To Theo Van Gogh. Paris, Between About Sunday, 17 and Tuesday, 19 July 1887
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To Theo van Gogh. Paris, between about Sunday, 17 and Tuesday, 19 July 1887. between about Sunday, 17 and Tuesday, 19 July 1887 Metadata Source status: Original manuscript Location: Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, inv. no. b501 V/1962 Date: This letter and the next one (572) were written while Theo was in the Netherlands in the summer of 1887. The exact dates of this stay are not documented, but it was probably a period of 10 to 14 days. (Theo usually took two weeks holiday.) He was at his mothers in Breda on Tuesday, 26 July and in any event was back at work in Paris on Thursday, 28 July (see Brief happiness 1999, p. 63 and Welsh-Ovcharov 1976, p. 250). This would mean that his leave started on or about Thursday, 14 July. Earlier and hence a three-week holiday is virtually ruled out because on Sunday, 10 July Theo still did not know when he would be free. On that day he wrote to Caroline van Stockum-Haanebeek: Im going to Holland this summer, perhaps very soon (FR b727). This means that his holiday did not start that weekend. It is known that he went to see Jo Bonger in Amsterdam on Friday, 22 July, while from letter 572 it can be deduced that he also visited his mother in Breda prior to that. Letter 571 was certainly written before 572 since in the present letter Vincent says that he has painted two works since Theo left, and in letter 572 he refers to four. It is also evident that the money he had received, which he refers to in letter 572, is the money he asked for in letter 571. Theos letter with the money did not contain any news about Jo Bongers refusal of his marriage proposal, and was therefore probably sent on 21 July at the latest, so Vincent must have written this by Tuesday, 19 July at the latest. Since Theo must have left around 14 July and this letter was written relatively soon after his departure Vincent says he hopes Theo will enjoy the visit we have dated it between about Sunday, 17 and Tuesday, 19 July 1887. Additional: Vincent wrote all his previous letters to Theo with the exception of those from the Borinage in Dutch; now he switches to French. The reason for this must have been that because they both spent most of their time with French-speakers in Paris, they had become accustomed to communicating in French. 1 2 To Theo van Gogh. Paris, between about Sunday, 17 and Tuesday, 19 July 1887. Original [1r:1] Mon cher ami, ci inclus une lettre qui est arrive dhier mais que le concierge ne ma pas tout de suite remise.1 Jai t au Tambourin2 puisque si je ny allais pas on aurait pens que je nosais pas. Alors jai dit la Segatori que dans cette affaire je ne la jugerais pas mais que cetait elle de se juger elle-mme. Que javais dechir le reu des tableaux mais quelle devait tout rendre.6 Que si elle netait pas pour quelque chose dans ce qui mest arriv elle aurait t me voir le lendemain. Que puisquelle nest pas venue me voir je considerais quelle savait quon me chercherait querelle mais quelle a cherch mavertir en me disant allez vous en ce que je nai pas compris et dailleurs naurais peut etre pas voulu comprendre.[1v:2] Ce quoi elle a rpondu que les tableaux & tout le reste10 taient ma disposition. Elle a maintenue que moi javais cherch querelle ce qui ne mtonne pas sachant que si elle prenait parti pour moi on lui ferait des atrocits. Jai vu le garon aussi en entrant mais il sest clips. Maintenant je nai pas voulu prendre les tableaux tout de suite mais jai dit que 1 We do not know which letter Vincent forwarded to Theo. 2 Le Tambourin was a restaurant and cabaret at 62 boulevard de Clichy in Montmartre, run by the Italian Agostina Segatori3. It was very popular with artists. Van Gogh exhibited work there and for some time had an affair with Segatori, as can be deduced from letter 572. In 1903 Gauguin4 wrote that Van Gogh had been very much in love with Segatori, and in his Souvenirs sur Van Gogh of 1924 Bernard5 said that he courted her by giving her a flower still life every day (cf. also n. 3 below). See Gauguin 1923, p. 177, and Bernard 1994, vol. 1, p. 242. We do not know how serious it was or how long it lasted. See also cat. Amsterdam 2011. 6 In 1908 Bernard7 wrote that Segatori8 gave Van Gogh free meals in exchange for paintings, mainly flower pieces, and the walls were covered in his studies. That lasted for some months, then the business collapsed and was sold, and all these paintings, piled up in a heap, were auctioned for a derisory sum. (Cela dura quelques mois, puis ltablissement priclita, fut vendu, et toutes ces peintures, mises en tas, furent adjuges pour un somme drisoire.) See Bernard 1994, vol. 1, p. 167. From letter 572 it appears that Segatori was no longer in charge at Le Tambourin and would probably lose the business; Van Gogh must have heard that his paintings had been seized. Contrary to what Bernard suggested later, the works were not Van Goghs way of paying for his meals. He had evidently decorated the caf with flower still lifes in the hope of selling them to customers, albeit without making specific arrangements with Segatori. Maurice Beaubourg9 stated in 1890 that Van Gogh had left everything behind as security for the proprietor (comme gage au propritaire), while Bernard wrote that the still lifes were auctioned off in batches of ten. At the beginning of his time in Arles Van Gogh remarked on how few flower still lifes from Paris he had been able to keep (letter 640). There is consequently every reason to assume that he did not collect the works that were decorating the caf, and that they were then sold at auction, possibly as part of bankruptcy proceedings. For this see cat. Amsterdam 2011. 10 By the rest Van Gogh must mean the Japanese prints that he had exhibited at Le Tambourin. Cf. letter 640. To Theo van Gogh. Paris, between about Sunday, 17 and Tuesday, 19 July 1887. 3 quand tu serais de retour on en causerait, puisque ces tableaux tappartenaient autant qu moi et quen attendant je lengageais rflchir encore une fois ce qui stait pass. Elle navait pas bien bonne mine et elle etait ple comme de la cire ce qui nest pas bon signe. [1v:3] Elle ne savait pas que le garon tait mont chez toi. Si cela est vrai je serais encore davantage port croire quelle a pltot cherch mavertir quon me chercherait querelle que de monter le coup elle-meme. Elle ne peut pas comme elle voudrait. Maintenant jattendrai ton retour pour agir. Jai fait deux tableaux depuis que tu es parti.11 Maintenant jai encore deux louis12 et je crains que je ne saurai comment passer les jours dici jusqu ton retour. Car remarquez que lorsque jai commenc travailler Asnieres13 javais beaucoup de toiles et que Tanguy tait trs bon pour moi. Cela la rigueur il lest tout autant mais sa vieille sorcire de femme16 sest aperue de ce qui se passait et sy est oppos. Maintenant jai engueul la femme Tanguy et jai dit que cetait de sa faute elle si je ne leur prendrais plus rien. Le pre Tanguy est sage assez pour [1r:4] se taire et il fera tout de mme ce que je lui demanderai. mais avec tout cela le travail nest pas bien commode. Jai vu de Lautrec aujourdhui, il a vendu un tableau, je crois par Portier.20 11 We do not know which two paintings these are; cf. letter 572, nn. 5 and 6. 12 A louis was a coin worth 20 francs. 13 Asnires was a village on the Seine immediately to the north of Paris, just a few miles from rue Lepic. Signac14 and Bernard15 worked there too. 16 Julien Tanguy17 was married to Rene Julienne Tanguy-Briend18. Unlike her husband, she was not well liked by artists, as Bernard19s description of her makes plain: Silent and shaking her incredulous head, like a featherless birds, mre Tanguy, who reflected bitterly that there was nothing to put on the table, and that they owed three lots of rent, appeared from the height of her practical philosophy to despise that whole world of light-minded fine talkers. (Muette et branlant sa tte incrdule doiseau dplum, la mre Tanguy, qui songeait amrement quil ny avait rien pour la table et que lon devait trois termes, semblait mpriser du haut de sa philosophie pratique tout ce monde dcervels et de beaux parleurs.) See Bernard 1994, vol. 1, p. 166. Van Gogh took his own work to Tanguy. 20 We do not know which painting Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec21 sold through Alphonse Portier22. At that time Julius Elias was in any event buying his work, as emerges from two letters that Toulouse-Lautrec wrote to Portier 4 To Theo van Gogh. Paris, between about Sunday, 17 and Tuesday, 19 July 1887. On a apport une aquarelle de Mme Mesdag que je trouve trs belle. 23 Maintenant jespre que ton voyage l-bas tamusera, dites bien des chses de ma part ma mre, Cor & Wil. Puis si tu peux faire de faon que je ne membte pas trop dici jusqu ton retour en menvoyant encore quelque chse, je tcherai de te faire encore des tableaux car je suis tout fait tranquille pour mon travail.