1158 Nepean Highway, Mornington 2nd November 2018 Tree Logic Ref. 009317 Prepared for Kaufland Australia Pty Ltd Prepared by Greg Pollard & Stephen Frank. Tree Logic Pty. Ltd. Email:
[email protected], Telephone: 03 9870 7700 Summary Tree Logic was engaged to undertake an arboricultural assessment and prepare a report for a nominated section of the site at 1158, Nepean Highway, Mornington. The primary purpose of the report was to record attributes of the trees including their species, type and condition, to review any planning overlays relating to the trees and to advise on their arboricultural value and suitable tree protection zones to be employed should trees be retained along with site development. One-hundred and five (105) trees were included in the assessment. Five (5) trees were growing on a neighbouring private property. Of the 105 trees, one was of High arboricultural value, 57 were within the Moderate value range, 41 trees were of Low value, and six were rated as ‘None’ (dead and collapsed trees). From an arboricultural perspective it would be preferable to retain higher-rated trees over those of lower value. Tree Protection Zones have been calculated for each of the trees which, if preserved free of development-related impacts, would allow the condition of the trees to be maintained. Allowing additional space for the smaller trees assessed, over and above their current TPZs, would provide greater scope for them to reach their full potential while minimising future conflicts and maintenance. Clause 52.17 of the local planning scheme contains a permit requirement which may control the removal of Trees 1, 14, 15, 16, 50 and 54 (considered benchmark species of EVC 175: Grassy Woodland) however, there does not appear to be any specific planning overlays governing retention of other trees assessed.