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terms—s2,oo per year is advaxcf. DEVOTED TO POLITICS, LITERATURE AND GENERAL NEWS. omtce in peters’ block. wmmmmum mm m tojym*""*****1** ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 •■until site settled down into tin* deep mi deck, the yards were squared away to startled with liorror at finding the n(cu during a period of eighteen months. ”— £arils. itti strlliuuouc of waters. It when the vessel from the land she had left almost to and iiusntrss for. Farm for Sale ! abyss igna midnight clear ; bore ; they reduced skin j They were taken on to Boiiihfand. New she drifted into this winch is dcscrib- 1 south-east for abont half an bone. knew then bow llieni- cfjXte, away hour, | They they j Zealand, where they were hospitably re- INSURE YOUR DWELLLNuS cheap! A Curious Narrative. ed as being imarly 40<| feet deep. The and then was hauled up again to tlie casa- ! selves had changed, but alter a time they ceived and provided for. night, was very dark, and nothing could be ward. Half an hour afterwards the Auck- rallied; they got more accustomed to the cb OTHER PARTICULARS. seen but the black rocks above and around land Island were sighted right ahead. The food; they succeeded in making a little Situated in West Trenton, 4$ miles from Ells* At n marked tree at the was on and from skins of Pert Ross two slate same from Mtl)e>ert Said farm eon The II'reck (he General Grant— ship. When daylight came, the boats vessel hauled the tack, but had salt; the the seals wuitn, bridge. of ,Khip port they tallies have been Other faint? about looaeres of a 2 storv liou*e, were were, was made tiro h-lt, with the lellowiu* Property, Ian", good 7 h J t'urriiars on the Auckland iowered; there including twen- hardly steerage way ; the wind light moccasins for shoeless. They 2 barns, .\r. Kor further titular of d. Living In the •lAKTKOlil) lsnl:i!A.YCK lOillWNY, pas enquire lour of a crew, three mid there was a short sea on. She olso to make a sail from seal inscriptions— or w .uilliken on the hit s 18 Months— Ten saved ty eighty passengers' nasty managed Out dlillion Tlilliui Cap- Watson, Sedgwick, cajdC. for persons “Sacred to the of Orgrtni.ed I — iu all. whom wen* six ladies and stood on the tack for two hours, skins. memory K*l'",*u’“"1 l,y | im-mit-'Ue1, I javards of seventy lost. among j port nearly j sixty-eight V IM i: IM '-.I AW VAN. who lost, their lives the wreck o o.a in rat, iil.o'.r twenty children. Of these there es- mid during this time was setting bodily to- On the 11th of July they came upon j persons, liy Mniti St. Hiln'vmrti, M. of the General Grant, on the caped i.0,11 the sinking ship four male pas wards the land. The land on the lee beam Musgrave’s hut; their joy was great, tor morning of lmve received the nc* '■ j the 14th on [Wr following vemnrfcafole ten s' amen, and one looked a hank the wind had would It mi there a j i860, the Auckland let, A merit an «engers, teumlc, the like feg ; fal- they thought they well jlay, The uhimortit Pictures ! Pictures ! ! count ef I he wiee-fc of the chip liniie.t'jl Chant of* lands’ in a!!.* len to dead the hut their lioston, l'i uni u conojiomleul nl thue-diu. Otago, ; stewardess—fifteen away a calm, mid vessel he- stocked depot; disappointment v. * Tie* him ui (irant was an At vessel of 5 “Sacred to the of orb b (Dffitf, >e-\v Zealand, ho writes under date of Feb. 4 ] j Go 110 mline perfectly unmainigeaiile. What was was greater, for everything had been car- memory Bartholomew gooli, go!) print.rq (ImiWU-ilec.keil, c.opper amt iron lasternd, Brown, chief 11 his to do the c- hc.t in ried a lew of old canvas officer; William Newton mc t. t. a n* rt t: t i11, .u k I m.i 211 led itruft of water. She wai built in Hath, j power ptain did, away except rags ’•Secure the Shadow ere the Sub- iii I’, and which Scott. A. B., Peter Mcllcven, A. B-. Au- The ncconnt which I nm about fo of Maine, 18 byJ. .corse, hailed fnnn | rain, fora heavy south west swell was and an old boiler they afterwards , JV. 1C. NA II YEli, /V .,)<•!«« ir give Ho -ton. where sue was owned Messrs. drew A. by 1'age, her nearer ami nearer the fatal used to la.il salt in. made Morrison, 1}., who started in. a stance <i terrible disaster and of a Hic.lmrdson & ( o. There was hisur^Sicc her forcing They many Fails.” (for some) b«p ! upon boat on the 22d in state -treei for About a all ■ucks. d senveries, which, in January. 1867, for New pv deliverance, will be ol interest to your' $lo5,000. year ago although trifling JAMES A. PEEKHAM, hopes of her safety havi <g been given.' up, she wan were of and Zealand, without chart, or nauti- as it concerns an At about J o'clock a.m. the vessel struck themselves, absorbing interest compass readers, American Vessel, iiu.iuuui'cd as ti“inisshig ves-el, and it wits sup cal to the lindera. found wo instruments. 1 sailed from on that she had foundered at sea with ail on rock and broke part of it away value They files AND SHIP JOINER, which Poston the X28lh of posed projecting “Ten survivors HOUSE board.—KdioiiS. die then shot astern to another which and another hut, fitted up with three rescued liv the brig Am- JiA. S IIAltXOH. November, 18IJ5, nud uhhh. alter jv fa point, herst ot her in which there were an a Invercargill, New Zealand, Pat- \ oroide arrived at Hobson's Ib»v, THE LOCALITY OF THKWKF.CK. carried away spanker bqopi and rudder, luniks, adze, dune with i-eatne** ami passage, rick 21st 4ijrJ jlibiuif »v this time the mail at the wheel had had spade, and a little wearing Gilroy, master, November, ilit>i>njrh. I’ort Philip, oil the I 1th of March. I-fifl Tin* Auckl md islands were discovered apparel. They 1867.” I two saw some trucks, hut no As 1 P|ie (Jenorai Grant. then several of his ribs roken. The points pig pigs. good ship 1x200 Ahraham liristow in August. I There are also i»y Captain if rock which the vessel had struck formed have said before, their at left, in cases, matches, tons, (mwik-is. Messrs. Page. Richardson! IdtRj. 1 in* discovert is related ill the covering night A. F BURNHAM, log- w as and tin; weather fish-honks, twine, of l’»0'toii. W illiam he entrance to a cave nearly 300 feet deep grass, being bitterly rope, gun. percussion ) lleihy Lough-! mo; of the ‘Ocean.’’ which at the time bullet flint and into this cave the vessel canted, sur cold, their beds were out as comfurtublO as caps, mould, steel, com- and at. Law. i: a;*ti r. sailed from slowly Attorney Omiisellnr lin. Uoston for tie | \usona whaling myage. in the follow- books, and minded bv dark masses of rock, and tWen- they would have liked. They managed to pass. paper pencils and other ■ Australiau Coloii\ ot Victoria on t!ie i2Hrh Fitrti'ttltrattention lo r l>ce«U Marl ng year, t'.»ptam lhisiow visit* d the In useful articles. given * j watei tin* stern, catch seals to live It was a o Xuv. mber. airivid »v y five fathoms wt under enough upun. gw *v'-. ! I> a ?\r; 11 N'. M ol lie in in lh" Sarah and the HritisU I The or, planted over lime In-tore knew Amherst has started from South- <• <>t >’• rhev held the bulwarks for the long tln-y how to tifft niiou deroirtl to ti e -Ih lion •- hl\ oil tile »tb li ol Much. M<i() and! a lamps Sft+iciiil ^ AS LlIAsKJ) the ! Mud* *;i !?• nnm 1 ig tide; hi bdV he left lie let loose land to so rch for tho boat. A -i in ;!.«• oJ llnneo. !*. 1 o*‘ their use the skills for were so m*w/* n^niiiper .i»'> ^ \ ascertaining condition; clothing, they missing «.• )« It !lol> oil*." !>• te.Und !(||- I,olid- il. 01 iii. iherol I he was a favor impose V* >t l’«*i:11#• ii•, ,1 M VIA K steamer is also to be Olfi. e >{.:'< 'miml pigs. place h v coul I see around and above hard. Imt at discovered tli.it despatched front Mel- -,w* t ii. r i»? I lie -i’ll 1 .M a \ Jv-iid. with atoll nothing length they by i;, )•.i 'ini will hum :iw. iii.* ;i(tinli«»i» to tin- I»11 cargo! .<• n nl nl whalers, wIni made bourne, generally* ;lii-iii Init rocks, the sides of tlie dried skins close to the roots Victoria. Tho people of Dane- and w illicit a s s e 11 «• s. l-Vom day savage against paling I illoV | g ihat i ii..i\eet in the surumuding waters;; cin, are g.<;i..i which there was sc ircelv a of the hair could obtain a soft Otago, making great exertions to ;ri i* mi:; v\ o.% Itulli tin- Jkili ol .1 18(»5. she Was! the whales footing place they very Ni>> in '»i e\ery out; to so urc st good noaiy.