
Covid-19 Vaccination FACT SHEET – February 2021* By and for Physicians & Interested Patients “Is this vaccine necessary, safe and efficient?”

* Note for those who can read Dutch: this fact sheet has now been “factchecked” by ‘Gezondheid en wetenschap’ backed by the team of professor Pierre Van Damme. Our detailed reply to their comments can be found here.

With the support of: Dr. An De Vis, Dr. Anne De Clerck, Dr. Anne Fierlafijn, Dr. Bart Lambert, Dr. Bertie Zoete, Dirk Elseviers PhD, Dr. Eric Beeth, Dr. Frédéric Goaréguer, Dr. Gaëtane Beeckaert, Dr. Geert Verhelst, Dr. Gert Gabriels, Dr. Hilde De Smet, Dr. Jan Devriendt, Dr. Jean-Luc Vanderlinden, Dr. Jo Linmans, Dr. Johan Corthouts, Dr. Johan Denis, Dr. Kris Gaublomme, Dr. Leo Van den Bossche, Dr. Pieter Lanoye, dr. Steven Depicker

According to various surveys, 9 – 30% of Flemish physicians do not want to be vaccinated against COVID-191 2 3. What could be their reasons? Here are some facts, the best remedy against fake news. Don't hesitate to check the links and other sources at the end of this fact sheet yourself.

1. Covid-19 is on average not very lethal. Most infected people display no symptoms4. Even people over 85 years of age survive the infection in more than 90% of cases5. People under 70 years of age have a survival rate of 99.95%. The Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) is 0.23% overall and 0.05% for people under 70 years of age.6

2. To reduce the risk of (severe) corona, a strong immune system is of the utmost importance. Everyone, especially vulnerable patients (the elderly and people with underlying disorders), can support their immune system by adopting a healthy lifestyle: rest, exercise, social contact, healthy food, little stress or anxiety.7 8 Recent studies show a highly significant correlation between on the one hand, vitamin D deficiency (same for zinc deficiency) and on the other hand, Covid-19 incidence and severity. There is sufficient evidence that vitamin D supplementation can make a huge difference in the risk of corona disease and corona complications and mortality 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. Vitamins A and C, and selenium, are also essential for strong immunity17 18.

3. When faced with a diagnosis of Covid-19, a general practitioner can - contrary to popular belief - already do a lot to prevent hospitalisation. The team of Docs4OpenDebate, supported by some 700 doctors, gives an overview of this19, as does our website20. Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is available from pharmacies and can be used (despite negative media coverage) very successfully in the early stages of the disease, as many studies prove and detail (posology and combination with zinc and azithromycin)21 22 23 24. The same applies to Ivermectin25. In March, virologist Anne-Mieke Vandamme (KU Leuven) even recommended high doses of vitamin C to overcome the disease26. In hospital, administration of a very high dose of vitamin D seems to reduce the risk of admission to intensive care by 96%27. 4. Little known but very important: a large part of the population already has natural immunity to Covid-19. This is due to contact with either Sars- CoV-2 (the that triggers Covid-19), or another type of coronavirus from recent years (many colds are caused by coronaviruses28, as well as the SARS disease from 2003): this is called 'cross immunity'. This protection is not based on antibodies, but rather on cellular immunity (via T-memory cells), which recognises old infection germs even after many years, in contrast to antibodies that only last a few years (or sometimes months)29 30 31. It is estimated that 70% to even 85% of the population is already protected against SARS-CoV-2 in this way32, far more than the 14% who would already have antibodies 33. This makes herd immunity a fact. Vaccination is therefore no longer necessary34.

5. Data are lacking as to whether those who receive the vaccine can still transmit the virus. This is being acknowledged by manufacturers35, researchers36 and government experts37 38. Since the vaccine does not protect the mucous membranes of the airways, it can be assumed that the vaccinated person can spread the virus further39. So pushing people to vaccinate out of 'solidarity' (to protect others) seems inappropriate, especially when we consider the large number of people who have already acquired immunity (see point 4).

6. The effectiveness of the vaccine: Pfizer's marketing calls their vaccine "95% effective", but that figure is very misleading: it only refers to the total number of confirmed Covid-19 cases and calculates the relative risk reduction. Does the vaccine really help prevent serious Covid-19? Do the maths with us:

% = absolute risk; ( ) = Vaccine Placebo Vaccine number of people in the advantage/ Pfizer study disadvantage Risk of non-serious Covid- 0,04% (8) 0,88% (162) 0,84% less risk 19 Risk of serious Covid-19 0,006% (1) 0,016% (3) 0,01% less risk

Risk of serious reactions 1,1% (240) 0,6% (139) 0,5% more risk to the vaccine

According to this data from Pfizer's own study40 41, their vaccine reduces the risk of severe Covid-19 by 0.01%. Then you would need to vaccinate about 10,000 people to prevent one case. But actually, these figures are too low for meaningful conclusions (1 versus 3 cases). What is significant is that, based on the same Pfizer figures, one would expect about 50 serious vaccine side effects per 10,000 vaccinated, or about 55,000 based on the entire Belgian population. The reality is probably even less rosy, as the study is under attack for several reasons:  The subjects were not representative of the population: people in poor health (unstable chronic illness, immune deficiency) were excluded, as well as people who already had antibodies; the study group also included only a few persons above the age of 75.  The number of Covid-19 cases counted did not include 3,410 cases of "suspected but unconfirmed" Covid-19: 1,594 in the vaccine group, 1,816 in the placebo group. If you include these, the effectiveness is even lower: a relative risk reduction of only 29%, which is too little for an approval.42  Whereas with Moderna the committee that had to establish the Covid-19 cases consisted of independent experts43, in this case they were employees of Pfizer itself44. And so on.45 46

7. That brings us to the damage caused by Covid-19 vaccination.  "Alarm in Norway: 23 people die after receiving Pfizer vaccine.“ This was reported by the Norwegian health authorities on 15-1-2021. They warned that in older and vulnerable people even relatively mild side effects can be fatal47 48 49 50.  A CDC document dated 19-12-202051 already reported 3,150 adverse events in five days, defined as “unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional”: out of 112,807 people, this is 2.79%.  The VAERS reporting system in the US recorded 40,433 "adverse events" following Covid-19 vaccination52 between 28 December and 1 January, including serious reactions53. Several deaths have already been reported worldwide54 55 56 57 58 59.  Notable are allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis (life-threatening shock): see the CDC document cited above (six cases in five days, far more than with classical vaccines), as well as the EMA package insert60. Suspect is, among others, the ingredient PEG (polyethylene glycol), used here for the first time in vaccines but already present in a lot of medicines and household products, which has resulted in some people being hypersensitive to it61 62 63 64. The CDC and the EMA call hypersensitivity to PEG or other ingredients a contraindication to Covid-19 vaccination.  Side effects in the somewhat longer term are still unknown. In particular, many autoimmune and neurological problems often do not occur until later. For that reason, the European approval of Pfizer and Moderna is provisional and the manufacturers have been given two years to report more comprehensively on safety (phase 3 of their clinical trials is on-going)65. In the meantime, the manufacturers have already obtained a legal exemption from liability for "unexpected side effects"66 .  What about safety in pregnancy and breastfeeding? In a petition to the EMA, Dr. Wodarg, supported by ex-Pfizer vice president Dr. Yeadon, expressed concern that antibodies to the spike proteins of Sars-CoV-2 could possibly also attack syncitin-1, necessary for pregnancy, and thus render vaccinated women infertile67. Has this been sufficiently explored? The preliminary UK leaflet (dated 10-12-2020) warned: "Do not vaccinate if pregnant or breastfeeding. Avoid pregnancy for at least two months after vaccination.”68  A long-established risk with coronavirus vaccines69 is 'antibody-dependent enhancement' (ADE), in which a vaccinated person becomes more severely ill upon subsequent infection with the virus than without vaccination. Vaccines like the one against SARS (SARS-CoV- 1) have never been approved for this reason: in the vaccinated mice, later contact with wild coronavirus led to a cytokine storm and thus to "immuno- pathological lung disease"70. Recent studies explicitly confirm: "The risk of ADE in Covid-19-vaccines is non-theoretical and compelling. (…) Receiving the Covid-19 vaccine could convert a subject from someone who experiences mild disease to someone who experiences severe disease.”71 What could be the consequences of this in the case of mass vaccination?

8. The Covid-19 vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna use mRNA technology. This involves inserting the genetic code of a piece of the virus into the recipient. What does this mean for the human genome (DNA)? Recent research (December 2020) suggests that such mRNA can indeed be incorporated into our own DNA via reverse transcriptase and integrase72 73. HIV carriers in particular would be susceptible to this. This is a preprint (no peer-review yet) but this study gives every reason to apply the precautionary principle. This is also the opinion of molecular geneticist Christian Vélot (University of ): "Why choose an unknown and unpredictable technology?"74 He elaborates on the risks of this mRNA technique, as well as those of the Oxford/AstraZeneca recombinant DNA variant using an adenovirus as a viral vector. When used therapeutically, such gene therapy has already led to leukaemia in the children treated (as it has in experimental animals)75. The question also arises as to whether these genetic engineering techniques are not the ideal recipe for autoimmune diseases: an immune response is elicited against proteins that the cell itself has produced, which would then allow the immune system to attack healthy cells76. Other manufacturers use more classical techniques, such as GSK, whose vaccine is expected later this year.77

9. Even more independent experts are expressing grave concern. A sampling:  Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, German microbiologist: "[These vaccines] are experiments on humans."78 79  Professor Dr. Luc Montagnier, Nobel Laureate in Medicine: "We know too little about these vaccines; we are guinea pigs."80  French infectologist Eric Caumes: "Never have I seen so many side effects."81  Professor Dr. Theo Schetters, immunologist and vaccine developer: "Vaccinating against corona is unnecessary and given the unknown side effects and consequences, mass vaccination is highly irresponsible."82

10. Special caution is needed with some groups of patients: (1) Those who have been through Covid-19 have already built up long- term immunity, both through antibodies and through T and B memory cells. The latter protect for many years (see point 4), even after the antibodies have long disappeared: this is confirmed by a recent study (, 6-1- 2021). If it doesn't help, it doesn't hurt? Actually, it does: apart from the possible side effects of the vaccine, people who already have antibodies run an extra risk when they are vaccinated, called 'hyper-immunity', which causes extra complications84. Pre-testing for antibodies (and even for T-cells, less common) can avoid unnecessary vaccination. (2) If someone is already infected, but has no symptoms (yet) - i.e. is in the so-called "incubation phase" - vaccination is extra risky85. So if infection is suspected, it is best to avoid the vaccine. For this reason, residential care centres often wait to vaccinate until two weeks after the last corona outbreak.86 87 (3) Children, for three reasons: 1 - Children almost never suffer serious cases of Covid-19 and are not major spreaders88. 2 - The vaccine, as mentioned, does not prevent the spread of the virus. 3 - Side effects can hit children extra hard (same doses for lower body weight).


• Almost all current vaccines (although not the Covid-19 mRNA and DNA vaccines) contain aluminium as an adjuvant: there is absolutely no consensus about its harmlessness. A great deal of research even suggests that severe, CFS-like complaints may be due to this vaccine aluminium 89 90. In addition, independent analyses show that vaccines contain many other impurities: all kinds of toxic substances in amounts that are sometimes well above the limit values, including whole animal or human DNA91.

• Incredible as it may sound, vaccine trials rarely involve comparison with a true inert placebo, as is required in principle for all pharmaceutical agents92 93. Instead, a different vaccine (!) is used in the control group 94. In some Covid-19 vaccine trials, a meningococcal vaccine was used as a "placebo"95.

• Reports of serious side effects were more than once glossed over by manufacturers. GSK, for example, did so in 2014 with the unexpected deaths following the administration of Infanrix Hexa.96 97

• An important question is the impact of vaccination on the general health of individuals. There is more and more research on this: more vaccines does not necessarily lead to better overall health, sometimes quite the opposite98 99 100. The more vaccines administered simultaneously, the greater the risk of hospitalization or death101. The Italian parliamentary commission of inquiry on illness and death among military personnel who had been on mission also came to this conclusion in 2018: better to avoid combination vaccines and take long-term monitoring of side effects seriously102.

• Much research and information is distorted by financial influences. The WHO is largely funded, directly or indirectly, by pharma103 104 105. Many frequently cited experts have financial ties to the pharma industry106.

• What is reliable info and what is fake news? In order to determine that, at the very least access to all sources of information is needed. The WHO seems to think differently about this: it asks (social) media to filter out every sound that is critical of an aspect of vaccination as 'fake news'107. Researchers who wished to publish unfavourable findings on certain vaccines, have more than once encountered opposition and forms of censorship (see some examples in the June 2020108 issue of the Prikkrant).


References and links, as well as the content of the endnotes, can be found below or in the e-version of this fact sheet: www.vaccinatieschade.be/content/corona-fact-sheet. MORE ABOUT CORONA & VACCINATION

Websites & e-books: • https://docs4opendebate.be/open-brief/, signed by 700 physicians • https://acu2020.org/, https://worlddoctorsalliance.com/, www.internationalfreechoice.com/ • https://gbdeclaration.org/, https://thefatemperor.com/published-papers-and- data-on-lockdown-weak-efficacy-andlockdown-huge-harms/ • https://hoe-erg-is-corona-echt.be: Overview and analysis of Covid-19 (excess) mortality rates • E-book by Dr. Palmer: www.wellnessdoc.com/1200studies • www.tetyanaobukhanych.com, www.efvv.eu, www.nvic.org, http://drsuzanne.net, www.learntherisk.org

The correct interpretation of PCR test results: ° https://www.cebm.net/covid-19/infectious-positive-pcr-test-result-covid-19/ ° https:// www.who.int/news/item/14-12-2020-who-information-notice-for-ivd- users? utm_source=sendinblue&utm_campaign=18_12_2020_NIEUWSBRIEF&utm_m edium=email ° https://www.vaccinatieschade.be/content/pcr-testen

Conferences, documentaries, interviews with experts • “Immunity and Immunization by Prof Sucharit Bhakdi (English subtitles)” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uo2KGiSjrw&feature=emb_logo: German professor of microbiology explains immunity against Sars-CoV-2. • www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYwCxe9gvQY&feature=youtu.be: Molecular geneticist Vélot () clearly explains the efficacy and risks of the different types of Covid-19-vaccines (French with English subtitles) • U-Gent psychologist (and statistician) Mattias Desmet on fear and mass information around corona: www.youtube.com/watch? fbclid=IwAR3XE3rsrN8_5UWxY8Wl1fo2d8f2G_7ObxBCky7irMaCWJqJSdTdPs9C gw&v=ltSqxFrkRvA&feature=youtu.be, https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=3cjgicrA504&feature=youtu.be and https://klara.be/herbeluister-zeitgeist- 19-februari-2021 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cjgicrA504&feature=youtu.be: Many facts & figures about Covid-19 worldwide, presented in compact form. • https://rumble.com/vdgtl1-corona-voordracht-dr.-kris-gaublomme.html: Dr. Kris Gaublomme about the corona vaccine • On Youtube: Dr. Suzanne Humphries, Dr. Moolenburgh, Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych… • www.vaccinesrevealed.com and https://go.thetruthaboutvaccines.com/

Books • Neil Z. Miller, Vaccine Safety Manual (2015) • Dr. Kris Gaublomme, Vaccinaties en het immuunsysteem (2016) • Dr. Romain Gherardi, Toxic Story (2016) • Dr. Noor Prent, Leven zonder vaccinaties. Bevorder weerstand, begeleid ziekte. Ouders aan het woord (2018)

1 https://www.artsenkrant.com/actueel/terughoudend-over-covid-19-vaccin/article- normal-49819.html 2 https://www.mediplanet.be/nl/content/enqu%C3%AAte-medische-wereld-9-op-de- 10-artsen-willen-zich-latenvaccineren?token=fDH36iGUoPum7fkvccax 3 https://www.artsenkrant.com/actueel/drie-kwart-artsen-jan-palfijn-gent-laat-zich- vaccineren/article-normal-52151.html? utm_source=Newsletter18/01/2021&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=Newslett er-RNBAK& 4 https://www.bmj.com/content/369/bmj.m1375 5 https://www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20200514_04958570 6 https://www.who.int/bulletin/online_first/BLT.20.265892.pdf 7 https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/what-is-the-nocebo-effect- 5451823/8 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341298531_A_tribute_to_the_Corona_virus _COVID-19_SARS-CoV-2_whistle-blowers: “Massive fear boosts the symptoms of Corona patients strongly“. 9 https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.09.04.20188268v1 10 https://torino.repubblica.it/cronaca/2020/03/26/news/ coronavirus_studio_dell_universita_di_torino_assumere_piu_vitamina_d_per_ridurre_il _rischio_di_contagio-252369086/?ncid=fcbklnkithpmg00000001&ref&refresh_ce 11 https://www.bmj.com/content/356/bmj.i6583 12 https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0065835 13https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=Re0arVrBrLg&list=PLvNeztjBIFTK17aDHdKVIWviapqMjqKMg 14 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32920234/ 15 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7395818/ 16https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=Bsntk2MlHu0&list=PLvNeztjBIFTK17aDHdKVIWviapqMjqKMg&index=2 17 https://www.artsenvoorvrijheid.be/blog/2021/01/17/video-presentatie-geert- verhelst-belang-van-vit-c-d-en-zinkvoor-een-natuurlijke-immuniteit/ 18https://www.vaccinatieschade.be/sites/default/files/bijlagen/Overzicht %20weerstand%20versterken.pdf 19 https://www.artsenvoorvrijheid.be/blog/2020/12/23/wat-in-te-zetten-in-eerste-lijn- bij-coronaklachten/ 20 https://www.vaccinatieschade.be/content/corona-uitgebreid 21 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32458969/, 22 https://www.amjmed.com/article/S0002-9343(20)30673-2/fulltext 23 https://c19study.com/ 24 Sciensano also recognised the efficacy of HCQ as early as in August 2020: www.sciensano.be/nl/pershoek/associatietussen-hydroxychloroquine-en-mortaliteit- van-covid-19-patienten-die-belgie. On the other hand, G6PD deficiency can be a reason for caution in using HCQ, see https://www.europeanreview.org/wp/wp- content/uploads/7923-7924.pdf. 25 Meta-analysis: https://ivmmeta.com/ (see also: https://zelfzorgcovid19.nl/ivermectine-erg-effectief-ingerandomiseerd-klinisch- onderzoek) 26 https://www.demorgen.be/nieuws/viroloog-anne-mieke-vandamme-een-vaccin- kan-de-situatie-ook-ergermaken~b1bf0579/, https://www.vaccinatieschade.be/sites/ default/files/bijlagen/Viroloog%20Anne-Mieke %20Vandamme‘Vaccin%20kan%20situatie%20ook%20erger%20maken’%20%2B %20%27Vit%20C%27%20%28DM%2028-3-2020%29.pdf 27 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960076020302764?via %3Dihub 28 https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/general-information.html 29 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uo2KGiSjrw&feature=emb_logo 30 https://www.vaccinatieschade.be/content/immuniteit-na-covid-19-infecties 31 https://www.vaccinatieschade.be/content/prof-sucharit-bhakdi 32 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uo2KGiSjrw&feature=emb_logo 33 https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2020/12/30/bloeddonoren-antistoffen-coronavirus/ 34 https://www.vaccinatieschade.be/content/kudde-immuniteit 35 https://www.domusmedica.be/sites/default/files/bijlagen/VRBPAC-12.10.20- Meeting-Briefing-Document-FDA%20%281%29.pdf 36 https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4037, https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=ZW1eQaIEAN 37 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8884031/Dr-Fauci-warns-early-COVID- 19-vaccines-prevent-symptomsnot-block-infection.html; Pierre Van Damme in Het Belang van Limburg, 5-6 December 2020; Steven Van Gucht in De Afspraak on February 17, 2021: “Those data are still missing”. 38 Some refer to one study suggesting that vaccination prevents transmission: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.06.21.20132449v1.full.pdf %3A%2F %2F. But this study (dated February 8, 2021) is not peer-reviewed, is not an RCT, concerns only the Pfizer vaccine and states: “However, the effect of vaccination on viral loads in COVID-19 post-vaccination infections is yet unknown.” 39 International Vaccination Newsletter, 1995/3 40 https://www.domusmedica.be/sites/default/files/bijlagen/VRBPAC-12.10.20- Meeting-Briefing-Document-FDA%20%281%29.pdf 41https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/ attachment_data/file/944544/COVID- 19_mRNA_Vaccine_BNT162b2_UKPAR_PFIZER_BIONTECH_15Dec2020.pdf 42 https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/01/04/peter-doshi-pfizer-and-modernas-95- effective-vaccines-we-need-moredetails-and-the-raw-data 43 https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2035389#disclosures 44 https://pfe-pfizercom-d8-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/2020-09/C4591001_Clinical_Protoc ol.pdf#page=52 45 Peter Doshi, associate editor of the journal BMJ, also denounces that the original (raw) data of the study were not made public: https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/01/04/peter-doshi-pfizer-and-modernas-95- effective-vaccines-we-need-more-details-and-the-raw-data 46 Both Doshi and Dutch immunologist Dick Bijl denounce that the trial was not truly double-blind, which may have distorted the results: https://www.trouw.nl/binnenland/vaccinatieprogramma-staat-op-het-punt- tebeginnen- ondanks-tal-van-vragen~b906ebec/?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fduckduckgo.com %2F 47 https://newsmonkey.be/noorwegen-23-doden-coronavaccin/ 48 https://legemiddelverket.no/nyheter/covid-19-vaccination-associated-with- deaths-in-elderly-people-who-are-frail 49 https://www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20210117_95447507? &articlehash=7EA2F63132BE4568C7F8617B2CCFA0F25875E6928F5432CAD19EA88 7280D85B22649FABC0537FCFCE5CCAB249608C2ACF32C8D63EC77A2006245DA01 AD3BBE68 50 https://www.pharmaceutical-technology.com/news/norway-concern-pfizer- vaccine/ 51 https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/meetings/downloads/slides-2020-12/slides-12- 19/05-COVID-CLARK.pdf 52https://www.vaccinatieschade.be/sites/default/files/bijlagen/VAERS %20%28bijwerkingen%20dd.%201-1-2021%29_The-Vaccine-Adverse-Event- Reporting-System-VAERS-Results-Form.pdf 53https://medalerts.org/vaersdb/findfield.php? EVENTS=on&PAGENO=1&PERPAGE=10&ESORT=NONE&REVERSESORT&VAX=(COVI D19)&VAXTYPES=(COVID- 19)&SERIOUS=ON&fbclid=IwAR0PNx2icZRSqnfLiprYb_Z9Z6FWy3wHuR6C- jVXn9EAEofuJMSWU5PKbk 54 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9119431/Miami-doctor-58-dies-three- weeks-receiving-Pfizer-Covid-19-vaccine.html 55 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9111311/Portuguese-health-worker-41- dies-two-days-getting-Pfizercovid-vaccine.html?ito=social-facebook 56 https://metro.co.uk/2020/12/16/hospital-worker-in-intensive-care-after-suffering- severe-allergic-reaction-to-covidvaccine-13763695/ 57 https://www.reuters.com/article/health-coronavirus-mexico-vaccines- idUSKBN2970H3 58 https://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20210114_96326180? hkey=&utm_source=nieuwsblad&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=corona &adh_i=1e7d614b327810657f6d3ab014d313a2&imai=1dcf9878-0464-4717- 891cb3666c4a9f97& adh_i=1e7d614b327810657f6d3ab014d313a2&imai=1dcf9878-0464-4717- 891cb3666c4a9f97& M_BT=7445973303724 59 https://www.republicworld.com/world-news/europe/10-dead-in-germany-within-4- days-of-covid-19-vaccineinoculation-probe-ordered.html 60 https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/product-information/comirnaty-epar- product-information_nl.pdf? fbclid=IwAR3V9Rj3R9pAG6v4cXSIXaSRydVNlPQEijdN7JZZCUxK6Af-Vx2AwkegDPk 61 https://science.sciencemag.org/content/371/6524/10 62 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6706272/#SD2 63 https://www.vaccinatieschade.be/content/polyethyleenglycol-peg-synoniem- macrogol 64 https://www.corvelva.it/speciale-corvelva/le-comunicazioni/peg-in-covid-19- vaccines-the-same-compound-thatwas-reported-by-corvelva-in-2018-is-now- blacklisted-by-science.html?fbclid=IwAR3qJxklCV2rIumy5RLEekMa6Y7d- mSA03eo9OB4MmC-CpTwkHARncUaKzs 65 https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/news/ema-recommends-covid-19-vaccine- moderna-authorisation-eu 66 https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-eu-vaccine- idUSKCN26D0TY?fbclid=IwAR1IMtODse_XGFVR7LHSu5bRPAYbMLqvbqi- j7XvNZiM0JOeTR6z1IZoeU 67https://s56fbd84d0e131e9b.jimcontent.com/download/version/1606853626/ module/9033912514/name/ Wodarg_Yeadon_EMA_Petition_Pfizer_Trial_FINAL_01DEC2020_signed_with_Exhibits_ geschwa%CC%88rzt.pdf 68https://www.vaccinatieschade.be/sites/default/files/bijlagen/UK%20bijsluiter %20voorlopig%20dd%2010-12-2020_COVID-19%20mRNA%20Vaccine %20BNT162b2.pdf 69 And also with vaccines like the one against dengue, which virologist Vandamme seemed to refer to in March 2020: https://www.demorgen.be/nieuws/viroloog-anne-mieke-vandamme-een-vaccin-kan- de-situatie-ook-ergermaken~b1bf0579/, https://www.vaccinatieschade.be/sites/default/files/bijlagen/Viroloog%20Anne-Mieke %20Vandamme‘Vaccin%20kan%20situatie%20ook%20erger%20maken’%20%2B %20%27Vit%20C%27%20%28DM%2028-3-2020%29.pdf 70 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22536382/ 71 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ijcp.13795 72 https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.12.12.422516v1 73 https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/12/coronavirus-may-sometimes-slip-its- genetic-material-humanchromosomes-what-does-mean. This article suggests additionally that this could explain why ex-Covid-19 patients may test positive again. 74 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYwCxe9gvQY&feature=youtu.be 75 https://www.bionews.org.uk/page_89585 76 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWrZxCx6L6g&feature=youtu.be or https://www.blckbx.tv/videos/massavaccinatie-onnodig-en-roekeloos 77 https://vac-lshtm.shinyapps.io/ncov_vaccine_landscape/ 78https://www.vaccinatieschade.be/sites/default/files/bijlagen/Bhakdi%2C%20beeld %20uit%20conferentie%20%2837%3A00%29_0.pdf 79 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uo2KGiSjrw&feature=emb_logo 80 https://www.francesoir.fr/opinions-tribunes/le-defi-de-la-verite-luc-montagnier- prix-nobel-de-medecine 81 https://www.leparisien.fr/societe/sante/vaccin-anti-covid-de-pfizer-je-n-ai-jamais- vu-tant-d-effets-indesirables-sinquiete-eric-caumes-09-12-2020-8413376.php and https://www.artsenvoorvrijheid.be/blog/2020/12/12/prominentefrans-infectioloog- over-coronavaccin-pfizer-nog-nooit-zon-groot-aantal-bijwerkingen-gezien/ 82 https://www.blckbx.tv/videos/massa-vaccinatie-onnodig-en-roekeloos and more recently https://www.blckbx.tv/videos/waarom-lockdown-98-procent-heeft- weerstand 83 https://science.sciencemag.org/content/early/2021/01/05/science.abf4063, and see https://www.standaard.be/cnt/dmf20210107_95644758? &articlehash=1360E75816948AF39D691FA38414C2FE4C83217AE06C25CA778DE1F 94ABCBDA1832F56A32F7FC304072EEF7061B49E76304AB16B3A5A0A0BD09CAE85 3F19C342 84 https://www.vaccinatieschade.be/content/hyperimmunisatie-0 85 https://www.vaccinatieschade.be/content/incubatievaccinatie 86 https://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20210102_94462946 87https://www.laatjevaccineren.be/sites/default/files/atoms/files/Vaccinatiedraaiboek %20COVID-19_WZC_Versie1.1.pdf 88 https://www.rivm.nl/coronavirus-covid-19/kinderen 89https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0946672X20301978?via %3Dihub 90 https://www.nature.com/articles/srep31578.pdf 91 https://www.vaccinatieschade.be/content/corvelva 92 https://ebm.bmj.com/content/25/6/213 93 https://theconversation.com/coronavirus-vaccine-why-its-important-to-know- whats-in-the-placebo-146365 94 http://labeling.pfizer.com/showlabeling.aspx?id=501, 6.1: another Prevnar- vaccine as “placebo” 95 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32702298/ 96 http://ijme.in/articles/infanrix-hexa-and-sudden-death-a-review-of-the-periodic- safety-update-reports-submitted-tothe-european-medicines-agency/?galley=html 97 Even the WHO participates in this glossing over of side effects: it has changed its criteria for determining them in such a way that the vaccine is often falsely "whitewashed". See the comments of leading Indian paediatrician and vaccine consultant Dr. Jacob Puliyel: https://www.vaccinatieschade.be/sites/default/files/bijlagen/Jacob%20Puliyel%2C %20NL%20vertaling%20met%20inleiding%20%26%20links.pdf 98 https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/22/8674 99 https://electromedicine.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/JTS-3-186.pdf 100 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/2050312120925344 101 https://www.jpands.org/vol21no2/miller.pdf 102 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1WuCxYpIwQJFjh1fzwLXgf6krtOEESFUQ 103 https://ro.uow.edu.au/theses/4541/ 104https://www.researchgate.net/publication/ 281876323_Why_the_Corruption_of_the_World_Health_Organization_WHO_is_the_Big gest_Threat_to_the_World's_Public_Health_of_Our_Time 105https://www.researchgate.net/publication/ 341152218_A_TRIBUTE_TO_THE_CORONA_VIRUS_COVID-19_SARS-COV-2_WHISTLE- BLOWERS 106https://www.vaccinatieschade.be/sites/default/files/bijlagen/EMA_Declaration %20of%20interests_Pierre%20Van%20Damme.pdf 107 https://www.hln.be/fit-en-gezond/who-valse-info-over-vaccins-net-zo- besmettelijk-en-gevaarlijk-als-de-ziekteszelf~af55ec60/ 108 https://www.vaccinatieschade.be/content/de-prikkrant