CONTENTS May 2006, Vol.101, No.5

Editorial: Freedom of Conscience ...... 2 Bockarie Tommy Kallon, London, UK.

Notes & Comments: Behind the Veil: A Muslim Woman’s Status in . . . 4 The donning of the veil does not deprive Muslim women of their rights and elevated status. Khullat Munir, New York, USA. Steadfastness of the the Holy (saw) part 7 ...... 7 An impostor could not have remained steadfast to his cause in the face of bitter as did the Holy Prophet(saw). Steadfastness is higher than a miracle. Hadhrat (as) – Promised Messiah and Mahdi

Establishing Peace ...... 22 The teachings of love and brotherhood that are relevant for the existence of small societies as well as for international relations. Hadhrat – Khalifatul Masih V Recantation Under Islam – Part 6 ...... 30 The Holy Qur’an prescribes no punishment for recanters and there is no evidence to show that the Holy Prophet(saw) punished anyone for recantation from Islam. Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru) – Khalifatul Masih IV The Council of Nicaea ...... 53 How the early Christian compromised the most basic tenets of their faith under pressure and fear of Constantine, the Great. By Bockarie Tommy Kallon, London, UK. Book Review ...... 62 The Truth About the Alleged Punishment for . Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru) – Khalifatul Masih IV

COVER PIC: Sunset over Fistral Bay – Newquay, Cornwall. (picture by Fareed Ahmad)

Basit Ahmad Chief Editor and Manager: Mansoor Ahmed Shah Bockarie Tommy Kallon. Management Board: Special contributors: Design and layout: Fareed Ahmad Mr Munir-ud-din Shams (Chairman) Amatul-Hadi Ahmad Tanveer Khokhar d Fazal Ahmad Farina Qureshi r Mr Mansoor Shah (Secretary) Publisher: a Fauzia Bajwa Mr Naseer Ahmad Qamar Proofreaders: Al Shirkatul Islamiyyah o Mansoor Saqi Mr Mubarak Ahmad Zafar Abdul Ghany Jahangeer

B Khan and Shaukia Mir Distribution: Mahmood Hanif Mr Mirza Fakhar Ahmad l Muhammad Hanif Mr. Abdul Baqi Arshad a Mansoora Hyder-Muneeb i r Navida Shahid All correspondence should The © Islamic Publications, 2006 o

t Sarah Waseem be forwarded to the editor at: The London Mosque ISSN No: 0034-6721 i 16 Gressenhall Road d Saleem Ahmad Malik London, SW18 5QL

E Tanveer Khokhar United Kingdom

Views expressed in this publication are not necessarily the beliefs of the Muslim Community 1 EDITORIAL Bockarie Tommy Kallon – UK

Islam possesses a dynamic considers indispensable to the character. Muslims are duty achievement of the object of bound to seek to persuade others man’s life on earth. This includes about the truth of Islam and of the freedom to profess, practise, the beneficent values it propagate and, should his advocates. This is because the conscience so impel him, to message of Islam is universal. abjure his religion. This freedom While some religions have set is repeatedly and emphatically territorial or racial limits to affirmed by the Holy Qur’an so participation in their commu- much so that there should not be nion, Islam brooks no such a scintilla of doubt on the matter. limitation. Claiming to be based The noble example of the Holy on truth, it invites the whole of Prophet(saw) also makes it clear mankind to its fold and naturally that no coercion is to be applied warns, constantly and exten- in religious matters. No non- sively, of the dire moral and Muslim can be forcibly con- spiritual consequences that verted to Islam nor can any would follow from the rejection Muslim be forcibly declared a or even neglect of the values that non-Muslim. The doors of it propounds. Importantly, how- ingress into Islam are open to ever, it grants everyone the anyone who, convinced of the freedom to exercise his or her truth and beauty of Islam, affirms volition in choosing to subscribe that he is a Muslim just as the to it or not. Belief is a matter of doors of egress are open to any conscience and the conscience Muslim who, for whatever ill- cannot be compelled. fated reason, chooses to disavow his faith in Islam. Islam, therefore, stands for the freedom of conscience which it Unfortunately, despite all this, a

2 The Review of Religions – May 2006 EDITORIAL section of the priestly classes Ahmad(ru) bases his arguments on within Islam, motivated by the Holy Qur’an, the practice and political factors, developed and the traditions of the Holy propagated the abominable Prophet(saw) and events of the notion that a professing Muslim early Islamic era to divest Islam can recant from Islam only on the of this reprehensible appur- pain of death. This is a notion tenance. that is not only abhorrent to Islam but indeed to the human The development to dogma conscience. It renders nugatory within religion, however, is not the freedom of conscience that is confined to the four walls of so emphatically guaranteed by Islam. The Council of Nicaea, Islam. If this misguided notion reproduced in this month’s were to be upheld, Islam would edition, shows how Christianity be guilty of hypocrisy by was influenced by the power of expecting adherents of other politics not only to promulgate a religions to give up their beliefs distorted concept of godhead but to embrace Islam while at the also to punish those who dared to same time denying its adherents reject it. Thus was to begin the the freedom to renounce Islam indoctrination of the unfortunate should they be so inclined and masses which only the advent of would thus create barriers in the the Holy Prophet(saw) and Islam path of its own objectives. could reverse.

As is argued in Recantation Under Islam, featured this month, freedom of conversion is in fact the litmus test of freedom of conscience. Everyone must be free to affirm his faith voluntarily or to proclaim his denial without restraint. It cannot be a one-way freedom. Hadhrat Mirza Tahir

The Review of Religions – May 2006 3 Notes & BehindComments the Veil: A Muslim Woman’s Status in Islam A burqah-clad woman fearing as women in Islamic nations in she crosses a street in broad agreement with the guidelines set daylight with her child’s hand in down in the Holy Qur’an and the her own, the veiled head of a traditions of the Holy Prophet(saw). woman whose face cannot be This erroneous distortion of the seen and stories of “honour role of women in Muslim society killings” – all these images of has to do with the socio- women pervade media coverage economic and political factors of of the status of women in the each respective Islamic nation – Islamic world. but that is a separate issue altogether. The fundamental The media alone should not tenets of Islam offer liberation in however, be blamed for such its truest sense to women – not negative coverage. In some by the western standards of the instances, it only reports what it 21st century but by the sees and hears. Nations that humanitarian principles of claim to govern their populations equality and justice. by Islamically-principled law, or Shariah, are perpetuating, The principal right granted to through their own practices, women in Islam – and some images of subjugation in relation would argue the most important to the status of women in Islam. – is that of spiritual equality to One would be hard pressed to the rest of mankind. Whereas find a legitimate authority on Judeo-Christian tradition re- Islamic law and practice that counts the creation of women would find today’s treatment of from the rib of a man, the Holy

4 The Review of Religions – May 2006 NOTES AND COMMENTS

Qur’an explicitly does not talk of that women are not perceived as which gender begot which: harbingers of evil and temptation in Islam. ...Fear your Lord who created you from a single being and Some would argue that Islam created therefrom its mate, dictates that women are inherent and from the two spread many sources of temptation for men – men and women. and that donning the veil (Ch.4:V.2) counteracts this temptation. Some go so far as to say that the As a direct parallel to previous veil is worn for the sole purpose monotheistic religions, the Holy of keeping men’s temptations at Qur’an could not be clearer in bay. Again, this is a grievous telling us that there exists no misconception. The veil is inferiority in the status of utilised as a means of protection women. Yet in another account, for women; it is a physically the Bible relates the story of manifested barrier between Adam and Eve and holds Eve herself and the harm that may culpable as a temptress and befall her. It is widely known that persuader of evil. The Holy incorporating the veil into one’s Qur’an tells the same story external appearance effectively without any isolated blame on instils confidence in one’s Eve: persona. No longer must a woman completely rely on her But Satan caused them both physical beauty to achieve her [Adam and Eve] to slip by goals and be successful in means of it and drove them society. This proves to be out of the state in which they especially true in western were... countries. (Ch.2:V.37) The rights granted by Islam in With the absence of particular the seventh century were blame held over Eve, it is clear revolutionary and incredibly

The Review of Religions – May 2006 5 NOTES AND COMMENTS

progressive for the time. In a be barbaric and backward in its period when female infanticide granting of these same rights in was prevalent and women were the early seventh century? In bartered like livestock, Islam addition to these particular broke the chain of social norms rights, the duties and and elevated women to new responsibilities of a woman are heights. The roles of women as defined according to her mothers and wives are highly capacity. Contrary to popular revered in Islam. opinion in the West, Islam does not deprive women of their rights The Prophet Muhammad(saw) and elevated status in society but elevated the status of women provides for women in a way that through his own example of the is not wholly recognised by the treatment of women in his life. cultural norms of western Not once did he abuse his wives society. physically or mistreat them in any manner. Rather, he is Khullat Munir, New York, USA. reported to have said, ‘The best among you is he who treats his wife the best.’ Concerning respect for mothers, the Prophet Muhammad(saw) has established that they are due three times over the respect that is due to fathers. In light of these precedents, how can Islam be thought unjust in its treatment of women? When certain rights such as voting, inheritance, initiating divorce, alimony, child support, property ownership and the like were given to women in the West in the 20th century, how can Islam

6 The Review of Religions – May 2006 Steadfasteness of the Holy Prophet(saw) - Part 8 This series sets out, in the words of the Promised Messiah(as), Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, a summary of his exposition of four outstanding topics: ISLAM; ALLAH, THE EXALTED; THE HOLY PROPHET(saw) and THE HOLY QUR’AN. The original compilation, in , from which these extracts have been translated into English, was collated with great care and diligence by Syed Daud Ahmad Sahib, Allah have mercy on him and reward him graciously for his great labour of love. Amin. The English rendering is by the late Sir Muhammad Zafrullah Khan, may Allah be pleased with him, and is quoted from The Essence of Islam, Volume 1. All references throughout, unless otherwise specifically mentioned, are from the Holy Qur’an.

hat Prophet is superior to all His true and eternal station and to other who is the put Him in the womb of a greatT Instructor of the world, that woman. Thus, his beneficence is to say, he at whose hands the and his grace exceed those of great corruption of the world was everyone else and his rank is reformed and who re-established higher than all. History points on the earth the Unity of God out, and the heavenly Book is a which had been lost and had witness, and those who have eyes disappeared. He overcame all are able to observe, that the false religions by proof and Prophet who is thus established argument and removed the as superior to all other Prophets doubts of every misguided one. is Muhammad, the chosen He provided the true means of one(saw). salvation by teaching the right (Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Ruhani principles for which it was not Khaza’in, Vol.1, p.97, footnote 6) necessary to crucify an innocent person, or to remove God from It is worthy of note how stead-

The Review of Religions – May 2006 7 STEADFASTNESS OF THE HOLY PROPHET(SAW)

fastly the Holy Prophet(saw) became supreme, the Holy adhered to his claim of Prophet(saw) collected no wealth right till the end, for himself, nor did he raise any despite thousands of dangers and structure, nor did he seek any hundreds of thousands of means of comfort or luxury, nor opponents and obstructers and did he derive any personal threateners. For years, he benefit from anything. Whatever endured misfortunes and hard- came to hand was spent in taking ships which increased daily and care of the poor, the orphans, the rendered success apparently widows and those burdened with hopeless, and by enduring which debt. He never ate his fill. He patiently he had not in mind the was so straightforward that by achievement of any worldly his plain speaking and his purpose. On the contrary, by preaching of the Unity of God, putting forward his claim of he made enemies of all the Prophethood, he lost what he had peoples of the world who were and purchased a hundred thou- sunk in paganism. He converted sand contentions and invited a his own people into enemies first thousand calamities to overtake of all, by forbidding them idol him. He was expelled from his worship. He upset the Jews for home, was pursued by slayers, he stopped them from indulging lost his home and all it contained in diverse types of creature and was poisoned several times. worship and exaltation of their Those who were his well- divines and from misconduct. wishers began to wish him ill He stopped them from denying and those who were his friends and insulting Jesus(as) which turned into enemies. For a long caused them great heart burning, period, he had to bear hardships, and they became his bitter to be steadfast under which was enemies, and began to cast about not possible for a cunning for means of destroying him. In impostor. the same way, he annoyed the Christians for he denied the When after a long time Islam godhead of Jesus(as) and his being

8 The Review of Religions – May 2006 STEADFASTNESS OF THE HOLY PROPHET(SAW) the son of God, and denied his being the crucified saviour. The fire worshippers and the star worshippers were also annoyed with him for they were also forbidden to worship their deities. The Unity of God was proclaimed as the sole means of attaining salvation. Were these the ways of winning the world? (Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 1 pp. 108-109) The founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community was Hadhrat (saw) The Holy Prophet was Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as). straightforward and was ready to The founder of the Ahmadiyya lay down his life for God, and Muslim community was Hadhrat turned wholly away from any Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as). In 1891, hope or fear of people, and put he claimed, on the basis of Divine revelation, that he was the Promised his trust wholly in God, and Messiah and Mahdi whose advent being devoted to and had been foretold by Muhammad, pleasure of God, he cared not the Holy Prophet of Islam (peace what calamities he would have to and blessings of Allah be upon him) and by the scriptures of other faiths. endure through preaching the His claim constitutes the basis of the Unity of God and what hardships beliefs of the Ahmadiyya Muslim might be inflicted upon him by community. the pagans. He endured every hardship and carried out the all the Prophets there was none commandments of his Lord, and who put his full trust in God on fulfilled all the conditions called all occasions of danger and went for by his preaching and on preaching against paganism admonition, and attached no and creature worship despite all importance to any threat that was his enemies and was so steadfast held out to him. I say truly that of and persevering as the Holy

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Prophet(saw). fastness and firmness under (Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Ruhani difficulties and misfortunes. Khaza’in, Vol. 1 pp. 111-112) How can those who are unaware of this spiritual experience ever The calamities and hardships that taste and feel the delight of the Holy Prophet(saw) had to facing hardship? How on earth endure during the thirteen years can they imagine that whenever of his Makkan life cannot be the Holy Prophet(saw) faced imagined. My heart trembles trouble, a spring of felicity and when I think of them. They delight welled up in his heart, demonstrate his high resolve, his reinforcing his faith in God and generosity, his perseverance and in His love and succour. his steadfastness. What a [Malfuzat, Vol. II, p. 307-308] mountain of steadfastness he was that no difficulty could shake Divine Support for the Holy him in the least. He did not Prophet(saw) slacken for a moment in the Is it not a matter for wonder that discharge of his duty, nor was he a poor, powerless, helpless, and sorrowful. No difficulty could unlearned orphan who was alone weaken his resolve. Some people at a time when every people out of misunderstanding enquire: possessed a plenitude of finan- why did he have to encounter all cial, military and intellectual these misfortunes and difficulties means, brought such a bright when he was the loved one of teaching that he silenced God and His chosen one? I everyone with his conclusive would say to them that water is arguments and clear proofs? He not discovered till one digs in the pointed out the mistakes of those earth and splits it through several who were claimed as great feet. It is only then that agreeable philosophers. He exhibited such water is found which is the basis power that he pulled down rulers of life. In the same way, delight from their thrones and put poor in the cause of God Almighty can people on them in their place. If be procured only by stead- this was not Divine support, then

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He exhibited such power that he pulled down rulers from their thrones and put poor people on them in their place. If this was not Divine support, then what was it? what‘ was it? Can anyone over- Holy Prophet(saw) was in serious come the whole world in reason, danger and had he not been a true knowledge, strength and force Prophet of God, he ’would without Divine support? certainly have been destroyed. One was the occasion when the Who was with the Holy disbelieving Quraish had sur- Prophet(saw) when he first rounded his house and had sworn announced to the people that he that they would kill him that was a Prophet? Did he possess night. The second occasion was the treasury of any king relying when pursuers had arrived with a on which he took on the whole large body of men at the entrance world as his opponents, or had he to the cave in which he had taken at his disposal a force relying on shelter along with Hadhrat Abu which he had become secure Bakr(ra). The third occasion was against the attacks of kings? Our when he had been left alone in opponents know that the Holy the battle of Uhud and the Prophet(saw) was at that time alone Quraish had surrounded him and and helpless and without any attacked him in a body but were means. It was only God, Who foiled in their purpose. The had created him for a great fourth occasion was when a purpose, Who was with him and Jewish woman gave him meat to was his sure support. eat which had been saturated (Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Ruhani with a fatal poison. The fifth Khaza’in, Vol. 1 pp. 119-120) occasion was when Khusro Pervaiz, Emperor of Persia, had On five occasions, the life of the made up his mind to destroy him

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and had sent his emissaries to quality should be manifested by arrest him. His delivery on all them and should be clearly these dangerous occasions and established. his ultimate triumph over all his enemies is conclusive proof that To fulfil this design God he was righteous and God was Almighty divides their lives into with him. two parts. One part is passed in (Chashma-e-Ma’rifat, Ruhani hardships and under calamities, Khaza’in, Vol. 23, pp. 263-264, in which they are tormented and footnote) persecuted so that those of their high moral qualities might be Perfect Morals of the Holy manifested which can only be Prophet(saw) in Adversity and manifested during great Victory hardship. If they are not Prophets and saints are raised so subjected to great hardship, it that people should follow them in cannot be affirmed that they were all their moral qualities and that faithful to their Lord in the face all seekers after truth should of all calamities and pressed tread the path along which God further forward in the face of has made them steadfast. It is hardships. They are grateful to obvious that high moral qualities God Almighty that He chose are proved by their exercise on them for His favours and the proper occasion and it is only considered them worthy that they then that they are most effective. should be persecuted in His For instance, forgiveness is cause. God Almighty afflicts praiseworthy when the wronged them with misfortunes so that one has the power to take their endurance and steadfastness revenge, and piety is trustworthy and fidelity might be manifested when it is exercised at a time and they might illustrate the when means of self-indulgence proverb that: are at hand. God’s design with regard to Prophets and saints is ‘Steadfastness is higher than that every type of high moral a miracle.’

12 The Review of Religions – May 2006 STEADFASTNESS OF THE HOLY PROPHET(SAW)

Perfect steadfastness is not that such of their high qualities manifested in the absence of might be demonstrated for which great hardships, and is it is necessary to be victorious, to appreciated when a person is possess prestige, riches, author- greatly shaken. These calamities ity and power. To forgive one’s are spiritual bounties in the case tormentors, and to forbear from of Prophets and saints, through one’s persecutors, and to love which their high qualities, in one’s enemies, and to wish well which they are matchless and to one’s ill-wishers, not to love peerless, are manifested and their riches nor to be proud of them, ranks are promoted in the and not to be miserly and to open hereafter. If they were not wide the gates of beneficence subjected to severe trials, they and generosity, and not to make would not be awarded these riches the means of self- bounties, nor would their sterling indulgence, and not to make qualities be demonstrated to the power an instrument of tyranny common people. Their high and transgression, are all resolve, fidelity and bravery qualities for the demonstration of would not be universally which it is necessary to possess acknowledged. They became riches and power. These qualities matchless, peerless, unique, are demonstrated when a person unreachable, and so perfect and possesses both wealth and brave as if each of them were a authority. thousand lions in one body and a thousand leopards in one frame. As without passing through a Thus, their power and strength time of trial and misfortune, and held high in everyone’s also a time of prosperity and estimation and they arrived at authority, these two types of high high ranks of nearness to God. qualities cannot be manifested, the Perfect Wisdom of the Divine The second part of the lives of demanded that Prophets and Prophets and saints is perfected saints should be provided with in victory, prestige and riches, so both these types of opportunities

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God Almighty bestowed great treasuries upon the Holy Prophet(saw) and he spent them all in the cause of God and did not spend a penny on self-indulgence. He raised no structures and built no mansions, but spent the whole of his life in a mud hut, which was no different ‘from the dwelling of the poorest person. which comprise thousands of The Holy Prophet(saw), having bounties. But the sequence of been proved to be perfect in both both these conditions is not the types of high qualities, thus same for everyone. Divine proved the high qualities of’ all Wisdom ordains in the case of the Prophets, inasmuch as he some that the period of peace and confirmed their Prophethood and comfort should precede the time their Books and manifested their of troubles, and in the case of being the favourites of God. This others, troubles precede Divine repels the objection that the help. In some these conditions moral qualities of Jesus(as) in are not apparent and in others respect of both these types were they are manifested to a perfect not established to a perfect degree. In this respect the degree, and indeed they were not foremost was the Holy Prophet(saw) established even with regard to for both these conditions were one type. It is true that Jesus(as) imposed upon him in their showed steadfastness under perfection in such order that his distress, but the perfection of this high qualities were illumined like quality would only have been the sun and thus was fulfilled the demonstrated had Jesus(as) verse: obtained authority and superiority over his persecutors, Thou dost surely possess high had forgiven them from the moral excellences. bottom of his heart as the Holy (Ch.68:V.5) Prophet(saw), having obtained complete victory over the

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Makkans and others and having endurance were not fully them at his mercy, forgave them, demonstrated and it did not with the exception of a few who become clear whether his had been condemned by God to steadfastness was by his choice undergo punishment for their or was under compulsion. specific crimes. Having achieved Jesus(as) did not acquire power victory, he announced to them: and authority over his persecutors so that it cannot be ‘No blame shall lie on you determined whether he forgave on this day.’ his enemies, or would have avenged himself upon them. On account of this forgiveness which had appeared impossible As a contrast, the high qualities in the estimation of his of the Holy Prophet(saw) were opponents, who, considering demonstrated on hundreds of their own misdeeds, deemed occasions and their reality shone themselves already condemned forth like the sun. The qualities to death, thousands of people of generosity, beneficence, accepted Islam within an hour. sacrifice, bravery, piety, The steadfastness of the Holy contentment and withdrawal Prophet(saw) which he had from the world were demonstrat- demonstrated for a long period ed more clearly and brilliantly in under their severe persecution the case of the Holy Prophet(saw) became illumined in their eyes than in the case of any other like the sun. It is part of man’s Prophet. God Almighty nature that the greatness of a bestowed great treasuries upon person’s steadfastness is the Holy Prophet(saw) and he spent illustrated perfectly when he them all in the cause of God and forgives his persecutors after did not spend a penny on self- obtaining power over them. That indulgence. He raised no is why the high qualities of structures and built no mansions, Jesus(as) in the matter of but spent the whole of his life in steadfastness and meekness and a mud hut, which was no

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different from the dwelling of the the case of Jesus(as), these high poorest person. He behaved qualities were not clearly benevolently towards those who established for they can only be had persecuted him and helped proved in a period of power and them in their distress out of his riches and these were not granted own resources. He lived in a to Jesus(as). Thus in his case, both small adobe hut and slept on the types of qualities remained ground and ate of barley bread or hidden as conditions for their went without food. He was demonstration were not present, granted abundant wealth of the but this objection which can be world, but he did not soil his holy raised against the deficiency in hands with it and always the case of Jesus has been re- preferred poverty to wealth and pelled by the perfect example of meekness to power. From the day the Holy Prophet(saw) inasmuch as of his advent to the day when he his beneficent example perfects returned to his Companion on and completes the case of every High, he attached no importance Prophet, and through him to anything except to his Lord. whatever had remained hidden or He gave proof of his bravery, doubtful in the case of Jesus(as) fidelity and steadfastness in and other Prophets shone forth battle against thousands of brightly. Revelation and enemies, solely for the sake of Prophethood came to an end in God, when death appeared a that holy person in the sense that certainty. all excellences reached their climax in him. This is the grace In short, God Almighty mani- of Allah. He bestows it upon fested such high qualities as whom He wills. benevolence, piety, contentment, (Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya, Ruhani bravery and all that pertained to Khaza’in, Vol. 1 pp. 276-292, the love of the Divine in the Holy footnote 11) Prophet(saw) the like of which had not appeared in the world before God Almighty divided the life of him, nor will appear after him. In our Holy Prophet(saw) into two

16 The Review of Religions – May 2006 STEADFASTNESS OF THE HOLY PROPHET(SAW) parts, one of pain and troubles and prosperity arrived the high and suffering and the other of qualities of the Holy Prophet(saw) victory, so that during the period – his forgiveness, generosity, of suffering those qualities might bravery – were demonstrated so be manifested which belong to perfectly that a large number of the period of suffering, and in the disbelievers observing those period of victory and power, qualities believed in him. He those qualities might be forgave his persecutors and gave demonstrated that cannot be security to those who had established without power. Thus, expelled him from Makkah and both types of qualities were enriched their needy ones. clearly established in his case by Having obtained authority over his passing through both these his principal enemies, he forgave periods. By reading the history of them. Many people, observing his period of distress, which his high qualities, testified that extended over thirteen years in unless a person came from God Makkah, it becomes clear that he and was truly righteous, he could demonstrated those qualities not possess such qualities. That which the perfectly righteous is why the old rancour of his demonstrate in the period of enemies was immediately distress, that is to say, trusting in removed. The Holy Qur’an God and abstaining from testifies to his exemplary morals complaining and not slackening in this verse: in his work and not standing in awe of anyone, in such manner Say, ‘My Prayer and my that the disbelievers believed on sacrifice and my life and witnessing such steadfastness death are all for Allah, the and bore witness that unless a Lord of the worlds.’ person had full trust in God, he (Ch.6:V.163) could not endure suffering with such steadfastness. This means that: Tell them that my worship and my sacrifice and When the stage of victory, power my life and my death are all for

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God alone, that is my whole life which had struck both sides. The is devoted to manifesting the world had been completely glory of God and providing corrupted. There was security comfort for His creatures so that neither on water nor on land. with my death they might regain spiritual life. The Holy Prophet(saw) appeared in [Islami Usul ki Philosophy, this age of darkness and Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. 10, pp. destruction, and reformed 447-448] perfectly both sides of the balance and re-established the Greater than all honours is the rights of God and the rights of honour of the Holy Prophet(saw) man on their true centre. The which has affected the whole moral power of the Holy Islamic world. His honour Prophet(saw) can be estimated by revived the world. In Arabia, considering the condition of the adultery, drinking and fighting age. The to which were rife. Human rights were he and his followers were sub- completely disregarded. There jected and the treatment that he was no sympathy for mankind. accorded to his enemies, when he Even the rights of God were obtained power over them, repudiated altogether. Stones and demonstrate the height of his plants and stars were invested rank. with Divine attributes. Diverse types of shirk were widespread. There was no torment that Abu Not only man but even human Jahl and his companions did not genitals were worshipped. If a inflict upon the Holy Prophet(saw) person possessing a sane nature and his devoted companions. were to observe those conditions Poor Muslim women were tied to even for a short while he would the legs of camels which were behold a terrible scene of then driven in opposite directions darkness, wrongdoing and and their bodies were thus torn tyranny. Paralysis strikes on one asunder; their only offence being side, but this was a paralysis that they believed:

18 The Review of Religions – May 2006 STEADFASTNESS OF THE HOLY PROPHET(SAW)

This great miracle of inner change, through which rank idol worshippers became sincere worshippers of God and those who were sunk in the world every moment established such strong relationship with God that they shed their blood like water in His cause, was the result of their spending their lives in full sincerity in the ‘company of the true and perfect Prophet(saw)

There is none worthy of had so coloured their daily lives worship except Allah.’ and their overt and covert conduct, that they had become’ He endured everything with the reflections of the Holy steadfastness and when Makkah Prophet(saw). This great miracle of fell, he forgave his enemies, inner change, through which reassuring them: No blame shall rank idol worshippers became lie on you this day. This was the sincere worshippers of God and perfection of high moral qualities those who were sunk in the world which is not found in any other every moment established such Prophet. Send down Thy strong relationship with God that blessings O Allah on they shed their blood like water Muhammad(saw) and his people. in His cause, was the result of (Malfuzat, Vol. II, pp. 79-80) their spending their lives in full sincerity in the company of the True Victory of the Holy true and perfect Prophet(saw). Prophet(saw) (Fath-e-Islam, Ruhani Khaza’in, The community of the Holy Vol. 3, pp. 21-22) Prophet(saw) had developed such unity and spiritual oneness that The life of the Holy Prophet(saw) through the spirit of Islamic was a life of grand success. In his brotherhood, they had all become high moral qualities, his spiritual like the limbs of one body. The power, his high resolve, the rays of the light of Prophethood excellence and perfection of his

The Review of Religions – May 2006 19 STEADFASTNESS OF THE HOLY PROPHET(SAW)

teaching, his perfect example and appeared impossible in the case the acceptance of his prayers, in of that unlearned helpless one. short, in every aspect of his life, Send down Thy blessings and he exhibited such bright signs peace, O Allah, on him and his that even a person of low people according to the amount intelligence, provided he is not of pain and anguish he felt for his inspired by unreasonable rancour Ummah, and pour down upon and enmity, is forced to confess him the lights of Thy mercy that he was the perfect example forever. of reflecting Divine qualities and [Barakat-ud-Du’a, Ruhani was indeed the perfect man. Khaza’in, Vol. 6, pp. 10-11] [Al-Hakam, 10 April 1902, p. 5] Whatever happened in the Have you any notion what was beginning of Islam was the result the strange event that occurred in of the supplications of the Holy the desert country of Arabia Prophet(saw) which he had when hundreds of thousands of submitted to God Almighty with the dead were revived within a his tears in the streets of Makkah. brief period and those who had All the grand victories which been misguided through changed the entire aspect of the generations put on Divine colour, world were the result of his and those who were blind prayers. The weakness of his obtained sight, and those who companions may be judged from had been dumb began to speak of the fact that in the battle of Badr, the understanding of the Divine, between them they possessed and the world underwent a only three wooden swords. revolution which had never been [Al-Hakam, 17 September 1906, seen or heard of before? It was p. 4] the supplications during dark nights of one who had lost The reform that was carried out himself in God which raised a by our lord and master, the Holy clamour in the world, and Prophet(saw) was very sweeping manifested such wonders as and general, and was acknow-

20 The Review of Religions – May 2006 STEADFASTNESS OF THE HOLY PROPHET(SAW) ledged on all hands. This degree bling was discarded, infanticide of reform had not been achieved was put down and everything by any previous Prophet. If that was opposed to compassion anyone studies the history of and justice and purity was Arabia, he would come to know suppressed. It is true also that how bigoted the idol offenders were suitably punished worshippers, Jews, and for their offences. No one can, Christians of the time were, and however, deny the greatness of how much their reform had been the reform that was carried out. despaired of for centuries. Then (Nur-ul-Qur’an No. 1, Ruhani the teachings of the Holy Qur’an, Khaza’in, Vol. 9, p. 366 footnote) which were wholly opposed to them, proved so effective that they swept aside every false doctrine and every vice. Drinking was abolished, gam-

References to the Holy Qur’an item count ‘Bismillah...’ (In the Name of Allah...) as the first verse of each Chapter. In some non-standard texts, this is not counted and should the reader refer to such texts, the verse quoted in The Review of Religions will be found one verse less than the number quoted.

In this journal, for the ease of non-Muslim readers, ‘(saw)’ or ‘saw’ after the words, ‘Holy Prophet’, or the name ‘Muhammad’, are used. They stand for ‘Sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam’ meaning ‘Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him’. Likewise, the letters ‘(as)’ or ‘as’ after the name of all other prophets is an abbreviation meaning ‘Peace be upon him’ derived from ‘Alaihis salatu wassalam’ which are words that a Muslim utters out of respect whenever he or she comes across that name.

The abbreviation ‘ra’ or (ra) stands for ‘Radhiallahu Ta’ala anhu and is used for Companions of a Prophet, meaning Allah be pleased with him or her (when followed by the relevant pronoun). Finally, ‘ru’ or (ru) for Rahemahullahu Ta’ala means the Mercy of Allah the Exalted be upon him. In keeping with current universal practice, local transliterations are preferred to their anglicised versions, e.g. Makkah instead of Mecca, etc.

The Review of Religions – May 2006 21 Establishing Peace

An address by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Head of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim community to an international audience of leading politicians and dignitaries at a reception in Sydney, Australia on 15 April 2006.

All distinguished guests, ladies religions are confined to their and gentlemen respective countries or specific areas. A majority of the believers Assalamu alaikum of such religions belong to some warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu country or region. Some of the that is, Peace and blessings of great religions exist in many Allah be upon you. countries of the world.

Today I am going to say a few The Christians are said to top the words about Islam with reference league followed by Muslims. to the present prevailing Then there are Hindus, Budhists condition in the world regarding and Jews. If we look around, then Islam. believers of different faiths, somewhere or another, and in There are many religions in the some form or the other, are world today. A majority of these engaged in a battle to express

22 The Review of Religions – May 2006 ESTABLISHING PEACE their superiority in the area of If this does not happen then the their interest. According to these result is already there to see for religions, by and large, the us all. It is nearly one hundred struggle for rights cannot be years since the nations agreed attributed to their religion but is mutually to abolish wars and live conceived as a struggle for in peace but they have not freedom and liberty or the rights succeeded in stopping the wars. of that particular country. What is the reason for this? The answer, as I have just said, is that But when Muslims struggle for there are double standards for these rights, the world targets justice. Islamic teachings and condemns it as being responsible for the However, I stand here not to violence. Muslims or the religion speak on this subject. In this brief of Islam is presented as a religion time, I only want to speak about of terror. Admittedly, this may be the teachings of love and due to the wrong actions of a few brotherhood that are relevant for of the so-called Muslim the existence of the smallest organisations. However, the component of societies as well as knee-jerk response of these for international relations. organisations is also due to the double standards that prevail I would like to say one thing. We amongst the superpowers. can have peace in this world if the majority of the believers in I do not, for a moment, condone this world, of whatever religion, the act of these so-called Jihadi develop in themselves the fear of organisations; but I will say this, their Lord. that if the powerful nations understand their responsibilities We Ahmadis firmly believe that and do not use double standards, without turning to God, all our then true justice can be efforts for peace will prove established in the world. fruitless. It is for this very purpose that Allah the Almighty

The Review of Religions – May 2006 23 ESTABLISHING PEACE

has sent in this age, Hadhrat creatures, when you promote Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) of goodness and prevent evil. to unite people in the beautiful teachings of Islam and Then, the Almighty Allah says: draw the attention of mankind towards honouring and …And help one another in discharging the rights of man. In righteousness and piety; but light of this beautiful teaching of help not one another in sin Islam, Ahmadis are conveying it and transgression… to the world. (Ch.5:V.3)

I would like to present to you Now, those who are ordered some of the excellent teachings neither to transgress nor help from the Holy Qur’an so that you anyone in transgression are can realise that Islam is not a cautioned. Every sensible person religion of terrorism but gives a knows the definition of message of peace. transgression. Everyone who indulges in violating the rights of Allah says in the Holy Qur’an: his neighbour is guilty of transgression. Everyone who You are the best people raised breaks the law of the land is for the good of mankind; you guilty of transgression. Anyone enjoin what is good and who indulges in any vice is also forbid evil… guilty of transgression. (Ch.3:V.111) After enjoining to help each other This is the fundamental lesson in good works and to desist from that has been given to Muslims to sin and excess, the Holy Qur’an create high moral standards and has pointed out what the good peace in the world. It says that works are. As Allah says: you are the best people or will become the best people only And the servants of the when you are beneficial to God’s Gracious God are those who

24 The Review of Religions – May 2006 ESTABLISHING PEACE

walk on earth in a dignified Muslims are enjoined to spend in manner, and when the the way of Allah. It has been ignorant address them, they explained in another place that it say, “Peace!” is important to help the poor and (Ch.25:V.64) the needy and to spread the true word of Islam. This is important In other words, these truly pious for everyone who wishes to people walk on earth without any create peace on this earth. arrogance. They are recognised by their humility. They do their Suppression of anger is also part utmost to avoid being involved in of human nature. When someone any disorder. How can one expect is oppressed or is exceedingly that a home of such a person mistreated, the reaction is anger. would have any disputes or that In this verse, one is enjoined to his neighbours would be upset suppress anger and to develop a with him or that he would commit habit of forgiveness, because if an illegal act? Surely, he would you suppress your anger and never do that. forgive, you will be doing good and Allah likes those who do Then, again, Islam teaches that if good to others. you develop such excellent morals, you will be the recipients It may cross someone’s mind that of the love of the Almighty Allah. given such teachings of forgiveness, why do we see so As Allah says: many battles in the early history of Islam? Why were these battles Those [meaning the God- fought in the time of the Holy fearing] who spend in Prophet(saw)? prosperity and adversity, and those who suppress anger and Before I discuss this, I must pardon men; and Allah loves mention that the teachings of the those who do good. Holy Qur’an are entirely in (Ch.3:V.135) accord with human nature. All

The Review of Religions – May 2006 25 ESTABLISHING PEACE

the commandments are focused grant anything. When the on developing peace and Prophet(saw) invited his people to discipline in the society. Now, if come to the one God Who grants criminals are also forgiven, the every need of human beings, he whole society will be full of and those who believed in his crimes. Therefore, Islam enjoins teachings were mercilessly that the real purpose is to persecuted and some were eliminate evil. If reformation can massacred in the most brutal take place by forgiveness and by manner. It was so cruel that amid doing good, then that is fine; but excruciating cries, they were tied if it cannot, then the matter between two camels and the should be submitted to law and camels made to run in opposite the one who commits evil deeds direction leaving the victim split should be punished. into two parts.

However, there should be no As a result of this torture and excess because the real purpose persecution, the Holy Prophet of punishment is reformation and Muhammad(saw) and his Muslim not petty vengeance. This is the companions migrated to beautiful teaching of Islam. Madinah. Even here, the Muslims were not left in peace Now, let us see how and under and the disbelieving Makkans what circumstances the battles made preparations and attacked were fought by the Muslims. the Muslims in Madinah. Allah When the Founder of Islam, the the Almighty considered that to Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw), be the last straw that broke the claimed that he had been sent as camel’s back and granted a Prophet of God, his message permission to Muslims to fight was to worship one God and to back the disbelievers. As Allah give up the worship of many says in the Holy Qur’an: idols. These idols were placed in the Ka’aba and because they Permission to fight is given to were man-made they could not those against whom war is

26 The Review of Religions – May 2006 ESTABLISHING PEACE

made because they have been that ‘If I do not help you then one wronged – and Allah indeed religion will start attacking has power to help them – another religion and thus destroy those who have been driven peace.’ Religion is a matter of the from their homes unjustly heart. Force is not permitted in only because they said, “Our religion. If one does not like a Lord is Allah” – And if Allah particular religion, one does not did not repel some men by have to follow it. By declaring means of others, there would that there is no compulsion in the surely have been pulled down matter of religion, Islam has cloisters and churches and given religious freedom to synagogues and mosques, everyone to adopt whatever wherein the name of Allah is religion one likes. oft commemorated. And Allah will surely help one who helps In short, what I mean to say is Him. Allah is indeed that wherever permission is Powerful, Mighty. granted for battle, it is only for (Ch.22:Vs.40-41) the sake of defence, to maintain peace and to stop terrorism. The It was in this condition that the Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw) Muslims were permitted to always followed the way of respond to the infidels. Because forgiveness and doing good they had been victimised, Allah works as Allah the Almighty has the Almighty promised them that commanded. He would aid and assist them. Just over three hundred men, many of I have already mentioned the whom were weak and poorly cruelty and persecution that were equipped for the battle, came out carried out against the Muslims to face and ultimately overcame in Makkah and various armed more than a thousand well-armed attacks that were carried out and equipped infidels. against them afterwards. We must keep that scenario in mind Allah Almighty clearly states when we look at the time the

The Review of Religions – May 2006 27 ESTABLISHING PEACE

Muslims gained the final victory Muhammad(saw) forgave him. The of Makkah about eight years Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw) after migration. advised all his Muslim companions to forgive with open A majority of the persecuted hearts their erstwhile enemies Muslims many of whom were who had persecuted them and still alive remembered what had had subjected them to various been done to them, their wives kinds of tortures. Therefore, they and descendents who had been all forgave their enemies. These cruelly persecuted. were the high moral standards of forgiveness that were displayed A ten thousand strong Muslim by the Holy Prophet army finally entered Makkah but Muhammad(saw) and his the Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw) Companions. They not only declared, ‘I am a Messenger of forgave but showed grace because peace to the world, I love their real purpose was to establish humanity and I am an enemy of peace and not take an eye for an tyranny and persecution. eye. In view of this beautiful Therefore, O Makkans! You will revenge that they took from their not be punished today, provided enemies, the enemies themselves you do not fight. You can do fell in love with them and started what you like. You can practise gathering under their banner. whatever religion you like. No one will question you today.’ His All this forgiveness and good magnanimity and forgiveness deeds that were performed were extended even to Ikrama, who only because the Holy Prophet was the worst enemy of Islam Muhammad(saw) and his and had even attacked the Companions wanted to gain the Muslims that day of amnesty. pleasure of Allah the Almighty. They had neither personal When Ikrama fled after being interest in mind nor any desire to defeated, upon the plea of his show any superiority. Their only wife, the Holy Prophet wish was that the world should

28 The Review of Religions – May 2006 ESTABLISHING PEACE recognise their God and establish country and nation and create a His Kingdom on earth. peaceful atmosphere in this country. Therefore, instead of blaming Islam or any other religion, peace Thank you very much. can only be established if we come together for the sake of betterment of humanity and for the sake of gaining the pleasure of our Creator.

Alas! Were the world to understand this principle and give up its false ego so that this beautiful world of God Almighty can become a paradise for His creatures.

Finally, I am most grateful to all the guests who have come here today and listened to me. This is also an expression of love that you have shown. It is a living proof that you possess the patience to listen so that the world can develop a climate of peace, amity and brotherliness.

Thank you and may Allah bless you all and let you work for the cause of peace and let you, those who are MPs and other officials, work for the cause of your

The Review of Religions – May 2006 29 RECANTATION UNDER ISLAM– Part 6 This is the sixth extract from the ‘Murder in the Name of Allah’ by Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, dealing with Jama’at Islami’s founder, Maulana Maududi’s misinterpretation of the Islamic concept of Jihad.

‘Write down for me the name the Prophet(saw) said: ‘Whoever of everyone who calls himself prays as we pray and turns to our a Muslim.’ Qiblah and eats what we ritually Muhammad(saw) slaughter is a Muslim; he is dhimmat-Allah and dhimmat al- The concept of apostasy, as it rasul. So do not put Allah in existed in medieval Christianity contravention of his dhimmah and as expounded by Maulana [responsibility].’2 Maududi, is alien to Islam. There is not even a word for it in the But Maulana Maududi and the Arabic language. There is no ulema, supporting dictatorships doubt that some early Muslim and autocracies in Muslim scholars of law considered countries, have added various recantation from Islam to be a qualifications to the Prophet’s(saw) capital offence, but their simple definition. In the words of definition of ‘Muslim’ was so Al-Ghazali (450-505AH/AD1058- broad that no one calling himself 1113) they have limited: ‘The a Muslim could be called a vast Mercy of God to make recanter. The Prophet(saw) gave us paradise the preserve of a small two definitions of a Muslim. At clique of theologians.’3 The the time of the first census of result of their effort has been Madinah, the Prophet(saw) said: summed up by the former chief ‘Write down for me the name of justice of , Muhammad everyone who calls himself a Munir, who presided over the Muslim.’1 On another occasion Court of Inquiry into the Punjab

30 The Review of Religions – May 2006 RECANTATION UNDER ISLAM – PART 6

(Pakistan) Disturbances in 1953. him with our weapons he He said: pronounced the Shahadah, but we did not stay our hands ‘Keeping in view the several and killed him. When we definitions given by the came to the Prophet(sa) and ulema, need we make any told him what had happened, comment except that no two he said: “Who will absolve learned divines are agreed on you, Usama, from ignoring this fundamental? If we the confession of faith?” I attempt our own definition, as told him that the man had each learned divine has, and pronounced the words merely that definition differs from all to escape death, but he others, we all leave Islam’s repeated his question and fold. If we adopt the continued to do so until I definition given by anyone of wished that I had never been a the ulema, we remain Muslim before that day and Muslims according to the that I had never killed the view of that alim, but kafirs man. I asked him to forgive according to everyone else’s me and promised that I would definition.’4 never kill a man who pronounced the Shahadah. Justice Munir’s observation must The Prophet(saw) said: “You be read with reference to the will say it after me (after my Prophet’s(saw) reprimand to death), Usama?” and I said Usama b. Zayd. In the raid of that I would.’5 Ghalib b. Abdullah al-Kalbi, according to Ibn Ishaq, a man The Prophet(saw) knew that despite was killed by Usama b. Zayd and his concern for the lives of Sha- another. Reporting this incident, hadah-pronouncing Muslims, Usama b. Zayd said: they would still be killed by misguided people under Islam’s ‘When I and a man of Ansar name. According to the report in overtook him and attacked the Musnad Imam Ahmad ibn

The Review of Religions – May 2006 31 RECANTATION UNDER ISLAM – PART 6

Hanbal, the Prophet(saw) also The Holy Qur’an has used the asked Usama whether he had word ‘ridda’ in the intransitive opened his victim’s heart to measure (i.e. ifti’al) which means check the authenticity of his that everyone has an option but faith.6 And yet the power-hungry no one has been given the right to and politically orientated ulema declare another an apostate. It is continue to incite ignorant a voluntary action and no outside Muslims to kill their Muslim agency can play any part in it. It brothers – Muslims whose is this aspect of free will which viewpoint differed slightly from distinguishes irtidad from the their own – as if, on opening their Christian and Maududian hearts, they had discovered the concept of apostasy, which we faith of such Muslims was false. discussed in the last chapter. Apostasy and its punishment Regarding recantation, the requires an external authority, the Qur’an uses the word irtadda, church or state. It is like which means that no one has the execution or, rather, murder. right to declare any other Muslim Irtidad is like suicide. One can murtadd. As Imam Raghib execute or murder, but no one Isfahan7 explains, the word can ‘suicide’ someone. irtidad means to retrace one’s steps back to the point from Surah Al-Kafirun, revealed in the where one came. The word is early period of the Prophet’s(saw) especially associated with ministry, is a direct statement of recantation – returning to kufr policy on the subject of freedom (disbelief) from Islam, e.g. of conscience. The Prophet(saw) ‘Surely those who turn their was asked to tell unbelievers backs after the guidance hath there was absolutely no meeting- been manifested unto them’; point between their way of life (Ch.47:V.26) and ‘whoso of you and his. As they were in becometh renegade from his complete disagreement, not only religion’. (Ch.5:V.55) with regard to the basic concepts of religion, but also with regard

32 The Review of Religions – May 2006 RECANTATION UNDER ISLAM – PART 6 to its details and other aspects, There shall be no compulsion there could not possibly be any in religion. Surely guidance compromise between them. has become distinct from Hence, ‘For you, your religion, error, whosoever refuses to be for me, my religion’. led by those who transgress (Ch.109:V.7) and believes in Allah has surely grasped a strong The Prophet(saw) was also handle which knows no repeatedly told not to worry if breaking. And Allah is All- unbelievers were not ready to Hearing, All-Knowing. accept his message. He was not (Ch.2:V.257) their wakil (guardian). God says: ‘Thy people have rejected (the This is the confident declaration message that We have sent of a prophet who has organised through thee), though it is the an umma in a town where his truth. Say: “I am not appointed a power is supreme. Lest the wakil over you.”’8 This statement subject of jihad be was made in the Makkan period, misunderstood, Muslims are told when the Prophet(saw) and his that true virtue lies in good works followers were persecuted. Yet and good faith (Ch.2:Vs. 255- on his arrival in Madinah, the 258) and the Majesty of God is statement was exactly the same, called to mind in the Throne even though he now had power. verse (Ch.2:V.256). The It was, in fact, made even more commandment of ‘no com- explicit. pulsion in religion’ comes immediately after the Throne The first Madinite surah in verse. Readers of the Qur’an which the subject of freedom of might have thought God wanted conscience was discussed was Muslims to spread Islam by Al-Baqarah. The 257th verse of force, because of its call to fight the surah contains the clearest the umma’s enemies and to offer pronouncement on the subject: special sacrifices to Allah. So the verse tells Muslims in no

The Review of Religions – May 2006 33 RECANTATION UNDER ISLAM – PART 6

Religious belief is a personal matter. It is God alone – not the state or the religious authorities – who knows what one reveals to God or what one hides.

uncertain terms not to resort to turn away, then remember that violence in the name of the duty of Our Messenger is conversion.‘ The importance of only to convey the message this verse can be gauged from a clearly.’ (Ch.5:V.93) And finally:’ quoted in Jami’ of ‘The Messenger’s duty is only to Tirmidhi. He said that the peak of convey the message. And Allah the Qur’an is Al-Baqarah and knows what you reveal and what that Satan shall not enter the you hide.’ (Ch.5:V.100) house of anyone who recites ten Religious belief is a personal verses of this chapter (i.e. the matter. It is God alone – not the first four verses, the Throne state or the religious authorities – verse, the two verses which who knows what one reveals to follow it – 257-258 – and the last God or what one hides. three verses). This verse leads to the subject of This principle of no compulsion munafiqun – the hypocrites. The was reiterated after the victory of term munafiqun describes those Badr (Ch.3:V.21) and again in inhabitants of Madinah who had Al-Ma‘idah, which is the last outwardly accepted Islam, but revealed surah. Now that whose belief was suspect for Muhammad’s(saw) authority was various reasons. There are many fully established, not only in references to them in the Qur’an, Madinah but also in Makkah, it but in four passages they are was vital to emphasise that the defined as murtadd (recanters). Prophet’s(saw) only role was to The first reference is in Surah convey the word of Allah. ‘Obey Muhammad. This is a Madinite Allah and obey the Messenger, surah which briefly describes the and be on your guard, but if you aims of war according to Islam. It

34 The Review of Religions – May 2006 RECANTATION UNDER ISLAM – PART 6 says that while believers profession of faith as false and welcome a revelation calling on treacherous. This was a public them to fight for Allah, reprimand: munafiqun feel as if they are being led to their slaughter. In Allah bears witness that the this way, true believers are hypocrites are liars. Their separated from those whose faith faith is a pretext so that they is shallow or false. It goes on to may turn people away from say: the way of Allah. Evil is that which they practise. That is Surely those who turn their because they first believed backs [irtaddu] after and thereafter disbelieved; so guidance has become a seal was set upon their manifest to them, Satan has hearts and they have no seduced them, and holds out understanding… They are the false hopes to them. That is enemy, so beware!... it is the because they said to those same for them whether thou who hate what Allah has ask for forgiveness for them revealed, ‘We will obey you in or not. Allah will never some matters’ and Allah forgive them, surely Allah knows their secrets. guides not a rebellious (Ch.47:Vs.26-27) people. (Ch.63:Vs.2-7) The verses quoted above mention no punishment for these people. The last two references to the munafiqun are in one of the last The next reference to the revealed surahs, Al-Taubah: munafiqun is in the Surah Al- ‘Offer no excuse, you have Munafiqun, which was revealed certainly disbelieved after towards the end of 6AH/AD628. having believed. If We forgive a The surah exposes the infidelity group of you, a group shall We and dishonesty of the munafiqun punish, for they have been and condemns their open guilty.’ (Ch.9:V.66) Those to be

The Review of Religions – May 2006 35 RECANTATION UNDER ISLAM – PART 6

Freedom of conversion is the acid test of ‘no compulsion in religion’. It cannot be a one-way freedom – the freedom to enter Islam, but not to leave it.

forgiven are obviously such of the‘ munafiqun who repented and The Prophet(saw) knew that became sincere Muslims. As Abdullah b. Ubayy b. Salul was regards those who are to be the leader of the munafiqun,’ but punished, one verse further down he took no action against him. we read: ‘Allah promises the On the contrary, the Prophet(saw) hypocrites – both men and prayed for him when he died. women – and the disbelievers the Umar b. al-Khattab(ra) is reported fire of hell, wherein they shall to have said: abide. It will suffice them. And they shall have everlasting ‘When the Prophets(saw) went punishment.’ (Ch.9.V.68) And, and stood by the dead body of finally: Abdullah b. Ubayy and was about to pray, I asked him: They swear by Allah that they “Are you going to pray over said nothing, but they did say God’s enemy?” The the word of disbelief and did Prophet(saw) smiled and said: disbelieve after they had “Get behind me, Umar. I have embraced Islam… So if they been given a choice and I repent, it will be better for have chosen. It was said to them, but if they turn away, me: ‘Ask pardon for them or Allah will punish them with a ask it not. Even if you ask grievous punishment in this pardon for them seventy world and the hereafter. And times God will not pardon they shall have neither friend them’. If I knew that by nor helper in the earth. asking pardon more than (Ch.9.V.74)9 seventy times he would be

36 The Review of Religions – May 2006 RECANTATION UNDER ISLAM – PART 6

forgiven, I would do it.” Then Hajjaj b. Amr and an ally of he prayed over him and Kab’s, al-Rabi b. al-Rabi b. walked with his dead body Abul-Huqayq and Kinana b. and stayed at his grave until al-Rabi b. Abul Huqayq came he was buried.’10 to the Prophet(saw) and asked: ‘Why have you turned your Freedom of conversion is the back on the Qiblah you used acid test of ‘no compulsion in to face when you claimed to religion’. It cannot be a one-way follow the religion of freedom – the freedom to enter Abraham? If you returned to Islam, but not to leave it. There the Qiblah in Jerusalem we are ten direct references to would follow you and declare recantation in the Qur’an: one in you to be true.’ Their sole the Makkan surah of Al-Nahl and intention was to seduce him the remaining nine in the from his religion. So God Madinite surahs. In none of these said: ‘We appointed the verses is there the slightest hint Qiblah, which you formerly of capital punishment for those observed, only to distinquish who recant. between he who will follow the Messenger and those who One of the Qur’an’s most explicit will not – to test and fetch statements on recantation is the them out. In truth, it was a 143rd verse of Al-Baqarah. The hard test except for those Qiblah was changed from whom Allah guided.’11 Jerusalem to Makkah in the second year of Hijrah. Ibn Ishaq The Qur’an prescribes no reports: punishment for these recanters. And history records the ‘And when the Qiblah was punishment of no one who changed from Syria to the recanted after the change of the Kabah, Rifaa b. Qays, Qiblah. Qardam b.Amr, Kab b. al- Ashraf, Rafib Abu Rafi, al- Surah Al-Imran, which was

The Review of Religions – May 2006 37 RECANTATION UNDER ISLAM – PART 6

revealed after the victory of None of these three Jews was Badr, 2AH/AD624, contains the punished. following two verses which mention the recantation of some Another reference is in Al-Nisa. of the Jews of Madinah: It says: ‘Those who believe then disbelieve, then believe again, O People of the Scripture: then disbelieve and then increase why do you confound the in their disbelief will never be truth with falsehood and forgiven by Allah, nor will He knowingly conceal the truth? guide them to the way.’ (Ch.3:V.72) (Ch.4:V.138) A recanter cannot enjoy the repeated luxury of And a party of the People of the believing and disbelieving if the Scripture says: ‘Believe in that punishment is death. A dead man which has been revealed to has no further chance of again those who believe at sunrise believing and disbelieving. and disbelieve at sunset, in order that they may return.’ The , the divinely inspired (Ch.3:V.73) behaviour of the Holy Prophet(saw), is the second source Ibn Ishaq has given the names of of the . And there is no those who hatched this plot: penalty for conversion from Islam in the sunnah either. The ‘Abdullah b. Sayf and Adiy b. names of those who were Zayd and Al-Harith b. Auf executed by the Prophet(saw) are agreed to pretend to believe preserved in the sirah and the in the message of hadith and the names of people Muhammad(saw) and his who recanted and rejected Islam Companions at one time, in his life are also preserved. A deny it another to confuse Bedouin Arab was converted to them. The object was to get Islam by the Prophet(saw) and soon them to follow their example after suffered a fever while in and give up their religion.’12 Madinah. He asked the

38 The Review of Religions – May 2006 RECANTATION UNDER ISLAM – PART 6

Prophet(saw) to release him from B. Abdul Muttalib. his pledge. He made this request 8. Ikrama b. Abu Jahl.15 three times and was refused three times. He left Madinah Abdullah b. Sad was one of the unmolested. The Prophet(saw) on Prophet’s(saw) scribes in Madinah. hearing of his departure, He recanted and defected to the observed: ‘Madinah is like a Makkan unbelievers. Since he furnace which separates the dross wrote down the revelation, from what is pure.’13 dictated by the Prophet(saw), and enjoyed a position of trust, his Ibn Ishaq reports that the defection was bound to create Prophet(saw) had instructed his confusion among the Quraish of commanders when they entered Makkah about the authenticity of Makkah to fight only those who the revelation itself. After peace resisted them. The only returned to Makkah, his foster exceptions were the following brother, Uthman b. Man, criminals who were to be killed interceded with the Prophet(saw) even if they were found wrapped on his behalf and he was within the curtains of the pardoned.16 Had there been a Ka’abah.14 Qur’anic penalty for recantation, the Prophet(saw) could not have 1. Abdullah b. Sad b. Abi Sarah. done so. The Prophet’s(saw) policy 2,3,4. Abdullah b. Khatal of B. on intercession in respect of hadd Tayam b. Ghalib and his two punishment is well illustrated by dancing girls, who used to the incident of the Makhzumi sing satirical songs about woman who was found guilty of Islam. One of them was theft. When Usamah b. Zayd Fartana, the name of the other pleaded for her, the Prophet(saw) is not given by Ibn Ishaq. rebuked him and said: ‘Do you 5. Al-Huwayrith b. Nuqaydh b. intercede in respect of a Wahb b. Abd b. Qusayy. punishment prescribed by Allah? 6. Maqees b. Subabah. Witness this: that if Fatima, 7. Sarah, freed slave of one of the daughter of Muhammad, were

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ever guilty of theft, I would because of the attack and had to certainly cut off her hand.’ return to Makkah. The Prophet(saw) sent a number of Abdullah b. Khatal was sent by people with orders that if they the Prophet(saw) to collect zakat, found Habbar b. al-Aswad or Al- accompanied by an Ansar who Huwayrith they should kill served him. When they stopped, them,20 but Al-Huwayrith he ordered his companion to kill escaped. In another report, a goat for him and prepare some Hisham says that Al-Abbas b. food before going to sleep. When Abd al-Muttalib put Fatima and he awoke the man had done Umm Kulthum, the two nothing, so he killed him in anger daughters of the Prophet(saw) on a and then recanted and defected to camel to take them from Makkah the Makkan Quraish.17 He was to Madinah. Al-Huwayrith executed for the murder of an goaded the beast so it threw the Ansari Muslim by Said b. two women.21 Finally, Ali(ra) Hurayth al-Makhzumi and Abu killed him in Makkah.22 Barzah al-Aslami.18 Maqees b. Subabah came to One of Ibn Khatal’s two singing Madinah from Makkah and said: girls was killed for creating ‘I come to you as a Muslim unrest by singing satirical songs; seeking recompense for my the other was pardoned.19 brother, who was wrongly killed.’ The Prophet(saw) ordered Al-Huwayrith b. Nuqaydh was in that he should be paid for his the party of Habbar b. al-Aswad brother Hisham. Having received b. al-Muttalib b. Asad who recompense, Maqees stayed with overtook the Prophet’s(saw) the Prophet(saw) for a while. But, daughter, Zaynab, when she was as soon as he got an opportunity travelling from Makkah to he killed his brother’s slayer, Madinah. Al-Huwayrith goaded recanted and defected to Zaynab’s camel. Zaynab was Makkah.23 Maqees was executed pregnant and had a miscarriage by Numaylah b. Abdullah for

40 The Review of Religions – May 2006 RECANTATION UNDER ISLAM – PART 6 killing an Ansar, on whose behalf Holy Prophet(saw) had ordered the payment for killing his before his death. So an army brother had already been paid.24 under the command of Usamah b. Zayd b. Harith was sent to the Sarah, who was accused of Syrian border on the second day creating disorder, was not killed after the proclamation of his during the Prophet’s(saw) lifetime. .

Ikrama b. Abu Jahl fled to the After Usamah and his army had Yemen. His wife, Umm Hakim, departed, most of the tribes fell became a Muslim and asked away from Madinah. Only immunity for him and this was Makkah, Madinah and their granted by the Prophet(saw).25 surroundings remained loyal to the central administration. There appears to be no evidence Muslim agents appointed to the to show that the Prophet(saw) rebel tribes by the Prophet(saw) punished anyone for recantation just before his death were forced from Islam. to flee their posts and to return to Madinah. It was a full-fledged The death of the Prophet(saw) in revolt. l1AH/AD632 confronted the young Muslim administration Having decided to fight the with a major crisis. Disorder rebels, Abu Bakr(ra) sent broke out in parts of the messengers to some loyal tribes peninsula and many tribes calling them to come to his aid. detached themselves from While Abu Bakr(ra) was waiting Madinah by refusing to pay for reinforcements, Kharjah b. zakat. This movement is known Hism, led by Unaynah b. Hism as Al-Riddah. The main task of al-Fazari and Al-Aqra b. Habis the Prophet’s(saw) successor, Abu al-Tamimi, staged a surprise Bakr(ra), was to put down this attack on the Muslims. The unrest. His first job, however, Muslims fled in confusion, but was to send the expedition the they re-assembled and counter-

The Review of Religions – May 2006 41 RECANTATION UNDER ISLAM – PART 6

attacked Kharjah’s men, who After the departure of the were defeated. delegation from Madinah, Abu Bakr(ra) gathered the Muslims of Before the skirmish at Dhu al- Madinah and addressed them as Qassa, a delegation of Arab follows: tribes went to Madinah to negotiate with Abu Bakr(ra) over ‘The delegation has observed the question of zakat, but Abu just how few of you there are Bakr(ra) refused. Some early and in Madinah. You do not know prominent muhajirun disagreed whether they will attack you with Abu Bakr’s(ra) decision to by day or night. Their fight those who withheld the vanguard is only a stone’s zakat. That these tribes were throw from Madinah. They anxious to negotiate showed they wanted us to accept their had not recanted, and did not proposals and make an want to sever their relations with agreement with them, but we Madinah, yet were not prepared have rejected their request. So to accept Madinah’s control over make ready for their attack.’ them. The issue was not belief in Within three days they Allah and His Prophet(saw), but the attacked Madinah.’27 zakat (tax). A group of well- known friends led by Umar(ra) The war of Riddah caused a great objected to Abu Bakr’s(ra) deal of bloodshed. It was decision to fight the rebels. inexplicable to the subsequent Umar(ra) is reported to have said historians of the Arabian state to Abu Bakr(ra): ‘What right do that after the death of you have to fight these people? Muhammad(saw) so many wars The Prophet(saw) has said, ‘I was were necessary on Arabian soil; ordered to fight people until they they accounted for this fact by a say there is no God but Allah. If Ridda,28 a religious movement they say this, they safeguard against Islam. The jurists, who themselves and their property had failed to find Qur’anic or from me.’26 sunnah authority for the

42 The Review of Religions – May 2006 RECANTATION UNDER ISLAM – PART 6 execution of Muslims accused of Wellhausen and says the Riddah kufr or war, against opposing was not a movement of Muslim political powers, recantation and that these wars accepted the assumption without were purely about politics. more ado. Becker, following Wellhausen and Caetani, concludes: Discussing the legality of Abu Bakr’s(ra) war against Muslim ‘The sudden death of rebels, Imam Al-Shafi’i says: Mahomet gave new support ‘Riddah is falling back from a to the centrifugal tendencies. previously adopted religion into The character of the whole disbelief and refusing to fulfil movement, as it forces itself previously accepted respon- on the notice of the historian, sibility.’29 Recantation is not was of course hidden from enough. It must be aggravated by contemporaries. Arabia allegations of the breach of an would have sunk into agreement. Ibn Abi al-Hadid, a particularism if the necessity scholar of a very different school, caused by the secession of Al- in his commentary of the Nahj Riddah had not developed in al-Balaghah, clarified the matter the State of Madinah an when he said: ‘The tribes which energy which carried all refused to pay zakat were not before it. The fight against the recanters. They were called so, Ridda was not a fight against metaphorically, by the Compan- apostates, the objection was ions of the Prophet(saw).’30 not to Islam, per se, but to the tribute which had to be paid According to Wellhausen, to Madinah; the fight was for Riddah was a break with the political supremacy over leadership in Madinah and not Arabia.31 with Islam itself. Most of the tribes wanted to continue Bernard Lewis makes it quite worshipping Allah, but without clear that Riddah ‘represents a paying tax. Caetani agrees with distortion of the real significance

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of events by the theologically Ali(ra) was assassinated in 661. coloured outlook of later With him went the concept of a historians’. He goes on to say: Muslim ruler who combined the functions of head of state and of ‘The refusal of the tribes to religion. The dynastic reign of recognise the succession of the Ummayyads (661-750), the Abu Bakr was, in effect, not a political rulers of Islam, began relapse by converted Muslims with Muawiyah. They had none to their previous paganism, of the religious outlook of the but the simple and automatic pious caliphs and were regarded termination of a political more or less as secular kings. As contract by the death of one guardians of the sharia the ulema of the parties. The tribes came to occupy a position nearest to Madinah had in comparable in many ways to that fact been converted and their of the clergy after the conversion interests were so closely of Constantine. Like the clergy in identified with those of the medieval Europe, they were umma that their separate respected for learning and piety history has not been recorded. and their support was sought to For the rest, the death of legalise the political power of a Muhammad automatically despot or unpopular ruler. They severed their bonds with also acted as the leaders of the Madinah, and the parties opposition and tried to influence resumed their liberty of political power rather than action. They felt in no way assume it themselves. bound by the election of Abu Bakr in which they had taken Political and social revolts were no part, and at once now justified in religious terms suspended both tribute and and dynastic struggles over treaty relations. In order to re- political power soon hardened establish the hegemony of into deep rifts in religious Madinah, Abu Bakr had to doctrine. Kharijism and Shiism, make new treaties.’32 the two main movements that

44 The Review of Religions – May 2006 RECANTATION UNDER ISLAM – PART 6 split off from the main body after the faith; instead, he should be the assassination of the third killed with his family. They caliph, Uthman(ra) (644), considered all non-Kharijites to originated during a struggle for be outlaws and non-Muslim. As succession. Kharijites were the we saw earlier, the Prophet(saw) first Muslims to suggest that a knew the munafiqun of Madinah grave sinner no longer remained and their leader, Abdullah b. Muslim. They were also the first Ubayy, and yet he took no action to proclaim jihad against against him. He did not judge the Muslims who, according to them, quality of a Muslim’s faith. were not true believers, and originally belonged to Ali’s(ra) The Kharijites conflicted directly party; they left him, however, with the teaching of the Qur’an over a disagreement about and the sunnah of the Prophet(saw). arbitration between him and Their declaration that ‘judgement Muawiyah, intended to settle belongs to Allah alone’ (la their differences arising out of hukma illa lillah)33 was in total Uthman’s(ra) murder. They said: contradiction to the sunnah. The ‘judgement belongs to Allah Prophet(saw) appointed Sad b. alone’ and not to human Muadh as hakam to decide the tribunals. Kharijites were key fate of the Jewish tribe of B. figures in the development of Qurayzah and his sentence was dogma. They were particular carried out.34 Commenting on the about a Muslim’s qualifications report of Sad’s and his attitude towards his judgement, Al-Nawawi (d. fellow men, Muslim or non- AH127/AD676) said: ‘In their Muslim. This group was the first disputes Muslims are allowed to distinct sect to appear in Islam, resort to tahkim’.35 In fact, if two and was also the first to reject the Muslim groups are at war, it is principle of justification by faith. the duty of other Muslims to They maintained that a grave make peace between them. The sinner no longer remained a Qur’an says: Muslim and could not re-enter

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Surely, all believers are in revolt, is entitled to be brothers, so make peace treated as a Muslim; that is to between brothers, and be say, his family and property mindful of your duty to Allah are respected, and that he that you may be shown mercy. cannot be summarily (Ch.49:V.11) despatched or sold into slavery once he becomes a Declaring Muslims to be prisoner.’37 ‘disbelievers’ and then punishing them just because their standards Takfir38 was, however, founded are different from the standards by jurists. As we saw earlier, it of a certain religious authority – was a Kharijite excuse for takfir – is alien to Islam. The denouncing Ali(ra). But having Prophet(saw) himself defined a adopted this Kharijite Muslim as one who declares faith innovation, the jurists could not in the Unity of Allah and the arrive at an agreed definition of a prophethood of Muhammad(saw)36. Muslim. This is the only definition by which a Muslim can be judged. To comb 1300 years of Islamic Discussing the subject of takfir, history to find the number of Bernard Lewis says: Muslims executed because of their conversion from Islam ‘Even open rebellion did not would prove futile. There were automatically involve takfir. unsuccessful attempts to execute In 923 the chief Qadi ibn Maimonides in Cairo,39 the Buhal refused to denounce Maronite Amir Yunis in the Carmathian rebels as Lebanon,40 and to persecute unbelievers since they began Rashid-ud-Din in Tabriz,41 but their letters with invocations such instances were very rare. In to God and the Prophet and Mughal India, there is only one were therefore, on the face of recorded case. A Portuguese friar it, Muslims. The Shafi’i law had embraced Islam and then insists that the sectarian, even reverted to his former faith. He

46 The Review of Religions – May 2006 RECANTATION UNDER ISLAM – PART 6

The Prophet(saw) himself defined a Muslim as one who declares faith in the Unity of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad(saw). This is the only definition by which a Muslim can be judged. was executed at Aurangabad.42 moves or has its being as truth The‘ reasons for his execution and he even based his proof of were political, not religious. The God upon the symbol of light. friar was under strong suspicion ’ of spying for the Portuguese The seventeenth-century martyr under the cover of Islam. was Muhammad Said Sarmad. Born of Jewish parents at Jadd ibn Dirham was put to death Kashan, Sarmad was a rabbi on the orders of Hisham b. Abd before embracing Islam. A great al-Malik in Kufa or Wasit in 124 Persian poet, he was a monist or 125AH/AD746 or 747. He and denied the existence of was accused of having advanced matter. He was executed in the the Mutazili doctrines of the reign of Aurangzib (reigned created Qur’an and of freewill. In 1658-1707). His mazar (tomb) 167 or 168AH/AD788 the Iraqi which is opposite the Jami poet Bashir b. Burd was accused Masjid in Delhi, attracts daily of zandaqah, beaten and thrown hundreds of Muslims, offering into a swamp in Batiha. Al- flowers and Fatihah. Husain b. Mansur al-Hallaj was executed in 309AH/AD930 for In Afghanistan, two Ahmadis blasphemy because he claimed to were executed for accepting the have substantial union with God claim of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(as) (hulul). Shihab-ul-Din Yahya al- of Qadian to be the Promised Suhrawardi was put to death on Messiah, Sahibzadah Abdul the orders of Al-Malik al-Zahir Latif, who performed the (578AH/AD1199). His crime coronation ceremony of Amir was to regard all that lives, Habib Ullah Khan, was stoned to

The Review of Religions – May 2006 47 RECANTATION UNDER ISLAM – PART 6

death in 1903 and Maulwi in 1648, the Shaykh-ul-Islam of N’imat Ullah in 1924. Both were the Ottoman Empire ordered his given the chance of renouncing execution. He was arrested, the claims of Mirza Ghulam recanted from his claim simply to Ahmad(as), but they refused. escape death, and embraced Islam. Baha Ullah claimed to be Muhammad Mahmud Taha was a new manifestation of God and executed in the Sudan in 1985. left Islam, but was not executed He believed the Madinite part of despite his apostasy because he the Qur’anic law was no longer was not a danger to law and order applicable. in the Ottoman Empire.

Significantly, the Ottoman As we have already seen, the sultan, though the head of a concept of apostasy is alien to religious empire and caliph of all Islam and there is no punishment Muslims, did not order the in this world for recanting. But execution of Baha Ullah (1817- the ulema who appeared before 92) for irtidad. Baha Ullah the Court of Inquiry, constituted declared himself to be the under the Punjab Act II of 1954 Promised One, foretold by Bab,43 to inquire into the Punjab and founded Bahaism as a disturbances of 1953, asserted religion. Bahaism was and is that ‘apostasy in an Islamic state totally different from Islam. It is punishable by death’. They declares that the arrival of Baha were: Ullah makes the Qur’an and the teachings of Muhammad – may Maulana Abul Hasanat peace and blessings of Allah be Sayyad Muhammad Ahmad upon him – out of date. Baha Qadri, President, Jamiat-ul- Ullah was jailed in Akka (Acre) Ulamai-Pakistan, Punjab; near Haifa, then in Palestine, Maulana Ahmad Ali, Sadr now Israel. But when Sabbatai Jamiatul--e-Is1am, Zevi (1627-76), a Jewish mystic, West Pakistan; Maulana-Abul proclaimed himself the Messiah Ala Maududi, founder and

48 The Review of Religions – May 2006 RECANTATION UNDER ISLAM – PART 6

ex-Amir-i-Jamaati Islami, were the head of such an Pakistan; Muhammad Islamic state. And if Maulana Idris, Jami Ashrafia, Lahore, Muhammad Shafi and member, Jamiat-ul- were the head of the state, he Ulamai-Pakistan; Maulana would exclude those who Daud Ghaznavi, President, have been pronounced by Jamaati-i-Ahl-i-Hadith, West to be kafirs from Pakistan; Maulana Abdul Islam. He would then execute Haleem Qasimi, Jamiat-ul- them, if they came within the Ulama-i-Islam, Punjab; and definition of murtadd, Mr Ibrahim Ali Chishti.44 namely, if they had changed and not inherited their Commenting on this assertion, religious views. the Court of Inquiry observed: The genuineness of the fatwa ‘According to this doctrine, (Ex. D.E. 13) by the Chaudhri Zafrullah Khan Deobandis (which says that must be executed if he has not Ithnashri Shias are kafirs and inherited his present religious murtadds) was questioned in beliefs, but has elected of his the course of our inquiry. But own free will to be an Maulana Muhammad Shafi Ahmadi. And the same fate examined the subject from should befall Deobandis and and received from Wahabis, (including Maulana the records of that institution , the copy of a fatwa signed by member, Board of Talimat-i- all the teachers of the Darul Islami attached to the Ulloom, including Maulana Constituent Assembly of Muhammad Shafi himself. Pakistan, and Maulana Daud The records say, in effect, that Ghaznavi) if anyone of the those who do not believe in ulema shown perched on the sahabiyyat of Hazrat every leaf of a beautiful tree Siddiq Akbar and who are in the fatwa (Ex. D.E. 14) qazif of Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa

The Review of Religions – May 2006 49 RECANTATION UNDER ISLAM – PART 6

and have been guilty of tehrif It does not take much of the Qur’an, are kafirs. This imagination to judge the opinion is also shared by Mr consequences of this doctrine Ibrahim Ali Chishti who when it is remembered that knows and has studied this no two ulema have ever subject. He thinks the Shias agreed before us on the are kafirs because they correct definition of a believe that Hadhrat Ali Muslim. Indeed, if all their shared the prophethood with definitions are taken in total, our Holy Prophet(saw). He the grounds on which refused to answer the someone may be indicted for question of whether a Sunni apostasy would be too who changed his views and numerous even to count.’45 agrees with the Shias is guilty of irtidad, thus deserving REFERENCES death. According to the Shias, 1 Sahih al-Bukhari, Bab all Sunnis are kafirs and Ahl- Kitabat al- al-Nas. i-Qur’an – persons who 2 ibid., Kitab al-Salat, Bab consider hadith unreliable Fadl Istaqbal al-Qiblah. and therefore not binding – 3 Al-Ghazali, Faysal al- are also kafirs. So are all Tafriqah bayn al-Islam wa’l independent thinkers. The net Zandaqah (Cairo, 1901), see result is that neither Shias nor Bernard Lewis, Islam in Sunnis nor Deobandis nor History: Ideas, Men and Ahl-i-Hadith nor Brelvis are Events in the Middle Muslims. And that, if the East (London, 1973), 232. government of the state is run 4 Munir Commission Report by a party which considers (Lahore, 1954), 28. the other party to be kafirs, 5 Abdul Malik Ibn Hisham, then any change from one Sirat Rasul Allah ed. F. view to another must result in Wustenfeld, 2 vols. the death penalty. (Gottingen, 1856-60), 984; trans. A. Guillaume, The Life

50 The Review of Religions – May 2006 RECANTATION UNDER ISLAM – PART 6

of Muhammad (London: 19 ibid., 820. Oxford University Press, 20 ibid., 468-9. 1970), p. 667. 2l ibid., 819. 6 Musnad Imam Ahmad 22 ibid. Al-Zurqani, Sharah al- Hanbal, vol. V, 260. Mawahib al-Laduniyah 7 Mufradat al-Qur’an. (Cairo 1325 AH), vol. II, 8 Qur’an, Ch.6:V.67. See also 315; see Shair Ali, Qatli- Ch.6:V.108, Ch.10:V.109, Murtadd aur Islam Ch.17:V.55, Ch.39:V.42 and (Amritsar, 1925), 119. Ch.42:V.7. The word wakil 23 Ibn Hisham, op.cit., 728. (guardian) has been 24 ibid., 819. explained by Imam Fakhr 25 ibid. ud-Din Razi in Kabir 26 Muhammad Idris al Shafii, (Cairo, 1308 AH), vol. IV, Kitab al-Umm, ed. 62-3 and also Muhammad Muhammad Zahri al Nadjjar Abduh in Tafsir al-Qur’an (Cairo, n.d.), vol. VIII, 256. al-Shahr-fi Tafsir Al-Manar, 27 Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn ed. Muhammad Rashid Rida Jarir al-Tabari, Tarikh al- (Beirut, 1337 AH), vol. VII, Rasul wa al-Muluk, ed. 501-3, 662-3. MJ. de Goeje (Leiden, 1964), 9 Emphasis added. vol. IV, 1874. 10 Abdul Malik Ibn Hisham, 28 CR. Becker, ‘The expansion Kitab Sirat Rasul Allah, of the Saracens’, The op.cit., 927. Cambridge Medieval History 11 ibid., 381. (New York: Macmillan, 12 ibid., 384. 1913), vol. II, 335. 13 Sahih al-Bukhari (Cairo, 29 Muhammad Idris al-Shafii, n.d.), vol. 1, book 3, 28. op.cit., 255-6. 14 Ibn Hisham, op.cit., 818. 30 Abd al-Hamid Hibet-u-Allah 15 ibid., 819. ibn al-Hadid, Sharah Nahj 16 ibid., 818-19. al-Balaghah, ed. Muhammad 17 ibid., 819. Abu al-Fadl Ibrahim (Cairo, 18 ibid. 1956- 64), vol.XIll, 187.

The Review of Religions – May 2006 51 RECANTATION UNDER ISLAM – PART 6

31 C.H.Becker, op.cit., 335. 42 Sir Judanath Sarkar, Short 32 Bernard Lewis, The Arabs in History of Aurangzib History (London, 1958), 51- (Calcutta, 1954),105-6. 52. 43 But Bab (Door of the Spirit) 33 Ashari, Maqalat, vol 1, 191. Mirza Ali Muhammad, who 34 Ibn Hisham, op.cit., 688-9. proclaimed his prophethood, 35 Sahih Muslim with Sharah was executed at Tabriz on 9 al-Nawawi (Lahore: 1958, July 1850. 62), vol. II, 112-13. 44 Munir Commission Report, 36 For various reports with 218, 219. slightly different wording see 45 ibid., 219. Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, ‘Kitab al-Iman’. 37 Bernard Lewis, Islam in History, op.cit., 233. 38 See Bernard Lewis’s detailed analysis of the genesis and evolution of this institution in Islamic history in Islam in History, op.cit., 217-36 and also The Jews of Islam (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984), 53- 4. 39 Bernard Lewis, The Jews of Islam, op.cit, 100. 40 Ignaz Goldziher, Mohammed and Islam, trans. Kate Chambers Seelye (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1917), 74, note 3. 41 Bernard Lewis, The Jews of Islam, op.cit., 101.

52 The Review of Religions – May 2006 The Council of Nicaea The Council of Nicaea summoned by the Emperor Constantine, the Great in 325 AD,, was the first ecumenical council to be assembled primarily to the deal with the Arian controversy which threatened the unity of the Church. A study of this event shows how, with the accession of Constantine to power, in addition to gaining resources and freedom to propagate their religion, the early Christians compromised some of the most basic tenets of their faith, many of which served to alienate Christianity from its Jewish origins. In what follows, we examine the emergence of Constantine through to the Council of Nicaea and its ramifications, so that in our review of events we may take in our stride the radical effects the faith enunciated at Nicaea had on the future development of the Church.

By Bockarie Tommy Kallon – UK (first published in The Reviewof Religions, May 1994)

Constantine Becomes Emperor ‘Hoc signo victor eris!’ [By this By 312 AD, Constantine had sign, you shall be the victor] been at war with Maxentius for six years and was eager for Whether this vision was actual or something to lend his cause extra dictated by anxiety remains support. Lactantius, a Christian questionable. In any case, he had observer who produced accounts crosses painted on his army’s of the event a few years later in shields and won the battle, his book On the death of the becoming the Emperor of Rome. Persecutors claimed that This inspired his conversion to Constantine saw a Chi-Rho Christianity though he was not monogram in a vision on the eve baptised then. In Milan 313 AD, of the battle of the Milvian he issued an Edict of Toleration bridge, accompanied by the to all religions. But believing his words: battleground success to be won with Divine providence, he

The Review of Religions – May 2006 53 THE COUNCIL OF NICAEA

sympathised more with the until he was on his death bed that Christians, who hitherto had he was finally baptised, just in suffered sporadic persecution. case. The Sol Invictus cult The Emperor lavished huge sums worshipped the Sun god but was of money to build Basilicas and also acceptable to the followers other Churches for them, coupled of Orpheus, the priest of the Sun, with preferential treatments of Mithras, or the Sun god, Apollo. Christian candidates for The response was for Christians administrative posts. In this way, to begin representing Jesus(as) in Constantine closed one era and the guise of Apollo to maintain opened another. favour while the Jews rejected the fashioning of the Divine Constantine’s motives are through cultus images, thereby beyond reconstruction but it is sowing the seeds of division clear he still needed to bind the between Christians and Jews. Empire – East and West – together and exercise influence The Arian Controversy over the whole of the In the Christian world at the Mediterranean. His conversion time, there was doctrinal had not divorced him from his pluralism vis-a-vis the nature and pagan past. The Emperor was role of Jesus(as). In particular, happy with the collection of there were strong views on either heavenly patrons. He believed side of the Arian controversy, reverence for deity to be which was splitting the Church indispensable for the tranquillity and threatened the unity of the of the commonwealth and may Empire. Arianism was originated well have regarded the Christian by Arius who had been a student God as just another heavenly of the celebrated Christian patron, not incompatible with philosopher, Lucian of Antioch. others although perhaps more Arius put forward a theory which powerful. He maintained ties negated the eternity and full with the Sol Invictus cult even divinity of Jesus(as), just as the after his conversion. It was not Jewish-Christian groups such as

54 The Review of Religions – May 2006 THE COUNCIL OF NICAEA

Constantine regarded the religious question exclusively from the angle of political expedience. the Ebionites had stated. He was between June 19th and August prepared to say that ‘the Son had 25th2. The Emperor summoned a ‘beginning’, that ‘prior to his all Church leaders with the’ aim generation he did not exist’ and of reaching a consensus over the that ‘there was when he was not’, status of Jesus(as). so that consequently ‘he is called God in name only.’1 The number of bishops who attended is not known. The On the other side of the traditional figure is 318, which controversy scholars such as goes back to the late writings of Athanasius of Alexandria felt Athanasius of Alexandria; that Jesus(as) would have been too possibly a symbolic figure based divine to need to eat, drink or on the number of Abraham’s require any other bodily servants [Genesis 14:14]. The function. Arius was excommu- correct figure is still probably nicated from the Church for his around 300. In the version of views but there was growing events presented in the New support for Arianism which Catholic Encyclopaedia3, almost culminated in the Council of all were from the Eastern half of Nicaea 325 AD. the Empire; more than 100 from Asia Minor, about 30 from Syria- The Council Phoenecia and less than 20 from The Council was to have taken Palestine and Egypt. place at Ancyra but on the orders of Constantine who had his Constantine regarded the residence at Nicaea the venue religious question exclusively was changed so that he could from the angle of political personally control the pro- expedience. His interest was to ceedings. The Synod took place secure peace rather than any

The Review of Religions – May 2006 55 THE COUNCIL OF NICAEA

The delegates that gave assent to the Creedal statement were to be invited to stay on at Nicaea as Constantine’s guests for his 20th anniversary celebrations, while those who rejected the Creed would be banished.

theological‘ verdict. He had served as a tessera of Christian already adopted the Sol Invictus orthodoxy through the ages. It as the state deity, so if Jesus(as) defined the relations of Jesus’(as) to could somehow be deified he the Father within the Godhead as would be more easily compatible homoousion tot patri (of one with the Sol Invictus. As the substance with the Father) parties were in conflict, the task designed specifically to exclude of deciding the fate of Jesus(as) Arianism. Eusebius of Caesarea was deferred to Constantine who writing later is explicit that the was theologically incompetent Emperor himself proposed this and was inclined to making term. The delegates that gave decisions on inadequate grounds. assent to the Creedal statement To him the deification of a man were to be invited to stay on at would not have seemed Nicaea as Constantine’s guests important. He had his father for his 20th anniversary Constantius deified on his death celebrations, while those who and expected to be granted the rejected the Creed would be same honour on his demise. banished.

He ruled in favour of Jesus’(as) Now here was an opportunity for deification and demanded that Christians, some of whom still the delegates should sign bore the marks of persecution, acceptance to what became who could still vividly recall the known as the Nicene Creed. This days of suffering, to be Creed is the first dogmatic conducted into the imperial definition of the Church and has chambers and be showered with

56 The Review of Religions – May 2006 THE COUNCIL OF NICAEA gifts and dine with the Emperor Eusebius of Caesarea, was in the same palace from whence previously one of the most die- were issued decrees of hard Arians, but strangely, persecution. Little wonder then following the Council session, he that all but two (Theonas of was willing to accept the Creed. Marmarica and Secundus of In a letter home, however, he Ptolemais) of the staunchest indicated the extent of the supporters of Arianism signed compromise that had taken place the new Creed. The two against the fundamental ‘dissidents’ were exiled to principles of his knowledge of Illyricum. Little did those who Jesus(as). signed the Creed know that their actions were to put the Church in Relating this A.H.M. Jones4 chains, albeit in chains of gold. writes:

Some scholars have argued that ‘How profoundly distressing the crucial terms of the Creed these changes were to were not commonly understood Eusebius of Caesarea can be by all signatories. ‘Of one seen from a letter which he substance’ (homousious) was hastened to write to his ambiguous, in that to some it Church. It is a pathetic meant a personal identity, while document, equivocal up to the to others it meant a much wider point of dishonesty.’ generic identity. Whether or not this was a fortuity enabling Some of the other delegates such Constantine to secure the as Maris of Chalcedron, signature of almost every bishop, Theogonis of Nicaea and it is clear that many of the Eusebius of Nicomedia were delegates were uneasy about the deeply unhappy about the decision they had made. They outcome. They wrote to the had signed the Creed under Emperor5 saying: pressure from Constantine and from fear of being banished. ‘We committed an impious

The Review of Religions – May 2006 57 THE COUNCIL OF NICAEA

act, O Prince, by subscribing text of western theology was to a blasphemy from fear of edited by his lawyers… In the you.” official formulation of the religion, it has assumed the Eusebius of Caesarea became a trivial form of the mere friend of Constantine and was attribution to the Jews and keen to make good use of his that they cherished a patronage. He later wrote the Life misconception about their of Constantine in which he Messiah but the deeper greatly flattered the Emperor. In idolatry, of fashioning God in his own book, The History of the the image of the Egyptian, Church, he built up the line from Persian and Roman imperial the Apostolic fathers to the 4th rulers, was retained. The century and devoted an entire Church gave unto God, the chapter (one of ten in the book) attributes which belonged to the deliverance of Christianity exclusively to Caesar.’ from persecution by the Christian Emperor. In his book on This was to have profound Constantine, he gave expression implications on the future to a theology of the place of the philosophy of the Church. Ian Emperor in the Christian Empire Wilson5 summarises the situation which, according to some by suggesting that, ‘not a few modern historians, seemed rather people felt that something of the a betrayal of the essential nature original Jesus and the spirit of his of the Gospel. teaching had been fatally compromised.’ Commenting on the role of Constantine, A.N. Whitehead6 After Shocks wrote: The repercussions of the Nicene creed are immeasurable as Ian ‘When the Western world Wilson writes: accepted Christianity, Caesar conquered; and the received ‘Merely to enumerate the

58 The Review of Religions – May 2006 THE COUNCIL OF NICAEA

ways in which the original Theotokos (Mother of God). In concepts of Jesus and his 1854, Pope Pius IX made it a teachings were adulterated as Catholic article of faith to result of Constantine’s proclaim Mary as incapable of actions and the consequences sin. of the Council of Nicaea would take a book in itself.’’ After Nicaea, the fate of the Jews took a distinct turn for the worse. Rome became the official centre Following the deification of of Christian orthodoxy, Trinity Jesus(as), they were considered as the accepted doctrine and having murdered God! deviation from this view was Constantine’s tolerance no now considered not as a different longer extended to the Jews who opinion, but as punishable were stripped of many of their heresy. rights as Roman citizens. With astonishing rapidity, Christians Next came the deification of forgot the days of penury and Mary. Even though, in Mark 6:3, persecution. The Church greeted mention is made of Jesus’(as) Constantine’s orders not only as brothers and sisters, Hilary of permissible but praiseworthy. Poitiers and Didymus the Blind Meanwhile Christians, such as of Alexandria bestowed the title agnostics, with slightly unortho- of ‘Ever Virgin’ upon Mary. The dox views, were also denied the logical consequence of this was freedom that was granted to the Council of Ephesus in Asia pagans. They had their literature Minor in summer of 431 AD burnt, property confiscated and which became known as the third turned over to Christians, and ecumenical council, where, in were terrorised by the Church. spite of resistance from Within a generation, hardly a Nestorious, then Bishop of trace of their existence remained. Constantinople, a formula of Some agnostics managed to faith was agreed which conceal documents and hence the acknowledged Mary as the discovery intact of the Nag

The Review of Religions – May 2006 59 THE COUNCIL OF NICAEA

The memory of the Jewish prophet whose name the new religion had taken was to be lost forever and with it the very context in which the message was intended.

Hammadi haul of scrolls in Similarly, Jesus’ birthday used to modern‘ times. This, however, be observed on January 6th, as it provides only a partial picture of still is in parts of Eastern Europe. the theological thought of the However, for both Sol Invictus’ time. The memory of the Jewish and Mithraism, the religious day prophet whose name the new or Natalis Invictus was religion had taken was to be lost celebrated on the midwinter forever and with it the very solstice, December 25th, so the context in which the message Western Church adopted this day was intended. also. The aureole of light crowning the Sun god’s head also There had been earlier instances of became the Christian halo. compromise. After Constantine’s edict of tolerance, Christians, with With so much of the original their newfound freedom and faith given away, Baigent, Leigh scope and association with and Lincoln7 write: Constantine, were willing to compromise themselves to ‘Christian doctrine as maintain that position. In 321 AD, promulgated by Rome at the Constantine, in honour of the Sun time, had much in common god, enacted that on ‘the with the cult of Sol Invictus venerable day of the Sun’, the law anyway; and thus it was able courts and all workshops were to to flourish unmolested under be closed, so Christianity, which the sun cult’s umbrella of had previously observed the tolerance. Christianity, as we Sabbath on Saturday, took on know it, is in many respects Sunday as its day of rest. actually closer to those pagan

60 The Review of Religions – May 2006 THE COUNCIL OF NICAEA

systems of belief than it is to 6. Process and Reality. (Cambs., its own Judean origin.’ 1929), A.N. Whitehead.

The distorted formula of faith 7. The Messianic Legacy. (Corgi promulgated at Nicaea laid the 1986), M. Baigent, R. Leigh ground work for the classical & H. Lincoln. development of Christian Trinitarian theology, dissem- inating far and wide the seeds of ignorance and error.

References 1. The Early Christian Church. P.G. Davis, p.176.

2. The Encyclopedia of Religion. (Macmillan 1987); vol. 4 p.125.

3. New Catholic Encyclopedia. (Mc-Graw Hill 1979); vol. 10, pp.432-433.

4. Constantine and the Conversion of Europe. Penguin Books, A.H.M. Jones; p.137.

5. Jesus: The Evidence. (Pan Books), Ian Wilson.

The Review of Religions – May 2006 61 The Truth About the BOOK Alleged Punishment for Apostasy in Islam REVIEW By Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru)

From the earliest days till now on the Holy Qur’an nor on the Islam and the world of Islam practice of the Holy Prophet(saw). have not been harmed so severely by any external enemy Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru), as by some simple-minded the fourth successor to the Muslim ulema themselves. In Promised Messiah(as), in a lecture fact, the enemies of Islam have delivered at the Annual utilised the unwise religious Convention of the Ahmadiyya edicts of these naïve ulema as a Muslim Community UK on 27th basis to attack Islam. July 1986, which has subse- quently been reproduced in the The wrong trend among the form of a book, analysed in depth ulema took place when, under all aspects of this heinous crime. the influence of the changing He showed it to be an utterly socio-political environment, they false and unfounded belief and preferred to adopt some smashed once and for all the so- politically coloured Islamic called arguments of the ulema in interpretations and ignored the support of this claim. His clear teachings of the Holy arguments are based on the Holy Qur’an and the noble precedent Qur’an, the Sunnah and Ahadith set by the Holy Prophet(saw). of the Holy Prophet(saw) and the historical events that took place The killing of an apostate is one in the eras of the Righteous such erroneous trend and Caliphs. baseless conviction. In fact, this menacing tenet is based neither Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru)

62 The Review of Religions – May 2006 BOOK REVIEW deals with the subject teachings are appreciated in their extensively. It should help real essence and true nature and unbiased researchers to fully prejudice against Islam is understand the true teachings of eradicated. Islam on the subject. It should also go a long way to creating a (Islam International Publications Ltd) new spirit in which Islamic

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