Spanish Cuentos


vueltiao de


A cultural paper craft

El sombrero vueltiao

The sombrero vueltiao is a traditional from and one of its most important symbols. It is made out of a plant known locally as caña flecha, a type of cane that grows in the region. The word vueltiao is a Colombian regionalism from the northern Caribbean Region and the area surrounding the Magdalena River basin that originates in the word “vuelta”, Spanish for "lap" and the name started because of the way the way the hat is made. Vueltiao is correctly spelled volteado; however, the altered spelling reflects the actual pronunciation of the locals. The oldest known records of this hat are linked to the Zenú tribe of Colombia who are considered to be the original creators of this hat.

The Colombian congress recently declared the Vueltiao a Cultural Symbol of the Nation and it is commonly used by Colombian athletes, singers and artists that represent Colombia. If you see someone wearing a Vueltiao hat, you are probably looking at a Colombian. wear their sombrero Vueltiao with pride during soccer games, parades and other social events. Check out this awesome video

A. Create a mini Sombrero Vueltiao

• Cut along dotted line and fold along dashed line.

B. Follow the photo instructions

Figure 1 Figure 4

Figure 2 Figure 5

Figure 3 Figure 6

Figure 7 Figure 11

Figure 8 Figure 12

Figure 9 Figure 13

Figure 10 Figure 14


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