m: all tlic said lots and tracts The laid taxes have been heretofcsri. 11 Mrs. C. W. Icing and P. J. (inii.ales hy inak- - Itemized, set forth and described In the Cunnlnrtam la defendant, the nature and assessing of the said taxes again-- : abased and m u toa picaent uvniar land aralnst each of the that an all respects. Mted, levied, aasened. re- iiitr Publication or tola citation once In each iald icheilule marked exhibit "A." plaintiff's demand being hereinafter gel out whom, and against the real estate, sam of said mal estate, ixys Unit heretofore, order or ale Issue, within the time and In itienerl rlellneeieol nr said real eMail r week for rour successive woeks previous to By reason or tne iald listing, levying and being: an action tn recover 01 tne de are herein alleged to have been Hated, provided tin- aa bv toe ... i ...n lud law, tin. manner bv law. and for ported sold to the líate: all lints prfisred. loturn day hereof, In some newspaper and assessing of the said taxes against fendant the sum or sikg.m, Doing ror ine levied and assessed, toe said taxes, me ux-- i yrtuiilv-- t aibrduled were oilier and rurlbor. general or special, Irjjal nld, approved, recorded, adtertlsed In I published In your county. lo appear at the) whom, anil against the real estate, same amount of taxes, penally and Interest and penalty. Interest, fees and all court coils listed, and equitable relief to which the plalnurr Hat of next regular term of toe Forty first alleged to ror and county clerk'a costs are a personal and seiied by the leral may nesrspaper, and said advartlsed ule district are herein nato- Deon lineo, collector's Just and valid debt, and officcri or l.i Paio cuuutv Texaa, against be entitled under the law ami facts. laxei and real eitata filed by the orrirert court of Kl I'aso county, to bo huldt ii at the levied md aiiessed. toe ssld taxes, and advertising rees for the years 1910, liability against whom the said taxes were whom, end Uie land It la herein Herein tail not, but havo you berore sain toe said State or Texas and court house thereof. In the cllv or Kl Paso, penalty, tntfrest, and all court costs ion. 1012 and 1913. on tho following- de assessed, the amount or said taxes, pen court, Its next and ooiirt of on reel or alleged, aaid laies were Usted, let led and at arnresaid regular term, B1 Taso county, as required by law, and lexas. the first Monday In Hopiomber. are a Just and valid debt, and personal scribed property iltuaied in the county ally. Intereit, fees and court chits arfstna Uixee were this writ, Willi your return thereon, allow- cnnsUtutlon ivij, toe same m im mo Bin day or aepiem liability taxes were El Paso and of Texas, are due, so aaseaaed. anil aaid not ald you requirements against whom thn said slate thereby unpaid and claimed wiibin Ume before -. outing ing how have executed the same. compiled with by ths her, 1011 then and there to answer a poll assess d. tlm amount of said taxes, pen Original Mo. Acres by the plalntirr. lie allotted Witness, J. A. Karajcda, or and law have been e ..' ' t he law relalljir aeliiiqueul clerk tho For officers and court charred wth any duty lion flli'd In said court on the nth dnv of ally. Interest, feci and court colts arising Abst. No. Sur. No. Oranlee. uellnq By reason of the said listing, levying, u.. district court or Kl I'aso county same, amnnm June, 1I6, In a suit numbered on Uie docket are unpaid so claimed 7.378 8 B, E. Cunningham 610 assessing, delinquent, texca aim said laxe are uovt oue and my thereunder as to the and tne or thereby due, and returning or report di'luiqin-o- t Tne aaid slate, oounly, poll Ulven under band and seal or said penalty, Interest, fees and said court No. 13.802, wherein the stale by the plilntlfr. 7.379 2 K. E. Cunningham 40 ing Bald resl estate old to the state, pre- at office In of laid taxei, 3 an : taina, including a penally of court, Uie city of i:l I'aso, costa are a ana of Texis Is plalntirr and Mrs. C. W. Lotut 7.380 V.. E. Cunningham 610 paring, filing, approving, recording, ad- cías, tilla, toil or v. all court true na- - By reason of the iald lining, levying, ten per cent thereof for each year; Mlh day Jul Id:. etisre-- each and at of toe low ir"i lontalea are defendants, the report- 7.:od 0 P. E. Cunningham 640 vertising and riling Hsu im hid A. u assessing, returning delinquent, or laid advertised Miff year ror J. ESC.UKHV tn 1b uu ui piaiiiuii s aemana Herein- 7,382 11 E-- E. Cunningham 640 or said taxes aa diid linee uie isi7. which Clerk Court, county. snd trnrta of land described ing said real estate sold lo the slate, pre- and real estate, required Ujn raid me dcllnapif rititrlct i.i Paso exhibit "A" and after aot out and being an action to recover ad- 7.:in 11 E. E. Cunningham 640 by the constitution and law, and plalntirr Ulna ut. wtth all (Real) By M. schortu! marked belnr or too sum 114.3V. I., paring, riling, approving, recording, per cum Interest per aimuln rrom li. Montes. Iieputy doreadant the ol in filing 1410 8 E. E. Cunningham 640 now has and asserts a Hen on said real ilin first above dcirrlncd. ror the amount or taxes, penaltv and Inter- vertising nncl said advertised lists cay cf Jaimary ueit auccaedtof Ilia year Said property Is fully set forth and de- of until la and real estate, ns required And said petition, alleging that the State estate, lo secure payment of the amount ror No. county taxes. est and ror Ccfllector'i nnd county clerk's jo of ihe said taxei, penalty, which tut aaid taxes aro dtLuquenl. ts.m scribed, and all itate and and ror by the oonstltutnn and law, and plalntirr of Texas, styled plaintiff, and represented Interest, fees all feea due thr tax collector county CITATION BV PIUI.ICATION. and costs are also tolly costs advertising reel the years ny oompiaiua 01 and all court is. and the assess- and ie "tap' or allies. Interest snd on Ihe rollowing described now has and asserts a Hen on saltf real ine county attorney, ssld lera, and all ror puiriiali-ln- i Texas To Ihe or any nixed, set and In toe mis 118 or ment lists, rolls or books, delinquent ailvertisiiur foe constable or forth described property situated In the county or I.I Paso estate, to secure payment the amount the aaid taxes and real estala Ir a ei Paso county, oreetuiri Cinld icliodule marked exhibit "A." or the said taxes, penalty, lntrrest, rees cunto hereinbefore described at the Ume lilts, advertising lists. Inventories and an xoil are hereby MOnTUtodad and state or Texas, East of - ItdWKpaper are fully spec ally to aummoii By reason or toe said Hsttne. levylna; aisesi-men- t thn taxes scheduled were ai- record evidence mentioning and inure and iru D. lot sn or S7. 8, and all court com, and the said hereinafter other stiit- Morey hy making publication of this or iatd and ill lot block WOOdlatrn Is in the imirked exnUait "A. once and aasslnr the tuies srainut addition tn the city or El Paso, Hsu, rolls or books, delinquent sesied and who the present owner dcscrlb'ng the said taxes, penalty, Inter- altarhed to plalotlfTa petition. union in each week fur tour suecos whom, end the real estate, same Texts, any or said real estate, says that heretofore, est, rees and court costs, and land te week! previous to the return day here arslnst lists, advertising lists, Inventories and aaid the said taxes nave been ueretorort. In ire herein alleired to hare been listen, Mid iald petition, alleging that tor utr other record evidence mentioning and as required by tbe constltuuon and law, or either thereor may be Introduced by respecte, In M.ino newspaper published In your assessed, the said tixes, or Texas, ityled plalntirr. and represented were the plalntirr as upon all listed, levied, aaeoaaed. upty. to appear at the next regular levied and describing tlie said taxes, penally. Inter- the taxes hereinafter scheduled evidence toe trial del:iuTuent, re- term penaltv. Interest, fees and all court cosle by the county attorney, complains of levied by the legal uf this cause. or said real sálate " district court ot El est, foei ind court coils, and iald land lilted, and aisessed ported aoid u toe state, all lisas prepared, dsn are a Just and val'd debt, and personal said defendant, who owned the real or either thereof may be Introduced by officers of El Paw county. Texas, agalmt Plalntirr asks that upon final hearing, illtlly, lo bo hidden at the court lioiirc liability the were estate herelnberore described at the Ume the have tiled. ui prosed, reoorded, advartised in a Hi 1.1 aralnst whom laid taxei the plalntirr as evidence upon ihe trial whom, and against the land It ll herein plaintiff judgment against the tlie cuy of raso, Texas, mi Hie said taxes, pen- the taxes scheduled were la newspaper, and said advartlsed Uat 0 Hi ki Monday September amount of hereinafter or this cause. alleged, said taxes were luted, levied and defendant ror the above amount of the am: íi."-- In assd. com arising icised and who is toe present owner taxes, all tales real eetnte riled by toa '' toe th day ot ml.. alty. Inierest, tees and court PlalnHfr ask! that upon final hearing, asiessed. and said taxes were not paid aaid penalty, interest, rees and and com l or the said State of Tea as andii lien l'lnr thereby are Cue, unpaid snd so claimed oi saia real eiiate, sayi met nereioiore, the plalntirr have Judgment against the within toe time allowed before becoming court costs, for a Judgment of rorecloaure and Ibero to air- plalntirr. as required by and law, or tax I. Paso rmmty, as required by law, and In said court on toe n th day or June, tutu, by the the coniututlon defendant lor the above amount of the subject to the law relating to delinquent tbe said lien on all the said lots all ton requlreineiits toe By reason .,r the laid Mating, levying, the taxes hereinafter scheduled were rees taxes now and and tracts or land against each or the of conatltullon in suit numbered on the docket or aid legal said laxes, penalty, Inierest and all and toe said taxes are due and law have beea rouipliad wlto by assessing, reiurn'ng delinquent, er report- listed, levied and assessed by toe costs, a Judgment delinquent. state, county, poll derendants; that an order 01 sale lime, the court Ü0. l'.'.:tr. wherein Hie slate uf Texas or against rourt for of foreclosure The aatd offtrna and court wiu any duly - plaintiff p. Morey ing ald real otat sold to the atate, nrricers El Psso county, Texaa. or the .ail tax lien on all Ihe iald lot! and ichool Including a penalty of within tho time and tn the manner pro cnarred ami ii. is defendant ad- whom, hereto taxei. thoreunder as la toe sea lift, and toe amount Hi. or - filing, approvlnr, recording, and aaralnst the land It li and or land against each of the ton per cent thereof each year, includ- vlded by law. and for such other and nature plalntirrs being horo- lists alleged, snd tracti for er said taxes, penalty. lnteiet, fees and inairer boirtf re- - vertising and nilnr said advertised aaid taxes were listed, levied defendants; ttiat nu order or sale Issue, ing and since the year 1897, ror which rurther, general or special, legal and iei out end an action to as required assessed, and were not pud equitable all court cowl are a true sod correct cover of lie dofendiuit the sum of ltd 17. of inld pive and real estile, aaid taxes within the timo end In the manner pro- the said taxes are delinquent, with six relief to which the plaintiff charra affaliist cad) and all of the Iota lienor nr ihe amount of lines, penalty ami rv Hie constitution and law. and plalntirr within toe tune allowed berore becoming vided by law, and for such other and per cent Interest per annum from tbe first may ue entinen under mo law ana facts and tracts of lard described in the Interest end foi collector's and county no has and aaserts a Hen on said real subject loutbe law relating to delinquent rurther. rcrn-ra- l .or special, legal and day of January next succeeding the year Herein ran not. but nave you Berot schedule mar beioa" s - f..i estate, to payment of the amount taxes and the said taxes are notrn due and equitable roller to which tho plalntirr for which said rourt. at Its aforeaald next regular ant eilitoll "A" and Iks and niUorllHlnr rn the delinquent county, poll the said taxes are delinquent, above dsrnLd. '.ir- - loll. 101 und Í6I3 mi the roTliw1rTi nf the said taxes, penalty. Interest, feel The said state, may na efauuen under ue law and tacii an feei due toe tax collector and county term, this writ, with your return thereon, Held property is fully tat rorto and de- described property Minted in ihe: county rind all court cnits, and the laid l and ichool taxea. Including a penalty of Herein fall not. but have you before clerk, snd all advertising fees for publish- showing how you have executed too same. scribed, and all and county laxra. r I.I PaaO and tale ..r Tea- - to wll Uotl IKts, rolls or .bonks, delinquent per rent tnereor ror each rear, mount at Its aroresald next regular ing toe said ahd estate In a Witness, J. A. Escajeda, clerk of the itale any iald courl. , Uxes real penallies, InleTeal uul costa are alio tally N and .:(. block ro. ;. Peril addTUon lists, advertising ils'.s. Inventories snd ing ind Unce toe year 1887. tor whlrh toim, this writ, with your return men-oil- newspaper are more rully and specifically Forty first district court of El Paso county. Itcírüred. fortli and the fexai other r"cord evidence mentioning and inc saia taxes are delinquent, wnn six showing how you have Ihe same. In (liven under my band and seal of Bald in described la xeeufd slated the schedule marked exhibit "A," 1. laid Schedule marked exhibit "A." And Mid petition, alleging thnt the State rtescrllitig tlie said taxes, penally. Inter- per cent interest per annum rrom ihs rint Wltnesi, J. A.. Escajeda, clerk or the attached to plalntirrs petition. court, ni drice in toe City or El Paso. By reason of Uie said hs'lnx. levying : i. ityled est, rees and court costs, and mid land day of January next iiirceedlng the year Forty-flr- district 'court or F.I Paso county. The uxes have In Texas, this, Ihe 26th day of July. 1811. dictnirr. and represented he by iald been heretotore, and or the jd taxes county or nr either thereof may Introduced for which the said taxes are delinquent, under my hand and seal or said all re- J. A. ESCAJEDA, asaesslnr aratusi it tho attornrv. COtopialni upon citen respects, listed, levied, ssseased. wo. ii ii. an. nKantat the real estala, saine aid defendant wi.. owned too reel tba .plaintiff as evidence the trial all feci due the tax collector and county court, st office in the city of El Paso, turned delinquent, or said real estate re- Clerk D!strl"t Court, El Paso County. are lin-;- ulleeu io navs been at Uie of this cause. clerk, and an advertising fees for publish- Texis, this, the S6th day of July.. "19ir. ported (Seal) By E. M. MONTES. Deputy. lliled. state berCUlbsfore time hearing, sold to toe state; all lists prepared, leviort and asses sed, Ihe a.dd tAxr. M inves hereinafter tcbeduled were as Plalntirr nsks that upon filial ing .the said taxes and real estile In a J. A. KBUUBUAi filed, ipproved, recorded, advertised In a penalty, Inierest. reel and all court tosts the plalntirr have ludgmieit aealnst Ihe newspaper are more rully and ipeclflcully Clerk Olatrtct court, PI I'aso County. newspaper, nnd laid advertised Hit or said No. 12,274. are just and t u d debt, and personal etofu r ndant for the above amount of the stated In ton nodule marked exhibit il) By E. M. MONTHS Deputy. taxei and real estate filed by toe orricers CITATION BY PUBLICATION. liability tffaUUI tvbotn the said i.ttrs were id bi ititn id la said tales, penally. Interest, rees and all nacneo to pi.nntim petition. and or toe or The Stale or Texas To the Sheriff or any costs, n court said State Texas and III lite amount of said taxes, pen- tatxei malt ib'd cnurl for Ittdgment of foreclosure The said taxei have been heretofore, li iso. is.'j;. El Paso county, aa required by law, and Constable or El Paso County, Greeting: arising of tax lien on all the laid lots ell renperts, levied, re- CITATION' UV PI III.ICATION'. arc hereby to summon ally, Interest, feel and court roata Ufted, levied und iweiied by ihe lor.ti thesa'd listed, asseiied. any all the requirements or tbe constitution Tou commanded thereby are due. ulipald-an- to claimed Texas, snd tracts of land iralnst oach of Ihe turned delinquent, or said eatats re The State of Texas To the Sheriff or E. B. C1.77.0ns hy making publication or officers of Kl Puso fi'unly. against real County, Oroeling: and law have been compiled wtth by the by the platiiurf :id against the land It Ii' Herein defendants; that an order of sale Issue. ported sold to the state; all lists prepared Constable of El I'aso nrricori any this citation once in each week for four pro-- 1 summon and court charged with duty Si reaaon ..f tos lisung. levying, said were listed, levied und within the time and In toe mannee riled, approved, rerorded. advertised In i You are hereby commanded lo as successive weeks previous to return day Uf by I. B. Davidson by mailing publication ol thereunder to the same, and toe amount fsing. rvtiiiiinr Qeiinquent, or report assessed, and said re not paid vldi'd law. ami for such other and newspaper, and laid advertised list or laid nr said taxes, penalty, Interest, rees and hereof, In some newspaper published in pre- - fin tin general or special, legnl and tlits citatum once In each week ror Tour your county, 10 regu- Inr said r.ii sold lo the si ate. ttriun Un- tune allow taxes and real "state filed by the officers all court costs are a true and correct appear at too next ad- relief to which toe plaintiff Successive weeks prevlotii to return day Forty-firs- paring films, approtitir. recording, subject to th" law equitable' ana court or tne laid Slate or Texas and rharge against each and all or the lots lar term of the t district court ermmg and f.llug said lists I my be entitled under the law and racia. B) I'aso county, as required by hereof, tra some newipaper published In of El Paso county, to be holden at. the advertised tups and Ihe slid taxes are ' law. ind appear next regu- and tracts or land described In the or s.v.d laaea and rer.l as recjulred I dellnouenl The .ssld state inly, poll Herein fall nut, hut have you berore all tha requirements or toe ronitrtnttnn your rounly, to at the court house thereof, In the city of Ei Paio, etuii, - or Forty-fir- courl srhedul" marked exhibit "A" and being by. .tils ront:tut:on an.t !:iw. and plaintiff tcnool in. lodiiiK a penalty or said court, at Its aroroaa'd next regular and law hare been compiled wtth by the lar term Ihe district above Texas,, on the first Monday In September, in ines. term, this writ, with your thereon, of El Paso county, to be holden at the described 1915, Sep- nas and asscits a Ilea on tail real left par thereof for each year. Includ-- return orrieen and rourt charged wtth any duty Said Is de- the same being the 6th day of renl showing huw you have cxeetii-- d same. bonne tnereor, in the city or ei raso, property fully set fort and 1915, relate, lo MClire paifmenl Of tlie .hi I and since ihe year invr. for which the thereunder as to the same, and tbe amount court scribed, and all state and- county taxes, tember, then and there to answer a of the aalJ laxes, penalty, tnktrest, lees six Witness. J. A. Escajcda. clerk of the or said uxes. penalty, fees and Texas, on ihe rim Monday in September. petition filed to said court on tbe ISto day Iba lid laies .are delinquent, .with Forty or county. interest, being 6th day or Sep- penalties. Interest and costs are also fully and all c.-:- . anh Uie sa, - r per annum from tlie first first diaii ci court El Paso all court Costs are a true and correct 1015. the ecania the or June, 1915, Id a suit numbered on tba "lit Interest mv band and of said tember, 1015, then and to answer Itemlxed. set forth and described In toe nient Jurts, roils or itcoka. (Ilnquent flay of January next succeeding the year liitTu under leal charge aralnst each and all of tbe lots there said schedule marked exhibit docket of said court No. 12.274, wherein court, al ofrice in the city or BJ Paso. petition fllrtd tn said court on Ihe IGth day B lista, s It rttstOff ItSIS Invent. .on and any, ; th- - said are ilet.nquetil. and tracts or land described In the By reason of the said listing, levying toe state of Texas la plaintiff, and E. '.ici tan's Texaa, this, the 9Hlh day or Julv, Idlf.. or June, 1015, in a mu numbered on the derendant, of plain f.tiVr (ci,r.1 - UaffnHoftini and li' i fe due the tax CpileCtOI and f.ointv sohcdnle mirlced exhibit "A" and being and assessing of the said taxes against Cot7ens is the nature descrlbdu, th taxes, peualtt. Inter ror publish- J. A. fscAjeoa. above docket of said court No. li.SSfl, wherein tirf's demand being, hernlnafier set out anil sail rk. an.1 all adterlilng re.s Clerk Court IT Pnao County. deicrlbed. ihe state or Texai U plalnttrf, and . B. whom, and aralnst the real estate, same est, rees and court coals, and isalil land tat'-- estate a rvstrlrt Said property Is fully and de- are being an action to recover of the defend ing tht said slid (Beali hy E. II. .MONTES, Deputy. set forth defendant, tlie nature or plain-lir- herein alleired to have been listed. or thereof may bo Introduced hy fully aperui.-auj- scribed, and all itate and county taxes, Davidson is ant Hie sum or 4.15. being ror toe amount attber and s being set out and levied and assessed, the aatd tases toe punatin evidence upon im trial In marked "A, penalties. Interest and costa are also rally demand hereinafter penalty, an Hated the ichedule eiuihil No. li.!!"'.'. an to recover of the defend- Interest, fees and esrart costs S'na!,J' J ,,nt7,e" 5? r'c0 of ton rxiiie. attached to plalntirr s petition. Itemlxed. pel forth and deicrlbed In toe belnr action are a and valid and lector's and ad . CITATION' uv ant sum or S:i5.43. being ror the ainuunt just debt, personal 1913, . PUmili: itkJ that upon final tiearlur. u liereior-ere- In aaid schedule marked "A." ihe vert slug reei ror toe years 19IS and The 'aid taior, have eihlhlt or taxes, penalty and and ror col- liability against whom the said taxes were the plalnurr hive Judffmenl aeatnst the led, aaaessed, re-- state or Texas To the BnerUT or any By reason of the aaid listing, levying Interest pen- on tbe rollowing described property all respects, lilted, let m county clerk's costs and ad- assessed, the amount or said taxes, defeit,iant for Iba itlir.e of tlie delinquent, or said real csute re- ..instable or Paso County, iret'llng: and assesninr of toe ikM taxei against lector's alty. fees snd costa arising In the county or El Psso and suit" turned In vertising for Ihe years and 1911, Interest, court or aaid taxes, rea and all rp h A u all listo prepares!. nu are rebv coininandeil lo summon whom, and aralnst the real estate, rei Texas, tntereit. the slate, sime on ft llowlng described property d thereby ire due, unpaid and so claimed court costs, tor a J idrmi'i.t or foreclosure rii.,1 i,i.roeii re, ,1.01. advertised a. n by lu'ii.iii piihllcatloi are hereto alleged to bars been lined, He by tba plalntirr. Original rto AcreiV. ..i In lite county or Kl Paso and stale or No. or toe sa.d tal n on II to. Mid lots newspaper, and said advertised Hat of aakl citation .ti sai :k ror ton levied and aasrssed, the said taxes, By reason or tlie said listing, levying, Abit. Sur. No. tirantee. Dellnq. and. of land agtintt t cks pi l.'is me penalty. Interest, feei and all com Tens, 7.357 E. B. Cozieni tracts ea'li Iruea and real cuate Titeo cy tne omeers court - ': Orlglnsl No. Acres assessing, return'ng delinquent, or report- defendants uat an order of sale Issue, Slate of Texaa and day 'hereof, in some newspaper published are a lust and valid debt, and personal ing said estate sold to pre- 7.358 1. B. Coxzens en and court nf the said In 10 appear .it regu- Abst. No. Sur. No. Oranlcc. Dollnq. real the itate, 49 within the lime aiiif in tlie manner pro Kl county, as required by law, and yi'iir ouumv. too nexl (lability, aralnst whom the said taxes wore paring, filing, recording, ad- 7.359, E. B. Coxzeni rito l t i. t f),J76 if- I. B. Davidson CW approvlnr. ttitrd by latt. and for stub ntlier and all tliu raouhnamanta r the Cotlatttutlon lar term of the court of t'io nmouiit of said taxes, n vertising said And said petition, alleging '.hat State 11 be toe 6.J99 St 1. H. Davidson 640 and fillnr advertised Hits the runner gam ml or spei tal id ...... 1,. with bv toe Paso stounty, to holden ai court nltv. interest, foes and rourt com" nrlilng taxes or Texas, styled and .n,l lsv Ineu In city El i'aso, 6,38a Si I. B. Davidson 610 of said and real estalo, as required plalntirr, represented equiiald- - relief lo winch plaint rr and court charged w,:th any duty house thereof. the ol Tuna, therrhy re due, unpaid and so rlalrnc'd by toe constitution and law, and plalntirr by toe county attorney, complains or H otflceri on the Monday in íepieinlur. ivt:.. tlic And said petition, alleging that the Slate may ant tin ler th law and ficts thereunder aa to tot' tame, ai.a uie amount rirst by the plalntirr. . now has and aaserts a Hen on said real said derendant, who owned the real Herein fall net have ru berore Interest, feea and lama iioiiig the oto day or September. ISIS, ny rexion of the said listing, levying. or Tetas, styled plaintirr. and represented bit of aaid taxei. penally. to answer a riled bv attorney. complairiSs or (state to secure payment of Ue amount estate herelnbctore described at the time said It Us aroresa d rsgulir li) a and correct then and there petition in assessing, delinquent, or report the countv taxes as- nxl court costs are true r 1 in returnlnr who owned the real of the said taxes, penalty. Interest, tees the hereinafter scheduled were term. Ilus w'nt. Witt tour retam Ibereoir. all o.r Uie lots 1nr said real estate sold to the stale, pre said delendant. assess- sessed and who owner charr againa.! each and i o nt the timo and all court costi. and the said is the present t,o 'l the sun rteserirsed HI the lbs docket said pitrinr. ad state hereinbefore described or t." ....1 si l.n.l ion the stale or Texas flllnr. anrrovlnr. recordlnr. scheduled were as ment lists, rolls or books, delinquent said real estate, says that heretororr. vrtuess. j a Btcajeda. elerk of ihe and being verUí-ln- and filing said advertised HUI the taxes hereinafter any law. ,,,,rf,ul. malk. exnibll "A" I'll Uf and I. 0. Jainlesort Is sessed and who Is The present owner lists, advertlsinr lists. Inventories and ill required by the constitution and urt of B Psso county. of said taxes and real estate, as required other mentioning and the . taxes herclnaTter scheduled were ,w V v abo deicrtbetl demand i.. in or estate, says heretofore, record evidence '.It :i .1, in i.'in-- ,.m s. il if aaid I ana ne- - laintirfs by the constitution and law, and plalnttrr (alrl real that legal .,r said property la fully rortn hereinafter et out and being nti actimi t as by 'the and law, deirrlb'ng the said taxei, penalty. Inter listed, levied and assessed by the court, at orfloa in ihe cut li I'aao. all and euuuty now has ind aaserts a lien on iald real required constitution est, rees court costs, said Und or El I'aso county, Texas, agstnst Texas, tills, srribed. and Hale recover of the defendant the sum of ln.W,. the taxes liereinailer scheduled were and and orricers the 4Mb day of Julv. tola. peiialli-- s. internal and COttl are also luuy estate, to Secure narmenl of the rtmomil or thereof may be Introduced by whom, and against the land It Is herein A Iieing for the amount or taxes, penalty and listed, lined and assessed by Ihe legal either J. FCUIhA. described in Uie oi tne said taxes, penxltr, mxereit. rees i as upon tileffed, levied md I ileuuxed, set rortli and Interest and r.T ci. Hector's and county Texas, latntttr evidence tne trial said taxes were listed; rk D irl'l Court. l aavi county, exliihit "A." and all court costa, and the said sssrss officers nr El Paso county, against not paid said ailioiuls marked and advertising, toes tlie H It Is of toll cans. assessed, and said taxes were 'Seal uv i ii Deputy. or levying clerk's it. si, for mom lists, books, delinquent Mm, and against the land herein inh. by reason toe said lieUn, year 191.1 me following prop- rolls or Plaintiff aski that upon final hearing, within toe lime allowed berore becoming or said taxes agmusl mi described lists, advertising lists. Inventories and any alleged, said taxes were listed, levied and and asaesslug the erty lltuated Hi Ibe county of El Paso and assessed, and said taxes were not paid the plalntirr have Judgment against the subject tn toe law relating to delinquent wiiuni. and against Ihe real tatole, aaiuc I 3, block other record evidence mentioning and derendant toe above amount ot toe taxes and the taxes are now due and ITION B1 111. 11 tale i.i Texas, lots and within the allowed berore becomln for iald tu ri viuiN are lieresn alleged lo bate brui listed, IP; .'! I and S, desrrlh'nr the said taxes, penalty. Inter time said taxes, penalty, interest, and all delinquent. The state, county, poll The stiap- -- or any lots ind block St. and lots subject to the law relating to delinquent reei said ui To 11' liheriff jnd assessed, the sail tans, W, Military Heights adilltlnii est, rees and court costs, and slid land court costs, for a Judgment of ano school taxes. Including a penalty of "isialile or lrtfI County, fj í iitiisi block all in (axes- and toe said Uxes are now due and. foreclosure Paii oelltir p.'l.altv. feel and all court eosti 0111 1.1 PtSO, or either ihereot mav be Introduced bv of toe said tax on all toe said lots ten per cent year, lncluri Ntiu I., Iiilrrest. 10 "t Texas. at linquetlr. lain county, pon lien thereor for each aie hereliv .iinni.Ui.lod ttlxnmon ara a mat and deb'., and personal mat tn- - the plaintiff ax evidence upon the trial ine itate, ann or eacn or ing and year 1897. which w. i. by pubiii atimi ot tai.d And said petition, aliegiiig school taxes, including a penalty or iracis una atramst ins since tbe for teal iiiakinr tnti liability wboti. the said latea . ,p anu or mis cause. ind derendants; that an of sale Issue,, the said with six nee eacb week for rour sueros-siv- araiual xas. styltd plalnurr. ten per each year, Includ- order taxei are delinquent, rttttloo in amount or said tetra, pen- r, ,,, Plalntirr aski that upon final hearing, cent thereor for within toe time In the manner pro- per cent Ihe w. prertcnii to Uu- day here-nr- . asioksed. the by the county utlntn. ing aril since ihe year 1S97. ror which sad Intereit per annum rrom tint esi return n ui .wu.- - defendant, WOO owned the plalntirr have Judgment against the vided by law, and inch and day or succeeding the year tn ss.rrie uctt simper publUlieal la yuur U IX, Ulieieat. leva vvw of said the snl.1 taxes are ilellniiuent. With SIX for other January next arc due, unpaid and so ciauucu real defendant for the above amount of the further, general or special, legal and ror which the are delinquent, :i i therebs ihe iald estate hereinbefore per C"iu lutereat per annum "from the first said taxes al the tunc the taxes hereinafter said taxes, penalty. Interest, fees and all year equitable relief to which the plaintiff all feea due the tax collector and countv court ror a or rial nr January next luccoedtns 'he i in doled were assessed and who Is the 'coila, Judrment foreclosure may be entitled under toe law and racia. clerk, and all advertising fees ror publish- rountv to be holden at the entin bodje of the tax lor which Ihe said t ixei are del nqucnt, I returtunr delinquent, or report owner of said real estate, that sa'd on all tbe said lots Herein tall not. but have you before ing the said taxes and real estate in a theres.r. in the cut- ,.f n i,u, Texas. On toe aitsstnif. - .resent tan all rees due Ibe tax collector and county ing said real estile aoáO 10 uie pn- anlnritrs ,. reci.ilred lv the i Iltutloll and tracts of land aralnst each of the ror publish- said court, at Its aforeaald next regular newspaper are more fully and specifically first in sefteinbet the sjine aa- - derendants; an of Issue, clerk, and all advertising fees me oik day HIS. Ineu uinff, flliiiff. ai'proviiig, rec.ruuig, UII law. the lax. s her. matter IchCdulod ton order tale estate In a term, this wtHi wtth your return thereon, stated tn the schedule marked exhibit "A, beinr "f Hits within the Ume and In manner pro- ing the said taxes and real showing how you and there tn answer a eiitioii riled in MM rertlsint md ruinr aaiu atlterused wore lilted, terUM) and aaseaaed- by the tbe are more fully- and specifically have executed the same. attached to plalntirrs petition. real catate, aa required or I.I unty, t'eiaa. vided by law. and ror such other and J. A. Escajeda, clerk of the The roan on to.- Mi day of June. IMS. lit a suit tit iald taxea and i,.i orneen Paso c stated In Ihe schedule marked exhibit "A." Witness, said taxes have been heretnror, m l or No. by toe lomUlutlon and law, and plalnurr whom, and against the land H rurther. ffeneral or special, legal and Forty first district court of F! Paso eoonty. til respects, listed,, levied, assessed, re- i:iin!ici-e,- i. a Uie docket aid court slntt equitable roller to toe peslntlff attached to plalnlirr's pciitmn. my tlic etolc of T'.'x.v - a;: : ifr has and userts a lun on aaid real hereto aUtujad, said taxes were luted, levied which noon heretofore, in Olvon under band and seal or said turned delinquent, or said real eitata re- Ijrr. "herein paym-n- be toe and facts. The said taxei have or K. i Di state, lo secure t or toe amount and assessed, and said laxes Were hot paid mar entitled under law re- court, at offiee In the City El Paso, sold to state; all lists prepared, am w. heal detenuaul. naltixa of Herein fall not, harre yoo all resjiects. listed, levied, assessed, of torted the pbunUtTi demand heremiftrr set 'ut of the aaid taxes, interest, rus willilu Uie tun.- allowed D'coming but before re- Texas, this the tftth day July. lets. filed, approved, recorded, advertiser) tn a bemi - said rourt, at Iti aforsssald next re turned delinquent, or laid real estate A. ESCAJEDA, and an ecttoa to reooret of the de and all court roau. and the aaid assesi-.- itibjecl lo the latt rclaiiiis- to delltonient rular to all J. newspaper, and said advertised list of said or books, dellrojurnt said taxes axe now due and term, this writ, with your return thereon, poned !ild the itate; listi prepared, Clerk District Court Fl Paso County. taxes by lendant tne sum of fiO.4. for toe Hsu. rolls taxes and tin ril'fl. recorded, advertised in a p. and real estate filed the officers ienaliy and and UlU, ad ug Hsu. mveitioriea and sny ieut Ihe said state, county, poll showing how you have eiecuted toe lame. fSeali Pv M. MONTES. Deputy. and or the said State of Texas and amount of taxes inleret venial A tie aspaper. and laid advertised list or iald court and county cos: snd Ibar record evidenre anl and school taxes, including a penalty or xvitness. J. Escajeda. clerk of the Fl Paso county, as required by law. and for collector's clerk's t El county. taxea anil real estate riled by the orficeri Hie ; inter i. n nor each year, iticlud district court of Paso 12,1163. toe or feea l"r ttte var twir ami lids aaid ui'S. eoaltr. ' rent and or the said Slate or Texas and NO. all requirements the constitution advrtimr- I year IS07. which the under my hand and seal of said rourt on Hit- Mil acsrr;ier,i riy siuiauM est. court roau. and said laud nut and mice the for h'l Paso as required by law, and CITATION BY PLBLH'.ATKIN. and law have been compiled with by tie or LI or may o y wnn six per court, it .rric In lbs City or El Paso, rounly, unv in toe county and uie or either tncreoi be iniroaueed said laies ire aeiinqurni. of all the requirements 01 toe constitution Tlie State or Texas To the Sherirf or any nifioeri and court charged with dutv ta-- i one or lot and Ta.all of plalnurr aa evidence upon to trial cent Ini' test per aiuiuui rrom the first day Texaa. tola, tbe teth day July. 115. or Greeting: as 10 me same, ann naif li f.e J A. KSCAJKDA. and law have been compiled with by the Constable El Paso County, inajauiner ine amount J 14 block II, cotton addiuoii tu toe city causa. or January nexl succeeding the year for are of saldr taxes, penalty, Interest, im tf this rr Paso Ooirnrty. officeri and courl charged with any duly You hereby commanded to euuuiion fees aieiyc F.I upon noaru.r. which tot said taxei are delinquent, all feea Clertt strict Court, ri It. II costs are a of Pao. Tens. Plain tin toil heal M to the same, and the amount Ajasta by making publication of court true and eorTjé HUM DM Uie .toe the lax collector and county clerk, and (Seal' Bt F NO SITES. Deputy. thereunder ai or ernii And said aUef.iiir U.e plau.tuf bate judament artunsi or aaid taxDS. penalty, Interest, foes and this citation once in each week ror four harge against each and all the of styled puintiff. and ror i.'ie aix- amount of toe all adverUsiiir fees for piibhsning the said 10 day land described In atole Tria, de.reudant ho. HtiKla. all rourt costs are a true and corren successive weeks previous return snd tracts of the lepresented by the county attorney, taxes, penally, . and all and real estate In a newspaper, ar hereof, in schedul" "A" and tiring axil interest. taxei CITATUIN IIV charge trains! each and all of the lots in some newipaper published msrked exhibit rocnpUuts or said itefenduit. WOO wn trt o ., ftr a jadmiciii uf fureciosure Iii'.re rully and specifically Stated U Uie I'tmiitlloN xour county, to- at the nexl regu- above described. - Tbe State of To Uie Sheriff or any and tracts or land described in tbe ippear hereinbefur-- d or ol. toe schedule marked Exhibit "A." attached to lotas Forty-firs- t set and de- d tbe real estate the it'tt lax lien all said kite or I.I l ichodul - mark, d exhibit "A" snd being lar term or ihe district court Said properly Is rully rorth tune tne iiercmarv-- f Consutile aso County, ireeting: icrlbed at tbe taxei and xracts of land agü'iat each the plantar an- summon above or El Paso county, tu. be boldeu al Uie scribed, and all state and countv taxes, and who Is U The said taxes have been heretofore, in TOU hereby .uiinandcd to deicrlbed. n'vr, scheduled wire that an ordatr of sale issue, D. or Said and de- court bouse thereof, In Ihe clly of El Paso, peniltlei. Interest and costs sre fUiy owner or aeedsaid real estala, aays tliat pro- all respects, listed, levied, assessed, re- a. Oliver by making publication property It rully let forth preseas within toe Ume and in toe manner once In each week for rour icrlbed. and all state and county taxes. Texas, on the rint Monday In September, Itemized, iei rorth and doirrlboi m tha heretofore, as required by the constitution vided by law. and for luefa other and lumed delinquent, or txld real stale thn citation 1915, the ssme being ihe eto day or Sep- said schedule marked exhibit "A." toe taxes herviQatb-- icneduled sold lo toe sute; all Hsu prepared. iiiccrsaive weeks previous lo return day penalties, interest and costs are also fully listing, and law. further, get. eral or ipecial. legal and nereor. some puuuaooo liemutea, set rortli and described me tember. 1915, then and there lo answer a By reason of toe said lerrlns and by tlie le tiled, approved, recorded, advertised in a nrwtpaier in -- assessing were luted, IrvieJ aaeesd equitable relief lo wr,;,n toe pialntff your county, to appear at the next regu aid icnedule marked exhibit A." petition riled In said court on ihe 16th day and of the said taxei aralnst officer, of I.I Paso county. Texaa. may be under toe law and racu newspaper, and said adtertlsed list of aaid or 1915, numbered on the whom, and sratnst the real same ral enuU'd by the lar term of tho lorty-fir- i district court By reason of tbe said HsUng. levy inr June. in a suit etate. aralnst wi.. m. and aralnst toe land it Is llerrin fall not. but have you before taxes and real estate riled officers toe docket of gald court No. tt.DBS. wherein are herein alleged to have been listed, were lift- d. lesie.j or the said of Texas and or r.t i'aso county, to be iiotden al uie and as"istnr of said taxes against herein alleged tans said ro at Ha aforesaid rtoal regulsr and court stale w tlie atate of Texas la plalntirr, and R. Ajasta levied and assessed, the said taxes. n irt. county, a by law. and court house tbereor. In tlx city or LI Paso hom, and amnsl the real estate, same and md said ttt- arare i paid term. Una writ, w .th your return there u. El Paso Is defend an 1. the nature or plalutirr's de penalty, interest, fees and all court cok- - hkseed. m ihe Texas, on the rirst Monday to September are herein alleged to have been listed, within toe time allowed before rat anowtnr hesa u hate executad the same all in quiremenu of constitution being set out and being a urm, wi-- mpln-.- l Itij, toe same Hie Ato day of levied and esieiscd. the said taxes. mand hereinafter re juat eiiu oi.u to law- to J A and law bats Mao with by toe berar whom the laid subject tbe reUtuu WitJ.eis Clark ile ili.-- to answer I penalty, fees and all court com an action in recover of the defendant the liability aralnst taxes. wire to said taxes are now due and El county. aim wtui ail um tai and tbeie interest, taxei and rort) first diitn-- t court of Paso liur riituccti J peutlun Hi on toe 1st day are and vai.d debt, and personal sum of ttoi.47. being for the amount or assetsed. the amount of said taxes, pew The said itate, county. toll and Cilveu ray aa to toe saine, and toe amount filed said court Juil delinquent . under band and seal of i.u! rees or June. WIS. In a auii numbered nn th II ability agalnsl whom toe said taxes, were taxes, penalty and Inierest and tor collec airy, intereit. feei and court costs arlilna sctvool taxes, tncludiug a of lo pe.-- court, at in tor City El Paso. or raid taxea. penally, lutereat. and county costs thereby are due, ofrre at a charge docket ot said court No. 111.06. wbereiu assessed, toe amount 01 said taxes, pen- tor's and clerk'a and adver- nl tleregf for rarb year, including and Texas, tola, toe Mto day of July, all court ceisli are true and correct tising the years I91t and 1913, on bv toe nl.itntirf. ini agalnsl earn and all of tbe lots and tracts tbe stale or Texas is plalnurr. and K. D. alty, interest, fees snd court costs arising feei 'or unce the vear 1H7. rr wnicn tbe Sill j. a. iticutaiA. thereby are unpaid so claimed tne rouowing oescrineq property aituatea By reason or toe said listing levy nata, debncjuejil, will. l Inter-ra- t of land tn the schedule marked It the naiure of plaintiff's due. and laxe aro ' n k District Court, CI Pxao County, described being out and being oy me In the county of El Paso and state of Texas, assessing, returning delinquent, or repon, or annum rrom Ihe firat day of Jam. y y Deputy. Exhibit "A" and belnr above deicrlbed. nereinafuer set piaiiiuii. Ing real sold to the .1f Vums, de- an actiou lo recover of tbe defendant By reaaon of the said listing, levying, said estate stale, pre. ary lucieeding toe year lur wbicn Ssld properly li fully rorto and Original filing, approving, recording, as- i bell an.1 county ot being ror toe amount or isaeisiog. retunt'ng delinquent, or report No. Aerei paring, - toe aaid taxes an- delinquent, all fees due i í i scribed, and all atole Uxes. fit ti. ISO. and riling advertised Hint- A r penalties, cost, are also fully lates, penally and interest and for collec- ing said real estate sold to the state, pre- Abl. 9ur No. Orantes. Dellnq. vertlslng snd the collector and county clerk, and all CITATION UV PI interest and S.TOrt R. 673 said taxes and real estate, as í ui Btl in toe and cotmty clerk'a coals and r paring, fillnr. approving, recording, Ajasta tit rerpnrJ feea ror publiantn toe said Th Stau of Heiiuied. sel furto and described tor'! P.. 49 try constitution and law. adi'rttauiff lexai mxrte-- "A." roes for the years IMG. 191!. and rtllnr laid advertised lists 8.TV7 Ajasta toe and plalatE taxes and real estate in a aru spaper, are of I.I Paso County, said schedule l ahibll im. IS now haa a Hen on 3 nreetinr By levying and tvlif and ou tbe rollowing described of iald taxea and real estate, aa required a.79H It. Ajasta 7 and aaserts aaid real more fully and ally tated tn toe Vou are hereby commanded to summon reason of the said Hsttnff. till, 8.799 640 secure payment of J ' assessing or toe said whom, property situated, in the County or El Paso by tne consumí on ano law, anu planum II it. Ajaste estate, to toe amount acbcdt-l- marked Exldbii A.' attacbed lo H. Sfetiiaham hy makinr t or ibis lairs aralnst 8 SO H. 640 tbe aatd taxes, penalty. Interest, reea ublirauou ISM estate, same are and ol Texaa. Lota II to u. now baa and asserts a lien on said real jasi AJasla of pía MOtSoo. one week rour succes- and against real here- aute 11 H lisura citation to each for inclusive, block IIS, Tnbln's 10 secure payment or the amount 8.801 Ajasta 7t and all court costs, and toe said assess-- 't Ta aaid taxes ham been heretofore, tn sive week, previous lo toe return' day here- in allerel lo nave been listed, levied and addiuon rítate. alleging lists, books, taxes, penally, interest, 10 the city of El Paso. Texas, of tbe said taxea. penalty. Interest, fees And iald peutlon that the state men! rolls or delinquéis, eVU reapecta. HjlaitL levic l. asarisrd, of, to some newspaper pub ua bed tn yur assessed, toe iald advertising lists. any tees and all court rosta are a anl valid ami sxtd pennon, allerlnr tost toe State and all court costs, and the said assess of Texas, styled plaintiff, and represented Hals, Inventories and "TT"" r aaid real estate county, to appear it Uie next re rular term lust by toe county attorney, conaplams of other record evtdenre mentjonltig aagt t El debt, and persona! liability atalnit whore of Tf rncnt lists, rolls or book!, delinquent told to aw stale, all bats prepared, of lb Forty first dietrw-- court of Paso lets, any said defendant,' who owned tbe real describing Ihe said tans, penally. Inter approved, leajurtSad. atlvemsed in a county, U. b leddcll at lb.- MoUisi the aid taxea were' assessed, Uie amount by the aamtltl att.niey litis, advertising inventories and fried, court defendant, recur. evidence mentioning and sute hereinbefore described at tos lime est, rees and coun o.ui, and said and aaid adreruasd 1. t or ail thereof. In Uie city of El Piso. Texas, .n of said txxe. penalty. Interest, fees ahd aall who owned toe. real other may usciiHr. arising Inereby are dt estate Hereinbefore described at toe time descrita tig - toe said taxes, penalty Inter-cii- . the taxes hereinafter scheduled were as or either thereof be introduced reati esuna agww ofTc the Mcnday in September. I1S, 11 Basta ana iwo first iuu by as-- , rees court coats, and Und sessed and who Ibe present owner tne piainurr aa evidence upon tha aaid stale o. Texaa and Kl saine toe th day of paid and so claimed tbe pumtir the tales hereinafter scheduled were and ssld and court of tbe beinr tts. ; l or may be by or said real estate, say 1 that heretofore, of toll cause. Paso county, aa rwoicad by law, and ají is ... . i. , itit, ,n r.te.1 mi l.v ti.e ai lisluir. seised and who la toe present owner either thereof Introduced reiuniUig delinqueni. or r iald real estate, heretofore, pLUntirr as evidence npoo tot trial as reou'.red by tha constitution and law. Platnttrr aaks that upon final milisiaaaili of toe extaaWatnoa and said court on tbe I9lb day of June, Itti. to aesainr. reiortin sayi that Ue r were I plaintiff Judgment ii aauo mnu by toe eonsUtuUoa and law. of tola cause. toe taxea he r Inane scheduled the have aralnst Jaw bee been compiled wlto hy the offi a ami riurnrere,i on itie d cget ..r eain eouri. ""j vi al required I f 7 scheduled Plalntirr that upon final bearing. Hated, levied and aaseaaed by toe legal defendant for tbe above amount of fia atar and aetata, stoargeat Vito any duty Mo. mil. wherein toe atate or Trxai Is in, ns approvinf. recordto. advertís tlie taxei hereinafter ware aalu ity or ten per cent thereof ror eacti year, cMiniv. ,i l.v inciuamg and anca tha lam n" rrniuie.i uw ami tiext regular terra or Forty-flra- t dl- - r. all the ihe Interest, rees and I incu ine saín laxes are delinquent, with requirements of the oriiii'..ii,..i all court costs are a ant the i um of issT.ot, being rtnfVr,rt.ñ... saca or tha and law have cniiplie.1 1 debt, and liability for ihe amount ,i...u mai ?. p.r cnl Interest per annum rronr. the with i.y tho t the coxirt house thereof. In the city or R vlld personal of taxes i, penally nd interest and for oi oiricer nd court rhsiL-er- t ith ny duty ... .. against whom the said taxes were as- - " uj January nexi succeedlnl the UlVen Under mv anri aeal ...... a .mi, . on ino rirst Mondav in lb lector's countv Clerk's costa inn act. 35 ."i3 thB miMe"- year for which the laid laxes delin- thereunder to the same, and the am.iunt 1915, stused. amount of said taxe, penally vertlsing reea for th years Jiíj-,""- quent, ire "urt, at omce ln ihe of El Paso, v.. ei.tiniber, the same being tlii; 6tn inlerest. feea toil ma eia for ""I 'her nd all fee due the tax Texaa, dtv .a... penauy, iniere! rees an. all day or September, Hi:-- sua court rosi arising on the rollowing 1 or collector and this, the afith day of July. ll&. court costs.ia,are a then nd there to thereby re due unpaid described property actu- county clerk, and all advertising Tees ror true and correct charge answer a pennon m on and so claimed ated in the county of El or ,0 whlchW,JerrSlft publishing the .A. ESCAJEDA, aga nst each and all or the lois film said court uy ine plaintiff. Hao nd Uta roMni?.!.',, aald taxe and real estate Clerk District El and trarla the ut day or June, isii, in sun num By Teta, RcreTn tb." 1,w ln a newspaper, are more Court. Paw County. or land 0ascribed In ihe sfliodule reaon or ih aald listing, levying ríi 2.n1?r. ' rullv ma Scal) By E. M marked tarad on the docket Vr said court No. Original no. you Iirically m. Montr. Deputy. oeing auove .v.,,, .i a Acre Mlí ?,.' h?ve berore stated In the schedule mirked ex " deserihiM. ttMO, wherein tha stato or Texas is plain- ing wviiiiqueiii, or report- Abst No. Orntee. Dellnq. ,VJL íi!.. ' .i "foresaid next hiblt "A," attached to Said properly it ruily set rorth and de B. said teal estate sold to the slate, pre- ,7fVI reruiar plalntlira petition. No. scribed, atoüü ...... ,,,. tiff, and 0. i),hoa is d.Tendani. the na- paring, rillllg. E. talo. ip AW FhlníllLwr,:ónWLtí your re,ura The said taxes have IÍ.IM. 'l' and all ...... or ai.l.ruVIIIir. reci-.l.n- arf. 8.7AX "on. bem heretofore, li BV penalties, ture plalntirr' demand being hereinafter veriising and SlalotiD 78 executfd the .ame. .i iceuecis, iisieo, levied, re- CITARON' Pl'BMCATinv interet and costs are ais rullv ci out and being un ruing said advertised lists E. assessed, The or Texas To tha any anion lo recovar or nl said taxes a staloup 6W PnriJ ett.V Ec"Jda, lar or the turned delinquent, or said estate re- Sherirr or nemiieii, iniin nu,i described in svani Hie diTenilant the or and real estate, required E. real t.ontable or El a. ... n m u sum fiaTJ. being Tor by the Staloup art nly.17L",,r,(', f0,,rt of El Puo eonnw. ported sold to the state; all Hals l'ao County, Oreetlng: exnillll "A. the amount of tuxes, constitution and law. and pllmlirr E. prepared, uu a.r nei.'i.y ei. minan. to By reason or penally and interest staloup 701 riled, approved, recorded, advertlaed in a led lummon the said listing, levying and tor collector's and rls llen o" aid real 8.7W1 E. court, nt ornee n the or newspaper, M. E. Brown hv malitna. n,, ana assessing or ihe said taxes against fnuniv clerk's costs ejtate. to secure payment or the amount staloup Texu, thla. o" fi ' and said advertlaed list or said tlon or "once anil advertising rees ror ihe year 1010, or S.770 E. staloup the ttth day July, lof taxe and real this citation in ech week for whom, anil against Ihe real estate, same rtdl the said tuc. penalty, interest, lees 7.038 estate filed by the officers mm ann mis, on tne rollowing and a l Sunner . E8CAJEDA, and court or the said luur successive weeks previous to the re- are Herein alleged io have been listed. court costs, and the said asses-inen- i f k f. slate or Texas and f turn day hereof, in rrlbed property sltualod tn the rouniv of lista, iiniter cS"rt- - F1 Pwo County. cuuniy. as oy some newspaper pub- aiiu nsnesM-u- ino .iii! taxes, penalty, rolla or books, dulln.pirni lists And (Se.n Dnnil required law. and all lished In your county, to appear Tees r.' M,,c "r le.n. to wit: Lot advertising said petltton. alleging that the Stat MONTES, Deputy. iuthe requirements of the and at the interest, and all court costs are a block II, Military llei llsis. Inventories no any other T',M- lyied plalntirr. constitution next regular term or the t dis- Jusl and valid debt, liability I. flits addition to record evidence mentlOntni describing and represented law have been complied with by the and personal Ihe city or El Paso. Tfxas, am Iby the county atuirney. conqdalni or No. trict court or El Paso county, to be against whom the as- the said laxos, penalty, mieri',1. raa lí.rTS. and court charged with any duty at holden said taxes were and aald derendant. who BY aa same the court house thereof, in (lie city or sessed, the amount or snid taxe, And said petition, alleging that the Slate court costs, and said land or thereor owned the real The stítlTiT'S Pl BLICATIOI. thereunder to the nn.i the amnun. El Paso, Texas, rees of Texas, slyled plalnllfr. ma ba .'idler eslale herelnberore described at the lima of said taxes, penalty, Interest, on the. rirst Monday In interest, and court costs ari.niiic and represented imrodticed by Ihe pumnrr as evi- the fees and al! September, lois. the same being thereby are by the county attorney, eomplalna of dence tti.on the this taxes herelnarter scheduled were as Coun,i- - cuun cosí ara a and the eth due. unpaid and io rlalnie.i liial of cause. you at.V.L.;1 P" Oroelln: irue correct char?" day or September. 1015. then n.l there by the plalntirr. Ssld defendant, wbo owned Ihe real lainttfr asks thai upon sessed nd who is the present owner commanded to summon against each and all of the lots and tracts in final hearing. or said real estate. 11111 .msner a nelltinn fii,.,i m By reason or the nld estate hereinbefore described at tha Mm Ihe plaltitfr nave sy that heretorore. in. 81 Morton by mak- - of land described In the crhe.ii.ia miritu.i listing, levying Jiiusineni against lb required by r, the 1st day or June, 1I5, in a'sult assessing, reluming delinquent, or the taxe! hereinafter scheduled were as- derendant ror Hie above amount of ihe said the constitution tnd law. n Dr citation nnce exhibit "A" and being above described. numbered rébarl' the taxes xvera ... wqds .i. un tiocKti oi said court ,No. 12.141. ing slid real estate sold to the slate, pre- sessed and who Is Ihe neesent owner laxe, penally, interest, fees and all court hereinafter scheduled ror rour successive Said property la rullv set form inn mm. of costs ror a listed, levied and assessed bv the legal weeks prevloui to the wherein the state or Texas is plalntirr. and paring, filing, appi'm tug. recording;, ad- sain real estate, sars that heretofore. judgment ur roreelhture or the return day scribed, and all state and county taxes, ' as requ'red by the aid lax lien on all orricer or El Paso county. Texa, against Hereof, n soma naa'anarw,. ...firown defendant, the nature or vertising and riling said advertised lists, constitution and Uw, the said lots and tracts whom, sour county, to an.. car rennltle, lntereat and costs are also rully I'lilntirrs demand belna hereinafter .... or aald taxes and real as the taxes hereinafter scheduled wore or land against each or the defendants and against the land it is herein it th. Itemized, set rorth and out esiato. required listed, that an aliened, said taxes were listed, f forty-rirs- t described ln the nnd being an action to recover or the by the constitution and law, levied and assessed bv the legal order of sale Issue, within ihe limn luted and Li' 'f 'he district court said schedule marked "A." smi plalninr me assessed, and aald taxes were not paid " to ba exhibit defendant the sum or fro.54. being ror ihe now has and asserts a lieu on saltl real ornrera or El Paso cnuntv. Texas, against J manner provided by law. and "LE co.um5, holden at the By reason amount of taxes, whom, against It la l"r such other Hill! within the time allowed before becoming house thereof, in the city of of tha said listing, levying penalty and lntoret and estate, lo secure payment or the iiiih.ikii and Ihe Innrt herein rnrlller ireneral or El Paso. and aisesslng or the ror collector's and county or the alleged, said taxes wers legal and to which subject lo the law relating Pi delinquent nonaay in September, said taxes against clerk's cost said , tales, penalty, Interest, reea listed, levied nd 'fecial, equitable relief taxes whom, and against tho real estate, same and Advertising fees for the years and all court costs, and the said assess- assessed, and said taxe were not paid ,",e Plalntirr may bo entitled under I be and the said taxes are noxv due and íííf,.V,.n',me.belnf" the oth y Of 1018 ion. delinquent. n . are herein alleged to have been listed, and 1313. on Hie rollowing ment lists, rolls or book, delinquent wtihln the time allowed betore becoming !)V rctS- The said state, countv. poll anil .h.. describe! Hsu. and school taxes, a s,m levied and assessed. Us said taxes, penally property situated In the countv or 11 t'a-- o advertising lists, Inventories an.t any anlijert to the law irlat'ng to delinnuent H'''cln tall not, but have ynti belore said including penalty or ?ui!.n1i "iSi. ln. court on ne " or - other Bl Us ten per cent vear, .,!1IS' n a Jy Interest, fees and all court costs are a Just and state Texas, Lois 18 and 17. record evidence nicinionim,- an.i describing taxea and the said taxei are now dtt and ,,nur'' arofesald te st tegular lerin, thereor tor each includ- Lii?e' ault numbered on the and valid debt, and personal block 54. Magnrrm said taxes, writ, with your Ihereon, ing and 1nre the year ism. tor which courl "- liability addition to the cliv or the penalty, inlerest, roes ami uaiinqumx me said state, county, poll return slum wherein against whom the taxea El Paso, Texas, taxes, a naaxa- l- . ...a in. nave the aald taxes- are delinquent, with .2 11 W said were assessed, court rosls, and sat.l lund or either Hiet ....r and sehnol inclii.pna um executed lite s'llic tlx 2f.Te" P'inrr, and r. e. the amount i may i, j. A, EsciJeda, per cent per annum rrom 'i.,wand I. Morton are defendants, of said taxe. penalty, interest And aald natltlnn .11. x... iK. a.... be Introduce, me plalnliri as evi- ten per cent thsreor rnr each year, tnetnd Witneis. clerk or the Interest Ihe nrt the reea and court dence upon or log forty rust courl or El day or January next succeeding Ihe year nature or hereln-arte- cot arising thereby are 8lJ'led Plalntirr. and represented the trial this cause and since the year IN7. for which rllllrlcl Paso roiiutx rialntirrs demand being r due. unpaid and so byKTe.f"' county ,, mm inven my lor which the said are delinquent, set out and being-- an action to claimed by the plaintiff. atii.rnav riainurr asas u..n rinal iicanns. the said taxe re dllnqnenl. with six under hand and seal or said tale recover By reason or the said said nwná.i nr. nave per court, ai ornee in ihe city or El all rees due the tax collector sod county pi the defendants the sum or 153.52. being listing, deren.lmt. who .h. juiintieni agnlllst til.' rem interest per annum rrom the rirst Paao, returning delinquent, estate bereii.lmrnea ., .... r.i .1. rnr the nl,. or Hi.- day of Texas, this, the 96th day or July, rlerk, and all advertising fees for publKb-In- g ,!!í...he... ,?r ,axes Penalty and ln- - aetng, or report .ku unl '.,. January next succeeding the year lain. and."í0""'ror Ing real estate sold to the state, pre- 'ssrs neremaner scheduled were as iinei il, re nn.i nil uri for which the said taxes are dellnquenl. J. A. KSCAJEDA. the said taxa and real estate ut a collector' and county cierra paring, riling, approving, ror a Jung or cierk District conn, newspaper are more rullv SSJPiA advertising feea ror the years recording, ad- ' rosis in roreclostire or Ihe all lees clue the tax collector and cnuntv ei Pan County. and peeinrally vancing and nilng said advertised lists or of said real estate. ays mat heretorore. said tax Men on all (lie salil loll and tract-- , rlerk. and all advertising feea ror publish- (Seal) ny E. M. Montes. Deputy, Itated in the rhedule marked exhibit "A, Zwzz " on me rouowtng aald taxes and as rrqu or land or attached to plalntirrs petition described property situated ln the county real estale, required by red by the constitution and law, against each the ilefeiidaim ing the said taxes end Teal estate In a or. the constitution and law, and plalntirr now the taxe hereinafter scheduled were that an order or sals Issue, within Iba lime newspaper are more No. The laid taxe have been heretofore, ba El Paso and state or Texas, na hillv and speriricallv all respects. Original and assert a Hen on said real estate, listed, levied and aaaaae.l hv tha and ln tho manner provided nv law. nn.i stated in the schedule marked exhibit "A,u Hated, levied, assesaed, re- No. Aerea to secure payment or The or delinquent, re- Abat No. Sur. No. Orantee. the amount of the orrirors or El Paso county. Texa. against ror such other nnd riitiher, general or attached to plalnllfr nentlon. ., stale Texaa-- To the sherirr or any turned or laid real eetata Dellnq. said taxes, penalty, whom, special, legal rell.-- to i onsiahle or El ported sold to 5 w. 40 inlerest. fees and all and againa! the land It is herein and equitable The said taxes have been heretofore, in Paso County, Oreettng: the itata; an lists prepared, J. Parrott court v iier.-b- t filed, M a J. w. Parrott cost, and the said assessment lists, alleged, 'ald taxes were listed, levied and the plalntirr may be entitled under tho all respectt. listed, levied, assessed, "ii are cnnituaiideii to summon spproved. recorded, advertised ln a rolls Or honks dellnnnent Hal sed, and said taxes were riot nald law and racti. delinquent, or ssld real estate B. Hidlll by making publication or newspaper, and laid advertised list of aald r Ing lists. Inventories un -- MPS00! alleg-ln- that the Bute and anv other record within the time altoua.t hetnr. wnn.n. Herein rail not. hill have von herora aai.i told to the state; all lists citation on.e in each week ror rour laxes and real eitate riled by tbe ofTlcera An.i"d evidence mentioning H prepared, V .i8, "y'"1 Pontiff, and represented and describing tho subject to the law relating to delinquent ''.""rt, arorcaaid next regular tarín, fll'd; aprjrovd. recorded, advertised In a successive weeks prevloui to return day and court Of the sold State nf Tessa and or nam wiirs, penalty, reos ann court taxes and 'his writ, will) your Ihereon, ne.vspappr, hereor. in aonie newspaper FI Paio county, as required 3L "L9. cunty attorney, complain costs, inieresi, the laid taxes are now due and return and aid advertised lint or said your published In by law, and Viví, defendant, who owned the and said land or either thereor The said stale, county, poll ,11,w ou 'liive executed the same, taxes and county. IO appear al the next regu all the requirements of the constitution estate real be introduced nij inf rei estate riled by the officers lat hereinbefore decrlbed at the time by the plalntirr aa evidence and school taxes. Including a penally or ,. "'tness. J. A. RlCaJCda, clerk or Ihe and court or the said 'or terin ol the forty rirst district court and law have been compiled xvtth by the taxes me o late Texas and of El the hereinafter scheduled were uiuii inai i mis cause. ten per cent thereor for each year, InMud- "rtv dlsinci conn or El Paso county. El Paso eounty. as bv law. and i'aso county to be holden at the orrtreri and court charged with any duty 1.1 ven required court ,n", who ' tn preaent owner Plalntirr ask that upon rinal hearing. ..a aim since me year ibot. ror which . under my hand and s. ji .11 itai.i nil the requirement of the "constitution líense thareof, m the yty r ei raso, thereunder as to the same, and tbe amount real estate, say that the I) alntlff linvn I.Mnnenl ,.,,.. He. me laid are delinquent, with ...tin, m omce in me cliv of El Paso, and law have lexas. on ihe in si Xlr.nd.iy in September. or tald penalty, interest, fees and heretorore. taxei su Texaa, tills, been compiled with bv the taxa. by the constitution and law, rendant ror the above amount or the said per cent Interest per annum rrom the rirst the filli day oi July, ltd nrrirers and court charged wMh nv duty 'he' 'ame being ihe nth dav or Sep- all court coita ara a true and correct or J. A. tember. charge "ies berelnarter acbeduled were .mes, penauy, interest, fees nnd all court day January next succeeding the year si t n nx thereunder as to the same, and the amouni 191, then and there t, "answer ,i against each and all or toa lota listed, levied and aaaeaied by tha legal .unía, ior a juagmeni or or the ror which the said are delinquent. Clerk District Court. El Palo i mv. nr said taxes, penally. petition riled in s;d court on the loth nd tracts of land described tn the rori'closure,. taxei (Seal. By ra, Interest, fees and or dv cmcers or El Psso county. Texaa. against sad tax lien on all tha cam U lees due the lax collector and county E. Monte, Dopui all courl costs are a and June, lets, in a suit numbered on the schedule marked exhibit "A" and being whom or i. trua correct docket or No, and against the land It is herein land against each of the dermdants; clerk, and all advertising reea ror publish-Ul- t rturge against each and all or the lots said coUri 19,971 wherein above described natra taxes thst an order or sale Issue, within tho time the said taxes Nc and HI slate of Texas Is plalntlir. S. Said property I fully de- .said were listed, levied and and real eslale In a tracts of land described In the ' and J. set forth and BJld said turn. hi.m . and in the manner provided by law, and newspaper are more rully and siireirtcally II MUI eriedUl msrked exhibit "A" and being .ii.llll is derm, pint, ih.i ttaiuie of plain scribed, and rt state and county taxes. ""'. .i. r sucn oiner ann rnrtner, general or spe- tated in the schedule ma'rked oi lexas- tne Mi. anv above un s ni.i emu hereinnrter set .enantes, costs are ill 'I1 'i018 '"owed bere Ncomlng eilublt .is oisic - in nil or described. ' being out nn.i interest and alae fully cial, legal and equitable reller In wlilrh the aixaened to petition. Constable of El I'aso c.onntv. said Is - an a. to reoover or Ihe derendant temlted, rorth In llw tng to dellnmient plalntirr may plalntirr's OreMlf,: property fully set forth and de- let tnd deicribed the 8ífJ i.the said taxes now due and be entitled under the. law and The said taxes have been heretorore. ln You are hereby commanded to lummon srrtt..-r- in nil .tat...... ei in.07, tii'tng ror the amount aM irhedttle marked exhibit "A." ire II ' li. " By T'i"'-- Tne county, poll fact. all respects, listed, levied, assessed, re- 'in hi by making iii.ii.-- penalties. Interest and nre also ,.. '", J and Inlerest nnd Tor col- reaion or the laid listing, lerylna-an- 22. ""d Hon or rostt fullv '.. ?!2 includings. a penalty or Herein ran not, but have you perore said turned delinquent, or said real estat? re- this citation once in each week r..i Itemtred, set forth and described In tho .í liny Clerk' s and ait massing or the iald taxea against .r years no, i year, lnclud-'2- 5 court, at Its next term, ported sold to the state; all lists prepared, lour successive Weeks previous i, I),,, i, said schedule exhibit , ,V the tota ion whom. nd against the real estate, same P.cent tnereof for each aroresald regular market "A." ri .11,.' 22; ,lnc he year ror this writ, with your filed, approved, advertised In a turn day hereor, In some newspaper pnh oy reason or the said listing, levying lloxMtiu ilccrlllc.l loooeitv are herein alleged to have been Uited, IW, which return thereon, show- recorded, atod in,, said taxe are delinquent, with six ing bow you have executed the same. newspaper, and aald adverused list oi said Hilled in your county , to appear at Iho nnd assessing of ihe satd taxe against in county or ej Paso and itata ol levied and assessed, the laid taxea. IV", per annum Witness. J. A. Escajeda. of the taxe and real oelate riled by Hie next regular term Of the I t d(- - w'tiom. and the real estate, lexas, penalty. Interest, rees and 11 court ,n'ret from the nrst clerk orrirers ., i,', nralnst aime eota L,ínu?ry "ticceedlng forty. rirst district court or El Paso cnuntv. and court of tha said State of Texas and irlct court or El ras.. ty, h,,ui,.,, are herein allea-e- to have been listed, Original o. Acre are just and valid debt, nd personal nxt the year al the i. Abst. N No ?i cJ? oiven my hand and or El Paso county, as required by law, and court house in the city or levied and assessed, the said Sur. tirantee. liellnq liability against whom the said ,nl del'jiquent. under seal skid l taies, 4.401 taxei wtire "'l l'lscollector court, at orriee In the rtly or El Paso, all the requirements or the constitution aso, Texas, on the nrst Monday In penalty. Inlerest, fees anil all costs S. f.ardlll ssessed. the amount or Mid taxea, pen- J irí Í due..,rie Ul and county September, court 4.409 i reea puhllsh-mj- Texaa. this, the 9rtth day of July, and law have been compiled with by the loir., the same being the mil are a Just and val'd debt, personal s. Cardljl alty, lntereat, and arising "é!. :tnd ?" dverttslng ror r !9ts. nnd 4.1.13 reei court ooiti said taxes and 1. A. ESCAJEPA. officers and court charged with any duty diU' ol 1915. Ibeo there 10 ll'.."ity .xgiinst whom tbe ssld taxes were . S. ilar.lill thereby are due. unpaid and so claimed real estate in a answer a petition 4.4(1.-- more rully and speciricanv Clerk District Court. El l'aso CotUltr, then under as. to the same, and the amount nied m said courl on nsieesrd. the amount of said taxes, B. i:ai.lill by the plalntirr. SUP?" (Seal) By E. M. Montes, liepiity. or said taxes, penally. lh or June, mis, m tt suit n. on Interest, fees 4,40. s. krdiil Jty or the said lrsxing. InJ.i.Mn ,,ne !;h'"l"", exhibit A,,' Interest, fees and and court costs arising 4,407 reaion lerylna. plamtirrs petition. all court costs aro a true and correct bared on the docket or said court No. thereby ere doe. unpaid and so Claimed s. GafrtHI assessing, retum'ng delinquent, or report- 18.048, herein the or by 4.40S 41 ing been In NO. tS,285. charge against each and all of the lota tale Texas II plain the ldaliilirr. .mi 7H said real estate sold to the state, pre- SJSSm.. 1ave heretorore. tin. and II. t:. Tnoinpeon is ihe hy reason or paring, filing, "t,'d, 1"V,ed- - re- - CITATION BY PUBLICATION. and tracts of land described In til ilerHiiliuit, Ihe snt.l lining, levying, dill coi approving, recording, ad- tnrnIS - tialuro or piainnrr's ,11...... vertising "cllnquent, or said real The State or Texas To the Sherirr or any schedul- marked eilnpit "A" and being demand being herein nssesslntr. rolttrn'n delinquent, or report And Said netltlon fh ci. ta and riling said advertised lists SSS "0ld 10 tne Constable of El Paso County, Greeting: above described. ari. r set mu and heliiK an action 10 recover tnr said real estate sold to the state, pre. of Texas, styled plalntirr. and represented of said taxes and real estat aa "ta,'i: " prepared, oi the iter, n.iant the sum or (1.09, ny hy the "PProvcd. recorded, m a You are hereby commanded to summon Satd property rully el forth ami de- being paring, filing, approvtng. recording, ad- the county attorney, complains or constltut'on and law, and plaintiff sdrertlsod A. lot the amount or taxes, penalty In- aefjonritnt. now ins S,7eíP;47i.! 9""1 "vertlsed flat of said J. Dennis by making publica scribed, and all stale and county hues, and vertising nnd riling s,n,i advertised lists s.iii Who OWhed Ihe real md asserts a llen on said real filed by lion or this citation once in each week ..r penalties, interest and costs are also iully terest aim lot collector- - nnd county clerk's of ahí taxes and real estate, as required estate lit reinbefnre desci lbed al lb time estate, to secure payment of the amount S5fO&L rPaI. "te the orfleers ...sis and foi the or ,ne ss,d S or Texaa four successive weeks previous to the re- ItenLUed, set and described in the adverlliliij reei tht mar by the ronstltut'on and laxv, and plaintiff taxes herehiarier scheduled were as the said taxes, penalty. Irtterest, feea 8?"S2?f! and day ions. Itioo. 1910, 1911 and . on Hie p. now has a sess.-- and all J county, as required by law, and turn hereor, In some newspaper pub- said schedule marked exhibit "A." and asserts lien on said real nnd who Is the present owner court costa, and the itld assess- lished In your county, in appear By reason of ihe said listing, levying lovxing ilcsci'ilie.l .i....i-t- Miii.iti., in,, eslale. in. secure payment or the amount or said real estate, savs o n heretorore, ment lists, rolls or hooks, ÍJ.H ilL requlrementa of the eonatltntlnn at the county r.r or as delinquent O""1 compiled next regular term of the Forty-fir- ! dis- and assessing or the said laxes against El I'aso ainl stale or Texas the said taxes, penalty, Interest, rees teqii red by the constituí Ion and law. lists, advertising lists, inventories and anv "i1"' with by the Lois 8 lo IP, both ie firncers and court charged with any trict court or El Paso county, to he holden whom, and against the real óslate, sanie inclusive, block nnd all court costs, and the .said assess- taxes htrelnifur scheduled were other record evidence mentioning and duty at the house are herein alleged have been listed, Illfhljnd I'.uk iddltion lo the rllj oí ment lists, mils or books; listed, levied the said taxes. S 7.'!Jde.r " "L. ,he Sl,me' ""O e amount court thereor, In ihe city or lo delinquent nd assessed bv the legal pnslty. Inter- Pen"y. Interest, El Paso, Texas, on the rirst Monday In levied and assessed, tho said taxes, lists, ndverttslnir ilsta, Inventories and anv or u pagn county. Texas, against est, fees and court costs, and satd land !n ?t,Jxt fees and IMS. penalty. And said petition ,it.. ,,. o. ,. mxs or í!Lrn."r,7m" "r " nd correct M'Ptember. in, same helm, thi mi, Interest, fees and all court cost tha evidence mentioning and xxhoin. and airiilnst the land II Is herein either thereof mav he introduced hy day or September, tots, then and are a and valid debt, and personal 9 styled plain ti rf. and descrlh'ng the said penalt Inter- - alleged, sairt were listed, the plalntirr as evidence upon I" tt? ch and all or the lots there Just T". renresenifd tare, levied and or the trial ,íac,l, of land described answer a petition riled In said court on llaJililty against whom the said laxe xvcro . o.iiiiy ain.iiiey. complains or "si. n'es sun conn coats, and aid land and said taxes were not paid this rattae. !Ji ln the the loth or o the. or may Plalntirr marked exhibit "A- - and being day of June, 1015, in a suit num- assessed, the amount said taxes, pen owned real either thereof be Introduced- hy w"hln the tune allowed herore becoming asks that upon final hearing, above described. bered on Ihe docket or said court No. alty, intercit, rees mid court cost arising esiaie hereinbefore escribed at the time the plalnttfl as evidence tion the trial "Object to the laxv relat'ng to delinquent the plalntirr have Judgment against the ' ' lil,285. wherein thereby due. so me laxes lierettiarter this cans- - L"",''" derendant rnr the Said property I rully set forth de- - the state or Texas Is plain are unuaJd and claimed scheduled were 1V PCM faxes, are now due and above amount of tha and tlfr, and J. A. Dennis by the plalntirr. m sasna ann wno Is me Plalntirr thai nnon flnnt heneloa- said taxes, penalty. Interest, criaea. ano an state and oountv taxes. derendant, the na- or present owner .lk " "tHii me vai.1 state, county, poll fees and all ture of plaintiff's demand being herein By reason or the aald listing, levying, said real estate, says thai bereiófora, tho plalntirr have judgment ngalnst ihe and school laxe, including a penalty or court costs, ror a Judgment nr foreclosure ESJS2S? interest and costs re also fully as requ red hy defendant ten per or the set forth and described in i;f,ler sct out and being an action to recov assessing, returning delinquent, or report the constitution and la', ror the above amount of the cent thereor lor each year, includ- sa'd tax ll"n on all the slid loll the 01 taxes, ing or aaii. acneouie marged exhibit "A. me aeienaani ine sum or me.30. heing ing saiu real estate sold to ihe state, pre- nereinaner seiiertu oi were aald penally, Inlerest. fees and all and since tho year IR97. Ior which and tracts land ngalnst each or the By- reason of ",c aiiiouui 01 isxos. penally paring, riling, approving, recording, ad- listed. ahd assessed hv the leiral court costs, ror a Itittginent of ine said taxes are delinrtnent defendants; that an order of sale Issue, the said listing, levrlng linn ofrir.-r- s foreclosure and assessing of aald taxes leresl and for collector's and county clerkv vertising and ruing aald advertised lists ir El Paso .outiiv. Texas, against of the sa d lax lien on all the said iot per tent Interest per annum rrom the wlthtn the time and In the manner the against whom, llaV .,, .... rirst by w.i.mi. aim arainsi tne real estate, same com and advertising rees ror Hie or said taxes and real eslale, as reipnV. d and galnsi ihe land It la herein n."d tracts of liuid aralnst each or Ihe Ol JllllO.irv nevl ..... Jaw, and rnr such other and are herein alleged to 1911, 1918 and 1913, on the rollowing do bv the COIlsIlLuLon and law 'and olal.itiri allerd Id taxes were listed, levied anil defendants; that an order of sale Issue, un n me said taxes aro delinquent, rurther, general or special, legal snd have been Hated, J ,,,, XX'Uhln If. !H equitable levied and scribed property situated in the county 01 now baa and assorts a lion on said real aneaseo and said r.,,t time and In ill, manner i.rn. II rees due (he tax collector county relief to which the plaintiff nssessed, tho said taxes, tna ,i ny taxv, and mav penalty, interest, rees and all El Pao and date or Texas, estate, to ecuro payment of the amount witii in tne time allowed before becoming vni. and Mr such other nnd clerk, nnd all advertising rees. ror publish he entitled under tbe laxv and facts. court cost subject u? are a Just and val'd debt, Original of the said taxes, penally, Interest, reel the law relating lo dellnq riiriin-r- general nr special, level ing the said and real estate In a Herein fall not, but have vou herore and personal No. Acres equitable lues court, t Us liability against whom the said taxe Abst. rto. Sur. No. Iii and all court costs, and the said assess- lax.s and Ihe said taxes are now due nn.i relief lo which Uie plalntirr treivsp,,r Hrf mnre jmJ sld afnresav'd next regular were (runlee. Iium delinquent. may lie entitled Inxv rrv .,,.tfirty term, this ti, amount or aald pen- 8.894 4a Jo A. ment lists, rolls or books, delinquent The said Hale, county, poll under the and rai ls. Itated in the schedule marked exhibit "A,'' writ, with your return asse.ri. taxe. I.ennls itfl im.l Herein not. hoxv you have d alty. Interest, rees and court costs arising M J A. üetinla lists, advertising lists, Inventories and any school taxa, Inrltidliig a panaltv or rill hut have vou before alt '.chert lo plalntirr's politlón. exectil-- Ihe same. aiu other record evldencii mchtjoniag ten per cent ror laid court, nt lis aroresa'd next regular The said Wlness. J. Escnjeils, clerk or lh"reby are due. unpaid and o claimed And said petttioi,, urreging that thr and thereor each year. Includ- term, laxes have .been heretofore. In Forty ths by ihe plalntirr. state or Texas, descrlb.iig the said taxes, penally,. Inter- ing and since the year IH07. fur which this writ, with vour return thereon, all rameen, llttad, levied, first district court or El Paso cnuntv. itylcd plalntirr, and hnwlna linxv yon assessed, re ntven my By reason or the said listín represented by est, lees and court rosta, and "said land tho snld taxes are delinquent, with, six luxe executsd the same lurned liehnquent, or re- under hand and seal nt said bwia. the county attorney per Witness, j a said real estaf court, at In assessing, retum'ng delinquent, or report- complains or said derendant or either thereor may 'be introduced bv rent Interest per annum from the rirst Escnlerla, clerk or the ported sold to the. state-- all lists prepared, orrice Ihe City of El Paso, who owned or Forty dlsn ct or M Texas, this, the 9Mh of ing said estate sold to pre- Ihe real estate herelnbornre the plalntirr as evidence upon tbe U'lal jay January next sue- hhk the sreir rirst curt I'aso cnniv filed, approved recode .,lv.I..V ... . day July. ral the state, describid ai ror III ir, L paring, filing, or this cause. which n.e Hid laxes del'nqiieiit, liven unde lund and seal ild newspaper, J.. A. KSCÚEPA. approving, reeordln ad the lime the taxes hcreinartcr icheduled are' 'OiiTI, and sal.i advertised list or sata vertising and ..... were Plalntirr thai upon rinal hearing, BI1 fees due ih.. ux collector and county at orrice in tha Cliv or El Paso, laxes and real rlerk D'trl-- t Court. El Paso County. ntlnr aald advert!.. assessed and who' is the prataot nik. estate filed by the Officer! (üeali M or said taxes Owner of said tbe plalntirr have Judgment against clerk, and all advertising rees Mr ptibllsli tttl, lids, the Hit day oi July. IPtS. and conn or th By li. MONTFS., Deputy. and real estale, as required real estato, gays that hoto, tho A. said Slate or Texa and by d. rendant ror Un- inv the said luxes ESCAJEDA, the constltut'on and law, and plalntirr lofore, as required by Ihe constitution ami the abuve amount ol and real estate .In a r.lertt ro""l.v. as required bv law. and uuv. a.ssens law. the taxes said taxea. penalty, interest, rees new piper ra more rully and, P'strlct Court, IT Paso Cminlv mi ine require or ho. I.' aim a uen on said real heretnaricr scheduled were and all spectrtraiir (Baal) Jly K. M menu the constitution V estate, to payment u auu ny .court rosis, ior a Judgment or slated In the schedule marked exhibit "A," MlinTKS Psputy and laxv have CITATION II 11 III.ICATION. secure of the amount ussbu, lu.i' ussesseu ine lt;gai ..f roraciosure been compiled with by tha The Spile '..I To or the aald taxes, penalty. ncers or El Paso county, or Ilia a'd lax Ilea on II the attached to pllnttrr Selltlon. omcar um any' leans lb., snertrr nr any Interest, feea Texas, against said lois court rhargrd w'th dutv constable or 11 Paao and all costs, and whom, and igalnat the land li and tracts or land agalnsl each of Ihe The said taxes have been In No.1 li'.iwo. thereunder a tn the ame. County. Ureeting. rnirrt ' the aald assess- Is beruin heretorore. and tbo amount Ton are hereby to ment lists, rolls or books, dellnquenl alleged, said taxes were listed, levied an. mat no oraer or sate issue, IIU respects, listed. leMe.l. assessed, rs- - .STATION BV PUElalCATIÓNl or aald taxes, penally. Interest, fens commanded iiiniinon Ihe or Texos-- and W. II. Iiiinsoii and It. T. Jones In lists, advertising Pats, Inventories and any assessed, and said laxe were not paid within the time and in the manner pro- - turned delinquent, or said real estnti stale tbe sherirr or any ail court costs are a true and correct making within the yioed by law, sold lo the stilte- onataole or ei Pas.. County, charge agalnet publication or this citation other record evidence mentioning and time allowed before becoming and for such other and all lists t,fi,reii urectloii each and all or the lota once in general i. filed, approved, Toil horebj each week ror rour sue dcscrth'ng the satd taxe. penalty. Inter- subject to the law relating 10 del 1111110111 farther, or anaalal. an.i renordsd. arivastla an ciirtrnanrted lo urninon and iraris of land, described In the rees taxes eijultalilo relief IO newspaper, and Sam by iiiaking s.'hedup. cesilve weeks previous to return day est, and court costs, and satd land and the aald taxea aro nou Which tho putntiff said advertised list or said Ji?""1; publica uruk.'d exhibit "A" and being liereor, In or due and delinquent. may ba enlllled laxv taxes and real estate Hon ..r itiio oiuiinii rmre in each ror above some newsivper published lit either thereor may be Introduced by Tbe said stale under the and lads, riled hv the nrrirers week described. rour county, to appear um regu- the plalptirr as evidence upon county, poll and achool taxes, herein ral uot. but have mo i.nro and aid Slate or pr.OViOIII to tile ra- at next the trial Includi- Tetas ami ..?,',.l'l,'í'l'pl5',.," '"y fr,h and de- lar or the t of this cause. ng- a penalty or ten per cent said court, at Its aforesaid next regular El Paso countv. required by law, and lorn .la liereor, mie newspaper pub icribed. and nil slate nnd countv farm district court thereof il sued your c. laxe, of El I'aso county, lo holden al the .Plalntirr asks that upon final hearing, ror each year, including and sltwe the term. Una writ, with your return thereon, nil the reqitiren in 10 appeal' al the penalties. Interest nd costs are alio rully l. year showing how you hayo and law have i eoiiini' lei in .,r the ..i ,n court house thereof, In the city or El I'aso. the plalntirr have Judgment agalnit tha i97. for which the said laxes aru de- exaculad the same. been compiled with bv n.o iv Itemized, set forth and described In the T.oxas. linquent, Witness, J. A. Escajeda, and court of El Pao coinily, aald on the first Monday iii September, defendant ror the above amount or the with six per ccnl inieresi per clerk of the orricer court charired xv'th any' dutv lo be led. leu arlteduln marked exhibit "A." 1918, 'he annum rrom Forty El a to same, court house tlinciir, the or My or n.o,,,- ...,.-.,- aaiuu being the ib. day or aid taxes, penalty. Interest, fees and all the first day or Januiry next first district court of Paso county thereunder the nnd the etnoniu in city misen Ihe aal.l I'll,,, then answer a a succeeding th oiven under iny hand or aald enally. o, Teat, on llw nrst Monday m and there to court costs, for Judgment or rorerlosure year for which itio sitnl and seal of said taxe. Interest, fees and . ' iaxe against petition or s court, at office In Ihe or all costs s.'ltli" r,i.J-- riled In. said noun on the mili day the sft'd tax lien on all the aald lot are iieiinqiieui, an lees due in.- tax city El Paso court are true aunt correct .'.'. in.' nellig uie aim ara.nax ine real estate, satin nr June, 1018, Collector and countv clerk, Texaa, thla, the Sith day of charge against each or i.V or September, mi.-- in,:, an, are herein allert-- tn in a suit numbered on ths and tracts of land each or ihe an.i all ariver. July, wis and all the lots have been listed docket or aald No. i'.'..'ss, defendants; an or Using rees ror publishing Um J- A. BiGJUEDA, and tracts or land described Hie answer a petition tiled In said courtt. on levied and court wherein that order sale Issue, airi taxes in lal day esese,i, the sild taxes Iba slate or Texas Is plalntirr and V. H. Kiuiiu mo nine ano m manner pro una real esiaie in a iqwspaer, are inure Clerk District Court, EI l'.io County. schedule marked exhibit "A" and bans' Jha of Juno, iijii, in run tiinn penalty, Interest, fees and all cost. in M. beied on ii,e court Dunaon nnd II. T. Jones aro del. viaeo by law, and ror such lUliy 110,1 spei-l- l iciaiiy sillico )n the srhe.l fSealx By E. MONTES, Deputy. above desert! dookai or said court ,Nu. are a jusl and val'd debt, and personal u.lant. other and Ix'.dsfi, , ib nature or piainnrr's demand further, general or ule marked exhibit "A," 10 plaln- Said property Is rully set wlieicin the stato. i.r Texu is oaiiiiiiv againsi w'hum being pedal, legal and ittaetMd rorth and and Charlie the satd taxes were hereinafter out an.i being an action to equitable relief to which the plaintiff tirr' petition. No. and all stale and county taxes, Sam is defnuiaiil, Uie swaaso, inn amount ,,r taxes, pen recover or or plalntirr .P heiem-afie- the defendant! tne uri ol, uaj oc enoiieti unner me law ana The said taxe have been CITATION IIY I'lmiCATlOV penalties. Interest and costs are also rully rusto lining ally. Interest, fees and court cost arising being rarts. heretorore. Texas-T- e out lieiiig an lor Ihe aiiioiiin or taxes, penalty and Herein rail not, have you s Ihe state or o the Sherirr or ny Itemized, set p.rth and described In th's unit anion to recover hereby are due. unpaid o but herore is. iiaiuu, levieu. assei-ie- re at tin- and claimed Interes) ami rot eoUector'a and county aid court, at Its aforeaaJd next il. Cnnstablo or El Paso County, (ireeting-Yo- laid schedule marked exhibit "A;" derendant the sum or 144 41. being .,v i. in tuainiiii. regular turned liiiiiii. nl, or said real estate re- By ror tfia ..r clerk's rosis and advertising reo for ths term, with your are hereby iMmmandM IO rem, ,n of ihe said listing. levying unourif taxei. penalty an.i Inier" ny reason of the said listing, this writ, return thereon, ported old to the sute; all lists' prepared c.. siimmoii levying. Veins iuu and IBIS, on lile rollowina- de- un v a o M. and Rascón by making publica and assessing or the a.nd agalnsl est and lor colleetor' and county ,.r mi J"" ejreoi-- me same filed, approved, recorded, advertised in lues coal ulerk'l ueiiiiipietii, report scribed properly situated In the county or "i'"'s J. A. Escajeda. or newspaper, lion or this it. in en once m each week r..r whom, and against ihe real and itdvcnuing reea ror iba raari ing said real sold Wlmes, clerk the and said adverlisi-- list oi aaiq estate, antne it) estale lo ihe late, I.l I'aso and ol to wit: Porly-rirs- t El rour weeks r,. are herein alleged to have loin and 1913, .,n rollowing deicribed riling, líale lexas. district tour! of Paso countv 3 aaion) 111.11 uy Ule .II li t i s successive. previous to ihe bean listed, approving, recording, No. Clven my ta turn day hereof, in some pub- levied and assessed, property iiiiiaied In (tin rouniv or i.l riling original Acres under hand and seal or said and court or tho said taio or Texas and newspaper the said taxes, unl laso and aald ,ttortled list Abit. No. Stir. No tat Doiinq. conn, or El lished In your county, to appear penalty, Interest, fee nd all stale of Trias, All ,,r c or asid rah at orrice in tne i;ity ei Paao, Pao county, a required by law, and al lb" court cost nd teullj half or taies and real eatale, as required .VI 7 W il. 40 the ?f,th of July. IMS. all the requli or next resillar term or the Forty-rirs- dis- M Jut and valid debt, and personal lot 7, block 13.. Camp by tbe constitution and laxv, minion Tax, thl. dy ementa the constitution lo city or Ei and plalnurr S.VItt ti II. Ion mm 40 I. A. ESCAJEDA. and law have trict court or El Paso county, to be hidden liability against whom the aald taxes were bill addition the Paso,' Tiixa, now has and asserts s llen on . r. .1 S.lfJ) been comtilled with iy ine at Ihe III II. iv, os o 40 Clerk District Court, n Paao County. orricers and charged any court house Ulereo!, in the rlly or a leased, tho amount of asirt tor. a an.i una r.euiioti, alhging iha eatate. tn secure paymsnt or the amount 3.9VI court with duty O Texas, on ally. Interest, rees or or M II. Punton 40 'eal: Bv E M, VOLTES, Deputy. thereunder as to the aine. and Ihe amount Iao, the rirst Monday In and court cot arising Texas, siyk.i piaininr, .mi the said taxes, penally, lntereat, ree .114 Anton of said taxes, penalty, ree September, loir., the sain., Iba 6lli thereby are due, unpaid and o claimed ' ' Pf hied liy Uie County and all court smi n.e ti lntereat. and Hi day of September, cem alumev. r.,st. si. Mr.j eper courl cust are a and correct charge liill, tiien and there u by tbe plalntirr. delendnnt vno lists, rolls or books, delinquent And true answer a ssjul hy " mo said petition xll ing that the m ,te CITATION BV ft BLICATION. agalnsl each and all or UM lois and petition rile.i m court on reuon ,f the said listing, levying, ",l real esini.. boreinbefora lilts, advertising llsti. Inventories any or a tyled the ieth or asseaslng, tin- - - ind ie riainurr. and rem dented The state or Texaa To the Sbariff or any ol land described In the schedule marki-- day June, mi, ip a suit num retum'ng delinquent, or report- - " " ill tine- the tuna hereinafter other rerord evidence mentioning by on the ing al "vl"'' and lint couniy attorney, cmplatut of oiisianie or hi I'aso county, ..reeling: exhibit "A" and being above- - pored 'dociul or said court No. said n estani sold to the stale, pre. d anil wh descrlh'ng the said taxes, penally, Inter- said d.'r.' WlMreUl Hi.- or , n sent Of Bald rees wne.t the real You are hereby commanded to summon Said properly rully Ml rorth and de- Mn, tale Texa is plain- i.i...F, nuil a, a,.ruviua-- recorinng. trmnt real eslate, saya that est, and mint lwi said land eslale hete ra. A. tiff, and M. c. riling as or cot, tiihoror.' rilled at utn time E. Even by making publica- scribed, and all slate and county taxes, and hascon are ilei. udanis, and said advertised ereli.Iure. raflUlMd by the CMI dilution either thereor mav be Introduced hv uie s, he, xvure tion or the nature of plalntnr'-- or said taxes lll ml laxv. Um taxes laxes heretiiiiitei- lie, as tliia citation once in each week for penalties, interest and costs are also rully tiemaml lieinit and real estate, ai required heieinaner tchaduled the plalntirr as ex Pnce upon the U'lal sessed sn.l Who Ih.i re- - sot o, ihe era owner four successive week previous lo the Itemized, set rorth and described ln ald hereinarter out and being an action by ronstiiut'on and law, and plalntirr luted, levied and asa.ssed by Hie le of thl cama. of said mat estate, tnát heretofore. nay pub-te- re. over or ll.o ,, t a .1 offleara ..r El savi rn hereof, sum.- newspaper schedule marked exhibit "A " .ul ,7 os ami asserts uen on said real lam county. Texas, I'lalntirr that upon rinal hearing, aa rrqu'rei by Die law, your appear being for tha amount of nn. estate, to secure paym-n- .'iii,-- : whom, ai.d again n i the comtltuiton tnd in countv. to at Ihe ly reason the Ilia, penalty t of the amount il the laud plalntirr have Judgment sgalnsl the o., tnses r ti. xvere Forty-rir- of said listing, levying and erein alleged, iiereuiaiK .tiiicii nut regular term or the t dis- a assessing linernt Ior collector's and counix of the said taxos, penally, inlcren. re. t iaic laxri were Hated, derendant ror th.. aboe aniouni of tho listed, levied and saaeaa.Ml l.v iha of the said taxes anitn.t clerk a costa and rees and all aun w laral trict court or El county, to be holden whom, and against advertising for the court coila, and tha laid - vivo aim asse..ii, said tuxes aid taxe, penalty, Interest, fee, and all officers ..i i county, at the Po or the real ettate, same year 1913, on the following prop- ment roll! books, airs- paid wllhln Ihe time allowed eo.U, r,.r is,, lexas. main,! court house thereor. In the city are alleged to described itts, or delinqnntrt before court a Judgment at foreclosure whom, and tgilnsi the land 11 herein hav been Hitad, erly nc.. toitig subject n. pie n herein tl Paso, Texas, on the rirst Monday In levied and situated In the rouniv or El Paso and Hals, advertising lists, inventories and anv law relating lo of the aa d tax on all the said aid were Haled, assessed, the said taxes, penalty, Hale or !.", a Um or lairs levied nnd September, tbe same being the 6th reea Texaa, All lot u. w oilier rrtord evidence mentioning and leiinquarti bum in iii taxes are now tracts land agalnsl each of tha and satd taxea xvera not tis, inlerest. aod all court costs are a hair 16, as, . II..- ii DI t.ald oay or September, 191.'., then and there to jusl and of lot block alornhaad addition describng the said taxi, penalty, inter- ll.' and Illiuuenl. s. alale. ...iiolv PH. 1.101,: t,st an t.r.lar .r .al- - ...... within the valid debt, and personal liability U. the cuy or I, poll mil COOO lime allowed her.. re he.oining answer a petition riled in said courl on against El l'ao. Texas. ree nd court and aald land laxe. Inrlii.llug a penalty llhln the time and In the pro' Slll.Je I law whom the said taxes were Ami petition, 11, rot, maimer lo ihe rotating lo delinquent the ieth day or iais, In a said aliemoa that ..... or either thereof may lie hy "i I" thertol ft.r MCh yer, - .a- -. a June, suit the amount or said taxes, penally, Texas, Ititroiliired ''" ""I ,aes" ,a...i u.r surtí runer ami sou uie sai. I taxea are now due and Iiered on the docket of said court .No. tyled plalntirr. and represented by plalntirr evidence upon Ihe ''"tllng ami sine. Ihe isv;, lor which ' "'CSl or apeclaj, unl llnquent. interest, lee and court eoit arising the county it trial the s ).r 'f'.' r'.'. and The aid Hate, county, poll wherein Ihe late or Te.a Is plain-jif- thereby are attorn. complains ol said de. or Ibis eau aid lax. are delinquent, with six" I riiuiiame relict to which the III ftp! due. unnaid t.o ao cinn,i Hie rrom .... plalnurr i. iiicluiiiint a penalt of and Mr. A. E. Evetta l defendant, rendant who owned real estate herein I'lainiirr aski that upon hearing, can! uiterat! par aumitii tho first iiay i Ti,,,rr inn law r ten par by the plalnurr. rtnil ol Jaiuiaiy m. and cent eir for each year. the nature or plalntirr's demand being decrlbed at the time the taae here- tbe plalntirr have Judgment aralrnl tlo. belt reeling tin. xcar for Herein rail not. but hats mu Ing and ror By reason of ihe said listing, levying, inafter ror which the anl.l l.txei are delinqui-ni- n Id lnr yer which hereinafter set out and being an action to rhriiil, ,vd and who derendant the above amount of Hi" court, it it arore,,! neat regular th said re i7. Willi aisesslng, returning deiinquetii, or repon-in- the present owner .. s taxi delinquent. all recover of the derendant the sum of 5V. II. of saul roal estate, aid taxei. penally, interest, fee and nil nits .or tit ...uoiior auu couniy clerk, ...... una win, i,,, y.inr per t aald aold to the, pre- ays that and III Using return tb. rent Inter prr annum rr.un the first being ror the amount or enalty and real estate uie, heretofore, as riquind by the court costs, ror a Judgment or advt'i feet for publishing tlm show out how yog havo day v laxe, paring, tiling, approving, roreelosure aid tax.- eierul'd" the of in 'it ling tu year Interest and lor ..Hector's and county recording, ad- oiisiitution and law. Uia laxa hereiiiartei or Uie an d tai lien on all the said Inti and nal ailate In a newspaper, Wllness, j a ' lerk or lot XXlll.h tile vertising and num.- sain mn. n.ia ete'lllllc.l Xvere llv!,',t levle.l ..,,.1 ...... so- lie. rully ami ally v.i.l la .1.1 niptcm, cierk'i costs and advertising fees ror the nd traen of land agalnat or Hot if Klr.f In r.iriy nrsi itiiiriri i,,,,rt ol PI Paso countv III Teei due the i saín uy o earb Iha lav an.i ....itnlw ear and on ihe rollowing oi laxes aim real eítaie, a required nit" ngai otitcera or n ...univ. that n order or aale Uaue. ichadula market auiwi "X." iiatiitii nivaa iiñito my hand nn.i eaj or clerk, mi il3, by the constitution law, 1 in ,.u and all advertising feea ror publish- property In the county or and and piaintifr xx. stgaiuit whom, and against Iba laikj wllhln the time nd In Ihe manner pro- niiauiri's petnioii., y r K p,,,, ing .,., iltuated uuv. uaa auu t I alleged, I lie Mute have" '"i...... lire Ihn satd i.,v,s e.iat.i In a Paso and slate or asserts a uen on said real herein ald taxe were hated, vided by lw. and for such and and bean hereKiMre, In Tex. UiU. Use ieib day uf July. tsu. tiewnmper tl Texa. late, to secure payment of the amount levied and other ' all I. u ,. are iimre fully and specilirally Original No. Acre and said taxes were rurther, general or sperlal. legal and l.'M. sus. sseil. re J. a EicOnm. staled In sen w or the aald lax.s, penalty, rees not paid withinaieii,the ñ lurnatl dalUtquent, or said , the marked exhibit Abet o. Sur. Mo. tirantee. Dellnq. lntereat. limn allowed before equitable reliar to whlrb the real ettale re i.iera it sirirt court,' I I I'asn t'.iunty. arisen.-- i to petition. and all conn costs, and tha tald asseta-men- t herntninc subject to the law may bo poned .II to the stale, all lists pi (Seal. ÍH Mr. A. 'E. Even 40 relating to enlllled under the law and f..'i soared. MONTES. Ilepitty. The sai.i tiv- i, n heretorore, 8.370 ' list, roll or book, delinquent Hits. delinquent and tlm Illed. upin i.x re, i.rtled. advt i In a be In 11 Mr. A. K. hvett 640 tales alo taxe are now itere!,, rsil noi, but hve you bsfore liseil all repe... Usted o assessed, adverUaing lilts. Inventories and anv other due and delinquent. The Id coun- court, newspaper, and said advertise, i list of npi led. "I lí Mr. A. E Evett 40 uie, aald at II stores natt No U.WU. liirned delinquent, catata tw record evidence mentioning unl describing ty, poll and hool taxes. Including a pen term, this your reiulir taxe, nd real estate riled by the orricers CI l I IllN mil Aod said pennon, llaglng that the penally, or writ, with return llirreoh, or III PI ni H'triOY ported sold to the ists prepsre.1, ataw or Texaa, the said taxe, interest, reei and alty ten per cent thereof ror eirh year sie.wmic now you nave execttt-- d nd court the laid itata of Texti aim nc Rtala of U. th,. any styled plalntirr. and costs, and said land including- the same H I'aso county, as i'xs'. shenff 0r riled, approwii. re, ,,i del. adxeitised in represented by the county attorney. courl or either thereor and autre the er lain, ror which Willi.- tt, J. A. Eicajeda, clerk or lint required by law! and Conelabla of El I'aso Couniy. Urneting newspaper, may be introduced by lbs plaintiff as evi- the said laxe are delinquent, Porty all the reipiireiiiiiita t,r Ilia and aid Idvsrttaed llsl of tald complain or aald defendant wno with six pel rirst dutrirt or n po county. ronstituiioti tou ire hereby rniumamlr.i to stimuion axes .in, i dence upon ihe trial of this cause. rent Iritereit per r um my and law hav been compilad by .. real elate Illed by ihe oiricer wind the real eiiate hereinberore de from tbe n,,, Oiven under irthand and eii ,r said with the ticiio rami by nuking t nldi miioii ind nf said or ask thai upon day of January nexl urcedlng the year court, at orrice In or orricers and rom with any duty llili citation ".un tin stale Tnxet and bcrtbed al the time the tales hereinafter Plalnurr rinal bearing, tbe city Ft Paao - oitrit in eicli week for four H Paao county. required i y laxv. tbe judgment for which tbe aid laxe Texai. the IMIh theieniidiT at In Ihe inun- ami in and echeduled were and who Ihe plaintiff have against the tío delinquent thl, day or July I'jtr, successive wenka prevloui o return day all Ihe r. ,r: i. in, 'lit, of the constitution aesed defendant Tor the above or all ree due the tax Collector and J A of tali taies, penalty, Inlerest. ran hereor, lit praaent owner or ald real estate, says that amount ihe said loiiutx IX JKHA. in tome newspaper .i m and laxv i complied taxea, penally, reea clark, and all advertising ree pub- ( nil cnia are a tine mill reel your hate with by Iba heretorore, as required by the constitution interest, and all court for lerk D'elriri Court, n faan County, mi chaise inuiily. lu appear al Ihe next rem orrirci i mid xvlih any and Iba for a Judgment of lishing the said laxe an.i real estate In a By f. M iialatl all or tito Inn mu Irani lar of Forty rouil rhamt'd dntv law. taxea hereinafter chedul'd cott loteciosura of tbe MONTE". Deputy. ,01 term the rirst diiiii.t courl nd I In tlie same, ai d the amount were listed, levied and by in.; said tax lien on all the aid lots and hewepaiier. ara more fully and specifically (li land schedule market or El Paio county, lo be p.. Men or assessed tracts stated in the flhlbll "A ' and above at Ihe sal.l laxas, penalty, interest, reel and legal officer or El Paao countv Texas. of land against each of the defendant tchedule marked exhibit "A " described bollan thereof, In Iba llv Q pa ,, attached lo plaintiir pennon. ho. i?.oic. Kald properly rully sel forth ÍBtin ll court cost tie a true and corrset, w.i.uu, ao.i sgsinsi it is that an order of rale witlilo Ilia time CITATOi BY HI and de on Ihn rust Monday in Hrpiernhnr. I. ine land lu, Tha aald laxe have been n ICATIIIY crinen. nd all stile an.t countv hart. nam e... and nil ..' the Int. rein anegen, al( It(e( ,tei. and in the provided by law, and heretofore. In The flute or lexas To the any tin. Itr.. Ill ism.' being ths Ul day or n. I tracts t,f Wfn all repect, luted, levied, re- Sherirr or penalties, mien-s- anil- - cost! are also fullv land iletrrtbsd In Iba triad and aiaeased. and um him for audi other and further, geaeral or assessed, constable of El p.o Ojitnlv. (iraellngi ci then and there to answer a schsduls- marked "A" hoi paid ur special, legal and lumed delinquent, or ald real ra- Itamuad, set forth and ilearrlbetl In iild petition rile, i eihihll and bslng within the lime allowed berore equitable relief to whlrb etlale You are heirl.y commanded lo d.ile in aald court on the lath ,u tbOVI described auDjeci to the plalntirr may be ted led sold lo the ta'.e, all lisia prepared, . a'l. marked eihlblt or June, till.'.. In "coming the law relating 10 entitled under Ihe filed, li. OcJioi by making pubiiii Uy a anil miiultered on tlie said properly i rully set d'llnqueul taxes and the taxe now law and facta. approved, recorded, advertised in or reaion of tlie iild '"lilting, levying, docket of .ti.I No. rorth and add are lion thla citation once in each ck for til coin I.'.inu.'eln culmd, and til and county u and delinquent. The newspaper, and said advertised or ald rour hd aiiasilhg ll.e said laxe agilnil Ilia (lata of I plalntirr. latea, aald stale, coun- Herein fall not. bul bar you before aald lll iiiixeulve week previous to the whom, mil against and Concho peiiallle. ll. lele. and ara lian rxtlkw ty, poll and school including - tama and real etale riled by Um officer iha real natais, anv and Co li iprcniunl. the or plain-ni- taxe. a beo- court, al tía aforasaid as regular term. dy liereor. in some newspaper pub- are hemm alleged niliire Ileillllril. let fo ih and described In Oka it and court of the aald state of Texaa and ID to have beau lilted, deiiimd li. lng hereinaliei set lished roue seauity, to appear at the levied and aiaeiaed, Ins said taxes, oul and Itld "schedule marked nihllill penalty. bains an trtlon to rsrovar of Wis defend By reason of ths tald llallni. aallsxajj B 10 EL PASO MORNING "ÍTME3 OHxaTtisy, August 14, 1913.

of successive previous to ibe re- all the reoul remen la ol the constitution or tald of In a ault numbered on tbe acrtbed. and all state and county taxes, day of September, toll., then and there to charge irainat each and all the loti tour weeks the luw June. mi. on and of land described in tbe achedule turn day hereof, in some newspaper pub- sod law have been compiled with by the aralnet itM otate, tune docket of laid court No. IUM, wherein penalties, interest and costs are also rully answer a petition riled in laid court tracta at the officers and court charged with any duty K 10th day or a num- marked Rahlblt "A" and being above de- lished In your county, to appear ft) MM) allered to baverl been IIsum tbe state or Texas la pialntirr. and P. Itemirrd, set rorth and described in tlie the June, I1I, in tult Forty dis- as to tne same, ana ids amount i or No. scribed. neit regular term of the ririt thereunder levied and assessed, the itld taxes, Blgx-- is defendant, the natura of plalnlirr'a aald schedule marked Exnmil "A." bered on the docket Mid court of taxes, penalty, raes and be- state or Texat is plain- and trict court or El Paso county, to be bolden laid interest, penalty, Iniereel, fees and ill court cost demand being hereinafter set out and Bv irason of tbe aatd listing, levying and tl.M, wherein tbe Bald property is rally set rorth UM in tbe city of all court costs are a true ana correct ing an to recover or the defendant or and T .Armstrong-- Jr.. ti defend- described, all county Uxet, st court house thereof, Irt Joan and valid debt, and personal action assessing tbe tald taxes against whom, tirr. and tute tnd El Texss, on the first Monday in charge against each and all of the leu ItebOlty the aald taxea wera tbe mm ol M.eftA.M. being for the amount and against the real estate, are herein ant, tbe natura or plalnllrT'i demand being penaltiea. Interest and costs ara also rully Paso. ataatat wbom co- tame get to September, loib, me tame oeing tne o", and tracts of land described In the the amount of Mid taxei, pen of taxes, penally and interval and ror alteren to nave neen listed, levied anu u hereinafter out and being an action itemized, set rorth and described in the to marked "A" and beinir mainil. ad- recovar or day of September, lot J, then and than schedule exhibit Ip, Interest. Feel and court eoiu ertalnf llectors and county clerk's coita and sessei, the slid taxes, penalty. Interest, rset of tbe defendant the turn, said schedule marked Exhibit "A." on above deacrlbed. ror the years 1M0. "W, 'OT. being ror amount or taxes, penalty and answer a petition riled in said court nto ara due, unpaid and to claimed vertising fees !. and all court colli are a just and slid the By reason ot the said listing, levying day or In a num- um '06. 'W. , 'W, l00, '01. '03, debt, and personal liability whom Interest and ror collector! and county ibe ltb June, lots. suit Said property It fully set rorth and de by plabran. 0, against and leasing or said taxes against wbom, on the docket or said court No. tJLMI, scribed, and all and county taxea. 'CM. '08, '01. '0B, '0, '10. 'II. '! and '13. the taxes were assessed, the amount or clerk's costs tnd idvertlilnr reel for tbe here- bered state By reason of to aald listín, levyin, '. '0. - and against the real estate, tame are or Texat plalntifr, and report-ta- 101 on the following wherein tba stale ti penaltlet, interest and coils are also ruuy Manilas', returning- delinquent, or t on the following- described property aald taxes, penalty. Interest, feet and court yean toil, and mi. in alleged to bave been listed, levied and ot county or El and stale or deacrlbed property situated In Ihe county A. E. Evetta is defendant, the nature He mi ted. let rorth and described In tba aald real estate told to toe itate. In Ihe Paso costa arising thereby are due. unpaid tnd assessed, the tald taxes, penalty. Interest, being tat - TexM, to wit ao by Ihe plaintiff. of Fl Pato and state of Texai, plelntuTi demand harelnarter laid achedule mtrked exhibit "A." mint, approving-- reeordint;, claimed fees and all court costi are a Just and out and being an action to recover of tbe and mini- aald tdvertised lliti original No. Acres By reason of the levying, as orlgrnal No. Arret By reason ol the said listing, levying nellnq. aald lining, derendant the sum or seca, being tor too or said against of aald tajen and real eitate, u ieqjtrei No Bur. No. tirantee. snssing, reluming delinquent or reporting No. De.llnq. and assessing the taxes 77 L. Ry. Co. MB Ablt. Bur. No. Grantee. amount or taxes, penalty and interest and against tbe real same by the eonsutut on and law, and plaintiff 2,353 Tex. 8. aald real estate sold to the sute, preparing, A. T. Armstrong 40 amount or Mid penalty, interest reel whom, and eitate, 7 L. Ry. Co. MM i taxei. ror collector's and county clerk's com and alleged to nave been Usted, now ban and a Hen on aald real MM Tex. 4 8. riling, approving, recording, advertising 8,1(0 A. T. Armstrong court costs anting thereby are due, 1813, are herein UHrti 07 a: S. L. Ry. Co. M" I and advertising reei ror tbe yean ton and tbe said taxea, etate, to tacare payment of tlie amount t.SU Tex. and filing Mid advertised Hats of Mid 1,101 7 A. Armstrong unpaid and so claimed by the nlainurr situ- - levied and assessed, 71 8. L. My. Co. MO T. on the rollowing described property all of toe aald taxea. penalty, lntereat, feet t.tee Tex. and real estate, at required by the 4 A. Armstrong penalty. Interest, lees and court coita v. át S. L. Ry. Co. Mu taiet l,4M T. By reason of the tald tilting, levying, ated in the county or ti raso ana suus and all and the laid ujmi 2.3S7 Tex. constitution and law. and plaintirr now 1,103 3 are a Just and valid debt, and personal court coita. L. Ry. hat 8. H A. T. Armstrong assessing, returning dellnauent. or report TeiM, to wit: llttt, rolls or bookt. dellnauent MM! Tex. k S. Co. and us sorts a Hen on Mid real estate, to te- Armstrong 40 liability ígalntt whom the itld taxes wera meat petition alleging IM K.1M t AT ing said real estate sold to tbe state, pre original No. Acres said taxea, pen- lleta. edvertlalnr lista, Inventories and tnv And said that rn re (ayinent of the amount of the tald 8.165 A. T. Armstrong 40 su- assessed, the amount of rep paring, flung, approving, recoruuis, Dellnq. Interest, fees snd court costs arising other record evidence mentioning and tale of. Texat. styled plaintiff and taxei, penalty, tnteregt, feet and all court .10 91 A. T. Armstrong 40 vertíame- and filing aald advertited fills or Ablt. No. Sur. No. Orantee. alty. taxes, Inter-est- , county attorney, complaint thereby are due, unpaid and so rltrmefl describing the said penalty, resented by tbe coita, and the tald iiaessment lists, rolli or Mid alleging- - that the tald taxes and real estate, aa required by K. Evens 440 fees and court costs, and said land of said defendant, who owned th. real ei books, delinquent lists, advertising lists, in- And Deration by tbe plaintiff. any Hate or Texat. ttyled plaintirr tnd rep- the constitution and law, ana piainiiti now .4H E. Evens mo or either tbereor may be introduced by late hereinbefore described it the time the ventories and other record evidence and a lian on Mid real estate, By reason of tbe said listing, levytng, upon trial were assessed the resented by the county attorney, com has asserts K. 40 report- the plaintiff m evidence the taxei beraluafter scheduled mentioning and describing tald taxei, oerenoant, wnn to secure payment of the amount of the Evetti Msesslng, returning delinquent, or Is the present owner of said real penalty, interest, fees and court colli, and plaint oi said owned 4 pre- of tbia cause. and who the real estate hereinbefore described at aald taxes, penalty. Interest, rees and all E. Kvetts ing said real estate sold to tbe state, ristntirf isas that upon final hearlni. estate, siyi that heretofore, la required by aald lend or either thereof may be Intro- costs, and the said assessment lists, paring, tiling, approving, recording, ad- law, the herein by the as evidence upon the the time the taxes hereinafter scheduled court aald netltlon. alleging the State tbe plaintiff here judgment iiralrisl the the constitution and taxei duced plaintirr were assessed and who n the present roils or books, delinquent lista, adver- And that vertising snd filing Mid advertised Hsu defendant for Hie above amount of the after rtheriiilrd were listed, levied and as- trial or thli raute. tising Hats, inventories and any rec- of Texas, styled plaintirr, and represented of said taxes and real esute, as requned all legal of El Paso owner of said real eitate, says that here other county attorney, uompnuus Mid taxes, penalty, interest, fees and sessed by the ofriceri Plaintirr asks tbat upon final hearing, tbe tofore, aa by the constitution and ord evidence mentioning and describing by the ui by tbs constitution and law, and plaintirr I against required court coats, for a Judfrrnrnt of foreclosure county, Texas, against whom, and plaintirr have Judgment against the defend-an- t the Mid taxes, penalty, Interest, reei and laid derendant, wbo owned tbe real now has and asserts a Hen on Mid real n all lota It herein alleged said taxes law, tbe taxes hereinafter leheduled were hereinbefore deacrlbed at the tune or tbe said tax lien the Mid the '.and for the above amount of th tald taiet, levied and assessed by tbe legal court costs, sod said land or either tbere- estate estate, to Mcure payment of tbe amount and or land each of the were listed, levied and assessed, and said penalty, feea all costs, lilted, as th lieremarter scheduled were as taxes, penalty, reea tracts al- lntereat, and court orneen or El Pmo county, Texai, against or may be Introduced by the plaintirr taxei or the itld Interest, that an order of sale laiue, taxes were not paid withui the time for a Judgment or of the or cause. sessed and who u tne present owner costs, the derendante. to the law foreclosure Mid whom, and against the land It Is herein evidence upon the trial this says and all court and Mid aisess within tne time and In the manner lowed before becoming subject tax lion on ill the itld Iota and tracts of were of aald real estate, that neretolore. ment Hits, rolls or hooks, delinquent to delinquent and the Mid alleged, aald taxei Haled, levied and Plaintirr aaka that UDon nnal hearing. aa by and law, by law. and for eurh oilier and relating Utes land against each or the defendant!; thai an assessed, and taxes were not paid against required the constitution lists, advertising lists. Inventoifei and any general or special, legal and taxes are now due and delinquent. The said withjn tald the plaintirr bare Judgment the the taxes hereinafter scheduled were further, taxes, order of isle issue, the time and In within the time allowed before becoming defendant ror the above amount of tbe otber record evidence mentioning and equitable relief to wliico the plaintiff state, county, poll and school Includ the manner provided by law, and for such listed, levied and assesseo oy toe legal said taxea. penalty, Inter- or 10 per thereof ror ubject to the law relating to delinquent Mid taxea. Denalty. Interest, fees and all describing the may be entitled under ine law and recti nig i penalty rent other and further, general or (pedal, legral are now orflcera of El I'aso countv Texas, against est, rees and court rosie, and said land you each" including and since the year taxea and the laid taiei due and court costs, for a Judgment of rureelosure .1 Herein fall nol. hut bate beiore yr, and equitable relief to wblrh the plaintiff state, poll whom, anil again the tana it is nerein or thereor may be Introduced by It for which the said taxes are delin- delinquent. Tbe said county, of the aald tax lien on all the Mid lots and were and either aid court, at aforeia'd next regular lew. may be entitled the law and facta. or ; alleged, said taxes listed, levied upon n per per annum under and ichool taxes, including a penally tracts or land against each of the derendan-ants- the p&nlirr as evidence tne trial term, this writ, with your return thereon, quent, with rent lnlirest Herein fall not, but have you befpre laid year, assessed, ana ssja taxes were uu paiu cause. you ejecutad the same. from the day of January nexl sue- ten per cent thereof for each Includ- that an order or ssle issue, within tbe before becomlruy of thli. ahowlnr how have rirst court, at lit aforesaid next regular term, ing and since tbe year 1807, which tbe manner prescribed by law. within tbe lime allowed upon A Esrajeda, nr i. i. the year which the aald taxes thow-In- for Ume and in tho relaUng to aalinquent PUlntlfr asks tbat nnal bearing, Wltneit, J. clerk the lor tins urlt, with your return thereon, Mid taxea are delinquent, with per further, general or subject to the law Forty-firs- t or HI paao county. are delinquent, all fees due the ta col- tlx and tor such otber and are now and the plaintirr hare Judgment against the dls'rirt court bow you have execute! the same. cent per annum from tbe rirst special, legal equitable to taxes and the ttid taxes due or my hand and of aald lector and county clerk, and all advertising A. or For- inierett and relief which county, poll derendant ror the above amount the Otven under teal Wltneis J. Eacajedt, clerk the day or January, next lucceedlng tbe year the plaintirr may be the law delinquent. The laid tute, court, at orrice In the City of Kl Pmo, fee ror piiiiiishing the said taxes and real ty rtrit dlilrlct court of El Paso county entitled under ichool taxes, including a penalty or said uxes, penalty, interest, feet and all in a newspaper, are fully and for which the Mid taxei are delinquent, and facts tnd costs, for a Judgment of foreclosure Texas, thla. the with dav of July, ItM 5. estate Given under my hand and teal of laid county ten per cent tbereor for each year, includ- court A. stated In the schedule marked all reel due the tu collector and not, have you before Mid of tbe said tax ll;n on sll the said lots I. ESCAJKItA. aneciricilly court, at of lice In the city of El Pmo. ror pub- Herein fall but ing tnd slncu the year 1807. ror which El Paso County. "A." attached to plaintiff's petition. clerk, and all advertising reei court, Its aforesaid next regular term, and tracts1 or land against each of the Clerk D'tlrirt Court, Exhibit Texai, this, the ifith day or July, 101. lishing the Mid and real In at the aald taxes are delinquent, with tlx (Seal By I M. MONTHS. Deputy taxes been In A. 1SCAJEDA, . taxei eitate thli writ, with your return thereon, show annum from tbe defendants; that an order of sale Issue, The said have heretofore, J. a newspaper more rully and tpecin-ctll- y per ci in Interest per rirst pro- . assessed, re El ire ing now you nave executed tne same. within the time and In the manner all cespects. listed, levied, Clerk district Court, Paso County. tiated In the ichedule marked Ex- day o I January nexv sutuccumi sua jrosw no tü.aví. delinquent, or said real estate re (Beeli By R. M. Montea, Deputy- 1. A. Escajeda, clerk of the ror which ihe aald taxes aro delinquent. vided by law, and for such other and turned hibit "A," attached to plalntirr's petition. Witness, (saneral or special, legal and CITATION by pi in histion. portad sold t" the nlulc; all lists prepared pony-rirs- t district court or tu raso eoun all rees due the tax collector and county ruritier a i equitable to which the plalntifr or Tore--T- o the Sheriff or any hied, on roved, recordad, advertised in No. U.'JM. Tlie said taxes bave been beretorore. in tv. clerk, and all advertising reea Tor publish relief The State mav be entitled-und- the law and racU. or El Paso County, newspaper, and said advertised list of said CITATION BV Pi II ios . all reipecta, listed, levied, assessed, re- Olven under my band and Mai of aald ing the said taxes and real estate in a Constable - Tall not, nut nave you oerore Ton are hereby commanded un IttlfsTAor) lave-- and real estam riltd by tbe officers The Stile or Texas To the sherirr or any turned .delinquent, or said real estate re- court, at ornea in tne city ot su raso, newspaper are more fully tnd tpeclflcally Herein of tbe said state ni Taxm and Kl state; all 1013. exhibit "A, said court, at Its aroreiaM next regular T h Hint by making puhlirailon or and (onrt Constable or El Paso County, nteetlnr: sold to the lista prepared, TexM, this, tbe Mth day of July, stated oi the schedule marked Paso onniy, el Wcfulfed D) law, and all You are hereby to summon Íorted approved, recorded., advertised In a J. A. to petition. term, this writ, with your return thereon, this citation once In each week for ronr commanded' ESCAJEDA, enacted plalntirr's you have executed same. weeks to day the reifiilrementi or me constitution and A T. Armstrong. Jr.. by making publica newsDSDer. and said advertised list or said Clerk District Court. El Paso County. showing how the guccesalve prevtoui return ny me, The said taxes havo been beretorore, in Witness, J. A. Escajeda, clerk or the hereof, some newspaper published in law i.avi lieen enmonen sin tion or Ihls rllatlon-onc- In each week ror taxes and real estate filed by tbe orneen ((Seal) By E. M. MONTES, Deputy. in any all respects, listed, levied, assessed, re- Forty-rirs- t court or El Paso county. your roiinty. lo appear Ihe 110X1 reatl ran and court charged with duty ronr surresslvo weeks prevloua to the re- and court or the tald State of Texas and district thep.-'i- delinquent, or said eatate re- my hand and leal or said iar or Fprty-nr- eotiM der as to the same. Mid the amount turn day hereof. In some newspaper pub- F.l Paso county, at required by law, and No. 1S.S05. turned real Olven under term tin district fee-- am to the state; all prepared, In the City ot El Paso, county, to be liolden a the or said lave,, penalty, ml" rest lished In your county, to appear at tbe all the requirements or the constitution CITATION BY PUBLICATION. ported sold lists court, at ofrice of El Paso are a charge any filed, approved, recorded, advertised in a this, the 26th 'day of July. 1015. house there.ur. In Ihe ruy or I I'nso. court losis true and correct next regular term of the t dis and law have been complied with by the Tbe State of Texas To tbe Sheriff or Texai. court ayain-- t or tr newspaper, and said list or laid TexM. on the Monday In September, each and all the lots and trict court or El Paso county, to be holden orneen srtd court charged with any duty Constable of El Paso county, tireenng advertised J. A. ESCAJEDA, nut or land described in the schedule marked to the same, and tbe amount You are hereby commanded to summon nd real estate riled by the officers 1MI. the asme being the fltk day ol Sep at the court house therenr. In the city of thereunder at taxei or Clerk District Court, El Paso County. to answer a hxhllnt "A" and being above described Paso, Texas, on the Monday In of said taxes, penalty. Interest feel and A. K. Eretts by making publica and court or the said State Texaa and tember. toii,. then and there rirst as required by law, ana (Seal) By É. M. MONTES. Deputy. petition riled In 'aid court on iW Will day Said property Is hilly sei rorth and September. 1,016, the Mme being the Alh all court costs are a true and correct tion of this citation once in each week for El Peso rav'it Suppose You Want Suppose You Want Suppose You Want v A Maid A Mechanic A Shipping Clerk

A maid who is above the aver- A carpenter, a machinist, an And: want one who's wide awake

steam-fitt- er enough to give your customers age in intelligence, in alertness, engineer, a fireman, a and want the sort of man good service, ambitious enough in willingness, in general capa- who uses brains as well as tools, to learn something new every day and remembers what he bility suppose you are particu- who'll save you money by learns, loyal enough to work for thoughtfulness and care, who'll lar and want the best maid you as earnestly and dependably take an interest in every job he as though the business were his possible to get where would does where would yoü look for own where would you look for you look for such a maid? such a man? such a man?

THERE'S AN EASY WAY TO FIND THAT KIND OF PEOPLE THEY'RE SORTED FOR YOU AUTOMATICALLY For in every walk in life, in every neighborhood, in every trade, in every group of workers, whether men or women, the live and larger workers who are most loyal and dependable are invariably attracted to the most progressive and enterprising newspaper in the community, to the news- paper with the highest standards. Look for your help among the readers of that paper and you'll reach the cream of the workers in every line of human endeavor. Put Your AD, Regardless of What You Want, In Tomorrow's Morning Times