terms—s2,oo per year is advaxcf. DEVOTED TO POLITICS, LITERATURE AND GENERAL NEWS. omtce in peters’ block.

wmmmmum mm m tojym*""*****1** ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 •■until site settled down into tin* deep mi , the yards were squared away to startled with liorror at finding the n(cu during a period of eighteen months. ”— £arils. itti strlliuuouc of waters. It when the vessel from the land she had left almost to and iiusntrss for. Farm for Sale ! abyss igna midnight clear ; bore ; they reduced skin j They were taken on to Boiiihfand. New she drifted into this winch is dcscrib- 1 south-east for abont half an bone. knew then llieni- cfjXte, away hour, | They they j Zealand, where they were hospitably re- INSURE YOUR DWELLLNuS cheap! A Curious Narrative. ed as being imarly 40<| feet deep. The and then was hauled up again to tlie casa- ! selves had changed, but alter a time they ceived and provided for. night, was very dark, and nothing could be ward. Half an hour afterwards the Auck- rallied; they got more accustomed to the cb OTHER PARTICULARS. seen but the black rocks above and around land Island were sighted right ahead. The food; they succeeded in making a little Situated in West Trenton, 4$ miles from Ells* At n marked tree at the was on and from skins of Pert Ross two slate same from Mtl)e>ert Said farm eon The II'reck (he General Grant— ship. When daylight came, the boats vessel hauled the tack, but had salt; the the seals wuitn, bridge. of ,Khip port they tallies have been Other faint? about looaeres of a 2 storv liou*e, were were, was made tiro h-lt, with the lellowiu* Property, Ian", good 7 h J t'urriiars on the Auckland iowered; there including twen- hardly steerage way ; the wind light moccasins for shoeless. They 2 barns, .\r. Kor further titular of d. Living In the •lAKTKOlil) lsnl:i!A.YCK lOillWNY, pas enquire lour of a crew, three mid there was a short sea on. She olso to make a sail from seal inscriptions— or w .uilliken on the hit s 18 Months— Ten saved ty eighty passengers' nasty managed Out dlillion Tlilliui Cap- Watson, Sedgwick, cajdC. for persons “Sacred to the of Orgrtni.ed I — iu all. whom wen* six ladies and stood on the tack for two hours, skins. memory K*l'",*u’“"1 l,y | im-mit-'Ue1, I javards of seventy lost. among j port nearly j sixty-eight V IM i: IM '-.I AW VAN. who lost, their lives the wreck o o.a in rat, iil.o'.r twenty children. Of these there es- mid during this time was setting bodily to- On the 11th of July they came upon j persons, liy Mniti St. Hiln'vmrti, M. of the General Grant, on the caped i.0,11 the sinking ship four male pas wards the land. The land on the lee Musgrave’s hut; their joy was great, tor morning of lmve received the nc* '■ j the 14th on [Wr following vemnrfcafole ten s' amen, and one looked a hank the wind had would It mi there a j i860, the Auckland let, A merit an «engers, teumlc, the like feg ; fal- they thought they well jlay, The uhimortit Pictures ! Pictures ! ! count ef I he wiee-fc of the chip liniie.t'jl Chant of* lands’ in a!!.* len to dead the hut their lioston, l'i uni u conojiomleul nl thue-diu. Otago, ; stewardess—fifteen away a calm, mid vessel he- stocked depot; disappointment v. * Tie* him ui (irant was an At vessel of 5 “Sacred to the of orb b (Dffitf, >e-\v Zealand, ho writes under date of Feb. 4 ] j Go 110 mline perfectly unmainigeaiile. What was was greater, for everything had been car- memory Bartholomew gooli, go!) print.rq (ImiWU-ilec.keil, c.opper amt iron lasternd, Brown, chief 11 his to do the c- hc.t in ried a lew of old canvas officer; William Newton mc t. t. a n* rt t: t i11, .u k I m.i 211 led itruft of water. She wai built in Hath, j power ptain did, away except rags ’•Secure the Shadow ere the Sub- iii I’, and which Scott. A. B., Peter Mcllcven, A. B-. Au- The ncconnt which I nm about fo of Maine, 18 byJ. .corse, hailed fnnn | rain, fora heavy south west swell was and an old boiler they afterwards , JV. 1C. NA II YEli, /V .,)<•!«« ir give Ho -ton. where sue was owned Messrs. drew A. by 1'age, her nearer ami nearer the fatal used to la.il salt in. made Morrison, 1}., who started in. a stance