Sections of the USSVI Creed Carolina Piedmont Base of the USSVI

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Sections of the USSVI Creed Carolina Piedmont Base of the USSVI Carolina Piedmont Base of the USSVI presents the Page 18 June 2015 Sections of the USSVI Creed Inside this issue: Creed: USSVI Creed 1 Section 1: To perpetuate CO Message 2 the memory of our ship- Contacts 2 mates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their du- Lost Boats for May/June XO Message 3 ties while serving their Meeting Minutes 4 “Sailors, rest your oars” country. That their dedi- Cob’s Message 8 cation, deeds, and su- USS LAGARTO (SS 371) May 3, 1945 Chaplin’s Message 9 preme sacrifice be a con- Perpetual remembrance USS SQUALUS (SS 192) Para-Vis 10 stant source of motivation Section 3: The organi- May 23, 1939 New Memb, Birth, Anniv 12 toward greater accom- zation engages in various USS SCORPION (SSN 589) plishments. Pledge loyalty Funnies 15 May 27, 1968 projects and deeds that and patriotism to the Base Calendar 21 bring about the perpetu- USS RUNNER (SS 275) United States of America May 28, 1943 Holland Club 22 al remembrance of those and its Constitution. USS STICKLEBACK (SS shipmates who have giv- Camaraderie 415 ) May 29, 1958 Section 2: In addition to en the supreme sacrifice. USS O-9 (SS 70) June 19, perpetuating the memory USSVI also endeavors to 1941 of departed shipmates, educate all third parties USS S 27 (SS 132) June 19, Nearly 4,000 subma- USSVI provides a way for it comes in contact with 1942 about the services United riners have sacrificed all Submariners to gather USS R 12 (SS 89) June 12, their lives on the altar of for mutual benefit and States submariners per- 1943 American freedoms. It is the primary mission of enjoyment. The common formed and how the USS HERRING (SS 233) USSVI to perpetuate heritage as Submariners is sacrifices of lost ship- June 1, 1944 their memory through strengthened by camara- mates made possible the USS GUDGEON (SS 211) memorials and "tolling derie. USSVI supports a freedom and lifestyle June 7, 1944 the boats" memorial ser- Americans enjoy today. vices. Per the USSVI strong United States Sub- USS GOLET (SS 361) June 14, 1944 Constitution Article III marine Force. the Purpose/Creed con- USS BONEFISH (SS 223) June 18, 1945 sists of three sections: Page 2 Piedmont Periscope CO’s Stateroom— Carolina Piedmont Base Commander Rick Petitt You - all you have to do is look at younger members that have recently the numerous awards and accolades been added to our roster. It is very that have been bestowed upon the exciting to hear someone say that Carolina Piedmont Base over the they qualified in 1993 or 2003. years to see how much you have These guys are a great asset to our contributed. These awards are the base and will help us thrive in the product of the hard work and dedi- future. Joel Sparnon is going to be cation from You - our members and the COB and he is one of our ‘Next everyone knows that leadership is Generation’. Thanks Joel for step- only as good as their crew and this ping up. crew is exceptional. Thank you all for the confidence you I know how much time and effort have bestowed upon me - it is truly Steve has put into this organization an honor. And thank you for the to make it run smoothly and effi- guidance and feedback I know you ciently. Steve set the bar very high will provide so that we can continue with his level of dedication and at- to improve our base and keep our tention to details and I intend to reputation front and center in the This will be my inaugural article give my best effort in reaching that to the Piedmont Periscope as USSVI organization. I will work bar. Your contributions as a base hard to keep your confidence and if I Commander and I hope it meets will be invaluable to me and I will the high standards set by Steve make any mistakes, please don’t hes- need everyone’s help to maintain a itate to let me know. (Yeah, like all Bell. For the past several years, high level of service and who knows we have been extremely fortu- Bubbleheads are shy and don’t ex- maybe together, we can reach a lit- press their opinions.) nate to have the leadership of tle higher. Steve Bell, Jack Jeffries, Ray- Let the adventure begin. mond Zieverink and Michael One of our goals for the future will Hubbell as officers of the Caroli- be to continue to recruit new mem- Rick Petitt na Piedmont Base. For Steve bers and to do what we can to at- Base Commander and Michael, who are not return- tract some of the younger Subma- ing as officers, all I can say is rine sailors who we know are out Thank You, Thank You, Thank there. I am very excited with the Carolina Piedmont Contacts Base Commander Rick Petitt [email protected] 704-784-1654 Vice Commander Jack Jeffries jcckjeffries@interlink-café.com 704–764-5211 Base Secretary Tom Kelly [email protected] 803-831-8898 Base Treasurer Ray Zieverink [email protected] 803-324-1414 Chief of the Base Joel Sparnon [email protected] 704-779-0730 Base Chaplin Raymond Fritz [email protected] 803-619-1121 Base Storekeeper Jeff Nieberding [email protected] 803-366-9255 Holland Club Coordinator Walt Sealy [email protected] 803-327-5661 Newsletter Editor Robert Schilke [email protected] 803-370-4121 Page 3 boat (Nathanael Greene). We sworn in, Raymond Zieverink also conducted a rehearsal of and I was sworn in at Burns- our new Half Way Nite ville. I would like to take the presentation that is a parody time to Thank both Steve Bell of the old Ed Sullivan show, and Mike Hubbell for the fine Dale Moses wrote the script leadership they demonstrated for this and it was well re- during their time in office. I am ceived. On Memorial Day our confident that we will continue Color Guard was honored to the tradition that they estab- present the Colors as well as lished. I have been informed by the MIA/POW and the USSVI our base librarian that the books flag at the Memorial Day have all been logged in and are game at the Charlotte Knights ready for your pleasure, Thank new stadium. We would like You Steve for undertaking this to welcome a new member of task. I have emailed the proce- our base, Bill Quailes MMC dure to our member for checking (SS) who also qualified on the out the books but if you lost it, I Nathanael Greene. Bill came can send it to you again. I know to us after being a member of it is a ways off but please mark XO’s Stateroom — the MAL base. He may have a your calendars for the Vice Commander little trouble attending meet- 4th Saturday in September as we Jack Jeffries ings since he resides in Titus once again will have our annual Alabama. A quick note for gathering and meeting here at What a great month May members residing in North Lady J's and my place, more info has been, we were in Burns- Carolina, if you desire to have as we get closer. I hope to see ville for our annual visit to the Subvet license plate for you at our next meeting the WWII memorial and to hon- your vehicle, sorry they don't 20th. God Bless and keep you or our brothers of the phin have one for motorcycles yet, safe. that were lost. The event the cost is $10 per year and Jack was well organized by the can be ordered at your local USS Asheville base and we DMV office. At our next meet- had shipmates from as far ing 20 June our new base com- away as Texas, Virginia and mander Rick Petitt and new upstate New York (National secretary Tom Kelly will be Commander Al Singleman) in attendance. A Holland Club induction ceremony was conducted by District Commander Steve Bell for Rudy Ogas and Ron Busila, the base had 5 new Holland Club inductees and 4 of them qualified on the same Page 4 Piedmont Periscope Comm Center— Mike Hubbell, Base Secretary April Meeting Minutes 1900- Meeting called to order by Commander Steve Bell, 24 Members attended Invocation given by Chaplain Ray Fritz Tolling of the Boats presented by Chaplain Ray Fritz and COB Rick Petitt Reading of the USSVI Creed by Jay Andress Introduction of members attending Special Presentations- Steve Bell presented an ATTABOY patch to Jim Schenk for service to base and Model WWII Submarines presented to WWII Subvets of the boats they qualified on. Reading of Previous meeting minutes- minutes approved and seconded as published Treasurers report- Treasurer Raymond Zieverink reported: Current Balance $7,235.57 K4K balance $1,949.37 Scholarship fund $172.00 General Base Fund $5,114.20 Approved and Seconded Storekeeper report- none Old Business- none New Business-none Good of the Order- Walt Sealy presented a report on the recent Massing of the Colors con ducted at Rock Hill High School. The Carolina Piedmont Color Guard posted the Flags from our base. Steve Bell reported results of the base elections. Base Commander Rick Petitt, Vice Commander Jack Jeffries, Base Secretary Tom Kelly, Base Treasurer Raymond Ziever ink. There were a total of 20 plus votes cast. A report on the SER Conference held at the Cape was given by Steve Bell and Calvin Reese. Dale Moses informed members of upcoming Knights ball game , Base Honor Guard to pre sent Colors at start of game.
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