Vincent Van Gogh
® IVE H FFiirreeppllaaccee CCoommppeennddiiuumm VVaann GGoogghh RReeaaddeerr ® IVE ©2022 by Michael Johnathon/Rachel-Aubrey Music, Inc./BMI All essays and songs, graphics, layout and design by Michael Johnathon Music copyright: Rachel-Aubrey Music, Inc/BMI and can be heard on the CD's and downloads available from PoetMan Records USA. published by POETMAN RECORDS USA P.O. BHox 200, Lexington, KY 40588 All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be duplicated for resale or copied for publishing in any media without express written permission from the author. The only exception is for use in short quotes by literary reviewers. However, the writer grants permission to any teacher, musician or other brave souls who wish to quote, copy or sing anything from this book for classroom or personal use which just about renders the above disclaimer useless. Front & back cover and page 3 paintings by Michael Johnathon Photo of Michael Johnathon page 7 by Larry Neuzel All photos used in this book by permission or public domain. Every effort possible has been made to track down the source of each one used in WoodSongs 5. The internet has made that process almost impossible but we are always doing the best we can. BOOK and COMPACT DISC ISBN: 978-0-578-95249-9 Library of Congress Control: 202191-4530 Special thanks: Gina Mendello, Loretta Sawyer, Bryan Klausing, Clay Pasteneck, Stacey Taylor, Robert Sherman, Diana Brake, Alisha Hamilton, Roger Coleman, Kate Savage, Ashley Hanna, Lizanne Knott, Seth Tuska, Bill Wence, Martin Guitars, Deering Banjos, Jen Chapin, Jason Ashcraft, Melissa & the Twins, Bill Goodman, Peter Holmstedt, my SongFarmer friends, the WoodSongs Crew ..
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