Anderson Resigns As City Manager “Some People Who Drink Water Containing Trib- Sion Involving the City Council and City Alomethanes in Excess of the Approved

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Anderson Resigns As City Manager “Some People Who Drink Water Containing Trib- Sion Involving the City Council and City Alomethanes in Excess of the Approved Partly cloudy DAILY GLOBE High: 36 | Low: 29 | Details, page 2 N B I G O WE HAVE A WINNER! Remember to bring in or mail your nonwinning cards for the second chance drawing to be held November 17, 2015. DAILY GLOBE Saturday, November 7, 2015 75 cents Hurley seeks to WAKEFIELD CITY COUNCIL identify source of contaminants in city water By RALPH ANSAMI HURLEY — Residents of the city of Hurley recently received letters that their drinking water contains contaminants that vio- late state and federal regula- tions and may be cancer-causing if consumed over many years. The levels of Tribalomethanes and Haloacetic acids in the Hur- ley water system are exceeding standards, according to the Wis- consin Department of Natural Resources. The samples were taken on Aug. 24. Tom Stankard/Daily Globe The letter to city residents A LARGE crowd attends a Friday special Wakefield City Council meeting where Margot Anderson, city manager, resigned. From left at the table are Joe DelFavero, Dick Bolen, Bob said they do not need to drink Blaskowski, Mayor Les Schneck, Ted Finco and Anderson. only bottled water, unless they have specific health concerns identified by doctors, and there is no “immediate” health risk from the water. Anderson resigns as city manager “Some people who drink water containing Trib- sion involving the city council and city alomethanes in excess of the approved. Wakefield’s city council election was n Incumbent city council attorney Michael Pope, Mayor Les Sch- maximum contaminant level During public comment, Kathy hotly contested, with a 47 percent neck announced Anderson’s resignation. over many years may experience approves severance Phillips, of Wakefield, asked why Ander- turnout, compared to Bessemer’s 32 per- Schneck said Anderson will receive a problems with their liver, kid- son can’t work with the newly-elected city cent and Ironwood’s 17 percent. package before Monday’s severance package, including a one-year neys or central nervous systems, council. “I think she can work well with Anderson said she thinks the council is organizational meeting salary of $50,000, six months health the new council,” Phillips said. moving in a different direction. insurance for two people and a letter of After adjournment, Anderson left the “Today’s change in leadership allows By TOM STANKARD recommendation. The council unani- building alongside council members who the new council to pursue their agenda HURLEY — page 5 mously approved. also won’t be serving the city anymore. freely and the community to move beyond WAKEFIELD — With a tear in her In return, Schneck said Anderson will Three incumbents — Schneck, Ted Finco the election,” Anderson said. eye, Margot Anderson resigned as city sign a release so the city “will not be and Richard Bolen — failed to win re- Looking back at her time serving the manager of Wakefield Friday afternoon. liable for anything.” election. city of Wakefield, Anderson said she does- Ironwood Around 30 people showed up at the Until the council’s organizational The new council will include incum- n’t regret anything. municipal building for the special meet- meeting on Monday at 5:30 p.m., Schneck bents Robert Blaskowski, Joe DelFavero commission will ing concerning a personnel matter. After suggested Sherry Ravelli serve as interim and newcomers John Granato, Amy an hour-and-a-half closed session discus- city manager for the city. The council Tarro and Kay Wiita. organize Monday WAKEFIELD — page 5 By RALPH ANSAMI Community turns out to give opinions IRONWOOD — The new Ironwood City Commission will organize Monday at 5:30 p.m. on future of Ontonagon waterfront After the mayor and mayor pro tempore are sworn into By JAN TUCKER “They all link the waterfront from the edge of office, city officials will be the water. The plan had to focus on the water- appointed and there are several ONTONAGON — Large crowds returned Fri- front,” he said. other matters on the agenda. day to the Michigan Works Building to vote on That waterfront along Lake Superior includes Newcomer Annette Burchell, specific planning options for the Ontonagon the marina, Rose Island, rail yards and shipyard. as the top vote-getter in Tues- waterfront which were identified at a public meet- In addition, specific items appeared in each of day’s election, won the mayor’s ing Thursday. the three proposals, including an historic fishing seat and former mayor Kim Cor- Participants viewed three mapped options and village on Rose Island and connecting bike and coran, as the second-place vote- were given a large green circle for the best liked non-motorized trails. getter, qualifies as mayor pro- plan, smaller circles for somewhat liked features On Friday, in the first hour of the two-hour tempore. and a red circle for a proposal “they could not live touring of the conceptuals by the public, one pro- Other commission members with.” Anyone using the red veto had to explain posal received an abundance of red dots. That pro- to be seated are incumbents Rick why he or she could not live with that option, Don posal was to keep the shipyard area as industrial. Jan Tucker/Daily Globe Semo and Brandon Tauer and Carpenter said. Other maps proposed that area for condomini- DON CARPENTER, lead facilitator for the Ontonagon Waterfront study, newcomer James Mildren. Carpenter, from Lawrence Technical Universi- ums, open beaches and-or retail operations. shows one of the three plans for waterfront viability to Sue Preiss, ty, which is the prime facilitator for the project, Ontonagon Economic Development Corporation, on Friday. The clus- said all three proposals have one thing in com- ter of red dots on a portion of the map indicates people who “cannot mon. live with” the option of using the shipyard property for industry. IRONWOOD — page 5 ONTONAGON — page 5 Durbin speaks to Hurley K-12 students By TOM STANKARD cians. “Be the best you can possibly HURLEY — Before perform- be,” he said. “And just be your- ing tonight at HIT Idol, James self. There’s s so many of every- Durbin spoke to Hurley K-12 body else.” students Friday afternoon. Looking back at his child- As a child, he had Turrets hood, Durbin said he found out Syndrome and was bullied in that he wanted to be a musician school. Knowing this, Vic when he was 10 years old. Calore, Historic Ironwood The- “I got a hand-me-down guitar atre Idol programmer, said he and a chord book,” he said. “I wanted Durbin to speak to the started going for it.” students about overcoming Durbin said he was in choir obstacles. when he was a kid. “I was in In front of hundreds of stu- church choir, I was in honor dents, Durbin, an American Idol choir ...” he said. season top 10 finalist, answered In high school, he was a questions and performed a short “loner. concert. “I didn’t have any friends,” he A young girl asked if he had Tom Stankard/Daily Globe any advice for aspiring musi- JAMES DURBIN plays a song for Hurley K-12 students Friday afternoon. HIT IDOL — page 5 C O N T A C T U S WEATHER INSIDE INDEX TODAY PINE MARTEN Business . .13 Daily Globe Inc. Friday Today’s records Vol. 96, Ed. 263 118 E. McLeod Ave. High 48 High 66 (1949) Classifieds . .12-13 Partly cloudy Michigan conser- Comics . .11 P.O. Box 548 —Details, page 2 Low 40 Low -3 (1992) vation officer inves- Ironwood, MI 49938 tigates case Community . .3 Year ago today Precipitation Obituaries . .2 High 36 To 7 a.m. —Outdoors Low 27 Friday none Opinion . .4 906-932-2211 page 8 Sports . .9-10 .COM • YOURDAILYGLOBE GLOBE THE DAILY Obituaries US border agency AREA / NATION Brian Dale Stein Jr. 7, 2015 MARQUETTE, Mich. — Brian Dale Stein Jr., 34, passed OVEMBER WEDNESDAY staff rejects body l , N away on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2015, in Marquette. 2 SATURDAY TUESDAY cameras Brian is predeceased by his loving maternal grandparents, MONDAY Katherine and Roy Puisto; his maternal grandparents, Elmer FIVE-DAY FORECAST FOR IRONWOOD SAN DIEGO (AP) — Customs SUNDAY and Saima Stein; his aunt, Rosella (Puisto) and Border Protection staff con- Bonino; his uncle, Richard Kubley; and his TODAY cluded after an internal review cousin, Geno Bonino. Mostly Cloudy that agents and officers should- Brian is lovingly remembered by his father, n’t be required to wear body Mostly Sunny 35º Brian D. Stein, Copper Harbor; his mother and 47º cameras, positioning the nation’s Sunny 39º stepfather, Ava (Puisto) Snow and Mark Snow, 50º Winds: 5-10 mph SW largest law enforcement agency Fort Wayne, Ind; his younger sister, Katie as a counterweight to a growing Sunny 37º Winds: Light winds Stein, Fort Wayne; his aunt, Paula (Puisto) 51º number of police forces that use Brian Dale Vernetti, Hurley, Wis; his cousin, Nick Vernet- Stein Jr. Partly Cloudy 37º Winds: Light winds 50º LOCAL OUTLOOK the devices to promote public ti, Hurley; and other loving aunts, uncles, trust and accountability. 1981 — 2015 29º Winds: 10-15 mph S 36º Ontonagon -*./0% +1% +"22% 311% 4/5620% 72*8.0% 39"13% +"6$% The yearlong review cited cost cousins and relatives. Brian was born on March 5, 1981, in Iron- Winds: 10-15 mph W 40/32 /%32"#$6%7$/:71%*;%3:*+<%$"#$%61=415/6851%*;% and a host of other reasons to >?@<% $8="."60% *;% (,A&% B136% +":.% C,% 6*% CD% hold off, according to two people wood. He graduated from Bishop Dwenger =4$&%-$1%517*5.%$"#$%61=415/6851%;*5%6*./0% Bergland High School in Fort Wayne, and continued his "3%??@%316%":%CE'E& familiar with the findings who 37/28 higher education at Northern Michigan University in Mar- 45 spoke on condition of anonymity SUN AND MOON because the findings have not quette, where he received a bachelor of science in business :DNHÀHOG been made public.
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