Harrogate Borough Council Planning Committee List Of
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HARROGATE BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE LIST OF APPLICATIONS DETERMINED BY THE HEAD OF PLANNING SERVICES UNDER THE SCHEME OF DELEGATION CASE NUMBER: 08/05267/FUL WARD: Falls Within 2 Or More CASE OFFICER: Phil Jewkes DATE VALID: 12.11.2008 GRID REF: E 447544 TARGET DATE: 07.01.2009 N 456140 DECISION DATE: 30.12.2008 APPLICATION NO: 6.113.31.D,FUL LOCATION: Hammerton Cars York Road Kirk Hammerton York North Yorkshire YO26 8EQ PROPOSAL: Erection of single storey extension to shop to form sales area and workshop. APPLICANT: Mr Gordan Lund APPROVED subject to the following conditions:- 1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 30.12.2011. Reasons for Conditions:- 1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. JUSTIFICATION FOR GRANTING CONSENT The proposed extension would not have any significant detrimental impact on the design and appearance of the existing building or have any detrimental impact on the visual amenity of the area or street scene. The proposal therefore accords with the provisions of the development plan. CASE NUMBER: 08/05341/COU WARD: Boroughbridge CASE OFFICER: Mrs N M Waddington DATE VALID: 10.11.2008 GRID REF: E 439366 TARGET DATE: 05.01.2009 N 466146 DECISION DATE: 30.12.2008 APPLICATION NO: 6.64.161.S.COU LOCATION: Unit 4 Poplars Industrial Estate Boroughbridge York North Yorkshire YO51 9HS PROPOSAL: Change of use of warehouse (use class B8 - Storage and Distribution) to form agricultural supplies and pet food shop (use class A1 - Shops). APPLICANT: Mr R Burniston APPROVED subject to the following conditions:- 1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 30.12.2011. 2 This permission shall endure for the benefit of Mr R Burniston only, and the use hereby approved shall be terminated at such time as the above named person(s) cease(s) to occupy the premises. 3 The premises shall be used for commercial and domestic sales of agricultural supplies and pet food only and for no other purpose (including any other purpose in Use Class A1 of the Schedule of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended). 4 The development shall not be commenced until full details of the proposed vehicular parking and turning arrangements have been submitted to and been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Local Highway Authority. Those arrangements shall be constructed in accordance with the specification so approved before the development is first brought into use unless otherwise approved by the Local Planning Authority. Once created these areas shall be maintained clear of any obstruction and retained for their intended purpose at all times. Reasons for Conditions:- 1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 The development for which personal permission is hereby granted would not be acceptable save in respect of use by the person(s) indicated. 3 Only the use specified is acceptable in the interests of ****. 4 To ensure appropriate on-site vehicle parking facilities and manoeuvring areas, in the interests of highway safety and the general amenity of the development. JUSTIFICATION FOR GRANTING CONSENT The change of use of the premises to allow retail sales is considered acceptable in terms of its impact on employment, traffic and residential amenity issues. The proposal accords with the provisions of the development plan. CASE NUMBER: 08/05305/FUL WARD: Harlow Moor CASE OFFICER: Mr A Darby DATE VALID: 05.11.2008 GRID REF: E 429383 TARGET DATE: 31.12.2008 N 454706 DECISION DATE: 29.12.2008 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.11727.FUL LOCATION: 21 Harlow Terrace Harrogate North Yorkshire HG2 0PP PROPOSAL: Erection of two storey side extension. APPLICANT: Ms Alison Collis APPROVED subject to the following conditions:- 1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 29.12.2011. 2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details, as amended by letter and or drawings received by the Council of the Borough of Harrogate on the 23 December 2008 and as modified by the conditions of this consent. 3 The windows to the side elevation of the extension hereby approved shall be shall be obscure glazed to level 3 or higher of the Pilkington scale of privacy or equivalent and that level of obscure glazing shall be maintained at all times. 4 Notwithstanding the provisions of The Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 1995 (or any order revoking and re-enacting that Order), no further windows shall be inserted in the side elevation of the extension hereby approved, without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority. Reasons for Conditions:- 1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure that the development is carried out in accordance with the approved drawings. 3 In the interests of privacy and residential amenity. 4 In the interests of privacy and residential amenity. JUSTIFICATION FOR GRANTING CONSENT The proposed extension will not result in any significant detrimental effects on either the living conditions of the neighbouring properties, or to the character and appearance of the existing house or surrounding conservation area. It has been assessed against, and is in accordance with, the relevant national and local planning policies and guidance. There are no material considerations that warrant the refusal of the scheme. CASE NUMBER: 08/03316/FULMAJ WARD: High Harrogate CASE OFFICER: Mr M Williams DATE VALID: 15.10.2008 GRID REF: E 431126 TARGET DATE: 14.01.2009 N 456283 DECISION DATE: 18.12.2008 APPLICATION NO: 6.79.11094.B.FULMAJ LOCATION: Land At Grid Reference 431126 456283 Claro Road Harrogate North Yorkshire PROPOSAL: Erection of detached warehouse with storage, shop and office accommodation and associated car park and hard and soft landscaping (Revised Scheme). APPLICANT: Howarth Timber APPROVED subject to the following conditions:- 1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 18.12.2011. 2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details. 3 A detailed scheme for landscaping, including the planting of trees and or shrubs and the use of surface materials shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority and no development shall take place until the Local Planning Authority have approved a landscaping scheme; such scheme shall specify materials, species, tree and plant sizes, numbers and planting densities, and the timing of implementation of the scheme, including any earthworks required. 4 In the event of failure of any trees or shrubs, planted in accordance with any scheme approved by the Local Planning Authority, to survive for a period of five years from the date of the completion of implementation of that scheme, such trees or shrubs shall be replaced by the developer with such live specimens of such species in such number as may be approved by the Local Planning Authority. 5 Prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted drawings shall be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority showing details of proposed surface water drainage including storage, rates of discharge and outfall location. No buildings shall be occupied before the completion of the approved surface water drainage works. 6 The use hereby approved shall not be carried out other than between the hours of 0730-1800 hours, Monday to Fridays and 0730-1400 hours on Saturdays and shall not be carried on at all on Sundays and Public Bank Holidays. 7 Notwithstanding Condition 6 of this permission the wood mill shall not be used before 08:00 hours on any day. 8 All floodlighting shall be turned off outside of operating hours and no later than 18:00 hours on any day. 9 Any materials stored outside the building, including those stored on the proposed racks, shall not exceed the height the acoustic fence. 10 Prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted, details of the proposed surfacing shall be submitted for the written approval of the local planning authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details. 11 Prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted, details of the proposed acoustic fence shall be submitted for the written approval of the local planning authority. The fence shall be erected in accordance with the approved details prior to the proposed development being brought into use and thereafter retained and maintained for the life of the development. 12 The proposed development shall be carried out in accordance with the mitigation measures identified in the Recommendations section of the Environmental Noise Survey dated 14 March 2008 carried out by AB Acoustics. 13 The development shall not be commenced until full details of the proposed vehicular access, parking and turning arrangements have been submitted to and been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority in consultation with the Local Highway Authority. Those arrangements shall be constructed in accordance with the specification so approved before the development is first brought into use unless otherwise approved by the Local Planning Authority. Once created these areas shall be maintained clear of any obstruction and retained for their intended purpose at all times. Reasons for Conditions:- 1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings. 3 To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in these respects and in the interests of amenity. 4 To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in these respects and in the interests of amenity.